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Lt I T L PER TEXT: ~z n t i, -3 iilec 1 t e m7o e ra t -L I.d v c r jt I ,i r: i eS are rediA-:t3i -- n a f n 1 -,n t i. -ed i n E., r i~92 f Ike Pr; - i ri wu~ 1. S T 1 .3 24923 S/181'/61/003/0061020/031 '-I,%~-~.: ,F,errimagnetic materials with.,. B102/3201 -E. een ahorn by studies of 'fhe temperature dependence of that the go, U maximum value of go rises with the content of diamagnetic ions. The 'authors believe that anisotxopy and magnetoctriction drop in consequence bf adiminution of the,content~ of maenetically active ions. The value of ~ -the domain ?4, Wo,is determined by shifts of, boundaries. K. P. Belov and L. A. Pomenko are mentioned. There are 1 figure, I table, and 6 refer- ences : 5 Soviet-bloo and 1 noh-Sovict-bloo. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: S. Geller. J. Appl. Phys. ~_i 305,- 1960 ASSOCIATION:. *Institut polu~*rovo'dnikov All SSSR Lening~ad (Institute 'of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED:' January 17,*1961 Legend to the Table:' 1, content of second component in molelit; 2, la L st -,,..--,..:. .thermal treatment; 3, density in g/cm3; 4, m4ximum temperature; 5, holding A ime, in hours; 6, apparent density; 7, densitly in of theoretical values; 4 8, po for't -200C and f 10 GPB. - Card 3/5- 24923 FerrimAgnetic materials co CO RA"-A G @to or Kau k RCM Abl- 0 1450 2 10 1.150 2 30 1450 2 40 1450 2 50 4 u 10 1350 6 0 20 1350. 6 so 1350 6 0 4 1300 2.5 50 -1300 2.5 60 1280 3 70 1280 3 10 1350 2 20 p5o 2 It. 30 iko 2 40 2~, Card 4/5 Sol- ~Sb u s/lai/61/003/006/020/031 B102/B201 rID IIAOT.OCI. r1t., 5.00 4.70 4.81 4.83 4.82 4.46 4.43 4.67 4.30 4.80 4-33 4.78 4.70 4.98 4.98 '4.80 4.78 A % 01 T 97 .92 94 95 95 92 98 99 97. 97 10- ry 144 230 556 V3 694 153 188 256 326 206 C., 17 8 176 210 243 ,-248 3 S/181/61/003/006/020/031 Forrimagnetic materials with ... B102/B201 5 1450 1.25 4.90 222 10 1450 1.25 5.00 250 0 10 1320 1 94 49 4.82 20 1320 4.82 96 17 30 1320 90 2 4 u 5 20 1460 4.60 60' 40 1480 4.52 33 Card 515 (j (Jcl (:~ 0 1 1 "', U 04 1B7:.)I-I Iurevich, A. G. ~,afanr'yevski,,,, A P , 7o' r.v' v v V E and Sher, ;.:ffe,t of induced anisotropy upon ferromagne~:ic resonan--e T `1T Aka,-3emjy;-i rauk SSSR izvestiya Seriya fizicreskaya- v 2:- no 11, 1,)61, 1~61 - 1 '~6-7 The authors studied the effect of electron-induced anisotror.,j 0: 1-""7 ry t -I I 1 1 ne "; t tr i Um garnets upon f e rromagne t i c r esonance f rom 4 2-;COOK, `P'ne measuring tec+nique used in the tpmperature riin,.-e of 77 - 3GOOK had been Ae:--ri~,ed in a previous Paper (A G Gurevich et al , Fizika tverdo~-o 19 (1961) A Jnto li:'-.-iid , square resonator was dlT)red - hel--1-m -~:ith 'he srecimen between A 2 and 770K With ; 2-cn waves the res-:)nin~-.e rjeld Hres ard the width 2LH of the resonance curve xerede.7-rm-%ed from ~:;% -Ie-endence of the reflection factor IN on the magnetic fie-Id. as re?orde,d b.-.- an-31M-09(EPP-09) voltmeter. An example is illustrated in Fig suecimens annealed at hi.-h temperatures srowed a ranid in- n i - tc - crea=e -1 ZL4 with. decre~zing -emrerature For an iniT~.P-L ox,de Ccird !,.,4'-, z anisotro-,-.- of .-duced 2 with a nurir-v of -~9 91?5~,, the said rise cannot, be a~ltriltu-,e'd T-C i -S. ') u r 1 t -? SPresent results show that the indu:~ed anisol-ropy of line :.-tzr-.,;m g;arner Ls due to Fe2- ions To clarif.- the establish~-Izn-' 3i nil "C-4 ~,me , the auzinors deterr-.-~-.,-d T~.e -i-me ierendenc,~ of i xerp rotated tixou,~h c',00 wirl', -,I) se.-- I i500K A,, lower t emre ra t tires during ro-,,,-.-.lon. and then returned to its ori-~iral- value (Fi,~ 4 'I'Tr, Pnd ami-111-tude of the jump were found to depend on zne constant field H 0 it is beiieved that induced anisozropy is not yet fully establ--shed Immedi-, ti, curve at a given it'ter rotation through '?00 and that the resonance by H, toward -strorg-er fields rel,--lve ~t., the ~~erste,!s is cu:a'-n~d at and H- re-S U1 %a P 7 e m e -.0n~-z-antS sma'--'----. than t~e zime o: lh,~se rro-esses ~i r e n e I d r e r) o n s b 'I e f o r t P, e ,P. r a r T, o f r, h e i n a u:- ed ,nisot-orv ~'ield A s i s s'hown. - 21inernosi rion o,~ several r-r o c e S 2- ;-- s -K i i l ~ 7"'erenz i m e c -,-~ ns t a r. --nd ~iotivarion enerEies :` The order of 0 Or, ev lard 21A.-, S/048/61/C)25/011/011/031 ~~'.ff-ct of i ndu(~el ani ~~otror..y. B104/'B102 t I I j:-, f i v , t, in enHrgy is consideraltly lower than that of elec- tr-1- 7 475 -v) accompanying the shift of domain boundaries. ~Ii`rqr :;kiI;sUntia1ly from those which deterfrine the induced -i r i.-- fl,e:- -~Iortron cloud of the Fe 2+ ion is evidently deformed in the n t. r o N.i.- ;c~rorm;~tion requires much less activation enerFy than t*nn, elootron rroc,o:i~!i '; n.Qnti(7)ned before. G. A. Smolenskiy and Ya. M. Ksendav ;Ire for 1". 11. Parfenova carried out chemical analyses. T~lcmre nr~ 11" re'ererces: 5 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The three most recent rofere-!- to r,:-Iish-l:irq-u-tge publications read as follows: Epstein D. J. j PLirt R. F., J. ADD1. Phys., 32, no. 3, 217 S. (1961); ::!,ite I_ Tliys. Rev. Lett., 2, no. 11, '165 (1959); Dillon, J. F., Bull. 6, ro. 2, 16b-(1961). 1. IfIl -is -_t furrtion of the magnetic field. Legend: I F'j is IFJ far C-C frim. 'erromriFnetic resonance. 0 :after rotation of the snecimen Fii~. A. TiTe der~-,nden(-e of through 90 7 ~.C,O (;1 -2,7 j/ Vy u&', 7 A77T'--"'2iS Sm, e n s k Char,:- and S- Y S I ~~ L ',~'cecuency and te::i-)eratuz-~L de pendences t s Z-,~ TCDrr':.L- ad SSSR, Izvestiya. S;,r",a 4, 16 1~ C_ C,.7 "EXT 1 -. efre,~iency and temperature depende-r-c. r-F t-e -,i~s ani, fe-rites with Zarript .-.ycrystaliline spec;mens and sine', te a res, sti vi~-, c-P o',m- - 7-. a - a a, ry s - a - , - - I - I - - - j -=;.n+,ered a*~ 1450", dlls-,~!-P-Yed a relaxatlon of the dis:-ersion c f a ):n ris-n- tempera-lure , n e m a x -m u: n -~ f Ln 'he s7ate 2f reimiane-~~ .:~wa:,d ~~n s i d -.%,e-r han the state of zc-r,) -,r--.,-net rum p oll y c r s ~ a I I e resis-,4v, ferrl-tes 'CJIC --ar- f - r~::: tn - s r i-~i i e - e s ,v -a vi t 2 r ~: du z, i n -Ar __-n 30C, 7 7 S I("; :ii,-i e n (7 a e 7- r e a T , 1. , 1 7 0 - f C 1 1 U ~ a s a re a rd I e n i e dD -a i r d a r y re r a 7-:s mp;- ra re ' ~- S 2 f- e a T.,, e n s x a -adw t a a : tr a ~?r n o n c) v.- as ,. r :7 a _ -'i 7- C, n -,7 d S -110077 S/1048 61/025/011/C,23/031 Frequency ard temperature V~z B117,3102 in case C.If 7- ferrite cr if rare-earth ferrites does not larrer icnc nre -ntrodluced int,-) the cctah~-dral sublattirp. 0 , 'a". 0 v 1 .2 tre f~ rn - to (1 ccntent (2~ firs' ccmponent; W seccnd L L m f a nne ull il nL: .7, a x im u, ~temperature, CC; (6) holding 17' ~niti~,l lovr-frequency permeability at 20~C. ,.x Ca-l' S/O-/ 62/043/003/025/063 3102,3104 AU MOR S: Smolenskiy, G. A., Yudin, V. M. Stolypin, Yu. Ye. !Tl"LE': Antiferromaiz-j-netic properties of.some perovskites .R7CDICA1-: Zhurnal eks~:erimentallnoy i teoteticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, Z no. 3(0,), 1,062, 877-eao The authors studied the magnetic properties of polycrystalline sinGle-,hL seri LaCrO 3 and BiFeO 3 samples by measuring the temperature dependences of the m.