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MAREVICH, A.Z., ERIVANTSEV, N.A., SEVADZHTAN, E.P. "Fluothane anaesthesia in old patients.* Report submitted to the First European Congress of Anesthesiology Vienna, Austria 3-9 Sep 1962 KOTOVP V.I., kand.fiz.-ma-tem.nailk (Dubna); VEKSLER, V.I.v akademik; VLADIMIRSKIY, V.V.;_EgTVAK,14-,--doktor (Chakhoslovakiya); MINTS, A.L., akademik; DZHE- IEPOV, V.P., prof.; VALITER, A.K., prof.; KOLOMENSKIY, A.A., prof. Accelerators of the future; articles and speeches of the participants in the international conference in Dubno. Priroda 53 no.1:44-56 164. (WRA 17:2) 1. Chleri-kor,respondent AN SSSR (for Vladimirskiy). VTJT,F,TIN, Vladimir, Potpukovnik doc., dr.; SEVALMIC, Ljiljana, dipl., hem. Polarograpbic bebavior of blood proteins in infectious hepatitis and of bilirubin. Voj. san. pregl., Beogr. 13 no-5-6:250-255 May- June 56. 1. Patofizioloski Inatitut VMA. (POLAROGRA:?HY, in various dis. blood -proteins & bilirubin changes in infect. bepatiLis (Ser)) (HEPATITIS INMTIOUS, blood in blood -protein & bilirubin polarography (Ser)) (BILIRUBIN, in blood polarograpby in infect. hepatitis (Ser)) (BLOOD PROTEINS, In various dis. infect. hepatitis, polarograp17 (Ser)) VULETIN, Vladimir, sanite.-taki pukovnik prof. drt..SEVALJEVIC, Ljiljana, dipl. hemicar Polarogarphic activity of serum proteins in acute phases of certain diseases. Vojl.szm.pregl., J~eogre 17 no.11:3-147-3-151 N 160. 1. Vojnomedicinsal: Akademija u Beogradu, Patofizioloski institut (BLOOD PROITMS) (RHEMTIC FEVER blood) (PLEUROSY blood) (LIVER CIRFSOSIS blood) SEVALMIC, Lji:Ljana 14.; BOJA)TOVIC, Jelena J. Proteins, lipides, and glycides vith respect to age and aging. III. Dialysin of blood serum at-*vyoung. and old guinea pigs. Glas Hem dr 2506 no.5/7:353-360 160/161. -1. Vojno-md:Loibska akademija,, Patofiziolooki institut, Medicinski falcultet, Hemijski itstitut, Beograd. -SEVALJEVIC,Lj-~ Polarographic analysis of serum proteins. II. Polarographic characterization of different fractions of native serun proteins. Acta med. iugosl. 16 no.2:222-223 162. 1. Institut za eksperimentalnu medicinu Vojnomedicinske akademije u Beogradu. (BLOOD PROTEINS) BOjANOVIC, Jelena J.; C, Ljiljana M.; CORBIC, Milanka 0. Effect of insulin on the metabolism of proteins, lipides., and glucides. Glas Hem dr. Z7 no.7/8:4Z7-433 t67- 1. Faculty of Medicine, Chemical Institute and Military Medical Academy, Institute of Pathophysiology, Beograd, Yugoslavia. BOJANOVIC, Jelena J.; SEV'rALJMC, Lji:Ljana, M.; PAVLOVIC, Danica, B.; PANJEVIC,, Dorde Prealbumins, Pt.:L. Glas Hem dr 27 no.7/4p435-"6 f62 BUZANOVIC, J.J.; PAVLOT.",', D.E., S)EM"WEVIC1, fffect of small amr,-urts of ipcarln m blood proteLna j!,! iitrc. F-Lectrophoretic patterns of protein fra,-Acris of hapdrinized guinea p-,g blood plarma. Ac-tu med. 18 no.!.*1-9 164 1. Femijski institut Medicinskog fakuLte-.a, Hemijski :Ln5titut Veteri-narskag fakulteta i PatoinskoClzioloskl insiitut VKA. u Baograd-uo E C~ -1 ii& oi LA oiw j ds and gil, cideo Ln the ccurse of aging. 17. Polaro P-- ~4 e-IS, s! sof, scme blood protein fractiors in guinea pirys c a! -, a I Y. r)f -,.rprious ag~~s. Acta med. lugosl. 18 r,o.3-.204-218 164. 'ip:--js-k_ edi cL-i,;kog fpk-ul-teta i Patofiziolos"i :nstitut VIVA u Beoo-radlt. 0- 3M PHASE I BOOK MWITATION SOV/1451 Pa -L.I. Blyumina, N.M...Zakharova, and N.A. Sev n ,gava, S.T., N.A.Aristov, alki a Vliyaniye Severnoy Atlantiki na razvitiye sinoptieheskikh protse asov (Influence of the North Atlantic on the Development of the Synoptic Processes) Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 70 p. 1,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Moscow. Tsentralfnyy institut prognozov, and USSR. Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheakoy sluzhby. Resp. Ed.- Sagatovskiy, N.V.; Ed.: Sadolvskiy, V.N.; Tech. Ed.: Zewtsova, T. Ye. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for meteorologists and climatologists, par- ticularly those engaged in long range veather forecasting. COVERAGE: This book discusses the r--sults of research on problfts concerning the interaction betveen the ocean and atmosphere with emphasis on the North Atlantic area. A cannection is shemn to exist between the smount of heat transferred by the irater to the air and the thermal processes in the atmos- phere. The character of the heat emission from the ocean surface to the Card 1/ 3 Influence of the North Atlantic (Cont.) SOV/1451 air is also described. An analysis of these air-water actions and relationships is made in terms of their effects on European temperature patterns. Included are data which can be used in long range weather forecasting. There are some tables of daily air and water temj>--raturee readings and numerous charts. The authors thank A.M. Aleshina, V.V. Anikiyeva, Ye.. A. Anosova, G.V. Litvinovich and T.I. Chekrygina for their teebnical assistance in preparing the work. There are 13 references of which 6 al-e Soviet, 3 German, 2 En&Usb, and 1 Danish. TABLE OF CONTMITS: Foreword Some Characteristics of the Temperature of the Water and Air 3 in the North Atlantic 5 Relationship Between the Temperature of the Water and Air in the North Atlantic 13 The Effect of the Atlantic on the Heat Currents in the Atmosphere 20 The Character of the Heat Exchange Bet-ween the Water and Air in the North Atlantic irt the Course of a Regular Synoptic Period 31 Card 2/3 Influence of the North Atlantic (Cont.) SOV/1451 The Effect of the Atlantic Ocean on the PoTmation of a Regular Synoptic Period 45 Methods of Showing the Relationship Betveen the Thermal State of the North Atlantic and the Temperature of the Air in Europe 56 Summary Bibliography AVAILABIE! Library of Congress M/M,W 6-3-59 70 71 Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4352 Pagava, S.T., N.M. Zakharova: and N.A~' Sevalkina ------------------- Atmosferny,ye makroprotsessy,, obuslovlivayushchiye znachitellnyye mesyachnyye anomalii temperatury vozdukha na Yevropeyskoy territorii SSSR (Atmospheric Macroproces,3es Causing Considerable Monthly Anomalies in the Air Temperature Over Raripe-an LSSR) Moscov., Gidrometeoizdats 1960. 