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s/129/65/000/002/Oo6/ol4 Dilatometric studies .... l 9 5 / E13 Ull 3 Fig. 1: I . ffqc 50 I 4b 1 47 . id .. J4 30 12 Card 4/4 JU U jr L - 112�M3 LIWP~q)/EWT(m)/BIX5--AFFTG/ASD--JD, -- - - -- - - -- - - -- -i SICK M. AP300195 S/0226/63/000/003/0088/0098 5_& AMO.R., Borok, B. Ae.; Golifbeva, L. ST; Shchegoleva, R. Ruch 'yeva, X. A TITLE: Mechanical properties and microstructure of sintered titsniun alloys SOURCE: Foroshkoraya, metallurgiya, no- 3, 1963, 88-98 TOPIC TAGS: sintered titanium alloys, mechanical properties, m1crostructurc, grain size., alloying element effect, Fe, Min, Cr, Mo, Al, V~, W, Ta., Nb, Cla,, Zr' Co Ti-Al-V alloy, Ti-Al-V-Mo alloy, coreduction, oxide ABSTRACT: Several series of binary and ternary alloys of Ti with Al, Fe, bin, Cr, Mo. W., V Ta, Nb., Cu,, Zr.. and Co were sintered frcm cam-ercial-grade (99.17~ puree Ti powder and parders of gg.&,,. pure Fe, 99.5% pure mu, 99.69% .:Duxe Cr, 99-54% pure Ni, 99.4 pure Co, electrolytic Cu, 99. 8% -pure W, 99.65% pvxe Mo, 99.62F,16' pure V, 98.6~ pure 14b, and 98.6% pure Ta. The Ti-Al alloys and the second series of Ti-V alloys were prepa-red by coreduction of oxide powders with calcium hydride. Sintered specimens had a. coarse, acicular micro- -structure, macrograins about 1 = in diameter, and a density of 97-99% of the. theoretical. The results of mechanical tests (see Figs. 1 and 2 of Enclosux&)~ s1how that all the.alloying elements investigated increase the tensile strengt4_* Card 7~ (2155) L 11288-63 AccEssioN im: Anoo1956 and decrease the ductility of sintered Ti alloys. Cnly in Ti-V 8-cloys Pro- duced by coreduction. of oxides does ductility increase with increasing V content. These alloys generally are more ductile than commercial titanium. The strong 0-phase stabilizersY Fem, M, and Cr, which promote autectoid trans- formation with the formation of intermetallic acmpounds,, produce the highest increase in tensile strength and decrease in ductility of sintered Til alloys. The Ti-Fe, Ti-Ma, Ti-Cr, and Ti-If alloys containing 2-10% of the following ele- ment have a metastable a + 13 structure with the amount of "the P-phase increas- ing with higher alloying; the a-phase has an acicular WidmanstAtten structure. AluminumY an a-phase stabilizer, appreciably increases the strength of sintered Ti-Al alloys without an extensive decrease in ductility. Vie Ti-V and Ti-Yio alloys have comparatively high tensile strength and ductility. In general, V, Al. and Mo were found to be the best a"oying elements for sintered binary Ti alloys. Additional investigation of sinterea Ti-Al-V alloys (produced by core- duction of the oxides) shoved the Ti + 3% Al + Yp V alloy to have the best ccm- bination of mechanical properties: tensile strength of 774-2 Mn/W? (meganewton per square meter, 1 Ma/M 2 = 0.1 kg/mm?], elongation 15%, redilction. of area 26,,,.',, and notch toughness 25.4 joule per cm2 (I joule/cmP 0.1 m-]:~g/cmPl. An addi- tion of 2% Mo to this alloy increases its tensile strength to 857-5 14n/M:R without :Lowering ductility. These two alloys are recoomended for manufacturing parts by Card 2/~ ACCESSION Nki AP4040471 S/0226/64/000/003/0050/0063 'AUTHOR: *Borok, B. A.; Shchegoleva, R. P.; Golub.ova, Lo So; Teplenko, V. C.; Reutova,-rif- P.,;.Ruch'yeva, No A, TITLE: Properties and microstructure of sintered Khl8Nl5 stainloss steel mado by joint reduction method 'SOURCEs Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 3 (21), 1964, 50-63 .TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, sintered stainless steel, carbonyl iron, sintered steel property, steel corrosion resistance, sintered !steel structure Investigations have been made of the properties of :sintered Khl8N15 chromium-nickel-stainless steel made from powder iproduced by the joint reduction of chromium and nickel oxides mixed with iron powders (Process A) and of steel made from mechani- ically mixed powders of carbonyl iron, reduced chromium, and electro- ilytic nickel (Process B). It was found-that the density of compacts 'A was lower that that of Do but the latter had a very low compression ;strenath. Adequate fluidity of powders and strength of compacts Lq~rd ACCESSION HR: AP4040471 make powder A a very suitable material for rolling porous strips and sheets in continuous rolling mills. Compacts B sinter more easily than compacts A, but they are much more- susceptible to oxidation during the sintering. Compacts A, sintered at 1350C for 10 hr; had a density of 96-97% (compared to 71-85% for compacts B), tensile .strength 47.8-53.5 dan/mm2 , elongation 29.2-43.4% and impact toughness(unnotched specimens)19.8-29 kgm/cm2, Sintered KhIBN15 steel has an austenitic. structure with a low content of finely .dispersed carbides. In the annealed state the steel has a high corrosion resi'stance; its corrosion rate in boiling 65Z nitric acid Js 0.1 g/M2- hr compared to 0.2 g/m2- hr for conventionally made :X18H15. This is explained by a low content of impurities in powder Orig. art. has.* 8 tables and 9 figures. .ASSOCIATIONt Tsentral'nyky nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgLi (Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous :Metallurgy) G?rd 2 /3 -66 L .vp(e L 2847 v.PdIJ D/WB ACCESSION NR: AT5022891 UR/2776/65/000/043/0081/0098 AUTHOR: ShcheRoleva, R. P.; geutova, N. P.; Colubeva, L. S.; FaILAvakaya, V. L.! ..-Kazanakaya.' 1:. TITLE: Powdered-metal stainlessehrome and chrome-nickpi _Lta"_ d /SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'nYY nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy instituLlhIrno m ak~*_'tallurgii. Sbornik trudov, no. 43, 1965. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya (Powder metal- lurgy), 817~98 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgy, stainless steel, chromium steel, nickel steel, corrosion resistance ABSTRACT: It is shown that the powders of stainless chrome and chrome-nickel steels in the ferritic, austenitic, and martensitic-ausbenitic classes, prepared - by the method of the combined reduction of metal oxideAy means of CaR are suitable for the industrial fabrication of porous and compact sheets an by the direct method of powder rolling. The flowsheet of production of these powders has the following sequence: raw materials -- iron powder (carbonyl and other types of Fe), chromium oxide (Cr203), nickel (electrolytic, carbonyl) I Card 1/3 _h ~847-66__ ACCESSION NR: AT5022891 powder or NiO, Ni 0 2 3, calcium hydride (CaH2); charge blending (2.5 hr); reduction iat 1175*C for 6-8 hr, Cr203 + 3CaH2 - 2Cr + 3CaO + 3H2; crushing of sinter; slaking with H20 and pulverization; hydrocyclone treatment of pulp; leaching -- Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl - CaCl2 + 2H20; washing to remove CaCl2; centrifuging; vacuum drying, 60-70*C. Sintered stainless steels display high physical properties, which warrants recommending them for the fabrication of the elements and devices 2 performing in aggressive media. When pressed under a pressure of 10 t/cm and subjected to deformation and heat treatment, powdered-metal stainless steels are not inferior to steels produced by the smelting method a regards their physical properties and corrosion resistance. Thus, for example, corrosion tests of Khl8NI5 stainless austenite steel in a 65% solution of boiling HN03 demonstrated ,~the high corrosion strength of this steel, not inferior*to that of deformed cast steel (corrosion rate 0.1-0.16 g/m2-hr). Evidently these good qualities of pow- dered-metal stainless steels are attributable to the low content of impurities in the powders prepared by the combined oxide reduction method. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 9 tables. ASSOCIATION; none Card 2/3 ! L 2847-66 i ACCESSION NR: I i SUBMITTED: C q NO I [__V k -Card 11 ? - 'AT5022891 i 0 ! I L 2679-95 E'4'P(e)/E;','T(m)/4VIA(d)/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EVIP(z)/F-IVP(b)-.---IJP(c) MJWI- ACCESSION MR: AT5022892 JD/HW UR/2776/65/000/043/0099/0108 AUTROR: Solov,yeva, Z. V.; Golubeva,_ L. S.; Shcheizoleva, R. J~; Rqqh_!jMiA_fi_- TITLE: Investigation of the properties. and production conditions of nichrome powder SOURCE: -Moscow. T6entral'nyy nauchno-isslgdovatel'gkiy inq#tZut cherngy lurgiii"Sbornik trudov, no. 43, 1965. Foroshkovaya metallurgiya. (Powder metal- lqrgy),,99-ln8 OPIC TAGS: nichrome alloy, powder alloy, nonmetallic inclusion, sintering, solid solution, twinning, heat resistant allo resistivity ABSTRACT: In view of the deviations observed in th tec:hnological,,/properties of the products fabricated from the powder of Kh20N8 11 ichr ag_aj-1Qy1~repared by the method of the combined reduction of metal oxides with CaH2 developed by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous HetallmKiy,~4t~e authors per- formed a thorough investigation of the parameters of the process. Gas analyses and -.--'.1ographic examinations established that nichrome po-fders obtained at Card 1j3 L 2679-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022892 oxide-reduction temperatures of 900-1100*C (for 6 hr) contain a considerable amount of non-metallic inclusions, associated with the higher content of oxygen. This condition is corrected (the oxygen content is reduced to the required mini- mum of 0.4% and the microstructure becomes homogeneous) by raising to 1175*C the reduction temperature and performing reduction for 6-8 hr (6 hr for 219-mm dia- meter retort and 8 hr for 273-mm diameter retort). However, while the powder pre- pared at 1175*G for 6-8 hr displays the optimal compactibility, its sinterabilit ,is much lower than in powders prepared at lower reduction temperatures (900- 11000C), which evidently is attributable to the activizing effect cf oxygen as well as to granulometric composition. Since, the oxygen content may not exceed 0.047., it appears that sinterability can be improved only by altering the granu- lometric composition of the powder. This composition can be regulated within broad limits by pulverizing the sinter (pulp) for 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2 hr. To evaluate its quality, the powdered-metal nichrome prepared on the basis of the above improvements was subjected to heat treatment and cold working and tested for physical properties. Specimens compacted under a pressure of 6.0-6.8 tons/cM2 arld sinLered at the maximum temperature (1375*C) were found to display the highesti ultimate strength and plasticityj?Wir-e of 0.5-2.0 mm diameter7-fabricated from sintared briquets displays, following its heat treatment (water quenching from Cord 2/3 L 2619-66 ACCESSION NLR: AT5022892 870*C), physical properties as high as those of standard nichrome wire. Follow- ing its sintering, as well as following its forging in the temperature range 1000-1200*C, the powdered-metal nichrome has the monophase structure of a nickel- base solid solution with grain boundaries clearly revealed by etching. *:ol its annealing at 800 or 900% the nichrome displays the typical structure of nickel austenita; the grain orientation changes and a large number of tiins appears. In addition to their high heat resistance and resistance to ox*.dation at high temperttures, the products,fibricated from such nichrome powder display a high resistivity (1.07-1.12 ohm-mm /m). Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M, is NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 004 Card 31- L 2680-66 E71T(M)/EViA (d)/EVjp1't)/.-WP(z)/EWP(b) M JVI/ J-D ACCESSION NR: AT5022893 UR/2776/65/000/043JO109/0114 AUTHOR: Shchegoleva, R. P.i,Golubeva, L. S,; Ruch'yeva, N. A.; Poplavskaya, V. L.' TITLE: Investigation of the mi:rostructure of alloy powders obtained by the combined reduction method SOURCE: 14oscow. Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy iistitut cheEaoy Re "L lurgii.44-~bornik trudov, no. 43, 1965. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya (Powder metal- lurgy), 109-114 TOPIC TAGS: metal powder, alloy powder, nichrome alloy, grain structure ABSTRACT: The process of the combined xtducCiori of metal powders and oxides by means of CaH2 usually takes place in the solid phase, and then the gran-uTa-metric composition of the resulting powder is chiefly determined by two factors: 1) physical properties of raw materials; and 2) the process of agglomeration of the metal particles (this process takes place in the solid phase for both fine- and coarse-grained materials). Studies of a large number of industrial batches of the powder of Kh20N80 nichrome established that distinct structural inhomogeneities appear only when the technological regimes of production are.diaregarded. Such Card 1/3 L 2680-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022893 inhomogeneities are manifested in the form of the presence of a second phase al- though no such phase was revealed by radiographic examination. A microscopic. examination of the Sulin and Tula iron powders revealed, along with particles having ferrite structure, isolated particles with ferrite + pearlite structure conditioned by a higher content of C. Such nonuniformity of individual particles as regards C content also persists in Khl8Nl5 steel. Particles with two-phase structure have been observed in individual industrial batches of Fe-Al master alloy powder which indicates violations of the technological r4 :Ci-ae _~_Daharge blending, mixing, and reduction. The microstructural inhomogeneity of the powder of Khl8Nl5 steel, conditioned by its content of alloy elements, is greater if the camparatiAPely coarse-grained Sulin and Tula iron powders are used as part of the raw materials. In this case an appreciable amount of a-phase is observed in the microstructure of the large par!~cles. If, on the other hand, this steel, as well as Kh20N80 nichrome alloy..Jis prepared from fine-grained raw materials, the resulting powderVwill display some inhomogeneity with respect to the content of alloy alements, owing to their extremely weak ferromagnetic properties. All this, however, is no reason for rejecting the powders as defective, since, being chiefly destined for processing into metallurgical products, they are subjected to sintering, which involves complete homogenization of their composition. 2/3 Card L 2680-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022893 Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM, IR NO REF SOV: 007 OTM: 000 Card 3 /3 V Reaction o vin 4 ethers with amines A N* Kost A M Ove 30% quiraidine; PhNIH, and is6-BuOCH:CH3 gave*-, - I ra! Y gam.' d-=. t~~!he`i-.U.7.E~ jy1trkevich 34 -,a qtunwaine. Heating 21A g. p-MeCH,NHj. 10 g. I , jStatc Univ.). Zhur. UbsArUf A%R~.- BuOCH: CH., and 0.5 g. p-'MeC.H.NH..HCl in sealed tithe t7him If S.S. R. 25, 907-10(1955XEngf, tran3lation); Ven 20 hT3. at 100* gave 714% crude 2,6-dimethylquinoline, or . 13622e~Syntheses of 2-methylquinolines from C-A. 48 Cf 51% pure product, b, 106-7% tn. 59.5". purification with ' . , vinyl ethirs and amines are described. To 9.3 g. PhNHI AcIO instead of steam dis tn. gave 54170 )idd, Dioxane and 0.2 g. PhIxTH3.HCI was added dropwist at,95-100' 5 g. tends to raise the yield; the use of EtGCII- CHI gave a 36% BuOCH: CHt and the mixt. heated gradually tct 130* over 4 yield. , Heating 21.4 g. o-%IeCJ-LNLH,,-l0 g. BuOCH.CH,. firs. Distn. gave 2.7 g. quinaldine, b4 84-90* (picrate, m. and 0.5 g. o-MeCjH,NH~-HCI in 50 ml- dioxane 25 hrs. at contg. traces of PhUH2. The same 3ield resulted 190-1*) th- reflux gave 66% 2,8-ditnethylquinoliue; purification W: , after25 days in sealed tube at room temp. Wlie--ia trace of. PhSC~Cl gave 44% pure product. white the use of Ac2O gave * BzzOp was used instead of PhNift-HO, the yield.-vas 34%; ). ToL2.3 58%;ptLrepruduct,b&103-4*(picrdtem.180-1 Bl,',.Et,O catalyst gave 30% yield. When 18.3 g. PhNHs, g. P4.lcOC$HjNH3, 0.5g. of its HCI salt, and 50 ml. diox- -10 g. BuOCH:CH*, 0.5 g. PhNH3.HCI, and 40 mt. xylene ane w4sadded slowly at rellux over 2 firs. 10 g. BuOCH:CH2. were heated 25 Ins. on a steam bath. then acidified, steam and the mirt. refluxed 16-18 hr3. to 1P ve 15% 2-m'~thyl-6- . to remove the solvent and BuOH, andthe residuemade, distd the yield methoxyqinoline, bs 120-~3% to. 67 ; at go I ' . 1k. and steam distd. spin, there was obtabiedO% quinal- ~ . reaction took place. drooped to 7%; without dioxame no t 100* s d ft 25 h 29% H NH i ld l 2 C ~cation is made with AcsO, the yit!ld rises W rpur d if Ih - r e a er . a , e Simdar o t y T y * r ur_fi Dioxane-. 717.. , _,on with ZnCJt gives 33% yield. ), if an -Imethy1m5,64--maquinoline, in. (p*rale, m. 221 Lve the same yield. but without 0t i.,ea of ,I, ge he s _.e NM and I~tOCR: CH2 ches only 3350'. quirnolar pr ts is used- -a 2:1 molar ratio: oportion of reactan i ld R 7 fl i ii - gave e . e ttx .K 10.9 g. o- % y 20 9. BuOClf.CH,, 50 mi. dioxane, and 0.5 g. PhTNH2.HCl 20 firs. gave 10% 8-Adroxyqzanaldine, m. 700 (crude) ft bli ti Mi i ( 6 er su a ma on x ng 9.3 g. PhNHI, 10 g. B CHe. 8.9 jr. nvruvir acid- 40 mL nhs M014- qnd njj 2 J Usad-ltv;.. 41th fori xild ad t-Z a juid L. 041 CA, IOAAA q__ -'Reduction with formic, acid and Its derivatives. III. R, synthesin of substitutod A. N. Kost,_ S I ~~7TM .&olga and L. G. Who (State W T. A. Shc~e _V4 'TV.: 97 lain Y j, J.W11e1Kh$m.25,2R -U(I 66); --A -Reactions of 53 g. CH,,.CHCN and 200 g. AcCtl,COrt' .with EtO-'4a in FtOH in 48 hrs. gave 5013'0 -y-carbrthoxy4- ax0capranfirile, b%l43-4*,nV 1.44621,which refluxed withaq. K&CO& 3.5 hrs. gave 70170 5-ox"apronitrile, bt, 108-9*, OU 1.44D3. This (10 g,) and 31 g. IICOsNa refluxed %vith 2.1 g. 100% 11M11, cooled, and dild., then treated with excess 40% NaOH gave M% Z-rncthyl-6-piperidene, m. 8.5% which refluxed 5 hts. with coned. HCJ gave 6-amino proic acid- Ca 110, m. 146-7*. A 24-hr. reaction of 26.5 g. CII,:CflCN with 178 g. McEtCO in the presence of MONa In EtOll gave .27-30TO -jxelylvalcronilrile, bu 110-11% nj? 1.4355, which 'a and 20.8 g, refluxed 30 hrs. with 30.5 a. IICChN HCChH shnilarly gave 74% 24-diurethyl-&piperidone, m. W. Dry MePrCO(109 g.) treated with 3 ml. 10% MONa- EtOff, follc~wed by 17.1 g. CH,:CHCN added'overi-Ults.- and heating 6 hes. on a stealn bath, gave aftdr neutriliza- tion with AWH 26% -i-aedy1cabrarilrde (1) , b, nl,* . 1A381,clatt.0624. To3Gg. AcCFIl-tCOjCt and 4 tal. 10'3' a EtOlla-BtOH was added at 10-12* in 15 rnin. 10 g. CHI:- CHCN; after 4 hrs. the soln. was acidified with AcOH and -distd. yielding 71% 7-a4retyl-y-carbethoxycapronitrile, bo 164-4.5*, nj,6 1.4502, d2a 1.0518, which refluxLd 4 brs. with aq. Na2CO3 gave 21% 1. bA 142-3'. 1 (11 Z.) refluxed 40 hrs. with 18.4 g. HCOtH and 27.1 g. IICO~Na then treated with 12.2 g, HCOJI and refluxed 23 hrs., gave after usual treatment 60% 2-inethyl-3-ethyl-6-pij>l!ridone. b,. 152-5*, VEC)uCTION \,%ill-W for?,m~c KID tit. Sitnil;trly -r-mri hyl-, - i4tibul yrylvaleri suit rile gave MV;, in. I I I- J2*. Similarly 10 g. reflim(l 21) .1irs. with 10.1 g. 11CO111 and 23.8 g. BCOAL gavu 72,/,, traits-ortahydro--qtiiiiola,-ic, in. 151 '; Vionclallydro deriv. is fortried with 1lCWl aloine. Hvilioxisig the pr(Rhict with coned. 110 5 lirs. gave acid- l1a, In. 173-1*, frons which %vas prel)(1. 1rams-#-(Z-bcij:- artridacyclobcxyl )propi(potic acid, in. 2(K)', by acti;)n n1alIZO. To 10 g. lJzC[I,Cll..Crl.', 200 ttil. 3% 01, tit 12 11. 6 Ar ' It NaOlf was added contigh MOll to form a sobi., which heated 5 lirs. sit ~., yielded after concti. and neutrali- zation 45"NO BzzC11jClIjCON1I2~ tit. 125% a 30% yield te- sulivi front keeping the isitrile in concd. 11,90;_2 firs. Ths; asmide (5 g.) refluxed 40 Ism with 10.2 C. 11COiNa and 7 g flC02H gave after cooling, remov, t al of tar and add ." ? coned. NaOH, a resirions Inass which heated. briefly vgitjjjN_ FICI gave 30% 2-phertyl-6-pyrro1fdone, tn. lG8%,,fl1W , , fluxed 10 lirs. with coned. 110 gave '),-amino-Y-Ae a j;9 acid-Ila, tit. 179'. 'r Benzoylpropionitrile ursder.t. 1~fQqfriivc condit ons gives but a very pt)or yield of the ph'_Yl~y~ rolitione owing to formation of touch tar. Heating benzoylproplonitrile with 11CON11% and a little HC%NI14 ---7- 6 hrs. at IW* gave a red solid. decomp. 250*. G. M. F1_ . ___ ____ . . . _.