~Enetic susce5tibility -x,, of 1/)( and of the spontaneous ferromagnetic moment m 0 . The X(T curves of both compounds showed sharp peaks a,t the Neel point, BiFeO 3 had no spontaneous ferromagnetic moment, and that of LaCrO was very small but could be increased by thermomagnetic treatmenf. The weak ferromagnetism of these perovskites is assumed to be caused mainly!by an anisotropic indirect exchanee interaction. It is suggeste'4 that the exchange interaction is responsible al'so for the Card 1/2' Antiferromagnetic pro,,.erties of... C/05 62/04 7/003/02~/063 ~102%104 rinncoljnx,,arity of the spin moments, which is assumed to be the cause of no ferroinaF,netic'moment beinp, observed in BiFeO 3' There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors of ihe Academy of Sciences USSR) SU371ITTTED: April 24, 1962 Card 2/2 8/181 62/004/011/049/049 B108/Bla6 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A., Yudin, V. M., and Sher, Ye. S. TITLE: A new group of antiferromagnetics with K 2NiF 4- type structure PEAIODIGAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4. no, lit 1962r 3350-3351 3+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ TEXT: Compounds of the type A B 0 (A La , Ce Pr q Nd 2+ 2+,- 2+ 2 4 B Ni Co ) are antiferromagnetic when either the ions B or both the ions B and A have magnetic moments. Crystals of this type are assumed to consist of perovskite-type layers mutually displaced. When only the B have magnetic moments, interaction will occur through one or two oxygen atoms (B-0-B or B-0-0-B). When also the ions A have magnetic moments, interaction may be indirect or direct (A-0-A, A-0-B, A-A). The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of the compounds La 2NiO4and Nd 2NiO4 was examined over the range 77-1100 0K. The specimens-were obtained by solid- phase reaction at 12000C of the materials La 20 39 Nd 20 39 and NiO. The temperature 0, obtained by extrapolation of 1 A(T) from high-temperature Card 112 s/1'61 /62/004/0111/0491/049 A new group of antiferromagnetiC3 B168/B186 0 0 regions, equals 500 K for La 2Nio4 and 440 K for N~2 NiO4 . The effective magnetic moments as determined from the inclination of the 1/X(T) curve is 3.7 Bohr's magnetons for La 2Nio4and 7.5 Bohr's magpetons for Nd 2NiO 4* The deDendence X(T) is 'Linear at high temperatures but tends to a maximum corresponding to phase transition on approaching the Neel point. This is characteristic of weak ferromagnetics. The antiferromagnetic behavior of the substances in question can be inferred from the negative sign of the temperature 9; however, aweak ferromagnetism may arise as the result of relativistic interactions. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: institut pOlUDrovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 20', 1962 Card 212 ACC NR: --- ~?6o29825 SOURCE CODE: AWHORI Toropov, N. A.; Sharp Ye. S.; Boykova, A. I. UR/o)63/661002/008/1487/14, 911 GRGI Inst-At.-ifto or jilicate Chemistry im. I. V. Grebe n shchilcov, AcAdenW of Sciences, S33,1 (T~nst-i,~,ut khim-li silikatov Xcademil nauk SSSR) T ATTLE1 Study of the products of thermal treatment of Piuacovito SOUP.CS? Ail SSSR. Izvostlya. 1,k)organichosklyo mAtorialy, v. 2f no. 8, 1966, 1487- ;49j TOPIC TAGS: m1ce, thormal decomposition ,'LF,ST1ACT,1 Sannins of ground muscovite were fired at 600-14000C at 500 interva3s for hr at oarh toryorature and the products formed were analyzed by optical nxamination,: x-ray diffracUcri, differential thermal analysis, and infrared spectroscopy. 11 a first ctructiiral chan-,os were observed at 700'C. Thermal treatment at 10000C was as- son-latod. with the broakdo,,m of the structure and with amorphization. The formation of: no'w' cryst-a]Jino phases occurred at temperatures above 10000C. The folio-a-Ing compounds I were Identified by x-ray diffractiont 7-111203, sDinel MgAlnC4, sanidine, i,20-11120~-6SIO~,, aid,)O~ (corunduri). On the basis of the infrared spectra of musco- vite samples subjected 'to c1ifferent temperatures, a quantitative description of the doc(Tmposltion process of mica Is proposed (see Fig. 1). Authors are Lwatefull to G. P. witin 1.ook the IR spcetra. Orig. art. ras- 6 fiFnires and 1 table. Card 1/2 UDC: 661.862.6 ARONOV, V.L.; SHER, Yu.A. Frequency propertieo of semiconductor triodes with distributed parameters. Poluprov.prib. i lkh prim. n0-3:75-91 '58. (MIRA 12:4) (Transistors) -$-I. Ifty T-Z.~ =nz~: T6 1 (21 n-q til pcIIn_ -a KI 44 fl ;o a *i r- -A -Y -M -1 I ' y '-J-I,~-S -1 -T .1 -1--I) "TI -T -n -,'411) Tt --T.7 it C.~ t" IL-1-3 Kc~thzs WIXY:ZVIa23ON I 20YU \-C7)()25634 SOURCE CODE: ui~-[i-6*~-1-16-~-/ooo/o-l-~/o6z-3-/ooc~).i--- ~%U'71'i-'OR: Sher, Yu. A. -D'RG: none 17 17 ILE': Generalized formulas for differential parameters of Junction transistor Poliil)rovo(:Inikovyye pribory i ikh primenenive; sbornik statey, no. 13, 23-64 TOPIC TAGS: trangistor, transistor theory, junction transistor Introduction, Zero boundary conditions at the base edge were asBilmed in the rl~tssical V. Shockley works and in the J. Early article (BSTJ, 1954, v. 33) or, tlac thu-orV of junction transistors. This fundamental assumption is clairned to be na 11 r ztt eT_--,quivalf~id. velocity at the titropg-ficld region boundary; boundary C D-C COndiiOI13 itre considered. These aeneral formulas are developed 7'~Jr "il" or--'Jivatent velority: Carricr concentration at the base -collector -junction bo-lridarv cxi~;ecds the 3hoc!-.-lcv-cv'-.luatt-.d c, centra- tiniei3. These boundary coaclitions~ L rp are apropos- ri to replace the Shockle, 0 co-idition o V The dri; velocity i- VC. *"v 0 Inax UDG: 621.38Z.31 A C C4R: A T _5025634 v F. ri _~ 5graditally in Hie real structures; lience, a better model. consisting of three .~c8iilulji.. (a(. ~:elt_ratiilg, 111axitlaull, de-CVItJ.aLiIIg) is &UGgesbcd. The Voltage Vari--Liou; I C, across the collector junction is different in alloy and drift transistors. Approximate Uormulas for the charge density in alloy and diffusion junctions are developed. .Specific formulas for the equivalent velocity are: for Ge collector junction, vm,ax v v0 v , ; for Si collector Junction, vo:Z(_ av Corrections for max V A-Z 1 -1- ( vav - 1)Au2k a-c conditions are introduced. A model of the emitter junction is briefly anaiyzed. I Generalized formulas for differential parameters. SmaU-signal y and h parameters !of a theoretical model with a "multilayer" base are determined on the basis of 'conventional Shockley boundary conditions. The reasons why these formulas are linaccurate are specified. Then, the modulation of minority- carrier velocity in the !'base is allowed for, and a technique is shown for deriving more accurate differential- I iparameter formulas. Parameters of a theoretical model having a uniform distributi lof the drift velocity in the base. As an illustration of the above approach, formulas I ;for the open-circuit forward- and reverse-current transfer factor are developed, and Ahe effect of boundary conditions oil the forward parameters is analyzed. These 'conclusions are offered: (1) The concept of equivalent velocity facilitates formulation Card 2/3 col I octor -base boundary conditions; (2) This concept permita developing gened uilic-rential-paranicter formulas which allow for the base "multilayer" structure and actual d-c and