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SIM-STERIKOVA$ T. P. USSR/Medicine Physiology Card Authors Shesterikova, T. P., and Petrovich, Yu. A. Title : Change in the kidney functions during disturbance of the natural light process Periodical : Dokl. AN SSSR, 96, Ed. 4, 873 - 876, June 1954 Abstract : Experimental data show, that a continuous disturbance of the natural light process affects the functional state of the kidneys and that the larger hemispheres of the brain are affected. Twelve references. Table) graphs. Institution The Scientific-Research Psychoneurological Institute, Odessa, Ukr-SSR Presented by Academician A. I. Abrikoeov, Amil 2, 1954 VISHNEVSKAYA, N.B.; GERASIMOV, N.I.; lAkLIKOVA, A.F.; PETROVICH. Yu.A.; SUSTERIKOVA, T.P. Influence of insulin on glycemic curves in neuroses. Trudy Goa. nauch-issl. psikhonevr. inst. no.20:237,-241 '59. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatollskiy psikhonevrologicheskiy institut, Odessa. (INSULIN) (NEUROSES) SHESTERIKOVA, T.P.; PUGHKOVSKAYA, Ye.L. - Peculiarities of protein and lipoid metabolism in patients with vascular diseases of the brain. Vrach. delo no.9:37-41 8 160. 1 (MIRA 13:9) 1. Odesskiy nauchno-issledovatel skiy psikhonevrologicheskiy institut. (HYPERTENSION) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) (LIPID METABOLISM) SHISTHRINA. M.Y. A rare case of a foreign body in the bronchus. 20 no.9: 87-88 S '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Iz laringologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. A.N.Voznesenskiy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovatelOskogn tuberkuleznogo instituta (dir. S.A.Chesnokov) (BRONCHI, foreign bodies compl.. prev.) SHESTERINA, M.V. Some functional indicntors in tracheobronchoscopY of tuberculous patients. Vest.otoo-rine 20 no.4:105 Jl-Ag'58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz bronkholoricheskogo otdeleniya (rukovoditell - prof, A.F. Voznosennkiy) Nauchno-issledovatellskolo instituta tuberkuleza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (BRONCHOSCOPY) (BLOCD PRESSURE) SHESTFRIIIA, M.V., naiichnyy s--.,tridTiIk Tre!itriont of nritild,ition, ndminfistrntion [with numiirl in French] Prohl.tub. 36 no.P:Y;-Ol ';8 (mm 11-5) 1. Ir bronkho-lnringoloeicheskogo otdelerdya (zav.-prof. A.N. Vomiesenskiy) Gosudnrstvennogo nauchno-issledovRtellskogn instituta tuberkuleza. Ministerstva %drnvool--hraneniyq RSFSR (dir. - nauk V.F. Chernyshev) (TUBDRCULOSIS, FUUMNARY, ther. antibiotics, intratracheo-bronchiAl infusion (Rus)) (ANTI310TICS, admin. intrabronchial intratracheo-intrabronichinl in pulm. & bronchial tuberc. (Rus)) SHESTERIM, M. V., Cand of L4ed Sci - (diss) "Tuberculosis of the Trachea and Bronciiial (Clinic, Diagnosis, and TreatmenT) Tubes," ~Ioscow, 1959, 16 pp, (Moscow Medical-Stomatological Institute) (KL, 2-60, 118) LACHINYAP, S.R.,,; SaSTERINA, M.V., Review of Russian periodical literature on tuberculosis published during 1958 and 10,59. Frobl.tub. 38 no.8:100-107 160. Mm 14:1) 1. Iz-Moskovskogo nauchno-issledavatel'skogo, instituta tuberku- leza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. - V.F. Chernyshev, z-am. dir. po nauchno7 chasti - prof. D.D. Aseyev). (BIBLIOGRAPHY-TLTBERCULOSIS) SBESTERINA, M.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Tracheobronchoscopic examination of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Kaz. mod. zhur. no.5:17-20 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Bronkholoringologicheskoye otdeleniye,(zav. - prof. Aj. VoznesenBkiy) Moskavskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta tuberkuleza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (TUBERCULOSIS) (BRONCHMOPI) (TRACHEA-EXPLORATION) SHESTERINA, M._V.,, kand. med. nauk Tuberculosis of the trachea and bronchi in childre-n. Probl. tub. no.2:3c'-42 '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz bronkholorotdeleniya Nav. - prof. A. N. Vomiesenskiy) Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk V. F. Chernyshev, zam. dir. po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D. D. Asejev) (BRONCHI-TUBERCULOSIS) (TRACHEA-TUBERCULOSIS) SHESTEREA, I.I.V., kand. med. nauk; NFA-ESADZE, 1-1.11. Comparative evaluation of the examination of lavage waters of the bronchi and the stomach for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Probl. tuberk. 41 no-4:31-35 163 (MIRA 17:2) 1. 1z bronkholaringoloLricheskogo otdeleniya ( rukovoditell prof. A.N.Toznesenskiy~ i iz kliniko-diagnostichesnkoy labo - ratorii (rukovoditell - kand. med. nauk T.N.Yashchenko) Mos- kovskogo nauc'no-issledovatel'skogo instituta tuberkulBza (dir. - kand. .,ied. nauk T.P.Mochalova, zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D.D. Aseyev) Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneniya RSFSR. SHESTERINA, M.V., Clinical aspects of put-monary tuberculosis in patients with tuberculosis of the bronchi. Probl. tub. 41 no.11:42-46 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz bronkholaringologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. A.N. Voznesenskiy) Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - kand. med.nauk T.P.Mochalova, zam. dir. po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D.D.Aseyev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya 71SFSR. Vj'~ r' 7 t ACC NR: AP6017639 133/66/000/001/0050/0055SV SOURCE CODE: UR/O AUTHOR: Dobronravov, D. N.; Lyp~T_k~j.R. V.; Stupnikov, E,--G.; Shishkinskiy], V. I.; 11urdin, V. M., V.