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The Thermal and Radiolytic Oxidation S/153J60/003/02/09/034
of Methyl Oleate B01I/BO03
A large amount of oxides was also foundq however. The authore.assume
that in addition to peroxides, oxides represent primary oxidation
products of the methyl oleate. Furthermore, the authors studied the
decomposition kinetics of the organic peroxides in dependence on the
oxidation time of the methyl oleate (Fig. 3). They determined that
peroxides decompose after the reaction of second order. The constant
of the decomposition rate decreases with the intensity of oxidation
(Fig. 3). The authors pointed out that a short radiation effect on the
oxidation process is mainly expressed by the reduction of the
induction period of the peroxide.-, acid-, and oxide formation. The
reduction in the induction period is proportional to the radiation
dose (Fig. 5) in the case of peroxides, but is independent of the
radiation dose in the case of oxides. Finally, the authors proved
that the amount of peroxide yield subject to radiation is largely
dependent on temperature (Fig. 7). The elimination of the radiation
source strongly effects the kinetics of the accumulation of peroxides
at comparatively low temperatures. Above 800 this influence cannot be
observed (Fig. 6). The authors thank Professor N. A. Bakh, and
Card 2/3
The Thermal and Radiolytio Oxidation S/153/60/003/02/09/034
of Methyl Oleate B011/B003
B. B. Sarayeva for having supplied the radiation source. There are 8 VN(
figures and 15 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V.
Lomonosova; Kafedra khimicheskoy kinetiki ( oscow State
University imeni M. V. Lomonosoy; Chair of Chemical
SUBMITTED. August 4. 1958
Card 5/3
LIM E134/E485
AUTHORS., Burlakova, Ye.B., Gorban', N.I., Dzantiyev, B~G...,
Sergeyev, G.B., Emanuall, N,M.
TITLE: The effect of gamma radiation on the oxidation of
methyl oleate in the presence of inhibitors of free
radical processes
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly SSSR,
Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, v.4, no,5, 1961,
TEXT: In previous work on the radiological oxidation of natural
fats (Ref.1; Izv, VUZ SSSR, Khimiya i khim, tekhnologiya, v.2,
533 (1959)), the present authors had'related a reduced induction
period with destruction of inhibitors by radiation. In view of
the complexity of natural fats, in which the quantity and atructure
of antioxidants is unknown, the authors decided to study methyl
oleate -1 inhibitor systems, D-iphenylamine and hydroquinone., both
known as inhibitors of free radical reactions, were employed,
The authors had previously (Ref.2~ Izv, VUS SSSR. Khimiya i khim,
tekhnologiya, v,3, 265 (ig6o)) studied the effect of radiation on
inhibitor free methyl oleate, and considered that radiation leading
Card 1/4
The effect of gamma radiation E134/E485
to free radical formation would destroy the inhibitors by
rea--tion with free radicals, Samples were exposed to gamma:
radiation from Cobalt 60 in apparatus IN/It-400 (GUT.-;400) and the
destruction of the inhibitor waa followed apectrophotometri~ally,
Irradiation took place at 20 0C. Oxidation experxmenta on
irradiated and non-irradiated mathyl oleate were carried out a-z
80"C with continuous passage of air- Experiments with inh-_bitor
free methyl oleate were -carried out simultaneously under identi.:~al
~c.ondition3 to obtain the rate of free radical formation,
Experimental details and methods of analysis werIE az desL_ribed -~n
Ref,,2., Curves showing the rate of free radical format-.L:-,n in
inhibited and non-inhibited methyl oleate were found to be
parallel and differed on1v in their inducti-on period- The total
induction period sonsists of -.he basi-- induz:-cion pericd for the
oxidation of inhibitor free methyl and an --additional_ induit=n
period related to the concentration of inhibitor, the latter -is
practically completely destroyed before free peroxide raii-ce.-Is ars
cbserved, ThG additional indue-tion pericd is directly
proportional to inhibitor concent-ration, which is :.hara:~xeril~t_,z
of inhibitors reacting with radicals- Indu--tion periods for
Card 2/4
~.' 7! 1
The effect of gamma radiation E134/E485
irradiated material were lower than for non-irradiated -material
due to inhibitor destruction, and the decrease in induction period
was found to be proportional to the quantity of radiation,
Curves showing the relation between inh~�bltor concentration and
induction period, and the decrease in induction period of
inhibited methyl oleate with total quantity of radiation, are
given as well as correlating equations. It has been shown that
quantity of radiation is controlling, and that intensity has
virtually no effect. At the low temperature of radiation, the
induction period of non-inhibited methyl oleate was practically
unaffected by radiation, The correlation between the induction
period of inhibited methyl oleate and the quantity of radiation
made it possible to calculate the number of radicals formed per
unit of radiation, Experiments, carried out in the presence and
absence of oxygen respectively, lead to the suggestion that
removal of a hydroquinone type inhibitor takes place essentially
by reaction with an R02 type radical, There are 5 figures,
I table and 3 Soviet-bloc references,
Card 3/4
The effect of gamma radiation - E134/E485
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
im, i%1,.V,Lomonosova, Kafedra khimicheakoy kinettki
(Moscow State University im, M.V-Lomonosov.,
Department of Chemical Kinetics)
SUBI'-IITTED., Januayv 28, 1960
Card 4/4
S"XL'+'- 62"002,
AU'l IJURS Scrgepv Q B 'Sharavev, 0. K.. Topchiyeva, K. V., Perei'man, A. L, and Topchiyev,
A. V.
I-ITLE Investigation of chromic oxide catalysts for polymerisation of ethylene by the method
of elcciron paramagnetic resonance
PFRfODICAL: Neftekhimiva, v. 2, no. 1, 1962 18-20
n:x r. 'nie aim of this study was the verification of the hypothesis, previously expressed by the authors,
that the activity of the catalyst is produced under the action of the rcacting substance, ethylene. Experimcnis
on polymerisation of ethylene over chromic oxidecatalysts were carried out and the EPR spectra of the catalyst
%%ithdra%%ti fron, the reaction zone at different stages of the procm %%-ere taken. The catalyst was prepared
by impregnating alurninum silicate with an aqueous solution of chromic anhydride and subsequent acti-
vation. Two varieties of the catalyst, differing by the method of activation, were used. One was activated in
,i current of air at 500', the other one- under vacuum at 350'. The catalyst activated under vacuum displayed
an induction period. The EPR spectra of the two virieties of catalyst, taken at identical stages of the poly-
nierisation process, were found to be practically identical with respect both to the line width and the value of
Card P2
Investigation of chrornic oxide catal)sts..-
S/204/6Z. 002':fflljOO l"007
dke g fpctor (1.0iich NvLls 1971). The identity of the active centres in the two varie[ies of the catalyst was thus
,-qabjj.~j)t-(j Tile observed narrow EPR line is attribated to a compound of'quinquevatent chromium and tht;
C, 5 * ,ms :.jfc coa~,(],~red to constitute the active centres The induction period in 1-he,.atalyst activated under
Vaculin) 1:~ interpi-eted as the time necessary for the reduction of 1-1-64 by ethylene. There are 2 figures.
ASSOC!A,110'4 Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR, Khimicheskii fakultet Nioskovskogo
L!niversiteta(instittiteOfPCErOC~ICMicaI Synthesis, AS USSR, Chemistry Faculty, Urii~
Ve"ity of Moscow)
S L' BNI I T'!F D Novtrnber 24, 1961
Card '11-7
High-speed photochemical hydrobromination of ethylene and
propylene at low temperatures. Dokd-o AN SSSR 142 no.2:396-
398 Ja '62, (UIRA. 15:2)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosa7a.
Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Semenovym.
(Hydrobromic acid)
34 ;8
3 11 C) /13
AUT:-:CR5: Lishnevsk-,y, V, A., Uzhincv, B. MI., and Sergeyev.G. B.
