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L 00709 05 '::wA(hl/r-WT(7Y/Fw(m)/FWP(b~ITAWP(tI IJP(c) Jq/Jq/GS ACCESSTON NR: AT5020467 UR/WW/64/000/000/02D5/0218 44,f:f 44,61r AUTHORt A F!;j Ivleva, 0. M.; Krasilinikovs, L. M.; Presnov. V. A. 44, Tf (Professor ; Selivanov, B. A.; Yakubenya, M. P !-r4, TITLE: Process,.' of-formit-io~ and structure of alloyed contacts of gallium - arsenide withgold and silver 7;27 .27 47 L I SOURCE: Mezhvuzovska,fa nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po-.fizike poluprovod- kontaknyye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh (Surface and contact pfigtvbmena in semi- conductors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1964, 205-218 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, gold alloy, silver alloy, semiconductor research, semiconducting mf3teirial ABSTRACTs The authors st6dy the process of formation, structure and some proper- ties of fused gallium arsenide contacts with gold and silver. The melting points, coefficients of thernal expansion and microhardness of thd various alloys formed at the samicanaue ontact were measured. Alloys of gallium arsenide with ,p I silver have a-ie 6 nt of 750-760*C. The melting point of the gallium arsen- pit ide-gold alloy produced in a vacuum is 350-360?C, whil6'that produced in an argon Card 1/2 T (Mna_6A ACH!~EOVNR: AT5020467 atmosphere is 575*C., This indicates that the composition of alloys of gallium ar- senide with gold depends on the conditions under which the alloys are formed. Al- loys with gold prepared in argon showed the least change in the coefficient of linear expansion. Alloys produced in vacuum have coefficients of linear expansion close to those of the pure metals. All the alloys differ considerably in thoir ex- pansion coefficients from gallium arsenide, which may be the reason for the con- siderable thermal stresser.'*h1ch-Arls6 in'.alloyed contacts of gallium arsenide--*ith gold and silver. Microhardness for all alloys is -considerably lower than that of gallium arsenide. X-ray structural analysis shows that the gallium arsenide-silver contacts are composed of eutectic silver and polycrystalline GaAs. The interaction between gallium arsenide and gold in vacuum produces a chemical-compound. The gal- lium arsenide-gold contact produced in argon gas is composed of eutectic gold and gallium arsenide. Contacts of gallium arsenide with gold and silver may be used at; ohmic contacts, Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskly fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom universitet im V. V. Kuybysheva (Siberian Physicotechnical Institute at the Tomsk Sfatp Universitv f4,5T SUBMITTEM 060ct64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODEt AW, SS NO REF SOV: 010 a_ / Card 2/2 OTHERr 000 AUTHORS 7'1yatkJ_n , A, P. and Selii,,anov,., B. A, TITLE! PreDa:~ation of Plane Ailoyed C-onta.--os arith Germanium (Poluch- eniye p1loskikh splavnykh kcn-taktov s gerinaniyem) M PERIODIIJAL, Izvestiya. v7sshikh uchebnykh za-;.-_deniy_ fizika- 1~58_, Nr 5,. DP 60-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT- Pro-oerties of semi-ondi~ct4n- devic-ez, depend on the geomet- ry of 'the p-r- junction, The properties of the junction itself are determined by the degree of wetting cf germanium by the 0 0 metal used and the mutual solubility OF the two., The present papej- ~ eeals with the causes of formation and ways of eliminat- ion of undissolved patches in junctlons of germanium with indiums Such pat-7hes depi~nd on the ice,,-.hod cf pre-paratVion of indiim and geraanium an the crys-tal orientation of the ger- manium surface and oA the deat treatment applied in alloying. Good wettin- depends not only on tL)e purity of the germanium surface but also on the puri.tjv of indium,, The authors etched indium before allcying and they found zhat a pi(;ric acid etchant was most effE~~tive, Af-ver etching witli pic-ric acid the indium bEet-oines mA.rrcr-.-._;:~a_n a,--d -the structure of indium czan bcl- seen (F-*L,-.,1;3 - indilam bef(~re etching v 4 16,1b -- after et-,,~hinc'-), bl, P, Yakuben' found that the Card v3structl,=e whicin can be seen after etching repre_=enuea mono- 0 - SOV/1 59- 58-,--)-12/3 5 Preparation )-'L' Plane Allcyed Contacts ,v--"-.h c-ystalline grairs of indiu.-ii, The s-T~udiezd the pro- cess of wetting of zermaniw-_ by et-ched and uneuched indium, usin.- gerinuniur., surfac,as of v-i-riolis- cra.:-n~ations, sit--h as (100)~ Varicis methols of alleying were also Lraed., Alloying was :~ ~_'r 4 .- (4 cut witli the wp-paratus described C__ L _Z;Ph the indium in Ref..4. wtiich makes it possible to phc~tcz dro-p in vari-oi-io, sta-res of all.Gyinf-~. Frcrj thecae photographs 0 i i an 1 I= o ]~' we t i, -L nco~iid b-n deter, ined,, After produci I ILL alloyeli -.cntact, ":he i~*.-c-hed avvav with hydrochloric acid and r.he .-)nL-a(.-~.-. t.)-arfac,~~ was the-ti :T-zidisd under t."-Le micro- SCOT)r_ 'T110 aathc-rz-~ malcp 'Me fol"lowin:z: from the resul-- obtainedl_ 1) If t;.riet--hed indiam aide used., then F,'ner,~, i,,ill be always Snrne pat,-;_'--__-- of -the contau-t _---LLrfac;es which are no-., wett--d by indium (Fio,2),, Bet-ter resultus ax-e obtained when eit'lier etc-'ried disos or unetched spheres of indium are r~sLiits are achieved ty the use of etched ,a a e d,, The b,-f,,-. - 1- U sphero--dal cf i~, thiS, -'base no umrwetted areas. were foLind simLiz;~,r resalzs VIEre J_:,tained for an alloy of i_nd-_1_LTa. with 0.57a of -a!].-i-am. Ad,2itiional -ailium reduces C- Card 2/3 Preparation of Plane Alloyed Contacts with G,,3rinaniu:.--. the wetting ability of indium. (Fig.4), 2) The effect of crjs- tal orientation of the germanium surface appears in the anisotropy of wetting; the smallest an,--le of wetting is ob- tained when the (lli~ surface is used,,; This is showon in Fi-.5, which gives the temperature dependence of the angle C3 of wetting of germanium by indium. for the (111) (curves 1 and and (110) (curve 2) planes, To azhieve the best p-n junctions, the authors suggest using spheroidally-shaped etched indium and (111) germanium surfaces. The temperature rise in the process cf alloying shcald be a:oout 250-3000C per hour, The junction diameter was of the order of 2 mm when 10-12 m- of indium were used, The aii~-hcrs thank V, A. Presnov who directed this work. There are 5 figures and ? references, of which are Soviet and. 3 En-lisb, 0 ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnic~heskiy institut pri Tomskom -r-linivRT-sitete imeni V,V,Kuybysh--va (Siberian Physico--Techni- cal Institute at Tomsk State Univei-sity i-m, V.V.K.