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24(6) AUTHORS SOV/57-58-12-1/15 Pavlov N M V Rzhanov A : . . ., ., , , Selezneva; M. A. TITLE: ---------- Invetitigation of the Energy Levels and of the Effective Capture Cross Sections of the Surface Recombination Levels in Germanium (Issiedovaniye energeticheskikh D01ozheniy i effektivnykh secheniy zakhvata poverkhnostnykh rekombiiiatsionnykh urovney v germanii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958, Nr 12, pp 2645-2656 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation of the surface recombination levels occurring as a consequence of heating the germanium samples in vacuum or because of the action of ozone upon these samples was carried oult. Preliminary data on the temperature dependence of the energy levels awlof the effective capture cross sections wher a hole and an electron are captured by these levels and the dependence of these.characteristics on the cross-field ampli- tude were obtained. The supposition is expressed that the charges captured at the"slow"levels at the surface have a considerable influence uDon the characteristics of the surface recombination levels. From this supposition is deduced that Card 1/2 - the nature of the recombination levels occurring because of Investigation of the Energy Levels and of the SOV/57-58-12-1/15 Effective Capture Cross Sections of the Surface Recombination Levels in Cermanium ASSOCIATION: SUBIMITTEI)a heating in racuum is caused by the action between concentratioa the concentration of The're are 9 figures, are Soviet. the same As the nature of the levels of ozone. A considerable parallelism and charge of"slow"surface levels and the recombination levels was found. 2 tables, and 10 references, 3 of which Fizicheskiy institut imeni P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR Moskva (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev,AS USSR,Moscow) December 28, 1957 Card 2/2 RZRANOV, A.V.; FAVLOV, N.M.; , _~~ELF-Zt!~KAJ-M.A,. Effect of temperature on the parameters of surface recombination centers in germanium. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no. 3:832-840 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva. AN SSSR, Moskva. (Crystal lattices) (Germanium) ACC NR: AD~036990' -A SOURCE COD] UII/ i/66/oO8/oll/3392/3393~, AU71HOR: Plotnikov, A. F.; Sel6z'neva, 14. A. 0-.,G: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITIS: Influence of 'Last-electron bombardment on the spectra of photoconductivity of Ga.As crystals Grown in an oxygen atmosphere SO'ORCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 11, 190606, 3392-3393 TOPIC TAGS: electron bombardment, photoconductivity, gallium arsenide, crystal growing, impurity -center A-_STRACT: authors investigated the influence of bombardment with 1-Mev electrons or. the photoconductivity of n-type GaAs crystals with carrier density n = 1016 Cr-3 and mobility 3000 cm2/v-sec. The photoconductivity of an n-type sample grown, under zhe same conditions but not specially doped with oxygen was also invest-Igated. The Photoconductivity was investigated by the method described by the authors earlier (F-1, no. 3, 183, 19062). The samples were irradiated at room temperature and the measurements were made in a cryostat at liquid-nitrogen temperature. Bombardment V th wish a flux of 1017 e1/cm2 produced in the undoped crystals impurity centers wit levels Ev + 0.59 and Ev + 0.34 ev. In the case of samples grown in an ox-ygen atmo- r- sphere, additional centers with level E - 0.65 ev were observed. These centers were! also observed in some samples before ircadiation. In both cases, the concentration I of the various centers increased with electron bombardment. It is proposed that this' i-Card 1/2 ACC NR: Ap6o36996 due to the fact that the GA-As produced in an ozygen atmosphere has more o.-jgen in i, - I -he crystal lattice in an electrically inactive state, and that electron bombardment U, U t' LI I transfers these oxygen atoms into a state connected with the level Ec - 0.65 ev. This is confirmed by other pu1blished results. The authors thank G. M. Voronkova for supplying the GaAs single crystals. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ suBm DAm 2omay66/ ORIG RFX: 001/ OUI REF: 001 Card- 2/2 tCi4ji_.