a-c boundary conditions; (3) Collector-junction voltage variation, with~ a nonuniform distribution of impurity N(x) at the base edge causes equivalent -velocity; mod~ilation at the boundary due to variation of the slope of E(x) field curve in the iL~Illction; (4) Tile collector -'junction voltage variation may cause a modulation of the equivalent velocity in the base; (5) A variable charge density, with a constant voltage ..cross~ the emitter Junction, is possible due to modulation of the equivalent velocity in; ti-,o base, at the emitter boundary; (6) To formulate the boundary conditions in the base, at titic collector, a three-segment model of the reverse-biased collector J-,iiic"ion is established; (7) Tile boundary conditions at the emitter are determined ,h an 'Isr,11111ption that the drift velocity at the ernitter junction can be averaged; (~'O ~Tl Con-IP-ar-ing thc new transistor model with the conventional (Shockley) model, it be 1~,~j)L in rnitd Lhat the Lrue field distribution E(x) in the base and the absolute. E 1 hzoc not been iricasured so far; (9) The. author's formulas hold. true "N'llcil ricl-I strf~rlgi-)-, and p, and D factors are indepecildent of the concentration of tll,~ irjlrted ,~3! 10~v t' 1-1-1hiority carriers. "'The author wisiles to thank Yu. A. ;n, n-, f o r dc ~-Zng thin probleins )( Lbis article. Orig. art. has., I figure i-i,ld 15~3, forl,1111~is. 01PIR:, REF'. 0~ OT Y I RE F 0 0, Ca ~d 31.3 3012h S/194/61/000/007/040/079 D201/D305 AUTHORS: Kamenetshiy, Yu.A. and Sher, Yu.K. TITLE: Cut-off frequency measureirient in the 20-200 mc/s band PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7, 1961, 21, abstract 7 D138 (V sb. Poluprovod- nik" pribory i ikh primeneniye, no. 4, M., Sov. rad- io, 1960, 128-138) TEXT: A method is fiven of measuring the current amplification . C) cut-off frequency in common base connection. The voltages Ul ~nd U2 at the resistanccs R. and Rc in the emitter and collector cir- cuits respectively are proportional to the respective currents. These voltages are applied in art anti-phase after detection and in.- plification to an adder. At LF jull /1U21 IIJ/ Ile) = Mo. Card 1/2 30124 S/194/61/000/007/040/079 Cut-off frequency measurement ... D201/D305 The gain of one of the circuit channels is varied until zero indica- tion of the indicating instrument is obtained lull a JU21. The resistance Rc is then increasedV-2 times and the HF varied until zero indication is again obtained. This is the required cut-off frequency, since at this frequency I Ic I / I Iel 00 IV2- The effect of parasitic parameters of the junction transistor and of the circuit is analyzed in detail. Formulae are obtained for evaluating the measurement errors. The measuring junction transis- tor and function diode circuits are given. 3 references. ~7~- stracter s note: Complete translatioiI2 Card 2/2 1,. V,~neer,; 7. TT~i,jin'-? vonf~nr jinnF 'Wo hollow naneln. D-r. i losol.-Iihn. prom., ', No. ', 19"13. ray (I. Mo thly L~ist of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, lincl. - ..I - -.. - Smm, Tu.m. [H-1low wooden building panels] Pastotelyl shchity Is drevesnykh materialov. Moskva, Goslesbumisdat, 1954. 50 p. (KWU 7:7) (Plywood) "Dwesti-2tion of the E"-~a.-e --efor:--ation ol- the -Faclrc-L of Ha'low ",ar.7-nter's -es." Can:! Tec,,' fcA, T' tr-.; ;:n:-ineerin- inst, -11T'. '.1i:-her L,'-llucati:~n "enc' - r-o-sco'.: rores ISSR, '~'oscow, 1~-55- (FL, 3:0 1~-, Apr 55) SO: Su.,11. ';.'o. 70-'L, -:' 1"ov 55, - Survey of -Ecientific and Technical Dissertations Defended it US'R 1!i~her Educatimal Institutions (16). MILOV, Sergey Grigorlyevich: SHER, Yuliya Mikhaylovna; CIBRAZTSOV, S.A., redak-tor; TRUBNOVA, L.A., tRffftRtbY-",-TGAFOV, F.F., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Work methods of innovators in sawmilling and woodworking] Metody truda novatorov lesoptleniia i derevoobrabotki. Moskva, Goslesbum- izdat, 1955. 17 P. (MLRA 8:7) (Woodworking industries) SHER, Yu.M.; VOLOV, M.A.; BALASHOV, B.V.; EMJGTDVA, T.P. New standards for packing boxes. Der.prom. 8 no-3:14-15 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Wentrallnata nauchno-losladovatellskaya laboratorlya Rybtara. (Boxes--Standards) 6HER, Yu.M. Standardization of containers. Standarti-,atsiia 24 no.12:21-24 -j 6 o, (MLRA 13:11) (Containers--Standards) I- I - i v '~- ~~ r. (4 r ek.'. ~! . n'~ ir, , :1. ... I - . - . I ';e,,: k-irr' n' 9tock. Fund repeated-use containers. 1 er. rroir. (1.17--A -2:12' 14 no.O:'--L S 'r*~9'. -, - 00 1 1 A y e C,-.; G I. I.Li, K;;: ..-I D~-.Vidcvich; ,.e K re T- ~3 e f afm C. Ilk 1 -Q Z K -- C- z" knizhi,-e izrl-vc, T-, - - ~--!~A, I D ~ FirnnsLr3vanlyc i kr(~ditcwini-Ye ka- ital~'nykh (5y) F.D. Podshivalenko (1) f.b. Stlera. Mosk,va, OcsfinivIpt, l')(,Cl. 37", r. '- -, '~ "~ E, -4 . P i", II ical footnot"3. 85-8-16/18 AUTHOR: Shera,_K.-- TITLE: Plotting the Polar of a Glider Model on the Basis of a Practical Experiment (Eksperimental'noye polucheniye polyary modeli planera) PERIODICAL: Kryl'ya Rodiny, 1957, Nr 8, pp. 28-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes a way of finding out the optimum angle of attack for a given glider model by plotting the polar of the model on the basis of a practical experiment. First, he explains in detail how the gliding angle of a glider model may be determined by photographing the - flight of the model against the background of luminous points, and then he offers a series of elementary for- mulas permitting to figure out the aerodynamic effi- ciency K of the model, and the lift force Cy., and the drag Cx the model with a given angle of attack will de- velop under definite conditions of temperature t* and atmospheric pressure P. The author indicates also that photographing the flight of a glider model in an arti- fla-ially.agitated air may contribute to appraising the Card 1/2 85-8-16/18 Plotting the Polar of a Glider Model on the Basis (Cont.) stability of the model. The article contains no scientific data of interest. 7 drawings. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 85-58-1-26/28 AUTHOR: TITL7- Aerodynamics of Model Airplane Profiles (Aerodinamika aviamodellnykh profiley); Helicopter Model (Model' vertoleta)j World Champions' Models (Modeli chempionov mira) PERIODICAL: Kry!'ya rodiny, 1958, Nr 1, Supplement (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses aerodynamics as applied to model airplanes and describes certain models and the~-r construction. There are 29 sketches and diagrams, AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 C 4'jj SHRRASHOV. S.G. (Ioningrad) GertBin characterisitics of reflex regulation of blood circulation and respiration In.surgical shock. Arkh.pat. 18 no.6:70-76 156. NLRA 9:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskay fiziologii (nachallnik - chlen-korrespon- dent AMN SSSR prof. I.R.Petrov) Voyenrio-neditainskoy ordena Isnina skademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (SHOOK, experimental, reflex regulation of blood pressure & reap. in post- evisceration shock (Rus)) (BIA)OD PRNSSURE. physiolo,-.Y, reflex regulation in exper. post-evisceration shock (Rua)) (RESPIRATION, physiology. same) - --11111.1.1,1- SIRMSH07, 13.G., Podpolkovnik med.sluzhby, knad. med. nauk ..'ech,lnical injuries and irritations induced by the intestinal co,itt-nts in the development of early, complications of intestinal wounds. Ifoen.