3_11 p. Errata slip inserted. 1:000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: 'Koscow. Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov; Glavnoye upravleni7e gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzbby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. rt~~sp. Ed.: N.V. Sagatovskiy; Ed.: M.I. Sorokina; Tech. Ed.: I.M. Zarkh. PURPOSE. This book iE1 intended for meteorologists specializing in long-range ,weather forecasting. COVERAGE: The authors describe improved methods tor determining the character of atmospheric circulation anomalies and types of thermobaric fie2AS in the troposphere In Emr3pean USSR during months of great temperature extremes. These uetheds facilitate the forecasting of air temparature anomalies for the second C ard_l/_-3~_ Atmospheric Macroprocesses (Cont.) SOV/4352 month after the initial date. Relationships are discussed which make It possible~k in certhin cases2, to prepare forecasts of the distribution of the sign of air tenU~eraturre anomalies in Europe.,W.USSR in the t2drd month after the initial date. A study of atmosphe,,ic macroprocesses enabled the authors to evolve principles to be used in forecasting the general character of the progress of weather during the second and third months after the initiall date. Wo personalities are mentioned. There is one Soviet reference. TABLE OF CONVENTS*. Introduction Ch. 1. Improving Methods for Determining the Character of Disturbance 3 in Normal Atmospberic Circulation and Types of TropospherL: Thermobaric Fields 7 Ch. 11. Method of Determining in Certain Cases the Sign of a Five-Day Air Temperatine Anomaly In the Second Mont1i After the Initial Date 40 Ch. III. Method of Preparing Under Certain Conditicins a Forecast of the Sign of the Vbnthly Air Temperature Anoma3y. for the Third Wnth kfter the Initial Date 52 C ard:-4/-J~- N.M.; SETALKINA,-N.A. ZA19JAROVA . - Relationship between te-m-perature anomalies in November and De- cember in the European part of the U.S.S.R. Trudy-TSIP no.89:167- 171 160. (MIRA 14-3) (Weather forecasting) PAGAVAP S.T.;-SEVALKINA, N.A.. Method for determining the sign of the five-day air temperature anomaly two months in advance. Trudy TSIP 103:3-15 '62. (K RA 15 t 7) (Weather forecasting) (Atmospheric temperature) ACCESSION NR; AT4035458 S/2546/63/000/127/0003/0030 AUTHOR: Pagava, S. T.; Zakharova, N. M.; Sevalkina, ff. A. TITLE: Refinement of certain aspects of the' method of compling seasonal weather forecasts SOURCE: Moscow. Toentrallny*y institut prognozov. Trudy*, no, 127, 1963, Voprosy* sezonny*kh prognozov pagody* (Seasonal weather forecasting), 3-30 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, weather forecasting, seasonal forecast, natural synoptic Beason ABSTRACT: A report has been published on the results of an investigation of atmospheric macroprocesses for the purpose of refining certain aspects of the method of compiling weather forecasts for natural synoptic seasons. New methods are developed for determining the first natural synoptic period not typical for the current natural eynoptic season, determining the date of onset of natural synoptic seasons and computing the mean H500 values for the approaching natural synoptic season. The proposed method is more objective than that used earlier, which was based only on a qualitative analysis of mean R500 charts for the Card 1/3 ACCgSSION NR: AT4035458 corresponding natural synoptic periods. The increase in accuracy of determination of the first natural synoptic period not typical for the current natural synoptic season increases the success of forecasts for the natural synoptic season because the natural synoptic periods characteristic of both the approaching and stbsequent natural synoptic seasonti are determined on the basic of the first natural synoptic period not typical for the current natural synoptic season. These characteristic natural synoptic perioda are the basis for computing the corresponding data for compilation of H500 and H500 prognostic charts and forecasts of air temperature and precipitation anomalie'0902or natural synoptic seasons. The date of corimence- ment of the next natural. synoptic season also is determined on the basis of the first natural synoptic period not typical of the current natural synoptic season. In the discussed method of seasonal weather forecasts it is of great importance to determine properly the date of commencement oc a natural synoptic season. A new method therefore haf; been proposed for taking into account the characteristics of heat exchange between the ocean and atmosphere in the North Atlantic in the cold half-year when determining the boundaries of natural synoptic seasons. This method is of great assistance in determining thedatesof onset of