~ ~ale~TsV, tly V,- G.; Yevdoklmov, A,-S.; Yegorgy, A. G.; Xhusid,__S,__Ye,-,..- ORG: Central Automation Laboratory (Tsentrallnaya laboratorlya avtomatiki); Ts'XIICh;%1; Magai~qg_cjrsk Metal lurgurical Combine _(Magnitogorskly metal lurgi cheskiy kombinat) TITLZ: Experimental operation of an automatic system for controlling strip thickness on the 2500 continuous sheet mill f SOURCE: Stalt, no. 1, 1966, 50-55 TOPIC TAGS: hot rolling, automatic control equipment, ABSTRACT: An automatic control system was developed for regulating the thickness of steel strip, consisting of regulators of the gaps between the work rolls, and of a system stabilizing the tension of the strip between the stands. The automatic con- trol system yielded satisfactory performance data on the 2500 continuous hot-rolling mill, and for the majority of the strip profiles studied, decreased the longitudinall variation in thickness and maintained a more accurate nominal strip thickness than had been possible before. In the presence of the automatic control system, the strips are rolled with deviations of no more than tO.05 mm (vith the exception of cqp4__j/2 UDC: 621.771.23:65.011.56 L ACC NR: AP6017639 short rear portions of the strip, where the positive deviation reaches 0.1-0.15 mm). !a Without the automatic control system, the length of the strip ends thickened by 0.3-0.2 mm reaches 50-100 m. The decrease in the length of thickened portions of the strip and a more accurate control of nominal strip thickness result in a 1.5% average increase in strip length. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 tables. SUB COM 11,13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REFI 002/ OTH REFt 001 0 SHESTERKIN, V.D, Pavements of river gravel-sand sedimentaticna processed with Wtumen. L Av-t.dor. 28 no,6a28 Je 165. (!dRA 18!8' VOLKOV) G.K., assist6nt; SHESTERKIIIA, N.V.; 03LOBLIII, li.Ye.; KASYUK, I.I.$ veter-Inarmyy vrach Air ionimtien increases the sexual activity of bulls. Veterinariia 40 no.9:47-48 S '63. (MA 17:1) 1. Moskovskaya veterinarmaya akademiya (for Volkov). 2. ZaveduyushchWa Stupinskoy stantsiyey iskusstvemogo osemeneniya sallskokhozyaystvennykb- zhivotnykh, Moskovskoy oblasti.(for Shesterkina). 3. Starshiy zootekh- nik-laborant Stupinskoy stantsii iskusstvennogo osemeneniya sellsko- khozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh., Moskovskoy oblasti (for Ogloblin). SKRYARENKO, I.P., inzh.; ERIGMAN, F.Ye.; SHESTMfENKOV, V.I.; KOLESNIK, A.F. Radioluminescent light sources with tritium filling. Svetotekhnika 9 no.8:23-26 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Makeyevskiy institut po bezopaanosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Electric lighting) (Ltiminescence) - P SHESTRMV, G. (Krasnovodsk) Making the 'Crocodile" clamps. Radio no.10:43 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Radio--EqUiDMent and suDi)lies) SHESTAKOV, N.F.; SHESTERNIN, MeFe Detachable ball-shaped hammer for excavators used in crushing hard rocks. Rate. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no-79:19-20 '54. (MLRA 8:4) (Excavating machiner7) 1 . W . T . ; SHESTriil~ iN, ~ . ~ '.. (600) "ProcessLng of Shart F',rnace ISIa.rT at the Yoscow Cop,,er-Smelting and Electrolytic Flant irren! ?.'olotw," Tsvef.. t'et., 14, No. 3, ',-'ar. 1039. 9. IP R f- 1 0 1 - I, Ij - 14 (1 (. 1'. ! I I ~, I . - V-SP &WO"113 0 IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I, 't it 11 14 10 $6 It 4 10 AP if JL-L a 0, F Q a j I vv Jt'__r 80 ohs a 0 ISO A 60 -11 00 Displacinq fin from Wago by famelling It Is Ads, N N. Nfurarb and 1'. S. Shesterni 31rial.I;, No. 0, 40-~i (11140). -.Slag cois1g, Sn was touelled with ZU concentrate. hinevc to thipla" the Sn in the slag and drive off t? 0, ji oxides as lumcs to be condtn~d. By this 12% of Sri in the initial slag was decrta_% 3 AV% in the ricer slag. So matte formed. results a furnam temp. of 14W-50" is nem 'hould be granulated considerably finer. and should be adapted for di%tc. off the furnes. so 1 , E 1 0 "1 1 "I " 1 " it ZIP , , . I 1 . 1 , 1 % , TOIL -00 ;-go sine sul - I'velmyr of arld rrml ti and Sn ocess 10- to Ago* or lit~tt~r the lax e furnace llo~rll : coo 'Coo Igo 0 t:o 0 cloo 'g~ AJE.St,A ttALLURGICAL LIT(RATURI CLA1111'KATION L__ - vq* dill elkic'mt! a,, 11 co a., Ill 00 U AV 10 11 1 v I VI 71' Ani itWo oei or so iI A3 a 3 v T #W ; " P tv to a 14 9 a R 9 K 11 It It KJA n Iza 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 IS W10 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 OST44 goois eig *06 000 go**** Soo a o ias ooe*eo* I I . , U. r . -11 I d rave tion of conditioni bf tofinw 0 atcon Ary *1th the aid of Sjum. P~ S. shoj d at) Vorob(LY, Sborn- qfs NdM-Masm. #I A. t eta . S Zolota 19S41 No. -24, 22"0; R~ Pell I'M, n; TS w f S Y 5 D. ME; zhur.i.. 1954 No. -the system AHIL Mg th; S inic Well during the fa-st " lirs., then P "oliddfatoncinthe first.2-3 hrs. mail enrichintut of Ve altay txcuts on. account tit f1tKotatiatt ( intermetallic comptis, as they settle $roan the upper zone. The time required for the flocculation of