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SPAPTHO, !.D.- KPOTYANOVICH, A-V.; VEDENKYEVA, N.A. 4c--- P~Y--Lolorical effect -if frit fly inrvaf- 09scinasoma frit L.) on encryonIc tissups of corn. L)Okl- '~I' SQr'fi I'tC' no-4:978-980 0 '61. (MIHI~ 14: 9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy. Predstavleno akademikom Yc.N.PavIovF?,,m. (Frit flies) (Corn (1-',aize)--Diseases and pests) zJILAFL,O, 13aak, Davidovich; A',]REEIL."'OVICH, VJ3,Y red.; 12UTSKILYA, O.Ye., I red.; BARA310VA, L.G. y teklin. red. [Swedish fly as a corn pest and measures for its control] Shvedsicaia rcukha - vreditell kukuruzy i mery bor'by s nei. Leningrad, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 78 p. (MM 15:11) (Corn Waize))-Diseases and pests) (Fruit flies--Extermination,) KALASHNIKOV, Karp Yakovlevich; Sl~&]~~ITO,_-Isaak-_pqvydovich; REUTSKAYk, O.Ye., red.; BARMTOVA, L.G., tekhn. red. (Corn pests and diseases]Vrediteli i bolezni kukuruzy. Lenin- grad, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 188 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Corn (Maize))--Diseases pests) and SHAPIRO, I.D. Frit flies living in corn fields of the European part of the M.S.R. and the nature of their relation with this crop. Vop. ekol. 7: 203-204 162.. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vsesoyuzryy institut zashchity rasteniy Leningrad. (Frit flies~ (Corn (Maize)-Diseases and Rests) SHAPIRO,--L.D., kand.sellskolchoz.nauk; KARAVYANSK.TY, N.S., kand.sellskokho2r. nauk; 110VOSEELOV, Yu.K., kand.seltskokhoz.nauk Mixed plantings and the Swedish fly. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 7 no-4:37-38 Ap 162. O"TUR-k 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy (for Sha 3*XO). 2. Vseso- yuzn-yy institut kormov (for Karavyanskiy, Novoselav~- (corn (maize))-Diseases and pests) (Prit flies) KOROL.' VF~A~ I'll F. 1 F(`W7 A ~", , SH.Af- I HO , T -,D,~ VILKOVA.. f.,A,.- DRCIZDCIVSKIZ, EJ-%, Qui.s--Ions and answers, 7Ashch~ raet. ot irred, i boL 8 no,2- Iri. ', - , ~.,D F b j, (YdRA 16-.7) (Plants, Protection of) SHAPIRO, I.D.; VILKOVA, N.A. Places of egg laying of the Swedish fly Oscinella frit L. (Diptera, Chloropidae). Ent. oboz. 42 no.1:138-150 '63. (KRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyf institut zashchity rasteniy, Leningrad. (Frit flies) (Insects-Eggi) I . ;-. -I ; - r L; ~" , 7- : - : 1: -'~ `- f: 0 1 .! f-- ~ - i ; h - -7,' --, :" ~~, - ' '~ , I -, ~ ,. 71 , :-, : . :~ j c I I - :. r! ~ 1: '~- r. - r- :. *~ - ~ - ~ ~-- - f. L,, 74: , - , C~ ~: -r- ~', W I ~ ;,:, --. _. , ' z ~ " . , I I %. ~j I- ~.~ -. r-. ~, , . ;, !~ R - z ... , ..,. : ~4 " R 4- ~. -_i .. -1; F,ALASIU4'-IKOV, K.Ya.., nauchn. sotr.; ~ILAFLW, I.D., nauchn. sotr.; KIIALEYEVA, Z.N.. nauchn. so, KOKORIN, A.N., nauchn. sotr.; [Recomm.pndati-ons for the protection of peas, kidney beans, and forage beans against main pests and diseases] Rekomen- da*lsi:L po zashchite gorokha, 'Lasoli i kormovykh bobov ot rrlavneishikh vreditelei i boleznei. %loskl-va, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 15 P. (MIRA 17: 6) 1. Russia (10,233- U.S.S.R.) ministerstvo sellskogo khozyay- stva. Upravlenilye nauki, propagandy i vnedreniya peredovogo opyta. 2. Fushkinskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya baza Vse- soyumoso nauclmno-issledmatLellskogo instituta (for Shapiro, Kalashnikov, Khaleyeva. Kokor-*n) LYUBIN, B.Sh., inzh.; SHAPIRO, I.F.f inzh. Experience in the adjustment of wderna-zed ShuYhov-Berlin boilers. Prom. energ. 20 no.5:26-29 My 165. - (MIRA 18:7) SHAPIRO, I.G. "Donba9Fj - 7" cuttor-loader. Ugoll Ukr- 3 an.10:40 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Coal mining machinery) TARASENK0, X.I., gornyy inzh.; POPOV, P.V., gornyy inzh.; SHAPIRO, I.G. gornyy inzh. Mechanization of development mining operations. Ugol! Ukr. 4 . no-7:27-29 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Coal minesand mining) (Augers) KUTOVOY, V.I., inzh.; SHAPIRO, 1.G., Dizh. Determining the output of fine classes of coal in the operation of mining machines. Sbor. DonUGI no.29:80-94 163. (NIRA 16:10) (coal mines and mining) Boris Fanteieymoncvich; -L.'ya-C-rigo-r',yQ.KJ:ch, y --L - inzh.; EAU.', Ya.i)., nauchn. red.; LAF--'Z~"T', M.I., red. [--aying tilez;, !---,saics, and 11-gloliths."i Plitochnye, mo- zaicYz,ye i ksiiolitoi-ye raboty. izd.3., perer. i dop. Mo- s~xa, Vysshaia shkola, 190"/,. 30-1 p. (MIRA 17:7) '-)' '~ Y, P I ~. G Ii. G. Floors Defects in parquetry floors and methods for preventing them. Stroi. Prom. 30, No. 7, 1952. 9. I-Ionthl List of' Russig Accessions, Library of Con-c-ress., October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED, - - : I .. . - 1: . F!: ---S ~U-- '-r cI '~b--. !-ia -I,. o ncv. 41-ek'. v strci .15 N ~~ - ? I .., 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. SHAPIRO, I.G. . Assembling partitions by the method of I.S. Kovalev. Sbor.mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi. 15 no.6:16-21 153. (MLRA 6:5) (Walls ) .:-, t4 A tj j 11% -'~' I - !-x - KRIVTSOV, B.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHAPIRO, I.G., inzhoner; MAREK, M.P., nauchnyy redaktor; SOKOLOVA, M.A., redaktor; KRYNOCHKINA, K.V., tekhnichegkiy redaktor [Tile and mosaic work] PlitochnVe i mozaichnye raboty. Moskva, Tradrezevizdat, 1954. 179 P. (MIRA 7:9) (Tile laying) (mosaics) SHAPIRO, I.G.. inzhener. Exhibition of new construction technology In Moscow's Sokollniki Park of Culture and Rest. Stroi.prom. 32 no.lo:43-48 o 154. (Moscow--Construction industry--3xhibitions) WaA 7:11) SHAPIRO, Illya Grigorlyevich; TKHIL&DZE,G.R., redaktor; KONTSEVAYA,E.M., redaktor; XrrGWM,A.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Tile laying] Plitochnye raboty. Moskva, Vses.uchebno-pedagog.izd- vo Trudrezervizdat, 1955. 48 p. (MILRA 9:1) (Tile laying) -S.UPIRO, I.G. At the per-manent All-Union Exhibition of Construction Technolog7. Si, 33 no-3-46-47 Mr '55. (XLRA 8:5) (Moscow-ConBtruction industrp-Exhibitions) SHAPIRO, I.G., Inshaner. At the Exhibition of Nov Constractioa Technology. Stroi.prom. 33 no.10:41-44 0 155. (XUkA 9;1) l.Starshiy nauchuyy sotrudikik Postoysaney Vaesoyuzaoy vystavki. (MoBcow--Constractiox Industry-Exhibitioas) SKIEBTSOV. P.S.; SHLPIRO, I.G., inzheaer, nauchnyy redaktor; KRYUGER, Yt-V., redaktor ivM-Ve=RV9'-,"FRIDMAN, N.G., tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Use of thin solutions for setting tiles] Primenenie tOBhchikh rastvorov pri oblitsovke. Hoskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. J arkhitekture, 1956. 23 P. (MLRA 9:7) (Tile laying) ILOICHEV. Aleksandr Stepanovich, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; KOKIN, Aleksandr Davydovich, inzhenar; REBORTOVIGH,.Isaak Solanonoyich, inzhenar; SUPIRO. I.G.. iazhanar, nauchnyy redaktor; 3URKISTROT, G.N.. redaIff6f"'IGGIRt;' A.P.