the natural synoptic seasons of winter aud spring. These refincments of the natural synoptic season method will result in appreciable improvement. in overallweather forecast- ing. "The authors wish to thank A. M. Aleshina and T. T. Chekry*gina for Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4035458 assistance in preparation of the stu4y." Orig. art. has: 18 figures, 4 formulas and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Teentrallpyly institut prognozov, Moscow (Central Institute of Forecasts) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20M&y64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 300 Card 3/3 SNVALINEV, A.G. - -10~~ Speed up and raise the quality "in building communications installations. Vent.sviazi, 16 no.8:14-13 Ag 156, (MIRA 9:10) 1.19achAllnik upravleniyn knpitallnogo atroitel'stva Ministerstva svyasi SSSR. (Telecommunication) (Building) SEVALINEV, L.A. Color television system with separate subcarriers. Elektrosviaz' 16 no.3:13-1.9 Mr 162. (111PA 15:4) (Color television) SEVALINEV, L.A. Requirement to color signal level sti4lity in a color televi- sion system with outlyaing subcarriers. Elektrosviazf 17 no.1231-35 Ja 163. (KM 1612) (Color television) SEVALINFV, L.A. ........ Choice of the optimum color parameters of a color television system with outlying subcarriers. Elektrosviazl 18 no.1-45-52 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:4) SEVAL.I.-NEVA, F.- Retreat of death,.. Nuaka i shiznl 28 no.4oO-50 Ap 60. OUEA 1415) (Reouscitation) I j-, T_- 3 e va I I n~i va ___ -z-, 3/025/62/000/006/001/005 D296/D304 TITLE: The interoceptors signalize L: Eauka i zhiznl, 1962, no. 6, 1!i 22 ~_XT: This popular article begins with the description of a workinE day of V.!;. Cherrligovskiy, Director of the I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiolof;y in Leningrad. It then explains the importance of his rulblication 'Interoceptors' - a book of aver 600 pages. After a definition of the term linieroceptors', the author discusses the basic Theme of this work: althou.ah there is no plain sensation in the internal organs, centripetal st imuli from the.interoceptors neverthe- less exert an important influence upon the activity of the central nervous system. The author mentions some practical clinical applica- tions of .his thesis in the field of endarteritis obliterans, in the case of local anaesthesia. during surgical interventions, in hyperten- sion, arterioscelerosis, tuberculosis and other conditions. Finally, V zCard 1/2 S/025/62/000/006/001/005 The interoceptors signalize ... D296/D3o4 the author mentions the fact that Mi. Chernigdvskiy was elected vI/ Chairman of the bection of Cosmic Physiology at the-~6rthcoming international Congress of Physiologists in Holland. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2' S102-51161/000/012/001/001 D298/D30A. AUTHORt Sevallneva, Polina TITLE,* Professor Panchenka2s biolron PMIODICAL~ Nauka i zhizn', no. 12, 1961, IG-13 T-1i-'XT*, Tile biotron was designed by Professor Daitriy Ivanovich Panchenko and is installed in the Neurolo"" -ical Department of the Kiyevskaya gorodskaya bollnitsa (Kiyev City Hospital). It is used mainly for treating patients with first or second degree hypertonia. The biotron consists of 4 "wards", in each Gf which a specific temperature, humidity, satursLtion with negative ions and other factors can be maintained at ay- absolutely steady le- vel. The wards are completely isolated from the external elec- tromagnetic field and from cosmic radiation. The nursing and me- dical personnel abserve the patients via closi~d-circuit televi- sion and communicz~te with them by telephDne~ Only the doctor Card 1/3 S/025,161/000/012/0011/00i Professor Panchenko's biotron D2967D304- entei-s the wards after passing through a special air lock. Ioni- zation is affected via a special device which forms a powerful water curtain. The jets of water strike the 6runite walls of a chamber, eject electrons from them and ionize the air, satura- ting it with negative ions. The '.reatment of hypertonia in the biotron is based on the idea that hypertonia is, to a large ex- tent, angioneurosis. By creating optimum climatic conditions in the biot:-,-on ward and preventing fluctuation of the environmen- tal factors, normalization of all the disturbed functions in the patient's body is facil:Ltated. The blood vessels rela-v- and di- late and the blood pressure drops. Treatment is apparently effec- tive in 10-14 days. The biotron has also proved efficacious for patients sufferin6 from bronchial asthma. "i'sthmatic attacks --ease in 1-2 days. Yaople Buffering from seve-oe disturbances of the cerebral bl-ood circulation have also recovered as a result of biotron treatment. The biotron. is at present being used for Card 2/3 0 S/025 '1/000/012/001/601 Professor Panchenko^-s biotron D20-18YD304 studying the effects of artificial climate o--l. the body. Experi- ments with animals have shown thalthe hea-ling of wounds pursues a quite different course than normal in the biotron; wounds heal m-ch TAicker; althou6h tile reason for this is not yet clear, Speaking of Panchenko's biotron, Nikolay Nikolayevich Blokhin, president of the lUi-.ademiya meditsinakikh naul: SSSR (Academy of Medical Sciences USSR), stated that it could be viewed partly as a flealth resort factor which facilitates the normalization of all the functions and systems of the human body. Professor Pan- cher-ko is assisted by oqOidate of Medical Sciences, Docent Alek- sandr Romanovich Vinn-i-Lskiy. The chief enLineer o-C the biotron, is Yuriy Andreyevich I.Sakov- There are 5 fissures. Clard 3,45 SEVAL'NEVA, Polina "Yoling old ai3eff is now not only the oxymoron of a poet 'cut also a scientific problem. Naula i zhiznl 29 no.2:70-73 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Old age) W, SEVALINEVA.. Polina Interoceptoris are signalling. Nauka i zhizn' 29 no*6:19-22 -Te 162o (Receptors (Neurology)) f . (MIU .15:10) .SEVALIYOVA, P. (Moskva) Ifm will live long. flauka. i zhtttia 12 no.6:1-2, 2 of cover Je 162. O-URA 119:7) (MEDICAL RESEARCH) SEVAN. G. arkhitektor. Let's have efficient Dlanning for Moscow schools. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 25 no.6:20-23 Joi '51. (MLU 10~9) (Moscow-Schoolhouses) ACCESSION NR: AT4042713 S/0000/631000/000/0431/0433 AUTHOR: Sevan'kayev, A. V. TITLE: Functional state of, the vestibular analyzer in the first hours th various doses following- irradiation wi SOURCE: Konferentsiya po aviatsionnoy i kosmicheskoy meditsine, 1963. Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy* konferentsii. Moscow, 1963, 431-433 TOPIC TAGS: radiation effect, vestibular function, ionizing radiation, vestibular stimulation, rabbit, vestibular analyzer, Coriolis acceleration ABSTRACT: The effect of ionizing radiation on the functional state of the vestibular analyzer was investigated in 120 rabbits. A new apparatus providing a wide range of angular and Coriolis accelerations and velocities, capable of producing practically any level of vestibular stimulation from subliminal to superliminal, was used. 1~iN The new device incorporates biocurrent pickups for Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4042713 accurate registration of ve stibular -somatic (nystagmus) and vestibular-involun- tary (respiration and pulse rate) reflexes. Five groups of 20 rabbits were exposed to total body irradiation with doses of 50, 100, 500, 800, and 5000 r., Threshold sensitivity and reactivity of the vestibular analyzer were determined 2 or 3 times before, immediately following, and 2 and 5 hr following irradiation. The control group was examined at the same times as the ex- perimental animals. Since primary reactions are functional and ordinarily manifested as changes in threshole sensitivity, such changes were taken as an early index of impairment of vestibular function by radiation. After irradiation with 50 and 100 r, 23 of 40 rabbits reacted, 13 with lowered and 10 with in- creased threshold sensitivity. Reactivity tests with rising stimuli of 30, 60, and 120*/sec followed by a stop-stimulus also indicated increased excitability of the vestibular analyzer. Of 20 rabbits irradiated with 500 r, a total of 18 reacted, all with lowered threshold sensitivity. The maximum decrease occurred 2 hr after irradiation; 5 hr after irradiation their responses were almost identical to those of the controls. Increasing the radiation dose (to 800 r and 50000 produced an even more marked suppression of vestibular Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4042713 function, with a tendency to restoration after 5 hr. Irradiation also affected vestibular -involuntary reactions. The changes were particularly marked following irradiation with 500, 800, and 5000 r. Instead of the ordinary in- crease in intensity and duration of reaction with increase in stimulus, the response (respiration rate change) was about equal for both strong and weak stimuli, In some animals the reaction appeared only in response to rather' strong (1200/sec) stimulation of the labyT'-ith, and was weaker than before irradiation. It has thus*been extablished tha' ionizing radiation in doses of 500 to 5000 r 'results in a 90016 to 100% reduction in vestibular sensitivity and reactivity. It is notable that smaller doses (50 to 100 r) evoked an opposite reaction (increased excitability) in some of the animals. It is also significant in designing practical measurF_~s that doses-*~! 500 r suppress not only the vestibular -somatic reflex but also vestibular -involuntary reactions, Go that the probability is lessened that veatibular analyzer dysfunctions will occur when adequate stimulation of the semicircular canals is combined with exposure to ionizing radiation. The opposite tendencies of vestibular excitability and reactivity chai,ges foUowl!ig large and small doses of radiation permit conjecture as to the dominant reaction in different areas of different functional mechanisms Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4,'-42713 of the analyzer. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 27Sep63 NO REF SOV: 000 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: Ls! OTHER: 000 Card 4/4 SEVANIKAYL-71 A.V.,- SVESFINIKOV, A.A. Effect of ionJ,zing radiation on the fimetion of the vesti- bular analyzer. Med. rad. 8 no.7:82-87 J:L 163. (MIRA 17:1) ACCESSION NR: AT4037705 6/28o'5/64/003/000/0355/0365 AUTHOR: Sveshnikov, A. A.; Sevan'kayev. A. V. TITLE: Changes in sensitivity and reactivity of the yestibular analyzer due to the influence of ionizing radiation SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologichei)lcikh nauk. Problemy* koemicheskoy biologii, v. 3. 