intermetallic par- ticits Ifidicates the necessity of settling of alloys before The tenuity eutectic Al-AlAfgVFA, contains- e 0.075% of Ft. Soly. of Ft increases with temp. - Adda of M4 tdues Al alloys also from si, forming-UgA, wh"' i Boats to the surface. . When Fe and 61 pre both present W AI-Mg fusion, pptu. of, Fe and floating of SI Is rnutuik4 7hindered, so that the distribution of Ve and Si in zona d& pends on their relative couca. in thejnitfat alloy. V6qth Increase in temp., soly. of S! in the alloy mar Mn promotes removal of Fe ((FeXn)Ala Is formed); the optimal ratio of Fe-Mu is 1:1 lit the presence of SI 4nd Mu In tfle system AI-Ve-Mg new intermetallic coraptis.,ure not formed. Filtration of such-a system effects adequate se i. of Fe, less complete sepu. of Mn, and least sepp. of Si. Cuplin the alloy imcreases soly- of Fe, and also thj~ soly. -of Si - -athighertemp. It is possible to use filtmdoo for detn. of A!~~cpTpnlo(llquldphases.. VN. ed I YEGOROV, S.M.; D.N.- FTFH7.P.- A.V~~- -71vcF-771k[P~ P.S I., Vacuum dezincing of brass. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:32-36 N-D '55. (MIRA 10:11) (9rass) (zinc) (Metallurgical furnaces) FISHER, A.Ta., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SHESTERNIN, P.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. Continuous-action unit for the vacuum dezincing of lead. TSvet.met. 29 no.3:15-20 Mr 156. (MIRA 9:7) (lead--Metallurgy) SHESTERNIN, P.S., knndidnt tokhnichanklk-h nauk. Treatment of oxidizmd lead tailings and battery scrap in ehaft electric furnaces. TSvat. met. 29 no-8:59-68 Ag '56. KRA 9:10) (Lead-Flectrometallurg5r) (Electric furnaces) SOV/136-59-2-21/24 AUTHOR: Istrin, Ll. TITLE: Conference on Secondary Yon-Ferrous Metals (Soveshchaniye po vtorichnym tsvetnym metallam) PERIODICAL:Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 2, pp, 85-87 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The third conference of the non-ferrous metals economy section of the Permanent Committee on Economic and Scientific and Technical Co-operation in the field of Non-ferrous Metallurgy of the participating nations of the Sovet Ekonomicheskoy Vzaimopomoshchi (Council for Mutual Economic Aid) was held in Moscow on 9th-20rth December 1958. The conference heard and discussed the following reports from representations of the various nations: "Organisation of the Preparation and First Treatment of Non-Ferrous Metal Scrap and Waste" (S.hli.Eydis reported for the USSR); "Production of Secondary Aluminium-Base Alloys" (Engineer A.A.Gaylit for the USSR); "Production of Secondary Copper-Base Alloys" (V.1d.Bazilevsk-iy, Candidate of Technical Sciences for the USSR); P_S.,SI1aBternia_, Candidate of Technical Sciences on Card 1/3 "Results of Trials of an Electric Shaft Furnace for conference on :)econdary !!on-Ferrous Metals SOV/136-59-2-21/24 Reclaiming Melting of Lead Scrap and Waste ". 'The consumption of secondary non-ferrous metals in some of the centres represented is half the total consumption. The author tabulates for the various nations 1958 productions as percentages of those for 1953 and planned 1965 productions as percentages of those for 1958 for copper, lead and zinc. He notes that production possibilities are not everywhere being fully utilised. The conference made recommendations for improving the situation and urged especially better scrap collection, storage and preparation. The importance of dust catching to avoid zinc losses was stressed. The formation of a working group to st44y melting practice for secondary aluminium. alloys was urged; for melting copper-base scrap the conference recommended the induction fulmace. The next conference of the section was planned for February 1959 in Prague; Card 2/3 SOV/136-59-2-21/24 Conference on 3econdary Non-Ferrous Metals an exhibition on non-ferrous metals economy was recommended for that town for June 1959. There is 1 table. Card 313 3 .1 El- 1) T. . T : , "The Use of Vacuum in the Metallumy of -Secondary Non-Ferrous Vietals." recort, presented at the 3cientific Technical Conference of Workers in Secondar7,, ~,Jon-ferrous Metallurvy, Kharlkov, 25-27 Januarv 1961. TSYGANOV, Aleksandr 6piridonovich; kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; FELIEVAN, I.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; VISHARINA, K.D., red.izd-va; MIKHAYLOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Production of secondary nonferrous metals and alloys- manual for training and raising the qualification of workersi Froiz- vodstvor4'44;ichnykh tsvetnykh retallov i splavov; posobie dlia podgotovki i povysheniia kvalifikatsii rabochikh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metal- lurgii, 1961. 301 P. (MIRA 15:1) (Nonferrous metals--Metallurgy) GO!-,ODETSKAYA, Ye.Gi [Horodets'ka, E.H.], prof:,i-,7-S [Shesternina, H.A.]; YAENIOLENKO, A.A. - -- - Exercise therapy in the compound treatment of rheumatism in children. Fed., akush. i gin. 22 no.6;10-12 160. (IURA 14-10) 1. Kafedra pediatrii No.2 (zaveduyushchiy - prof. Ye.G.Gorodetskaya [Horodets'ka, E.H.1) Kiyevskogo ordena Trudavogo Krasnogo Znameni meditsinskogo instituta im. akad.Bogomolltsa (direktor - dotsent NI.N.Umovist). (EXERCISSiTHERAPY) (RhEUMATIG FEVER) SADOV, F.I., df)ktor tekhn.nauk,rzof.; KALININA, K.G., dotsent, kand.tekhn. nauk; SHESTERNINA, G.P., inzh. Effec.t of surface-active substances on the dyeability of acetate fibers withdispersions dyes. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.1%56-65 62. (MIRA 15s2) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut (for Sadov,Kalinina). 2.Novo- Noginskaya tkatskootdelochnaya fabrika (for Shesternina). (D.Yes and dyeinO--Ravon)(Surface-a::tive arents) SADOVI F.I., prof.; KALININA, K.G., dotsent; Prini-mali uchastiye: SHESTERIIINAY P., studentka; KOSTAIMI, L.A., student Role of surface active agents in the dyeing of acetate rayon fabrics with dispersed dyes. Tekst.prom. 21 no .9:51-53 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Mbskovskiy tekstil:nyy institut. (Dyes and dyeing-Rayon) (Surface-active agents) KULEVP L.P.; SHESTEROVA A A - Acyl derivatives of barbiturates, hex:amidine, and dinhen 1- hydantoirl. Zhur. ob. 31 no.4:1378-1381 Ap 161. (07 14:4) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institiA. (Barbituric acid) (Hexamidine) (Hydantoin) SHESTIALTYNOV, F.Ya. Characteristics and distribution of malignat tumors in South Kazakhstan Province. Trudy Inst. klin. i ekSD.khir. AN Kazakh. SSR 8:12-14 162. (MIRA 17:7) SIMTIALTYNOV, S.I., inzhener. Now method of stacking lumber material in a TsNIIMOD-24 dryer. Der. i laBokhim.prom. 3 uo.12:22-23 D 154. (MLRA 8:1) 1. Rechitakiy mebelInyy kombinat. (Lumber-Drying) SHESTIALTYNOV, s.I.; KORENEV, N.I.; GAULIK, Ya.M.; VYATKIN, M.D. ~-' ~' Drying lumber in the chamber-24 produced by the Central Scientific Research Institute for Machine Woodworking. Der.prom. 5 mt.6:18-19 Js '56. OWU 9:9) I.Rechitskiy mebellayy kembinat. (IAimber-Dr,ving) I .: 7' - I I ; , . I I )' r-3nin inder 6 "0-7:19-20 J, 1 10:8) " .: -:t-~-skaya -,:e-ellnaya i-eTA Uritrakos:~, (Gluingr) ( SHESTIALTYNOV,-S.I., inzh. Experimental use of grained paper for facing furniture panels. Der.prom. 10 no,2:20-21 F 161. O-ULA 14:3) 1. Rostovskaya-na-Donu mebelinaya fabrika im. Uritskogoo (Furniture) (Wood finishing) DMITRENKOI P..A.; SHESTIDESYATNAYA.-N..Ye. Effect of liming on soil fertility in I.-anscarpathia. Po*vovedenie no.10:40-46 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zemlede.Uya. (Tranimarpathia-Liming of soils) (Transcarpathia-Soil fertility) 3 3 3 S !I, Fs- F I K-:i -- I I N, 0. F. I -~anf- , c r cic ~er-, i n7ig. vallre ou,,.,,I,, coef'~ic~ens. ,4omo,~ Mash.. i neft.olbor. no.11:40-44 164. WiaA 1.9;1) 1. Lengiprogaz. 4 EEE F. rc i. J ra'; v fl:.3 AC-1 ns -; U L., ..~.'-v i -~ 1. ; II -. i. , ~', . NT ,1 0 . A Woodworking Machinery Electric band polishing machine for wood type 1-106. Mekh. stroi. 9 no. 4, 1952. Ylonthl. List of Russian Accessions, Library of ~'ongrdss, July 1952. blICLASHFI-m. TV- A 0" N. I SUDnKOVTCH ', D.1.7 BERILWSKIY, M.; PETRUNIKIN, L.P., inzhener, laureat St,linskoy- premil, retsenzent; SHNSTINSKIY, N.N., inzhener, redaktor. [Mancal on mechanized hand tools] Spravochnik -Do makhaniziroyannomu ruchnomu inBtrumentu. Leningrad, Goo. nauchno-tekh~. izd-vo mashinostroit. i sudostrott. lit-ry [Leningradskoe otd-niel 1954. 335 P. (MLRA 7:6) (Tools) SERGEYEV, Mikhail Afanaslyevich; $HESTINSKIY, N.N., red.; CBERNOVA, M.S.9 red.; KONTOROVICH, A.I., tekhn. r6d*---- [Manual of a machinist) Spravochnik slesaria. Pod red. N.N.Shestin- skogo. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1961. 415 P. (MIRA 14-10) (Machine-shop practice) SUDAKOVICH, David Isaakovichp inzh.; BERNADSKIYt Georgiy Ivanovich, inzh.; KUZVITSYN, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHRSTINSKIY N.N., inzh., red.j DUDUSOVA, G.Ared. izd-va; SPERAYSTM, O.V., tekhn. red. [Manual on portable power tools] Spravochnik po makhanizirovannomu ruchnomu instrumentu. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ryg 1961. 335 P. (MIRA 14:6) (Power tools) I.. ;k.. Z--1- _ Shestiperov, A. A. -- "Increasing the Effectiveness of Interbreed Hybridi- zation in Swine Husbandry." Min Higher Education USSR, Leningrad Agricultural Inst, Leningrad, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 23, Moscow, Jun 55, pp 87-104 SERSTIPFIROVA, Z. I. Some biological characteristics of the commonwheat rust (Puceinia graminis Pera.) under conditions prevailing in the northwestern zone. Bot. zhur. 45 no-5:735-737 My 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Leningradskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, g. Pushkin. (Russia, Northwestern--Wheat rusts) - SHESTIPEROVA, Z. I. Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Biological foundation of agrotechrical measures in the battle against stem rust of grain crops under conditions of the North-W6stern zone." Leningrad, 1961. 20 pp; (All-Union Order of Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. 1. Lenin, All-UnIon .8clenti Flc Research Inst of Plant Protec- Lion); 200 copies; price not given; (Kl,, 5-61 sup, 10.8) SHESTITSY Z. [Sesti6, Z.] (Zagreb, Yugoslaviya) Renal pathology in preCnan,-y. Urologiia no.5:(.O.