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21993 0 AUTHORS; Ko Re_1LS1_ Ponizovskiy, Z.L. TITLE: Galactic wanderers PERIODICAL: Priroda, no.7, 1961, 45-52 S/026/61/000/007/002/002 D051/D112 TEXT: In this article the authors try to acquaint the general reader with the nature of cosmic radiation,iits scientific background, and the special problems connected with this phenomenon. Even the slowest and heaviest particles of cos- mic radiation detected near the Earth's surface have a velocity exceeding ioo,obo- 200,000 kilometers per second. Therefore, in addition to its importance for as- trophysics, cosmic radiation plays a considerable role for the study of elementary particles and their interaction at high energies. The largest accelerator of the world permits obtaining particles of an energy of about 30 bev, whereas the energy spectrum of cosmic radiation ranges from 1 to 10,000,000,000 bev. All elements lighter than iron are constituents of cosmic radiation, but their relative number is vastly different from their distribution in the universe. The universe contains about 90% hydrogen, about 9% helium, and only 1% of other elements. In Card 1/8 219~3 Galactic wanderers S/026/61/000/0()7/002/002 D051/D112 cosmic rays, however, the number of nuclei of elements heavier than helium is 5-6 times greater than in the universe. The number of Li, Be, and B nuclei permits establishing that th cosmic rays passed through an interstellar space medium of a density of 5-10 g/cM Such a change in the distribution of the elements shows that the assumption of acceleration and generation of mostly heavy nuclei'of the iron and chromium group in the sources of cosmic radiation does not contraedict experimental data. It seems certain that cosmic -rays contain only a small number o of nuclei with atomic weights from 17 to 23. If this deficiency cannot be ex- plained by the character of Fe and Or fission due to collisions with protons and He nuclei in the interstellar medium, the mentioned assumption will not hold. Ex- periments such as bombarding Iron with proton beams and alpha-particles may help to solve this problem. The energy spectrum of the primary particles is particularly determined by their deflection in the geomagnetic field. The higher the energy, the lower the number of particles possessing it, the character of this Spectrum being independent from the atomic weight of the particle. Particles of a kinetic energy below 0.2*0.4 bev. could not be observed in primary cosmic radiation. Ap- parently, the magnetic fields coming from the Sun together with the ccrpuscular streams entirely remove this weak component of cosinic radiation from the solar Card 2/8 21993 S/026/61/000/007/002/00;>- Galactic wanderers DC151/D112 system. On the other hand particles of an energy above 15 b:-v are very rare, and no conclusions can be drawnconcerning their energy spectrum. At present, instal- latioas with an effective area of some square kilometers, which will permit detect- ing one '10'.9 ev pa~rticle per day, are beJng created. Photons could not be ob- served in primary cosmic radiation and electrons and positrons could not be recor- ded near the Earth. In the Galaxy., however, electrons play an importanb role as f2omponent parts of cosmic rays. As regards the problem of preferential directions of cosmic radiation -, some scientists were of the opinion that the Galactio plane or the axis of that spiral sleeve of the Galaxy which contains the solar system may be considered as such directions. In -this connection it must be observed that not only galactic but also solar cosmic particles arrive on the nurface of the E&ML If the comparatively small solar contribution is excduded, it will appear that the Earth receives from all sides a homogeneous flux of cosmic particles, the error of measurement not being above 1-3%. This means that cosmic radiation in the Gala-V L$ isotropic. From the Galaxy only signals from electrons and pcsitronswhich are constituent parts of the cosmic rays, can be recorded on the Earth. All cosmic radiation is thermal and nonthermal. The basic part of non"hermal radiation is connected with the acceleration of relativistic electrons in the magnetic fields of the Galaxy. Because the intensity of these fieldn is about 10-5 gauss, Card 3/8 21993 S./026/6-1/000/007/002/002 Galactic wanderers D051/D112 the acceleration of electrons of about 109 ev produces a radiation on meter waves. For hea-71er part-ioles such a radiation is ircompariCnly weakBr and nearly Impercep- Uble agaLasL the background of electron radiation. Tn contrast to former con- Ceptions, radloastronomic observations show that 80-90% of all cosmic radiation comes from a galactic "halo" or "corona OA Fig-3) of spherical form with a radius of 30,000-50,000 light years (3 -..5 cm) u _rd basically containing ionized hydrogen,of a miar. density of I atom per 100 cm, ~ The vzliume of the halo is -1 t 5 . 00 m The galactic,disk (Fig-3) is considerably thicker than was assumed before (according to former conceptions the disk had a thickness and a diameter of 1.,000-2,000 and about 100,000 light years, reap!)ctively). Its den- sity of ionized hydrogen amounts to about 1 particle per cm-3. Finally there is a region of 400-900 light years in dAameter which.surr5unds the galactic center. Vils region is immersed in a "dense" (I L 2 atoms/cm ) cloud of neutral hydrogen of 300-400 . 2,000L2,500 light years. fts star concentrat-Lon is 500,0,000times higher than in the vicinity of the Sun. All this mass "rapidly" revolves around the galactic center (during 30,000 yearB one revolution at Ei distance of 300 light years). In the center itself is the galactic nucleus of about 30 light years in diameter with ionized hydrogen at a concentration of up to 1,000 protons per cm3. Such a nucleus was also detected in some other galaxies, e.g. ir, the Andromeda Card 4/8 91993 Galactic wanderers S/026/61 /000/007/002/002 D051/D112 nebula. Radio maps obtained through measurements on 21 cm waves show that the spiral structure of the Galaxy begins at a distance of 10,C00 light years from the center. it can be assumed that these spiral "sleeves" formed under the effect of a magnetic field. During its 10 billion years of existence the Galaxy has performed about 50 revolutions, which resulted in frequent breaks in the sleeves, so they cannot serve as magnetic traps for cosmic rays. V.L. Ginzburg, I.S. Shklovskiy, and other scientists are of the opinion that supernovae