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.I /I -5 c r ,#r. I. !z i,-- ti; -.. ~ ., I ~ I m 21 '939, F, 4 F:, SP A I I T--T' OR Scl~werti~ssek, K Daubek, J T1_ -A, --o tlto Orj,?nfpd Portj Ons n i t: 1~nd Xcr-nonLing for Them Ibiring the Veterminrition of the Degrea.of*- ORM. PUB. Textil 1,958, -13, No 10, 384-386 ABSTrUVOT 1idity. of 11'-termitlation metbad? nro"sed V11 . hy,j11'u. mixtbdrs. -was checked. By tMs tethcd,the depree of ary-Otall-inity.or ' Ce llulose IAA~r bFv deterrlined xs -L' function of, rt,,,p sorntioa OtA Ocellro in the Intrusion of iodine into the lattice P~Jth. concentrations 0-4ine. It.was e '~xceeC' rig 8-11 i that, thf. effect of iodine into the f; *CrysiallAnity'.With Ah6 Aid o IoAina ntior D 130_t.Ween th I? Iodine Sornti _ndeAjee on e l mid Crystalline condition of Cellulose Fibers~ V17 Tl*-- ry Z pfi in For r t X see Ref., ?2, 76010. Zhur. -Kh i E.Kazbekov. SCHMTASSEK, K. ,111 a I t It tj 11 w it 4 It is a A -11- r 4 9 j I Ill OC to a+*- k --tilt I. --l U9, A.- %chwesturt. "CantinLIQUO or Coupled flatilal". All muelylivill ISM-11k.1 i4 bovi'll %1#1:4-111. rinit. ill, *in... ~:11~ AI'm ~".Wkkjc 43 vwrilt~ k(romll IM11W. Mitt, Me mv-~S)--Imat wi,-, Tlw Owilk.) s;#Lll mit, 00 9! Ow liatint-dim, fra;m-4., Vais' 6 a sowd niqAt"wat I f Ili., mulotilt 0o .1, safullyn, fgr n~fraiwl xics, "-f arhof which att. hir-,t mitg* ~jl-lj IMI fly ill this asuil) -i% Ilw thriv uiakn,,, so arr, W~IIIIW41 1.) IW tki'tiliK At till, "rlellir rq-1IIrr' If till- mrh, o 0 thn,- sept, tibil. all..* jkX ~tlm- -t1iiii-lis 4 16. 2 11'"1. slkliq.-wh Ili -11wi,ow. 4am'. for "Ads .4 Ilk! Do 8,11 11#6 loritioph., it isoll-owil ligmt a ~i~wrw .4 00 2! ~ I . P. frmnm. w, 1~ kuklva4 400 IhK 4-.01 11141,14.1wh Ily M QIO Of 4JUILSItitit~06 i',10-16 .11 11411141, lie' Wsill I-- ..4taigm-ol (mill olio. Go.flm. "'llusti-al" f.-Wing ill vali-41% frialle runrliguratiIfilk.rIsti. dvIiv---1l4! -fi-iml X., kunk-rival iiwuph4an- Killen. Ila- ci;l Ito a -i jr m,-) a a it K ff It o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 G' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 4 00,6 0 o o 000 0 0 so see see 0-0 -0-90 0 _0 -00 40 All Mee 200 0 VVE K,, TP4 E7 At met 1rA-4 0"de rAd4 I lit'll 4~ 4 At alot wd W ftrm n 4 Y'. - 1d ' i lti t rwi lumug t(jua. o IlTer3ta"s; gir el *it oet -s tw t4 j S ifi t th " fl i I % is, r aA ons., sere Fue is q ft& a , pr ~ I pr s: ' Or- I I I whirls ban -,Ady been dynamIC-1 0 a 5 m 0 Vol ) C"I S "heft 1hel,T!0ra,. 16 Islaht'A offera a k1rw and nimpla 'Boa (wrover. lition tit the'Froblelt of irdsar dymuMm. It , , e ni it th ida ~ dhfl v l t orm W ons o sptl gi can pov ey . 'th i~, m is e in i of th &t ti O - t m l "q. e fta cse r erns on pr i-rijul P-mbject of t1se paper. Rv7;utIs!uq mre given for the 'l i t li i i a k h n ~t 011t O111t t hod. It e cat t t the ili S Pk on pp d atnia, effect oV vre is droplied onto girdea way a be maily calcislatlr:d by Us- mcillvd, FWNGjIRVChe!i.L cal Technology.- Chemical Products and Their H-22 Application. Refininr; Solid Fuel Minerals. Jour -Ref Zhur Rhimiya, No 17, 1958,-58614 Author zchwertner Janos, Schumick-j Imre Inst 7_7 --------- Title, Preparation and Enrichment of Coal:in t.% eDunany Metallurgical.Combine. Abs Jour Kohasz. lapok) 1957, 12, No 8-9, 359-364 Abstract. A detailed description of the startind.period of.