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December 31, 1967
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Determinat4on of some parameters of B102/B138
linearly with elect.-on c,.,rrent increasing from 0 to 20 va. The ionization
energy E was determined from I sc: F = 3,9+0.5 ev -for a 20-kev beam,
Finally there is a discussion of possible letermination some recombination
constants when a photocell by light or by electrons. The
seoaration coefficient o~ can be determined from the relation
0~= I /qN(1-r)(1-e_ xd~ fl, q is the electron charge, d the sample thickness,
N inciderit quantum flux density, X the absorntion coefficient, r the
reflection coeffici--t and g the quantum yield of theinternal photoeffect.
Using relations give.--, by G.IL. Bir and G. Ye.. Pikus (ZhTF, 1957, XXVII,
r0, 3, 467)o( can be used to determine the depth of the D-n junction, the
surface re--ombination rate, carrier diffusion length and absorption
coefficient- For electrons of 8 - 16 kev the absorotior coefficient in
Si car. be calculated with data from c paper by A, Ya, Vyatskiy and A. F~
Makhov [Abstracter's note: No reference given.-] (Fizika tverdogo tela,
,9S0; v 2, no~ 887)-- The absorption coefficient can be used to find
the hole diffusion coet"ficient and the surfec? recombination rate, and
usin,:- a relation by V K, Subashiyev 'Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, v. II,
2, 205), the hole diffusion length can be estimated- There are 8
Card 213
.;ov ll!)"l-;oVic L f fie t~.o references to Enf, is h-
ons read as follow.-, c Kay c fe e K. B H-lys,
107'.1; '-,appoport cnys- i'ev, 9 2 4 6
m e:,,, z lemy of Sciences Uzlekskaya SSI
ul -
S/1 qX62/000/003/03[5;/066
toelec-.rilc -j_r-o,)ertU_-_'es of ... 0 D
fn o D256 ,301
de-e-,,-en~ on the temoerature. The photocurrent depends
-_-_4~,eari- o--. -une 111U.-Mination (uD to 500 lux) chan-in- slovil- aith
C3 - CDI
tl.e -cempe.rature; the photo-e.m.f. shows a nonlinear dependence on
0 U!~ i-I * , a '.14
--ition and decreases linearly -i-th the temperature. T'he
jl~;_--ctral charLLCteristics are -)resented together wi'Lh the se.-,Ls.-"Ui-
-V_-;'y distributlons o--:' -UI-_'e cathodes. A linear deoendence of the ~_'ho-
.ocurrent on -.he 7-rair
11 - d intensity was obtained. ~he CUrreilt is a
l-'near _-~'unction of the il'uminated area at a cons'
L L~ant flu-X. as
a. Sof the intensi Y o~' Co gaama rays (from 500 to 7,000 roen~r-en./
hour). T',le chotoelements can be used -for measurino- radi~tio-n do-
ses: a-u 150 m~u-~e/sec the outout current is 10-16 am-m i_L %I-
.3 no-e: Di-e-nsion I'micurie/sec" is obviOLISly erroneous; pe_r.~az)s
i-ead 11.7.-illiroentgen/secll but ther it Would represent in-
ra-.1-er -~'.,L:_n th-e aose. ELAxpressiors suitable for calcala-
oozalned, ard the foilov.,in- diFFusion ien_~hs o" the se-
ZD E, ~' L
cliarge carriers are derived for 3 sa,-,mies: 118; 245 and 257
-..icrori.s. 15 relCerences U
Abs-rac-er's note: Complete translation.
carry' '_. !)
'! I ~ ) -'I-,:T TJ."O" P) '~T) ,, m.,
AUTHOR: Shalpykov, A
ORG: none
TITLE: Determination of leakage resistance of silicon p-n junctions with the aid of
a narrow light probe
SOURCE: AN KirgSSR. Institut fiziki i matematiki. Vliyaniye primesey I strukturnykh
defektov na svoystva nemetallicheskikh kristallov (The effect of impurities and
structural defects on properties of nonmetallic ex-jstals). Frunze, Izd-vo Ilim, 1965"
TOPIC TAGS: silicon semiconductor, pn junction, surface property, photoresistance,
photoelectric cell
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the dependence of the
photocu:rrent on the magnitude of the illuminated area and the distribution of the
sensitivity aver the surface of a photocell. Knowledge of this dependence makes it
possible to estimate the role of the series resistance of the thin surface layer of
the converter (n-layer). The measurements are made by focusing a light beam on the
surface of the photocell in such a way that the area of the beam can be varied from
a spot of 2 mm diameter to the complete surface of the cell, at a constant light-beam
energy incident on the photocell. The tests yield the sensitivity of different areas
of the photocell as functions of the positions of -the light probe. The theory of the
USSR/Geophysics oat 48
Currents, Electric
C14 Mathematics, Applied
Tield of a Point Source of Current Located on the
Farth's Surface Under an Inclined Strata," I. P.
Skallskaya, Leningrad Physicoteoh Inst, Acad Soi
USSR, 13 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol X7III, No 10
Solves problem using a slight variation of G. A.
Grinberg's method. Discusses problem under: (1)
formulation of the problem, (2) and (3) formula
solved by Integral methods, (4) representation of
USSR/Geophysics (Contd)
oat 48
product obtained for propagation of potential along
the earth's surface, (5) asymptotic solution for
points on the earth's surface, and (6) conclusions.
Submitted 8 May 48,
USSR/Physics - Scattered particles distribution FD-1087
Card 1/1 Pub. 153 - 23/24
Author : Skalskaya, I. P.
Title : A formula for the angular distribution of scattered particles in a gas
Periodical : Zhur. tekh. fiz., 24, No 10, 1912, Oct 1954
Abstract : In a brief note the authoress comments on a particular formula for de-
scribing the angular distribution governing the scattered particles in
a gas.
Institution : -
Submitted : May 21, 1954
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
K Iq Yq) P,_2nnberz, G. A., Lebedev, Mi Mt. Skal'skava. -1. P., and
Uflyand,-Ya. S * Wave'proWm 16RIRM ~i or.:
Doldady Akad. Nauk SS~k_ (N.S.) 0, 06f-963 (1054)
A critir-al survey of. pafkrs onthe diffraction of
magnetic wavcs by a parabolic cy'linder,,viz, [1]:11. S.-
rp'stein,*Dissertation, Nfunich'-1914; [2] P. S. Epstein,
Enzyk. Math. Wiss., Ild. 5s, Teubvier, Leipzig, 1915'p~ 51
1.31 W. Magnui, Jbcr. Deutsch. Math. Verain. SO- WHO
(19,10); (4] W. 'Magnus, Z, Physik 118, 343-356 (1941)
[these Rev.:2, 56 tio is; of the mitithcd-used-
9,125]. Limita i
in [t] and. [2],vre ni~;itioned
t, of -space OmO;.