~ybyshev) SUBMITTED~ MarcA 20, 1958~ Card 3/3 BRAGINSKIY, Vladimir Abramovich; SELIVANOV, D.G., red. [Shrinnkage and precision of plastic parts] Usadka i tQch- nost' detalei iz plastmass. Leningrad. Pt.l. (Shrinkage' of plastic Farts; verbatim record of a lecture] Usadka detalei iz plastmass; stenograrma lektsii. 1963. 42 P. (MIRA 17:5) .,K'.IY, '~Iadiuilr .,'.brwnovich; ;ELlWlN,)V,.-D.G., red. [:~brlnkage and precislon of plantle par-tal U--alka i tochnootl detalei iz plastirtass. Lenin raO. LenlnLr. dor. nauchno-tekhn. propagandy. lFt. 2.fFrecision of pIr tic partsj Toc~mostl deta2ei iz plas-,.,..ass; s-Le- r-Ggramma lek-tsii. 1964. 39 P. (1-1 17:7) KOWOROVICH, P.G.; YURBATOV, V.A. (Sverdlovsk); GUTMAN, A.Ya. (Moskva); DE'nIEGA, A.V. Wyev); ISACILKIN, B.Ya. (Penza)-, IMTRONIN&, N.G. (Tambov); PONOMAREV, V.S.(Izhevsk);.SELIVANOV, D.P. (Korsunl- Shevchenkovskiy, Cherlmsskaya obl. ),-XDLIX6V-.A.F.-(Kalinin); SHOi, Ya.A. (Moskva); IVANOV, M.I. (Tula) Discussion of the new mathematics curricula. 14at. v shkole no-3: 4-20 My%.-Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Mathematics) SELUIANGV2 F. Three pages from life. Kryl. rod. 16 no.10:14-15 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) *- SELIVANOV J. -- - Stronger than death. Voen. znan. 38 no-4:23-24 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Kursk, Battle of, 1943) VAN-i 7j- F. A. Disjertation defewled for the degree of Candiliate of Philosophical iciences at the Institulle of "'hilosophy "Essence of Uhical ~zjalities and the -~Pecific Character of Vestnik. Allmd. 140. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145 SHL1VANOV. Fedor-Tikhonovich: GUDKOVA, N.. red.; TROYANOVSKATA, N., [Men of the Sixth Owrds Army] Gvardeitsy. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 190 p. (MIRA 13:11) (World War, 1939-1945--oampaigns) ME SELIVANOV, Fedor One of sixteen. Voen. znan. 37 no.10:9-10 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (World 'War, 1939-1945) Fedor There are only two of them. Voen.znan. 38 no.12:8-9 D 162. (MIRA 15t12) (Markauskene,, Danute lUrgiovna) (Nozdracheva, Martena Sem~~ovni) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIC~-,' SOV/3899 Kompleksnaya mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva; iz opyta zavodov Penzenskogo sovnark-hoza (Orverall Industrial Mechanization and Automation; From Experience of Factories Under the Penza Council of the National Economy) (Penza] Penzenskoye knizhnoye izd-vo., 1959. 230 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,000 copies printed. Ed.: V. Tsarlkov; Tech. Ed.: Ye. Voronkova. ?~-JRTOSE: This collection of articles is intended for the general reader inter- ested in t;ie mechanization and automation of machine-tool production C'OVERAGE: The efforts of industrial workers of the Penza district to fulfill ahead of time the objectives set forth in the Seven Year Plan are discussed in these 11 articles. The need for complete automation in the production of machine tools and instruments is strongly emphasized. No prsonalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF COVI.'EENTS: Tsarlkr,v,- V.D. (Engineer]. Seven Year Plan of Rapid Technical Progress 5 Card 1/3 Overall In&Lstrial Mechanization and Automation; (Cont.) Sov/3899 AUTOMATION AND PRODUCTION -47M Seiivan,:~-, "I.A. Semiautomatic Line for Painting Bicycle Parts in an Field 25 Illyashevicli, V.A. Continuous Production Lines in Diesel Engine Manufa,,.-turl n ,* 53 HIGH-EFFICIENCY PROCESS EQUIPMENT Yekaterinin. V.S. (Engineer]. Numerical Control of Metal-Cutting Machine TooLs 90 Mor~_,~~ov, A.!. [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Pneumohydraulics and the Automation of Machine Tools in Small-Lot Production 110 Tyu,rik_in, P,I - (Engineer] Rmh Conveyers - an Important Link in the Com- ulete Me:2hanization and Automation in Machine Manufacturin- 124 [En!-,inper], V.M. Okorok-ov [Engineer], and R.N. Fridman [Fngin.~-erl. of Work in the Cleanin-r Departments of 3 e 132 5 Overall Industrial Mechanization and Automation (COnt-) SOV/3899 FOR OVERALL IMPROV34ENT IN PRODUCTION 7-;1CMQUES GantmanY I.A.J' (Candidate of Technical Sciences], and K.A. Kuzuetsov [Engineer]. Method of Processing Parts Grouped According to the Type of Operation Should be Used at Local Plants 169 Kagan, I.Z., and V.P. Kholkin,On the Road of Technical Progress 200 Tulayeva., A.G. (Candidate of Chemical Sciences]. Raise the Level of Electrochemical Processes., Reduce Metal Waste 217 Pclyakov, A.A.[Economisq.Groups and Individual Shock Workers of ,,!--vmunJst labor Should Get Constant Professional Technical Assistance 221 AVA-rIABLE: Library of Copgress VK/rem/gmp Card 3/3 8-il-6o SELIVANJV, G.I. Forest shelterbelts on the Volga Valley railroad. Zhel. dor. transp. 38 no.9:83-85 S 156. (KLHA 9:10) 1. Zamnstitell nachallnika distantaii zashchitnykh losonasazbdeniy, Saratov. (Railroads--Snow protection and removal) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts. etc.) JL 900 AEC-tr-2266 THE POSSW ILITY OF OCCURRENCE OF &hESON PENE,rRATING HAMMON DURING COLLISIONS BE- TWEEN HIGH ENERGY PHOTONS AND NUCLEL A. N, Kaylkov. aud-Q& 1. - " Snilyinov(Solinvagov. Tronfilatiou ofa prow-p i from M -.of Scl., U.S.8 . by-MjJLJ*xZ136 "The abnormal scattoring" of p viesoria cannot bo ax- plained by lntc~actlon botween Me nucleon flold And the o ) pair. It Is also ~oocluded that the field of (sjjL "structural" theory r motions an pro~oscd by Wootrel In not correct and that the contribution of (jujA. pair Inter- action to the nuclear forcet; Is Insignificant. (auth) rl N USSR/Nuclear Physics - Hyperons FD-296o Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 1/28 Author Balandin, M. P.; Balashov, B. D.; Zhukov, V. A.; Pontekorvo (Pontecorvaj, B. M.; Selivanov, G. I. Title Possilility of the formation of /\O particles by protons with energies up to 700 Mev Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29 September 1955, 265-273 Atstract The authors attempt to observe the formation of /\O particles during collision of protons with energies of 0/70 Mev with carbon nuclei. In principle the experiments permitted them to record Ao particles decaying according to the following scheme: /\ 0 --- n " itO. They detected gamma rays from the decay of AO mesons by means of a telescope consisting of scintillational and Cherenkov counters. They find that the cross section of formation of AO particles has a value approximately equal or less than lo-31 CM2/nucleon. They draw conclusions concerning the mechanism gov- erning the formation of A particles. The authors thank V. V Krivitskiy and A. I. Mukhin for assistance in setting up the col- limator. Ten references, mainly western and to Otchet 1YYaP AN SSSR. Institution Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences US5R [TYaP AN SSSRI Submitted June 2, 1955 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mu meson production FD-3273 