- _i USS~/ Orga*nic Chemistry - Synthetic organic chemistry F~ 2 Abs Jour Referst Zhur - Khimiya, ~jo 4, 1957, 11792 Author Mikhaylov RX., Vavar V.A. (Communication 8) A1,11khaylov B.Y., (Communication 9) rnst Department of Chemical Schiences, Academy of Sciences USSR Title Organic Boron Compounds. Communication 8. Synthesis and Properties of Dinr-yl-Borfc Acids. Conn nication 9. On Action of Phosphorus Pentachlo- ride on '~stnrs od Dialkyl-Boric and Alkyl-Boric Acids. Synthesis of Dialkyl Borochlorldes and Psters of Alkyl-Chloroboric Acids. Orig pub Izv. S-SSR, Otd, khim. n, 1956, No4, 451-456; 508-509. Abstract Communicntion 8. Description of synthesis of (9~ -C 10F7) BOH (1), 2 (p-BrC 6H4)2 BOIT (!I) and (p-ClCF4)2B(Off).H20 (ITT) and study of the properties of the acids and tha~ir derivati,,es. ( ~~-C -iso BOC H H ) 7 lo 2 9 4 (IV), (p-BrC F BOC4Ha-isO (V) and (p-ClC H Bnc H -iso (171) were 6 4)2 6 2 4 9 Card 1/6 USSR1 Organic Chemistry - Synthetic organic chemistry Abs Jour : ReferaL Zhyr - KhimLya, No 4, 1957, 11'(92 E-2 Residue after removal of solvents Ls diluted with isopentane, yield of iv 63%, mp io4-1050 (from n-hexane). From filtrate, esterification of remaining iso-C4H9 OH, were obtained 15% (c>~\ -Cl0H7)BOCkHg-iso, BP 166- i68o/6 m., d20 0.9777. To a suspension of 10 g IV in 20 ml CH OH are ' 4 3 added 15 MI of 30% NH4 OH. Obtained 97.5~ f(cx~ -ClOH7 )2 B(OH)2 7 NH 4 (XI), MP 10-7-1080 (from CH OH). Suspension of 4.94 g XI in 30 ml e- ther acidified with 5 ml HK (1:1). From ether layer isolated 71.7% I, MP Ilk-5-1150 (from petroleum ether). Solution of 2 ~g I in 5 ml '�0C1, boiied 2 hours. After removal excess SOC12 obtained-98% x, mp 190-1920 (from benzerte-t-petroleum ether). From 0.65 mole p-Brc6H4MgBr (I M solution) and 0.25 mole VII, after stirring for 8 hours at 0 -75 , treatment with 450 ml of 5% HC1 and esterification, were obtained 39% V, BP 161-1630/1 mm, (in N2 current) and 37% p-BrC6 H4 B(OCHg-iso) BP 109-1100/1 mm, d20 1,1583. 2.25 0a V mixed by shaking with 5 ml 30% 4 Card USSR/ Organic Chemistry - Synthetic organic (-hemistry Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 11792 E-2 washed with water and dried over CaCl . Yield 1.1 g, MP 706-780 (repri- cipiLated from alcohol with water ). 22.85 g VI dissolved in 8.4 ml 1.09 N NaOH. Water slowly driven off in vacuum at 60-70' - Residue washed with C6H6' Obtained 2.2 g (kP-ClC6H4)2B(OH)2)Na (XV). From 0.3 g XV isolated on acidification 0.25 9 111. Communicat-ion 9. Study of interaction of PU5with (n-C09)2BOC4H9-n (XVI) and with (n-C H Vn-C H )BOC4H9-n,(XVII). Reaction with XVI-or 4 9" 3 7 XVII takes place with formation of (n-C),H,,) BC1(XVIII) or, respectively, 7 2 (n-C,,H9)(n-C3H7)BCl (XIX), C4H9Cl and POCI 3' It was also found that (n-C H)B(OC H -n ) (XX) and (n-C H )B(OC H 1) (XXI) react readily with one equivalent of PC1 5' forming, respectively, (U-C3H7)B(OC4H() -n)Cl- (XXII) and (n-COOB(OCO 9-n)CI (XXIII), C4H9Cl and POCI 3' To 16.8 g Card 5/06 MIKHAYLOV, B.M.; KDZNINS"iA, T.K.; BIA)KHIIIA, A.N.; SHCBEGOLEVA, T.A. 3oron organic compounds. Part 10. Complex nature of salts of boron- -organic acids. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk ne.6:692-695 Ja 156. (MLRA 9:9) l.Institut organichaskoy khimii imani N.D.Zelinskege Akadamii nauk SSSR. (Borozium salts) 7 % 7 Xom ou ad. ERM 401-b vim. Z2 I awr ao 27.4 k. Bul. 40-*~i,`. dlit I== 3, the O*t. was Wt dvir~kbt. dr*:HCJ, Mitri&'41 Uhagd" an'-d dlstd;;'thci-fraW 5b,kim,tvith 10% MOU4 laVerst vwvt" Od;'4nd a freed. a -B&0 - SZ 1w by; - tbe ort. yer. vm V ;dbtn he reswiti *is*ad 'the orw~ WA Layer -wh" - _s -4 opkaux dried *bth! id . . . fratitAM -g4 Ll -iMth. $0, g. lhiM~ M hBpr.- a gave- 90'~ I 'bi W904, 7 "d,3.5 ti-tivreactcA cker.- Purv!~B;jiBpr b, 7 - 20-plktoccu"i.. evqmu~obt n6d 'Ible -Amt. of an appred i PrtR, bt, WXr4* ziind'Rd,'& b%i'W8* `~ 9 ~-_ 11MAWEMI ve fiout AE Whkhw"l iia:: ba'6744, The YqLs 0 p 32,~j tech- (d. Sode'r - d Win; i0i , At 5 wque.- ne sawpl& is~ t 1 "ficuou is ~ddecl 2 5S ifil 30 sobsbdei~ therp %R ov vii H' -the mixt. reffimed 20' ialn m cl _W20' - H c1 Od ieffined 4p mmi"On- 9 e =cm $3 'th-miethy'Varittie indlcaipr_~ neutrathed by N ' XaOH'W~ i tkateO with tunidtol and tiimttd witb 0.10 NiOff with phpd1phthatein Indicaton M. f~~q!qof ff 611 CZ I - .~:. - :~t 4- 9MUS) itir -b the" . I'Mit Diatri ~~JI42C low. A -Mi" 1957. j 10804; cf. C.4. 50, M-4k; 52i 4 -Ta 156 g. B(ObU~ - , in 400 mi. 1340-was added at -76 ovef 0 firs., EuAgBr Wit 80 t. Mg and on the follrMug diy (all opciratlows ituder X) the mixt. treated with dfl.. HC4, andthe &j. layer, HtjO, and slowly diAd, with BU0,11tintil the temp. : till t EfR OB dl h d 11P y1 l ll 53 ) i s a e reac e c x %- uir j, ( bf 70-10, din 0.8m. Shuilady-was pd. 50% ife-Pt. 11(021u)i - bi: 7"50, do* 0.9107.' of-&W (OBu)t And hexyl We. gave 83.5% R~B(OQffi;N, %~ 180-1 - Um 68m-;'A4W1Y- prepd. OM CAOt was b /0 ~PrB(O - . ' F 1~1 b4 130--I~i dit O.M. iiiii! 72%1iv-PrB(DC-1+H~1 In, added-ove; (6 OWM' To 28.15 1411(913u)i * 13C4 ding 31.8 YW dbitn; 78% (OBu)CI, bo~ 40-1 &0 1; 0 9030 B ct d P i - . u an . =. S milar dn; t 32,2 , hof55 .-PC114124rcemars Shr A& Rave WCh, b. which ignites 'm lik'ah4 49. is 61sity by~ ed- 40%,vioMfrom-17.5g.11t. drolyzed; the sm orm in B(OBu)CI owl',24.5 PC4~ EtB(OCjlu), (54,g.) with., ' P". 3 4 , EtBClj, 19.5 g.,-EtB(OCJf,z)Cl, ) 40.5 g. gave i - 35- -11tB E OC H h(31 2 fOCH - . bit 63-5% &u4 tB uh. s u g-) j 1% ( PrB C72. b~ 73-V, which also 7 with 51.8 C.~ PCh gave 73.6 ' g.' iso-PrB(OCjHu)j, and ignites Similarly, .5 ~ : 543' hich i PrBC 70 7 b so~ . . , w e 46.7 g. ~PCII hj 0% -M.-AlikhaHoy apdR. M hettylborazoles B ' ~ m~ .t Md. IIM--5; - cf. CA: Sli 49&ih.~T-A '.St ' : Cilis was added at -30* 313 j. PhBCls in 30 ipl; C411s and alter wariniag to rooin t6bp.,2 hn.-.the mixt. h1t&rcd ' Hj.RC1 and evapd. yielding 3.5j. B,B,B-4ripkmy?- front EtTN ..... NNN4rirjhy1botasc1e. m 200-3*; themother liquor from . this gave -Ph#(XHM), 4). b. d. 0.9.24, -16- 1.5120; ev I LO, the latter i readily attAci&d HC and atni. 0. The ' after the-dista. gave ix~e triphenyltriethylborazole reudue for a thtal )icld, of, 21%; thi.pure substance. ra. 205-7 - the boraxele is stable in air a- etr ;d is slowly ether) (CH . . rp ; -attacked by hot alk. HIC4. . Heating I to 210* 2 hrs. gave 17.3% triphenyltrieftiborazole. Addfi, of 12.7 g. PliBCI, to'29JS'rfil.* CA as above gave 64.7%-.PhB. (NYAN, - in. 83.5-15V (hexane-Isopentane); wWch - is rapidly - hydrol aed. by R:O.- Heating th6s ~ ta ~270,* -gave m. above 'R, sibailar ylaye- ;I -ThuCh indwRtsN W;i-r" 14 (C IV : 2 'd -_--t'under 00-2 AM*ork W ba ft L . ~ ow Zth;dg of siutheds of ber ii arlyatives" Mlkhallov' and 'T. V. lbid. 11264 _P_ '.MeCjH4B(OCH 48.8 g. PCIs -gave ' Rtf,)i b. 113-45%, V U 1.5017,GOMIO.~, (iso-Bu0)BPhCI (17.3 g.) treated with NHi in RtsO gave after sepn. of N134CLanA cliapa. 3.85 g. B B B-iriphoxylboasote, n!. - 180-2", Rhd "70% FhB(OBU- 12+46; - Paxe - triphoylbor4sole tn. 1814.5* gcj-h-isopintane~; -Ahm in C61F. with NHs gave 00% I osik the appropriatc. chlow estera.,8a% BX 54r"4ajyj~ , ~bomwk, m. JW~WO; Od: 84.p% !ri(IwxapmhYj)bVr4zpk M. :185-7.1 WbUe the, dse of a P" ropliate mines gave 72.0 ar d 2 4 . an 7a in- M Kosolavoif G P, t7 . . ,AUTHOR3: M_ikha.viov, B, M , Shchegoleva, T AL. sov,162-58-6-2311377 TITLE: On the Effect Produced by Primary A-mines Upon the -,,'sters of A','-1-`-1oroborJ_c Ac id P deystvii pervi_-hnykh aminov na ef iry a?J-c4_1khkr`bornykh kislot) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk S33a, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 6, pp: 777--779 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present report the results obtained by the investigation of the effect vroduced by primary amines tof ethylamine and aniline) and upon alk~l-chloroboricc acid are described. Under the action of these primary amines 'he esters of alkyl- chloroboric acids are transformed into esters of the alkylic boric acids and into U-substituted alkyl boron diamines (formulae I-IV). Reaction develops by way of the stage of amino-ester formation (IV '), This ester is symmetrized either in ester and initial diamine or it reacts with the 2. alcohol molecule: n- C H B(NHC,--i + POH-, H BNHC H (OR)] 4 2 4 9 1 2 5 ROH n- c H B(NHC H n H B(OR) or n-C,H b(0?,) + C H NH-, Card 112 + .1 9 2 5 2 4 a 2 2 2 5 ,On the Effect Eater's of Alkyl-Cifiloroboric ASSOCIATION: SU2',IITT-"-'D: Produced Frimry Amine.3 Upon Acid There Sov:Let reference. Insti-tut organicheskoy khimii sikademii nauk 3j6i (Institute N. D, &-insk"y,Aj USSR) January !7, 1958 tile ~'-'GV /62-58-- -23/37 im. N, D. Zeiinsko~,o of Organic Chemistry J-meni 1. Alkil chi -obcr-`3 Lc~-'d fn-~,al -e ti C 2. ArrI7-*---ie-----.-.he:n~-c-."- %.lard 2112 A `_~ T H' C- RE 3. 21. , Shci'.et~oleva.- T. A, SOV/62- 58- 7-11 1/26 TITLE~ Organic Bcron Compounds Bororganicheskiye soyedinen4-ya) Communication 25: On the Action of Organic Acids on the n.Butyl Esters of n.Chlorc Propyl Boric Acid (Soobshcheniye 25. 0 deystvi~ or-'anicheskikh kislot na n.butilovyy efir n.propil- 1-h1orbornoy Visloty) PEHIODICAL~ izvestiya Akademii nauk SEER, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 11958, Nr 7r pP 6t)0 865 (USSP) A'~2'STRACT_ The properties of the esters of chloro aryl boric acids and -hioro alky! boric acids'produced by means of the interaction of ecuimolecular amounts of esters or organoboric acids and phosphorus pentachloride)(Refs 1,2) have hitherto been little irvesti,gated. In the present paper the results of the inves- tigation of the reactions between the n.butyl ester of chloro pr,):~.yl boric acid and organic acids is discussed. On the action of' acetirl-- acid cn the butyl ester of chloro propyl boric acid t~,e n.bu~-y, esters of n,butyl boric acid, n.boron propyl pyro- acetic ~In-'nydride ' chlorobu-~yi and butyl acetic ester are formed. C a r d I By tl,.c- action of propionic acid on the n.butyl ester of the B:,~f~~n Cc.--.-- --inds, Com:nunicl-tion 25: On the SOV/62-58-7-11/206 licti.on of 0---Eanic A:~~ --!~ on tne n.Butyl Esters of n.C'~'-,Dro Prozyl Boric Acid nichlo-3 boric acid the r.but-'! ester of n.propyl boric ac4('- n.lror: prr)pyl p- ro r-de, chlorobutyl and buty! ester of' propionic -icic are furmed. The au-.hors also ex-,)Iair~ed th~- Mechanism of the r,1-aotiGrsbetvfeen organic acids and the ester of n.chloro propyl boric acid. The n.butyl ester of n.propyl borio acid reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence cf :ydroE,en chloride with a simultaneous formation of n.boron propyl pyro acet-.c anhydride, butyl acetic ester, chloro butyl and chloro acetyl. There are 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. AS SOC I AT I ON, Inst-'tut or.