:211ILF: Fast chemical processes at low temperatures
PERIODTCAL-. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. q- 1962, illo'
TEXT. Bromination Lind nitration of olefins, hydrohalogenation of olefins
-.,,itli Jnuble bond on the tertiary C atom, and inorganic addition and substi-
tution reactions at low teMDeratures and 10- 6 mm Hg were studied. Only the
central fractions of liquids distilled several times in vacuo at low
temperatureo were used, and work was conducted in the dark, The heatLng
curves ?,ere recorded with an ~rTl IT -09 (EPP-09) potentiometer with elevated .
adjustable sensitivity, and a 180 mm high Al block (60 mm in diameter)
Diaced in a Dewar vessel was used as heater. Since all reactions proceed
at-7-190C, work zas possible at liquid-nitrogen temperature. 0.0009 moles
of the comnonents were frozen in the 13 mm. long, narrow neck (liameter 6
mm) of the reaction vessel cooled with liquid N 2 , and the temDerature of
Card 1114
S102010"2114 21"00-9/020/022
kast processes at... B110/111101
the. mixtiire wa.,i measured with a differenfial thermocoiaj)le. The Al black
was liented at a rato of I deg/min. its temperature w,.t!j measured with a
t.-olyper -Corint-antan element an(] an M -.194 (M-194) microammeter. The producto
to be analyzed were collected in a ve9sel. To avoid an eXDI03Ion,*Iayers
;_1,i' 0,004 inoles of componento were frozen and thavved again until 5-c;- m! of
r eac t ion product had formed, The yield was determined on the basis of the
pressure change of a membrane thermometer. All reactions, also the chlorine
add-Ition to the double bond, were instantaneous at very low temperatures.
With small initial amounts (0.0009 moles of each component at a ratio of
1-.1- and 0,0018 moles of one component at 1,2), the temperature rise was
soMe tens of det-Irees. The almost exDlosive reactions nrove low activatlon
en,~rgies. and suggest chain reactions, The decrease in activaticn energy
Us Cr-ImDared with the gaseous phase is probably due to the formation of
in"ermediate molecalar complexes. Only one produr~t forms quantitatively
sinr~e the adclition to the double bond proceeds completely. CritJ~cai
temoeratures lie at -190 and -100 0C. The following systems are dis-~inguiLh-
ed(bjsyntems ith critical temperatures below the melting pointg of -he two
.omnclnents tisobut.,,,Iene - bromine) or near the melTing point of the low-
a 1, :) T- o c e s s f, s a t
mel ing Corri-pr')%en Lis obu t,.,-'t-:?ne - qC1 ;isobutylene - I-Br; H3r and
I s-s,ezis tn cri t ical temueratures be tweer. th-'~ rnel T ina T)oints of the
comoorlo!Its 'propylene - bromine; isobutylene - nitrogen dioxide;
-cal temperatures is
rcuyle.-,e nilrogren dioxide). The existence of criT_L
probably aue to the fact that the reaction proceeds near the phase transi-
tiors~ Fcr (I), "he critical temperatures are probably associated rith the
melrine, !jointz; of the r.:'xture, for (II), with the dissolution of one 3cm-
in tLie other. the complex formation, or the melTirg points c-1, the
~iiclec,_ilar comulexes~ The reaction with isobutylene proceeds at loier tem-
perature thar that with propylene since isobutylene has a more polar
structure. The formation of normal addition products from hydrogen h, alides
ard isotutylone proves the ionic character of'the addition to th,~ clouble
'bond, The a1mcst instantaneous addition and substitution reactions are
charact.,_,ristic of the condensed state at low temperatures. The authors
thank 1.1. M. Emanueli, Correspondin.- Member AS USSR, for his interest.
There are 2 figures, 1 table ', and 7 references: ' Soviet and 6 non-Soviet.
'Plie two moot recent referenr-,es to English-language publications read as
follcws: S. Freed, K. ~a., Sansier, J. Am. Chem. Soc,., 74, 1273 (1952).
C,ar~ 4/4
,,as t. I;nem i 2a I
pro~'esses at
C a rin i i Ch 0 in 34, 9517
".109-ovskiy gosudarstvenryy
Poscow State University
Aur',ust ?, 1961, by ll~ N,
july 281 -)61
B i i 0l/ P
un,.versl-tet 1n-1, K. V, Lcmcncs':'Va
imeni M, V, Lrmc-)r,osc-,,)
So-menov, Ac--Idemciar.
'AUTHORS: Kozlov, Yu.P., Sergeyev,
TITLE: The spectra of electroft pa'ramagnetic'resonaiftce of
irradiated and monomer-treated-wheat.!-seed embryos
PERIODICAL:. Radiobiolo'giya, V-3, no.1, 1903, 130-131
TEXT: In an*attempt to clarify.certain aspects of the'chemical
processes associated with.the formation radicals in
irradiated tissues, an investigation was carried out on the
_%nce (EPR) in vacuum-
changes in the electron paramagnetic reson
dried wheat embryos after*exposure io " Co 0 source at room
temperature in the presence of atmospheric oxygen& After
irradiation one portion of the embryos want, left untreated for use.
as controls, a second pprtion was-treated with water for one h6ur
and a third was treatedwith-a,5% vinylpirrblidofie, (VP) solution
in water for.the same period. The ldst two sets of embryos were.
dried to constant weight. EPR spectra,dbtalned through the
use of the gnp-2 (EPR-2) apparatus, are-'shown for 'he t ea
embryos and:dontrols. In the controls a dose-of 4 x-lTr
resulted in an EPR signal in the fo'm of an asymmetrical singlet,
I r
The spectra.of electron cio6VE485
having a inidwidth of 10 Oe and a q factor of 2.004. The
concentration of free electrons was equail. to 2-75 x 1014 and
gradually increased with time and increased temperature. A higher
dosage rate*did not alter the spectrum. The signal was completely
eliminated in the VP-treated embryos as a result of the disappear"
aixce of free radicals from the system. In the moisture-treated
embryos the number of free electrons was slightly reduced but the
general shape of the-signal was similar to that in the control.
There is I figure.
AS~SOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univei-sitet im.
M.V.Lomonosova, biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet*
(Moscow State University :Lmen1,M.V.Lomonosov,
Biology and Soil Division)
SUBMITTED: June 6, 1962
Card 2/2
Use of gas chromatography for the analysis of the products of
low-temperature bromination and hydrobromination of olefins.
Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.2:Khim. IS no.2:14-16 Mr-AP '63. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Kafedra khimicheskoy kinetiki Moskovskogo universiteta.
(Olefins) (Bromination) (Gas chromatography)
Stepwise co~,,,,rsc. of the reac-tion of bromine Fddition to propylene
at low temperatures. Kin. i kat. 5 no.31:407-413 I'lly-l-le 164.
( MiT 17 : 111 )
1. Moskovsk-5y gosudarstvennyy un-versitet imeni Lomorlosova, khi-
0 - -
,TdcheskiT fakulltet.
G: ~r*-e
c, s o f hyd r o e n, b
-j no -3'
-2: 390 )3 ja 165
"Vt: 1111:1,11 Url
PActochesical reaction of hydrebrmination in vitrous and
crystalline mixtures ofallyl chlori4e and hydrogen tromide.
Dokl, AN SSSR 165 no.2051-353 N 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Mookovvkiy gosudarBtvenW universitat. Submitted April 13,
L 09064-67 EdT(m)/EWP(j) WW/JW/RM . - -- . -1 - /
ACC NR, AP602396i--- sWnz cobi-;f of 620~1661666166i-jdo-~-[~YJ
AUTHORS Sorgoyov, 0. B._j P4pisovaL V, I Majft~~"k, K,: Chqn-An-khA
ORGI 11bsoow State University (Hoskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet)
TITLEI Reactions of nitrogen oxi(ies?with unsaturated compounds at low temperatures
SOURCES Neftekh1miyap v. 6p no. 2p 19669 302-308
TOPIC TAGS1 nitrogen oxide, olefin
ABSTRACTS A thermographic method was used to study the reactions of-p~ NO, and NZG
with 4~thyjq~ji~'-/,&opylene# i-butene, isobutylene, 1-hoxone, cyclohexang, a02~~11
methylacetylenep alleney benzenev 10-butadiene, i,3-cyalopontadiene, anTC1,3-cYclo-.'