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 32/44 Author Novikov, A. N.; Pontecorvo, B. M.; Selivanov, G. I. Title- Possibility of the formation of penetrating radiation ()to mesons) in collisions of high-energy protons with nuclei Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, No 6(12), Dec 1955, 889-892 Title : A communication based upon the results of a work carried out in 1954 and earlier described in Otchet Instituta Yadernykh Problem AN SSSR (Reports of the Institute of Nuclear Problems, Acad. Sci. USSR). The authors propose here that the virtual process (N)4 (K) + (p,p) (N: nucleon) takes place, as also indicated by others (e.g. R. E. Marshak, Mesons physics, 1952). They describe experimental arrangement, con- sisting of target, collimator, deflecting magnet, telescope of scintil- lation counters serving as monitor, telescope of proportional counters serving as detector of penetrating radiation, convertor, counter filled with BF3, etc. They call attention to related work of B. Feld et alii (Phys. Rev., 96, 1386, 1954), noted just as they completed the work described here. They remark on the agreement of results. Eight ref- erences, all Western but one (cited above). Institution: Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR Submitted : July 15, 1955 L I V USIERIPhysics 71- mesons id 1/1 Pub. 22 - 16/59 Authoris g Pontekorvo, B. M., and Selivanov, GO I.- Title Formation of 71- mesons with neutrons, Farjodjea2 I Dok. AN SSSR .102/2, 253~-256 I-lay 11,: 1955 Abstract I The results of experiments conducted with the help of. the sychro-cyciotron... of the Institute of Nuclear Problems are-described. The experiments were conducted to study the processes bywhich 71~7 0- mesons are formed by neutrons acting on hydrogen and some complex nuclei. Eleien references- 5 USA and 6 USSR (1950-1955). Diagrams; graphs; table. Institution Acad. of Be.., USSR, Institute of.Nuclbar problems Presented by Academician L. A. Artsymovich,~April 26, 1955 USSR/ Nuclear Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 20/62 Authors I Pontekorvop B. M., and Selivanov, G. I. Generation of7ro-mesons on hydrogen and deuterium by neutrons of /+00 Mev (energy.) Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 102/3, 495 497, May2l, 1955 Abstract s The results of a series of e%Teriments which were conducted in order to- clarify process of-7yo- meson formation are discussed. 'Neutrons of 400 Mev (nominally) obtained by impacts of protons with beryllium nuclei in a synchrocyclotron were used for the experiments. Eleven references: 1+ USSR, and 7 USA (1951-1955). Institution The Acad. of Sc., USSR, Institute of Nuclear Problems Presented by: Academician L. A. Artsymovich, April ;~4, 1955 -FALUIDE,,, M.P.; GREMIT"IK, V.G.; SELIVMIOV, G.I. [synchronizing the operation of a bubble chamber and a synchrocyclotron] Sinkhronizatsiia raboty puzyrikovoi kamery s sinkhrotsiklotronom. Dubnas ObIledinenr5ri in-t iadernykh issl.,, 1961. 12 p. WRA .15:1) (Bubble chamber) (synchrotron) BLOKEINTSLNA, T.D.; VASILOKO, A.T.; GREBIIUIIK) V.G.; ZHUKOV, V.A.; LIBMAII, G.; I0,01OV, L.L.; SELIVANOV, G.I.; YUAIII ZHUN-FAN [Yuan Jung-fang] [Eight-liter hydrogen-deuterium dubble chamber in a magnetic field] VosImilitrovaia vodorodno-deiterievaia puzyrlkovaia k-Eunera v magnitnom. ple. Dubna, ObIledinennyi in~t iadernykh i,,;sl.P 1961. 20 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Bubble chamber) (Magnetic fields) ~rj Jn n t; ii,..i t, for N,;~l Ln:). of Nucletir Probirmirs BLOKIIINTSEVA., T.D.; GREBINNIK, V.G.; ZHUKOV, V.A.; LIBB01, G.; NEMOV., L.; SELIVANOV G I - YUJIP ZEMI-FIT '- ['Yuan Jung-fa~-~g- ~, V.h., tekhn. red. [Interaction between Jl---resons and hydrogen at an energy of 340 MevIVzaimodeistvie ~IT--rezonov s vodorodor-. pri ener- Uaii 340 Mev. Dubna, Oblledinennyi in-t iadernylh isol., 1G162. 27 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Euclear --enctions) (Fesons) (Hydrogen) G. i. 3 U.T. I... bi m... rl PZI~l ODICAL: thu ec:'. iI~ trcin.;for and thr- ca: _ ' ' : '' f.1. i, co";Utructcd fro'... 1"'. '.: : I-. ' . . -, : ~ 4- - I I 0113 ~. c rva t i on D. c rc~ Z~ t",., c cozi.3ir't of eiz;c3 of J -5 (!,,~-5) I K ~--Z~C) mm. Det-nilc(l -h~~ apparatua and the aSZ;OCj-.7! .LG,' t1:0 valva. ;-ormal c:c..; io 7 atm and thu of bc alta-,vcd by tho C%r(l 1/2 lc [vi 1Ll I I W Ol E, o r; f; I li(,Ui(i ;I a P c r% colli:7,ion of Aoroo p,.~o r i-pparatuL; performed 3. 1 oi C-ad tirn-~ i:-- T 10,.' I s/12o/62/000/005/010/036 E192/E382 AUTHOPS: Balandin, M.P., Grebinnik, V.G. and.Selivanov..G.I. TITLE: Synchronization of the operation of a bubble cha'mber with a synchrocyclotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1962, 6o - 64 TEXT: The usual method of designing the synchronization circu'it for a bubble chamber relies on a number of series- conne--,ted binary circuits and in this system the spread of the fronts of the triggering pulses can amount to 30% of the total duration of the delay pulse. This, in practice ', produces an additional time error of about 0.9 lis, which completely obscures the growth period of the bubbles to Visible dimensions. The, system described does not suffer from the above fault due to the Froduction of a coincidence between the internal signal and -the -y-nchronization pulse in the final stage. The photographic- expos,ure time is m4tched with the instant of passage of the beam to' within 10 seev The system is provided with a "type-of- operation" switch which permits the actuating of the system by tard 1/3 . .1 S/12o/62/000/005/010/036 Synchronization of the operation.. E192/E382 the start pulses obtained from the photo pick-up of the accelerator (external actuation) or by trigger pulses produced by an Lnternal generator. In either case, the system can operate continuously or only once. The internal drive is useful during the testing and adjustment of the system and permits testing the chamber independently of the accelerator. In order to provide definite intervals for the growth of the bubbles after passage of the beam through the accelerator the instant of producing the illumination pulse is made variable. Also, relative time-spacing of the other control pulses is unaltered. This is.achieved by providing a delay circuit at the input of the system for the synchr-onization pulses. The synchronization pulses from the accelt.-rator appear at intervals of 8 12 ILs, whereas the operating cycle of the chamber is 2 5 see. Stable operation of the s-stem as a whole is therefore achieved by blocking it for the duration of the operating cycle as soon as a start pulses is received. The blocking pulse is produced by a special forming circuit which blocks the chamber for a duration of 0-5 - 30 sec* A sin,~le start pulse triggers therefore two independent channels: Card 2/3 Synchronization S/12o/62/000/005/010/036 operation.. 