-anicheskoy khimii im.N.D-Zelinskogo Ak&dP-mii nauk SSSR(Institute of Or,,-ar;ic Chemiistry imeni N.D.Zelins'--Ci3~,AS USSR) SUBMIT-TED; De-ember 23, 1956 Card 2 !,2- t~ n! L, A A - TIT T 1 t r a 1.z L; 1 d o v 1 -ii., t4 11 l'-~v':.Alja A~' S j it- ri~ 12 -1 j~3 :;~ ) ~ted a na-ber cf on-aziolboron cc,:,, of :,ere for ti.Q first ti~-,e obtai-L-d in ruf,r~mnci2 3) for t'le 'f det,r;.-'iniri~; t7it:~ joszibilitj ----f -.sin-~- t`.el.l f---r ti,.e ru- Ck'-:-'Ai'!.L: of 'fhC1 c~-~tcrs z)f an(~ d-il.~ 1 'b L, r c till ttof a :)eca-u ov-~-nt ~le i n t u i t t t i 11: t -i 0 f 1:-L t t t ~;~iai. ~c. Ti- y 1 b j r:]L t,:; a S'~~ n ra C t i C c f, n -i ~3 r ~Sizs Qlc t:le -tt~r -j.~lut J, ;0 It 4 t t C. ~; t -- r s 0 r, d I 'I- C Z- i 0 a i C C irlltrud,ictiun inito a a t'lc lat-'.Or ioboron co:,-,,,:.uids wit:i ar,;-l-L3u:,stitAcnts t;-"~ a Card 1; Weal C 1 n v t i, ASSO'T'I 10',': Inst.; tute ~I:-titat In-tit-ite in--titat f ur Or-anic imeni N.D. Zelinskiy AS USSR or, for Ph.,~s i_--. imeni P.N. Lebedev AS USSR V!, T 1L' T; b~-r-- of ~on-ress 1. Chemistry 2. Boron compounds-Application i: d -2. -2 11IFITINA, A.11.; GALANIN, M.D.; ARONOVICH, P.M.; SHCHEGOLEVA, T.A.; miKHAnov, B.M. Analysis of scintillators containing boron organic compounds. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 22 no.1:14-20 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2) l.Institut organicheakoy khimii. im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR i Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR. Odintillation counters) (Nuclear physics--Instruments) SHCH-EOCIZITA, T. A., Candidate of Chem Sci (d-iss) -- "--hp- s7nthesis and trans- formation of organoboron compounds of the aliphatic series". Moscow, 1959. 9 pp (Acad Sci TTScz-R, Inst of Organic Chem im N. D. Zelinskiy), 130 copies (,KL, Tio 21, 1959, 11-P) 5(3) SOV/162-59-2-30/40 A.UTH,CM: IMikhaylov, B. W., Shchegoleva, T. A. TITLE: --.'ffect of Selenium on Boron Trialkyls (.Deystviye selena na bortrialkily) PEiIIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 2, pp 356-357 (USSR) A,JSTiACT: In the present news in brief the authors report on the behavior of boron trialkyls towards selenium. It was found that they re- act with selenium in a very peculiar way. On heating of the mixture of tri-n-butyl boron and selenium a gradual decomposi- tion of selenium was observed at 220-250 0 which is accompanied by an i.ntense separation of gaseous products. As a result of the reaction C 8 H18B 2Se5 is formed. On the hydrolysis of this compound n-butyl boric acid was precipitated which indicates the occurrence of a B-C bond. It is assumed that the compound obtained has a cyclic structure(Ref 1). According to the rules for the nomenclature of saturated 5-membered heterocyclic systems (Ref 5), this compound was called 3,5-di-n-butyl-3,5- (card 1/3 diboron-1,2,4-triselenolane. The gas separated during the re- ESfect of Selenium on Boron Trialkyls 6OV/'62-59-2-30/40 action contains hydrogen and butylene. The reaction proo-c-eds according to the following equation: 2(C H ) B + 3Se - 4C F1 + 2-H + Se - Se 4 9 3 8 2 1 1 C4H9 -B\ / B - C 4H9 Se A similar reaction takes place on heating of triisobutyl boron with selenium, wherein 3,5-diisobutyl-3,5-diboron-1,2,4-tri- selenolane (II) is formed. 3,5-dialkyl-3,5-diboron-1,2,4-di- selenolanes are yellow viscous liquids. They are very sensitive to atmospheric moisture and oxygen. By the influence of n-butyl alcohol uPon 3,5-di-n-butyl-3,R,-diboron-1,2,4-triselenolane metallic selenium, hydrogen selenide snd n-butyl esters of the n-butyl boric acid are formed. Se - Se I I + 4C4 It 90H - 2C4H9B(OC4H9)2 + 2H2Se + Se C4H9- B\ 4ti9 '3e There are 3 references, 1 of which is Joviet. Card 2/3 Effect of 3elenium ozi Boron Trialkyls sov/62-59-2-30/40 ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 91 1958 Card 3/3 5(3) A~'THORS: Mikhaylov. B, M., Shchegoleva, T. A. SOV/62-59-3-25/37 TITLE: Synthesis of Trialkyl Borons With Functional Substituents (Sintez bortrialkilov s funktsionallnymi zamestitelyami) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 19'~9, Tir 3, pp 546-547 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a brief communication on the investigation of the reaction of diborane with vinyl-ethyl ether. Tri-(2-ethoxy- ethyl)-boron (I) was obtained in insufficient purity as a result of this reaction, Probl-,,bly, in this case the reaction is compli- cated by side reactions, In reference 6 it was shown that the lowest alkyl group may be easily replaced by the highest one if the mixture of the correspondincT trialkyl boron and olefin is heat6d and the easily volatile olefin is removed from the reaction mixture. The authors extended this reaction to un- saturated compounds with functional substituents. By heating triisobutyl boron with 2-chloro-1,1,2-trifluomethyl allyl ether (II) tri-r3-(21-chloro-11,11,2'-trifluoroethoxy)propylI boron (III) was obtained in a yield of 52 ~', Triisobutyl boron reacts also with unsaturated organosilicon compounds. Card 1/2 By heating triisobutyl boron with allyl trimethyl silane or Synthesis of Trialkyl Borons With runctiona-1 SOV/62-59-3-25/37 ,Substituents allyl trichlorosilane tri-0-trimethyl silyl propyl) boron (IV) and tri-(3-chlorosilyl propyl)boron (V) were obtained according- ly in yields of 62-69 %, The investigations of the synthesis of functional trialkyl boron derivatives according to the mentioned method are continued. There are 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im, Y, D. Zelinskogo Akademii nak SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N, D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 9, 1958 Card 2/2 5 ( 31 ) A T: T 11 MR Shc'-.egqj A. SOV/62-59-8-8/42 o'likhaylov, B.. M, , ~ va,. e T _ _ , _ _._ _ TTTLE-, Boron-organic Compounds, Communication 42: Alkylpyro-boro- acetic Anhydrides ~-IERIODIC.A:L: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSS11. Otdeleniye k1limicheskikh nauk, 1959, Tir 8, pp 1395-1396 (Tj-ssR) APMPRACT: It was shown in the present paper that the mixed anhydrides of flatty acids and n-propylpyro boric acid normally formed under the influence of organic acids unon esters of n-propyl- chloro boric acid may be obtained much -more easily by heating alkyl boric acid with the anhydride of a3etic acid over a water bath. In this way it was possible to synthesize the anhydrides of n-propylpyro-boroacetic acid M, i-sopropyl- pyro-boroacetic acid (II), and n-butyloyro-boroacetic acid (M) as well as isobutylpyro-boroacetic acid (IV), with yields ranging between 60 and 70a of the theoretical yields. The compounds obtained were investigated as to their different reactivities. It was shown that the anhydrides of alkylpyro- boroacetic acid easily react with the esters of alkyl boric acid at 160-1850, forming the anhydrides of alkyl boric acid, Card 1/2 The anhydride of n-propylpyro boric acid forms a mixture of Boron-or.-anic Compounds. Communication 1,1t2: Alkylpyro- SOV/b2-59-6-8/42 boroacetic Anhydrides anhydrides the esters pyro boric the esters part the reaction reference. of propyl and phenyl boric acids when heated with of phenyl boric acid. The anhydride of n-propyl- acid forms anhydride of propyl boric acid also with of n-propylchloro boric acid. In the experimental method is described. There is 1 Soviet ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Ze- linskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUE'lITTED: November 21, 1957 Chrd 2/2 5-0) SOV/79-29-9-.681/76 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M, Shchegoleva, T. A. I TITLE: Organoboron Compounds. XLVI. Malkyl Boric Acids and Their Derivatives PERIOnICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959,, Vol 2Q,., Nr 9, pp 3130-3135 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Alkylborates may serve for the synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical dialkyl borates. The butyl esters of di-n.-butyl- and n,propyl-nbutyl boric acid were synthesized by reaction of nbutyl lithium or m-propyl lithium with the rb,,butyl ester of n,butyl boric acid (Ref -11). Based on this method rL-butyl- ethyl-n-butyl borate and n,butyl-ethyl-n..-propyl borate were obtained here according to the scheme: Li !> C + C H + C H RB(OC H EBOC H H OM, ) 2 2 9 2 4 5 9 9 5 4 4 where R = C . n.--C H H ' The synthesis of dialkyl borates 9 3 7 4 on the basis of alkyl borates can also be practiced with organc-magnesium compounds. Thus; a 45% yield of nbutyl-di- n.-propyl borate was obtained by reaction of n.-propyl mag- Card 1 V-3 nesium bromide with n.-butyl.-n.-propyl borate- SOV/79-29-9-68/76 Organoboron Compounds. XLVI. Dialkyl Boric Acids and Their Derivatives n.-C3H7B(OC4H9)2 + n.-C3H7MgBr ~O (n.-C3Er 7)2 BOC4H9' The dialkyl boric acids resulted from saponification of dialkyl borates. The stability of dialkyl borates to hydrolyzing agents is conditioned by the nature of the arrangement 0f esters(for examples see references 8, 10). In this regard, n.-butyl dialkyl borates are much more stable than glycol esters (Refs 12, 13). The reaction of n.-butyl-di-n.-butyl borate with a 10.1 caustic soda solution with subsequent acidification is shown by scheme 1. Butyl alcohol is also completely eliminated together with water in the concentration of a salt solution (I) gently heated and distilled in vacuum. The crystalline residue is a sodium salt of di-n.-.butylborenium acid (II) in analytically pure state. The reaction process of the formation of salt (II) is explained by scheme (2). Di-n-butyl boric acid (Scheme 5) results from acidification of salt (II) after an intermediate stage of acid (V). Di-n.- propyl boric acid and n.-propyl-n.-butyl boric acid are colorless liquids tending to pass over into the corresponding Card 2/3 anhydrides Then they are heated. There are 14 references, SOV/79-20~-9-68/176 Organoboron Compounds. XLVI. Dialkyl Boric Acids and '2heir Derivatives 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademi-4 nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, 0 USSR) SUBMITTED: July 10~ 1958 Card 3/3 MPCO/000/07/07/007 ~S7 1? 