-_A116_03_G99 5 SOURCE CODE: UR/O181/6_6_/O08______ 10111339013391 AUTHOR: VaTilovt Y. S.; Plotnikovt A. F.; jelezneva, M. As Sokoloys, A. A. ORG: Phyuics institute im. P. N, Lebedev, All SSSR, Moscoy (?17,icherkiy inititut AN SISSR) TITLE., Dependence of charge carrier mobility on temperature An GaAs Iryatals irradiated vith fast electrons SOURCE: Fimike. tvcrdogo t-E!la, v. 8, no. 11, 1966, 3390-3391 TOP!"' TAGS: car-inr scattering, current carrier, irradiation,,ionizzing irradiation,irradiation effect ABSTRACT: An in-vestiga.ion was made of the effect of radiation defects ip the crystal structure of GaAs on -the scattering character of the charge carriers at different temperatures. Four pure specimens, in ithich the mobility of charr;e carriers at temperatures from 100 to 300K iran due mainly to the scattering on optical lattice vibrations, were irradiated with a gradually increasing flux of electrons with an energy of about I Mev at room temperature. In pure GaAs crystals at tempera- tures higher than 300K I the mobility is due primarily to the scattering Qn polar optical-lattice vibrations. . At,temperatures lower than 10OKt scattering on ionized impuritiea prevails. In thetempemture'tange from 100,to ACC NR1 AP6036995 130CK, both types of scattering take place, although with an increase In' impurity concentration the ucattering on ionized impurities becomes more substantial. In irradiated crystals the mobility vas due to scattering of charge carriera on simple point defects. The calculated illumber of displaced atoms due to irradiation coincided with the number of scattering centers determined experimentally. Thin proven that structure defects affecting the scattering character in GaAs crystals irradiated with electronG are really Frenkel defecta* Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODEt 201 SUBM DATE: 2014ay66/ OTH REr.- OOT/ ATD-"PRES13t 5107' Card 2/2 SELEZNEVAJ__~9_1~ In advanced positions. Iransp. stroi. 13 no.3%37-38 Mr 163. (MIRA 16'.4) 1. Rukovoditell brigady zemlyanykh i betonnykh rabot stroitellnogo upravleniya No. 305 Sevzaptransstroya. (Railroads.-Construction) BLANY, S-, kand. ekonom. nauk; 3Ei,E'zN.'VPL, ff~, Anzh.-ekonomist River tran6rortation and the distribution of industrial enterprises. Rech, transp, 23 no-7:19-21 Jl 164. (MM 17.10) ma M I A 616.1clilluWls 16 l7 is it a Al u j 0. a ,,III a 4 t*, k " a " 41 t F e a L a 1.1u v I IL 1--l -.901 ---L 00 if T;D I.D 4~.!Dqpl pwo-cli-t-6-ts of -00 .17 of Iodide talts by persulfatos. IV 0 Cswydo oxidation The efiect of the concentatiou of hydrogen Ions and of the -00 cosc4stri-flon of lbe "Substratol, on the activity of Organic 00 r P. V. Afan"'cv and N. A. Scleincys. Acla 11. R. S. S. 9. ,*I. C- .1. 33, 41141. P. 11, Rathetiann =00 Of j =&O e 0 re 0 00 a a 0 0 00 z so* 00 2 j:z99 00 309 00 00 It be$ '=Go 00 &z W &L A0 TALI U~UKAL LITFRAIU-t CL WWOCATION 0 .00 t a-- 4.1 a.. 11, gel 0 ft It T .1 5. ITt it anI 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 0 "P.02P. SELEMEVA, ". ~- S. T~., AND I". V. - N T-V71 R 1~ T, "L: T.-'. T I Vj',j'-, ~ f~rv'-Y'~Z FOO Di4.VTL:Yl--', - BIOKH!Yyf L , 1949, T-"P - 6, S. f;21-1-37- - PT',ILTOGIR: S. 537. L~ay/ T,,M 1:17 OnL:o- SrIcznev~., i~.A. :.'CiccalarDept, ilhy-icotcci~ InEt, ~'caa t, oJ Acad '.uc lei 'ITZ c 3 L L 1 a L -~7 C.( 7 C 12 a c ic', bilc 0 c ~:-,c ---onz~ GIL-,11 -'I*,,!:- !'CE- C) :D-G, t s a C. r, tcL di 21 1 . .T - .- . .' -: . -- . -' on -- ~ ,, - - _i s "M `e r- - ' l!,, :o. ', jc~L;~!, Lenin~-rad r~" -11-," Biol:',-J.., u - I I f,-, r .:: nt at; - . -- 12-- *'13'= -CO - --"St., ..-, ~CL. - --., - ",-. .3-,-.-Lsonov, G. 'I. AT)r of' Vnr~r- Presauc," Ye. Brc-sler ec~ 'r?i--' Actirl USS7'; o" A.P. T."n--! 7S -I.- A',- -,leul- 1000"- flow I hirvis of polypeptidas by coodenution of &mJdes of hydry' Iddit. S~ F.- Ilte%tvr and N. A. !~4-1cirnmo if.eninvall PhYN rech. lust.. Acad. V.S.S.R.i Zhur. Ohlkrw Ehim (J. CWn. Client 120.3."A 41JI(ISOM). - AcSI 1, (40 X.) ill 14141 fill. Al- I'll M FCIJUXIII 20 30 Illin. will) 11.5 g. FION"t rave A Cryst. gnpill, I which W44 taken up in morr Flolf an#l vatel. wit dry IlCI. filteml, .111.1 yidiling 11)(0% A,N111-:1-110. in. W'. No I'Y-pft%l%%ct% wrir driertmI licit, r lite tra, lilm 1444 At,- vactic ariol wai converteil liv treatment of the Ft vster with NU, net. the amide which, tx)iW with S4 in sh- "C'Me. yivldc~l the Na detiv., AfeCII(ONOCOSII, ni *-4;'. The priuluct (9 g.) hvitM in &it mirmitrit Iubc 3 ~y werk,k to RV scave a tratisl"rent rrsips. which wA% tteated ill FtOlf with dry IICI. filtered. allif C"twl.. virlding j clear resin, devoillp. 10P Without welling; it i" -ol. in 160, le,~ in FtOll, initil. in LtO,dinliane.or %fr,CO. Contlcn- %ation for 5-7, days trivei a %44tcr re%in. Condenuttion of the free amidt: will% tut-talliv Na at I III* g;ivr ;% iLifit limi. in I atilt romidt-rable Nift. liytfr(ply%is of fit(- lircofut I by ulv. ati. IICI at 33' in 22' hr4. itave 40r~ Cleavage of tilt: Maide links. while juincTratin gave 45t'; hydrolyiis in In firv. In both cae-; alinine wa, the end prothict. hence the re,ill vF-As a poly 01410of p6ty'll's"mr, IV Ad.trptoms all rhart-cul atilt Xnairtomettle of I It"uplu. estalAiihed file Polymeric nalure of the pro,furt atilt itit hydrolyzate'. Polarimetric examn. showed W', retention of the L- cmfiguration. INIGI. wt. by ~i~osity detris. gave AX)I) - twx)o av. ruot. wt4. G. Nt. Ko%olapoff 8 th I of polypeptides by coadensstion of asuldes of $is ydr,,ye,,i,d, . F. llrcl,-r and N. A. ,% KFA.1 I'livi-Tvch. 1;1,t.) J . Grn. chepit. R .10, tt.111SIAtiOll). 