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Y~l AUTHOR: Korenmanq I. M.y Baryshnikova, M. N. 75-6-4/23 TITLE: The Coprecipitation of Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury With Antranil Acid (Soosazhdeniye tsinka, kadmiya i rtuti s antranilovoy kislotoy). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Xhimii, 1957, Vol- 12, Nr 6, pp. 69o-694 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is shown that antranil acid precipitates in acid solutions. It was observed by means of radioactive indicators that,on the precipitation of antranil acid in the presence of some traces of some cations like zinc, cadmium and lead, the elements are coprecipitated. The deposit does not consist of antranilates of the cations, but of antranil acid which carries the elements with it. The invegtigations were cariied' out with radioactive isotopes like, Zn 5, Cd115 and Hg2o% The conditions for the quantit&tive precipitation of zinc: and cadmium were found, whereas mercury is not quantitatively precipitate4. There are 7 figures, and 11 references, 5 of which are Slavic. Card 1/2 The Coprecipitation of Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury With 75-6-4/23 .Ar%tranil Acid ASSOCIATION, Gortkiy State University imeni N.I. LobachevaldT (Gorlkovskiy goa3%xetvPnayy universitet im. N. I. Lobachevskogo). SUBMITTED: November 30, 1955 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Cadmium-Caprecipatation 2. Lead-Caprecipatation 3. 21nc- Caprecipatation 4. Antracil acid-Applications Card 2/2 AUTHM KORENMAN I M Professor 32-15-54/54 TITLE (6ii -thatditilon of the Book): D.N.Baskevich.Lumin~Bcence Analysis in Sanitary Works Gehmistry. (D.N.Baskevich.Lyum!Lnestsentnyy anallz v promyshlenno-sanita,^noy khimii - Russian) PERIMICAL Zavodskaya Laboratorlyi, 195T, Vol 23, Nr 6, PP 767 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT (Edited by OProfisdaty, 1957, pp 1-8o, edition: 3ooo vol.,price 1,9o) The luminescence method is as yet rarely used for the analjmis of the air in factories. The work of Baskyevich can therefore be regarded as being up to date, as it deals with the principles, the technique, the'apparatue, as well asthe manners of application of this method in analytical chemist- ry in general and the analysis of the air in particular. The work dials with the basic laws of luminescence, data on ultra-violet radiation, its sources and wiring diagram. Here special importance is attached to data, concerning measures taken against failure of apparatus, production of li- quid air filters, security measures etc. The book deals mainly with the .appl~ic*ion of the luminescence method for the analysis of the air.and it would be desireable to extend the application of this method also tki an&- 34,sis of sewage, dust future. It Is to be regretted.that the book is not free from errors e.g. the author by mistake classes the methods which are based on the application of visual photometers among the objective methods. Thus, he speaks of the relation Card 1/2 between the optimum density and the concentration of aluminum, but he fails (On the Edition,of the Book)$ 32-6-54/54 D.NoBaskevich. Luminescence Analysis in Sanita.7 Works Chemistry, to give the length of the light beam, etc, The author calls an appm,-atus, where ultraviolet 'rep develop vertically &m analytical tube', ft believe that this does not matter and that they might ust as well be horizontal.. etc. Inspite of some other deficiencies and misprints the book con- sidered as a valuable supplementary work for the employment of luminescefi- c4v analysis, and it can be recommended for use in all analytical laborato- ries. ASSOCTATION Not Given@ PRESENTED BY SUBMr= AVAILABIS Library of Congress. Card 2/2 a.4 III's !it jjj 1.4 11, Ila P & 1 14 Ila, I *I ell .41 Ila, I III T I cto ell v In iu a i JV-j ji 1 a N v IV 14, qfff N. ;'! 0.;& 11 2 AN I . pq SOV/137-59-2-,4767 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2, p 343 (USSR) AUTHORS: Korenman, I., M., Kurina, N.V., Yernelin, Ye. A. TITLE- Oxya nth raqui none s as Reagents for Germanium (Oksiantrakhinc,ny kak reaktivy na germaniy) PERIODICAL: 'rr..po khimii i khim. tekhnot., 1958, Nr 1, pp 134-137 i ABSTRACT: The, authors, investigated the color reactions of GeOZ to the following pot-yoxyanthraquinone dyeing agents: Anthracene blue (1), purpurin, anthrarufin, quinizarin, and quinalizarin. The most sensitive re;x- tion is with I, minimum concentration 1:70, 000, detectable minfinum 1. 4 -y in 0.1 cc. The most specific reactions are with 1, purpturin, and. quinalizarin. H3BO3, Al,and TI impede the determination. :'and quinizarin~: cause fluorescence in ultraviolet rays. On the basis of the reai--tion with I GeO? is determined photometrically in a 5-cc cell on a FEKN-54 photocolorimeter with a Mr-7 light filter at 610 m.L 1.5 cc of 0.010/0 reagents'olution in concentrated HZS04 are added to I cc of GeOZ solution, and the optical density of the solution is Card 1/1 measured after 1~ min. The mean error is -20/0 (relative). P. K. sov/81-59-14-49211 Translation from: Refiirativnyy zhurnal, Xhimiya, 1959, Nr 14, pp 121 122 (USSR) AUTHORS: '.Koreranan~ I.M., Grishin,. I.A.. TITLE: F1uQresctnt.React121j for Ber7llium and Aluminuin. PERIODICAL: Tr.,po khimii i khim. tekhnol., 1958J. Nr 2, pp 388 ABSTRACT: About 15C oxyanthraquinone dyes .tuffs and azo dye '~(mainly of Soviet production) were studied, of which about 50 show positive fluorescent reaction& with Be and Al. 0.1 ml of an aqueous or ethanol solution of the dyestuff of interest (1 mg/ml) was added to 1 ml of a neutral solution of a Be or Al salt, the solution was heated to boiling,-and the appearance of color and fluorescence was observftd. In the cold, fluor- escence develops slowly. It was established that, of the dyes studied, those containing groupings (I), (II) and (III) ehow the most sensitive reactions with Al salts; the dyes containing grouping (IV) show con- siderably less sensitive reactions. Be salts show the same reactions as Al salts, but the sensitivity of.these reactions Is 100 - 2,000 times less. Am,)ng the dyes with grouping (V) no satisfactory reagents for Al Card 1/2 were found. Dyes with grouping TV containing a N02 group in o- or n- 5(2,3) AUTHORS: Korenmant I. Mov Ganina, V. G. 153-58-6-6/22 SOV/ TITLE: Colored Reactions on Salts of Mercurous Oxide (Tsvetnyye rc-ak-tsii na soli zakisi rtuti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vy3shikh uchebnykh zavedeni~r. Khimiya i khimicheskaye. tekhnologiya, 1956, Nr 6, pp 34-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors recall the