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14(5) SOV/165-59-5-2/21 AUTHORS: Sergiyenko, S.R., Lebedev, Ye.V. TITLE: High-molecular N-paraffin Hydrocarbonsl(C21 - C 30) of the Ro- mashkin (Devon) Petroleum PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, 1959, Tir 5, pp 16-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The authors describe a method of study of high-molecular hydro- carbons in Romashkin (Devon) petroleum. This method, based on the chromatographic fractionation of hard hydrocarbons, was de- veloped by V. Fuks Z_Ref 12. Characteristics of solid hydro- carbon fractions, forming a complex compound1with carbamide (1) and not forming a complex compound with carbamide (2) and liquid hydrocarbon fractions forming a complex compound with thiocar- bamide (3) and not forming a complex compound with thiocarbamide (4) are shown on Table 1. The scheme of extraction and cracking process of high molecular hydrocarbons is shown in a graph (Page 16 a). By simultaneous use of ASK type silicagel, activated carbon and activated alumina as adsorbents, further dichloro- ethane, hexane, petroleum ether (50 - 700), acetone, benzene, Card 1/3 ether and their comDounds as substitutes, ten individually classi- SOV/165-59-5-2/21 High-molecular N-paraffin Hydrocarbons (C21 C3()) of the Romashkin (Devon) Petroleum fied paraffin hydrocarbons C.,., C30 were obtained from Roma- shkin petroleum. T-e fracti8nation of solid, high-molecular hydrocarbons in a 3-section chromatographic column, showing the number of fraction, nio, concentration and processing tempera- U ture is given on Graph 1. The quantitative distribution of N- paraffin hydrocarbons in the fraction of solid high-molecular hydrocarbons forming a complex compound with carbamide, showing the yield, processing temperature, carbon atoms in the mole- cule and TO of initial high-molecular hydrocarbons with a com- plex compound formed by carbamide, is given on Graph 2. The re- sults containing the number and Went of fractions, gram and 0 0 percent of yield, total yield, n D, T pl. (melting temperature) Card 2/3 and the derived products are shown on Table 2. It was proved, SOV/165-59-5-2/21 High-molecular N-paraffin Hydrocarbons (C C70% of the Romasnkin (Devon) Petroleum 21 - ~ j that with increase of the molecular weight of IT-paraf-Cin hydro- carbons, their quantity in the petroleum decreases. There are 2 tables, 2 6raphs and 2 references, one of which is Soviet and one German. Card 3/3 50), 15(5) SOV/165-59-6-4/5 -Is- AUTHORS! Sergiyenko, S.R., Yan, Tsuy-Din :"-TrFLE1 Composition and Properties of the High-Molecular Components'of Karamay Petroleum PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, 1959, Nr 6, PP 37-48 ABSTRACT: The authors describe the results of studies on the composition and'pro- perties of the high-molecular components of the Karamay petroleum, car- ried out according to a method described in References 1, 2, 3 and 4.: The petroleum from the Karamay oil fields in the province of Sinkiang is one of the potential industrial petroleum%f China and its chemical pro- perties differ considerably from all kinds studied previously. It has a low sulphur content and is relatively heavy with only 110% of benzene-gas fractions. The high-molecular components (above 3500C) isolated at a temperature not exceeding 2200C consist of: 73% hydrocarbons, 24,19 tars and 3% asphaltenes. The content of asphaltenes during processing with varying quantities of pentane is shown in Table 1; 80% of the hljdro- carbonic components are paraffin-cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons'l only 201,16' are aromatic hydrocarbons. The saturated hydrocarbons are highly cyclic, Card 1/4 containing an average of 2.5 cycloparaffinic rings per molecule. The SOV/165-59-6-4/5 -1,5' -:inosition and Properties of the High Molecular Components of Karamay Petroleum distribution chromatogram of high molecular hydrocarbons is given on Graph 1 and the chromatogram of the interfractionation on Graph 2. By repeated chromatography of saturated hydrocarbons 16% of fractions were isolated showing a density of 0.89 and a refraction coefficient n2D D 1.48 - 1.50, due to the increased number of rings. The chromatogram of the repeated division of saturated hydrocarbons is shown on Graph and the repeated division of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Graph 4. Amongst the aromatic hydrocarbons those of a bicyclo-aromatic structure dominate. The division of high molecular hydrocarbons is shown on Page 39: hydrocarbons (above 3500C), chromatographic division with silica gel ASK, derived products, interfraction chromatography, derived products, re- peated chromatography, derived products. The distribution of fraction upon chromatographic division of the high molecular hydrocarbons and the results of chromatographic interfraction is also shown. Bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have a smaller molecular weight and contain more sulphur than monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The composition and properties ,)f tars, particularly their poor solubility in phenol is a proof of low aroi,iatization, which is also the reason for the low adsorption on silica gel ASK. The adsorption of tar on silica gel is shown in Table 2, and -ard 2/4 the results of the isolation by adsorption of tar from hydrocarbons of the SOV/165-59-6-4/5- W Composition and Properties of the High Molecular Components of Karamay Petroleum high molecular components in Table 3. The quantitative distribution of various hydrocarbonic groups within the high molecular components, their composition and properties are shown in Table It, and a comparison of the characteristics of saturated hydrocarbons before and after repeated chromatography is given in Table 5. The dependence of the composition and properties on the tar fractionation is shown on Graph 5, and the de- P pendence on the molecular weight on Graph 6. The distribution of tar fractions is given in Table 7 and the composition and properties of the fractions in Table 8. The molecular weight and the number of heteroatoms of the fractions increase with the rising polarity of the desorbing sol- vents, whereby the number of their functional groups increases according- I.Y. There are 8 tables, 1 diagram, 6 graphs and 5 references, 4 of which are 3/4 Soviet and 1 English. SOV/165-59-6-4/5 -/j- .pposition ~~,nd Properties of the High Molecular Components of Karamay Petroleum A 0 C I A!-!'-T') IInstitut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh, Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Geology and Processing of Combustible Minerals, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 17, 1959 5 ('31, 15 (5) SOV/165-59-6 -3/5 -I.T- AUT HO RS Sergiyenko,.S.'R., Yan, Tsuy-Din PITLE: On the Chemical Nature of High-Molecular Paraffin-Cy~llonaraffi Hydro- carbons of Petroleum PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Turkmer-skoy SSR, 1959, Nr 6, pp 49-60 ABSTRACT: The high-molecular saturated hydrocarbons It of Karanay petroleum, which com- prise 801% of all high-molecuiar hydrocarbons in -~t, were divided into three fractions by chromatography on silicagel and selective solvents: 20 liquid hydrocarbons (nb = 1.475 - 1.48o) compy,ising more than 80%, solid hydrocarbons with a melting point of -370C ( -106), and saturated liqu-i.-'- hydrocarbons with a high refractive index (nBO = 1.48 - 1 50). Solid,as well as liquid high-molecular hydrocarbons of Karamay petroleum consist mainly of strongly branched paraffin chains, in which cyclopentane and cyclohexane rings take the place of substitutes. This is proved by the low melting point, the high refraction coefficient, the inability of solld hydrocarbons to form crystalline complexes with carbamide, the high spe- cific gravity, etc. The application of selective dehydrogenation in the liquid phase made it possible to evaluate the total quantity of hexa- methylene groups in the saturated part of high-molecular hydrocarbons, as ,'.'ard 112 well as to calculate approximately the character of distribution of five- 5 (3) AUTHORS: Petrov, Al. A., Sgrgiyqnko, S. R., SOV/62-59-6-22/36 Ifechitaylo, N. A., Tsedilifia, A. L. TITLE: Synthesis and Properties of the Monomethyl-substituted Alkanes of the Composition C 12-C 16 (Sintez i svoystva monometil- zameshchennykh alkamvsostava C 12-C 16) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naulk, 19591 Nr 6, pp 1091 - 1097 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since the hydrocarbons of this structure are not yet suffici- ently investigated, the synthesis of the monomethylated al- kanes with a boiling temperature of more than 2000 was investi- gated. With this monomethylated alkanes one may synthesize all theoretically possible isomers (there are only 29 compounds). They are furthermore of interest because they have thermodyna- mically stable structures and meet with all technical require- ments of motorization. The hydrocarbons were synthesized ac- cording to Grignard's reaction (magnesiumbromoalkyls with me- thylketones). In this reaction the purity of the compounds ob- tained depends in a high degree on the purity of the initial substances (alkylbromides). This fact was especially considered Card 1/4 Synthesis and Properties of the 1,1,onomethyl-substituted SOV/62-59-6-22/36 Alkanes of the Composition C 12-C 16 in the present investigation. The methylketones were obtained by decomposition of the corresponding alkyl-acetoacetic acid. As intermediates tertary alcohols were at first obtained which were dehydrated at 2800, redistilled , and hydrated 0in the autoclave on nickel at a temperature of from 150-170 . The tem- perature at which the hydrocarbons obtained crystallize was de- termined by plottirgthe heating curve by means of the photo- -recording