'we C.A. 44, I'Ohhl. R. M s VResynthesb Ql-_p t . E&w-llllftr pressutc-"' Breje M. V Glikina IN 1'. A. various protc-ins N%~ =ireat,-d %N- t crystalline 8 'kJ Ll protcases. A~ier livdiolysic; haft occurred ti 11'11 tt re was, Uxposed I toa pressure of 60116atni. and Ov- r,-ivjith(~siTolf t*lw'prot,.,m studi,t]. cQ -4 It is found that with mi:--tutci 4 different substrit .f"i, e.g., I- ovalbiumin, Fermn albunur, tlj,,- arimant of pv)ttin jcli%rifficsiscd was greatl-; reduc,~d, although varb of the pv-tvins sparately P,~-5alot4lV CQUIIJ b0 TC5~-ilthrmsed, Resynthc~,is takv~, placr not in stel " but rapidly, and it i3 n,--~ to isolate any iiitLrm--diar"~. Alfl~ substances bPt--%Cf`n th" P711dild, Ili ll%firoh.~is and t1w rosvn thesised protein. 11. 11. SMYTH'. USSR/Chemistry, Biological - Proteins 11 Jun 52- "Crystallization of Lesynthesized Protein," S. Ye. Bresler, N. A. Selezneva "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIV, No 5, PP 1013-1015 kuthors showed formerly that enzymatic resynthesis under pressure of products of deep fission of pro- teins yielded artificial substances of globular stzuc- ture which exhibited a biol activity (antigenic, enzymatic, and hormonal) typical for native proteins. In the expts described now, equine serum albumin was split by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Upon addn of glu- cose serving to protect the enzymes against fission, 223T22 the protein was resynthesized under pressure. Inves- tigation in an ultracentrifuge showed that the re- synthesized protein showed a mol wt dispersion of 22% in comparison with the initial albumin. This disper- sion explains the lower biol activity per unit of wt exhibited by resynthesized proteins. The product of resynthesis crystd with great facility, however. 223T22 Chemica, I Abat. Vol. 48 No. 8 Apr. 25, 1954 Organic Chemiatry Synthesis OhIk C lojp~p - on. WT , YA _P11 by ex austive niii . 1. -, ~Mohotfm and N. A. Selezoeva. ;'4T'0"b,ihrher Kht if dX.XUAra.~. - Treatment in the cold of Ar(ClljhBr w4th aslight cxcm of Alc,N ~avc AcCIFICMCIIINW~Br, which, slowly dLdd. with slight exces~i 40% K011, yielded 10-5%- Me Cyck-1 Maur, b. 1l1-11.5" (6 (I.SR-17, rill 1.49-00; 2.4~ =&nythydrawne, in. 1341-8*. Use 'u'( Ag.0 gavb ,vanishingly low yields. The ImAuut wx- further ideutifie& by its Raman-!iEimr 0. m. K!i. ~ 4 _ 77., "77 '71 on polybAudes.~ Slobodin and 12M.Va. J ." (&,Ofillir ac in a J _ .o C1120VANth AM C11, I- scaled tube In I month jkve 957o i nd ...... . VAf n CH B W 1 49 o N I 51 i 1A - MOM . - n r t o ri a n . eO prop I . O - ..................... tnonth save 50% CH(NOrs)~Brn, CH~13j-0f,lIr and M6N "' _di 'In 2 mouths gav . e ' 100%4.2-RQH~ . bropalde and NfeiN1 In 3;~ tnontlis -guve, 0- 1uc1hy1,dMftinium)cyddh4ant brmidq' MqCH_1trCUi_Br and., Nfe#N In 4 montlts-ga4c~W 1,2440r; 4'raofithi pr Pw~ bratuidq, I ISM and Me,Nju Sz _ give 30% r ; : mide, Cfft(CHjBr)i at d Nfejb~ rd'a f# ~ days gave * i ' - ' - ,;Iixn fw 2 months- H,Br)2- CHBr(C CHjCHjNMes)jtBrj. d Me&Wgave~ the diamritouluin - salt, ClH~.VlBri s, 'formed Months the re prvkn~ bromide. MeC.Br(CulDr), Afi~l N16N. in-6 ixibraths -e - jave '100% ' ' :- t_ di-: bmmide while in. 3 ni4410M 01M WAS j4DjfZj6& Only the r* Ysi utadie ne romi e 7 , . Isomer) and N1141,1- la'3 ~monft gave 0 (wild and Afe,N in Br)2 2 iindal (CH.-CI)i-and % salt and 20% diarn.aniont salt. MCMBr)i -and. Me;N in several d 0a"Oft ays in ft-N bno H~Crllclllc mide- In 2 monf!4,,cIc N And, save C H CH CHJ and NfczX-(acU-d'ai ~~25*) _dt~nsevcm. r; . ln'40-h6s cHj~cHcyjNMi,1: chloride and Mer N A gav6 2feC71.,C11C71,,'NAtesC1.' Addju oI-M6jN:to_(.-CFr-~!,~ CIIB Wi o idl CjjCj h ) t c j r rap , y 5.361o -17/(8 AUTILVAS: TITLE: Lit E,R TODICAL: o, - P b,--Ltyl, ABSTRO'T: follo-.1i o,tyj , 13 2 q: d i640 6 2- ; y i J. nne f(2 c- t y 1 o salts of J- - !--,t be- pr-cip- A . in Coll"- r al- a i- - .lic- for -ar, d 1 1 d d k~ Tt a~! Card 14 ,'u aL0' h f picrates C) - e r-, t e s t iven ir, Ta.-,lE-, 1. are E S--i It 5 C-) f 1- A I Picrates TUble 1 ),md 1 -Et lay 1 -8 -hydi~o:---yq u~i no I -Bi 1 ityl-8-hydro~,~y-ljuin I -Octyl 1 .7 7` 3) - 3 -T/7' Oalculated r a I 013 13 - (',C~ .55 y (1, _)D f ai'c~ 1 a c d TT), Card 2/3 Salts of I-Alkyl-8-hydroxyquinoline 77356 SOV/~9-30-1-17/78 X_ -03S-/-" -N~N-/'_"\_OH N > N~ oil \R- R SUBMITTED: The struc-cure of dyes was confirmed by elemental analysis. The brown-red color of the obtained dyes becomes more intense with the Increase of the length of the alkyl radical chain. There Is I figure; 2 tables; and 5 Gervian references. January 9, 1959 Card 3/3 IOFFE9 I.S.; SEL~ZVKV~4 . . N-Ethylmesoaminoacridirlium salts and their conversions. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.1'.50-53 Ja 161. (MIU 14:1) (Acridinium compounds) IOFFE, I.S.; SELEZNEVA, N.A. Rhodamine dyes and related compounds. Part 5: oC -pyridylrhodamine. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no-5:1485-1489 W 162. (KRA 15:5) (Rhodamins) (Pyridinium compounds) 1. :;:, ;.E''N;:Vn, 11. ", cies Fln"I - - --- ---- - rhodarn-ines containing carboxyl group at radicals. Zhur. ob. fti:ri. 34 no.,,'%2041-2044 Je~ 164* (MMij, 17~ 7'j ACC NR: AP7005546 SOURCE CODE: UR/0360/66/000/004/0031/0034 AUTHORs Selezneva, N. A. ORG: none TITIS: Preparation of high-purity selenium by ion exchange SOURCEt AN K&zSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimioheskaya, no. 4, 1966, 31-34 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, ion exchange ABSTRACT: High-purity selenium was obtained by ion exchange from samplos containing I large amounts of tellurium, mercury, antimony, arsenic, copper and iron on the Soviet-made resins KU-2 and AN-1. A 2% selenium solution in 0.1 N KNO3 was used for the purification. Under these conditions, selenium is present mainly as the Se ion, tellurium as the TeO++ion, and the metals as the corresponding cations. Fo this reason, when the solution is passed through a cation exchanger, the metal cations and TeO++ are adsorbed, while SeO3-2 passes into the effluent. When the latter is passed through an anion exchanger, only selenium in the form of So( y is adsorbod. The selenium sorbed by the anion exchanger was eluted with 2N N&OH, and after acidification of the effluent with HZSQ+, was reduced to the elemental state. Since reduction with S02 contaminates~selenium with sulfur,'selenium was reduced in acid medium with hydrazine. Tin and silver were not removed by the method employed. Orig. art. hass 3 tables. SUB CODEI 07/ SUBM DAM 8Aug65/ ORIG REF: Oil/ OTH REFS oo6 Card uDc: 546.23 s 66.o74.7 course and surgical treatment of papillary cysts of the ovary [with summary in English]. Akush. i gin. 34 no-3-65-70 MY-Je '58. WRA 11:6) 1. Iz otdeleniya operativtkvkh metodov lacheniya z-9v. - prof. V.S. Vrinovskiy) lisuchno-iqoledovateliskogo inatituta-akusherstva i 1-,inekologii (dir. - dotsent L.G.Stepaiiov) Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneniya RSFSR. (OVARIES, neoplasms papillary cysts, clin. course & surg, (RUB)) (PAPILWMA, ovaries, clin. course & surg. (Rus)) SF,I,P,'ZIJL,*VA, N. D. Crind IMod Sci -- (diS13) "Clinic and zequq~ae of the surgical raes Iros, treptment of morphologically benign papillary cystomas of the ova k 1959. 15 p (1st Mos Order of Lenin Med Inst im I. M. Sechenov), 200 copies p (KL, 43-59, 128) -92- SELM'EIVA, N.D., kand. med. nauk Endoscopic methods of exeiiination in the diagnosis of gyne- cologic diseases. Sov. med. 26 no.11:66-71 N162 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz khinirgicheskogo otdeleniya ( zav. - prof. V.S.Frinov- skiy) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo, instituta, alcusherstva i gine- kologii ( dir. - prof. 0.V. Makeyeva) Ministerstva. zdraTrookhra- neniya RSFSR. SELEZNEVA, N.D., MDISEYEVA,. Ys.N. Use of Dneumoper-itoneum in gynecology. Vest. rent. i rad. 38 no.6":64-65 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo (zav.- prof. V.S. Frinovskiy) i rentgenovskogo (zav.-doktor meditsinskikh nauk A.L. Kaplan) otdeleniy Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta akusherstva i ginekologii (dir, prof. O.V. Makeyeva) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. S E LEZZ NE WA , ? I . N . , in. z h . River transportatLon and distribution of the industry of mineral building materials in Leningrad Province and the Karelian A.S.S.R. Trudy LIIJIT no.74:5-12 161~,. Nita 18: 11) SELEEZNEEVA, N. V. 37089. Ukazatell I~teratury Po Gipertonicheskoy Bolezin. Trudy Uzbek. Gos. Nauch.-isoled In-ta Kurortologii i Fizioterapii Im. SemaBhko, sb. 31, 1949.. c. 325-50 SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949 SELEZNEV) N.V. ut, tJie t.rpnnTi~;,; I on I eve is of 7 i svi-az' 8 ja 16-1'. labor-i~A,,,ii T-'-arit,allnoy stantsii -da (~Lracj. r-alik d. tle -a t4 r e e KOVUN, P.K.. IINVZOROV. A.P., ANTON12TKO, G.F.,; BUDDIA,L.V.; VORONINA, Te.P.; GUQIV, P.I.. YELAGIN, M.N., ZHURAVIJ4V. M.A., ZALOZN_YY, K.D.: KOMKOY.T.N.* KOROBOV, A.S.;KORG-HALGIN, Y.H.; WIROV, V.N.; LAPSHINA, O.V.-, LUTIXOV,I.Ye." MA*e3TIIN, A.Ya.; MORO' "CIIA, A.P.;PONORkRICHUZ, m.K,;P7,H- KOV, A.M.; IIAZMOLOGOVA, A.M.;RUBI'11, S.M.- SE ;SMNOVA, F.I.; SPIRIDONOVA, A.I.;SUSECHXVSKIY, I.I.G.;USO~,-97P.