and, possibly, novae within the Galaxy are the main source of cosmic radiation, because the 200 biWon 8tars of the Galaxy cannot produce cosmic rays with a total energy of 10 -104 erg/sec, an amount which is considered as necessary to maintain a cons- tant flow of cosmic radiation on the observed enerff, level. The burst of a slapernova is tremendous The full energy, for instance, fleed in the nebula Cassiopeia A(10,000 li;~t years from the Earth) is about lo'571-lo52 erg. It can be assumed that about one tenth of this amount went, to the production of cosmic raya Such an "injection" would compensate the energy losses of a'~ -1 cosmic rays in the Galaxy during 3,000-30,000 years. Most supernovae have less explosion energy, but even a mean energy a hundred times less wguld be sufficient for maintaining the cosmic radiation at a total energy of 1o5 _1o57 erg in a galaxy. Buthowever, intense may be the production of cosmic rays beyond the limits of our galaxy, Card 5/8 21993 Galactic wanderers S/026/61/000/007/002/002 D051/D112 cosmic particles coming from outside are of no prtictiql Nortance for its int .er- nal balance. Only if particles with an energy of' 10 -10 ev proved to be pro- tons and not heavy nuclei could a proton "injection" into the Galaxy be assumed. The mass of neutral hydrogen near the galactic plane is 2.8 1042. Assuming that the interstellar gas consists of 93% hydrogen and helium and adding the mass of gas of the halo, the mean density is 3.6 - 105 = 71 . 0-27 3. -26 3, 1 L 5.10683. 10 glem which corresponds to 3-15 particles per i,000 cm At a con ~entration of 1 particle per 100 cm3 in the interstellar gas and a particle speed nearly equal to light velocity the time until collision of various cosmic particles with the interstellar gas can be calculated% protons (hydrogen) 3,800 million years alpha-particles (helium) 940 million years nuclei with atomic number 3-5 510 11 if nuclel with atomic number 6-9 360 it nuclei with atomic number above 10 2~O it iron nuclei 140 if A5 these times are considerably below the age of the Galaxy, it follows that all presently existing cosmic rays did not originate together vith it but at later Card 6/8 S/026/61/000/007/002/002 Galactic wanderers D051/D112 periods. Whether cosmic rays can escape from the Galaxy depends on the confi- guration of its magnetic fields and on the conditions at its boundaries. if in reality there should exist an "open" model of'the Galaxy with part of the magnetic lines of force extending into the intergalactic space, an escape would be possible. But for the overwhelming majority of particles the paths to be covered would be so long and complex that the indicated li-fetime would not be sufficient. In this way, also in the case of absence of :reflection at the Galaxy boundaries, the loss in cosmic rays would be inconsLderable. T~e tWl number of cosmic particles at present in the Galaxy is estimated at 10- There are 6 figures. Card 7/8 KORETS, M.A. (Moskva); PONIZMKIY, Z.L. (Moolcva) Radiation belts and auroras. Priroda 51 no.3.1:76-77. N 162 i - ' (MIPA 15.11) (Auroras) (Van Al~#n radiation belts) KORETS, M.A. (Moskva) Winter theoretical school on the physics or solids. Priroda 51 [i.e. 521 no.5t104-106 163. (KIRA 16t6) Soltd~)j ftyalci;-Study and teaching) i ACCESSION URI' AP4042'031 AUTHOR: Korstso M. A. (MOSCOW) Detection of gravitational waves TITLEo SOURCZs -Priwods, no* 70 19646 106-408 ado TOPIC TACSt gravitational wave detection, gravitational wove measur Ment, gravitational wove propagation valocity,, gravitational wave energy, gravitational wave energy flux ABSTRACT% Most physicists allres that gravitationalforces propagata with a finite velocity (apparently equal to light, velocity). This ln~ dicates the existence of gravitational wave@. A joint conference concerned with the problem of whether there era methods to detect gravitational waves and whether thay-provida sufficient sensitivity was heldbyagroup of scientists in the field of relativistic astro- physics and members of the Academy of Sciences-SSSR and by the SovLatl Committee for Gravitation. on 15 June, 1964o A Summarized report on this subjict_.was presented by Vo-Vo Draginskly of Moscow Stilts Uni- --ilvorsitye Yes So ZaltdavLch and to Do NovLkov trestsd the fall of I CWd 112 A CEE S S 10 0, AP5003566 ev kJ -~2h2.-66 __FBD -wr CCINA L A WA W 61-016.2 I ACC NRt 95025249 705~6[65100 SOURCE CODE1 UR 0/009/048/ouo AUTHOR- Ko (Moscow); Ponizovskv, .2Z* L (Hosca-,r) ORG: nono TITIB: Relativistic astrophysics J SOURCE: Priroda, no. 9. 1965, 118-120 TOPIC TAGS: astrophysics, cosmic ray, cosmic radio simrce, gal,07. matagaia37t special relativity theory, cosmology#- astronomic conforance ABSTRACT.-A session of the working committeb on're'lativistic ast S I'C* B met'in May 1965, to discuss problems dealing wiih _qu&mJ'FAahPcosmj.c. rays. On the basi~jof comparative energy-density studies, V. L. E,'_~Ginzbur and S. 1.5~8yrovatski_ have concluded that the coamAc-rao in the vicinity of the earth cannot possibly be of metagalactic drigin ethem As isotropic cosmic-ray propagation in the metagalaxy and no cosmic- mechanism in the Galaxy. g, B ikellher has advanced ray pumping .the -theor that a kind of "magnetic bridge" exists between some galaxies y such that the metagalactic cosmic rays are anisotropic mad reach the card 1/3 L - 5249-66 _WC Galaxy` -~iigfiifi- 147,1~i6titie Giiizburg rejec athis theo'ry on the I in, can s t ,ground that.all evidence indicates a high degree of c osmic-ray i1sotrol )Y. "Ginzburg holds, rather, that the cosmic rays observed near the earth were created in the Galaxy as the.result of the explosion of supernovae. S S kiy b eves -that some o mic rays must come from those hklovs eli c s sectors of the which their density is great &is, for example 'in the Centaur A radio galaxy where the cosmic-ray density is 100 times I othat in the~Galaxy, However, many -questions (galactic boundaries :,Mechanism of heating the metagalactic medium, and the raechanism of cosmic-ray generation and acceleration) remain unanswered. On the mAtt6Fof -r-e-Dort- tha"-t five,mo-r-6--quasars have been identified recently with optica ou red- 4 if I rces. On the! basis of shift observations, they are not less than 6-8 billion light years away. A. rough model of a quasar shows a denser central part having a diaineter~ .