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SEROKA, Jarluiz, r7q,"Ir J1.z. Flovrieters .1cr mass f--,c-w rate T-,s-~ llotr p-race no.18:34-39 '63. 1. Opiniowal mgr inz. Wiktc)r RI-tho ACC NR, AP6030294 _162 - SOURCE CODE: PO[O [66/000/007/0012/0019 AUTHOR: Seroka, Janusz (Master engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Design and research problems of turbine-type transmitters of flow meters SOURCE: Technika lotnicza i astronautyczna, no. 7, 1966, 12-19 TOPIC TAGS: turbine,1rransmitter#, flow meter, flow meter transmitter A ABSTRACT: The specifications for the Soviet DR-2B, DRM, RTS-16, and RTMS trans- mitters (the last two used for aircraft fuel flow meters) and six Polish transmitters~ I are given. Some results of the testing and investigating various flow meters and I flow meter transmitters, carried out at the Institute of Aeronautics in Warsaw, 1 are included. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. 006/ SOV REF: 001/ 1; SUB CODE: 1'q1 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: i Card UDC; 681-121.3 36166- ACC NR% -- - --------- -- E;V(k N V h 15512 SOURCE CODE: PO/2532/65/000/025/0017/0023 AUTHOR: Seroka, Janusz --Seroka, Ya., (Master engineer) ORG: none TITLE: The problem of the time constant of the pickup of a turbine flow meter SOURCE: Wursaw. Inatytut lotnietwa. Prace, no. 25, 1965, 17-23 TOPIC TAGS: flow meter, time constitnt, I irblrie f low meter 9 7Z,Ae--J,,_)F ABSTRACT: The theoretical considerations contained in the present paper are concerned with dynamic problems of the pickup -unit of a turbine flow meter and are connected with the research work on flow meters in the Department of Aircraft In- struments of the I. L. (Institute of Aeronautics). The numerical data quoted are those published by flow-meter producing firms or from technical literature on the subject. This work was evaluated by Victor Roth, Master of Arts, Engineer. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 1 table, and 16 formulas. (Author's abstract.] [KS1 SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 C.rd uDc: 681.121.89:532-575-57 ffPS)HT!-'YN, Ye.F.; 140SKALFV, A.N.; SERCGODSK11,,.Ay.; PIGIDA, Ye.Yu.; TANTSTIRA, V.A. Investigating the operation of a gasoline and air jet-piercing machine. Gor. zhu--. no.4:35-37 Ap 165. (MURA 18:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Epshteyn). 2. Filial Instituta mekhaniki AN RrSSR (for all except Epshteyn). 18(3) SOV1163-~)-2-1~ /,18 AUTHORS; Gl--nkov. Y. A. , Serokhvostov, --'. L. TITLE: A Model Investigation of the Pro.'esse, Settli,, and Carryin---out of Dust in Steel-melting Furnaces (Issledovani-,e na stende protsessov osedaniya i vyrLosa pyli v staleplavil-'ny'-.11 pechakh) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Iletallurgliya, 1)"0, "Ir 2, PP 84--89 (USSR) A13STRACT: The model of a steel-melting furnare was made of plexiglass on a scale of 1 : 15 (Fig 1). The air 3upply working as a model of the gas circulation could be blown in, as in the original, as a direct current with unilateral and double return flow. To imitate the coarse-Crained dust, water was introduced into the tank of the model, and air was blown in by a series of tubes under the %vater surface. The drops carried a,~Yay were ~,ollected in 14 measur-inG -pointo (Fij- 2) by means of rolls of filter paper, For the finer dust frac-- tion, the metel level of the tanl-- was represeniei by a metal foil witli 25 open4n-s by which overheated ra-,~cr was blovn rend -ias absorbed in the measutrin,- points by cartridges C!~rd 1/2 of povijorel 3-5 ')ow Vie dust settlin:- under n , -7 A Model Tnvesti_rat--on of the Frocesses of Settlin.- and Ca-ryin-out of Dust. in Steel-neitinf; Furnaces different con~it-41cns of cir!:~ulption. In direct b-ic-ninE and "I - - s S ,ith 1, i:,jil-tr.,rril i.,eturn fiovi, tli,-~ maximum of d1lt ettlin, lies NrI7:le, 1:,, the orosz se:,tion, t"'O illut 2cttlt~,~! fu-', tl~e 1: , -ir t ii n th-a lower se,--.tion (if the side Wi`- t-iu return flow. maximm!.-. of dus' L 1, u oettlin,,, in the meetin,- point of the tvo flames. The settling of the coarse dust frartion ,,rocceds ~---ore irre~~ular- lv th, 7,y rever3inE, the flame the an t,,at of the fine lust, am'st settlin,-- doon not -1.L-nre, li,,t it- bocc--,t-- i:cre re.-Alar. T ~i case of a ,ac return flow, fine rli;f~t i:~ carrie,! out Of ti- '2 .,he escal,e frcy:.. 11.,lo fl;rnace is - 1~ 1, by lirect 1)lowin,~, tlie r-,in-,*..i-.j;7 in ca 711ble n -rod - tid o f a a flovi. There are 5 1'imires. v ASSOCIATION: osko skiy institut stali (~..osccw Steel SUBMITM 'Tilly 1'*. , 1956 Card 2/2 GLINKOV, M.A.; SEROKHVOSTOV A,L Mechanics of gases in the hearth of a uniflow and recirculating ty-pe steel smelting furnace. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.7:188-195 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavoy. (Smelting furnaces) (Gas flow) GLINKOV, K.A.; SEROMOV05-TOV. A.L. 01 141" of flows in beast furance hearths with uhiflow and recirculation. Izv. vyB. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.3: 20-3-208 163, (MIRA -16;5) la Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov._- (Blast furances-Combustion) (Gas flow) -,ust formation Gu.r-ng tLe 'bio-wing of an open-hearth fuzrriace bath by o~:ygen. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. wt. 7 no.6:52-55 1464. WIP-A 17:7) Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. TOLSTIKOV, V., komandir roty, starshiy leytenant; DUBININ, N., pod- polkovnik; KOTYLINIKOV, A., kapitan; SAVECHENKOV, leytenant; SBROKHVOSTOV, X., komandir roty, gvardii kapitan; DEMIDOV, A., podpolkovnik; CHURKOV, N., komandir roty, kapit-an; IFMHA.UOV- 'SKIY, S., komandir roty, g7ardii kapitan; SOKOWV, A., m1adshiy sorzhant Solutinn nf tactical prnbleme publishod In no. 8. Voen.vest. 38 nn.IP:41-41 D 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Tactics) SINELOBOV., M.A.; SAMOYLOVA, S.A.; SEROUVOSTOV) V.V. Using the chemical action in the tapping of tar-impregnated wood. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.prom. 14 no.4:16-17 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy tekhmokhimicheski7 institut. (Turpentining) SKROKLINOV, N.P,~: YATSMO. N.2. ~ -, Tanks for ratting Jute fibers. Tekst.i)rom.14 no.3:49-50 Mr 154. (MT-'R- 7:5) (J.ute) TONXEL, I., inzh.; BELENOV, I., inzh.; SEROKO How to protect the wood of birch from rot. Mast.lesa no-5:11 MY '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.TSentrallnyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institilt lesosplava. (Birch) (Wood--Pr6servation) TWOREK. Romuald; SEROKOWA, Danuta Isolation of Brucella suis from a hare. Przegl. epidem.. Warsz. 10 no.4:369-370 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii PZH Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Kostrzewski. (BRUCELLOSIS suis, In bare (Pol)) (RODENTS, dis. brucellosis suis in bare (Pol)) TIdOFaK, Romuald; SEROKOWA, Danuta; MACHNICKA, Barbara - - Bmicellosis on a fox farm. Przegl. epidem., Warsz. 11 no-3:307-308 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiolotrii P. Z. H. (BRUMLOSIS, epidemiol. in foxes (Pol)) (ANIMALS, dis. brucellosis in foxes (Pol)) TWORE.K. Romunld; 'j'-I:MOXOWA, Dnnuta. nnyst. tech. 3arbnra KreRka Essay of the evaluation of usefulness of opsonic phagGcytosis renction in laboratory diagnosIs of brucellosis. Przegl. "idem., Warsz. 13 10.3:263-271 1959 1. Z Zakladu BDidemiologii P. Z. H. Kierownik: Drof. dr j. KDstrzewski. (;3RUCELWSIS, ding.) (PHAGOCYTOSIS) TWMK, Romuald; SEROKOWA, Darruta Examination of cattle for Q fever by means of milk capillary aMlutina- tion reaction in north-eastern Darts of Poland. Przegi. epidem., Wars%. 13 no-3:273-276 19590 1. Z Zakladu Epidepiologii P. Z. H. Kierownik: -prof. dr J. Kostrzewski. (MILK, mi~robiol.) (Q YLTM, prev. & control) OSVALDO-RUSINOVA, Aldona; TWOREK, Romuald; SHROKOWA, Denuta, przy wspol- udziale rejonowego lek.wet. OLSZOWE:A, Wlktor. Investigations for the detection of brucellosis in state farms in the Warsaw region. Przegl.epidem.13 no-4:371-3?7 159. 1. Z Dzialu Klinicznego PM i Il Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A.M. w Warszewie. Kierownik: B. Kaseur i Zakladu 39pidemiolo- gii PZH- Kierownik: T. Kostrzewski. (BRUCULWSIS epidemiol.) 0 "-'*'~; Warsaw. Mqdyerna Woter7"arrjma. Vpj 186 no 2. February 1q62' 1. "Ike jkmlo of Animals In the Problee at Tumor&," Prot Dr. Alaksander JAMOSKIl pp 6--~fia. 2. *Mko P"blem of NesomAtoolo.' Stanislav KIR"A of th bpoo&roh Office for_Plm *as #A, PL-tkammtA 61-&I-Mi-m Uaytkowroh) of the Iii-SiMt's. rat Yet:rinary Science (Zastytut Weterynaril) in started (alrostart Prof. Dr. S. J:ZRKOR)I' Vp 68-71. 3. 'Oboorvationo and the Types of Vibrie found in the waspuce or balls,* R._EQM&nd Z,__MLXSWICZ of ths' QM&F-Af Obotetrlas And ftthologii;gf Rue TO if W -41. i_ M-4 i TiA7todra Pologniatwa I vitolo i rod ) or the Psoulty of Veterinary Salenat (Wydaial Voterynarli) at the SMW (Stkola Glo~nft Oosp*JArstwa WisjokLege, X&Aa School of Aural Economy) at Warsaw (Dirsotort ftef. Dr. Yamanp-M)i pp 71-74 (ftsligh sumary). 'Ansplarmosio In Catllo,' Dr. N. J. US tAOPXWXICJCXj " 73-79. m2al"nallovis or Cattle in ftland during l9j7.l96O,* Stanislaw XZU3ZTVSXZ or the W0jawodstwo Tot*rins" (Dirvoters Dr. S. WEUSZYN- SxI)8 pp 79-83. in In Poland During 1937-1960,1 ft- 220-XOVL of the gpid"IjLogy R!~sarah Office. imelomro $tat* Institute or HYeLm*) at Warsaw (Diroatort Prof. Dr. J. K03TRISWSKX) pp 83-83s. 7* aSomo ffotoo an Rbinitis atrophicans In Pigs.* Stefan SAMOL of the Ooner.1 n.m *aro" atria* -Ti;klad 1. 6? V. E. r I- - nary 3alenof (TAstitut voterynarrjny) at Pular (Direeters Prof. Dr. Stanislaw KRAUSS): pp 85-d?. "Attempt to Dlff-r-ntLat. Strains of the Nownastio vlso&s. virus on the BASIS or the Aldolame Activity,* J*rsr KI2A7-SJ8v3KZs pp 88-9L. 9. *Xot,m an the luborculLn Toot In ltoroo..~ ?*Ilk% X. XOZLOWSICII-p 91. 10. *Ptomollo of Control or Liv.r nuke Dj.soa,~ n L/2 --SEIH,OKOWA, Danuta-----.--- . Epizootic situation of rabies in Poland In 1959-1960 in relation So observations on rabies in wild animals during the post-war period. Przegl. epidem. 15 no-4:173-185 '61. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii PZH Kierownik prof. dr J. Kostrzewski. (RABIES epidemiol) SEROKUROVI-TJ~.-- Early maturity in young cattle of various body conformation types. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.2:70-74 F 161. WRA 15:11) 1. Direktor Katsmanskoy stantsii po plemennoy rabote i iskusstvennomu osemeneniyu sellskakhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh. (Bukovina-Cattle) MIRZOYAN, N.A.; SOOKUROVA N.A. Treliting malaria patients with synthetic preparations Nou-333 and 343- Hed.paraz. i peraz.bol.supplement to no.1:23 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. 1z Instituta melyarii i maditsinskoy perazitologii Hinisterstva zdravookhreneniya Uzbekskoy SSR. (ANTIMAIARIALS) 'e c, n e ar w ti -,e a-~ f c - re m-, v ! r, g c r P,,., f e r s -,nur. e n.-,. 7/- Ja-~ (MIRA 17,"', SJ!aUPEG,Ill, 1.11. , dotsent Swimming. Zdorov'e 5 no.7:9 Jl '59. (MIRA 12:11) (SWIM)4BIG) SEHOPIAN ) E. , dr. ; Gll,!~MLNU ) 1. , dr. Contributions to the study of the d4agnosis of allergic rhinitis. Med. intern., Bucur 12 no.7:1085-10912 Jl 160. (HAY FMR, dfagnosis) PAU,~,~ZS,,'U I C. I corif .; SE,"OPIAII, dr.; NE'STOR, Georgeta, dr.; PAIFEL, Irina, interna Some aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of lupus nephropathy. Mad. intern. 11~. no.9:10,1~7-1091 S 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala, Spitalul "Carol Davilall, Bucuresti, (LUPUS !I-',,YT!!!IIATOSU3, SYSTF141C) (GLOINIERULOITEPHRITIS) (INEPHROTIC SINDRU,M) (PYEWIIEPIITITIS) SL~'IJAIJAII) E.; J.; 131"11,01,11, 1). Criteria for appraising the value of diagnostic usei for determining the etiology of respiratory allergoses. Ruma- nian med. rev. 19 no.3:29-33 JI-S 165. E., "JID, Canci "ed Sri; LOL-OVAD, T., ',T. Section of idlerW- Llseases ol: the IT. i)avilall Hospital (Serviciu.L ae bo-l-i alorLice all c:z)itc--'lu-lu:L 11C. i;avilall) - (for all) Bucharest, ViatajAed-icalp-, No 6, 11; aalr 63, pp 407-41-8. "Lethal Allen~,ic -TterCencies. It LUPU, N., Gh., Acad.; KFjLFj",N, A., Conf.;-SEROPIAN, L31. Problems concerning methods of teaching clinical medicine in medical schools. Mad. int., Bucur. 8 no-3: 323-328 JU17 56. (EDUCATION, MEDICAL in Rumania, teaching of clin. mad.) I SEROPIAN, .,dl-. ; GIOCIRLIC.D.,dr.; GHF.BASIN,L.,dr. Contributions to the study of corticotherapy in exudative peri- carditis (10 cases). Med. int..Bucur. 12 no.1:63-71 Ja 160. (PERICARDITI.S. therapy) (ADRML CORTYX HORMONES, therapy) LA ZAiLF-,3(;lJ , G I . , inw. ; II, Ev.,int: :i , ; :) ~AM.' i*l': , -. , : ' - -~ -, I - t ; . . II .- I j7, . ;"I ' ~ ? ' N, . , ing . ; 3--ERC P -- !-?: , 1H, . , a rh . Designing out new types of furnivi-re for combined rGoms. Ind lemruLlui 15 no.11:431-43() N '64. 6NROPLUI, Ye.; GRECHANU, I.; 10i,,N, A. (Buldiarest) Treatment of severe forms of bronchial asthma with ACTH and cortisone. 37 no.6:149-151 Je '5q. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz terapevticheskoy kliniki Koltsya pri Institute usover- shenstvoianlya i spetsializataii vrachey (dir. - prof.B fn ~eodoreslcu). (ASTJ114A, ther. ACTH & cortisone alone & in combination (Ras)) (ACTH, ther. use asthma, with & without cortisone (Rue)) (CORTISONE, ther. use asthma, with & without ACTH (Rua)) SEROPIAN,_ E._, dr.; GRECEPITU, I. . dr. J The value of cutaneous tests in allergological investigations. Med. intern., Bucur 13 no.2.-249-257 F 161. 1. Luerare efectuata. in Clinics. medicala Spitalul "Fundenim, directorul clinicii conf. C. Paunescu. (ALLERGY diagnosis) (SKIN pharmacology) SEROPIA11.1 E., dr. . candidat in stinte medicale; IOAN, Al., dr.; PLYULZO, N. , dr. The coefficient of oxygen utilization in mitral stenosis. Mled. inti~rn. 14 no.6:667-671 Je 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica mcdicala "Colteall (director: prof. B. Theodorescu). - (MITRAL STENOSIS) (RESPIRATORY FMICTION T~MS) (TISSUE, METABOLISM) PAIRIESCU, 0. , conf .; Z. , dr.; COMOROSM', S. , dr.; OAIJCEA, R. , dr.; 30,1111111) E., dr.; SAFIESCU, Gh., dr.; PANAMSCU, Gh., dr.; SOUIU, I., dr.; 1. , dr.; C-FPJ:., 11. , chi-in. Clinical and biochernical aspects of atherosclerosis in young persons. Med. intern. 14 no.6:937-944 Ag 162. (ARTERIOSGUROSIS) ( h-a~ !:;RC I: OLESTI; ""-'U) (LIPOPROTEINS) SEROPIAN,.~q., dr., candidat in stiinte medicale; GREGEAITU,I., dr. I - - BEWTU, D., dr. (Racuresti) Criteria for evaluation of diagnostic methods for determining the etiology of some respiratory allergies. Med. intern. (Bacur.) 16 no.12:1465-1470 D 164 1. Lucrare efectuata in Serviciul de boli alergice, spitalul "Dt-.G.Davilla". SEROPIAT, E., dr.; BELOIU, D., dr.; GRECEANU, I., dr. Exo-allergy to a posterior pituitary hormone preparation in cases of diabetes insipidus. Med. intern. (Bucur.) 16 no.12t 1489-1492 D 164 1. Incrare efectuata in Serviciul de boli alergice, Spitalul "Dr.C.,Davilla% Bucuresti. SFROPYANP A.M., Inzh, Achievemente ofL the Special Construction Bureau f'-Tndus-:r-AaI Instruments" in the manufacture of instrumen-.s. Priborostroenie no.21l7-22 F 165~ (KRA 180) SEROPYAN, K.A., Prevention of nenerenl and skin diseases in the Alb&nian People's ReTyublic [with summary in 'English). Vest.derm. i ven- 32 no.4:53- 55 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz kafedry dermato-venorologil Tirenskogo meditsinfikog.0 instituta AlbRniya. 