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8(2)) 28(l) PRA I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1433 Soveshchanlys po avtomatizirovannoau slektroprivoduperomannOCO toka, Moscow, 1955 C. Trudy... (Tranaactions or the Conference on Automated A-C Xlectric Driwes) Moscow, I%d-vO AN SWR, 1956- 398 P- 4,000 Ga;ki*a printed. Sponsoring Agencyl Akadenlya nauk 3530. Institut avtomatiki I toloackhAAL)d. Rest;aZda: V.S. Ltlabakln, Academician, And M.G. ChIllicln tor 0 milcal Sciences, Profeamorl U. of PublLahing Rous Df Too e~ .11. Ioff*j Tech. Zd.i I.P. ruzImUn. COVERA031 The conference was organized on the initiative or the*Institute or Automotion, " Tolonechanic3 or the Academy or Sciences, U354, and the Moscow Power Enrinter'Ing Inati- tuto and had as Its ALM the planning of the moot pro3ro3olve ways of davelopina automatic control of electric drives. The first conference on the subject of Automated Oldetrio drive took p1rce Laore than ton years before the present one and was concerned with d-c electric drives. The -esul-.a of t1aa conference wara rouro to be most valuable In the took or re- bullding postwar Soviet industry And LnfurtherinG Industrial davelopcient. Present technical development or Soviet Industry dem"a high speeds, simplicity Of construction, valLabilLty or aperation.and economy. The squlrral-cage Induction motor with rroquenoy control appears to be the moot promising type of controlled s-a drive. For wide Application or this drive Im the sovlel~ economy there in a need or developing now types of frequency oonvartera. Some IntersatIng studies were made in thin connection at the Institute or Autouatlon and Tole- mechanics or the USSR Academy of Sciences mW Its Leningrad branch, at the Xosoow Power Engineering Institute, the Central Do Lgn Bureau of the *Elektroprivod Plant. the State Design zn:tituto or the Ministry or Construction of the RSPSH, and In other design organizations. These studies word discussed atthe present conference. The tranaAotlons contain material sonoorning the theory and design or reactor, pulse, and frequency methods Of controlling &-a electric driven. C"ldate or Technical sciences r.y. Utk1n and Engineer V.A. Xokoroya participated In the preparation or this collection of papers. The volume was reviewed by Professor YA. V. Nltusav, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Some or the papers Include a bibliography. TABLI OY CONTWaSs Transactions or the Conference (Cont.) SOV/1433 _---2 '1A_evrc)iffaAxroA2ra.r., C"1date or Toohn.I.Cal sciences. so- ..T a _a . ~v ISO a so ronle Frequency C ang 154 Ift this analysis or the methods of selecting the most Suitable Circuit Of electronic frequency changer. the author dlotlngulahas two basic groups or, circuits, those with a separate d-0 stsge~snd rectifter-1nverter circuits. He supplies a table with four different types Of Circuits belonging to theme two group& am With saw- oral parammterm or each circuit enumerated. He dis. Cusses the advantages and disadvantage& or each type with regard to the stability or the frequency changer agxlnmt Accidental. Inversion break&, the shape of the output Volts& number r rectifiers. required pow** and offl.Incy He I ourve: r*rorx to Professor A.D. Uvallshln designer LArlonow, and Ugineer V.A. Sokolov. There are 6 Soviet references. 83543 S/112/59/000/015/'06-3/068 A052/AO02 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 15,pp. 2_37- 238, # 32640 AUTHORS: Shevchenko, G.I., Obuchov, S.G. ---------------------------- TITLE: Raising the Cut-off Frequency and Reliability of the Ionic Frequency Converter by Means of Saturation Chokes PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1958, No. 27, PP. 300-312 TEXT: Specific operational features of frequency converter valves in a parallel inverter circuit are considered. The restoration of control properties of the grid depends on the shape of the output voltage and on a number of other factors. The utilization of saturation chokes in an inverter with a commutating capacitor permits an increase of the inverter cut-off frequency by 1.5-2 times. It secures the stability against load shocks at a voltage approaching a sinusoid and prolongs the life of valves. Experimental data are given. For medium powers a valve-contact drum-type inverter with a motor drive is used; uncontrolled Card 1/2 83543 S/112/59/000/015/063/068 A052/AO02 Raising the Cut-off Frequency and Reliability of the Tonic Frequency Converter by Means of Saturation Chokes valves are connected in series with its contacts. A method of connecting a commutating capacitor is suggested which secures a sparkless commutation in one- and three-phase valve-contact inverters. There are 3 references. L.A.G. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Pussian abstract. Card 2/2 f I -:7L- t'- _ff 7 91. ? lei r I r U k 1 f Fit 4 . :4 ,. r - 11 1 N1 F o F i 11 RT 54 it . Pill i ~rv. _51PHIH 9 rSH I ~;Yj 1"z, . ~jf 3 o81 -8 -. I" 2 c n MH - 1 - i -ft 9 1 !*F, I 11 -all IKE 15!,-,H X p 6 1-K *- V-5D, F-E-I S/194/61/000/012/082/097 D273/D301 AUTHORS: Shevchenko, G. I. and Popov, V. V. TITLE: System of circuit control of the inverter part of an ionic frequency converter PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 12, 19619 26, abstract 12E146. (Tr. Mosk. energ. in-tall 1961, no. 34, 370-377) TEXT: A description is given of a system of circuit control of -the inverter of an ionic frequency converter with a 3-phase ouput, built on a OT-(PT) and designed to obtain output frequencies of 60 to 300 c/s in order to realize frequency lobi4g and a smooth change of velocity in fast asynchronous motors. The inverter of a frequency converter is based on thyratrons TP-6145' (TR-6/15) in a 3-phase bridge circuit; the output power is up to 30 kvolts. The circuit control system consists of: 1) A main generator, used as a vibrator on a PT which provides pulses at a frequency 6 times that of the output converter; 2) a repeater coils circuit having 6 Card 1/2 S/196/61/000/012/024/029 E194/E155 AUTHORS,i Shevchenko, G.I., Borzenko, I.M., and Popov, V.V. TITLE-. A valve-type (ionic) frequency-changer for supplying induction motors PERIODICAL5 Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.12, 1961, 24, abstract 12K 