3/0862 B015/BD54 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., Shchegoleva, T. A., Blokh-ina, A. N. ---------- I TITLE. Reaction of Tetra-n-butyl Mercapto Diborane '"ith 'Unsaturated Compounds I PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No~ 7, PP. 1307-1309 TEXT: The olefin hydrocarbons (hexene-1, 0octene-1, styrene) react with tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane at 70-80 C in the preseme of pyridine under formation of the n-butyl esters of alkyl thioboric acids. The reaction between tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane and propylene or iso- butylene proceeds in a complicated way. On heating tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane with propylene in the presence of pyridine in an autoclave at 70-BOOC and 5-15 atm, the n-butyl ester of n-propyl thioboric acid as well as the n-butyl ester of di.-n-propyl thiobaric acid and tri-n- butyl thioborate are formed. Tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane reacts with isobutylene in a similar way; a mixture consisting of the esters of isobutyl thioboric- and diisobutyl thioboric acid as well as tri-n-butyl Card 1/2 Ile A2103 Reaction of Tetra-n-butyl Mercapto Diborane With S/0~2/60/000/0711071/007 Unsaturated Compounds B015/BO54 thioborate are formed. The formation of the esters of dialkyl thioboric acids and of thioborate is explained by the fact that tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane symmetrizes to thioborate and di-n-butyl mercapto di- borane, and the latter reacts with the olefins under formation of the corresponding esters of dialkyl thioboric acids. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo, Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Organic Chemistry imeni NG Do Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: December 24, 1959 Card 2/2 69509 -7 OP AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B, M., Shchegoleva, T. A. S/020/60/131/04/035/073 BO11/BO17 TITLE: Synthesis and Some Transformations of Alkylmercaptodiboranes PERIODICAL- Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 4, pp 843-846 (USSR) TEXT: The authors studied the reaction of diborane with n-propylmercaptan and n-butylmercaptan in ether solution at room temperature and with different ratio of the reagents. Tetraalkylmercaptodiborane is formed as a main reaction product if a mercaptan excess is present (see Scheme). These compounds show considerable resistivity: they do not change on longer storage, and may be distilled under vacuum. On distilling theyturn into highly viscous liquids, but some hours later they become mobile again. The molecular weight of the dimeric form of dialkyl- mercaptoborane is by about 1.5 times higher than the cryoscopically determined molecular weight of tetraalkylmereaptodiboranes. Apparently, a partial dissocia- t:nn of the produced alky1mercapto derivatives of diborane takes place in the benzene solution. In the reaction between diborane and n-butylmercaptan (ratio 1:2), much less tetra-n-butylmercaptodiborane is formed. Di-n-butylmercaptodiborane C4H9SBH 2BH2SC4 H9is formed as a main product. It is an unstable compound which is symmetrized on storing at room temperature into diborane and tetra-n-butyl- mercaptodiborane. The latter was identified on the basis of its capability of reacting with olefines at room temperature and of forming n-butyl eater of dialkyl- Card 1/3 69509 Synthesis and Some Transformations of Alkylmercapto- S/020/60/131/04/035/073 diboranes BO11/BO17 I thibboric acids (see Scheme). Furthermore, the yield in tri-n-propylboron,n-butyl ester of di-n-propylthioboric acid, and tetra-n-butylmer-ca-p-t-odiborane on passing propylene through the reaction mass of diborane with n-butylmercaptan is mentioned. The yield differed according to whether the mass was fresh, or stored for one night. The yield in di-n-butylmercaptodiborane is very low on the action of di- borane on tetra-n-butylmereaptodiborane since equilibrium is established between the reagents and the final product (see Scheme). Polymers are known which were produced from diborane and methylmercaptan in the gas phase (Ref 2). The hydrogen atoms of tetraalkylmercaptodiboranes show much lower reactivity than 0diborane. Thus, the reaction of the former with mercaptan starts only at 50-60 , and proceeds energetically at the boiling temperature of mercaptan. In this connection, tri- alkylthioborate (see Scheme) is formed. On treating tetra-n-butylmercaptodiborane with water or alcohol at room temperature, no hydrogen is separated. Under the same conditions, N-trialkylborazols were obtained under the action of primary amines (ethylamine, n-butylamine) on tetra-n-butylmereaptodiborane. Apparently, a complex of dialky1mercaptoborane with amine (I) is formed during the first stage of the process. This complex is transformed into alkylmercaptoalkylaminoborane (II) with mercaptan being separated. An N-alkyl derivative of borazol is formed from (II) un- der precipitation of mercaptan. The high stability of the B-H bond becomes manifest in the reactions between tetraalky1mercaptodiboranes and olefines. The authors Card 2/3 69509 Synthesis and Some Transformations of Alkylmercapto- 3/020/60/131/04/035/073 diboranes B0111/B017 succeeded in adding tetra-n-butylmercaptodiborane to olefine hydrocarbons by heat- ing the reagents to 700 in the presence of pyridine. There are 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Scienceal USSR) PRESEIVED: December 22, 1959, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: December 21, 1959 Card 3/3 MIKHAYLOV, B.M.; SHCHEGOLEVA, T.A.; SHASHKOVA, Ye.M. S7nthesis of alkylthioboric acid esters from trialkylborines and thioborates. I4y.fill SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.5:916-917 My 161. OffRA 14:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimil im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Boric acid) (Boron compounds) SHCHLGOLEVA, T.A.; SHASHKOVA, Ye.M.; MIKHAYLOV, B.M. Reactions of triethylthioborate with amines. Izv.AN SSSR, nauk no.5:918-919 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. H.D.Zelin kogo AN SSSR. (Boric acid) (Amines) I MIKHAYLOV B.M.; SHCHEGOLEVA, T.A. Y Synthesis of 1-n-butylmereaptoboracycloalkanes. Izv.AN SSSR,Otd. khim.nauk no.6tlW-11-U,, Je 161. OMA 14: 6) 1. Institut organicheskoy khiaii im. N.D.Ze-linakogo AN SSSR. (Cycloalkanes) 25047 S106211611000100610091010 B1 181 !5220 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., Shchegoleva, T. A., Shashkova, Ye. M., Sheludyakov, V. TITLE: Polymers Pnd trimers of alk,-,,l mercanto-boranes PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk S33R. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naLik-, no. "", 1 ")61 , 1163 TEXT: The aut',~n.,s stated that the reaction of diborane with mercaptans (1:2) in ether results in r)ol.,,,mer alkyl merea-pto-bornnes. The diborane reacts witr methYl mercavtan, forming a solid .-olymer (CH 3SBH 2)x which had been synt-esized previously by A.Bura and R. Wagner (see below) with- out the use of a solvent. On reaction of ethyl mercaptan or n-butyl mercantan with diborane, glass-like polymers of ethyl Miercapto-borane (C2H 5SBH2)x or of n-butyl merca-ta-borane (n-C 4H9S'2_1_1 2)x are obtained after elimination of the ether by listillation. The polymers of ethyl mercapto-bor.~ne and n-butyl mercapto-borane are ccnverted gradually at Toom temperature to the corresponding trimers of alkyl mercaDto-borane. Card 1/3 S/062/61 /1000100610091010 0 Polymers atil trimerS ol" alkyl ... E 1 1 P '13 212 0 The trimer of ethyl mercapto-borane (C,H SBH,,) has the following 5 - 3 -) -%72 20 = cons tant~~ 1) o i I i n)r~ a t 94 q 6Cmrn H-) ; d i20 nD 1.5323; data ob t'i i ""ed 41.-')0; 1~1.~7 mc)l-~cular weight (determined act cryoscopicelly): 217.9; 22D.2. The trimer of -,-I,ut,,l mercapto-borFine 2C 20 lecomposes on vacuum distillat;on: d 0. 1157(, ; n n= 1.5130; data id obtained,: Hact 2.17; 2.15; B 10.25; 10~32 /"); molecu3ar weight: 293.3; 294.9 corresponding to (C 4H 9SBH 2)3* The solid --polymer of methyl mercanto-borane is stable; however, when it is dissolved in tetrahydro- furan, it is c-)nverted to the trimer of methyl mercanto-borane: boiling 20 20 at 60-810C (1.5rnL,,Hg);d 4 = 1.0121; n D = 1.5483; data obtained: 17 Hact 3.46; 3.37; B 17-00; 1.30 ~o; molecular vieight: 182.5; 183.6 corresoonding to (CH 3SBH 2)3' The trimers of alkyl mercapto-boranes are fairly stable a,-a--nst the action of air anJ water. There is I non-Soviet- Card 2/3 250417 s'o62/61/000/006/009,/010 Polymers and trimers of alkyl... B118/B220 bloc reference. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: A. Burg, R. Wa.-ner, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 705, 3307 (1954). ASSOCIATTOT~1: Institut or-anicheskoy kh-imii im. 'T. D. Zelinskogo SSSR 'Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy USSR) SUB111ITTED: Aoril 20, 1961 Card 3/3 8,9733 S//020/61/136/003/019/027 B016/BO52 AUTHORS: Shchegoleva, T. A. and Belyavskaya, Ye. M. TITLE: Organoboron Compounds. Synthesis and Some Properties of Tri-(ethyl-mercapto)-diborane PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 3, pp. 65a-641 TEXT: The authors report on the reaction of diborane and ethyl mercaptan in eThereal solutions at room temperature.They obtained a 60-70% yield of N tri-(ethyl-mercapto)-diborane C2H 5SBR 2ER (SC2H5)2 (1) independently of the quantitative prcDcrtion of reagents. (I) is a liquid which can be distilled in vacuum without decomposition, and does not dissociate in solutions. The substitution of the remaining three hydrogen atoms by ethyl mercapto groups is only of advantage between 110 and 1500c; in this case triethyl- 0 thioborate B(Sc 2H5)3 (11) is formed In good yields. Ethyl amine complexes of di-(ethyl-mereapto)-borane (C 2 H5S) 2BH*NH 2C2H5(111) and ethyl-mereapto- Card 1114 89733 Organoboron Compounds. Synthes-'s and Some S/02011'61/136/005/019/027 Properties of Tri-(ethyl-mereapto).