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Principles of building] Osnovy stroltellnogo da"A. Moskva. Vass. uchabno-Dedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1956. 318 P. (KIJU 9:7) (Building) SHA.PTPO,_,Illy~,,:qFla2t!E~y~c4,.inzh.; XYDINOV, Yu.S., inzh., nauchnyy red.; KHIMEYJNA, Ye.O., red. izd-va; STHPANOVA, B.S., tekhn. red. [Tiling] Plitochnye raboty. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry T)o stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958. 89 pe- (MIRA 11:10) (Tile construction) GAIAKTIONOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich, kand. arkhitektury; PITMLI, Iev Naumovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLIN, Gerts Iazorevich, inzh., red.; SHAPIRO II'7a..qrigor!yev~iqh.. inzh.; IIYDIXOT, Yu.S., nauchnyy red.; ~-C' -1 ~ ~ -81(v I M.A., red.; RAKOV, S.I., tekhn. red. [Handbook for young plasterers] Spravochnik molodogo shtukatura' Pod obshchei red. G.L. Sokolina. Moskva, Toes. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo Tradrezervizdat, 1958. 278 P. OKIRA ll-'7) (Plastering) KRIVTSOV, Boris Ponteleynonovich; SHAPIRO, Illys Grigorlyevich, inzh.; TKHILADZ!4, G.R., ntiuchnyy red.; TELINGATER, L.A., red.; PODOBED, E.G., red.; TOKER, A.M.,; PBRSON, M.N., [Tiling and mosaic work] Plitochnye i mozaichnye raboty. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Vses.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo, 1959. 268 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Mosaics) (Tile laying) SE.tLPIRO, I.G., inzh. New automatic ~qaba for large piece loads. Proizv.-tekh. abor. no.2:75-86 159. (MIRA 13:10) 1. TSentrallnoye proyektuo-konstruktorskoye byuro. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Cargo handling) GALAKTIOII:OV, Aleksandr Alekoeyevich, kand. arkhitektury; PITSOLI, Lev llaumo-,,rich, kand. tekhn. nqtlk; SOKOLIN, Gerts Lazarevich, inzh., Y --qWl~_Q,__.Li~ykGK::~ggeypyiLqh,--inzh.; TARUTIN, N.P.. nauchnyy red.; BEREZOVSKAY-A. A.L., ved. red.; PEREDERIY, S.P., tekhn. red.; BARANOVA, N.11., tekhn. red. (Handbook for the young pla3tererl Spravochnik molodogo shtukatura. By A,A.Galaktionov i dr. Izd.2.9 ispr.i dop. Mo3Rva Vses.uchebno- pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat 1961. 278 p. NIRA 14--a2) ~Plastering) ZiJiKOV, Aleksey Antipovich; SHAPIRO.,J.P., nauchn. red.; STAROSVETOh, V.G ., red. [Industrial training of plasterers] Proizvodstver-noe obtichenie shtukaturov. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 99 P. (MIRA 18:12) USSR/Yriysics Gas d:0.-aildcs FD-998 Card 1/1 Pub. 15" - 2/211 Authors Zysilna-14blozhen, L. M., and Shapiro, I. G. Title Interferometric investigation into the circulation around cascades of turbine sections Perr_ Zhur. tekh. fiz., 24, No 6, 978-988, Jun 1954 Abstract Expound results of a comparative interferometric investigation of two cascades of flat turbine sections. ComDare data of optical investiga- tion with results of pneumometric investigations. The work was carried out on the optical bench of the gas-dynamics laboratory of Division (otdel] No. 6 of TsKTI (central Scientific Research Boiler ana turbine Institute) with the assistance of VNIIM (All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Metrology). Institution : - Submitted : July 20, 1953 ZYSIIIA,-MOLCZHEN,L.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHAPIRO,I.G.. inzhener Interferometric investigation of flow through a cascade of compressor blades. [Trudy] TSKTI no.27:134-151 154. (MMA 8:12) (Gas flow) (Interferometry) (Compressors) GILD P - 1327 Subject USIs'R/E-.--.E-ineering Card !/I Pub. 110-a -- C?/l 9 Authors 7~YsL-, V. A., Zysina-Mo-ozhen, L. M.:. Kand. of Tech. Sci.- L Pol~iakcv, K. S. and Shapiro, I. J., Erigiriee'I,s 01 Title Int,-rfe-ometrical study of a flow around turbine bladings at trarp.-and supersonic speed PericdicRl- Tepl-cenergetika, 2, 38-42. F 1955 Abstract The results of interferometrical stuAies are outlined con- c,erning the flow at trans- and sunersonic speed arcurid turbine bladings at different values of the angle and of the pitch. Based on experimental data of a two- dimensional flow some considerations are Dresen-led rela- -tive to the most favorable parameters of ;.he t1adings analyzed from the point of view of blade losse8. Photos, charts, 2 Russian references (1953-1954). Institution Central Scientific Research institute of Boilers and Turbines Submitted No date 3r Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 1832 Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 9/16 Authors : Zysina-Molozhen, L. M., Kand. of Tech. Sci., and Shapiro, I. G., Eng. Title : Some data on the supersonic flow thro"Ugh the turbine blading Periodical : Teploenergetika, 3, 34-37, Mr 1955 Abstract The authors make an interferometric study of supersonic velocities accompanied by the emergence of jumps of compression and the resulting increase of losses in turbine blading. From inter- ferograms they attempt to obtain data about ways to remove possibilities of locking compression jumps in inter-blading disk spaces. Nine photographs and diagrams. Institution: Central Institute of Boilers and Turbines Submitted : No date SIIAPTRO, I. G., EISM-MOLMEN, L. M. (Lenin.-rad) "On the Heat Transfer in Turbulent Compressible Flows." report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics., Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. SHAPIRO, 1. G., CANO TECH SCI, "DETERMINATION OF THE 0- PARAMETER S OF FLOW"_t* AROUNDMf PLANE LATTICE OF PRO- FILES BY THE INTERFEROMETRIC METHOD," LENINGRAD9 1960. (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED RSFSR). LENINaRAD POLYTECH INST IM M. I* KALININ). (KL9 2-619 213). -201- I ;3H.~'F I AO, 1. 3. (Len InErrsd) "Ixperimental invest1cation of the Interaction between st-ock waves and the turbulent boundary layer". renort rresented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on 1heoretical and kpilied Mechanics, Eoscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. ACC NR' AT6006917 lp(w)/ETC(f)/EPF-(n)-2/EWG(m)/EWA(d)/EWA(l) souRcE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0305/0312 WINAMIGS AUTHOR: .;_Soskove, Is N ; Shapiro, I. G* r---- '~=M=W ORG., Leningrad Central Boiler and Turbine Institute (Tsentralinyy '~kotloturbln~ institut) TITLE: Investigation of the turbulent boundary layer formed by the flow of a compressible eas around a plate, accompanied bybeat transfer SOURCE: Teplo- i messoperenos. t- Tr- Teplo- i massoperenos pri vzaimodeyst'vii tel s potokami zbidkostey i ga.zov (Heat and mass transfer. v. 2.: Heat and mass transfer in the interaction of bodies with liquid and ges flows). Minsk, Nauka i tekbnike, 1965, 305-312 TOPIC TAGS: turbulent boundary layer, convective beat transfero gas Iflowl ABSTRACT: The aim of the article is stated to be