011MOLOGY DISEASES, prev. & controls in Albania (Rus)) (SKIN DISEASES, prev. & control. same (RUB)) SFMPYAN, K.A. , _kand. med. nauk; KIRCHIKU, K.; TSARIM, M.; BASH&, Sh.; GOSTEVSKIKH, M.Ye. Intra-urterial injection of novocaine solutions in treating skin diseases. Vest. derm. i ven. 33 no.2:82 Mr-Ap 159. (MIM 12:7) 1. Iz kliniki kozhno-venericheskikh bolezney meditsinskogo instituta g. Tirana (Albaniya). (SKIII-DISFASIN) (ITOVOGAM) SEROSHEVSKIY, Yu.; PALYUKH, 0.; PALINSKA-VXEZI, Z. Significance of paratypy in clinical practice. Akush.i gin. 35 no.4: 78-83 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki (dir. - Drof. Yn. Sero- shevskiy) Meditsinskoy akademii v Lodzi. (CERVIX UTERI pathol.) 1. RARTSEINIUK, G. SEIROSHTAN, G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Grasses i -,- 7. Cultivating seeds of perennial grasses on irrigated plots. Kol-kh. proizv. tmo"N 152. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions.. Library of Congress, March 1951, Unclassified. N-A.; TOCIEM, P.A., red.; LIKANOTil, M.I., (Applying the law of value in collective farm production] Is-Dol'Zovanie zakona stoimosti v kolkhoznom pro-4zvodstve. Kharlkov, Khnrlkovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 74 p. (Collective farms) (MIRA 13:1) "I , , , Likjiay krILCI-IUV-L ~:h ; "';.IA , , ""' -, I~, ~ i~ ic)v--i,- I ~ ; I - ,- 1 -1 . . . 117TICil-ITIA, red. [Impor-tarit "r)lArcu. I"j,- the Lriccoriso of i.%l.lola.1 weall.h] Vazliiiyi istocluAk ros'.a obshchf,,stvc;nno,-o boge.-tstva. Kharlkov, Frapor, 33 P. 18-1) HNGY N' N", -11. i Sel-ctlve minIng of ref!,tictor-y clays and kaolins tu rof-ary ez,:a*.--t~rs. M T Rj~ 18: 5) OgneuPorY 30 no-3:16-24- '65. 1. Trest 110greuporner-ad" (for Berezhnoy). 2. Nauchno-issledovatell- skiy gornorudnrj instltu~ (for SeroshLan). SEROS'HTAIT, V.I.; CITERUMTKO, A.S. Quick-removable device for measuring tension in cables. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch,issl. inst. nauch. i tekh. info-mn. 18 no. 12:61-62 D '0'5 (IIII-RA 19:1) SKROSTANOV, G.I., inzhener. Experience in using trnveling gantry cranes. Biul.tekh.inform. 3 no.9:11-14 S '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Building) SEROSTANOV, G., inzh. . , Using gantry cranes in building large-panel apartment houses. Stroitell no.2:8 1? '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) SEROSTANOV, G., inzh. I Assembling precast houses b7 mounting elements directl7 from trucks. Stroitell no.7:3-4 J1 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Precast concrete construction) ~2 s s i ~ , Lr -2 ;-.story nzsid~anc btii-ldims by ~;an~rv cranes". r i-duc 'JSSP,, '-,)s co-..- Ord2r r E Labor anner Kuybyslh~av) , 7lo 13, 1951)' 130 C,y SEROSTANOV,,..-G.. lnxb. A rolled-panel bouse is being built. Stroitell no-1:3-6 Ja 159. (MIRL 12:3) (14oncow--Apartment bouses) (Concrete slabs) SEROSTANOV, G. , lmnd.telchn.nauk. Assembling houses of prefabricated room units. Zbil-stroi- no.12:24-25 '59- (MI-R& 13:4) (Irilblino-Pracast concrete construction) SEROSTANOT, G.I., kand. takhn. nauk What's new in blast-furnace construction. Prom. stroi. 3? no.11:32-36 N '59. ( MRA 13:2) 1.11auchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut stroitallnoy promyshlennosti Minstroya RSFSR. (Blast furnaces) (Precast concrete construction) I:-- SEROSTANOVj_Grjggriy_Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LEONIDOV, N.K., inzh.9 nauchnyy red.,~ -SPURTSOVA, I.P.f red. izd-va; SHLENSON, P.G.0 tekhn. red. [Mounting structural parts of a blast furnace with the BK-1425 crane] Montazh konstruktsii domennoi pechi kranom BK-1425. Moskva, Goo. izd- vo lit-ry po stroit. arkhit; i stroit. materialam, 1961. 37 p. WRA 14:7) (Blast furnaces-Design and construction) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) SHROSTANOV, V.M. , , . - , - Tool handling in machine construction plante.Avt.trakt.prow. no.6-.8-10 Je 154. (KLRA 7:7) 1. Stalingradskiv traktornyy zavod. (Kachinery industry) (Ingineering-Tools and Implements) SEROSTANCV.V.M. ;1~7 ~ 1, -Iwce Reorganization Of Droduction accounting systems in foundries. Avt. trakt. prom. no.7:1-3 JI 155. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Stalingradakiy traktornyy zavod. (Foundries--Accounting) (labor productivity) SBROSTANOV, Y.M,. Simplify record keeping in delivering parts and units to assembly plants. Avt. i trakt. prom. no.1:3-5 J& 156. MaA 9:6) l.Stalingradakiy traktorVy zavod. (Automobile industry-Accounting) S-,RCTKIN, V. P. Serotkin, V. 1. "A new system of linking circular water supply systems," San. tekanika, Issue 2, 1948, P161 82-91 SO: U-2888, Letopis ZhurnalInykh Statey, No. 1, 1949 KAWANUM, N.K., dorozlinyy master (st. Besh-Arik, Kazakhskoy dorogi); Smous, T,p , dorozhnyy master (st. Svyatogorskaya, Doaetskoy dorogi); FASHUIPINJ S:B.; MISH, P.A. Letters to the editor. Put' i put.khoz. 6 no-3:31 W 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Dezhurnyy po stantsii i obshchestvenn-yy avtoinspektor, stantsiya Kullbak-ino, Odesskoy dorogi (for Fashutin). 