-oi about 400 billion km surrounded by a gas envelope extending some I i5 -30 light years. This, ir. turn, Js surrounded by a radiowave -emit- ting region extending- hundreds of light years. - The angular dimensions of a quasar have been found toAecrease with wavelength and in the :infrared region can have the same dimensions as:the nucleus described. ;Shklovsld maintains that quasars represent a normal active stage in the - y Card - A.CC NIR- AP-7006.044, 0 009 0 7 0 AUTHORt Korots, Ho ORG: none !71V=:L Cosmic imser n 3-17~ SOURCE: t Priroda, o 9 1966 -3.19 emir TOPIC T,~.GS: mser, radio- 'Gion,L strong ma Metio field, stAr ABSTI-tACIRro f es nor I. S. Shklovokiy reported an the most recent work on the radio emission of neutral hydrogen at a scientific session of the Division of General and Applied Physics or the AcadinW of Sciences* Shklovskiy feels that this radio emission is caused by the presence of a strong magnetic field. The ionized hydrogen (H.II) will be situated within some sphere and the neutral*hydrogen (11 1) outside it. At the 'boundary the neutral hydrogen is "squeezed", its density /0 increases and the magnetic field will be of the order of 4 , where 13 is close to and 10-18, whereas the normal density of hyd)mgcn is 10-240 With I ;its increase there should be an increase of 011 density, From the time of fluctuations of the spectral characteristic it cim be determined that. the size of the sphere is about 1017 cm and its pass is = Me . It can be ex ected that there can be a transition of hydmc molecules to Card 1/2 .~. . , ~ . .. I, I r'L, ~-, --- ---- 0o/4qTi6 ANDUYEV, A - 8 Determination of mall amazats of blanth In antimontal load. Z&w. lab. 22 no.5-.538-540 I%. (w" 9:8) 1. Loningradekly polltekhalchookly Institut Inoni N.I. Kalinina. (Blawthr-Awlyals) (Load-antizony alloys) KORETS. O.K.; KONSTANTIJOVSKly. V.K.; yAKU.BCV5Xjy. I.A.; SWISRATOY, M"*~otir.rede; MZM, &.6., Saveduyushchiy- red.izd-va-, TWINAo TO.L.. [UnIfOrs ti= and pay standards for construction, assembly. and repair operations in 19601 Bdinya no,-my i rasteanki na stroitell- Va. XOUtaZ" I resiontuo-stroitelliq9 raboty, 1960 g. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po strait.. arkhit. i stroit.materislam. Sbor- nik 2. [larthwork) Zonlianys raboty. 1o.2 (Uming hydraulic sachinery in earthwork] Gidrozekhanizirovannye zemlianyo raboty. 1960. 133 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitat po delax stroitalletys.. 2. TSentralluoye norwitivno-i8sledovatel'skoye byuro (ToNIB)'Ninisteretva stroitel'stva elekt:rostantsiy (for Konstantinovskly, Takabovskiy). (Wages) (Dredging machinery) WRIfts ROD* inshener. Calculating the fitting pine of machine attachmonts. Clsdj UIKITQM 24:305-325 151, (MLIA W) (Nachins tools-Accessories and attachments) xMMS, S. B. Use of planning and accountIng units In establishing documenta- tion. Trudy NTO sud,prom. 8 no.2195-99 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Shipbuildlar-Accountinc) LC.,d IZ3 UDC: 53 2.52 -4.29:5 _2 ACC NRi Ap7000144 3) the threshold cavitation pressure in viscous medium Pill ' At - Pu + 89/ Infio- 4j the frequency dependence of the threshold pr essuro Pni - (60"'AO'l-I'l. - constj% "%Ash 5) the frequency dependence of the threshold pressure in terms of the amplitude of the sonic impact wave Pili (60 % (PQ) 'I- el. -rI,- constris. where: pa is the atmospheric pressure, I~j - the equilibrium vapor pressure, R radius of cavity, Ro - initial radius of cavity, or- - the surface tension of liquid,, 77 - viscosity of liquid, '4- ratio of specific heats, per - critical pressure, pni'- sonic threshold pressure, f - frequency, p rA - threshold pressure in vizcous medium, cK - coefficient of energy transfer of potential energy from liquid to sonic ener&70 Ip - the density, Ao - acoustical energy, 0 - velocity of sound in liquid, PO - sonic pressure, J: - a constant, and r,- distance from center of bubble to the point at which the pressure is being measured. It JA concluded that the cavitation Card 2/3 ACC NRi Anwoi,4 threshold is determined by the inertial and viscotW forces. Tho cavitation threshold lis practically independent of frequency up to the frequency at which tho inertial iand viscous forces become equal to surface tonsion'forces and to the hydraulic pros- !sure. Orig. art. has: 23 equations, I !SUB COM 20/ SUBM DATE: 07Apr65/ ORIG REF c)ol/ oTIT REF: 006 card 313 11 KORNSKAYA. A. Bleventh All-Urdon Conference on High Molecular weight Compon"AA. VAw.volok. vz.5-77-78 "',9* (KIRA 13:4) (Na*ronolecular compounds-Congresses) p-K. T. -- --- A. S. ShpitalOnyi, E. A. Vaosp and A. 1. Kgretakaya - "The structure of salts formed from diamines and dicarboxylic acids of the aliphatic series." (P. 571 ) SO. Journal of GenergI ChemlsV:j, (Zhurnal Obshchei njimil), 1950, Vol. 20, No. 4. BALAKLEYTSEVA, L.F.; KORSTSKAYAP A.I.; KUDRYAVTSEVp Ga.l. -. -- . Polyamidoenters and fi.bars based on them. Kh1m.volok no.6:31-34 163. (MM 17: 1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy institut iskusstvannogo vo.- lokna. KORETSKAYA A.I.; KUDRYAVTSEV.. G.1.; KONKINp A.A. Solid state polyesterification. Part 1: Solid phase polyesterification of p-acetoxybenzoic acid and low- molecular weight products of condemation of dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol. Vysokom. ooed 6 to-3t434-440 Mr'64- (MM 17:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut iskusetvennogo volokna. of PolYfAli.,fiene t, L taropht-hal-s-te. vy,7C)KI7,11~0 7 I'llY 165. Vae-oviinyy lmu.,hno is. 18 volokna, R KOTOMIMp I-11,; KUMSKAYA, L.I. Branch conference of the workers of the synthetic fibera irAmAry. RhIm.volok. no.1:65-67 159. (HIFA 12:8) (Textile fibers, Synthetic-Congresses) 3/183J60/000/02/14/025 2004/BO05 AUTHORS: KorstakNAW"'Am Konstan inoyp A. A., Vinogradov, G. V. ?IT*LX-. An Apparatus for Determining the Viscosity of Polyamide Resilelts PERIODICAL:' Xhisicheskiye voloknag 19601 so. 29 PPq 36 - 39 TEXT: The authors describe a variation of the recording viscosimeter of the typ*.AKV-2. Because of the high viscosity of polyamide resin melts, discharge is not through a aspillary tube but through a concentric alit. The melt is pressed through the alit by means of a spring-loaded piston. To prevent oxidationg the viscosimeter is filled with nitrogen. Fig. I shoirs a diagram of the apparatus, Fig4 2 the component parts made of stainless steelp and Fig. total view. Figs- 4 and 5 show experimental results obtained with_2aEronejr:siu in the form of graphs. There are 5 figures and 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOIT~~. VNIIV (All-Union Scientific Research Inetitate of Synthetic Fibers) Korstakaya, A. 1.1_1natitut neftekbimicheskogo sinteza Ali SSSR (Institute of Petroleum-chemical Synthesis of the AS USSR) Konstantinovq A. A.9 Vinogradoyq G. V. Card 1/1 er.