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L 3~397-66 T JK
Aa-1W:__1T6026855 SOURCE CODE: WodfJW6 11/6-5276-12176ij6]
AUTHOR: ~ergiescu..,I)in,a.!!~rdzhiyesku, D. (Doctor); Klein, R.--Kleyn, R. (Doctor);
Dinculescu, M.--Dinkulaskaff 11. (Doctor); Buirwvici-K:LeET,-=ona-Buynovich-Kleyn, Ye.
ORG: f5ergioscu; Klein7Poliorvelitis Vaccine Soction, 10r. In Cantacuzinoll lnstitut6.
Bucharost(Soctia vaccin poliomielitic, Institutul Mr. In Cantacuzinoll); LDinculoscu;
Buinovici-Kleij Enterovirosis Section, "Dr. In Cantacuzino" Institute, Bucharest
(Sectia entoroviroze, Institutul "Dr. In Cantacuzino")
TIM: Value of Antra-type serum differentiating reaction in tYP0 3 Polio virus
SOURCE: YAcrobiologia, parazitologia si epideniologia, v. 11, no. 2, 1966, 127-138
TOPIC TAGS: virus disease, vaccine, antigen
ABSTRACT: The authors studied the intra-type differentiation of type 3 Polio viruses
by noans of the Wecker test. Preparation of guinea pig and rabbit sera irith the aid
of various antigens shwed the advantage of using rabbits irmanized ifith concentrated
virus suspensions. The mothod was found useful to check identity of the vaccines
with the seoding virus as well as to assess the antigenic relations of strains iso-
lated from patients with the types used for vaccination. The histopathologic exami-
nation was porformod at the laboratory for the Control of PoliouVelitis Vaccination
Iry Doctor M. Zarifirescu. The authors thank Madical Assistants Ileana Brucker. Ana
Tana-escuff U. Lazaresc-uand T_. Geor scu for their valuablp Cal a * tanced
at' 3 tables**, th ~PJFM' .8
ors IF
--LB~Lsod Qn a Eng. abstj
I jb
SUBM DAM t 19Dec64 ORIG R&F: Wl OTH t
rnrel 101' / Q
TTF1_1 -I",
SE:13IZ,32111,1, V.
'?!,I ~ T TA. Vol. fi, 2 Apr./J I)e
~pj.; C(J4 Cal-: SI, 1~)55
SERI.,i-E, C--7, Surface conditions of c;stalline ~!ielectr;cs. 31;9.
uron Et,
list of as' r -ean Acce,--sions (7',A 1L, Vo2. F, 2,
February 195~, Unclass.
arvniliri/s o lid State Physics - Solid State Tieory- E
Abs Jour Ref ZInur Fizika, No 11, 1959, 249o1
Author Ser(;Lescu, V.
Title On the Heat Conduction of Molecular Crystals with
Interval Rotation.
OriG Pub StUdii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPR, 1958, 9, No 4, 451-
Abstract To deteri.-ii-ne the influence of internal rotation on the
specific heat conduction of a molecular crystal, a linear
relation is introduced between the coefficient of the po-
ter-tial enerry and the Fowler rotation parameter. A
semi-quantitative discussion is given of the changes that
are localized in the Peierls regions, obtained for the
curve of specific heat coaduction versus the temperature.
Card 1/1
- 45 -
Rtft4ANIA/Solid State Physics - SOlid State Theory _ Crystallography. E
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 196o, 8640
Author : Sergiescu, V.
Inst : - , . - I .,~ 1~ %. ,
Title : Modification of the pauling-Fowler Model in the Theory
of Internal Rotation of Crystals.
Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari fiz., 1959, 10, No 1, 99-109
Abstract : The author considers cooperative phenomena in molecular
crystals, connected with the internal rotation of mole-
cules, A m:)dification is introduced to the theory of
Pauling and Fowler (Fowler R.H., Proceedings Royal
Society, 1935, A 149, 1), according to which the state
of the system is -characterized by an individual coope-
rative long-range order parameter XL, which vanishes
in the phase transition. The author takes it into con-
sideration that owing to anisotropy the moment of the
forces acting on the molecules does not vanish when-irL
Card 1/2
--k-rayures -above the --0 arla-applicable - al-so
generalization transition temperature. Thei
leads to a bett Of the theory) in the author's opin -
er agreement between theorY and exp -ion,
particularly to the appearance eriment
Of a continuous
in the specific heat with a sharp mELX variation
JumP-like change. The intr imum instead of a
vanishes Only at an i1finit od'uced cOoperatuve Parameter
M_A_ Krivoglaz ely high temperature.
Card 2/2
r'rJ-*-~ VEloctri,_ity - Dje
ibur 1~cf Zhur - F-i'zil:a., No 2., 1959, 110 351L0
ptutlior Ser-ioscu V.
Title Electrical pronerti,~s of Solid
Dri:,; Pub 1.nt. Si fiz., 1956), Uo, NO 5, 265-W7
,_,bstr,-~ct Ili abstract
Assembling a bridge with a crane. Przegl budowl i bud miese-c
33 no. 10:635-636 0 161.
S n;iGi j~~VSKI j U-G.:. ~Ie d4 Cal I-
,lSt-'tU,-e Zori-inal version not
giverl~-/ , e~.Uybysev, Russia.
IlThe Breathin" Center and L-110 Dnan-ic Functional Constellations
01, the Breail-i'Lg Ae!,ulatin7 CeX;rs."
Prar-,ue, Ceskoslovenska -NrsiolorLie, Vol 15, 71.o 2. 2eb
Abstract; The breathinp, center is a section of the extuendki
spinal cora damage to which irreversibly st:o-,,,7 L) r a a 4u- h in
Some parts of the CN,,S influence -the -,n,-,Lnner of breat'hing. '-2h e
influenco of the brain and specific parts of it on breathing ar3
described. In sr)m(, animals when the brain is completely removed,
sone imperfect breathing still persists. The breathino, center
only the breathin,;,Y, cycle; adaptation to defin-ite
proper eitsures U U-L
conditions of the organism depends on the afferent signals
from all functional systems to different- areas of the CNS.
si,-Inals form d-Tneinic associations or constellations of tiie
!~.o rel-'erences. Six7b-nitted at the "16 Days of Physiology" at
Kosice 27 Sep 65.
SERGIEVY I., inzh.
Prophylaxis and the extinguishing of mine fires in the Bobov
Dol coal basin. Min delo 18 no. 11: 41-43 N 163.
1. D14P "Bobov Doll'.
L 28047-66 EWT(1) RO
ACC NRI AP6018177 SOURKE CODE.- UR/0239/65/051/006/0723/0731
AUTHOR: Sergievskiy, M. V ;.GabdraI:h~anov,- R. Sh.; Nenashev, A, A,
ORG: Department of normal physiology, Miedical Institute, Kuybyshev (Kafedra
normallnoy fiziologii meditsinskogo inst tutaT
TITLE: Automatic activity of the respiratory center
SOURCE: Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal, v. 51, no. 6, 1965, 723-731
TOPIC TAGS: cat, brain, biologic respiration, pharmacology,
ABSTRACT: The action 'of--a---niumber----o-Tf~ drug-s- b-lo--oking adreno- and
icholinoreactiye~vsystems was studied on local application to the
!Cerebral respiratory center of cats. Cocaine (blocking adreno-
and cholinoreactive systems), aminazine, dihydroergotoxin (block-
.ing adrenoreactive systems), V
_gLrop nc~,(blocklng m-cliolinoreacti e.'