2. Fomoshchnik uchastkovogo revizora po bezopastnosti dvizheniya poydzdov, st. Kaliningrad, Litovskoy dorogi (for Kulish). (Railroads) SEROV, G, D. Recording of the -,ypho-id Ifever phage tj-,er growth react"on using an ind-icator medium. Zhur.mikrobiol., evid. i iTanun. 42 no.12:87-89 D 165. (~UFA 19-.1) GI~LWID:1 -Redoovich; SOIJ,,'ISEV, Yuriy Porfirlyevich; I-Gonnadiy Vladinirovich; InKOL011, AX.,, red.; KATSI'iMISON, N.-Ye', redAzd-va; GVIRTIS), V.L., tekhn. red. (Improved procedure for the sifelting of M18119TL steel] Usovershenstvovanie tekhnologii vyplavki stali lKhl-8119TL Leningrad, 1962. 20 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno- tolchnichookoi propagandy. Obmen paredowm opytom. Seriia: Liteinoe proizvodstvo, no-4) (MIRA 15:10) (Chromium-nickel steel-Metallurgy) LUKAN Ill, A.A.; V.1-1. -1 KOFOBI~YTIIKU'i, V.V. ; SEROV G `- - M ' '. 1 . .'~. 11" ' i Influence of thr- q1jality of the carbon reducing agent con proi-c-tior, indices of 751 ferosilicon. Stall 24 no.11:1001-1-'06 N ( "! -- ~~ --,. I F : 7L )" NITY,1N, V,G, Inzh.; SAFONOV, H.1", inzil.; 6FROV, G.V., irlzh.; F,0I"0bI-I'YNiKOV, v , 11,9inzh.; FISHMAN, P.D., inzh.; STRAFHOV, V.M., inzh. NIMIN, Yu.K. Production of 75% ferroqilicon with coke from a charge with an increased content, of gas coal. Stall 25 no.2:133-135 F 165. (MIRA 1F; 3) 1 - . Kuznetsk45, zavod ferrosplavov i Kuznetskiy filial Vostochnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skago uglekhimicheskogo instituta. SEROV, I. Our experience in organizing wood turning. Politakh.obuch. no.2:90-52 F '59. (MIRA 12;3) 1. Pedagngichoskiy institut, g, Gorlkiy. (Turning) SIMOV. I.A. (Yaroslavl', Grazhdanakays u1., d. 1'/-A, kv.64) Connections between nerves of the internal auditory meatus of the temporal pyramid in man [with summary in Enelish] . Arkh.anat. gist. i embr. 35 no.1:48-51 A-1 '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z Imfedry normallnoy anatomit (zav. - prof. A.V.Votrin) Yaroslavskogo gosudarstvennogo maditalnekogo institute. (FAR HIDIME. innervation, connection between nerves (Rus)) VASILIYEV, G.Ya.; SHVARTS, A.G.; SEROV, I.A.; MESHOPOV, Yu.D.; Prinin~ai qchastiyo: UliANOV) S.B.';--BIM(JVA-, A.A.; GINDURG, L.V.; GCGROKHOVJ, N.D.; KARAPETYAN, D.A.; KEPERSHA, L.M.; MAMDOVA: M.M. Manufacture of diaphragms at the Baku tire factory. Kauch.i rez. 21 no.1:45-47 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1 klauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti i Bakinskiy shinnyy zavod. (Baku-Tires, Rubber) 3 ER67 ~,, -- ~ i~ , , kf4 nd . rwfi , ric, 1-- ~ Ca-Be of pe-B-ig"ent allaredial arttzri .n man. Zhur. --,5h,, nos. I bcl. 24 no~'-,815-86 ja-F 16~. (MIFA 18g3) ctdEils,--ya or k y dc-,' - :z cto-, Ly Dis 0 uFkcy - . t, - hc.l~r..-Asy F.. lip, C wo-i A/ _-M----AP60212o4- URCE CODE: ACC 66 so 7000/00310016[0018 I. A.; Kur n K. A.; In& AUTHORS E shteyn, . G.; Vasillyev, G. Y&.; S2E2y IL. A.; Pq~Xak, M. A. ---------- ",,*- !!jd~~ __j 1 37 ORG; Yaroslavl Technological Institute (Yaroslavskiy tekhnologichaskiy institut) TITLE: New type of softener with an aromatic base SOURCE: Kauchuk I rezina, no. 3, 1966, 16-18 TOPIC TAGS1 rubber chemicals petroleum product, plasticizer ABSTRACTI In order to brgaden the sourcoorrtwmaterials for t~o rubber industry, an ex- tract named "azaroplast'.')~Azerbaydzhan aromatic piasticizer),"obtained from the furfur- al purification of lubricating oils of Baku crudes, was tested as a softener. Azaro- Dlast was tested in comparieon with other commo r used soft? ners in standard mixes 6sed on NK natural rubbeAnd butadione-styren V~.S-SKS-30M Lbber and in a tread mix consisting of 70% SK3-30ARK and 30% NK. The tests showed azaroplast to surpass the other softeners In plasticizing effect. The vulcanization rate of mixes containing azaroplast was practically the same as that of mixes with the other softeners. Vulcan- izates of standard mixes based on NK and SKS-30ARK and containing azaroplast had in- creased strength characteristics. Replacement of mazut with azaroplast in tread mixes will permit a considerable increase in the extrusion rate and produce higher strength Card 1/2 uDc. 678.o4g.37-oo4.12 i zq~,~/Z--oo ACC NR: AP60212o4 0 characteristics. Orig. art. hass 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODEI ii/ SUBM DATEI 070ct64/ ORIG REF: ()04/ OTH REF: 002 Card SRROV, I.B. - - * " Wages of workers employed in the ma hine shops of alcohol plants;, Ppirt.,prom. 23 no.3:24 157. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Korostyshavokiy spirtovoy zavnd. (Wages) TIOEKOV, Illya Aleksayevioh; qPW-,-LD., red.; ZAKHARIKOV, A.N., red.izd-va; MURASHOVA, V.A., [Postwar struggle of the Commmnist Party for the restoration and development of the socialist national economy, 1945-19533 Bor~ba Kommunisticheakoi partii za vosstanovlenie i razvitie sotsialisticheskogo narodnogo khoziaistva v poelevl-eunyi 4period. 1945-1953 gody; materialy k lektsiiam po kursu 'Istoriia KPSS.N Mosk-va, Goa.izd-vo "Vysohaia shkola.4, 1960. 121 p. (mmA 14:12) (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) (Russia-Ilconomic conditions) 1. 