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s/2o-3/61/ool/005/025/028, Preliminary results Aoo6/Aiot the critical frequencies of F2 layer a marked effect of the eclipse was not de- tected. The results obtained are In a greement with previous investigations by VL. Al'pert-who establlEhed that frequent1v the foF2 Values- In middle and southern latitades do not change considerably during-the eclipsei~~The effect of the eclipse Is marked In -the lower-parv of the ionosphere and decreases_gradualiy with the height. It often vanishes conpletely at the levei~of the F2 maximum, Tbe authors thank D. Kavadze, M. Tevdordshvili, D. ChIkovani- and T, Khljndzhua, workers of the Tbilisi Un-*versity and theinstizute of Geophysics, AS Georgian SSR,, There are 4 figures and 2 referencesg ISoviet-bloo and I non-Sovie t-bloc.. ASSO~~-_ATION: Institut zem-nogo magnetizma, lonosfery i ra.Eprostraneniya radic- voln ANSSSR ~InztltutQ of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Frocagation of Radiowaves, AS USSR) SUEOINqED, July,28, 1961 card 2/2 F1 1,114 IN: 11 1111T I : ; .... . I ; 1 11 i 1; ]1-; 11, IN W "i Will r6llvi61 '"' il 1 A ~ 1: 11" _i I -lH -1 -TI 1-1, '-1 T11-1, . . :, I. , ,. I I . " 1, i-1, - . I - F vL, !. ~i i . : . . i I , I , I i - i, ii 11 '1l I I * ~ :111 , !I: I. 1 : I, . !, :1 i , I I if: 11: 1 IHP ~ I I I-IFT-TIM-7-i T"! F-PMI TEPINIKIC111YEV , VK,; CIURI:YA, 3t. inzi., V .1"; 9 Eto i r~,iLh- red. i -pol . ol7jazan. rao ts . red. BABIKOV, V.V.., red. [Use of ul trasonic wave i n a'aricultural machilvery n,ar:,I- facture -Primerien ie ul ' tl-az-vak--a v sel I skokhozia,lEt vennom inashir-ostroen-7.1 Poston-na---Eovu, T,.zd-,ro Rostovs1rc-pro. tm.-l -j -196L. 157 P. -1 S- 1. Rostov-on-L'oln. institut se--, skokhc-zyaystvenm)lgc, rashi - nostmyerii ya, . .......... . in : ~~ J;~.Jj: ,, -- fil, f'~ . I- - 1 ! 05187-67 OWf (d)/EN?(v)/&iP(k ACC NRt Ap6oil2-67 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/006/0120/0120 AUTHORS- Shadchinev, V. A. Shadchineva, P. M. ORG: none TITLE: A method for increasing the longevity of a tool. Class 49, No- 180055 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarWye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 120 TOPIC TAGS: cutting tool, metal cutting machine tool, machine industry ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for increasing the longevity of a tool by changing the cutting speed at a given amount of wear, 1.4., after'the lapse of an experimentally determined time interval. To establish the moments of:the velocity change, the tool wear is measured by determining the amount of current being used by the machine and is compared with the experimentally;~deterained wear (known from the current relays) acting when a definite amount of tool wear in reached. The relays cause the lengthening or shortening of the time interval during which.the tool works at a definite cutting speed. SUB CODE: -131 SUBM DATE: 14Dec63 Card 1/1 vmb TJDCt ~621-50-%.621.9.025oQQA.62 _L 2�260-66 EWT(m)LTjEWP(t) jjp(c) jp.M ACC NR: AP6013270 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0070/0070, INVENTOR: Gushchina, I. I.; Shadek, Ye. G. ORG: none TITLE: Glass for oxidation-free heatinv_ of steel'and.allo~yj~biliits. class 32,,; No. 180769 [announced y the State Scientifi c. Research 1nstiiU&!LRLLG:!~~as ~(Cosudarszvennyy nauchno-isstvwvat-dr-skry--fn-s7t7i7t-~t-'Wtekla',!I SOURCE: izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, zovarnyye~znaki,'no. 8, 1966., 70 TOPIC ACS: metal heating, alloy heating, mo-ten glass heating ~;,oxidation;'free~ heating, glass composition ABSTRACT. This Author Certificate introduces~a glass for:(?Xidatiorn-free heating of ~~,'and MgO.'. --re- ,0, CaO, BaO Al steel ana alloy billets which contains SiO NaZ . TO 2 2. 39 duce the glass viscosity at 1200-1300C ani to make it lesg.:;acti,~e toward m0tal::and.1. refractory furn&ce linings, the glass composition is set.'as foliov;is i (wt%): 47.7-50.7 SiO-,. .:2.5-25.0 Na20, -8.3-9.3 Cao- 9.0-9.5 gab, 1.~5_~3.0 Al Oi 4'. 5-5.C 2 -31 MgO, ard -'.75-Z.5 F. [AZI SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 08Feb65/ AID PRESF:q-~~,j C d a UDCs 666,113.62V43ik461 `~UL28'16 ACC NR, AP6011267 SOURCE CODB: UPT0413/66/000/ 0120 012 AUTHORS: Shadchinev, V. A. Shadchineva, P. M-,~_ ORG. none TITLE: A method for increasing the longevity ofa tool- Class 49, No- 180055 :SOURCE.- Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znakir no.~ 6. 1966,.12o, TOPIC TAGS: cutting toolf metal cutting machine tool, machine industry. ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for increasing the longevity.of a tool by changing the cutting speed at a given amount of wear, i*e.9 after the lapse of an experimentally.determined time interval. To establish'the moments of the velocity change, the tool wear is measured by determiming the amount of current being used by the machine and is compared with the experimentally determined wear(known from the current relays) acting when a definite amount of tool wear is reached. The relays cause the lengthening or shortening of the time interval during which the tool. works at a definite cutting speed. So CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 14Dec63 1/1 vmb UDCs 621-563.