130. (Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta. no.34, 1961, 378-398) TEXT~ At the request of the Kombinat iskusstvennogo volokna (Artificial Fibres Combine) the Kafedra promyshlennoy elektroniki Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta (Department of Industrial Electronics of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute) has developed an ionic frequency-changer for 50/150 c/s, 25 kVA, for supplying the electrically-driven spindles of spinning machines in viscose manufacture. The frequency-changer is based on thyratrons type -VP-6/15 (TR-6/15). The rectifier and invertor are connected in a three-phase bridge circuit. The rectifier is contrGlled by an electronic-impulse system, The V/ invertor control system is based on transistors. The output Card 1/2 A valve-type (ionic) frequency- s/196/61/000/012/024/o2g E194/E155 voltage of the invertor is automatically stabilised by applying a signal through a d.c. amplifier to the rectifier grid. To protect against failure of inversion, which can occur in an independent invertor with capacitor switching, a current trans- former with rectifier circuit is used, and when the current exceeds a certain value the rectifier g-J-ds block. Ballast resistors connected in circuit as the lo---.d increases prevent excessive voltage rise of the invertor at no-load. The frequency- changer characteristics are given, and witn a load of 72 spindles are as followsi input -- 420 V, 35 A, 16.1 kW; output -- 145 0/6, 110 V, 78 A, 13 kW. The reactive power of the capacitors is 13 kW, the efficiency 0,87. In service tests the frequency- changer operated normally. 13 literature references r LAbstractorls notei Complete translation.] Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041345 S/0115/64/000/005/00V/0030 AUTHOR: Shevcheako. G. I. TITLE: Magnetic -anisotropy sensors with compensation winding SOURCE: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 5, 1964, Z9-30 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic anisotropy sensor, deformation measurements strain measurement ABSTRACT: The principle of operation of a mechanical -strain*-measuring magnetic -anisotropy -dependent sensor is described. The initial -anisotropy voltage may be compensated by these methods: (1) Applying an a-c or rectified voltage of a third winding in opposition, which results in a complete compensation only with low ampere-turns of the primary; the lower part of the scale is non. linear; (Z) Using a differential circuit of two bridge -connected rectifiers supplied :j by the secondary and tertiary windings, which results in a better'scale linearity! r -hes tv o Ludy o~ ~2 1-o-no!-w-uL~ inverters uging lcuu.,i dilgrams. Ee -I N 164. o.., L., (KILRA 18-2) n YO 6 n. a ro, -es'n-i- Ira " I 'M'.. SHEVCHEMKOp G,I.,, kando tekhn, nauki, dotsent Study of an autonomous parallel inverter using a locus techniqueo Trudy MI 55t21-34 165. *(Mw 18:10) .-j SHEVCHENKO, G.I kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; POPOV, V.V., aspirant; IKONIN, YU.P., lnzh. Transistorized frequency converter. Trudy MEI 55:45-52 165. (MIRA 18:10) SHEVCHENKO, G.M. Average composition of the clastic minerals of denuda4--- Dro- ducts in the southem Tien Shan interoore zone; based on the study data of Cenozoic molasses in the southeastern Flergana. Nauch. trudy TashGU no.256 Geol. nauki no.22t97-98 164 (MIRA, 1.8 0 V.Vd.. I*MiPCHIwKIY, V).V.c 511EVOUNKO G.T. ?'root resistance of vegetative primordia of some geophytes of the Stavropol Territory flora. Biul. GAIav. bot. asda no.55tI09-114 164. (M:k'RA 18ill) 1. 5tavropollskily botanichesMy sad, TANANAYEV, I.V.-,__SHEVCIIENY.0, G.V. Reaction between samarium ions and ethylenediaminetetraacetic ac~,d., Zhur.neorg.khim. 6 no.8:1909-1913 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:0-. . (Samarium) (Acetic acid) f 7i)/EFA (s)-2/EPF(n)-2/T/ -jp (t)/EWP (b)/EWA (c) Pt-7/pu-h lj,.P(c 54991-65 W ACCESSION NR: AP5011932 zj / J r: UR/0363/65/001/003/0369/0373 546.6591185-324 AL1THOR: Tananayev, I. V.; Shevchenko, G. V. TITLE: Samarium pyrophosphateJ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 3, 1965, 369-3734 TOPIC TAGS: samarium pyrophosphate, samarium, samarium phosphate, phosphate ABSTRACT: Inter tion of triv ent samarium, WN003, with pyrophosphates of Aridiumy nd potas___ as studied in aqueous solutions at 250C. -the Pre- lithium i e,~ 7-,-rr-V-!-iosrhates were examined by thermograviTnetric and x-ray technicues. of sm,1010-~ 1 1 was e(jual to 0. 025 mol/t wh., le the concen- tal -dtiOS of aixali me pyrophosphate to SM(N03)3 varied from 0.5 to 2.0. At equilibrium, the unreacted Sm3+ and P207 4- in solutlon wr.,re determined analyto-cally, and he balance was assumed to be present in the precipitata. It was found that a r-agular samarium pyrophosphate hydrate, Sms,(P~07)-%-14H20 first precipitates and dt eiellated aikali metal pyrophosphate concentrations a binary pyrophosphate, ~lSmPIC),-4HzO is formed where H is Li, Ila, or K. All the pyrophosphate precipitates Z Card 1/2 L 54991-65 ACCESSION NR: AP50U932 16 are amorphous. They can be converted into crystalline form by calcini g: SM4(P207)3 at 630C, USMP207 at 5000C, NaSMP207 at 545*C, and KSmP?_07 at 6000C. Orig-ant. _T -has: -1 -table and. 7 figures._,. ASSOCIATION-- In~tittit--bb~6h6d~--i.-'iieo-r~g-anibh-e-s ikova demii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chermistrys Academy of-S-cilencep, SSSR) SUBMITTED- OBDec64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ICJ 0 C, NO REF SOV: 003 002 7.. ~7 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Tananayev, 1. V. Shevchenkot G,,' TITLE: Samarium ferrocyarides SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiJ, v. 10, no. 2, 1965, 414-420 TOPIC TAGS: samarium ferrocyanide, samarium alkali metal ferrocyanide, solubility, e. rn. f. , electric conductance. ABSTRACT: The reaction of Sm3+ with alkali metal ferrocyanides was subjected 1 to solubility, e. m. f. and electric conductivity studies. In the SmC13-M4LFe(CN)a- H20 system (M - Li, Nal K, Rb and Cs), when M = Li or Na, the products form- ed were Sm4[Fe(CN)613 - 15H20 and NaSm(Fe(CN)61. 3H20, respectively. In the systems with K, Rb and Cs ferrucyanides, mixed ferrocyanides were formed; MSm[Fe(CN)GI 4H20. The solubility in water was determined: z:1m41Fe(CN)6J3 15H20, 1. 