-the coal-enrichment unit..of the combine. The coal comes from the Pech and Komlo depositsiwith an ash content .22-29%; proje'c'ted ash content arter enrichment %1.10. Enrichaent is accomplished) according to the plan:of Soviet en~i in Jigging machines for the fra ti neers, on 1 mm, and in flotation machines for the fraction 1 mm. The floatreaGent (1.2 kg/T) is kerosene or fps oil, as a coilector and amyl alcohol as d frothing Card 1/1 !agent. 55 1662-46 77~77; 77 ACCESSION R: ,ging The', ruby t _6uld:'bd,.. yatieUfro _`;4O Ai 6mverature,q 4~ M . .... .. ... I i qu i d varied roini 694~0, f split into two x~ay-sj'~ one,~_,l ref led ted '~'Tiom.afi, mpurity4freii~L`Corum, t .;i,": crystal and,the,;bther~.r6f!eoted~~:~~froin..a.-ruby ",4' flectin& ruby-was., ep a. -~-Sqns. an .: emper4 ure,~,.k~-_ d i f t 854 -t me a's -u' r6 d naltieb ,d :71 ference' e I a ed 'I re ec or, from the rub f --..or 1e 06 eotive:i: f l and rom the _ysta ~,revea ., ..; ~, them p6int 1ig_%_ ru t by -ru ture -6 of lliaryexpez h6 b t _Ruth aser,-* b a nte'hsity-'-6t._,- ki6i 0-~._.nq .:~.e tier. d,- h' bigh'i laser. on we t he "li t or irvation.'of -t ~,:tial f obod t 6 "phenomenon 0, T 0 1 ooherent pffie_,_~ r6fle - , bserved,in selective reflect on.*is ~ot ng orystal:waB rotated 13lik~t3.i~'i4ith,-,resp'ect,,t6' 'tbd;- jposit.i 6n, in'j:.7_.' -the O;i which: light"ref lected -at---, C vinc6;2~waV' 1 ';~ e It is.. oon6luded that','a~ `thd)*-~'r e6c e eng C. d an ~-~re-~' ions lWthe e -effioi6t,, rub Y Ps -to-: U- fract ve index ii.:: he'jnahbor iexpeo a o 2/3 66!~~65 mv, ACC SSION'" -AP5011139 - ,that'. 'o3c:Ljla.t6-. ; cohererit Y. - , _i~artlcle has: 5 S . gure s ASSOCIATION:,;' e'.- c r----- -_- (Eae AdlerBhof f. UermanY),, --1 MWTM: Sl 5SeP V. NR MF SO T Card'.-- . 9 ~65 tW_ W ~63 e at th xt c 1 figure and I graph.*. k ~s__ :"A:: At--,-a ul V// MM 'ic Cliemistry.,Analysis of Inorganic MIGPM/Analyt, Substances Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim No 23.1 1958, 772T5- Author Imt Huneirian Acadeqr, of ScienCeSo: !Title : ,New M6thod Of Microchemical,Detection of,Ions of Trivalent-Iron. Orig Pub: Acta'chim. Acado.scient. hung.; 14, No 3-'4,, 311-313 Abstract: A method basel on the formation of-a colored com.-, pound of Fe-; vith diethylparaphenylenediamine (I) is described. Mie dro]~ variat.ionof,.the I ' -3 ~ to 1.0 containing P-2 16 samples applied to lo--S% of Fd +1 the r~s~ent is the I .~-ual solution of I. If Fe is present, rose color vill appear in Card :. ,1/3, 4 74 Card 213 "Ut.110r. TYNTICKI, .,',ozef; SCIBIOR-MMOSKA, Jadwiga; ZRUBEK, Henryk an t I oa con SIM q n6w tax Conm. ft f Im fle"Sys b safuM I Marlt W )"311.0o) was Ch jjns Ste, tar tatiol 't t the %Mt- Ot in 2ff': soltls~ CO BY "I'val prepd.", from a(l. 0 5 t-41 iti.s. t' ACCK"NOOZ m Ca(N()s t1compates, it 0-urea 1 opicity 0 CO'nP"-" ThehYff'"-C ~A lertilize(i corttg" Ifea a Vjawnatteady- ' )2411-0 Which be uscd h lhlt 01 ea(NO3 =ft lavorablf W1 t tilat 1()t'ts .'~Vtvltr 2C(j er j' Course of "th t G"Ornpon, on a vrapot Dresssuo 1. M ~Qwski,~ J. Z cHo and I solutions. 11. ye MIN : p C X, r ORE. (1pit. S Its. W1, 3243 -.-Solld -Sm7was -6(IVbbj; C 34, 427, d M D Od C r A rs, an added to solos, of CaCls. M g(NOj)jj iYb;; e measurements weft done rdld to an W tb ' if ng the bel piethod, pure salt solns. ' amt of urea Is fairly hi n 84 changes gh (enct value ~ to salt) an 11~ of t : I i f n t d Ir pressure of the I is Din he TapC I lt' 7 In hi L l R j , u ra obtain n con - - s on to aou ct s law. 4 d.;:Kes a,max., beyond which the crease = 1 I., increases. At veMs decreases as conen M.; Inteilroutdons, M uteW Raoultls: law ls'obeyed. wMr and j 2 did - IbM. 426-~ $arnowskl B o "y 0u SM, r t nes o t effe Reones ct. fro Alsevissed As none of. thew