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Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations Sov/5469 High-Pressure (Studies], GIAPJ. Kinetics of Heterogeneous Processes In the Critical Region 54 Krichevskiy, I. R., N. Ye. Khazanova, and L. R. Linshits (Lab- oratory of High Pressure [Studies], GIAPI. Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in the Critical Region of Liquid-System Strati- fication 61 Lomova, N. N, and M I. ShaKhp4,r_qqoy [Labor4tory of the Physical Chemistry of-8~6_luitions, Chemistry Division, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lornonosov]. Permittivity and Molecular Structure of Solutions 73 Lanshina, L. V., and M. I. Shakhparonov (Laboratory of the ao___6h_enff6-try Division, Moscow Physical Chemistry of lutions, State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov]. Thin Structure of the Line of Rayleigh Light Scattering in Solutions 77 Mokhov, N. V., and Ya. M. Labkovskiy (Kafedra dcsperimentallnoy fiziki Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvenrWy universitet -- Depart- Card 5/9 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations- , SOV/5469 Roshchina, G. P. [Laboratoriya molekulyarnoy fiziki, Fizi- cheskiy fakul'tet, Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko -- ' Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Divi- sion of Physics, Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko] Investigation of Fluctuations in Solutions by the Method of Light Scattering log Skripov, V. P. [Laboratorlya molekulyarnoy fizikilUrallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S. M. Kirova -- Laboratury of Molecular Physics, Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov]. Special Structural Features of Matter in the Vicin- ity of the Critical Point and Transfer Phenomena 117 Skripov, V. P., and Yu. D. KolDakov [Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov, and the Laboratorlya teploflzikiUrallskiy filial AN SSSR -- Thermophysics Laboratory, Ural Branch, AS USSR]. Light Scat- tering in Carbon Dioxide along Pre- and Post-Critical Isotherms 126 Smirnov B. A. (Institut neflvekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR -- Card 7/9 Critical Pher-cmena and Fluctuations S CV/546 9 Shimanskaya, Ye. T., Yu. I. Shimanskiy, and A. Z. Golik [Lab- oratory of Molecular Physics, Division of Physics, Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenkol. Investigation of the Critical State of Pure Sub3tance-s by Tepler's M_atfhod 171 Re2clution of the Confer_-nce on Critl.,~al Phenomena and Flul~- tuations In Solutions _389 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QD545.S73) 10-28-61 Card 9/9 3/!89/60/000/003/006/013/XX B004/Bo67 AUTHORS-. Lomova, N, N, Shakhparonov,--IA,. I., I ____ TITLE: Dielectric Constant and Molecular Structure of the Solutions of Nitrobenzene Iin Hexane and Cyclohexane PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 2., khimiya, 1960, No 3, pp,. 11-17 TEXT: In an earlier paper (Ref. 1) Shakhparonov showed that in the case of strong deviations of the solutions from the ideality, their experimentally determined macroscopic dielectric constant must be smaller than the local dielectric constant measured in a smaller unit volume of the solution. The present paper deals with the examination of this con- cept in nitrobenzene solutions in nonpolar solvents (n-hexane, cyclo- hexane). The dielectric constant E was measured at approximately 700 ko/sec by means of a "VIE11-1 (IIYeV-1) apparatus Furthermore. the authors determined the density t and the refractive index n The experimentally N D- found negative deviation of F, from the addLtivity was caused by the con- Card 114 Dielectric Constant and Molecular Structure s/i eg/'6o /oo' loi VXY of the Solutions of Nitrobenzene in Hexane B004/Bo67 and Cyclohexane cencration fluctuations- In the region of the separation of the solution into two layers with a volume portion Y of nitro0enzene of 0,26 to O~45 (in n-hexane) no maximuir of ~- was founA in contrast to the observations made by other scientists (Ref. 3) The curve L= f(t) is almost linear and changes its direction only near the disintegration temperature- In Fig, 4 C-10- - the intensity I of the Rayleigh scattering at A = 5780 A, c k and the fluctuation (Ap)2 of the concentration are represented as a function of the nitrobenzene content in n-hexane at 400C- E- --f- and loc (~j p)2 are only little temperature-dependent. For the different position of the maxima of Ik and (L ~) the following explanation is given: while Ik is mainly due to fluctuations whose linear dimensions are more than 1/20 of the wavelength of light, i.e., at least 20-30 A, ')2 depends (A f on the fluctuations which are not -reater than twice or three7times-the diameter of a molecule A calculation of the function Ce572 f(y) on the basis of the statistical theory of the fluctuation c6nfirmed this conclusion. The data for nitrobenzene in cyclohexane led to the same Card 2/4 Dielectric Constant and '.1olecul-ar 'XY of the Solultiors of Nitrobenzene in Hexane B004/3067 and "yelahex6ne conclusions. There are 1, --Figures, 3 tables, and 5 references- 4 Soviet and I Us. ASSOCIATION: 1NIos'r-.ov3k-iY gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M-V. Lomonosova I 110scow State University imeni kafedra fizicheskoy khiwii (7, 1-1. V. Lomonosov, Chair of Physical Chemis-try) SUBI~j!TTED: August 28, 1959 LeEend to Fig. 4: 1 and ~)2 loc k as function of the concentration of nitrobenzene in n-hexane at 400C. Card 3/1 A S/189/6o/ooo,/o,~,/'-)"4-/013/X -X . I B004/3067 C.41- CAR I 5 0 C,H. f'-*- N'. 4. ' , IC S/030/60/000/05/38JO56 B011,51BOOS AUTHORS: Kriohevakiy, 1. R., Doctor of Chemical Soiences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Shakhparonovy TITLE, Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations in Solutions PERIODICAL- Vestnik-Akadem'"i nauk SSSR, 96o, No. 55; pp. 96-99 TEXT. A Cbnference*on the above mentioned problems,, which was convened by the Otdeleniye khimichesk:!JLAII nauk Akademii nalok SSSF (Department of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences USSR) and the khimioheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo universitets. (Chemical Department of M-.sccw Universit ), was held from JarTaary 26 to 28j 1960, 1z was attenaea by approximately 150 physicists and physicochemists from vario el s cities of t-he SovietUnion. The reports dealt with the thermodyramics~~of critical phenomena, the statistical theory of the s(~Iufl`cns ii _i5E4 critical range, the thermo- dynamics of irreversible processes in the critical range, the fluctuations in solutions, and other problems,. A. Z. Golik, Yu~ 1, Shimar-F-kiyj and Ye. T. Shimanakaya (Kiyev) reported an in-v-e-stigations of the critical state of pure materials and scluttjons according to Teplers method. Card 1/4 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations in 3/030J60/000/05/38/056 Solutions B015/B008 1. R. Krichevskiy, H. Ye. Khazanova, and L. R. Linshit5 investigated the dependence of the chemical potentials of t5e compone of binary and ternary systems of compound and temperature. V. P. Skripov and Yu. D. Kolpakov (Sverdlovsk) reported on the investigation results-of light dispersT-on in the supercritical region of carbon dioxide. I.R. Krichevskiy and N. Ye. Khazanova referred to problems of the diffusion-lin liquid and gas solutions near the critical point. L. A. Rott FMi-ng-kTreported on the theory of diffusion near the critical point of separation into layers. V. P. Skripov explained the course of viscosity near the critical point on the basis of a "Colloid Model". I. R. Krichevskiy and Yu.V. Tsekhanskqya reported on the investigation of convective diffusion. D. K. Beridze described the investigation results of light dispersion in the range of the critical point of the separation into layers of the solutions nitro- benzene - hexane, nitrobenzene - heptane and methyl alcohol - cyclohexane. V. F. Nozdrev reported on investigations with ultrasonics in liquidsnear the critical point. After a discussion on the critical state, the Con- ference came to the conclusion that there is no reason at present to reject the classic thermodynamic theory of the critical phenomena, developed by Gibbs, A. G. Stoletov, and other authors. M. I. ShakhDaronov reported Card 2/4 