a. theoretical and experimental investiEstion of the effect on the structure of the turbulent boundary-liyerj( in particular, on the tbickness of the laminar sublayer, of the Mach number snd the temperature factor, to evaluate their effect on the final result of calculations of the resistance of the plate, and to make more precise the initial hypotbeses of the semi- empirical theory. The experimental investigations of the effect of the Card L 24245-66 ACC NR' AT6006917 temperature factor on heat transfer and sqr~face resistance in a stream of compressible gas were carried out i-n.tbe optical unit of a supersonic aerodynamic tube. The experiments werip'made over a range of the temperature factor from 1 0 to 2.2 at a Mach number of approximately 1-5 and a Reynolds number of i07. The length of the working section was 0,5 meters. Results are exhibited in a series of curves. It was found that at values of the temperature factor substantially less than unity, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the thickness of the laminar sublayer on the Mach number, and particularly on the temperature factor. At values of the temperature factor less than unity, the effect of the Mach number and the temperature factor on the turbulent transfer constants can in practice be neglected. When the Mach number is less than 3-0, this leads to a decrease in the resistance coefficient by not more than 20%. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas and 6 figures, SUB CODE: ',20/ SUBM DATE: 09Nov65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 005 Card 212aOP- YATSKIKH, Valerian Grigorlyevich; KUTOVOY, Valentin Ivanovich; SHAPIRO, Iosif-Genrikhovich; MIRONOVA, T.A., red.izd-va; SABITOV, A., tekhn. red. (Coal sizing and ways for improving it during the' operation of mining machinery]Sortnost' uglia pri rabote vyemochnykh mashin i puti ee uluchaheniia. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 161 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Coal mines and mining) SINELIVIKOV., R.D.; BOBIDI, V.V.; SHAPIRO, I.I. y of the central and peri- Some data for the study of the asymmeti- pheral ner7ous systems. Arkh.anat.,gist.i embEr. /+4 no.1.56-61 Ja t63. NIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. R.D. Sinellnikov) Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Ctmvcus SYSTEM) 39568 S/205/62/002/003/014/015 1021/1221 AUTHOR Plotnikova, Ye. D., Strashenko, C. 1. and Shapiro, 1. 1. TITLE: Genetic radiosensitivity of guinea pigs PERIODICAL. Radiobiologiva, v. 3, no. 3, 1962, 481-484 TEXT: Gonads ofniale guinea-pigs were irradiated locally with doses of 300, 450 and 750 rat dose rates of 36 to 40 r/min. After irradiation the males were placed together with non irradiated females. The latter were killed after 40 days of pregnancy and the corpora lutea, sites of implantation and embrions were counted. It was established by this method that in guinea pigs the death orembrions took place after their implantation and the LD50 for embrions of the guinea pigs was 727 + 108 r. At this dose lethal genes appeared in 50% of the spermatozoids. Relying on data of previous works in which the LD50 was much lower for embrions of mice, rats and rabbits the author concludes that guinea pigs are genetically more resistant to radiation than the latter animals. ASSOCIATION: histitut biologicliesk-oy fiziki, AN SSSR, Akademiya Meditsinskikli nauk SSSR (Institute of Biophysics AS USSR, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR) Moscow SUBMITTED: February 7, 1962 Card 1/1 il ~ S1,11 A I -- -1 J-,, (1,,- , - Relaticnsh.4-p between nervi -,..-agi- at the level of the 11.4lus of the lung. Arkh. arlat., gis.. i ernbr. L8 ,,~Y ~,- = 0 G, ~ lo~:l) 1. Kafedra anatomii (zal.-. - prof. R.D. Sinellni-kov,l Dnarlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Submitted February 18, 196~3. 25(5) PHASE I BOOK LrXPLOITATION SOV/1274 Baranov, Boris Aleksandrovich; Zolotov, Vsevolod Nikolayevich (Deceased); Khisin, Rafail Iosifovich; Shapiro, Isay iosifovich; Shaskol'skiy, Boris Vladimirovich; Shakhnazarov, Musheg Mosesovich Tekhnicheskoye normirovaniye na mashinostroitellnom zavode (Technical Standards for Machine-building Plants) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 576 P. 7,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Kremenetskiy, N.L., Engineer; Ed. (Title page): Shakhnazarova, M.M.; Ed. (Inside book): Tishin, S.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: Rodzevich, S.S.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.; Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is a theoretical and practical manual for engineers and technicians engaged in setting technical stand- ards in aircraft manufacturing establishments and working in scientific research and planning institutes. Card 1/14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 COVERAGE: The book describes the methodology employed in set- ting technical time standards in machinery-manufacturing and metalworking establishments. It includes basic data on standards for machining, supporting, and assembling operations. Chapters I - VI were written by M.M. Shakhnazarov, Chapter VII by V.N. Zolotov, Chapters VIII and DC by R.I. Khisin, Chapters X, XI, XIII - XVII, and XIX by I.I. Shapiro, Chapter XVIII by B.V. Shaskollskiy, and Chapters XII and XX - XXVI by B.A. Baranov. There are 24 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 4 PART ONE. BASES FOR TECHNICAL STANDAUS Ch. I. Technical Standards and Labor Productivity 7 Ch. II. Structure of the Technological Process 12 Card 2/ -1 4 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/127-4 Ch. III. Standard Time and Standard Performance 18 Ch. IV. Composition [Elements] of Working Time 23 Ch. V. Methods of Determining Standard Times and Standard Performance 31 1. Methodology of standardizing composite elements of standard time 33 A. Preliminary and final times 33 B. Basic [cycle] time 34 C. Support time 36 D. ODeration time 37 E. Time for servicing work stations (station maintenance time] 37 F. Time for rest and natural functions [Personal time] 39 2. Methods of establishing technical standards for various types of production processes 39 C ard 3/14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 Ch. VI. Study of Working Time, by Means of Observation 42 1. Record of the work day 42 2. Analysis of recorded observations 47 3. Group records of the work day 54 4. Selfrecording of the work day 62 5. Timing of operations 64 6. Reference points 70 7. Analysis of data obtained from timing of operations 72 8. Number of observations 76 9. Timing of operations taking the rate of work into account 78 10. sum total of watch readings 80 11. Study of working time by taking motion pictures 81 Ch. VII. Study of Work Methods of Leading Workers 83 1-. Characteristics