Kurnakov pyrometer. The purity degree was determined by means of a special thermographic device.N. I. Lyashkevich, to whom the authors express their gratitude, carried out the measurements in the laboratory for petroleum chemistry of the institute mentioned in the Association. The purity degree of the synthesized hydrocarbons was 97-98%. The thermogram was re- corded by a special aluminum block which was designed in the Institute Institut obahchey i neorgan 'icheekoy khimii AN SSSR (. of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS USSR). By this au- tomatic recording of the heating curves the melting process could be fixed exactly (Fig 1). With almost all compoungs ob- Card 2/4 tained two stages in the melting process (-46 and -45.4 melt- Syntheeis and Prorertiez of the Mo_ncrethy1-subs+-4tut=_d SOV/62-510-6-22-9/36 Alkanes of the Composition C 12-'16 ing and crystallisation temperature) were observed. The pro- perties of the hydrocarbons are given in a table by which it is shown. that the density and the refractive index scarcely de- pend on the position of the outer methy! groups in the main chain, what is w311 in line with data by Tatevskiy (Ref 5)- The crjstallisat-ion temperature is, however, strongly influ- enced by these methyl groupB. The change of the crystallisa- tion temperature at tfte transition of one homolog to the other, and of ona isomer into the other is not steady (Figs 2,3 with comparative data from Ref 10). This unsteadiness is caused by the presence of either an even or an odd number of hydrocarbons in the main chain. The transition from an odd to an even number of hydrocarbons exerts a parallel influence on the malting, point, the reverse transition, that is an increase in the mr,-. lecular weight, exerts an antiparallel influence. The laws holdin,,- for paraffins, olefins, and greases, which are well known, may thus also be applied to ramificated alkanes. The crystallisation process of the latter takes pla;~e by forming Card 3/4 such crystals as exhibit the shortest possible carbon chain. Synthesis and Propertion of 'Whri Monome thyl-uubstitu SOV/62-59-6-22/36 Alkanes of the ComDosition C I -C. .2 16 There are 3 fi6p_xes, 1 table, and 11 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: September 5, 1957 Card 4/4 5 (3) AUTHORS: Serg-iyenko, S. R., Chernyak, N. Ya. sov/62-59-7.-20/38 TITLE: Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Dibenzyl in LIquid Phase (Kinetika i mekhanizm zhidkofaznogo okisleniya dibenzila) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk; 1959, Nr 7, pp 1294 -- 1303 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with 'he oxidation of hydrocarbona which contain aromatic and aliphatic ingredients, and the resin formation. Dibenzyl serves as an example; it contains two aro- matic rings which are combined by an aliphatic bridge. Further- more, only a small number of oxidation products is possible in the case of dibenzyl. The kinetic rules governing the oxidation and its reaction scheme are investigated. The experiments were carried out in a closed system with circulating oxygen. The scheme of the apparatus is represented in figure 1. The absorp- tion of the oxygen was determined from the drop in pressuie. Moreover, the intervals were determined within which the oxygen content decreases to such an extent that new oxygen has to be introduced in order to guarantee an uninhibited reaction ouarse. Card 1/3 From these intervals the curve A V 02 versus t was obtained Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Di-berzyl SOV/62-59-"1-20/36 in Liquid Phase (Fig 2). Furthermore, the time of the consumption of dibencrl and the accumulation of intermediate- and final oxidation prc- ducts were determined from the change of the functional groupe. The content of dibenzyl in the reaction products was det--rmired from the adsorption of the oxidizzod products in fire-grained silica gel. The content of peroxides and acids was determined potentiometrically, the aldehydes polarographically. The ex.- perimental temperatures were changed for the investigation of the reaction kinetics( 110, 130, 140, and 1509. It was fri:,id that the oxidation proceeds at all temperatures autocatalyti- cally. The reaction begins without induction period, acceler- ates,, .'eaches a maximum, and dies dcwn. The reaction is subjected tu an exponential law. Thle polaro-graphic anamorphoces of the absorption curves of 0 2 show that the reaction proceeds ia the chain mechanism. The curves of the kinetica of the con- sumption of initial dibenzyl and the accumulation of intermedi- ate producto are reprosentod in figurcs 3a and b. From these follows thatihe-pzmess is inhibitled in the furt'her stage Card 2/3 of the reaction under the in_rlUaIIte 01 produced inIhJbi`nC Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of D4-benzyl SOV/62-59-7-20/36 in Liquid Phase resin products. The activation eneray of the becginning oxid~--.- tion (29 kcal/mol) was determined from the experimental datr- and from it the activati 'on energj of the reaction of pe:,o:-y- radical with dibenzyl 13 kcal computed accordine to the g-17c'- reaction scheme. The reaction scheme which is based upon the radical- chain mechanism reproduces all experimental rules .-overninar 'Uhc reaction mechanism observed and takes into ac- count the autoinhibitina effect caused by the destruction of the peroxyradicals. The hydroperoxide of dibenzyl- and ben-zal- dehyde were found as intermediate products. The influence-, olf additions on the different roactior sta[;es (resinous inter- mediate products cic.) represented in figures 4,5, and There are 6 fisuy',-o, 4 tables, and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti All SSSR (Institute of Petroleum of the AS USSH) SUBMITTED: September 11, 1957 Card 3/3 50), 5W SOV/62-59-8-13/42 AUTHORS: Petrov, Al. A., Sergiyenko,_._~I. R., Tsedilina, A. L., Nechitaylo, 11. A., Sanin, P. I., Nikitakaya, Ye. A. TITLE: Synthesis and Properties of the Dimethyl-substituted Alkanes Having the Composition C 12-C 16 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, fir 8, PP 1421-1424 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper discusses the synthesis and properties of some of the compounds mentioned in the title. The properties of the synthesized materials are given in table 1. Nearly all substances crystallize at low temperatures; only 2,4-di- methyldecane and 3,5-dimethyldodecane.vitrify at much lower temperatures than do their isomers or adjacent homologs. Besides reference 3 investigations aiming at an explanation of these phenomena have also been carried out by Petrov (Ref 4)- It was assumed that the characteristic feature of vitrification of the two compounds mentioned is due to their structure. Various investigations were carried out to prove this assumption (determination of viscosity as a function of temperature (Table 2) and determination of molecular weight). From the results it is seen that the influence of Card 1/2 the structure on the vitrification effect cannot be limited. SOV/62-59-8-13/42 S,ynthesis and Properties of the Dimethyl-substituted Alkanes Having the Composition C 12-C16 It was only possible to establish a certain dependence on the branching degree of the compounds. There are 2 tables and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED; December 10, 1957 Card 2/2 5W sov/62-59-9-9/40 AUTHORS: Levshin, V. L., Mamedov, Kh. I., Sergiyenko, S. R., Pustillnikova, S. D. TITLE: Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbons of the Diphenyl Series and Their Oxygen- and Sulfur Containing Analogs PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Mr 9, pp 1571-1578 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Petroleum fractions of high molecular weight can be analyzed with fluorescence spectra, but the spectra of the individual components of the fractions are not well enough known, so that there is a lack of comparative information to interpret the spectra. It is the aim of this paper to carry out further in- vestigations in this field. The authors investigated the spectra of the hydrocarbons of the homologous series of biphenyls start- ing with diphenyl itself. The further compounds extend the aliphatic chain, introduced between the benzene rings, to pentane. A type of compounds was also investigated in which one CH.-group of the aliphatic chain is replaced by oxygen or Card 1/3 sulfur. The table shows structure and properties of the nine SOV/62-59-9-9/40 Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbons of the Diphenyl Series and Their Oxygen- and Sulfur Containing Analogs compounds investigated. The fluorescence spectra of the com- pounds solved in isooctane were recorded at room temperature and at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The spectra were examined with a quartz spectrograph of the ISP-66-type. The synthesis of the substances investigated is described. The spec- tra of the individual compounds are represented on figures 1-8. The influence of the elongation of the aliphatic bridge makes itself felt by the strong splitting up of the spectral bands. The spectrum is markedly more intense at low temperatures and may be used for analyzing the substances. The luminiscence spectrum changes considerably when an oxygen- or sulfur atom is introduced. At strongly markedqc-electron bonds between the two benzene rings, the spectrum is shifted toward the longer- wave range at low temperatures as compared to spectra at room temperature. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskij gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. M. V. Lomonosova Card 2/3 fizicheskiy fakulltet (Moscoyr state University imeni M. V. SOV/62-59-9-9/40 Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbons of the Diphenyl Series and Their Oxygen- and Sulfur Containing Analogs Lomonosov, Physics Department) Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1957 Card 3/3 SERGIYENKO, S.R.. DEMDIMVA. P.Ya.; ISLONE, 1.0.; KURM.TSKAYA, A.P. Distribution of trace elements in petroleum tare and asphaltenee. Trudy Inst.nefti 13:118-126 159- (MIRA 13:12) (Petroleum products) (Trace elements) S/08 1 /61/000/00 5/012/02 4 B1 I Q/B205 AUTHORS: Nozdrina, E. V., Sergiyenko, S. R. TITLE: Application of methods of selective catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation for the purpose of clarifying the struc- ture of high-molecular aromatic hydrocarbons of petroleum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Kbimiya, no. 5~ 1961, 532, absiract 94146 (5M146) ("Tr. In-ta nefti AN SSSR", 1959, 13, 127-144) 20 20 TEXT: Attempts to hydrogenate the fraction (d 4 = 1.0146; nD =1.5813; molecular weight = 435; C = 85-50 %; H = 1M3 %; S = 4.43 %) of condensed, bicyclic, aromatic hydrocarbons which had been separated chromatographi- cally on ailica gel from the resin-free residue of Romashki petroleum, have been made in a rotary autoclave, in the presence of the commercial catalyst WS 2- NiS-Al 20 3~ at 250 and 3000C, sand at 180 atm for 40 hr. The hydrogenated substances were subjected to a chromatographic analysis. a - Single hydrogenation at 2500C (100 % catalyst per raw material) resulted in 89 % desulfurization and double hydrogenation (200 % catalyst in two Card 112 S/081/61/000/005/012/024 Application of methods of selective... B110/B205 hydrogenation processes) in 95 % desulfurization. The hydrocarbonmolecule was not very strongly affected. Single hydrogenation at 3000C (60 % cata- lyst) results in 94.5 % desulfurization, and the second hydrogenation removes practically all the sulfur. Under the conditions of hydrogenation at 3000C, which lead to comr)lete desulfurization, the coi.densed, bicyclic, aromatic systems practically vanish. LAhstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 SERGIYENKO. S.R..; LEBEINT, Te.V.; PETROV, A.A. Selective catalytic dehydrogenation of saturated high molecular weight hydrocarbons in the liquid phase. Trudy Inst.nefti 13'-145- 160 '59. .(MIRA 13:12) (Itrdrocarbons) (Debydrogenation) 50) SOV/80-32-3-31/43 AUTHORSi Sergiyenko, S.R., Semyachko, R.Ya., Galich, P.N. TITLE: The Liquid-Phase Oxidation of High-Molecular Hydrocarbons of Petroleum (Zhidkofaznoye okisleniye vysokomolekulyarnykh ugle- vodorodov nefti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol XXXII, Nr 3, pp 641-649 (USSR) ABSTRACT:- In high-molecular hydrocarbons of petroleum, compounds are con- tained which have condensated aromatic structures in their molecules. These compounds are the sources for the formation of resinous asphaltene substanczs. A genetic system exists in these hydrocarbons which may be represented by the following series: condensated bicyclic aromatic compounds--rcondensated polycyclic aromatic compounds--,oresins--.Pasphaltenes. At an oxidation temperature of 150 - 1750C the asphaltenes prevail in: the oxidation products. The paraffin-cycloparaffin hybrid com- pounds are transformed during oxidation in the liquid phase at a temperature of 150 - 1750C to peroxide compounds which in turn are transformed to acid saponifiable hydroxyl-containing oxygen Card 112 compounds. The bicyclic aromatic condensated hydrocarbons con- SOV/60-32-3-31/43 The Liquid-Phase Oxidation of High-Molecular Hydrocarbons of Petroleum densate most easily of all hydrocarbons, followed by the mono- cyclic aromatic compounds. The paraffin-cycloparaffin hydro- carbons oxidize more easily at 1500C than at 1750C- There are 3 graphs, 3 tables, 1 diagram and 10 Soviet refer- ences. SUBMITTEDt May 16, 1957 Card 2/2 50) SOV/2o-126-4-30/62 AUTHORS: Sergiyenko, S. R., Kvitkovskiy, L. N., Petrov, Al. A. TITLE: Viscosity-temperature Properties of High-molecular Hydrocarbons of a Mixed Structure (Vyazkostno-teml)eraturnyye svoystva vysokomolekulyarnyhh u,-levodorodov sineshannogo stroyeniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol 126, NT 4, PP 79B-801 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The viscosity of hydrocarbons is one of their fundamental properties, directly connected with their chemical structure. One of the most important characteristic features of the working properties of lubricating oils, is the change of their viscosity together with their temperature. The hydro- carbons of the oil fraction of petroleum have a mixed (hybrid) structure. Therefore it is of essential importance to observe the dependence of the viscosity upon the molecular structure of the hydrocarbon of such a mixed type, and especially the character of the changing viscosity-temperature proper- ties. The most complicated hydrocarbons of a mixe;" structure containin- condensed nuclei of the type of naphthalene, tetra- Card 1/4 lin and decalin, besides structural links of paraffin, cyclo SOV/20-126-4---lo/62 Viscosity-temperature Properties of !figh-molecular Hydrocarbons of a Mixed Structure paraffin and benzene, have already been studied. The high- molecular part of petroleums however, contains a number of these structures. The present article has the aim of filling thig gap. The first task was to define the effect of the amount of the condensed rings mentioned, and their position in the molecule, on the viscosity properties of the hydrocarbon concerned. For this purpose hydrocarbons of the naphthalene, tetralin and decalin series were synthetized with 32 carbon atoms in the molecule (Table 1, Ref 1). The measuring results of their viscosity are shown in table 2. The replacement of 10 carbon atoms of the paraffin chain by a ring of naphthalene: tetralin or decalin, makes its vis- cosity twice or three times as high; a further replacement of the next ID atoms by one of the mentioned rings causes a rapid increase of viscosity, about B-17 times. The first ring added, changes the temperature curve just little, by increasing its curvature, while the second rin'g added, sudden- Card 214 ly increases its curvature. Such an increase of the curvature SOV12o-126-4-W62 Viscosity-temperature Properties of High-molecular Hydrocarbons of a Mixed Structure is characteristic of hydrocarbons containing 2 naphthalene rings in a molecule (Table 2, Fig 2), especially in the sphere of low temperatures. The position of the ring is also important for the value of viscosity as well as for the shape of the viscosity curve. The structures with 2 rings of naphthalene dr decalin in one carbon atom show the highest values oi viscosity. The viscosity decreases with a greater distance between these rings, and the curve of the temperature viscosity becomes less steep (Table 3). The complicated hybrid structures with rings of naphthalene or decalin or of cyclohexane- or benzene rings at the same time, have been studied least and are of special interest. If a cyclohexyl ring is brought into the molecule containing already a ring of naphthalene or decalin, the viscosity increa- ses much more than if a benzene ring is added (Table 4). The shape of the curve mentioned is also increased. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 3/4 SOV/20-1 26-4-30/62 Viscosity-temperature Properties of High-molecular Hydrocarbons of a Mixed Structure ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii i razrabotki -oryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geolcgy and Mineral Niels of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: January 13, 1959, by A. A. Balandin, Academician SUBMITTED: January 8, 1959 Card 4/4 5 (3) AUTHORS: TITLE. Sergiyenko, S. R.1 Perchenko, V. N. SOV/20-128-1--)7/58 Hydrogenolysis of Organic Sulfur Compounds as Dependent on Their Structure PERIODICAL. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 1259 Nr 1, PP 103-105 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper 8 organic sulfur compounds were investigated. A nickel-tungsten sulfide mixture on aluminum oxide was used as a catalyst. The temperature range chosen guaranteed a process of desulfurizing without any secondary or by-p=08S86B. From data given in table 1 and figure 1 it results that the organic sulfur compounds investigated may be divided into 3 groups on account of the rate of sulfar separation during the selective catalytic hydrogenatica. Dibenzyl sulfide and thiophenol may be classified among the first group of the most readily reacting compounds. The second group consists of aromatic and mixed alkyl-aromatic sulfides. The third group is composed of tetra-substituted thiophenes (dibenzthiophene and tetrapheny! thiophene). The latter proved to be absolutely stable under the assumed conditions (220'-' and 200 atmospheric hydrogen pressure). If the duration of 50%-dew.ilfuzzizatlon of dibenzyl sulfide is put equal to 1, the Card 1/3 values given in table 2 are obtained for the organic sulfur Hydrogeaolysis of Organ~le 10julfur Ccinpounds as SOV/20-1 2 8-1-2 71/5 8 Dependent on Their Structu-re ct--mpounds investigated. These valuea charatterize the relative rates of desu-Iflaxization. Further, +he amount of axomatic hydrocarbone whi-jh have to form at the separation of the sulfur atom from the sulf~ir compound is determined Jm the reaction products (benzene, toluene,, ethyl benzene). In all. cases investigated about 90% of the respective hydrocarbonvam determined. 6.7% of meT.-~aptan were determined in the hydrogenation producto of n-buty! phany). sulfide, whereas with benzthiophene it attained 0.9%o This :icnfirms in the experimental vray that the reaction of desulfuiig-ation. takes place in 2 stages over the marcaptan as intermediate product - C6H5 so4H9 -- 0 C66H5SH + C4H10 . Dietbyl phenyl sulfide and dl-benzyl sulfide were synthesized by S. D. Pustillnikova. Z. K. Zemskrva and P. V. Ratulikova participated in the anai-ytic-al part of the work. Mercaptans were determined by means of potentiometric titration by a method elaborated by 1. A. Rubinshteyn and Z. A. Kleymenova. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 7 Soviet references. Card 2/3 5)(4),50) ,iUTHOFi3: -Sergiyenko, S. R., Kvitkovskiy, L. "I., SOV/20-128-4-37/65 -Y-V_.--_7. -Petrov, Al. A. TITLE: Adsorption Properties of Highly 'Molecular Hydrocarbons of a Mixed Structure PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 4, _3P 769-772 (USSR) ABSTRACT: (Abstracter's Note: Under "adsorption property" the authors mean in this case the "ability of being adsorbed"). In the introduction, the authors refer to the manifold use of adsorp- tion to surfaces of solids in industry and research work, particularly to selective adsorption in chromatography. The adsorbability of various hydrocarbons is best characterized by their adsorption isothermal. The adsorption capacity of hydrocarbons of the benzene-kerosene fraction of petroleum rises in the order: saturated hydrocarbons ~,olefines < < diolefines < monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 4,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The order mentioned is, however, not applicable to the chromatographic investigation of highly molecular petroleum fractions having complicated molecules Card 1/3 with a mixed structure, and containing, at the same time, Adsorption Properties of Highly I'violecular SOV/20-128-4-37/065 Hydrocarbons of a !~!ixed Structure phenyl-polymethylene- and other rings. Therefore, this paper is concerned with the study of the influence of individual structural constituents of such molecules which, in part, were SDecially synthesized. The adsorption isothermals (Figs 1,2) were statically determined by the contact of the hydro- carbons dissolved in n-dodecane with silica gel (brand ASK) or aluminum oxide (quality "for chromatography" of the Stalinskiy Zavod = Stalino Works) by the method of K. D. Shcherbakova and A. V. Kiselev (Ref 2). Table 1 indicates the experimental data. Adsorption increases with the rising fraction of aromatic and other cyclic carbon atoms in the total content of carbon atoms. Adsorbability depends on the ratio between carbon atoms in aromatic rings and carbon atoms in paraffin chains. The position of aromatic rings within the molecule and their type are of inferior influence. The introduction of decaline- or cyclohexane structures into the molecule, which already contains aromatic rings, raises the adsorbal,ility. Silica gel adsorbs, a little more selectively than aluminum oxide, the hydrocarbons containing two aromatic Card 2/3 Adsorption Properties of Highly Molecular SOV/20-128-4-37/65 Hydrocarbons of a Mixed Structure rings. The results suggest that a chromatographic separation of hydrocarbons, with the same molecular weight but different content of aromatic rings, is well possible. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet referenceB. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geology and Mining of Mineral Fuels of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: May 25, 1959, by M. 11. Dubinin, Academician SUBMITTED: May 23, 1959 Card 3/3 3/710/60/000/001/001/ood D055/D113 AUTHORS: Sergiyenko, S.R.; Lebedev, Ye.V.; Alikhnovskaya, A.A. TITLE- The structure of high-molecular oil hydrocarbons SOURCE: Kiyev. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut ugollnoy, rudnoy,neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti. Nauchnyye zapiski, no. 1, 1960. Dobycha i pererabotka nefti, 13-24 MEXT: An account of the chemical structure of high-molecular oil hydrocar- I bons, based on experimental data obtained in the study of 15 oils from dif- ferent deposits, mainly in the USSR, is given. It was found that oil hydro carbons which contain 20 and more carbon atoms in the molecule,consist mainly of hybrid structures. Only paraffinic hydrocarbons are an exception, 'their content rarely reaching 10%. High-molecular hydrocarbons are an imz Do-.tant Dart of oil (30-50%) and determine its ba:,-ic composition and proper- ties. 'Elie paraffino-cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons, which are richest in Card 113 S/71OJ60/000/001/001/004 The structure of D055/D113 hydrogen, as a rule form the basic part (40-60%) of the high-molecular h7drooarbons; dicyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons are poorest in hydrogen; in between both as regards hydrogen-saturation and proportion to the other groups, are the monocyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons. The differences in the chemistry of oils are seen most clearly in the composition and properties of paraffino-cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons. In oils of different structure, 50-70 of the carbon atoms in the molecules of high-molecular hydrbearbons form paraffinic carbon. Liquid-phase dehydrogenization on platinized coal can be used as a method of selective dehydrogenization of hexamethylene rings. In high-molecular para'Lfino-cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons of Romash- kino (Devonian) oil, the ratio of hexa- and penta-methylene rings varies - -1:1-1-5. Tri-substituted derivatives of benzene (the position of the sab- stitutes in the benzene ring is 1,3,5- and 1,2,4-) predominate among the high-molecular monocyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons of Romashkino oil; mono- substituted and 174-di-substituted benzenes were found in small ouantities, but no 1,2- and 10-di-substituted samples were found. Sulfur contained in Card, 213 Ir PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4726 Klyev. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-lssledovatells~kiy i proyektnyy in- stitut ugollnoy rudnoy, neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Nauchnyye zapiski, vyp. 1: Dobycha i pererabotka nefti (Sci- entific Reports of the State Scientific Research and Project Institute for the Coal, Mining, Oil, ~nd Gas Industries, No. 1: Extraction and Processing of Petroleum) Kiyev, 1960. 91 p. 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: UkrSSR Gosudarstvennaya planovaya komissiya Soveta Ministrov; Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut ugollnoy, rudnoy, neftyanoy, i gazovoy promyshlennosti "Ukrniiproyekt." Editorial Council: V. P. Aksenov, S. Ye. Anushin, S. I. Balinskiy, V. Ya. Volchanskly, D. I. Golltsev, V'. S. Grinshteyn (Resp. Secretary), B. V. Dzbanovskiy, M. M. Zherbin (Chairman), A. F. Kotov, M. I. Logvinov, Yu. M. Ostrovskiy, L. M. Orzhekhov- skaya, G. V. Prisedskiy, V. T. Sklyar'(Deputy Chairman), N. Yu. Stasiv, and V. V. Tsaritsyn; Resp. Ed. for this Collection: V. T. Skylar, Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Ed.: A. Novik. -f,~~5 Scientific Reports (Cont.) SOV/4726 PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for petroleum researchers, engineers, and refiners. COVERAGE: The collection of articles deals with the production and refining of petroleum. Individual hrticles discuss the effect of bound water on the depletion of petroleum deposits under dissolved gas conditions, the effect of pressure on the viscosity of degasified petroleum,'the structure of high-mole- cular petroleum hydrocarbons, the asphaltene and tar compo- nents of Carpathian crudes and menilite shale asphalts, and the aliphatic composition of alcohols produced by selective hydro- genation of the CO and H2 product of synthesis. Other nrticles describe the carbamide dewaxing method for filtrates of wax dis- tillates, the production of flotation agents with the use of oxidized petrolatum, and the investigation of six-membered aro- matic and naphthenic hydrocarbons by means of infrared absorption spectra. The remaining articles are pn the relations of pressure- volume-temperature-ethylene and on the phase equilibrium in ethylene-n-hexane, ethylene-cyclohexane, and ethylene-benzene systems. Specific volumes and compression coefficients at Card--2/5 Scientific Reports (Cont.) SOV/4726 pressures up to 150 atm in the 30-1500C temperature range are given for the n-hexane-ethylene system. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany most of the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PETROLEUM PRODUCTION Ostrovskiy, Yu. M., and V. A. Kisell. On theEffect of Bound Water in the Depletion Process of a Petroleum Deposit Under Dis- solved Gas Conditions 3 Maradov, A. A. Effect of Pressure on the Visc.osity of De- gasified Petroleum 8 PETROLEUM REFINING ,2-ergiyp~pko, S. R, Ye. V. Lebedev, and A. A. Mikhnovskaya. On the Structure of High Molecular Hydrocarbons of Petroleum 13 ta-a*4~,-,374 - 5 S/165/60/000/002/001/008 MOVA129 AUTHORS: ~,S 1L., Krasavchenko, M.I., Delone, 1.0., and Rutman, L.I. TITLE: The effect of the separation depth of distillate fractions on the composition and properties of hydrocarbons of heavy residues PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- tekhnicheskikh, khimicheskikh i geologicheskikh nauk, no.2, 196o, 13-20 TEXT: This' article is a continuation of two articles published in the periodical Trudy Instituta nefti, 1958, v01. 12, no. 175 and 187 (Refs. I and 2) and describes investi.