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations in S/030~60/000/05/38/056 Solutions B015/ ~008 on the main results of his investigations in the field of the theory of fine-structure fluctuations with a small particle content. N. N. Lomova. M. I. Shakhparonov, R. M. KasimoV9 and Ya. Yu. Akhadov reported on the results of experimental investigations of dielectric properties of solu- tions. L. V. Lanshina mentioned measurement results of the fine structure of light dispersion in acetone - water- and water - metbyl alcohol solutions. X. F. Vuka and L. 1. Lisnyanskiy (Leningrad) cond ted investi- gations of fluctuation phenomena in the solutions of ridine and a-picoline in water, as well as of pyridine in alcohols. G. P. Roshchina (Kiyev) mentioned data of experimental investigations of light dispersion in solutions, as well as of the conclusions on the dependence of fluctua- tions on composition, temperature and type of the molecules of the solu- tion components.'L. P. Zatsepina reported on the light dispersion in individual liquids and solutions with photoelectric measurements, and established in this connection the conformance with the theory by Einstein- Smolukhovskiy. N. V. Mokhov, Ya. M. Labkovskiv, and I. V. Kirsh (Dnepropetrovsk~_reported on' 'I~e_irinvestigations of fluctuations of density in ether and benzene, as well as of fluctuations of concentration in carbon bisulfide - methyl alcohol solutions. The Conference confirmed / Card 3/4 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations in 51030V6010001051381056 Solutions B015/ '. 008 the importance of the theoretical and experimental inveetigation of the molecular structure of the material in the range of the critical point. Organizational measures were decided upon for the further development of the scientific studies in the field of critical phenomena and tluctua- tions in solutions, as well as for their application to scientific- economic problems. It was decided further to conduct periodic seminars in Moscow on problems of the theory of the liquid state and the theory of solutions. The 2nd All-Union Conference on the Theory of Solutions is to be convened in 1962. Card 4/4 S/058/61/000/010/0567100 AOO1/A1Ol AUTHORS. Berldze, D.K., Shakhparonov, M.1. 1r._-MEz Rayleigh scattering of light in nitrobenzene-hexane solutions L-,-. PERIODICAL, Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 180,-abstract 10037 ("Uch. zap. Mosk...-obl. ped. in-ta!', 1960, v. 92, 49 - 71) TEXT. The authors describe the equipment and results of measuring relative intersity and depolarizatlon degree of individual liquids (nitrobenzene, hexane -and their solutions at various mutual concentrations). The values of scatter- ing radiation components Ips Is. and Ik are calculated. The relationships ar4 5t,Aled between each component and depolarization degree on one hand and solu- tion "emperature on the other hand, including the temperature of the critical zolnt,. at fixed concentrations. It was discovered that intensity of scattered radiation passes..through a thin maximum near the demixing point; in this case deviation from the Rayleigh law of light scattering and an increase of depolari- za,t;,.on degree are observed. N. Voyshvillo [Abstracter's note, Complete translation] Card L/-1 ZATSITINA, L.P.; SIUMLPARONOV, R.I. Investigating ",-he degree of depolarization and intensit7 of P.6yleigh scattering'in methyl alcohol - benzene and methy-1 alcohol - o--Vlene solutions. Vest.~losk.un.Ser-3:Fiz.,astron. 15 no.4:9-17 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Organic compounds--Optical properties) (Light-Scattering) S, 6,~;'0,33.- -0 1, /024 D 2' 0 D'1-5 AUTHORS.- Sh ~akh n,.- rJ, Ir L~:l An S. L, _. Ko r nhemskaya. L 1,111. a a - e~ -a t ~ t r n a a! a d V r o n I n a , R z D I TITLE-m I I g a 1 i c n f -.j- f e a., do v a o 3 r d n s - t v i r 1 na 1; Y_ . d LaCl~_ zrlmethylchloro- S__ Lane ana s,- -_hloroform benzene PERIODICAL; Z h, n -a 1 p :- I k I r k ln I M I ou, C) --- r- a-r a~jjs 7quia TEXT, T -n e a. y Of I Sy-- ~ms H H r. Orfier. ~3 ob- t a n d a -. a, n e 3 rel _r a- e na i o n r a a 1 k y 1, s a nl~.' _M~ 2 1' r" S V., E? I r, r~ (I Q n an appara.- US ':'es Z' e ZlIF'Kh 5 '960). T'nr -D gh. i:- vas :: on-,:- o Lea v 1:1 a ..I - 2 r. iw~ s= of a pycn:--,- y 'o~ in-aivl',ci'ua. C a. _- ~ d 1 " -, S 2/007 024 I n c, S I 6a 1,-, q u d -s v; i 11 'lie-Zh7 C-~f traporz was calcua- 11 0 T ..;I xpe -imen I P -Ised in e 1 ZS we..-,1J ty 1 t~. T I, a I or, EZ 1 Or, - The :-- on-- s t an t S .,, f Ar,'L U al~ S e!~! -1 1 n P and -.he val,,~ezi of e n -,I. a I i) y an a - 11 p a - F P~7 ir- ~n Lab,-Iazed i"orm, y A Vapoz- __a rl-~01 S L -,:.muonen-.s r2ay be -g, gives c a I e d r -h I c p~*-E._~'s,,-_res agains-~, 7 the rela--_on r)-f a ,,i -lie _- om-. p o s i ~ i c; t-. i_, 7 V d t,'- I-an e soluiions - _110 and ";- at and pa.,,.ial., pressures and conceti-ra,~.L(--L~~ b~nzerie a-~ _3,0:_C is also presented Ttt~E E!-aP!- -4--,,C CH _R 2 CH'~ S-,C- slight dEviati-Ons from the 4dea` C.-H_ -- S-,'iC'L- sz)-Luzion at ~;0'3C s-Lm--"-ar de- via-ions from Rao~-,!-, s lav.,, a,- -3c-zerved- The au-,hors calculated concentra-.-onS c.f -.n, -.,~,cors In ec'JI11--brium wlth the 11- C a r d 92 / -I T-VeSt4i;at~on, OF rreS,-~Ure ... U.;_ U~ IS/080/60/033/012/007/024 D209/1)305 quid phase at 760 mm Hg and tIlle results are given in tabulated form. There are 6 tables, 3 -figures and 1 Soviet-Ioloc reference. SUBMITTED: October 26,1959 Card 3/4 25 6 ~- 4 .0 D2 0 9 ;' D) 3 0 15 AUTHORS; Korchemskava. K,-li.T_. Shakhpa-rcnov~ Lel~-huki S~L~, Martynova. [~'.Ye- Baburina,---7-,T-,---aTI-X-Voroni-na, R.D% TITLE: InveS Tiga--ing p.-ssillre and %rapor dens---y b:nary solu-~ions cl' sillane chlol,---der'--~a-,,l~,7es PERIODICAL; Zhurnal p-r---kladnoy kh--lm,.i.. v- 33, no, 12, 1960, 270"~ TEXT: In 7he presenT work ., carried ouT, -co Dbz-a:.n -Lhe nec~essary da- ,a for determir '-ng --cnd-J-T:-lons for -1he re:;ii-LL2ation of haloalkyllo- silanes .. the ---ubn-,-., -fie resuits o~ inves,lgaTl-ons conl,ern- ing pressure and -jap-r den:~i~y under pressures o-f '30 - 800 mm Hg, The measurements v7ere ::nc=-rn.=-d wl-Th de-exm.ning pressure P, den- -y f, and the raole~:ular vie4ghl- of satiraTed vapor pressure of in_~ lutions. The va-ues of An-aan-s eauation dividual and s,-- - i - -onsta-yi-ts and the en-.h:-alpy and en-cropy values for -Jqu.d valsoriz-a- 'on a~ '76., mm a-~~ o-:-,7en in 'rabulated I'c-m. GraphIcally, -,.he au- Ll Card 2 4 S"080;,~ 60,-)33.- 012,'O,.8~/024 Inves 1. 1~La t ing pre ss)., ana D 2 0 9; D-.1 0 *,h.3-rs give t-h e 4z-_,tberms oz to-ca: and p_~r-tiai vapor pressules, of 1-iquids al-- 30. 4C-_ cO and !,~)-~alpress~.zres were cal;~u-ated Irom -he vap,-;r : omRo s 1 T -i o ndaia obtained ".'rom Y, values derived from the equa~i,,~n M x-- M.. The average mole.-ular weight 0.r sa- ,,-_ira,~-ed va.LoroMuzed f 1 vapor pres5ures deierminations or were chosen su-b that the dev-;.a-t-lons fr3m Raou-.,-,.-s law c rresponded ~10 to the Glbbs Duhem equar'L,-n, In all :ases- values of M used in calcula7ions differed by no- more -1han I - iL5 % from the experl-, mend, va.lues, In -thls the values of parti-a'2. vapor pressures and vapor %-er-e by -the cond-_,-t_~ons of thermo- dynamics and the experiman-121 data., wiLh aocura~:-y. Other tables repTecent -1he ~_Dnten-.s of vazo.- components in equili- brium wi-~h liquld phase at 760 mm Hg and the ac-.,-Lv_,ty coefficients of the components of various zemperatures~ The results submitted show that the solutions of methyidlChlo-1---sillane .- tetrachlorosila- ne are characterized by only S-11-ght posi-live deviations from the idea-, solutlion, and-In many cases may be cons-ldered as such. Solu- Card 2/,'~ 256' )4 S/080 "60/033/012/008/024 Investigating pressure and D2097D305 0 tions of chlorosilane solutions at 40, 50 and 56 0C. There are 3 figures, 7 tables and 2 Soviet.