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SEMENOV A.A. --.-KARFEYEV, G.A. Evaluation of the statistical characteristics of fluctuations of the ultrashortwave radio signal propagated in a statistically inhomogeneous medium. Vest.Hook.un.Ser.mat,.,mekh.,astron.,fiz.,khiii 13 no.4:71-83 158. ZMIR& 12t4) 1. Kafedra rasprostraneniya, izlucheniya I Icanallantaii radiovoln Mnsknvskogn universiteta. (Information tbeor7) (Radio waves) SEMENOV, A.A. L-TSYDYFOV. Ch.TS. Investigation of variations of direct microwave signals under the influence of meteorological characteristics-of the troposphere on the ground path. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 22 no.10:195-201 0 '58. (MIRA 12:3) l.Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. M.Y. Lomonosova. (Radio waves) (Radio meteorology) SOV/109-59-4-:2-5/27 1,.UTHORS: Semenoy,-A.A., and Karpeyev, G.A. I T 18 Investigation of the properties of the Rapid Fad--'-ngs of i~adio Signals Propagating over Medium-Distance T~Iear- Ground Paths (Issled.o-Taniye kharaktera bystrykh zamiraniy radiosigmalov na. prizemnykh trassakh sred-ney p-rctyazzhennostui) PBRIODICAL:Radiotekhnika i Elek ~ronika., 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp !a7-.194 (TUISSR) A-i3STiUCT: During the period December 19355- - March 1956, thE: Chair of the Radiowave 11rcpagation of the Physics Department of the 1vioscow Univers ty carried out the investigations on the propagat-Lon of radio signals over ground paths in the zone of direct visibility. The propagation paths were situated over a locality whose profile is illustrated in Fig (!)-, large regions of this area were covered with a dense forest. The transmitter employed in the measurements operated at- the wavelength of 3 cm F--nd had a pulse power of 65 k-IN. A parabolic antenna, having the main beam cf 2.70 and a horizontal Dolarization, was Card 1/3 used. The amplitudes of two standard signals reflected SOV/109-59--4-2'-5/2? Investigation of the -,.--,rope it ie s of the Rapid Fadings of Radio Signals Propagating oVer 11-tedium-Distance Near-Ground Paths distance of 15 _~:m, while curves III and IV are for t~ae reflector situated at (a distance of 36 km. The correlation fanctions :F-'or the two signals were also determined but it was :E.ound that for the receiver spacing of 30 M, tfle cllorr,,elati4~u coefficients were very small (of the order of 0.2). There are 5 figures (1 plate') and 12 references of which 7 are Soviet and 5 English; 2 of the Soviet references being translated from English. ASSOCIATION: Fiziche skiy Vak-ulltet Moskovskogo Gosudarst-,,renrlo-r) Uni-versiteta im,L.V,Tomonoso-va (PhysicsDepartment of the Moscc.)w Uni-,-ersit-y imeni !,,,-,,V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: 2nd Api~_Jl 19177 Card 313 S/055/59/000/06/14/027 B006/BO05 AUTHORS: Semenov, A. A., Karp yev, G. A. TITLE: On the Relation Between the lading Frequency of the Ultrashort- wave Field Amplitudetand the Drift Velocity of Inhomogeneities in the Troposphere and the Carrier Frequency6o PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1959, go. 6, pp. 131 - 136 TEXT: At first, it is investigated theoretically inhowfar the dynamic para- meters of the troposphere can be determined by an investigation of the fading of radio signals and by a study of dynamics of the troposphere by means of fluc- tuation characteristics of signals. To estimate theoretically the influence of regular drift and chaotic motion of inhomogeneities, an expression is written down - on the basis of the classical model of radio-wave dispersion8in the tropo- sphere - for the space-time correlation function (1) of the complex field ampli- tude in two points, a moving coordinate system is introduced, and an equation is formulated for the correlation coefficient of the complex field amplitude QO(-r) in this coordinate system. This equation is further transformed (Fourier trans;,,/--), Card 1/2 Q~_~ :iBAENOVt it.A.; KARPEYBV, G.A. Relationship between the frequency of amplitude fadeoute, of a Ufa' field to the velocity of drift of tropospheric inhomogeneities aid to the fre(luency of the carrier. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.mat.,mekh.,asti-on., fiz.,khim. no.6:131-136 159. (MIRA 13:10) Kafedra rasprostraneuiya rediovoln Moskovskogo universiteta. (Microwaves) ?a 0 0 69894 s/iog/60/005/04/007/028 E140/E435 AUTHORS: Karpeyev, G.A. and Semenov, A.A. TITLE: An Experimental Method fx_~ of UHF'~'Fluctuations PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol 59 Nr 4, PP 578-583 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present work is to substantiate the interference method of measuring UHF fluctuations. The results of measurements by this method have been interpreted as phase fluctuations of the wave by Deam and Fannin (Ref 3) but this is not always correct. it is shown that it the signal at the input to the antenna system can be represented by the sum of a random and a regular field componento the output voltage variation will be determined by the amplitude-phase variations of the input field and will depend on the regular field component and the length of the base. There are 1 figure and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 English. A55QCIATI0NtF!z�!y fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova (Physics Department, Card 1/2 KARPEYEV, G.A.; KUBASOV, P.Ye.; SEYIENOV, A.A.; FILIPP, N.D. Concerning the possibility of using a phase-measuring method for investiga~ting field fluctuations of a radio wave propagating through a tuftulent medium. 