-po 7-7 L ACtM.SION:,ATq:_ AP50102 ~4 190 i 6E'fh& ~- i An p a-n xor dexre O~th I ~~197%F A-cbrre. _ d -1 t -spon ing y impe an a -"'S fibersi~,, AL era papers-; i-elid - -ge r ymong f t~i~ toh:' ri hd Oeladid k6 t the pret;entation-0 el 0 i~o ccu 017 0! t d I U e 13 a ~c 3 ~,vvaSA nroted to' ldbletns-,&V~6un bre "If5rbru o~ ;valuation Gr L' an i_ th6~ipqlly stable,pd~ya c P-1 ,siccc te iical -0 ~-,ncnt methadsr,"ate -necessa.7. ers at h gh ibr _t6bI of e e nermal. s X _ymerq-.~ s_grj ~at y i menc b Y sharoly, de creascds e erm,, f , I. io vaiers ~tic.t , ~-the ittr6ductibn of Coups- at Pq vuenzir fM37, 9; s'no lotice e T effect and. lncorpo_r~Ltidn of- b oronj,~- pliparbhoi- ft-_or--f&r, alelifilig x oce n pe yberizimidaza ij:_~d t 0! ~Improl - - g t 6- f ~ 1 Pm t i i d L rn e:. or- 11-bit- 01: 5 r e Ult f G ti m t t a in .1 g, arni: -icals -in :promote cr 0 n, -B. Kr e nts nati-tuto,~OfF6 ~as,is): diiscu-sised t . hysiolo ard P totheli a ont-hes1i; a e As , - yr ~ corcl A; q Pali pcayplios'-~- .,on TO viriotts'pa ywero- fieltro,. M"MOMMMOMM MOW AGMSION IMs 04030356 9/0,190/6VO06/003/WV0440 Korstakaya, A. I.; Kudryavta G. I.; Nonkins k, A. AUTHORS: TITLE: A study Of solid state polyesterification reaction, 1, Solid state ification o polyester f p-acetoxybenzoic acid and of low molooular condensation 1products of dimethylterephthalate and ethyleneglyool, SOURGE- Vy*sokomo1eku1yarq)-*ye sayedineniya, v, 6s no. 3, 1964, 434-440 TOPIC TAGS: solid state., polyesterification, solid state polyesterification, .1 p-acetoxybGnzoic acids dimethyl';,.erephthalates ethylene&lycol cat bor c alysts i acids uroas benzidines terephthalic acid,, activation energy ,ABSTRACT: The kinetics of solid state polyeaterification of p-acetaybenzoic acid ("A) and of condensation of dimetIVIterephtkalate (DIWP) with ethyleneglycol, ;(EG) were studied in an atmosphere of nitrogen and. in vacuum by the thermogravimet-'I.- technique. It was round that*within 15 hours at 163C the polyesterification of ABA in a current of nitrogen was 7% complete, while at 166C (within 1-2 degreesi. of the melting point) it amounted to 14%. The addition of various catalysts caused:.". ta marked acceleration of the ABA polyesterification. reaction bo acid being the ric Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR AP4030356 most effective, then urea,, bensidine, and terephthalic aoid.' The obtained ABA !polymer had a melting point of 202-203C, was teadily soluble in concentrated M suUuric acid (partly so in tricresol) and had a rdative viscosity of 146-1.1o IThe investigation of the solid phase polyesterification reaction of DMT and W ~revealed that at IMC it took 360 minutes to reach a 60% completion., while in a 2 mm vacuum the reaction was 100% complete within, 160 minutes, The authors assume that under vacuum the reaction has the characteristics of one of the 1,5 order@ J The activation energy of these reactions was calculated* Vo Ve Tikhandroya participated in the experimental works Origo art. hass 5 charts and I table. A=IATION: Nauchno-ioaledovatell6kiy institut isimestTennago VoukM (Scientif", Research Institute or Synthe~io Fibers) MITTEDs 28F~W'." Kkv64 DATE A0Q1 07, 00 SUB COD92 CH RD RW 80Vs WO NMI OU rArd 2 WRETSKAYA, E. Developrient of business accountine on collecti-vo farms. Vo ekon. no.6:144-152 Je '59- (MIR& 12:950 (Collective farms-*counting) olleft 0 tusk Will and SOON, "Kb. 111111111110. of offmillow d Z, Via. hrr. My"I.Clow., cf. C.A. Q. 113%.-tWh obtai"M by mWng TW4 with mW IllO mtolaia orkbuft *wA*pbms spheirs Ws. 0-2 .1 which thro cvWaliw whiliks mew ?won. Alraj TiCl. 1. tmiw,l with bat mairr. oyo. pank*s fam isl mcr, 'm ovmaN Wrm to 1W Mims. of "AW, alulaw. au.1 1*uAil~. A .4 lWW tk'flfWkVftpW Msaty SWAM SIM, 11W 4mvihjp~ of rahk ava 41,514, c 2,03 A., cm*ktt 4 3,j1, r VX, (c%mtrAry to dAla). atod btpAitra 9-3), It 3.44, c A. 14. I J. J. flibentuti AC7~ 7~~ _7 . . . . . . . . . . . . A zz 75 KALTUGA,D.P., kandidat sel'skokhosyaystvennykb. nauk; KORETSXATA,L.A., kandiclqt khtmicheskikh nank; PETROV,V.A. RUW-~- Kiddle Zeya endemic region. Prlrods 114 no-9:112-113 S '55- (MLRA 8:11) 1. Dallnevostochnsqa ekspeditelya Soveta po isuchentyu pro- isvoditellnykh 911 pri Akademil nauk SSSR (Zeya Valley-Cattle-Diseases) KLOPOVP S.V., doktor teklm.nink; KOMSKATA L.A. kand. eel takDkhoz.asuk Completion of Soviet-Chine" invostigations in the Am= Basin. Vest.AN SM 32 no.8:8547 Ag 162. (Kn 15:8) (Anw Talley-Natuml rosourcem) K=F". Lidlya Alsksandrowna; URATAYN, H.H., otvatetvennyy redaktor-. XURIABOY. 1.K.. redaktor Izdatel'stvik; ASTAY?TITA, G.A., tekhnichaskly rodaktor [Fodder resources of the Zeya-Bureya plain] Kormovye resursy Zsisko- BursInskol ravalay. Moskva, Isd-vo Akadeall nauk SSSR, 1956. 77 p. (mar Provinco-Forage plants) MHA 9:8) KORETSKAYA, Lidiya Aleksandro DOYAHENKOy Ye.A., kand. biol. -ffmM-,-otv. red.; KOLPAKOVA., Ye.A.9 red. izd-va; TIKEOMIROVA, S.G.p tekhn. red.; POLY.AKOVA, T.7., tekhn. red. (Nature and natural feed resources of the AmLLr Basin]Prirod- nye usloviia i estestvennyo kormovye rosursy ~oasseina AmLra. Moskvaj Izd-vo Ak-ad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 129 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1 (Amir Province-Pastures and meadows) KOVATSMUYA, A.R.;. KOMITMAYA, L.S.; MUMRTAKOV, V.A., direktor. Effectiveness Of vaccluotherapy of bacterial dysentery In children. Top.pediat. 21 no.4:17-18 J1-Ag '53. (91-RA 6:10) 1. Tadshikekly Institut spidesiologii, aiicrobiologii I gig:kveny. (4sentery) (Vaccination) - - ---- --- - - I...... .......... KORETSKAYA, L. S., Docent, and OYVIN) V. I., Senior Scientific Associate "The Pathogenesis of Bacillary DyeWtery.," a report presented at the First Conference of Pathologists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan held in Stalingrad, 12-15 Feb 1955, Ark. Patol., 17, No 3# PP 83-879 1955 Abstrat Sum. 1003, 2D JU1 56 OTYIN, V.I.; KOMSKATA, L.S.; KPASKINOT, D.N.; VATSBURD, R.A. DistrIbution of antibodies In protein fractions of blood plasm of patients having acute dysentery Evith sunnary In Aziglish]. khis. 3 no-3:190-194 W-JO "57. - WaA 10:8) 1. Stalimbadskly Inatitut epidentologil i gigiyeM,, kefodre patof Istologit I kafedre InfektalowWkh bolotrAy Stallusbadskogo neditelaskogo inatituta Inani Aviteensw (DTBBMIBRT, BACIU60Y. imunol, antibody dlitribution In blood protainfrectiou (Run)) KORMSKAYA, L.S.. kand.utd.nauk, dots. Interic bacterial infections in TaJiMeten, theVr etiology mud control, Zdrav.Tadsh. 