-bloc references, SUBMITTED: October 26, 1959 Card 3/3 S/076/60/034/007/017/042/XX BOO0068 AUTHOR: Shakhparonov, M. 1. TITLE: Theory of Solutions. X. Effect of Fluctuations on the Dielectric Constant of Homogeneous Isotropic Systems PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No- 7, pp. 1478-1487 TEXT: The aim of this work was to establish the reasons for the deviation of the experimental values found for the diele Ctr4C constant from those calculated from Onsager's'theory. Possible causes are: a) change of the state of the molecules in the solution as a result of interaction of the components (e.g., hydrogen-bond formation); b) fluctuation of the dielectric constant as a result of variations of concentration, orientation, density, etc; c) change of the short-range order when the composition of the solu- tion is varied.In this paper, only the effect of fluctuations on the average macroscopic value of E of the solution is investigated. The 'erage value of the local dielectric constant F_1 is calculated on the basis of Onsager's theory. The starting point is the function cloc(X?y)z) as the Card 1/3 Theory of Solutions. X. Effect of Fluctuations S/076/60/074/007/017/042/XX on the Dielectric Constant of Homogeneous B004/BO68 Isotropic Systems thermodynamic function of a volume element dV on the assumption of Gauss, probability distribution of the fluctuations: dWk = n kdVk/V (11), with dWkbeing the probability of.the value F_k , and nk the number of volume elements in which the local dielectric constant equals 6 k* 2 2 E IE /3 E C 1 - (661) /3(E) (36) is found for the re- lation between the macroscopic value E of the dielectric constant and the mean local dielectric constant El. The fluctuation of El is due to the variation of concentration c, temperature T, density Q, and orientlation: hi = (8 -cf/ac )'&c + (a El/aT)AT+(a E1/aQ)8Q+(&,E,) (41). For the j=2 j j or statistical mean square of fluctuation, the relation ',8 E =XldV (43) k 00)2 is obtained, where X is a function of concentration, temperature, density, and orientation. In a two-component solution and at a great distance from the critical temperature, however, only the effect of concentration has to be considered: Card 2/3 Theory of Solutions. X. Effect of Fluctuations S/07 0/60/034/007/017/042/XX on the Dielectric Constant of Homogeneous B004/BO68 Isotropic Systems 2 2 2 2 (A,C- , )=(a El/ac) (Ac) (47). Thus, (,&El) is a function of the mean local 'dielectric constant. There are 11 references: 3 Soviet, 5 US, 1 British, 1 Dutch, and 3 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (-Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: November 11, 1953 Card 313 S/076/60/034/008/007/014 B015/BO54 AUTHORS: 5hakhparonov,,jA, .... I. Balamutova, E. A.9 Lellchuk, S. L.j "Mikheyev, Ye. P. I' uFova, L. V., diushkova, L. F. and Martynova, M. Ye. (Moscow) TITLE: Investigation of Pressure and Density of the Vapor in Systems Containing OrRanosilicon Compounds. I. The System Benzene - Methyl-dichlorosilane Methyl-phenyl Dichlorosifane PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1734-1740 TEXT: The authors determined pressure and density of the vapor of a number of halogen alkyl silanes\Nand -aryl silanes since these substances readily react with water vapor or metals, dissolve in lubricants, and easily polymerize. In the present paperg they report on the system benzene - methyl-dichlorosilane - methyl-phenyl dichlorosilane. The experimental arrangement (Fig. 1) described in Ref. 2 is based on the Card 113 Investigation of Pressure and Density of the S/076/60/034/008/007/014 Vapor in Systems Containing Organosilicon B015/BO54 Compounds. I. The System Benzene - Methyl- dAchlorosilane - Methyl-phenyl Dichlorosilane principle of hydrostatic weighing, and is thoroughly explained. The apparatus includes a quartz balance which is installed in a glass balloon in a thermostat. In another thermostat there is the evaporator connected with an Hg manometer. Balloon and evaporator are joined by a thermally insulated, heated pipe. A quartz ball is suspended from the quartz spiral of the balance; as the vapcr of the substance investigated enters the balloon, the quartz ball loses in weight, and the vapor density can be determined from the decrease in length of the spilral.. The method of operation, the calibration of the instrument, and an estimation of the errors of measurement are indicated. The latter are about 1% in the pressure-, and abo-fat � 2.5% in the density determination. The molecular weight of the liquid vapors was calculated by the Mendeleye- Clapeyron equation, and compared with data of publications (Table 1); press-are and density values of methyl-dichlorosilane and mezhyl-phenyl dichlorosilane, as well as their solutionag are given in Table ?. The results show that the vapors represent associate complexe-z. The Trouton Card 2/3 Investigation of Pressure and Density of the S/076/60/034"/008/007/014 Vapor in Systems Containing Organosilicon B015/BO54 Compounds. I. The System Benzene - Yfethyl- dichlorosilane - Methyl-phenyl Dichlorosilane constant for the vapors was calculated, and given in Tables 2 and 3 Tt is found that at 400 - 1000C the vapor composition of the solutions benzene - methyl-dichlorosilane - methyl-phenyl dichlorosilane is practically equal to the vapor of the corresponding binary mixture benzene - methyl-dichlorosilane. The heats of vaporiza t. ion~nd the entropies were calculated. There are 5 figures, 3 tabl e d 4 Soviet and 1 US. references: 3 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomenosov.) SUBMITTED: October 30, 1958 Card 3/3 84245 //1 21 S1076160103410091003/022 0 EO!91/BO56 r! MOP 5 Balamutc-,,,a, 1". A., Shakhriaronov, M. I,., Lellchul-, S. T., " , -1,1 Ye , ni Lomo,~-. A.~ L., Mal i kovrl , Ij Glushkova. L, F, TITLE; invesiigatlen of the Pressure and Density -~f IIaDcr in Systems Containing Organosil-iccr Compounds\ II. The Systems: Meth.y.11dichlorcsilanel- Methyltrichlorosilane - Meth.71- phenyldi-,hlorosilane, and Methylpheny-Lidichlorosilane - ?,!ethyichlorophenyldichlorosilane - Methyld-Lchlorcphenyl- dic.hlorosilane PERIODICAL: Zhurnal f-47-icheskoy khimii, !960: vol. 34, Nc. 9~, pp~ -!916~1919 TEXT: The working method anI the +i'ons mentioned in the title have parer (Ref. 1). The pressure and n-ver the systems ment4loned in the and temperature range. measuring technique of the investi.-a- already been described in a previous Jensity of the saturated vapor phase title were measured --n a broad --on- The constants of the AntGine equations, Card 842115 Investigation of the Pressure and Density S/0116./60/054/009/003j/022 cf Vapor in Systems Conta 4 ning Organosiliccn B01cz/B056 Compounds. II_ The Systems: Methyldichlorosi- Lane - IMe thy! trichlorcs ilone .. !i'lethvi. pheny1dichlorosilane, and Methylphenyldiohloro- z;.ilune MetliylchlorophenyldichlorosiliriE, Iiilethyld~.chlorophenyidichlorosilan~- as weil as the values of the evaporation heats and evaporation entropies for the individual components (Table 1), and the two- and three-.component solutions at normal boiling temperature were calculated (Table 2). The valueGobta.ined show that the vapors of methyltrichlorosilane and Methyl- cii1orcLheny1dichlorosilaria- contain associated molecules, whereas the vaFers cf inetliyidic~ilorophenyidichloi-esilane do not aEsociate. At 1,00 0C and about 900 tcrr, Lhe varor (in equilibrium) ouer a solution of 50 mole% CH3SiEcl 2 + 50 molle% CHzSiC'_ consists nearly entirely of methyl- ri::hlcrosilane. All temneratares from 40- tc 100 C; the vapor composition f - S!C, ~he three-component solutions CH SiHcl CH HSi-I CH C I 2 3 6 2 SiHCI CH Sic, :s sli&tly different frcm that of the b'nary sysrem CH 3 2 5 .13 a,~ the same molar ratio c~f the latter -cmronent-s. Calculations carried Cara 2/1" 8 14 -2 45 Invest igation of ti,e Pre~_1.