1. Reforestation M Methods of producing forest stock on excessively moist lands. Les. khoz. 5 no.7, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -1060~ Unclassified. L 52169-65 DIG 0 /tW`Pr(e)/EKT(m)/EPF WFF ,ACCESSION NR: AP5015482 UR/0286/65/000/008/0016/0017 i '536.5 IAUTHOR: Abrosim v, B. V.; Nagornyy, V. G.; Vyatkin, S. Ye.; Demin, A. V.0 !Serov, I. V. MTLE: A method for determining the maximum temperature,in beat treatment of car- loe ibonaceous material. /Class 12, No. 170040 ,SOURCE-. Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarn kh znakov, no. 8. 1965,~16-17 ~y ;TOPIC TAGS: carbon, temperature measurement JABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for determi nin the m .axi-- 9 Imum temperature in heat treatment of a carbonaceous material. A sample of the Imaterial is heated under a load of no less than 15 kg/cm2 and the maximum tempera-t)~ iture Is determined from the.poin.t where the.sample ~, beAeformed. :ci;. 1ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED- OSFe*b63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE 10 MW SM: 000 MW 000 P r. POPOVAI L.; DUAl G., inzh.; BA;~ANUVA, P.; OWILiSUIV, P.; VE13 Ll.y iADYGIN, A.; PHLOBRAZIONSKlY., Yu.; STEPANOV, V.; BELINSUAIL, A~; 61"UBIN V.- SIROVA K.; IYAl K. J', .1 - From speeclier, at a conference In Pdga. Izobr.i rats, n0-4.6-9 Ap 162- (MIRA 15-4) 1. Uchen~y sekretarl natichno-mtodicheskogo soveta po rabote narodnykh universitetov kulltury Pravlenlya Vsesoyuznogo obshcheatva po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnyl-.h znaniy (for Popov). 2. Rizhskiy myasokonservnyy kombinut (for Bush). 3. Fredsedatell Llvovskogo dorozhnogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obstichestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov (for Baranova). 4. Frorektor universiteta tekhnicheskogo t1vorchestva Amurskoy oblasti (for I-',uznetsov). 5. Glavnyy inzh. lokomotivnogo depo ~bskva- Sortirovochnaya, zamestitell rektora narcdnogo universiteta (for Mer). 6. FJ?edsedLtell soveta Vsesoyuzmgo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov libvo-.I,~ramatorskogo-mashino~troitellnogo za"roda (for Ladygin). 7. PrEdsedatell Litovskogo respublikanskogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva izobreta:teley i ratsionalizatorov (for Belinskene). 8. Zamestitell dekana universiteta tekhaicheskogo tirorchestva pri Leningrads?om Dvortse lmlttur~-imeni Kirova (for (Continued on next card) POPOVA, L. -- (Continued) Card 2. Shubin). 9. Obshchestv-ennyy rellctor universiteta novoy tekhnik-L pr.-'9. Vsesayuznom zaochnom insti-W-Ule inzhenerov transporta, ".;oskva (for Serov). 10. Obshchestvennyy direktor Kirovakanskogo instituta tekhnicheskogo tvorchestva nzolodykh ratsionalizatorov (for '.hmyan). 31. Obshchestvennyy direktor Kiyev8kago universiteta po povyj-heniyu t6khnicheskikh znaniy izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov (for Stepanov). 12. Obshchestvonnyy ruk-ovoditell Bashkirskogo instituta novatorov stroitellnoy industrii (for Preobrazhenskiy). (Rigar-Teohaical oducation-Congresses) SEROV, Konstantin Alekseyevich; ROZRITBAUM, M.G., inzhener, konsulltant; ., inzhener, konsul'tant; KORNILOVA, M.. redaktor; RLKOV, S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [High speed shaft sinking] Skorostanai prokhodka shadhtnvkh stvolov. [Moskva] Izd-vo VI-PxSPS Profizdat, 1954. 62 p. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Brigadir komplekBnoy brigaky prokhodchikov shakhty "Ignatt- yevskaya" g. Stalino (for Serov). (Shaft sinking) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) N SEROV, KJA Big auccens of Donets miners. Haat.ugl. 3 no.~:5-7 MY #54. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Brigadir prokhodchikov shakhty "Ignatlyevskaya" tresta Stalin- shakhtoprokhodka. (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) (Goal mines and mining--Donets Basin) NAL~Y) T Ye :.OZIIEVI;IKC-V, A.M.; SUtOV,__A,F., --red.; SOLOVIYEVA, li.F., 17601. red. red.; IIKOLISVIAYA, K.G.p [Disk brakes]Diskovyi tormoz; uchobnoe posobie po distsipline "A,vtotomozalf dlia studentov V i VI Ir-mrsov spetsiallnostei "Vago- nostl-oeme _i vagcnnoe 'm-.hoziaistvo," "Teplovo2T i teplovoznoe kho- ZiE~ictvo," "Elektrifikats-iia zheleznodorozhnogo transporta." 'eo- sk-va, 1962. 30 P. (MI-P& 15-12) 1 ~. Yoscow. Vseso-;-uznyy mocluVir institut inzhenerov zheleznodo- rozlinogo transporta. (Railroads-Brakes) TRESVYATSKIY, S.G.; GRIBKOV, V.V.; VOIODIII, P.L.; SMOV, K.M. High-temperature vacuum kilns for calcinating high-strengt1i refractories. Ogneupory 25 no.7:313-316 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Refractory materials) (Kilns) GRUNKIN, M.N., kandidat ekonomichoBkikh nauk redaktor; ILLYUMINARSKIY, X.L., reclaktor; SMIRNOV, P.S.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Planning in industrial establishments] Plantrovanie na promyshelnnom predpriiatii. [Leningrad] Lenizdat, 1957. 81 P. (KIRA 10:9) (Russia-Industries) y labcr:-,~ri~s of synthetic filpr plbr'--~, F-; M. Central factor- volek. no.5:78 165. ( R'A. 1 ,, -: 0 1. Starshiy inzh, Nauchno-issledovatellskogo institi-ita I,ekhnikc- ekonomicheskikh issledovanly po khimi4l Gosudarstvennogo kozzlteta klilmicheskoy i neftyancy promyshlennosti pri Gosplane SSISR. ACC MR: A1,7005IS94 SOURCE CODE: ""h;ef Dro4ect engineer) ningrad Division, State 'Inermal Power Planning institute i'00. "C o" power zinit 3) i966P ]~-6 t,3.