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ACC NRs AP6033538 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/66/011/00410516/0520 AUTHOR:- Lyubchenko, A. P.; Tsarina, I. V.; Sherman, D. G.; Shukhov, A. S. ORG: Transportation Machinery Plant, Eharlkov (zavod transportnogo mashino- stroyeniya) TITLE: Method of determining temperature fields of machinery-part surfaces inaccessible during operation SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 516-520 TOPIC TAGS: temperature, temperature dependence, temperature measurement, diffusion method, diffusion parameter, temperature field ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determining the temperatures and Lopologies of the temperature fields of objects which are inaccessible during operation. It is based on the use of the critical dependence of the diffusion parameters of materials on temperature. The method was tested on simple and complex multicomponent heterophase alloys over a wide temperature range (the lowest temperature was 200C). The alloys tested were 65G, Hhl2M, Ehl8N9T, E1283, and AK-4 grades, with partial reference made to parts of internal r-.A 1 / 2 UDC: 536.5 I . . . . - . . i,_" ~ - . . . - ; ~ , * - . - ~, ; r . '; ~.: I ..)." . 1- : - - l- - : 7 -. . i .!:,: , ~ 1 . I - - I I y -"., :, ~ - . '. '. - - ~ .- I- I I" - I - -, - , -1 ii 'i - 1. 1 . I .. . I - - . . 1 -1 - '. 1. . - ~ '. " , i-:. 2- , ; .. - 7 . . ! , 1 - 11 , r. , , - . - , -11'. - 1 -.1 - - - ! I . - I ' , "' '. . I . I . . . - i : I Ili, - - . . . - I .. ; 11 : - 1. - 1. 1 ~; ~ .1. .,~ .~ - .1 )v- - - - '10 . _ -., ~ ~ 1- - !" -.. ~ I - - I - I ~ ; 1 .. ~ ., i, , j-I. I . I - 1. - . -- . -1 - . - . -;" - . I - :. '. .. .. . - ,'. - - I - -D ~ , I ; ~: --, . . . I : .1 - I I -. . . .I ; 1) - - , - -- - - : I . - . . .I I .1) - -.,- I, ~ -I --1 - :_ - . -- y - - - - - - - I I - 'IA 1, .. - - .. 7.1- 7 .1, " I.; I ~: . ~-,. ~'. . 1 1 - - -) - ~l - i_ ; , , " )'- :'- , 1-1- ?: I . I I I . . . 1, , , -. - ; : ~ ;. - , -"-. .~ - L t . - . - I . - , . ~-: - -,: : ! ~ 1 ~~ ) - '. ~ _, - - ~ ~ - ~~ - 12 - '-, . - . I . L:-. 111 . J, -;t, 'i.- - ', - , . .. .-. . .- --- . . ) ) I I I- Verman, D. I. On the pro0agation of wjavpq In a fluid Sci. TjRojS.-. yer covering an elastic balf-snace--: Acad. - Publ. [Trud'511 Jnst.1S6ismoI4j.-no-. 115, 43 pp- (1945).~,, (Russian)~ Dans ce, rnkmoir6 I-auteur kti& le, pro.Wnie de dker~ ' mination des ondes superficielles & Rayleigh sur les limites - st m d mftegx~ Le pr6b1ilme e effective it-160it.-A r jqu JA e- ara VP Ad -ifir%f - - he" m e- a cou fortnules obtenms sont discdt6es, et les oscillations Prin. '- ' ~ ffisammek m-andes cipaie et r6i6ellc, A des disitah su ces des points d'a-pplication de-i .1a force Oriodique superficielle, sont calcul&s. V, A. kostit. (Paris). "Core -~r- ~ n,6 er ta-I -) 7-T-Cbl-rs of "he Statl c T 1, ~- cry r,-T' 7la-= tic I:'Cr the 1--'a1 f-Spac e Zz e/ ;'cr --..ic 7--,crccn-lec~e-i Falf-Spaces Zz- e 'th Different Elas`c ---rcnerties.11 Iz. 1k. ancl I - w-, -7 SiSh, Ct-del. Tekl--. 1945- Su*u7-tte6 7 jun 1945. Report U-1532, 6 Dec 19151. VOW he i D On a- ka jWb1-Gm--'d S of potendil togn Integ"Witt -don. 0 If U Acad. Sci.:URSS. &r.~ Math. -[1tva& AW. Nauk SSSRJ9,357-362 (1945). . (RuWap. English-Summary) Let S be a finite Plane,domain'.whose boundary L consists of a finite number of closed curves of continuous curvatum A lie autlsor considers the proble-in of determining a function u(x y)~ harmonic- in S:and-satisfying on L- a differ6ptial cQitio-n of the'form awau/6-408646 &)' AS), + or More generally of the form, E Ea k axk-jayi k-0 where aq(s) and f(s) arc suitably restricted functions of the arr length; lie redlices the problem to the solution of-a -V~--Ihofm equation. E. F. Baken&aCll' z;. D, 2 Sherman D On some problems, of the theory of station- -AwRrrahlons. Bull., Acad. Sci. 4 URSS. Sdr Math. [Izvestia Akad. Nauk SSSR] 9, 363-.!370 (194S), (Rus- Sian. English summary) The method of the paper reviewed above is extended to treat similarly the problem of determining solutions. of the, differential equationdu+Vu-0, with boundary condition. the same as in the formee problem. E. F. Beckenback.' Vol No. 2 Sourc al Revi-~'Rs, e S FztheTmUc. 