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S19IDOV, A.G. Breaking down the Maikep series in the area of Kazakhmamedtepe (Kirovabad) by dyeing colloidal dispersion minerals. Dokl. AN -Azerb.SSR 11 no.7:471-474 J1 '55. (MTRA 9:1) I.Institut geologii imeni akademika I.M.Gubkina'All Azerbaydzhan- .skoy SSR. (Kirovabad-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Clay) bTIDOV. A-G.' Lithological and chemical characteriatics of clays and the cyclic recurrence of the Maikop series In the Terter Valley (Mir-Bashlr). .Dokl.AN Azerb.SbR 11 n0-11:78)-786 '55. WaA 9:5) 1. Institut geologii imeni akadeimika I.M..Gubkina AN Azerbayd8han- skoy SSR. Predstavleno deystvitel'nym chlenom AN Azerbaydzhan- skoy SSR Sh.A. Azizbekovym. (Terter Valley--Clays) (Terter Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) SEIDOV, A.G. I -- -:.,!.si~y-' of colloidal despersed clay minerals in the Maikop gas and oil source bed of the Kirovabad oil-bearing in Azerbaijan. Vop.min.osad.obr. )/4:613-638 '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Institut geologii Akademii nauk Azerbavdzhanskoy SSR, Baku. (Kirovabad (Azerbaijan)--.Clay) (Kirovabad (Azerbaijan)--.Petroleum geology) SULTANOV, A.D.; SEIDOV, A.G. "Minerals in sedimentary rocksw by I.A.Proobrazhanakii and S.G. Sarkisian. Ravieved by A.D.Sultanov and A.G.Seidov. 4v.AH Azerb. So o 1560 (MLRA 10:3) (Rocks, SedimenLary) '$EIDOV, A.G. Petrology of Pliocene and post-Pliocene deposits In the Sar7dzhallar regrion. Izv. AN Azerb. SER no-12:91-107 D 156. (W.U 10: 4) (Sarydzhallar region--Geology, Stratigraphic) SMIDOV,, A.G. Minernlogy of I:, clays of the Maikop series In the KazAkhmnmedtape re- gion Lin AzargRijani with summary in Russian]. Dokl. Al Azerb. SSR 12 no-7:485-489 '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Knzakhmp-medteps region--Clay) SEIDOV, A.G. "Lithological and mineralogical characteristics of clays found in producing strata of Azerbaijan." A.G. Koessovskala. Raviewed by A.G. Saidov. Izv.Aff SSSR.Ser.geol. 21 no.2:108-113 F 156. (MLRA 9:5) 1. Inatitut geologiiAN Azerb.SSR, Baku. (Azerbaijan--Cla.v) (Kossovskala, A.G.) . I~'r' , )2 2 2 C II (kl~k --'[(A -kl+, - W D + WA-E -) 6 ( k2 L 4k 1 k2 2 4 PL 11 4 2 1) - (E,, + A ~--- EEE 6 ( k' + IL+W)exp P. /kT 6(E E -E -k1 _k nk nk k - k 2 2 1 2 2 1 where Card 2/': n,, = (exp E ~L /kT-1) -1 ; nk-=(exp(Ek- ~ )/kT+ 1; 1( klIk2)_ SOV/126-7-2-25/39 Electron-Spin Relaxation in an Antiferromagnetic is the exchanye integral for a conduction electron and a d-eleci I is the reciprocal lattice vector, E is the energy of a spin wave, and E is the energy oY a conduction electron. The remaiang symbols have the saine meaning as in Ref 4. Calculations of W,-, were carried out in the same approximation as in the corresponding ferromagnetic problem (Ref 2). It turned out that 2 2 2 2 - iz::~ I J K0 1 k8i 1 0 zi WC-0 2 - - _P 2 2 %T TE 27 hA kT 21T- hz A T where 1 0 is the s-d exchange integral inside om atom, J is the exchange integral between the d-shells of neic-hbouring atoms 7 is the Fermi surface energy, A is=D the transport i3tegral for a conduction electron in a one electron theory, @ N is the Neel point, and z is the number of nearest neihbours. 13 In a rough 14 estimate of W one may take A-,- 10- erp, I --.- 10 erg C-e 0 01 0 Card 3/4 (Ref 2), 6 --, 100 K and '0_12 N L. er6. It follows SOV/126-7-2-25/39 Electron-Spin Relaxation in an Antiferromagnetic that lovi temDeratures-for which the calculations were carried out VI C-e_'_~ 100/T . Details of these calculations will be given ii, a subsequent paper. (Note: This is a complete translation) ASSOCIATIOM: Urallskiy gosudarstvennrj universitet imeni A.