-,-TARKOVSK--Iy, X.I.; CHXNYKAYTIA, Ye.A.;SJPjNDRIKOV, G.L.; FliULIGIII, G.T.;TSITSIN, N.V.,aka- demik, radaI_-tor;REVEENK0V4i A.I.,radaktor; IGiOMINA, N.M.. khudozhastven- nyy radaktor; VSSIIIOVA, Ym.I., takhnicheskly radaktor; PEVZNERY.B.I.. tmIdinich(wkiy rn(lak-tor. [Plant breading at the 1955 All-Union Agricultureal Exhibition] Rastenie- VocIstvo na V9esoinznoi sal'skokhoziaistvannoi vystavke 1955 Eoda. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sel"Ichoz.lit-ry, 1956. 607 p. (M12A 10:4) (14oscow--Pl.-nt breading--Exhib-itions) 1=40V, Ivan Dmitriyevich, kard. ekon. nauk; ROVINSKAYA, Ye., red.; SUE-ZIIEVA, it., mlad. red.; HOSKVINA, R., tekhn. red-. ["Common Market" and the competition of the two systems] "Obshchii rynok" i sorevnovanie dln&h sistem. Moskva Sotsekgiz, 1963. 110 p. (MIRA 17:11 (FLu-opean Economic Corumnity) (Gompetition, International) 5 5 ( 7 A'E HOR 5 el z~j TITLE: Tle Use of 'Paper C' -,-y and Analysl s of Ila ;)h+.hyl Amine and 01 Sul -f 0 Aci, d S - I dlya a-i' 4 (Prime nen i1ire bu::1azhnoy 'I.' ro-- i Ide-t-Ifit'.~--i-i n~~ftil=in i fo"-- S' ot PERIODICAL: Zavo1_s1.-,-%ya Labo-ratoriya, 11_~6, Vol 2,', 'Tr pp 17 3 (USSR) '133'~HACT: This v.,or` was awarded t'.eYendeleyev Prize ir L-Ainak (Ref 2" was already applyi-,-,~ paper cInro:-. --t c- d 0 ,~;raphy to the lctermi-,._~tion of admIxturias in -na-l"ithol, and naphthyl -:nine sulfo acics. Ir. the -'-orl: re..'orted hefe an con-11101 method vias develojed for the jr:-)- duction of 2-napht-yll ar..iine-5-OXY-7-sulfonic ac4_~d (!-acid) and 2-naphthyl amine-8-oxy-6-sul-fonic ac.'d (Gar,:--a acid). T,-e aso dye produced was separ-_;-ted, a"d in the c~l_se th-A the sulst~_-ice bein-- investi--alled 4id not react with t'.Iie compound t.,-,e fluorescence of Card 1/3 t,,e naDht~--Yl amire sulfonic acids could be observed. The Use of in t,ie Id en t if icat ion S07/32-2Z - 1 1- 12/3 7 and Analysis of Vapht*21yi Amine and Na!)htol Sulfo Acids i.i L-50 was used as a source of radilation. T'-s co-,!:,i~~ts of a PEK -4 lamp and -a UFS -3 light filter -,-.,hi-ch is tr,-,parent to wave 1--ths of -120 ~;10 mqL. Ii~ controlling the sulfonation :;tep in prf)!uci~)t- thf, ~-mino Tobits ac".d it was found t I t i n c om e ,, C, sI I I f c, I! at i w I _,avc- tz on --~ s 0111 t1,,0 C!,ro-u-'1106ram, iii iihich it vias necesszir, to prolon- th~i ',eatinlf- treatrle-t at 1000 fro-,!q o' to 9 hours in oi-der to .-c'-.ieve co:n--Le~e reaction. T"le C',)ro:nato,3ra7-. obtail,ed in de~ernini?17 L n-., U-e hydrol- s 0f 2-napht-yl --mine-1 , 5,7-trisul onic aci d shOWed six fluoreE;cent zones. Ina com--,~-~te hydrolysis t.",-,e triSu!4'onic acid zone (fourth zo2:e) is zca-rcely v4 34 ble. F,)r t',-e de'E=inalion of adi.-.-4xti1rrs in t-e u paste of G-a-cid ( in the oulfonation of azo dyes viere proluced from pure samples o' snits of G-, R-, and Sc',,---'f--rer (Sheffel-) acids, and from d--a- zoti-2~ed p--,oluidirle fcr technical G-s--It. The chromat-oji-am oho,;,ed c%~ sli,~rp se~,,a-,-r-tion off, t-1-e dljy~--, Card 2/13 ind if t*,,.,? -c- is inco::iuiet e sulfon--, t 4-- on in t-.t= G-zalt The Uce of .3a~)er ir. t'-e tion SCVj/-,2_-,4_jj_j-,f-77 ard Analyosi2 of Amine and a- ph t o I Sulfo A c i -1 s thr.) content of SchLf-I'er-sal't will be siarply -ircreased T'-,,e co-,.plc-teness of t','Ie amination of the was by chrom;ttogr..phic ro-jar:~Aiol; of :-, -11-0 whic'6-,, -a!~s obt-jr,orl from it -.-;Ith tl,.e There is 1 Soviet reference. ~omilavskiy zr.vod im.ILV.Fninze (Dorogo- ASSOCIATION: Doror milOvGk:LYC',,4er,ical Plant imeni II.V.Frunze) C a rd /3 MOROZOVA, M.S.; SELE221EVA, T.P.; GORDEYEVA, M.A.; TWIN, L.L., otv. za vypusk; DEMEDhIEV, B.S-.J''red.; GALAKTIGNOVA, Ye.H.,, tekhn. red. [Time and estimates norms for road work. Estimates are converted in accordance with the price scale introduced on 1-1 1961)Sbornik norm vreireni i restsenok na dorozhWe raboty. Rastsenki pereschi- tany iskhodia iz masshtaba tsen, vvedennogo, s 1/1 1.961 g. Mo- skva, Avtotransizdat. Pt.2. (Construction and repair of highway bridges and cond-uits]Stroitel'stvo i remont avtodorozbmykh mo- stov i trub. 1962. 463 p. (MMA 15:12) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)Ininisterstvo av-tonobillnogo trans- porta i shosseir*rkh dorog. TSentraltna.*a norrativno-issledovatell- skaya stantsiya. (Bridge construction) (culverts) L 1292-66 E'.VT(m)/EPF(C)/'EIYP(c)/E'IIA(d)/=-WP(t)j~~r.