4 no.6:34-38 I-D 157. (KMA 11:4) 1. Uveduyushchly otdolom bor'by 9 kishaehnymi infektolymmi Stalinabadskogo institute eDidewiologii I gigiyeiw (direktor- doteent N.Ya.Raxulov). (TAJIIIffAN--UMTnMS--DISRAS'IIS) OTVIN. V.I.; KCWSUU, L.S. I--Ww-wMwwW---- Blectrophoretic study rabbits, Arkhopst. 19 (Stalinsbad) of blood serum in experivantal dysentery in no.11-46-54 157. (Kim 11:1) 1. In otAsla bor'by a kisbachnyal infektaiyeat (say. -dotsent L.S. Koretakaya) Stalinabodskogo instituta epidemiclogii i gigtveny i kafedry patologichookoy firiologii (say. - prof. I.A.Oyvin) Stalinabadskogo mditslnekogo inatituta imeni Avitsenzq. (DYUffARY~ BACIMARY. experimental, blood protein electrophoresis (Rua)) (BLOW,PRMNINS, in var.dis exper-, bacillary dysentery, electrophoresia Otus)) COUNTIT., MPH CATEGORY Microbiology ABS. joUh.. Ref Zhur-Biologlya, N0.4, 1959, M. 14848 AUTHOR Yoretskaya, L.S.; INST. TITIE something New in nal Disorder. OffIG., PUB. -.1dravcohlir. Tqdzhikistima, ARSTRACT No abstract I:ovFjI,.vsI-,nyi, the Etiology of Acute intesti- 195819 No.2, 10-13 CrMqD: KORRrSKAYA, L.S.; PVAMSDYA, A.N. Food toxinfection caused by serotype o26:336 of Becherichia colt; author's abstract. Zhur.m1krobiol.spid. I Immun. 29 no.4:58 AD 158. NIRA 11:4) 1. Is Stalinabadekogo Instituta enidemiologit I giglyeny. OSCMICHIA COLI, infections, 026:B6 causing food-pols. (Run) (FM POISONM. case reports, 2. colt 026.-B6 (Rus) KORETSKAYAj, L.S.; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.N.; LEVINAP G.Ye.; LIMMIXOP R.M. Peculiarities of col-ienteritis in Stalinabad and its. relative weigbt in the sum total of acute intestinal diseascs in children, Zdrav. Tadzh. 7 no. 2:32-37 Mr-Ap 160. (MM 13:10) 1. Iz Stalinabadskogo instituta epidem:Lologii i giClyenyq Stalina- badakogo medinstituta im. Abuali ibni Sino i betskoy infektsionn'oy bolinitsy. (STALLUBAD--INTESTIIW,S-DISEASES) KORMUU9 'LOS.j KOVAUUKLUO A.N.; UYUMOVAq NqK. Test of the Influence of gibberellic acid on V2e growth of am* bacteria of the intpatinal group. Zdrav. T!%Ua. 7 no.5t6l-.62 160. (MIRA 13'-'12) (GIBBEHIPT.T.Te ACID) (DITESTIM-UPTERIMMI) KORETSKAYA, L.S.; BUSHUYEVA, G.I. Detection of bacterial carriers of intestinal infections among patients with cholecystopathies. Zdrav.Tadzh. 9 no.3:30-32 Vq-Je 1 #62. (MMA 15:8) 1. Iz Dushanbinskogo instiuta epidemiologii i gigiyeny. (GALL BLADDER-DISEASES) (INTESTINES-MEASES) KORETSKAYA, L.S.; YELFIMOVA, V.Z. Ga-rrier state of nathogenic intestinal bacteria grcups in Dushanbe. Zhur.mikrobioa.,epid,i i=mn. 46'no.12slIO-313 D 163, (MIRA 17112) 1. Iz Tadzhikskogo instituta epidemiologii i gigiyeny. k Pt AVT#O~S, Koretskaya, H. I.; Dnnilova, A. V.; Utkin, L-M. 79-2-58/58 --------------- TITLIt Synthesis of Harmine Derivatives. Part 1. (Slatez proizvodnykh garmina. I.) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obshchey KhWiq 1957, vol 27:, No 2, pp. 542-545 (U.S.S.It.) ABSTRAM Thin report describes the synthesis of certain harmine derivatives for pharmacological investigation. The now harminiq derivatives were identi- fied as Ind-N-(bete-diethylemino)-eth3rlharmine., dichlorohydrate; Pv-lf- ch.lor-(beta-diethylamino)-harmine eth3plate, hydrochloride; Ind-N-benzyl- harmine; Py-N-iodamethyldte Ind-N-benzylharmina: Py-N-chlormetklokta of Ind-N-.bensylharmine, ethyl ether of norharmine carboxylic acid. The . authors obtained new derivatives of tettrehydroharmine,, newly, Py-1-(beta- diethylamino)-ethyltetrehydroharsine; tetrahyctronorharmine carboxyllo acid. There are 5 references, none of which are Slavic. -4 0 AUTHOR: 79-12-37/43 TITLE: Alkaloids From Peganum Harmala L. (Alkaloidy Peganum Harmala L.). I: On the Separation of Two New Alkalo:;ds (1: 0 vydelenii dvukh novykh alkaloidoir). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimii, 1957, Vol. 27,- Nr 12, pp. 3361-3364 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The alkaloids contained in the "grave dibrgers" plant (Peganum harmala L)q are subject to inirestiCations for a long time already. Garmaline, garmine garmalol, M- peganine were separated from its seeds and the 1. - peganine from its blossoming stolons. Dried external parts of the plant from "Peganum harmala.1,11 served as material for the present investigation, which were collected during their blossoming period in the promontory of the Kirgisian Ala-Tau by the leader of the exDedition Massagetoy P. S.. By means of an extraction with isopropyl alcohol alkaloids were isolated to a degree of 1178 %, which mainly consisted of an alkaloid, which could be identified to be the dl-peganine (see the attached table!). From the resin-like residue the garmine (o,oo25 %) and two new compounds could be isolated Alkaloids From Peganum-Harmala L. 79-12-37/43 I: On the Separation of Two New Alkaloids by means of a chromatographic process (Al20 ) after a separation of the peGanine, that is to Q, an alkaloid, number one, with the composition C11 HI r"ON 2 (o, o94 ',4-) and an alkaloid, number two, with the formula% 11H1002N2 (0,054 For the purpose of a comparative investigation of the newly isolated alkaloids and the peganine, infrared absorption spectra viere taken of them. The bands established from peganine corresponded to the - (- OH) and ( - N = C) groups, vhich verifies the assumed structure. The band, which is characteristic for the OH-group is missing in the spectrum of the alkaloid number one, the band originating from the ( - N - C) group remains. There appears a band, however, which indicates a carbonylic bonding a, P or an amidokarbonyl. The investigation of both alkaloids is continued. There are 1 table, and 7 references, 0 of which are Slavic. R 2~3 41- 411 1.41. 4-.1 e'6"' /-IV'IIIIrII 79-28-4-53/60 *AUTITORS. Koretskaya~ X, I. ) Utkiny L. M. TITLE: The Alkaloids In Peganum harmala L. (Alka,loidy Peganum harm'ala L.) IL On the Structure of Two New Alkaloids (11. 