.Systems), diphacyl (blocking m-cholinoreactive systems and to
some extent n-cholinoreactive systems), and tropacine (blocking
principally r.-Cholinoreactive systems) were applied. Blocking
;oA' adrc-noreactive Systems with d1hydroerGotoxin produced an Irre..;
.,rersibl..r' stOPPage Of respiration, when:cas t'lle effect of agents
thGt; ~Ito-~)Ded rec-piration by bloc-1-JInG C'- an~d n-cholinoreactive
SYst'(1--is "'~'as coonteracted by intravenous jnjec~ o of
L, t1i n adrenaline
,or n radr-naline. Combined application of.adrenaline, eserine,
L 28047--60'
ACC NR: AP6018177
;and ae'etylcholine had a stronger effect in restoring respiration
'after adrenoreactive and,,chollnoreactive systems were.blocked
--than administration of oAe of tliese substances, but was ineffec-
'tive on applicat-lon of dihydroe:rgotoxin. As compared vilth adre
naline, eserine and acetylcholine were Ineffective in restoring
respiration (e. g., after stoppage of respiration by means of
~eocain.) The results obtained ndicated that the activity of the
Ix-espiratory center depends on a"flow of afferent Impulses to It.
tLnd'-.that functioning of adrenoreactive systems Is of greater
Importance for Its activity as compared with that of cholinoreao-
tive systems, although both types of system are essential for
the maintenance of connections over which the flow o4 afferent-
impulses takes place. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. LjPRSI
SUB CODE- 06/ StJ13M DATE: 27jan64/ ORIG.REF: 012/ OM FGF: 014
CcI~d 2/2
ki 1 n-
n t a
Samrfflng sugar boets in 195L,. P 5. POLJOPRIVREDA. (Drustvo
Poljoprivrednih inzenjera i telinicara MR Srbije) Reograd.
Vol. 4, no.1, Jan. 1956.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (UAL)
Library of Congre~:s Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1956.
1) (.-1)
AUT HO IR S Okairie if I Ki.- v anov, A. N. SOV/20-124-6-28/55
TITLET': Equii-.L'brium Conlit'Lins- in Reduction of Zinc Oxide 71ith
blietallio I-T,,:,n 'Ra-,rnoveony-ye ugloviya vosstanovleniya okisi
ts-in'zza zhele-;ora)
PEHODICAL: Dokiady Akadenii npuk SSSIR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 6,
pp 1282-1284 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Thc- distillation of zin-, in funing of tile zinc containing
~-ila--s is z..-,2o ieterminet~ b.-,; . "1-e renction mentioned in the
titled The equilibrium 2onditions of this reaction sre,
exper4-m-,ti~-Lly ro' :,,-iVC-3tiC~ated (Refs 1,2). The
A naDE.,r -ive:-, ,t shor- cf the results of such
-Lnvpst-~3aii-)ri -the Fe
(solid) ZP-O(solid)
1, C- 0 ka.f~ Tnble 2 shows the results of
-,;he !!~.erm!Aynarnic ~.i.-naiysi,~ of the re-retion (a) and the
tc ~)). The equilibrium
ccnditf~c~ns cf the (a) were investilgated according to
+L -
,0 P:rev,CIlLS7,y employed met"'hod (Ref 4). Table ~ and figure I
Card 6.-Ive t,
he -esults. Tn this co-imection the
j-ibr1-,;-,i Cc ricil' t -Drs n. tne R 41on. a-V -7,in.~ Ox-Jde 3011/20-124-6-28/55
tc b.-,- :;oncidez-ed. Table 4 shows
fro-n where ~t was to be seen
t bi of derelor-cd as a result of this
,, ~ I' o Yi i-, -xt:~h th,,in -~'he :apor tension of the m.,lin
p,- 1i, to neM.Ject tile action of
').I', IV) (a). It in, howrsver, true
) ~ , -,v I -
Oe tensi,:~7 --*11 r,-~Ictions (b) and (v)
-pc:- ti.;iv~-on connection with fuming of
!~'-Iasc- !--,,r it.z- Lian-'fo!J.. Under :tertair, -,-ort~litions tile inter-
a~:tllors be -)rzictlipl -purDoses. As it can be seen
.ZrCM oi. thv data of tables 2 and 3
A valn,c o,. the equilibrium constants
.3f the 11
F1 L~gra-:-- - -.-Cisfactorily with the values
-0U e d -.3 -1, E: ',rjldS f(-,:- A 11 . which wo.9 calculated by
-~.f ~he 6 PAs may se~ove as an indirect
h!-. of the by-processes. Pinally,
fo;- the -197.perature dependerce of the
v~,e I t 2: --, i: o fT!--i~ Therearp, 1 f1gure, it
e a: k! af e 0
Cilra '2/
,ui'libr-'um 'onditions in tne Rgdaction of Zinc Oxide SOV/20-124-6
Pc - . -L t- -28/55
,V4th 'Jetallic Iron
ASSOCIATION-, Urallskiy nauchno-i3sledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut
mednoy promyshlennosti (Ural Scientific Research and
nstitute of Copper Industry)
PRESENTED: October 69 1956, by S. I. Vollfkovich, Academician
SUB'dITTED. Octobel- 1, ig"'S
5~1 ~ 2)
A THORS: Okunev, A. I., Kirlyanov, A. K.,
Sergin, B. I
TITLE: Equilibrium Conditions in the Interaction
Caludum Oxide and Cadidjum Sulphide
pri vzaimodeystvii okisi kadmiya
(Usloviya ravno a
a sullfidom kad iya
PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 1,
PP 147-148 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The conditions mentioned in the title are not yet
experimentally investigated. The interaction mentioned
is' however, of great practical importance to the analysis
of the behavior of cadmium in pyrometallurgical processes.
Up to now computed data were used for these purposes.
In this paper the results of an experimental investigation
of the mentioned conditions of the reaction: 2 CdO (solid ) +
CdS( solid) = 3Cd (gas) ' S02 (gas) (a) are described and
compared to the results of the computation. The thermodynamic
analysis of reaction (a) was carried out according to the
method of reference 1 by using the thermodynamical data
Card 1/3 (Refs 2, 3, Table 1). The results are summarized on table 2.
Equilibrium Conditions in the Interaction Between SOV/20-125-1-39/67
Cad.mi:ura Oxide and Cadmium Sulphide
The experimental investi.-ation was carried out
according to the earlier method (Ref 5). Table 3 -ives
the experimental results and the equilibrium constants
computed herefrom as well as the variation of the
isobaric potential and of the cadmium vapor pressure
at the experigiental, temperatures. The sublimation and
dissociation pressure of cadmium oxide is lower by
many times than that of cadmium sulphide, Therefore
the action of further processes (CdO( ..lid) - CdO (gas)
(b): CdO( solid) = Cd (gas) + 112 02(gas) (v): CdS( solid)
CdS (gas) (g) and CdS (solid) = Cd(gas ) + 1/2 S2(gas' (d))
could be taken into account on the basis of experimental
data on the sublimation and dissociation of cadmium
sulphide (Ref 5). In this connection it was found that
the yield of products is within the range of errors due
to by-processes and can be neglected. The variaticu
of the enthalpy of the system at 2980 K (tNH
. 9980)
Card 2/7, computed from the experimental results was 162400 .,al/iaol,
Equilibrium Conditions in the Interaction Between SO-f/20-125-1-39/67
Cadmium Oxide and Cadmium Sulphide
as compared to '166200 cal/mol according to the calorimetric
measurements. The experimental data can be satisfactorily
expressed by 2 equations. Figure 1 shows a comparison
of the computed and experimental values of the equilibrium
constants of the reaction (a). There are 1 figured 3 tables,
and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyj institut
mednov promyshlennosti (Ural Scientific &-ndl
Tnstitute of the Copper Industry)
PRESENTED: October 6, 1958, by S. I. Vollfkovich, Academician
SUBMITTED: October 49 1958
Card 3/3
SERGIN, Ivan Nazaro,.,ich; TOPOPNITSKAYA, L.P., red.