best-known organic reagents to the salts mentioned in the title (Refs 1-5). With regard to the mercurous oxide cation, however,they are, in the majority of caaes, neither sufficiently sensitive nor specific. Con- sequently, the search for new reagents is of practical interest. Many oraanie compounds (dyes) yield colored soluble reaction products with the salts mentioned in the title, whereas some of them form white or colored precipitations. In oraer to firid new adsorption indicators for mercurimetry, the authors carried out a more detailed investigation of 2 azo-dyes in aqueous solutions (N. I. Zharkova and 1. V. Zuykova participat- ing in the work)s 1.1-oxy-2-nitrobenzeiie-4-sulfo-acid-6-azb- 21-naphthalene-11-OZY-51-sulfo-acid (in the following referred to as I), and diamond-red-PV (II). From the experiments.Jt_ Card 1/3 was o:)vious th-t the reaction prod-acts mo-st chaiacteristic Colored Reactions on Salts of Mercurous Oxide SOV/153-58-6-6/22 with respect to coloring are formed in & practically neutral medium. The interactions of dyes I and II with cations of various+analytical groups'were investigated. I does not react with Tl ; a raspberry-colored soluble product is formed by 2t 2+ 2t 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ Hg , Zn , Ni ,Co , Pb , Mn , Be 2k1 , Bi , Th Ti4+; the reaction product of I with UO; + is orange-yellow, 2+ 3+ that with F land F yellow.. In addition to reacting with mercurous oxide, dye Il also reacts with Hg 2+ to form a non- characteristic brown precipitation; with UO 22+ a brown soluble product is oblained, and with Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ yellow solutions are '?ormed. Thus none of the cations here investigated yielded a re;jult analogous to the reaction products of I and ir with mercurous oxide. Table I shows the limiting conditions found to exist in this connection. From this it will be seen that most of the cations do not prevent the discovery of the mercurous oxide salts. The reaction products of the merourous oxido salts with a chloride or bromide in the presence of I and II, form, with low concentrations of the two halogenides, Card 2/3 a light blue, and in the case of a surplus, a pink precipita- Colored Reactions on Salts of Mercurous Oxide '90v/153-58-6-6/22 tion. This fact leads to the assumption that the two dyes might be used as adsorption indicators in mercurimetry. This application was attempted with sodium and potassium halidess the results are presented in tables 2-5. They clearly reveal the applicability of this method. There are 5 tables and 6 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii; Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N. I. Lobachevskogo (Chair of Analytical Chemistry; Gorlkiy State University imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy) SUBMITTEDs January 27, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: I. M,, Sheyanova, F. R., 78-3-5-22/39 'Vis evskaya, T. N., Bratanov, B. I. TITLE: The Solubility of Thallium and Cesium Cobalti- Nitrite (Rastvorimostnitrokoballtiatov talliya i tseziya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganioheskoy Xhimii 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, PP 1188-1191 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solubility of thallium cobalti-nitrite in water at 10 to 300C and in solutions of chlorides, nitrates and sulfates of sodium at 200C was ietermined. The solubility product of thalliuw cobalti-nitrite at 200 0 amounts to 1A - 10- 15. at 100C to 8-5 - 10-16 at 30 0c to 6.6 . 10-5. The solubility of thallium cobalti-nitrite substantially decreases according to the increase of the concentration of thallium nitrate (oqo-o,o6mol/l). In the presence of NaCl, NaN03,and NaS04,the Card 1/2 solubility of thallium cobtLlti-nitrite increases, The Solubility of Thallium and Cesium Cobalti-Nitrite 76-3-5-22/39 especially in the presenca of sodium sulfate. The solubility of cesium cobalti-nitrite in water at 2000 and in solutions of nitrates and sulfates of sodium as well as inmagnesium nitrate was investigated. The solubility product of cesium cotalti-~nitrite in water at 200C amounts to 3.5 - 10-1 . The solubility of cesium cobalti-nitrite increases according to the concentration of sodiuminitrate, sodium sulfate and magmesium nitrate. There are 1 figure, 5 tables, and 3 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Gortkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.N.I. Lobachevskogo (Gortkiy State University imeni N.I.Lobachevskiy) SUBMITTED: May 22p 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress L Th&Mua cobalti oine- i~,;z Card 2/2 2. Cesitm cobalti aitrita-Zolubility-r-ete.-=*nat:L4z OR E 9)1V1qA1 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 Koronman BT1. Ganina, V. G., Lebedeva, 11. P. 78-3-5-36/39 Solubility of Thallium Chromate (Hastvorimost! khromata talliya) Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol 3111r 5, pp 1265-1267 (U-93R) The solubility of thallium chromate in acqueous solutions of some binary and trinary electrolytes in ammoniacal. buffer solution as well as in trilon-B-solution was determined. The solubility of thallium chromate at 200C in water is 0,042 + 0,001 g11. The solubility product amounts to 2?0.10712 . The solubility of thallium chromate in 0,1 - - I n - solutions of sulfates:and nitrates of potassium and ammonium was determined~and it' thence results that the solubility of thallium chromate increases according to the increasing concentration of the electrolyte. The solubility of thallium chromate is,,in solutions of ammonium salts,,higher than in solutions of potassium salts. The solubility of thallium chromate is especially high in acqueous solutions of trilon-B, in which case a complex Solubility of Thallium Chromate 78-3-5-36/39 compound of thallium with trilon-B is formed. Thero are 4 tables and 5 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gorll:ovskiy gosudar3tvennyy universitet im. N. I. Lobachevskogo (Gor'kiy State University imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy) SUBMITTED: July 8, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Thiilliun chroTmte-SolubiUty Card 2/2 AUTHORSs K=nmanp I.M., Shatalina, G.A. 75-13-3-7/27 -dly Soluble TITLE: Cc -Precipitation of Cesium With/Dipicrylamines Difficult to Solve (Boosazhdeniyo tseziya s malorastvorimymi dipikrilaminatami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 13, Sr 3, pp 299-303 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dipicrylamine has for a long time been known au a sensitive reagent to potassium and is frequently