-ation,s into changes of the composition of oil products at varying processing stages. Products were studied which were derived from heavy and light Illskiy petroleum; their composition and pro- perties were described in Refs. 1 and 2. The hydrocarbon portion of the products was separated by adsorption (Ref. 3, Sergiyenko, S.R., etc: Trudy Instituta nefti, 1954, iv, 103). The chemical nature of the separated Card 1/3 S/165/60/000/002/001/008 The effect of the separation depth A104/A129 hydrocarbons and the effect of the separation depth of distillate fractions, cracking degree and degree of oxidation on them was determined by chromato- graphic analysis. (Refs. 4 and 5, Sergiyenko, S.R., DAN SSR, 1953, no. I and Trudy Instituta nefti, 1954, IV, 103). The analysis was carried out in an adsorption 40x17 cm column filled with 200 ml of activated porous silica gel; 150 ml of the hexane fraction containing no benzene passed through the column at 60-BOOC followed by 10 g of test fraction diluted with the same solvent in the ratio of 1:3. Desorption of hydrocarbons is carried out with the help of the solvent in the following order: 200 ml hexane fraction, 100 ml benzene, 100 ml dehydrated alcohol-benzene mixture and 100 ml of the same mixture with non-dehydrated alcohol. The solvent is distilled on a water bath in nitromen current; filled tubes were brought to constant weight and the refractive index of the residues was determined. Refractive index lim- its of different groups were based on information of Ref. 6, Clerc, R.J. and Kincannon, C,V., Analytical chemistry, and T.P.Wier, Jr., 1950, vol. 22,no. 7. With the raise of cracking depth and the parallel reduction of hydrocar- bons in the cracking residues the amount of asphaltenes, carbones and car- boids increased. The transformation process of the hydrocarbon portion in- Card 2/3 The effect of the separation depth ... to asphaltene substance is assumed to be as hydrocarbons - condensed aromatic hydrocarbons The heavy Illskiy petroleum contains 18-5% of paraffinic cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons. There ences: 5 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. S/165/60/000/002/001/008 AlOVA129 follows: monocyclic aromatic - tar-asphaltene substances. hydrocarbons of which 50% are are 8 tables and 6 refer- ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akade- mii Nauk SSSR (Institute of Geology and Processing of Combus- tible Minerals of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) and Odesskiy neftopererabatyvayushchiy zavod (Odessa Oil Refinery) SUBMITTED: September 29, 1959 Card 3/3 SERGIYENKO., S.R.; NOZHKINA, I.A.; MAYOROV, L.S. Character of the sulfur distribution in the high molecular weight hydrocarbon'fraction of Romashkino crudea., Khim.sera*1 azotorg.soed. sod. v neft.i nefteprod. 3:173-182 160* (mm li,:6) 1. Institut geologii. i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Sulfur) SERGI.YENKO, S.R.; PERCHENKO, V.N.; MIKHNOVSKA-YA, A.A. Effect of the structure of sulfur organic ccppounds on the rate of the reactions of oxidation and catalytic hydio e*tion. Xhim.sera- i azotorg.soed.sod.v naft.i, nefteprode 3053-M 160- (MIRA 14.-6) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SM. (Sulfur organic compounds) (O*Wati6r4 (Hydrogenation) 84858 Z 2- 0 S' L-/-L-~ S/062/6o/ooo/ol 0/012/018 BOI 5/Bo64 AUTHORS.- Petrov, Al. A., Sergiyenko, S. R.,,, Tsedilina~ A. L.~, Sanin, P. I.,--Ifikitskaya, Ye. A.,-and Nechitaylo, N. A. TITLE. Synthesis and Properties of High-.molecular Hydrocarbons of Mixed Structures. Information 1. Synthesis of Hydrocarbons of the Composition C 24 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 10~ PP- 1848 - 1657 TEXT: The authors synthesized several hydrocarbons that-, up to a cer- tain extent, may serve as models for the hydrocarbons contained in high- boiling petroleum fractions. The present pape..- reports on the synthesis and properties of 23 hydrocarbons with mixed stru--tures, containing 24 hydrocarbon atoms per molecule. Compared to a similar investigation car-/ ried out by R. S,,,hiessler et al. (Ref.2), the present studies were made on a larger scale. The influence of the degree of cyclization of the hydrocarbon molecules, the effect of the relative position of some cycles in the paraffin chain of the molecules, and the effect of the Card l/.3 84858 Synthesis and Properties of High-molecular S/062/60/000/010/01-2/0118 Hydrocarbons of Mixed Structures. B015/BO64 Information 1. Synthesis of Hydrocarbons of the Composition C24 degree of substitution of the aromatic or cycloparaffin rings in the molecule upon the properties of the whole molecule were investigated (cf., Scheme of -the structural changes). The hydrocarbons were syn- thesized by the Grignard reaction. The alcohols were dehydrated in the vapor phase by means of an aluminum catalyst used (method of the American Petroleum Institute); this was, however, done in vacuum (3-4 am)X Purification was carried out by distillation and absorption. The Oondi- tions of synthesis are-described in detail for !~,!-diphenyl dodecane, while only a short information is given on the preparation of the re- maining 22 hydrocarbons. Since a peculiar behavior of 2,4,,6.-trimethyl chloro benzyl was observed under the preparation conditions of the Grignard reagent, the characteristics of the reaction between methylated benzyl halides and magnesium are discussed (Table 1, data on diaryl ethanes obtained by reacting some substituted benzyl chlorides with magnesium). Table 2 gives the structural formulas and the most important properties of the 23 hydrocarbons o~.btained. The anomalies of vissosity' as a function of the temperature of the polymethyl--substi-.uted benzene' derivati7es are remarkable, .",,e., the aromatic hydrocarbons having Card 2/3 84858 Synthesis and Properties of High-molecular S/06 6o/000/010/012/018 Hydrocarbons of Mixed Structures. B015YB064 Information 1. Synthesis of Hydrocarbons of the Composition C 24 several methyl groups on the ring have a much higher viscosity than the monosubstituted isomers. In the near future, the authors will publish a paper on the physico-chemical properties of the hydrocarbons described here (data on various spectra). There are.2 tables and 10 references: 5 Soviet, 3 us, 1 German., and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Institut.geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh Iskopayemykh Akademii nauk SSSR,(Inatitute-of Geology and Prospecting of Mineral Fuels of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED. , May 6, 1959 Card 3/3 SERGHIENKO, S.R. [Sergly~q~__~ R.1- NOJKINA, I.A. CNozhkina, I.A.1; --I- -- -WOROVO LO.T.- LMayorov, 'E.S.1- Separation of macromolecular compounds of petroleum by the combined method of molecular distillation and chromatography. Analele chimie 15 no.4:127-135 O-D 160. (EEAI 10:3) (Macromblecular compounds) (Petroleum) (Hydrocarbons) (Distillation) (Chromatography) -SF,RGIYENKO, S.R., ------- "Academician Sergei Vasillevich Lebedev; his life and scientific activities" by S.R. Sergienko. Nauka i zhiznl 27 no. 4:76 Ap 160. OKIRA 14:5) (Lebedev., Sergei Vasillevich, 1874-1934) S/080/60/033/04/29/045 AUTFORS, Sanin, P.I., Petrov, Al.A., Sergiyenko, S.R., Nikitskaya, Ye.A. TITLE% The Viscosity Properties of Some Cyclic Hydrocarbons of the Composition C . k- I 24 FD'U'jDII'_4L-, Zhurnal prikladnoy khImii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 919 - 930 TF-K-1: The viscosity Properties of 22 hydrocarbons of the composition C24.were studiled within tt,,e temperature range from 150 to -400C. The results are shown in 2 -~Wbles. The study of viscosity properties of bicyclic and tricyclic hydrocarbons of the composition C24 containing isolated hexamethylene and benzene rings showed that the transit-ion from an aliphatic hydrocarbon not containing cycles to mono-, di- and tri- sycliz hydrocarbons (by substitution of the hexyl group by a hexamethylene or benzene ring) is accompanied by an increase in the viscosity and a deterioration of the temperature dependence of the viscosity. Bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing methylated benzene rings are distinguished by a considerably higher viscosity than the corresponding hydro- oarbons with non-methylated benzene rings. Naphthene hydrocarbons formed during hydro- genation of aromatic hydrocarbons, which do not contain alkyl groups in the benzene ring, have a higher viscosity and a correspondingly weaker temperature dependence than the Card 1/2 S/080/60/033/04/29/045 The Vis.3osity Properties of Some Cyclic Hydrocarbons of the Composition C24 initial aromatic hydrocarbons. The opposite is observed in the case of hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons containing methylated benzene rings. In this case hydrogenation leads to a decrease of viscosity, which is especially considerable for hydrocarbons withV disubstituted rings; the temperature dependence of viscosity improves correspondingly. The phenomenon observed, which was noted earlier for condensed polycyclic aromatic hydro- carbons, should be allowed for in the investigation of higher aromatic petroleum fractions by the hydrogenation method. T'here are: 3 graphs, 3 tables and 20 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 5 English, 3 American and 3 German ASSOCIATION. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR i Institut geologii i razrabotki gory-achikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR (Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the AS USSR a-yid Institute of Geology and Development of Mineral Fuels of the AS U33R) SUIEMI=. October 3, 1959 'lard 2/2 ~OV120-13c-2-205169 AUT110iij: S---nin, F, I~ , Petrci , A! A, , St~r~;iyenko, S~, R. , Academician AS Turkm S37R, Nikits,:aya, Ye. A. TITLE; Visccsit il roperties of kikyl-arv-.,~-Ltlic -H.-dr,~-carbc.-is and Th, e i r 1: v d r c. - e n -- t e d A 1-1 a 1s PLRIODICAL: Do~-lady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1060, Vol 1 '-0, Nr 2, DD 278 - 340 ABST.