-diborane B016/3052 bcrane C2TIT5SBH 2' NH2C2H5(IV) are formed first by the action of ethylamine on (I). Then etfiyl-amino-ethyl-mercapto-borane (V) forms from (III) by seDaration of mercaptan, and is then condensed into N-triethyl borazole (VI) (see insert scheme). Ethyl meroaptan is also separated by (IV) which is converted into ethyl-amino-borane (VII). The latter is isolated from ~Ihe reaction mixture especially in the form of a trimer (VIII). As regards its chemical properties, (VIII) is like the trimer of methyl-amino-borane (.Ref. 2). However, there also exists a dimer (IX) of (VII) which together with (VIII) is contained in a liquid fraction with a boiling point of 85-900/2 mm Hg. When left standing, (IX) Is converted into (VIII). (IX) differs from (VIII) as to its chemical properties: when heated, both are converted into N-triethyl-borazole (VI), in (IX), however, only at lower temperatures (partly already when distilled in vacuum), while in (VIII) no hydrogen is generated below 140 - 1500C; at 1800C it iS COMD!etely transformed. The behavior of (I) in Dropylene is like that of di(n-butyl-mercapto)-diborane in ethereal solutions (ief. 1): the one half of its molecule which is more intensively hydrogenated accumulates on Card 2/4 Organoboron COMDounds. Synthesis and Some S/020/61/136/003/019/027 Properties of Tri-(ethyl-mercapto)-diborane Bbl6/BO52 propylene already at room temperature. Thus di-n-propyl-thioboric acid H ) BSC H forms. The other half of the molecule is ethyl ester (C 3 7 2 2 5 dimerized into tetra-(ethyl-mercapto)-diborane (C H (XI). S)2BHBE(SC2H5)2 2 5 At room temperature (I) does not react with ethylene or octene. By boiling (1) in ethereal solutions with octane, the authors obtained an ester mixture of di-n-octyl-thioboric acid (C H ) BSC H (XII) and 8 17 2 2 5 n-octyl-thioboric acid C 8H17 B(SC2H5)2 (XIII). This accumulation is accompanied by a symmetrization leading to the formation of (II) and tri-n-octylboron. There are 5 references: 2 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: July 7, 1960, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: July 4, 1960 Card - --------- ---- .3/4 3/062 '62/000/003/006/0 14 3117,73144 B. S~,~Lheg~v a T. A., and Bubnov, Yu. N. Organoboron compounds. Communication 92. Refractions of the bonds of boron with some elements -ODICAL: nauk SSSR- Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskik"i nauk, no. 1962, 413-4r19 TEXT: Refractions of (3 C), (B - 0), (B - N), (B - S), and (B - Cl) bonds were calculated from molecular refractions of various organoboron compounds havine re.~-ard to hybridization according to Denbigh's method. Ahere lossiole, compounds of the type BX were used. Molecular refral-tions &1 3 -were determined from the -~~orentz-Lorenz law. For the bonds B - C aliph. and B - C), the mean value of their refractions was found from molecular refractions of boron trialkyls and trialkyl borates: R D = 1.93 cm 3 and 3 3 C a mean value of R = 2-76cm R- = 1.61 cm respect vc For B J arom. D was determined from the molecular refractions of aryl boric acids. Card '1113 S/062/o2 -'COL 0 I D/O 0 3 /C 0 '//C 14 Or,~7anoboron compounds ... 3 1 17 /:~ I - L-4 ii.olecular refractions of triamides and N-substituted alkyl-(diamino) borons C of' 1.97 cm f -roduced a mean value 3 for the refractions of 3 - N. The mear. refraction value for the B - N bond in dialkyl-(amino) borons, their N-zub,stituted and dialkyl boryl hydrazines was 2.01 cm Thus, the mean 7 I U rufr,tctiori value of the B - N bonds may be assumed to be 1.08 cm,. For the B bond in thioborates as well as in alkyl- and dialkyl thioboric esters, amean refraction value of 5.59 cm3 was determined, which is some-,.-that hie-her than the value of ~.20 cm' determined for this bond in dIalkyl thioboric ' ds. P - c ~ Various orEanoboron chlorides %yere used for calculating the refractions of the B - Cl bond. As the oroduction of these chlorides in pure form is difficult owin,~ to their tendency towards disproportionation and their easy hydrolyzability, the values found showed high fluctuations and ;)roduced a mean value of R D = 6.88 cm3. There are 13 tables and 27 references: 15 Soviet and 12 non-Soviet. The -four :::ost recent references to English-language publications read as follows: P. Chistopher, T. J. Tully, J. Amer. 0~,em. Soc., 80, 05516 (1958); G. F. Hennion, P. A. McCusker, j. V. Marra, J. Amer. Che-,.,,, Soc,, 809 3481 (1q,58) and T. Amer. Chem. Soc. 81, 1768 (1959); D. Aubrey, M. Lappert, Card 2/3 Organoboron compounds. J. C-em. Soc. 1959, 2c27. ASSOCIATION, TnStitUt orban-cheskoy nauk SSSR (institute of X. D. Zelinskiy of the SUB""-L TT ED: October 16, 1961 S/062/62/000/003/006/014 B117/31,44 khimii im. 'N'. D. Zelinskogo kkadem-1 i O-,L-anic Chemistry imeni Academy of Sciences USSIR) Card 3/3 MIKHAYLOV, D.M.; MCIIEGOLEVA, T.A.; BUBNOV. Yii.N. Organoboron compounds. Report No.92: Refractions of boron bonds with some elements. Izv.AN SSSR.utd.kbim.naWk nc-.3: 413-419 MT '62. (~LIRA 15:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SS.M. (Boron organic compounds) (Refractometry) 39573 ;5/062/62/000/007/004/013 B117/B180 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., Shchegoleva, T. A., Shashkova, Ye. M., and Sheludyakov, V. D.'- TITLE. Organoboron compounds. Report 102. Monoalkyl mercapto derivatives of borane PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimiche8kikh nauk, no. 7, 1962, 1218 - 1223 TEXT: The reactions of diborane and mercaptanes in ether solution were studied at room temperature. Independent of the component ratio, diborane ana methyl mercaptane yielded a solid, storable polymer which dissolves in ether and benzene, and converts into a trimer in a solution of tetrahydro- furan. A viscous, colorless polymer was produced from diborane and ethyl mercaptane, independent of the component ratio. The reaction of diborane with n-propyl and n-butyl mercaptanes only yielded polymers at a ratio of 1 : 2. Trimers of ethyl, n-pro 1 and n-butyl mercapto boranes formed spontaneously from the corre8poYdi;g polymers. The' resulting trimers are a new type of organoboron compound. They are very stable, have a cyclic Card'1/2 S/062/62/000/007/004/013 Organoboron compounds ... B117/B180 structure, are virtually unaffected by air, not completely oxidized by hydrogen peroxide and are very slowly hydrolyzed by heating. They yield the corresponding borates by alcoholysis. This reaction is slow at room temperature, accelerating as the temperature rises. Alkyl mercaptoborane trimers and mercaptanes only react at 100 - 1200C, 'yielding large amounts of alkyl thioborates. 55% methyl thioborate and 89% ethyl*thioborate *ere obtained by boiling a mixture of high-boiling-mOraaptane and trimer. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinski.y of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: January 30, 1962 VY\ Card 2/2 MBAYLOV, B.M.; SHELYDAYAKOV., V.D.;_~HCHEGQUVA, T.A .- --- L_ Organoboron compounds. Report No.106z Reactions of alkyl mercapto- borane trimers with secondary and tiertiary amines. Izv.AN nauk no.9:1559-1564 S 162. (MIRA, 15:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Boron organic compounds) (Amines) MIKHAYLOVY B.M.; SHELUDAYAKOV, V.D.; SHCHEGOU'VA, T.A. New types of boron salts. Izv.Pli SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1698-1699 S 16-9. (MIRA 15.'.10) 1. Institut organichdskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Boron-Compounds) S106 JY63/000/003/006/016 B10 166 PERIODICAL: Shashkoval Ye. M.t and Mikhaylov, B. M. Organoboron compounds. Communication 113. Reduction of alkyl thioborates to dialkyl mercapto-boraneo Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdaleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1963, 494 - 497 TEXT: It was found that ethyl thioboratef n-propyl thioborate, n-butyl thioborate, isopropyl thioborate, and tert-butyl thioborate react with LiAlH in nitrogen atmosphere at room temperature to give the correspond14 4 1 dialkyl mercapto-boranes' 4(RS) B + LiAlH -4 4(RS)2B9 + LiSR + Al(SR) !1~ 3 4 3*1 The yield is 7~ - 85 Reaction of methyl tWoborate withLiAlE howeveri 41 did not give dimethyl mercapto-borane but a stable complex. This was conJ11 firmed by the following reactiont (CH S) B + LiH -4 ((CH S) BH]Li. Thell-, 3 3 3 3 -boronhydride is a colorless solid resultant lithium-trimethyl-mereapto substance which is heat-resistanti; up to 3000C and decomposes to LiClq Card 1/2 31062163100010037o-6~16ie ..Organoboron compounds. B101/B186 methyl mercaptane and dimethyl mercapto-borane when equimolar quantities of aCl are added, Dimethyl mercapto-borane cannot be prepared in pure .~condition, as it is partially dimerized even by distillation in vacuo. RS, SR, /SR This dimerizationt B' B, 2470, 2416 cm'-1 is 42 for H SR H R CR 3' 17 %'for R i-C 3H79 and 0 % for R tert-C 41i9 ASSOCIATION: Institut orfIanicheakoy khimil im. N. D. Zelinskogo, Akedemii nauk SSSR natitute of Organic Chemistry-imeni K. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy- of Sciences USSR) SU1L1,:-,r.1M--,11-.- June 6, 1962. All d Card 2/2 -------- ------- S/olf"163/000/003/007/018 u AUTHORSs Mikhaylov, B. M., Dorokhov, V. A., and Shchegoleva, T. Ao TITLE: Organoboron compounds. Communication 114. Reaction of dialkyl.-mereapto-boranes with secondary amines PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheakilth nauk, no- 3, 1963, 498 - 499 TEXT: The reaction of di-n-butyl mercapto-borane with diethyl amine in a molar ratio of 1:1 in nitrogen atmosphere at room temperature gave n-bu mercapto-(diethyl-amino)-borane in 53 ~ yield. Under equal conditions n-butyl mereapto-(piperidino)-borane was obtained in 71 % yield by reac- tion of di-n-butyl mercapto-borane with piperidine. Di-n~butyl mercapto- borane and diisoamyl amine gave n-propyl mereapto-(diisoanyl-amino)-borane, in 85 % yield. On reaction of two moles of secondary amine with one mole of dialkyl mercapto-borane, bia-(dialkyl-amino)-borane as formed. Di-n- propyl-mercapto-borane and diiao-amyl amine-thus gave bis-(diisoamyl- amino)-borane in 80 ~o yie14 and di-n-propyl mercapto-borane and diallyl amine gave bis-(diallyl-amino)-borane in 90 % yield. Card 1/2 3/062/63/000/003/00T/018 Organoboron compounds BlOl/B186 A SSOCIATION: SUBMITTEDs Institut orfanicheskoy khimii im. X. D. Zell.nskogo,Akademiii nauk SSSR Institute of Organic Chemistr I e i N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy'.~of Sciences USSR June 6, 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP3000122 S/0062/63/000/003/0816/0822 AUTHOR: Mikhaylovo B. M.; Shchegoleva, T. A.; Sheludyakov, V. D. .TITLE: Organic boron compounds. Report, 327. Reactions of the amino complexes of alky1mercaptoboranes with halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons and HCl SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye khimicheakikh naukv no. 5. 