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SHCHERBAKOV, I.B. Genesis of anorthosite of the middle Bug Valley. Geol.zhur. 22 no.4s26-36 162. (AURA 1519) 1. Institut geologichaskikh nauk AN UkrSSR. (Bug Valley-Anorthosite) KHMARUK, T.G. [Khmr-uk, T.H.1; SHCHERBAKOV, I.B Accuracy in determining the compoaition of plagioclases by the Fedorov method. Geol.zhur. 22 no.6:88-90 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR. (Plagioclase-knalysis) SHCHERBAKOV, I. B. Paragenesis of some garnet containing rocks in the middle Bug Valley. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN URSR. Ser retr., min. i geokhim. no.16:35-45 '62.- Wra 15:10) (Bug Valley~Garnet) (Bug Valley-Paragenesis) SHCHERBAKOV) I.B. - y. Trady Inst. geol. Limestones of the middle Bug Valle nauk AN URSR. Ser. petr., min. i geokhim. no.20:5-40 163. (KIRA 16: 8) K,W,.ARIJK, T.G. [Khnaruk, T.H.];-S- LEI. Green clinopyroxenes fror, mietasor-aUtes of ~ e region of U th the Sea of Azov and the Bug Valley. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk MI URSR. Ser. pstr., min. i geokhim. no.20:51-55 163. (MIRA 16t 8) SHCzIERBAKOV, I.D. Experimental transplantation of the pied flycatcher and the greater titmouse into the forest patches of Mordovia. Trud7 Probl. i tem. sov. no.q: 351-361 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Mordovskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik im. F.G.Smidovicha (Mordovia-Flycatchers) (Mordovia--Titmice) 7r JV k-ieute;aant Colone-I DV _a7 3 ervic e --K3VA, J j-. I 'Y jI ~-e Z~-r-,-4Cej; i"IIIJ A. G., (Candidate of IMP-dical Sciences, Lieutenant Colone! of the !,edical -jervice); and U-,AIIr,7yid4, ;t. YL., (c,..Ididate oi '-medical -~Cleilcc,6 ) "The Lrfectivenes5 of Immunization wLth LLv(-, I.,kimPs Vaccino in a locus of 1111'ectiork" VDye:--qo-'.",:c-ditsinskiv ~~-urnal No. 12), December 1~)61, p 62-73 GRIGO-rilYEVA-BERENSHTEYN, A. G., kand. mad. nauk; KARAPETYAN, A. Yo., podpolkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby, kand. mad. nauk;..SHCHERBAKOV I,,~,--podpolkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby; CHIRKOVA, 0. 0.; ij- ZASYPKINY V. Ya., starshiy leytenant maditainskoy sluzhby Effectiveness of immunization with live vaccine against parotitia in the focus of infection. Voen.-med. zhur. no.12:63 D 161. (MIRA 15:7) (MUMFS-PREVF&ITIVE INOCULATION) SHCERBAKciV, I.G. DECEASED 1961/1 c1954 SEE ILC CHEWSTRY t -Ac)v ---n ~'oc Ai -Ion~r bwril,- of ln~.Qr ;uva (A' ~'J': av. Ill.c. !":Ol. "orl. lic.. I Monlhl . ~ y L-ist of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953, Uncl. SHCHERBAKOV, I.I. brick dimensions for blast furnace air preheater tops. Ognoupory 27 no.12:540-54,/ 162. (MIRA 15:12) j institut 1. Sibirskiy gosudarstventriyy soyuzny- p-royoktirovaniya metallurgiches'Kikh za%,odov. (Firebrick) 0 0 Olt-, -4~ A a I k 'I u a 1_1_1 A ft P. Q A 1 1, iu v V-1 T Z AA so I Ilet-i"I'llition of the $tAfcb content of potato by specific gravity I M Pfikkeraw Prom. No 1, 37 -12. A method k de-wribed by iiirhich the 00 :.jilt-tit tif Picmt~ call be caled. fnKn the sp. irr. aq -ii a ~uuple 1-tin balance. Clittv"t"I tabl" are go J: 't wrd rite ri*ff. for Jtv wt. anti the -I, I.. 1.~ 41 991 mid Gir div %%I. atid ufwvlt Culitirlil, 00 it. ENIxtne R'll-f, T A a I L A atIALLURrMAL U111MAIUMI CL.%$1F;CATH1- jai in m; Kit at9it vttttt ttat 41 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0-0 0 cc PC a .-P It- I of lit- Iv45. ~t =O* taul, det,L zoo Pit- ;:- ~1111110 00 t:00 C; 0 0 too .11,J1 Clat d..;~ too 0 IN 9 da a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 & 996 0 0 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a J;; A, k 0 il-d"Rege&ration of m and aalts from used mle~.'. _aa A 1�11efi-erb-Mv. PrikI 3 ifn. v )14161 40 -Ni baths contaminated'- consisting of XiM, N114CI, and HqB04 and with Fe, Cu, and Zn salts can be purified by addii. c to 6 PH of 6.2-6.4 after having blown air throughTto )~C+ to:FL+++ Cr baths e o a l Wd ith C 0 . ar c rn n r nt w 3 , and Fe. Several methods to remove Fn have been tried without success, but such spent electrolytes can be used for ' Paints. Oxidlzia g baths consisting of N:iOFI and NaNOs ' Lwd conforn tinted, with Na~M, -Na~VeO,, and -'44Feo' rean be cleaned by blowing air through to ppt, T?e2Oj,2HO and Fe,O#.H,O. ' This deposit can be -filtered througha. 27 tnesh Ni or Fe'screen, ~er IPA sl;~-,Y~,,E~, :'-.7- "Q". I i .. I - 11-1 --( -1.111. , , I I ~,-- , o I.; , ttl A I-J' V I Sri S'Hl,"L Ya S; P Kc,' - Z'. In ftr:i.aLion iek'st. -)4 nc,.9:0'L-9-, S ' 64. (,?-.fIFA 17/ 1. Direktor Voronezhskoy kordno.-.,, fabriki (for Sharygin). 2. Nachall- nik proizvor~stvenno-tek'nnictieskogo otdela upravleniya le-koy promysh- lennosti Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva 'loldavskoy SSR (for Peysakh). 3. ilachallnik konstru'r-torskogo otdela Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo 'Dyuro Yuzhno-Eazakhstanskogo Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva for Iskakov). 