-61 161. (MIRA 14:11) (KIDUEY-DISEASES) (PRErYPJ'CY, MIPLICATIOE'S OF) SHESTO'~-IOZKO, M.A. Detecting Mycoplasma antigens by the u-~e of fluorescent antibodies. VetprIna-riia 42 no.8:110-111 Ag t65. (MIRA 18:11) 1. RespublikzLnskaya nauchno-proizvodstvennaya ldboratoriya po borlbe s boleznyar-i molodnyaka sel'skokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyaystva RS-FSR. ACC NR- AP5023738 SOURCE CODE: UR/0346/65/000/008/0110/0111 AUTHOR: Shestocbenkox M. A. ORG: Republic Scientific Production Labora~~oy Lor the Conti~ql of Yoj~~g Farm Animal Di~~" f i7~ct~lture RSFSR -~gespublikaii6li~y-a----n--'a-ucbno-proi-.vodstvenna-ya labor'storiya. po bor'bea boleznyami molodnyaka. sel'skokhozyay stvennykb zbivotnykb Ministerstvo sel'skogo khozyaystva RSFSR) TITLE: Identification of a mycoplasmic aT.LiEen by means of fluorescent antibodies l SOURCE: Veterinarlys., no. 8. 1965t 110-111 TOPIC TAGS: experiment animal, antigen, antibody, chernical labelling, fluorescence, blood serum ABSTRACTr The specificity of labelled mycoplasmic serum was tested by 9 fluorescent antibody technique in smears taken from mucous membranes of sick and bealtby birds, Immune sera were produced by Immunizing rabbits with a Canadian mycoplasmic sntiEen (K) or a Ukrainian PPLO- antigen (-P), Following precipitation the sera were labelled with fluorescin. In control experiments heterological antigens were stained Card 112 UDC: 619:616.981,2-097.2:6 L 23161-66 ACC NR: AP5023738 with labelled sera K and P, An ML-1 ultraviolet microscope was used to examine smears stained with the labelled sera. Smears prepared from mycoplasma cultures stained with labelled sera K or P were marked by the bright green-yellow fluorescence of large groups of mycoplasms. In control experimenti) mycoplasmg stained with beterological labelled sera displayed no specific fluorescence, In tests with labelled serum stain- ing of smears taken fpom the eborioallantoic membrane of chick embryos infected with virusesyof pox-dipbtheris and Now Castle disease, no specific fluorescence was observed. Fluorescent reactions of labelled sera K and P were specific in mucus smears taken from the throat and conjunctiva of sick birds, Most of the mycoplasmic antigens were identified in the throat mucus rather than in the conjunctiva mucus smears* Orig, art* bas.- 1 table, SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM.DATE.r none. _~j WTUGHLIMOP 1-1,,A. Studies of methods for the diagnosis of Q fever in poultry. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immin. 31 no.9:25-30 S 160. (14IRA 13111) 1. Iz Vsesoyuznogo instituta eksperimentallnoy veterinarli. (Q FEVER) (POULTRY DISEASES AND PESTS) SF1E5TO-CHF4KO,-14.-.-A., Gand. Veter. Sci. (diss) "Investigations of e- Ku-fever of Domestic Fowl," Moscow, 10,61, 13 Dp. (',-Toscow Tech. Inst. 14eat and Dairy Industries) 180 copies (KL 6upp 12-61, 261). SFRBlN9 V.I.; BERFSNWICH, r-.V., Experience in -.,as*le stacking in the zrnc-s o' ca-vnig idnes, Glor. -zhur. no.1.0.-41-45 0 165. 1. Institut Krivbassproyekt (for Serbin Beresnevich,, Andry-uEhchE-,ko) 2. Tjentrallnyy gornoobogatitellnyy kombir-A (for 3azonwi, hea~,Fktw~ 5783 C AUTHORS: Berezovskiy.A.A., and Shestopal,A.FAKI~e05- 41-11-4-9/15 TITL---~'; Integro-Differential Equations for the Loral Stability of Fla" Shells PERIODICAL: Ukrainskly mafer,,atche,3k,,-,j -zhurna) 199~-Vo-' ",lir 4;PP 434-438 USSR) ABSTIL4 A,-,, r examiriefion of stability of flat 'C' ordirig to Ref ~2 ~he thin sheI13 lealis a --:~rta2n syqtem of' differential! equations. Starting from fh-2z; auth-,jr3 rons) I der two states of equilibrium (an und-.-Tur'--d and a disTurbed stat-e) and formulate a theorem oa the dualit-v -~f the 7vork Wi'h respect to The listurbances (.couipare ~ - Ref 22) , The theorem --s used in -order to describe the loca.- sijbillty by a system of -Lntr--gr,.)- dLfferential equation3.. Ar approximate equation for the loccal -awn' a i t 2-bi ry of the beri, ri b t a ii ed . An e. x,. ven. There are 4 SO'Ttet SIT B 1. 11 'T T- E DNogember 25, 19578 Card 1i bid 514 5/04lj6o/012/001/001/007 16, 73b o C111/C222 AUTHORt Shestopal, A.F. TITLE: Application of the Operator Method to Some Problems of the Statics of Cylindrical Shells PERIODICAL% Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol.12, No. 1, PP- 55 - 71 TEXT: The author considers the equilibrium of thin cylindrical shells under the influence of single loads. If the problem is treated with the aid of the generalization of the method proposed by B.G. Galerkin for plates then a system of 24 equations must be solved. By application of the operator method the same proilem can be reduced to the solution of four algebraic equations. At first, the single load P acting in the point is represented by a (divergent) series 2P 00 (1-4) q (X tY) - 0', (Y Z sin oC sin oC, X ~ -L a k=1 k~ k 1~'L where 04 and (y- j) is the unit impulse function. Then the k a Card 1/5 83294 S/04 60/012/001/001/007 C 11 1YC222 ipplication of the Operator Method to Some Problems of the Statics of Cylindrical Shells author considers a cylindrical shell being rectangular in plan form the boundaries of which x = 0 and x = a are pin-jointed and the boundaries y = 0 and y = b are supported arbitrarily. The tension F(Xqy) and the bending w(X,Y) satisfy 2 25' 2w (2.1) v 7 R x 2 2 2w =h ~2p + q (x,y) DV v R ~x 2 ~ -1 The boundary conditions for x - 09 x = a are satisfied if OD W(X,Y) =Z wk( y)sin '&kx k=1 (2.2) F(x,y) - 11 Fk( y)sin a-kx Card 2/5 oueY4 S/041J60/012/001/001/007 C1111C?22 Application of,the Operator Method to Some Problems of the Statics