-S5e621.9.()25.M.62 ACC NR: AP6033843 SOURCE CODE: UR/0182/66/000/ulo/0036/0039 AUTHOR: Klyuyev, V. M.; Ostolopovskiy, A. N.; Shadek, Ye. G. ORG: none TITLE: Die forging of blanks heated in molten gl&s s SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtampochnoye praizvodstvo, no. lo, 1966, 36-39 TOPIC TAGS: metal forging, drop forging, metal extrusion, metal blank heating, molten glass heating roedium, glass lubricant 4?C,7- Dlr r01eG_1A.)r1, C-XIPI" VC->j);r1 ABSTRACT: The laboratory of pressure working of metals of the SKB-3 (Minsk),in: cooperation with VNIPI Teploproect has made experimental investigation of the forming of blanks heated in melts of window glass, No. 291a and No.~ 291vl,glasses, or in K-3 and 33a enamels. Excess glass was removed from the blanks:by holding them' in the furnace on a tray outside the bath, by blowing~off with a flaine jet, or by. nmual scraping. Thin glass films of a relatively constant thickness were obtained by-the last two methods. The optimum duration of the blow was W.sec for No. 291alglass, 60 sec for No. 291vl glass, and 180 sec for K-3 enamel; the-respective film thickness was 0.22-0.27, 0.15-0.2, and-0.3-0.35 mm. Glass -coated ~blanks were tested in drop forging pinions with and without flash and also in hot inpact extrusion of trunnions. T-e use of glass melts as a heating medium was afforded full protection against' oxida..- ion of the metal during heatin a minimum oxidation during cooling, and the possi- 9 Card 1/2 621.733:-621-783.2 UDC: F~,CCNR: AP6033843 bility for-wi*de use in extrusion. However, impact extrusion required lubrication after removal of the glass film; powdered window, glass was quite. satisfactory as .lubricant. Satisfactory extrusions were also obtained from blanks heated in molten 291vl glass with the excess glass removed by a jet flame blow,er. . Drop forging of gear-type forgings required thorough removal if the glass film, which could be done only by scraping. Additional advantages of heating blanks Lin molten'glasB are a higher wearabi-lity of th6 dies and lover deformation-force in die forgipg. Clr~ig. art has: 10 figures. SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF:! 002/ OTH - ~REF: 001, L 23056-66 EWP(e)/iWT(m)/T/EWP(t) JD/WB/WH ACC NR- AP5028995 SOURCE CODE: UR/Ol.82/65/000/009/0036/0036 AUTHOR: Shadek, Ye. G. ORG: none TITLE: Heating,o steel blanks in molten gLasa 36 SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizv6dstvo,.no*' 9, 1965, TOPIC TAGS: molten glass, glass property, metal hea t treatse'nt,:'alkali ABSTRACT: It is argued that the A D. Akisenkq' A. 1.~Kozlovand A. A ISkvortsov (published in Kuznechno-shtampovoc ye proizvoditvo, :1964, nos. 4~snd~ 11) goof steel-,blanks: explore far from all of the advantages of~the.X xidation--fielei.heat'in molten glass and appear to be.based on ~f in-4in'gs of inadequately,vftrforme~di experi- ,in ments. Thus, the heating of specimens of ordinary carbon st!ee_ls,4ith;non-oziAized surface, to 1200-1250'C for 20 minutes in sodIa-.trIeated molten windo~'w glass led-to a- weight loss of 0.15-0.24%, and for specimens with.oxidized s,urfaqe.~the.weight loss was even higher -- 0.7% and was accompanied bysa narked deca:rburizotion ofthe steel. Such results cannot be considered*.satisfactory:and they 06int to;an impermissibly high aggressiveness of the glass nelt;:an added disadvants'sle is;t"t then'th* glass Card 1/2 Voct fiiii L 23o56-66 i , '111!1 ! 11 11 It 1 71:01 11 .11- 10- J ~ !~; I ~ I I, .. . ! 11 1 1; h, 1:111; -1 I'll !- - I- I , . .I I . .. . 1. ....... - L 4b _b6 E,, e_)_,/ R! "T I- 1/ET1 ACC NR: AP6031732 SOURCE CODE: uR/ol82/66/000/009/0034/0037 AUTHOR: Gushchina, 1. 1.; Shadek, Ye. G. iORG: none TITLE:_ Development and investigation of special qlass co~positiorufor billet heating ,'SOURCE: Ktiznechno-shtampovochnoye,proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1966, 311-37 !TOPIC TAGS: molten glass bath, metal heating, oxidation- free.heating, metal hot, ;working, glass bath metal heating, 1) -t," 9ABSTRACT: Experiments have been made to determine the optimal compositions of glass !used for uniform, oxidation-free heating of various steels and alloy5 for hot pres- sure working. Two glasses, 291a glass containing M 47-7.SiO21 23.5 Na20, 9.3 Ca, 2.5 A1203,5 McO, 9.5 130, 2.5 F; and 291v1 glass containing (%) 4h sioj, 16 "11120, 10 CaO, 1.5 A12031 11 140, 5 BaO, 10 B203, 3.5 F, gave the:best results and were ]accepted for industrial tests.