-IACT: An investi;Tatiun of U16 Viscosity of aromatic hydrocarbons co:,taining isolated benzene rin,~s. and their hydroi-enated arialo~~s, showed (Table I ) that the charioe in viscosity on h~fdrogenation considerably depends or- the structure of the hydrocarbons- HydroZenation of certain structures reduces the viscosity extraordinarily. The arom,&tic hydrocarbons (C ) investi-at2d here may be divided into 2 groups: 24 C, without substituents on the ri-e (Table 1, Nrs 1-5); 2) with met-hyl groups on tle rine, (Nrs 6-6). flydro,,enaticn (;Dr tra-is- formation of aromatic into naDhtliene liydrocaarbotis. resFecti- vely) of the hydrocarb---ns of the 1st ~7roup increases the Card 1/3 viscosity, arid causes a higher viscosity increase with de- 1,_-O;~erties of A!Kyl-aromat_~ c ff~-drocarbuns aad SOV120-1 -2-2611 T~.eir H-dro-enattad Analo:-s creasing te::~i~eratura- According to the data obt-ained by the authors, this '11-Incwn phenomenoa also app-lies to polycyclic arom,atic hydrocarbons -mith isolated benzene rin.-s (-,-iith- out alkyl groups as substituents on the ri:16), Hydro:-cna- tiQr,, of' bicyclic aromatic hydrocafbons with :Let;.Yl groups on the bfmzt~i,e (i~ra 6-8) produced naphthene hydrocarbons witl, cuasiderably lower visccoity thai that of their initial substances, The viscosity decreused wk:,re ir. the hydrocarboas with 2 methy! groul.s on the rinE. This dependence is con- tr,.Lry to that observed in hydrocarb,)ns without 3ubstituents on the ring.. T,-ble 2 shows comparative d--t-- ef the viscosity for both types of hydrocarbons~ The above phenomenon is of ge:.eral importance to the deperidence of visc,_,sity of hydro- carbons on their structure. It also renders possible a new interpretation of some results of hydroSenation of aaro!catic petraieum fractions. Thus, tht: v-scosity of synthetic poly- cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons consiii-ting of condensed benzene rings is reduced by hjdrogenaticn while the viscosity index rises. The contrary applies to kVdrogenation of aroml-tic Card 213 hydrocarbons containing ijulated bnnzene rinCs (Refs 1,2), Viscosity P-roperties of Alk~-1-ar!_,Liatis Hydrocabons and SOV12C-130.2-26169 Their Hydrogenated An-%loga The data obtained by the authors make it possible to assert that the viscosity on hydrogenation of the higher-boiling petroleum fractions may also be reduced by the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with isolated benzene rings containing alkyl- kaiethyl--) groups on the rinS, The cause il of the viscosity change of some types of aromatic hydrocarbons on hydrogenation is unknown and must be investizated yeti U There are 2 tables and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet: AS30CIATION: Institut neftekhi:richeskogo sinteza Akademii nauk SSSR (In- stitute of Petroleum-cheiiiical Synthesis of the Acader,-y of Sciences, USSR) Institut geolo--g-'i--'-i---i----r-a--z-r-ab--o--t-ki-g-o-ryuchikh iskopa,yemykh Akademii nauk OSSR (institute of Geology and the Working of Combustible Minerals of the X-cademy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: September 22, 1959 Card 3/ 3 SERGIYENKO, Semen Romanov~ch; LE1j;EDhV, Yevgraf Venediktovich; ARTYKOVA, T.V., S.C., tekhn. red. I z -va; (Selective catalytic dehydrogenation of high molecular weight hydrocarbons] lzbirateltnaia kataliticheBkaia degidrogenizatsiia vysokomolekuliarnykh uglevodorodov. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, 1961. 71 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Hydrocarbons) (Dehydrogenation) SERGIYENKO, S.R. Outstanding Soviet scientist Academician N.DZelinskii; on the one-hundredth anniversary of his birth. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.- tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.1:3-12 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Zelinskii, Nikolai Dmitrievich., 1861-1953) GARBALINSKIY., V.A.; SERGIYENKO, S.R.; ANBROKH, R.V. Chemical mechanism of the production of oxidized petroleum bitumens from the cracking residue. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.3:33~-39 161. 04IRA 14:7) 1. Institut khimii AN Turkmenskoy SSR i Odesskiy nefteperera- batyvayLishchiy zavod. (Bitumen) (OxIdation) (Asphalt) JL1 S/202/61/000/005/004/004 AOo6/Aioi AUNIORS: Pustillnikova, S. D. T-l'I'LE. On the genetic connection In the chemical structure of asphaltenes, resins, and high-molecular naphthahydrocarbons PEKODICAL: Akademiya nauk. Turkmenskoy SSR. Izvestlya, Seriya Flziko- tA4dmichesk_4kh,khimIcheskikh I geologicheskikh nauk, no. 5, 1961, 47-59 TEXT: An investigation was made for the purpose of bringing about the gradual transition of naphthaneous asphaltenes according to the scheme: asphal- tenes --->resins ----3;,hydrocarbons. The final purpose of such a transformation was to obtain pure hydrocarbon molecules where the carbon skeleton of the original asphaltene molecules had been preserved. To solve this problem the authors used the reaction of selective catalytic hydrogenation in the presence of a skeleton nickel catalyzer. The initial material were asphaltenes singled out of Romash- kino (Devonian) naphtha with 1700 molecular weight and the following elementary composition: C - 84.04; H 7.96; S - 4.70; 0 - 3.30%. Skeleton nickel was used as catalyzer and was prepared from Ni-Al nickel alloy (50 : 50). The Card 1/4 S/P-02/61/OW/005/004/004 On the genetic connection in the chemical ... AOo6/Aiol hydrogenation pro:ess was conduoted in a rotating 1-liter-capacity watoclave at 150'C; 11~0 atm pressure for 10 hours. The amount of the catalyzer was gradualiy increased beginning with 150% during hydrogenation within the first 10 hours. fhe results obtained were analyzed. The composition and properties of hydro- carbons obtained were compared with corresponding hydrocarbon groups singled directly out of the same naphtha from which the asphaltenes had been selected. The following conclusions are made: The paraffin-ey3loparaffin hydrocarbons obtained by hydrogenation of asphaltenes approach, in their composition and properties, the group of hlgh-molecular hydrocarbons, singled out directly of naphtha. Their basic difference is a higher cyclicity (2.1 of ring per molecule against 1.2) and a small sulfur content (0.23%) corresponding to the presence of sulfurous compounds in an amount of 2.3%. Complete desulfurization of this hydrocarbon group will still increase their resemblance with an analogous hydro- :arbon group contained In naphtha. 2) The group of monocycloaromatic hydro- carbons obtained by hydrogenation approaches also the composition and properties of corresponding hydrocarbons singled out of the high-molecular portion of Romashkino naphtha. The basic difference is a lesser molecular weight of the former (338 against 400) and a somewhat higher -cotal cyclicity (2.9 against 2.7); ':hIS causes the lower content of aliphatic carbon atoms in the molecule (43 -ard 2/4 11~ s/2o2/61/ooo/bo5/004/bou On the genetic connection in the chemical ... A006/AI01 against 516) a higher carbon content at an elementary analysis (87.37 against 85.87) and a higher specific weight (d~O = 0.9445 against 0.9184)'. 3) The bicycloaromatic hydrocarbons obtained from asphaltene hydrogenation have vexty different compositions and properties than high-molecular bicycloaromatic hydro- carbons singled out of Romashkino naphtha. The former have a higher molecular weight (440 against 374) and 5,3 total cyclicity against 3.9 including that- of aromatic rings (3.0 against 2.3) and cycloparaffin rings (2.3 against 1.6). Phese basic characteristic features determine all the other properties of bi- -~ycloaromatic hydrocarbons, as well as their structural group and elementary composition strongly differing from those of hydrocarbons singled directly out of naphtha. 4) Among the hydrocarbons produced by hydrogenattion of asphaltenes, there were 42% polycycloaromatic compounds containing on the average 3.6 benzeng rings per molecule. From the high-molecular portion of naphtha such compounds sould not be singled out. There were 71% hydrocarbons and 29% sulf'urous compounds, when assuming that the molecules of the latter contained one atom of sulfur. 5) The investigation shows that in the asphaltene molecules the polycyclic systems are the prevailing structural links. in these polycy:-!lIc struct-ures a great part is played by the multi-nuclear condensed systems containing both purely carbocyclic (benzene and polymethylene) and heterocyclic rings which Card 3/4 3/202/61/000/005/004/004 On the genetic connection in the chemical ... AOo6lAlOl contain sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen atoms. 6) This first experimental transi",lo-n of naphthaneous asphaltenes to resins and hydrocarbons under conditions of soft catalytic hydrogenation proves the genetic connection in the chemical structure of asphaltene.9, resins and high-molecular hydrocarbons of naphtha. The analyses were carried out with the participation of Z. K. Zemskov and L. V. Ratnilkcv. 