Lack of
fact that th i mes"the m ia o
e solu t on saltis ti n cohditio'n is
emphasized and a full proof is annotinced. An expansion in
terms of products*of parabolic cylind inW -a :4
er functions of gr, I
(positive and ne Live) order is deri~77 , for Ah
ga e fit
duced by a line source in the focal litte of the cilinder. The:-!
proof is sketchM and. Ilte result, is used for.
filling a gap in [4] by sfiqwi k- thA: the (It tracted ~y'tv,
- - 1, . ~ 1 4 a in
[4] &atisfies;th candid n' 'being.-fiiiiW bu-the tomFline... I
e 6 1 of
r ractedlvavd 1pu:'1
The series fo the diff n~.-b h-' ors is
y ~t e Auih
Sho .Wn Ito c0 ;nve fee 0.nIV in -a finite part of the ikenioi -of 66
I .1,1", , T
1).. . - -. ,.,
,,,a(-ctro!!,,a,!,nr-,t-;-c Field of a Dipole !hitter Situated Inside a Parabolid Refl,-ctor.11
1, Dissertation for the N7, ee of Candidate of Phi s4::al and MAthmatical Sciences)
,; I
Lenin.-rad Physicotechnical Inst of- the Acad Sci USSR, LenLngrad, 1955
SO: 1.7-10361 23 Mar 56,
~30".Z)?T' N.N.; UALSKAYA If.; UFLYAND, Ta.S.; AKILOV, G.P., reduktor;
VOLCHOK, K.I.T., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Collection of problems in mathematical physics] Sbornik zadach
po matenaticbeakoy fizike. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tekhniko-teoret.
lit-ry, 1955. 42-0 p. (MLRA 8:10)
(Mathematical physics)
Card 1/1 Pub. 153 ig/26
Author Skal'skaya, I. P.
Title Electromagnetic field of a dipole radiator placed within a paraboloid re-
Periodical Zhur. telch. fiz., 25, 1,10 13 (11ovember), 1955, 2371-2380
Abstract The present article is devoted to finding the electromagnetic field of a
dipole situated within a paraboloid reflector for -the case where the radi-
atin~~ dipole is directed perpendicular to the axis of the paraboloid. This
problem was considered earlier in a work by E. Pinney (J. Math. Phys. MIT
26, 42, 1947), but his representation of the solution in the form of series
in Laguerre polynomials cannot be considered mathematically sufficiently
grounded, as the Dresent author shows in her investigation of the solution
obtained here and in the passage to the geometrical optics. The author rep-
resents the final solution of the problem suitable in 'he entire region
within the paraboloid by means of formulas giving the expressions of the
sought-for components of the field in the form, of conplex integrals. She
utilizes the obtained exact solution particularly also for finding the field
in the limitin(-- case of reometric optics where the wave len-th is much less
than the focal distance of the paraboloid. She thanks G. A. Grinber- for
posing- the problem and H. N. Lebedev for advice. Five references: e.g. i.P.
S''skaya, "Author's abstract of Dissertation," Leningrad Phys. Tech. Inst.,
Submitted May 2~-, 1955
Category USSR/Radiophysics z- Radiation ~-,f Radio Wave5, Antennas 1-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhuxx 5c-- _22, "s'.7, No 4L88
Author Grinberg, G,A,., Letzd!~v, N.3., Skal.'skaya, I..P,,, Uflyand, Ye.S.
Inst Leningrad Physicotecanical inst:Huze, A~a`demy of Scitnces, USSR, Len-
Title Electrowag~_netic Field of Lin-~ar Radiator, Located Inside and Ideally-
Conducting P~irabollc
Orig Pub Zb. eksperim~ i fiziki., 1956, 30, No 3, 528-543
Abstract Analysis of tle prctl=m of Vie reflectioa of an eleztromagnetic wave
from a --onducti-ng sc-c-n, st.6p?d like a parabolic cylinder- The source
of oscillation is conrsid,~red to be linear and placed inside the cylinder,
and the current in the sc~_-:!e is 1',= %eill'rt where 10- const is the ampli-
tude of the cuarreat-andWis the angular frequency. it is shown that
the results obtained in Dieviously-published works are not sufficiently
well founded- An accu:~&+,~ solution of the problem is given and is re-
duced to the sbluticn of an equationwith separable variables; the fun-
damental difficulty lies in a suitable choice of the partial solutions,
Card :.I/'~
Category USSR/Radiophysics - Radiation of Radio Waves. Antennas 1-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 4488
the source in the integral in terms of the functions A(')('~ ). It
is proved, that the dolution. obtained is a general solution of tae
problem. It is shovn that for the case of high frequencies, the
solution assumes a fcrm corresponding to the geometrical-optics
approximation. The solution is generalized to include the case of
arbitrary location of the source along the axis of the cylinder.
Bibliography, 10 titles.
Card 3/3
The Axially Symmetrical Electrostatic Problem 57-28-4-22/39
Concerning a Conductor With a Shape of a Semi-Infinite
Tube With Thin Walls
in connection with the problems in the investigation
of the acoustic and electromagnetic waves from an open
orifice of cylindrical and flat tubular conductors
(References 1-13)~ As an example for the employment of
the general method the solution of the problem of the
determination of the field of a point-charge at the axis
of a conducting semi;.infinite tube is given here.
There are 6 figures and 14 references, 12 of which are
ASSOCIATIONS Leringradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute AS USSR)
SUBMITTED- November 1 1957
Card 2/2
Lebedev, N. N., Skallskaya$ I. P.
Electrostatic Fieldyof an Electron
Coaxial Cylinders
Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No- 5,
pp. 472 - 479
TEXT: An exact solution of the problem of field distribution in a lens
consisting of two coaxial cylinders is given. The method employed for this
purpose is based upon the solution of pairs of integral equations by means
of the theory of the functions of onv complex variable. On the basis of the
formulas obtained, the distribution of the potential along the lens axis
is calculated for various ratios between the inner and the outer cylinder
radii. Results are given in Table 2 and in the form of curves in Fig. 2.
A. Ya. Chernyak carried out the numerical computations of this investiga-
H-on.There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONg Fiziko-tekhaicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad
Lens~Consisting of Two
":S - Lebedev 7 * .
1,a1 I s
"he force acting on a conducting sphere in the field of a
plane capa-ci tor
Zhurnal te2khnichoSI:Cr fi-_:j-i, V. 32, no. 3, 1962, 375-378
--:`1'2 a-at~ ors calculate the cha-rije of a conducting sphern. which is in
Cortlact -~.ith the ~~lare of -- olane canacitor LnO the force acting upon it.
Tt has *ooen assumed that a-'k-'h (a radius of the ,;lobule, h = distance
bet-;.een the capacitor -jlates) . `2he potential betv.-;-.en the capacitor plates
u was determined by inte,,-ratin;~ the LaplLce equation:
- C9 sh v (00 - 0)
U al~a2 + ~2 io(ya)d, 0 < po
0 shvPO
ai)-alied homo-eneous field, J (x) = Bessel function". The char-e of
'the sphere tans calculated by means of this relation:
Car"I 112
Establishing norms for expenditures and consolidation of business
accounting in elevator and warehouse management. Muk.-elev.prom.