9192/E382 a system for forming pulses for controlling operation of the electromagnetic valve and a unit for producing the illumination pulse. Both channels comprise delay circuits permitting the shifting of the in6ept ion of expansion, the starting of contraction and the instant of triggering of the spark tube. It is possible. to select the optimum position of the illumination pulse by shifting the instant of expansion. There are 6 figures.' Ob"yedinennyy ins-titut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) III GPA I AUTHORS :,Ilokh J n tnevaT 1). Grebt no Ik V. G - , Y.-Im-kov V. -A Libman, G. , Nuric-nov , ~~. L. t iii~livvnov, TI TLE: Kennurement of Ww totn.1 cronn jueclion of the (.1-1) nnc- tion with 540-,'.;-Jv n -menons PERIODICAL: M)rwil nkapsyrimontnl1noy i tnor,)tich-iokoy fixlki, no. 5, 1962, 912-)13 TEAT Thp reactiv.-m n + p -n- + "t, + n, 2), + p + .7, + P. + p + 'r + it. (3) have been studied at ener.,iou of the prinnarl n o f 0 15 e v with the aid of a 25- lIquJ.,J-hydro!-,,?n chamber in a of 12,000 ov. The reBpecti,,re total crou5 Bections ~crv d(--L,:rmInvicI na (I - 1.24 � 0-14 nb, d . 0,13f-0.06 mb, a O.r"!O 05 rib. In the 1 2 0-04 3 -O:ou Card 1/4, lord Y I(, ,-, , ""A"o-3 Kc.,usurement of the total ro,3,i . . . dc,termination of the croic of reaction only crv~i wher.-? th,~ onnri;y of tli,~ emitted yvintitm yus hit-,hc:r than 100 "'cv r,-re cnrisMere(I In or,l,~r to obtain a Or thq cnntril~UtiOn ()f thf, fliffurr~nt. inot.ople atatea in thii croiia s,.-ctiono of 'tip, rea,;tiono (1) and (2), the latter are written down lit the form 2 Re + A," 'J, 0, it_,, Al".) + 21 X~11 wh~rc i deriotrn the invariant isotopic nnplitudet; (superscript rfcra to AK total Isotopic spin of entire cy3tum, subacript dr2nott!3 total isotopic npin(of the gyaton of Uio piolls). Tho croon sectionj of the r9actions (1) an,[ 2) permit with nome nr3unptions to infer the following about the nal,-nituden and phasou of the Inotopic anplittiflou: (a) If the amplituclas Card 2/1, ?!-i3urf~mmt of th-i totril Pro!-, 1/2 ~12 an't A Z,.To , thell tilo A", qi 1.1 bc, c,,nai Ul to 3/21 2~, 1 111,2 t' 5-71A~/'):'; (17) if ia _.O~l I? 14C r"'I 0 o' ar." dvt'~rmipwd :1,11111W. by 'nj -1-1 tit- rhiljc ohift of ru'li3litutN-3 itl qbotat 160' )C, ;oO thoir !.-,-Auli tr,t ~.nnnvct,~,j by th.? rplc.tion J." in,;Uent pina trwri:iP.,i o~ 340 !*.;-v thq naxinum total enercy (c.rz.a.) Qf ~-"() 1,19"0 -2 400 If the? r-o, Olle nay stat.~ thfil tiw i~i')11.3 in thtt '.Till intoract rvilnl.v in .9tals-ri with total tt~oto~~ic riiiii I' . 0 V.1111 lot with IL - ', . Frufeu.,or !J. MI. Foa'~,'_-.orvo ind !iv~ thrwi,.el fcr advi- ;uid 711--' are 5 aw, Sovi*ct. T h,~ r s.- f q r P n c e rt o tublicatictin r-j ad fol iott:, : J. Deahl et al. rruc. of t1vt 1960 Ann. int. CQnf. on ML:h Fhys. at Rachr,tit,,r, 11)60, p. 1~;5; H. J. 5chnitz~r. Preprint, 196 1 B. G. Pariah et al. Pull. ritin. Svc-, 11, -6, 523, 1?61. ASSOCIATION . Ob"yedinennyy inittitut yalernileh Iriolodovanty (Joili% tuto of Nurl-ar Penearcli) if Card 3/4 C~Lrd 1/3 31056j65164410011022166. B104/B144 AUT11OR:3: Blokhintseva,* T.,D.p ore~innlk$ 'V 0.1.1zhukovp 7. At Libman, G., Nemenov, L. L. j Stlivanov, 0. 1.-1 Yuan Jung-tan TITLE: Interaction of n-*mesons with h drogen Y at 340 Nev- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheekoy fizikiP-'V- 441 PERIODICAL: noi 1, 19639 116-126 TEXT: The reactions A- + P--* n- + X+ i+ n, x-+ x 0 + pt and + n- + I + p were studied with a 25 am liquid hydroge "n bubble: chamber in a 12,000-oe magnetic field.. The x- -meson beam vas geneirated in the synohrooyolotron of the Laboratoriya yadernykh'problem 01YaI (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems OIYaI), the meson energy was 340�15 Nev. 1400 two-pronged stare were found in 16,000 stereoscopic photographs. Those listed in Table 2 complied with the following conditions: (1) the angle a between the track of the incident particle and the central plant of the chamber must not exceed 140; (2) the n- meson track must not be shorter than 10 mm; (~) the distance between the point.of interaction and the boundary of the visible range of the working volume of the chamber. S/056 63/044/001/022/06T Interaction of n- mesons with B104X144 ~iust not be smaller than 20 mm; (4) the 'azimuthal angle.of a negative particle must not exceed 700; (5) the noncomplanarity.o'f elastic interactions must not.exceed 30. The angular distributions and the energy distributions of the secondary.. particles suggest an effect due to resonance of the spin-with the isospin 3/2. A steep increase of the. nn interaction cross section with a total isos in T = O.w*as found by -analy2ing the energy distribution in the (X V5 o.m.s'. Thdre,are 10 figures 2tables. ASSOC::ATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint. Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMI~?TED: August 4o 1962 Card 2/3 S/056JO/044/001/022/067 Int,?raction' of R- mesons with B104/B1414 ft-+p--&w-+e+n 108 1,24-0,14 1.00 x-+P-jr+gl+p It 0, 134* 04 O's -4:06 3r+P-Jr+?+p 8 0, 0011053 n-+ P- 20+ R 8 Vapyroa n-p-pKmRxe 764 7,52�0,55 Table 2. Interaction arose sections. Logend: (1) Number of events; (2) Ototal' millibarn, exiperlmentaIj (5) atotal, theoretical. Card 3/3 -7 8/056/63/044/002/019/o65 B102 B18 / 6 AUTHORS. Blokhintseva, T. D., Grebinnik, V. G., Zhukovj V. A., .Libm&n, G,., Hemenov.L. L-, Selivanov, C. I. , Vian Jung-fang TITLE: The total n p-reaction oroas-sections at:,%- energies of 276 Mai PERIODICAL: Zhurnal okeporimentallnoy i toorstichaskoy fixiki, v. 44, no. 2, 1963, 490-499 + and T EXT ; The total crose-sectione of the reactiono n + p n + n + n a n- + p -), X_ + A 0 * p were measured at E 276 + 10 Uev in the 1&b system in a 25-cm liquid-hydrogen bubble chamber placed in a magnetic field. Among 6000 photographs made 5 events of the first, and one Of the second reaction were found. The cross sections were: +0 2 d 0-4 : mb and d 2 - 0.08 + 0.08 mb, 1 -0 3 The vesults are id cl9se agreement with the theoretical ~rediotions of Card 1/2 7 3/056/63/044/002/019/065 The total x p-reac.tion ... B102/B186 H. Schnitzer (Phys. Rev. 125, 1059, 1962). There is 1 figure. r - ASSOCIATION: Olallyedinean~y institut~yadern kh iveledovaniy (.Toint Inetitut fNuclear Resear SUBMITTED: Septembe: ~4, 1962 Card 2/2 BLOKIIINTSTIVA, T.D.; GIMTWIR, I.r.G.; ZTJKOV, V.A.; YRAVTSOV, A.V.-, LIBMAN, G.; NFMENOV, L.L.; SELIVANOV, G.I.; YTJANI TRRI-FAN [Yuan Jung-f.,in?] Determining the contribution of tha 3/2, 3/2 isobar to inclas~-Ic t(-p-interaction processes at the ' meson kinetic er-r~7 ?I - y of !!) Mev. IAd. fiz. 1 no.1:103-112 Ja 165. (IN9 DA, 18.