5 x 10- 3; NaSm[Fe(CN)61 - 3H20, 1. 3 x 10- 3. KSmt Fe(CN)61 4H 2. 5 x 10- 4, and RbSm[Fe(CN)61- 4H20, 3. 0 x 10 M01114 C~r 20 art. has: 3 tables and 16 figures 2 , 366 8-6, T 9 ACCESSION NR: AP5005009 AUTHOR: Tananayev, 1. V.; Shevchenko, G. 8/0078165/010/00210414/0420 13 V. TITLE: Samarium ferrocyanides SOURC& Zhurnal-neoruanictiesko-y--kh-imii 10, no. 2. 1965, 414-420 J TOPIC TAGS: samarium ferrocyanide, samarium alkaii,,metal ferrocyanide, solubility, e. m. f. , electric conductance 3+ ABSTRACT: The reaction of Sm with alkali metal ferrocyanides was subjected i to solubility, e. m. f. and electric conductivity studies. In the 0"MCl3-M41Fe(CDT)a- H20 system (M - Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs), when M = Li or Na, the products form-! ed were SmA[Fe(CN)d 3 - 15H20 and NaSm(Fe(CN)61. 3H20, respectively. In the systems with K, Rb and Cs ferrocyanides, mixed ferrocyanides were formed: - 4H20. The solubility in water was determined: MSm[Fe(CN)61 1. 5 x to- 3; NaSm(Fe(CN)61 - 3H20, 1. 3 x 10- 3 Sm4LFe(CN)613 - I-H20, -4 KSm[Fe(CN)61 - 4H20, 2.5 x 10 , and RbSm[Fe(CN)61- 4H20, 3. 0 x 10-;) mol/l, Orig, art. has: 3 tables and 16 figures Card 1 / 2 L 36697-65 :-7WT(m) /W(b) /W(t) TJP(c) *,D/JO ACCESSION NR: AP5005010 S/0078!65/010/002/0421/0424/,:- AUTHOR: Shevchenko, G. V.; TananMev, 1. V. TITLE: Thermal decomposition of samarium rrocyanides SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 10, no. 2, 1965, 421-424 TOPIC TAGS: samartum ferrocyartide, thermal decomposition, samarium sodf- um ferricyanide, samarium potassium ferrocyanide, samarium lithium ferro- cyanide, samarium rubidium ferrocyanide, samarium. cesium ferrocyanide -;-7 ABSTRACT: A thermographic study was made of the thermal decomposition un-~T- der an argon atmosphere of normal samartuim ferrocyanide and of the mixed sa- marium- alkall metal ferrocyanides. Sm4[F'e(CN)6J-14H20 dehydrated at 160-240C in 2 hours. Cyanide evolution occurred at 360-420; SmNformedat 450C: Sm4[Fe(CN)63- 3Fe(CN)2+2SmC2+2SmN+4(CN)2+N2 The decomposition of 3Fe(CN)2 Fe3-C + 5C + 3N2 was at 610C. NaSm[Fe(CN)61. 3H20 dehydrated at 180- 250C. Card 112 SIKOV, Aleksey Ivanovich. Sim aeorgiy Yafimovich; FAYBISOVIGH, I.L.. otvetstvannyy red& or-;qWSKAYA, A.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor CK-14 cutter-loader] Ugolinyi kombain K-14. Koskwa, Ugletakhizdat. 1956. 46 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Coal mining machinery) SAVEELIYEVY I.P.; ABUZAROV, A.Ya.; BOGUTSMY, N.V.; SHEV"CIIENKO, G.Ye. Work practices of a boring cutter loader in an anthracite mine. Ugoll 40 no.3:42-45 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Lu-anskiy sektor Gosudarstvennogo proyektno-konstruktorskogo i eksPerimentalinogo instituta ugollnogo mashinostroyeniya. (for Savellyev, Abuzarov). 2. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy i eksperimentaltnyy institut ugollnogo mashinostroyeniva (for Bogutskiy, Shevchenko). VERYJMKER, G.P.; SHEVCHE.N.KO., G-Z- Increasing the efficiency of high-duty gas-turbine units. Trucly Od. tekh. inst. 140L~38_ 162. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Rabota vypolnena na kafedre teplotekhniki Odesskogo tekhnologi- cheskogo instituta. Rukovoditell raboty - doktor teklm. nauk prof. Gokhahteyn, D.P. . SEEVCH-kNKO, GJIZ~ Something on -the problem of the work of a central d-iqtrict drugstcre. Farmat5ev. zhur, 19 no.6:74-76 164. i01.1--IIU -18:4) 1. Upravlyayushchiy aptekoy No.32 g. Bakhmacha. PANSHIN, (Principal posts and diseases of sholterbelts and methods of controlling them] Glavneishie vrediteli i balezni pole2ashchit- nykh lesonasazhdenii i bor'ba s nimi. Stalingrad,, 1950. 64 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Forest protection) BREYTER, L. (Ditepropetrovskaya oblast I); SIMVCHMKO, 1. Progressive work methods for students. Prof.-tekh.obr. 13 no.2: 14-17 F '56. O= 9:5) 1. Direktor uchilishcha makhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyayastva No. 3. (for Breyter); 2. Zamestitel' direktora po uchebno-proizvodstven- noy chasti (for Shevchenko). (Dnepropetrovsk Province--Farm mechanization--Study and teaching) 14(l) SOV/66-59-2-17/31 AUTHOR: T_roitskiy, A. and Shevchenko, I. TITLE-~ Utilizatior of VN-180 Two-Stage Compressors (Ekspluatatsiya kom- pressorov dvukhstupenchatogo szhatiya VN-180) PERIODICAL: Kholodil.'nayA tekhnika,1959, Nr 2, pp 56-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: With reference to an article in the Nr 3 issue of the above named periodical entitied "Utilization of Four-Cyiinder Two-Stage Com- pressors" dealing with faults of design of the ammonium 2-stage compressors turned out by Nagema Maschinpnfabrik (Germany), the authors find and describe additional delects in this type of com- pressors which are installed in the Tula Refrigeration Varehouse, The defects concern mostly inadequate lubrication. Card 1/1 I , I,IWt*', SHEVCHENKO, I. Improve methods of managing collective farms. Vop.ekon. no-11:38-41 It t59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Sekretar' Dzhankoyakogo raykoma Kommunisticheakoy partii Ukrainy, Kryiiskaya obluet'. (Dzhankoy District--Collective farms) 2. U-)--Ill (6(.)c.!) 4. 1"oving Pictures - '.~.akhovskiy Administrative Area C~ 7. ll,!oving-picture theater at ILikhovshchina. Kinomekhannik, No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly Li~Lt ~f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,- -April- 1953, Uncl. SHEVCIUMO. I., brigadir trilboprokatnogo stana. .it 'go strive for tachnical..progress. Sov. profsoiUZY 5 U0.5:16-17 MY 157. NLRA 10:6) (Dnepropetrovsk--Rolling mills) SHOAGRIEW~-,'KO, I. Sound - Recording and Reproducing Inclusion of sound pickup in the "Rodina" radio receiver. Radio No. 9, 1~i52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decemberl9521RM Unclassified. SHOCH&SKO, I. Tranecarpathia. (Transcarpathia--Radio) (Radio--Transearpathia) r J~ lo7-8-17/62 AUTHOR: Shevchenko, I. (Village of Kvasy, Transcarpathian province) TITLE: There is a Radio Receiver in Every Transcarpathian Peasant's Home. (Radio imeyetaya v khate kazhdogo gutsula). PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, # 8# p 12, col 2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the remote RAKHOV district there are almost 5#000 radio sets. This year, their number will be increased by 400. In the village Kobiletskaya Polyana there are 350 wire relay recei- vers and about 80 radios. About 1000 receivers are connected to the radio relay center in the village Velikiy Bychkov. In 1957 the villages Bogdan, Kvasy and Bilin received 450 wire relay receivers. Also cattle-breeding farms have received sets. INSTITUTION: None PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress Card 1/1 SHEVCHEVKO, I.A. Diagnosis of cancer of the stomach using the cytological method of study. Terap.arkh. 33 no.8:45-49 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry voyenno-morskoy i gospitallnoy terapii (nach. - prof. &M.