-'.IP(k)/EviP(z)/tIlP(b)- ~JDAIB ACCESSION NR: AP5025502 tm/o36s/6s/ooo/Oo3/O265/O271 AUTHOR:. Rozenfeld, 1. L.;_Novitskays., M. A., SeleznL-vaL__&_V_t 4'~_ 1 -L e. __- 1 17. lq/6" le Yi, 6-6 11 '_L) TITLE: Dissolving of Kh18N9T stainless stee -the binary systems HN03--HC1, 03--HF end the ternary system RN03--HCI--HF SOURCE: Zeshchits, metallov no- 3, 1965p 265-271 TOPIC TAGS: stsinless steel, solution property, metal etching, electrolyte Kh18N9T stainless steel ABSTRACT: .In view of the contradictory requirements of current*technol .ogro ,in which apparatus must be made ot stainless steel for etching processes !ranging in scope from high-speed chemical mi ing!to slow scale removal !requiring minimum weight least no one electrolyte can be universally The authors have attempted to devise a ternary diagram permitting :selection of the prop,ttchrg agent from the system IIN03--HCI-HF 6n the ej rf .basis of -the corrosion 4 n steel. The dissolving of MOW steel In ,HN03~-HC1, HN03--HF and KNOr-HCI--HF van inveotigatedi Etching rate was .related to compositiong and a ternary diagram was plotted. The diagram shown the electrolytes 0one composition provides the most rapid etcbingg ;Card-1/2 L 1292-66 ACCESSION NR, AP5025502 -which can be used foi- chemical milling, an well as those whose rate-to suitable for usage as scale removers. Electrolytes which provide bright surfaces were found. The following scale-removing electrolyte wa, developed. .,and tested in production conditionat.. HN03, 220-240 g/1; N&F, 20-25 g/l, Moscow, Zashchita Metalloy, No 3, 11&y-jun 65, pp 265-g7j. 11INaC1, 20-Z5 9/1. Etching time was 5-60 min at'room temperature, dissolv- ing rate 25-30 g.m2-hr. An accelerated method'for testing the stability !.of the passive state of stainless steels after technological tkeatment, iconsisting of 10 hr exposure to an atmosphere of 98% relative humidity 1and containing sulfur anhydride as a depolarizer, in suggested. It in shown that etching Khl8N9T steel in the proposed electrolyte sharply in- creases its stability In the StMosphere. I 0r:Lg. art. boat I f gure and 4 grq&s. 1ASSOCIATIONi none ':SUMT=t 07peb64 ENCLt 00 SUB CM: M, OC NR RM sm t W8 OMWt 004 Card'_!~/2..i - ----- SELEZIEVA, V In the Vitebsk Society of Pediatricians. Zdrav. Bel. 7 73-74 F 161. (KCRA 14:2) (PEDIATRIC SOCIETIES) SEIEZNEVA, V. Work of the Society of Pediatricians of Vitebsk City and Province. Zdrav. bel. 8 no.h73-74 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:3) (VITEBSK PROVINCE-PEDIATRIC SOCIETIES) 1. PODDUMIAIA-ARTOLIDI, V. A., SELEZZTEVA, V. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. -Orchids 7. Orchids. Friroda 41 no. 12, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. March 195:7. Unclassified. PODDIIBN.iiYA-ARNOLIDI, V.,&.-, SF.LZZNEVA, V.A. Growing orchids from seeds. Trudy 3:106-124 153. (mn A 7:4) (Orchids) SICT NEVA, V.A. Methods of cultivating cattleyas and cypripedia. sada no.18:109-111 154. (MLRA 8:3) 1. Glavny7 botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Orchids) .aLEZIMU. V.A. Cultivation of the orchids Calanthe R.Br. and Coelogyne Lindl. no.22:96-99 '55. (MLRA 9:5) 1. Glavnyy botanichaskiy sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Orchids) MHUMA, V.A. Insectivorous plants. Priroda 44 no.12:110-111 D '55. (MIJU 9;1) l.Glavnyy botanichesliy sad Akademii nmuk SSSR. (Insectivorous plants) SELEZNEVA- V.A. RODDUBNAYA-ARNOLIDI, Vera Alekseyevna; SELIEN&VA. Va . , .1,,tn BLAGOVESHCHICISKIY, A.V.. prof., 6-tvetetvdnny7 red.; MIKESHIN, G.V., red.izd-va; ASTAVYEVA, G.A., COrchids and how to grow themj Orkhidei I ikh kulltura. MoBk7a, .Lzd-vo Akad.nauk S&SR9 1957* 173 P, [With Snglish summary] (Orchids) (MIRA 11:3) =..E-q,'Z7VA:p V. A. PODDUBIIAYA-Arnolldi, V..A.i.SELEZNEVA, V.A. Method of propagating orchids by seeds. no.27: 33-40 '57. (MI2A 10:5) l.Glavn7y botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Orchids) SELKNEVA, V.A. - - - . __ - - - LL"44~ Raising Victoria at the Main Botanical Garden. Blul. Glav. bot. sada no.28:113-115 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad Akadamii nauk SSSR. (Moscow--Victoria (Plant)) U-S 31, CATEGORY A 3'j joulR. .4 in, z B: LI V.IL. lc n-f T 13 1 -l I F! ~a T-,C:, b. f C.p 1; E: ILI t r c t on the, is :I,, T- t .3 t an ,3 hn ds Ing e. -a vr it 5ELEZINEVA,-Valentina Alokuoymaj SUKHORUKOV, K.T., prof., otv, red. (Tropical and subtropical orchids] Tropichoskie i sub- tropicheskie orkhidei. Mos-kva, Nauka, 1965. 169 p. (MI.U is: 11) PETROV, Viktor Pavlovich; SELEZNEVA, V.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; GODINER, F.Ye., red.; SORKIN, M.Z., tekhn. red. [Hockets of peace and war] Rakety =ira i voiny. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1963. 170 p. (MIRA 17:4) FROLOVA, M.A.; FROLOV, V.A.; SELEZNEVA, V.P. Effect of various doses of diphtheria anatoxin on the immunogenic reactivity of the body. 2hur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 41 no.9-. 8-13 S 164. (MIRA 18?4) 1. Moskovskly ordena Lenina meditsinskiy institut imeni Sechenova i Moskovskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotak imeni Machnikova. DANYUSHEVSKIY, S.M.. professor; SELUNEVA. V.T. ~ Organization of dispensaries to serve collective farms. Sov.zdrav. 