1zv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 4 no.4: 425-431 Jl-Ag '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Rek-omendovana kafedroy rasprostraneniya radiovoln Floskovskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo universiteta Imeni Lomonosova. (Radio waves) (Microwaves) 2 4 9 3.5 S/188/61/000/004/001/003 B111/B209 AUTHORS: Semenov, A. A., Karpeyev, G. A., Kubasov, P. Ye., Filipp, N.R TITLE: Investigation of the spatial correlation properties of the amplitude fluctuations in a USW field PERIODICAL: M o s k ovs1dy U n i v e r s i t e t .Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 4, 1961, 14-21 TEXT: The authors present the results of experimental measurements; they estimate the radii of the spatial coordinates and compare the spatial correlations of the field amplitude fluctuations with the temporal ones. The experimental setup was as follows: At one end of a 37-km long terrE.ce two pulse emitters were mounted, the one displaying a power of 80 kw at a frequency of 3,000 Me, operating with a repetition rate of 400 cps and a pulse -ength of 1 jisec; the data of the second emitter are 65 kw, 9370 Me, 577 cps, and 1 ~L sec. The antennas were accomplished as parabolic rotary aerials having a diameter of 1.8 m and 0.7 m, respectively. The receivers were placed at the other end of the terrace and had two similar channels for each of the two frequencies. Each of the channels was a superheterodyne Card 1/5 24235 S/-'P8/61/000/004/001/00. Investigation of the *spat*ial B1111A209 4.. v the -,urbulent velocity (Refl. 10: Chernov, L. A., Rasprostraveniye voln v srede so sluchaynymi neodnorodnostyami Viave propagation in a medilm with incidental heterogeneities, Izd-vo AS SSSR, M. - 1958). - For 'a consid-:- number of experiments, the temporal cQrrelation Q(r) may be written as Q exp (--c/a), where a has to be determifted by experiment. An anaio- gous expression holds for the spatial correlations Q(1). The*authors point out the fact that, in the case of slow wind velocities v 4 1m/sec and enhanced refractions, the experimental curves are near those expected. 's"*hen turbulence is great, not only the effect of regular drift but also that of chaotic motion in,.the atmosphere bq taken into account in the formation of fluctuations. Investigatioas at the horizon showed"that i for whic'h "(1 0.5, always has the same order of mavnitude. There 01 , 0 are 6 figures and 10 references: -8 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc: ASSOCIATION: Kafedra rasz)rostraneniya radiovoln (Department of Radiowave Pro j agzati SUF,--.:I TTED: May 26, 196C (initially) 25, 1,061 (after revision) Card 3/5 24936 S/188/61/000/004/002/003 B111/B209 3emenov, A. A., Karpeyev, G. A., Filipp, N. D. TITLE: Some peculiarities of US'W-sigaal fluctuations in the con- ditionsof propagation on a lo-n-altitude terrace in the range of direct vision PERICDICAL: MoskovskiyUniversitet. Vestnik. Seriya III: Fizika, astronomiya, no. 4, 1961, 22-29 TEXT: The results of experimental investigations of the statistical characteristics of the USW-field amplitude fluctuations under the condi- tions of multi-beam emission are presented. Moreover, the authors show the dependence of the spatial correlations of the amplitude fluctuations on the pate!-shaped structure of the field at the point of reception. It was the aim cf this paper to demonstrate the effect of a non-regular interface upon the quantity and the spatial propagation of the characteristics of fluctuation. A simple estimate of the fluctuations of multi-beam USW waves is given in the approximation of geometrical optics. In this connec- tion it is stated that the mean square amplitude and its mean square fluc- Card 1/4 24936 S/18 61/000/004/002/003 Some peculiarities of USW-signal B111 YB200, genaous, the fluctuations at the output of the receiver will differ from those in free space. This difference is determined by the conditions in the troposphere and by the reflection coefficient. Next, some results of experimental studies during 1959 - 60 (Ref. 8: Semenov, A. A., Karpeyev, G. A., Radiotekhnika i elektronika, A, vyp. 2, 1959) are given proving the fluctuational characteristics of the wave field to be patel-shaped when the structure of the mean field level is also patel-sha-ped. The studies lead to the conclusion that in certain cases, when refraction is enhanced, the amplitude fluctuations in the course of one measuring process ce.nnot be regarded as steady. The authors point out that the fluctuations with nonsteady characteristics reveal a definite seasonal course. A comparison of the temporal self-correlations of the fluctuations with the spatial correlations showed that an analysis of the temporal self-correlations