of' the study of leading practices in various types of production processes 84 Card 4/14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 2. Exchange of experience between workers on the same shift 85 3. Methodology of studying improvements in the tech- nological process 87 4. Methodology of studying working processes 89 5. Methodology of studying the organization of a work station and of planning work time 95 6. Analysis and generalization of progressive practices 96 7. Dissemination of progressive practices 99 Ch. VIII. Methodology of Setting Technical Standards for Multi-machine-tool (Multi-unit) Operations 101 Ch. IX. Base for Establishing Specifications for Technical Standards 107 1. Technical requirements for specifications lo8 2. General sequence for establishing specifications 114 3. Graphic and analytical processing of data 119 Card 5/14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 4. Compilation of specification tables 126 5. Development of specifications 134 PART TWO. SETTING STANDARDS FOR MACHINING OPERATIONS Ch. X. Bases for Setting Standards for Machining Operations 137 1. Basic concepts of the cutting regime [conditions] 137, 2. Determination of cutting conditions 14o 3. Factors determining cutting conditions i41 A. Machineability of materials 141 B. Cutting properties and the area of application of tool materials 147 C. Wear and stability of the cutting tool 151 D. Geometric parameters of the cutting edge of the tool 166 E. Finish and precision requirementsfbr the machined surface 169 Card 6/14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 4. Designation of the cutting regime in single-tool machining 173 5. Checking and correcting the cutting regime based on manual data for machine-tool operation 180 6. Making the factors determining the cutting regime more precise 182 7. Calculating primary (machining) time 187 8. Setting standards for support time 188 A. Support time for mounting, clamping, centering, unclamping, and removal of parts 189 B. Support time related to motion 193 C. Ways of reducing the support time 194 9. Setting time standards for servicing the work station 198 10. Setting time standards for rest and natural functions 200 11. Setting standards for preparatory and final times 200 Ch. XI. Setting Standards for Lathe Operations 201 1. Choice of cutting regimes 203 A. Turning, boring, and facing 203 C ard 7AV Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) sov/lz74 B. Slatting-bnd cutting-off 218 C. Chamfering and turning of recesses 220 2. Calculating primary (machining) time 221 3. Setting support time standards 222 Ch. XII. Setting Standards for Milling Operations 24o 1. Choice of cutting re imes 242 2. Calculating primary TmIachiningl time 257 3. Setting support time standards 2rIq 4. Setting standards for preparatcry and final times 264 Ch. XIII. Setting Standards for Drilling, CounterborIpg, and Reaming Operations 268 1. Choice of cutting regimes 268 A. Drilling and boring 268 B. CoUnterboring 278 C. Reaming 28o 2. Calculating primary kmachining) time 286 3. Setting support time standards 287 Card 8/14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 Ch. XIV. Setting Standards for Screw-cutting and Thread- rolling-Op6rations 300 1. Screw cutting with cutters mounted on a crosB-slide 302 2~ Fast thread-cutting with cutters mounted on a ro- tating head 311 3. Thread rolling 316 4. Thread tapping 320 5. Thread chasing 326 6. Thread milling 326 Ch. XV. Setting Time Standards for Gear-cutting Operations 334 1. Setting support time standards 335 2. Setting standards for preparatory and final times 337 3. Choice of cutting regimes and calculation of standard times 338 A. Hobbing spur gears 338 B. Cutting spur gears with cog-wheel cutters 345 Card 9/14 Technical Standards fox, Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 C. Cutting gears with disc-type gear cutterB 350 D. Cutting worm gears 351 E. Bevel-gear generation 352 Ch. XVI. Setting Time- Standards for Grinding Operations 355 1. Grinding scheme 3- 3 2. Choice of grinding-wheel speeds A 3. Choice of feed and calculation of primary (machining) time 358 4. Hig1lspeed grinding 365 5. Setting support time standards 366 6. Setting time standards for servicing the work station 367 Vork on cylindrical grinders 367 Work on intei-nal gx,inders 384 9. Work on center-,ess gz-Lnders 393 A. Th-rough-feed grinding 394 B. Infeed grIn-ding 396 10. Work gvindears 397 Card 10/11t Tezhnical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 Chi. XVII. Setting Time Standards for Polishing and Lapping Operations 400 1. Polishing 4ol 2. Honing 4og 3. Lapping (mechanical rubbing) 41o 4. Superfine finishing 411 5. -Hand and semimechanical rubbing 412 Ch. XVIII. Setting Time Standards for Multi-tool Cutting 414 1. Specific cases of multi-tool cutting 414 2. Limitations of cutting regimes under conditions of multi-tool cutting 415 3. Effect of simultaneous work of tools on the basib parameters of the cutting regime 415 4. Choice of tool stability 418 5. Methodology and examples of calculations for various cases of multi-tool cutting 418 A. Setting time standards for tu?ret lathe operations 419 B. Setting time standards for operations on multiple- cutter machine tools 435 C. Setting time standards for multispindle drilling machine tools 441 Card 11/14 Technical Standards for Ma!~hine (Cont.) SOV/1274 6. Experimental refinement of cutting regimes 445 Ch. XIX. Methodology of Consolidating Time Standards for Machine Tool Operations 448 1. Setting consolldated standards 448 2. Typical technological [engineering] processes and typical. standards 457 PART THREE. SEVPING STANDARDS FOR ROUGH- FORGING, BENCH, AND ASSEMBLING OPERATIONS C!'~. U. Setting Standarde for Laying Out Operations on GuIll-lorIne Shears 46o Ch. XXI. Setting Standards fc-r Cold-stamping Operations on Exc-;~n~ril- and Crwlk Presses 464 1. Sett-ing standar5s for stamping out of a strip 467 2. Setting stay-..da_rd;-: for stamping out of blanks 474 Card 12/ 14 Technical Standards for Machine (Cont.) SOV/1274 Ch. XXII. Setting Standards for Drop Hammer Forging 478 Ch. XXIII. Setting Standards for Cold-working on Hydraulic Presses 48.5 Ch. XXIV. Setting Bench Work Standards 492 1. Setting standards for rough and close filing 493 2. Setting standards for hand-reaming operations 496 3. Setting standards for hand threading operations 497 4. Setting standards for scraping and lapping operations 499 5. Setting standards for finishing operations 503 6. Setting standards for bending and straightening operations 506 Ch. XXV. Setting Standards for Drilling and Riveting Operations 509 l. Setting standards for drilling operations 511 A. Drilling of holes 511 B. Boring 520 C. Counterboring sockets for countersunk rivet heads 521 2. Setting standards for riveting operations 522 A. Pneumatic riveting 523 B. Press riveting 532 Cax,d 13/14 Teoh-nical Standards for Machine (cont.) Ch. XXV1. Setting 31-andards 1. Setting standards for 2. Setting standards for 3. Setting standards for 4. Setting standards for SOV/1274 for Assembling Operations sunporting operations processing operations installing operations fastening operations AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JG/1sb 3-23-59 542 545 548 548 566 Card 14/14 SHAPIRO, I.I.; FEDOTOT, F.G. Prinimali uchastiye: FEGUSHEY, H.Ye.; GRIGORIY&TA, 0.1.; POPOTA, L.P.; GONCHAROV, M.Xa.; VULBIZ~9VVVA, L.V.; SOROKINA, G.Ye., -r [General machinery industry tima norms for establishing norms for milling machine operations; small-lot 3nd piece production] normativ7 vremeni dlia tek1micheskogo normirovaniia rabot ria frezernykh stankakh; molkoseriinoe i edi- nichnoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-.tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1960. 