1here are 2 figures, 6 tables and 18 references (9 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Savie-k- bloc). The reference to the most recent English-language publication reads as follows: Weller, S., Pepiletz, M. J., and Friedman, S. - Ind. Eng. Chem. v. 43, no. 7, - 1951, 1972. SUBMI-TI I'F-D: May 15, 1961 Card 4/4 s/2o 2/6 1/000/006/'003/100 4 AOO6/AlO1 AUTHORS- Sergiyenko, S.R,, Kurbskiy, G.P. TITLE- The chemical nature of Dzhebol petroleum PERIODICAL: Akademlya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Izvestiya, Seriya fiziko-tekhniches- kikh,khimicheskikh i geologicheski-kh nauk, no. 6, 1961, 64 - 73 TEXT- The authors investigated petroleum from wells 14 and 26 of the Dzhe- bol deposit in the Timano-Pechersk province (Komi ASSR), and present information on their hydrocarbon composition as to fraction, components and groups. The pe- troleum was distilled in a MAT14M-58a (TsIATIM-58a) device into a series of fractions up to 500OC' Distillation up to 2000C was performed at atmospheric pressure and in a vacuum at up to 3500C, and up to 5000C in a direct-heated Xlyay- zen retort. Residues boiling at over 5000C were separated in large-size chroma- tographic columns (2,280 mm high, 30 mm in diameter) by two variants: 1) using as desorbents a series of desaromatized 60 - 800C fractions, their mixture with benzene and alcohol-benzene; 2) separating the residue into a hydrocarbon por- tion and then into 3 resin fractions using a smaller column containing 150 g sili- cdgel. The results obtained show that both these methods yield comparable results Card 1/2 The chemical nature of Dzhebol petroleum s/2o2/61/oOO/006/bO,3/004 A0061AI01 concerning the hydrocarbon content and the total content of resinuous substances. There is however, a marked difference in respect to the distribution of res-in fractions due to the different polarity of desorbents employed, The second meth- od should ce preferred. Tne total. balance of the two types of petroleum investi- gated shc..4s the fc)-1.1owing distribution of components- Petroleum from well no.14; hydrr,carbcns 96-7, resins 2.9~ asphaltenes 0.4; petroleum from well no. 26- 915.7, 4.01 and 0,3 reSpectively. Detailed date are .contained in a number of tables, There are 9 taDles and 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet td. c c . ABBOCIATION.,,, Nef-;yanaya lac,-)rat-criya upravlenlya (Petrnleum cal. Administrati-~in) Ukht-~nskog,_-) terri-~oria!'nogo geologicheskogo Lar-cratci-y of the Ukhta Territorial Geologi- SUBMTTMD - SeptAmber 4, 1961- Card 212 S/202/61/000/006P04/004 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Serglyenko, S.R., Kurbskly, G.P. TITLE: The nature of the effect of high-temperature distillation on high molecular petroleum compounds PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Izvestiya, Seriya fiziko-tekhniches- kikh,khimicheskikh I geologicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1961, 74 - 87 TEXT: Using petroleum samples from the Nizhne-Omrinskoye deposit, the authors studied the nature of chemical changes In the high-molecular portion of the petroleum under the effect of high distillation temperatures. For this pur- pose the composition and properties of the high-molecular portion were determined by employing method I when the specimens were subjected to extended heating at high temperatures (singling-out of fractions boiled away at up to 5000C) and method II, exbludi-..g heating over 200-2500C. The characteristic properties of 20 the petroleum investigated are: d~o - 0.8284, nD = 1.4695; molecular weight 200; kinematic viscosity at 200C = 6.23 cst, acidity number 0.14; Konradson coke number 1.2; sulfur content 0.27%. The content of basic components is: oils 60.2%; paraffin 5.5 (melting point 510C), resins 3.1 and asphaltenes 0.2%. The Card 1/3 S/2o2/61/Wo/O()6/004/004 The nature of the effect ... Aoo6/Aloi results obtainedere tabulated and show that in the case of light petroleums with low resin and sulfurous compound content, and major amount in the hydrocarbon por- tion of paraffin-cycloparaffin-hydrocarbons, vacuum distillation with gradual tem- V/ perature increase up to 5000C, has only a slight effect on the yield and the prop- erties of the hydrocarbon groups. Its effect is marked, however, on the proper- ties of resin-asphaltene components, manifested in the process of asphaltene- formation and changes in the nature of resins, such as age, molecular weight and the content of heteroatoms. About 99% hydrocarbons are extracted from residues over 3500C by a 60 - 800 desaromatized-fraction of petroleum ether during chroma- tographic separation. Therefore it is not expedient to employ mixtures of petro- leum ether with carbon tetrachloride on ACK(ASK) silic-agel.. The information in- cludes details on the chemical nature of the Devonian petroleum investigated. There are 10 tables and 15 references-, 11 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet bloc. The reference to the most recent. English language publication readsas follows: 14. Knotnerus, J., - J, inst. Petrol. .Xii, vol. 42, 396, 1956) Card 2/3 GORDASH, Yu.T.; SERGIYENKOj, S.R.; SEMYACHKO, R.Ya.; REKUFOVA, B.A. Chemical nature of the macromolecular hydrocarbon portion of Mukhanova pptroleum. Dokl. AN BSSR 5 no.3:112-117 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut fiziko-organicheskoy khimii AN BSSR. Predstavleno adademikom AN BSSR 'B.V. Yerofeyevym. (Mukhanova region-Petroleum-Analysis) SERMON., S.R~ New stage of development Ser, fiz.-tekh... khim. i of Soviet science. Izv, Ali Turk. SSR, geol. nauk no-4:3-9 162. (YIDU 14:12) (Research) I SERGIYENKO, S-.R. The 22d Congress of the CPSU and problems of science. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.6,.3- 12 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Turkmenistan-Research) SERGIYENKO, S.R. M.V.Lomonosov and the development of Russian science; on the 250th anniversary of 4is birth. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz. -tekh., khim. i geol.,nauk no.6:13-28 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) SERGIYENKO, S.R.; KURBSKIY, G.P. Composition and properties of natural bitumen of the Voia and Niamed' deposits. izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh., khi-m.i geol.rauk no.1:35-43 162. Composition and properties of Lemliu petroleum. Ibid.:44-50 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Neftyanaya laboratoriya Ukhtinskogo territoriallnogo geologicheskogo upravleniya i Institut khimii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. sov/6146 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION ovich Lebedev and Yevgraf Venedikt S6men Rom~nOvjch, SergjyenkOj ;ellizatisiya vysokoMOlekul- 7a degidrog ydrogenatiOll Of al'Ytjc Deh lzbiratel'naya kataliticheska' -tive Cat d Jzd-vO AN TurkSSR1 uglevodorodov (Selec yarnYkh fdrocarbonB) Ashkhaba', Hi h-14olecular H1, copies printed- I 19K. 71 p. 500 .,auk TurkraenskoY SSR. Sponsoring AgencYj Akademiya V. Artykova; Tech. Ed.: So Go FlutkoVa- Ed. of Publishing House: To ded for technical personnel in the ': This book is inten, etrochemi drogenation PTJRpOSF stry. fields of petroleum and P tive catalytic dehy ok describes a selec r high-mOle,ular saturated C GF. conj,11nation with OVERA , This bo, authors f0 ~d in process developed by the When us(lyis,- thelprocess the liquid phase., hydrocarbons in Lon and spectral ana e and-the ratio Of . separatJ structur chr=atographiO ermine ring makes it possible to det Card 1/3 selective Catalytic Dehydrogenation (Cont.) siDv/6146 five-member rings to six-member rings in molecules of high- molecular petroleum hydrocarbons. The experimental data are presented in tables. The authors* state that the selective catalytic dehydrogenation process will eventually be used to obtain aromatic hydrocarbons from the high-molecular fraction of crudes. 'No personalities are mentioned. There are 76 ref- erences: 55 Soviet, 14 German, and 7 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Selective Catalyltic Dehydrogenation of Hexamethylene Rings in the Vapor Phase 7 Ch. 2. Features of the Chemical Structure of Saturated High-Molecular Petroleum Hydrocarbons 13 Card 2/3 AUTHORS: S!~~ and Petrova, A.A. S/202/63/000/001/003/Oo6 E075/E136 Garbalinskiy, V.A., Medvedeval V.D.'s TITLE. Selective dehydrogenation of paraffinic hydrocarbons on zinc chromate PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh, khimicheskikh i geologicheskikh nauk. no.1, 1963, 30-37 TEXT: In an attempt to produce olefins from hydrocarbons having more than 2-5 carbon atoms, n-heptane and n-hexadecane were on ZnCrO4 supported on ZnO. ZnO was used as a support, since it was previously reported by S.R. Sergiyenko that it promotes the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene and minimizes cracking reactions. The catalyst was prepared by adding (NH4)2Cro4 to Zno suspended in the solution of 203 9 ZnC12 in 2 litres H20- For n-heptane the dehydrogenation proceeds most .satisfactorily at 500 QC and the space velocity of 1.5 h-1. The ~liquid product contains 10~o olefins and no aromatic hydrocarbons. :Card 1/2 Selective dehydrogenation of ... S/202/63/000/001/003/Oo6 E075/El36 About one quarter of the olefins is constituted by 1-heptene. The remainder contains 2-heptene and 3-heptene, their cis and trans forms being in equal quantities. n-hexadecane was dehydrogenated under the same conditions as n-heptane and gave 2.5 times as much olefins. Cracking in this case amounted to 3 - 8% and the liquid product contained 25 - 27% olefins, two. thirds of which were C16 lefins. There are 5 figures and tables. .ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii (Chemical Institute) Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR (Physicotechnical Institute, AS Turkmen. SSR) SUBMITTED: November 12, 1962 Card 2/2 PERCHENKO,, Vladimir N:Lkolayevich; 5ERGIYENKO, Semen Romanovieh-- ARTYKOVA, T.V., red.izd-v-a-,-7I-V-6RT-IYEVA, G.A.,. (Selective catalytic hydrogenation of sulfur-organic compounds] Izbiratellnoe kataliticheskoe gidrirovanie seraorganicheskikh soedinenii. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, 1962. 