7 -A H; RE aK- Sherman D. I Certain problems of the theory of poten- ~Tath. Met-h. [Akaff. N.Ltfk SSSR. Priki. Nlat. Nlech.] 9, 479-189 (1945Y. (Russian. English Win- in.try) [AlF 15441] The authior shows flow the p2tential fitlicting II(x,y). which. is regular in the finite simply-eanuected reizi6n S and which satisfies tile houndary condition a(s)n~+b(s)uY=f(s) oil the Coll tilmously curved boundary L of S call br.1found a-, the soltition of an equivdent. Fredholin equation. Assum- ing aT') +h'(S) = I aII along. L, two cases arisr, whether in th ation a =cos w(s), -b-sin W(s) the C represent., function w(s) inci-eases by a - nonpositivt or by a positive multiple of2jr. when. the colrtour L is described once in the positive sense. In the first case the boundary-valoc problem .11%hyw has a solution, in the second case there ire'non- trivialsolutions of tile homogeneous problem. By tile 6wnc ntethod Poinearla's i3roblern where the boundar condition, is du7a +7p T)dtt1ds+qt').=f(.')' i. redu cet I to a F red h of in eq tia t ion, and so are certtin singular ations. integral equ, AL Gelo4nb (Lafayette, Ind.). Source. 1948' Vol No. MathematiQal Reviews, 3 -cncern':-_ Cn--- cafe cf '.,ar-_'at_,-cn cf, an .-anic-, Acadiemv ef Sciences, tute of :-,ec, Ctdel. "au', ':c- 10-11, 194-5. C:Utip-'tted 16 -,eport, "l-1532, () Dec 1,"51. I ~ ~, : ~: A ~ ; I it I .11~ - . - : ,, j-~ J- I I "I - , . "I I.... , t, , -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! . : i 1 1L '. . -1 , - - I , ~): I _: ~ fl~: j ~*, .1 " : : ~- . .. , ,,:i ~ I __, -' _,,I '' I ..-" :; ~) .. ; L:" (: 1, ~* .: -) - . .,: . . ., II I- ; I .. " ., ] -;. . i : - !.' - : . 117:.. * - i: . - 1 11 1 - I L0 I . i ! , - i : , 'i -.- I - I - r I . ., . , . . ~ I *Schermann, D. 1. Oscillation du 8 ildstique aux diplacements ou aux forces A la frontl6re. A-cad. Sci, UIL%. Nbf.- [Trudy] Inst- no. 118, 47 pji, (1046). :(Russian) This paperi.ernitaing 41 11M niethiXI of solution of the - threv-dimemimial problvin of propngation, of iiibrations in an Qlastic: half-spacc~when either.the displacements orexter- nal forces are six-vifiLd on the boundary. For.simplicity, initial displaMountsand velocities are assumed to vanish~ The 111COIM (if solutioll Is based on Ia Wrect application. of Follrier iWegrals. After a acqu0ce,lof transformations on seiI rIand vvetor jvwnti als both boundky, -valtie problem s art, educt4itoat, jiF;itl(!r.,itiniit)fccitai~qtiadrupI integrals, a ~04 wl-.icliyiet(l;iqu;tlititive;tiialysisof thephenomenonof wave propagation. 1. S. Sokolnik6l (Los Angeles,. Calif.). ISOUrce: tathematical Revie,,is, Vol No.6 USSR/Mathematics Feb 1946 Potential theory ft "The General Problem of the Potential Theorem, D. I. Sherman, 14 pp "Izv Ak Nauk Ser Mat" Vol X, No 2 Determination of a function u(X,y) harmonic in a finite (simply or multiply connected) domain S in the plane z = x + iy, satisfying certain conditions on the boundary L of S. 13T94 Sherman, 1). 