of Cylindrical Shells where Considering (1,4),then, for the determination of 7 Olk - a k(y)' wk(y)' one obtains two ordinary differential equations each,(for every k) to which the transformation of Laplace-Careon is applied. The appearing algebraic image equations can be solved, whereafter, according to the usual formulas, the reverse transformation is carried out. That yields explicit expressions for w k(y)' Fk(y)` According to the same scheme the author calculates a shell pin-jointed at all four boundaries. That leads to four algebraic equationsv Then the author constructs the Green's tensor for a closed cylindrical shell. The equilibrium equations with respect to shifts lead to 38 + 4 'a8 + 6 a8 + _.92) a-2 4 + 4 8 + 8 6 2 40 4 (3-7) D 6 1~4 If 6 4 R2 3 + 8 2 + 4 + Z- + 2 + 23 q Lf o(XI Card 3/5 9x ?f 4 2X2aq2 ~ya a 9 " ~. 1 - 88294 S/04X60/012/001/001/007 C111 C222 Application of the Operator Method to Some Problems of the Statics of Cylindrical Shells (cfi~ (Ref.- 7)) where the shifts u~v,w of the-middle surfaal can be 2 expressed by The load is decomposed into components q~%po 0 q~,fof q3 where 1 0 r;-: , - : j Pi 00 (3-9) q~ T, (x cos k( Lpo) + o- Z R 2 17 If 2 Seeking (x, in the form 00 (3-10) (Xf z 4k(x)cos k (if -Lf,) k-o then for Ok one obtains the equations Card 4/5 5/01,1/60/012/001/001/007 C11110222 Application of the Operator Method to Some Problems of the Statics of Cylindr4ial Shells d k 1) d6 k 2 -2 d4~k 2 2_ d' ~k _ 4 k' + (1- )a 4k (k 1) + dx a dx6 dx4 dx2 (3-11) + k 4(k 2 _1)2 or, (X - ~) P3 k 2 a The transformation of Laplace-Carson is applied to these equations. After the determination of ~k the Green's tensor is theoretically found. The formulas for the calculation of the shifts of the middle surface as well as the characteristic equation, howeVer, are so complicated that the author holds out a prospect of other formulas being more suitable for the calculation in his next paper. There are 3 figures and 8 Soviet references. LAbstracter's note t (Ref- 7) concerns A.L. Golldenveyzer, Theory of Elastic Thin Shells] SUBMITTEDt March 3, 1959 Card 5/5 C~ f~ n J~-,-~ -_7 C 0 U.-, ~D f lnf~ cr, o 5 KL 3upp 22767 5/041/61/013/001/006/008 B1 12/13202 AUTHOR. Shestopal, A. F. TITLE. Application of the reflection method to certain biharmonic problems PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v. 13, no. 1, 1961, 80-90 TEXT: The author deals with problems of the bending of rectangular rods by concentrical forces P. These problems are solved by the integration of biharmonic differential equations with boundary conditions of the following three types: ball bearing end, fixed end, and free end. The author bases his studies on the solution (-P/16%)R 2 1n R2 of the biharmon4\ equation. In the first case (ball bearing end) the author obtains an P x-f R (z) n influence function of the form: z ln '~7 7Z dz with R-(X-5)=cV(X-') Tn f 00 + - Cos E y R+(x ch -1(x cos -1(y + This expression b( b b Card 1/2 2'2767 5/041/61/013/001/006/008 Application of the ... B112/B202 can be replaced by the Magnus expansion: b P 'I x~ e- ~n )~ _x). in sin with nn/b. In the 3' 5~ _13- [1 + ~ n Pn1 h Y Pn 2n n=1 n second case (fixed end) the author obtains the following influence fun ~_X R (z) R (X+f) Similar expressions z 1n dz + 2x P ction- __ Y~ -R7+ T 1n + 4T1 [~ +X f i ~x+ occur in a series of further problems, especially expressions of the forms k- co k R_ (':-f k) (-1) ln which, by means of the theta function: k-00 .. A 00 2n In)(, 2n 2~1 (u,q) = 2 qq' sin u 7 (1 - 2q cos 2u + q - q are transformed n=1 (Z+3 Z+ __ 9q z+ , q) 1 \Tb ~_'l (T2bl into expressions of the form: Re ln 13 _Z_-E Z+3 (z - x + iy, 1(z , q) 1A (z jq 2b + i~). There are 11 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMTED: November 29, 196o Card 2 2 S/041J63/015/001/009/009 3187/BI02 AUTHOR: Shoutopal, A- F. LKjYeV)_ TITLE: Equilibrium of closed cylindrical shells under the action of concentric forces PERIODICAL: UXrainskiy matomaticheskiy zhurnal, v. 15, no. 1, 1963, 106-114 TaT: The author studied the use of operational calculus for solving some static problems of thin-walled, closed cylindrical plates hinged on the front sides under the action of concentric forces (UMZh, v, 12, no.,11,1 1960). The solutions obtained there are much simplifiad in the presen paper and are extended to other boundary conditions, namely to various combinations of hinged, tightly clamped and free front sides of the pl'ate~. The results expressed by formulas for the different boundary conditions are compiled at the end of the paper. To simplify the results the stress-deformation state is divided intotwo components. the basic state of stress and the boundary effect. This is possible because the roots A2 of the characteristic equation can be classified,according to their Card-.1/4 3/041/63/015/001/009/009 Equilibrium of closed cylindrical ... B187/B102 amounts, into "small"(basic state of stress) and "great" (boundary effect) roots. They can be obtained from very simple equations, the 11small" ~V)2 from as + F-- 6), (601 0 (3.2) and the "-reat" from 3 4 7.4+(I-v2)a-2_0 ,.,,11creL is Poisson's ratio, and 1 h h being the thickness of the ~!:F2 R 1 plate and R the cylinder radius. The original equation is much simplified by suppreosing the terms of small order of magnitude, which can be r estimated. The results for a hinged c.