only agrees satisfactorily with the theory of local isotropic turbulence when during the reception time T of two consecut:ive signals the inhomogeneities do not vary but are transmitted with drift velocity only. Measurements of the coefficient of the spatial transverse correlations of the amplitude fluctuations of the received signal resulted in values that are in agree- ment with those ascartained by time analysis. There are 4 figures and Card 3/4 24936 S/18 61100010041002/003 Some peculiarities of USW-signal B111 YB209 14 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra rasp rostraneniya radiolroln (Department of Radiowave Propagation) SUBMITTED: May 26, 1960 (initially) May 25, 1961 (after revision) Card Z/4 31984 s/14z/61/oo4/oo4/005/018 C/' 3 ~L E192/'E382 AWHORS: Karpeyev, G.A., Kubasov, P.Ye,,, Se A. and Filipp, N.D. TITLE- Possibility of employing the phase-meter method in the investigation of field fluctuations of radio waves propagating in a turbulent medium PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, TEXT- Radiotekhnika, v. 4, no. 4, ig6i, 425 - 431 It is known that during propagation over routes near the ground the field at the receiver is determined by the average characteristics of the medium and the earth surface as well as their statistical characteristics (Ref. 2 - A.G. Arenberg - Propagation of decimetre and centimetre waves - izd-vo Sovetskoye radio, 1957). The presence of statistical processes leads to the amplitude- and phase-fluctuations of the -%-raves and these fluctuations are random functions of time and space coordinates. It can be assumed for the purpose of analysis that at a point P of the space v the field (vector or scalar) can be expressed by: Card 1/6 9 C1 s/iV!,/6i/oo4/004/005/oi8 Possibility of employing .... E192/F,382 --- ;I (p, t) = iYIm(p, t) E (P, t) D"m 7 E m'(P, t)e m m where the sum extends over all the partial fields Em(P, t) which can be regarded as having arrived at the receiver along various trajectories; the field t(P, t) is therefore a result of multi-ray propagation. A two-anteima Interferometer, shown in Fig. 1, is used as the receiver; it consists of: 1 - two antennae; 2 - feeder system and - a square-detector. The voltage at the point C of the receiving system can be expressed by: 4 iYm(Plit) E (r, t) G (t) El (Pl,t) e + lm m + ZG2m(t)Em9 (P 21 t)e lym(P29 t) Card 2/0 m It S/14:2/61AIOIV~004/005/018 Possibility of ei,.qployin_- El 9' V E3 8 2 where G 'Ind G are the gain coefficients of the two 1111, 2m antennae, Y (P, t) = YI(p, t) + Y wh er e pI represents the mean rA m mp m value of the phase in the antenna aperture, ~Ojzp is the fixed phase-shift (luring transmission of the signal from point P to point C of the feeder system, The mathematical expectation U0(r-) of the amplitude U(r, t) of the output signal of the square-detector (see Fig. 1) is found analytically and this expression is employed to determine-the conditions during propagation of ultrashort waves over near- ground routes extending over tens of kilometres, Under the assumption that the fluctuations are small two cases(important in practied are investigated., 1) the field at the receiver hasonly one component (m, n = 1) and 2) the field consists of two components EO + Es , such that BO has a constant Phase and. amplitude, while ES is a random components It is found that for Card 3/1 319,'ilt S/ 142/6i/oo4/00'1/005/ol8 Possibility of employing E192/E382 the first case the expectation U 0(r-) depends on the invariable field characteristics as well as the statistical characteristics of the medium. It is further shown that use of the phase-raeter system accentuates the relative fluctuations of the output signal so that these can be measured and investigated comparatively easily. Secondly, the method makes possible measuring the space correlation characteristics of the field fluctuations. In the case of the field consisting of the two components E 0 and E s use of the method permits elimination of the constant field component, which facilitates measurement of the field fluctuations. The problem was investigated experimentally and it was found that in the direct-visibility zone the amplitude-phase fluctuations of the ultrashort waves vrere so small that there existed practical difficulties in effecting the measurements., Thus, for example, during 65 measurement periods conducted between Janu2ry and March, 1957, in 33 cases the relative fluctuatlon 0~ 0.01, 0 2* in 20 cases 0.01 ~< &2 < 0.25 and only In 12 cases Cr > 0.25 0 Card 31984 s/142/61/o04/004/005/018 Possibility of employing .... E,192/r,382 A series of measurements of amplitude-piiaze fluctuations was- carried out in the autumn of 1959 at ultrashort waves by the phase-meter method and it was found that the low-frequency component of the amplitude-phase fluctuations x-,ras primarily determined by the phase-fluctuations of the field; on the other hand, the fast component was due to the am-)litude-fluctuations. This uas further confirmed by some measurements of auto- correlation functions of the amplitude- and aniplitude-phase fluctuations of the field at a frequency of f = 9 350 Mc/s. A preliminary estimate of the mean square phase-fluctuations shows it tp be of the order of 10- 2 radians, which compares xrith data available from the literature (Ref. 6) - A.V. Ment , S-Ya. Brnude and V.I. Gorbach - DAN SSSR, 1959, 125, no. 5, 1019; Ref - 7 - D.M. VYSOICOvskiy - Some. problems of long-distance troposp~ieric propagation of ultras.hort radio waves, pub. by AS USSR, 1958). Card 5/6 31,1184 s/l42/61/(Do4/oo4/OO5/Ol8 Possibility of employing .... 