[creep of concrete in road and bridEe structures] Pol-
zuchest' betona v dorozhno-,,jstovylr-h sooruzheniiakh. ~jc-
skva, Transport, 1965. 146 p. Oml.RA 18:4)
B.I.; 5!gTUZHDY, G.T.
Smelting Ural copper-zinc concentrates in suspension vrith oxygen
blow. TSvet. met. 33 no.10:20-23 0 160. (KRA 13:10)
1. Ura-119kiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR; Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatel
skiy i proyektnyy ingtitut mednoy promyshlennosti i Voesoruznyy
natichno-iseledovatellakiy institut metallurgichesko7 teplotekhniki.
(Ural Mountains--Nonferrous metals--Metallurgy)
(0-tygen--Industrial applications)
S,EjiLGJjL,-k,I,JSverdlovsk); YES111, O.A. (Sverdlovsk); LEFINSKIM, B.M. (Sverdlovsk)
Kinetics of the interaction of copper sulfide and cuprous oxide. Izv. LN
SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i gor delo no.1:87-90 Ja-F 163.
(MIU 16:3)
. Q.- .
Smelting Ural copper,-zinc cxicentrates Jin SU3pensim vitrl
an oxygen 'blow. Trady inst'. met. UFAV SSSR no.8;17-31 163.
(MITRA 17j9)'
1 2 1
Sinelt-Ing sulfide materials in an oxygen-enriched flame
without the use of a carbonaceous fuel. Trudy Inst. met.
UFAN SSSR no.8;-33-42 163. (MIRA 117-,q)
11 1...
Behavior of rare and disseminated elements during the smelting
of sulfide concentrates with oxygen. Trudy Inst. met. UFAN
SSSR no.8:43-50 163. (MIRA 17:9)
Small size P-76-ShG4 spinning machine. Tekst. prom. 19 no.5:26-28
14Y '59. (MIRA 12:10)
l.Starshiy inzh.-konstrWitor Penzenskogo mashinostroitallnoge
zavoda (for Sergin). 2.StarBhiy inzhener ispytatel'noi stantaii
Pen--enskogo mashinostr itell 0 zavoda (for Petrov).
0 no
ma 05
(Spinning chinery
iACC NR3 AP7001899 UR/0020/66/171/004/0923/0926
1AUTHOR: Sergin, S. Ya.; Sergin, V. Ya.
ORG: Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut geografii Akademii
nauk SSSR)
TITLE: "Earth's surface-atmosphere" as an automatic control system
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 171, no. 4, 1966, 923-926
1ABSTRACT: This article presents re'su 11cs o f research related to the
Quaternary period in which the Earth's surface (land, oceans) and the atmosphere
are treated as a closed automatic control system. [The dynamics of this system can
The explained by changes of the physiographic situation during the Earth's history.]
This system comes under the influence of a complex of external actions, some of
which change in time. The system is nonlinear and essentially static, and propor-
tional control is the principle used. At the current level of knowledge informa-
tion on properties of the system and external actions is still incomplete; however,
ithe first examination and rough calculations show the possibility of mathematically
.expressing the system and its modeling. The exampleused in the article pertains
Lqord-__ 1/2 --UDC:-551-583-
. ~-ACC NR: AP7001899 - ---.
to glacial and interglacial periods. The paper was presented by Academician.
1. P. Gerasimov 27 May 1966. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 08,13/ SUBM DATE: 25May66/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 002
ACC NR, AP7001899
rto glacial and interglacial periods. The paper was presented by Academician
1. P. Gerasimov 27 May 1966. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
ISUB CODE: 08,13/ SUBM DATE: 25May66/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 002
L 62704-65 EEC(b) EN~ %vr (m) 151 P I b) /T/Z
-W NR:, AP'5019919 _URj0202/6r-/ooo/oo4/od1
OP 11
AUTHOR:. M&M -Dvrletmuradov, Ch.; Serginov,
ayev, S.; Nazarov, A.,, M.
eir electrical properties
TITIZ: CdSnAs2 d th
SOURCE: A11 TurkmSSR.-Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko,-tlekhnicheskikh, -khimicheskikh
.geologicheskin nauk, no. 4, 19651 16-2o
TOPIC TAGS: iternary compound semiconductor, cadmium tin arsenide, polycrystal syn-
thesis, single crystal growth, electrical propert
ABSTRACT: The.similarity in electrical parameters of CdSnAs2 and the InAs compound
semiconductor ro ted tpe study of mathods for preparing CdSnAs2 single crystals
with a low carrieTp conc ntration and :investigation . of their electrical properties.
.were grown*by zone recrystallization holnp~.:
~jCdSnAsZ. single crystalst45-6 cm,long of
-the element by i
Igenedu7s polycrystalline.CdSnAs,2 ingots "ihich were'~syntfiesized Prom. S
!the usual melting technique. Theeairlier recrystallization tech-
,.:inique was modified bythe use of argon at atmospheric pressure and additional heat-
'ing of the ampul in a furnace to minknize dissociation of the molecule and thermal-
stresses. Multi-pass zone recrystallization'and combination of the high and' low
speeds of zone passes produced p-type single crystals from n-type polycrystals,
i: rd 1/2
"' ~`_77_
62794!.45 ---- ---
which had 2 1017 cld-3 impurity concentration at room temperature versus about
.3 x
1018 cm-3 for the starting polycrysta1line materiali The change in conductivity
type was tentatively attributed to th4presence of extraneous impurities in the sin.-L
gle crystals in spite of the fact th&~ purificati n was.achleved by zone-rec stal-I
4 0 X7 If
lization. Temperature dependence in --,he 90-800K range of the Hall constant, elec-;: J
trical conductivity, and Hall mobility of current carriers in the. single crystals.1
were determined and plotted on graphs. Nearly.constant values of the electrical
parameters in the region of low temperatures.,(to 300K)'were explained as ionization!
of impurities. The forbidden energy-gap in the*re3ion of intrinsic,conductivity. !
(above 400K) was calculated to be 0.3.ev, and Hall mobility at 200K, 316 CM2/v.sec.)
Orig. art. has: 4 figures. [JK1
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy in:3titUt AN Turkmanskoy SSR'(Ph~sicotechnical
Institute, AN Turkmen.SSR)
!NO REF SOV: 001
OTHER: 005 ATD PRESS: 4064
Card 21;.!2
SOURCE CODE: UR/0202/66/000/003/0029/0032
AUTHOR: Gpryunova, N. A.; Mamayev, S. M.; Prochukhan, V. D.; Serginov, M.
ORG: Msiccjtecb&i&al Institute, AN Turkmen SSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN
TurlEmesisRoy 88JR)
TITLE: Solid solutions of the-WnA02-CdGeAs2 system
SOURCE: An TurkmSSR. Izvestiya. Beriyalliziko-tekhnicheakikh khimicheskikh i
geologicheekikh nauk, no. 3, 1966, 29-32
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor alloy, semiconductor research, solid solution, quaternary,
alloy, tin containing alloy, cadmium containing alloy, germanium containing alloy,
ABSTRACT: A series of alloys of the CdSnAs2-CdGeAs2 system have been synthesized
and their crystal structure and certain physicochemical properties have been
determined to detect the presumed formation of semiconductor solid solutions.