- 7) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. SELIVANOV, G. I. Siructure of single-layer fabrics. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav - tekh. tekst.; prom. no.4:63-68 162. (MMA 15:i;~ 1. Moskovskiy tekstilln*y institut. (Weaving) SELIVANOV, G.I. Changes in the diameter of twist ,cotton yarn taking place during various tension conditions. Izv.V7s.ucheb.zav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.1:23-26 163. (1-URA 16:4) 1. ~bskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. (Yarn-Testing) SELIVANOV, G.I. Effect of the number of' layers on the pLysicoyti;chan-ical character- istics of mdtilayer linnn weave fabrics. Izv.-,; takh. tekst.prom. no.3:77-81 163. (RITU 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy tekstilluyy institut. (Textile fabrics-Testing) (weaving) DZIIAKUPBAYEV., A.N.; SHEPELEV, S.F.; SELIVANOV, G.I. Gas condition In workings of the Takeli Mine in the case of a developed andogenic underground fire. Trudy Inst.gor.dela All Kazakh.SSR 9:188-197 162. (MIRA 15;8) (Tekali region (Kazakhstan)-Mina fires) SELIVANOV,,Gonnadiy--Y-evgenLyevich; KAZANTSEV, Mikhail Yevgenlyevich; -- - GORELOV, V.M., inzh.j retsenzent; ROZIN, A.I., inzh., red. [Problems end exercises on metal cutting and metal-cutting tools] Sbornik zadach i uprazhnenii po rezaniiu metallov i rezhushchem instrumentu. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 182 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Metal cutting-Study and teaching) SELIVANOV. I.; YABLONSKIY, L. Mechanized construction yard for producing supports by the method of centrifugation. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 7 no.2:9-10 '57. (MM 10:4) (Blectric lines--Poles) (Precast concrete) Wmtcmn~~ , -r .f S M IV A " 0,;' .1 -, , The listillation of water for stora-e bat*pri-s. NO 9. I- - Tarkist, No 12, 19U. SOV/136-58-8-17/27 AUTHORS: Medvedev, V.K., Artemov, V.A. and Selivanov, I.A. TITLE: Improvement of the Thermal Condition of the Rererberatory Furnace at the hirovgrad Copper-Smelting Kombinat (Uluchsheniye teplovogo rezhima otrazhatellnoy pechi Kirovgradskogo medeplavillnogo kombinata). PER10DIGAL: Tavetnyythletally, 1958,,\Nr.8, pp.70-72 (U88R) ABSTRACT: A group of workers at the Kirovgrad Copper-smelting Kombinat proposed an improved burner construction for the reverber- atory furnace. The old burners (Fig.1) Ci3opper Queen", medium pressure) had a central fuel oil pipe and an annular air pipe (air at 150-200 mm. Hg Sauge). The new burner (Fig.2) has a further annulus fed with converter air (at 0.8-1 atm. gauge) to improve atomization and combustion. The addition of hi,-,h-pressure air should have reduced drop size, accoruing to Prof. Selivanov's cal- culations. Preliminary tests showed that the flame length (8.5 m) was within the optimal value recommended by I.D. Semkin and YI.D. Shabli. Operating results have shown Card 1/2 a fuel saving of 0.00396 tons/ton of charge. SOV/136-0-8-8-17/27 Improvement of the Thermal Condition of the ileverberatory Furnace at the Kirovgrad Copper-bmelting Hombinat The fuel feed rate 1 2.5-3.2 tons/hour, the converter- air flow being 36 nmg/min. There are 2 figures. a ASSOCIATION: Elvo-7gradskiy rued1kombinat (hirovgzrad Copper-3111elting Kc,vbinat) I. Fvamacez--Design 2. FLirnaces--Equipmi~ntu 3. Furxiaces-Performarice Card 2/2 sA5 3/60/000/012/003/015 L0541AM Is AUTHOR3, Bittilysis, I.P., T.A.. K.k.h.r-, V.D. Dik~h T.At., Mk.ry.h,,, L.R., and N-arlT ?ITLE, Optitcic Working Conditions for Basio 9--ofs of Open-lisarth ruccaces PZRIODIGA.La Stal I , 1960, go. 12, pp. L0136-t092 TFXTs In order to investigate the factors influencing the useful life of sagnectite-chromits bricks uned for 0ion-hoarth furnace roofs testa were c:rri-d out In the L.CnItog-k ll.t.ll.rgic.1 Cozbi.. (1957-1959) ith fern.- .. fired &) with ms.aut only, C'ma.ut type furnaca~) I b) with ock 0f 30 kelhoux of tar ("g-typel furrv,~) I c) with tut addition Is -furrus.. coke " - Witt.. of 5,X--100 kg/ho~ of coal tar, ixd- type- furnace). The test. .."ad to d-t-in. the %-pcirtit.r. of the mam- sit I-C hromit* bricks at various distances from the working surface of the rom" the compositIca of the aitmosphnre under the rcof, the quantity isrul com- position or dust and the rate of the duc-pooltion In bricks. For theme a lug device. were employed% lr~" (YE11) type photc,l.c tric Ppy'rrpo::t:rt,h;lf.'t't'.-4-rhodiam and platinum theroCCoupleas counted In a 75 x 75 card 1, 460 nes mencuit-clirccite tcd, a hot junction. of in* thercoccuplas being at it !It- 4i... free the working Thitracithii hot ju:icti.. '. I'. I' It t'_--rLch ... placed Imai d on the urf-l-, it was prit-t,d by 4 cap, with & wall O.e ma, tbtc)L; a jugl-point p-tuntiozioter with a disc acute rtoting at 0.5 r7h; for gag -lysia ryTI (Gryp-3) typo and fcr rundcm taste r,,T,, .2 (TTI-2) typo are uu~ct. The malting dust under the roof won collected by & water cocled detachable tz- tube connected in series with tooter filters, guacmatera and ejucturs. Fcr Lztrcdcing the apparatus In the CiDder-roof - 7 osioninds, (BO z e0 mm) were made In the roof. In the tests tb:fr:lktjou.hIp b*,,,,,n.,Ih* hr,,I*r of temperature change of the working .rf.c axid %,e .1 1.. of break In firing, the opening of the charging Zero, 'Arina vhch cold muterials are In the furnace. in* duration dthe time d of various processes and repxir. wsro Investig%ted for all three types of furnse*~. It was found that the useful life of the roof in the first place d.pend:d on che kind of fuel uced. an the plnce shere fuel " fed In the fuman d a thermal loads. The shortest useful life was observed for mozat- fired furitaces, working under unfavorable atmompherts, conditions, CO wo~ frequently, carbohydrates were occa,lorally found In the roof tons. Even %bon Card 2/~ P rt of the Com fuel was replaced by a liquid (a". !00-TOO kzlh~) the use. ful life of the rcof was shortened, mainly when charging "o-41 or tar through tuyiprom motented at the external st4ox of the fuel tiunkl. Hydrocarbons are harmful because the caroms in aurf&-,. of the bric ka oeteam a catalyst and ,roomIa3 that r asccmpo aktion during Looting and thereby also the activation of oxidation-reduction proc-own which deteriorate In* iron-rich zones of the "froatcry bricks. Whau firlne wtth partly ltq~id or dll-llqQid fuel the temperature conditions are oleo &,Iveraely afreit~d bo-~,Js. th:',.1ccLi;y of r. .amparature changes on th;'workimf urrato in~raiti;a% during r aLug kup, 10 OOCC/sin), the temperate ror - list xo~v and more to this irit." if the ecoling time ef the rcef iner,tattes dur&ne th&rgine while the temperature can doe reatia to 1,~WC and Itwer. When inciting bolcw 1,11CO-450 "C' th. refractory bricks doter-'crate conaldor*Ny undez thr effect of temperature chlna,, b I11,, working son., ef r,frotcry moterial Fuss frcts a *emi- 'c r:., ,.,.at h: It" I cond tin n t b I ittl- , non state. A:'however, In some cause cooling oven below * OOO~C (for Instance, durlnf r pair) doe. not increase dettirlaraticn of the bric", It Q- to "."ad that actually not coolind itself. but It. ascompanyine phenomena, such an speed Card 3/V 3/153/60/000/0121003/015 A054/kO27 optimum Working C-ditiou. for D&-Ic a~~rz cf Faxnacer And frequeny of heat changah durtur the nc-heat-r-al.t-t ;.ricd of the , k h:r,ing lanes Innr* a h-.Caule - cf thmirtAlecoal-csition. rh. r,tt a~rao~c~ysbrlckisar t e a of D'a a -ndl 'on af it - f ~ , ht n It is c coal 41 bola. 1 15MIC . ..... r. eithIh. reoent methods C-f rhmrgine bieh-cmpacity furvus~ss th a can be obtained cnly by The chargng time or ty Intan4iflitie th! combustion or fuel - "a n having to z.c! the rocr -d.r 1,450-1,500-C during chareiri,, the ~f reversals sh-ld preferably te rvduc.4 1by in- t:mzifyIrL&vcomb' sticn as w.