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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIi-IU9R000400070270-3 Lit=Putty i Xec=ltite Lt![.al staff Use of T&.xi cabs. OGC Has Reviewed 24 Jsnuarf - 1950 1. It was recently proposed to ieaue a new reogulation covering t:)e .:se- of taxicabs either in the form of a directive, instruction, or : odifict--tion of the Cou.uid::ntiul Fund,,. Re ,tiz?aticzns? The orinnl dr~__t cov4red requirements for submission of clesima in -eneral, and t1-1, 1'j .'.'tic tt d s c:cific :itut tions in which taxicabs mi..,ht be used, rw?_-rt 1n c . eri:ent of ie,cu.rit~ was (resent and those in w rich the use, a:i based lar :oiy on ,.:xpcdicncya 2. In a recent ccnvers:,.tion with the writer, you indicated that ere s security f oto r -was pr;=cent t 1w use oC taxicabs would be cove rd by a change in the Confidential Funds Rcgulationao tics ? ere::-, ~ u eLnsic.ered it advisable to obtain an opiaion_ from' the CO:_pt:-c:l1or ueneral re ardini; the use of taxicabs where expsdien_cy r:&x Gne arinie coneiaeriticn. The questions involved related to to urc: uY taxis for. a. Travel for urgent fixed appointments; t. Trarsportatioa of unusu Jly bulky docur.snts, or cclhcute or cumxurscrne equipment, :?,~ ardles6 of the security classification, pro' ided the need was immediate; c. Tr:nsportaticn cf employees in the compamy of collaborat- inc hn-' ivid=,cals for b}em eneral public transportation would be inappropriate bocaue of personal prc-stige or aims of rii.p- r-rie:.cation. 3. After further r,: viear of the opinions of the Comptroller (enera both published and -unpublished, the ftecal -Off ice. eo ctt a :i t ba#. e that the Comptroller has already established ; his` acceptastOe; of clas s for th! use of taxicabs in the first two categories indicated above. 4. Tile b:rortati on "will be allowed only when no public or ra--ular means of trt_nsportution are available or when such regular means of trans- portation ca-i.rot be used advantageously in the interest of the Govern- mtunt, in ,,.:ieh case a satisfactory explanation must accompany the ac- count" (Our erphasis). In referring to paragraph 8 (a) of the Standard- ized Government navel Regulations, which in turn refers to paragraph 11 above cited, the Comptroller (See opinion of 26 Coop. Lein. 797) stated teat thr; paragraph "dispenses with the neccesity of showing ApprovedFor Release 2001/0 3j,:jV F4JP84-00709R000400070270-3 that the interest of the Government required the use at a Uxioab rctthor then s. cheaper means of trap porte.tion under the conditions nj+ooititid, but a& itnerr that ,ararrsph nor any other provision of law or regulation of w.;ich I rim aware, purports to authorize the use of taxicabs ,enoi lly. While the saving of time Is one of the factors which may be UkOn Into oueisida ration in deter: iniar~,, waether the use of taxicabs is in the in- tertat of the (.overnrxcnt, it cc not be presumed that in every instance the Grove OL99ut necessarily bone-fits by saving of time or that its in- terest would not as well be served by the use of slower or cheaper means of tr:Ln8portst1mi." In r+-t,ard to the general use of taxicabs he states that "in the absercc., a C sore statute or resgulatia to the contrary, the Faneral rule necessarily :.a that transportation must be by the most economical means usually used by the public generally unless it clearly is sno n tech scale other means of transportation was used primarily in the ir..tereut or the Govr -na-ne:nt." A. broader general administrative de- terr irtat1cn autt~.u:-!z1 ~ , the ua of to-ioaba by a particular er,aployee or clues of e;aployeoa eye; a necessity at all times cannot be accepted as. proof that other c :eupGr ne&ns of tranapcrtation used by the public generally cr.nnot be used adv ntaCoously in the intorest of the Govornt&nt. (see 23 Carp. on. 310). 5, In t .e light of the above cited opinions, as well as others, the (zptroller :.Uc indicated a stront roluotance to approve speoifio criteria for the use of taxicabs. While special situations might be imcsic ted In ve.iich the use of tactic Gould be justitted, they would be nr. ;norms, t an gut d s, and should be niubjeot to the gtariowal condition that the "retulur ie Bens of tre:nspartition cannot be used adv.ntaZeously in tiicr interest of t:co Government." This would seen to cover the two situa- tions iaidtoated above in cat~!gcrietia a, and b. in paragraph 2. Actual ex- pedienoe would Justify their use, 6. The remaining provisior regarding the use of taxicabs purely for purpoaes of r+ presentatie , rases not been consider...d by the Ccuptrcller uneral, rn~:; it would probably be vary diffLoult to satisfy the Comptroller that it was accessary he an advantageous ustr in the interest of the Govern- =onto fie believe submissioui of the question in probably unnecessary from a practical ett.ndpoint. If cc security factor is present, the use is al- ready ju;~tlfied by the change in the Ccnfidential Funds Regulations. It there is no security factor, it wixld appear that purposes of representa- tion cov 1c., be eatiaf fed by use of a motor-pool car wan tiaa person was accompanied by an employee of the Agency. By the some token, if a car from tha motor-pool i?3 not available within a reasonable time and is pr.1sent, then we believe the use, when the person is accompanied by a CIL employte, is already justified under the opinions cf the Comptroller Creneral i.,:ler.ted above. faxever, if' you still. believe it would be pro.- fers.ble to aub.r:it the question purely on the basis of representation, I wall be ;.?lc idaed to prepare tho necessary latter to GAO. 2ct ApproNhe&F6r