1963p 816-822 ITOPIC TAGS: reac-~ion mechanisms,, amine complexes of al1g2mercaptoboranes.. HG10 ':halogenated hydrocarbons ABSTRACT: Di-(dimethylamine)borane shlts were formed by the action of halogenated hydrocarbons and HG1 on dimethylaminealkylmereaptoboranea. 'Wheii complexes of a3,kylimercaptoboranes with tertiai~y amines reacted with alkyl halides, the alky1mer- capto group was exchanged for a halide groupp converting them into borane halide Complexes. HC1 cleaved the trialkylamine complexes of alky3inercaptobo-ranes, giving aii~ylmercaptoborane trimers and amine hydrochlorides. Dimethylamine-methy1nercap- toborane reacted with dimethylamine hydrochloride to yield the chloride of di-(di- methylamine)borane. Orig. art. has: 3.1 equations. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogos Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR) L 1709~663 EPR'AwP WAPF (c)/FwP (q)/EVtT (m)/BDS AFF?C/ASD Pr-4/Pc-4/ PS-41 RKt,,JW/JD/MAY S/062/63/000/004/008/022 AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, B. M., Shchegoleva, T. A., Sheludyakov, V. D., and Blokhina, A. TITILE: Organo-boron'A pounds. Report 116. Reactions of alkyLmercapto- com boranel-p=oymers with unsaturated compounds PERIODICAL: Akademiy nauk JSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskilch nauk, no. 4, 1963, 646-651 TEXT: Inasmuch as various derivatives of diborane exhibit the capability to be added to unsaturated compounds the authors sought to study the behavior of allqrlmereaptoborane polymers in relation to olefins and diene hydrocarbons. The addition of the n-butylmercaptoborane polymor to diallyl was performed, which results in the formation of 1-n-butylmercaptoboroncycloheptane: CH2=CH-CH2 .0, CH2CH2CH2 (n-C4EIgSBH2)x +x -*x n-C H SB %% CHfCff-CH2 CH2CH2CH2 Card 1/2 L 17098-63 3/062/63/000/004/C08/022.. Organo-boron compounds ...... A polymer of methylmercaptoborane joins with olefins to form methy others of dialkylthioboric acid. In the action of isoprono on a polymer of methylmorca- ptoborane the product is 3-methyl-l-methylmercaptoborocylelopentane. A nitro- gen atomosphere was used in all ODerations involving organo-boron compounds. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Tnstitute of Organic Chemistr-v imeni N. D. Zelens1qXL_Lca- demy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 7. 1962 Card 2/2 SHCHEGOU,VA, T.A.; SHELUDIAKOV, V.D.; MIKHAYLOV, B.M. Nature of the coordination compounds formed by boron and diborane halides in ether oolutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4: 888-891 0 163. (MIRA 16,11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom B.A. Kazanskim. L 19490-65 EPF(c)/EPR/,7WA(h)/EWP(J)/EWT(m)/T Pc_4/Pr_4/Ps_VPeb RPL ACCESSION NR: AP5002072 S/0062/64/000/002/0365/0367 AUTHOR: Shch eva, T. A.; Shashkova, Ye. M.; Kiselev, V. G.; I ~i~ay 1 o vB. M. TITLE: Hydroboridation of dienes with chloroborane SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 2, 1964, 365-367 Y TOPIC TAGS: organoboron compouJ chloroborane, boron addition, diene boridation, diallyl, pen ~ad-ie-ne-,-Vu-ta-d-i-en-e-,--'U6rocyclopentane ABSTRACT: In order to determine the effect.of the nature of the diene on addition.. across the double'bond, the authors studied the addLtion of,chloroborane to dially~ -1 pentadien-1,4 and butadien-1,37in ether solutionat room temperatures, Chromato- graphy and degradation of the-reaction products showed that diallyl adds primarily in the 1,6 position (74%), with smaller amounts of 1,5 and-2,5 addition products.. Fractional distillation of this mixture resulted in good yields of pure 1-chloro- borocyclopentane. Addition to pentadien-1,4 in both the 1,5 and,1,4 positions (53% and 47%, respectively), while addition to butadien-1,3 was mostly irk the 1,4 position (75%), with 21% of the 1,3 addition product. The reaction conditions and yields are given. Orig. art. has: 2 chemical equations. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk Card 1/2 ACCESSIC~- NR: A.P403-3385 s/oo62/64/ooo/oo4/o632/o637 11=1 i. Sheludyakov, V. D.; Shchc,~oleva, T. A.; MiJkhaylov, B. M. -2T'71T~7: Or~~Lnic boron comDounds. 1_1 11 - Co=-unication 129. reaction of alky1mercaptoborane trimers vith primary aminea. SOIL-7RCE: All SSSO.R. Izvestiya. Scriya Idaimicbesk'aya, no. 4, 1964, 632-0537 TOPIC TtiGS: or_.zanic bo-ron compound, al-ky1mercaptoborane trimer, all-,11mercepto- boranc triz:cr ariine reaction, reaction mechaniam, me-thylamine ziethyl- =ercaptoboro-ne complex, borone chloride ABS"Tit.-IO-P, The reaction of al~~lmerca_-Dtoborane trimers with primary amines was studiea. Action of methylamine on methyLTaercaptolborane gives the riat-yl mercaptide U of bis(methyL~;mine)borone regardless of the reagent ration (trimer:arr--'-ne of 1:6 or 1:3). The mechanism suggested is the fozz=ation of an intermediatc n,-,atral complex, r,ethylamine-methylmercaptoborane, which reacts more rapidly with -nethylamine than the trii-,er. The le6s stable ethylmercaptide of bis(ethyl=1ne)borone is formed similarly. These compounds exchange the mercitide ion for the chloride ion under action of ether solut Ions or HCJ: fH 2B(NH2R' 2-,7SR+ HC1 -EE2B(N'L,2R)2-7C' + .Car-4 1/2 ACCESSION, Nil: AP4033385 RSH. Similar exchange is effected ~writh benzyl chloride. Normal-butylamine Will not fom the corresponding ethylmercaptide bis(n-butylarnine)borone, only the c0m-Plex C21'5 SBH2 N"2C4H This vill react with benzyl chloride to form the salt L- H2B(Iffl C 11 ) jC1. throne salts vith other amines in the capacity of addends .were sQi~r~y ~;rmed by treating alkylmereaptoboranes with mixtures of the amine :and benzyl chloride. The chlorides of bis(propyl, isopropyl, isobutyl, t-butyl, ~n-amyl, n-hexyl, or benzyl)borones are crystalline, stable, ether-insoluble .materials. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 12 equations. ASSOCIATIO.N: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo AkademJJ nauk ESSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences,SSSR) SMUTMD: 3lOct63 SUB CODE; OC C --- ~ :2/2 a rd, . ENCL: 00 NO FT-X- SOV. 002 OTHER: 001 Abstiacts Under the action "of (fi-methilamino'o'n',b4roIL-tr-3*L-~hloride and )boron tribromide in a 2s1 reagent ratio, dichloro-bia(dimethylamine)-- 'boronium chloride and di~brotao-bia(dimethylamine)boronium bromide are ,formed, respectivel . The SaMO*Salta are, roduced by thereaction of P "dimethylaminoboron dihr-l idea. With dimethylammouium salts. A boronium .Balt containing two different amines in the inner sphere, dichloro-:~~ 'dimethylaminepyridineboroniixm chloride, vas synthesized bjr theaction !of pyridine hydrochloride on dimethylaminoboron dichlori!12-1--aa well as Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP5015654 'the 'e~:ction - f bo. ri amino a. 'by r ). o ron trichlo ido,'-.pyridino, and dimethyl (in" Jyhe ,1zl ratio a other and tetrahydrofuran solutions of boron trich- ~lqride were treated with ferric chlorideor stannic chloride, dichlcLro,- .bia(dietboxide)boronium and dichioro-bia(tefrahydrofuran)-boronium itetra-chloroferrates and dichloro-bia(-tetrahydrofuran)boronium hex&chloro--'.-,-.,- :stannate were farmed, indicating'other solutions boron trilii~fidai' _'1*1- ,exists not only in the form of.etherate: (BX3-0R2)) but.&ISO in the form. tof cationic complexest in equilibrium v th the othoratos.;"6rig. arii. ha's 7-: formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy- khim,-i lm-~ N. D. ZeIiiiskogo Akademii nauk SSS,R -i- (:Enstitut6 of Organic Ghemistry, Academy of Sciences, SSSR)-' .qTMMTTTF,n! 71 Avah( *4 rKr.T. Ann MM. no P-" 7 DYAKOV, V, Fart --c by,;!~ 7 Ai bcron s-cipplexes. Zhu--r. cb, kh'in. -,5 no.EtIC66-1071 7~ (ICRA , 11" : "'A, , :".I. -ui Ye,N,~ KISEI-EV, V.G.-, MIKHAYLOV, B.M. I,.- , r 'o vA " I O-gan~,,bcrori :c~mrjunrfs. ;-,,ar*, 1q8.; Hydrclooration rf dienp-3 by n- butylrrercap~,Oboranp, Zhur. ob. k~-'Tn. 35 no.6,dD78-1083 .Tf-, 165 . (MIRA 18:6) I :i - . : I . I I . ", I - - . I - I -. I . .I . o - , ,-v ~ -; , -~ - . - -- -, - -a~ : 1.~I~ ~ ,, , . : , . - - . ~ -, :-: , -.' - , - * -- I I . - . . . - , T GLAZGVA, 0. 1., doktor med. nauk; lZRAELIT, S. S.; SHCHEGOLEU. , LEIN, B. N. - ------ Diagnosis of the active phase of the cardiac form of rheirratic fever. Terap. arkh. no.12:30-35 161, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz teraperticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. P. L. Suk'~inin) i laboratorii (zav. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk V. V. Novosell- skaya) Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta skoroy pomoshchi imeni Sklifosovskogo. (RHEUMATIC MART DISEASE) ~3 L-~ V. 126-5-3-31/31 T I I'LE. r-ns -A-E-e-i-l-S 1111o.-,- ~__--Zn.-Cu U_ c a tr a v I n a v s t ar e.-;-a F~l -- e m s D 1 a - Cu) PEIPIO DI C A1. F il:_- Ll e_ t 1 o v i .-.1etallovedei, i'le, 19157, Vol 3, AES __,1 C :-L" s C.'C. re For~-3 (_Ref,-~. ap, 2) JTir, DaL-1,_-era- in ~i_-,ystals of va-_,_-;ouE. suts-tances f-2:-e .1 i11 -h:, :.urfac,,e cf cpiral and bo Tic.. u- d i I 't Duri_-_-,,-- el..3ctroa I-licroscopic _f -Z- ro J,_r1,- and after -,rel_4_;ina:_1, spiral et-chin- z) a t t e r o f c o-, ~'n;~ -U.-~ -Ile U__ After -oars a in," o to, -a d4 c] -ai- i-sult 4 4 In 1L r -1 i- ve 1~iar'e cleans b-_5~~ht cc-u-1J., be 53e-_~n at thc ste-os of 'a-he -u chin:-- F 1 2) ich corres-onided U'-o th zo s or -to -IL-.he u of th-e separ f par4- jC le S 7UinC C i-I a s ~-he obLz~ri-' s-~~irals cc-aidi- be v 11 a szin~sl- -ur:7--ers vector, On ulle basis of U',e featul,es of the tec1inique of oadde L-_1pr_i:,1-U_- Q vial r-o--l~-d in :-he ~;iven case it crnr be asou-med Card 1/7, '1 2 t~,=Ll th~~ etc-1--ir, stepC c:3-1- be deLe-ou-ed by m_aalnE of an 126-5-_-'-31/31 La:_-,ire of E'chin - Patterns i-n j-r: A~~e~n Allo- ~ Al-Zn-Cu el~,ctron r,,iicr~,copa ualv for the viral diLslocatio- -for a Bur-,--,.ers vector of at least 15-1210 I_rl reality t~~t' Bur 21!` ill U!