-med. zhur. no.6:80-81 Je ,58. (MrRA 12:7) ( INTIES T INIRS -WOUNDS AND INJURIES) VASADZE, G.Sh.; SMMASHOV, S.G. Change in sensitivity to visceral trauma of animals in radiation sickness. Med.rad. 4 no.10:59-66 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. 1z kafedry patologicheBkoy fiziologii (nach. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. I.P. Petrov) Voyenno-maditainskoy ordene, Lenina akade- mii imeni S.M. Kirova. (RADIATION INJURY exper.) (WOUNDS ARD INJURIES exper.) SHZRASHOV, S.G., Prevention of surgical shock in operations on organs of the abdominal cavity; experimental studies. Khirurgiia 35 no.7:89-93 JI '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologli (nacu. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. I.R. Petrov) Toyenno-meditsinekoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S. M. Kirova. (ABDOMEN, surgery) (SHOCK, experimental) CAI a mi .. me -_i c:,~,-"k meditsl-nskoy sluz~by-, PETV'NIINT, J'~ I ., k~ind,mt)-j.mulik, podpolkovnIk meditsinskey sluzhl~yj k a q r~ ;7,, 2 - r;:;k c.-; 31% 1 h 10 11 t Zuv ) 1 - Barotrauma of th~- e-ar fol--liing the aCtion of air Percussion wave of .mcleex, ~-K-,~Icsions: -.riew o' 14 terature. Vcen.-rred.zhur. no. -44 L 1 709 (M--RA 18s5'1 SHEIVSHOV, S.G, pcdpoIRc-vntk mrdl-tsinskoy sluzhbly, 1.:snd. med. nav.:k 131inding" and fo+.-inaJ burni caiis7d by naelear rqxplosions,- a review- of literature. Voermed.zhur. no.13s23-26 1641, (MIR..', As"I", f y-ji4, r,) ,,too str the cperqtion of r-,31axaticn i, nc,12,0-al ~ILTRA -17-2) L 42162-66 ACC NRt AR6013876 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/65/()00/011/BO23/BO23 AUTHOR: Sherayzin,_S. M. TITLE: An analysis of the passage of an index signal through the electrio~aections of a control system SOURCE: aef. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 11B176 RE-V SOURCE: Tr. Uchebn. in-tov svyazi, vyp. 25, 1965, 123-130 TOPIC TAGS: communication, signal activity, color TV, color TV tube, electron beam, signal distortion, phase shift analysis, TV receiver ABSTRACT: Index signals, which determine the position of the electron beam on the screen of a picture tube with color bands, undergo in a television receivera series of transformations. The phase shift emerging with the transformations may lead to dis- tortions in the color transmission. A mathematical expression of the index signals was derived. The output voltage of a four-terminal network to which the index signals were supplied was calculated. An Veriodic amplifier, low-frequency filters of type k and m, a band-pass filter of type m, and single oscillator circuit were chosen as concrete examples of a four-terminal network. A numerical calculation showed that in the latter case the phase shift can exceed 100, and in the first case it is a fraction of a 'dith the correct selection of the parameters of the low frequency filter the phase shift does not exceed 10. In all cases special measures must be taken to Card 1/2 uDc: 621-397.62-2 L )1216"'-66 ACC NR, andard, media for weight e determinations M A - RherhophpvA Rn . rluaeva. Kauchall.' stocks. eueCE Of Dilltri AE20(j)/494j 'Fh! sweWO euecE of V utsclicp'L~nitrile) stock. i% be duplicated -t of 3tandarcl- green oU (1).and a rER 68395 ';,/05i/6o/oo8/O2/O22/O36 H03 9 AUTHOR6: Allperovich, L.I., SICer I I.D. and Mar~uov, ne'l i -l'ITLE: On the Origin of Luminesce ce q~iids Under the Action of Hard Radiations %~ PERIODICAL: Optika 1 spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 259 - 261 (USSR) ABSTRAGE; The authors compared intensities of luminescence of certain aromatic and non-aromatic solvents and solutions excited with X-rays from a tube across which voltage was varied from 30 to 200 kV (at these voltages Vavilov- Cherenkov radiation is not emitted). The same samples were subjected also to excitation with y-rays from Co 6o (10 millicuries), using a technique described by Kallman and Furst (Ref 1). The intensity of luminescence was measured with a photomultiplier FEU-19M. In measurements using X-rays the effect of secondary and scattered radiation was allowed for. The authors measured the concentration dependences of the intenbity of luminescence of solutions of anthraceneq naphthalene,l Cardl/1'. P-naphthylarnine,7phenanthreneland stilbene7in xylene, L-r IVANOV, A.P.; SHERBAF, 14, Angular dis-ribution of radiation in a medium illaminated by a narrow pencil of ray-s. Dokl. Aff BSSR 7 no.10:673-676 0 163. (MA 16.- 11) 1. Institut fizlki AN BSSR, Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR B.I. Stepanovym. L 43083-65 E1VT(1)/FPF(c-)/E-E-C(-t) -Pi-.w4 -JJ'P(c)__-- WW/GG/GS- - ACCESSION NR: AT5011181 UR/00.00/64/000/000/0267/0275 AUTHOR: ~-_%~anov, As P.; Sherbaf, I. D. TITLE: Dispersion Cf a projection in a turbid medium SOURCE: Mezhvedomstvennoye soveshchaniyq_po aktin-ometrii L optike -atmos.f.ery. _ 5 thM oscow ~19.6,3,-Akti no.metriy-ai o'ptika-atmosfery (Actinometry and atmospheric optics) ; trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow# Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 2671-275 TOPIC TAGS: light disparsio atmospheric optics, projector beam, i_ photometric instrument r ABSTRACT: A series of experimental investigations of the dispersion-~ of a narrow beam of light has been conducted under laboratory-conditio nag, in which all optical constants of the medium are known and-theLr effect on the dispersion can be determined. The results of these investigations are presented, particularly the analysis,of ahgular'an&.1: polarization characteristics of dispersed-radiitiou.. Themeasurement 'a were made in a 50 x 50 x 50-cm container filled with various turbid liquids. The container waa-illuminated by a narrow, parallel. mono-) ;Card 1/2 L 43083-65 ALCESSION NR: AT5011181 chromatic beam of light. Thanks to a. special -attachment to the light guide, the degree of polarization, as well ',as the brightness of d i sl-~ parsed radiation could be measured at various angles of observation and at various points in space. The following* sys.-tems were usea.asI turbid media: milk, rosin, silver.chloridet stannous chloride, and barium hydroxide, The experimental,data obtained are presented graph--~.- ically with detailed explanation in the text. The investigations analyzed dealt with the field of light which was basically outside,the,-"; geometric zone of the propagation of the parallel beam of light. it is planned to conduct further investigatioxL# dealing with the struc- ture of the field of light in the dispersing medium in the zone projector beam. Orige art* has: 6 figures and 1 formula. Pi] ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki-AN BSSR, Minsk (Institute of Physicsw:* AN BSSR) v64 ENCL% 00 SUB:,CODE*- OP SUBMITTED: 25No NO REP SOV: 006 OTHERs 005 ATD 'PRESS t3230 a,) V/ L;Ord 2 2 I v Al i CIV i~ V, F) -.f e a e (-,f T v 0 my S65 s,,,at-,,er,-ng medium. E-K. BS-SH ; (IMIRA 19:1) 'utini tted April 22), 1964. 