- The 201a: glass at 1200C has a viscosity of 50 ooise, j well carbon 'steel, low-: and it florins a film 0.);-0.5 min thickpnd wets equally inedium-alloy steels, EI617 nickell'base alloy and re fractorY metals, and rem-ains: -with cooling in air. The 291-,t1'- glas~s has a viscos:L intact for 1.5-2 min ty 20 poise at 1100C, forms a 0.1-min film,,~nd remains intact with cooling to room o f temperature. Specimens of st.45~"IhOKh 1'~UM'and _Rl&~~teels: and E1617 elloy heated -1 hr showed~little or no oxidationi 4 a291a and 291v1 glass.baths at 1200-1230C for ic UDC: 621-78.3 T ( I 14 1 - !m 1~ USSR/Pharmacology. To.,.-icology. Cardio-Vascular Dru~gs U-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958. 32900 Author S Inst Omsk Medical Institute. J.rect of Ado0i$ldin Urine Excretione: Tible Orig Pub 11'r. Omskovo in-La, 19571 NO 21t 332-3.39 Abstract The experiments were conducted with a ureter ac- cording to the method developed by I.; P. Pav- lov. Before the experimentthe animals-were ad-,, ministered through a probe an aqueous-milk load -(2:1) comprising 20 to 30 ml/kg. The.quantity of urine was measured every 30 minutes for a period of 4 hours. Adonisid (1-5 was administered subcu- taneously once everY 3 to 4 days. 1-in a'dose.of 0.12 ml/kg had an-inconstant but ex-oressed anti- diuretic effect which was accom-oanied by'an increase Card 1/2 Abstract in the excretion of chlorides. A dose,'of 0.08 lnl/kg increased diuresis ( in 7 experiments of 12), particularly after the first administration of 1. The increase in diuresis was connected with a rise in filtration, lower reabsorDtion and to the contrary, with a diminished diuresis. An increase in the dose of 1 produced a rise,in ,,,the content of creatinin in the urine Card 212 li I , -- I r:, ., m j~! -, -1. - . : 11 11, 1 . . jw, - - - - " , SHADEVSKII, I-I.F., aspirant .1. - ! lij P- 11111 '11111 'TMIII-li I . i . I ! 1 11 !! , 1. " I , : . I . - : I PIE 1: H 1. 1:1 1 1 i !. - : ~ -I I - . 7 . I ,1; 1- il ! 111 T -111 11 r SHADIKYAN, V.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; TOB3PCJIINOV, A.N., inzhoner. - j 1 : ~ , "! . L I I 1 .11 ~ M 117,; 1-,Mj .1 1 1 1 , I i , .! .1i I -=- i :11 11 1 ~.!l I !1 11 It ? 1 1 . I . I "I : ~ 2 : , 1 j" i r 1-11!~Iiflqfll . i il 11" 1 1 11 11: ~:-j 11 [1- J~Jfj- , :, ": !, ...... M ............ K TSAREGRADSKIY, V.A.. kandidat takhnichoskikh nauk; NARS.KIKH, I.I., kandidat I .F.. Ti[r I -I . i; , , . I .. , 11 im "W-i~ r:l I III: !! I --- --F . 1771"'l 1 1 1 T I F-7; IF r F I f -I 1 711, 5 =11". ~ fill I !1 t1 1wil -I II- II .I,,., . I .- I i ~ i ~.; a I -, II! I 1 i,i . : N I I ~ : i . . . I !II !. ! 27~ I ., 1, 01, 1 , .1 :, I F!, 111i, il Ili 11113 1~; -1 4 1 ~ I . f . i .. ! : I- . .. '. , ..: . . ,.-IT 11 H - I i Pli P II!" "'Plill; NI-111, OR FP , I I IF q - I : - ,-,11111 11", ~~!J- p p- 1: : . - I 1 11 11 * .1 fl: 11 I'IF; , Ij I 1 1 , . I I ~. . ~ ~;.: - ... rI ; I a 7 1 , , I - i i I 1 71 1111 IT 75,771111111W= . . 11 ~ - ~, ~. ~f !, ; I - I , 16-ilillAw~! IR111,10 1 11 1 im. ------- 3 1 l J! p, . :1 1 1 ; .. 'I I It 11,11" - --. .. :, , I i!1. I ~; 11 0150 ..... . . ....... . : ; 1: I . I I r . I! ;. t , . : :1 : - 1 I I H 11 1[; '; -il H 111 141[ 4 ~ .1 . -1111i i ~ -111"1T 1, . , . I I N) 11!111 1111, 1! :1! 1- 1 1, - !,I! ~.!- !. " " LUBEGRIA, Z.P... kand. med. nauk;,. SHAD III, J1.)4., kand.,,d.nauk; GUDUSILAURI, i W16=16mial _i .1 1 1 , HP, i! 2111,171, ~~ I . . . i . - --. I - - 1- ~ I- ! 1'~-T -, -- Ir i ~ I . . . ! .-I : 4: I vt 1 -2 6miit"hil.'"h 1.1.1 I.;rW 1 L 173,42-63 AFFTq/ P-j-4 W~/44_ ACCRSSIOV NR: AT3007255 S/M2163/000/0 AUTHOR: Aripov.-r-,-; Lobanov, Ye Mi tye N TITLE: Radiation r,ad i p a r t vl damage t 6 0 n. radia. tion Ta SOURCE: RAdiatsion. effektY* v tverd.'.telakh 68 AN UzbSSR, 1963, -70 radiation :ef f act,.:,condense r..~ gamma ra~` TOPIC TAGSt 0 tor radiation damag .a, radiation damage;. ~radio`part~~ ABSTRACTt The effect of-powe rfut-gamma-radiation',16 tricil and mechanical properties:oflcertain~industr; ca pacitors has been:investi .gatedi: Capacitor ,sb w'' it1h.!j pregnated paper, electrolyt6,','And,ceratuic::dielectti Several specimens of each type were teoted'`andjth~ij.-, [.to eliminate the.effect of-accidental'~Iir ':o e ors. ~ A tor with dose capacity of 650 rep/sec~ was ti0d,withl6ii from 100 x 106 to 1100 x 106 :rep,, i'n steps'.~f-do6aii: e nd -com'pare each d s the,parameters were measured a Card measurementV: re-v-i alid-,,no., change 12.56 pf initial capacitance, the , 6 G after 100 x 10 rep, a reduction,after~2M -10 rep,- 'p' The',c&'_--~ and a further reduction to .12.23.:pf' after~~800 x,.Ib. r e~! ' type' r 6 e d rom an : 0 P. f pacitance of a second specimen Ott e:same d initial 12.80 pf to 12.50, 12.55- andIm 12- 78 after-., beta` A' f the same doses. A third specim6n o ..the same typ,e, ve s mi a r-!.! ly tothe first. Capacitors of the types BM'.'and- KB GM i n g i ~ni tial capacitances of 0.0121 Pf and-: 0.0247~ lif- chan,ged-itheii capic~-:~ b`x, 106 .'r e p, " o O'S: 0 14'4 f an A d itances after an integral dose of-'J10 , ,. 0.0253 pf, respectively. The PH :capaci-to-r- (4635.!0'f) ~dh~ingid it' capacitance under the. same conditions' too:4622 pt,l~,~whiie~.thi. KSOj type- ' ~ a e.spleciall y i (1217. pf) remained unchangeid.