hexadiene at subzero 12Tp2ratures -7 N204 reacted at a high rate with 1-butene, 1-hex-
enep and cyclohexene at about -40, -32, and -660 respectivel nd with p~2nilenojand
isobutylene at -35 and -740. The reactions of lp3-butadienefir; 1,3-cyglope~Taaene
with 112C4 were even more vigorous. Ethylene, acetil:ei~e, cia, ohexadiene and certain
other compounds did not react with N204 at low temperatures. NO and 1120 did not xeaat
'with any of the unsaturated compounds at low temperatures. Infrared spectroscopic
analysis of the reaction products, performed after heating the reacted mixture of &Cy-
clic olefins and H904 to room temperatures,, showed that chiefly nitrates and nitro
compounds were formed. The reaction of N204 with olefins is explained in terms of,
Card 1/2 UDC# 5M.172.5/.6+5M.1741s547.31
L o9o64-67
2LC~ilformatlon.' Orig. art. hast 3 figures and 2 tables,
SUB CODEt 07/ SUBM DATE# 26Aug65/ MIG RM 013/ OTH Wt 009
L 23712-66 aa(m)/Fwp~ -tA'11'ftj1Fk
A!JnIOR: Papisova, V. I..; Seggev G. B.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/166/006/1369/1371
,17-,G: Moscow State Universityim. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uni-
TITLE- Low-temperature nitration of olefins with nitrogen tetroxide
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady' V. 16611no. 6, 1966, 1369-1371
TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen oxide, nitration, olefin
ABSTRACT: IThe low-temperature nitration of olefins (ethylenj isobutylene, 1-butene,
propylene, 1-hexene, cyclohexene) with nitrogen tetroxide was studied by differential
thermal analysis in a vacuum unit. All the olefins except ethylene reacted vigorous-
ly with N204 at temperatures above the melting points of the olefins but below the
melting point Of H204 (-11.20C). Spectroscopic analysis showed that the nitration
forms addition products, i. e., nitrates and nitro compounds. By analogy with halo-
genation reactions of olefins, it is postulated that nitration proceeds via a stage of
formation of intermediate donor-acceptor-type complexesl(N204 being a weak acceptor).
This hypothesis accounts for the absence of the reactioh with ethylene, whose ioniza-
tion potential is too high to form molecular complexes and enter into an addition re-
action with N204 at low temperatures. Only polar olefins react with N204 under these
rd 1/2 UDC: 541.11'1+541.124.2+547.311+546.174+541.126
L 2 3 7 12L 6 b
ACC NR: AP6009424
conditions. A more detailed investigation of the mechanism of low-temperature nitra-.
tion of unsaturated compounds is planned. The paper was presented by Academician N_
N. Semenov on 3 June 1965. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table.
SUB CODE! 07/ SUBM DATE: 02Jun65/ ORIG Mr: 007/ OTH REF: 003
i I iC 'Jrvier 'lax'i')u:3 'rraimiif- i,-,
u 0 G lid I;ed Sul,
4 W ve L u p i ii i r i c- e i 1 Y C
Jjcal ~nst; ',Iv,,)v L
-55 - 3(11-vey of Sciailli 'ic --nd 'ecn:d ~al
-jefervied at 'T-SH ~IiFher
SERGE)EV, G. I. (Veterinary Doctor, Kxyzhopol'skii District, Vinnitsa Oblast').
"Treatment of atonia in the rumen of cattle" ...
Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 8, August 1962 pp. 53
T TSR/Chemi:ai Techn.--loMf. Chernical Products and Their Application -- Silicates.
Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9
Alst Referat Zhux Kbimiya, No 21 1957; 5231
Aul~h.,T: 'Sexgeyev, G.
Title: FrrAu~:tiz-n c-f Bricks and Roofing Tile in the Chinese People's Republic
materf-aly, izdeliya i konstruktsii, 1956, No 8, 30-32
Abst-ra,--7,: allstract
Card 1~*I
t I C)
-4 644 4
I C 31 Z; it 11 It I? J
Bitter orauge fruit as vit&mLn C Ource. (1.
loexxo4led. Zhkr. 1946. No. 7is. bo-I.-Rut
M.'ra'" contAite much Worbic wW; else We
timtaius, nwxr than the vapefruit. 'nit &v.
*0 4S-3 nit. '~. small specimens average 37, larv
00 ing.76. The fr-tit may be kept I-I.SmonthsA
cf %itankin content. jukr expre,-d from the
00 a&c% 5-2'~ CiUk " AUkl 45 mg. ~'~ ascorbic acit
"tion for 30 min. at 1.5 atin. leaves W.9~',~ of t
v3tamin xmient. ~hik- ;--teuri"tion fur."W mi
lca%,m 69.6%. Stomgt in tight and with art
npidly destroys the vitamin, but storage witt
the dArk tot 90 days leam 93.3% of the original I
00 G. M. Ka
V W-4vW-4--w--
GIV so a so 6 6 0
21 16 F Ll U M A w 2 ?1 46 f- 0
w-curar. --* 0
r swan't
angcnj is
mcs, AZ
bout Ins,
Uit Aver-
at JL)o'
is of air
it air in
w W
0. a .0
ill--ji 1. 4 dna;
L, U ~v It of It 11 5, 1.
1000600 00000j099000 600009
000 09600e*004 :00000tOO0000:006066
rho offoctivenegs of chlorination of water in wells. C.. 1~.
Gigidma 12, No. 1, 48kIN7); CAem-
Ztmsr . (Russian Zone 1-:41.) 1949, 1, bri-The use of 2 p.p.m.
of Cl provided effective sterilization for 2-3 hrs.: 5 p.p.m.
*~terilired for A hrs.. and 10 p.p.m. for 2V-24 firs. Twice
daily chlorination of wells with .5 p.p.m. of Cl is recont-
mended. M. G. Moore
0 0 0 0 0 4
A 2 r L J--J V )I it 11 to If M 0 &1 41
k .04 IR QL W
v A u 41 Gd One
- I
lit -v 4~0 cautal
'k, P.C
0 .4
Superchlotinstion of slinw wst"
If* 0
I;qifaa I .1;aptot. 12, No. lit, 1., -2,% tit It' 17)
I,%- chitirillated I lie IN) IUK - =00
MIC, water
charcm, filtratim, or hyp-ulfite trCitt'll"It- scfws 10
't w3t`r nipply on
i purify this curt"TIOU wint,
, 4
icient: 3 hf3- t (l-,3
tion of chlorinaticin is suff G
1 coo
or above.
,t 20 min. :,t 7
Al vi-jl caw( O.V
IS U It AV Alf Pnit CWH Kit qu Kart Ito( (I I xa At N a 4 a I v N
0 00 000' -~1- ;r 44*
Of 2 2 t ~
0 * 0 0 610 006 00 0 go 0 000 " 11 AAI"-~qg. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0
be 0
FA 65T71
USSR/Jbdicine - Water, Supply Apr 1948
Medicine - Water, Purification
"Superchlorination of Snow Water,* G. K. Sergeyev,
'E P
"Gie; i San" xo 4
In winter snow is often melted for drinking water.
However, the snow around inhabited localities
yields contaminate& water. Author recommends
amounts of chlorine to be used to purify such
Propeller anchor. Las. Prom. 12 no. 2, '52.
Monthly List of Russian Accesaign , Library of Congress, JulY 1952. Unclassified.
Kansk Forest-Steppe 'nosit-lon in the landfom Zonal system.
izv. Vsea~ geog. ob-va 95 no.6:530--532 N.-D 163.
(IMIRA 17:1)
Special features of geomorphology and recent tectonics :Lri the
middle part c'L the Chulym Basin. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geog. no.6:
71-75 N-D (MIRA 18:1)
1. Krasnoyarskiy politeklmicheskiy institut.
v W-W v W-W-4vw a v v w W-W-W
so $06009*0006 04-
I 1 0 11 1, A, A, 'I s; 0 b X 11 At U if sillialog 41 fill "4t#
A a L--A- p If I A. i a k I t N't'l too
Ar . f- . I .
'IffWactim appa"M&
?A. Ituu. A.W2. MAr. 21. iKm,.