-Volynskiy) Voywmo-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademi--l imeni S.M. Kirova. (STMIAM-CANCER) (DIAGNOSIS, CYTOLOGIC) KRYLOVJ, A. A., mnd. med. nauk; -SHEWHMO, I. A. (Ioeningrad) Case of Addison - Bie-.mer anemia with a positive Coombs test. Klin. med. no.8:126-127 161. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Voyenno-maditsinskoy ordena Imnina, akademii imeni S. M. Kirova. (PERNICIOUS AMIIA) SHEVCHENKO, I. A. (Ieningrad, F-68, Fontanka, 139, kv. 9) Exfoliative cytologic diagnosis of cancer of the stomach. "top. onk. 8 no.3:48-57 162, (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry, Voyenno-morskoy i gospitallnoy terapii (nach. - prof. Z. M. Volynskiy) Voyenno-maditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S. M. Kirova. (STOMACH-CANCER) (DIAGNOSIS.. CYTOLOGIC) SHKVCHENKO, I.A. Relation of the results of a cytologic examination to the clinical and morphological characteristics of stomach tumora, Vop. onk. 11 no.8s23-27 165. (MIRA 28:21) 1. Kafedra voyenno-morskoy i gospitallnoy terapii (nachaltnik Prof. Z.M.Volynskiy) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina, akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. 81629 B/181160/002/06/17/050 B122/BO63 .1o AUT S.- Konorov, P. P.,.Shevehenko, I. B..- TITLEt Electrical Conductivity'Ind Photoelectric Properties of Layers of Cadmium an inc Telluride 11A PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo telay 1960, Vol. 2p No. 6, pp. 1134 - 1140 TEXT: The data available in publications on this subject are briefly dis- cussed in the introduction. The present paper deals with the development of electrical conductivity and the photoelectric properties in cadmium and zinc telluride. CdTe and ZnTe layers of different thickness were prepared (by vaporization onto a glass backing), and their electrical conductivity and their change by the action of light were deterinined from the current passing through the samples. The spec.tral characte * ati. of photoconducti- vity was taken with the qid of an infrared spectromete JKC-11_(jES-11)1Jwith a universal monochromator t1-2__(UM-2).OThe resistivity of the 'Bampleswd's 7_, 10 .08 ohm-cm, and did not vary withVising thickness of the samples. In samples, that had been vaporized on a hot base (350-4000C), resistivity Card 1/3 ACCESSION XR: AP4020958 S/0051/64/016/003/0467/0474 AUMOR: Benderskiy, V.A.; Shavchenko, I.D.; Blyumenfelld, L.A. TITLE: Electric and magnetic properties of donor-acceptor crystals. 1. Complexes formed by strong donors and acceptors .SOURCE:'Optika i spektroskopiya, v.1G, no.3, 1964, 467-474 :TOPIC TAGS- EPR spectrum, absorption spectrumi, dark conductivity,' donor acceptor.. crystal, donor acceptor comr1ex, complex crystal, chloranil, tetra-dhloroquinone, para-phenylenediamine, beazidine, iodine, charge exchange, polar crystal model .ABSTRACT: The electric and magnetic properties of complexes with charge transfer -in the solid phase have attracted the attention ol many in7estigatoks. (A review o:f recent research in the field has been published by L.A.Blyumenfelld:and V.A.Bender-: ki y, Strukturnaya khimiya,4l,40511963.) The present work was devoted to investiga- l ion of the EPR-spectra, the absorption spectra in the visible and infrared regiorall' ,jpd the dark conductivity, as well as the temperature dependences of th6se parame~;-'-_ , of complexes of chloranil (tetrachloroquinone) with~para-phenylenediamine (1). trsbenzidine with iodine (2). The EPAI spectra were recorded by means of a standard- 1~ Bard I/A ACCESSION IM-. AP4=958 - EPR spectrometer with provision for maintaining the sample at temperatures from 90 to 3800K. The dark conductivity was investigated by the potentiometric method.Most of the measurements were made on compacted powder pellets, but some were made using:. .ystals (complex 1 only). The absorption spectra were measured using SF-4 single cr and IKS-14 spectrophotometers with the specimens in the form of sublimated layers. The EPR spectrum of complex 1 was also obtained in methyl alcohol solution. The re-1 1sults are presented in the form of curves. Single crystals of complex 1 exhibit a ,single narrow EPR peak (0.4 Oe) with a complex exponential temperature dependence. .The activation energy for exchange interaction agrees with the energy for excita- tion of the host to the magnetic state. The activation energy is not connected with; singlet-triplet splitting. In the case of complex 2 the anisotropy of the EPR sigwi~; depends on temperature. The peaks in the absorption spectra agree with the valuescf! .the activation energy for dark conduction: 1.17 and 0.48 eV for complexes 1 and 2, .respectively. The.infrared absorption spectra of the' complexes differ markedly from,[ .the spectra of the constituent components. The results are discussed from the stand-! point of the crystal model with low-lying polar states. 5 figures and 2 tables. Card ACCESSION NR: AP4034S42 s/b18V64/bo6/bo5/1542A5" AUTHORS: Benderskiy, V. A.; Blv=enfql!d, L. A.; Shavchanko, L B.;- Alltshuler, T. S. TITLE; Electrical and magnetic prbperties.