-MI.GorIkogo (Ural State University imeni A. 1A. Gor'kLiy) and Bakul,universitet (Baku University) SUBLINTED; January 12, 1958 Card 4/4 9Z3 AUTHORS: Seidov, Yu,, and Berdyshev. A, SOV/126-b-1-20/25 TITLE: ationv Spin-electron Relax -in Antiferromagnetics PERIODICAL-, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 1, PP 147-150 (USSR) ABSTRACT7 If the system of spin waves of a ferromagnetic is in some way brought out of the thermal equilibrium state, it may re--establish this state via one of the following three basic mechanisms, 1) interaction of the spin waves with each other; 2) interaction of spin waves with phonons; 3) interaction of spin with conduction electrons. The first two mechanisms were considered by Tsukernik (Ref 1), The present paper is concerned with the third mechanism. The calculation is based on the s-d-exchange model put forward by Vonsovskiy et al, in Refs 2 and 3. The energy operator is taken in the form of Eq (1), where J(_Z1, 'n ) is the d-d-exchange integral, - _'> _10. 2 n n < 0. I(k' k is the interaction integral J( I 1 2 1' 2 _41 Card 1/4 for the d-electron with states k 1 and k 2 of the conduction electrons, a nc and a k. are the Fermi 66903 SOV/126-8-1-20/25 Spin --- electron Relaxation in Antiferromagnetics operators, The transition from the Fermi amplitudes ano to the spin operators and then to the b n operators in the Ziman formjj~ism (Ref 5) may be carried out using Eqs (2),.,,j~here w is the reciprocal lattice vector so that el-IM is equal to +1 at the sites of one sub- lattice and --l at the s.ites of the other, The d-part of the operator given by Eq (1), H dd' is the same as that in Eq (24) in Ref 5. The eigenvalues of Hdd are the same as ZiMarLIs eigenvalues. The substitution for the diagonalization of H dd is given by Eq r(3), where the symbols are defined by Eq (4), and the C 'A are the Bose operators., h denotes summation over nearest neigh- bours, a h ei~it, H is the anisotropic magnetic field and E is tae energy of a spin wave with a wave vector ~L and H 0. The sum of the operators representing the energy of the conduction electrons and the energy of the s-d-exchange interaction consists of two parts, the Ca,d 2/4 first of which is given by Eq (5) and describes the LKI"' translational ener-gy of the conduction electrons SOV/126 - 8 2,5 Spin-electron Relaxation in Antiferromagnetics "magnetized" by the spin wave field, Eq (5) may be diagonalised in the same way as H d~' As a result,it turns out that the levels of s-elec rons split into two sub-.bands and the gap between them is proportional to the magnetization of the sub-lattices, However, this effect is not considered and an estimate is made only of the effect of the s-.d-exchange interaction with free conduction electrons. This interaction is described by the second part of the s-d-exchange interaction operator (Eq 6). Substituting Eq (6) into Eq (3) one obtains an operator which de.scribes inelastic collisions of conduction electrons with spin waves in which one spin wave is either emitted or absorbed during each separate collision. The change in the number of spin waves per unit time can then be found in the usual way (Ref 7) and is given by the last equation on p 148, where nk is the Fermi distribution function a,.,c n is the Bose distribution function. The a-,-Exagellrelaxation time can then be shown to be given L Eq M~ It is shown L'K that as a rough8 estimate this formula may be replaced by AN, Card 3/4 10 /T. 6690-4 SOV/126-8-1-20/?