-~c 6iven case 'U'101,111i;, to several "Ujldred,,- of AriE;_-'U-ro1L! This follows frord the analysiS of spectroscopic exposures as ~,*:ell as from the fact fliLiL "Ae'Ps Z~I- clearl-v visible fro:a "he o-,-ide i-m-Prints, It be concluded ~h,_,..t each etchinj7 pattern is linked -DrotrLidin- to the curface of the alloy of sovo_-al larL~er or gii~antic spiral dislocations zhich are pa_-_--~liei to the cuIoic axes of ti-te crystal. (In, vievr cf t-ho fact t.11'at, Bo-at-_!ue_',,, .V. (Ref -5) detected llelinoidal ,~i-locatior_c in- CaFq, the pos.,ibJlit-,, arose to associate e~c~dnc--,- -L)at-L6~rlls helinoidal and prismat4c oi-) U-,.-all-y in the centre of each T)hase of patte-r-n -not one but-, several (mostly three) S,--iral disloc~:!tioriz of a Sin-le siGn will occur. However, L) L, ne coi-,-le-xity of soille of the cpirai etchin- patterns T" U - load's to -~h- as:,;iuaptior, that in a number of cases disloc-a-'~-Iions of C,-,)nosite sLns tal-e place at the face centrec. Thus ) contrary to existinG theoretical concen (T Card 2/3 Ref.2.) on the effect that it is not justified 126-5-3--31/31 811 AgeinZ Alloy 1-Zn-Cu A L.LsL~-;(J -Orcsen-e of major disloc--tions _Lr_ _-.etals, the cf detected _onsjl-i Bur-ers vectors of seyreral detected earlier in metals only 11, R e f a nd Steinber;-- (Ref.4). Ame 1i nx Olb_-_--i-,~,_~ 115 :D--- crl-Etals Fsrow-n by depositirL~_- -,old Zclul.-_ion of _--ea~:aiaatio= of YaCl; Steinberj,-, it on -11-itaniuir, cr-,7stalc produced e le ctro lytic ally, In bc-~-11 caf~es the ar-)(,_ar_,nce of --isantic ,!_!2)nca4-'-_ions caT, be caused by the pertainiL-L; spccific f'01, in_~tance -rowth on foreirni body crystals. -c-inted cut ~L_,'t in hic- "old c r'~ 41-als c6ulJ c-itliel, follow the spircl di_-1o:-,-',.tiorLs of -.11t or aol)ear due to major ron-corres--D:)ndence of crystall c;f' -old and MaCl. In ~tt'e 01__Oar11.'.'iO.11'~E such conditions have appa,-ren-;ly been made impossible. Card 3/3 There are 2 fi._-ures and 5 references, 1 of which is Soviet, 11, 11ote: This is a co--i-Dlete -translation. ASSOCIATIOT~: I1!Sti-Ut fi7il7i Taetallov Uralls!_-_o~;o filiala AN SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc.USSRL) SUB.MITTED: April 11, 5 7 1. Allirdnur-copper--~ine alloys--Aging 2. Aluminuirr-copper-zine alloys --Crystal struclLxe 3, Crystais-r'Physical properties 66227 SOV/126-6-3-10/33 AUTHORS: Buynov, N.N., Shchegoleva, T.V., Rakin, V.G., Komarova, M.F, and Zakharova, R.R. PITLE: Electron Microscopic Investigation of Etca Figures in Age Hardening Aluminium Alloys .rE,110DICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol (6, Nr 3.. PP 367-393 (USSR) 40STRACT: The results of an electron microscopic investigation of dimensions, form and structure of etc"x figures in age hardening aluminium alloys are discussed. 11.1 tile table on p 388, data of the dimensions and shape of tiie etch figures for various alloys are given. The dimensions of the figures change within very wide iimits from several microns to a few tenths. It is characteristic that for the majority at' quenched, sli,rhti-, aged specimens the etch figures are straight-sided (F-Lg 1) and fox- the haz~dened alloys they have an oval shape (Fig 2). Their dimensions decrease in relation to time and artificial ageing, when the hardness of tiie alloys increases. In Fig 3, an electron micrograpil of an Al-Zn-Cu (101/,0' Zn and 0.55/0' CU) alloy, deformed by Card 1/2 compression by 1550' and aged at 180 C for b hours, is shown 66227 SOV/126-6-3-16/33 E'lectron Microscopic Investigation of Etch Figures in Age Hardei-Liar, A.J'Aw.inium Alloys Spiral steps can be seen. Fig 4 is all electron micrograph of an Al-Cu (4% Cu) alloy aSed at 22C 0C f or 5 Inin. Craters can be seen at the to,i of octahedra, suggesting screw dislocations. Fig j stiows sc~iewe for Lae layout of 1,rimary mosaic blocks in the cry6tallinc ailoy; tile 1.ossible axes along which new blocks can Lorizi are shown by arrows. The authors arrive at tile following conclusions: (1) The shape and dimensions of etc.i figures in aluminium alloys change with tiie time and temPerature of ageing. (2) The relation~5.aip between etci, figures and large screw or spiral disiocations justifi--3s the as-stii-ption that they correspond to mosaic i~--Iocks, T;iere are j figures, 1 table and 17 refereAces, 7 Oi W.LiCh re Soviet, 1 German, 1 Dutch and 6 ..n., C ASSQ~CIAT!ON:Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Y-e-cal Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 19-, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/126-8-3-21/33 AUTHORS: Buynov, N.N. and Shchagoleva, T.V. TITLE: A Few Characteris,~ics of the Distribution of Etch Figures in an Al-Zn-Cu Alloy PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 455-457 (USSR) ABSTRACT: on studying the electrolytically polished and chemically etched (aqua regia) surface of an Al-Zn-Cu alloy (10% Zn, 0.5% Cu) which had been deformed in compression by less than 11%, spirals were observed which may possibly illustrate either Frank and Read's mechanism (Ref 1) or the existence of screw or helical dislocations. Beside them loops were observed, which were similar in shape to dislocation loops emitted by Frank and Read sources. They were observed not only within the grains (Fig I and 2) but also in grain boundaries (Fig 3). In the first case they are met with more frequently in groups, each of which contain from 2 to 7 loops. In those cases where the loops are not continuous, they have the shape of hooks, the ends of which are bent inwards (Fig I to 6), which points to Card 1/2 their non-accidental origin. Light photographs in a SOV/126-8-3-21/33 A Few Characteristics of the Distribution of Etch Figures in an AI-Zn-Cu Alloy dark background (Fig 3) show that the loops consist of etched figures. However, there is one characteristic in the distribution of the loops which makes it doubtful as to waether they were formed due to the work of Frank and Read sources. In the central portion of several loop groups, a few small hooks with different orientation are observed in each group (in Fig 1 shown by an arrow). This peculiarity is difficult to understand if one takes Frank and Read's dislocation propagation as a basis and the authors of this paper have come to the conclusion that these loops are due to local stresses in various portions of the alloy. Gratitude is expressed to A.N.Orlov for discussion of the results of this paper. There are 6 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATlGtN:Institut fiziki metallov AN SSR (Institute c;f Metal 1hysics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 12, 1950" Card 2/2 69696 S/126/60/009/03/019/033 E091/E435 AUTHORS: Lerinman, R.M., Shchegoleva, T.V., Kushakevich, S.A. and Selitskaya, TITLE: Electron Microscopic Investigation of Structural 1~ Transformations in Titaniuai3Manxaneseyland Titanium- -~Chromium Alloys V PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 99 Nr 3, PP 437-440 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The transformation of the P-phase on tempering quenched Ti--Mn and Ti-Cr alloys were studied. The following binary alloys, containing elements which stabilize the P-phase, were used for the investigationg Ti-Mn (10.5% Mn) and Ti-Cr (9.4% Cr). The alloys were prepared from titanium sponge of TGO quality, manganese of MR1 and chromium of KhO quality. Ingots were prepared by double vacuum melting. For the alloy containing Mn, the second fusion was carried out in argon. The composition of the alloys is shown in the table on p 438~ The ingots were deformed by hot rolling and forging and the alloys were water quenched from 8~OOC (ie from the p-region). The time of heating Card 1/3 prior to quenching was 30 minutes. Tempering was carried V 69696 S/126/60/009/03/019/033 E091/E435 Electron Microscopic investigation of Structural Transformations in Titanium-Manganese and Titanium-Chromium Alloys out by soaking for I to 25 hours at 400 to 550*C and cooling in air. In order to reproduce the structures of the alloys, single-stepped angular prints (replicas) were prepared (Ref 10). The specimens were first chemically polished in anhydrous boiling ortho-phosphoric acid for 1 to 2 minutes. They were then etched in a mixture of 20yo HF, 20% HN03 and 6o% glycerin.The etching time varied from a few seconds to one minute. Apart from the electron microscopic investigation, hardness tests were made on a Rockwell machine with a diamond indenter, using a load of 150 k9. In Fig la,lb and 1B, the microstructures of specimens of Ti-10.5%Mn alloys as tempered at 4000C for 1, 5 and 25 hours, respectively, are shown; in Fig 1g, 1d and le, those of similar specimens tempered at 550QC for 1, 10 and 25 hours, respectively. Fig 2 shows the microstructure of a Ti-9.4% Cr alloy (a - after quenching and tempering at 4000C for one hour; b - after quenching and tempering Card 2/3 at 500'C for 25 hours). From the above microstructures 696~6 S/126/60/009/03/019/033 E091/E435 Electron Microscopic Investigation of Structural Transformations in Titanium-Manganese and Titanium-Chromium Alloys it can be seen that an w-phase appears in Ti-Cr and Ti-Mn alloys after quenching and tempering at 4000C. It has the shape of very finely dispersed platelets, 300-400 A thick. Periodically, chains of equiaxed particles and individual equiaxed particles can be observed which point to the fact that the w-phase nas an equiaxed shape from the very moment of its formation. Gratitude is expressed to Yu.A.Bagaryatskiy and V.I.Dobatkin for the discussion of the results of this work. There are 2 figures, I table and 10 references, 7 of which are English, 2 French and I Soviet. ASSOCIATION:Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of' Metals AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1959 Card 3/3 Sj' HKiLLVA, T..-A,, 6ffi-,LUDYA---'U-V J., A ijok DO 3 ? ()Y D,Z=l!nslro,o (Metal, icjjs) LERBIMAN, H...M.., Sik;HEG~~!,E.VA, T,V.; PAVLOVA, (;.V,; ADOLINIA, T.I. Elur.,tron micro.,3copy of* plnqfl.,~ dt!l',jrm,it!Dn:3 in ,,jLloys. Fiz. mot. I metallr)v,!ri. H rio.4:6231-630 0 '64, ;'PIRA IF:4) 1. Instittit fiziki metallov AN 3SSR. GRANDBERG, I.I.; DIN VLY-FY; SHICHEGOIZIVAI V.I.; KOST, A.N. pyrazoles. Part 18. Dehydrogenation of 3-hydroxy- and 3-amino- pyrazolines with sulfur. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.6:1892-1896 Je 161. UMiL 14:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Pyrazoline) (Dehydrogenation)