A 0
I too
Ike t i
$A I 1 6 cAd 0 0 8 1 if It I A) a 3 -4 T
u is AV 013 Is q
;; " " 0 11 it
o o e 0 o i 0 0 o o 0 0 o o 0 0 0
01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 * 0 0 00
SERGEYEV, G.M., student VI kursa; KLEMP.RS"Li, N.N.. professor, zuveduyushchaya;
-1 ORRAZTSOlli T.D., professor, direktor.
Study of the variability of Bacillus coli of mn after being in sapropelic
mud of Alr-achkull lake; author's abstract. 2hir.mikrobiol.eDid.i Immun. no.
4:61-62 Ap 153. (MLRA 6:6)
1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Chelyabinskogo meditsinskogo inatituta.
The ef.'vct of birgenic stilli 13tors upon the gr6wtf, of
ri.t. (; %I - ?cficlyal.illik MIA. Ill't
?",;I. W,
E,; ... .... wl. 1-nmunobial. 1954, Nu. 1,
ijrillciplu~ irt ti~iue thcrapy art: the so-
11;1-14,llie h)IIIIIalikig ~Lllb~(Oflvci uf allimal and vegL-
mulcr Ilitioni.
li.;.~Ue klillill.!] ~11111 C.Itillic) are
:,Li-l oilh witricit, n:,r aml wootil.tted with i",1:4d,j,1)oj.*,;S
i,h!,z !i'. Pr:1,11 ;. , a'.0 %(~Ijlllylu-
c"ittrol ii- It,:, wv. e i,-ci: I -. Ic'I silimll alcou;l%
AN"r 21-hr. iiict;b,ici,ii H!, -'rit , olltz. fl:L!
~IIGI.,Ilj high,r h.wuti.d m.nt~ fli !it t1w c-art-k. The
.11-C th, :1:-i the IL.Ll,j
;,:i,l ;:. :: ;!.", O,Q nie
11c !I:,:,[ I ,italll~ I,) i; i-, .,r~u b
A. Mirkiij
Study of the effect of biogenic stimulators on the growth of bacterial
cultures. Report no.2. Author's abstract. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i
immun. no.12:81-82 D 254. (MIJRA 8:2)
1. Ix kafedry- mikrobiologii (zav. prof. II.N.Klemparskaya) Ghe3,yabin-
skogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. prof. G.D.Gbraztzov)
biogenic stimulators. eff. on bact. growth)
(RACTERIA, effect of drugs on,
biogenic stimulators)
Clanf! .',ed Sci (di!36) 116Uidy of Liie effect
of e--ti-Irts numa~--L6-n s. and t.-"Ls:3ues ~en
".os, 19')V, It, p:) (First 1',os ~tder of Lenin
Lr, I..!. Secaenov) 200 copies (KL, 35-59, -1117)
- 75 -
Studying the effect of biological stimulants on some properties of
microbic cultures in in-vitro experiments. Zhur. mikrobiol. e-Did.
i 1mrmin 28 no.2:139-140 F '57 (MLRA 10:4)
KARMIVSKIY, David Emanuilovich, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; KORMIEVSKIY,
Vitaliy Ivanovich, aspirant; SIRGEYEV, Grigoriy Matveyevich, assistent
Conversion of freight train brakes to an electropneumtic system.
Izv. vysl ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 3 no.4:120-128 160..(MIRA 13:9)
1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy konstruksii i remonta, lokomotivov Rostov-
skogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Karminskiy).
2. Kafedra gidravliki Rostovskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodoro-
zhnogo transports. (for Korenevskiy). 3. Rostovskiy institut inzhenerov
zheleznorozhnago transporta (for Servey-ev).
-~ar -iv
SLA-rinjZ t.h,: .9%ickin,- (,f' the
M f F: , if-):
11'r no..1~4:156,1'81
DEF TIYEV, Pikolay Vasillyevich; S
IN --~Lqgrg~y Malg~~pj h KHVCSTOVA
_L_ _ 4:q_; __
D.M., red.; GOLICHENKOVA, A.A., tekhn. i-ed.
[To you, comrade voluntary police.11 Tebe, tovarishch druzhinnik.
Moskva., Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat., 1961. 126 p. (MIRA 14:11)
(Auxiliary police)
.,'TTTT40R -Serr~-yev G. 11 En.--i nee r 37-'-8-r---29/31
TIT=j of Operational P1-anrJ---S--
(TZ opyta o-perativnoGo planirovari~-a)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 10,58, Er 5, pp 469-LL?l (USO
ABSTRACT: The Zla-uoust Works produce every quarter over 200
-tyT)os of steel of different profiles, fuifillini~ orders
of 800 to 815 consumers. The SirSteia of cperational
planning of fulfilment of orders developed on the works
is outlined.
There are 4 tables.
ASSOCIATIOIN: Zlatousto-TsLriy me4U-allurgicheski-1,, zavod
(Zlatoust Metallur6ical Combine)
STARSHINOV, B.N.; BANY, A.A.; SAV-7WV,, N.I.; Prinimali '
uchastiye: TORYANIK, E.I.; VASIL'YEV, Yub'S.; SHEREL', T.I.;
Effect of the length of coking on coke quality and the performance
of blast furnaces. Koks i khim. no.12:26-32 161.
(14IRA 15:2)
1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Voloshin,
Bogoyavlenskiy, Akhtyrchenko, Turik., Zhidko., Lyalyuk, Toryanik,,
Vasillyev,, Shemell). 2. Zhdanovskiy koksokhindtheskiy zavod
(for GbLbay, Senyuta-, Bondarenko, Amstislavskiy,, An#lainov'
Serge-fev, Zamakhovskiy, Lyukimson, Ivonin, TSimtsl). 3. Ural'skiy
nauchno-losledovatellskiy institut chernykh mwtal2ov (for
Onopriyenko, Starshinov, Babi3r, Seniko, Konareva-, Solodkiy).
4. Zavod "Azovstall" (for Savelov~, Lukashov, Tarasov, Gorbanev,
Suprun, Tikhomirov., Kononenko, Prokopov, Gulyga, Fliskanovskiyj,
(Blast furnaces)
S/133/62/000/004/c)o 1/008
AU, 110118: ,(-rgrj,jev, G.N.; 1(ha:,.Ln, G.A; Davidyuk, V.N., Engineers
J- : C.-sting flat alloy-st,,~el Ingots
P-7RIGDICAL: ital', no. 4, 1962, _109 - 312
TEXT: 1_3esidez othc-r defects, alloy-steel and alloy ingots oil the con-
ventional square and circular section type very often have an insufficient densi-
~ , mostly in the axial zone. This is caused mainly by an increased carbon con-
k,Y i i
tent, "he presence of alloyin-- elements, impurities in the form of high-melting
no.- 'al I
-,ac- !-*c inclusions and an-increased gas saturation of the metal. In the
bottom part of the ingot tl-ie density is usually satisfactory, due to the accel-
ez~ated solidification oil the metal caused by intensive cooling from the sides
and from the mold bottom. Evidently, the -3-xial porosity of the. ingot can, there-
"or be reduced by modifying the solidification conditions of the metal accord-
Ingly: by an increase of rhe heat extraction from the ingot bottom which inten-
sifies solidification from the bottom upward or by a more thorough heating of
the ingot head. These conditions can be ensured partly by a change of the ingot!;
Card 1/4
S/ *. 33/6 21&C~Olao 4/00 1/008
Casting ~Iat aii-oy-sieel, .... A 0 5 -'. /A ---- 2 7 (greazer conic-lity, smalle-- 'ie'crht-to-average cross section ratio,
~,ar3er dead head vollume) and, partly, by a more intense heatin- of the head.