142 p. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativov po trudu. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom mashinostroyeniya Tsentrall- nogo byuro promyshlennykh normativov po trudu i N chno- issledovatellskom institute truda (for Shapiro (Metalwork--Production standBrds) SIL4PIRO, I.I.; Mllaf.AYLOV, D.V.; MOSDTA, T.S., in2h.; Y-7VLAMPIYEVA, V.N., inzh.; KASHRITS17WA, L.M., inzh., red.; BLIZHEVSKIY, L.A., irzh., red.; Sl~,' RYAKOV, V.M., inzh., red.; KHARITOITOV, A.B., inzh., red.; GLINKA, N.T., inzh., red.; KHISIN, R.I., inzh., red.; SOROK111A, G.Ye., [General engineering norms for cutting conditions and time for use in the technical standardization of machining on lathes; lot pro- dile-tiod ObshchewshinostroitelInye normativy rezhimov rezaniia i vrom-ni dlia tekhnicheskogo normirovaniia rabot na tokarnykli stankakh; seriinoe.proizvodstvo. Moskva, Gos.niuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mushinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 224 p. (HIRA 13:12) 1. Moscow. Ilauchno-issledovatellskiy institut truda. Tsentralinoye byuro promyshlennykh normativov po trudu. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom mashinostroyeniya TSentral'no-o byxiro promyshlannykh normativov po ~rudu -Dri Nauchno-issledovatallskom institute truda (for Shapiro). 3. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativov po trudu pri Nauchno- issledovatellskom institute truda (for Mikhaylov, Mosina, ~evlampiyeva)- 4. lisuchno-issledovatellskoye byuro tekhnicheskikh normativov (for Kashintsevs,Blizhevskiy). 5. StankozDvod im. S.Ordzhonikidze (for So- rebryakov). 6. Moskovskiy stankostroitellnyy zavod (for Kharitonov). 7. Vseso.7uznyv provektno-tekhnologicheskiN institut Tyazhmash (for Glinka). (Metal-cutting) (Lathes) VINNIK9 L.M.; GREIBERG, R.Ya.; KAMB-ISKIY, Ya..A.; KLEPIKOV, V.D.; KUZIIETSOV, A.M.; KUCHEM, N.I.; STRUZHESTRAKHv Ye.I.,- TISHINq S.D.; KHARI- TONOV, A.B.; TSEYTS9 I.E.; SHAPIRO I I SHAPIRO, M.Ya.; ANANIYANp V.A. , retsenzent; VASILI~9N'~q 7r#. ~re Knzent; GORETSKAYA, Z.D., retsenzent: KARTSEVp S.P.9 reteenzent; KEDROV9 S.M., retsenzent; K(14ISSARZHEVSKAYA, V.N., retsenzent; KOPERBAKH, B.L., retsenzent; KORBOV, M.M.9 retsenzent; LEONOV9 N-.I.s, retsenzent; LURIYE, G.B., retsenzent; NOVIKOV, V.F., retsenzent; GALITSOV, A.D., red.; VOLI- SKIY, V.S., red.; KRISIN, R.I., red.; S11-10OVA, M.M., red. izd-va; MODEL19 B,.I.v, [Reference book for establishW norms in the manufacture of machinery; in 4 volumes) Spravochnik normirovshchika- mashinostroitelia; v 4 tomakh. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry- V0102. (Establishing technical norms for operating machine tools] Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie stanoch- rqkh rabot. Pod red. B.I.Struzhestrakha. 1961. 392 pj (Industrial management) (Machine tools) SHAFJMO.--I.--I.l GVOZWA, A.N.,, MMTABINA, T.I.; KOZL07A, T.I.- MATOVA, A.D.; MOVA, A.S,; KHROMOV,, Y,"N.-, TISHIN, S.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; DOBRITSTNA, R.I., [General norms of cutting conditions and time used In the machinery industry for technical standardization of preparatory operations, cutting of metal with disk save, presses and shaped-stock shears] ObahchemashinostroitelOnye normativy rezhimov rezanlia i-rremeni d1la tekhnichaskogo normirovanila zagotovitellnvkh rabot; rezka m6talla na di k kh ilakh, pressz.,~.h i sortovykh n zhuiteakh. Maskra Maehg1s,'1961' 75 P. ?MIRA 14-12) D 9 1. Mas,~ow. TSentrallnoye by=o promyshlenuykh normativaT po trudu. 2. Zaveduyuahchiy otdelom mashinostroyeniya TSentralQuo efo by~Uc Osk nyshlannykh narmati-rov po trudu pri lauchnt-issledovate 0m Institute truda (f or Shapiro), 3. TSentral Inoye byura promyshlennykh normativoT . pa trudi-, mTi Ranchno-iseladavateigskom instituta t-uda (for all, ex-Apt Tlahla, Dobritsy-na). ~.fttting machines) SHAPIRO, I.I. Consolidated norms and standard time norms. Mashinostroitell no.8:7-10 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Machinery industry-Production standards) BUGROV, A.P.; SEI-ENMUCH, S.R.; SEI-MOV, A.I., SLUTSKIY, G.V.; S.UFIRO, I.I.; YUSUFOVICH, B,Ye.: SEYENOV. S.M., red.; ZAYTSEVA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Establishing norms is the basis of scientific labor organization] Normirovanie - osnova nauchnoi organizatsii truda. Moskva, Profizdat, 1964. 61 p. (Bibliotechka profsoiuznogo aktivista, no.2(74)) (MIRA 17:2) BA,iANOV, B.A.[deceased]; KHISIII, R.I.; -E SHAPIRO,.i.I.; SHAKHNAZAROV, M M.M.; WLKOV, A.V., kand. tek n-.-'fiih-ff;-retsenzent; YAKOVLEVA., V.I.j red. [Establishment of technical norms at a machinery plant] Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie na mashinostroitellnom zavode. (W] 3.A.Baranov i dr. Moskvaj Mashinostroenie, 1964. 610 p. (MIRA 17:12) b n, 1 a sm 0 3L 1: vL~ [Tv 7 USTIYANTS, V.A., red.; S'HAPIRO, I.L., red., !LIYUSHENKOVA, T.P., [CatRlog of Ascot machine partai types 170 and 110-1153 Katalog detalei mashin Askota; klassov 170 1 110-115. Pod red. I.L.Shapiro. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, Pt.l. 1963. 335 P. (mia 16:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Upravleniye po organizateii i mekhanizatsil ucheta. (Accounting machines--Catftlogs) ?A: I, ic eri ve c erge r..e t. a %-:,ut ing ma-7hines Ealek V.-,Cl t4azhelykh metal'orezhushchikh stankov. Mloskvaq Vasllir,", e, 1964 . 21"! 7 :9, L 42941-65 FdT W/M (J)/ETJA (b) -2 J1K 5/000/0'03/0097/0101 :ACCESSION NR: AP5008017 S/6016/6 AUTHOR: Shashayev M. A.; Shapiro,, I -L Shatald L. va., A0 ~d won". TITLE: Length of periods duringwhiah plague and psoudotuberculosis mb gRnism bacteriophages are detected in a Rho ?MS 01~." or SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii.,,,epidemiologii iimmunobiologiij, no. 3. 1965, 97-101 TOPIC TAGS: Rhozabomvsj bacteriophage phagep plague pseudotubercul6dis". 