1. . At istic osciDatidns in the case oi ---VVWTrpl tits on the boundary of the iliediufn. Appl. Malli. Met-li. [Akmd. Nai~k ',176SR. I'viH. Alal. N14-ch.] 10-617-622 (11946). (Rus-sian. E'nglish Sulli- Till. dastic medium filk a fillite, multiply-mimected do- main S ill (lie complex plativ houndeti by lion ill tersect ing alld liolloscillating Closed-Curves. Consideration of (he o5vil-- latious arising from given tli~,ila.cemcnts on the boundary. gives rise toa pair of second -:)f lei pilrdal differential equm- tious ill the longitudinal and -'irarisversc patentials Subject. to, prt,-scribed boundary conditions hivolving first partial Ill-rivalivus of lilt, poluillials. Potentials of a form leading fit lilt- Sollition of a s\-stem of Fredliolm integral equations %%illl t-imulillilig Ole frequency X of ust-illatiolls .3s a paramulcr are sought. The exisivill-v ~if soltitiotm for X=,.O i,. (-~1;111611vd, and Ill-lit-Y, by .1 theorcinof I'amarkin [Aim. of Math. t2) 28, 127 -152 (1927)]. twAtitions for ahnivstall X 7. C. MPYIC (I Iallovvr, N. 11.). 140. "~d I'T' USSR/OscIllationB - Theory Feb 1947 Mathematics., Applied "The Dirichlet and Neuman Problems in the Theory of Steady Oscillations," D. I. Sherman, 8 pp "Prik Mate i Mekh" Vol XI, No 2 Reduction of the problems of the multi-connected domain to the Fredholm equations, which differ somewhat from the hitherto known integral equations for the same problems and make possible direct establishnent of the existence of the solution. 15TT )AIV, ZD Scherman. D. 1. Sur une mithode do. r6soudre certalne proMmes do le. thforle de 1161asticN pour lee doinalnes doublement coAixes. C. =o- ady) Acad. Sci. URSS (N.S.) 55, 697-700 (1947). Let the elastic medium occupy a doubly connected domain 5 in the plane z=x+iy. The boundary 1, of S consists of two simple Closed curies, L, And L2 having no points if) COMM-0t), suppose Ll is In the interior of L~ and denote by S, and S, two, simply conn ected domains bounded by Ll and L2, respectively, The domain S, is then infinite. The determination of stresses throughout the domain S, when forces are prescribed on Li can be reduced to the search for two functions j~(;) regular in S, and riti.,ifyingotiLtliecoii(litioti (1)+7v )+J(I)=j(I),wherc t is a variable point on L and.f(s) is a known function. The author indicates a: method of reducing the solution of this problent to an analogous problent for a simply co-nnected dornainand is fell to one integral c(Inalion of Fredliolm tvlw for a certain anxilinry function defined over om. of the Curves I'l or ['2. 1. S. Sokolnik-off (Los Angvles, Calif.). Source: Natheriaticil Reviots. ~1948, VOI~ 9 NO ?A 5FT~;2 um/physics M&Y 1947 Vibration Wthematies, Applied "Several Particular Cases of a General Problem in the Theory of Vibrations," D. 1. Sherman, Inst Mechanics, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp "Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LVI, No 6 Containg number of mathematical formulas designed to prove that for any function t4 (X, satisfying the equation. A %, - X~A eF Isom I Thefunctionsviand le--'W j-_-, no *i are FeiWrWnQ Eby the qiwin nda ry conditions: u on Li ;I Berman, D. n t e state o( elzmetsa hrink-fitted '(1) +iwo) +T(1) Wembers. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR. Otd. Tchn. ' It010) _100) -*10) -,VVJY)- IVAO Nauk 1948, 1371-1388 (1948). ~ (Russian ) i The paper contains a solution of the following twoAimen on, -y, where x and A are constants-determined by the elastic sional elastic problem. A long hallow prismatic body whose properties of the medium and by the amount of shrink section UP ~ plane not7mal to the axis of the prism is a square -f. The author reduces the problem, (by means of along (with rounded corner3) with a circular hole at the center of analytic condnuation) to the determination of only two the square, is shrink-fitted on a solid circular shaft. The ji functions.,p(s) and ~(z), analytic in the region S~+& of elastic properties of fl-ie shaft are identical with those of the ~1 the fonn prism, and the lateral surface of the prism is free of stress. What is the state of stress in the member so formed? If qw- 00- f f the boundary of the square in the (x, y)-plane is L, and that i 2xi S z, of the circular bole is V, the solution of the problem, follow- where w(t) satisfies a certain intigral-differential equation ing Muscheli9vili, reduces to the search for four functions . and bars denote conjugate values. The solution of the latter pj(z) and Pj(a) (j= 1, 2) of a complex variable z=.