Ine most i~; orable conditions ~for obtaLning a uni-form, dense macrostructure are
_~Ilven in the electrosiag remmeltin.g process.. At the Z-1atoustovskiy metallurgi-
cheski.- zavod (Matoust IMetallurgical Plant) tests were carried out to cast
ino-ots requiring a uniform, macrostructure . The test ingots were shorter, their
he'lg'nt-to-cross section ~-atio was considerably smaller (11,65) than in the con-
veritional ingots, their conicity .-.,-qs greater (up to 10,"U), which promotes crys-
tallization _from the bottom up-aaards; the ;-.eight of the liquid metal in the head
was greater (up to 37% of the total in-got weight). Under theseconditions the
pores forming are easily filled -vritli liquid metal and this ensures a higher den-
stty in the axial zone oL' the ingot. qrhe shorter ingot shape, however, involves
other difficulties: la-ger parts ,Iiust be cropped, the yield of first-grade
st-1--el d(-creases, heatinbr-, for.-in.7 and roll-ir,-- are more difficult. Shortened
ingots are, therefore, cast only in special cases (large section rods from cer-
tain grade-s and alloys). To obtain a uniformly dense rriacrostructure under
more favorable conditions, cooling to be accelerated. This can only be
achieved, however, by an increase of the cooling surface in relat4 on to the
-olur o" the solj'di.fying metal, in other words, by a reduction of. the
ne - uni,
Card 2/ 4
,,a,tinF Cla-.. allLoy-steel ... A a =4 /A 127
:Ir.~?ot t~iioluiess. At the ZIatoust Metallurgical Plant 0.75-ton, 500 x 250 mm
.est ingots wv!re cast, with a 135-kg rizer, having the following characteristics
'/,n brackets the corresponding da-za for conventional, 430-mar, circular ingots):
_-Goz we;-h~Jton) 0.75 (0-7)
-L, __ , k
Riser welght-to-total
u rat
ingot weight - io (for liquid metal, 18 (37)
Conicity of the Ingot (sidewise) % 5.63 00.8)
Ingot heig-Lt-to-average section ratio 2.32 (1.64
Lateral cooling suirface-to-ingot volume
ratio (,wit.huut bottom part) cL,2/d,3 i.16 (0-97)
Mold weight-to-ingot weight
ratio (without ,Iser) 2.2,q (2-54)
The nei.., geor;,.?Try o.' the ingots parmits a more rapid solidification. The axial
zorfe of P 1.8 (R18), ~M 7-,z6 (E17-;;O'), DA 961 (E1961) s-teel ingots is fine-grained'
and dense,; -when flat, 0.75 ton R-18 high-speed steel ingots were converted into
Card 3A
Casting flat a!'Loy-steel...
-ods P ~ be. reduced to
.t Least ~O awn in diameter, the carbide non-homogeneity could
_0'75951-51 (GOST 5951-51)]. When flat RIB, R9 and
t;he standard degree U
.J347 ingots were cast with petrolatum, their surf ce. was greatly improved. The
.,ots, whLch usually have Intergranular cracks and slag-inclusions in the
conventional and shortened Ingots, are Cn-_e from those defects when they have a
~'lat shai-P. Thei" are no difficulties in heating, forging and rolling them.
High-alloy steels and alloys should be cast in-to flat Ingots of not more than
I ton. For less alloyed steels an optimum configuration of heavy-weight flat in-
gots has to be developad and tested. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Chalyalbinskiy sovnarkhoz (Chelyabinsk Sovnarkhoz)
Card 4,'4
The technique of current measurement from drift ice in regions of
great depths. Trudy WII 210:102-105 161. (MIRA 14:11)
(Arctic regions--Ocean currents) (Sea ice)
Seasonal variations of the carrying-out of ice from the Arctic
basin into the Greenland Sea. Probl. Arkt. i Antarkt. no.1003-
38 162. NM 1612)
(Arctic regions) (Greenland Sea---Sea ice)
Yavorskiy, Boris Mikhaylovich, Andrey Antonovich Detlaf, Lidiya
Bronislavovna Milkovskaya, and Georgiy Petrovich Sergeyev
Kurs lektsiy po fizike, t. 1: Mekhanika, molekulyarnayn fizika i
termodinamiki (A Course of Lectures on Physics, Vol 1: Mechanics,
Molecular Physics, and Thermodynamics) Moscow, Gos. izd-vo
"Sovetskaya nauka," 1958. 276 P. 30,000 copies printed.
Ed. of Publishing House: K.I. Anoshina; Tech. Ed.: M.D. Shlyk,
PURPOSE: This book is intended as a text for a correspondence course
in basic physics for engineering students.
COVERAGE: This is the first volume of a three-volume correspondence
course in physics for engineering students. The content of this
course approximates that of the physics course offered to engineer-
ing students attending regular technical institutions of higher
learning. Each chapter includes test problems,intended to develop
C anl--~
1AUTHOR: Lapin, Yu. V.;1.S.ergeyev, G. P.
ITITLE: Effect of dissociation on skin fri'ction and heat tral~sfer in
a turbulent boundary layer
SOURCE: Leningrad. Poli.tekhnicheskiy insti~tut. Trudy*, no. 230,
11964. Takhnichaskaya gidromekhanika (Techni'cal hydrothechanics)',
TOPIC TAGS: dissociating boundary layer. turbulent boundary layer,
idiaaociation affect, hypersonic flow, skin friction, heat transfer
~ABSTRACT: A study of the-effect of dissoci.ation on tiie heat transfer:
and akin f-riction of a turbul-ent boundary layer is presented.' A
frviiu t'urbulent boundary layer on a flat plate is considered, with
the assumption of,an ideal dissociating gas corresponding tp;.the
Imodel defined by Ligb'thill, in which the energy of vib~raitional degrees
lof freedom of molecules is taken into account. The basic equations of
momentum, mass, and energy are derived, taking into account terms
"L.:_ _:- 7
;contributed by turbulent fluctuations and assuming a sublayer-turbulent
layer model with arbitrary (though nc;. varying significantly from 1),,
'Prandtl and Lewis nu1mbers. Rel'ationships are established between .,
,total enthalpy and concentration profiles and the velocity pro-file in:
;the lamin,#r sublayer and turbulent layer, and also between density
anT - -
d velocity. in the 'boundary layer. Expressions were obtained for I
!skin friction and heat transfer coefficients and for ecuilibrium
,enthalpy. Results of the numerical calculations are iven, and
ivariations in the skin friction and heat transfer coefficients with
'Reynolds number for dissociating okygen,at Me w 2t 4, and 10,.are
ipresented in graphs, together with curves calculated by W. Dotrance
;and-experimentally obtained'by H. Rose. Orig. art. has: 5 figures
!:and 34 formulas.
rd Z
YAVORSKIY, Boris I-Ilikhaylovich; DETLAF, Andrey Antonovich;
MILKOVSKAYA, Lidiya Dronislavovna; SERGEYEV, Georgiy
Petrovich; F---RKOVSKAIIA, G.Ye., red.
[Physics course] Kurs fiziki. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola.
Vol.l. Izd.3., 1965. 375 P. (MIRA 18:7)
v C"-?, r r, 11 ~ 1, n- r. C' -,a rd i n.,!, I , e Te r) r o -1. 0
0 reE's. June 1052. 7"CLU"'=i
r,nthlv cce7F:nnsq -~:-nra-,,
Carding 14achines
Compressing the card in carding machines.
Tekst. prom. 12, to. 8y 1952,
9. Monthl List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
LYUBIMOVY D.A., naucbW red.,*~SERGEYFV, G.S., otv. za vypusk; MALMR,
S.Z., tekhn. red.
[Metallography an4 foundry practice] Metal-lovedenie i liteinoe
proizvodstvo; sbornik statei. Sverdlovsk., 1960. 105 P.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Urallskiy mashinostroiteltnyy zavod. Sverdlovsk. Vauchno-
ise3adov4ellskiy institut tiazhelogo mashinostroyeniya.
(Metallography) (Founding)
"Interrelation of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes at
Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer,
Minsk, BSSR, June 1961.
/A 61.2 0 0 B019/BO60
AUTHOR: Sergeyevq G. T.
TITLE: Heat and Mass Exchange in the Evaporation of a Liquid in a
Forced Gas Jet
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1961, Vol. 4, No. 2,
PP. 77-81
TEXT: The author studied the heat transfer in the evaporation of water,
acetone, benzene, and butyl alcohol by comparison with the heat exchange
of a dry body. The experimental work was conducted in a wind channel with
a cross section of 0.22 m2. The wind velocity was regulated from 3 to
15 m/sec, while temperature and humidity were under automatic control.