-5 Spin--electron Relaxation -in AntIferromagnetics There are 8 figures and 8 references., 7 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION; Urallski'y gosud.,ars-tvennyy universitet imeni A,, M. Gor,kogo (UralfiState University imeni A.M.Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED,, July 26., 1958 Card 4/4 85153 S/181/60/002/009/044/047/XX B004/BO70 AUTHORS: Abakarov, Dzh. I. and Se dov, Yu. M. TITLE: Theory of the Magnetic Suscept . ilityvof the Polaron PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp~ 2264-2267 TEXT: The pRrpose of the work was to calculate the statistical sum of the Hamiltonian H expressing the interaction of the electron with the lattice vibrations in a homogeneous magnetic field, and to construct a thermo- dynamics of the polaron in the magnetic fields The statistical sum is written as Z = Sp exp(_'A~), where 1/kT. From this, the following equation is obtained: 1 (2)=Z(o) 3/2/j-Tr). z (2p) (-(/shp) [~(chpv) ~1 v2).i/(2f1 ---A)ln 7- 0 1 - 1=71 (9). Here, A = (2/t)(chr - chtv)/(shr,(l - v r 2 hG~/2kT, andp=Aho~/2, The limiting cases were studied. 1 1 A'~K 1 . Then E = E )112(l +,p2 (jf,) -ViY (hO/A /72)d (12'~ For r = 0, equation (12) goes Card 112 3hlDOV., Yu.M.; GLISFYNOV, N.G. Spin wave spectrum and megrietic susceptibility of the GuC12- 2H20 compound. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. 'Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk no-5: 75-77 163. (MIRA 17:3) L56-,2 S/126/63/015/001/0c,3/029 E032/E114 A HUR: TIT LE, ()n the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance (N~M) in Cerro- and ntitiferromagnetics PLUIODICAL: Fizilca meta Ilov i metallovedeniye, V. 15, no. 1, . 1963, 32-35 TEXT: The Green temperature functions are used to obtain forrinilas for the N19Z frequencies in ferromagnetics and antiferror magnetics (N.N. Bogolyiibov and 9.V. ryablikov, DAN SSSR, v.126, 1-959, 53. D.N. Zubarev, UFN, v-71, 196o, 72). In the former case I-tie contrihiition (hip to conductiorl electrons to the MER frequency is allowed for by including terms in the Hamiltonian which represent the hy'perfine interaction of polarised electrons with nuclei (M.A. Ruderman and C. Kittel, 11hys.Rev., v.96, 1954, 99)- In thp case of antiferromagneticts the effect of nuclear spins on tho antiferromagnetic resonance frequency is calculated. It is noted that in distinction to ferromagnetics, the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency for 11 2 = 0 does not vanish. Card 1/2 ASKEROV, B.M-Y- SEIDOV Y M red.; BOGDATLISHVILI, D., red.izd-va; A-_ Ij3RAG7L7UV,__R.__, feZm. red. __ -# [Theory of transfer phenomena in semiconductors] Teoriia iavlenii perenosa v poluprovodnikakh. Baku, Izd-vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1963. 123 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Semiconductors) 'CF I .1.3 SSION h1i: AP4017569 S/0249/63/019/010/0015/Wl7 ,i-W-MOR: Saidov, Yu. 1-1. TITSE: Orbital diamagnetism of conduction electrons in ferroma netic metals (?resented by Z. 1. Mialilov) academician, AN Azerbaydzhan, SOURCE: AAN AzerbSS,11. Do)-dady*, v. 19, no. 10, 1963, 15-17 TOPIC TAGS: or'bital diamagnetism, conductiod electron, ferromagnetic metal, ene.