11;192/E,382 There are 4 figures and 7 Soviet-bloc refe:,rencez. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra rasprostrancniya radiovoln Noskovsko-o ordena Lenina gos. universiteta im. N.V. Lononosova (Department of Radio-wave Propagation of Moscow Order of Lenin State University-im. M.V. Lorqonosov) SUBMITTED: June 20, 1960 Fig. 1: C,,,-d 6/6 SR-IENOY, Alelcsandr Aleksandrovich; DOLUKHANOV, N.P., prof., retsen- GE RGIYEVA~ G.I., tekhn. red. zent; 0 [Theory of electromagnetic waves; lecture course for radio physisists] Teoriia elektroragnitnykh voln; lektsionnyi kurs dlia radiofi2ikov. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. wiv. 1962. 255 P. WRA 15:3) (Electromagnetic waves) (Radio) .SEMENOV, A... inzh. ~ ---- - Radio communications in outer space. Radio no.10:6-7 0 162. (MM 15:10) (Astronautics) (Radio) ARSENIYAN, T.I.; SEMENOV, A.A. Comparison of statistical characteristics Df the fluctuation of the field of direct and reflected ultrashort radio wave signals in the troposphere. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.10:1699-1702 011~2. (MMA 15:10) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltat Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. (microwaves) (Ionospheric radio wave propagation) SFMNOV, A A.- CHEN' ZHUN-FANI [ChI;n Jung-fan] Nature of the fluctuations of the output signal in interference reception of radio waves on terrestrial routes. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.11:1890-1893 N 162, (MIRA 15:13.) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Microwaves) SEMENOV, A-leksandr Aleksqndrojq:qh- KARPEYEV, K.A.,, red.,-, YERMAKOV, I- M.S., tekhn. red. (Introduction to electrodynamics of radiating systems] Vve- denie v elektrodinamiku izluchaiushchikh sistem. Moskva, Izd-vo MGU., 1963. 85 p. (w RA 16:7) (Electromagnetic waves) (Antennas (Eloctronics)) (microwaves) VINOGRADOVA, Marianna Bronislavovna: SEIENOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; N.A., red.; KL e.-M-- re . -V6L' ARMANDS TAUSY Y . , tekhn. red. (Principles of the theory of tropospheric propagation of ultrashort radio waves] Osnovy teorii rasprostraneniia ul'trakorotkikh radiovoln v troposfere. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSRY 1963. 188 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Radio waves) SENE11"Ovy A.-l.; ARSEEEIVIN, T.I. Study of the properties of fluctuations of the field cf ultrashort radio waves in propagation in the troposphere. Meteor. issi. nc.9:203--'~~'22 1655 . (I-MIA 19. 1 ) F ANASTASIIN, V.F.; ARAKELOV, A.S.; BOBROV, A.L.; VMOILCY, Yu.V.; VIL'MM, S.I.; GLUSUO, I.K.; GOKO, A.M.; PINIKOVSKIY, Ya.I.; PASHKOV, N.D.; RYABMA, G.K.; REBENKO, G.S.; 3UMV, Fodor Favlovich; SOSKIND, D.M.; SAMSONOV, B.A.;.SEMIOV, A.B.; 1UL3YRANOV, A.B.; KHART OV, A.A.; TSARIKOV, B.N.; SHLPIUN, D.L.; SHRNMZ, V.I.; ABAKUMOVSKIT, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich, red.toma; E,7TATITSKAYA, K.P., vedushchiy red.; TROFIHOV, A.V., [Petroleum equipment;in six volumes] Neftianoe oborudovanie; v shesti, tomakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekba.izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-r7. Vol.4. 1959, 294 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Petroleum refineries-Eq-aipment anti supplies) SI M OV, A.D., inzhener. -168-nis'"t- on of diesel-engine tugboats b.7 the coatinuous flow and position method at the Pobezhimov Plant. Redh.transp. 16 no.5:33-37 My '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Shipbuilding) (Assembly, line methods) KALLISTOV, P.L.; ZKIKOV, D.A.; FROKOFIYEV, A.P.. Prinimali uchastiye: BOGDANOV, F.M.; BORZILOV, U.I.; BURYBLIN, A.V,,; DROZDOV, M.D.; YEROFEM, B.B.;KOMISSAROV, A.K.; KOGO, I.D.; LYUBJEOV, I.A.; MIRLIN, R.Ye.; ROKHLIN, M.I.; SERa=, P.V.- SEEENOV A.D.- - FROLOV, V.V.; NHAANIOVA, G.F., red. izd-va; ~&MTN-MB.*% tekhn. red. [Instructions for applying the classification of reserves to prim,ary gold deposits] Instruktsiia po primeneniiu klassifi- katsii zapasov k korenrWm mestorozhdeniiam zolota. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr., 1955. 46 r- (MIRA 15:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennaya komissiya po zapa- sam poleznykh isko ayemykh. fGold ores-Classification) U5,SR/ Chenistry - Therruo,-~ynruiics. ThermccheiLLstry, B-8 Lqulli~rium. Physicochenical Analysis, Phase TransitiaiiG Abs T,-)u.