0 stroyenii dvukh novykh alkaloidov) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii,1958,vol.28,Nr 4, PP-1087-1089(USSR) ABSTRACT: In a former article (Ref 1) the authors reported on the isola- tion of peganine (formula 1), harmine and 2 new bases which were named alkalo4d Nr I (C 11H10 ON .) and alkaloid Nr 2 (C 11H i00 2N2) from the overground parts of the African rue (Peganum. harmala L. ). In the present article the investiga- tion of the structure of the newly isolated compounds is continued. The authors found that in the reduction of alkal- oid Nr 1 with lithium-aluminum-hytiride dihydro-desoxy pega- nine (0 11HifN2) is formed (nefs 2, 3). The presence oc a band aT 16 cm 1. n the ultra-red absor,tion spectrum (which is the P band of the cabonyl group in acid amides ndicates that with this compound an oxo compound of desoxy peganin is con- cerned (Refs 2. 4). According to its prop~arties and composi- tion alkaloid ftr 1 agreed with 20-trimethylene quinazolone 79-28-4-53/60 The Alkaloids in Peganum harmala L. II, On the Structure of Two New Alkaloids (4) formula 11) described in technical publications (Ref 4)- Their identity was proved by direct comparison of the two substances. The ultTa-red absorption spectrum of alkaloid Mr 2 indicates that this compound contains a hydroxyl group besides an acid amide-like bound carbonyl -roup. This made possible the conclusion that alkaloid Nr 2 is an oxo-.deri- vative of peganine, namely the 1--,2,3-(oC-h,Vdroxy trimethyl- ene)-.quinazoione (4) (formula III). The racemate of this compound which forms during oxidation of i,.,-peganine with hydrogen peroxide is described in technical publications. (Refs 4, 5)- 1 2,3-(r/_,hydroxy trinothyleria)-quinazolone (4) synthesized by the authors according to an analogous rule from 1-peganine p-roved to be identical vii-th alkaloid Nr 2. By means of these investigations it was demonstrated that besides peganine the overground parts of the African rue contain compounds which are either decomposition products of peganine, or preliminary stages in the formation of this alkaloid in the plant. The part playod by the men- tioned compounds in the conversion processes of peganine may probably be explained by the investieUtion of the ft7m-2714. interactioas of all three derivatives of 2,3--trimethylene 79-26-4-53/60 The Alkaloids in Peganum harmala L. H. On the Structure of Two New Alkaloids quinazoline in various stages of the growing of the plant. N HZ CHt \ / N - CN't CH C ;L 0 G 1H N11 tiek It is interesting that in the reduction of 2,3-~-hydroxy tri- pethylene)-quinazolone (4) with zinc in diluted hydrochloric acid 2,3-trimethylene-c~uinazolone (4) and.desoxy peganine was obtained. The reactiom metnioned in this work are described in detail in an experimental part. There are 6 references# 1 of which tm-d--374 is Soviet, DANMVA, A.T.; sirAu, N.i.; sHms. z.r.; mriv, i.m. Now method for obtaining platyphylline from lanscle platypbyllus. Ned.prou. 14 no,4tM-30 Ap 160. (KM 13:6) I. r*6607MMY nauchao-19810dovatellskly khtalko-farmateeTtl- cheskly lutituk Ismal 3, OrdsboulkIdse, .(PuTrpRuW=) IAMSKIY, A.S.; KORETSKAU., N.I. Effect of some factors.on the formation of solesodi ene during the hydrolysis of the glycoalkaloida or Solanum aviculare. Med. from. 15 no*..3:41-42 Mr'161. (MIU 14: 5) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauahno-isoledovateliskiy khimik:o-garmatsevtichoskiy institut, imeni S.OrdahorLikidze. (ALUWIW) DAVILDVAj A.V.; KORETSKAYA, N.I.; UTKILN, L.M. Strueture of wrenardin" alkaloid (from 13onecio renardi , Part 2, Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no. 11:3815-3818 N ItA. ~MIRA 14:11) 1. Vuenoyuzn" nauchno-inaledovatellakLy khimIko-fLarmatuevttcheskJLy institut imeni 5, Ordzhonikidze. (Alkaloids) DANILOVA., A.V.; KORETSUIA, N.I.; UTKIN~ L.M. Now all-loid from Senecio othonnae M.B. Zhur.4)b.khim. 32 no.2:647-61+8 F 162. (MIM 15:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy khiiaiko-farmateav- ticheskiy institut imeni B.OrdzhonUddze. - I (Alkaloids) ~ORETSKAYA, N.I.; DANILOVA, A.V.; UTKIN, L.M. Structure of jaconecic and jacolinecic acids. Zhur.ob.khim. no.4tl339-1345 Ap 162. (MIRA 1534) 1. Vaesoyuxnyjr nauehno-issled6vatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidte. (Jaconecic acid) KORETSKAYA, N.I.; DANILOVA., A.V.; UTKIN, L.M. structure and intenslation betveen sensoic and epoxyJaconecic acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.ll;:3823-3827 N 162*~ (MM 15:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy khijxiko- farmatsevticheskiy institut imeni S. Ordshonilridze. (Senecip acid) (Jaconecic acid) KOR~TSKAYA,_.N.I.; UTKIN, L.M. New alkaloid from the plants Vinca ere6ta, F6L. et Schmalh. Zhur.- ob.khim. 33 no.6:2065-2066 Je 063." (MIRA 160) 1, Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isiledovatel'sMy khimi),o-farmatnevti- cheekiy inatitut imerd S~#Ordzhonlkidvi. (Alkaloida) (Vincit) I DANIWVA, A.V.; KORETSKAYA, N.I. Structure and proportion of seneciphylline. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.3t584-587 Mr 165. (MIRA 18s4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-larmat- sevticheakiy institut imni S. Ordzhonikidze. KCRETSKAYA, 111%1~, D~NILQVIL, A.V.t 13TKIN, L.IM. e the-~ alY~ilciJ rariardin. Fart 3: -~ru t S 0 ara -of (MIRA 18:6) "Iseioymnyy nauv., ~5- edova tell IslAy, kWrLtli-i~-farm-atsevtichaski3r KHETFITS, L.A., kandAhim.nauk; SIHANOVSKATA. 2.A.; PIMWWVA, Zh.A.: BBLOT, V.N.; SWIRO. U.3., insh.-,_L0HBTSUTA, P I Insh. Industrial process for making mustaron (Isdbormyl-2- metbrIcrolohexamne). Mael.-shir.1gromo 25 , no.l1t30-32 159. (ICIRA 13:3) 1. Tmesoyusnyy namebno-Issledavatellsidy Imstitut sinteti- chaskikh I naturallmWkh dushistykh veshchemim (for Kheyflts. Simanovskera, Peregadova. Belov). 2. Moskovskly sintstichaskly savod (for Shap1ro, Korstskag,a). (Odorous substances) (Cycloboxanons) t Win ek A a a a a 1 40 $1 q ;Jaq 004' Ji~ -of 914cli"Or too f4dotatits b"CO so CA 1. Vg. lumuteve. T. k V. A, Kanoc lwbhwlo A&W. Sdik ma m Pk- J I M-i A V", to lofts Ow low sod wd the am 4ow 111111104 Odor 16 mod "Wmate G* at v G*'j d M. T, FE-MURY WOO IL sum Ilmalk" 84"Amv 1 0 4j %sow "At FIV.w. "U"Of VOIJ 31 aim O-v M . I :* I MIA& %Veda a 11,1*14041 1b it . 1440 KORETSKAYA, T. A. 3n97- BERESTNEVA, Z. YA. I KOEMTSKLYA,, T. A. I KARGIN, V. A. rookopicheskoys looledovadyn al"lay. KoUoidqrr Zb2rn-lp 1949, 6v a. %9-70 SO: latogs 9 ?burns' 'rVkh SUtoy# V62 79 2949 aed V. A. KafPM RAW F, M. it) POW egj" a Cudow I '= 1. Wawa owwwwa= ads. J%041-4.1 0 Pow .I'm A sod (3) vw S". J. J. C A M*A"M ill T ~19. Mow, Ko". 494 ojos.-Agwfl~ fth A". *W %* = idler, 'F 1"ab Id hysb ""o. prorsm 1"m morr r %ban Flow TK)w mA.; a of $NNW" pudw" at, Irpor 11141. 3MAIlM)* Col 43\ bywiew 44AI A. reel "A. wo,tilw.l 6b polo-wits). A Im da" .111wolsore. SlonrievAN jWj# wev h1wittilkA. The. than t4w S"i lint 'A-rt I L 1, llikeft'j"ll XOMSUY.A.