-Qr spectrun. ABSTRACT: The influence of the internal field in ferromagnetic melk-lals on the 3z J. L, m tion.of conduction electrons is considered. It is found that for a vector Dotential of the forn, r A 2 The external field being directed alon&the 2 axis, the onerMr spectrum of the conduction electrons in the effective ;d~ernal and internal) field is of the N L+ a+ I a+ a., t 2 j 2 -'a ire Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017569 -in tUs expression, 2)* Lin (H,+4,jAfo Mc E:k -E N. a are the Fermi operators and lnko are th.e state quantum numbers of the conduction! electrons ih the effective magnetic field (In is the Landau level number and k0 is the z component of the wave vector). Orig. art. has: 10 equations. ASSOCIATION: Instiiut-fiziki (Institute of PlVsics;~ SUBMNITTED: 290ct63 DATE ACQ# 18MAr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 003 OTFM: 000 Card 2/2 L '51'76 -65 w -Ac -- CESSION. M;- AF50134,33 .~ ASSOCIATION: GUBMTTmio~ 29oct64 I CODE i-l`- 44p,z , WR W BOY:. MMER vi al. , 4; 2 Card -4367 5m-65 .-ACCESSION: il~-. ~:;-~A~5606852:f'--'---~'~~*,~- to-thei onlan' f _-Hamilt or- Me -o rid i e 64, internal: property. e Ujoelf rystal f iii -p L. ~ _~ - '. 1 11 1&13 jjL ddm~,_ 6J rocil own hat tal defect It -is, also ~.s t . .1 - ___ _,Y _. d~ ih the exchmige. ~,6 hi ek-to,~ efi6e of lain egr J- is e fuse o o,,..ex t --microu electr c_~_ef&~t , - e. ez bid q I f t neti and -appe .ari, lik ath, mag Lat4d ph6a sliovi iit~- -~ilkf, c rel ti er omena, re. -,'the' Apt"-" Tor, utlifd,~ ag"s onsj~-' It' 01 -iric Ise :r -2 and ~L. -Wffi-W~ rov,-, logan Emi -.1n6titut- of Sciences -08" :MMMITTEDi EW IR W.I~i': p 2. Card 7. MY- 7-1 -412L-66 E1,-JT(l)1E-1t1-, (m)/3, PF(..n) -2/1TMA_(d)/E!,1P(t) /EWP(z)/E7,%TP b),/ETC JD _1L1 - .1 1 ACC NR: AP6000867 SOURCE CODE: UR/01'i'65/007/012/ -36,35/3638 AtJTHORS: Guseynov;-N. G.; Seidov,_ Yu. M. ORG: Institute of Physics AN AzSSR, Baku (Institut fiziki AN AZSSR) .TITLE; Contribution to the tbeory_of-thermal expansion in magnetical--, ly ordered crystals 2-1 q 45- t~, SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo te.1a, V. 7, no. 12, 19 3635-3638 TOPIC TAGS: thermal expansion, critical point, magnetic crystal, .magnetic domain structure, antiferromagnetic material, spin wave 'ABSTRACT: Inasmuch as knowledge of the effect of magnetic ordering on, the thermal properties yields information concerning the dependence . .of the exchange integral on the interatomic distance and other data, the authors derive a general formula for the magnetic contribution to..-- 'thermal expansion in magnetically-ordered media. The calculations pertain to crystals with structure of MnF 2' The standard Green's functions technique is employed. The formulas obtained are applicable Card 1/2 L 1,11117-66 'ACC NR: AP6ooo867 to magnets with tetragonal syngony in the entire temperature range where magnetic ordering exists. In particular, expressions for the spln-wave-induce~ thermal expansion in ferromagnetic and antiferro-''~;~ magneticcrystal Xare derived from the general. formula. The tberrrial coefficients of antiferromagnetic crystals In both the Parallel and perpendicular directions have terms both linear and .Cubic in T at values above a certain critical temperature, and an ;exponential temperature dependence below this temperature. The icritical temperature depends on the susceptibility and on the anisotropy coefficient. It-is shown that the effect can be observed ,experimentally. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2'6Mar65/ oRiG,REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2, ACC INRi AP6036052 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0056/66/051/004/1084/1089 AUTHOR: Guscynov, N. G.; Seidov, Yu. M. ORG: Institute of Physics, AN AzerSSR (Institut fiziki AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR) TITLE: Maanetic impurity levels in antiferromagnetics SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 4, 1966, 1084-1080 TOPIC TAGS: maonetic crystal, crystal impurity, -impurity level, Green function, C, antiferromagnetism, antiferromagnetic crystal ABSTRACT: The problem of local magnetic excitations in antiferromagnetic crystals with a sinale impurity center is consideted. A general solution of the problem of oscillations of the spin system of an antiferromagnetic crystal contain- ina an impurity magnetic atom is presented. It is sho wn that the Green function 01 such a. crystal satisfies the Dyson equation and can be expressed in terms o f the Green function of a perfect crystal. Some of these local levels may be smaller than', the spin wave gap in antiferromaornetics. Orig. art. has: 16 formulas. [Authors' 1 abstract] M] r~,,q 1/1 SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DAT)!-,: 07Feb66/ORIG REF: 004/OTH REF: 002/ X F) JA 1),k tegralL eqU;* ayin a nonlinear in del g. arg~Meht.-,.. 'conditions fojL. convergence of Tdnellii,it~koximation-s'~: e Card'. 1/2 E~7(~)/EWT.(m) D P ACCESSION MR: AR56i4jbg ---UR/0058/65/00O/004/V02VVO22 SOURCE: Ref.-zh. Fizika, Abs. 4VI71 -z. r AUTHOR: S'eidov-,- r 65 TITLE: Speed of nuclea6 reactionslin a dense medium CITED SOURCE: Tr. Shemakhinsk. astrofiz. observ. v. 3, 1964, 25-39 s6 TOPIC TAGS:, nuclear reaction, heavy nucleus, proton interaction TRANSLATION: The problem oe the'rate at which nuclear reactions take place in a dense medium is examined with regard to heavy condensed nuclei under conditions which may exist in stars of the white dwarf type. Calculations showed that the rate at which energy is liberated as a result of the proton-proton reaction with regard to the effect of condensed heavy nuclei (an, 10) is much lower than in cal- culations with plasma models. There is a sharp minimum in the rate at which energy,--7 is liberated as a function of density in a dense medium. In this particular case, this phenomenon may result in a reduction in the rate at which energy is liberated from the surface to the center of a white dwarf. A. B. SUB CODE., NP, AA 00 Card SE1IDCVA) A. A. SEIECIA, A. A. "The Treatment of Improperly Healed and Freshly Broken Femurs by Intraosteal Fixation with a Iletal Pin." Azerbaydzhan State Medical Inst. Baku, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Eedical Science) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 19, 1956. M TAMB RANSKIY, D.N., dotsent; SE DOVA. -A.A..- mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Surgical treatmont of fracturse of the femur by nailing. Vest.khir. 77 no-10:133 0 '156. (MLR& 9: 3.2) 1. Iz Azerbaydzlianskogo ini3tituta ortopedii i voestanovitellnoy khirurgii, Baku,, (FBWM-IPRACTURE) S;-.idol:a K. - "The ef.~eCL ~)T' or-:,anic nietrogen soli improvers obtained ,from acid -Detrcleum asnhalt on the Zield of agricultural croos", Izvestiya Akad. nauk Azerbaydzh. SSRI, 191:9, No. 2, p. 6,8-79, -, Tr Armenian, resume in -Russian), 7 17 July (L#-Lopis 'Zhurnal 'nyPh St~,reyr, 1?, 191,0). SEnWA, Kh.K. Effect of nitrogen-organic fertilizer on corn and sunflower yields. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 11 no.10:709-712 '55. (MLRA 9:2) l.Predstavleno de*rstvitellnym chlenom AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR A.I. Kareyevym. (Corn (maize)) (Sunflowers) (Fertilizers and manures)