used for the qualitative and quantitative determination of potassium, rubidium and cesium (references 1-6). In p4blications, however, there are no indications concerning the co-precipitation of.cesium with the di.oiorylamines of potassiumf rubidium, thallium and aamoniurm difficult to solve. The authors investigated the possibility of such a co-precipitation and used the radioactive isotope cs134 as an indicator. It became evident that'cesium is practically quantitatively precipitated with the dipicrylaminates of potassium, rubidium and thallium. At temperatures of 0 - 30 0C the co-precipitation of cesium Card 1/4 with potassium dipicrylaminate is practically complete. Cc -Free ipi tation of Cesium 'Jith Hardly Soluble Dipierylamines 75-13-~-7/27 Difficult to Solve On a further rise in temperature the amount of co- -precipitated cesium decreases due to the highor solubility of the precipitation, but the content of cosium in a certain amount of the main precipitation remains constent at different tmTeratures. From this follows that changes of temperature exert no influence upon the co-precipitation of cesium, Furtherniore the adsorption of cesium in previously prepared precipitations of potassium and thallium. dipicrylaminute was investigated. It bacame evident . thzA the co-preoipitation of cesium with these dipicrylamiriates is not based on adsorption, but is of isomorphous nature. Further experimGnts showed thut third components (e.g.3 Rb or T1 in the case of pota-;siLun dipicrylaminate) exert no influence upon the co-precipitation of ce3jum. The order of the addition of reagents does not exert an.Y influence upon the amount of co-precipitated cesium either, which also speaks against a co-precipitation by adsorption. On an increase in the amount of the macrocomponew, or a decrease in the amount of the micro- component the content of cesium decreases in 1 mg of the Card 2/4 precipitation; the amount of co-precipitated cesium is 1hrdly Soluble Co-Precipitation of Cesium Iffith/Dipicrylamines 75-13-3-7/27 Difficult to Solve therefore independent of the absolute amount of the precipitation. Cesium is in all these cases practically quantitatively co-precipitated. All these results lead to the conclusion that the co-precipitation of cesium is of an isomorphous nature. On a decrease in the amount of the precipitant the amount of co-precipitated cesium decreaseep but it increasesin proportion to the decrease in the amount of main precipitation. The strongest effect of this type is shown by co-precipitation with ammonium dipiarylaminate, with rubidium dipicrylaminate this effect does almo3t not occur at all. The fact of the practically complete co- -precipitation of cesium with precipitations of dipicrylalpinates permitted thet elaboration of an accumulation method for cesium which is described. Based on the investigations it was found that dipicrylaminates difficult to solve and especially ammonium salt can be used as carriers of the Card 3/4 separation of cesium traces from very diluted solutions. There are 2 figures, 7 tables, and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Hn-ay Soluble Co-Precipitation of Cesium With/Dipicrylamines 75-13-3-7/27 Difficult to Solve A330CIATIO11i Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N.I. Loba- chevskogo (Gortkiy State University imeni N.I. Lobachevskiy) SUBMITTED: MaY 11, 1956 1. Cesium--Precipitation Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Korenman, I. M., Kutlin, V. P. SOV/715-13-4-7/29 TITLE: --------------- Ylicrocrystalline Reactions in Melts (Mikrokristallicheskiye reaktsii v rasplavakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1956, Vol- 13, Nr 4, PP. 423- 425 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors of the Dresent paper investigated several reagents, which were dissolved in organic compounds melting at-low tem- perature, as to their applicability in microcrystalloscopic analysis. Some substances, among them 8-hydroxy quinoline, which can be used as media for micro-reactions turned out to be of poor qualification as they can only be used at'tempera- tures far above their melting point. At lower temperatures the medium rapidly crystallizes and this prevents an observation of the crystals of the reaction product. The authors used re- ager.ts that were dissolved in molten or salol. Salol and benzophenone turned out to be suitable as they can be undercooled. A molten drop of these compounds containing the reagent and the reaction product, when cooled down to room temperature remains liquid for a lon- time. The authors*suc- ' Card 1/3. ceeded in keeping preparations in be nzouhenone in a moltbn con- blicrocrystalline Reactions in Melts SOV/75-13-4-7/29 dition for from 5 to 6 days, in single cases even consider- ably longer. Preparations in molten salol remsin liquid for 24 hours. By this means nickel was detected by dimethyl glyoxime and also by a-benzil dioxime. Well-grown large crys- tals developed. In the same way several microcrystalloscopic reactions with bismuti, were investi-ated which are based on the formation of the complex BH[BiJj (B ... base) and are dis- 4 tinguished, by an intense color of the reaction product (Ref 4Y. The application of different bases and of ammonium iodide in molten organic compounds was not successful. Only when quino- line-iodine ethylate in molten diphenyl amine were used, bis- muth could distinctly be proved. Dark-red cry:3tals developed, which reached a length up to 200-300/1. These crystals are well distinguishable even if the diy)henyl amine itself crystallizes during the cooling down. In aqueous media on the other hand only crystals can be obtained, the length of which does not ex- ceed 50-60/.t. When using benzophenone or salol instead of di- phenyl a:.,i~ne small crystals were obtained. Lead salts toeether with quinoline-iodine ethylate dissolved in molten diphenyl amine produce colorless needles that reach a length of up to Card 2/3 150 . Hence in many cases considerably larger crystals are ob- V, Mlicrocrystalline Reactions in Melts BOT/75-13-4-7/29 tained in molten indifferent orr ganic solvents than in other media. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: GorIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N. 1. Lobachevskogo (Gor'kiy State University imeni N. 1. Lobachevskiy) SUBMITTEDi October 26, 1956 1. Reagents-Properties 2. Reagents-Performance 3. Organic compounds-Crystal-structure 4. Benzophenone--Proptrties 5. Crystals-Growth 6. Metals-Determination Card 3/3 AUTHORS; Korenman I. M., Glazunova, Z. 1. SOV/75-13-~-4/24 TITLE: Co-Precipitation of Zinc With Complex Compounds Containing Pyridine (K voprosu o soosazhdenii tsinka s piridinsoder.shashchimi komplekanymi soyedineniyari) FZRIO-OICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 13, Nr q, PP 526-;-~~"' (U",'~ R ) A B,,'V RA CT t In a previoun paper the authors had discovered that zinc can be co-precip-.tated from precipitates of the form ePy It 2+ 2+ 2+ 11-1 21 '2 (Me ... Cu , Cd , Ni ; X...SCN-, Br-) (Ref 1). [n this an interrelationship was observed between the quantities of the macro- and mi.cro-components in the solution before precipita- tion and the quantity of the co-precipitated micro-component in the precipitate. This interrelationship and a number of other problems were examined more closely in the paper under review. An analysis of the co-precipitation of zinc with [CuPy2j(SCN),, at a temperature of 15-17 0 showed rhat the ratio of the quanti.ties of Cu 2+ : Zn 2+ in the precipitate only amounted to one sixth to one eighth of the correziponding ratio Car(! 1/4 in the soluti.on before precipitation. This relation rp-mained S OV/175-13---4/ 24 Co-Preeipitation of Zinc With Complex Compounds Containing Pyridine 2+ rather constant in tests with varying contents of Cu an n If the coppel? content in the initial solution is increasf-d. also the con';ent of zinc inthe precipitate will increase, while it will decrease if the concentration of zinc in the initial solul;ion is smaller. In both cases, horever, the amount of co-precip:Ltated zinc will decrease in comparitson with tho entire precipitate. This decrease depends on the ratio of Cu. 2+ 1 Zn 2+ in the solution before precipitation. In a loga- rithmic diagram the relationship between the zinc content in the pre cipititte and the ratio of Cu 2 ~- *. Zn in -the initial solution is it straight line. This fact makes it posLible to predict the extent of co-precipitation of zinc in the precip- itation of C("uPY2](SCN)2 if the content of the components in the initial volution is known. Very analogous conditions were discovered in the co-precipitation of zinc with 1CdPy2](SON)2 and 13 Co-precipitation of zinc ivith[CdPy ]Br, EN'PY21('C")2' 2 Ca rd 2/4 takes place to a small extent only; here the relationship be- SOV/75-13-5-4/24 Co-Precipitation of Zinc With Complex Compounds Containing Pyridine tween the co.-~uponents in the initial solution and in the pre- cipitate is no longer constant since the accuracy in the de- termination of the co-precipitated zinc is low. As to quality, however, the same interrelationship as in the cG-precipitation of zinc with the above-mentioned complex thiocyanates could be established. As zinc is co-precipitated both by rcupy.:~(SCN),, and by [CdPy2]Br 2 only to a small extent, this method can be used for the separation of zinc from copper and cadmium. The results of these separations were satisfactory in micro-de- termination. Copper and zinc may even be better separated by precipitation of copper as ICUPY 2YSCN)2 at higher temperatures-. By this way, 200 rof zinc can still be well separated from 1 000 2L-of copper. The quantitative micro-determination of copper by precipitation by means of the above montioned com- pounds (Ref 3) furnishes good results also with small amounts of zinc being present. It was discovered that for the quanti- tative determination of very small quantities of copper the Card 3/4 titration of'precipitated [Cupy 2](SCN)2 with a 4jolution of SOV/75-13-5-4/24 Co-Precipitation of Zinc WIth Complex Compounds Containing Pyridine silver nitrate can be uoed. This method is considerably simpler and J.'aster than the gravimetric determination. There is a detailed description in this paper of all experiments, as well as of the results achieved. There are 2 figures, 7 tables, and ',j references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONo Gorlkovskiy j,,osudarstvennyy universitet im. N. 1. Loba- chevskogo (Gc)rlkiy State University imeni N. I. 'Lobachevskiy) SUMMITTED: January 22, 1957 Card 4/4 80612 sov/81-59-5-15065 Z7 157 L/ 0 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 125 (USSR) AUTHORS: Korenman, I.M,,, 1361yakov, A.A. TITLE: The Microcrystalloseopic Reactions for Sulfides and Sulfites PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Gorlkovak. un-ta, 1958, Mr 32, pp 93 96 ABSTRAM A description is given of the new microcrystalloscopia reactions for the detection:of S2- using 3-nitro-1,4- aminophenylmercur- acetate (I), and p0 2- using quinolinemercuracetate (II), ~' 3 1 2-arninopyridine-5 mercuracetate (III) and 1-methyl-4,2-amino- phenylmercuracetate (IV). The reactions can be carried out on a microscopic.alide as well as in the fume hood (in the latter case the sensitivity and the specificity of the reactions in- crease). I and 1%r are used in the form of saturated solutions in 20 - 30% %COOH, and II and III in the form of saturated, aqueous solutions, The microcrystalloscopic reactions are con- duoted in the usual way (1 drop of the solution to be analyzed on a slide is combined by means of a stick with a drop of the reagent) ; while working in a fume hood, one drop of 2 - 3% H2'904 Card 1/ 2 is added to one drop of the solution to be analyzed, which is SOV/137-59-Z-4854 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2, p 355 (USSR) AUTHORS: Korenman, I. M., Frum, F. S., Ryzhkova, L. V. TITLE: Derivatives of Chromotropic Acid as Reagents for Titanium (Proiz- vodnyye khromotropovoy kisloty kak reaktivy na titan) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Gorl1rovsk. un-ta, 1958, Nr 32, pp 113-117 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 uscom-Dc-60,889 5(2,3) 1 AUTHORS: Korennanp 1. -M., Yurinat N, V. SOT/153-2-1-3/25 --Ta-nfnat -V. 0. TITLE: Color Reactions of Zirconium (Tsvetnyye reaktsii n,,a teirkoniy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Yysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimiches- kaya.tekhnologiyaq 1959P Vol 2# Nr 19 PP 15-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The groups --NaN-and -AsO 3H2 are to be considered functional- ahalytical in the case of zirconium (Refs 1,2). The authors ifive'stigated organic compounds as reagents on zirconium which contain this and several other. groups. These are: acid blue, n acid brown, gallei phthalein as well as some azo dyes (aerivatives of chr ;motropic acid). Gallein-phthalein turned out to be a very sensitive andspecific reagent. Xn order to dkplain the problem whether zirconium can be detected in the presence of foreign cations, the authors determined the Admissible limit ratios of zirconium to several other cations (Table 1). It results therefrom that most cati=13 practically do not exercise any inhibitory effect in this casep with the exception of triTalent iron the concentration of which must Card 1/2 not exceed that of zirconium by five times. In a strongly acid Color Reactions of Zirconium SOV/153-2-1-3/25 m6dium.all investigated azo dyes yield reaction products with zirconiump some of them even in a weakly acid medium. The b6st result*9 were obtained from 4-oulphobenzene-2-azo chromo- tkopic acid in weakly and strongly acid media. Table 2 shows the limit ration af the last-mentioned acid in the HCl medium. Thus, zirconium-,can be detected in a mixture of several cations it its concentration is not lower than 1mg/ml (blue coloring in HCl solution). At lower concentrations a violet coloring is produced which is similar to that of cerium, lanthanum, and balcium. Due to its pink coloring cobalt exerts an inhibitory effect. The reactions under discussion were utilized for a c6lorimetric determination of zirconium (Tables 3-7).Figures 1 abd 2 show calibration diagrams for the reaction with gallein- phthalein and 4-oulphobenzene-2-azo chromotropic acid. There Are 2 figures, 7 tables, and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N. I. Lobacheve- kogo; Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Gorlkiy State University imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy; Chair of Analytical CItemistry) SUBMITTED: January 25, 1958 Card 2/2 S/081/61/000/006/005/015 B101/B201 AUTHORS: Korenman, I. M., Sokolov, D. V, TITLIE: Solubility products of oxalates of rare earth elements and instability constants of their complex oxalates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 6, 1961, io6, abstract (944 (6V44). ("Tr. po khimil i khim. tekhnol. (Gorkiy)". 1951,-1, vyp. 3, 530 - 537) TEXT: A study ha8 been made of the solubility of oxalates of rare earth elements (PEE) and of Y in HC1 of different concentrations for J, - 0 - 5 and ,,5c,,, ,;"ornpleX ions of CompoSit-Lon MC 0*- have be,?n found to be present in 2 4 solutions of oxalates of REE and Y. Tho autnors have calculated the solubility products of oxalates of REL, and Y as well as the instability 0 constants of YIC,0'" dic dependence complexes for.A - 0.5 and 25 C.- A perio Of th-! solubility product of oxalates of REE and of the iris tabi. 1:. ty Card 11'.! 5(0) SOV/153-2-2-1/31 AUTHORS: Korenman, 1. M., Sheyanovaq F. R. TITLE: Some Problems of the Theory of Extraction (Nekotoryye voprosy teorii ekstragirovanira) PERIODICAL: isvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. KhJ-miya i khimicheskaya tekhaologiyag 1959, Vol 21 Nr 2y PP 151-156 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theory mentioned in the title is poorly worked out (Ref 6). In the present paper, the authors discussp in a general form, the dependence between some factors and the quantity of the extracted 11roduct obtained by the affect of the reagent HR (weak acid;. Figure 1 shows this pantity of the MeR percent of the initial quantity of the Me . It aleo shows that the character of the curves is equal at any value of K (constant depending on the character of the organic solvent applied2 and on the-te.mperature). The position of these curves, how- ever, depends on the value of K. The extraction begins at pH - pK*+ 2, a full extraction takes place at pH - pK + 6. Thus, the range of extraction comprises 4 PH-11n~tB (under the condition of equal initial concentrations of Me and HR). By use of equation 14 (derived above) the authors calculate the Card 1/3 range of extraction at a change of the relative quantities Some Problems of the Theory of Extraction SOV/153-2-.2-1/31 of Me + and HR (Fig 2). An inqroctuo W tho reagent exoaan shifts the range of extraction in the direction of smaller pil-values. The upper limit of extraction will undergo a greater change than-the lower one. The effect of the relative volumes ofboth phases on the degree of extraction is also discussed. The equations (5), (6) and (7) derived above a~a used for the calculation. Fig-Lire 3 shows that the volume ratio of the two phases is an.important factor influencing the range of extraotion. At an increase in volume of tile non-aqueous phaae, the range of extraction is shifted in '; 'e direction of smaller pH-values. At the same pH-value, the degree of extraction changes rapidlyg when the relative volumes of both phases are changed. The character of the change also depends on the pH (Fig 4). The calculations indicated can only give approximate values. For the experimemtal che6l.-In" of their conclusions, the authors choIF6'-a:) the extraction of cadmium dithizonate at different dithizone eycesses (Table 1, Fig 5), and b) the extraction of zinc dithizonate at different ion concentrations of the solution (Table 2, Fig 6). (Dithizone = diphenyl thiocarbozoneN/. The results of the tests under Card 2/3 a) were in full agreement with equation (11) as well as with Some Problems of the Theory of Wraction BOV/153-2-2-1/31 the conclusions on the reagent excess-(Fig 2~g In the tests according to b), radioactive zinc isotope Zn -3 was used..The results obtained confirm the assumption%ofthe authors that the influence of the ion concentrationon. the extraction is small. F. P. Khabarova and Z. P. Moseyeva took part in the experimental work. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N. I. Lobachevskogol Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Gorlkiy State University imeni N,& I. Lobachevskiy; Chair of Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: January 23i 1958 Card 3/3 5(2, 3) BOV/153-2-2-3/31 AUTHORS: Xorenman, 1. M., Kraynova,-Z. Vet Milushkova,-L. A. TITLE: Coprecipitation of Cobalt Viith Copper Hydroxyquinolinate (Sooeazhdeniya koballta a oksikhinolinatom.medi) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikh uche6ykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1959) Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 161-164 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Hydroxyquinoline is used in many -fields of. analytical chemistry, especially in the quantitative analysis-The problem mention- ed in the title has not yet been sufficiently investigated. In the present paper, the authors discuss the influence of various factors on the procesa mentiongd. in the title. A cobalt-setlt preparation marked with Cc 0 was used for this purpose. The precipitation conditions of cobalt were first investigated. It should be mentioned that the publication references on the pH-valuesy at which cobalt hydroxy uinolinate is precipitated, do not quite agree