~ IRadiation: damage W' a apparent in paper dielectrics -evidently ng tq,.~radi( OW i ~~Y a i s Of the r impregnating oil. The BM and:KBGM':caO'acitors S~o,Fed.bulging of m pi,~ o u n d t, s,con i the container and seepage of oil and,,sealing c i , -r~ 0 : ~; --t_'. ~ the- life! f Ators cluded that gamma radiation will shorten -o ~capac ' diai6~,failure.f. but that even pqwerful doses will not lead to imi~i Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 'tables., [Card 2' 7 7 :Ij p H . 1 .1 - : ~ I ! ! 11 ! V ;~ 11" , "! lrllTF7TITT7TffR7T7TT7 MHERMI -- UR GROSHEVY L. V.; SHAD=, - -- N. -.-- -1 /JG ALL MK: AT603.1986 SOURCE CODE: UR/0046/65/02-9/005/0760/0765 j AUTHOR: Groshev, L V.; Demidov, A. M.;.-Shadiyev N. ORG: none t TITLE: Gamma ray spectrum produced by capturing'thern-A!7neutro'n6 using palla um [The pa er was presented at the 15th.Annual Conference . ~4ucl6ar S ctroscopyand, P oni pe Nu Atomic i clear Structure held in Minsk from 25 January to:2 Fe ruary 1965J b SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya- Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29'~ no. '51 1965, 760-765 TOPIC TAGS: thermal neutron, palladium ~s ruri gamma. ray, gamma~,~ pect isotope ABSTRACT: Current literature has no data on the:gamma. radia~tz t od4ced "on spec rum pr -c of thermal neutrons foripalladium isot by the reac ion (n/. topes. This is' due" to the facts the %.he iden' t1ification of lines,is made-difficult because 01 som other isotopes being present'and the captiaro'cross-section d thermal neutrons!is unknoinn. The enerMr spectrum of palladium gamma radiation above 4'.~~ MeV is 6L*Qn. A table of energies and intensities of gamma radiation, ltran~ition schazz4s and the nucleus and levels scheme fox, =80 Or, dfV. the F006-nucleus has: 3 figures and 2 tables. EJPRS11 SUB CODE: 20, 18 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 OM~REF: 005j.~ 1 T ard L 21133-66 E1,.T(nt)/EPF(n)-2/FWP(t) DIAAP/IJP(c) JD g ACC NRi AP6011987 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/65/029/005/(Y766/0771 AUTHOR: Groshev, L. V.; Demidov, A. M.; -9hadiYev N. ORG: none r TITIZ: Gamma ray sRpctr produced bycapturing :thermal neutrons ~usirig gold: [The - paper was presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spec'troscojy__iiiR Atomic Nuclear Structure held in Minsk from 25 January'to 2 February 1965J SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizicheskayat v. 29,,no. 5',' :1965, 766477l' TOPIC TAGS: gamma ray, gamma spectrum, gold thenral neutr'oh,, spectrometers ABSTRACT: Odd-odd heavy nuclei belong to t6_ -least studied catcaory ~flnuclei'*~ This is aue to the fact thai only seldom may they be excited:aurinC4:radioactiY* lGecay, and as they are uns;~ble, they may not be usod in-ineii'stic,pirocesses. 2Mz: reactions (dp) and (n)r"). served as a study Of levels of odd-Wd nuclei with a relatively good resolution. This article describes the results of reaction 'Aul 9%2r)AxO9~, M10i ray gamma spectrum was measuTed-between 3.5-7.7 XaV by a wgnetic _;oaptan spe,6U=wter. whose resolution was 0.3%. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. Mtsj V SUB CODE: 20 SU13M DATE: none ORIG REF 004 OTH REP 004 C rd Pe D If-* P L 5h765-A5 F-71-(m) _ _ AGCZ-'31011 Mai AP301399,11 TIVOW. 0/10 0/0 U/00YO77 781 - AUVO11 L.V. LutonnICO.Mi. ITol I - i7 ~ TITLO of r7I by ncutron capturo 6~aport 15th 1 07 rii,j tho 13tructian of sou-iioz: A-IT --C.M&1.1z-vortiy-a.Cari,7a fizichaska7a,V.29, no.5, 1965,~772- 731 TOPIC TAG3i garma ray apoctnm, noutron capture# erbiume intemd: convornion 167 Ar,777~'.CT.- T'.0 r-7,*7,i ba,;~.,c7n 04 rrd 8 NnV from tho Er (n,V)- ' ' l 11- ", I r~ --c tis-zi 17.-, 1"'1 ~ iar-7,10tic Cempton 6pactromates rny, r-- With a CE 0. fo :I at-we 2 Nave - Zia spn-c~ X-r-1 1,7--1 (L.V.Grol,hav A.M.Dcmidc o zia 9w) e M . a Card 2/5 'i _7 L. 34V5_-Z5 ACCF-73IOIT PR: APS013994 vr-mnlo van rr-O- with the natU7~,l isotoplo composition, to vhich C C, - of 4 'to clcw r nutrei captura crous noction Pos- siblo orl-Inn of t1jo rayn Pz:j diniivjol un.-I it la concludod that tho-n. with abo-,o VICO but not botucon 61,05 and 6M koV can bn ar:3~-_~d to 7-3~-W ,0. llinotc~-n q'ich dn=a rays, an 'Uh-,'- -3 _-? ~11-no t~rj-,'Jot-a 13 C(--na rcyp vith onor~,Io3 4, : d N VIM bat-,,ocn ZIIC~ 574'i0 i ~V o~~ tillic!i Va~- orJ.rJ.-,i in I-ii-dvabl, cn. r,,: u -Tin coUratca oz': I C-6, Ti o coacared ,'VC) in1:1z:AtIba by nor,-6-; t.'? ZO. "I I C-l;7 to 'L.*-,.,,) zon b1nailig! anergri; a for a -trEnnitions with =='-Ar'l b~-Iv'l IICI~ '-,)V. 5-an cciv:',2::~-Ilou cloctron moarjuremonts for tr.-nl i-3 .-J, , .- b-7,0" V wo;~o taRon from Culler work and 'Lawo ;Cav V~T3 rlC_'v;urCd vith tho came 71-~' in wina olatainad for 19 afAhe tian~ tOchnlq7"-.'