1.1 BSSR.. cj TT ACC R, AM1011374 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0362/66/002/00:1/0312/0315 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. P.; Sherbaf, I. D. ORG: Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences BSSR (Ak-adeniiya nauk- BSSR, Institut fizAki) TITLE: Effect of the angular dispersion of a light beam on its penetration into a scattering I medium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. 2, no. 3, 1966, 312-315 TOPIC TAGS: optic property, ocean property, oceanography~ light dispersion, light scattering. water ABSTRACT: The problem of the effect of the angular dispersion of 4. ligilt beam on illumination! in a turbid medium was investigated experimentally. The experiments were set up in a small basin filled vitli turbid water. The nietb,)d of investigation was such that it was possible to change both the angular aperture of the radiator from 0.5 to 180' at a constant luminous flux enterin- the water and the optical characte ris ties of the med:um, the probability of photon survival, and the optical depth. The cross sectional area of the light beam entering the water 2 was 3.14 cm . The authors examined the region of small. optical depth which corresponds to a slightly turbid atmosphere, space, and water to shallow depths; the region of average optical Card 1/2 UDC: 551.593 1. 40931-66 ACC NR: AP6011374 depths; and the region of large optical depths. It is concluded that the greater the probability of photon survival, the slower the illumination decreases with an increase of the radiator aperture angle. At large optical depths illumination depends on the angular dimensions of the radiator but not as much as could be expected. Illumination drops not by several orders of magnitude but only by a factor of 2-3 when an acutely directed radiator is replaced by a com- pletely diffusive one. Orig. art. has: 4 fi6,ures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20,08/ SUBM DATE: 050ct65/ ORIG -REF: 001/ OTH REF-. 000 Card 2/2 ACC NR: A1160r(594 SOURCE CODE: uR/0250[6616iol~~m~T~~fj AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. P.; Sherbaf, I. D. ORG: Institute of Physics, AN BSSR (Institut fiziki AN BSSR) TITLE: Influence of the polarization properties of external radiation on the illumi- nation of different sections of a turbid medium SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklac'1y, v. 10, no. 1, 1966, 18-21 TOPIC TAGS: light polarization, radiation intensity, light scattering, light polariza- tion odor/a5 ABSTRACT: To check on a hypothesis that in a strongly turbid medium the orientation of the intensity vector of the external radiation would be less important than in a weakly turbid medium, and to obtain quantitative estimates of this difference, the authors have experimented with the influence,.9f the electric-intensity vector orienta- tion on the illumination produced by radiation in a light-scattering medium. The in- vestigations were carried out with apparatus described earlier (Opt. i spektr. v. 18, no. 4, 1965). The polarization plane was rotated with the aid of a polaroid. The theory of the experiment is briefly described. The tests were made with the optical receiver immersed in the turbid medium to different depths. Plots are presented of the percentage change of electric intensity against the orientation of the electric vector and against the extinction coefficient. The results show that the larger the extinction coefficient, the smaller the influence of the polarization angle on the rd 1/2 L 37090-66 [-A CC __N_R_: AP6017594 intensity. The plots of the change of intensity against the polarization angle are symmetrical about the value at 900, at which their relative change of intensity has a maximum. It is concluded from the results that at large distances from the point of penetration of the light into the medium, or in the case of strong turbidity, dif- ferences in the orientation of the electric intensity vector of the incident radiationi do not change the illumination noticeably. However, when the turbidity is low and the multiple scattering is small, the illumination may change by a factor of two as the angle of polarization changes from 0 to 90% This report was presented by AN BSSR Academician B. 1. Stepanov. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SuBm mm 2BAug65/ ORIG REF: 003 '_741d./ Card 2/2 k 195-201 ~~:r t absorption, atten, i"; ell t L /7-7 ~ A.1 0 A) ziL q i - z i~ e a:.: of li6~rit in a turtid Medium consIsting "a ty cf-~ntrolled by addition of milk cz rcsin, .C~01'pti,,'ity was varied by dissolving premeasured A !tarrow co-Ilimat ed bep-m at X = 51t6 nm with a --. 4-cm 7 0 was nrf),' luced by pRqsJ ng rad' ---iticn f r OIR filte,r. results of the -?-iperiments were 'c rn, r hs of the dependence of illumination on Ure ~,pticE eXt,;jj(,fj(D- Ceff'4CientS (C) and the depenctence of o he 1- ~he exi in(-,t:c-,:i coefficient at Jifferent valui.,E t shr-.;n that r-~, a -i-.u-It of the nep-j-; tri bution -D ""i!. ir,zl ~A' in sjijzI,.t.I,,, turl-id media., in wh4c', < 0.0~: E; jfss U,Fin 10, obeys the exponeii'tial -law of absorptic-n (Bouguer-Lambert ACC NR: L;-W; With IirFer coeffirients of extinction, tLe exponential C." 'th I.n- illumination at constant !'v~T, 0.~Y~,l rut any dr-pth, w- as increased at v i fn r,: i, reas i -i fr, c oe f f'i -e n ;Crj f, c) ri .As r w , p i,,~ U~, zd ~~.i wiu ~l is the absorption coeffi cient, ,;,-rease, a peak, -,Uld E' and Er~ tire t~,e i uzr-.; nati orl t A:; ~j A C C N R, % Ivanow, A. P. Sherbaf, 1. D. SUM= CODE: UR/0428/66/ooo/ool/0121/0127, nono "HE: ng Influence of optical parameters on the scatteri of a narrow beam of ligroin a 4Zui-bid mediu~a SG-V~~'.CE: AN BSSR. Veotsi. Serrja fizika-r=tcmatychnykh navuk, no. 1, 1966, i2l-127 T .0210 ~:AGS: light scattering, turbid medium, photon scattering, optic property A_-,S'.':ZA0IT: ~Ihc authors report the results of optical measurements made by a procedure t~cvoloned and described elsewherc (optilka i spektroskopiya v. 18, no. 4, 1965 and el-i- ler) for pi~oducin~; turbid media whose parameters can be varied and which are suit- zjlo "or o--)Uical scattering micasurements. The measurements were de in a small 11 ce a ma th a Ii-lat beann, of 3.14 cm2 area and divergence angle smaller than 10, using an end- i.*ndow photonultiplier (FM-25) capable of measuring the illumination in various sec- tions of the medium, in a radial direction relative to the beam propagation direction. T!-,,~ -naraimeters varied were the photon survival probability (A)., the extinction coeffi- c~cnt kc), and the longitudinal and radial coordinates of the observation point (Th V_nd It is shown that for equal values Of -1h, the amout-t of radially scattered radia-~ion decreases with decreasing A. The extinction coefficient has an important influence on the shape of the beam-spreading curve at Small Th and is of no importance~ lor large Tn. Diagrams of isophots, characterizing the geometric locus of the points Card L 09309-67 ACC NR: Ap6o24336 of constant illumination in spece, are presented for different values of A and c. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SbB CODE: 2D/ suBm DATE: 2ooct65/ ORIG REF: 004 SHMAK, A., maste.- sperta. - Long range flight in a lightweight glider. no.12: 9-10 D '55. (MI2A 9:4) (Gliding (Aeronautics)) SFE~15,',~-' I D - !VANOV, A.~-. (Ivanou, A.P.] .