13 no.1:16-21 Ja-F 154. (XLRA 7:2) 1. 1z Holotovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannost' direktora - professor S.I.Gusev). (Public health, Rural) e_ /r- z- A-> c wx- 77 /j.! ,1,jcijie - 'Mstory, Petr Vasillyevich Rudanovskiy FD-1877 Lullhor : Selvzneva, V. 1111. Title : F. V. Rudanovskiy: pre-revolutionary prominent medical worker of the Urals Pericd"Lcal : Sov. ZUrav., 2, f.-1-55, Mar-Apr, 19,55 Zostract : Petr Vasilyevich Rudanovskiy, one of the most prominent pre-revolutionary medicP! men of the Ural region, spent almost his entire life looking after the health and welfare of metallurgical workers. Born in Kazan' in 1820 and died January 29, 16c~. After brraduatin_~,r from University of Kazan' he road for one year to study treatment of eye diseases. Well known went a1b z;hrou.-hout Europe for works in anatomy and histology. Paris Academy -iected.bim correspondin, member and University off Kazan' granted him the _,.egrce of Doctor of Medicine without dissertation or examination. Ins-,itution: Chair of OrGanization of Health Service and History of Medicine Molotov 1-_eO i (.-al Institute :*-',oy 2-6., 1)53 S=ZNXVA, V.T.; DASMiVICE, A.I. Sanitar7 and epidemiological stations in a rural district. Sov. zdrav. 15 no.4:24-27 Jl-A-- 156. (114LBA 9:9) 1. Iz kafedr7 organizataii zdravookhraneniya (zav. - prof. S.M. Darquahavskiy) Molotovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta (RURAL CONDITIONS, sanit.-epidemiol. stations in rural areas in Russia (Rua)) SICLSZAVA, V.T. History of the Ural Medical Society in Yekaterinburg. Sov.mad. 21 no.9:135-138 8 '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1. 1z kafedry organizataii zdravookhroneniva (zav.-A.G.Vershina) Permskogo medits-Inskogo instituts. (SOCLETLO, MEDICiL in Russia, Ural Med.6oc.) SELFZNEVAL, V. T.; DASHKEVICH, A. I. "On the problem of organizing the work of sanitary- epidemiological third-category stations in a rural region." report submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemologists and Infectionists, 1959. SELEZNEVA, V.T. - --I "Russian hospital schools in the eighteenth century" by B.N. Palkin. Sav. --drav. 19 no.11:75-77 160. (W RA 13: 1-1) (MEDICINE, --STUDY AND TEACHING) (PAIKIN, B.N.) e r- h n b I. verlod z~f j-cs. 3 16*3 -3; -333 1* 3 SELEZNEVA, V.T. (Perm') Ural physicians during the revolution of 1905-1907. Sov. zdrav. 22 no.6:61-65163. (IRMA 16:9) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii medi- tsiny (zav. - dotsent A.G.Vershinina) Permskogo meditsinskogo insti tuta. (MU-1 FOVEIINVE111-REVOLIff ION OF 1905) (PERM GOWUMEW- PHYSICILUS) FLs t-)ry of a t. I ot M, F11 lr,5-,,i tUt#,e rnn. mod. Inst'. C', p- V. in ;Ptlrm Glovermaent (!-,,:,!.ng the irica~t-.-;n TruAly Perm. cos. ined. inst. 13~-3216-333 63. in yeartj of rees b1 Ighment of the rat,onal e-~-rl -7 Tb;,: Public during Trudy Parm. A3, 34f,,353. KOZLOV, U.S.; PINEGINA, L.Yu.; SELEMNEVA, Ye.A. Synthesis of p-ethoxy a4id p-ethyl derivatives of p-erylamino ketones. Zhu:~.ob.khim. 32 no.2:436-439 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Ketones) ZHIVOPISTSEV, V.P.; AITOVA, V.Kh.; SELEZNEVA, Ye.A, Successive separation and determination of some elements by means of diantipyrylmethane. Part 1: Separation and determination of zinc and cadmium. Izv.vyg.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 6 no.5:739-743 163. (WRA 16:12) 1. Permskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imen-L A.M.Gortkogo, kafedra organicheskoy khimii. ZFIVOMISFV, V.P., AITOVA, V,Kh.; SELEZNE.VA,--Ye.A. S 1 ~U-)sequent separation and determination of some elements by means of diantip yLmethana. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. I Tr 6 no,6:909-912 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Permskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni GorIkogo, kafedra orp7,intcheskay khimii. ZHIVOPISTSEV, V.P.; MDUN, A.A.; 111LIMINA, L.L.; AITOVA., V.Kh. Extraction sepai~#bion and determination of some elements by means of dian'uipyrylmethane. 'Trudy Kom.anal.khim. 14:133-140 163. (ILML 16:11) 7 --innrn e-r, I'l /r-vl P2A/Pn:~~ AJ 1 66 It- a! v ba idAr'm - M~exc'eOtUniAp ~ly to mo vb~eiiumV~ T~stegY ~:i~ncLtiii ge rn with--incre'asing-icidity.-Exp'eri-ments--..~~ 4jgffi]:~b~.traction of which'iticreaseo ~involving the use of,,iit it 4'.ektr'iction by t-hp;.direq~-- h p. ape. system (Including the twom~phase-qystem.-*here li I- d' 9y -ve ry itt e cobalt -W~-6xtracte is Ias.111ghas.991O.. The expei~~erits.devi.el.o~-,,6d.i-,'~'t'hi6c~6iii.~~,ii~.idse-rile~t..1 whic] mill undoubtedly-Increase' the extra6tion. of a number eleineints' -%tholybdenu'rik-, 1ungsten, zinc, tin, etc.