Earlier, the Soviet authors prepared CdSnAs2 and CdGeAs2 single crystals with
chalcopyrite structure, but solid solutions between these two compounds were unknown.F
-All allo ys were synthesized from high-purity elements in evacuated quartz ampuls-
by heating first at 600C, then at 1100C for a period of time. Homogeneous solid
,.solutions were obtained over the entire composition range, as shown by the x-ray,
Card 1/2
ACC NR, Ap6ol8o94 0
micrographic, and thermal analyses and by microhardness measurements. All the alloys
had a chalcop ite structure with lattice constant a decreasing linearly from
6.092 to 5.94ir, with CdGeAs2 content increasing from 0 to 100 mol %, i.e., the compo-
sition dependence of a obeyed the Veeard law. The plot of microhardness versus
~composition displayed a maximum for the-alloy of 25 at% CdSnAs and 75 at%
CdGeA82, but neither thermal nor x-ray analysis confirmed the existence of any
inclusions.' Tha~phase diagram of the system is characteristic of a continudus series
of homogeneous.sPlid Solutions'. Orig. art-. has: 3 figure& and 1 table.
-SUB CODE: 20/. SUBM DATE*. 03Dec65/
Card 2/2
RUMANIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application.
Leatheri Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents. Technical Proteins. E-35
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Kh1miya, No 5, 1958, 16595-
Author Marcus Sergiu
Title Replacement of obsolete Technological Processes in the
Leather- Rubber- and Glass Industry by New Processes.
Orig Pub: Ind. usoara, 1957, 4, No 5, 195-196.
Abstract: A review of the work of the Research Institute of Leather,
Rubber and Glass, of the Rumanian People's Republic, in con-
nection with the putting into practice of new techniques.
Card 1/1
ACC NR1 AR7001769 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169166/000/010/C;018/GO19
AUTHOR: Zapara, S. A.; Sergiychuk, A.Z. ~G.
--VZoznyuk, L. P.; Krupin, V. F.
TITLE: Dependence of the intensity of seismic vibrations on the number of steps
of retardation and on the distance from the explosion site
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. lOG120
REF SOURCE: [Sb. nauchn. tr. N. -i. gornorudn. in-t. USSR, no. 8, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: seismic wave, PJM�aa--~ /77 1 G-
~'A-'6~ I A-) DF 7-0A.10 7 10 A)
ABSTRACT: The 'detonation of millisecond delay blasts with shot holes in a grid
pattern in the Krivbass [section of the USSR] is difficult because the seismic
waves occurring there considerably exceed the safety norm for buildings and
installations located within I to 1. 5 km of the explosion site. Experimental
explosions with an identical total weight of explosives were detonated, the bores
in the quarries being spaced at 3 to 5 m, generally in one line. For each
explosion, two seismic stations were installed over the length of the profile
C.,d 113 UDC: 550. 341
ACC NI: AR7001769
(along the granites). The seismographs of each station were divided into two
groups and seismic vibrations in three mutually perpendicular directions were
recorded at two different points of the profile. The distances from the site of the
explosions to the site of the seismographs were constant: 250, 400, 750, and
900 m. Four explosions occurred; with, respectively, 11 bores with a charge of
3115 kg of explosives (with 10 m/sec intervals of delay between the consecutively
exploded groups of bores in both cases); 10 bores with 2840 kg of explosives; and
12 bores with 3250 kg of explosives. The delays between bores was 10 m/sec
in the third case and 20 m/sec in the fourth. Results of the experimental
explosions showed that the total explosive being equal, an increase in the number
of groups of charges exploded at different times during the general blast, is
always followed by a decrease in the intensity of seismic waves. Division of the
total weight of explosives into 10 consecutive groups (9 degrees of delay) decreases
the intensity of seismic vibration 4. 2 times at a distance of 250 m, and 2. 57 times;
at a distance of 900 m. When a considerable reduction of the seismic effect of
mass explosions is necessary, the consecutive explosion of one shot hole after
the other must be effected. Otherwise, shot holes should be planned with a
maximum possible number of charges exploded at different times. The intensity
of the exo1oded vibrations during millisecond delay explosions depends to a great
degree on the volume of the delay interval, the decrease or the increase of which
is accompanied by an increase in the seismic effect of the explosion. B. Rossi.
(Translation of abstract] [GCI
Card 3 / 3
ARTUGANOV, V. (Voronezh); LEMPERT, M. (Krasnodar); SERGITENKO, A. (Angarek);
VORONOV, V. (Astrakhan')
Courage, resourcefulness, skill. Pozh.delo 3 no.10:18 0 '57.
(MIRA 10:11)
(Fire extinction)
Let'B improve the organization of laberthe assignement of work
norms, and the wage system. gias.ind.SSSR'26 no-5:32-36 '55.
(KIaA 9:2)
1.Zameatitell ministra prmWshlonnesti sWasnykh i solochnykh
produktov SSSR.
(Kest industry)
,,SERGIYENKO. A. (Angarsk); KLEPTSOV, L. (Tomsk); MUSIYENKO, Ye. (Moskva);
NIK,DLAYEV, I.; BYCHkOV, G. (Buryatskaya,ASSR)
Readers' letters. Pozh.delo 8 no.2:30 F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
(Fire prevention)
MURASHEV, V., shofer (Khabarovskiy kray); KAKHELiMVILI, M., shofer (g.Thilisi);
5ERGIYRKa,-A.,--abofer (g.Gorlovka); NEXLYAYEV, B., avtomekhanik
ffaa~nas )
Continuing the discussion on the perfect organization of work.
Avt.transp. 39 no.12:9-10 D '61. (MIRA 15:1)
(Transportation, Automotive)
6ERGIYENKO, A., valltsovshchik
The hands of a rolling mill operator. Metallurg 8 no.7:33
Jl 163. (MIFLA 16.-8)
1. Hetallurgicheskly zavod im. Kominterna.
(Rolling (Metalwork))
There is also a potenti-al ll'or rol-lin'r-
10 T _1 10' 55
i. Starshiy -,ralltsovshchik-operator metall-urgicheskoEo zavoda im.
Our experience in preventing accidents. Bezop. truds, v prom. 1 no.4;
3.1 AP -'57.. (XLRA l0.-6)
1. Te,khnicheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komitsta profsoyuza rabochikh
chernoy metallurgii (fo:r_Tr'ius), 2. Pomoshchnik glaynogo inzhenera po
tekhnike bezopastno Bti rudoupravleniya im. Ordzhonikidze.
(Mining engineering--Safety measures)
AUTHORSs Sergiyenko, A. A., Gretaov, V. K. SOV/20-125-4-15/74
TITLEs The Transition of the Turbulent Boundary Layer to
a Laminar One (Perekhod turbulentnogo pogranichLogo
sloya v laminarnyy)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 4,
PP 746-747 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present experimental investigation the "inverse"
transition of a turbulent boundary layer ito a laminar
one in the case of great negative pressure gradients in a
supersonic nozzle was determined. The velocity of the main
current in the nozzle increased steadily from 45 to 560 m/sec.