-T. A- (Coliold) TawAivit Ikr/ Apr 52 lc~emitry Pentoxide "T~he Structure of Vanadium Pentoxide Solubles,," Z.,Ya. Berestuyeva., T. A. Koretskaya, V.A. Kai-gin) Sci Res Ph3o Chem Inat imeni L. Ya. Karpov "Kolloid Zhur" Vol XIV, No 2, 1952, pp 73-76 Electron diffraction diagmas of freshly lprepd V 0. sols and of'sols prepd by aging vere ob- diged. The freshly Vrepd* sols have awrphous structure. Asthey Age, crystn sets in. After a few days, &od interference pictures of poly- crystals are obtained. T 0 T -AbOti~ Chem m A b Vol ~ $I No*. V 0 Ma I May 10,1954 9 a1& c1 an General and Physioal Chordstry' j The Intchanism o( forpipitiondcoHoidtl pirdclics W111W ds 3 yo, owd V. At '7141"47 M, USSRI Chemistry Physical chemistry Card L/1 Pub, 22 33/52 Authox.9 j Rax-gin, V. A. Academician; KuTov, V. L.;.Lipatov, YU. S.; Harkova . G. S.;. am gre ska T A n_ Title _ oil e -About -the-phas-p-cond ol 6 ~~Cellul6s AlM Periodical i Dak. tall S, S SIR loi.Ao'707-709: Apr 1. 1955 Abstrad i The phase condition of rate cellulose compounds obtained through three different methods', was investigated by meana of electrons vrith an energy of 90 ker. The axisterice of foreign crystalline- inclusioms in the cellulose films even-aft-or 3 days of thorough washiiig was estab.lished--,electromdero.scop2.aaU,,ri- -A study of the entir6- c6aiersion. process - fron, isotropic, swonen Wrate cellulose into Wlghly orderly.arranged fibers - showed that the phase coaversions do not affect the complete, conversion, process. The fact Uat celhulose compounds are-amorphous was confirmed. Thirteen ref6rences: 10 USS." 2 German and 1-USA (1917-1953). Table; illustrations. Iiistitution 0 14 a 0 4- -%.bmitted Nover-her 1 1954 tructurs o' oa7ar vali kAy-a. and ~rst rap 1c, -QL~,Vjl"J, -------------- IN KARGIN, V.A.; GORIMA, A.A.; KORITSKATA, T.A. Electron microscope study of the nechaniam of aintoring of polytetrafluoroethylone (fluoroplast-r). Vysoicomezoed. 1 no.8:1143-1147 Ag 159. (MnU, 11:2) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inatitut plasticheoMb maga, (Ithvi-ne) IC III, V.A.; J~~~Mk Mechauism of formatiqu of polymer crystals. Part 1. Vyiiokom. soed. 1 no-11:1721-1723 N '59. WRA 13:5) 1. Piaiko-khimichaskiy institut imeni L. Ya.Karpova. (Polymers) (Crystals) KARGIN, V.A.;'K-ORFTSKAYA, T.A. Electron microscope study of the effect of oleic acid on the development of secondary structures in polyethylene. Vysokm. soed. 5 no.llsl729-1733 N 163. (NIRA 17:1) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Karpoya. B10T/B144 AqTHORSs Kargint V, A Academician Koretakaya. T. A.,. Boga:yevskaya# T. A. -TITLE: Transition of flat-struoturds of.i9atactio polystyrene into opherulithes PERIODIGALs Akademiya nauk SSSRW Doklady# v. 149, no* 2, 370 TBXT s Amorphous isotactic polystyrene was applied from tol4ene or xylene solution at 1100C to afilm suonort. Examination -wi th---the- ~alectron------ ~-- micros cape, - s howe41-7 that -ddorpf~oua particles- of differeut' ahaj;e had formed. :Furthermore, intensive structural changes were observed on heating at i 14o - 18ooc: in solid states Nuclei of spherulithe formation occurs In- crystallized polyntyrero,, initially laminated crystals form irhioh grow by V the helical mechanism analogously to polyethylene and pararftne ~Then the edge of the faces doublea.and-folds are forned from which ftbrils and spherulithes arise. ASSOCIATIONS Piziko-akhlmicheskiy institut im. L. Ya, Karpol-a Card 1/2 ohemidel. Institute iment L* Yao Karpoy) . 9'_`69-65 PI: ILT-DIf 1, A 3D, ~ aA. F-WL RIM Nk: AP4030357 ':Zt v~ar&ii, 'J, I.; Koretakayu, T. A.i Baga~rre~mkayat T. A. GrT5t-aUi39tiOFI of inotactic polystyrrena 7-'r*SokoMolak:uIyerrW,*ye soyedineniyup v,, 6, no. 3, 1964, hitl-440 I'DFIG TAGSt polyetyrenao iaotactic polystyrene, amorphous iscta,~f,`n p,:;I,yst;rrene, toluene, V16he, decaline, bundle forwition, sphn-11-it- -,rp, t"zatlon -aa ubjective of the present :rp~!- roenssr~,q in solid polyiners at tempo e ul! i. wwi selected for rFU_-? s'. K'1011e, toloent)j aa~' 4ucellnej and orl,the solid ate at '41= ~4q_ aolut4ona.Aprepa -red at the boiling point3 ;)f the respeo- "I.Te .301vents) wara ev#prA' 3-1 OGI the polqutyrene waa antorphow. 'alien the po:',yetyrons was dissolved in xylene at 95-97C and then allu4ed to c,3~ I t, 25~, 9 pi ~orulit-e-like otructurss separated MA, Solutions of fsnt_ar:',':' in (wh,-,,l ajjnv~)d to cool down to 250'1 Tiel-irti 13 f.U-V 6. p MMILM T-7 On heating t&1200, these acquired a crystalline structure, f orvaing bundles. It i(ag further shown that iaotact:Lc polysl4renej obtainwA in an amorpiolis state friom tiolutions in xylene, tolumo,, or dectiline, when heated to "O--c'000 prt~duced [TvStell-ino plates or p3anee which became twinted., for-inn !trll- and ~,;~S It was shown that the natiir,~ rif "lo ~)rig. art, rkri~ 7 ad. 0 va jy -:.iib4alcal institute) ~C' 14~'T x-~? RAPOPORT-MOIDDTSOVA, N.Ya.; BOGAYEVSKAYA, T.A.; KqRETSKAYA, T.A.; SOGOLOVA, T.I.; KARGIN, V.A., ekademik ---------- Fibrous structures and the formation of an isotactic poly-styrene jelly. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 5:1171-1173 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Yarpovao m)/t-VJP(J)/T IJP(c) RM __,L-27308-66 EWT( ACC ARs AP6008975 SOURCE CODE: UR/0190 5/007/011/1927/1T297 AUTHDRS: Konstantinopollskaya, He Do; Korotskaya, To A.; Derestneva, Z. Ya. __!~~gi% Y. A. ORGi Physico~-Ghemical Institute im. L. Y~,. Karpol -kkimichoskiy irotitut _~Fiziko TrTL3: Structure formation in regular polyarrddes SOURGEs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, V. 71 no, 11 1965., 1927-1929 TOPIC; TAGS: polymer structurej polymer nylon, electron microscopy ABSTRACT: The present investigation is an exUension of earlier publisi-wd work by 14. B. Konstantinopollskaya, Z. Ya. Berestneva, and V. A. Kargin (Vysokomolek. soyed., 71 420, 1965). The polymorphism, of 6, 6-6, and 6-10 nylons was studied as a function of the temperature and nature of solvent. The form of the clIrstallites was determined by means of an electron microscope. It was found that., depending on the experimental conditions, two types of crystal forms were formed, Viz.: plates and fibrilles. The formation of the latter was enhanced by shortening the time of secondary structure formation, e.g. rapid evaporation of solvent., addition of precipitating agent, and recrystallization of the polymer from the melt. Several electxon microscope slides are presented. Orig. art. hass 12 photographs. ORIG W: 002 SUB CODE. ll/ SUBM DATEs 16i)ec64/ 3?085-M L1WP(J)/n.JT(jn)/T JJP(c) RM. ____ t ACC M AP6015059 SOURCE CODEI UR/0190/66/008/bo5/6949/695i AUIHORS: Kor,etakeya) T. A.; Sogolova; T. L; Kargin, V. A. ORG: Physico-Chemical Institute im. L# Ya,. Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut) TITLEt Electronmicroscopie i!ij~t ~iabion of the crystallization of polymers in the presence of artificial crystallizing agents SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 8, no. 5, 1966) 949-9,c;1 TOPIC! TAGS: polypropylene pla -stic, polyethylene plastic, electron mi.cr6scopy, crystallization/ JEM-5Y electron microscope ABSTRACTi The effect of high melting, low molecular weight additives; (e.g., bismuth saJ-Lcylate-1, titanium oxalate, copper naphtilliorlate-II, zirconium oxalate-1-11, silica gel,, etc) upon crystallization of polypropyleneopnd high and low density polyethylene was investigated by means of electronmicroscopy. The study was perfcrmed using electron microscope JEM-5Y. The samples of crystallizing agents were introduced as suspensions into the solutions or melts of the polymers. Independently of their chenical structurep the artificial nuclei result in orientation of the polymer at the polymer-nucleus interphase and are effective when the supramolecular spherolitic and dendWitic structures are formed. The structures formed in the presence of iyuclei are similar in their morphology to those formed in the absence of the artificial nuclei. L_COnl 1/2 IJW; 678#01;53 KORETSKAYAV T.F.; ZHOLKEVICH, V.N. Effect of dehydration on the capacity of tissues of Iricia fabs for oxidizing glutamic acid. Fiziol. rast. 11 no.l: 87-92 JA-F 164. (HIRA 3.7:2) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy imeni K.A. Timiryazava AN SSSR, Moskva. KORErSK,kn T.F., ZHC)LKFVI.,-I', V.,~T. .9 K-HOUTER, V.A. , (US'3R) "Measurements of the aierU.. Balance of Plant Tissues at Different Water Saturation Levels." V r te,,)ort ~res.~.nbed at the 5th Int'l. Biochemist-i7; Con.g ess, .~,!Oscow, 10-16 Aug !961. ZHOLIMVICH, V.N.; NORNIKATA.-TvIr. Metabolism of pumlkin roots in dry @oil. Fisiol.rast. 6 no.6: 686-698 N-D '59. (MIRI, 13:4) 1. I.A.Timiriazov Institute of Plant "lology. U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. (Plants, Effect of aridity on) Roots (Botany)) 1ants-Metabolles) 4 KORZEIUTV, P.Z.,, tOBMWSIrATA, T.L- Som& ecologico-physiological characteristics of birds and flying mamols, Zhurob.blol. 20 to-5:390-397 S-0 159. (MIRA 13il) 1. Institut morfologit shivotraft In. A.I. Severtsovs, 13 SSSR. (BMDS) (BATS) (NOMOLOGT (ANIMLS)) KO (Moskva) I-PwiK-9&-Jj- Study of hepatopoiesis in experimental uremia. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap* 7 no*300-55 ri-Je*63,- (MM~ 17 z4) 1, Is patof iziologicheakoy* laboratorii ( say. - chlen-4,orrew- pondent AM9 SSSR N.Ao Fedorov) TSentrallnogo ordens. Iaiina Insti- tuta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi ( dir. - dotsent A. Ye. Kiselev) Ministerstva zdravookhroneniya SSSR. KRASIIILINA~ A.Yaef- TERENVYWA, E.I.; KORETSKAYA T.I.; ZARENTSKIY, I.I. (Moskva) Experimental investigations of the general toxic and witileukic action of the aptibiotic 62700 Pat. fiziol. i eksp. torap. 5 no.2: 21-26 Mr-Ap 161. (MIYA 14--5) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena,Lenina institu a gematologi'L i perelivaniyaI krovi 14inisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - deysi;vitelln'yy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdasarov) (ANTIBIOTIGS) (LEumuA) ZARETSKIYP I.I.,-KRASHILINA, A.Ya.; TEREVVY.EVA, E.I.; KORETSKAICA, T.I* Study of the action of some antineop W tic antibiotics on mouse leukemia. Vop,onke 7 no~3.1:68-75 161* (K.MA 1585) 1. 1z TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologiJ. i pereli- vaniya krovi. Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - deystv. chl. MIN SSSR prof. ABEA lk4;dasarovy. (LVJKDaA) (ANTIBIOTICS) (CYTOTOXIC DMIGS) KO=UYBIVp P.A.; KOMSKAYA, T.I. Ecologic and phy.&Lalogic characteristics of the blood in shrews amd moles. Trudy Inot&-m6f, shiv, no.41:129-136 163o (MIRA 1694). (Shrewi) (Moles (W-Im)) (Blood) A 33695 S/076/62/036/002,/007/009 B152/B110 .2 0 AUTHORS: Makarov, A. V., Koretskaya, T. V-.-, and Panchenkov, G. M. TITLE; Zone melting separation of boron isotopes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 2, 1962, 391 - 393 TEXT: In this study, the suitability of zone melting for the separation of boron isotoDes has been tested. Boron anhydride B 203 was used for the purpose. The boron anhydride was filled into a stainless steel tube in such quantity that in the molten state about half the tube was full. During the experiment the tPe moved at a certain velocity through a furnace heated to 700 - 800 C. In order to obtain a melting zone as narrow as possible, two water-coolei glass coolers were placed on either side of the furnace. After the experiment the sample taken from the tube was analyzed in the form of Na B 0 in a mass spectrometer. Six 2 4 7 experiments were made altogether, using different rates (1-5 - 0-15 cm/hr), tubes of'different dimensions (1 - 45 50 cm), and a varying number of passages through the melting zone (1 25). The mass-spectrometric Card 1/2 33695 S/076/62/036/002/0()7/009 Zone melting separation... B152/B110 analysis indicated an accumulation of B11 in the melt: 10 11 11 11 10 11 B BO 3 + B203 B203 + B BO3 The distribution liq Sol liq Sol coefficient is, however, very small. Therefore, zone melting is not suitable for the concentration of boron isotopes. A. M. Kolchin, Z. F. Kol.-hina, and V. F. Malakhov are thanked for analyses. There are 1 figure, I table, and 8 references: 2 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as follows: J. C. Posey, H. fi~ Smith, J. Amer. Chem.Soc. Ub 555 (1957); H. A. Smith, C. 0. Thomas, J, Phys. Chem., L, 445 (1959); R. E. Weston, Geochim. et cosmochim. acta, 1, 281, 1955; Japanese Patent 768 (t58), February 12, 1958, C. A. 1959, no. 9, 7820d. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBI%'.TTTED: May 20, 1961 Card 2/2 .A 1" '7 LOGINOV. V.K.. kandidat seditainskikh nauk; ZORITSKAYA. Yu.N. Phth1vqzid for treating pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with leproantous, lessions. Probletubo 34 no~6 supplemout-.11 N-D 156. (NUM 10:2) 1. Is Tsesoynsnogo, nauchno-tooledovatellskogo institute po Isucho- utyu lepry (dir. T.T.Shubin, nauebnyy rukoyoditell -- pref. I.N. Perevodchlkov. (ISONIGOTINIC ACID) (TUMMIMIS) (11FROST)