4. iachallnik konstruktorskwo sektora Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro Yuzhno-Kaza",hs tan skc, go soveta narodnorTo khozyaystva (for Mitro- fanov)'. 5. liachallnik Byuro tekhnicheskoy info--matsii '.Ielekesskogo -11nokoMb4nata ~--'or Shas~ina~. 6. Glavn- u yy inzh. Khersonskogo !--hlop- chatobumazhriogo kombinata (for Shcherbakov). 7. Illachallnik tek-hni- ciiesko~7o otdela Mhersonsko~:c, 1-hlopcha'uob,-,mazhnogo kombinata (for Gomberg). qHCIfFuUA4(W , 1 .11. , dot c. , IL I'C, V Jj. T, EPtiapathogenetic- treatment of psoriasis, lunus erythemstosus, and some other skin disepoes presumably of viral origin. Trudy LMI 2:711-232 155 (MIRA ll:F,) i- Xafedra kozhnykt oipzney (zav. - deystvitel'nyy chlen 991 SSSR prof, O.N. Podvyeot-~-Aya' Pervogo Leningrpdskogo neditsinskogo lretituta Ime-Ii akndemllra I.P. llnvlova. SHCHMAKOV, I.M. A clinician's opinion on the pathogenesis of eczema and dermatitis. Vestoderm. i Yen. 31 no-1:13-17 Ja-F '57. (MLRA 10:-I) 1. Iz kozhnoy kliniki I Leningradskoo-o meditainskogo instituts (zav. - prof. O.N.Podvysotskaya) (ECZAKA, etiol. and pathogen. review) (DERKATITIS, etiol. and pathogen. review) SHCHMLBAKOV, I.M., dotsent Studies on the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the pemphigus group; survey of the literature. Vest. derm. i ven. 34 no.2:46-55 F 6o. (mm 13:12) 1. Iz virusologicheskogo otdela Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR (zav. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR A.A. Smorodintsev) i kozhnoy kliniki I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. - prof.A.K.Araviyakiy). (PEMPHIGUS etiol.) NIKOL'SKAYA, V.V.; SHCEMRBA , I.M. Tracesof ancient glaciation of the Tukuringra-Dzhagdv Range. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.2:58-65 Mr-Ap '56. (MM 9:8) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. (Tukuringra-Dzhagdy Range--Glacial epoch) SIIGIIFRBAKOI;I, IA. Origin of surface loams in the central part of the East European Plane. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.4:74-73 Jl-Ag 163. (MA 16:8) 1. Mo.,ikov:-,kiy gonudarstvennyj universitet Im. M.V.Lomanosova. (F-qvt European Plain-Soil formation) N -,: Ki,; , I ',KA Y A , `,~ . %T . ; ", -~ ',x , V ~ A . ; SH (,ri i- ',-' '13 '~ KOV , 1 . IN ~ Yo rm - of m i :.- rr, r e -', * ~ c on-n e c *- -~ 1 w :' th s o i I --i 1r c z en ov e r a C-c- r --' CA, of many year ~n t,e Sutar intermrn7.ane dr~presa',Dn. Dokl. AN S33 R I I (MIRA 17~ , 1 54 no. 3:512-585 Ja 164 - - 5 )' , Preds-',avleno akademikom A. A.G rigor I yevpj. 8.1-349 551.586:634.9:591.5 Shcherbakov, 1. P. et al. (Akad. Nauk USSR), Estestveanoistoricheskie u0soviia raj(MpV - - - - d du ubra v r om-yMe-nnogo zaachenfia. [Natural historical cond:tions of oak grove regicnis pf p industrial importance.] (In: Akaderviiia Nauk SSSR Kompleksnaia Nauchnaia Ekspetlitsila 1 po Voprosam Polczashchitnogo Les(;rao~edeniia, 19~9-, Trudy. Vol. 1, Pt. 2. MqsPw# Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 1951. p. 86-119. fig.) DLC-Presents results of investigations; carried out by the "oak grove". party of a scientific expedition under the supervision of the. author. The purpose was to determine the possibility and effectiveness of the development of oak groves of industrial importance, and tree species accompanying the oak, In different ' conditions of soil and climate in 3 geobotanical areas of the Stalingrad and Astmkhah IkLgions, chiefly in the Ergenin Hill land and the Green Ring of Stalingrad. Greatest Importance is, attributed to the quality of soils and to climatic conditions of the areas studied.' The peculiar j features of each season, their temperature, humidity,* wind anti precipitation regimes are, described and artalyzed in detail. Deficiency of inoisture (hiring all stutsons is considered to, be the most important limiting factor for the successful development of mic groves in the,~e areas. Measures of snow retention are therefore of highest inaportance and must be carried out with greatest care and Wort. Subject 11cadings: 1. Forest ecology, 2. Oak groves 3. Stalingrad, U.S.S.R. L Meiman, V., S. 11. Levina, E. F. 111. Krukovskain, Z. V. IV. Pavlova, N. P.-A.ALP. Tictfil:ill b'':. )v , I . 1'. , --for-station in the Lrincip.; tyres of for--3ta of Suithern Maritime Aegion R, j . Moskva, ISI-vo Alademii nauk 33 :R, 1953. 131 r. (54-!?-'12) SD2.32.M335 1. Forests a nd forestry - Siberia - Ma-,-itime Province. 2. Botany - Siberia - Maritime Province. 3. Forest ecology. SHCH-.,,'RBAROV , I. P. Use of a semiconducting electric thermometer to measure the temperRture of wood tissues. Fiziol.rast.2 no.4:392-396 il- Ag'55- (MIRA 8:12) 1. Ynkutskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Thermometers) (Trees) __ -.- SHCHEUALQY._,LF., CHUGUNOVA. R.V. Classification of burnt-over areas in southwestern sad central Yakutia. Izv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.1:127-136 160. (MIRA13:7) 1. Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Yakutia--Forests and forestry) SHCHERBAKOV, Petrovich; URTAYEV, Georgiy Timofeyevich; MIKUYLOVA p -- --- --- ---- -- - ----- -- L.G., red. izd-va; PARAKHINA, E.L., tekhn. red. [Forests and forest industries of Yakutial Less i lesnaia pro- myshlemost' IAkuti-i. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 108 p. (MIRA 14:7) (Yakutia--Forests and forestry) (Yakutia-Lunbering) -SHCHERBAK.OV, CHUGUTIOVA, R.V. Forestsof southwestern districts of the Lena Va and reasures for furthering forest regeneration burnt-over areas. Trudy Inst. biol. IAFAII SSSR ley in Yakutia in felling and no.7:5-161 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Yakiitia--Forests and forestry) a,C1ff7RBAKOV, Igor' Petrovich; OKHLOPKOV, Ye.D., red. [Forest resources of Yakutiia and their utilizationl Lesnye resursy IAkutii i ikh is-pollzovanile. TAkut-k IAkutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 34 p. .1?.51 L 157nC6_66 ACC NR: AP5024173 SOURCE CODE: UR/0290/65/000/002/0053/0061 AUMOR: Shcherbakov, I. P. lia Si- ORG: Yakutsk Affiliate, Siberian Department of the AN SSSR (Yakutskiy fi .birskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR) TITLEt Reforestation in the northernmost part of Eurasia SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya biologo-maditsinskikh. nauk, no. 2, 1965, 53-61 TOPIC TAGS* forestry, forest product, botany, soil type 'ABSTRACT: Flora and fauna on the island of Tit-Ara, located in the Lena River val- ley 50 miles above the delta, are described. Tit-Ara had one of the northernmost larch forests in Northeastern Eurasia until 1942-1943 when most of it was cut down. ,Since then, there has been some regrowth and efforts aimed at renewal and preserva- tion of the vegetation are under way. Tit-Ara larch is of considerable interest to :,investigators because it grams at the most northern limit of its range. Tit-Ara, .one of the largest islands in the lower reaches of the Lena River, consists of four UDC: 634.9(571.56)581.526.533(571.56) LVA 1/9 L 15726-66 ACC NR: AP5024173 main elements or terraces with forest-tundra vegetation. The author presents an outline of the'geomorphological features and main plant species on each terraces followed by a detailed discussion of the characteristics of the larch regrowth 'which is half as slow as in the southwestern and central regions of Yakutia. Some notes are presented on the island's flowers and wildlife. It is recommended that the Yakutsk Branch of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences SSSR or Yakutsk State University organize a combined.scientific expedition to Tit-Ara. Orig.1 art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables. ~ OTH REF: 002 USS,R/Guicral Problems of Patholoa. ;,liera U-2 Jour ; RLf Zhur - Biol., Uj l4j, -95 1 1 8, No 6594o .',uthc,r : Gryazin V.I.,-~hcherbakov 1.3[-- Inst : Institute of Veto z-j Medicine of the Kcz,,kh Branch of the .*-II-Uaion ordera Lenin Acaderw of '.-gric,,;CItural Sciences iL,eni V.I. Lerin Title : 1,Uergy and .*,Ilerr-,-cns in Peripneur3ania in Bovine ~',nimals. Orig PWb : Tr. In-tan vet. Kazakh. fil. '1VSSiqIqIL, 1957, 8, 132-138 'Istract No abstract Card LT V- S11- Z, Ll .:;.i' -is ~co L; 'L L I ally P.- Th ee 11 di, Ln -c"'; Up L;T- k'1' :tnd was p tile Of :,TI v j COLMtry USSR R Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Baotorla and Fungi AbB, Jour. Ref Zhur-Blol, No 23, 1958, No 105818 iAut'L-..)r Gryazin, V. I ; %Shaherbak v V. _ v C_ Q__ Bear J11stitidt, Kazakh Scientif. search VV~eet;errkary Institute Titlo Biological Diagnosis of Weetious Peripaeumo- nia of Cattle on Lambs and Kids oriq. Tr. Kazakhsk. n.-i. vet. In-ta, 1957, 9, 1 Abvtract A series of experiments carried out to find a model for biological diagnosis Of infectious peripneumonia (IF) in cattle showed that lambs and sheep, as well as kids and goatsm of any age, are suitable for this purpose. It was de- monstrated that it is possible to make biologi- cal diagnosis of IF in cattle on lambs within 3-14 days, and on kids and goats within 7-14 days. By slaughtering aff ec ted animals on the second to fourth day after infection, It is SHCHERBAKOV, K. Continuous cast-iron desulfuration. Mashinostroitell no.7: 47 61. (MIRA 14:7) (Desulfuration) SIXIIERBAKOV^ K~, inzh~ Member of the 11141ner,s glory" order. Sov.shakht. 11 no.2:9 F 162~ (MIRA 15:1) 1. Otdol~organizatsii truda treat& KELlininugoll, T-ullskaya oblast;. (Coal miners) VOYDA, A.N. [reviewer]; KRUTIKOV, N.P.; SHCHERBAKOV, K.F.; SMIRNOV, I.I.; '. . POPOV, I.F. [authors]. Review of 'Theory, design and calculations of farm machinery," volume 1, by II.P.Krutikov, K.F.Shcherbakov, I.I.Smirnov and I.F.Popov. Sel'khoz- mashina no.10:31-12 0 '53. (MIJU 6:11) (Agricultural machinery) (Krutikov, N.P.) SHGiMRAKOV, Konstantin Fedotavich, kand.tekhn.rauk; SCLOVIYEV. D.I.. kand.takhn.nauk, rad.j LRMOV, V.S., retsenzent; YEGORKINA. L.I., red.izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., [Machines for harvesting industrial crops; theory, construction, and calculation] Mashiny dlis uborki tekhnicheskikh kulltur; teoriia, konstruktaiia i raschet. Pod red. D.I.Solovleva. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekha.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 301 P. (MM 13:6) (Harvesting machinery) kand.tekhn.naWk; ,LUMV, I.V. Attachement to the PRVNI-2,5 vineyard plow for turning the soill and (mItivating between rows. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no.10--39- 1:4-0 0 161. (MMILI 14:12) 1. Rostovskiy institut sallskokhoz-mystvennogo nashinostroyei-,.. (Plows--At+~--chxents) ~Viticulture---Lquipment and supplies) SHCHLRBAYWI K.F., kand.tek-~n.nawk The KAS-2.8 scari-seeder with active operating parts. Biul.tekh.- ekon.infom.Gos.much.-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.8:64--68 162. (Planters (Agricultur al machinery)) (MIRA 15.7) SHCHERBAKOV, K.F., inzhener-geolog; FaIENKOp V.yu., inzh.-geolog Talc schist from the southern part of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Sbor. nAilch. trud. NIGRI no.2:143-153 159. (MMA 1.4: 1) (Krivoy,Rog Basin--Schists) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Tale) cas-cr-o4.1 plants. 8-unflcrwers -- - z -, 7 7 7 FLastl nos ~royeniya. 1 7,11 L SHCHERBAKOV, K.I., akademiki LEVIN, B.Tu.. doktor fiziko-matomatichaskikh nauk. A champion of materialistic science; on the first anniversary of O.IU. Shmidt's death. Priroda 46 no.9:40-46 3 '57. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli im. O.Yu. Shmidta Akademit nauk SSSR, Moskva. (Shmidt, Otto Iullevich, 1891-1956) 4~- ::Xc---C~~ NR: AP6013268 0[0060 INVENIDR! Shche rb akov, K. K. Bogdanov, V. V. Kukushkin , Yu. A; f ORG: none TITLE., Device for measuring the volume of inhaled and exhaled air. Class 30, No. 180735- ~j w! SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 60 TOPIC TAGS: respiration, human physiology, respiration sensor ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device to measure the volume of inhaled and exhaled air. It consists of active Fig. 1. .5 inhalation and exhalation sensors; 2 impulse amplifier-shapers; 3 - cali- E::p brators; 4 - reversible trigger counter; 5 - adder; 6 - transducer UDC: 625.47: Card 1/2 -6 AUTHOR; Yev~~,,,-.~v*,, A.S., Shcherbaklov) K.L. SOV-113-58-10-1/10 TITIE- 'Eric Fiature Develomient of Fcunaxies at, Puto=obile Plants (Perspel~tivy razvitiya liteynykh tsekbov avtozavodov) PERIODIC;P.-L-. Avtomobillnaya prornyshlennostl, 1956, Nr 10, p 1 - 5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors review the development of foundries at Soviet au- tomobile plants. The productivity of these foundries is not on the same level as other modern foundries in the USSR, al- though the work is mechanized to a certain extent. They cite in this connection the GorIkiy, Urallskiy nmd the Minsk automobile plants and the YaroslavVengine plant. They also point out -various methods for improvement which must be put into effect diaring the next 1 - 3 years. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: NTITAv-toprom, '_~iproavtoprom 1 Autcmotive industry 2. Foundries--Development Card 1/-I 2d (1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV121506 Soveshchaniye Do komplek-snoy mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii tekhnologicheskik~ protsessov. 2nd, 1956. Avtomatizatsiya mashinostroitellnykh protsessov; /trudy soveshchaniya/, tom. 1: Goryachaya obrabotka metallov (Automation of Machine-Building Proce3ses; Proceedings of the Conference on Over-All Mechanization and Automation of Technol- ogical Process, Vol 1: Hot Metal-Forming) Moscow, 1959. 394 p. 10,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut machinovedeniya. Komissiya po telchnologli mashinostroyeniya. Resp. Ed.: V.I. Dikushin, Academician: Compiler: V.M. Raskatov: Ed. of Publishing House; V.A. Yotov; Tech. Ed.: I.F. Kuzlmin. PURPOSE: The book is intendpd for mechanical engineers and metallurgists. Card 1/4 A .10itomatl-on of Nlachine-BUildin~.', P.--ocesses (Cont. S OV/2 1 r, 06 Yegorenkov, I.P. Automation of Casting Proce3ses and Equipment 32 Shcherbakov, K.L. Technical and Economic Indices of Foundries as Influenced by the Degree of Automation of Processes 37 Mysovskly, V,S. Over-all Automation of Central Molding- Sand Preparation Systems 41 Lesnichenko, V.L. Development of Designs of Sunblast Molding and Core Machines 50 Rabinovich, B.V. Automated Sandblast Molding Machine 56 Shub, I.Ye. Automatic Equipment for Casting in Shell Molds 64 Yakovlev, V.0. Precision of Large Castings and Methods in Their Manufacture 76 Card 3/9 SHCIMRAKGV, K.L., inzli. Die casting of large aliminum parts. Ka-shinostroitel' no.3:44 mr 16o. (MIU 13:6) (Die casting) SEGREiMAKOV, I. L. Changes in the organization of the founding industry in the U.S.A. and Canada. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.8:88-91 160. (MIRA13:9) (United States--Founding) , (Canada-Forunding) S/128/61/00()/002/0o4/009 p,054/pa33 t W1 is mei is ble Just meta. at daped,-steej four4ries Ot anc rv- 001, the w orrias 21 - 23 lot Prod,10- otion 0 ss PrOdIl r10 - , _961, big,- kov, Ine. O(Istvol 0,,tpixt all f tvie Vaua 1;4,zn- e Proizv great Irjes 0 e of the r I 'W-ItI, a the fouD t1jos ,,its, ~ 83:1C vitelnOy &.r4,es n e., I'lattst Be7 late& TOIL* f OVIR instaxl- tor the aatol t stee (for t Trac ts as f,111-Y 0 - sh-If t reserl Yjjf t5 ,Ipe Sx art P19A aevi for tvi in P't P 3,re-P ed fo three s jai e (14 -11:1 CI r an SPI lann con 'tion via -PlaRts, P to 14orring binsls~' (I rar is 8.150 P re retion easier are drie S a , Ope aorl- tion Chella ailroa qtiol, Un reser'l .1ingr&CI ' 13ri- t5r, 'R if t Opei i fo t is Macy, Oper- St rryLree-511 'roa, the P if ie * after a tvio 5 PA-6- aer 3us eratioll ;Yilz in I le -T asi. te-)' je5 Wlierea t1lat Un is not 0 OP a wor f ser- tile ITOS, f! f oundr f intairls SI'lif ts es I a VI Undri teel .,.tllor Ma taree h f0 86 0 1 350 Vh,/5tjj0I:t 'Aorr ,,,6pedL- s The Orrins 1-11 in sx1e, S a t t,#io It i raaces ace s - 3 0a for 0 erat 0 jes, are N 11 far'a s fro r co fo er co s ee e ectric PIS- 4ro increase Pat ac peri0c" tII_8C'1a0,aSxIMPtioa irL spe ci f ic 0. i0aa e POv'er (tje -,,,crease s 51 e rodkict 35%, as it vi __ __ --Kti-ght ice shift has a favora- -und-the-clock operation is only 1/2 with the technology (for instance- ir, SHGIH-RBAFOV, K.L. Development of the production of pearlitic malleable cast iron in the United States. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.5:84-87 161. (1011,A 14: 6) (United States-Cast j:on-Metallurgy) SHCHERBAKOV, K-L, v'otmd---y lp % building of c-ircular shape. -. t. p.-cizv. no. -"- : 34 D 161~ (MIR-A 14:112) (Denraark,-Foundries) JHCHER,lKOVj, K~L. lle-w casting process used in the manufacture of automobiles. Avt.prom. 27 no.8;42-41+. Ag 161. (IURA 1-4:10) (Automobile industry) (Founding) SIIGIL~RMKOVY K.L. , inzh. Automatic cacting line. Mekh. i avtom.proizv. 16 no.1:51-52 Ja 162. 15:1) (Foundries-Equipment and supplies) (Autonnation) SFCHERBAKOV, K.L. Over-all mecbanization and automatization of IF'oundries sPeciall'zed in Bhell molding. Lit.proizv. no.2:17-19 F '62. (~'_LRA 115:21' (Foundries--Equipment and supplies) (Shell molding (Founding)) SHCHERBAKOV, K.L. Continuous line in foundry practice. Lit. proizv. no.8:42-43 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Founding) (Assembly-line methods) SHCHMMKOV, K.L. New continucrus action mix r. Lit.proiz?v. no.11:13~-14 N 1_6R. (MM 15112) (MLxing machinery) SHCHERBAKOV, K,L, low-prossure casting. Biul. tokh. -ekon. inf umi. Cos nauch. -is sl. ins f, nauch.i tekh.inform. no.ls85-M 163. (~Mt 16;2) (Die casting) SHCHMBAKOV, F,,,T, New trends in precision casting, Biul. tekh,--ekon. inform. Gos. nalich--issl.inst.nauch-i tekh,inform. no.3.~80-86 '63. (MIRA 16-.4) (Precision casting) SHCHERBAKO-Vy K~L~ Ne,..- me-thod for making cores. Biul.tekh.-ekon,i--for--,Go.-. P-wu,~h.-issl.inst.nauch.i tElkh.inform. no.9486-92 162. (MIFA 15933%) (Coremaking) SHCHERBAKOV, K. L. Making cores in heated core boxes. Avt. prom. 28 no.6:45-47 Je 162. (MIRA 16-4) (Core making) SHCHERBAKOV, K.L., inzh. Modern foundries of Great Britain, Lit.proizv. n0-10:41-48 0 164. (MIRA 18:4) ;~"- Pre-eent, stace of fourid-frig in Dlgl-rnd. B4~u-'.Leki~.-eko--.4-riform.Gos. 1, nwicn.-'-ssl.inat.naucn.i tekh.iriform. 17 nc.7.91-93 J--' 64. (YJ RA 17 ~ 10) 11 1 . t ~ . I -~ 1 : . . . I I -.t I ! .,I L.:- , ~ ; 1- 1 " ~ 1 '. I , 1 " ~ I -~, ~ r, ) 1 ! ! I at 1. 1 , I '. . t), ~ F ,, i. '. ! .' : :SHCIMRR&K(JV, KA. Corrosion in hot water sypply systems. YodA san.tekh. no.6: 14-16 Je '56. (MLRA 9-8) (Water pipes--Corrosioa) (Radiators--Corrosion) USSR /Engineering - Foundry, Equipment Feb 52 "Separator for Recovery of Molding Sand Using Corona Discharge," K. N. Shcherbakov, Eugr, Gi- proavtotraktoroprom "Litey Proizvod" No 2, pp 12, 13 Describes separator of chamber type, model-188 with productive capacity about 10 tons/hr, based on use of corona discharge initiated by electrode under dc voltage from 40,000 to 80,000 v. Grains of Band, on their passage through gap between elec- trodes, are deviated toward settling electrodes, lose their charges and fall down under effect of USSR A ngineer ing - Foundry, Equipment Feb 52 (Contd) gravity, being distributed according to size among various bunkers. Gives scbematic drawing of separator and flow sheet of entire recovery operation. 'K. -"-. KrDtk-i-i ---,,uvochnik :ro remenno-privodnomu khoziestv-u. (MosIrva) Gizle.gprom. i,~2.3 - 51 v. ill-us. Conclse Ivind'--ook of' Lelt-drive oierations. DLC: Till(k . S5 SO.: M3nuf-.cturing and ~-.echjnical -.ngineering in the Soviet Union, Library of U - L - Convress, 1-9-53. 3i;c~-:E 5AKOVY X. v. Krqtkii sprL~vochnik ro remenno-privodno-mu khozi;AstvL. 2. izd. YO s kva , Gizlegpr~:~.,::, 11~42,,. -,'7 p. i i 11; S. (,',ze 'n-ind"Cock of "elt-dri,.-e !---. ers-ticns. 2nd e~,. --C: - -', I - -. 'Zf 1 :;/ I J- -;-1- -, - L+~ SC: ~~jnufacturin~: -qnd Mech3niciil --:n,-irieering in the jcviet Union, Library of t~ C- n~7ress, 1953. SHCHERBAKOV, K.V., inzh. Kalininugoll Trust mines are operating on a reduced work schedule. Ugol' 34 no-2:56-57 F 159- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Trest Kalininugoll. (Moscow Basin--Coal mines and mining) SECIERBAK01, . L.A-,-, aspirant. Ef-'oct o'L the reaction of the medium on the productivity of the synthesis of cell substance and protein by micro-organisms recovered from a cmr rmen [with sumLary in Englishj. Izv. TMA no.1~23G.232 362. OM-EI, 15:1S) (P,.IJ,'tF,11-',.fIC",01310LOGY) (P!,'OTFriS) f .