- ~- Y Design oil appararus for studying various properties of light- diffusing objects. Vestgi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.2: 39-43 162. (MIRA 18:4) L 54790-65 ACCESSION A.P5-015779 UR/0250/65/009/005/0301/o3o4 AUTHOR: jvanov, A. Pe; Sherbaf. 1. D. TITLE: The effect of the angular aperture of an emitter on the illumination in a scattering medium SOURCE: M SSSR. Doklady, V. 9, no. 5, 1965, 301-304 TOPIC TAGS- turbid medium, scattering medium,,tllumination ABSTRACT: Scattering turbid media (milk and rosin) were used to investigate ex- perimentally the Mpendence of illumination on the angular aperture of the emitter. It was concluded that 1) for small optical thicknesses, the role of the solid angle subtended by the emitter is important since a slight decrease in the angular aper- ture leads to a sharp increase in the depth of penetration of light into the medium; at given optical deliths, depending both on the aperture-efidtt-on the--coefficittit of scattering -and- atsorption of the turbid medium, the relative change in the illumination, corresponding to different angular apertures, attains a maximum; and 3) for large optical thicknesses at dif-* ferent depths, the role of the angular structure of a narrow light besm incident on[ a medium remains unchanged-the angular aperture affects the illuminati6n, but the CWd ~ Vp :1 .1 . . - . . i . , - ~ - -- ~ -;A~ f ~ --; mr a na r.- ZF-.i . ~ I -1_', - ~ L, .- . . - -, . I 'i ~: r , . 1 , I., i I . , - . 'I I ,. , , ,~. , : '. I C- '. , f,3! ~ . 1. , WllhA I'M) BYX, S.Sh.; SHMAK, L.I.; ST-IWITELEVA, R.G. Phase equilibriums in the system: phenol - water - methylethyl ketone. Part 2. Zhur.fiz. khim. 30 ne.2:305-312 F 156 (MLHA 9;7) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Ketone) (Pheaolx~ SIURB.~KOV. A. Bring the experience off production leaders to the masses.Sots.trud no.1:81-88 Ja 156. (YjaA 9:7) (Efficiency, Industrial) ShIfthillov, A.ji.; YUR'YEV, YU.K. Preparation of furfurole from agricultural wastes and from plant materialt). Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no.1:110-118 Ja '56. (KIJIA 9:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenayy universitet i Vinnitskiy gosudar- stvean.vy Meditsinskiy institut. (Furaldehyde) SiflaMKOV,A.P. PoDulation and biome dynamics of certain representatives of thp microbenthos of Glubokoye Lake. Trudy Gidrobiol.ob-va no.6:122-132 '55. (KRA 8:9) 1. Biologicheskaya stantsiya na Glubokom ozere Instituta morfologii zhivotnykh Akademii Nauk SSSR (Glubokoye Lake--Fresh-water biology) tan ra a 71.3 :"Yy 25903 S/121/61/000/002/001/005 A207/AlOl AUTHORS: Voronin, A. A., Markov, A. I., Sherbakov, M. A. TITLE- Ultrasonic vibrations In grinding cutting tools PERIODICAL: Stanki I Instrument, Mashgiz, no. 2, 1961, 14 - 16 TEM Previous investigations of the authors (Ref. 1) have shown that excitation of low-amplitude high-frequency Vibrations in flat grinding of heat- resistant alloys and tool steels improves considerably the quality of the surface. Further experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of forced ultrasonic vibrations in grinding on the wear-resistance of the cutting tools. High-speed P18 (R-18) steel and BK 8 (VK8) sintered carbide plates were studied. The Vibration parameters were: frequency, 22 kc, and double amplitude, 0.01 - 0.015 mm. The wear resistance was evaluated on a continuously turning heat-resistant alloy. The experiments showed that, in all cases, grinding with ultrasonic vibrations consider- ably improved the wear-resistance of the cutting tools. For the R18 steel cutters the greatest improvement was observed in the range of higher cutting speeds. Test data showed that the wear-resistance of the VK8 cutters (92% tungsten carbide, 8% cobalt) ground with ultrasonic vibrations was more than twice that of conventionally Card 1/ 4 2'5903 .1 3/121/61/000/002/001/()05 Ultrasonic vibrations in grinding cutting tools A207/A10l ground cutters. The tj-)Jj -INr (NEL-IV) type magnetostrictional vibrator-nickel block was used as the source of mechanical vibrations. The vibrational head was power supplied from a FY3 -50 (GUZ-5P) ultrasonic generator, with a maximum output power of about 3.5 kw. The 36 6oC tli4" (EB60SMIK) sphere was used for the grinding of the fast-cutting plates, and theRH 60C MVIV- (KCh60SMIK) sphere-for the sintered carbide plate. The cutting tool resistance in both cases was determined by taking the usual blunting criterion - the magnitude of wear along the back edge equal to h = 0.6 mm. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the cutting speed and the resistance for the R18 tools ground with and without vibrations. The following v-T relationships could be derived from these graphs: 1) when working with tools ground with ultrasonic vibrations: v = I m/min; 2) when grinding with tools which are ground without vibrations: To-il v =F 9.7 m/min(T - service timed The results of comparative experiments of the -0:70 tool T resistance with VK8 plates ground with and without vibrations is given by the table; the data show that the resistance of the cutters ground at ultrasonic vibrations exceeds those ground without vibrations by a factor of two. It is point- ed Out "hat an even greater effect can be expected when grinding the tools wJ�th cooling. The authors derive the following conclusions from experimental data: 1) Card 2/ 4 25903 S/121/61/000/002/001/005 Ultrasonic vibrations in grinding cutting tools . A207/AIOl ' ' It is expedient to grind the cutting tools made of various materials under condi~3-.. tions of relative vibrations (the tool-material system); of high or ultrasonic frequency and low amplitude IV62A 0.01 i 0.015 mm). The experiments sho%ed that the tool resistance increases considerably in the latter-case. 2) The experiments indicated further that at the present time, it is worth to develop qxperimental constructions of the simplest vibrating systems for grinding the cutting tools using relative vibrations of the gridning circle-blank system. There are 6 figures I table, 1 Soviet-bloc reference. Figure 5: I - grinding using ultrasonic vibra- tions, 2 grinding without vibra- tions YAV ~' 6 A P5 U FTF 4 6 8 /a 20 jo 40 50 50 7,vu CmOixorms Pel"ON tool resistance card 3/4 ACC INRi Ar'6033911 SOURCE CODE: UR/0220/66/035/005/0796/0804 AUTHOR: Loginova, L. G.; Golovacheva, R. S.; Sherbakov, M. A. ORG: Insticute of Microbiology, AN SSSR, Moscow (Inatitut mikrobio- logii AN SSSR) TITLE: Thermophilic bacteria forming active cellulolytic enzymes SOURCE: Mikrobiologiya, v. 35, no. 5, 1966, 796-804 TOPIC TAGS: enzymology, enzyme, cellulolytic enzyme, bacterial enzyme, bacteriology, thermophilic bacteria ABSTRACT: Thermophilic anerobic cellulose bacteria ferment cellulose more effective7ly in a mixed culture. Under laboratory conditions it was discovered that cultures of cellulose bacteria developed optimally when grown with Bac. atearothermophilus, Bac. lentus var. thermophilue, and thermophilic sulphate-reducing bacteria as symbionts. Haximud cellulolytic activity was obaerved at 60C and pH 5; extracellular cellu lolytic substances were observed by the fourth day, by which time the bacteria have utilized 93-95% of the cellulose in the growth medium. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 2 tables. (W.A. 501 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 19Jan66/ ORIG REF; 008/ OTH REF: 006 F76ENKC , V.Ltaiiy Isidorovichi 'Yevaenly ivano-4-1ch; YURCIENKO, I, F. , inzh.. , red, MANiN, L Ir. rerzenzent~, KOT-TUNOVA, M. P. , red, ; Vrj-~OTNT~Ff',VA, feklin, red , rn a o --.f tra"- mruntrnau.~e workerz;, .an alic"Plata. cl-'da v pu- ~evom khozia3.,,~Tve.; spravochnik. Pod ob.3hchei red. I.F, Iranszhe.ldorizdat, 1962, 185 p~ (MIRA 16:2/1 (Wages-PAilroads) SHERBAKOV, M.I., kandidat sallskokhoz7aystvennykh natdc. Stud7ing drills and planting machines; treating seeds before sowing. Eat. v shkole no-2:36-41 Mr-Ap '56. (MI-RA 9:7) 1.Institut metodov obucheniya Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR. (Agriculture--Stndy and teaching) KIMK, N.M., red.; SHERBAKOV, S.N., red.; ARSENIYEV, L.B., red.; BOBORYKIN. Ye.P., red.; VISMIEVSKIY, A.V., red.; GORCHAKOV, A.Y.. red. GUSHCHIN, V.M., red.; DRUZHININ, B.11., red.; LEVILIN, G.M., red.; PERELISHTEMI. N.L., red.; TESLYA-TESLENKO, V.P., red.: AGRANATOV, Yu.O.. [Precast reinforced concrete members; planning and using] Sbornye zhelezobetonnye konstruktsii; opyt proektirovaniia i primenentia. Koskva, TSentr. biuro tekhn.inform., 1958. 422 p. (MORA 11:5) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Hinisterstvo stroitel'stva. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. (Precast concrete construction) KOPEYT-)VSKIY, V.11i.; SHEIMAYOV, V.G.- GI-MITZOVA, J-I-: IGOLICHBITKO, 14.1.; llYA-ZAI!T,lil3VA, I-L.I.; TROYAIT"Tt, N.L. P-o*,)lnm of the "r)rcpd ventilation of sunflower sppds. Izv.vys. iiche").zav.; pishch.telch. Po.1:20-23 '59. (MIRj, 12:6) 1. Krasnndnrsl-iy institut T)Ishchevoy promyshlennosti. IT-fedra tnkhnologii zhlrodoh yvaniya. (Sunflower seed-Storage) LOMOV, Boris Fedorovich; SHERBAKOVA, G.A., red.; ZHUKOVA, Ye.G., tekhn. red. . .- (Man and tehenology; essays on engineering psychology] Chelovek i tekhnika;ocherki inzhenernoi psikhologii. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1963. 264 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Human engineering) USSR/Organic chemist--,, - Synthetic 0-1-ganic Chemistry, E-2 Abst, Journal: Referat Zhur - Maimiya-, No 1, 1957, 866 Author; Krasovitskiy, B, M., Ferey-asloia, D. G., Kovalenko, 0. D., and Sherbako-ra, L. -7. Institution: None Title: Effect of Fa-prs or tjil,- Frope--ties of Dyes -'onLaj-rjinj,- the BI- phenyl i~---'.el!s T I T -ti e n of Disazo D~e, -- Derivatives irvec . -tio. Bipheno-', Fhenai-.7,Lrene, F-aenazone, and Phenanthridone Original Periodical: Ukt . 'khL-2 . Vol No Abstract: A compara-uive study has been made of the properties of disazo dyes (DAD) ob'ained from 2,7-diaminophenanthrene (I), 2,7-diaminophenazone (II), and 2,7-diaminWhenanthridone (III) as the disazo conszituenc. The D-rod'icta obtained were compared with previously investigated DAD Produced from benzidine (I'V), 2,7-diaminofluorene (V), 2,7-diamino- D'.nenan t hraquin one (VV, 2,7-di-am-inodi-phenyi, and other 2 dimr,i.ies (sae CnLullmica-uion I!) Referat Zhur - Khimiya, 1956, 61502). Card 1h USSR/Orgailic Chemistrly - Z~y7lLhet.iC Orgfulic C'hel.A.Itry, E-2 Abst journal: ~-Aeferat. :~h*,,iz- imiya, '.o -, --Z-7, ~;- . - -:%~. ~ CC, Abstract: I was prepared in ~i% yield by the heating (5 hours ai; 225-2300) of in the presence off 2,7-dibromophenanth.reme with concentrated HN03 C112C12 and powdered Cu in a sealed tube. II was prepared by zhe reduction of 2,21-diritrobeiizidine with Nla-Hg, while III was pre- pared by the saponification of the diacetyl derivative with 0.5 11 KOH (refjuxing 4 hours). The DAD were obtained by coupling the disazotized -7-111 with H-acid (VIl), 1-naphtho,1-4-sulfonic ac-id (VIII), or i-auiiiio-d-r-japhtiiol-~~,4-disui-fonic acid (IX) In alkaline medium. DAD obtained from I or II with VII (I - VII, Ama_x 565 directness 55%) are close in color to bAD obtained from VI -* Virand are considerably more intense than those from IV or V with VII; this is apparently due -to the electron-acceptor properties of the ethylenic bridge in I and of the azo-group in II. In directness the dyes from I and II occupy an intermediate position between those from IV and V! with VII. The transition from the DAD from II to those from 3,3'- diaminoazobenzene (X) is characterized by the absence of diphenyl bonds,, a sharp decrease in directness, and an :Lnzersification in the color (the composition of the dyejAmax L3 m,,", Emax, and direct- ness in percent are indicated in that order): II -71VIT, 560) 4o)ooo, Card 2/3 OVES, illya Semenovich, kard. tekhn. naul-; S' OZPTKOI!, retsenzent'; Zinovl,,,evich; I-ARTSII:-'--FPY, A.F., inzh., KONDRASH-OV, A.V., ir-zh., re--senzant; S.E., nauchn. red.; MORSKUY, L.K., red. izd-va; RODIOI.TOVA, V.111., tekhn. red. [Ot-l:anization of the supl,l-v and replenisIvent of raterials and ecuipment for construclion] Organizatslia materiallno- tekhnlcheslKoE-o snabzhcniia i komplektatEii stroi.tellstva; opyt -,aooty GlavnosAroiia. Moskva, GoSstroiizdat, 1~)63- 213 i-- - (I-MA 16:12) (Construction ipaustr-:-Management) SffVqBAXOVA, M-Ya ._. .. '~ ~A. ---- .. Resolving power calculation and cycle selection for a three-stage radio- frequency mass-apectrometer. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 27 no-3:599-605 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Goruo-geologichookiy institit, Novosibirsk. (Mass spectrometry) FFDOTOVA, T.I.; SHEBAKOVA, N.M. Use of the oorological method in the vork of eliminating diseases in seed I-otatoes. Trudy VIZR no.21s51,56 pt.2 164. (RDA 18 t 12) RUVdIIA/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Miimiya, No 16, 1958, 53947 Author Almashi, Sherban, Koloshi, Iliesh Inst Academy RPR Title ElLinento-Organic Compowids. I. o,o-diethyl Esters of Arylsulfamiaothiophosphoric Acids. Grig Pub : Studii si cercetari chim. Acad. RFR Fil. CIuJ- 3-957, 8, No 11-2, 159-i68. with p-RC6HO02NIINa in Abstrac' : The reaction of (S) P(OC2H5)2C' polar solvents (pyridinc, acetone, dioxane) yielded (S)P(OC22H5 )jM02C6 HO (I); (given: R, m. p. in OC,) CI, 95; f, 72; Br, 112; 1, 135; CIT, 117; H, 56; OCH3) 1-13; CH 3) 84. Card 1/2 Fm A N,~- j- A. ::. S 1E R f IA N ps b 8 ~.,3 1 c :,,a 1- W') d e - at ven, no~ - t,,2rdtsy t-,. 1, --uat L 52790-65 EWT(I)/DIT(m)/EWG(m)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(b)/ESA(h) Pz-6/Peb IJP(c) RDW/JD/AT U*181/65/007/00k/124/1245 !ACCESSION US PZ01007 Sherbung, AUTHORS Kat, V.; Pang I Ls M.; 81mghkevichp.A9 V*; Tmwkanjp A* D. A. 'radiation of ZnBe--ZnTe beterojunctions a TIMES on the intrinsic recombination -1245 SOURCEt FiZik& tverdogo tela, v. 7,, no- 1965. 