- z3 b oi I e r ,st-eam turbine, electric power plant 500 1,"Or'awatt P"'Dr Unit iq being assembled at the NazarovGkAya A 11 7,joctric Power Station. It Is the pilot model for a largo series of t1r It'D for hi;~h .;or electric stations planned to be built to utilize the - po, rich ccal doposits of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin, The unit consists of two 500 ton-pcr-hour steam boilers and a single shaft oteam turbine of 500 moga. j,atts capacity designed for steam paramotors of 240 atmospheres (at the Uurbillo at 5600C with one intormediato he.-Athie, of tho Btc= to 565c C. One of the principle now features of the turbine unit is its usage of a central Sj , a of coal powder preparation with preliminary drying of the coal in steam dryers hoatod by off flow steam from the turbine. The advantages of this systom are fuel economy duo to increased thomnadynamic efficiency and increased ro'liability duo to conctant moicturo content of the fuel. A cross sectional diagran of the six-lovol building in which the unit is placed ia pre6onted. The p-,ain body and coal grinding plant are built 6f precast reinforced concrete. The unit was designed for m-acimal usage of standard plans for a coal burning regional -aower station and maximal usage of unified reinforced concrete parts for construction theriral electric power station with the least number of standard cUmensions. Crrig. art. has; 3 figures. [JPRS: 38,3301 UDC.. 621.18:62-1'5 Card 1/1 :~4 R/C 0 l/0UrJ4JLJUU. ACC NRz A117003051 SOURCE CODE: Ui )Oq"/66/GC-G/37 ATYMOR: -'Serov, L. S. (Engineer) ORG: LeninCrad Section, VGPI Thermoelectric Project (Leningradskoye otdeleniye VGPI Teploclek-troproyekt TITLE: First model of 500 unit SOURCE: TeploenerEetika, no. 11, 1966, 4-8 TOPIC TAGS: electric power plant, steam power plant AR3TRACT: The plan decisions are presented for installation of the first model of the 500 megawatt power unit installed at the Nazarovskaya Regional Electric Power Station. The primary point of discussion before construction of the unit was preparation of the fuel. A centralized fuel powder proparation~ 1*systomwith prolirdnary drying of the coal in steam dryers heated by off- flow steam from the turbine was adopted. Ono stage of steam reduction in cooling is used, designed for )0% steam generating plant load. The reduction unit automatically s-writchos on when temperature before the turbine roaches 252 atzn. The complex design of the steam generating unit and turbine are said rams to be suitable only for a first, experimental model. Cross sectional dia.- of the main building housing the steam gonorating and turbine plant, of the central powder mill plus a diagram of the operation of the central powder mill are presented. Although the unit is controlled by computer, it was dG- signed so that the operator has sufficient information at hand to control manually when necessary. Also, the individual devices are autonomous in their control in cauo, of a failure in the control system, In order to facilitate Card 1/2 L 10389-67 ACC NR: A117003051 'i'lin work of tAw oporAor, a mnemonic system is used to combine many of the 3900 %.ViLtrol parwn,A,~,ro for ijaulor coniprolionLilon. Wator nupplica from the Chula River, Jsingle pass during high water periods and with partial reflux during low water periods. IJPIZS: 39,1831 SUB CODE: 10 / SUB14 DATE: none Card 212 SEROV, L.Ya. ---- - --- __ _-- Watercourse losBes in a mountain river. Trudy Otd. geog iV4 Kazakh. SSR 11.1 ~MIRA 14:8) -8:215-217 ~l. (Malaya Almaatinka River--Runoff) SEROV I.T.F.,-veterinarnyy vrach; PIYANKOV, B.F. . Epizootic sterility in cattle. Veterinarila34 no.1188-92 H '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Sterility in animals) (Cattle-Diseases and pests) KORABLEV, Mikhail Dmitriyevich; LEBEDEVA, Yuliya Aleksandrovna; VESTERIKOVA, Lyudmila Favlovna. Prinim-li uchastiye: HIROSHM-UOT, I.P.; red.; MOV, M.F.; NIKIFOROV, A.M.. K&TEVSKAYA, M.D., red.; ANDRIANOV, 11-4 '--B.'- T. red. [Local antiaircraft defense In mral districts] KETO v sellskol mestnosti. Pod red. I.P.Miroshnikova. MoBkva, Izd-vo DOWF, 1959. 198 P. - (MIRA 12:12) 1. Glevnyy agronom Glavnoy gosinspektsii po karantinu I zashchite rasteniy Miniaterstva 861'skogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Nikilorov). (Air defenses) SEROV, M.F. Complex of mucous membrane diseases in cattle. Yeterinariia 36 no.2:8&-91 F '59- (MIRA 12:2) (Cattle--Diseases and pests) (Mucous membrane) szi~uli, 1.1. i~!- \j 4-t- A - - ,V I IlViras abortion of sheep.'' Veterinariya, Vol. 37, no. 10, 1960, P- 78 NAKHMANSON, V.M.; OSIDZE, D.F.; 'SEROV, M.F.; ALEKSANDROVA, V.T.; SOLOV'YEV. S.; t4ALYSHEV,'-f4,.-;*-,iVAIT-,FtIKO, N.M.; POTATURKIN, V.; CHIZHOV, i.I.; MIKHAYLOV, N.N. In the Soviet Union. Veterinariia 39 no.1:88-96 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Veterinary medicine) 1u I Refora M. 1. Remark oa [lie number of zeros of the NO ~Tja Meat differesitird eauatlonof the second order. 9 .) 