-of donor acceptor crystals SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 6, no... 5, 1964, 15 4 2 -15 ~44 TOPIC TAGS: electric property, magnetic pi~operty, donor acceptor =ystal.. organic semiconductor,, aromatic amine,,aromatir, hydrocarbon, chloranil, brbmanil ABSTRACT: So many theories have been proposed.for the generation of carriers in organic semiconductors that the authors sought to weigh the evidence and uncover the proper theory. They,compared the activation energies of conduction with the position of the band of carrier.displacement in weak donor-acceptor systems in both solid and liquid phases. They eximined complexes of chloranil and bromanil with aromatic.amines (o-amin6ph~nol, n-bromanalid, and diphanylamine) and aromatic hydrocarbobs (pyrene and stilbehe). In all these coi6plexes the absorption bands of the film proved to ba identical to the apectra, or the solutions. Change in the aggregate state did not lead to expansion ot the bandp-- and the shift in the band did not exceed 0.07 ev'. For the bydrocarbons the bmw Card 112. S' "'7 CT D Linden Tim for a~-,~! scwi-.7 seeds of lit'~leleaf linder (Tilia rordata). IA-,s. i steDl no. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. ZVENIGORODSKII GA. inzh-ox LESHCHINSKIY S.N. inzh.-- SHEVGHENKO -I.F. -inzho- .9 2 P P .9 Over-all mecbanization of concreting operations in industrial construction. Mekh.stroi. 18 m.9:16-17 S 161. (IMA 14:10) (Bashkiria.-Concrete construction) SHEMEMKO, Ivan Feodosiyevich, zasl. dayat. nauki prof.; GORODYSKIY, Vladimir Ivanovich, dots.; YUNDA, I.F., red. [Polarography in medicine and biology) Poliarografiia v me- ditsine i biologii. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR,, 1964. 133 p. (MIRA 17: 5) !e)17P fe' ')/F -(C)/W 17,1-pC (d FWP(v-)-,l A -)_- p(j)/: AWA ) L D~_: "pt-7 ACCESSION NR: AP5019022 621 791 77-037. 621-385.832 AUTHOR: Marchenko I. S.; Malkiyel', B. S.; Felizhanko, V. V.eLitvakb F. Xh Shevchenko, 1. G., Krivi~h, Yu. A.; Pi~-n-tkovsil-Y, A. B.hY, ,TITLE: Semiautomatic system\1for sealing metal to glass in cathode-ray tubes. Class 21, No. 171947 :SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 12, 1965, 45 TOPIC TAGS: semiautomatic sealing system, cathode ray tube, cathode ray tube con struction ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a system for sealing metal to glass in cathode-ray tubes. To improve the efficiency of the system, eliminate intermed-iate furnace annealing, and maintain the desired temperature in the interval between the glass neck and metallic cone, the system is equipped with an electric heater. [TS] 'ASSOCIATION,- Llvovskiy~elektroiamivvyy-i~vod-(Lfv6ivr ectric: ac 17 Card 112 L 60945-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5019022 SUBMITTED: 04Nov63 NO REF SOY: 000 ENCL .- OXO O`rHER - 000 SHEVCHENKO, I.G. 1 Defeqts of the Duncan--Stewart rotating diffuser. Sakh.prom. 35 no.701-32 Jl 161. (MA 14:7) 1. Ullyanovskiy sakharnyy zavod. (Diffusers) SHAHVIP inzil.; LHEVCHENKOI I.G. Improvinp, businesa accounting. Put' i put.khoz. 9 no-4:21-22 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Nachaltnik Aksakovskoy distantsii Kuybyshevskoy dorogi. SfIEVCHF21KO, I.L. - ----- The success is a result of a hilgh level of technical e-"dss- tion. Bezop. truda v prom. 8 no-9'.33-34 S 164 WIRA 18!--,) 1. Gornotekhnichesldy inspelIctor Severo-Osetinskoy rayorinoy goTTiotekhnicheskoy inspektail. 30501 S/18 61/003/0 J048/056 9, 15-0 BI 04YB1 38 AUTHORS: !5*4 ra T. Ya., Serd7uk, V. V., and.Shevchenko, I. M. TITLE: The effect of 1-irradiation on spectral distribution of photo-sennitivity in GdS single crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 11, 19611 3537-3539 A TEXT: The experiments were carried out on single crystals of US wi th'a photo-sensitivity spectrum with two maxima (Fig.). 'The. crystals were. exposed to a cobalt 60 milliroentgens radiation. Photocon'ductiiity, decreased and the maxima vanished, but in most cases 9 very l6i46vel of spectrum'. sensitivity remained through.the visible ranee ofthe -(Fig, curves 2 and 3). The variations in photo-sensitivity in~ CdS~single crystals due to y-irradiation were stAble. In essence:9 the-interaction. of, a y-radiation with the atoms of.single a Compton e, ect which crystals is means there is bombardment of the substance with electrons., and multiple ionization of the atoms. First the sulfur atoms are ionized until they become positively charged and are displaced to intersticial sites unaer the action of the field of surrounding ions. A considerable number of Card 1/2 D 30801 s/181,/61/003/011/048/056 The effect of y-irradiation ... B104/B138' negative ion vacancies are thereby-created, and impurity levels are formed in the forbidden band of the crystal, which play the role of recombination levels for photo-electrons. There are 1 figure and 7 refer- ences: 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I. I. Mechnikova) (Odessa State University imeni I. I. Mechnikov) SUBMITTED: May 15, 1961 (initially) July 14, 1961 (after revision) Fig. The spectral distriVution of the photo-current of a CdS sing?e crystal. Legend: (1) before irradiation; 2) after a 24-hour irradiation; after a 48-hour irradiation. Card 2/2 03 02 al - 7, WW - -L-3-8449..766 - - ACC NRt AP6024528 The diffusion layer in iron consisted of a solid solution of titanium in iron .16ith inclusions of iron titanides and iron borides. The diffusion layer in Zh 'S6-K;alloy obtained in the mixture of boron carbide and borax consisted of a homogeneous surface zone containing nickel boride having a microhardness of 1300 kg/mmF and an inner zone containing a nickel-base solid solution with inclusions of intermetallic com- pounds. The microhardness of this zone was 600-800 kg/mm?. The inward diffusion of boron is accompanied by the outward diffusion of the alloy components. The dif- fusion layer produced by cementation in titanium consisted of three zones. The outer zone had a high content of intermetallic compounds and a microhardness of 700-800 kg/mm2. The middle and inner zones consisted of nickel-base solid solutions. Subse- quent cementation of boronized alloy in titanium produced a three-zone diffusion layer with an outer zone h ing a thickness of 40 p and a microhardness of 1890 kg/M2 The subsequent boronizing f titanized alloy produced no changes in the structure of the diffusion layer. Orig art. has: 6 figures. [DV] SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 'L8jan65/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD ;PRESS: NRt Al'~10368-16-4'"'l,~j,, E ODE: UR/0365/66/002/005/0576/05ib Re C AUTHOR; Zemskov, G. V.; Kagan, R. L.; Dombrovskaya, Ye. V.; Kostenko A. V.; Shevchenko, I. M.1 Koss, Ye. Ve; Fadeyeva,_E. V.; Khmele~s_kayi_, M. Y 0.; Mik5tina, N. P. ORG: -Odessa Polytechnical