The wind channel contained a drip pan for the liquid and a dry body: the
temperatures were measured with thermocouples. Experimental results
showed that the evaporation rate im at Reynolds numbers of frord 2.5-104 to
16-104 constitutes no unambigous function of the molecular weight of the
liquid,. im = i M(g) is no smooth curve. This is explained by the effent
Card 112
2 2~ i 2.)
TITLE: Stil-j-, of
TEXT: Exj~eri."ti__tLL,." r~-ai~itf, c 7-_i~' i ,..rv
e ~f a
occurrin- in the a I iq
porous body, and ._-n X 1. r,
air-stream are renr.,zted. Tr.-_ 6 1 - r"I E r'-- I M I 11,
placed in a d a 7-, 1-~ c ;a k e t a 0 f C') Z I. e E-.
coverad b T?! - t.-) t!~e
aurface was _ib-jU.-,'tiJ 4A I' I.', t t. r -a e t .T i t w o
m e m E: r. n 6 ann.1 or, a
had, the sa
The capillarj-1,crcu~, ,;utfa,ie 1,-Lj~2r5 were e cf i a,i t ~_ r ial !he
experimental arran-l-eme.- t i a srr:E7t r. r; Fi~. Tia s o.1 5 a d
2 . .
w i rid c i-la!me I wa S 30 s~ I ~g i C-f 0.22 ~_ 11. 2 t S
a.rj 1,15
Study of the r
, , ~-- t i t
operating :j-
ra ti 5 J GY-'C I f"1 -1 1 r.
t erri p L _i r.~ b oi ~, c. r:2 Lr ~ ! .y t, ~:t c
f o Ll nd tii~, t ti-Ieitj t ---, ~,: 0 1 t I ~C- t 1 3 tr, it t A .4, 6 t 1
p r op i~ r t i c ri al tO tLr. t ~2 T, ~1 L -- :-i t,~ ' ! V y 1 P'l ~1
t o t he hij m H i ty -, f t- E~ t r- X~ L Tr;, n g
f or mo i s t b -):i ie, r e t r t I d T I t i f i
(up to 20 %,) wa.,3 fo-inJ
co V" r il ,I r! i 1 T
curves can La
G' - 717 0
Nu 0.061 Re Pr ;j
1:,,, 1e EA', ~i t !'rtc t t a. X
for hea t ex., A
0 c" 4
def i ned and by 1;-.i ? 1.
0 . 7 ~j 0. 1 j
NU = 0-052R-~! P r T
Jr. M
t n a t N -a > NO 0 t I , f 1 Ef T f 1 -7 f a S e 7.
no..rease in nir i
in terac t i r;~i of i t C
Card 2/5
Study'of the external heat and mass.... 3104/B205
evaporation of the liquid from the free surface but also in a disrupture
of water particles which enter the boundary layer where they evaporate.
When a liquid evaporates frod a capillary-porous body, capillaries are set
free by the displacement of the evaDoration surfaces into the interiox.
The elevated pressure in the zone of evaporation as compared to the
surrounding medium results in vibration of liquid particles in the boundary
layer, which extends into'the capillai~ies. This representation of these
Drocesses justifies the introduction of 'the simplex T' dry /T vet in the above
equ:,tions, since the volume evaporation of liquid particles occurring under
isobaric-adiabatic conditions is thus taken into account. The dcta on the
heat exchange of a dry body, obtained at a degree of turbulence of the
incident stream of 2.5 %, can be described by Nu -0-035Re 0.8 PrO-33.
There are 3 figures and 5 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut energetik~i'AN BSSR, g. Minsk
(institute of Powe~
Engx'neering, AS BSSR, Minsk)
SUBMITTED: Febtuary 10, 1961
Card 3/5
SEIM31jW, G. T.~
Application of the theory of similitude for investigating
t)je processes of heat and -mass transfer in liquid evapd-
rationAwith summary in English]. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 4 no.9:
76-79 4 161. (MIRA 14:8)
1, Institut energetiki AN BSSR, g. Minsk.
(Ifeat-Trarl3mission) (Mass transfer) (Evaporation)
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, G.T.
TITLE: Investigation of the process of heat and mass transfer in the eva-
poration of a liquid In the forced flow of a gas
SOURCE: Teplo- i massoperenos. 2: Teplo- i massoperenos pri fazovykh i
khimicheskikh prevrashcheniyakh. Ed. by A.V. Lykov and B.M. Smol'-
skiy. Minsk, Izd-vo-AN BSSR, 1962. 75 - 79
TEXT: In the first experimental series, the process of the araporation of
water, acetone, benzene, and butyl.alcohol with open surface was studied, while
in the second experimental series heat and mass.transfer in the evaporation ot,
water through a solid with surface porosity and the heat exchange in a dry solid
with surface porosity were investigated. A wind tunrel with an air duct 30 m
long and a cross section of the working part of 0.22 m2 was used. As the porous
solid, a porous ceramic consisting of 75,"o' of refractory clay, 12.5% of ChiAa
clay, 12% of clay, and 0.5% of water glass is used. The rate of evaporation'i
Is not a well-defined func~%ion of the molecular weight of the evaporating liqu4
Card 1/3
Investigation of the process of heat and..... A059/AI26
it depends on the atmospheric moisture. The absolute values of the evaporation
temperatures are inversely proportional to the saturated vapor pressures Psi of
the different liquids related to the same temperature. The mass transfer coef-
ficients in the evaporation of the studied liquids increase with increasing mo-
of evapora-
lecular weights of the latter. The heat-exchange coefficients a.
tion were found to be greater than those, c6d, of the dry body. The results of
the experimental investigation of the evaporation process show that the number-
2d - Tw called the Gukhman criterion (Gu) has to be introduced into the well-
-known heat and mass transfer ratios Nu = f (Re, Pr), Num = f (Re, Prm), or
St - f (Re, Pr), St. = f (Re, Prm). The following critical equations were ob-
tained from a treatment of experimental data on the evaporation of open-surface
liquids: A) for heat transfer:
Nu = 0.086 ReO.8 PrO-33 GuO.2 M
St = 0. 086 -Re-02 Pr-0-67 GuO - 2
and B) for mass transfer:
Num 0.094 ReO.8 PrO.33 GUO.2. (3)
Card 2/3
Investigation of the process of heat and .... A059/A126
For the intensity of heat and mass transfer processes with the evaporation of
moisture through a solid with a porous surface., the following equations were
found to hold; A) for heat tran fqr;
"A 2h 0.1
St = 0.22 Re Pr GU (4)
and B) for mass transfer:
Stm 0.19 Re GUO. 14.
Fr. (5)
A.V. Nesterenko and A.V. Lykov are mentioned. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut AN BSSR, 'g. Minsk (Power.Engineering In-.
stitute ofthe ANBSSR, City of Minsk)
Card 3/3
Experimenta-1 study of the heat and mass transfel- proces-E irl
evaporative cooling of bodies of various shapes. .-,nz'-.-fiz.
zhur. no.12:3-10 D163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Institut teplo- i massoobmena, Minsk.
ACCESSION Ifitt APW4444 S/0170/64/000/008/0051/0054
AUTHORi Sorgeyev, G. T.
TITLEt Two-dimensional steady state heat conduction from finned surfaces
SOURCEi Inzhonerno-fi ZiCIJOS'dy 7.1jurnalp no. 8. 1964, 51-5h
TOPIC TAGSi temperature distributions temporattLre gradient, heat transfer,
thermal conductivity) finned surface
ABSTRACTt The heat transfer from fins with various temperature distributions at
their base was discussed analytically. The ambient temperature t is assumed
constant, and the fin thickness 6 is much amaller than the length and height
h. The Fourier conduction equation is written in two dimensions
where m. + VZ~c- ~-AA, t to, under the following boundaz7 corditionat
C, II 2= 0,
IR-0 dy
Card 1/2
ACmssim Ng: Ap4o44414 ao
Three temperature profiles (one straight line and two parabolic) are given as
input conditions for the heated end of the fin (the base) and a finite Fourier 11
transform method is used to.solve the above equationp iostj
0 cos ydy
T(x, n)
The solution is obtained in f ist~'*converging cosine and hypprbolic cosine serieee
T The results are s1wwn to be applicable to determining the temperature profiles in
the fins as well as the heat-transfer rate to the ambient air, The error in
retaining two to four terms in the expansion is Bhovn to be lose than 10%o Orig.
art. hasi 21 equations and 1 figure.