~-baza. SA/ C I-I.E lYHA KO VJL. J. 20 t* of 116le of carbon and alu'ralno-silicales in th~.pGIWrlSR_lrOP olefines with gaseous borgn tril Shch~rW-V (D"Al. Ahad. Nalfk. SSSR. 195"i. 90, 7q3-'VN.- .TjfF.v'l_ ni, , mol. wt. c(mlini (,I umawratv,15, dimeric. ttimeric. ind tetraincric products horn t11, potvnierisation of is- aud ;I- butyletiv, and i `-amylene on ahimino-Silicate and active C, both puTe alld Nlli-11 "'td f"' BF_ are rccorded. It is that BF~ combims %Nith alannino-mlicates and i:i thcreby- R~ C. MURRAY. activatt (I for cMaNsis. '40 -./ 9e S~ Chedcal Abst. vol. 48 No. 9 0 91110L L- ~M-!- May 10, 1954 erbakox. colbw J. (U.S.S.R.) 14? General and Phydical Chemistry uAnIUMON.-Sem C.A. 47,144W. ii. SF'I!-T:2;A.KG'V, L. M.. and BOLOTT111" A. 3. "Deren'dence of Su--fa~e Tension on iadius of D/1--olp". Uch. Zap. Kishinevsk, un-ta, 11, PP 153-156, 11054 11 ,3emiempirical approximate equation of dependence of surface tension of the radius of the droD r is derived:-Y =C (1 - 2/,Ao r 21,(,,2- Where ', is the surface tension of flat liquid surface;Aois a constant or the order or --.a~nitude of 10'7 to 10'9 GG3 units. Concrete valuesai, for various li,iuids ,we riot s ocified. (UZ hFiz, No 10, 1955) SO: Sum No 812, 6 Feb 1956 I -mate tichaskikh nauk; -5HCHNUAXOV, Iteauld Mikhaylovioh, kandidat fizike ma, TTLKIN, M.N., rodaktor; PULIN, L.I., takhnichask'17 redaktor. [Atomic energy in the service of man] Atomnaia anergila a& sluzhbe choloveka. Izd. 2-ea, ispr. i dop. Tula. Tallskoe kn-vo, 1956. 55 P. (Atomic power) (; ELPLA 9: 6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOTTATIOR SOV/4089 Shcherbakov., Leonid Mikhaylovich OEno-y fiziki yadra (Fund ntals of Nut-:lear Physics) [Tula] Tullskoye knizhnoye izd-vo, 1958. 60 P. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.t A.I. Tupikov; Tech. Ed.: L.I. Palin. PJRPOSE: This book is intended for readers with a knowledge of physics and mathe- matics at the level of the schools of higher education and can be useful to students taking a course in general physics. COVERAGE: The book explains the principles of nuclear physics and nuclear technique in considerable detail and can supplement a course in general physics. No per- sonalities are mentioned. There are 14 references, all Soviet. TAKE OF CONTEM: Introduction 3 Lav of InteractIon Between Mass and Energy 5 C.'ard 112 "n e r '. a 1K ovL 11 17/1 e o-roy ty its ionn,,)-. i1c 1, os e v teorii kapill-yPrnost-) ~'o' loi.-,In,,y :7hurnal , 195-9 , Vol 'XX , Nr -I , pp 5C2-5C6 I Ss? R "he theory of cnpillnry phenomena nls formulnte~ in the last -entur y ( "I e f . Iri d 2 Tt is based on two laws usually termed Ln. p 1 a c e I s 1 --rv s .The first of these two laws determines the surplus pressure caused by a bent surface of a liquid. This lormula has been incorrectly interpreted as a change of mole- c,il-qr pressure of a bent surface. The molecular pressure is internal property of a liouid w1rich does not influence the --echanic,il e~,,uilibrium of t~ie system. A decrease of the drop- let rn-Cliuz should cause an increase of the rrolecular pressure .."'Ich contradicts t~-e fncts. The wrona interpretation of the ~entianed formula also contradicts experi,-.ental results. The molecular nressure can not, be measured directly, but the derivations of the -formula may be checked by exrerimen". The concliz:,ionS of Teplace's formula, like the Jurin law the law ior t-.-- -,)ress.-.;re in bubbles, etc., are correct oecause znev -ire bFse~ on thi:-- second term of the formula which represents Carl 1~2 -,~-.ysically the change in hydrostatic and no" molecular pressure. -ne -.~-ecry of' Capillprity '--0V-69-z)P-4 -17 /Ie o n;-. 1 .' . I .=cr i. n I Tn the article, tvzo formuIns are given in whic'n ti-- -nentione-4 e r ro r is nvoided. hry h,,qve I-,Ppn derived hy me-ang o1' thermo- ci:;riqmi(- methods. h(,. surfacr, ten-lion, the -inecific totnl ~Mrlf"we F?nc~rgy, find tho l1wrill ('t) rvn 1,11 T- or thn JjqjiH mi,cs bikon int'' "orl: nre ', referpnoes, ) of which are .-,oviet, 2 "'ermin, and I Fre n c h . A S C 1 1 ' sk i mekInni cheskiv ins ti tut (Tula '~'echanicai TnstituteN ri 1 in 7 tu)eS- -Theory Car,; SUCHFIBAKOV, L.M. Hent of su'li-nation of small crystals. Iz-,r. vys. zav.; liz. 1. - I no.4-T?--13 ' 5 9 . (MA 13:3) l.Tii.1'skly- mek,,anichaski3r institut. (Heat of sublimation) a z t v herbalro v, c t o C At~)miz,:Ltion on .,_)1ub'Iit:,, and 'eat of Solution ( 7 :-j I Vcl .-'XI, IN- 4, -.,o 464-47 1':;.~ ha-,e dtrived an Pour-t-ion, wl~_;c'rl. establishes a cor-r.