In the course of these experiments the air was conveyed from
a receiver into a cylindrical tube of 76 mm diameter and 100mm
length. Behind this tube there was an axially-symmetric
supersonic nozzle with a critical cross section of 36 =:
diameter; its Mach number at the output was 2.6. The boundary
layer was tnvestigated in 2 cross sectiones at the and of
the cylindrical tube (i. e. imxqediately before the nozzle),
and at the output from the nozzle. The velocity profile in--
Card 1/3 the boundary layer was then calculated from the measuring
The Transition of the Turbulent Boundary Layer to SOV/20-125-4-15/74
a Laminar One
results. The authors investigated the influence exercised
by high negative pressure gradients upon the turbulent
boundary layer which develop on the walls of the long
tube at a velocity of flow of the air of 45 m/sec and at a
total pressure of P0 - 0.3 kg/cm 3. The laminar boundary
layer had gone over into a turbulent one in the initial
part of the tube. If the value Re cr ~ wx/P - 3-5. 105
is assumed for the critical Reynold's number, the region
of transition is 400 mm distance from the front edge of
the transition. The results obtained by measuring the
velocity profile in the turbulent boundary layer is shown
by a diagram. The velocity distribution in the boundary
layer is sufficiently well approximated by the formula
U/Uco M (.Y/,),/n , where 1/n - 1/9 holds. At the output
of the nozzle, with the average velocity gradient
(du/dx) 2720 1 a laminar- supersonic boundary
Card 2/3 aver sec
The Transition of the Turbulent Boundary Layer to SOV/20-125-4-15/74
a Laminar One
layer was detected. The velocity distribution in the latter
differs essentially from that in the turbulent boundary layer.
For the laminar layer thus determined the index in the major
part of the layer has the value 1/2. These results confirm
the existence of an "inverse" transition of the turbulent
behavior of the flow in the boundary layer at the input
into the nozzle into a laminar behavior at the output from
the supersonic nozzle. The laminar boundary layer formed
by this transition in no way differs from an ordinary
laminar layero ands above all, it retains its ability of
again going over into a turbulent layer. There are 1 figure
and 3 references, I of which is Soviet.
November 11, 1958, by G. I. Petrov, Academician
November 11, 1958
Card 3/3
Find of Grossilepis aff. tuberculata (Gross) in Upper Devonian
sediments of the Minusinsk Basin. Trudy SNIGGIMS no-15:135-
137 161. (MIRA 15:9)
(Minusinsk Basin-,-Asterolepidae)
New species Bothriolepis extensa sp.n. from the sediments of
the Tuby series in the Minuainsk Basin. Trudy SNIGG114S no.15:
139-140 -161. (MA 15:9)
(Minusinsk Basin--Asterolopidae)
'L 00715-66 VP (m) /94T (1) /FCS (k) IF2'C (m)/EWA (d)/& A(l) ~Al
ACCESSION NR: AT6013283 UR/3043/65/000/004/0077/0102
AUTHOR: -Ser glyp Sand
Wf, +
TITLE: The shaping of the supersonto portion of an a4symmetrio optimum thrust nozzle.
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vychlslitellnyy tsentr. Sbornik rabot, no. 4, 1965.
Chislennyye metody v gazovoy dinsirnike (Numerical methods in gas dynamics), 77-102
TOPIC TAGS- axisymmetric nozzle, nozzle design, supersonic nozzle, supersonic flow,
degeneracy ) 3 '7 '.' _r )-
ABSTRACT: The problem of the optimum shaping of the supersonic D-orti /of the nozzle
is studied within the framework of the variational approach. Such degenerated variational
problems are solved by means of the coupled variations at the different ends of the ex-
tremum. curve which allow the positioning of the extremum curve through two assigned
points. The basic relationships and the mathematical formulation of the problem are fol-
lowed by a study of the extremum equation solution, the condition of transversality of the
contour with fixed coordinate points, the presentation of the computational methods, a - I-
brief analysis of accuracy, and the presentation of the tabulated results. These show that
the solution of the degenerated problem coincides with the solution obtained by means of
Cmd -1/2
the classical variational calculus of nondegenerate problems. orig. art. has: 69
formulas, 7 figures, and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Vychislitellnyy tsentr, Moskovs1dy universitet (C2TE!g Cent&""c0w_4,-.
NO REF SOV: 007---.-
OTHER: 002
N.V.; MARKOVSKAYA, L.A.[deceased); MILYAYEV, N.A.;
TSVEIEV, N.N.; SHISHKIN, B.K., prof.[deceased]; SWIDT, V.M.;
[Flora of Leningrad Province] Flora Leningradskoi oblasti.
Leningrad. No-4- 1965. 356 p. (Mipk 18:9)
1. Leningrad. Universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All SSM
(for Shishkin).
3i!RGIYiMO. A. J. 'VA, L. L., and AVAKYAN, A. A.
-, MaZ
"Data Concerning the Etiology of Hemorrhagic Fever Accompanied by a
Nephritic Syndrome," a repoft discussed at one of six meetings of the Virological
Section, Moscow Dept. All-Union Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists,
and Infectionists imeni I. I. Mechnikov in 1955. Voprosy Virusologii, 1, No 2, 1956
Sum. 1003, 20 Jul 56
Material on the etiology of hemorrhagic fever with nephritic
syndrome; preliminary report. Yop.virus. 1 no.4:19-25 JI-Ag 156.
(KLRA 10:1)
1. Inatitut virasologit imeni D.I.Ivanovalrogo AHN SSSR. Moskva.
(SPIDIMIC JERMORRHiGIC FRVIR. atiology and pathogenesis.
Use of chick erythrocyte hemolysis in diagnosing hemorrhagic
nephrosonephritis (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome) [with
summary in Finglish]. Vop.virus 3 no.6:352-357 N-D 158-
(MIRA 12*1)
1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR, Mosk7a.
chick embryo hemolysis reaction (Rus))
chick embryo hemolysis reaction In diag. of spidem.
hemorrh. fever (Rus))
Moscow, 1960. (ACAO MED SCI USSR). (KL9 2-619 219).
Method for inducing the hemolytic reaction in hemorrhagic
nephorosonephritis (Synonym: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndroa&-).
Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:112-114 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14-4)
1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo PMT SSSR, Moskva.
Studying the possible use of the aldolase reaction in the diagnosis
of hemorrhagic nephroso-nephriti-s. Vop, virus. 7 no.2:244-245 Mx-Ap
162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR, Moskva,
Fatigue re,;lstiknce of ralteted jrarits. F:117,~-, trud~ Ll IZHT
no.229,61-82 164. (M:F-k 18:8)
Total protein and protein f~racticms in the blood of healtty
children of school age in the hot Turkmenistan climate.
Zdrav. Turk. 8 no.2t-7-12 F'64 (KM 1724)
1. Iz kafedry de+zkikh bolezney ( zav. - dotsent V.G. Parshilava.)
Turkmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo instituta i Turkmen-
skoy respublikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Pirogova
(glavnyy vrach M.B. Shapiro),
--~ L~-- -3,- 1 cL V-*\,~, ~-, %"- -__V - -,
- -
Veterinary, service in Vinniki District strives to increase the
productivity of collective stockbreeding. Veterinariia 35 no.2:31-34
F 158. (MIRA 11:2)
l.Sekretarl Vinnikovskogo raykoma komymlnisticheekDy partii Ukrainy
(for Pirko). 2.Glavnvy vetvrach Vinuokovskogo rayona (for Sergiyenko).
(Vinniki District--Veterinary medicine)
SERGrIENKO, A.I., kand. veter. nauk
Poultry raising in Lvov Province on the road of intensifi-
cation. Veterinariia 42 no.8:6-7 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Zamestitell nachalfnika upravlenlya sellskogo
khozyaystva Llvovskoy oblasti.
SERGITT"14YO, A.I., votvrach (L'vovskaya oblast', Vinnikovgkiy rayon):
--*~'~'-"'-'-~: . sprYAK.07, A.S., vntvrach Wvovskaya oblast', Vinnikovskiy
Usn nf Insulin in prnventricular atonies and food polsoninge
In cattle. Vot"i-Inarita 15 n0-9:78 S 159. 04111A i1:9)
(Insulin) (Cattle-Dinoasna and posts)
L 31120-66 EWT(d) BC
ACC NR: AP6007605CA SOURCE CODE: UR/0256/66/000/002/0071/0072
AUTFOR: Sergiyenkog A. M. (Engineers Lieutenant colonel)
ORG: None
TITLE: Operation of DMIK-3 compass 113?