23 no.1:4-6 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:5)
l.Planovyy otdel Ministerstva khleboproduktov SSSR.
(Giabi trade--Accounting)
SHALTINSKAYA, M.P.,meditsinskaya sestra.
sparing pailents for surgery and treating them after operations.
Med. sestra 16 no.2:20-23 F '57 (KIRA 10:4)
1. Iz Nauchno-issledovatellskogo detskogo ortopedicheskogo instituts,
imeni G.I. Turnera, Leningrad.
Some problems aSsociated wiLh the elimination of dependent
coordinates. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.3:364-368 1-tr 165.
(MIIR~ 19: 5)
r, 1 9 It P -. /18 11
AUTHORS: T.B. and :11.111tyanis. v.~'Z. C'aunas)
'HTLA." The Apill ication of all Plectronic. Colliput"ll-,for
Automatic 5"electioll or t6-e--op-t.L*',,mlm Variant Of FLIturt,
Oevolopment of Electric PoWer' SU11111Y Sly-ste-RIS
VI-111101-11CAL: Izvestiya M,aclemii naul, SS.SFI?, Ottleteniye teldinichesi-Akh
llaLlk, Erierpretika i avtomatika, 1960, No.6, PP-15-22
,n*x'r: Rural. power distr-ibution sysLems of' up to 10 kV are usually
de-signed withotit consideritig varianLs. It. is a very complex
dynamic problem to select thC OptillIUVI economic variant for r'UtLlrC
development of such systemq, and the use of existing mathematical
programmingr methods to solve problems of' thi-s kind as a whole
is very diFficult. If these method!3 are used onty a single
optimum solution is determined and the conseqtiences of deviating
from thiS ~5011.ltion are unknown . A perfectly acceptable practical
soJution may, however, he obtained by means of alporitilms.
'I'll(, aLgorithm for calcuLatinir the minimalizing, functions is
formulated in the light of tlic capabilities of modern computers on
the. basis of p
general system deqi_gn forlIMIZIC, particular prices for
inclividUal component-, of the sysLem and also allowance for existing
Ca r d t /6
1- 9 4/ i~ '10, It
The Application of all Electronic Computer for ;\utomatic Selection
of the Optimum Variant of Futiire Development of I'lectric Power
Supply Systems
technical ~;tanflards, tol-erances and the like. The algorithm of
variant selection, whicli excludes tile possi.hility of considering
Obviously irra tiona I variants , is hased on qual itative conditi.ans
thak govern the Fecluence of change of the parmtteter~5 and c-crtain
relationships between them. A priori conditions are als-o
introduced which confine a1terations in the main parameters v-itbin
rational limits. A particular example of- programme is considered,
namely selection of the illo-st economic variant of construction and
development of a 10 kV dij=;trIbution system allowing for growth over
two successive five year periods. Means of increasing the
transmission capacity that are considered are: increasing the
,section of the conductors; the use of low voltage power factor
correction capacitors with automatic over-voltage disconnection;
10/0.11kV transformers with on-load tap changingr; and several
combinations of these methods. A typical feeder circuit is
presented with feeders, power transformers, capacitors and tile like.
Card 2/6
The AppLic.)tion of an Electronic Computer for Automatic Selection
of the Optimum Variant of Future Development of Electric power
StIpply Systems
The rate of load increase is taken as 75'1') in five years, the power
factor at maximum load is 0.85 and the mean power factor 0.75 -
The costs are calculated with allowance for costs in the low voltage
circuits and additional losses of power in systems of 35 kV and
upwards. The programme formulated is universal and can be used
for practically any radial distribution network with a comparatively
small amount of initial information. The algorithm of variants is
first considered, the following being included: selection of wire
size according to current densities; location of voltage control
points; the degree of compensation; combination of means of
increasing the transmission capacity. The total number of
variants to be considered is 615 and the programme was used twice
both with and without counter-control so that the total number of
variants considered is 1230, The calculation algorithm is then
considered; it governs the variable part of the total costs which
depends upon the selection of the variant and which in the
Card 3/6
The Application of tin Electronic Computer for Automatic Selection
of the Optimum Variant of Future Development of Electric Power
Supply Systems
time could be appreciably reduced if the machine had a larger
memory unit. On the basis of design of many variants, a table of
optimum variants has been drawn up using counter control of voltage
at the 35/10 kV sub-stations. The costs are calculated with
allowance for the additional capital investment for on-load tap
changing in the 35 kv transformer. The absolutely optinium variant,
that is the one without limitation on the means of increasing the
tr-ansinission capacity, shows that it is not advisable to use small
conductors initially and later change them for a larger one. The
conductor section of the 10 kV system should be selected to suit the
load in ten years time taking a current density of I A/mm2. In the
first stage,capacitance compensation is installed in forty sub-
stations and in the second period it is installed in the majority
of the sub-stations. Even if no method of control is provided
full-size conductors should be used froin the start and the costs
are then 10% greater than for the absolute optimum solutions.
Card 5/6
AUTHORS: Motskus, I.B., Shalrtyanis, V.R., Leonas, V.L.
TITLE: Optimization. problems in the task of raising the throughput ca-
pacity of power distribution grids
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtoma-tika, telemekhanika i vychislitellnaya
tekhnika, no. 3, 1963, 84, abstract 3B498 (Dokl. na 4-y Mezhvuz.
konferentsii po primeneniyu fiz. i matem. modelirovaniya v raz-
lichn..otraslyakh tekhn. Sb. 2, Moscow, 1962, 73 - 82)
TOCT: As an example of a problem in optimal design of industrial systems
the authors analyze the problem of finding the values of the'principal parameters
of electrical distribution grids, corresponding %to.- the estimated minimum losses.
The basic characteristic:traits of contemporary production systems are enumer-
ated: Multidimensionality, connectivity, nonlinearity, balancing of the ele-
ments, dynamicity. It is concluded that the problem of optimal synthesis of
such systems leads usually to multiextremal problems. The mathematical complex-,
ity of the solution of such problems is emphasized. To simplify their solution
Card 1/2
4 S/271/63/000/003/049/049
Optimalization problems in the task of raising .... Ao6o/A1206
in the design of systems it is proposed to use separate optimization and the'
limits of its expedient application are estimated. A method is set forth of
constructing an algorithm for f_J'zidL-,S the optimal configuration of a construc-
tion and increasing the throughput capacity of a group of feeders corresponding
to the least losses. The algorithm Is realized on the computer B30M -2 (BESM-
-2). The organization of the progrrim is described in detail. The results of
calculations are discussed. It is noted thatin order to solve problems of op-
timal design high-speed computers ave required possessing a large-volume operat-
ing memory and well-developed possibilities of output of results. There are 4,/
figures and I reference.