'ABSTRACT: The present study investigated the number of phage, particles found in the spleen and blood of a~RhQmboavs, after administering only plague or pseudotuberoulo~i-s.)pha:geb~and.aft~er -its corresponding administering each of the ~hages-together with ~baeteria. Possible ways of transmitting phages were' also studied. ,Four groups of 55animals each were administered the f6llowingv i the If irst gro-ilp received a Pokrovskiy plague phage. in aAose Iof 5-108 particles4 the second group received the same phage_and 1dose., and,alsd'._~ .9 ~ the, :at the same time 1,106 calls of plaguebaoteria (strabx,Ko, 319); .Card l/3 . ...... L42941-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5008017 third group geoelved.a Kotlyarovskaya pseudotubereulosis phage in a dose of 5e10( partioles;;and the foWth group~receivod the same Phace. and dose, and at the same time 1-10b cells of pseudotuberculosis bacteria (strain No. 26S).. Each,phage was introduced into the right groin area of the RhomboL~js and the corresponding bacterial strain was introduced i the-lert groin area, Two or three'animals from each group were killed daily.for a period of 20 days to determine the number of plague and.pseudotuberculo.sis;]~hages in the spleen. Phagesl.- were found in the spleens of all animals in the four groups ,entire observation period (20 days)*- With simultaneous administratioli :of a homologous bacteria strain to groups:two and-four., plague and pseuaotuberculosis phages did not multiply. . In another experiments plague phages were found to circulate in the.blood of a Rhombomys for, .a 72 hr period and 'pseudotuberculosis phages for a 24-48 hx~Teri&iv '41th phage titers highest during the f irst 24 hrs. -A plague phage was experimentally transmitted *from 'a Meriones Rhomboms to a Rhombomus, opimus 1~y Xenopsylla Rerbil3X minax fleas 'i-but this rarely occurs' in nature, fisogenid bacteria appear to Ibe the-main:souree of .,Plague and pbeudotuberculosis phages for rodents, Study data showing 'that phages do not multiply in the presence of.homologous bacterial Card 2/3 USM/Electriolty mar 1947 Yachines " Shearing Toole~ Cutting "Type 1T1 Electric Drive Centering-Shearing Machine," I. L. Shapiro, EnSr, Designing and. Restoring Trust of the, Ministry of. Electric Industries, 5 PP *Veat Blekbro 11rca" No 3 A well illustrated article describes this new machine. Tbw*.-Io a photograph of. the asambled,naabi , a kinewwtlo -diagram., & load (11agrAwn aid &. dla4fti show- Ing tho-opwatine d&ts. of the. aschinew It Is squilp- pod with 8. Outteraj, 6 la'frout-mA 2_1nbaoko 2 dril- ling -headsp 2 Gaz*iVap th,6 center Is 400 ma:sbove the 23T20 UMAUOU'liltY - (Omtd) Mar 1947 lkohbws' - ft ing Toolso. cupttift Ota"s "Meter Of =GhiUing is 3.72 f 212 length Of the axis f GVgiU9 is 2500 1 2600 The main driving motor is type MA204-2/4, operating an 48 kv, 380 V and. at 150o rpm. 23T20 out w 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 9 as 1 0 CTM C 0 ty 0 Of At 0 po 4 s - 30 1 11 21 1, 15 34 v x I, X a) u -O - It, I- ifill. -, - - ; ~ , . ~ C 00 : 411 go sex o oo= jo xtMITIM Iv SNIP 00 le MP )0 Willa o n pi= qmu P"!M0 wu l , r ISOW I p "q 00 40 , L-1 !~.q (0"6 avowl UIWN=.. po "" p WM p ; loppm 1 -1 .1 """m 108). ampow - C, 002 0 VPW jo go- Z, so-, 1 I y 5 1 1 -7 7 ' 7 1 I I I I 0 9 of It it 11 a ig x not up[ Ertl Ifell ifiva 'I Q I, t l " , 11 1 1 6 0 s 1 01 t t t t e 99 0 ULM go 0 0 0 0 0 SHAPIRO lzraill L,1v ~_YOROBIYHV, I.S., redaktor; GRYAZNOV, V.I., U.ZM-0 ~ re=or; U-MLOVA, A.A., teknicheeldy redaktor. [Technical and operational characteristics of calculating machines] Tekhnicheskie i ekspluatatsionnyo kharakteristiki schetnykh mashin. Moskva, Gos.statisticheskoe izd-vo, 1955. 241 p. (Kr-'RA 9:4) (Calculating machines) AID P - 2338 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 2/30 Author Shapiro, 1. L., Eng., Khar1kov Title Electric drives of heavy boring and turning lathes and their future development Periodical Elektrichestvo, 5, 9-13, MY 1955 Abstract The author describes the latest developments in heavy- duty machine tools like boring and turning lathes and cutting and milling machinery for works up to 500 tons. The individual electric drives used have a thorough and precise speed regulation. They employ electric regulators of cutting speed, feed magnitude, Voroe, etc. The author discusses the improvements introduced In the design of the tool machines and their electrical drives and analyses some of the basic layouts and connection diagrams. He also discusses the possible ways of future development in the field. Five diagrams., Institution : No data Submitted : Ja 20, 1955 GRIGORIYEV, Ye.T., inzhener; KOCHUBAYEV, L.D., Inzhener; MMOCHU, A.L. inzhener; SMLOV, B-V-, inzhener; TTJSHKAAOV. B.A., inzhener; 'SHAPMA 1. ~pzhener. Design'features of the V123 electric locom6tive. Zhel.dor. tranap'. 37 no-3:16-22 Mr '56. (KLRA 9:5) (Electric locomotives) 81 AUTHOR: Shapiro, I. L., Engineer, and Pesis, 1. M., Eng i-Iiiier 7 TITLE: Residual Generator Voltages in a Generator- Motor System during Auto-Suppression of the Field (Ostatochnoye'napryazheniye generatora sistemy generatordvigatel'pri samogashenii polya) PERIO",.'CAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1957, No.2, pp.66-68 (USSR) ABSTP.A.CT: Auto-suppression of the generator field is used to retard the driving motor in modern drives operating an the motor-generator principle. In order to reduce to a minimum the voltage induced by residual magnetism the shunt field winding is connected to the armature terminals during CaL:d 1/5 the retardation in such a way as to counteract 81 TITLE: Residual Generator Voltages in a Generator- Motor System during Auto-Suppression of the Field (Ostatochnoye napryazhe-niye generatora sistemy generatordvigatel'pri samogashenii polya) residual magnetic flux. This is sufficient to stop the driving motor, provided that there is an appreciable static load on the shaft, that the compounding characteristics of the generator are not very marked, and that the constants of the circuit consisting of the field winding and the armature are such that the residual generator voltage is small. The series field windings may cause the residual voltage to Card 2/5 be relatively great. 81 TITLE: Residual Generator Voltages in a Generator- Motor System during Auto-Suppression of the Field (Ostatochnoye napryazheniye generatora sistemy generatordvigatel' pri samogashenii polya) This article is concerned with the determination of residual voltage on generator terminals when the generator shunt field winding is cross connected. Equations are first derived for generators with cross connected field running inde- pendently and a graphic method of determining the residual voltage is provided. This is then extended to apply to motor-generators. Card 3/5 It is shown that in order to reduce the 81 TITLE: Residual Generator Voltages in a Generator- Motor System during Auto-Suppression of the Field (Ostatochnoye napryazheniye generatora sistemy generatordvigatel'pri samogashenii polya) residual voltage of the generator to a minimum there should be no additional re- sistance in the field winding and the number of contacts in this circuit should be as few as possible. In some cases it may be advisable to use a generator shunt field winding with a lower Card 4/5 rated voltage than the armature rated voltage. 