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? ? ? fb? - Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R0004 $C0 23 December 1041 OGC HAS REVIEWED. AD30 Sw,bjeuts Payment or Travel 1.spensce from unvouo r d? Funds I, You requested the undorsigned to Os:swims the rerellsk time and decisions eoncorning *travel *Malice* end .the paY000* et per diem, in cOnsi4OrIn8 allowsbleAreWel 40,P*120040,,IMC'. paid b7 CIA fOr employees assigned to 030 Ond employes& on unvouehored funds() there la for conelderatIon the fenowings ?a) Special Funds Regulation Wm. l. 3oct1on 2?3(a), provides as follows; "Travel expenses mill be TWA from unvouotie ed fun48 La VA? amount persitted by law and the ntandardised =overnaeot Travel Aogulations. No rellatirosmont wIll be nada Tor items of spens? not allowable tallier such reculationv? ? 4 U These roglat,tiones of course, were issued by tlle Director. or c'v, and. adopted for use by CIA. (b)j asssorandum dated. l Januory 1047. the Director Of CI7 dio3sat04 authority to the Assistant 7:tractor for Special Gperstione. Qr the IA:ecutive Officer fur Special Operations, to approve: within the 1itsof uuvoutherod funds -allotted to ti o 0Mcs of npatisl Operations by the Pro,? jtote Review Committee and in accordance with szisttnc lswe ani regulations. ? 0 "l? The transfer of civilian employees frc= one official station to another, and the pement pr reirahurseent or All 461,501mass Incident tt4creto. ? ? *5. Travel by civilian employees incident. te canne or their official staition** (c) Spetilal uv1s RoEulation rs? L provides for the Ap.pointmemt or certitying otrioefrs wno must examine. awrovel and vartify all vouchers ololelna reimbursWaent tram unvoucbered fllnds prior to pays:onto The certifying ()Meer t atAhorised by the regulations to refer to the cue: pl,vielon, or other appropriate orri- .6er, an:lr! questioTi concern/LIT, the ugie Qr unvoue4ay!io Af, Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R00040317 ?:9 3- 4111 Approved For.ease 2001/09/03 : CORDP84-00709R00.307029311 svicvb .614. 2$ Doesobor 1947 Aroso (d) Agienti.Cashiers are provided for & pecial Funds %eguletton No. lo and In eddltion to other duties, are autIlorisads *flotwithetandine the presentee or nsceasary and certlficttiohs bring to the -attention ofAhe Chief. Special Funds ;Section, or other 'appropriate officers any facts 'which lead the agentwoadder to believe L'aut the expenditure presented thereby is imptleper or illsgoleo (e) In 73:40cia1 ?undo Regulation No. lo the senora Ctouneel lc chard vIth certain duties concerning the admtnistration of unvoushared fundas *(e) Upon the request Or the Direetorp ?als or other sprpftpriatiti offiC140_-to rend* his opinion ass to Coo legAlity of *ay perment or proposed paymentg N(b) Report to ths Diretteri cro, any teats tending tc elbow the illegal *r improor use of t4nvoucher.4 funds's". (f) The Subsistence Pxpeass Mt of 10044 as itee*4igg6 provIdes In Section 3 a* SollosSIS offieers and emplovees of the departments arid establishments while trimaing on official business and gway from their designated posts of duty shall be allowed in lietiot their actual wow. peruses for subsistence **I ell feel or tips to portnre and stewards, a per Olem allowance to be prescribed by the heeds or the denartnents snd establishments concerned et n retie not to exceed 46?CO within the limit* of the continental United States and not to exceed an average of P.00 hem yond tiLe linIts t the contikaantel 1.411to4 Statcco* (g) Paragraph 46 of the, 3taadardiaks4 Oevernoont ihrgivol !maul* agNie a prsvittkos as 1411000 "Under no circumstsresS mill per diem to lieu ifor- subatistones be angrited an employe* at his statics:1*P Zs It appears clear tram Use above that the Director hos or.thorised unvoucbsred fund* to be expended for trava 4020emses only in accordance vitt the Sten4ar4iaed Oovernmeh Travel leguletionsis Alsos the delegation or authority to youtpaild to -our ./tecutive Cfficeft prerildes for anthorktr? Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070293-8 MAO Approved Atelease 2001/09/03 (10A-RDP84-00709R. atiglia'8411 ere ititti ww :4000mber 1047 to dirsat travel arid authorise the payment of travel expensee in with istinr laws anctilations* PUrther* 71171:315177.7u.;leerem as we as egen,latrirriirxeroa required te ascertain that vol4chers certified and payments made on . euet* voucta2;41 4re) Ln uoccrdence vith the Special Punch' Rogu... lations* ourtifyluc officer Ls bonded and addition, 'alre held personals liable 'hero he bas,oartified a voucher GO Wane; in accordance with regulstions and, in faett the voucher iv glet* :m the event of qvestionsa they are anthoriwed the ::711-z.cturs in ti 'm Ragulatiems, to refer questions to the chlef, :7,'40131e1 Lurcis Division, or othego apprOpriate cer* Timo :,ioneral Counsel Is authorised by the Dirostor in . the 4locla1 Funits Reg1titt10118# to pander his opinion to to The leselitj or um7 payment ur proposed payment* Therefore, atJan a voucher le pneaanted for sertifieetion to the cortt.. tying officer wilIfth wiears questionable In any way* the eertifyint:: offloor is authorized to request an opinion from the General Counsel eenearnihE the 1ege1ity of the proposed paymout. 