with each other Ref I versus Ref 2). To evaluate the pll-influence on the said pre- cipitation, the authors put forward equation (1). By the Card 1/4 derivation of further equations (2) and (3), the authors BOV/153-2-2-3/31 Coprecipitation of Cobalt With Copper Hydroxyquinolinate come to the conclusion that at PH 3 - 4 a complete cobalt- hydroxyquinolinate precipitation Is brought aboutg whereas at PH I - 2 a considerable quantity of cobalt remains in the solution. This rule was confirmed by observations of tho authors. Analogous computations for the precipitation of copper quinolinate show that this compound is completely Precipitated, even from very acid solutions (PH around 1). consequently, it may be asserted that copper and cobalt can be separated by precipitation by means of hydroxyquinolinate if the cobalt is not coprecipItated. The data shown in the figure (on p 162) demonstrate th&t the cobalt coprecipitation rises with an increase in the.pH-value. Table I shows the results of several experiments concerning the influence of the cobalt quantity on its coprecipitation. The figure, and table 1, show that at the pH-value mentioned the absolute quantity of coprecipitated cobalt rises with a rising Cc 2+ -concentration, whereas its relative quantity decreases. Table 2 shows the temperature influence on the coprecipitation Card 2/4 mentioned in the title. By a rise in temperature, the mentioned SOV/153-2-2-3/31 Coprecipitation of Cobalt With Copper Hydroxyquitkolinate coprecipitation is practically riot change4* The inf-luence of a 3rd component, the laAAhanto sulphate,.was also in- vestigated; further, starch and gelatin..All these substances were able to reduce the cobalt a small extent (by 4 - 5%). The cobalt-separation on a previoxisly prepared pure copper quinolinate sediment can also decide the problem of the character of coprecipitation. It was ascertEdned that the cobalt main quantity is isomorphicaUy coprecipitatedg and only 4 - 6% of cobalt are absorbed by the sediment. The hydroxyquinoline .- method is recommended for the separation of copper from.several cations including cobalt (Refs 5, 6). table 3 shows that in the separation of copper from small cobalt quantities, up to 20o of the cobalt quantity present in the solution may be contained in the hydroxyquinolinate sediment. There are 1 figurep 3 tablesp and 6 references, 5 of whioh are BoviQt. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N. 1. Lobachevskogo; Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Card 3/4 SOV/153-2-2-3/31 Coprecipitation of Cobalt With Copper Hydroxyquinolinate (Gorlkiy State University imeni N. L. Lobacbemkiy; Chair of Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: January 23, 1956 Card 4/4 5 (4) AUTHOR: Korenman, I.. M. BOV/74-28-6-5/5 TITLE: Quantitative Determination of Microimpurities (Kolichostvennoye opredeleniye mikroprimesey) PERIODICAL: Uspokli khimiit 1959, Vol 28, Nr 6, PP 772 - 782 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper tries to show - on the basis of the papers published in the last 10-15 years - the methods of attaining a maximum sensitiveness of the quantitative analysis. This is of great importance, particularly becauee modern technology puts very high requirements to the purity of some materials. The former term,91traces" is outdated (Rafs 2913 114) as already con- centrations of an order of maenitude of under 10-%i or 10- ~o (Refs 15,16) are of importance. The methods based on reactions of the precipitation are submitted to closer investigation. The gravimetrio method (Refs 17-20, 23-27) is completely unsuitablep even in its micro- and ultramicromodificat !~ ne, as the8sensi*- bility of ultramicrobalances attains 2.,10 `0- 4 e 10 at the moat which is, however, not sufficient for weighing small quan- tities of precipitation. Methods which are suited for the de- Card 1/3 termination of smallest concentrations are: the volumetric Quantitative Determination of Microimpurities SOV/74-28-6-5/5 method (Refs 28-44), kinetic methods (Refs 25o45-55)9 colori- metric methods (Refs 56-70)- It can be said of the colorimetric method that it seems very promising in some of its modifications for the determination of microimpurities. Other suitable methods are the very sensitive fluorometric methods (Refs 71-86). The spectrum analysis (Refs 2,5,87-98) has not the advantages of the kinetic, colorimetric, or fluorometric methods. The appli- cation of radioactive indicators (Refs 99-110) finds a growine use in analytic chemistry. Of the radiochemical methods the activation analysis is the most sensitive (Refs 111-124~ but, at present it is hardly accessible to application under worRs conditions. Many authors have compared the sensitiveness of quantitative analysis methods (Refs 15,81,124-127). But there is no agreement as to which of the methods should b 'a preferred. The supporters of one or the othar method Introduce the method a9plied by them as the most suitable. But it would be more cor- rect to state that the choice of the method depends on the cha- racter of the impurity to be determined, on the properties of the object to be investigated, and on other factors. It should be pointed out that analytic chemistry disposes of a great num- Card 2/3 ber of methods suitable for the detection and determination of Quantitative Determination of Microimpurities SOT/74-28-6-5/5 very small quantities of various ions which are contained in smallest solution volumes (Table). Very small quantities can be determined by precipitating them at first, and then con- cent=ating them, in am'all aolution volumes. In the concentrate it is comparatively easy to detect anti determine the impurity by means of the methods indicated in the table. From such con- oentration it is possible to determine colorimetrically up to 10-10% of impurity (Ref 15)- Among the methods used for con- centrating only the coprecipitation Olefe 146~~168) and the ex- traction (Refs 169-185) are mentioned here'.-There are I table and 185 references, 117 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 5 (2) AUTHOR: SOV/79-29-4-73/77 TITLE: Laws Joverning the Properties of Thallium (zakonomornosti talliya) 4 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 4, Pp 1390 - 1393 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thallium. has hitherto been considered as a "mysterious" ele- ment (Ref 3)- On the one hand it is according to its proper- ties similar to heavy metals (lead, silver, gold), on the - other hand to the alkali metals Ref 1 This was already and V. I. Vernadskiy pointed out by A. I. Mendeleyev Ref 2~ (Ref 3). The accumulation of such abruptly different proper- ties in one element has hitherto been regarded as a contra- diction even by many research workers (Refs 4-6). The present paper deals with the problem whether thallium is an exoeptional case in the general rule related to the position of this ele- ment in the periodic law. The author occupied himself in the first place with the followinG points: 1) The properties which are immediately connected with the position of thallium in the IlIrd group of elements. 