- Referant Zhur - KhiLLiyaj No 2) 1957., 3757 Author Osipov O.P., Senenov A.D. Title Molecular WeiTT-0--i-S-Ome Co,..Iplex Compounds of Titanium Tetrachloride. Orig Pub Zh. obshchey Idiiaii, 1956, 25, No 11, 2059-2c62 Abstract Composition-properties diagrams plotted on the basis of iesults of determination of viscosity,, conductance, fu- ff COOCI-H,(11.) sibility anI deusity of the 6y-,tems TiC14-C3 7 TiCl C if COOC if,, (II) and TiC14 CLCO"C 4- 3 7 5 -C'12 2H5 (1T1)' the forzation of t. -2rmally stable compounds of the 1:1 type (RZIMiri, 1955, 11279). Cryosccplc dLetermi- itations of the molecular w,,i&ju'- of the comp--,.ox,!s ware carried out in benzene with equir-,olecular Droportions of. Card 1/3 - 105 - DATSKO, V.G.; SMMOV, A D. Dnily vnriationn of oxygen content nnd the oxidizability of Azov Ses wnter in the summer of 1955. Gidrokhim. mAt. 27:3-9 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Gidrokhtmicheakiy institut AN SSSR, NovocherkAstik. (Azov Sen-Oxygen) 1. A.D,.-, : Nister Chem Sci (diss) -- "The organic substances and biogenic elements in the Anov Sea after regulation of the Don River". Navocherkasek, 1958. 1-4 nD (Acad Sci !ESR, Ridrochemical Inst), 150 COpieI3 (KL, No 1, 19~9, 115) AUTHORS: Datsko, V. G. , Semenov, A. D. 62-58- 3-17/30 TITLE: The Determination of Phosphorus in Natural Waters by Means of the Extraction of Molybdeno-Phosphoric Heteropolyacid by Butyl Alcohol (Opredeleniye fosfora v prirodnykh 1rodakh pri pomoshchi ekstraj;irovaniya fosfornomo.libdencv* getero- polikisloty butilovym spirtom) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdelent-e Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1953, Nr 3, pp. 357 358 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In hydrochemical investigations (connected with the investi- gation of the biological productivity) of water reservoirs the determination of biogenetic elements in the water is very interesting. To these belong the phosphorus compounds. The method hitherto most employed does, however, not guarantee sat--'sfactory results. As basis of the method suggested by the authors was mentioned: extraction of the above-mentioned acid by normal or isobutyl alcohol with a subsequent re- duction of this acid in an alcoholic medium. This method of Card 1/2 extraction can also be employed in cases in which the deterni- 62-58-3--17/30 'The Determination of Phosphorus in Natural Waters by Means of the Extrac- tion of filolybdeno-Phosphoric Heteropblyacid by Butyl Alcohol nation of the phosphates in natural waters by means of the Denizhe-Atkins-method is not possible. In the determination of the general phosphorus content the extra.ction method offers better possibilities and guarantees a higher precision than the method according to Denizhe-Atkins. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt Gidrokhimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Hydrochemistry IAS USSR) SUBMITTED: September 27, 1957 Card 2/2 5(2) SOV/62-59-9-3/40 AUTHORS: Kapiin, V. T. , Semenov, A. D. , Datsko, V. G. TITLE: Trial to Combustion Rapidly the Organic Substance in Detecting Phos-Dhorus and Nitrogen in Natural Waters P3RIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye kh.imicheskikh nauk-, 1959, Nr 9, pp 1526-1528 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To accelerate th6 combustion of organic substances in natural wate_- by applying sulfuric acid, which may last up to 130 hours, the authors used potassium chlorate with good success. The time necessary for the detection was reduced to 1 - 1.5 hours, but the method made necessary an additional treatment of the water to eliminate the influence of the oxidant xesidues on the re- sult of analysis. The additional treatment is especially ne- cessary for the detection of nitrogen. For phosphorus detection it is the following: 100 ml of sample, 2 ml of sulfuric acid and 1 ml of 5% potassium chlorate solution are boiled until the appearance of SO 2 smoke, subsequently a ret,urn-flovi cooler is attaahed and boiling goes on for another hour. All organic com- Card 1/2 pounds are completely destroyed in the course of this process. sov/62-59-9-3/4G Trial to Combustion Rapidly the Organic Substance in Detecting Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Natural Waters The excess potassium chlorate is decomposed by sodium sulfite and continued boiling, the SO 2 is then evaporated and the pre- cipitate is investigated for phosphorus by the conventional method. Table 1 lists the analysis results of water from lion and Volga, the Tsimlyanskoye reservoir, the A-zov Sea and the Taganrog Bay. For detecting nitrogen the reagents had to be very precisely measured-in. Otherwise the decomposition proces .a is the same. Table 2 shows the results. There are 2 tables and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gidrokhimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Hyd-rochemical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 8, 1958 Card 2/2 DATSKO, V.G.; SEMBUOV, A.D. Observations of the oxygen concentrations in the Sea of Azov on the content of biogenous elements in 1955-1956. Gidrokhim. mat. 29:102-117 '59. 04IRA 13:5) 1. Gidrokhimichaskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR, Novocherkassk. (Azov, Sea of--Water--Analysis) (Oxygen) DATSKO, Y.G.; SEMENOV, A.D. Determining phosphorus in natural waters. Giclrokhim.mat. 29:219-229 159. MRA 13:5) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. Ifavocherkassk. (Water--Analysis) (Phosphorus--Analysis) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5374 kkademlya nauk SSSFt. Oldrokhimichookly Inatitut Gidrokhimicheskiyo materialy, t. XXX (1~,drochemicai substances, v. 30) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 213 P. Errata slip Inserted. 