1244 TOPIC TAGSt heterojunction, pn Junctionj_recombination radlationx Intrinxic radia-1 tion, voltage current characteristic, spectral distribution ABSTRAM The authors report the first successful attempt to produce n~-p hetero- junctions ZnSe--ZnTe in cz7atal-layer form,, to obtain effective injection of minor- Ity carriers, ard to observe intrinsic reconbination radiation. The voltage- current tharacLeristic of suiph junctions has the usual diode character. The for- i ward current was several milliamperes at 2 V9 and the inverse current up to 20 pR at 5 V. The dependence of the short-circuit current on the i3lumination the lux- 9 ampere characteristics, and'~'the spectral distribution of the phato emf were inves- tigated. In all the samples the short-circuit cukrent depends lluear3,T on the il- I lmdimtion. The noo-lond Toltage was 0.6--0.7 V., The.saxples were semitive to Card 212 L 52790-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5010747 light in the wavelength interval o.4--o.65 p. Recombination ra-diation was observed when current flowed in the transmission direction of such aijunction. The radia- tion became visible at current densities on the orderof O.2A/cm2. The recombina,- tion radiation occupies the wavelength band in the. interval 0.44--0.75 p,,4nd the intensity of the radiation increased with increasing current density. The corres- ponding quantum 'energy is 2.6 and 1.82 eV., which agrees with the respective widths of the forbidden bands of ZnSe and We at room temperature (2.6 and 2.1 eV)* The: integral radiation intensity is practically 3-1near-with the current, and at room teraperature the glorw brightness was a roximatelY 50 nit, increasing to 150 nit at~ liquid-hydrogen temperature for a 1 junction area. "The authors are deeply grateful to Professor D.-N. Naeledoy for continuou interest in the work and Yalu. able adviced" Orig. hast 2 figures4 ASSOCLMONt Kishinevskir gesadarstvenW univvrsitet (Xinkiner State Vnlyersitr)' SUBMITTEM 9%rA XNCLt 00 SUB CM1 880 OF MR REP BOYs 000 OTMI-000 :Card 2/2 - SP .--RHAN Mikhay SHERBAII, Mikhay. E,96ibai~-Mihai]; FIMAN, losif; KOFAN, Dan [Coman, Dan] [Caves of Ramanial Peshchery RuMnii. Bucharest, Izd-vo "Meridiany," 1961. xxxvi p. iUus. (MIRA 15:1) (Rumani-Caves) I ~DhEHBAN, Yj,, ;--I MAN, ; ~ Similarity betwe--n urnerground and mir."icial river streams. Nov.kar-l spei, no.3:80-81 '63. (MIRA 16:10) SHERBANI, 0. N. Cand Med Sci -- "Study of *4w- minerFil and protein metabolism the in bone regeneration in affections of Ntubular bones." Kiev, 1961 (Kiev Order of L.-i~or Ited Banner Med Inst im Academician A. A. bogomolets). (KL, 4-61, 212) -393- SHERBAN) Ye. New and little-known species of black flies of the group Eusimulium aureum Fires (Diptera, Simuliidae) from Rumania. Ent. oboz. 40 no.3:677-685 161. (KERA 15:3) 1. Institut, speleologii, Bukharest. (Ibimania-Black f3ies) SIERBANOV, V, A, (Khersoni Calculating heat cycles in the hard facing of cylindrically-shaped machine parts along the generatrix, A-rtom. svar. 14 no.12~40-44 D "61, (MIRA 14~11) (Hard facing) (Heat-..Transmission) SHFM4~1101&104' , Standard planning and introduction of new technologr. Stroi. mat., lzd.i konstr. 2 no.9:4-7 S 156. O-Wk 9-11) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Tekhnicheakogo soveta Ministerstva promyshlennosti stroitellnykh materialov SSSR. (Cement industries) FdA:1,-1, I BOOK E-IM101-11,1711:0 SOV/5573 Akaw--aiya nauk 3,3371. Artror--:;z~icLeskly sovet Byulleten, stantsiy rablym-niya icimsstyenny?h sput,-.1',ov Zc-IJ no. 5 (15) (Acad--=j o--:' Scien-,cs of the L'jSR. Astroromlc Courcil. Bulletin o,- t1,-, Stations for Optical Observation of Artificial Earth Satellites. 110. 5 (15)) Moscow, 1960, 17 P, 500 Copies printed* Sponsoring Agency: Astrono=icheskiy sovet Akademii nauk SGSR. Reap. Ed.: Ye. Z. Gindin; Ed.: D. Ye. Shchegolev; Secretary- 0. A. Severnaya. PU,U-,GSE- This bulletin is intended for scientists and engineers concerned with optical tracking of artificial satellites. C=MIM - The bulletin contains six ar-ticlesq two of which deal with the con- &truction and operati-ng principles of two new semiautomatic telescopes for tracking satellites. Two other articles are concerned with the reduction of data from photographs and the determination of satellite orbital parameters. card 1/4 of Sciences (Cont.) 3CV/5573 Tl~f-! reniinir.7, articles diE;cuss vioual antellIte Observations and the results c- obGCVratiG~IS Of the 6--ite'llit- 3958 61 AzA 1958 6 a . No -I~zzonalitics ar~2 :~,ntioned. There are 2 references: I Soviet and I English. ~T~ OF CON"VE"Irs: Tiyt, 11. 1,11. [Institut fizi*,:i i aztronomii AN ESSR, Tartu - institute of 11:1yoics 5--ld A5trono=j of the Academy of Sciences of the EXSR, Tax~.,23. A re-, Sai4cI3.Ite-Trac.Ung instrument I;JN-3 [Lnstitu~ fiziki i astrono=ii AN Zssli, Tartuslciy ~o-ou-,~rstvermyy univLrsitat - Institute of Phy3ic. and Astronomy of tile Acadimy of Sciences of the ESSR, Tartn State UnVeraity]. Semiauto-atic Telescope for Observation of Satellites Dcienlir3j V. I., and I, A, Fx--sanov, ('Moskva, Astrasovet- Aztronomic Council, Moscov~ D-ctertlination of Tim-, end Positton for Six Points of the Satellite Track on Photographs Taken by eana of a Cawra with Moving Filmm (KPP) Designed by Pan&iotor 10 M I Card 214 of Sc'-,~nces (cont.) SGV/5573 F1 B, A. IGIfwiin., va artrono..Ich~skaya obsex-iatcriya AN SSSR, Pul'~Dvcj -- Pulkovo !-Un Actrono.-.1cal Obzervatory of the Academy of ScienceG of thr~ UZZRI. On Coraidcring the, App.-Irent Rotation of Mi.-~ C,~lcstial -'-,hcz-c While D~tcnA-ning the Coordinates of Satellites With t1w %i(1 of Fhoto,-raphs TakLn W~th Azizuth CL-nras 12 AL-,tr, I., and D. Pal. [Ast-rono-Ic Observatory of the Acadn:~y or I o.' ilungary). A New K~thod of Visual Satellite Observation by :!,ana of AT - I Telencor.-?o 14 T,.irchandr.rwa, Z. V., and L 14 Sher-b-aum. Results of Photographic '~'o~-,ervazlonz of Artificial Ea~EhW~-mtteTiites (Positions of the Sputniks I-~~8 ~ . and b 2 According to Photographic Observations at the Astro- noLcal'Ob3ervatory of Kiyev State University) 16 Obrcr-,rcrs: 0. 1. Babich, P. N. Polupan, Ye. V. Sandakova, A. F. Stefanov, Zh. 14. Shcherlban'. Calculations: L. M. Sherbsum. Mcasurezents =de on KrA-3 instrument Card 3/4 TURCHAJINOVA, E.V., nauchnyy sofriAnt"; 5ORBAU14, L.M.,nauchnyy Botrudniic Results of Fhotographic observations of artificial =ar-th satellites. BiuI.sta.opt.nabI.isk.Bput.Zem. n0-5:16-17 160. (MIR', 13: 11) 1. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya Kiyevskogo gosuniversiteta. (Artificial satellites--Tracking) SHERBAUMP L.M. Results of photographic observations of the Ekho-12 2960, artificial satellite at the Astronomical Ob.-;ervatory of Kiev University. Biul.sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.26.21-23 262. OAIRA 15:7) 1. Astronomicheskaya ob6ervatoriya Kiyevskogo universiteta. (Artificial satellites--Tracking) CHERVYAKOVAI A.F.; PLUZHNIKOV, V.Kh.; GOB~LCJV, Ya.P.; SH~~ KRYLOVI A.G.; SEITTSOVA, Yu.Ye.; KHAPIN, B.T. Results of photographic observations of artificial satellites. Biul.sta.opt.nabl. isk.sput.Zem. no.25:23-28 162. O-MFIA 15:7) 1. Nachallnik stantsii nablyudeniya iskusstvenzVkh sputnikov Zemli Instituta astrofiziki AN Turkmenskoy SSR (for Chervyakova). 2. Nachallnik KharIkovskoy stantsii nablyudeniya iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli (for Pluzhnikov). 3. Nachallnik stantsii nablyudeniy iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli Gosudarstvennogo astronomicheskogo instituta im. P.K.Shternberga (for Gorelov). 4. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya Kiyevskogo universiteta (for Sherbaim)- 5. Stantsiya Astronomicheskogo soveta AN SSSR (for Krylov, Sentsova). 6. Nachallnik Tomskoy stantsii opticheskikh nablyudeniy iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli (for Kha in). (Artificial satellites-Tracking)