81 TITLE: Residual Generator Voltages in a Generator- Motor System during Auto-Suppression of the Field (Ostatochnoye napryazheniye generatora sistemy generatordvigatel'pri samogashenii polya) The text includes 5 diagrams; there are no references. ASSOCIATION: "Elektroprivod" Trust PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 SHAPIRO, Izraill Llvovich; GRYAMiff, T.I.. red.; MHLENTtTEY, A.M.,, [Accounting machines and their features] Schetaye mashiny i ikh kharaktoristiki. Moskva, Gos.stat.izd-vo, 1959. 230 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Accounting machines) 28(1),25(2),8(5) AUTHOR: Shapiro, I. L., Engineer SOV/105-59-1-9/29 1 TITLE: Automatized Ion-Electric Drive of Heavy Turning Lathes (Ionnyy avtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod tyazhelykh tokarnykh stankov) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 1, PP 35-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of an ion-converter aggregate with controlled mercury-vapor rectifier instead of an electrodynamic aggregate allows to improve considerably the technical- economic indices of the main electric drive. On account of calculations and tests made with a laboratory unit of ionic electric drive for the faceplate of heavy lathes, it was found that it is convenient to use this drive in those cases where the supply of the motor for the faceplate has to be delivered with a capacity of 50 kw and up from an A. C. circuit. According to the technical-economic main indices, the ion-electric drive lies higher than the drive according to the generator-motor system. This circumstance is of particular importance for higher electric drive capacities (150-200 kw). The accuracy of control, the controllability Card 1/3 of ion-electric drive of faceplates is greater than for Automatized Ion-Electric Drive of Heavy Turning Lathes SOV/105-59-1-9/29 electric drives of the generator-motor system. The use of the new phase-rotation system in the mercury-vapor rectifier will bring about a further raising of the technical level of ion-electric drives. This system allows to use summing magnetic amplifiers with small dimensions and a small time conatant, or summing semiconductor amplifiers. The electro- magnetic time-constant of the grid in the mercury-vapor rectifier is reduced so much that the mercury-vapor con- verter aggregate may be considered as practically inertiafree.- The automatic control of the ion-electric drive of a. heavy lathe can be realized more easily and reliably than that of an electric propulsion for a lathe of the same capacity under the generator-motor system. The shortcomingsof the schemes of ion-electric drive shown here is the presence of several main-current relays and the lack of electric braking of the faceplate motor at removal of load or reduction of rotational speed. The investigations carried out in recent years permit to start series production of ion-electric drives for heavy lathes and vertical lathes. Card 2/3 Automatized Ion-Electric Drive of Heavy Turning Lathes SOV/105-59-1-9/29 In the laboratory investigations N..I. Bordenko and N. Ya. Puchkova took part. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 1 Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: January 20, 1958 Card 3/3 25 (2), 28 (1), 8 (5) S/-105/60/000/02/002/024 AUTHORS: Shapiro, I~ L., Engineer, BO07/BOO8 Cross-m-a-n-,--M. Y1.9 Engineer, Raisov, Yu. A.:, Engineer, TikhvinBki.y, Yu V., Engineer (Kharlkov) A Digital ProgramminE ControL qfor a Heavy e' TITLE: _�1,3 t ed _ja~th PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1960.. Nr 2, pp 9 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A digital programming control system which was developed for a heavy lathe is described here. It was worked out jointly by the TsKB po elektroprivodu i avtomatiki KhEMZ (central Design Bureau for Electric Drive and Automation nf thp Khartkov Elec- ---trgmechanical Plant) and the laboratoriya aviomatiki KhPI (Research Laboratory for Automation at the KhPI . The lathe has a height of centers of 500 mm and a length between centers of up to 4,000 mm. Work pieces of a weight of up to 10 tons and with an intricately curved surface can be machined on it. The nominal accuracy of machining amounts to up to 0.1 mm. A kinematic connection between the support and the gearbox is not provided. A digital programming control system with control step-by-step motors and an intermediate recording of the program Card 1/3 on a magnetic tape was stipulated for this lathe. The reasons V111", A Digital Programming Control System for a Heavy 5/1()5j60/OOO/O2/002/024 Lathe B007/B008 which led to the selection of the very system are indicated. The block scheme is shown in figure 1 and the schematic wiring diagram for the electrical main drives of the lathe is shown in figure 2. When controlling the lathe according to a given program, the program is recorded on the magnetic tape. The work program for the motor for the longitudinal feed of the support is recorded on one track of the tape, that for the cross feed of the support on the second and third, and on the fourth track the work program for the main motor and the gear- box, the signal for the termination of the machining, as well as the auxiliary commands. A dismantled step-by-step motor is shown in figure 3. It weighs approximately 23 kg. The mode of operation of the system is explained. Since the machining of bulky pieces takes often many hours, a number of intermediate stations for the support are provided in the program for every tool bit at predetermined positions. Two rigidly mounted mea- suring heads are provided, one on the support slide and the second on the support carriage for the exact synchronizing of the support position with the program recorded on the tape. Card 2/3 Moreover, an additional installation is available. This allows A Digital Programming Control System for a Heavy S/105/60/000/02/002/024 Lathe B007/BOO8 to put the lathe into operation in a simple way. This installa- tion contains a special combined recording-reading magnetic head. For manual control, the switching on, stopping, reversing, and control for the speed of the step-by-step motors of the support and main motor of the lathe is done with the help of a set