ASSOCI.~TION: Institut teplo- i massoobmena AN BSSR go Minsk (Institute of Heat and
Mass Transfer; AN BSSR)
SUBMITTEDt 29Jan64 ENGL# 006
Card 2/2
j 7
ACCESSION Mi AP5010070 MV0170/65/610~/004/046/646
AUTTROR; S e XgQL9_y_0_G, -T.-
:;TITLE: Temperature field of a. body in evaporati cooling
'SOURCE- Th--henerna-f izicheskiy zhurml v 8 P no 4$ 19651 463-466
~TOPIG TAGS; porous wall cooling, heat t~E~sf eX; thermal conductioni- ev--p(. ~-.Uonq
'~differential equation, mass transfer
:JUSTRACT: The analytic solution.of porous wall cooling vras investiea-bed for an:
~infiv -be, a th lied cylinder, and -the ldst'
ite flat pla in-wa a thin-walled spheres
VW0 6eometrisa thle coolant was assumed to be fed unifo=,Iy -from the oen-; toward
the surface. The pores are assumed to be parallel and the temperatvve of the body-
;to be the same R-a tdvat of the coolant at any,given point. All thermal _ime er
lq*,-e constLant. The governing heat-conduGtion equation is given by
where Oil, 2 and N - xprjr for the Elat
d Y, -Tq-
,plate, cylinder., an& -the sphere respectlivel.,;--. Me bolindary conditions an the 011t_:
aide aurface of the body include heat conduction plus evaporative losses. -To
Card 1/~
L 3475-65. EWPW/EWT(1) IFCS (k) I-EHA (1) 14W
ACCESSION-NR: 5020938 un 16ifd Vd0/6W6i6j/6i70]
AUTHOR- ~Serg2X2X, G. T. Smol! s ciy, B. M.
~TITLE: Transport processes in a reacting boundary laye
SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 2, 1965,,163-170
ami. boundary layer beat transfer- mass transfer,
TOPIC TAGS: boundary layer, I
;aerothermodynamics, mass transfer cooling, transpiration cooling,~enthalpy dis-
ABSTRACT: A laminar boundary layer of compressible.gas on a semi-infinite porous
tplate is investigated under conditions of high speed and homogeneous reaction vi h,
!a uniformly injected substance. An approximate calculation of heat and mass trans-
ifer in the laminar boundary layer was carried out in the case of injection of foreign
...gas through a vorous plate according to the law (~v)w = constant,.Pr:and Pm. (thermal d
;and diffusion Prandtl numbers) being constant and different from,unity. -Sulving the
Isystem of differentiat equations of the laminar boundary layer makes it possiblet
!after certain'transformationo-and under certain boundary conditions, to obtain ana-
Ilytical expressions for enthalpy.distribution and concentration in the boundary lay---,
Cdrd 1/2
-L-20757-66-- , EWP(m)[ -(f,) __ _q/ ..YDAem~_
ip jal T
1a)/ _(m)--6/TJEWl)
ACC NRI AP6010033 SOURCE CODE: UR/060016610107003/0311/0317
AUTHOR: Mosse, A. L.; Sergeyev, G. T.
ORG: Institute of [teat and viass Transfer, AN BSSR, Minsk (Inatitut
teplo- i massoob;-ena AS BSSR5
TITLE: Transport processes during the injection of a reacting fuel-
oxidizer mixture into the boundary layer
SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 3, 1966, 311-317
TOPIC TAGSt boundary layer, combustion, transpiration cooling
ABSTRACT: An analysis was made of the transport processes occurring
when a fuel-oxidizer-mixture is injected through a porous plate into
the boundary layj6r'~Tn an air stream. Since the mass velocity of the
oxidi is lower than that required for stoichiometric mixture for-
mation, combustion'cannot take place insidf the plate. The additional
required oxY-g_en__fTo_ws. into the combustionflione from the air stream.
The reaction zone was considered to be located at a position where the
concentration is stoichiometric. The analysis yielded expressions
correlating the location of the reaction front with the fuel/oxidizer
ratio at the inlet to the porous plate and with the Nu and Re numbers
of the air stream. The location of the reaction front was found to be
1/2 UDC: 536.46
L 20757-b6
A, NR: AP6010033
a function of the fuel oxidizer ratio, the injection rate, and the
Schmidt number. The heat transfer coefficient decreased as the injec-
tion rate increased. Orig. art. has: 26 formulas and I figure. [PV]
SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE-. 281lay65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002~
ATD PRESS:t(1214
Card 2/2
Segmental-reflex paraffin therapy of peptic ulcer. Klin.r3ed.,
Mos",a 29 no.4:63-65 Apr 1951. (CUM 20:9)
1. Of t'ie Institute of Therapy (Director--Prof. A.L. Myasnikov,
,',,.tive Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR) of the
Academy of Medical Sciences USSR.
Short-wave diathermy applied
hypertension. Trudy AMI SSSR
to the oinocarotid zones for troating
25:79-88 153. (mm s-.8)
Electric sleep for treatiag hyperteasion. Vop.kur.fizioter. i lech.
fiz.kul't. 21 no.4:39-45 O-D 156. (MLRA 9:12)
1. 1z Instituta terapii Akademit meditstaskikh nauk SSSR (dir. -
deystvitellayy chlen Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR prof. A.L.
r 22~~~ .
Glinical and physiologgical observations in treating hypertension
with electric anesthesia. Vop.kur.fizioter. i lech.fiz.kullt. 23
no.l::48-52 '58.' - (MIRA 11:3)
1. Iz Instituts terapii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk S&SR (dir. -
deyBtvitellyWy chlen AMU SSSR orof. A.L.Mvasnikov)
Sk (Moskva)
Electric sleep therapy in hypertension. 36 no.9:107-111
S 158 (MIU 11: 10)
1. Iz Institute, terapii AM SSSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen
AMN SSSR prof. A.L. Nyasnikov).
electronercosis (Rua))
hypertension (Rua))
"Experience in planning and organizing a set of health and
antiepidemic measures in rural districts and an analysis of their
effectiveness" by B.D. Petrakov, Reviewed by B.A. Zamotin.and
others. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 4 no. 4:38 Ap 160. (MM 13:10)
Electrosleep as a method of neurotropic therapy of hypertension. 26 no.10:42-46 0 162. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Iz Instituta terapii (dir. -
prof. A.L.Myasnikov) AMN SSSR.
deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR
SERGEYEVY Georg-ly Vasil 'yevich; FANNIKOV, M.Ye., i-ed.
LrElectrosleep treatmient of hype r cn tat-Jents controlic-J
by the examiration of their higher nervous activity] Leche-
nie elektrosnom bollr,%.klj ~-ivertoziicheskci boleznliu pod
kontrolem issledovaniia ikh .,-,rsshe-i nemioi deiatellnosti.
Moskira, Meditsina, 1965. 226 p. (RURA 18: 10)
BAN'sHCHIKOV. Vm., prof.; LIVENTSEV, N.M., prof,t SERGEYEV, G.V., doktor
mea, nauk; KULIKOVA, Ye.I.-(Lebedinskay;), kand. med, nauk
Conference of doctors of Moscow and Moscow Prcvince on the
problem of electrosleep. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz.
kul't. 30 no.4:375 JI-Ag 165. (MIR-4 18'~9)
'Water-borne outbreak of typhoid fever. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.1
immun. 33 no.5:112-115 MT 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. 1z Kemerovskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stanteii
i Novokuznetskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
Y F,
A, 0 Ir.
0 is ofs _00
?AM It," d ft P0 6
Olm, AL-vasavuRna a
Tj R 8 A 19M 2.257-
iWA -shot orb wwa
by 4a 111,1011a, IWO wu XOO
6; z
d Or
mw b the dwmp. a
._.r-4wlwuwwm cum fm a
kbal : ago
fm Obtwa any 4md"d
at Mift.
,,#A a Sim
m-wo Z.1*1
= Zoo
, .M.
4m "-mm
mm F.