--la-lon the dec~eaSf~ 4-2 diff---=t4aj ~--eat 07F so- i,--n -.nd t'lle full surface energy of m atornized diissolvod SU~I- , 7n nc~, 'he obta 4 ned formula -.:ia- used to correct data of 1 nv~._, - t ion c~,,=.ed u ~r -~27 by JTo,nzon t rd, 7 'nes ent 1'_s ~xpef ime U tJor for i d t , U , i - - - in - I T h _n ,-o I c, - 1 f o n d a t i n r, f th i S eir'-feCt -,7P_S given in 10,t5) b.~ cine- Df ',"ne authors of the article. -lae "o=IZIa obtained r -,- lecreace in of solut-ion ~_iven in "'-Ie form L 2 6 VD. d~-.-ao ti'-- surfice ttension of the cr~,stai, v its molar vrjiume -_Lnd D t'-_ ;e-ree of _`i_--per_--itv. On "he baFis of this --ped a ne-.v formula e a r P, d~ v e _, - - (12),A L=L-L i -,- Z i n g t l i s T, e d b - - t 1 -1. e i n t r c, d u c t i o n o v i I'c the speci- c -1 - -~ -.-:hJc` reviaced tne surface e 1, -11 C , 1 11 1 _S I - - _-OV/~~ 9- _._21 -4-15122 ct of Atomization on Solubility and Heat of Solution tension d, of Lap cr:,,stal. FormiAL (13a) A L= -26v' i S =_ 2 E (E=total surface energy) represents the V1 s 3 f inal 'Porin of the equation, and shows thatu the d-3crease in U differential heat of solution is equal to two thirds of 'he Uo"al surface energy of the atomized dissolved substance. -'_T;c,lyin,_,- the results o--* their study to 'he above-mentioned in- ve.:tigation of the Ame'ican scientists, the authors have shown obtained by disregarding Uliat t.,--e exces s values for E NaCl .,.,ere the 'leat effect of surface wetting. 'Jith the introduced correc- tions for the sDecific full surf-ace energ~y of crystalline Na"ll ,,'flle au'Ullors critabli.5hed aENaCl value of 1"5 erg/cm2. The authors expreso their gralu-itude for help to the Corresponding 111ember of the A-" US-3R, B.V, Deryain. They mention 'he scientists K.S. L--.Iik--.v, V.K.Se-_--_~nchenko, V.I. -'Lykov, Yu.V. Vullf and P. 7. _'-'!.rebeYk._-. '2here 7,re land 1E references, 9 of which !22 D~' Atomiza t ior on 3 -labili'y -,nd --'ea-t o' 7,Dluti on Soviet, ""nlz-lish and 4 Gelman. 1-hani che ski- inStitut -=.' - V cl~-~,.--ical Institute) r i Card 6 Li 7 0 t3 41 S/069/60/022/01/019/025 _57 411)00 D034/DO03 ',cherbakov, L.M. T E - TTT~ ~ On the Thermodynamics of Thin Liquid LayerJ Fl:.-,T~)DUCAL, Kolloidnyy zhurnal., 1960, Vol XXII. Nr 1, pp 111-116 (US.-3R) ABSTRACT: The author reports on a study of certain equilibria in thin liquid layers (change of phase transition temperature and heat of evaporation as a function of thickness of the layer). On the basis of the preceding works of B.V. Deryagin and his school LIRef 1_7 - Derya- gin introauced the below-mentioned concept of "wedging action" -, the author points to the fact that the de- velopmen', of the phase boundary airface affecis fn two diffa~\-_nt ways the equilibrium of a heterogeneous system, 1) the usual capillary phenomena or capillary effects of the first order, called forth by the immediate effect of Card 1/3 68708 S/069/60/022/01/019/025 D034/DO03 On the Thermodynamics of Thin Liquid Layers the liquid surface development, and 2) the capillary effect of the second order, which are connected with a chan-e in surface tension during the change of the 0 CD ,geometri.c. surface magnitudes (drop radiu.s, layer thick- ness). The effects of the second order were termed by Deryagin the "wedging action" of the layer. Accordin.- to the author, the latter can be connected with the dependence of the excess surface energy on '-the thick- ness of the layer. ',,Vith the aid of thermodynamic methods the author established that. the temperature of phase transition for a liquid in a thin layer will be lower rinan for a considerable mass of liouid, The fall of tempera-,ure of transition is equal to b T Card 2'/5 , Q S'10-'-_--'-" 2_/01/019/02' )' "GO/O ~-'I DO:z,L~-/DCO 3 Tr,=-T:jod,-,_ramJc_s of Thin LiquLd Layers h layer thickness, v - molar volume of the con-sidered phase, molar heat of evaporation of the layer,e- slirfacdPo tension). The author h_-s further shown -,hat the heat of evaporation also diminishes with decreasing layer thickness, the relative decrease in the heat of evaporation being above the relative decrease in the temperature of phase transition. In connection with B.,V. Deryaginthe author also mentions scientist I.I. ribrikosol,,a /-Ref 6 _7, who established a correlati-o-n-Te-- I~Ween the values 0- and h. He expresses his gratitude lor helo to Associate Member of the AS UkrSSR9 BoVo Deryagin. There are I graph and 14 Soviet references. o - _'l ~'_'S T I OE' Tul'-skiv weknanicheskiy inst.itl_)~- (Tula Engineering In- stitut,e) D ED October 25~1 L958 Card 3/3 3/076/60/034/009/038/041XX B020/BO56 AUTHORS: Shcherbakov, L. M. and Ryazantsev, P. P. TITLE: Wetting Angle of Small Drops C PERIO:)!C;,L: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 2120-2122 TEXT: In the classic-zl capillarity theory the equilibrium value of the wetting angle for drops with arbitrary radius is assumed to be equal. I. -Fetryanov and N. Rozenblyum (Ref. 1), however, experimentally found a decrease of the wetting angle with the decrease of the size of the dron in the case of small drops. In the present paper, the deviation from the second Laplace law in the case of small drops is theoretically analyzed. In this case, only drops were dealt with which are found on the free surface of a solid and are deformed under condition-= when a mass transfer is excluded. A further paper deals with surf-sces covered with adsorption layers of mainly polymolecular liquid layers of. con- siderable thickness, whose existence hasbeen experimentally proven by Card 1/3 ) , I J , : '~ " - " '.