3, In the case which we d1scussed* the Implosive bad been pemanc,.ntl, otInloyed in iieshinton from 17 Piebraarr lt147* )11 27 July li),47. she vas transferred from her pOielti00, es 410F4?21, salary #Z097,20, to CAP-6, salary 00402100* with the intent of shiqping bar to an eve sea* station* ler trans.. POrtatioh was aohodulodo and wle woe to leave 27 Zopteaber 11)47* prior tv date* her transportation ens emnooledo simss Ler ciacli,;natiou fram the 1)epartivent or 71teto had not been mtcurod* :n. the neaht171v, :the had shipped somo or -her . clothinc tU J..c owcrues stetion0 Uowevcr-: she wee able.: to reela:Aa sone or the tragiceEe and clothing 'Lich bed been*. snippord lia41 al!*Ittee thAt she incurred expenses amounting to VZ*124 in trips to acw Jersey for thie purpose* The-emplbloo also stat 6v ja she had to spend the approximate total Cf 04000110 fur olothinc to replemeHthat whiCh h*d ? bean ehippecl to the overseas station* A liurter fact is- . that the employes had given notice tel vaatte torapeotaant* /Wearer!' lt is understood that sba wee Olie to etey'LO the. apartment ih which ahe had been residing and Is presently livitag in tllut apartment', 4* 2n* questian arises traether or not the emplitainer entered into a travel statue *Alen would entitle her SO a per diem allowance in lieu of subsistenee If authorised by the appropriate official* AS noted stove, the aubeistionue .L.xpense Act of 1924 provides that employees of the cavern-P. net be aliewed o per diem allowance In lieu of setual Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070293-8 ,r-N TT Approved* Release 2001/09/00CIA-RDP84-0070160 * 23 Docemiler 1047 .6. eApensas for cubeistence while traveling on offIcial hualft- roes end zway froo the employee's deelpla%ed post of duty. quentloTA 10?48 considered in 9 Comp. 00110 233# 8 Dotamber 1(40. In tLat case, ttio employee was espUo$ed in Washthg.. toll* c4:n IPZ 50;t1Inbor 10290 she vas trimsferred to another ?overnisent W101 her official haadquaertere wax desiem. anted ns nomespolicp kinfiesots. for 'the new position* Alper was directed to r(main in i4asbington for a ttme and did razain there until 13 ...,ctobor 1929. She submitted a voveber covtv.Altz pe7.- (1.141cm ror ti * noriod R7 September to 13.oet4i6or 17,!29. Irf,, th,TIA during the period for which the' 4)loyas c1Lli4ed ,il-!,m.lthe was not traveling on ?facial nt-er4t17, lived jut as she had boon living wIlae employed bs.te overnmnt agency up to the tliwor trantfer. Ccn2olu,*nt3, the transfer did not operate ;Claclo tr:r. u travel etAtl,s so, 441 to entitle her to tJelsteJlee or !)tr dlem in it thereof. In lb Comp. Oen 11 17 Jsrway-7 1,58, it var4 held that *.len en empinyse is 40pc:nteld gind nnt.ers trxon lkity at the place or alpointment. s travel ststs qntitlinf7 him to reituvirsement of taiivol expenses or .16r .1".In in or subsistence would not ber(in until he actftlix beine t_r.nvil tram that pointe S. Mc ,37,7,;trii: in RO Comp. 3en? 020, 27 Usy 19410 : la Illumimatn. In that see., the emplOyee had been 460- - '4uplia iv filiLinrtfun umtl 20 JUT24 1940. in that date, he was uppoint4J.d 111 another ..74,vernnent *gooey and required. to :.ecalvu 1raln.1L. And inetmetion in 4ashington ror his flcld L;4Aitlx,. un rt.? June 1940, the training baving been cum21ettid, tAf, woos direrted to report to his rieId station ittlaWipa, cmoreia. the employee submitted a per diem vcuoner vovter:,,ti the ported 21 June to 119 Jun e 1940 while undetr ihstruc'.:Itininit.stiltroni?I ias hold that since . ttio emploync wr,e residing In 'weehington at the time of 4004, pOilltzeolltatb. fact that his departare was delayed a row in did i pu nLm to any additional expense fur submits.. te' dintnse, and, ii s;:y event, the decitions were eonsiotant in U:?st =der truch. circumstances there is no authority :or pa:iv:out or 7or diem. It was stated: 'AcoordinGly, trier* le 110 authority under which yima could r41 rd14 per d1om mt your place ct residence before enttrInF upon t travel status." 6. TI:prli 'ire numerous decisions which. state that per It lieu vr subsistence Is :myna* only when in a travel stiiit1411 ay Crtnt official headquarters (2i Copp. Clem. 330, ;51. July 1V42). Tt has been held that any reasonsbla Admint.", st?-at.lve dosicristion ur the first duty station is not ordi-- ntrily queat1cned. smd Clen the smployeeAs transferred - buns fide to t.A* final duty station* travel expenses are ptIa4le. Convorsslyt_ t49,,,A1Act,at; omokeigio olipsker. mined to beAfilayeiFfNeafl "Lreit;1 nit no subsists'4,- ' Approved Forease 2001/09/03 : C.DP84-00709R00 alF1 D000104er 194' Alo,50 eftinistratively nay be authorised fol! the teoporery duty period up to the time of depexturof =lasso of oeuree* the temporary duty requIred of the new employee la in the city of his residence (22 comp. Gen,. 859s * IterOU 1g4.3)4 ''TIIB 31117,15tonos iit7lenee n0-, viee 7.;4-A- contraplate the payment of ? elioaistence allowance for all suiployeas at all. times,- theIleyrAnt of %,11.c.11 wciuld augment their salariescon in tra- vention of no.otl