-,linder are given as an example: F'or tne displacements u, v, and w: r d h,cuilibrium of closed cylindrical ... S/041/63/015/001/009/009 B187/BI02 -~I,basic 3kboundary 3 boundary .3jbasic v = (2+v) 3 2 - 2~y 3 x Oxd (1) x D "A~boundary 14?1 basic W + (3-7) 4 jx4 where - boundary W sh As (t - 1) Sh Xsx sh As Q1) sh Xx (X) 21/(1 - -Or sh-X,F sh 4r (3-3) and basic hl x (x'&j) sh ;L, a - T) S (3-3) 2YF--vz Z;F-(,)2 ;L, sh Xj sh;'(~-T)Sh4x x andj are the dimensionless cylindrical coordinates of the central plane of the plate, is the application coordinate of the oonomtric.*fOrces.. Card 3/4 S/041/63/015/001/009/009 Equilibrium of closed cylindrical 3187/B102 boundary and the length'of the cylinder. ~s independent of 1.0. 'SUBMITTED: May' lo, 1961 , !;. I. i,',-,ng,;i-cr;, i-. j ; -'I il-"'Cli ', I , I.P. Contr il ut-* on t..j tn~-, probl' ein of &~F~ It-icl;is cf the Green Functioi,s. FL. 1. Rev iiath Pot-.-m 9 no.9:F63-P.?5 164. 1. I;cjlytqchr-,i,- in.jtiuite, Uaoi ~?*cr- 2. Acade:-,7, of Sciences of the P.R.S.P., K--'-ev (for ShestoDal). ACCESSION NRi AP4042090 R,/0006/64/015/ODZ/0289/0296 AUTHORt Mangeron, D., Sestopalp A. F. (She3topalt A.F.) TITLE: The problem of the spootra of triangular -!&tso .SOURCEs Studii si corcetari do meoanioa aplicata, Y. 15. no. 2. 1964. 289-296 TOPIC TAGS: Green funotion, triangular plate, vibrating system, oharactoristio oBoillations ABSTRAM Starting from reaults published earlier, the authors develop the Groan functions corresponding to linear operators with partial derivatives in series of fundamental solutions, determining the oharaoteristio values (opeotrus) and cha- raoteristic funotions of plates in the shape of equilateral triangles or of tri- angles resulting by the division of an equilateral triangle into two equal parts* The mathomatioal derivation is shown to oonsist essentially of analyzing a known differential system as defined by V'V'W - X% 0, and Card 1/3 i !ACCESSION NRs AP4042090 d2w W 0, 0, dot' (2) !Using the differ*ntial operator Va V2 - Is (3) :it is shown that the Green function has the formi 8 1 + Cos 01 - k) + (.C,, -rd G, n) + as WnO k10 962 30 + Applying theme results to plates obtained by dividing equilateral triangles into loqual halves leads to characteristic values 'ACOSSSION MRs AP4042090 4 its wl 4 kI it' 4- 942 .and charactoristic solutions (23) + cos (a - k) W1 M. (XI, xe) - (a - x,,,%)] i.Lnd [I + coo (a - k) c) (XI, XI) - V*- (it X1, XI)l (24) iASSOCIATIOMs none SUBMITTEDs' O5Nov63 RNCLs 00 SUB GODEz Kkp OF 10 RR SOTs 005 OTMI 011 Card 3/3. %LA NlGl,'il; I" N' 3 j.., at'l)f-. 7.U4 L CarC Mt Crep '7 -7 "J 2. :~,ademy of tq of -.-. SHESTOPALI. A.N. Simpler and more accurate. Nauka i pered.op. v sellkhoz. 7 no 2:6 If '57. (KLRA i0:3? 1. Glavnyy- agronom Nemirinetskoy Hashinno-traktornoy stantsii, Khmel'nitskoy obla5ti. (Collective farms--Accounts~ L 31904-66 EWT(1) JM ACC NR: AP66107ZZ SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/66/0091001/QO-5210058 AUTHOR: Sovetov, N. M.; Shestoperov, A. N. 7J ORG: none TITLE: Linear theory of the relativistic TW tube SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 52-58 TOPIC TAGS: ABSTRACT: It is claimed that one of the D. Rowe fundamental TW-tube nonlinear, equations contains "a number of inaccuracies. " This equation is claimed to be more accurate: v,2, -L' +2wCd -L]V(z,tj=l(v,, +O)Cd It differs from 013 00 at the Rowe equation In these respects: (1) No facl-r 2 in the second term of the right-hand member; (2) The attenuation parameter d is not equal to the Pierce Card 112 UDC: 621.385.632 SHESTOPAL, A. 0. Shestopal, A. 0. and Shestakov, V. M. - *Leaks and the appearance of washouts in bydro- technical equipmeW, Sbornik trudov Studench. nauch.-tekhn. o-va (Mosk. inzh.-stroit. in-t im. Kuybysheva), Moscow, 1949, p. 41-48. SO; U-411, 17 JulY 53, (Letopis lZhurnal tnykh Statey, No. 20, 19,49). 1. 11,,3TOPAL, A.IJ. 2. USSR (6C0) 4. Concrete Construction 7. Observing the settling of earth and concrete structures, Eng. Gidr.stroi. 2 no. 2, 1953. 9. II-Ionthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~.PRIL 1953, Uncl. MEDVEDRV, S.R., inzhener; SHESTOPAL. A.0-, Inzhener. . -ri Constriteting a cellular grooved pile enclosure with the use of a vibration pile driver. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.11:1-6 11-D 153. (MLRA 6:11) (File driving) MEDVEDYN,S.R., inzhener; SHESTOPAL.A.O., inzhener "~;7ai %, . Automatic deep water nage in the Stalingrad Hydroelectr4c Power Station project. Mekh.trud.rab. 9 lio-5:30-34 My 155. (MURA 8:7) (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station --Hydraulic machinery) SUSTOPAL, Alaksandr Osipovich, inzh.; YUKSON, M.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SHESTAKOV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, rr;tsenzent; NNGKLI, F.F., inzh., retsenzent; PETROV, G.D., inzh.. nauchnyy red.; ORLOV, A.G., inzh., nauchnyy red.; MARIYANSKIY. L.M.. inzh., red.; AKULOV, D.A., (Using hydraulic methods in submerging pipes, piles, and pile planks] Gidravlichaskoe pograzhanie trub, avai i shpunta. Moskva. Gidroproekt, 1959. 