* OM M cr aitiona and m1tipolarltiou vuro assignW's A lovel wd traWltlca Cd Iva L 54785-155 LOC-7111"! !,RI llr3013,12 I 19 bojo;,i 1. ~l S, 5kOV and 47 transitions ims 10 zzasons for somo' of tho Is land prjt7 a datalle 220 cnair~7y of Vio brrvol. --hich 'U'lia noutran. J.6 captmrod ins found to b0 7766 Ve , Czi 2 figwas and G-tablese POSOCLITIO-471 nono EMEETTLDI 00 E-101, 1 00 WD CODIS XF Ovs 005 GMZR 1 007 C"d : III i,: 1, !111 i1 I ~ L 4786 -5 m65 1- - ----- -ACCESSION NR: AP50139 R5 H A diation to the neutroh. binding 6h_ e r ry'lobtalhe n: i6 reaction measured. by~ G,L0- Stii*16' !Mhdltbv' ReSh mergies: i,:,converte le print). The gema-raylt 40 11pron energies by.subtracting theii from: the. AS T, -6 Or-W and these excitation dnergie 9 are taWla od. o at serVed In the (d,p) reactloh,-by 8~rubU et~ I i (np7r) reaction by V.SoOrecheir (Z*Naturforsqh~186~ 1,6 yu Ai Schult (Private communi ation to,R.KShela c Are tabulated. Most of these leve s, appear in: two .. I~ 11.1 k groups of data,,and the af emen among,theAeve 0 18 :Lev satisfactory. e s::to whlch~ Struble -et igned spins and, parities are: tabulated* -'and ~'th6i 6: s ~'.Jhe'14, adoignment: assignments are discussed. f6i I - made by a mmber of, withors, on'the badis~'6f. iadib ments is questioned because the"transitio-46.16 th initial state In the (upy') reaction': are atundant, 61:1r IL the states': to'i (n,21 and (d,p) data shows that~ ii transitions from the Initial neiatrorl A& tard at' 10 p T' j I carcl ~th Ve i* it . Alihe Q ;,-! it i Tele a ilji4ing t th"thosO Y~ A i and n of th4 ~: 7 p9 118 uk V or: dbult'-, hiw as~,` ~611"as o1 helf ti kev 14 4~O t i 1ecar 6 'a Zrom.ii omp lion of ich the amzo 8~ ilntens6, the! Ually e a'o*-- h r, 66 th P~ Tt lit L -547M45 -- E O N 013995 iP ACC SSI N R 5 toil. roups in:-lthe~ respond to ntense-pro ~g ' b* ;i' ;!: The conver not true. is Orlgoart-has'l. 1 lgUi6::ia nd::3 tau!6id . ASSOCIATION: n one. NP SUMITTED I ~00 ERCM O 01 NR. MW S V: 00 3 Ir r ' "A 3/3 L 5089-66 EVIT(m)AP F(n)-21EWA (h) :OCESSIO NRt AT5024118 UR/3130 5/099/885/0001/obn AUTHORz Groshev, L. V.; Demidoylp As Me;:Shadiyovi, N. It 4!-3 TITLEs De-excitation of nickel nuclei afterthe captur6 of~i~ihermal:niutron SOURCE.- Moscow. In -stitut atom .noy energii. -Doklidys: 1AE-Z85 196% V~iyq6ivanlye yader ni -12 ~i kelya posle zakdvata teplovo o .g neytrons, I T6PIC TAGSs gamma transition, gamma.,neution r a tion.1, nIcie'1_,;' nucleus theirml e c neutron, neutron capture ABSTRACTg A 4escription is given, of~ 'an. expOrlme,nt in :Which ;,A; magnetic-. Comoon spectrometer Is used to measur of gamma.~ ays:!n`a`s'cent'durIng:.th6 e the -spectrum capture of thermal neutrons by.nickel nuclei. A d~j6raM iSj~P~Tiesentled;ihoiving ~the gamma transitions of the nuclei Ni59,,,Ni6l A I in of ~the -~protan and compar sc yield in the (d,p) reaction is made with the.matrix elenient6~bfrthe gamimi-transi- tions from the initial state. The capture mechanism of the1thermal neutrons in these nuclei is discussed. Orig. art. has-.' 2 figures':'and-~a6les, ASSOCIATIONs Gosudarstvennyy komitat-po Ispollzovanlyu atp7a~oy energil. SSSR I :ito 1 (State Committee for the Utilization of Atom c EnergyfS' ut mnoy: Ter rchaEova institute o"tomic Energy)/! =al _N=.. 77 75 e Card 1/2 L 29669-66 ENT (jmn)_/ETC(f )/Fe1P(t)/Eri IJP(c) RDW/JD ACC ITR: AT6o12688 SOURCE CODE: UW313616 5/000/i5?!~610003/0016 1; AUTHOR: Groshev.-L. V.;_DemidavY A. M.; Shadiyev, N. ORG: State Committee on the Use of Atomic Ene~i~~qitute of Atomic Energy im. 1. V. Kurchatov,, Moscow (Gosudars_fv_e_nrWy komitet po~ispolwzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSERp Insti-tuteatomnoy energii) TITIE: Spectrum of -y rays/troduced upon capture of thermal neutrons intelhirium. SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady, no* 966, 1965- Spektr gammitd-11 luchey, voznikayushchikh pri zakhvate teplovykh neytronov v tellure, 1-16 TOPIC TAGS: tel-lurium) Gamma spectrum) thermal neutrons neutron capture, radio- active decay scheme ABSTRACT: The authors measured the y ray spectra produced by~the capture of thermal neutrons in a natural mixture of tellurium isotopes. The measurements- were made with a magnetic Compton spectrometer with resolution 0.3% in the energy interval 4-5 - 9.5 Mev. The spectrometer was described by the-authors earlier (Izv. AN SSSR ser. fizich. v. 24,-791, 196ol. The energies and the intensities of the y lines were determined from the known values of the binding energies 161. the individual isotopes and the level excitation energieoo using a procedure de- Card W2 _J: :1 : I -,-1~1 i::- 1 . .i I 3 : F I ~fil :, :- , ~- ; , , , f I , ; I i V I , .1 1 :11 it , s '1 11 n . I )[I ;;. w. ~ ii I ~ I -I I ~ I lil", I T, 1 ", I i: 1 41 11 i;, .1 ;1 11 11 1 ",:! 11 '11; 1 ?RH. I I tj - q; I : J~j - 2.!! 1 t ....... ------ .. ..... .-.- !!: .; ~ 1! 1: 1: ::1 VI - I V1, j... ;~Jjjlji 711ifIl 1r j --7 1. I . I - !:: , I 1~jl~_Qtl- "'! 1.1 1- IT 1; filirl, ~ 46-1 U" 1. 1 - qlt I 0 a 0 0 0 6 a 0 4 4 0 a a 0 0 0 to A a L C L I -A-4 A 00 09 -00 The Trkelysh complex of* dePosits of Djunitar At& Tau A It I I :0 UWA G It Rvgm,i mid FN v Mrml. 1938, N.