+to-thele~"etof e;pOinted-out:_1 -of - --Ahat theintroduction of the-~'th-r-e~e4 "e'sy~Vkmm i1h, &~ . ` prdvei, eiar i~~ .'titanlurn, thoriuin Wit' ILI ca~46~- and blernuth it! al so e usually very inad quate extraction: of manganese for,eXaMple Canbe-ra se 7~ 39952465,~ ACCESS16N NR: *, ;' AP4007906 . . ; ASSOCIAT ON.; e :UtAv6f-d Simi.. P imokly, x,6 udars-twerin ty) -4, 00 ENCL. SUBr&TTED: IgAug UB CODE.~~: SOW,-,'-Ol -N REF. o , tg Ir 1/3 d NIVOPISTSEV, V.P.; SELEMEVA, Ze.A. Extractiori-complexometric deterirdnation of cobalt in irozi, copper, and nickel-based alloys. Zav.lab. 29 no.12:1421-1423 '63. (MERA .17:1) 1. Permskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. OUSAKOVA-FEDOROVA, 11-Ya.; SHLHZIWA, Ye.D. Treatment of cervical erosions with Siberian pineapple oil. Akush. i gin, no-5:57-58 S-0 155. (KIRA 9:1) 1. Iz Institute, akusherstva i ginek-ologii (dir. L.G. Stepanov) KinisteratV8, 2dravookhraneniya SSSR. (CERVIX, UTICRINIC, dis. erosion, ther., Siberian pineapple oil) (PIANTS Siberian pineapple oil. thor. of cervical erosion) (OILS same) GUSAKOVA-YEDOROVA, K.Ya.; SELMNEVA, Ye.D. Use of gramicidin paste as a contraceptive. Akush.i gin. 35 no.6: 19-20 N-D 159. (MMA 13:4) 1. Iz Institute. akusherstva i ginekologii Ministerstva. zdravookhra- nenlya. RSFSR, Mosk7a. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol. ) (CONTRACEPTIVES) MAKEYEVA, O.V., prof.; ZBELOMOUSEVA, I.N.; SELERIEVA, Ye.D. Laprovement of prophylactic work at women's health centers. Sov. med. 24 no. 7:134-137 J1 160. (MM 13:8) 1. Iz Instituta akusherstva i ginekologii (dir. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk O.V. Makeyeva) Mirdsterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (GUTECOLOGY) in" SELEZNLVA, Ye.N. (Moskva) Hygiene instruction in a children's medical ins.titute. Med. sestra 20 no.11:45-50 N 161. (HEZTH EDUCATION) ("URA 15:2) SELEZNEVA, YaJi,~, inzh. The dynamics of poles with rijid shafts. Mat. po met. konstr. no.6:112-1.16 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Mechanical engineering) SELE,ZNEVA J, Ye.N.? inzh. Dynnmics of masts under the effect of wind. Mat. po met. konstr. no.7,.80-107 162. (MIRA 17:1) m ELI-t.'21,il. , Ye . S . "the -,Iroble.-.i of .erolm-ical -nvestilc-ation of Droui-h'Ls in the Southenst"I Trudy 7x-':n, 7, 1936. Dady Courm of To N, sph(-re, I N., A., III 1C.I.,wil Willi I.I.KhAl apim-ar to Im- miluviu,rd IN mtw. -urf.-. AIM their ansplitude I,-. IMWA'.114 livight In III,- and imb-1- imkin diuri"I ariAls-m physmAl ,I t1w SELAZ T T CV.I~ ) Ye. S. "The Ntunber of Years o' Aerolo:-ical Observations and CharF-es in Yeteorolopical -Facto-rs,ll Trudy NIU GUGVS, Series 1, No 21, Aeroklimat- I oloriye ( ero-limitblogy), Leningrad, lqh6. SELIZZ11EVA, 9. 5. (Editor) Aerochlimatology (Sympo3ium. of Articles), Works of Sci-Res Administration of the Hydrometeorclogical Service SSSR, Ser .1 .neteorclogical Press, Leningrad-10 r " scow: 194b. 170 PP wLth Observatory.) (Nate orologiya i Gidrolo.giya, No 6 Nov/Dec 1947) Institution of the jqain 1, No 21. 1-[ydro- graphs. (Main Geopftysics SO: U-3216, 3 Apr 1953 SSmCzI-,6n, E. S. "Variability of Neteorological Elements and Suitable Times of Aerological Observations," Works of Sci-Res instituticn of tne Vain Achr-~istraticn of tfte Hydrometeorological Service SSM , Series 1, No 21, 194b (14b-,Ltg). (Meteorolo,dya i Gidrologiya, No b Nor/Dec 1947) SO: U-3213, 3 Apr 1953 LOID-CS, A.P.[deceased]; PREOBRAZHL-17KIY, Yu.V., kand. geogr. nauk; KORZUN, V.I., red.; FM-DROLIVANSKIY, V.N., prof., red.; Zkvv()V, D. D. . doktor geogr. naul~ red.; GRIMOV, - N.N.,r kand. geogr. nauk, red.; SMZNEVA., Ye.S.., kand. fizika-mtem. nauk, red.; UKHANOV) V.vo--- IcAba- 14:~~ d --KUZIM L.D., red.; a a, . nauks.,re ., Y KOZITSKIY, NJ.., red.1 KOVONOVA.,-L.B.9 tekbn. red* [Instructions for bydrometeorological stations and posts]Nastav- lenie gidror..eteorologictieskim stantsiiam i postam. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. No.2.[Hydrometeorological observations at posts] Gidrometeorologicheskie nabliudeniia na postakh [Matitime bydro- meteorological observations]iiorksie gidroreteo~ologicheskie nabliii- deniia. 191+8. ll./+ p. (11IRA 15:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrox-eteorolo- gicheskoy sluzhby. (Meteorology, Maritime) , 77 -:-,. ; "-,7A , I f 1 . -1 1 . "T'ne 'o-crostructuxe of Cloud-,," T"et i Gis No 2, L-448. (See '4-16471). B-13'06'31'), !!' Dec ~4 SELW,ZNEVA, YEP. S. Selezneva, Ye. S. "Temperature and humidity distribution on a day with cumulus cloudiness," Trudy Glav. geofiz. observatorii, Issue 13, 1948, P. 3-13 - Bibliog: 8 items SO: U-2888, Letopis ZhurnaVn~kh Statey, No. 1, 1949 gidrcl. "'C' . 1 Mcnth1v List cf -,,uzs;ai Accessicnz, L-i"'rary of Congress. rc,o~-ej, jo,~,. I - -- - - -- - I Unclass --f-fed.