~ch as possible, ~d by increasing ttv intervals Is t ... a ra rat "E-a .A; the CIW2'Z :?ata11betco' r. '. i.r the roof, recirri ne for 7 - i - I.. . . dA , lh- da- 0. %%-. Cr th, r-fr,"- cry bricki, . '- b" Id be tk~~ t, pr.-I -,j r.d-ipp ..Ji. I fro: nf:ri,~C thin are., no t - v:. for -short bricks dotei.rat or qui akly In th first -1 . 0f the -~.CkiGn th- to th,e .. t ;h-.. p III_ tk~a I his ha*3 th:t d..o.p Y h.n th:r ..r. - ri C -Mt of Iran's InIth. . rkA Z r: . Me are b b ka 4th . high can T figures, 8 tables ani 3 Soviet referectai. ASS=ATION, Institut ogneup-or (Eastern Ingl4turt of 1!afra-tcry X&t.rlal), Magmitogorskir metallurgiche.kLy kcmblaatt (MaCnix.1rcrak lieta.1luxeir'a Card 4/ C-h!.ne SELIVANOV, I.A.; AVENIROV, M.I. Jerusalem artichoke as a prospective forage for Perm Province. Uch. zap. Per. goo. un. 13 no.1:19-23 160. (MIRA 34: 1-1) (Perm Province--Jerusalem artichoke) Kl- c r :'!!a- c e S e SELIVA11OV, Igor' Nikolayevich; CHEPM.',OVSKIY, I.K. -.- ..... ........ ............... [Every worker should know economics] Ekonomicheskie zna- niia kazhdomu rabochemu. Petrozavodsk, Ka-rellskoe krd-zhnoe izd-vo, 196-4. 49 P. (MIRA 18:1) SELIVANOV, I. I. 26333 Kran "pioner" B udlinennoy streloy. rzkhanizatsiya stroit-va, 1949, No. 3 , s. 16-17. SO: b9l'OPIS' NO. 35, 1949 I. It (2) SOV/2919 Se I ivanov A. 1 t StroitelInyye ma,~''Irv Gosstroyizdat, 1958. 310 P. 27,,000 n-T)i~_.3 Reviewers: A.I. !-,rancv, D.,21ineer, and A.L. Silo k-'.-. v, Eilgineer; Sci- entific Eds.: V.S. Timo,~-yev, Engineer, and A.M. Lel&ittsind, Engineer; Ed. olL-' Publis'111;-ir.-l- H,,,ise: M.a. K_--inI,--n; Tech. Ed.: Ye.A. Pullicina. In indum'-ri.'al and civil PURPOSE: This is a textbcnk engineering. COVERAGE: Machines., rti~-(,h:wd I(i the building industries ~.-T'j I.T. S-'~!-Iuanov, Engi- neer, wrote tl'.- first of tlie b,-)f1Ir. Farrs 5 to 12 were written by A.!. Burger, Nlo P_~rsonaliti,~-_z are mentioned. There are no ri=fi~renoer,. C a r El _+~ SOV/136-59-3-9/21 AUTHORS: Baymakov, A.Yu. and Selivanov,I.M. TITIE: An Experiment in Operating an Industrial Apparatus for Zone-melting Tin (Opyt puska i ekspluatatsii promy- shlennoy ustanovki dlya zonnoy plavki olova) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 3, pp 32 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results of laboratory experiments indicated that zone-melting of wide flat specimens was possible. In the laboratory zone-melting was carried out in quartz vessels 280 x 190 x 15 mm., using overhead Silit resistance heaters (Fi-gure 1). At first, insulating bricks were placed all rcund the apparatus but this formed a wide molten zon-e in the centre (Figure la). This was overcome by removing insulation from under the centre of the vessel. For the experimental industrial apparatus a vessel 480 x 100 x 15 mm was at f-irSzt used. The apparatus was redesigned with the help cf A.S. Ivannikov, A.M. Yeg'--rov and L.L. Meshkov of the Novosibirsk Lead Works. -Lt cc-asisted of a graDhite vessel 1220 . 400 mm. taking 6C kg Sn. The bAom of Cardl/4 the vessel was tilted (Figure 2). The vessel was ia a case on a portable stand and asbestos cement plates were SOV/i36--50-3-9/21 An Experiment in Operating an Indus trial Apparatu, s -for -Zcr-...e-.Me Iting Tin used as supports and insulators. The middle was apen to the air. The speed of traverse of the vesssl under the heaters was 16, 22, 33 or 44 mm/h and "-#he retv-rn. speed was 190 mm/min. The heaters were goo cun lorg with a resistance of 3.5 9 each.. The distance between -the heaters and the metal could be varied from 1 to 3 ~Ml~ The current was controlled by an autotran former. Electrolytically refined tin was used. The zone width was not greater than 65 mm with the solid-metal inte--face vertical. There were six heatei-s, 190 mm bet-ween. eae-h. One cycle is shown in Figure 4. After moving 190 mm, the vessel returns to its original position so that the first zone is under the second heater, the second zone under the third heater and so on. it stays in this Dosillior-- for 15 minutes to allow the zone under the first heater to besome molten before the next cycle begins. After the second cycle the zones have moved another 190 mm and after six cycles the first zone reaches the ene-,. The maximum purifica-15-ion is obtained after 40 cycles, Card2/4 The table gives the spectrographic analysis of the oone- SOV/136-59-3-9/21 An Experiment in Operating an Industrial Apparatus for Zone- melting Tin refined tin. Do elements were detected. The yield of pure metal is 6001o of the length but because of the sloping bottom it is 85% by volume. The production obtained is 145 kg/month using 40-45 kWh/kg tin. During zone-melting the tin is covered from the very beginning by a thin but strong oxide layer. This plays an important part as it absorbs heat easily and protects the !in from contamination and further oxidation. This enables industrial zone- melting of tin without a protective atmosphere. The purity of the tin obtained was measured by an electrical method by the Institut fizicheskikh problem AN SSSR (InstitdB of Physical Problems of the Ac.Sc., USSR) and found to be 99.99980/o' Sn. The describedmethod is recommendeg for metals with melting points less than 600 - 650 C which form a protective oxide film. Results indicate the possibility of refining bismuth, indium and zinc by similar methods. Card3/4 SOV/136-59-3-9/21 . An Experiment in Operating an Industrial Apparatus for Zone- melting Tin There are 4 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONS: Institut Gipronikel' (Baymakov); Novosibirskiy olovozavod (Novosibirsk Lead Works) (Selivanov) Card 4/4 v f,!gs!