-- -r, De-, ity 3/376/60/0'4/00~/ GO ~/O;~ 2 of Vapor :-n Systems Containing Ccmpounds, Il. The Systems: Methylli-chlorosi- lane - ".ethyltr4chlorosilane - iMethyl M plie.,i,,--Id:cl-,IorOS4-1----ne, anJ 7,!ethylz)heny_1dichlcr,-- silane - ",P-thylchloronhenyldi-chicrosilane - ,~ie-ch~,'.di-chl~oror)hen,-,"Idichlorcsilane out on the basis of the Antoine equation show that above 100 C ne Change in the CH C H Sicl ccntent in vapor phase takes place, i.e., the 3 6 content remains low with the exception Of solutions in which the molar ratic of CH C,H,SiCl is near unity. There are 2 figures, 2 tab' d 2 6 2 les, an 2 referen3e~: 1 Soviet and 1 US~ ASSOCI-'.TION: Iloskovskily gosudarstuennyy uriversitet im. M. V, Lomoncsora State University imen-l' M, V. Lomonozcv) ~IUB',",ITTED: Oc-tober 3C: '958 Card .11/3 S/'076/60/0'A,4/()10/001/q22 BO15/BO064 AUTHORS: Balamutova, E. A , Shakhlw-ronov 1A -I Lel ' chuk, S L Lomov, A, L_ Mikheyev, Ye, P., Martynova, M,- Ye., and Glushkova, 1j, F- TITLE: Investigation of the Vapor Pressure and Density in Systems Containing Organo-silicon Compou~dsl III, The Systems DimethyldiChlorosilane - Methylchloromethyl- dichlorosilane and Trimethylchlorosilane - Dimethyl- chloromethylchlorosilane - Dimethyl Dichloromethyl- chlorosilane PERIODICAL: Zhurnal f-izicheskoy khimii, 19060, Vol. 34; No, 10, pp, 2156-2;59 TEXT: Pressure and density of the saturated vapor of the systems (CH 3 2SiCl 2 - CH 3CH 2ClSiC12 ' CH3CHCJ 2Sic'-2 and (CH 3)3 Sicl (CH 3)2 CH ?ClSiCl - (CH 3)2 CHCl2SiCl were investigated in the wide range Card 1/6 Investigation of the Vapor Pressure and S/07t)/r',O/O-,'4/'010/00'./022 Density in Systems Containing Organo - B015/B064 - silicon Compounds. III- The Systems Di-methyldichlorosila-ne - Methylchlcro- methyldichlorosilane and Trimethyl-chlorosilane - Dimethylchloromethyl- chlorosilane - Dimethyl Dichloromethylchlorosilane of concentration and for temperatures of from O'~' to ')OOC The same method of measurement was used as in a previous paper (Ref, 1), and pressure and density of the individual components were determined. The .--urves obtained on the temperature dependence o-," pressure and density show that pressure and density of the systems investigated rise exponen- tially with temperature, Table 1 gives the values of the refractive indices, the density, the boiling points of the components at 760 mm Hg the molecular weight of vapor at this pressure ', the values of the con- stants of the Antoine equation as well as the values of the evaporation heat and evaporation entropy at the normal boil-ing po--'nt- Card 2/6 S/076/60/034/010/001/022 B015/BO64 --4ble I L 131~tuecno -2D, 4I T P Jif na pa 11 It P I TCOP A "I I B c 'll S .. 760 AM 7 60 ((:[13)ssicls 1,4052 1,0715 70,1 129,0 129.0 9,572 3t10 345 7450 21,7 UHXH,ClgiCI2 1,4494 1 2832 119,5 t7l,O 163,6 6,930 1265 194 9150 22.6 CHaCHCIsSiCis 1,4690 J:4107 149,0 t98,2 198,0 6,306 123,0 203 7940 18,8 )Ssicl (CH 1,38M 0,&581 57,7 H2,3 108,65 7,0098 IM 229 7560 22,8 (CH ),CtIXISICI : 1,4372 1,0844 114,9 152 143, t 9,035 2635 314 8460 21,8 Card 3/6 S/076/6o/o'34/o1o/oO1/022 B015/BO64 .--Tabib 2 T it (,.-: it iia 2 solution PaCTHOP D 'i 20 4 a A B C AH -AS A 500j, py, Sicl,+500,; C113CI12CISiC[l 1,4309 1,1842 5,826 732 M 6960 19,2 89,4 500,10 (C[13)2 SiCI,+500,' C113CHC12SiCI, 1,4450 1,252 6,535 1130 216 7250 19,8 93,5 500,, CIIXHXISiC12~~ + -500,"1 CIISCIIC12SiC12 1,11619 1,344 7,054 1435 124 10800 26.8 130.9 330,6(cfl3),SiCil+33~6CIlaCI13CISiCls+ - + 31% CII'.ICIIC12SiCI2 1,4469 1,2679 - 9500 25,2 103.0 5006 (C[13)3 SiGI + 500,6 (CIIa)3 X ~61,,Clsici 4, 4158 0, GO 197 14, 163 tO550 810 7540 21,4 78,8 500N, (Ctf,,)s sicl+50% (GIIS)3 X X CHC13SiCl 1,4304 I 1,05121 6,923 1426 264 830 18,9 88,5 1 1 OQ,6 , C11GISICI + 50% (CHN)s x MC 9 C 1 1cl x . ~ - i.t585 - - - 5480 13.8 124,0 3% CHC12 (CIIm)3 SICI + 34% (CH*)sX l .1 1. X SiCI + 33% CHCHCISICI t,4321 t,0670, - 7600 16.9 i 3 iOS,O Table 2 (continued) S/07-'/U'fO/034/010/001/022 B0157BO64 T i 6a ii ix a2 (npoDoxwenue) Solution M U x + J x 500" (CIIO-SiC12+500; C113CII-CISMI, t 42,3 0,68 0.32 500,10 CfI3),siCJ2+500'0 CfJ3GIICI2SiGI-j U 139,7 0,845 - ,sCHzCISiCI2-~ 50% +50%CII3CIICI,siCI, 180,0 - I 0,605 33% CliB)2S'Cl2-F33%CI13CI13CISiCI2+ N 10,01 cli'mm'sicl, 14,2,5 0,70 0, t8 50%(CH3)ISiCI+50%(CH3)2x xCfI:CIsiC1 113,0 - - 0,90 0 10 50% (CI13)3SiCI+500,f (CH3)2X , XCHC12sicl 50%(CI13j2CH2CIS'C1 + 500160 P13)2)e xCHC SiGI M71 - 0 860 330,; GIIGIj(CHj)2SiGI + 340,6 (Cjja)3X , XSiCI+33 CHsCI1,CISiCj 135, 6 - -0 - 855 -z:0. 132 Card 5/6 S/07Y0'O/O34/01 0/00 1 /022 B015 B064 Legend to Tables 1, 2: In Table 1, 1 denotes the substance, 2 = boiling 0 oint at 760 mm Hg, 3= molecular weight M at 760 mm Hg, 3 = 11 theoretical. 1 'boiling p9int in OC in Table 2. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet references.. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M..V. Lomonosov)' SUBMITTED: October 30, 1959 Card 6/6 BERIDZE, D.K.; SHAKITARONOV, M.I. Rayleigh scattering of lig~.t in nitrobPnzene - hexane solutions. UC .1.I.zap. VIOPI 92:49-71 '60, (MIRA 34:9) (LiFht--Scattering) ('Jilro~-,Pn7ene--Optical properties) (HIxIiIIP-OpLical properties) 85524 S/020/60/133/003/029/c3l/xx eOO6 (3-2,0/, /01.~ BOOVBo64 AUTHORS, Lanshina, L. V- and ShakhParonov M. I. I- - - -------- 91 TITLE- The Fine Structure of the Rayleigh Dispersion of Light in Solutions and the Dispersion of Hyperacoustic Vibrations A PERIODICAL.~ Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 3, pp~ 624 - 626 V/ TEXT, The apparatus used by the authors to photograph the fine structure of the Rayleigh line of dispersed light has already been described in Ref. 1. The authors investigated mixtures of acetone and water at 250C with a molar ratio of acetone of 0.0; 0.06; 0.2; 0.4; 0.7, or 1.0, and mixtures of water and methanol with a molar ratio of the latter amounting to 0.15; O~36; OA; or 1.0. Measurements were made by means of the Hg line A = 4358 A, and for pure water also with A = 4046 A. The photographs were photometrically treated with an P4-4 (MF-4) microphotometer.-~ Fig~ 1 shows the pro~oagation velocity of hyperacoustic vibrations in acetone - water (L)-o.6-io sec-"'. A-22-10- 6cm) and methanol .., water mixtures (w,-'::~6.5-10 10 sec- 1 Card 1/3 85524 The Fine Structure of the Rayleigh Dispersion S/020/60/133/003/029/031/XX of Light in Solutions and the Dispersion of BOOVB064 Hyperacoustic Vibrations A,-'-22.0-10-6 cm) as computed from the equation AVIV = 2n(v/c)sin(0/2). The data of Refs. 4, 5 on the propagation velocity of ultra-acoustic vibrations (w(-~:L56. 1o-5 sec" 1, A---.24 * i o'_ 3cm) are added for comparison. A considerable negative dispersion of hyperacoustic vibrations was found to existi 4W-0 reached about 5%, while the root mean square of deviation was only about 1.4%. The negative dispersion vanishes with falling water concentration x 1 i.e., for acetone - water at x 1 = 0.65 and for methanol - water at x 1 = 0.5. This negative dispersion is explained by the structural relaxation of water, and corresponds to the well-known anomalies of water. Moreover, the integral intensity I_ of the central component and the intensity I tr of the translational component by Mandel'shtam and Brillouin were compareds and the refractive index nX was represented as a functioa of concentration (Fig. 2). Considerable positive deviations from the Raoult law were observed in the acetol-e -- water mixture, The fluctuations of concentration attain their Card 213 84707 S/020/60/133/06/o15/016 _r.%41 OU B004/Bo64 AUTHORS: Shakhparonov, M. I., Lellchuk, S. L., and Korchemskaya,K-Yi. TITLE: The Thermodynami ies f the Solutions of Chlorine a_EZ2jerties 0 Derivatives of Silane'l PERIODICAL- Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 6, pp. 1388-1390 TEXT: The authors report on measurements of the pressure F and density ,r of the saturated vapor of the following systems! CH 3 SiRcl 2 -sicl 4; SiHCl 3 -C6H 6; CH3Sicl 3 - Sicl4; (CH 3)3 SiCl - CH3 SiHCl 2; (OH 3)3 Sicl - CH3 Sicl 3Y as well as solutions of CH 3SiHCl2 and CH3Sicl 3 in the X azeotropic mixture of 45.93 mole% (CH 3)3 SiCl and 54.07 mole% SiCl 4' Ref. 1 describes the methods of P and tmeasurement. Table 1 gives the values of the constants A,B,C of the intoine equation log P - A - B(C+T) for the systems investigated, as calculated from the experimental data of P. The molecular weight of the saturated vapor was calculated from the Card 1/2 84707 The Thermodynamic Properties of the Solutions S/020/60/133/006/015/'016 of Chlorine Derivatives of Silane B004/Bo64 equation 7 RT/P, and its composition from the equation 1-1 Yixf. 3. 1 Fig. 1 shows the total and partial pressures in the system SiHC1 3 - C6H6 at 300C as a function of the composition. The isothermal lines P and P i of the system CH 3SiHC1 2 - Sicl4 at 400C, and of the system CH 3Sici 3 - Sic~ at 500C are given in Fig. 2. The systems mentioned show little positive deviations from the ideal case. The systems (CH 3)3 sici - CH3 sici 3; CH3SiHC1 2 - (CH 3)3 SiCl; azeotropic mixture - CH3Sici 3; and azeotropic mixture - CH 3 SiHC12follow the Raoult law. The isobaric lines of these systems at P = 760 torr are shown in Fig. 3. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: April 4, 1960, by V. I. Spitsyn, Academician SUBMITTED: April 2, 1960 Card 2/2 0 ilju~) 6 0 0 c/'/,P 2-J c/02O/6O/134/OC13/019/O2O ;004/B067 AUTHORS-, Lomova, N. N., an(~-Shakhparonov. M. I TITLE,-. The Dielectric Con~ the Molecular Structure of Soluilons Bavin-g--a--67-iTical Dissociation Rans-,~ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SISSR, 1960, Vol.. 134, No. 3, pp. 632-635 TEXTi In an earlier paper (Ref. 1) M. T, ShakhDaronov obtained the following resultst For solutions whose thermoaynamical properties show large positive deviations from ideality, i.e., large fluctuations of concentration, the experimentally measurable dielectric constantsis smaller than the average local dielectric constant -C 100 Cloc J/ - )2- 2]/ [ 2 , (97 1oc/')Y'/NE/?Y)1E (1)- To study the -7- 2 influence exerted by the fluctuation (6~q of concentration on the authors measured t, the density t, and the refractive index n of solu- f4 D tions of nitrobenzene (NB) in cyclohexane, n-hexane-, n-heptane, and Card 1/4 839o5 The Dielectric Constant and the Molecular /0- Structure of Solutions Having a Critical BO04/BO067 Dissociation Range .L n-octane. The critical dissodation temperature of these solutions was found at 400C for 48-0 mole`i!,' ITB in cyclohexane; at 20,0'C for 43-15 m018% NB in n-C6H 14 ; at 19-30C for 47.5 molecj,' NB in n-C 7H,,; and at 19.10C for 5'-.0 mole"' IIB in n-C H On the stren.c-th of experimental data the iso- a 18, thermal lines for ~_ were drawn (Fig. 1), and the isothermal lines for E, were calculated by Onsager's method (Ref. .1 ~.On the basia of data 100 2 obtained for loc loc and ~ F-19y(,6T) was calculazed~ The dependence of 6*.q)2 on t and tj was analogous in all four systems, The values depended l'ittle on the type of hydrocarbon used, 2 Fig, 2-, dependence of F- 10C ,q- IA , and (,A ?) P on -.he concentration of nitrobenzene in the T2 0 syFtem -nitrobenzene - n-hexane at 40 C Card 2/ 839o5 The Dielectric Constant and the I",:olecular S1020V6O1I,341CjC3/01(91020 Structure of Solutions Raving a Critical B004/Bo67 Dissociation Range Fig, 2 sho-vs the course of loc L Y)2 and of the intensity I k of the Rayleigh scattering for I = 5760 A in the system nitrobenzene - n-hexane, The authors discuss the result on the basis of the statistical theory of fluctuations and of the interaction of neighborin.- molecules. By dIfferentiatinE equation (1) they obtain equation (5) for (Q~ IWIq 7 and thev conclude tha' th --1--e of (9E /9t4 is reduced -ear the critical pofnt. this was confirmed by measurements 3f E in the system ritrobenzene .-heptane and nitroberzere n-octane near the point of disscoiation F J_ '5) z - 12-4- F_ = f(t) near the critical point o- dissociation, 1 - solutior of nitro~e-rzene in ri-heptane, x = 0.4610; 2 - sclu- C H NO -6 5' 2 2 tion of nitrobenzene in n-cctans, x 11a, 2a before dissocia- No 0,514, C6H5 tion, I, 2b after dissociatior Card 3/4 839o5 The Dielectric Constant and the Molecular S/0201601'. 34/00 31019,1020 Structure of Solutions Having a Critical B004/BO67 Dissociation Range These results are contradictory tc the data of Ref- 5 according to which 0 has maxilma in the critical ranZe, The authors refer to Gibbs (Ref. 6) 2 2 accord ng to which relations of the form (qX 0,i)Xj ~ 'i (9 xj/lx.)Xi= 0 are 'thermodynamically not generally and exactly valid in the critical ran-ne. He-nee, the validity of such relations must be experimentally or theoretically prcved for each case by means of a molecule model. There are 3 figures and 6 references: c Soviet and 1 USI ASSOCIATIOI'~ Moskovskiy gosudars'.vennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova 2.1,oscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTE-D% April 4, !960j by V. I. Spitsyn~ Academician SUP'I'ITTED, April 2, 1960 Card 4/4 SHAIUIP.AMNOV,,-- M.I. (Moskva) Some aspects of the theory of metal alloys. Iz-... 417. SSSP. Otd. tekhw nauk. Plet. i topl. no.3:118-120 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) . (Liquid metals) (Alloys) .,-.,Ii-.'ov, Ya.Yu. Influence of fluctuations on the dielectric properties of solutions in ultrahigh frequer-cy eloctrorwgretic fields. Zhur. sti-Wt. Ichim. 2 no. 1:13-19 ja-r- 161. (.-':M~- 14:2) Nosh.ovsh-iy gosudarstvennyy univers-1tet im. M.V. Lomonosovv-. (Dielectric constants) (Electromagnetic wuves) KASIMOV, P, M~7,SHAKRPARQNQV)--M~ I. - Dielectric properties of nitrobenzene - hexane solutions in a millimeter range of radio waves. Azerb.khim.zhur, no.4;101- 108 161. (MIRA W11) (Nitrobenzene--Electric properties) (Hexane--Electric properties) K)R~HNSKnY,~t, ?, 1) Lr-"L'CHUY.,,';.I,.; i,'IPaTYN,-')Vik, E.Ye~; BABUiNik, I.D. Fressurc- and density of vapDrs from solutions of chlorine deriva- tiver- of silane. Fart 4. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.'Lekh, 4 no.4: 584-,r-8,7 '61. ( IM IIU- 1 ': 1 ) 1. Vioskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, kafe-dra fizicheskoy k~imli. (Silane) (Vapor pressure) BERIDZEV D.K.; ~~A?LONOVJI MOIO Rayleigh light scattering by solutions of nitrobenzene in hexane. Opt. i spektr. 10 no.2:240-248 F 161. (MIU 14: 2) (Benzene) (Hexaae) (Light-Scattering) BERIDZE, D.K.; SHAKHPARONOV, M.I. Remarks on Krishnan's phenomenon. Opt. i spektr. 11 no.2:282- 284 Ag 161. (Light-Scattering) (14IRA 14:8) (PhOtOmetx7) 3/058/62/ooo/o 12/030/0 4 8 16r J/A101 AUTHORS: Shakhparonov, M. I., Tunin, M. S. TITLE: The hyperacoustic properties of liquids and the structure of molecules PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, 13, abstract 12D96 (In collection: "Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva". M., no. 15, 1961, 19 - 28) TEW.: To investigate the hyperacoustic properties of liquids, a study was carried out of the fine structure of Rayleigh's soattering lines in liquid pyri- dine, thiophene, furan, quinoline, naphthalene, and also in heptane, The absorp- tion of ultrasound was measured for these substances, except for the latter two ones. The selction of the substances is based upon the consideration that a strong sound absorption must take place in those liquids whose molecules are compact, easily polarizable, and have a comparatively large number of mobile electrons and a "rigid" framework of atomic nuclei. In all investigated sub- stances, except for heptane, a considerable positive dispersion-of the velocity of hypersound was observed. In heptane, whose molecules do not have "rigid" Card 1/2 S/058/62/0()0/012/030/048 The,hyperacoustic properties of'liquids and... Ai6o/Aioi atcmic '1ramew3rk, tiespeed of the hypprsound coincided with the speed of ultra- sound within the error limits of the experiment. The relaxation times yielded by the experimental data are close to those calculated by Hertzfeld's formula. This V is in conformity with the assumption that the dispersion of sound in the investi- gated liquids is clue to intramolecular processes. L. Filippov rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/058/62/000/012/031/048 A16o/Aioi AUTHORS: Akhadov, Ya. Yu., Shakhparonov,.M.'J., Kasimov, R. M. TIME: Investigations of the molecular structure of individual liquids and of their solutions by radiophysical methods PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, 16, abstract 12DI12 (In collection: "Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled, veshc*hestva". M., no. 15, 1961, 29 - 39) TEXT; Investigations were carried out of the permeability and losses of the following solutions: acetone-benzene, acetone-carbon tetrachloride, acetone- -nitrobenzene, nitrobenzene-hexane, acetone-methyl alcol-101, and acetone-water within a wide concentration and temperature range and on radio-wave lengths of 8.15 mm and 3.21 cm. An analysis of the results indicates that the molecules in the mentioned first four solutions did not tend to association. It appears that there are deviations from a chaotic distribution of polar-molec'ule orientations In the acetone-nitrobenzene solutions. In the acetone-methyl alcohol and acetone- -water solutions it seems that there are associated complexes of water and methyl Card 1/2 3/058/62/000/012/031/048 Investigations of the molecular structure of.., A160/A101 alcohol molecules. it may be assumed that when adding small amounts of acetone to water, the associated groups of water molecules increase. FAbstracter?s note! Complete translation] Card 2/2 LCX-IOVA F. t ~. - SKAMPAR0110 I LA. I. - Dielectric constant and molecular structure of nitrobenzone solutions in heptane and octane. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.2:1thim. 16 no-3:33-37 1-13-Je 161. (1-',IRA 14:10) 1. Kafedra fizicheskoy khiri!-i Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Nitrobenzene--Electric properties) SRAKHPARONOVI M.I. Theory of the dielectric properties and molecular structure of concentrated solutions of polar molecules. Vest. Mosk.Un.Ser.2: Khim. 16 no.5:69-80 S-0 161. (KM 14:9) 1. Kafedra. fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Solution (Chemistry-Y-Blectric properties) (Molecular association) KAS4WV, R.M.; AKHADOV, Ya.Yu.; SHAKHPARONOV, M.I. Dielectric properties of acetone - carbon tetrachloride solutions in superhigh-frequency electromagnetic fields and fluctuations in concentration. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no. 3:207-211 161. (MIRA 14: 5'1 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov AN AzerbSSR. (Acetone-Electric properties) (Carbon tetrachloride-Electric properties) 11 KASIVIOV, R.I:.; AMADOV, Ya.Yu.; SMITAROITOV, Dielectric properties and v-iolecular structure of acetone solutions of nitrobenzene, methyl alcohol, and water. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no.8:687-690 161. (MIRA 14;10) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessav 0 fizerbSSR. Predstavleno ak-ademikom AII Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR M.F. Nagiyenm. (Dielectrics) (Syotems(Chemistry)) 9 SHAKHPARONOV. M.I. Theory of isolutions. Part 12., Dielectric polarization and molecular structure ofn4robenzene and acetone solutions. Zhur. fiz.kbim. 35 no.6:1177-1185 Je 161. (MIU 14:7) I I.. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Polarization (Electricity)) (Benzene) (Acetone) Lj I ~ D 31187 S/076/61/035/012/007/008 B101/B138 AUTHORS; Tunin, M. S., and Shakhparonov, M. I~ TITLE- Investigation of the "hypersonic" and ultrasonic properties of pyridine benzene solutions Pi,RIODICALc Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii; v. 35, no, 12, 1961, 2-83 - 2784 TEXT; The authors seek to explain the molecular nature of relaxation in the 10 14 10 - 10 cps field ("hypersonic")by studying the dependencies between these processes and the composition of the solutions. The propagation of hypersonic and ultrasonic waves, viscosity, and absorption coefficient in benzene pyridine mixtures were measured at 250C. Propagation velocity of hypersonic waves was optically determined from the fine structure of the Rayleigh line 4358 R) of scattered light,using the method described by M. I. Shakhparonov, M, S, Tunin (Primeneniye ul'traakustiki k issledovaniyu veshchestva (Application of ultrasonics for the investiga- tion of a substance), Trudy 9-y konferentsii, no, 14, Izd. Mosk. ped, in-ta, 1961) and L~ V. Lanshina, M, I. Shakhparonov (Dokl~ AN SSSR9 1371 830, 1961) Velocity of ultrasonic propagation) v0) and absorption Card 1/p - 31187 s/076/61/035/012/007/008 Investigrition of the- - B101/B138 coefficient a were measured for f = 2016 -- 34~4 Mcps, The meter wave .aenerator had an output voltage of 5~Y - 50 mv,. The values were calculated according to the equations, ah 4L%3i/6qv1 h 2 2 2. 212 0 h CL 7L W -r (v - v )/2v3(i + to i maxk 0)1/v2 where 01 0 a , n(v - V h 0 a s the maximum value of the relaxing part of the absorption ,)Amax - coLefficient, andA- the length of the sound wave in the maximum of h r" aV * Results are shown in Figs, 1 - 4, There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet refer- ences~ ASSOCIATION, MoskoV3kiy gosudarstvennyy univers-itet im, M, V, Lomonosova 0 (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED- May 7., 1961 Card 2/6' S HAMPAIU.NOV, _ Rayleigh scattering of light and the ordered orinetation of molecules. Dokl.AN SSSR 136 no.5.1162-1164 F 161. OUA 14:5) 1. Moskovskiy goo. universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavlen-) akad. V.V.Shuleykinym. (Light-Scattering) (molecules) L; ~v lilzlit ..c.-. LTer', m,,~ so'ut-Jc.~ s In carbon 0; 13 1 no 161. C T 1. i--;-.."..V.Lo:loacsovn. Fc.!d- st,-xl eno aL-ade,-i' u 'T Coll, (Acetuone) k c i t r c' ~. 1 :t re LANSHINA L.V.;-�HAKHPARGV0V ILLI. Fine structure of the Rayleigh line of scattered light, and the propagation velocity of hyperacoustic oscillations in water. Dokl. AN SSSR 137 no.4:830-832 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenryy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom V.V. Shule7kinym. Underwater acoustics) ght-- Scattering) M SILAKUL1011OV, I'Alikhail Ivanoyj~~h -- -- . doktor khim. nauk, prof.; KNYAZEVA,L., red.; KLMOVA, T., tekhn. red. [Chemistry and philosoplrjj Khimiia i filosoftia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1962. 135 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) S/843/62/000/000/001/010 D207/J308 Shakh~,)aroiiov, :.I. V T ITLE: -'en-.1ittivity molecular structure of solutions SOWIIC:~! ~~troYcniyc i fizichaskiye svoystva veshchestva v zhidkora sostoyanii; matcrialyJV soveshch. po probl. zhiCkogo sost. veshchestva, v Kiyeve 1959 g. Kiev, iz(',-vo Iliev. univ., 1962,' 4-10 T It The following formula is derived for the difference betwee-a the expe rime rtt al I., deten-ained macroscopic pennittivity Q) and the local average penlittivity Q:) of a solution: E00 aci 2 + OD 00 (5) aFCO (2 + 8F C j i Gard 1/3 ',Jerr ittivity and mol-ccular where 400 00 and CE 3CI S/843/62/000/000/001/010 D207/D308 (6) (7) The subscript oodcuotes the -Pernittivity values at optical frequen- cles* c- is the concentration of the component i in the solution. Similar formulas for (1) the electrical conductivity c-, or (2) the permeability A can be obtained from the above permittivity formula by substituting c~ fo~ P- in the case of conductivity, c/~L for 6 in the case of peniica'Ality (c is the velocity of light). Com- parison ..,ith the experinicntal data for solutions of nitrobenzene and acetone in nunLiolar. solvents showed fairly satisfactory agree- Oard 2/3 KORCHLI-13KAYA, KJ4.; I ; LELOCHUK, S.L.; KORABLINA, T.P.; BABURINAI I.I.; VOLDNINA, R.D. Investigation of the vapor pressure and vapor density of binary solutions of silane chloro derivatives. Part 4. Izv.vys.ucheb. zav.; khimA khim.tekh. 5 no.l.-65-69 16,1. OIRA 15:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova., kafedra fizicheskoy Idlimii. (Silane) (Vapor pressure) (Vapor density) EERIDZE, D.K.; SHAKHPARONOV, M.I. Some results of studies of Rayleigh scattering of light in the critical region of stratification of solutions. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.7:771-778 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. 14oskovskiy universitet. (Light-Scattering) (8blution (Chemistry)) S/185/62/007/0()7/009/010 1048/1248 J, D -2 S. -L'tering of li~;ht -.nd y1ei.,-n sc! I-), o-I uiolecul,--.r orient-7-on in th e i i. r i b..z tJ -1 D I L fi-ychn.-,,y zhurn-.1, v.7, no,7, 190-27 782-786 T 3:,-,,-T :."hp 7-uth,-~r ch-llen.~7es th.(, v;,.ILdity of the m~,thcvia- 1 ~i-ed f,')r, ~he c-ilcil!-.ion of the term, the lor the -'a so--t'ering of li,~ht. The v--llue of the e t: Iu T, ~* scat'erin,- R c~,lculnted by the :instein method is cpelilclPl 0. k, - .I- 201A heighar th:~.n I? exp~riznental. IR cnlculnted by the other Cz-,.rd 14 S/185/62/007/007/OOGI/010 1048/1248 i-; by j(Y,0' ~.h-.n the eyi)--~riraental v-.lue. Better ;i xr-'eT',cn,, io obt- _i!ied wit~i I-Ae -~,:;.zation (n~:;f (2) . A n e qur,i i,-, ve(, fo co ,- ff i-ci ent of s cat t e ring caus ed by u c i),z, s i n 46-h o,-, n t --ti-)n of thc~ molecules (RO.,) in a multi- corr,;)onen't R IN 1. X= t I ) or x ~ (10) ic-re x., is the fr-c~i~-m Of compone nt is the opticn.1 ar.isotlropy, Y io the nWlibf~?r 0.1" components in the Solution, N1 is the namber of molcc:d,~s of c-)i-,ii:nn,.2,it C, in one ml. of the system, -;.nd !7 ~------j + There are 4 figures. A A3SOCL'%'I'ION: "~oslkovskiy Ltaiversitet (The University of Yoscow) Card 212 S/185/62/007/007/010/010 1048/1248 A U T1 1, Gj~: ~3) Sh~tkhp-~roiiov, I-J.I., Tunin, M.S., Lanshina, L.V., and T IT L E TIP, hyper,)colistic I)roperties of.liquids and the structure of molecules PERIIODICAL; Ukrninslkyy fi7ychnyy 7hurnp.1, v-7, no.7, 1962, 792-796 T,SXT: The di,-;,,)ersion of Sound vt~locities in the hyper- acou8tic rz~n';ew!is stuai,~.,d in ~~ number of pure liquids, using the techni(,ur2 described by I.L. F;ibelinskiy in UNF 63, 355, 1957. The ekperiments were cprried out tt 20-850C and were based on the ex2mi- nation of the fine structure of the 4538 1 Rayleigrh line. The Card 1/~ S/185/62/007/007/010/010 1048/1248 'The hyper:i.coustic properties of... ha-vin-, Tr-Plectrons, i.e. in all whose molecules --tre comp.