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25X1A 0 Alb Nur 411 Approved For Release 20011091? OGC Has Reviewed rItalliallMi TO OAS Attiwitiont fAubjest 1 Auguev 1947 TraVolrulttlaell or 10. llotorned Is rtelmorallamlfron rtler to ADS? 25X1A via CAS, dated 28 July 1047, concerning the above stiblette Approval $,s. rogLosted fer the ptinent OP travel onto:lava incurred by lase 11111M in transporting her personalir 25X1A 771 WS 017t1 MI car to 170,1r rt-Etarlin tot liMmul It appears that. returned to Vaahtrwton tram hi;ir home in rase asllusetts on lir; June aftr havinr: ion a period of tlmo In Yassadhusatts on leavc. ries left ber Station 25X1A at at the and or iprij. to the illness of 25X1A hu!-1 71041er? 11, the bac:s of the above factz, tho ("morn' m.le Is that viesWM must pay all el:pennon or travel 25X1A frml to t-.1.6 United ntates anJa return, slincs thr, trjrr,--, :titi .1:or her p,ersartal ommorti0200 md not in tho tntertlat o'27 the Oovernmont. The questiom of retzbUrocisent ? for exptalson 6f shipnont of porsonally ?lurid autolabbilts by the cirallitUtiOn in it separate question, and* legally4 25X1A is not 2,-;.:IntLZ to her amergency trip to the titates rad return to ? 25X1A 2. :t appears that ?MT is attempt14$7. to juseirr r imburseneLt to Minnem. in transportina her ear rram 'irlka.hiton to authorit7 foriprovj forlle expense Of Shipnont or such tho theory thatthere 'nista oar at thiv. tin,. SO. DirectiVe now 16 dated: 6 $1,49,- 1047 trt..11ortaes the r it, Imburr. elIkellt of the =penis on or stArplatg, v. 1,,:versonally omed automobile where eueh shipment USN boon justifj#411. for tLe niiintenanoo of oover arli,1 for reamona or A)vrationa: necasit*. 'atorc !A is ihtended that a personal.. ly owned automobtlo ';-.ty timed :solely for the personal ?MVO**. , ionec of the, individual owner and no question Is Iverea,anted of usim7 tep car at the forvlign station on official business toith retrthursecie:A I):( Ole organization under 800. Direativo :No, 3.,0 tlx question or ittlipment at 00-Vervelett trApettaft MO; be somiderod as an 'nal:lent or the trevol of Cho opp107019 invo1vir.7 an offic?a1 ?hong() or station. In other verde, at te 'rT,.q a lett,-r of transfer to simad auth0Plaillg the Indual to travarAnd chance of official statiouvauthori =tit= is providc, rhore appmpriate# for tha pareont of Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R004440,0 MERIMMIZMEI ? CM; Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R0004090250-SE CRET .40 Auguitt %%NW transportation expenses of the imoodiato famikyo oapensea of /shipment of hous4ho3d (7ocds and ettoctOr ando Where tt is detmrninmd that a ear In noconaaryfOr the vaintenancs or eover clad for operational reasons, the shIpmemt or nut% oar L t ;OV'CIT'SIT1(111.t: tifXp o nriy alao be otthopted. th considering the Independent 0frisos Appropriation Act for 1946, approved M Pay 1045 (GO Mat* 131) it has 'bean that, if thn tranarer of an employme has boon a000mpliahnd, thc transportttin of the faItilies at Oovoramant expense may not 1)0 authortzed aubsequontly, The 3tttute involved requiros thpt the authoritstion !rcyr the transportation or the immIldlate faralt,os of c.,ployoca upon the transfer or official station Lo In thc ordr trctthr uch trava (05 Corp. Oan? 444i 12 11004., ember 1P4;4. Mis same question ;ran counidered in 25 Compw c4m4 :172, 2 3;ovenbor 11145# in rhich it lc stated that ordera eutherimiz47t rann170!r of en cmployoe may not be amondod to Lnalu4r, the transportatton of members ot the im=diato famii7 at !;11-1.7 tlno Eft(IP the erip1o5foo himself )10,8 departed tram his old station. Although the Independent affioes Appropriation Act for I94C in tovolved in the above decisions, the prowiw slows ce Public Law GOOF 2 August 1940vare substantially the aerie on this point, 14,041, an empiWas 'Who is trabsferred lir= one official station to another atll when authorized In the orm dittnr the travel be allowed and paid the expenstrn of travel or hirraelr and expenses of tranaportation of his housolloIe goods cue, effectle 4.a? Por reasons or socrurit7 and operational nisessity, cTo hasp in offests qxtcradod the proviatops of ?Wale Law 600 to Lnaludo roirAmrsonAnt of ?sponse* of shipmmnt of personally owned sutonobilons Howevort blie thipment of autombilec as in the mac of transportation of immediate fmni17, household, raedo and effects is mrcly an incident or tho transfer o: official ntation of the employee& 0046u. nequo;71t4, it 1.7, tam opinion of this orrice that whore an enploye has not been raithorized in tlw letter or transfIr to shin or driva his autamtibile at 00Vorn=eint ponaa there would. be no authority to applrove nuah expenstla attar the onployoe haa performed the tralrel ident to hie' ?Moira change ai atation4 This rule would not neceasaril arply vhere it is deternined by the approving authoritv (Anso) that the nutomobile is to be used for ?Metal blleineas, and reirlbure4c-ifsit of :kr 0_11500 1.130=1?6d by euiihtlISO c4u.11. he nuo. thoritod tin?;e.r. Tiir,,,?otive No, Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070250-5 Approved For Releast1/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R00040007M-5 CAS - 00 1. August 1947 5* In view or the above's it is the opinion of tilts of :let. that* on Vas rusts presented, the exists no authority for to Liprovo tha reArtbureemont of oxr,i+onces to 1.3, 10 eor tranapor1Imp. hr oar to til.nott 25X1A t.; 'war that :ma tip 171U3 Arlo udod th "nor or:, of transfore fjuoh envanses must be doomed wail to rLas and* in anv event* she would be 25X1A roquirf,d to pa7 hor Cm travel 4,xponaosii fro= to hcr:te Ira thst Zinit :ltatoa and return. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A cc, Jsri:inbt "1""riesTIN t Igigavtitel SECRET Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070250-5