1964, 355--365 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation, vestibular roflex, vestibulography, dog, rawbit ABSTRACT: Experiments have been performed to determine the amount of ionizing radiation required to effect the first-functional changes in'the vestibular ana- lyzer. Dogs and rabbits were subjected to gamma irradiation in doses ranging from i50 to 5000 r. Another group of dogs was irradiated with protons ranging from 500 to 350 r (proton energy, 510 Mev). Threshold sensitivity and reactivity were do- 1 termined by mean of a rotating device. "Vestibulograms" were plotted. It was found that small doses of radiation (50 to 100 r) tend to increase the excitability of the analyzer. A dose of 200-r can be considered as threshold because the first regular decrease in labyrinth excitability is observed. Higher doses lead to a -bard 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4037705 .conniderable inhibition of the function of the vestibular mechanism. ;ASSOCIATION: none SUBMI 00 ENCL: 00 SM COI)E: PH# LS :NO REF SOV: OU5 OTHER: 004 r'-,4 2/2 Card L 14151+-66 ACC NR: AP6001315 SOURCE CODE: UR/0248/65/000io0g/0037/0040 AUTHOR: Bochk6v_,JL_P_.; Antoshchina, M. M.; Dulanov, A. G.; Khlestova, R. A.;, Sevanlkayev, A. V. ORG: Institute of Medical Nidiolcgy, AMN SSSR, Obninsk (Institut meditsinskoy radiolo.gii AHN SSSR); Maternity Hospital No. 26, Moscow (Rodillnyy dom No. 26) TITLE: Frequency of spontancous noncleavage of sex chromosomes in man -SOURCE: AMN SSSR. Vestnik,_no. 9, 1965, 37-40 TOPIC TAGS: human genetics, infant disease ABSTRACT: An examination was made for the presence o~l sex chromation in cells ftom newly born girls and boys. No anomalies were,found in the girls, while fourof the boys had sex chromatin, i. e,., Kleinfelter's syndrome. Reexamiation of these four infants 2-6 months later showed a high percentage of cells with sex chromat'ind None,-,-I of the infants' parents had been exposed to ionizing radiation or other injurious factors. Among stillborn inf-ants, 2 of 57 boys and 1 of 46 girls had sex chromosome anomalies. Referring to the frequency of such anomalies in spontaneous abortions UDC: 576.312.332 616-053.1+ 576.312.332 Card 1/2 SEVAR, Stefan, inz. Heavy-duty rutile electrode VUS -VR 2. 7varanie 13 no. 1: 17-19 Ja 164. 1. Vyskunny ustav zvaracsky, Bratislava. SEVARAC, I. Tagoslavia (430) Technology phynics in -solving technical problems. rt 2. The application of modern - Pa p. 14. NAFTA. Vol. 2. no. 12, Dec. 1951. last &Fopean Acceasions List. Library of Congress. Vol. 2, no. 3, March 1933. UNCIASSUDID. SEVAFLAC, I "Isolating Isotopes by the Electrovagnetic Method", p. 255 (NAU-KA I PRIRODA) (Vol. 6, No. 6, 1953, Bebgrad, YUgOS12Vi2 ) SO: Monthly List of East Europear. AccessiorL5, L. C. Vol. 3,, No. h. April 1954 sf_vR(~(~C~ YWOSLAVIA/Eloctronics - Electricel Discharges in Gases and Gas Dis-H-7 charge Apparatus AbB Jour ; Rof Zhur - FiUke, No 10, 1958, No 23354 Author : Forovic Brenislave, Sevvrec Ivan Inst I Not Given Title : Oharactoristics of Ion Source for Solids Orig, r-'ubilubl. Elektrotachn. fek. Univ. Bcogradu, Mat. i fiz., 1957, No 15, 12 p. Abstract Description of the operating principle end liet of cher- actoristics of an ion source, used in a sotur for electro- magnetic isotope separation. The electrons ionizing vapors of the substance Pro enitted by an incendoseent filament end move undor_tho influonee of megnetic and electric fields along a spiral, leading to a lengthoning of their path. The electric fields of the cathode-reflector-anodo systern causes the electron to porform a lprZo nuibor of oscillations be- fore they reach the wells of the chanber. The ions formad in the discharge ples-me are drawn out by the electric field, Card 1/2 SEVARAC, Ivan e Some elements necessary to the construction of high vacuum systems. Nova prozv 13 no.lz20-25 '62. SEVARAG, Ivan, dr inz., naucni saradnik (BeogradY Bulevar revolucije 432) Recent achievements in the development of high-intensity ion sources. Tehnika Jug 18 no.9:Suppl.: Radioizotopi zrac 2 no.9: 1620-1627 S '63. 1. Institut za :auklew.-ne nauke "Boris Kidric". Beograd-Vinca. ACCESSION Ma: AP4023174 Y/0001/64/000/004/0630/0634 AUTEOR: Savarac, Ivan (Doctor of engineering) TITLE: -Plan a-, e* SOURCE: Tohnika, no. 4, 1964, 630-634 TOPIC TAGSt plasma jet, plasma physics, plasma jet application, plasma jet cho.-dstry. high temperature technology, metallurgy technology-, industrial chemisty ABSTRACT: An elementary explanation and desoription of the plasma Jot is given. Its various appLications in metallurgical processes are noted. Partioular attention is paid to coating surfaces with a layer of refractor7 metal. A section of the article is devoted to applications in the chemical industry. Orig. art. hass 2 figures. ASSOCIVION: Institut za. rralclearne nauke "Boris Kidrio.w Belgrade-Vinca (Institute for Yacloar Scioncos) SUB41TTED: 28Doo63 DATE ACQ: lOApr64 ENCLs 00 SUB CODE: PH. YL NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 020 CP rd -7, SEVARAC, Ivan, dr inz., naueni saradnik (Beograd, Bulevar revolucije 432) Welding and smelting by electron jets. Tehnika Jug 19 no.5: Suppl:Radioig:otopi zrac 3 no.51828-832 W t6l+. 1. Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade- Vinca. --5 Im ff 1~ /C, -66. Al' SENARLIC, D.M. Yugoslavia (430) Science Results of observations on meridian passage thi-m-C! a nei.., ccq-i--tructei in Belgrade, P. 1, Astronc.-Is-Im I Ectcroroloska Saopstenja, No. 7, Aug. 1, !-;,51. East European Accecs-ions List. Library ::f Con,-ress, Vol. 1, no. 14, Dec. !~?1~2. LITiCLA-E-SIFIED S TC YmToslamala (430) Science 7-oan r.,cliy;0e, of October 7tb 1"49, p. 4113. I Saorstenja, No. 7, ;,aw. 