6, no. 6(46), 182-483 (1951). Uspehi Matem. Nauk (Iq (Russian) The equation y"+q(x)y=Xy is considered -with q(x) a complex-valued function of the real variable x and X coin- plex. Let u Im q(x) be continuous in flie interval (A, B), finite or infinite, and not equal to -. constant in any segment ,h i i l h b f er o nts e . Let the sum of t e num n of this interva po interval where it is a maximurn or mininium be it. Then it is shown that for no value of X can a solution of the differential equation have more than 2n+3 zeros in the interval (A, B). V The proof uses the equation IMN I Y 12dx U W I Y. I ldx. 0 valid for a solution YoW which vanishes at a and 6. -idge, NI, N. Levinson (Canibi iss.). J, urce Mathematical Revie ws, Vol Not HOUSIHOLDER. A.B.; ZHIDKOV, N.P. [transistor]; [translator]; LYUSTERUIK, L.A. , redaktor; KLIMENKO, S.V., Q~i~icheskiy redaktor [Principles of numerical analysis. Translated from the English] Ganovy chislennogo analiza. Perevod s angliiskogo H.P.Zhidkova i X.I.Scrova. Pod red. L.A.Liusternika. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1956. 3120 P. (MLRA 9:11) (Numerical calculations) 68797 S/020/60/131/01/006/060 AUTHOR: Serov, M.I. TITLE: (~e_rlilin- Properties of the Spectrum of a Non-selfadjoint Differential Second-order Operatorl\v PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,196o,vol 131,Nr 1, pp 27-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers (1 ) y" + p(x)yl + [q(x) - XI y = 0, p(X + 1) = P(X) q(x + 1) = q(x) -,'-s it is well-known Ref 1-7 there exists for every A a solution y(x) with the property y(x + 1) 3r sy(x), where s is one of the roots sly s 2 of the equation 2 (2) S _ F(,\)s + exp, Si p(x)d X1 = 0 0 The author denotes X as a point of the type . + if Card 1//2 (sl( ' Is2l are both larger or both smaller than 1, otherwise LY" 68797 Certain Properties of the Spectrum of a S/020/60/131/01/006/060 Non-selfadjoint Differential Second-order Operator is a point of the type The author formulates several properties which are connected with these notions, e.g. if 1 Re p(x)dx = 0, then the set of of the points of the type , + is empty. Similar problems are treated for operators which are defined on 1011] by (1) and by the boundary conditions (3) y(1) = e it y(O) ; y'(1) = eit Y'(O) - There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 1 German. PRESENTED: November 11,1959, by A.N. rolmogorov,Academician SUBMITTED: November 18,1959 Card 2/2 3 2115 S/044/6%/,-)Q,-/C' /0'C"9/0497 6J C! 1 -1C4AA AUTHOR~ Serov, It. I.- TITLE. On the spectrum of a non-selfadjoint operator PERIODICAL.-- Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika. no !-, 196' 2'~ abstract 11B103 (Uch. zap., Yelabuzhsk gos pod in ta 1959, .1. 23 - 59) TEXT: The point I.- is called a point of the spectrum of the 0 equation yi. + p(x)y~ + fq(x) -A]y - 0, ,ahere p(x), q(x) are continuous complex functions with the period 7, if (1 for A = ~L possesses a solution bounded on x ;, X. with L/ 0 different words: That set is called the spectrum which is formed by al'L eigenvalues :1. n(t) of the operator Lt(,.,), if t changes from 0 up to 2'11.'; thereby Lt(y) is determined by the equation (1) and by the boundary conditions: it it YN = e Y(O)j YT) = e Y 1(0), Theorem 1% For certain j, h let be A (t 1) = :-'h(t2)' Card 114 S/044/61/0,,O/O'-/Q09/049 On the spectrum of a non--selfadjoint C111/C444 a) If 1 Re p(x)dx / 0. then t- t = 2k-- and t~ie -Pera- 2 0 tors L. and L.,. and consequently their spectra are identi~-a'. b) If Re p(x)dx = 0; then besides of the dentity of the V~ ouerators it is -possible that t, - t = 2k~-~ p(x.)dx In 2 C caje the operators L and L are not idlentiral, but ther tra are still identical. The .oi-nt 1 is of,the type (+', the multiplicatorc- of i~') 1;,Q both iDsIde or both outside of the unit cir,:-1e; I is Of the type if one of the multiclicators lies inside and the -,.~thar one outs-lCe Qf the unit circle Let be Re p f x) dx C~trd 2,,'-" S/044/61/000/011/009/049 On the spectrum of a non-selfadjoint... C11I/C444 Then there exists in every nei.-Jaborhood of a spectral oint a point of the type (+) as well as other points of the type ( _~, and every domain of the points of the type (-) ia unbouLed. From this fact one obtains several statements on -th-e possible topological structure of the spectrum. One also investiga%ep certain metrical pro 'Derties of the spectrum; it is especialljv shown that every component of the spec- trum has a non-empty intersection with the stripe Min IM Lpl' W, "I < 4 16 X < max IM [q#4 _w4w, - P, 2 By using the id-eas --- of- I.* M.'' G~ Dokl ANSSSR, 1950, 21, 6) it is shown: For every continuous funotion, vanishing outside of an in- terval, there holds the expausioziA 2x f W a. (f) 9. di. where + S d. Card 3/4 __.0 ...- . S/044/61/000/011/009/049 On the spectrum of a non-selfadjotnt,.. C111/C444 and yn,t (x) is the normed system of the eigenfunctions of LtI zn,t(x) is the normed system of the eigenfunctions*of the adjoint operator. "; The sets of the values t, for which Lt, Lt possess multiple eigen- A values, and for which the corresponding systems of the eigenfunctions eventually are incomplete, are sets of measure zero. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 4/4