000 l 2 l t d n e . cop es pr , Sponsoring Agency: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Gidrakhimicheakiy In3titut ? " (Novochorkans1c). S, Editorial Board (Title Paze), Renp. Ed. 0- A. AlakIn, N. V. FN Yonalovokiy, Deputy Reap. Ed. V. 0. .3atnko, G. S. KonoValoV, M. 1. Kriventoov, P. A. Kryukov, Reap. Secretary and K. 0. F Lazarev. Ed. or Publishing House; D. N. Trironov. Tech. Ed \ 1. T. Dorokhina. ~ I. PURPOSE. This publication In Intended for hydrologists, hydrochemlote, \ and hydromatearoloeiata. X COVERAGE; This In a coll-etion or P? lkrtlel~s on thl hydroch=i2try of rivers and water bodies In the USSR. The authors discuss pollution, spectrographic methods of determining the content of adcroelemente In water, and the content and discharge of ions, genes, an wall an chemical, blogenle, and organic substances. A cap showing the distribution of the Ionic dinchargo or rivers In the USSR in the moat complete to appear in print to (I-Ate. No personalities are mentioned. Each aruclo 15 accompanied by references. Y28alo and 1__A. Goncharava [Hydrocheudcal Institute AS USSR) . Regime 6?-DTa`aof-v"e-d Gases and Biorenic 15iibstancen so Sampled in One of the Ponds Of the Rostovakaya Oblast' 43 [Kafadra khImIl Voronozhnlcogo Zoovatlnstltuta of Chenlatry. Voraner .h Zoological Veterinary Institute]. Data on the Hydrochemical Regime Of Newly 84 Flooded haservoirs in the Voronazhakaya Oblast' _Patsko V 0., end K. M. Ouseynov EHydrocho-alcal Institute AS bM-J~"6k"tho Din-eli-arg-e-or-B1040hic Elements and Organic Matter by the Dan River Into the Sea or Azov After the flogula- tion Of its Flow 96 (Hydrochemical Institute AS and V. 0. Datako oxygen Regime and the Content or Organic Katter end Hiogenic 'laments in the Waters of the Sea of Azov After Regulation or the Flow of the Don River 106 and M. P. XaksimOva [Hydrochardeal Institute D6sko V. O., AS USS . On he C-0-nT*-nt--oT-Vjo`aolved Org=Ic Matter in the t ,, Waters of the White Sol 1.15 Posokh V. EKafedra g1drogoologii Movochericanskogo khniches ogo Instituta-Department of Novoehark&83k polytechnic Inatitutel. on Chlorine Water, or 14w Mineralization 122 _Lapohln, F. V. (Kafadm obahchtr I neoftanicheakoy khimll - - o institute - ako dit l n n G-fi j~ff"VUeo goaUdarstvennoZo ma g an Department or General and Inorganic Chemintr7. Chernovt.Y State Medical institute]. 3ulrate waters of Northern Bukovil. 126 F. [Khtmichanka" laboristorl-k Ukminakov j~y_,Lheqko, T. sidrogeolEe-Toibeakoy ekapeditall, Llvov - Chttaical Laboratory of the Ukrainian HydroroolOgical b'VOVJ. -InOrel 138 Waters of the Resort Truskavsts (Daeenstanakiv filial AN 33SR, GookhImichankaya laboruturlyao - r~"h~irairAhomtorv or the Dagestan Branch of the AS u8SR at kRkhnchka-lR1- Oubdon Hydrogen suirido Spring and the Hydrogen Sulfide Waters of ilidam (Dagostan) 150 Card 5/*8 SE1,211OV, A.D. - IVIZ-VA, !.N.; DATSK03, V.G. Determination of microgram quantities of amino acids in natural I waters. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. kbir.. nauk no. 1:184-186 Ja '61. (IMIA 14-.2) 1. Gidroldhimiclieskiy inatitut All SSSR. (Amino acids) .1 SEPIENOV, A.D.; IVLEVA, IA.,- DATSEG, V.G. Methc.d of deternining microgram quantities of reduijng slugars in natura', waf.ers by the use of alkaline solution of Uialent copper. Gidrokhim.-nat, 34:138-146 '61. OIIRA 15:2) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy institut AN SSSR9 Novocherkassk. (Water-.-Analysis) (Sugars) SEME,,N0V,__AIDo,, BUS~M~ IN. Stable amp-'ifier for measuring the pH value of solutions with a gia-gs eLectrodt. Gidrokhir,.mat. 34:157-163 '61. (AIRA 15:2) (Amplifiers (Electronics)) (Hydrogen-ion concantration) (Electric measurements) RABINOVICH, Aleksandr Moiseyevich, prof.; A..D., prof., red.; BY--LBORODKO, I.B., tekhr-, red. (Towography in pulmonary tuberculosis] Tomografiia pri tuberkuleze legkikh; posobie dlia prakticheskogo vracha. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 143 p. (MIRA 17:1) Salm"OVI.A.D.; CZAJKI, W.W. (Leningrad, 2:SSR) Some functicnal aspects of pulmonary tuberculosis In various modes of therapy. Gruzlica 31 no.6t545-547 Je'6~. ~1- SEIENOVI D.; IVLr;VA, I.N.; DATSKO, V.G. Methods for thj concentration and determination of igmino acids in natural waters. Trudy.Kom4fA-a7,khJw. 13:62-65 163. WIRA 16.5) 1. Gidrokhi7n-.cheskiy institut g. Novocherkasska. (Amino acids) (Water-Analysis) . SEMENOV, A.D.; IVUVA, I.N.; DATSKO, V.G. 14icrodeterminLtion of reducing sugars in natural waters. Trudy Komnan Ll.khj ~r-. 13:66-68 163. 04IRA 16-5) 1. Gidrokhimichesl:iy institut Novocherkassk. (Sugars) Nater-Analysis) KOCITIOVA, T.Ye., prof.; SEIMOV, -A.-D., prof.; YEVDO-KDIOVA, A.D., dotsent; iutZMMOVSKAYA7 V.Fe,; TRIMTOVA, T.M. Second All-Russian Conference of Phthisiologists. Sovet.. med. 27 no.9:134-137 V63 (MIRA 1.7-.2) SEZIMOV) A.D., prof.; GLIBM, I.E., kand. med. nauk Use of artifici 'al pneumothorax In a tuberculosis clinic; con- ference of the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis. Probl. tuberk. 