2) The analogy to the alkali metals. Card 1/3 Laws Governing the Properties of Thallium SoV/79-29-4-73/77 3) The analogy to the heavy metals of the Ist group- 4) The e.nalogy with the adjacent group in the 6th period. On the otrength of the chemical experimental material collected since riany years and especially carefully investigated by the author (Refs 1-7) he arrived at the conclusion that the univalent thallium ic according to neveral pro ertiou aimilar to tho ele- inants of the main oubgroup of tho M grotip, aaeording to othor properties similar to the elements of the side subgroup of the same group (as well as to Hg, Pb, and Bi). Furthermore, T1 is uith respect to many properties similar to Aehas, however, sevoral properties similar to those of Au"' (and Bi***), as Is. g. the capacity of being extracted by organic solvents from halogen hydracid solutions as well as the capacity of forming compounds of the type [RX~ several of which are scarcely so- luble in waters Thus t e manifold properties of thallinm de- pend on its position in Mendeleyev's system of elements. This .assumption is confirmed by Mendeleyev himself: "All knowledge concerning the chemical and physical properties of thallium, its oxidation stages and the corresponding salts are expressed by the position this element has according to its atom size Card 2/3 (TI-204) between me;cury (11g-200) and lead (Pb=207)"- Other a- laws Governing the Froperties of Thallium SOV/79-29-4-73/77 elements of the 6th period the oations of which have 18+2 elec- trons on the exterior shell show the same manifold properties which are, however, not so distinctly marked. There is I table and 12 referenceaq 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gortkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univer8itet (Gortkiy State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: January 16, 1958 Card 3/3 F-WE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5247 Koreman. 1=111 Mironalch .................... - - --------- 1 204 1JUS T Mh Analiticheskeye Ithimlys. talliyap 8T1 (Analytical Chmistry of A. 1---r Moscow, Izd-v() AN SSSR, 1960. 1j; p. Errata slip inserted. (series: Aka;;Iya nauk SSSR. Imstitut geokbinii I analiticheskoy kbimii. Seriya Analiticheskays khimiya elemeatov) 3,,000 CoPies printed- Sponsoring Agency: Akadmiya nauk SSSR. Institut gookbi-Ji i analiticheskoy WWI imeni V.I. Vernadskogo. - Chief Edo; A*P. Vinogradov, Acadvialcian; 341torlal Board: I.P. Alizarin, A.K. A.I. Busev., i'.Ye. Vaynshteyn, A.P. Vinogradov, A.N,, YeruAkov,, V.I* Kuznetsov,, P.N. Paley., DoI. "chikov, I.V. Tananayev, and Yu.A. Chermikhov; Ed. of Publish- ing House: K.T. Volynets; Tech. Zd.: P.S. K"bina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chmical analysts in plant laboratories, sciamm. tifie reseamh Institutes,, and educational Institutions. CF"A- Analytical Chemistry (Cant.) SOY/524T COVEMB." The bv)k de&U w1th the analytical chemistry of the"'Jum. It ccutalas general data ~;n the properties of thalllum and its cmpmndB, and solwations of the chemics,1 reactions an vhich the analytical methods an based., Physical,, physicahemical' ~, and chemical methods applicable to quantitative determinations Of crude thal1lum, typical semifinished products,, and end products, such as metals, or aL%oys, oxides, and salts am described. Principles of determination axe given and in certain cases the entire determination process Is described. Rapid analysiss methods axe stressed, and precise senAtIve methods for the de- termination ort admixture traces in pure thallium materials are discussed. The appendixes cwtain tabular data on the properties of thallium and its compound$, thallium isotVes., solubility of tha"Jus compounds, density of tbAUJUS salt solutions., mdbility of singly-charged thallium ions in aqueous solutions at 18., J, activity coefficients of the singly-charged thalllun Ion,, hydrolysis constants of trivalent, th&Lliumf normal oxidation potentials,, and mi6roerystalloscojpIc de.. tection of menovalent thallim. The book is one in the series entitlOdIwAnAILU044- kaya khimiya eiewntav" (Analytical Chemistry. of the Elements) vhich is to be Vjb- lished. by tho Institut gookbiaii i analiticheekoy khimii imeni V.I. Vernadakago AN SSSAUMtitute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Imeni V.I. Vernadskly, AS USSR) in 50 volumes during the next five years. The author thanks Academician =U_=T_T C CD 24443 S/0q_ 6-10001006.100410",-- ;Io. ATJTHORS,~ Ko,rtnman, 1. M., Tljwanov~ A. A., Yanay--A, V. Ya. TTTLF,~ and s,:~lnhlitv :,f s..,ra- c,,mplz)r cf PERIMCAL.-, R,~,"Praf.17'.nyy zhurnal. Khimiyu. nc. 0, 11961g, 1,06,. atstra:t 494A, (6V45). ("Tr. pa khimii 1 khim. tekhtiol- (11oriku)", '00" wyp. !~. F36 -. 90) TEXT ~ Oomplex c,ompound3 of In and SON w-th art1T'vr-,rw Dvrrjm1dnn_ and 4_4an.+i~yryl m-9thar.- havt:# beAn synthesized. Their ~tomposi~jon LVMJ be .n'(C -?x-.prqssed by formv.llavi (.Tn(a H, ONO )61 i i ;J(SCN)3$ ~ 'H'70N3 3) (S"I 11 2 c ' ') I i n" (c H rf Thi?, solUllity of thil compler oompounds con- LT 2.11 2 4 0 2 14') 31 (S r' N ) 6 c,7irned has bpen determined i a water., eulfurin aoid, and ALeptic a,-~Id of ,Ufferent non-c-ent rat lons._,' and also in some .)rgaiiir Solvents. Thp forma-, Jo n C, f n (14 11 2 H;~40 flI)IJ ~50~N)6 Y'As ai%rvod r.) d;4,~rwlnp small amountg ~~f In. lAbstrec-Atr's yiw~"',~ , ComplAte transla'~4~,nl Card KORD&UN,, I.M.; TUWOV. A.A.; KWNOVA, Z.V. Study of the precipitation and coprecipitation of some bydroxy- quinolinates by means of radioactive tracers. Trudy kom. aaal. khim. 11:198-208 160. (MIRA,13:10) 'IMP 1. Gorlkovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. R.I.Lobiichevskogo. Vaiinolinol) (Cobalt--Isotopes) (Zirconium--Isotopes) Precipitation (Chomistry)) ~ KOREM17, I.M.; TUMANOV, A.A.; SOOKINA, V.M. ---------- --- Composition and solubility of cerium oxinates. Izv.vyn.ucheb.z&T,- khim.1 khim.takh. 3 no.4:580 160. (HIBA 13:9 1. Nauchto-iseledovatellskiy institut khimii pri GorIkovskom gosudar- stvennom universitete im. N.I.Lobachavskago, kafedra analitichaskoy