W 6 padmA M the mar
&Wbutim cd tba Wm~
60 a mmaw to a mdueum goo
0 sominA da to ombuUM dmft b""
Got 03LIJ U4.14, ftc
Ill VA AA A S 0 . _IW
u s AV so Ift
A L 12 1, J f. It -1 1, 1. 8 If P U A I it V A Y I 4A M U W tt. k
mcomposition of solij solutions in ittaint-a Mvets ot -00
1) %oidVII .
the '-snergy 6- type during rolling N, 00
It', VIA,
larwkil an . J.
DVA -arr givril In tile 31M.-Ilite
tent at vsriou~ depthI; Imm the %urface. r. C.. 'In th"
.0% at OAS m1n, And AV"', It 1). 1 dvpth
u is 41, 43
"0 v, r, it g R It It t, tt It at to n 1 X4 L a N 0
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LASHKO. N.F.-, S&RaYEV, G.Ya.; CHICWOV, V.V., GEVELING, N.V., redaktor.
LEffect of deformation on the recovery capacity of duraluminj Vliianie
deformataii na effekt vozvrata v duraliumine. rod red. H.V.Gavelinga.
[Moskva] Izd. Akademii, 1945. 98 P. (Trudy Voennoi vozdushnoi oraens,
Lenina akademii KA im. Zhukovskogo. VYP. 153) (KLRA 7,3)
f.Dilralumin) (Deformations (Mechanics))
friNTTLU-~01c," OF F--'OHIC.-'~TION 0"T AND P?-
07~ :fTTT~7^ OF Fit."~ITMV
A- T
P, G
IfThe w-ffect of 'Thermal Cycling on Dimensional and Structural Stability of
V 'Yul
-arious Metals and Alloys", by A. A. Bochvar, G. J. Sergeyev, A. A. kova,
L. T. Kolobneva, G. I. Tomson.
Report presented at 2nd UN Atoms-for-Peace Conference, Geneva, 9-13 Sept 1958
... ~017S
Z~Tj., !IY, A. S. -.jid 81TRMYEEIV G. Y. et. al.
"Pffect of Structure and Properties of Uranium on its Behaviour under
paper to be presented at the 22nd L111 Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic
Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sept 58.
AUTHORS: Boohvar, A. A., Konobeyevskiy, S. T., SOV/89-5-1-1/26
Zaymovskiy, A. S.
Kutaytsev, V. 1. , Pravdyuk, N. F., Levitskiy, B. M.
TITLE: Investigations Carried out in the Field of the Lietallography,4,(_
of Plutonium, Uranium, and Their Alloys (Issledovaniya v oblast...
metallovedeniya plutoniya, urana i ikh splavov)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol. 5, Nr 1 , PP. 5-23 (USSR)
ABSTRACTS-. The purpose of this,td s.tudy the ketallogrephy of
nuclear fuels. plutonixm~ UMnILXW2 a.1CL their al!Ws, - -
The work concerned vras carried out in connection vrith the devel-
opment of atomic power engineering in the USSR. Three principal
chapters contain data concerning the follovring subjects:
1.) Plutonium and its alloys:
a Metallic plutonium
b~ Alloys vrith the metals of group I (PUCU21 PUCU41 PuCu,.,-)
c) Alloys vrith the metals of group II (PuB e
d) Alloys with the elements of group III (Pu Al, PUAl
Card 1/3 PILIIA131 PUA14) 3 2
Inves tigations Carried out in the Field of the Metall+w--,~ SOV189-5-1-11;!&
ography of Plutonium, Uranium, and Their Alloys
e) Alloys with the elements of group IV (pu6Zr)
f) Alloys with the elements of group V-VIII (PuV2, PuOs21
g) Alloys vrith the metals of actinides (PuU)
2.) Uranium and its alloys:
a) Structuri-. and physical properties of uranium
b~ Ifechanic properties of coarse-grained uranium
a Dpformation. of uranium when subjected to irradiation or
cyclic thermal treatment
d) Clh~ge of the structure and XOperties of ur-anium as a
result of thermal treatment rannealing)
e) Change of the structure and properties of uranium as a
result of plastic deformation followed by annealing at
temperaturea of the OL-range
f) Stracture and properties of uranium alloys
) Treatment of uranium by means of pressure.
3-) The influence exercised by neutron radiation upon the
structure and the properties of reactor building materials
and fuels. There are 17 fi res, 6 tables, and 6 referen--es,-
Card 213 vinich. are Soviet.
Investigations Carried out in the Field of the Metall-ru SOV/89-5-1-1/28
ogi-aphy- of Plutonium, Uranium, and Their Alloys
SOMITTED: March 18, 1958
1, Plutoniwri-.--Analysis 2. Plutonium alloys--Analysis
3. Uranium--Analysis 3. Uranium-alloys--~Analysis 4. Reactors
--Materials 5. Materials--Effects of radiation
Card 313
'Mil r g,
r7-jC*Iire an
ir-a43,t ~~Vliv-ni,:-; ~--i
-~i r,13. nl, z, 9ieniy~ pod ob
"T: was po.,,sible Ohow that by vary4ng ~tie n
a I I 0y Sand 'b,v chan;Orig, rhe thermal !,rPatm,?n,-. ul~
of the m o d i t'i c a t i o nh t? S i z e c fr -a i ri - t' t hs
t exture o f uranium aft; -:v Irradiar IX)n can rarl,11' b-~ -:.I iu "A
The dependenen 3f the size of the n*-_,clear grain of zl,.? enr,_c.hed
uranium, its hardness, its strerigrh, aria, i-t;
str;z~.n 2_;mit itpori the iron-, siliccn-, and P.1,,minUm L.
~h mi? a 1 ioy i-~ det ormt tied ey experiw! n-, . The cool ina_,J~, it, !-a
and -,*.Ii~~ c-Onten-, if the admixttire;3 me~nrj.)nnd inlizerice? tti"
(j!: Tv., ~-- Trannformazion poinl . -", ~ cool Lng-dow,!: rat-
400 "1 C/--, and F-, 9 licon content oll 0,0:;
transfc.~,mation Loin-, between ~,,he V and ~.hF~ Y-Phas-~
"1 2 to ~10 proved a ;0- to
o rc-. ao, L~,,, F,
.--!-;Lcr,re and Pr.-oper'~9L3 o" Uvar,~
cm T,E-a
r -I ~rrv..dia~ion (nv 'C- 21 z r
e c r arani ~~m T
p - ra t i ~2 o. r .' e nt a -~ e ci u ra n m t.~ f,!-t n',>r.
pr c-,r-~
especially d4lr.~aticm, in t e r,;~.act
D r I m .3 n t a I I y . ~;%r e n a ft; e r a sh o r:~ F T. a v o' u r n ~.,m
n i - e a co. v I ,n ~. s t Vo-L n I ho~;r the re tat m3di,'i o-~.z ~n
!~~r,gth oec,7,m,,-3 ie5o arm '.he itrength
found values c' G, ~,r~ czms~deraoly
given io re"erence G. Lanin, V. M.
R. Protsenico, V. N. C-cilovanova, ar.J K.
r r,. n tne i n Th ~~- r ~ a
'0-K P&
AUTHORSs Kalashnikov, V. V., Titova, V. V.,'Sergeyev, G. Ya.L'
Samoylov, A. G.
TITLE.- On Uranium-Molybdenum Alloys in "c-ot.or Construction (Survey)
(Uran-molibdenovyye splavy v re.-~ kt=3 troy eni i. Obzor)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 4, PP 421-431 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The following data on uranium-molybdenum have been compiled on
the basis of mainly foreign publications.
1 Phase diagrams and the general properties of alloys.
2~ The mechanical properties of some U-Mo alloys (Mo content
2,2 to 12%).
3) Measurement stability of U-Mo alloys after cyclical treat-
.ment (heating - cooling). Here especially the papers by
S. T. Konobeyevskiy are mentioned.
4) Radiation-stability and corrosion-stability of U-Mo alloys
in water.
The following may be said about the use of U-Mo alloys as
nuclear fuel;
a) compared to pure uranium, U-Mo alloys have a higher mechani-
Card 1/2 cal strength, better corrosion-resisting properties at