~, 1, --,1 of fall-'r K-1 al"I I'dit, A --00 Cu ji! of -:99 00 j-0 4, Cis 0 '.00 see 60 It 00 ,ee 2 too I. it' ti It4 it 10 It 00 0 0 0.0 010 0 0 0 07*. 0 1. it 11 11 Z.. .0 Aj A I.' a Is 6 It ;7 Is NJ ii L 11 U 11 Is N M it 41 $1 40 n L t; It V V L't.. A.. 1, A AA A ct it- It -r-Or.ra, -uf. .40 oo i Ph fi i Bl U f 00 sou4xiti te r ust oap yar (Southem ral). T. N. Shadlun and Yu. S. Nesterora. Z4pijki Vid-01M.- '00 go c .11fliphir., ObiblMitu (ME111. Vic. russe ininfuill 121 1 70. 212 -IMM17). -A very finely I 00 1 of white color occurs Its the #If the-11yritc 00 0o drl"it.i of lllv3v, In it Olcii-sylmon layer. Client. 141 fi 40 t i F 0 32 l A 0 2 1 A -00 00 ana s g.tvc e. . s. .1 , 2 6-M. y9 h 90, . , . r LF-1, Up 16.46"t'. Thiq is intermediate bct%~vn %coro. -00 dile, alld Strensitt-, hill its olitkal projoertiv,; are Clow -00 to lho-, of icorohtr. jarosite unit granolar apatlwarc 09.-, 'Arilh 'Onne Ile hydroxide accompa iyitjg ooirrals~ I I hdl- 6 00 vidiml cr suk are at*) found. &)me of the stualk-r crys- y : tals show pronounced tonal structure, with a dark cen- " 00 Sp. gr. 3.35-3.5; ns -f - 1.7777-1.7,811; 4 tral part. -V 0 1.7M-1.702; bhubf.1m. X-ray conipar[wit Witt-, mitcle 00 with %trensite from Pleystein, fttyari.t, anti white wwo- 00 dite from Brich-Mulla. K.S.S.R. I'licre is not it lierfect Nee agreement of the diffraction lines. Mit- genesis oUthis mineral from the P-coullf. As ore3 of Illyriv is timile e-vi. fit-Ill by the Chem. nualy." (if tile loilic waters, nhich 4how houltancously Mt and 11 in considcrabic atuts. z0 to The Purisinales inutly front orgunigunic glauctinile rikko al-ve the 4xvi, through which tht-se- miu rsair circulating, ' ' me 0 I liv Illyav orel conlain As lu ljyritt- and nieltilhavite, Pattly A~o co.trilite. Travrs %A Part found In them, Ioo. although the form of its occurrence is not kno*n. 0 00 SWctrographic analyses of samples of Blyav, Darastim. and firich-Mu16 -,corodite and of Pleystein stren at e am 00 given for comiurison. W. I'i tel too 00 too I ITI_ .3-7. -A- I r3-- T " r I S r ' " ' , " " ' I An L S It -4 OF 64 1 113 q it.Pt 11 tF if I MW n I " " i 3 1 ' A 10 00 0 00 0 0 0 00 0.00 0 o o 0 40 o , It 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 S 0 0 [ : 00 0 0 0 0;0 00 0000 0 00 0 00 0 0 Ceo 0 0..o 0 0190 0 411116 0 0 0 0 4 ' 1!1 fli. 111 -v i~~ I i1, Ill IW: 1,1111H. .'illivIll. , t 1 .1 1 V I . I , , , "' , , - " - -- i! 1- py i, I -N.. - The of mik"Cal reessire m the structwo of Prite em T -v ZAwnge Vu. A. Ro*Aiis.v- bwta. .1kod. 1969. So. 3, 4.? 14; CAlem, of thaltimpywitc (11). Aml pyritc (111) urescmig. ~Jight;ai its. of qu,i is And wricile wItic licAlal in boding w.arr '241 341 anut. And thell mbjwctt.41 tcl jort"Ures of 16,3(k) 21QUXI Lit. ~~wqj' cm. at mwiuAl trtup. Roan An czAinn. of the restilting- uLA,,,Irs it 6 cusseJudol th4t ittimf-Al% *ucb " I Alld It WhVill ~-ucd. with M And t4u4rta poser." cxtrAunlinArily V*-Al pl.L%ticity And -~witr duidity. This Amounts ftw thc2.itAot- ing of thr brittle toicsrra6. The furamat"i of 4 wimo%l (ex- '"rc in the iIers during rvskmial dyuAjuic nbctAnwrphL*4% Aild ,fit twnplor ~Plu, awl rm-rymn. of m~t iiiiisciaN van le, C%t)lAiUM .111 111V ILI't- Of tlk~. loldillifi- %I G. ll-mc q i ji I I 1 11 11 1 Im !, PA I ~~2)T35 USSF/Geology Copper Deposits Nov/Dec'~ 49 Mineralogy "The Supergene Cubic Chalcosine of.the Blyavinsk Deposit," T- 11. Shandlun, 10 pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" Yo 6 lw~rod.uces dita on microscopic, roentgenometric, and chemical, study of chalcosine from Blyavinsk deposit. Chalcosine is cubic, despite external rhombic fozm of crystals, -Contrary to existing ideas that cubic chalcocite Is characteristic of hig~her-temperature endogenous ores, Shadlun shows this mineral may also form in a zone of secondary sulfide enrichment of copper de-poOis.-, 152T35 T N 3(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1773 Betekhtin, Anatoliy Georgiyevich,-Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Genkin, Anna Aleksandrovna Filimonova, and Tatlyana Nikolayevna Shadlun Tekstury i struktury rud (Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals) Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1958.' 434 p. 12,omcopie6 printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut~geologii rudhykh- mestorozhdeniy, petrografii,-mineralogii i geokhimii. Ed.: A.G. Betekhtin " Academician; Ed. of Publieshing-House: N.G. Derzhavina; Tech. Ed.*. O.A. Gurova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for petrographers,:exploration and mining geologists, and scientists concerned w1t.h the physico-~ chemical processes in ore deposition. COVERAGE: This monograph describes the structural-textural conditions in ore deposition leading to the formation of minerals, and~~, Card 1119 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 discusses the theory of ore deposition based on'the results of many years studies by such leading Soviet geologists as P.F. Andrushchenko, A.D. Genkin, A.T. Suslov, A..A. Filimonova, G. I. Bushinskiy, O.A. Voroblyeva- A.A. Godovikov, I.V.