-C+iY, i h l i i equation is obtained in t Ihe form of an infinite series. Xcg~ ana c n t ons Sj, where S, is a doubly-connected e reg yt i culation. of the distribution. of normal stress aloij region bounded by L and 7 and S2 is the circular region contained in the paper, illustrates the practical value of ihe~ bounded byY. function-theoretic'methods of solution of elastic problenia~ L S. Sokolsika (Los Angeles, Sourcer Mathematical Revi We Vol 10- No. a U /Zagineering May 1948 Wing Theory Mathematics, Applied "The Prandtl Equation In the Theory of a Wing of Mite Span," D. 1. Sherman, Inst of Mech, Aced Sci USM?-, 6 pp "Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 5 Presento solutions for Prandtl's integral differential singular equation for case when function p(x) is rational. Also presents approximate method for solving the equation which will hold true for any value of the function b(x). Submitted 2 Feb 1948. USM/Fingineerine Sep 48 Stresses "The Tension States in Some Pressed Parts," D. I. Sherman, Mech Inst, Acad Sci USSR, IS pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 9 A hollow prismatic body whose section is a plane perpendicular to its axis, Is of quadrate shape. It is weakened by a symetrioally located circular hole and by mounting an a solid circular shaft. 72ghtness of fit is given. Elastic properties of both bodies are considered identical. lateral sur- face of the prismatic body is assumed to be free 14 USSR/Engineering (Contd) Sep 48 from external forces. Calculates stress dietri- bution I- body. Coneludes by considering c~,.se, when elastic properties oA parts are not identical. Submitted 8 Mar 48. t~.q lk /4?T23 . - I : . - -,~ ~-*. -,. i ---- ~ -.:- y I . : .- . . , L . i . , --'- . . - -' _,I - -. qr k,german, D. L On, pethods of solving certain AW&WA6413pecifically, it is .assumed that Aj(l) has a simple zero at, I Integral eaWLWLs 'Alcad. Nauk SSSR. Prikl. NNW. Aleh. I=a (an L) and the.coc(ficients are analytic at I-& (the 12, 423-452 (1948). (Russian) latter condition can be lightened). It is shown thata reduc.- ss This is a study of systems of the form tion to regular Fret holm equations is po ible anti that (1) his a solution wj 1, 2) continuous (in L. Such results (1) f1#0) are "tended to systerns P, h C' (k - 1. 2), where L M a simple, closed, "smoot urve (in (2) the complex plane of x-x+iy), bounding a finite simply- fa (to) connected region S; the wj(t) are the unknowns and the aij, bkj, f& are assigned, suitably differentiable on L; the (k 1, 2), where Tt-fLwy(1)Kkj(1�1o)d1: here the XqC1, to) -hi In I# and are integrals are in the sense of principai. values. On letting (and the coefficienW--.tre Holder-d-n-L, t, ;-C1j-akj-bApdAj--a&-j+b - o -me forms Ideterminants A, (cj) 1, analytic at the point to = ve, at which 41 has a zero of multi. As The extensive literature relating to e4uations of plicity m. The system (1) is also studied when the aki, bkj are type (1). and of other similar types, is larg,-,Iy concerned constants and L is an open art. IV. J. Trfilzinsk~. i with transformations into regular Fredholm equations -of. the second kind, when A,, As (or other analogous functions) are distinct from zero on L. One of the novel features of this work is that one of the determinants is allowed to vanish at some points of L (the other one is assumed not 0 on L). Sourcet Mathematical Reviews$ Vol No. ti C-- I -Z- german, D I.- On a caue In the theory of singular equa- Ong Mlady Akad.- Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 59, 647,::650, 1948). ',Russian) The auth)r studies the equation (1) AQo)u1,1o)+(ri)-1B(1a) (1-Q-1w(t)d1 f +fiv(t)K(1, Qdt=f(Q, where inteplration isalong' a simple "smooth" contour L; 1, to are on : the co0ficients are essentially of a 1-161der class on L. In pievious literature (1) has been transformW into. .a regular: F redholm equation of the second kind? predomi- nantly uncler the'sujiposition that (2) A2-BIP-10 on L. The author gives a new. method for effecting such a trtins- formation when (2) does not hold. The case actually carried out is die i ~ne when A -B has just one simple zero on L. The questic n of eqtiivalence of the resulting Fredholm equa- tion and ol (1) is ekamined. Tito results obtained can be Cxtended tt systems of equations analogous to (t), W. J. Tridzinsky, (Urbana, 111.). 8ource; IL-ithematical Reviews, 'Vol v No DM/PhYi1cs ' ' ' Doe 48 BeaW - StreeB-Analysis Theory of Masticity One Torsion Woblem," D. 1. Sherman, Inat of 0, :-I Mach, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nank S M * Vol LXIII, No 5 Gives a method to solve special problems in the theory of elasticity and hydrodyrgutdca relating to toralon and curvature In hollow prism-shaped beams, the cross sections of irkich are areets with double connections, problems in the theory of elasticity for Almila areas, and other probleym 55/49T83 USSR/Physics (Contd) Dec 48 including the more general case where an ellipse! is placed asymmetrically with regard to a cirale. Submitted by Acad L. S. 3:*ybenzon 14 Oct 48. 55A9T83 D. 1. USSR/Engineering - mechanics Sep/Oct 49 Elasticity "Theory of Steady Vibrations of a Mediun for Given External Forces on Its Boundary," D. I. Sherman, Moscov Inst of Mech, Aced Sci USSR, 4 pp "Pr1k Mat i Mekh" Vol XIIII No 5 Discusses steady vibrations of an elastic medium filling a finite simply conn cted region lying in the complex plane vhen effective external forces are acting upon the curve bounding the region. Submitted 11 May 46. sw -I )I cWto PA 149T42 'V 'termini D. I, and, $af6dkk0, M. Z. Owthetorbion'of. some prismatic hoirow b"es. Ak-ad. Nauk SMK. a- lenemyl Sbornik 6,17-46 (1950). (Russian) The authors consider two prismatic hollow bars with the following cross-sections: I)- an _ellipse with a concentric circular hole, and 2) a square with rounded edges with a concentric circular hole. In both cases the barsare twisted by a moment Macting on the outside contour. The problems are solved by conformal mapping, ,%rhich, due to the fact: that the cross-wtion is a d oubly connected regioni presents considerable difficlilty. The method employed wascleveloped bv Serniap lady: Akad. Nauk SSSR 63,499-502 (1948); CDok tl~m Rev. 10, 6511. The obtained stress function, and hence the expressions for the stresses am in a form of compiicated ries. To make. them useful for -practical applicationsthi authors- tabulate for both cases up -to twelve cdefficients of the series for several dimension ratios. T. Leser. Vol 13 No. Source- Mathematical Revie'43, 9 I ~). I. USSR/Physics - Mechanics Elasticity 158T97 Mar/Apr 50 "Problem of Conformal ReClection," M. Z. Narodetskiy, 1). 1. Sherman, Mosco-.T, 6 pp "Priklad Matemat i MAW' Vol XIV, No 2 Gives approximate, but sufficiently effective, solution of problem of conformal reflection, in a doubly connented regi.)n 3 in the complex z-plane aga;.nst a circular ring. Submitted 31 Dec- 49. - I 158T97 t A~ Shown to sati&y a Fredholm in'teg-ral equation whose kernel 1, wiCh a known degree of approximation, by can be vcplace( -try a degent-r- us I he f etermination ol theauxili. mw kernel. Th , .1 terman D I On the %fregges in- a- twisted 4rcular beiam: :~~ i7l ~ flifictiotIi is reduced to the solution of, a system nf linea, r f unct, -ki!6wn oke thi! 