-;.ct and pos2ess a relijtively large namber o.,L' mobile electrons. The mecha- nism of the rkcoustic dispersion in non-dissociated dis- ca~;sed, ana n. certadn anslogy iti discovered between -the structure of a molecUe and its tendency towards fluorescence and acoustic relaxation. There are 2 tpbles. ASSOCIATION: Nloskovskiy universitet (The.University of Moscow) 0 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Shakhparonov, M.I. 3/1-5/62/007/008/004/008 D234//D308 Kasimov, R.M.t and Akhadov, Ya.Yu. TITLE: Dielectric properties and molecular structure of concentrated liquid solutions PE:~70DICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 8, 1962, 874 - 882' T-".':(T: The authors give some of the results of a study of relaxa- tion of.the dielectric polarization of the following solutions: acetone-benzene, acetone-CCld, nitrobenzene-hexane, acet,one-nitro- benzene, acetone-met4,yl alcohol and acetone-water. Dielectric con-, suant and losses of these solutions were measured at 3.21 cm and 8.15 mm wavelengths by Poley's waveguide method. The experimental values were used for calculating the macroscopic relaxation times. Enthalpy and entropy of the activation of molecular reorientation in an external electric field were also determined. It is concluded that the solutions of nitrobenzene in hexane and of acetone in ben- zene and M have random distribution of molecular orientation. Card 1/2 4 S/185/62/007/008/004/008 Dielectric properties and ... D234/D308 The process of relaxation of polarization in acetone-nitrobenzene solutions can be approxim%-tely represented as a superposition of t,.vo independent processes. There are associated complexes of mole- cules of the solvents in solutions of acetone in water and methyl alcohol. Th-ere are 7 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: P'loskovskiv universitet (moscow University) Card 2/2 KORCHEMSKAYAY K, M.; SHAKRPARONOV, M. I. Thermodynamic properties of solutions of acetone-nitrobenzene. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2'. Khim. 16 (i.e.171, no.6:76-77 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Acetone) (Nitrobenzene) (Solution(Chemistry)) 40734 6/076/62/036/009/007/)11 B101,/B102 A Ui 0 1 TIT_~L: prt:;'6jc%,.s in the theory of molecular light scatterin- in 41CUICS Zhur-!al fizic~ieskoy khimii, v. 36) no. 9, 1962, 2030 - 2035 TF,*"T: The calculation of is analyzed. A COMDarison of the cal- (V T culated values rith experimental data shows that the calculation according to K. Ramanathan and I.Ro,-kard gives values for the scattering factor, which are too lov. and rhich deviate from the experimental value by an averaf,e of 3_3~6. The calculation of the Lorentz-Lorenz equation according to Einste;_n'is correct. Those vaLues rhich are too ' high by an averan,-e*olf 20c' with rc~pect to the experiment*are ex)lained by the inaccuracy of the Loren t7-Lorenz equation, in %-ihich. the isothermal polarizability is out val to -,ero. "'he calculation accordin(-. to Einstein - Smoluchov:sky dives true v~tlue!i If corrections are made for the refractive index and the The best resiilts are -iven by the calculation accord`nE. to -rhereby t,-(., devirjtions from experiment do rot exceed 11~. By Card 1/2' - ",. _jv, jrot 1,-ns in tiic. tl-co-oy ... B I '_'l /S 102 c 0-: i 3 r, n 1, m~~n t 1 .1.- ~ n t--. e c L! I c Ll 1::i t i on o f t ~: i e Lin i s o t ro c -F -Lc 0 r R or c..;.~)t3.o-klly oriented molecules accorllin~-, to a - a + a S x a r Of !.iO1CCLll0.-, -jer cr.-.3, a 'Y 1~:ri -at -t- iL i ty , ive-; ron,l ---reciaent for nonas-:ociuted li,uins. Ilt- 1 ,-ind propanol is causea,' bj association. The accuracy errors in tieterlninin~-, of c,Ilci:la2.~ r c; noss- ;a_- c yet be;~n devel:).-.Pd. me sur ;:i n t i -i 'U~ j e ry ';'he-e is I 'a; e. ':",,e ~,os t im jcr an t C n C 05 S ". k. - j . - .11 - I / n C..0 or. c o _E: F'vre, 1,e r evre .90C., 1 '53- 1 - 7- 1:51j .3644, 1 `57; 1455, 19':6, 4.23, 1,- 1 _-)il'c.-.i-:~-Eia:-., '.2r-!nS. ? a ra d!7 o c . , 54, 611 , 1956. i LJ --iniversitet im. V. iomonr),q-)vp z~tat._- Universibv ii,,iLni T.'.. V. Lainonov-7% Gard 2/2 .*14017346 BOOK EXPLOITATION Shal,hparonov, Mikhail Ivanovich S/ Methods of investigatine molecular thermal motio and the structure of liquids (Matody4t isaledovaniya teplovogo dvizheniya molekul i stroyeniya zhidkostay), (Moscowl, Izd-vo Moak. univ., 1963, ill*da-, biblio.* index. 4,750 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: physics, liquid, molecular thermal motion, molecular structure, dielectric property, dielectric permeability, polarization, light diffusion, nonelectrolyte., radiophysical methods,, optical methods, PURPOSE MM COVERAGE: This book examines the experimental and theoratieal bases of a n'u;nber of radiophysical and optical methods of studying the molecular thermal motion and structure of certain liquids and solutions of nonelectrolythes. The re- sults of investigations of liquid systens withou'L. an intermolecular hydrogen bond conducted by the author and his associates in the Laboratory of Solutions of the Chemistry Faculty of MZU are given. A number of problems of molecular theory of the liquid state are analyzed on the basis of these results. The author tried to write the book not only for specialists in the theory of liquids, but also for researchers in related fields,, advanced students and graduate students of physics Card 113 Amw17346 and chemistry who are interested in the theory of the liquid state. Therefore, relatively complex or long mathematical analyses and also many tables are placed in the appendix, at the end of the book. The author gratefully notes that section 1 was written with the help of *R. N. Kasimov, Ya. Yu, Akhadov, and I. A. Vakalov; D. K. Beridze part Ucipated in section 9; R. M. Kasimov wrote Appendix D. The author is grateful to professors V. M. Tatevskiy and K. V. Topchiyev and Candidate of Technical Sciences B. D. Zaloga for assistance in organization of the research and to professors A. Ye. Glauberman and G. M. Panchenkov for reading the manuscript,, the editor., Candidate of Physical-'MIathematical Sciences K. P. Gurov,andassociates of the Laboratory of Solutions M. Ye. 111artynova. and K. M. Korchemskaya for assis- tance in preparing the manuscript for publication. TkBLEE OF CONTENTS [abridged]: Foreword - - 5 Introduction - - 6 Ch. 1. Dielectric properties and molecular theory of certain liquids 12 Ch. H. Relay diffusion of light and the molecular structure of liquids - - 72 Ch. III. Molecular ther-mal motion and the structure of concentrated Cord 2/3 1 ~ 1414017346 solutions of nonalectrolytes - - 115 Appendices - - 205 Bibliography - - 276 SUB CODE: PH SUBNITTIED: 21 Aug 63 NR REF SOV: 113 OTM: 090 DATE ACQ; 12 Mar 64 Card 3/3 SHAKHPIARONOV, 14. 1. Thermodynamics of dielectrics. Vest.Mosk.un. Ser.2: Mim. 18 no.6:11-13 N-D '63. !~ 17:41 1. Knl'edra fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. S/189/63/OW/002/004/010 A057/A126 AUTHORS: Vakalov, I.A.-4 Shakhparonovo M.I. TITIB; Low-frequency dielectric permeability and the structure of acetoro - nitrobenzene solutions PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya II, Khimiya, no. 2, 1963, 22 - 23 TEXT: The mean macroscopic dielectric permeability F-s measured in low- -frequency-fields has to be smaller than the mean local dielect ity ric permeabil e in solutions, where the vapor pressure shows a positive deviation from RaoLt's law according to earlier papers of the author (Shakhparonov, ZhFKh, V. 32, 1958, 1,414; V. 34, 196o, 977, 1,478; V. 35, 1961, 1,177)-' Investigations by F.M. Skirrov (Z. Phys. Chem., v. 41, 1902, 139) and W. Graffunder and E. Hey- mann (Z. Phys., 1931, 744) indicate that the vapor pressure of acetone - nitro- benzene solutions (250C) obeys Raoult's law. This is in disagreement with re- sults obtained by K.M. Korchemskaya, and M.I. Shakhparonov in a previous work (Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, ser. khimii, no. 6, 1962, 76), i.e.p* considerable deviations Card 1/2 S/189/63/000/002,//004/010 Low-frequency dielectric permeability and .... AO57/A126 from Raoult's law were observed, thus proving fine-structure fluctuations of the concentration. These experiments were repeated in the present work for an ap- proval. The measurements were carried out with 8 . 