91 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Sulfur organic compounds) (Hydrogenation) (Catalysis) KVITKOVSK-U, L. N.; SERGIYENKQ,_~. R., akademik Sorption by molecular sieves of the type A Dokl, AN SSSR 147 no.6o.1399-1401 D 162. ~MMA 16si) 1. AN Turkmenskoy SSR (for Sargiyenko)o (Zeolites) L 1~3 27-n6 EPR/EWP(J)/tFF(0)/tWT(m).,"3M AFFN/ I i APGC/RPL F s -4 /P c - 4/Pr 44,e Imi -1. RM/BW/WW/JW/,,IWD/H ACCESSION 77-4 ;T7oo3853 0 S/0020/63/151/003/058T/ 5 Seriziven1to. S. R AWHOR: ---------- Academic an, AN Turkmen SSR); Kvitkovskiy, L. N. TITIE: Thermal stability of synthetic C32 hydrocarbons of abybrid structure w SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 151, no. 3, 1963, 587-590 TOPIC TAGS: C32 hydrocarbon, hybrid hydrocarbon, aliphatic-aromatic hy drocarbon., synthetic hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon thermal stability," Kurnakov pyrameter, endo- thermic effect, exothermic effect, cracking, polymerization, condensation, satL- q rated hydrocarbon, unsaturated hydrocarbon, al*Lminosilicate catalyst, hybrid hydrocarbon synthesis, aoclecene, 1-1-dinaphthyl-l-docosane, alpha-naphthyldocosenel differential thermal analysis 4 ABSTRACT: A number of synthetic "hybrid".c hydrocarbons vith a3iphati -i aromatic (benzene, naphthalene, tetralin-,:decalln, Tycl:o exane) radicals7las part of their structure haye been synthesized. The effect of such a strilcture, which is similar to that of hydrocarbons occurring in high-boiling fractions of pe-r,roleum, on thermal stabilityllwas studied (by differential thermal analysis] with a KurnaLkov pyrometer. A [DI!A] curve of saturated. C.2 hydrocarbons is Card L 13327-0 ACCESSION NR: AP3003853 shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. Section OA of the curve, corresponding to the lowest temperature range investigated, is characterized,by the absence of endo- or exothermic effects. Section AB(corresponling to 385-400C)indicates the course of endothermal cracking, a section BC (corresponding to 405-470C), the course of exothermic po rizatioAnd condensation of the radicals and reactive--, unsaturated molecules formed during the cracking. The section of the curve to the right of point C characterizes simultaneous cracking and condensation. Study of the thermal stability of unsaturated C32 hydrocarbons showed that the presence of a double bond in the molecule reverses the sequence of the endo- and exothermic processes, as shown in the thermogram of 1-1-dinaphthyl-l-dodecenel(Fig. 2). Gbservation of this reversal can serve as an indication of the presence of olefins in hydrocarbon mixtures. The sequence of endo- and exothermic processes in .saturated C hydrocarbons is reversed by the presence of an aluminosilicate at twas shown, that at 220-245C the catalyst produces an exothermal alySt. 12 c effect in 11-ot-naphthyldocosane which is probably caused by chemosorption. Crig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: institut khimii Akademii nauk Turkmen SSR (Institute of Chemistry- .Academy of Sciences Turkmen SSR) SUBMITTED.- 01hi_ai-63 DATE ACQ.? 15Aug63 IENCL: 022 SUB CODF,.* CH NO W SOV: 009 OTHER: (100 Card prof., dro; GARBALINSKIY, V.A., dipl. ing., cand. sci. Ghemistry of the process of obtaining oxidized petroleum bitumens. Acts. chimica Hung 37 no.2:213-225 163. 1. Akademiya nauk'VtrrRft6wkoy SSR., Ashkhabad. SEHGF--TT'KO,. S.H., akadernik, red.; SHNEYER, M.S., red.izd-va; IVOI'TIYEVIC-, G.A., tekhr.. red. [PetrocherUsti-j] Neftekhimiia. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Al, Turkr..S,9R, 1963. 340 P. (MIRA 16:1-2) 1. Akaderiiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR (for Sergiyenko). (Soviet Centi-pa Asia-Petroleum chemicals) MURADOVA, G.A.; SERGIYENKO, S.R.; KOIY)TKIY, A.G. Spectral characteristics of high molecular weight of hydro- carbons of Aligul'skava oil. Izv. All Turk.SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.2:16-23 '63. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhn-icheskiy institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR i Institut khimii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. SERGIYEJ?.()l l,",9 UL'- i,' h-2 of we;7 !.-.~:-n p, troleurris ec c iem-'. -,r-. t,..; itia te r a 1. Izv. AN luarl-~.3z'E. Ser. f.!-,,.-tA--kh., khim. d ".v.-k- Y'0-2:30-3-~ (Ml.lA 17:,~) f;FR. PHASE I 1300K EXPL01TATION SOV/6491 Perchenko, Vladimir Nikolayevich, and Semen Romanovich Sergiyenko --------------- lzbiratellnoye kataliticheekoye gidrirovaniye seraorganicheskikh soyedineniy (Selective Catalytic Hydrogenation of Sulfur Organic Compounds) Ashkhabad, 1962, 91 P. 700 copies printed. Sponnoring Agency: Akadetniya nauk Turkmenskoy SSSR. Ed. of Publishing House: T. V. Artykova; Tech. Ed.: 0. A. Ivontlyeva. PURPOSE: The book is intended for the study of selective catalytic hydrogenation of waste and side products of processed petroleum. COVERAGE: This book is a study of properties, reactions, and chemi cal structure of waste and Bide products of catalytic and therma processing of petroleum, These sulfur-aontaining organic com- pounds are considered as hidden reserves in the exploitation of Card 1/4 Selective Catalytic Hydrogenation (Cone.) sov/6491 various cbtsdnable commercial product3, as a means of increasing raw material utilization, and as a means of effecting an im- provement in petroleum processing, Also the optimal conditions for the differentiation of sulfur organic compounds with various structures are s-tudied by the use of selective catalytic hydro- genation reactioni. There are 16u references, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Selective Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 6 Card 2/4 SERGIYENKO, S.R.; M01SEYKOV, S.F.; KOZLOV, M.I.; LOOKIPANINE, G.A. Prospects of the development of the petroleum refining and petrochemical industriesin Turkmenistan. I%v.AN Turk.SSR.Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.3:3-12 163. (MIRA 17:3) SERGIYENKO, S.R.; GARBALINSKIY, V.A. Chemical characteristics of saturated high molecular hydrocarbons of Aligul petroleum. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.3:45-52 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut, khimii PN Turkmenskoy SSR. MURADOVA, G.A.; SERGIYENKO, S.R.; KOROTKIY, A.G. Spectral characteristics of the products of catalytic dehydrogenation of saturated high molecular hydrocarbons of Aligul petroleum. Izv. AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.3932-39 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR i Institut khimil AN Turkmenskoy SSR. SERGIYENKO, S.R.; TAIMOVA, B.A.; GARBALINSKIY, V.A. Potential possibilities of high molecular hydrocarbons of Aligul petroleum. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.p kh--m.i geol.nauk no.3:40-44 t63. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iristitut, khimii All Turkmenskoy SSR. Semen Ramanovich; BA1311.511KINA, S.I., ved. red. [iligh-molecular petur-oleum compounds) VyaokorrolPk-uliar-qje soedi-r-eniia nefti. 2. perer. i dop. i--d. l4oskva, Khimiia, !()64. 540 P. (MIRA 17:8) L~MGIYENKC, PAi-,10(.1HEV, ChemisT~r-j as a decisive factor in increasing the productivity o,- agriculture. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.1:3-8 164. (mlw- 17:9) S.EFoOJ!T-IT*rl-)) 'L.',DVED.E',VA, 'V.D.,- GARBALUISKlY, 7.A. Seler-',Ive actlorl (,,' cataly--fs in the dehydrogenation of para-f- ~k. SSR. Spr. fiz.-tekh., khim i fin. hyd:-ocarbons. Izv. -411 Turl .g e o I . r. aul, P. o . 3 -.2 5-3 0 1 U (MkIRA 18:1) 1. ln-*~Itut i L%' 'EV.-k-menskoy SSR. :31j--,F%GiTI.J'Y('l, , Scittntif ic and tec~--nollc~gllc%i in d0rlng- trIG -,ast , yea-~s. All '71"rk SSR. f.lz.-Lek-h-, khlr- 40 ( ~ ', -ip;i 2 ~ 1k 1o4. . t .L, geol. nau nc -5: 3-1i -9MGIXENY,Ok GARIIALINaIY, V.A.~ PEMOVA, A,A.; CHIROVA, Ye.V.; MURADOVA, G. A. Composition and properties of hydrocarbons from condensates of the Islim deposit. Izv. A' Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.1:37-47 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut khimii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. ACCESS1014 NR: AP5008890 AUTHOR: Sergiyenko, S. R.,; Garbalinskiy, V. A*; Chelpanova, lk.~ F.; Gukasova, Ri G -TITLE: Chemical nature of undersea petroleum of the Cheleken deposit SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh, kh,imicheskikh L. geologicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1965, 48-53 TOPIC T&GS: offshore oil, undersea petroleum, petroleum-composition, Cheleken petroleum, selective dehydrogenation ABSTRACT: Low-tar high-paraffin petroleum from an offshore wel 1 located west of the Cheleken peninsula in Turkmenistan was investigated. Selective liquid-, phase dehydrogenation of the high-molecular hydrocarbons followed by chromato- graphic separation and spectroscopic anallysis enabled the authors to explore the hybrid structure of these hydrocarb0is and-to determine the relative propor- tion of the hexa- and pentamethylene rinigs present. The content of the aromatic.. hydrocarbons in the benzine fractions rsiaged from 7 to 20%, and in the kerosene fractions, from 30 to 33%. In the lattei,'the content of normal paraffins via, about 257., and in the higher boiling fractions., 30 to 35%. The saturated (paraffin and paraffin-cycloparaffin) hydrocarbons comprised from 61 to 86% of Carci 1/2 VCV? y URI- V. t.llcn and ~ropertiert of ozncerite in the ~hehkerl deponnits. lzir. AN Turk.S-E?-.Ser..fiz.-tekh., kbim. i geol.nauk no.r:25-31 1 165- (MIRA 18-.1-1) 1. in.9titut khimii AN T-Lirkmenshoy SISR. Submitted June 30, 2965. Ai],LFANOVA, N.P.; V.A.; F'V ', . -k ..; . '~i+~;IYENKOf ~, I I. Chem-ical na-,urs- o,- Lhe high molecular part o' -,he sea petroleum of the Cheleken f '41:1dLi. Izv. MI T,,irk. SSR. Stir. fiz.-tekh. khim. i geal. nauk no.3:33-43 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut Ainilil AN Turknenskoy S3R. Submitted Dec. 14, 1964. ACC NRi for engineers of the petroleum conversion and petroleum chemical industry; and can be of interest for students of petroleum higher educational institutions. TABLE OF CONTEMS (abridged): Forwm-d --3 Introduction --5 Bibliography --10 Part Okie Composition, Properties and Reactions of High-Molecular Hydrocarbons of Petroleum Ch. I. Peculiarities of the cwTosition and properties of high-molecular compounds of petroleum --11 Ch. II. Paraffinic hydrocarbons --24 Ch. 11I. Hydrocarbons of the hybrid or mixed structure --114 Ch. IV. Higher-molecular aromatic hydrocarbons of petroleum -258 Part Two Composition, Properties and Ileactions of 1ligh-molecular Reteragenous Compounds of Petroleum Ch. V. Carbonic acids of petroleum (petroleum acids) --304 Ch. VI. Sulfur- and nitrogen compounds of petrolem --329 Ch. VIL Petroleum asphalts -493 Conclusion --536 BiblioGraphy --539 SUB CODE: 07,11/ SUBM DATE: o6maAl ano mw: oo5/ oTH mw: ock