V. M.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
UTSKU6.9 I.B. (Kaunas); 6HALITIA~16ii6. V.R. LO"altJaniLi.T v.] (Kaunas)
Algorithm for the optimum design and multistage development of rural
electric power distribution networks. Izv. AN SS5R. OW. tekh. nauk.
Energ. i transp. no.1:24~35 JaF 163. (MIRA 16--5)
(Rural electrification) (Electric power distribution)
I r
LESR/ Chemistry Reaction processes
Card 1/1 Pab. 151 - 23133
Autborn Veksler, V. I., and Shaltyko, G. E.
Title Rate of reaction of formation of 1-ascorbic acid from hydrate of diacetone.-'.
2-keto-l-gulonic acid in an aqueous medium
Periodical :Zhur. ob. Wim. 24/8, 1422 - 1427, August 1954
Abstract :The rate of reaction leading to the formation of 1-ascorbic acid (vitamin
0) from, bydrate of diacetone-2-keto-l-gulonic acid during the heating of
the latter with concentrated HC1., was investigated. The constants of
the rate of formation and decomposition., the mudmum possible yields
and time necessary to attain maximum yield, were determined. Kinetic
data., regarding the reaction mechanism, are included., Ten referencas:
6 USSR; 2 USA; 1 Swedish and 1 Swiss (1934 - 1953). Tables; graphs.
Institution : The Fr. Engels Institute of Soviet Commerce, Leningrad
Submitted : March 21., 1954
7- >//,~-O (-~ - Xe.
VEKSLER, V.I.; ~~ ~9.
Study of the conversion of the diaceton-2-keto-l-sLtlonic acid hydrate
into I-ascorbic acid in organic solutions not containing alcohol.
Zhur.ob.khim.24 no.12:2150-2153 D 154. (MIRA 8:3)
1. Leningradskiy institut sovetskoy torgovli im. Fr.Engel'sa.
(Gulonic acid) (Ascorbic acid)
AID F - 3577
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 14/20
Authors Veksler, V. I. and G. Ye. Shaltyko
Title Study. of transformations of the hydrate of diacetone-2-
keto-*gulonic acid into A-, ascorbic acid
Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim., 28, 7, 761-765, 1955
Abstract The course of the reaction is described in detail.
Attention is called to the role of HC1, 70-80% of
which is contained in the "solid" phase. Three
tables, 5 references, 3 Russian (1948-1950).
Institution None
Submitted il 2J 1954
Chlorination of shale oils with the purpose of increasing their
fungicidal toxicitY. Zhur.prikl.khim. 33 no.5:1229-1232 W7 160-
(MIRA 13:7)
1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta.
(oil shales) (Chlorination) (Fungicides)
I -- -. - ---
[High polymer compounds; a manual] Vysokopolimerrqe
soedineniia; uchebnoe posobie. Leningrad, In-t inzhenerov
zheldor.transp., 1961. 54 p. (NIRA 15:5)
Fungicide properties of mixtures of shale oils with some phenol
derivatives. Trudy V?rIIT no.10:189-195 161. (MIRA 150)
(Shale olls)(Phenol)(Fungicides)
SH&LITKOY G,Ye,, Prinimali uchastiye-. KULESHOVA, A.A.; SHESTAKOVA, N.A,
Increase of the toxicity of shale tar collected in a compartment
oven main with the purpose of using it for antisepting treating of
wood. Zhur.prikl.khim. 31+ no&10:2362-2361+ 0 161. 04IRA 14 Al)
1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta.
(Wood preservatives) (Coal tar)
1-nvestigating,oven-shale Jar from a gas collecting main and from
lighter fractions with the purpose of using it in wood impregnation.
Zhur.prikl..khim ~ 31, no.11:252~-2533 N t6l. (PURA 15:~1)
1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta.
(Shale oils)
1, ~ . - -- --
Fungicidal properties of the products from the separation of the
#esel fraction of producer shale oil using methyl alcohol. .
Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.3.685-687 My 163. (NIFA 16-5)
1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo
(Shale oils) (Diesel fuel) (Fungicides)
lz;;~ "-~- -t -e- I
S.; YA,'IY.O'!SVAYA, T- -; Prinimali uchastiye: SOKOLOVA Z,N.; KUIESHOVA,
Developing m~-'.hcds for the cold fractionation of shale tar. Part 5.
Using light tar as wood im'preganting oil. Khim. i tekh.gor.slan. i
prod. ikh permr. no.12:278-284 163. (14IRA 17:2)
1. Leningradskiy Lnzhenerno-ekonomiclieskiy institut i Leningradskiy in-
stitut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta.
Composition and fung-itox-Laity of phenols in producer tars
of Baltic shales. Zhur, priki. khIM. 1.6 no.-!O.--2281-2285
0 163. (MLMA 17: 1)
1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo
S '100 '60 "002/004 '018/020
AUTHORS: Skazka, V. S.,_Shaltyko~ L,- G.
TITLE: Investigation of L Solutions of
/ight Scattering in
Siloxane Rubbers~b
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2. No. 4,
pp. 572-575
TEXT: In the present paper the light scattering of fractions of poly-
methylsiloxane rubber (molecular weight between 0.22-106 and 4.6.106) and
polymethylphenylsilcxane rubber (molecular weight between 0.12-106 and
2.2-106), in which 1100% of the methylgroups were substituted by phenyl-
groups, was investigated. The polydimethylsiloxane rubber was dissolved V/
in toluene, the polymethylphenylsiloxane rubber in chlorobenzene. The
fractions were obtained from industrial samples by a fractionated
precipitation from benzene by means of methanol. Figs. 1,2 show the
diagrams of light scattering. On the basis of the measured data, the
average molecular weight Mw and the average distance
Card 1/3
Investigation of Light Scattering in S ~-1,901601002 COOL `018 '020
Solutions of Siloxane Rubbers B0041,/BO56
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy --osudarstvennyy-universitet (Leningrad
State University)
SUBIJITTED. January 15, 19b0
Card 3/3
- . .. 1.- FRENKELI, S.Ya.
Theory of heterophase polymerization. Part 2: Comparison
of molecular weight distributions of polymers obtained under
conditions of homophase and heterophase polymerization.
Vysokom. soed. 5 no.10:1527-1533 0 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR i
Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut sinteticheskikh
Contribution to the theory of heterophase polymerization. Part 3-,
Heterophase polymerization with the precipitation of the polymer
.Lormed as a continuous deposit. Ilysokom.soed. 5 no.11:1620-1626 N
163. (MIRA 17-.1)
1. Institut vvsokomcleku-lyarnykh soyedineniy Ali SSSR.
A . D.
,roblemsq of the correlation, off %lescoG c ard Paleogene sed!-
in the Vo-.,,,a-Don territory. Trudy i.Lne-L"tegaza no.13:5-38
f 6:~ (14-TRA 18:9)
and -3nczo7,~ ---a- f~f
n n h -:a -,cry. Trualy
Reductive chlorination of calcium mol7bdate. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR
3 no.1:23-26 16o. (MIRA 13:12)
1. Institut khimii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom
AN Tadzhikskoy SSR S.Yusupovoy.