~,, cE layers In pfolim-'rary .4 F 11-58 I1EX3BIfBVA-UXffOVA, V.P.; BUSLKYNT, H.A.; FALMYKOV, Ye.S.; KON', Ya.s.; ILILRUSINILI, G.R.; l(h3LGV,A.V.; ]PNTSKIY, G.I.; PIRTJI-IOV, lai.N.; POKROVSKIT, S.11.; SHLIVASOV, I--- 1. - - - Problems of the sanitary~epidemiological service in the control of parasitic diseases in various zones of the U.S.S.R. lied. paraz. i paraz.bol. 28 no-3:287-291P M~,Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) (PIOUSITIC DIVASES I rev. & control, in Rusuia 0112 SURVILLO, V.L.; ALTAMOMIY, M.I., redaktor; SZLIVANQT,~,X~I., redaktor; FRUMKIN, P.G., takhnicheakiy redalctor. ' :-"'' , [Beck meebanismal Palnbnye makhanizmy. [Leningrad] Gos. izd-vo sndostroit. lit-ry, 1951. 256 p. (HLRA 8:2) (Ships--ft ipment and supplies) JULETAGUROV, Mur'at Gavrilovich~-SELIVAIMT,,.4,.wlwmredaktor; SANDLER, N.Y. redaktor lzdatelstvo; PETERSON, K.M.,tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Regrigeration on ships] Sovremennye Eludozlya kholodilluya ustanovki. leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi traniport,l 1956 133 P. (MLRA 10:5) (Refrigaration on ships) KMAGUROV, Murat Gayrilovich; _ULZVA;tPY, LLO J.I., reteenzent; SURVI Y.L., otyetstvanny7 redaktor; SANDLER. N.T.-,"redaktor Izdatel'stra; PATFMON, M.M., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Ship auxiliary mechanisms. equipment and systems] Sudoyve 7spomoga- telInye makhanizmy. Ustroistva i sistemy. Leningrad, Izd-To "Morskoi transport," 1956. 473 p. (MLRA 10:4) (Ships--Equipment and supplies) I.e. -! 1, -4 ? ~L., j "~.7. GMIKIIIS Mikhail Dmitriyevich; GRINKSVICH, Vladimir Kazimirovich; SELIVANOV, K.I., nauchnyy red.; ISAv.EV,-V.A., red.; FRUMKIII. P.S., Fe-k-1;Mr-e-d.- .-0. Elloise in reduction gears Of ship engines] Shum reduktorov sudovykh dvigatelei. loningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. prosyshl., 1957. 79 P. (MIRA 11:3) (Marine engines) (Noise) PEVZNER, Boris Moiseyevich; LOMAKIN, A.A., prof., doktor teklm.nsuk, red.; kand.tekhn.nauk, reteenzent; FOMICHN, A.G., red.; ,,~6YA r ft K OAOICH', A.I.,; FRUMKIN, P.S., (Centrifugal and axial marine pumps3 Sudovye tsentrobezhnye i osevye nasosy. Pod red. A.A. Lomakina-; Leningrad, Goo, soiuznoo izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1958- 319 P. (MIRA 12-.2) (Pumping machinery) KHAZUGUROV, Murat Gavrilo-.1ch; ~44JVAXOT,.-K.L, kand.takhn.nauk, 5r, tared.; SMfDLKR, N.Y., red.izd-va; KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., takhn.reZ . (Auxiliary marine machinery and systems] Sudovye vspomogatel'nye mekhanizmy i slatemy. 12d.2., perer. i dop. Leningrad, Izd-vo 'Morskoi transport,* 1959. 411 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Karine engineering) METAGUROV., Murat Gavrilovich; ~EILVANQIL,_N.I., spets. red.; SANDLER, N.V., red. izd-va; DROZHZHINA, L.P., tekhn. red. [Insulation of ship cold-storage rooms; theory and design] Izoliatsiia sudovykh kholodillrjykh pomeshchenii; teoriia, i raschet. Leningrad Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1961. 177 p. Nefrigeration on ships) (MIRA 15:2) (Cold storage-Insulation) SKOBTSOV, Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich; IZOTOV, Anatoliy Dmitriyevich; TUZOV, Leonid Vasil lyevich;-~;-~--' ~--I-,-Inzh., retsenzent; YISELEV, M.A., inzh., red.; ONI-I~MCMTKO, R.N., red. izd-va; PETERSONY tek-hn. red. [Methods for reducing the vibration and noise of diesel engines] Yetody snizheniia vibratsii i shuma dizelei. Moskva, Mashgiz 1962- 191 p. (MI-RA 15:12~ (Diesel engines) (Damping (Mechanics)) DOBIROVOLISKIY, AleksarAr Petrovich; ROZENFELT, L.M., doktor tekhn. nauk) prof., retsenzent; SIURNOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; SELIVANOV, .9 K.I., nauchnyy red.; OZEROVA, Z.V., red.; TSIL, H.K., te . re . [Refrigerating installations on ships] Sudovye kholodillnye ustanovki. Leningrad Sudpromgiz, 1962. 390 P. '(MIRA 15:5) ( efrigeration on ships) PEVZNEH, Boris Moiseyevich; S4~~A~OV, I., kand. tekhn. nauk, J~ retsenzent; ABRAMOVICH, G.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; YIROMITSKAYA, Ye.Ye., red. (Marine centrifugal and axial pumps) Sudovye tsentrobezh- nye i osevye nasosy. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Leningrad, "Sudostroenie," 1964. 384 p. (MIRA 17:5) Sirl-LIVAHOTI, K. P. 25904 Selivanov, K. P. 0 Ratsionallnom Islollzovanii Protivomalyariynykh Preparatov. Vracheb. Delo, 1948, No. 6, STB. 527-30. SO: Letopist Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948 K. T-. and 'LAZAROV, I , _ r i I. A. "Hyd-rotechn-ical Antimalaria Measures in Conrection With ~he Plan -:,C~ u - - Transforming Na-ulare," Vrachebnoye Delo, Vol OS N52, PP 527-530 _�11AVANOV. K.P. Results for 1952 in controlling halminthiasis, malaria. and diseases trans- mitted by mosquitoes in the Ukrainian SSR. and problems to be solved in the near future. Med.paraz.i paraz.bol. no.4:305-309 Jl-Ag '53. (MI-RA 6:9) (Ukraine--Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) (Worms, Intestinal and parasitic--Ukraine) (Ukraine--Malarial fever) (Malarial fever-- Ukraine) (Ukraine--InBecto as carriers of contagion) (Insects as carriers of contagion--Ukrdine) SELIVANOV, K.P. (Ziyev) The basic link in the epidemiilogical chain of trichinosiss med.paraz, I paruz.bol. no.6:543-546 N-D 153. Oa-RA 6:12) (Trichina and trichinosis) SNLIVANOV.K.P. (Kiyev) MethGdo of control and elimination of enterobiasis in children's institutions. Pddiatriia, no.6:30-33 JI-D '55. (MLRA 9:6) (NIOMOBIUS, infect. in childrenI3 homes, prev. and control) SELIVANDY, K.P. 'Iesults of control of parasitic diseases in the Ukraine during, 1954 and plans for 1955. Hed.paraz. i paraz. bol.24 no.3:204- 207 Jl-S 155. (14MA 8:12) (PARASITIC DISKASES, prevention and control in Russia) SELIVANOV. K.P. -(Kiyev) Control measures and elimination of enterobiosis in institutions for children. Red. paraz. i paraz. bol. 24 no.4:362-363 O-D '55- (HLRA 9:1) (OXYURIASIS, prevention and control in Russia, in child. institutions) XC-"UIA 1-_:DICA LSZ:C.1'~ V61.4/5 Pub.Hoalthe Etc. 1::y 58 1495. THE RESU1,TS 6F THE 1951-1956 CAMPAIGN AGAINST PARASITIC DIS- EASES IN UKRAINIAN SSR, THE AIMS OF THE 1956-1960 CAMPAIGN AND A PLAN OF UNDERTAKINGS FOR 1956 (Russian text) - Sel ivanov K. P-.,.. 6, 25/3 (207-209) MED.PARAZIT. 195 During the period 1951-1955 the incidence of malaria fell by 96.215; in Kiev and south-eastern provinces of the Ukrain a reduction of the incidence of helminthiasis was observed and some success was achieved in the fight against enterobiasis (in 224 nurseries and similar children's institutions in 9 provinces this form of infes- tation was totally eliminated). In the north-western provinces, however, the re- sults were poor (the special network of clinics having been almost totally destroy- ed) and no reduction of the incidence of ascariasis and trichocephaliasis has been achieved. The sicth five-year plan anticipates total elimination of malaria, taeni- asis, marked reduction in the incidence of ascariasis and trichocephaliasis and elimination of en:erobiasis from nurseries and other pre-school children*s institut- ions. Intensification of the campaign against the larvae of Musca domestica and the blood sucking insects is foreseen. In order to fulfil the plan a wider education- al campaign for medical workers in parasitology is necessary and anti-malarial and medical parasitology departments of epiderniologico- sanitary stations must be put on proper footing. (S) 4. 