-Dubrova, V.N. Lebedev ' V.P. Loginov, B.F. Krotov, D.V. Matorin, V.S Myasnikov, D.O. Ontoyev, N.V. Pavlov, M.M. Povilaytis, O.P: Polyakova, N.M. Prokopenko, Ye. A., I.A.,Ruka- vishnikova, G.A. Sokolov, A.I. Tishkin, A.L. Yanitskiy. The book is likewise based on the more direct contributions of scientists associated with the various branches of the AN SSSR, the Mineralogical Museum imeni A.Ye. Fersman, the Moscow State University imeni Lomonosov, the Department of Mineral Resources of the MITsMZ (Moscow institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold imeni Kalinin, the research and industrial organizations belonging to the'Ministry of Geology and the Conservation of Mineral Resources, the academies of the various union republics, and other geological and geological survey organizationa.' These include: G.A. Avaliani, S.T. Badalov, G,J. Barsanov, Ya. N. Belevtsev, Yu.S. Borodayev, V.A. Vakhrushev, A.S. Golikov, G.I.Gorbunov, D.P. Dolidze D.A. Zenkov, N.S. Zontov, T.V. Ivanitskiy, S.A. Kashin, A.F. Korshinskiy, V.N. Kotlyar, Card 2/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 P.I. Kutyukhin, I_.K. Latyah, A.A. Luyk, V.T. Matveyenko,, V.D. Nikitin, L.N. Ovchinnikov, A.P, Perelyayev', N.V. Fetrovskaya, V.E. Poyarkov, D-.V. Rundkvist, I.Z. Samsonov, W.I. Smirnov, L.N. Khetchikov, I.N. Chirkov, A.D. Shcheglov, K.F. Shcherbakova., Yu.Yu. Yurok. The authors likewise express their thanks to the following members of-the IGEM AN SSSR: A.Ya. Kraynyukova, P.M. Orlova, N.F. Boreykinal(thin sections laboratory) and V.A. Kuzlmin, V.N. Zaytsev (photographic laboratory). Chapters II, 111, IV, Vp XV, XVI, XVIII, XIX were written by A.G. Betekhtein, chapters I, VII, XIII., XIV, XVII by T.N. Shadlun, chapters VIII,~ IX, XI by A.D. Genkin, and chapter XII by A.A.:Filimonova. -Chapter VI was written by A.G. Betekhtin and T.N. Shadlun, and chapter X by Betekhtin and A.D. Genkin. There~are 392 photographs and diagrams, 3 tables and 191 references of which 118 are Soviet, 36 English, and 35 German- TABIE OF CONTENTS: Foreword- 3 Card 3/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals. SOV/1773 Ch. VII. Recryetallization of gels. 137 Formation of,granular ag re ates in the re_~ n.of crystallization of gels Mg).. Formatio . contraction fissures In the recrystallization of gels (146) Ch. VIIL Manifestations of mineral replacement-in ore's 155' Pitting in minerals (156) Substitution and,the, formation of new chemical compounds or solid solutions (169) Diffused replacement (181) Ch. IX. Notes On Metacrystals 193 Characteristics of metacrystals occuring'in ore deposits (193) Criteria for metAcrys'tal (216) . Ch. X. Solubility of minerals and the subsequent filling - - [out) of the developed voids with new~'minerals 222 Single-mineral pseudomorphoses in substitution -Multimineral pseudomorphoses In substitution (235) Card 6/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. XI. Decomposition Phenomena in Ore Minerals 242 Decomposition of minerals under the influence-of oxidation processes (242) Decomposition of. minerals in reducing conditions (254)T, Ch. XII. Disintegration Phenomena in Solid Solution 259: Solid solutions (260) Decomposition of solid solutions (264) Identification criteria in the study of disintegration of structureslof-solid solutions (275) Ch. XM. Cataclasis and plastic deformation in ore.-forming minerals 278 Characteristics of brittle deformation In:ore (278)'. Phenomena of plastic deformation in ores (285) Card 7/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerala SOV/1773 Ch. XIV. Ore Recrystallization in Metamorphic Processes 295 Ore recrystallization related to post-ore tectonic dislocations (296) ore recr stallization, related to regional metamorphism (3 04~ Recrystalli- zation connected with thermal metamorphism (323). Ch. XV. Mineralization Stages in Endogenic Ore'Deposits 329 Mineralization phases (330) -Mineralization stages (334). Mineralization ages (345). .Ch. XVI. Paragenetic Relationships and Sequence' Formation 350 A concrete example of:the analysis of-the para- genetic relationship of minerals (352) -Para- genetic relationships of sulphides, iron;oxides and copper in ore deposits (362) Ch. XVII. Techniques in the Study of Ore Textures and 369 Structures Field observations (370) Laborator studies (375), Interpretation of observations (382~'. card 8/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. XVIII. Structural Etching of-Polished Sections 391~ Distinctive traits of structural etching (392) Conditions necessary for a successful completion of structura"j. etching (395). Methods ot-struc- tural etching (396) Deceptive effects.of struc'tural etching ~404). The value ofstruc- tional etchin in the study of polished'ore sections (4 051 ; Ch. XJX. Practical Value of Studying the Structural-,Tectural Characteristics of Ores ~412 Examples illustrating the value of detailed mineragraphic studies in application- to'ore dressing enrichment (413). Significance,of regularity in mineral associations and the para- genetic relationships of minerals in exploration surveys (422) Bibliography 428. AVAIJABLE: Library of Congress Card 9/9 MM/ad 6-12-59 Ai ! J ternal struttum OUP Iin -suIfId6 depos ' T Sh dhi N Ati r NT t a . , n. nera Ged. O&A- o I m og CV(- gmeml, tht pynte of w6kW metamorphosed arts exhibits colloforra structurei whervast tes in highly metamorphosed or" are granular'4ndi aggrega exhibit a banded. structure.', Afarf~ SjegrhL~~ j t 7 71. M 1 1 J I --r --- . ! . . .