Institute (Odesskiy politekhnicheskiy institut) All TITLE: Protective diffusion cj~j AinJ f nickel alloy SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 2, no. 5, 1966, 576-580 ,ULO-1. TOPIC TAGS: nickelUhromium alloy, aluminum containing alloy, titanium containing alloy, tungsten containing alloy, a44W protective coating, ativy corrosion resistanc diffusion coating alloy, alloy oxidation resistance/ZhS6-K alloy 4 ABSTRACT: A series of diffusion coatings were tested for protection of ZhS6-K nicke base alloy (0.13-0.20% carbon, 10.5-12i5% chromium, 5-6% aluminum, 2.5-3% ti;~niu 2.5-3% tungsten, 4.5-5.5% molybdenum, 0.13-0.20% boron) against gas corrosiod"In a mixture of products of sulfurous. fuel combustion and sea water vapors ~if ter-all attempts to improve alloy oxidation resistance by alloying failed. Alloy specimens: were dLffusion. coated with one or tnelements used nimultaneously or one afler the other. The ti d b a pac fementq;ion at 909,-1000C for 10 hr.-~~mium. alumi- on!umjjboron~/ceriumt'/beryllit _!!_UM 4/11incUlsitan ,PAnd magnesi4Aere used as single- element coatings. Chromium with titanium, silicon, aluminum, or boron; aluminum with boron, cerium, or titanium; titanium with silicon or boron; manganese with boron; Cord 1/4 UDC: 621.793.4 ACC NR. AP6030864 Total depth of coating Fig. 2. Depth of corrosion in Uj coated and uncoated ZhS6-K Dep Ith of damaged layer alloy. q n W-71 I I I 1 1 1-4 ~_Ml i I L-VOTOM ~/l R 4-Cr St4~r Cr.At TjCr & -At AR no&K GrAt 4-c, R-n T1 I 8-Tt Sj* AL-Cr S 4 Successive simultaneous single element ~Lpp4ca-~iqtxw Rplication ... c.qat in q ceriuii with boron; and silicon with aluminum were used for binary coatings. Corrosion tests were done in combustion products containing 0.74% and 0.11% sea water at 900C for 15 hr. It was found that all the coatings tested have a higher corrosion resis- tance than the uncoated alloy (see Fig. 1). Binary coatings protect the alloy more efficiently than single-element coatings, especially with the consecutive method of Card 3/4 - -;n77-c;' T ACC NR- AP6030864 application. Coatings obtained by this method have a higher concentration of elemenp and a more uniform structure of the surface layer than the coatings applied by other.~' methods. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 13Jul65/ ATD PRESS: 5077 Card 4/4 ,5/524/62/018/000/001/002 A006/A101 AUT'HORS- Savenkov, V. Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences,-Shevchenko, I. N., Engineer TITLE: Investigating the effect of zirconium upon the structure and properties of carhon steel SOURCE: Akademiya. nauk 11krayinskoyi RSR. Ins~ytut chornoyi metalurhiyi. Trudy. v. 18, 1061, Metallovedeniye 1 termicheskaya obrabotka stali i chuguna. 67 - 72 TEXT: The effect of' zirconium upon the structure and properties of wheel ~'n 0.66,1), Si 0.21-,,,. P 0.019% and-S 0.027%) was studied on five steel (C - 0.56-',. heats without Zr ana with different amounts of-Zr of the following composition (in ;-I';): ZIr 50.1j8, Si 21.88; Al 6.()o; Fe 19-53, Ti 1.73 F 0,10 and C 0.15. T~e .nvestigations included the determination of the effect of Zr upon the structure -of cast steel and the proneness to austenite grain growth; the effect of Zr and of the tempering temperature upon changes in the properties of steel quenched an at 300, 400, 500 and 600OC: c d the effect of Zr upon microhardness of ferrite. Card 112 ISHKVGILENKO,-Tyazx-Nikiforavich,- STARETS, R., red.; POLTORM, I.., I- -- .tekhn. red. (New equipment and teciiology in the silk industry]Novaia tekhnika v shelkovoi pronyshlennosti. Stalinabad, Tadzhik- gosizdat, 1961. 39 p. (KIRA 15:8) (Textile machinery) (Silk manufacture) SHEYCHUX0, I.H. (Moskva) Characteristics of the new arithmetic textbook. Kat.v shkole no.3: 3-5 MY-Je '56. (NLRA 9:8) (Arithmetic) SHSVCHM=., TVau-XjUticjx;-TSVMOV. I.L., red.; SELMMUIX07A, A.Ae, red.; TARAWYA, 7J., tekhn. red. [Alements of apprcxlm~ta computation] NachalInye aredealla o Pribli- zhenmykh vichislenilakh, Moskva, lzd-vo Almd, pedagog, nauk RWWR, 1958. 34 p. (MM 1197) (Approximate computation) SHEVCF(EITKO, N. Historical elements in mathematics teaching. Izv. APN no.92:199-229 158. (MIRA 11:6) (14athematics--Study and teaching) (Mathematics--History) ~$HZVCHENKO, Ivan Nikitin; GUSIKOV, G.G.9 red.; LAUT, V.G.9 tekhn. red. (Methods of teaching co=on fractions] Metodika prepodavaniia obylmovenzqkh drobei. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad. pedago nauk RSFSR, 1958. 129 pe &Z Y.-:7) (Fractions-Study and teaching) SHEVCFR,'NKOP 11N. Morphological clianges and radioactivity of ',,be blood in chronic leu- kemia t7eated with radioactive phosphorus. Trudy Kiev. nwuch.-issl. 4ns'. p 161. ~ Verel. krovi i neotlozh. khir. 3t237-242 (MIRP 17-10) 1. KJyevskiy institut perelivanlya, krovi. SHEVCHENKO JywLjj"t:Lch-_jSVETK0V, I.L., red.j SHAPOSIUUKOVA, A.A-y red.; TARASOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (1-lethodology of teachirg arithmetic in grades 5 and 61 Metodik-- pre- podavaniia arifmatilki v V-Vl klassakh. Moskva,, Izd--yo Akad. padagog. nauk ASFSR, 1961. 389 P. (MIRA ll,;v) (Arithmetic-Study and teaching) SHEMHENK0,2 J.N..- ~ Abalysis of low- and medium-alloyed steels with the ST-7 spectrophotometer. 2kv. lab. 30 no.6t7O5 1164 (MIPA 17t8) 1. Institut elektroovarki AN McrSSR. M-- -- -- - -- - - - - - --- - --- SAVEKKOV, V.Ya., kand.tekhn.naukL SHEVCHENKO, I.N., inzh. Investigating the effect of zirconium on the structure and proper- ties of carbon steel. Trudy Inst. chern. met. AN URSR 18:67-72 ,62. (MIRA 15:9) (Steel-Metallography) % DANXIM0, A.I.-[Danyletko, A.I.JL--_SHMVCKWO. I.N. [Bbevchenko, I#M#1 Beta-radiation in human blood in cancer and certain blood diseases. Fiziol.zbrmr. 6 no.ltII4-117 Ta-7 16o. (MIRA 13t5) 1, Institut fiziologii im A.A. Bogomolltsa, AN USSR, laboratoriya biofiziki. (BETA RAYS) (aaam) (BLOOD) afTEIIT_IIFMIIK_CI' I . S. SHE"ICHENKC1, I. S. "Data on the Study of Mosaic of Sugar Beets in the Phyto- pathological Section of the Kharkov Oblast Experiment Station 102.9-1929.," in I U osaic Diseases of Sugar Beets: a Collection of ArticlesJ P blishing House of M the Variety-Seed Administration of the State All Union Association of Sugar Industries, Kiev, 1930, pp. 6?-99. 