SOURCE: Vestnik protivovozdushnoy oborony, no. 2, 1966, 71-72
IOPIC TArrS., aircraft flight instrument, gyrocompass
ABSTRACT: The operation of the distant-reading gyro-magnetic
compass of DM;E-3 type is discussed. The inaccuracy in readings,
checking of err-rs and handling of compass was discussed on the basis
of particular examples. Captain Bagrov while making a left turn,
found that the compass needle was indicating 5 degrees to the right.
The erroneous reading was caused by inclination of the gyroscope
suspension frame in the course of aircraft rolling at 45 degrees.
This error seldom occurs and only at angles of 45j 135, 225 and 315
degrees. More often, the failuresare caused by bad contacts betveen~-
Card 1/21----.-,-.-
~~:RRGIYMXO, A.P., podpolkovnik med.sluzhby; PAVLOV, G.I., mayor med.sluzhby;
LYWIN, V.V., kapitan med.oluzhby
Using trucks for the transportation of wounded and sick. Toen.-med.
zhur. no.9:84-85 S '59. (MrRA 13:1)
. ~PP'P"-A-31q-
Effect of various rates of decoinpregsion on the hman body.
Voen. med. zhur. no.10:49-53 0 165. (MIRA 18zll)
L 22929-66 El..rr(i) - scn DD
ACC NRt AP6013167 SOURCE CODEt UR/0177/66/000/004/0059/0063
AUTHOR: Agadzhanyan, N. A. (Lieutenant colonel in medical service,
Candidate'of medical.s.ciences); Sergiyenko, A. V. (Hajor in medical
ORG: none
TITLE: Character of changes in altitude as a function of decompression
SOURCE: Voyenno-meditsinakiy zhurnal, no. 4, 19660 59-63
TOPIC TAGSs hypoxia, animal physiology I, pressure chamber, decompres-
sion, high altitude physiology
ABSTRACT: The authors summarize Western and Soviet Literature dealing
with changes in resistance to high altitude as a function of decompres
sion rate, and describe 146 specialized exiperiments of their
---Own, conducted 'on white rats weighing 170-230 g. A 40-liter decom-.
pression chamber was used to expose the animals to decompression rates -7-
of 0.1, 2.0, 25, 75, 150r, and 350 m/sec. In determining the maximum
altitude endurance limits, cardiovascular and respiratory function as
well as behavior of the animals 'was studied* In a few cases, blood
morphology, conditioned reflexes, and rectal temperature were monitored.
Card 1 / 3
L - V;~ 'Ill C~b
ACC NR. AP6013167
Tests were terminated when convulsions occurred. Some results of the
experiment are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Altitude stability as a.function of
:decompression rate.
of INO. ofl
18 tu e
Um"It n-m Reserve time
L min. max, ean
I Im Imum maximu mean-
2 26 2 11700 14700 13370 iwndno5 se i3imin.42 Sec. 121MirL32SOC
25 30 6 13050 14325 13618, 8 42 9 33 9
75 22 6
1 14 150 16750 16088 1 3 a 3 51 21
3 3
150 38 2
1 17050 18900 18286 115 13D 123
300 30 1
. M OOD 22300 21495 67 76 72
It was found that convulsion characteristics depended on decompression
rate: the faster the decompression rate, the more pronounced the
convulsion. No dependence was observed between the characteristics
of cardiovascular function and decompression rate. Maximum respiratory*
activity at decompression values,of 75-300 m/sec was reached at an
altitude of 4000 m; at values of 2-25 m/sec, it was reached at
10,000 m. Depressed respiratory activity as a function of decompression
rate occu'rred at 11,000-14,000 m. ' l(ecta*!-temp-e-r--a-t-u-r-e'---'de6-reas-ea by-ain
,average of 8.1C at a rate of 2 m/sec and by 0.9C at 25,m/sec; at
Card 2 / 3
L 22929-66
ACC NR; AP6013167
75-300 m/sec, no change occurred. Apparently a slow decompression
rate induced a state of natural hypothermia. Pressure chamber tests in
which the ambient temperature was raised from 21C to 30C revealed that
at a temperature of 21C and a decompression rate of 2 m/sec, the
altitude limit was 13,370 m,while at a temperature of 30C at the same
rate, the limit was 10,221 m. Thus, the experiments revealed an inter-
dependence of changes in altitude stability, decompression rate, and
ambient temperature. The conclusion reached was that the mechanisms
of adaptation to hypoxia are as yet poorly understood, despite their
great importance to aeronautics and astronautics. Orig. art. has:
3 tables. [CD]
rw r.,-,r
- A.-r ~N- TR!
SOURCE CODEs UFt/0000/66/000/000/0010/0011
T 6
6 4
AUTHOR% Agafthanyan, N. KAIILichenko, I* Re; Kuznetsov. A* G.; lApikhova2 1. I.~
Nikulina, G. A.: 091pova, M. M. tova Serglyanko A. Vog Sheychanko, Tue,
rgt.ova ~H,, Bo
ORGt none
TITLE: Effect of rapidly Increasing hy=ia n the human organism tral
at conference on problem of space medicine hold In Wscow from 24-27 My -19647
SOURCM Vanferentslya po problemam kosmicheakoy meditainyv 1966. ProbleV
kosmicbeskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); meterialy konferentstiq
1966, 10-11
TOrIC TAGS1 hypt)xia, spirography, electrocardiogram, human physiology
a -co t6iifiea
In ordei *t6-&-te~rMi"Ine'tWtimb -aviiila616 for* t king [, un our a
during a rapid drco in partial oxygen pressure, the resistance of the body
to rapidly increasing hypoxia was studied in 28 human subjects by the re-
-breathing method using a spirograph filled at the start with 8. 5 1 of atm~qs-l
.pheric air. The 02 nt of this air de~creased-aiLtb"xviren-was-~~~A-Llpi',,.
C02 was chemically absorbed./-
r~,,i 1/3
L OR271-67
Tile ppc arp vice of Vic subjects, thcIr'beha-.riar' reported
!,-ubiecGvc ~-ensa ;on5 were inonitorod as a check on their general condition;
a VIC110 rc -orded on conditioned reflex activity, brain biocurrents,
111()t0e Cool-dfi),It.. 0), t'00 fUnctional state of fhe cardiovascular and respira-
Itory LYGLCIII,3 al~-" iolood oxyrfcli absorption 11--vels; nnd studies of the-composi-
sion of perilphcr;- )100(1 and the functional state of the adrenal cortex were made.
Thc ~diowcd that rapidly increasing hypoxia produces functional
64anges ica6~;wr -a loss of conscioiisness if oxygen is not quIckly adminis-
,.Lcred. Reservo Linie. (Linic from beginning to breathe the hypoxic mixture
u-iLil the hypodc mixture is cut off) amountcd on the average to 6 min 23 sec
min '7 sec to !0 rain 0') sec). This .-,,as equivalent to an "altitude ce-ling"
uf ;Ij~50 un (91.00 Lo 11400 in). Tim 02 content in the respired air at Itie end t
:c)C Llic experfinciA was 11. 41VII10 (1)02 = 31. 3 mni 1-1g); blood oxygen saturation
(iroppcd Lo an w-cragro of 53. 2'/o (421yo to 6417/6). Hypoxia symptoras observed.
6uk-irig the c~qpcrimcnt included: cyanosis of the epidermis and m'ucosa;
(;Yspaca, di7owsinc5s-, h-npaired handwrldna, arid sometimes even muscle
spa5;,i.; in the hands. Many subjects complained of re&Qir_~tpry, distress,
,c;.:zziness, dimnoor, of vision, heat headache, etc.