'last won-~an Accessions I.j5t, T ~ br.-,.ry Con=ess, %T.0'.12 nD. Lee. !,~:72. A- %-/ .SAIlh ff - A A (43'7') Cc; ance Astronomical observation on 12 comets discovered in 1948 and on two periodical comets, p. 51. Astronom- ska I Meteoroloska Saopstenja, No. 7, August. 1, 1951. East European Accessions List, Library of Congress, To-1. 1', no. 14, Dec. 1952. UNCLASSIFIED ORA SEVARLIC, B. M. Yugoslavia (430) Science New building of the Astronomical observatory,. p. 63. Astrononska observatory. pe 639 Astronomaka I Meteoroloska Saopatenja, No. 7, Aug 1, 1951. East European Accessions List Library of Congress, Vol, 1,, no. 14, ffe-c1952, UNCLASSHM. SEVARLICO B. M. Yugoslavia WO) Science New satelites, P. 75. Astronomska I Meteoroloska. Saopatenia, No. 7, Aug 1, 1951- East European Accessions List. Library of Congress., Vol. 1,, no. 114, Dec. 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. ,3 _ , 0,.r I -j -- '+ I- f C)I --S IL a t c -a "I. farl~-~--'--[' -f 325, 1 1:-1 tL`,~ Dill, 7, ]-~54, Yl,taslavia) List of -','-Lst :~uzropf~an Ac,3os-,ic-.-.s, LO, Vol. :To. T C , E SEXLRLIC) B Determination of the latitude of the Cbservatory by means of a i-xismatic astrolable. p 56 Vol. 19, no. 1, 1954 rIUL- ETiN SCIENCE Eeograd SO: M71%THLY Ll~;T OF E.LiT LURC.FMi (FZAL), LC, ROL. 10/, no. I 6ept. 1954, Encl. SEVARLIC, B. Investigating the horizontal circle of Wild's precision T3 theodolite. p.7. ZBORNIK. Univerzitet. Geoderski institut. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. No. 1, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC., Vol. 9, no. 2, Jan 1960. Uncl. SEVARLIC, Branislav Harmonic analysis of the observed latitq& variations of Belgrade from 1949.0 to 1957.0. Zbor Geod inst Beograd no.2:17-46 159. SEVARLIC,--BraniBlav A method for calculating polhody from the observations done at only one station. Zbor Gead inst Beograd no.2:79-88 159. SEVARLIC., B.; TELEKI, G. Program of deterudning the declinations of 36 stars at the zenith telescope. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no-3/4:27-30 1959 (pub. f6O) (EM 10:9) (Telescope) (Stars) SEIVARLIC, B. M. Determination of the aberration constant of the latitude variations at the Obseirv tory of-Belgrade. Bul Obs Beograd 21+ no-3/4:32-31+ 1959 (pub. 160) (EM lo: 9) (Astronow) (Latitude) SEVARLIC, B.; TELEKI, G.; PETOVIC, Z.; DJOKIC, M. [Dokic, M.3 Observations ` zenithal telescope of 110 mm. of the Latitude Wi Service of the Observatory. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no.1/2:2-3 '59. (published 1960) (EEAI 9:9) (YugoslavJ.a--Astronomy) SEVARLIC., B. M.; TELEXI, G.j PETOVIC, Z.; DJOKIG, M.[Dokic) Observations with the 110 mm. zenith telescope at the latitude Service of the Observatory of Belgrade. Bul 01m Beograd 24 no-3/4:6 1959 (pub. 160) (UAI 10: 9) (Astronony) (Telescope) (Latitude) j SEVARLIC, B.M.; TLUKI, G. Design of a new program for the Latitude Service of the Observatory of Belgrade. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no-3/4:19-27 1959 (pub. '60) (Em 10:9) 1-1~1~ --~JLatitude) TELEKI, G.; SEVARLIC, B.P.I. Comparison between the old and the new program of the service of latitude of the Belgrade Observatory, based on simiiltaneous observations made in 1960. Bul Obs Bec!zrad 25 no.3:73-86 164. _WARLIC., Branislav The zenith refraction and its affect on the variations of Belgrade latitude. Zbor Geod inst Beograd no.3:54-65 160. SEVARLIC p -Braapj#V Influence of the velocity and direction of winds an the variations of latitude. Zbor Good Inst Beograd no.3:66-80 t60 :-EVARLIC, JARWLP-V Sev=-rlic, Jarn!mL-~v. 0rg~-n!.zqcIja u noI,4,orr'-vredi. (Beograd, Navuma im,ii--a, 1P50) (Management in sacie-lint agriculturr-i) Yulgo--~la--ia SO : I-lanthly Li L, t, of Er--!, t- European Acces fdons , L. 0 . , Vol. 2, INT0. 11, Uov. Uncl. cuvarl i-- J '-esear-~L o.-, exoendit~~re n-- 'a,-or at the --rSac"d lino nfidi 1"ll-Irl i-~ 1.,?:), - SJ: List oi' 7,',, s-, -E -,,-o--.ean -'.zeessions List (EEAL) LC, Vol iio. 11 IV ~Fii il-1, j. -7-7 ---!,TC, J. Dan.4-3h a,,-riculture. p. Vol - 3eonFrad, Ylj~-oslavla 3o: Turorean t'iccessicn, Vol. 6, Nn, 2, F~bruary 1957 30(l) TUG/1-59-3-46/57 AUTHOR: ~evarli6, Jaroi3lav, Engineer and Associate Professor. St., Beograd) TITLE: Distribution of Work Between Male and Female Labor on Individual Farms in Vojvodina (Podela radaizmedju mufte i ~enske radne snage u individualnim poljoprivred- nim gazdinstvima Vojvodine) FERIODTCAL: Tehn-ika, 1959, Nr 3t PP 515-517 (YUG) ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the statistics ~.ompiled by the Institut za ekonomiku. poljoprivrede (Institute for Agricultural Economy) in Beograd on the distribution of work between male and female workers on farms in Vojvodina in 1955. The statistical data are based on study of 296 farms. The author gives the percentage of various types of agricultural land and crops, and the yearly working days put into cultiv *ation of land by male and female farm members. Various age groups Card 112 SEVARLIG., J.,- dr. (BE)ograd); OTASEVIC, S., ing. (Beograd) Labor productivity in the State Farm "Tamis", Pancevo, during the period 1956-1959. Produktivnost 3 no.7/8:529-542 Ag 161. SEVARLIC, Jaroslav., drp prof. (Beograd., Lole Ribara 12) Some problems in the distribution of personal incomes in the socialist agricultural orgapizatiorw. Tolmika Jug:Suppl.: Organizacija rada, 13 no.3:582-586 Mr f63. 1. Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. i At UNGER , yu, j dilt' I I t.- 1-., .1 ~ ~ ;I II, 1,. 1 1,~,Hnc I iij,;cai , C,, I; ~*-'-ASICWOLI y N. ; 1,11 KJR:11 LIESKU , L,. [MiKai I escu , L. j Dynamic studie-- on verbo-vertal connections and on vegetative components in the association experiment. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 12 no.4:578-580 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. 1nstitut nela-ologii imeni Favlova AN fb.Lmynskoy Narodnoy Res- publik-J, Buk-harest. KHRIIIIIKOVA, Vera Yevgen'yevna(Khriennikova, ME.1; VOFYLKITI~' Vadim Alekseytavich[Vopylkin, V.0.]; RUXAK, Nikolay Terentlyevich; SEVASTOPOLISKIY, Natan-Otto.yich [Sevastopollslkyi, EX.]; YURCHE24KO, P.M., red. [Use of the State Standards for mechanical drawing in schools; aid for teachers] Zastosuvannia kresliarslkykh HOSTiv u shko.1i; posibnykh dlia vcbyteliv. Kiev, Ra- dians'ka shko-la, 1964. 48 P. (14IRA 18:1) SEVASTRU, A., ing. "Treatment of the neutral on the hieh-tensicn electric networks in order to avoid prolonged supertensions" by F. Dimo. Reviewed by A.Savastru. Energetica Rum 8 no.8:380 Ag 160. SEVASTtYAN, V.V. -_ Nonferrous metallurgy in Bulgaria. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.2:79-80 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Bulgaria-Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy) BIBEFLNUI., L.M.; SEVASTIYANE14KO, V.G.; YAKUBOV, I.T. Photodissociation of oxygen in front of a shock wave in the air. Teplofiz. -vys. temp. 2 no.3:333-336 My-Je 16/+. (MIRA 17: 8) 1. Moskovskiy &i,- ge,&'cheskiy- institut. L a6614-66 EWT(1)/T IJP(-e)- AT ACC NR, 'AP6013933 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/002/0122/0125 AUTHOR* Onufriyev, A. T. (Novosibirsk); Sevastlyanenko, V. G. (Novosibirsk) 91 ORd: none orption MTLE: Transfer-of radiant energy in spectral lines with, regard.-to reabs SOURCE i-i4fth dhebkoy--fitiki, no--2~ i966-, Zhurnal prikladnoy vekhafilki- TOPIC TAGS: spectral line, heat transfer, absorption coefficient ABSTRACT: The authors compare the.diffusion approximation method for calculating ra- diation energy tran fer in a plane layer of gas with the exact solution for this ~lem and propose a method for calculating the characteristics of heat exchange by-ra-.- diation in-spectral -lines. Localized thermal equilibrium is assumed for a given tem-* perature distribution in a plane layer of argon.- The 3P-4S resonance line of this gas with an oscillator strength of 0.2 is selecte d for calculating the radiant energy transfer. A comparison of c),act and approximate calculations ot, the energy flux den- sity in a cross section of the layer for various frequencies shows a maximum error of about 20% for the diffusion approximation in the intervediate range of absorption Co- efficients. At lower coefficienis of spectral absorption, the e .rror decreases and the approximation gives exact results in the transparent region. This comparison in- dicates that the diffusion iqpproximation may be used for most practical'calculation Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4011479 S/0051/64/016/001/0003/0010 AUMIOR: Sevast'yanenko, V.G.; Yakubov, I.T. TITLX: Radiative cooling of gas heated by a strong shock wave SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.16, no.1, 1964, 3-10 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave, shock wave front*Ishock wave heating, radiative cooling,. plasma cooling, argon, inert gas, shock wave tube, shock wave temperatures ABSTRACT: Propagation of a shock wave through gas is accompanied by changes in--the state of the gas, which leads to formation of a r.ogion of hot strongly radiating gas behind the shock wave front. Although local thermodynamic equilibrium is rapid- ly established, this region of hot gas is not uniform. Experiments w1th argon in shock tubes carried out by H.Petschek, P.Rose, H.Glick, and A.Kantrowitz (J.Appl. Phys.26,83,1955) have shown that the gas behind the shock wave front cools rapidly, and that in studying this region in a shock tube.the rate of cooling must be taken into account. Petschek et al also carried out theoretical calculations for the rate of cooling based on the assumption that the radiation is mainly in the continuum ad that the radiation in the regions of the spectrum lines is negligible. The results C.,d l1jV ACC.NR: AP4011479 of their calculations are in reasonable-agreement with the experimental data but careful analysis shows that their approach is not entirely satisfactory. According- ly, in the present paper more detailed and comprehensive calculations are carried out for the rate of cooling of the gas behind the shock wave front. The calculations are based on expressions for the onergy,Oalance. All the radiative processes (radia- tion in the continuum and in the regions.of the Unes) are considered and their re- lative roles are evAluated. The set of equations-describing the state of the gas is solved approximately and then integrated to obtain a final solution for,the cases of interest. Numerical evaluations are made for the case of argon and the results are in good-agreement with the data of Petschek et al. Although the specific calcu- lations are made.for the case of argon plasma in a hemispherical volume, the equa- tions and computation procedure should be applicable to any atomic gas. Evaluations of thermal conductivity show that the temperature field in the proximity of the ttbe walls is virtually time independent. From this it follows that although the tempera- ture is virtually constant over most of the cross section of the tube, it falls off rapidly at the walls. "The authors are grateful to L.M.Biberman for suggesting the topic and following the course of the work. The authors are also indebted to V.S. Vorob'ev and G.E.Norman for discussion of individual problems." 