'WARMY lon la tion e l id b we, enw y a prismatic cavity. Izv6tiva Akid.: iuk . s, , ra , qua ge X" a S,SSROL(1.1'i,.Iiii.Nattkl95l,969-995(19~1). (Russian) thet6rsion. unctioncan I. _ Saint Wnwit's tor.Mon problem for a long &Cular beam tting process is not fully eslib- of the approxim ~vergen~e weakened by a rectangular prisaintic cavity with romided lishFd in I he pa wr, extensive numerical computations testify cornl.,rs is solved I)v the introduction of an ati ~`illllr- to the rernarkable effeeLil. elless Of the proposed method, even which assumes wi (fie circular innindary the when it is applicd toa thin-walled sectior. thu complox iorsion fmiction. The 4uxiliary function is S. Sokolnikd (Los Angeles, Calif.). 1-~-Ithefnatical Rev Vol No.3 'k~ Him Aerman. D. L Torsion o an tic cYjWde stiffened with a circular roa. roxf 10, 81-108 (1951). (Russian) A detailed solution of Saint-Venant's torsion problem is given for a homogeneous and isotropic elliptical beam -rein- Mathematical Reviews forced by ~ circulai rod. The rod is welded onto the cylinder along the lateral surface, and the axes of the rod and bearh Vol. 15 NO- 4 coincide. This is a generalization of the corresponding tor- Apr. 1954 sion problem for an elliptical beam weakened by a cylindrical Mechanics cavity, solved by D. I. Serman and M. Z. Narodeckil [same Sbornik 6, 17-46 (1950); these ROTH, 886]. L S. Sokolnikoff (Los Angeles, CaliQ.,?.'PI erman. D, 1. On a case of regularization of singular equations. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Priki. Mat Meh. 15, 75-82 (1951). (Russian) A I nan earlier Ante [Doldady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 59, . -(1948) 647-650 these Rev. 9. 442J the author indicated a I new method of t 'nsforming the singular equation (in the ra sense of principal valu CS) t 1 G d ~ , ,) ( into a Fredholm integral,equation. Here L is a closed, suit- ably smooth curve, bounding a bounded, simply connected domain; 1, to are points on L; A. B, G, f are givep on L and are of 1-161der classes. This transformation was possible when the functions A+B nmish at some points of L. In this ezirlier work it was assumed that A(lo), B(to), G(1, to), f(to) are analytic in to at those points. In the present work the author studies (1), adapting the method of his preceding . note to the regularisation of (1) under.less restrictive condt- tions on the toefficients involved. IV. J. TrjWzinsky. No. Sourco: Yatheirotical Reviews, Vo, USSR/Physics - Stresses in Plates may/Jun 5.1 "Stresses in a Ponderable Half-Plane Weakened by Two Circular Apertures," D. I, Sherman, Moscow, Inst Mech, Acad Sci USSR "Prik Matemat i Mekh" Vol XV, No -s, pp 297-316 Considers elastic isotropic and homogeneous half- plane possessing 2 openings circular in form which are sufficiently far removed from the margin. Cf. G. V. Kolosov's "Application of Complex Variables to the Theory of Elasticity," 1935, Moscow, and N. I. Muskheli5hvill's "Certain Basic Problems in the Math- ematical Theory of Elasticity," 1949, Moscow.%Espe- cial interest is in the stress near boundary of aper- tures. Submitted 16 mar 51. i85TIo4 On stresses in a plane heavy medium with two Identical symmetrically placed circular openings. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Priki. Mat. Meh. 15, 751-761 (195 1). (Russian) A homogeneous and isotropic elastic material fills the Mathematical Reviews semi-infinite triply-connected domain S, bounded by the Vol. 15 No. straight line La parallel to the X-axis, and by two non- Apr. 1954 intersecting circles L, and L, with equal radii R. The centers Mechanics of the circles lie on the X-axis at a distance f from Lo.'The material filling S is acted on by a uniform gravitational force in the direction of the Y-axis, and the boundaries Lo, L1, L, are free of external loads. A solution of this two-dimensional elastostatic problem, in the neighborhood of L, and L2, is obtained under the hypothesis that R