1 . .11 11 ~ : ,~-, :1. ~ V, SELIVANOV. K.P.; SHNVCHN14KO, L.P. -, Soidf-miology of trichinosis. Med.parez. i paraz.bol.supplement to n0-1:71 '57- (MIRA 11:1) (TRICHINA AUD TRICHINOSIS) SICLIVANOV, K.P.; GRITSAY, M.K. P~roblems of medical parasitology on the pages of the periodical "Vrachebnoe D61o" in 1956. Med.paraz.i paraz.bol. 26 no.6-741-742 N-D 157. 661;i 13:4) (MKDICAL PARASITOLOGY) SELIVAYOV, K.P. (Kiyev). The role of public health agencies in prevpnting and eradicating malaria*' Vrach.delo no.10:1081-1083 0 158 (MIRA 11:11) (KAURIA) SB-LIV.;,JIOV, K.P..jKiyev) The problem of the liquidation of enterobiasis can be solved. VrILCII.delo no.3:281-2182 Mr '59. (miRA 12:6) (OXYLTIIIASIS) SELIVANOT, K.F. (Kiyev) Taenlarhynchus infestation imst be eradicated. Vrach.delo no.11: 1193-1195 N '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Ukrainakiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. (TAMIA) 6ELIVANOV, K.P. (Kiyev) Methods Por the reduction and elimination of ascariasis; a j. discussion. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 28 no.2:216-221 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) (ASCARIASIS, prev. & control in USSR (Rus)) SELIVANOV, K.P. (Kiyev) I Principal meaLures fot the eltnination of ascariasis. Vrach. delo no.2:108-1-10 F 161. (MIRA 14;3) (ASCARIDS AND ASCARIASIS) SELIVANOV, K. V. CkS PRESSUBF, WELDING OF RAILWAY WAGON PARTS. T, A, VLADreRSKII,1~. V. Selivanov, A. X, ShvylpQy, and N, v, Pasbkoy. (Avtol Delo, 1949 No. 12, pp/ 16-19) (In I:h)qsisn) It hes been found advantageous In the repair of railway wagon parts to replace the farge and flash-welding processes previously used by gas pressure-welding, and exqmples are given of the succeFsful use of this method. SK USSR /Metallurgy - Welding, Methods Oct 52 "Gas Pressure Welding of Pieces With Large Cross Section," T. A. Vladimirskiy, Cand Tech Sci, K. V. Selivanov, Engr :~3 "Avtogen Delo" N6 lo, pp 14-18 Describes expts for establishing optimam con- ditions of wreelding large round and double-T shapes with area of cross section up to 8,000 sq mm. Presents results of static and impact bending tests of welded specimens and concludes that gas pressure method with properly 231T53 developed technology might be used success- fully for welding pieces still larger than those of 8,000 sq mm cross section. 233-T53 N (0 1. '". ; S' -LIVANOV. 1.. V.; ~FIVYLFOV, A. K. 2. ij--'SF 60) /. Oxyacetylene wellin.; ani -uttling 7. New e:;ul~mentl for g--, pre. sure welJinF,,, Avto:!. delo, 24, No. 2, 19513. 4 t' 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. ,SEL VAIVOV~ VSSF!/ Fogineering-Welding Card IA Pub. 128-20/33 Authors Viadimirskiy., T. A.,, Can. Tecil. Sci.; and Selivanoy K V Engineer Title Gas-pressure welding of locomotive piston and drive rods PerbAicml Vest. mash, 34/8, 68-71, Aug 1954 Absti!act i An account is given of researches ma'de of welded joints on defeative, piston and drive rods taken from locomotives in actual operation. The SGF-7u gas-pressure machine wad developed for rods having a cross section of 6,500 to 8,000 mm2,. A description of this machine is given and data are presented on the quality of-its work. IllustraTions; graphs; table. Institution ...... Sutmitted LV~ ez.. oz- La SOV-135-58-2-7/18 Al'THOIRS: Tkachenko, F.S.,__SeIivanov,.Y,..V, and Shvylpov, A.K,, Engineers TITLE': Properties of Gas-Press Welded Joints of Cast and Rolled Large-Section L*etal (3voystva soyedinuniy litogo i prokat- nogo metalla bolishikh secheniy, vypolnennykh gazopressovoy svarkoy) PL7iI('DICAL; Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 2, pp 25 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article presents results of experiments on gas-press 2 welding of large-section ( 20,000 to 25,000 mm ) 9teel parts, where rolled with cast, rolled with rolled , and cast with cast parts were joined. Until now, th:s method was used in the URSR and abroad oply for joining round sec- tions not over 8,000 to 10,000 mm , whereas the described method obtains fully satisfactory joints in low-carbon steel sections of 22,5c'() mm . The described experiments, super- viged by T.A. Vladir;irskiy, were performed on gas-press equipment2developed by the TsIIII for welding parts up to 50, 000 mm and with the use of a multiple flame torch Card 112 ! ("',.G-PR'I) with an acetylene consumption of 21,COO m /hr, SOV-135-58-2-7/18 Prcperties of Gas-Fress *,Yelded Joints of Cast and Roled Large-Section Me t a l Gas press welding is now being applied in locomotive building and parts welded by the described method are used for loco- motives of the Northern and Far East railways. There are 5 tables, 3 graphs and 3 microphotos. A~-'S,)CIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instut zh,-d. trans- porta (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Transportation) Card 212 1. Welded joints--Test results AUTHORS: TITLE: FE'RIO)ICAL.- .135-58-8-9/20 Tkachenko, F. S., Selivanov, K. V. and Shvylpov, A. K., Engineers New '.:achines and Torches for Gas-Press Welding (novyye stanki i gorelki dlya gazopressovoy avarki) Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Pr 8, PP 30 - 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information is given on special equipment, used for welding railroad rolling-stock Darts in the Soviet Union, developed at TsFII NIPS under the supervision of T. A. Vladinirskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences. The welding stand (fig-l-3) equipped with a torch oscillating device for welding parts with a cross-section area up to 50,000 sq mm. The IISGP-8u" welding machine (fig.4) for the repair of large-8iZe loco- motive parts. ?..Iulti7)le flame torches such as: "MG-PRI' (fig-5) for welding and heat treatment of large-section parts; "MG-120" (fig.6) for welding cylindrical parts up to 120 mm in diameter; "UG-8011 to weld rods up to 90 mm Card 1/2 in diameter; 111.1,GD" (fig.7) and 'ITZG-DS" (fig.8) for repair New Machines and Torches for Gas-Press 'Welding 135-56-8-9/20 of locomotive coupling poles. The technical character- istics of this equipment are given. There are 7 photo- graphs and 1 diagram ASSOCIATION: TsVII MPS 1. Welding--Equipment--Characteristies Card 2/2 (G-9 We'