--I --I--- .1 1 -.1. , ~ ill j-r7 i-r'7 ; I .Jill : : , I . . - . ILLL l A , j J, J; C textures and %t clum f r N. rut 0OPP, in. Isvell.'; A kad N40 SJ 3 R $ej, ' e't 04. cjn!~IHV,~ta.. i;- 4fseOUW 13 Siv tions of metantorphlavu:fn Fb-Zn ores; sh"n u i;Iinsti~' cf- j ' ' t ' - A '" fisition.-The datA'bVthe-.,' OrmatiOlli re m73 n.p on r ep - 4 , - Investigiflon show tb i:role of.imteful final Is 01 th turid-textural C h ptopeK aft Idif "solv g A ej 11 111 ! p d- f l i i i n l l li 1 f il me i9 orritatt or j n sof n concerning t coa t o o Them are, 13 'phatolimphs R owill t fthe deposits. 6 l t extures of or"; V ~'v 4 ~ j i ` n1costibite from gmall v ormatinha. -m,T. /Ch :N.-.RxN'. d y ccotrenm d -its: dew~i AUC to Iti'rarky 141t tdtfid 1111rkulty of . , noi 144re 1-0.2 in)". 0; occurs tul-Partic Is 1 21 ~ "!, ; Ni q Optic-at ddtlt'ati,~ eft:h. ~estj iiij order of qy.51 n., t. - - - &- 1 c t '1! . ;, .. -: ~ ,. Cm . r flbg, if up -Of tJ1C CU~S slaincrUIS 6 04F(O~-( t Fr 77 All I T AUTHOR: Shadlun, T. N.j Doctor of GeoloGtcal an d SOV/30-58-9-23 /5- 1 ,1cal Sciences iiinera TITLE: Ifews in Brief (Kratkiye -soobahcheniya) Trarsactions of the Confe,~,ey.cp. on Metallof;enetic Proper t 10 (met all og enil~a) of the. Western Carpathians Do netallo_~nii Zapacinykh Karpat) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Air,ademii nauk SSSRI 1958,.\1'-1r 9, pp~~92 92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This conference was held in Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) in May this year. -It was called by the Nauchnyy sovet geologo- geografica~-skogo fakullteta Universite'ta im. Ya.Komenskogo i Bratislavs'aya sektsiya Xineralogo.- eol6gicheskogo obshches-tva. pri Chekhoslovatskoy Akademii nauk (Scientific Council of Department of Geology and Geography of- the University im e nIi-Ya.Komenskiy and the Section Bratislava of the-Minera-. lo.-ical and Geological Association of the'Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciencei It was attended!by the Soviet geologists F.V.Chukhrov, T.11. adlun, A.A.Pilimonovi A.D.Gt_nkin,_V._'V. Grushevoy, A.V.Rabinovi-ch. They reported on the nroblem Card 1/2 Of zonal situation of ore deposits, on the metamorphism,of N ew:~ in Bri of . Tra:; :3L~~ !, i on s o I' t1he Con fes rence on Metallol-erletic llror)efti es Onetallo-enija) of the Weate,rn Ca Gns- oulfide ori-3, on decomposition structures o~ -mixed crystals and on the principles of compiling maps charting inetallo- jenetic deposits. The conference decided that furtherdetailed ations have to be carried out in this fie~ld. The Soviet delegation visited the university imeni Ya.Koinenskiy and the Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut im.D.Shtura (Geological Scientific Research-Institute imeni D.S'.itlur) and made an excursion-to.Slova*kia and the ore de- posits situated in that area. The -congress-of the Mineralogical and Geological Associat ion was held in Karlsbad-(Ka-rlovy- Vary) from May 21 to 23; V.A.ITikolayev, representative. of the All-Union Llineralogical--Associat ,ion, took part in it. Card 2/2 P 11.1-1 . I - I . - . t I I I I I i ! 11 It I I - I I I -I . ti %] t Ill, ! 1 111:11 1~11;li lill!w, : 1; 4. 1"il"I'l Ill! 1;1,11~~~ili~~'I'~illil"~.1',!]~fl---.,'I~,,Ii-~-'!!'I"I.T- I I i : . - :, : . 1 1 : 1 2 1 ~ 1. ! - ; I ; - 5 7 1 ~ . I , I N I J, I v I 1 11' 1 sit i; I i li - -11' 1 : SOKOLOV, G.A.y doktor geol.-mim. nmA, otv. red. Prininali uchastVe. VLASO_ VA, D.K.,; GLAGOLEV, A.A.; ZHARIKOV, V.A.; LOGINOVI V.P.j LUKINI L.I.j WAKEIZA, R.O., OMEWYMIENKO, B.I.; OSTROVSKIY,-I.A.; PERTSEVI N,,N.; PODDLESSKIY, K.V.9- RUS121OVj L.V.; SOFIAKO, T.A.;-TIY-OFEvYZVA, L.K.; SHABYNIN, L.I.3_~~APLTM, It; LAPIN, V.V., red. izd-va; MAMIII.Yely.v 'rokhn. roil. (Physicochemical problems In connection with the-formaiion of rocks and ores] Fizike-khimicheskie problevW fo rmiravaniia:gonifth-por6d i rwi. Mlosk-va, Vol.l. 1961. 658 p. -(MIRA !1,: 10) t BETEKHTIN, A.G.; VOLIFSONX; F.I.; GENKIN, A.D.; DUBROVSKIY, ~V.N.; YEROFEYEV, B.N.; KONST,0TINOV, R.M.; MATERIKOV, M.P.; SOKOLOV, G.A.; STRAKHOV, N.M.; TATARINOV, P.M.; TOMSON, I.N.1 SIH-ADL-U.N, T*N*-'- SHATALOV, Ye.T.; SHIPULINY F.K. Oleg Dmitrievich Lqvitskii; obituary. :Geol.~rud. mestorozh nc.2: 3-6 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA li: 5) (Levitskii,-Oleg Dmiturievich, 190~-1961) LIMLU q T .1. .~ --w- d,I I :-, I - --ill I I