464.04 Sa2 40: SIRA "JI-90-53i 15 Dec 1953 VAMIN, A.A.; VIYWIOV, S.F.; GCRIH, T.I.; IVASHCBMMO, P.S.; KOHOVA. A.G.; KCRIUM, V.A.; KOROSTILEVA, M.7a.; LOBACH9T, A.Ya.; LASHRANOV, I.Ya.; MALYCIDWO, V.V.: MOR&OVA, A.M.; PANSHIN, I.A.; PROSVIROV, A.B.; ROA*HKOVA, M.Y.; YUROTA, N.F.; FKDCRENKO, V.P.; T99MISMNKO, P.Ye.; SIMCHMO, I.S.; FEW20Y, N.A., red.; IMMOLDIVA, S.I.. EBrief manual on the cultivation of fruits, berries, and grapes and the management of nurseries in Stalingrad Province] Kratkii spravochnik po plodovo-iagodnym kullturam, vinogradu i pitomnikam- dlia Stalingradskoi oblasti. Stalingrad, Stalingradakoe kn12hnoe izd-vo, 1960. 215 P. (HIU 14:3) 1. Stalingrad (Province) Upravleniye sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Stalingrad Province-Fmit culture) ASTAKHOVI Aleksey Illarionovich; DEGTYAREV, Ateksey Petrovich, inzh.; DUBININ, V.I.; REYSH, A.K.; ~jj~CHEN~KOI I.Sj TABUNINA, M.A., red.izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M., tekhn. red. [Excavator works] Ekskavatornye raboty. Pod red. A.P. Degtiareva. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 363 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Excavating machinery) 1. T. SIL-Xr.11-ELi~O, I. T. "The treatment of purident wounds with naphthalene salve", Vracheb. delo, 1948, No. 12, paragraphs 1105-06. SO: IT-30112, 11 I-larch 53, (Leto-Dis Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). T. -. Shevchenko, 1. T. "The tissue method of diagmosin.g intestinal cancer", -iracheb. delo, 1949, No. 5, paragraphs 05-08. SO: U-4630, 16 Sept. 51, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, r1o. 23, 1949). I---- a- -a a-- R-b - & T - - - S . ; Hamys , xyy. Y..i. Role of the polarographic method in the diagnosis of malignant tumors. Kedych. zhur. 22 no.5:80-85 152. WaA 6:io) 1. Kyyivalkyy rentgeno-onkologiabnyy instytat. (Tamors) SHRAMENKO, A.I., kandidat meditainskikh nauk; SHEVCHERKO, I.T., dodsent, di- rektor. Lesions of the urinary bladder and of the rectum complicating radium and mesothorium therapy of gynecological diseases. Akash.i gin. no.2:51-57 Mr-Ap '53. OMU 6 :5 1. Kiyevskiy nanchno-issladovateliskiy rentgeno-radio-onkologicheskii in- stitut. (Ganitourinary organs--]Diseases) (Radium--Physiological effect) (Mesothorium--Phyaiological effect) ARUNGAZLFUV, V.Yu., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk, rakovoditell; SHEVCHENKO, I.T., I professor, direktor. - - - Chronic volvulus of the stomach. rad. no-3:31-37 MY-Je '53. (mLRA 6:8) 1. Rentgenodiagnosticheakoye otdelaniye Kiyevskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo i onkologicheskogo inatituta (for Arangasyyev). 2. Kiyevskiy rentgeno- radiolog~cheskiy i onkologicheskiy institut (for Shavchenko). I kStomach--Diseases) TAIGiCHI, L.D.; ARMIGAZTYEV, V.Yu., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. zaveduyushchiy; SHEYCHWKO. I.T., professor, doktor meditsinskikh nauk, direktor. Myxoma of the lower jaw. Stomatologiia no.4:51-52 Jl-Ag 153. (MLRA 6:9) 1. Rentgenodiagnosticheakoye otdeleuiye Kiyevskogo rentgeno-radiologiche- skogo i onkologicheskogo instituta (for Arungazyyev and Takhchi). 2. Ki- yevskiy reutgeno-radiologicheskiy i onkologicheskiy institut (for 4-hev- cheziko). (Jaws--Tumors) 14 R o rddl~acti_ ;.tl,,phcrus for .,i 'namqj.. d1i", ""I'7mlM.rt Z il~4';s W lit, 0 ~"rncn Nit!, aIN! ~f.- ; " :-. , t HI C-A L~T ...... .I of P'. f""ad in 21 . __ ~1- n- Th~ '3'.C". of Lxcej!t,j !.~.It !it ~1~ l Ile ricill .;~: al-d' 1,y hT. t 9141A "I -If -A SHEVCHENKO, I.T., professor; TUNDA, I.F. Gastric cancer following application of gastrointestinal anastomosils Khirurgiia no-7:75-79 J1 '54. (MIRA 7:10) 1. Iz onkologicheskoy kliniki (dir. prof. I.T.Shevchenko) Kiyevskogo rentgeno-radio-onkologichookogo institute. i Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (STOMACH, neoplasms, after gastro-intestinal anastomosis for peptic ulcer) (PEPTIC U1 CM . surgery, gastro-intestinal anastomosis, postop. gastric cancer) SHEVORMTKO, I.T.; GORODISIKIY, V.I.; VE-SHU. I.V.; ROSTOVTSFVA, O.M. Relation of dehydrase activity to the level of the polarographic waves. Medych.zhur. 24 no.6:50-53 154. MRA 8:7) 1. Kiivslkiy rentgen-YmAiologichniy i onkologichniy institut. (DNHY HA , polarograpby, relation of debydrogenase activity to level of polarographic waves) (POLAROGRAPHr, of debydrogenase, relation of dehydrogenase activity to leval of polarographic waves) SHEVC=O, I.Ts, .0 NIGIV GOiODYSKIY, V.I. trApplication of Radioactive Phosphorus in Diagnosing the Cancer of Mammary Glands" p. 96, in the book Experience in the Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Medicine R. Ye. KAVLTSM a House of the UKRAINM SSR, KIEV 1955, represents medical transactions of a conference held in XLEV from 18-20 January 1954. So: 1100235 KLVBTSKIY. R.Ye., redaktor; SHEYCHERKO, I.T., redaktor [Experience in using radioactive isotopes in medicine] Opyt primene- aiia radioaktivnykh izotopov v meditsine. Kiev [Goomedizdat] USSR, 1955. 300 P. (MIRA 10:3) (RADIOIoDGT ,MIDICAJ) MEM/General Problems of PatholoMr - Tumors. Metabolism. U. Ab s Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolij, 11j 21, 1,058, 98165 ,L"Luthor : '~",,cvchenko, I.T., GoroCynskiy, V.I. Inst : Kiev Scientific Rcr;earc-. R.)cut[;cnoradiologic ancl Onc:)L~- ~,:ic Institute. Title : VolarobTaphic Method ia Dia:.~iosis of Carcinona and 1",recar- cLaoLiatous Condition. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Kiyevak, n.-J. rontconoradiol. i. on1col. in-t, 10 955, 5, 331-340- Abstract : By polanro[;raphic invcs*%'-1iLa`U-ion of a protein-free filtrate (11F ) of rat Is blood, oil t1lic 71611 - 10th day after transplaa- t--tion of a tumor, the polaro!_Tiphic curve (PC) rose. After removal of tumor, PC Cccrcansed to standare- '~)U the 10-12th. C-ay. The hei_`1 of PLC of ILT of blood of with r.:alir;i=t tumors in 565 cases out of 567 ir= C-.lrd 1/2 SHICVCHUKO, - IvatL-Teodotly~kv-ich,., prof a ssor; KORRIIEVSKIT, L.I., redaktor; --.- GITSBRIM, A.D., takhnichaskiy radaktor [Principles of cancer prevention] Osnovy profilaktiki raka. Izd. 2-oa, dop., ispr. i perer. Kiey, GoB. mad. izd-vo USSR, 1956. 