~ L+ Wetting Angle of Small Drops 31 076/0 D 1034,"0' 3, 3020/BQ56 B. V. Deryagin (Ref. 2), and whose part played in the theory of the in- complete wetting was determined by A. N. Frumkin (Ref. For the wetting angle the relation cos 9 = Cos 9 0/1 - 2/aR (4) is derived, where 90 is the wetting angle for the drop with large dimensions, and a - a coefficient, whose value may e--. be taken from Ref. 7. From 0 equation (4) it follows that the wetting angle is vanishing if the radius of curvature of the dron surface R = 2/a(l - cos 9 0). There exist-, a rtinge R - 1/a < R ( 2/a -(1 - cos 9 0) within which the Aetting angle vanishes. For the purpose of illustrating the relations obtained, a table gives the change in the wetting angle with the radius of the drop for water on the surface of malachite. The value 9 0 was taken from P. A. Pebinder (Ref. 6), and the coefficient a was assumed to be eaual to 5-5*108 cm- 1. The authors thank B. V. Deryagin, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR for valuable discussions. There are 1 table and 7 ref- erencec: 5 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Tul'skiy mekhanicheskiy institut (Tula ',.mechanical Institute) Card 2/3 Wetting Angle of Small Drops :-z.1076/'0-0/1034/009/038/041XX B020/BO56 SUBMITT'I-D: December 22, 1958 1 Card 3/3 7 Kcv, t:1eorJ* of capil1ar-.- of second order it! V 11 1 U I- I 1,tll 5 1 C, 0 C abstr c Kni mi~ :~o . 16 , 9, a t '"3*112~~ (SIL "Issled. v obl, poverklinostr,. sil" AIN S 3 'S R , 2 5 7 I ar. o- - ~c t -as small dimensi ons t - e devi ation o~ t*, e ad4 i ti ve TEX- __1 . -Iea- t a - Z, r C C a -) + e f -free energy nc A 0 e r r t -4 n I _h --%-f' ii.terface but requires that teras be introduced. e;nicn are _f tile dimen,ions of the object, -Z h e- c a 3D i 11 a r y e- -ff e c t s -, f e~-;!~~.; -is "excessive" enerE,, are particularly strong t h -7 ilsperse sstems (r = 10 1 CM )~ A ~-,eneral t~,eory of second-order J .,a is ~-elooed, Ta"ing into account second-order capil~ ary ,,ffoct., _-i calculation of the work of nucleus formation as a result t f 1 stenca~- of an upper limit of the attainable supersaturation (absolute ~,a,,,.~r3aturat ion) is obtained. This makes it Dossible to determ--ne -,r--tl-cal sunersaturation on the basis of t'-ermcd,,na-ir_ !'--cter~s note: Comi:lete translati-or. Ca r I - - I j L.M. Effect of surface forces cn o' rol~moleca-lar layers and on the adsorT)tlo,-, ari~-,le. Koll. zhur. 23 no.1:40-52 -.F (MIRA 17:2) Ja "I. 1. lruib.iLat fizichesVoy klijriiii AN Mrskva i Ttillskiy mcklinnic-lieskiy Inotitilt- 21103 '161 /023/002/G-,'/-G8 S/06~ B1 01 /B206 AUTHORS: Shcherbakov, L.M. and Rykov., V. I. TITLE: Heat of evaporation of droplets PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 23, no. 2, 1961, 221-227 TEXT: The present paper describes a precise thermodynamic study of the heat of evaporation as a function of the radius r of the liquid drop. The ther- modynamic equilibrium of the drop (index 1) with the saturated vapor (index ") may be defined as: ~L I (P I , T) = ~Lll (P11 , T) ; P- P" = 2alr + acr/ar (2) , where V W is the chemi - cal potential of thei-th phase, and a is the free surface energy. Considering d~i/oP v (v = molar volume of the respective phase)and assuming the condition v" RT/P" for an ideal gas, the condition for the change of the chemical potential d4 = vdP - 7tdT ('%= entropy of the respective phase), the following system of equations is obtained: V"dP" - v'dP1 = (,\./T)dT; dP' - dP'- = d(2(5/r + aa/dr) (5), where k is the molar heat of evaporation of the drop. To calculate the heat of evaporation, the authors proceed from the equation for enthalpy: H = U + PV. Taking Card 1/ 6 Ix Heat of ... 21103 S/06 9/61102 3/002/o06/008 B101/B206 into accouat the surface enthalpy HS = ES - CS (E = specific total surface energy) one obtains: AH H11 (HI + H ) and t e following is found for the heat of evaporation: k h" h' - dH 73M (-- ~ = molar enthalpy of the i-th phase, m mass in moles). By delinition, h' = ul + PIVI; h" = U11 + FIVII v"-~--v~o is substituted for the liquid phase (the subscript oodenotes the valuesfor a large liquid surface), and P"Vil = Pcov" for the c0 gaseous phase. By substituting the expressions derived for h h" , and 6H,~am from PI Pco + 20/r + 06/dr in (6) one obtains A = Wl h' ) - V1 (2E/r + 6E/6r) = A 00 - v~ (2E/r + aE/ar). Now, the 00 00 00 molar volume v1 of the liquid is replaced by the density 6 and the molecular weirht M, and the following is obtained for the decrease of the molar heat of evauoration due to development of the drop surface: &A = -ZM/6)(2E/r + delur) (7). It does not depend on the free, but on the total surface energy E. Ak