67 P. (MIRA 13:6) (Pipelines) (Piling (Civil engineering)) M 10(4) 0011/98-59-9-1~/20, AUTHOR: Shestopal, A.O., Engineer TITLE: Research into Towering Tubes and 'Piles by the Wash- out P,Iethod PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 9, pp 42-43 (U'SR) ABSTRACT: The author gives results of laboratory experiments and field tests on lowering tubes by the washout me- thod. The field tests have been carried out by dril- ling more than 400 ground-water lowering wells at the foundation pit of the Stalingrad GES. The tests en- abled preparin of an empiric formula and 2 appropri- ate nomograms Mg 3) which show the ratio between the quantities of water consumed in the washing out process, the diameter of the tube placed, average diameter of ground particles, penetration of tube, coefficient of ground permeability and level of ground water. The tests indicated that the most washed part Card 112 of the sinking funnel is located at the deenest point s ~ 2/2 0 Research into Lowering Tubes and Piles by the "ashout 1"'ethod of the lowered tube. The relation between the undis- turbed and washedout, changed density of ground could not be obtained by penetration tests; the density in generally was decreased by the washout process, but in some wells it was also increased. There are 2 diagrams and 2 sets of graphs. Card 212 SHESIPOPAL, A. 0. Cand Tech Sci - (cliss) "Expximen~al research on hydraulic sinking of pipes and piles in sandy soils," MOSCOW, 1960, 14 pp, 160 cop. (MOSCOW Engineering Construction Institute im B.B. Kuybyshev) (KL, 42-60, 115) LYAP,I;-()V, A.A. Woscow); ShTSTOPAL, G.A. (Moscow) ~, ~ Zlementary ini~r-m~ation on the solution o--r i)roblews by electronic calculating machines. Mat. pros. no.'-,:~'-7-774 1 r7. (VIR.1 11 : 1) I I . k - (Electronic calculating machines) SHESTOPAL, G.A. Ltranslatorl Motivation for working in numerical analysis. Translated from the English by G.A. Shestopal. Mat. pros. no.1:75-86 '57. (MIRA 11:71' (Mathematical analysis) (Todd, J.) LYA?UiIrOY, A.A. (Mos,.-ow); SHESTOPAL, G.A. (Ifoerow) ~ , Algorithmic Aescriotion of control orocesses. Hat." 157- (MIRA 11:7) (Cybf~rnetics) AI StC,STU"FAL, G.: LIA~~UNOV, A. "First principles of solving problems on electronic comnuters" Fiziko-Matema-tichesko Spisanie. Sofiia, Bulgaria. Vol. 1, no. 3/4, 1958 Monthly list of' East European Accessions (EEAI), LO, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas KiAWOSH, P.R. [Halmos, P.R.] (SShA); VARPAIMOVSKIY, F.L. [translator]; SHESTOPAL, G.A. [translator] Nicolas Bourbaki. Mat. pros. no.5:229-239 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Prance-Mathematics) KAGAN, Veniamin Fedoravich [1869-19531; SHESTOPAL, G.A.Ltranslatorl; BROR- SHTFYv'I.V. [trarslator); LOPSHITS,A.M., r-ed-.--,--1USHEVSKIY, P.K., red.; LAPKO, A.F., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.P., tekhn. red. [Subprojective spaces] Subproektivnye prostranstva. Mosk7a, Cos. izd- vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1961. 218 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Projection) (Spaces, Generalized) AUTHORs Shestopal,.G. A. 28662 S/02 61/140/002/007/023 C1 1 1YC444 TITLE; On the number of the simple bases of Boole's functions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 2, 1961, 314-317 TEXT: A base is called simple, if none of the functions contained in it can be replaced with aid of identification of any of its variab- les by one or more functions of a smaller number of variables such that the system of functions obtained that way remains complete. Considered is the question concerning the number of all simple bases. First of all it is shown (theorem 1) that a simple base can only con- sist of simple functions; a simple function is understood to be a ft=- tion possessing at least one of the properties mentioned in the theorem of Post (on the necessary and sufficient conditions for the complete- ness of a system of functions), yet losing this property under arbi- trary identification of its variables. Then it is shown that the number of simple functions is finite, this being the fact out of which it follows the basic theorem: There exists a finite number of Card 1/:~ ~8662 3/020/61/140/002/007/023 On the number Qf:the simple bases C111/C444 simple bases. By combination of the simple functions one obtains the following complete table of' the 48 simple basest SiMDle bases I. Bases, consisting of one function Y1 3Z2 x 2 Hu Bases, consisting of two fuzictions 3~- 1.) a) x 1 5r2 b) x 1x2 + x1 x3-1: x2x3+ x 1; C) x 1x2 + x1 x3+ x 2x3 + x1 + x 2 + x3 2.) a) -1; b) 1. Card 2/-7 28662 S102 61/140/002/007/023 Y On the number of the simple bases . . . C111 C444 4f-, 1.) a) x v T ; I 2 b) x 1x2+ x 1x3 + x 2x3 + x 1 + 1; C) x 1x2+ X 1x3 + x 2x3 + x 1 + x 2 + x3 + 1. 2.) a) 7; b) 0. 45, J-L a) x x x + x + x x + 1; l 2 1 2 3 3 b) x 1X2 + X1x3 + x 2x3 + x 1 + X 2 + 1; 2.) a) 0; b) 1; 0) XIX 2; d) x1 \/ x2- 1.) a) X x ; 1 2 b ) x 1V X2; Card 3/~L 2.) x 28662 S/02 61/140/002/007/023 On the number of the simple bases ... C111YC444 III. Bases, consisting of thn~e functions a) x 1x2x3 + x 1x2 +x 1x3+ x 2x3+ x 1; b) x Ix2x3 + x 1x2 +x 1x3+ x 1+ x21 C) x 1x2x3 + x 1x2 +x 1x3+ x 2x31 d) x 1x2x3 + x 1x2 +x 1+ x2 + x3; e) x 1x2x3 + x 1x2 +x 1; f) x 1x2x3 + x 1+ x2; g) xix2 + x 1x3+ x1 + x2+ X3; h) x 1x2 + x 1x3+ x1; i) x 1x2 + x 2 +x3 ; j) x 1x2 + x 1x3+ x 2 2.) 0; Card OF