(Calcium mol7bdate) (Chlorination)
The reaction of reduction chlorination of lead molybdate
and molybdenum trioxide. DokL AN Tadzh, SSR 4 no.4:19-23
,61. (MUIA 15: 1)
1. institut khimii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Fredatavleno akademikom
AN Tadzhik-skoy SSR K.T. Poroshinym.
(Molybdenum oxides)
(Lead molybdates)
Thermodynamic analysis of the chlorination of molybdates
by a gaseous mixture of chlorine and sulfur chlorides. Zhur.
prikl.khim. 35 no.7:1459-1463 J1 162. (MMA 15:8)
(Molybdates) (Ghlorination)
Methods for designing wells and drilling them at depths up to 7000
meters in the Zerya area. Trudy AzNII DN no.10:228-256 760.
(MIRA 14:4)
(Azerbaijan--Oil well. cementing)
S/.080/ -62/ .035/007/ .002/OL3
u " - I-ova, 1.V. amid Shalukukhi-na,
_;hcn. cv, Vasil"
--he c.-L' ori-nati mn of -molyb-
ml_f~iysis OZ
Wi"" t' mix-ture of chilori-ne with sul-
zb'.A rn al -_oy '1. 35, no. 7, 1962,
145'9 146k'a.
of -I) 1.;itL-l _-UL-
-dates a-nd
t'~n c c -moly
b :.-o chlorides
a OUt 160 __"_O~' .-f.-2, W.
C~i 10 1, 1 C. c c;f the c!orre ;3ro-
Hnd 'Chere-
c-~sscs -a%o7ved frjK the
C' - _21-11"1:1071- Z:.C VL_!_aCS 0-' ha
."o-It p!-obable :110 ent'na-
L -v
_?ics, Ie'5 ttl~. c .2 ca c u at c d in -:Iie i-itzi. al '293
Schc:acs JC~L-t'aen Ca:.;,Oc; 'o04
47 'bl- and
ar'd O-Z 01 T.-r,* t.n. (or pure C12),
c,-:L thc" One. 2 2
ar L.
AUTHORS: Glukhov, I. A., Shalukhina, L. M.
TITLE: On the reaction of reduction chlorination of lead molybdate and
molybdenum trioxide
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1963, 28, abstract 2G154
("Dokl. Akad. Fankhoi RSS Tochikiston, Dokl. AN TadzhSSR", 1961,
v. 4. no. 4, 19 - 23, Tadzhik summary)
TEXT: An investigation was made of PbMoO4 and M003 behavior under condi-
tions of reduction chlorination. The experiments show that the mechanism of
chlorinating PbMoO4 and MoO3 consists in the following process: 2PbMoO4 +
3 + S2Cl2 + 3C12 = 4MoO2Cl2 +
~ S2Cl2 + Y12 - 2MO02C12 + PW12 + 2SO2. 4MoO
~ 2S02. The interaction of MoPbO4 with a gaseous C12 and S2Cl2 mixture begins
below 1600C and is fully completed with 40 - 50 min at 2000C. MoO3 is able to
react to 45 - 60% under the same conditions. Full chlorination of MoO3 begins
within 1 hour only at 3000C. Thermodynamical calculations show that under the
Card 1/2
MMA ~Nftl L.
Determination of the optimum conditions for the reaction of radi-ation-
chemical synthesis of dibutyltin dibromide. Zhur. 'Liz. khim. 38 no.10:
2445-2448 0 164. (MIP-A 18:2)
1. Fiziko-khi-micheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova.
Method for differentiating argyrophil structures following silver
Impregnation. Arkh. anat. gist. I embr. 32 no.4:84-85 O-D '55.
(MLR& 9:5)
1. Kafedra gistologii a embriologiei (nach. deystv. chlen. ANN SSSR
prof. N.G. Khlopin) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii
imeni S.M. Kirova.
differentiation of argyrophil structures after silver
USsR/ Medicine - Histology
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 41/46
Authors j Berlin, L. B., and Shalumovich, V. N.
Title t Study of the skin of a frog and especially its glands by.means of lumines
cent and ultraviolet microscopy and certain histochemical methods
PeriodiCal I Dok. AN SSSR 10311) 153-155; Jul 1) 1955
Abstraot I The characteristics of frog skin and especially the characteristics of it3---~
glands were investigated by means of,luminescent and ultraviolet microscopy
and by some other bistochemical methods. Results are described. Seven.,
references: 4 USSR, 2 Berm. and 1 Scand. (1840 and 1954). Illustrations...
Institution Military~Medical Academy im. S. M. Kirov
Presented by: Academician Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, March 5, 1955
t the structure of yoM membrade7cf-a hen egg by
~e.=10 -letescent and ultraviolet takroscapy and some
histachemical methods. V.,-N.- ShalamovIch. &klady
Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 103, 684-5(f955).-:w~Wifiincsccnt and
ultraviolet microscopy show the existence of at If st 5
layers differing In o ew properties (pliotogmp* s are
51g.). Differences la-'staining are also shown uy 'fit,!
color tests for deoxyribonucleic acid and staining with~
azure 11-eosin. Ribo- -nd deoxyribonucleic acids are
located priatipally in thf- center layers of the membrane.
G. Af
Luminescent and ultraviolet microscopy in the histological study
of the skin and its glands in the axolotl. Dokl. AN SSSR 105
no.4:824-827 D '55. (MLRA 9:3)
1. Voyanne-maditainskaya akademiya imeni S'.M. Kirov&. Pred-
stavlano akademikem Ye.N. Favlovskim.
(Axolotle) (Skin)
Vdy of the sheath of ripe.,-e-e-ir-c-elrim-aTa-ampetra fluvi-
the aid of luminesc ultraviolet, and anop3
microscopy. V. N. Shalumovich. Doklady Akad. Nr...kl
S.S.S.R. 107, 694-6(19M).-TEe sheath of the npe eg
was shown to consist of 5 layers, except for a 3-layer struck
ture at the jtuiction of the yolk with the cap. Ribonucleic
-acid Is contained in the 4th layer, and both this and dcoxy-
ribonuclelc acid are con.tainqLLin tl,ie.2nd layer. O.M,K,-
Histological study of epidermis of lamprey by methods of
yluminescent, ultraviolet, and dark-field microscopy. L.