41 no.2:83-86 163 (KM 17:2) NEMTSIEVA , -,-, 1 , ;~ S',iYENOV; A.D, ; DATSKO, V.G,, MicIrcdete=-Ination cf vcla*,ii-e am4.nes cacaping from natural wp.~ers with watei vapor. Zhur. e-n,---I. ;,hjLm. 10, no.1-,M-3 38 5 164. (MIP-4 l-,q) 1. Gidrckhimicheskiy institut. AN SSS.R, Novecherkassk. DATSKO, V.G. (deceased]; VASILIYEVA, V.L.; MENSKAYA, N.N IVL:11A, I.N.; SEPENOV., A,D. Some data on crganic substances in the TsLmlyansk Reservc4.-- and elements of their balance. Gidrokhim. mat. 37:63-70 `~,4. (MIPA 12:4) 1. Gifirokhimicheskiy Institut Glavnogo upravleniya gidro- motearo-iogichoskoy sluzhby pri Sovote Ministrov SSSq, Now- ,:~Lerka53k. ~~EINOV, A.D..;, BTIZGi,.Jz;., IT.A.; DATSKO, V.G'. [deceased] Pot~--ntiometric determination of organic acids in natural. waters. Wdrokh-im. mat. 38:137-143 164. (mip". 1. Gidrokhimichesl:iy institut AIN SISR, Novocherkassk. lVLEVA, I.N.; S11.0,10"I A.D.; DAISKO, V.G. - y - Meth~ld of de te r ing ng sL gars i rl -i To-Iral waters w-L th f--airlincilippuric anid. Gidrokhl-im. mar. 164. (MILRA 18:4) 1. Gidrokhimiclh-~51,~iy instituL iljlil SES'Ft) SEMENOV, A.D.; SEMEENOVA, I.M.; GONCHAROVA, I.A.; STRADCMSKAYA,, A.S.; ' '--'---"-VATgKO, V.G. [deceased] Infrared spectra of humic acids in natural waters. Glirokhim. mat. 38:157-161 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy institut .01 SSSR, Novocherkassk. BUF ov . "t , 0 . ~ L j C 375 1-1 f -3 C r, ''c ma p 0 -ckh.~ v 4-ch- Aiy I-riol" De'ornx- 9" 1TI,:-!VA, 1,11~; OATISKO, V.G. I -qrm,~nation of 'he reducing sugars in the hydrcdysa-,~5 of' fie t 1. t~c urganic raaLUar of natural waters, Gidrokhim.mat, :16.1161- 1 .6.1+ 164. (n1jA 1. Cidrokbimich5sk-'y instituty Novocherkassk, S1j'nnd-tt,:id December 18, 1961. KOLSOIKOV, I.S., professor; SMMOV, A.D., kandidat meditsinskikh abak, direktor. Pneumonectomq in pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl.tub. no-308-56 Mv-Je '53, (MLH& 6--7) 1. Leningradskiy tuberkuleznyy institut imaui A.Ya.Shternberga. (Itings-Surgery) (Tuberculosis) KAN,G.S., kandidat meditainskikh nauk, zaveduyuBhchiy (Leningrad); SERMOV A. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. direktor; GETRNIGOVSKI'l. V.11. deystv tellnyy chlen Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR, nauchn.-y rukoroaltell. Duta on role of the nerv3us system in -Dathogenesis of tifoerculosis. Arkh. pat. 15 no.1:13-21 Ja-F 153. (MLRA- 6:5 ) I. Eksperimentallnyy otdal Laningradakogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo tu- berkuliznogo Instituta (for Kan). 2. Laningradskiy nauchno-Issledovatell- skiy tuberkuleznyy institut (for Semenov and Chernigovskiy). 3. Akademiya medi6inskikh nauk SSSR (for Cherui-ovskiy). (Tuberculosis) (Nervous system) SHTEYN, 1j.,0. (Leningraa); PEMIMAN, R.L., professor, zavedil.7ushchly; SEHMOV. A.D,_ dotsent, direktor. Studies on the active tonus nf the lungs with simultaneous bilateral water manometry. Arkh.pat. 15 no.1:45-50 Ja-F 153. (mmi 6:5) 1. Otdel eks-Derimentallnoy patologii Leningradskogo tuberkuleznogo Insti- tuta im.A.Ta. Shternberga (for Perallman). 2. Leningra&,kiy tuberkmleznyy Anstitut im. A.Ta. Shternberga, (for Semenov). (I-Lulge ) SEMENOV. A.D. OPalmonar-I tuberculos;ia in adults." [Ghlen-korrespondeint Aknd-eidd.i meditsinskikh nauk SSSRJ T.A.Ravich-Shcherbo. Revieved by A.D.Semenov. Probl. tub. no.4:73-75 Jl-Ag '54. l,MLRA 7:11) (Tummc=sis) (RAVICH-SHCHBRBO. V.A.) SMEMV, A.D., professor Effect of i3hthivazid on the functional state of the nervous system. JI-Ag '55. (HIRE 8:10) 1. Direktor Leningradskogo nauchno-lasladovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza. (NICOTINIC ACID :SOMMRS, ther.use isonlazid, in tuberc.,eff. on nervous system) (TUBTMULOSIS, tber. isonizzid, eff. on nervous system) (NERVOUS SYSTM. eff. of drugs on isonlazid, In ther. of tuberc.) USSR / Pharmacology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Agente.. jr-10 Abs Jour :Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. 80695 Author :Semenov A. D. TZW t Not Title On +,he Inf luence of Streptomycin on the VasculBr Ref lexos in Patients with Tuberculosis Orig Pub Sov. meditsina., 1957, No 4, 80-83 tibstract The influence of streptonycin (1) on unconditioned arA conditioned vascular reflexes and on reflexes caused Vy verbal indication of unconditioned stimulators was studied by the method of plethysmogTaphy. Cold and pain were used as unconditioned stimulators; light (white, red, green) was used as a conditioned stimulator. F~r a verbal stimulation, indications were used of corresponding unconditioned stimulators: "it is cold" or "it is painful". Before treatment of I in patients., the development of stagnated Coxd 1/2 USSR / Pharmacology and Toxicology. Chomotherapeutic Agents. V-10 Abs Jour Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. 