1. 09 2 11 C./
:,I ;ow' "o :,()IV(! :lt-ithliwLic.-.1 fit-ol) b.-I it'll 1)1-
Ile 'i
"7110 l*equired tp
_-i~: Liv_~ ;jumL:v_- of erours ilicreascd niore than dirce-fold
OV(_,r i'liLial 6atz~
Three were disLinguiGhed in li,r!,G changes: 1) suppression of
cE zlpha rliyUnn; ollse, of slow waves (2
L 0 11 j)CV lilt.
Frcqucncy ..,.d (lepth of rcspirntion and minute Vol un-le increased dur-
h3q,)o%ia, a*,,,,, wic ox5,,,,,cn requirement and 02 utilization coefficient dc-
1.C1*E-_..-.S,:!6. Ar.- o,-.y-,oi1 S.-.'LlWaLion dcc;.-cased froin: 4GO/6 to 081*/6 at the
rtar~ to 49c/~ to 55#11~ at kiz end cof the e~~periment.
KCBs madc diirbiif rapidly increas-Infr hypoxia sho,,,red a progressive in-
in Lhe i-ite, and a doci-cajo in Cie amplitude of It and T wLAves.
1"cripheral 1-ilood composition'immediately and one libur after exposure f.
4o zilov,--.6 increascd erythrocyte counts and hemogolobin content. The
4 %
a;-oount of 17-o: !corticosteroids in the plasma increased from 16 to 17 YO/O
,,c c-.)sct of 3. 5 Lo 44. 2 Y 16 during the aftereffect period.
U 0
ACC Ni~: A76036637 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/661000/000/0344/0345
enLox A. V.
ORG: none
TIT-'-,: Question of establishing a relationship between rate of decompression and the!
alti-,ude tolerance of the organism /:Paper presented at the-Conference on Problems of
Space 1,1'3dicino held in Moscow from 24-27 May 196_67
ISOURZOE: Nonferentslya po problemam Rosmichaskoy maditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kos-michaskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konforentsii,
LNbscolts, 1966, 344-345
T021C TAGS: decompression, hypoxia, decompression sickness, biologic respiration,,
cardiovascular systern
AZ S T 1ak C T: e I 'I
-The dependence of altitude tolerance on different rates of decompr ss OA
.was studied. Reserve time and altitude ceilina were the criteria used 'to
evaluate altitude tolerance. The classical aviation definition of reserve time 1
was modified; "reserve -time" as used here is the time from the beginning of
'decompression to. the appearance of serious dysfunctions. Rats were elevated,
'in a calculated "altdude ceiling"' depending the de
_pressure chamberjq.pTj!Ey.-J
Card 1/4
compression rate used. The experiments ended promptly with cessation of
breathing, cardiac activity decrease, or the appearance oil convulsions.
'--KGs and respiration were recorded, and rectal temperatures taken in
some of the experiments.
Pressure chamber elevation occurred at various rates in 6 series of
experiments on 240 rats: 2 m/sec, 25 m/sec, 75 m/sec, 150 m/sec, 300
!m/sec, and 500 m/sec.
Altitude tolerance was found to be clearly dependent on decompression
rate: the slower the climb rate, the lower was the if I
z altitude ceiling", and
i vice versa. Average "altitude ceiling was 13029 m for a climb rate oil
2 m/sec; 13422 m for 25 m/sec; 15930 m for 75 m/sec; 18228 m for 150
n/s ec; 21604 m for 300 m/sec; and 25455 m. for 500 m/sec. Reserve tim
,was found to vary inversely with climb rate: the slower the climb rate, the
longer was reserve time. For instance, reserve time was 132. 6 min for a
i climb rate of 2 m/sec and only 0. 9 min.for a rate of 500 m/sec.
The dependence of ceiling on climb rate did not hold for low climb rates
'2 and 25 m/sec), for which the "altitude ceiling" was approximately the
same. It is suggested that an optimal rate of pressure drop exists at which
Card 2/4
ACC NR' AT6036637
Rapid climb rates (75 to 500 m/sec) 'also commonly result in generalized
convulsions. At slow climb rates convulsions do not usually occur, or are mild
and brief.
The data show that the climb rate of 2 m/sec, -which permits the full
of compensatory mechanisms. is best from the stan0ppint of
altitude tolerance.
t~W. A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-1167
SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DAIE: 00,Nfay66
Card 4/4
Coincid3nce oi conversion electrons during Lul.73 decay. Refinement
of Lu 7 - Yb 73 decay scheme. Izv. AN S.S.S.R. Ser. fiz. 22 no-7:
795-807 J1 158. (MIRA 11:9)
l.Nauchno-issledovatellaki7 fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo,
gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova.
(lutetium-Decay) (Electrone) (Ytterbium--Isotopes)
"'Phe -Iork o~.Circles of Young ',aturalists in the Schools
of tihe Uhra]nian 33:" (The Hi,,Aory, Content, :uic; rbthod~; of 'dork in the
Li--hL of Vmei P~-obloms of Polytechnic Trainin.- and the Prq),xation of
the jf~iiricrits Cor Fract-ical Act.lvity).,, Of Fedaco;,.ical Sciences
Scienc,. --~ese,irch Institute of' Teachim- i%cthods.
(P*; -scrt-ition t',-ie P-2-ree o, Candidatc in Pc-Oa,OC4C.-.l
Lef 3, 1~-~
SERGIYENKO, D.L., kandidat pedagogicheskikh, nauk.
Young naturalists of the Ukraine. Biol. v shkole no-5:67-71 S-0
'37. (MTRA 10-.9)
1. Direktor Respublikanskoy stantaii yunykh naturalistov Minister-
stva proeveshcheniya USSR.
(Ukraine--Nature study)
SS!WIY~I'A0, D.L. LSerhiianko, D.L.]
Lxtend the activities of children in protecting the nitture of
our country. Ukr. no.2.94-100 160.
WIRA 13:8)
(Ukraine--Nature study)
AUTHOR: Sergiyenko, F,, Assistant Director of School
TITLE. Help Given to the Kolkhozes of the Oblast (-Pomoshch kolk-
hozam oblasti)
PERIODICAL~ Professional'nc -- tekhni;-,heskoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 11,
P 3 of cover (USST~)
ABSTRAM The staff and students of the Teohnical School Nr 1 in L-a~
Oblast' have assumed increased obligations in the
manufacture of instrumsnts and equipment, and repaIr oi
agricultural machinery for the kol-khczes.. The author lists
t-ools made by the school, The school has taken under i-ta
patronage the Sovkhoz "'Krasncarmeyets', in the :jozno-A'1'eks&1!-
~n.-v'okiy rayon, LuganstE-J-3 Oblast There is I photo show-
ing a student of the Uchilishche mekhanizateil selskagc
khozyaystw-a Nr 12 (Agricuitural. Mechanization School Nr 12)
in the Karaganda Oblast ,
ASSOCIATION, Tekhnicheskoye uchilishene Nr 1 Luganskoy oblasti (Technical
School Nr 1, Lugans1us.-,!-_. Oblast
ndustrJa' t:-a~11:4Lrg-.-U36R
Card 1/1
SERGIYENKO._.F_.I., inzhener.
[Work of a concrete-mixing unit as expressed on an hourly worksheet] Rabota
betonorastvornogo uzla po chasovoum grafiky. Moskva (Goo. izd-vo lit-ry pe
stroitellstva i arkhitekturs] 1953. 10 P. NLRA 6:10
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R) Ministerstvo stroitel'stva predpriyatii tyazhe-
loy industril. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. (Concrete construction)
NEYEVIN, Ye.A., inzhener; SMIYMM0. F.I., inzhener.