B. Berlin and V. N. Shaltunovich LS. N1. Kirov Military
-Me d. Acad., A fo,-qE-5-%Y7---"o 1417y-TlYad. Nit fik 4.S.S.R. 107,
891--1(1950).-A detailed description with illustrations of the
structure of epidertnia of Lampetra fluriatilis. obtained
after ftation with formalin. lit the cells of t1u, outermost
sheath the basophilic cytoplasin absorbs strongly at 250-80
mg. The bulb-fortned cells in the dcclxx epidermis show
intense absorption at 256-80 mju in the nuclei and cyto-
plasmic threads. Intense absorption in this region is found
in cytoplasm and ruielci of the granular cells. The secre-
tion of the mucous celts does not absorb in ultraviolet and
has a brown luminescence. The gr-inular cells produce a
lipaid secretion, while the mucous cells produce a mucous
secretion which is unlike that produced by fish. lit general,
BERLIN, L.B. (Leningrad, P-10, Primorskiy pr., d-39, kv.3); SHALUMOVICH, Y.N.
(Ifiningrad, K-44, pr. Knrla Marksa, d-56, kv-50)
Study of the glandular compone *nts of the skin in lower vertebrates
using luminescence, ultraviolet, and anoptral microscopy and some
histochemical methods Cwith summary in English] . Arkh.apat.gist. i
embr. 34 no.4:46-53 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11)
1. 1z kafedry g1stologil s embriolriey (nach. - deystvitellnyy
chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.G.Khlopin) o-yerino-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina
akademii im. S.M.Kirova.
(SKIN, anatomy and histology,
glandular components in lower vertebrates (Rue))
Determination of the viability of vascular .--~c-motransplants by the
method of fluorescence microscopy. KhirLirgiia 35 no 8:63-67 Ag
159. ... ~MIRA 13:12)
SHAUTMOVICH, V.N. (Lenitigrad, K-44, pr. Karla Marksa, d- 56, kv- 50)
Medium for fixing fluorochromium-treated histological sections.
ArM anat.gist. i embr- 36 no.2:79 F '59. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Kafedra gistologii s embriologiyey (nach. - chlen-korrespondent
AM11 SSSR prof. S.I. Shchelkunov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina
akademii imeni S.M. Kirovao
fluorescence, prep. of sections (Ras))
AUTHOR: Shalumovich, V. N.
TITLE: The Application of Ultraviolet Luminescence Microscopy for
the Investigation of the Structures of Mucous Membranes of
tha Accessory Nasal Cavities
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademi-i nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 5? Pp 1110-1113
ABSTRACT: The method mentioned in the title made in combination with
the other usual histological methods a new solution of several
problems possible with respect to the vital activity of the
secretory main elements of lower vertebrates (Refs 1 -- 3).
These new methods were used in the present paper for the
investigation of the nasal cavities mentioned in the title~of
man (Refs 4 - 9), of horned cattle, and dogs. Figures I - 4
show the obtained results. The author describes in detail the
structure of the tissue mentioned in the title. On the strength
of the obtained results he draws the following conclusionsg
the metamorphosis of the epithelial cells acting as a sheath
into mucous secreting cells is connected with a protoplasm
Card 112 change, in the first place with that of the ribonucleic acid.
Age characteristics of mucosal glands in accessory siauees of the
human nose. I)okl. AN SSSR 135 no.2:453-456 u 6o. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Laningradskiy pediatricheskiy meditainakiy institut. Predstavleno
akademikom N.N.Anichkovym.
%'~. W
SHALUMOVIGH, MI. (Len--'rigra'a, Lrosp. K.:.iarksa, 56, kv.50.)
Localization of rL7u,-,lecp--,ote-Jns in the other structures of
the ovum. of the frog (Fiana temporaria). 'Arkh., an-at., crist.
i embr. 44 no-4:48-5.11 Ap 163. (MIN-1 17:6)
1. Kafedra lizik4 (zav.-,4ot~=nt lu.V. Shuvalov'l i k-afedra gistologi-i
s embriolo--iyey (zav.-prof. A.6t. Krorrel' Len-L71gradskogo padiatricheskogo
meditsinskogo institut'a.
Determination of the locaLization of nucleoprote~dz in the
oocy-tes of the fzW (Rana temporaria) by the methods of ultra-
violet and luminescence microscopy. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6:
1461-1464 0 163. (MIRA 16:1-1)
1. Leningradskiy pediatrichaskiy meditainskiy insti.-tut i
Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova.
Predstavleno akademikom N.N. Anichkovym.
Use of inf'--ared ra-;8 in studying superficllal veinE in man under
flormal wick pathological conditions. Arkh.anat., g-i---. I --mbr.
49 no.10f83-89 0 165. (MTRA ].8.12)
1. Kn~odrn metiltsinskoy fi7iki (zav. - dotsent YLI.S.Vayl")'P
kafedra riorrtal'noy anatornii (zav. - prof. V.N.NluraL) -1. lkafe-ona
patuologicheskoy atiptomil (naciialtriik - ch''en-korresporldent
SSSR urof. A.N.Gllistovich) Voyenno-ineditsinskoy ordena
bar.,'na akalemii irneni Kirova. Submitted Apral 6, 196~.
KOZLOV, N.; SHALUN, G.., inzh.
Laminated plastics and glass-reinforced plastics. Ila stroi.*~-
no.4:28-28b :61. (MJRA 14:6)
1. Direktor Leningradskogo zavoda sloistykh plastikov (for Kozlov).
KOZWV, 1likolay Fedorovich; MUM;, Grigoriy Borisovich; POZDYShEVA,
V.A., red.;
[Decorative laminated plastics] Dekorativnyieloistyi plastik.
Leningrad, Gos. nauc~no-tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry 1961. 76 p.
(MfRA 15:3)
(Laminated plastics)
SHALUN. QKjgorjy-13arlraxv~; LAVRUSHINA, N.S., red.; GRIGORIYEVAI.S.,
red.izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red.
[Laminated plastics and glass plastics for the electric equip-
ment industry]Sloistye plastiki I stekloplastiki dlia elektro-
tekhnicheskoi promyshlennosti. Leningrad, 1962. 27 p.
(Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen
peredovym opytom. Seriia: Sinteticheskie materialy, no.7)
(MIRA 16:2)
(Glass reinforced plastics)
(j7,--lectric engineering-Materials)
(Laminated plastics)
Glass reinforced platies for construction. Stroi.mat. 8
no.lls22-23 N t62. (MIRA 15z12)
1. Direktor Leningradskogo zavoda sloistykh plaotikov (for Kozlav).
2. Nachallaik t4ifticheskogo otdela Leningradskogo zavoda
sloistykh plastikov (for Shalun).
(Glass reinforced plastics)
The assortment of plastics has expanded. Na stroi. ROM. 4
no.4:19-20 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Nadbaltnik takhnicheskogo otdola zavoda sloistykh plastikov
Leningr'adskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Shalun).
2. Trest Orgtelchstroy Glavzapstroya (for Shamarina).
Shalun, Grigoriy Borisovich
Slolsty~e plastiki i ate kloplastiki dlya elektrotekhnicheskoy
promyshlennosti (Laminated Plastics and Glass Plastics for
the Electrical Equipment Industry) Leningrad, 1962. 27 P.
(Series: Leningradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy.
Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriya: Sinteticheskiye materialy,
no. 7) 5100 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Leningradskoye odteleniye Obshchestva po
rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR.
Ed.; N. S. Lavrushina; Ed. of Publishing House: I. S. Grigorlyeva;
Tech. Ed.: I. A. Belogurova.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader.
Card 1/~
Laminated Plastics (Cont.)
COVERAGE: The book describes in brief the properties, manufacture.,
and uses of laminated plastic,s 1~ with.paper filler.(getinaka),
2) with cloth filler (textoiites), and 3) fiberglass~-reinforced
plastics (SVAM). This text describes these materials as used
in electrical engineering. There are 5 Soviet references.
1. Brief Review of ths Technoloay of
Manufacturing Lam-7-11ated Plastics
2. Laminated Plastics on Paper Base
and Cloth Base
3. Fiberglass Textolites, Higgh-Strength
Electrical Insulating Materials
Card 2/3
GLAZOV, Vladimir Vladimirovich; I.."IUMOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich;
SUALUII,,-GT,igqiF~:;y_~gTisovich; NAWOV, V.I., otv. za
tekhn. red.
[Using synthetic resins in repairing body parts and trim-
mings of motor vehicles] Remont detalei kuzovov i opereniia
avtoriobilei s pomoshchliu sintetichesl-dkh smol. Moskva,
Avtotransizdat, 1963. 35 p. 0-1IRA 17:1)
(Motor vehicles-Maintenance and repair)
(Resins, Synthetic)
1,.CLOTKOV, Roman Vladimirovich; LYKOVA, Tamara Alekseyevna;
SHALUN., G-3',, red.; ALAjYSHEVA, N.A., red.izd-va; GVIRTS,
V.L., tekhn. red.
[Fremixes, the new molded materials] Novye pressmaterialy -
premiksy. Leningrad, 1963. 19.p. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-
tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seeriia:
Sinteticheskie materialy, no-4) (MIRA 17:3)
c" t'ie l3r--~,
3--.) 5"--S;irvoy if 3cientif*,.c Techn,!-cal
ot, IISSI -7d-ocat.1--nal lnst-ltllt'~ons (1r:)
Subtotal gastrectoW in tuberculosis. Khirurgiia no.6:77-78 Je '54.
(MI-PA 7-9)
1. Iz properdevticlieekoy khirargicheskoy kliniki Kazanskogo medi-
tsinakogo instituta.
*gastrectonq, subtotal)
Practionated narcolan and barbiturate colonic anesthesia. Khirurgiia
32 no.3:10-13 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:7)
1. Iz Xazanskogo meditainskogo institute. (clir.-doteent R.A.Vyaselev)
kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav.-prof. V.N.Shubin)
colonic (Rue))
SHALIJI-IOV, G.M., kand. med. nauk
Association of local anesthesiawith neurplegic, ganglionic
blocking and anti:shock agents. Kaz. med. zhur. no.5-172-73
S-0163 (MIRA 16:12)
1. ninika obshchey khinirgii (zav. - prof. V.N. Shubin)
Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
S' !", L 1 j N'GV3G. t.f
Outcome ..;' a --n-'a the rcle (:I' 'Lhe om~--nturr,
a6 tne vasculariz-'rin, agen-, in ohl-iterat-inq vasrn-iar dise-ases.
Hauch. tLrudy Kaz. goo. med. -insit. 12~0-2-5-326 1614. 18:171)
1. Kal,edra olx!,~(.-hey lrh~rurgii (zav. - prof. V.N."'hubin) Kazan-
-)V/1 2c:-1 2-6-11 /14
U.~ 7 _1
!~,~Dwicing Trnnsformers
a -'-
L~._Z II CAL: 191~q, Vol 12,T-r 6
~vtomaticheskaya svarka,
TT~7, 1~
ADSTRACT: The aut.-hor sta+es, t'r),n-t -there -is a remarkable decrease
of 'L,~e net-volta-e a-t several factories. Thus auto-
riatic and half-automatic weldinF is rendered as -ood
as imDossible. vor the imnrovement of the i'gni'fion
and a'stepdfast burninp, of the welding arc, a ba.lan-
cine, transformer type V",T-51`0 is used, which was con-
-Structed by Tnstitijt elekrosvarki imeniYe.n. -Patona
(Tnstitute of Flectirc Welding imeni Ye.O. -aton). The
e_xperimen+ branch of tre F.hnrlkovskiyll-otel*no-sv,-.roch-
nyy zavod (KharIkov Poiler IT'llelding Pactory) cons-Urtic
i-ed a bal~qncinrr --.rqnsformer wit~i a sectionized secon-
'.-~,or sta-
induction for 15,'~O, 05 nnd ~O V, The au" 11
the balancirg tr-_nsformer with sectio-ized
e s L' 11 --
Card 1/ 1? secondary induction s~iould be made in serial production
Diagnostic value of the determination of C-reactive protein in
acute coronary inasufffi-ziency. 24 no.12:9,/-98 D 160.
(XIRA 14-3)
1. Iz Leningradskogo oknizhnogo voyennogo gospital7m ~achallnik
N.S.Sokolov) i kafedry mil=obiologii (nachallnik - prof. A.A.
Sinitskiy) Voyenno-medits ins kby ordena Lenina -bkaA8mii imeni S.M.
L 27195-66 EWT(1)/T JK
AP600486b_ OV) SOURCE CODE: UR/0402/65/oOO/005/0551/0557
AUTHOR: Shalunova, A. - V. Karpovicb, L. G ; Levkovich, Ye. N
ORG: Institute of Polyomyelitis and Virus Encephalitis.-AMN SSSR,
Yoscow- UnstItut poliomielita i virusnykb entsefalitov AMN SSSR)
TITLE: Study of interference of the ja.-panese encephalitis virus witb
some cytopatbogenic viruses in tiss2e c_ij1&Mre
SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 5, 1965, 551-557
TOPIC TAGS: virus disease, experiment animalj-_kZL~)
immunity, encepbaii-tZP~90~j
ABSTRACT: This is a study on the interference of strains P-1 and K-2
of this virus (JEV) with polio virus type I (LSe = 2ab) grown in
cultures of skin-pmbryonal human tissue,-and with the yiruses of
Newcastle diseaseW(ND) and Western-equine encenbalit:inll(WEE), both
grown in several passages of chicken embryo cell cultures. To determine
interference the cultures with adeveloping monolayer (800,000 cells per
ml) were infected with a diluted brain suspension of JEV. Immediately
after infection and 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours later the cultures*were
added with the cytopatbogenic indicator viruses (Polio, ND and WEE).
Card 1/2 UDC: 576-858.25.095-38
In the Kostroma Province. Pozh.delo 9 no.5:15 Mv 163.