8o695 oxcitability was obsorvod in th:) CIE, which devoloped Into persistent vasoconstrictor reactions. Under the) influence of treat=ent with 1, the character of the plethysmogram, changed sharply. The vascular reflexes in a majority of the patients from stagnate became null, i.e., they dis- appeared, or paradoxal responses appeared. Consequently, under the influence of I in the CNS., an inhibition state is developed, which changes the character of the vascular reflexes. The effect noted was stable during prolonged therapy with I. No difference in the influence of I on unconditioned verbal or conditioned vascular reflexes W03-5 established. Card 2/2 SAMWNOV, A.D-, professor ~ Some queetions on artificial pneumothorax [with summary in French]. Frobl.tub. 35 no.2:)8_46 157. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Iz Leningradakogo nauchno-lasladovateltakogo tuberkuleznogo institute imeni prof. A.Ya.Shternberga. (PNEUMOTHORA)t, ARTIFICIAL (Rusil) SAMEROV, A.D., prof. Z! The nervous system and tuberculosis [with sum-ary in R-Penchl. FYobl. tub. 35 no.7:27-32 157. OfIa 11:2) (TWERGUIDSIS, plTaiol. NO (NOVOUS SYSTEM, in various die. tuberc.) SY"NO7, - A,.D.. prof. ALI, G.F., Principles of choice, indications and contraindications for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosi3 in sa".toriA [with smumry in Frenc:a] Probl. tub. 36 no.4:3-7 '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Is organizationno-meltodicheskogo otdela (rukovoditel' M.L. Gol'd-farb) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatel'okogo instituta tuberkuleza MinisterstvA zdrAvookhraneniya RSYSR (d!ir. - prof. A.D. Semenov) (TUBERCULOSES, -PULMON-kRY, ther. sanntori-lin enre. indic. & contraindic (Rup,)) SIRMENOV, A.D., prof.; KUDRYAVTSWIA, V.I., 37aluation of de Asuis tuberculosis vaccination; experimental in- vestigations. Frobl.tub- 37 no.6.-83-91 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz otdela m1krobiologii (nauchnyy rukovoditell - p.-of. V.K. Berman) Leningradskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute- tub6rkaleza (direktor - Prof. A.D. Semenov). (TUBERCULOSIS immanol.) (VACCINES) SHMOV. -A.D. I -prof., otv. red.; GOL'DSHTP-YN, M.M., prof. rad.;: 7WHNITSKAY.A, B.M., red.; WMITITSFAYA, B.M., atarahi7 ne-achn. sotrudnik, red.; KUZMSOV-4, S.M., red.; RABINOVICH, 6..M., prof.. red.; CHAYKA, V.V., doktor mad. nauk, red.: ZA'TX'IA- NICHM. B., tekhn. red. (Transactions of the Leningrad Tuberculosis Research Institute; problems in the clinical aspects of tubercu- losis] Yoprosy kliniki tubarkulaza; trudy institute. le- ningrad, 1960. 272 P. (MIRA 14-5) 1. Lehingrad. Leningradskiy nouchno-isaledovatallskiy institut. 2. Rukovoditell podroatkovago otdeleniys Leningradskogo gosu- darstvennotgo nauchno-iasledovatellskogo institute tuberkuleza (for Goldshteyn). 3. Rukovoditall fizioterapevtiah6skogo otda- leniya Lening-radskogo gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledov9tel'- skogo institute tuberkuleze (for Zarnitskaye). 4. Rukovoditel' rentgenolo.-ichaskogo otdeleniya Leningradskogo gosudar8tvan- nogo nBuchno-isoledovatellsko.oo institute tuberkuleza (for Ra- binovich). 5. Ru-kovod:Ltel' laborator'.1 klinichaskoy fizielogii Leningradskogo gosudaratvennogo nauchno-issledovatelAD.-.0 in- stitute (for Chayka) (TUBERCULOSIS) SMENOVI A.D., prof. (Leningriad) --- I~;;-mity in tuberculosis. Sov. med. 24 no. 2:98-108 F 160. (MMA 24:2) (TUBERCUMSIS) SEMENOV) A. D.., prof. Theory and Dractice in the control of tuberculosis at its present- day stage. tTrudy) GIDUV no.23.*71-78 160. (MIRA 15:7) (TUBEXULOSIS-PREVK,TTIC-1i) SEMENOV, A.D., prof. State of higher nervous activity in tuberculosis. K izuch.roli nerv.sist.v pat., immun.i lech.tub. no.2:92-102 161. (MIRA 15:10) (TUBERCULOSIS) (NER11OUS SYSTEM) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) SFIK"Novy A.D.; STI?EI-q~,rok,R T. N I UW111- I kNIOV kN .1i .OPA A, K-A. Clinical aspect anti zours~: cf puLmariarf tlub*-:-cul~sfs in elderly persons. Trudy TZIIJ 63:30 -1 (MI--RA 17-9, 1. Kafedra lecochnoge tuberkuleza 1.Pningradsk-ogn instituta u.9o,ip,,-!31,,Pr,sr,vcvF-.-,.ya vrachey imeni Kirova i ~eningradskiv instir.11' tub,~~rkuleza. 1. JIIETOV-,~ A. F. I 2. USSR (6GO) 4. Machine-Tractor Stations 7. 'Ahat hinders better use of mackinery. Les. khoz. 6Y No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1953. Unclassified. SOV-91-58-9-18/29 AUTHORS: Semenov, A.F., Engineer; Dymentov, I.A., Engineer TITLE: Using a Swiss Type Swi-,,chboard with an EMIS-54 millisectimer for Checking the Operating Time of Pneumatic Swit.,hes (Primeneniye kommutatora shveytsarskogo tipa k millisekun- domeru tiua EYS-54 dlya proverki vremeni srabatyvaniya vo:-- dushnykh vyklyuchateley) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 9, pp 25-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This switchboard is for use with an EMS-54 milli-timer for checking th~., operation of pneumatic switches, in order that every time the switch is switched on or off, measurement can be made, thus conserving air. The switchboard consists of two sets of 4 brass strips, superimposed at right angles and insulated from each other. Holes are drilled at the points of intersection to take plugs which effect contact of any two strips at any given point. One set of strips is connected to the pneumatic switch, the other.t