187 P- (CANCICR) (KI2A 10:1) SMI'VOMKO, Ivan Teodoslyevich -- ~; - [New methods for diagnosis in oncology and roentgenology] Novye metody diagnostiki v onkologii i rentganologii. Kiev, Goa. med. izd-vo USSR, 1957o 311 P- (HIRA 11:4) (TUMCRS) (X RAYS) _~AuwtkIA ~_EDIGA Sec 16 'V'01 7/6 Cancer June 59 2-t to. Cancer of the breast and pre-existing diseases (Russian text) Sl IEV_ CHENK0 LT...Vov. K/dr. Irkh. 1957, 3 (3-9) A_-rep7o r-i,711resented regarding the results of treatment of 6.-)13 in-patients and 814 out-palt-crits with malignant tumours of the breast and 216flo patients u-ith benign turnotirs. According to the records the io-year survival ra F: of patients who had cancer of the breast was 67-2"A- Analysis of case histories or q,6oo patients with prctninornin and other licnign (1krases of the breast showe(: that the most danger. oils arc the localizcd fibro-adenomas with cystic changcs (cancer was diagnosed in 7-44",;, of such IN'tticilts). The fibro-micilonim becanic irmlignant in 2",6 orthc Cases. Cancer resulting from hormonal disturbances wis observed in 42.33", of' the pa- tients. Prc-cxisting diseases must be considered when the method of treatment is se- lected. Hormone therapy may be employed in cases of diffuse adenoma. A biopsy is taken in cases of localized and cystic fibro-atlenomas. Fibro-adenomas should be operated OF] in patients over 30 yr. of age and also in cases orstcady growth or where aggravating factors are present (pregnancy, lactz:ion). Intracanallcular pa *11 and choristoma should be operated upon. Patients with mastitis must be stu ied. In all stages of cancer, a combined treatment consisting in the application of X-ray and hormone-therapy together with other methods or treatment is advocated. A SHUCIENKO, I.T., prof. (Kiyev) Total fluorogranhy And its signifiepnce in oncology- i rsd. 32 no.6:0-69 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz Kiyevskogo Instituts, uaoverahenatvovAniya, vrnehpy i Kiyevskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo I onkologicheakogo instituta. (FLUROSCOPY total fluoro-graDhy, importance in oncology. (Rua) (NEOPLASMS, diagnosis, total fluorogrwPhy (Rua) SHEVCHFINKO, I.T., KOREMS11Y, L.I., RUCHKOVSKrY, B.S. Courae of development of oncolog7 in the Ukrainian SSR during the last 40 years (1917-1957)o Vop,Onk*4 no,4:501-504 158 (MIRA 3.1.19) 1. Iz Myevskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo i onkologicheskogo instituta (dir. - prof. I.To Shevchenko). (BEOPLASMS, prev. & control. onoole develop. in Ukralnian SSR (Rua)) STP-VCIMIKO, I.T., prof. (KiYev-11, ul. Panfilovtsev, d. 18) ~w ~4 Compound and pathogenetic therapy in advanced cancer. Nov. khir. arU. 5:3-8 S-0 158. (MM 12:1) 1. Kiyevskiy, rentgano-radiologichookiv onkologicheakiv iustitut i kafedra onkologii Kiyevrokogo, instituta usoyershenstyovaniya vrachey. (C.ANGSR) Sjj~YCHENKO,-I~T,-- Cancer of the tongue and preceding diseases. Xhirurgiia 35 no. 11:86- 93 N '59. (MM 14:1) (TONGUE-CANCER) ~4~GHWKO I To, prof., (Kiyev); GOROIRTSEIT, A.A., prof., red.; 7ARKEVICH, N.F., dotsont, red. (Kiyev); ZNACHKOYStITO N.G., starshiy noucbnyy sotrtidnik, red.-(Kiyev); IVANOT, V.S., akademik. red. (Kiyev); KAVTkTSKIT, R.Ye., akademik, red. (Kiyev); FOKROVSKIT, A.S.. prof.. red.; ABBIMARBVSKIY. L.P., red.; LOXHKATYY, Ye.G., tekhred. [Transactions of the Second Oncological Congress and the Third Congress of Radiologists of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev, June 18-24, 1956] Trady II 9"ezda onkologov i III smezda rentgenologov i ra- diologov USSR, 18-24 iiunia 1956 g.g. Kiev, USSR, 1959. 678 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. S"yezd onkologov, 2nd. Kiyev, 1956. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN USSR (for Gorodetakiy). 3. AN USSR (for Ivanov, Kavetskiy). (CANCER--CONGRESSES) (RADIOLOGY, MEDICAT,-CONGRESSES) SHEVCIMNKO, I.T., prof. (Kiyev, ul. Panfilovtoov, d.18); POKROVSKIT, SO,40# prof.; GANINA, I.P., starahly nauchnyy notruduilc Pi-Imary malignant bone tumors; analysis of one hudred twenty-one cases. Nov.khir.arkh. no.6:56-66 X-D 159. MRA 13:4) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy rentgano-radiologichaskiy i onkologicheskiy institut. (MUS-4ANCER) SIEVCHENKO, I.T., prof. Cancerous tumors of the cervical portion of the esophagus. Zhur. ush.9 nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no. 3:14-18 Ily-Je 160. (KMA 14:4) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologicheskiy i onkologicheskiy institut. (ESOPHAGUS-GANGER) SHEVCHMO, I.T., praf.; KORENLIVSKIYp L.Lp starshiy nauqhnyy sotrudnik Present status of hqi~wfie.therapy of malignant tumors. Vraoh~. delo no.2s22-28 F.161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Kiyevski r ntgono-radiologichesIdy i onkologiohqbkiy institut. Oyirwe,R) (HOMONE THERAPY) -- SHEVCHENKOP I. T.jP prof.,,(Kiyev-15, u1. Panfilovtsev, d. 18) Urgent problems in the chemotherapy of malignant tumors. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:3-10 162. (MBA 15:2) (CANCER) (CHMOTHERAPY) SHEVCIWIKO Ivan Teodosovich, prof.; KORENEVSKIY# L.I., red.; BYKOV, N.M., tekhn. red. (Fundamentals of the prevention of malignant tumors]Osnovy pro- filaktiki zlokachestvennykh opukholei. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR,. 1962. 291 p. (MIRA 16:4) (CANCER-PREVENTION) t SHEVCHENKOP I.T., prof.; BARAN, L.A., kand. mad. nauk Differential diagnosis of glant-cell tumor of the bone. Vrach. delo no.10:92-96 0 t0'3. (KERA 17-2) 1. Kiyevskiy rentgenoradiologicheskiy i onkologicheskiy institut. SHEVCHEAKO I.T. prof. (Kiyev) Seventh International Congress on Diseases of the Thoracic Cavity. Vrach. delo no.12,%137 D 163. . (MMA .17:2) 6 SHEVCHENKO, I.T., (Kiyev) Organizational methods and ways for the prevention of stomach cancer. Vest. AMT SSSR 20 no.12:52-63 165. OMM 19:1) SHUCHENKO, I.V. - -_', , ~ -. Work practices of drilling foreman V.P. Lychkin. Meft.khoz. 34 no.1:75-77 Ja '56. MRA 9:5) (Oil well drilling) GARMASH, N.Z. kan4.tekhn.nauk; SHLYCHMO, I.Ya.2 inzh. 2 ---------------- Creatidn of rock dumpe at-coal preparation plants of the Donets Economic Council. Ugoll. prom. no.6:,q&39 N--D 162. (KRA 16:2) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR. (Donets Province-Coal 'preparation) SHEVCHENKO, I.Ya., inah. Improve the operation of rock handling machinery in coal preparation plants. Bezop. truda v prom. 8 no.llsl2-14 N 164. (MIRA 1W) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. M.M. Fedorova AN UkrSSR.