(KRA 16- 5)
1. Nachallnik Makarlyevskoy gorodskoy pozharnoy komandy (for
Shaluntsov), 2 Nachallnik Buyskoy gorodskoy poaharnoy komandy
(for Listanchukit
(Kostroma Province-Fires and fire prevention)
Shalupenhp, K. V. "On the problem of congenital malaria," '~rudy krymsk,
med. in-ta 1-m.7-yt-alina, Vol, XII, 1940, p. 283--85
SO: U-3850,16 June 53 (Letuopis 'Zh=al IrZ.,kh Statey, 11o. 5, 1949)
UM/*d16 1ni Children, Diestume sov/Oct
Medicine Penicillin, Theiapy
The Administration of Penicillin for Treating Some
Childhood Dlseases,~ Prof r. I.' 33.1inskiy, Docent
K. V..3halupsnko, N. Ya. Ismenskiy, dhair of Chil-
dren's Diseases, Thera~eutic6 Faculty, Crimean Had
Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, A pp
"Yop Fed i Okhran Mater i Det" Vol ZVI, No
Susmarizes results Pf using penicillin in purulent
and septic infections in children. Material includes
125 cases.
ift - 34/49T97
Combined Ibigumal," atabrine and "plasmocidn therpay of malaria in children.
Pediatriia no.3:74-75 My-Je '53. (NLRA 6.8)
1. Kafedra detskikh bolezney lechebnogo fakullteta irymskogo meditsinskogo
inntituta imeni I.V.Stalina. (Malarial fever)
SHALUPMO, K.V., dots.
Features of the course of poliomyelitis in the Crimea in 1955. Ped.,
akush. i gin. 19 no.4:29-30 '57. NIRA 13:1)
1. Rafedra detskikh bolezney (zav. - dots. K.T. Shalupenko) Krym-
skogo meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - dots. S.I. G-oorgiyevskiy).
Clinical course of diseases caused by Coxsackie and ECHO viruses. 25 no.1:49-53 Ja '61. (MIRA-14.3)
1. Iz ka-fedry detskikh bolezney (zav. K.V.Shalupenko) Krymskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
"Data on '-'SiSease-~ of the LAr: and the Zubcutanpol z 'ellul-.r Tissue
- - .1 ~~ -
in the 'it~- o~ and -m tnF- . athoc--enesis o,"
't. te
,r I ~i,ean ellic~al Inst 1. V. Aalin, Sirufcropo`
*l: , 11 ')
"ov 5' of ~icientific and Tochnical Dils-ertations
S wra 704,
Defi~nrln,! it U:-~SR i~rj fr-&er --'ducati-mal lnstitutil~,ns
.__U_L1,n OC0.13 Vol.11/2 DermatoloU.Gue.Feb57
Is I I ti LU N r" C. V
410. SCIIALUPENKO V. N. Health Resort Policlin., Ya Ita, USSR. V. F a c t o r o f
pertneability in pyodermas (Russian t,-xt) vEsTN.vENEit.
DERM. 1955, 3 (2-1-018) Tables 2 lllijs. 2
The I-Ole of hyalutonirlasi.. in the pathogenesis of pyodermas was studied. 'r,,-,L- esti-
mation of hyalur,midase was done by the method (if Macklin. modified by Smirnova.
Out of Ifil strains, isolated from the different forms of pyoderma affecting Zhe
patients, -40 strains showed a strongly positive, 72 a positive and 42 -.1 weakly post-
tive hy;i Ili ronidla.-3v reaction. The overwhelming majority of tile strairs containing
hyaluroni(kise ;ire pathogens; with other indicators 81.10,16 produced a gold-coloured
pignient, coagulated the blood plasma, 86.3116 fe rill ent ed mannite and 57.71,6
haemolysed sheep blood. The invasive properties of staphylococci were also in-
vestigatud by tile triLthod of Duran-Reynals, modified by Tiratorina. Tile filtrate
i of a staphyl~cocczil culture mixed with a 0.75% aqueous solution of trypan blue was
injected into the shorn side of a rabbit. The results were judged by Claude's index,
i.e. by comparison of the spreading of the colouring matter in treated animals and
normal controls. Of tile 58 strains investigated, I I produced a strongly positive,
i 39 a positive and it a weakly positive reaction. The author concludes that the pre-
sence of the ferment hyaluronidase is one of the basic indicators of the pathogenic
property of staphylococci. The staphylococcal cultures, obtained by inoculation
with the secreta of patients with pyodermas, possess invasive properties.
Kozhernikov Leningrad
Photodermatitis on the southern shores of the Crimea. Vest.derm.
i ven. 34 no.9:21-22 160. (MIRA 13311)
1. Iz TSentrallno"y kurortnoy polikliniki (dir. - E.F-. Pedorenko),
Dermatitis arising from contact with fraxinella. Vest. derm.
i ven. 36 no.lOz82-83 0162 (MIRA 16-11)
1. Iz TSentralInay-kurortnoy poliklinlki (dir. S.M.Shamin)
yalty. 1~
Using terramycin for feeding swine. Plias. ind. SSSR 32
no.1:37 t6l. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Dnenropetrovskaya skotoza otovitelinaT-a kontora.
(Swine-leeding and feeds)
.'T'!:U.'.3ybn' Arteir-ly Duklyanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Shalva
i -
A-A17r-yevich Candidate of Technical Sciences.
skhemy i uzly krupnopanelInykh zdaniy dlya seysmicheskikh rayonov
Designa Pnd Units for Large-Panel Buildings in Seismic Regions)
1961- 238 P- 5000 copies printed.
Ea. !'T-itle p! S.Yu. Duzinkevich, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: B.A.
Begisk; Tech. Ed.: V.A. Ignatlyev.
This b.,)A- -'.s intended for engineers and technical and scientific per-
s -7 '-:nel i,,.-~ncerned with research and design of large-panel and other buildings
a= 54 -~!v ors.
mic x - -
U.-e auThors fiiscuss c.,-nstructional problem of earthquake-resistant
ame and frAmt~less buildings. General principles of designing
structures and data on the effects of earthquakes on
sad -einforced-concre4--e frame buildings are given. Various construe-
ti,: nil deslgns r_rA methad.,.; f ~~r jcinting structural members in large-panel
L:,-n "es i&--r, su:A i.ln4 ~-,5 at. . 11 S' 57-")
11 .~ I C'V
are Scm& of the most satisfactory- Boluti=3 for design-
canatrucLions are reccmmended. Ch. 1, "Effects of
Fn-,t.~bq, .-:i DLUdinv, Is stated to be based on exlerimenta-1 and calcu-
A-S. Kallmame-k D.A. Pitlyuk are mentioned as having contri-
thLs fleld. 1-1h,-:re az-a 93 references: 79 Soviet, 10 Englishy
~Orer._,'Z, i Fungririaz-, it-T-A I German.
Ef'tm.---t, c-f Earthc lti,:~k,~s on. B-aildings
M13E=~.-Ve Tkl,eie 'IMI-Idings 10
:,f &----,t;irg -perpendicularly to the
--f IQ
of forces acting along the plane of a wall 18
Rein tor 2! lc rate frame buildings 50,