32 formulas and 4 figures. Card 2/~V 3965-66 EWT(l )IEWP (in)/F(14S (k)/EWA (I) 7 ...,ACCESSION NR: AP5025296 UR/0051/65/019/004/05i5it)5i#'~ 534.222.2+535.23 ,,AUTHOR: Sevast'yanenko, V. G.; Y bov, 1. T. TITLE: Cooling of the gas behind shock waves due to emission of radiation SOURCE: Optika I s ektroskopiya, v. 19, mo. 4, 1965f 515-518 p 'TOPIC TAGS: xenon, argon, -plasma, shock wave, shock tube, argon plasma, radiaticn..: ~cooling, photoionization :1ABSTRACT: The equations describing the radiation cooling of 'gas behind strong shock waves in shock tubes are discussed. The dependence of the cooling rate. !of gas on the pressure behind the strong shock wave is analyzed for almost complete ,ionized and partially ionized atamic gases. The theoretically calculated cooling crate of xenon due to emission of radiation is compared with the experimental data :of F. It. Mies (Journal of C.qemical Physics, v. 37, 1962, p. 497). The transition !probabilities for Ar were Wed in calculating the energy of the linear emission !of Xe (at T = 9750K at a pressure of 3.6 atm linear emission was It,40* of the total radiated energy). The intensity of continuous emission was obtained by-means' : iof the Norman-Biberman method. The theoretical resulta were found to be in excelle E-7 agreement with th6 experimental data. The results obtained show that throughout Card 1/2 l 77777 L 8518-66 EV1T(l)/EV1T(m)/ET IMC! --JD-,A ACC NRs AP5021906 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/65/000/6'0-4-/-D-c*fffff'---- Vill AUTHOR: Vetlutskiy, V. M. (Novosibirsk); Onufr ev,-A. T. (Novosibirsk); Sevastlya- nenko, V. G (Novosibirsk) IORG: none TITIX: Calculation of an electrical wall-stabilized argon arc with consideration Of radiative energy transfer SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy nyakhaniki tekhnicheskoy'fiziki, no. 4, 1965, 71-78 tj L 1, TOPIC TAGS: argon,1plasma arc,_plasma radiation AB STRACT: The calculation of the argon are parameters are presented with considera- 'tion of the radiation processes. The laminar arc with local thermodynamic equilibrium is considered to be stabilized by cooled walls. The 'electric field in the arc is taken to be constant along the axis and radially,. The.transport equation for the arc is solved by successive approximations. The degree of ionization is determined by Saha's equation with a lower*d ionization potential. The electrical conductivity and heat conductivity consisting of the heavy component conductivity, electron conductivi- ty and conductivity due to ionization are calculated. The behavior ef the radiation is considered for several kinds of transitions with special attention given 'to reso~ nance lines and transitions to the ground state. The calculated parameters for the SEVAST'YANNIX, H.H. ~ S;. Using water oiraulation to oool soap. Kasl.-shir.prom. 18 no.9.'27 6 133. NLRA 6:9) 1. Slavyanskiy maeloshirkombinat. (soap) - - - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - --- - SEVASTOYANNIKOV,, E. The purpose of life. Sov.profsoiuzy 17 no.l2t24-26 A 161* (MM 14:6) (Mevek-Gauging) (SociaUat competition) 0 SEVASTIYANNIKOV, Ed. Bard of the poople on the 150th anniversarv of the birth of A.V. Kolltsov. Rabotnitsa 37 no.10:26 0 159. (NIRA 13:2) (Kolltsov, Aleksei Vasillevich, 1809-M-2) DUSETSKIN, V., red.; I:3SAK0,.L;,,.red.;MIHHAIL0V~ 0., red.; PERK, A., red.; PRIMINN, O.,-red.; SUNDEMA, S.# red.; -SEVASTLANOV A. red.; TOOMSALU, E.-,.tekhn. red. (Proceedingl3 Of the Republic Conference on Plant Physiology and Genetics] Toimetus~ VhLbariikliku konverentsi taimefusioloogia ja genetika alal, -Tallizin, Eesti,NSVI'Teaduste Akadeemia, 1963. 314 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vabariiklik konverents taimefusioloogia ja Tallinn, 1961. ',geneetika alal (Plant-Physiology) (Ilzenetics) FEGELT'I' 3. " 0 I - --- , , , u. [F6"Relinann, S. j , red.; SLEVAST IYANIOV, A, ; recl . r LStudies of animal physiolo_gv] Issledovaniia po fizio-'Ir, giJ zhivotnykh. Tallirm, 1964. 138 F. 0, -! IPA .18 - 5 ) 1. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeerda. Eksperimentaalbioloogia Instituut. Y,UIJSK, V.. red.; LAASWER, L., red.; TR.ASS, Kh.L"Trass, H.I., red.; S~VASTIYAIH)V, A., red. [Study of the vegetation of Saaremaa Island] izuchenie rastitellnosti ostrova Saaremaa. Tartu, 1964. 285 P. (MIRA 18,5) 1. Eesti NSV readuste Akadeemia. Zoologia ja Botaanika Instituut. TERAS, Yu.Kh.[Teras, 0'.1. red.; IMT, LA red.; PIKHL, Kh.O. (Pihlo H.1, red.; TALLMEYSTER., E.T:tTallmeister, E.1, red.; YANNUS, L.E.[Jannus,, L.I. red.; KIMISKIY, K.S., nauchzWy red.; SEVASTIYA140V 1,~~red,)- TOOMSALUp E., tekhn. red. [Investigations in microbiology] Issledovaniia po mikrobiologii. Tallinn. Vol.l. 1961. 221 p. (MIRA 15-6) 1. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Neditsiini Inssituu-6. (MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY) KOPV I LLEM.) Khelldur Khennanovich; KRALLI, E., red.; S-EVASTIM-M, A., red. (Cabbage moth, its biology and insect parasites] Kapust- naia moll, ee biologiia i entomofagi. Tartu Akad. nauk Estonskoi SSR, 1965. 60 p. (AIRA 19:1)