Organization of a concrete mixing plant in accordance with an hourly work
schedule. Sbor.mat. o nov.tekh. v stroi. 15 no.9:1-5 153. (mTxA 6:1o)
Information. Prof.-tekh.obr. 15 no.11:3 of cover N 158.
(MIRA 12:1)
l.Pomoshchnik direktora tekhnicheekogo uchilishcha No.l. Lvganskoy
(Iqgansk Province--Farm equipment)
(Krasnoyarsk--Vocational education)
A field Inri;--irle 1--. 0;m for ecientific farming Kolkh. proizv 12 No. 1, D52.
9. -NTHLY LI32T nF :RTISHArl Library of Cow7ress, June 1952. Uncl.
Trmtment of an acute attack of rheumatic fe-ver. Uch. zap.
Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:320-321 163.
Use of Gasan-Dzhalalov's method to stop hiccups. lbid.:339-340
(NM 17:9)
1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko)
Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo m9ditsinskogo instituta.
Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with merjazolyl. Uch. zap. Stavr.
gos. med. inst. 12:326-327 163. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Klinika gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko)
Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
SERGIYENKO, I.N., prof.; SHATSKAYA, P.F., ordinator
Treatment of anemic states by intrarectal administration
of heterogenic blood. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:
328-329 163. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Kafedra gospitallnyy terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko)
Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
DNEPROVA, T.I.; PYATNITSKIY, N.P., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty;
SERGIYENKO, I.N., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty.
Diagnostic value of determining pepsin in the stomach contents
and uropepsin. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:3.112-333 163.
(MIRA 17:9)
Treatment of hyperacid gastritia, peptic ulcers of the
stomach and the duodenum. Uch. zap. Stavr. inst.
12:338 163. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko)
Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo, instituta.
Diagnosis and clinical aspects of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:324-325 163.
(kM 17:9)
1. Kafedra. gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko)
Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
VISIRIEVETSKIY, Aleksandr Illich; SERGIYpjKO, van-- Stepanovich;--STERLIGOV,
-- -1
V.L., inzhener-mayor, red.; KRASAVINA, A.141., tekhn. red.
[Paratetron; new switching elements]Pararetron; novye perekliuchaiushchie
elementy. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1961. 66 (MiRA 14:8)
(Electronic digtta~.computers) (Switching theory)
BAMURAY Panteloy Somenovich; SERGIYENKO, Ivan Torontlyovich
[Serhiienko, I.T.]. ag~-o-Eon-i;-Ze-idi-go-:Eslais-tl-c-Bo-o-ko-go
Truda; ZYUZIKO, Yevgeniy Petrovich; FEDUIAYEV, Andrey
K ,
Luklyanovich; VINNITSM SjVinnyts'kyi,S.1, red.;
MOLCHANOVA., T., tekhn. red.
[Additional crops] Dodatkovi vrozhai. Odesa, Odeslke knyzh-
kove vyd-vo, 1959, 22 p. (11IRA 15:7)
1. Predsedatell kolkhoza, "Bat'Icivshcbynall Kotovskogo rayona
(for Bazhura). 2. Glavnyy agronom kol-khoza IlUkraina" Odesiskogo
rayona (for Zyuzlko). 3. Glavnyy inspektor po rasteniyevod-
stvu Odesskogc oblastnogo --,pravleniya sell skogo khokhozyaystva
(for Fedulayev).
(Odessa Prwrince-Forage plants)
A UTHOR: Sergiyenko I.V. SOV/113-58-12-'13/17
TITLE: The Automat[zatlmof Press ~~perations (Avtomatizatsiya pres-
sovykh rabot)
PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 195B, Nr 12, PP 38-39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The casings for ignition coils of automobile engines are
manufactured by cold pressing (Figure 1). At the Moscow
plant ATE-2, the charging of the presses and the transport
from press to press are automatized b,, using gravitation-type
transport devices. A general view of two automatized presses
is P-iven in Figure 2. A chain transporter is shown in
Figure 3. The new devices have eliminated several workers.
There are 3 sets of diagrams.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: __q.~~r~yenkot_ I.V. , Engineer
TITLE: The Automatization' of/ Interoperational Handling of Blanks
During Drawing
PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitelf, 1959, Nr 5. pp 12-13 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Moskovskiy zavod ATE-2 (Moscow ATE-2 Plant) has developed
and is using inexpensive vertical chain conveyers with a hand-
ling device working by gravity, for the automatic handling
of blanks (ignition coil casings for car engines) between two
presses. Detailed design data is kiven. There are 2 diagrams.
Card 1/1
Semiautomatic marbine tool for Continuous milling, of spiral grooves An rolls.
Stanj instr. 10 no-3:34 Mr '59. 04IFA 12:3)
(Milling machines)
LYUBCf-EITC), Georgiy Georgivevich; SI!LGIYLEKO-,--2y_qp. 1~~silly 1
_qv 1c b;
KORCLYUK, V.S.2 retsenzent; YUSIMMYO, Ye.i:.--., -r-etsenzent;
IL'ICIM,SYI-Y, S.A., red.
[Computers and programming] Materiaticheskie mashirW i prog-
ran-Irovanie. Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo univ., 1963. 219 p.
(1,11 RA 17: 7)
ACCESSION NR: AT4019738 s/oooo/63/ooo/ooo/oo77/oo8o
AUTHOR: Nikitin, A. I.j 'Sergiyenko, I. V.
TITLE: Problems of control automation by several single-type entities using
electronic computers
SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Inst Y*tut kibernety*ky*. Obchy*slyuvallna matematy*ka i
tekhnika (Computer mathematics and engineering). Kiev, Vy*d-vo AN UkrRSR, 1963,
TOPIC TAGS: control algorithm, machine memory estimate, machine speed estimate,
Ressemer converter
ABSTRACT: The author raises questions on how to create algorithm for control
by n units of the same type. Formulas are given for estimating the machine's
memory and speed since these formulas are necessary in order to roalize such con-
trol-algorithms on electronic computers.
Also, numerical data are given for the calculation of the co puter's para-
meters in creating algorithms for control in Ressemer converters at the Dzerz-
hinskiy metallurgical factory. Orig. art. has: 3 equations.
Card 1/2
DATE ACQ: 00jar-64
ENCL: 00
MIM: 000
Card. 2/2
Using compliters for calculating the chemical composition of the
cast iron poured from the mixer into the converter. Metj gornorud.
prom. no. 2:24-26 Mr-AP 164. (MIRA 17:9)
L 18306-65 A
FIAD(c)/ASD(a)-5/*W.a-)/AEOC~.~.)/AFETR/SSV/. -
ACCESSION NR: AP4049185 S/0102164/000/005/0015/0021
AUTHOk. SergiVenko, I. V)
TITLE: Method for solving the problem of finding extremurn values
;SOURCE., Avtomaty*ka, no
5, 1964,
TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, automatic control design, automatic control
system, automatic control theory
ABSTRACT: A method of finding the extremurn of a, discrete -argument function
is suggested. P-minimum. is considered as a solution of the problem, and a
method of finding this minimum is indicated. In the general case, a number of
local minima are obtained, by selecting the minimum minimorum, the absolute
minimum can be approximated with a high probability. Orig. art. has:
5 formulas.
No REF SOV:. 0.03 f
SERGMENKO, 13. [Sorhi ionko, I V. I
Abstract formlilation of a probiem concerning the automatization
of production. Lop. All U16R no.2,,177-179 ?65.
(ICRA 18; 2)
1. fnstitut kibernetiki AN Ukr"R,