of devices. Their mode of action is described here briefly. The model of the installation for recording onto the magnetic tape and the model of the electric drive with programming con- trol were investigated experimentally at the Research Labora- tory, The computations and the results of the investigation showed that the application on heavy lathes of the control system described here is absolutely appropriate. A final and complete evaluation can however not be given at present. Many months of tests in-industrial work are needed. The cost of the lathe shown here amounts to 12(Yllo of that of a lathe with con- ventional manual control. If a computing center is available, the need for recording a program on a magnetic 'ape is eli- minated. There are 4 figures. SUBMITTED: July 20, 1959 Card 3/3 CIMI)NOVSKly) D.M.; BESTUMEV, S.I.; DITIM, L.1-1,; LINIANCR, L.A.; SUAPIRO I.L ; USPENSKIY, V.V., red.; MORSKOY, K.L., red. lzd-va; IMOCHALINA, Z.S,, tekhn. red. [Economics and planning of the manufacture of precast- concrete] Ek-onomdka i planirovanie proizvodstva sbornogo zhelezobetona. Yoskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry PO stroit.., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 438 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Precast concrete) SHAPIRO, I.L., inzh.; TUSMNOV, B.A., inzh.; SVERDLOV, V.Ya., inzli. A.G. locomotives. Vest. elektroprom. 32 no.5:13-17 My 161. (MIRA 15:5) (Electric locomotives) ZOLOTAREV, P.A., inzh.-konstruktor;-WZOREZOV, M.A., inzh.-konstruktor; MELIKHOVP V.L.J. inzh.-konstruktor; NOVOGRENKO, N.M.~' inzh.- konstruktor; SVERDIDV, V.Ya., inzh.-konstruktor; Mihkanov, B.A., inzh.-konstruktor; SHAPIRO,-I.L , inzh.-konstruktor - -9 The N81 eight-axle a.c. locomotive. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 7 no.2:20-25 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Electric locomotives) ZOLOTAREV, P.A., inzh.-konstruktor, KOZOREZOV, M.A., inzh.-konstruktor; NELIKHOV, V.L... inzh.-konstruktor; HOVOGRENKO, N.M., inzh.- konstruktor; SVERDLOV, V.Ya., inzh.-konstruktor; TUSHKANOV, B.A., inzh.-konstruktor;_�HA.PIRI~,_I.L,inzh.-konstruktor VL80 eight-axle a.c. locomotive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.4: 24-28 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Novocherkasskiy elektrovozostroitelfnyy zavod i Novoe4ykasskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektrovozostroyebiya. (Electric locomotives) APTER14MI, I.Z.; AFAEAVY.FWA, A.A.; BUSHTE"f1l, D.I.; SPORYKHINA, ii.A.; CHUDNOVSYMY, D.,.!.; SHAPIRO, I.L ; USPENSKIY, V.V., kand. ekon. nauk, nauchn . red.; GORBUSHIN, P.B., red. I'ECHAYEVA, Z.K., red. [Development of the production of precast reinforced concrete and its cost] Razvitie proizvodstva. sbornogo zhelezobetona i ego sebestoimost'. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 125 P. (MJRA 17: 5) SHAPIRO, Izraill Llvovich; LOZENTSVAK, David Leontlyevich; VOROB'YEV, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; MAYSKAYA, N.I., red.; FYATIAKOVA N.D., ~ .1 Lelkhn. red. ["Robotron" R-12 and its joint operation with "Askot" accounting machines] Robotron R-12 i ego rabota sovmestno s bukligalterskimi mashinami Askota. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1963. 139 P. (MIRA 17:2) SHIAPERO, I.L., red.; USTIYUi-TS, V.A., red. [Catalog of parts for the KEL, SAL, SASL, and SAR computers and for the AES and AESVe adding machines] Ka- t,ilog detalei vychisliteltnykh mashin modelei KEL, KELR, SAL, SASL i SAH i summiruiushchikh mas'-In modelei AES i AESVe. Pod red. I.L.Shapiro. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1963. 140 p. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Upravi".eniye po organizatsii i P;ekhanizatsii ucheta. SHVSHAYEV, MI.A.; SHAPIRO, I.L.; SHATALOVA, A.L. Duration of the detection of plague and pseudotuberculosis bacteriophages from the organism of greater gerbils. Zhur. mikrobiol.,, epid. i immun. 42 no-3-.97-101 M:r 165. (MIRA 18:6)- 1. Sradne-Aziatskly nauchno-issiedova-tel'skiy protivochumnyy institut i Taldy~Kurganskaya protivochumnaya stantsiya. TZUPASOV',K.A.; SHAPIRO.I.M. (Yelets) On D.K.Faddeev and I.S.Sominakii's book "Algebran. Part 2. Reviewed by K.A.Rupasov and others. Mat. v shkole no-5:74-83 S-0155. (MT-RA 8:11) (Algebra) (Sominakii,I.S.) (Faddeev,D.K.) SHAPIRO, I.K. (Altayakiy k-ray). Homework in mathematics in rural schools. VAt- v 4hk01* no-3r58- 67 Hy-Je '57. (Mathematics-Study and teaching) (MIRA 1o.-6) AUTHORS: I )Dashchenkc, I.T., algineor (Town of Uzhgorod)' 2) Ryklin, F.G., Engineer ~cj6y- of Voznesensk, I'likolaye-, si~aaya Oblast') 3) 2h-auir- r~rigineer .,Cityof L'vov) 4~ Ratner, M.P., Engineer 5~ fwdryashov, 3.1a., Enginet;_ 6) Khaytun, E.I., Engineer TITLE: Electric P,,)wpr Engineering on a New Level (Elektroenergetiku na novuyu stupen') PE'RIODICAL. Eiektrichestvn, 1958, Nr 10, pp 86 - 90 (USSR) of ABSTRACT: This is L. d1sc-tizaion/ he article by S.M. Gortinskiy and I.A. Syromyatnikov puuiished in Elektrichestvo, 1957, Nr 10: 1) Even in electrifled regions, as in the Ural, in the Donbass, etc. districts are found which are not connected with the power supply grid, To renounce the construction of small power stations could be of a detrimental effect. It would be most expedient to con- struct small power stations (with a power not below 25 W in greatly simplified power houses in a way enabling then of being card 113 translecated from one region to another. 2) Some measures of Electric Power Engineering on a New Level SOV/105-58-10-21/28 rationalizing the construction, operation and distribution of power in the small power field, 3) The economic expediency of sup- plying new re.-Lons from power supply grids and of abolishing small power stations is substantiated by a practical example from planning work, 4) One of the principal reasons for the high prime of small steam turbine T'Owel- stations is a mechanical transPo~-.tti~,r of the principal. engineering schemes and of the design of large p~)wer stations to small-scale ones. More up-to-date principles of ~_M_ proving the operazion factors of such stations are advanced and a conversion-from a so-Lid fuel to a liquid or gas fuel opera-~',on is requested, By the latter measure a complete automation of s-,e:jLi tJr- bine power atations will be made possible. 5) Experience gailie 4 in the enterpri'ses of the Glavelpktromontazh demonstrated that t'-~ time has come to introduce bm industrialized method of ass~,.n~_ Each electrical equipment should be designed as one dreat b',-,. equipment, weights reaching 2.5 t. 6) Insufficiencies and shorz.- comings in electrical industry are pointed out. A number of cases are mentioned, where it was impossible to obtain apparatus and parts of equipment which had been developed already a long time Card 213 ago. There are 1 figure and 2 tables.