can explain thi observations -"4 7:ipr'~ d on the con sfactorily, a new hypothesis 6 given, base cept that mob. of double salts exist In soln.i accompanied Is cited Py complex Ions. Expd. work by other Authors b 56 rclerea stich assum tions which would Justif . y p J, ACCOSION NRI AV422289 P/2335/64/000/612/0083/0088 AUTRORs Swierzawaide Tedouss (Doctor of engineering); Sxve&,' Josef (YA8t*r Of OngirISSring)-, Saisivid namems (Master, of, engineering) jZlibike Andrs~3 f the mole" TX=s Design ot,mbuttled systom operating In.oontwetion with. -il reactor SOURCEs. MiVi**. FoUt*dadk& W&SM &WS TV "%*OW*o "0 19&* . Znergetyka, no. 12. - Naterialy MIS ~ Sumaatarim Spotkanle i;ohniki KOM*wjon&Uj a Tedud" Mclearns, d Ikelear (MatArlAs of the Conference an General an . 83-0 TAN a vaboritical moderating water reflootine watore grapbAte ebmber. tbomal idle uroduat mriabod AWTX=s A suberitima astm is a* widek oontauv flesionaue materiAl and a mckierator in smob qmantitloo and oonfIguration, Ust Is can a~ reach th y vAeftl for search: &6d Xp"*Mt"~ critical state, ftbaritima systems are ver We C d W ACCESSION NRx A24022289, tion in nuclear physics ~ wA engineering. A nscess"7 condition for. the &I courc outro Ach system is the 03dftenc* Of an Oxt*rn 0 Of ft n5 fessibility of r as R&-Bog pu-Be , Po-Bs, Sb-Dap-or the accelerator or.the thermal pile of a such 1h0 analysis and evaluation of various types of suberitieal critical reactor. U Wi coma systms have led to the selection of enriched uranium moders. d th n to water as best suited to conditions and requirements in,Pol",: It Utili a the 'thermal pile of the IRT pool-type reactor as wctornal cource of neutrons* 4 graphite chamber w" designed for deflooting the path of neutrons. Those neutrons which have been dispersed by the graphite walls toward the gate on t0pV constitute a powerful scurce for the subaritical system loo ted above the chamber There are two shutters in the tbernal pile, at a distance of 340 mm it; end surface: one made of cadmium I mm thick and one made of lead 150 the'raftation doas inside, the graphite chamber*' The core thick; they control and the water, which serves as moderator and reflootort a" in a container. 16000 mm in diameter and IM, ma high. This container is made of aluminum shoot, is red with a biological shields another aluminum. t and a cadmium coat*' c ova a" surrounc one" Both Us suberitical system and %a graphite chamber led by a a structure 2?OOx28OCx5M = wA 1000 mm thick# A labyrinth passage for the Persoandl Is provided In the bask of the biological sMoldinp The rear wall 2 90, 3 D236/D308 ~~UIMORS Kolber, Stanisxaw -and ~Ci6sin'slci, Jan -ic control for a neutron s-pectro-meter M Automa+ -190, lluhlconika, v. 71 no. 3, 1.962, 193 J-1 0 trL ~. . : L~ ' -ior d scripi given of an automatic 0 and dat"L _Ccorall!""~ Pystem for.a neutron crystal ol)ectrometer used total cross-section m. ur 'I for ncutzoft scatterin- "nid 6~a an, The Q.) sy-_t"Cm- orovides fully automatic control o~' the spectrometer o'.-3crat-ion following 'A prcdeternined el-qDeriraeatal -program, comprising: caan:~c of tL-.c GDectro-mater.turn-table angles, L rem'oving, an4 inserting -j Los for bacl~:,-roundruns etc., as well as timing the-exposuresi, ,)a in- 0_ rati-age and resattiny the scalersLand vocrating the data pr e out. The- latter includes 11formatio-a cone riung the~spectrometer. setUin6ez-, the tinc of'cxposure and the scalar readings. There are areS As"'GOIATION: :4 lLstyttut f izylci jqdrowa j. 111!a1, "ako"17, Dzia-I elek-, Sti-Ute Or-L tronik-I (!