105 cps on a Czech "Tesla" W-271 device based on the change of the reactive conductivity of the resonance circuit. The accuracy was 0.2 - 0.5% and the obtained results demonstrate devi-,..~ ations from linearity in correspondence with the equatioh for 79se - Es. This deviation from linearity, which can be approximately deduced from the theory of Onsager, is apparently caused by the effect of fine-structural fluctuations of the concentration. It can be assumed, in relation to Onsager's thzory, that in acetone - nitrobenzene solutions the mutual orientation of molecules is*distri- buted chaotically, Hence, any mutual orientations of molecules of acetone and nitrobenzene nan be considered with sufficient accuracy energetically equal in temperature range of 10 to 40*C. There is 1 table. .,he ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii (Department of Physcial Chemistry) SMMITTED., July 4, 1962 Card 2/2 SHAKHPARONOV' M.I. Theory of solutions. part 1_1: Effect of fluctuations on the dielectric-constant, permeability, and electric conductivity of solutions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 35 no.5:977-983 MY 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Electrolyte solutions) SRAKHPARONOV, M.I. Thermodynamics of dielectrics and the molecular structure of liquids. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no-5:1169-1.172 My 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. YFREMI N, Ye.!,'., Prof.; KISI--LEV, A.V., prof.; KOBC)ZFV, N.I., prof.; FA',!CFvN'r%C)V , GM, , prof ;:~OILITGRA.K., Ci ?:-.H prof . ; Yu.V.., prof.~ SHAKHFAIRONGV, 0 J!, ) prof . ; SKURATOV.. S.M. prof FTCZU!- K.V., prof.; - OVSKII, N.' - n . .9 M.I.. prof. lAkov ivanovich Gerasimov, on hds sixtieth birthday. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.12:11803-2-1804 D 163. (ff~ 17: 1) 1. Kafedra fizicheskoy klilmli Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo unfversf teta, /020/63/149/002/028/028 BIOI/B144 'AUTHORs Shakhparonov, M. I. TITLEz Nature of substances with intermolecular hydrogen bond PERIODIM: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dokladyj v. 140, no~. 2-1963, 374-377 j:_ J TEXT. The usual concept that the.high stationary dielectric constant of water and alcohols is due to dipole polarization and association runs contradictory to the experimental fact thaf in water and alcohols Eis linear function of VT and the Debye equation is valid. This is explai by formation of.proton energy bands similar to the electron bands of semiconductors. Valency bands and conduction bands are assumed separatedi by a very wide forbidden band which can-be overcome by the protons in thel. tunnel effect*only in the presenoe of 01 N, Fj GI, or 3 atoms creating an], intermediary band similar to the impurity band of semiconductors. When a weak electric field is applied, a redistribution of the protons sets in between the "proton gas" and the.intermediary band. This entails the electric polarization which is otherwise explained by orientation of the..:- dipoles. Since the energy of this.redistribution is almost zero, uls t linear function of I/T. Equally', the proton relaxation time is indep6n- Card 1/2 1 9 002/02 28 /0 S 2Y63 B10 B Nature of oubstances with ... 1 144 dent of the orientation of the moleculest but is a function of the A. difference between the energy levels of the conduction band and the intermediary band. With the exception.jof the critical region* this difference is the same for all protons of the liquid and therefore th Debye equation is valid. Owing to the anomalous mobility of the protons.'' in substances with intermolecular H bonds, the deformation polarization, 'of these substances also is abnormally-high. Water, alcohols and other ~substances with intermolecular H bonds are, so to speak, proton semi- -conductors. In analogy to.the metal binding of electrons, it is her9 the case of a metal binding of protons. There is 1 figure* FEThUSH-EVSKIY, S.A., otv. -red.; KOLBANOVSKIY, V.N., -red.; PLATONOV IM G.V., red.; SHAKHPARONOV, M.I., red.; SHIRG~ V, M.F.) red.; VTI-OPGVICH red. GD .1 (Dialectical materialism and present-day natural science; materials of the All-Russian Seminar of Lecturers in Social Sciences on philosophy problems of present-day natural sci- ence] Dialekticheskii materializm i sovremennoe estestvozna- nie; sbornik materialov Vserossiiskogo seminara prepodavate- lei obshchestvennykh nauk po filosofskim voprosam sovremen- nogo estestvoznaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1964. 403 P. (MIIU 17:7) 1. Moscow. Institut povysheniya kvalifikatsii prepodavateley obshchestvennykh nauk. Kafedra dialekticheskogo i istoriche- skogo materializma. 1~4 SHAYMPARON07- P.I. of a liqulr'~ having intermolecular h,,-drogen bonda. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 n0-4-444-453 Ap 164-til 7 (M;iAA 17.:0 M, L.; D. Rayleil.gri sca~, cf lig t &nd the mlecular structure cf acetone gh, - &nd e thy7 a ',h=r solutil-;ns ir, chicrofom. OTt. ~~ s::P-ktr, 17 ro. -~ - -1 396 S 964. (MIPU 17:10) tF PSEIIKOVA, V.M.; KHROMOV, S. I.; STIAKPPARONOV, 14.1. December PleniuQ of the Central Comittee of the CPSU and the -),,:~raicai science at Moscow university. Vest. Mosk. un. er. 2: F]-.jr,-. -19 no.1:3-19 Ja-F 64. (MIRA 17:6) GOUNYKINA, V.V.; VAK-4UN, j. A~ ;SHAMPARONOV, M. i. f)J6150tr-ic cOa---5.rT, arid mcdecu!Ea- otructure PP -.-vr .L - . idtne- .1 OL~croform SrJ,uti--.n,,. Vust. Mosk. un. S6r. 2.adm. 19 no.l-. 33-3-1 Ja-F '64. (MIRA 17: 6) 1. Rafedra fizl-,-hi:;zk,,y ~-!Ajrdi Vrj'v-oj-,k,-)go Lul-ivorsitsta. an(4 ror--Iecul,~- Z f~nuct-.:-;, of P-c:e n. C -ne - t-~ "S. -t Mr, e r ACCESSIOIN~ NR: AP4019511 S/0076/64/038/002/0252/0265 AUTHOR: Shakhparonov, M. I. TITLE: Substances with intermolecular hydrogen bond as proton semicoriductors SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy kh1mii, v. 38, no. 2, 1964~ 252- 265 TOPIC TAGS: proton semiconductor, proton exciton; proton defect, hydrogen intermolecular bond, proton conductivity level ABSTRACT: The author assumes that protons, like electrons, in condensed me- dia have a conductivity zone separated by the zone of forbidden states in addition to the valence zone. Normally (for instance in saturated hydrocarbons) the Nvidth of the forbidden zone is great and practically no protons reach the conduct- ivity zone. But in certain cases, for instance, when the substance is capable of formin- intermolecular hydrogen bonds, the forbidden interval, narrows and the transition of protons from the vale-ricy zone into the conduction zone becomes possible. A diagram of -energy levels in proton semiconductors is given, show- C.rd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019511 ing proton exciton levela (exciprotons) and an intermediary level which is simi- lar to the admixture level in electron semiconductors. After a detailed discus- sion of topics such as dependence of dielectric constants on temperature, and on frequency, on proton mobility in semiconductors and on the theory of proton defect mobility and comparisons of theQretical premises with experimerital data, the author arrives at theifollowing conclusions: substances with intermolecular hydrogen bonds can be pi~oton semiconductors and proton dielectrics. Dielectric polarization of water, of a number of low-molecular alcohols, of acetone-chloro- l o ;! rm solutions and other substances with intermolecular hydrogen bonds in a wL ide spectrum of frequencies can be explained with the aid of the concept of pro- ton excitons (exciproton's). The anomalous mobility of protons and defects can be e--.:plained by the theory of proton semiconductors. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 1"I formulas, 1 table. _'.'~'SOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. M.'V. Lomonosova k':--'1oSCQW State University) -----:'D: 0"May63 ENCL: 00 ~ ~ - V DATE ACQ: 3lMar64 J--_~" COD CH NO REP SOV: 015 OTHER: 036 RA 3"7a SIU, Kilt;JM41(~V , i i. i - '7'tie~-Ify Cf* ',4-:t,' hydrogen buds. Zhur. fiz, k--.i-.rq. 38 no.10:2478-4-483 C, 'bL. (MIR.4 18:2) 1. fakul'tet ,Iosir,c,,,,s.,,-cao gosudarstvenriogo univer- , ~.? n siteta imeni M.%'. i,omonosova.