-.I Nuclear 11hysics, PAS Krzatow , C s Card 31_/'~'. 9apartment, of. Electroni sj FkIMA~!-, Val.~X, 'X:t 5, mv f h Of PM I - 6 7 TWWR 1; - L4 -a tr X; ~ *=r n. -d A, ~h. Alytical .41 6 3W-Mr-7; PP t ~Adv g Dr Oh Toxic*. I Pmf S. 1"A X III F~A ra Or ~C ? A . Pio- Az, ll~t3n $L~d FhIm STV; ('Atee3tt4 do 0~,-T5~R ~Nw,,o 477T-trn.~~iy 1"I Facul., totil Li., ruznsal-~), Ducharalt'; ;p 263-266. Ist4ld7 or 5u-%:Jrwqr- 011 Up -d In tni-ctA, ^114 Solutitil Pmr v. 'Ll-ma. -mrz A- i "S. r work -perct-S. a' 'ho ;At.,,ta n.16 tall., de ftrtlzlo), Cluj; rharmavy (mLl Pavul .67-275. "T~~ ldvilirlast-lon, Dotomizsation m"it. !;xtrsctlom or -a t -c- Allmt*ln from -%J~!tLn vjl~tu ~ If '. -J-M-~*ea LJ th. rk ir7 I (all gnglisj 3uml&:71 lp" 277-262. ru - - ~ ~ ),~Zlce Ac at C~Wtprl F V t " 3 3-, 7. ZnglAph ~urmaj:7; p~, Z the -,v~ c!,W-wr in th- rrug Fh3rAc-, 1-1 thf, 009/60/000/006/004/005 cg, A124YA026 neer AUTHOR,- Scinteie Stefan, Engi :TITLE! The'Piotection of Eng ne Bearings by Surface,Deposition of Metallic Indium,/\ PERIODICALi Constrqctia de lilasini, 19604,No# 6, PP. 544-546. TEXT. After a certain number of operating hours, the.bearing sur-,- acelbf internal,combustion engines shows a.certain degrqe' of corrosion,, f which is -caused by.the-'self-oxidation of the lubricantVused. : Even lead, whichAs applied as a-thin layer on the surface~of bearings and bushings-. Of modern, high-speed internal combustion engines~ is corroded by-organic acids originating from the lubricants. :By,searching for a more advanta- geo us material than lead, 'indi um,-was fou n.d be the metal, which can ~accomplish the same,functions.' It can be.,easily applied on' the bearing and is resistant against the I corrIo sl v VactiotAof organic .acids.' High- speed,engines are.equipped either with bearings of bronze coated with., lead, or steel bearings coate(i with silver and a layer.of lead. In,order to protect the lead agains 3 'on, both types-of bearings have to,be t corro i covered with indium-. After briefly i7eferrin to the general. properties of 9 Card 1/2 83425 R/009/60/000/dO6/1004/005 The Protection of Engine Bearings by Surface Deposition of'Metaliie iadium indium, the~author describes a'few experiments conducted with this material. In the first stage, indium was.electrochemically deposited on plates in~' 11 cyanioland sulfuric electrolytes.. ~The sulfuric electrolyte~proved more advantageous,. since it,,has a stablecompoa.itim, a good dispersion capacity-At does not'contain poigonous-componento and hau a current efficiency of~60-001-- In the next stages of the experiments, indium,was applied in a sulfur-ic electrolyte on a lead-coated bronze bearing, and on.- a silver and lead coated steel tearingo, Due,to the fact that indium is an.. expensive metal, the,rinsing water and~.the electrolytes are collected for the recovery of indium* Fin'ally,,,the-author desc,r,ibes the preparation of a sulfuric electrolyte, the.plating of.a piston rod with a lead-coated bronze bearing and the equipment~used. The anode wasacyli,ndrical indium plate. The indium coated bearings were installed in an enginet which first had been checked on a tests,tani. After sat.isfactory~results the engine was put.into'trial.operation., The~deposition method:of indium on silver ,and lead-coated steel bea,rings will beworked out after having completely. developed the technological prceess.ol.depositing indium on lead-plated bronze b-arings. There are 3 figures and, 5 reference s ~t2 Rumanian, 2,Sov jet and .1 Engli3h. ASSOCIATION-,~ IO~C.RVM.A. Card 2/2