kbimii. (Gerium compounU ) (04duolinol) 5.5300 77746 SOV/75-15-1-8/29 AUTHbRSi -,_Iore,,,man, M., Sheyanova, F. R., Kunshin, S. D. TITLE,i Color and Fluorescent Reactiona for Gallium PERIODICALt Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimil, 1960, Vol 15, Nr 1, PP 36-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Color and fluorescent reactions of gallium with organic dyes were studied In order to Belect a suitable reagen,~ for gallium . The investigated dyes containing the following groups: Oil Off N16 Ott OH 01-1 1\-N=N-1\1\1 N-N-I\%l Ott 01-1 Card 3./8 Color and Fluorescent Reactions for Gallium 77746 SOV/75-15-1-8/29 Card 2/8 Procedure: to 0.1 ml of gailiitn nitrate solution (0.1 mg Ga3+) 1-2 drops of a 0.1% aqueous dye solution and 0.1 ml of a buffer Bolution was added; the mixture was then heated to 60-700; appearance of color or fluorescence (if any) is noted. Control tests were also made. From the 68 dyes investigated, only 22 gave positive reactions for gallium. Some of the most sensitive reagents are shown in Table 1. The dy-es, Nrs 1-5, containing group (I) produce gallium compoundo of bright color. Dyes Nrs 6-9, containing (II) and (III) groups, form with gall-411M not only colored but also fluorescent compounds. Concentration limits at which the dyes (Nrs 6-9) produce fluorescent products are given In Tablq 1. React on of the above does wish other cations (InD-1, y3-'-, Th4+, Zn2'F., Ce +., Al +' Se +J1 La3+, Fe3+) also were studied. It was found that In3+, SC3+, Th4+, and Fe3+ also give color reactions under the same condition as gallium; they interfere in gallium S/061/62/000/012/010/063 B168/B101 AUTHORBs Korenman, 1. X., Sokolov, D. N. TITLE: Solubility of compounds of lanthanum, samarium and erbium with certain dicarboxylic acids PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhur nal. Rhimiya, no. 12, 1962, 78, abstract 12B543 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorikiy), no. 2, 1961, 311 - 317) TEM The solubility'of glutarates, adipinates, pimelinates, azelainates and sebacinates of la4thanum, samarium and erbium. in aqueou 's solutions of HCl (0.0025 - 0.025 mdle/1) was determined at 25 t 0-100C1 a constant ion concentration (jj,- 0-5) o:~ the solutions investigated was brought about by.the addition of the necessary quantity of IraCl. The following values were obtained for the solubility products of, lanthanum, samarium and erbium. salts res-oectivelys ;clutarates 7.0-10-15: 2.2-10- 16 i 5.1 .10-16; adipinates 3.8-10- is 3-7-10-1a; 1.1-10-17 -19 ; pimelinates 1-4910 1..1-10-15 ; 4-6*10- 16 azelainates 7.8-10-24; i.6-io-22 i sebacinates Card 1/2 S/o8l/62/000/012/010/063, Solubility of compounds of*** B16e/Biol 9.3 .10-23; 2-5- 10-23; 7.2010-25. The instability constants of complex glutaratee and adipinates of lanthanual samarjum and erbium, were deter- mined and are given in tabular form. The question of the dependenoe of the solubility of compounds of rare-earth elements with dicarboxylic acids on the number of carbon atoms in the acid molecule was examined. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation-i Card 2/2 EOREINNION, IAN, bissociatim constant of lepad tulfate khim.tekh~ 4 no.4: 55)k-5,57 '61. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khimA Uillut 15:1) 1. Gorlikolislf'ly gosudarstvennyy universitetimeni N.I. Lobachevskogo, kafedra analiticheskoy khimii. (Lead sulfate) (Dissociation) KORER'UN, I.M.; STAROSTI[4, G.P. dl.-"---------,-,. . Fluorescence reactions for scandium. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekb. 4 no.4;561-564 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Gorlkovskiy Cosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.I.Lobachovskogo, ~-afedra analiticheskoy klAmU. (Scandium-Analysis) KORENWIt I.M.9 dokt.kbimich.nauk "Inorganic ultramicroanalysis' by I.P. Alimarint M.N. Petrikova. , ~,-, -0, 'Revi-eved by I.M. Korenman. Zav. lab. 27 no.3:363~ 161. (MIRA 14:3) Y'..;, (MWadbemistry) I- I-(AUmarinj I.P.) (Petrikovap M.N.) PER EGUD, Yeva Abramovna; BYKEOVSKAYA, Mariya Solomonovna; GERNET, Yelena Vladimirovna; KGREOW I doktor khim. neuk, prof., red.; ODERBERG,Tr.,Te"d.,-, KOGAN, V.V., takhn, red. (Rapid methods for the deterrIzation of noxious substances in the air] Bystrye metody opredeleniia vrednykh veshchestv v Vozdukhe. Pod red. I.M.Korenmana. Moskva, Goskhimizdat, 1962. 272 pe (MIRI 15:7) (Air-Amlysis) (Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous) S/075/62/017/004/001,/006 1017/1217 AUMORS Koremari, 1*14,, and Yefimychev, V.S'. T I T LE"; Fluorimetric determination of-scandium, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analitichi~skoy khimi, V.17, no.4, 1962, 425-428 TITXT: Sallpylp.1semicarba-7,ide i's usqd as a 1=inesceht reagent for scandium. A home-made.fluorimeter was used. The MenSLIrements were carried out with a light 'filter transmittin-m Q in the range 400-510fjk. Acetate buffers nnd ammonia/ampioni-14M chloride buffers were used fnr pH regulation. The reagent vras a.0-1~ solution of the seauylsemicarba7ide in acetone. The inten- sity of the lumiWiscence of solutions containing mixtures of Card 1/3 S/075/62/017/004/001/006 1017/1217 Fluorimetric determinfition... salicylalsemicarba!,ide vibLter solution (82r/ml) and an excess (12~'/ml) of soandium is ;tudied and tabulated. The result*8 show that in the PH range 2,5-7, the intensity is sufficient ~nd thnt in the ringe pH - 2,5-4 o-nd PH - 5,3-6,8 the intensity of IiAti.1111e- scence ic pr,.7tically cotitant. -.111 the experiments are carrlud OLj& at PH - 5j6*0*2. It was ~Qioviri by the Yob method that At these pH's only the compound Solalitavil exiStS. -The study of the depin- de-nce between the lamine3cence -knd the molar ratio of the reagent and 5c; content) cr~rried out at pH - 5#6 with a constant S03+ concen- tration shows -lso thpt the molar ratio for maximum luminejcence is 1:1. The determination of scandilmin mixturev was Ftudied. The Apfluence -)f 41sioys opat~aeformat the lFin&scent scan lum-sa:Licyln em car 7 was, eisovafat pIi 5,6 in a ratio Card 2/3 --SUBYITT'zT-; -_ J_u_n_eF2O_,_-IS55T-__-___ Card 3/3 S/081/62/000/023/023/120 B150180 AUTHORS: Korenmang to Meg Ganinat V. Gog Kurinav Me V. TITLE% Examination of aose hydroxy anthraquinanes used as rcagents for rare earth elements PERIODICAL: Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 176,a1kittaotom, -Referativnyy shurnal. (Tr. po khimii I khim. tekhnol. (Gor'k1y)q no. 4, TEXT: It is shown that rare earth elements (REE) in a hexamethylene tetramineborate buffer medium of pH 7 react with both quinalizariv and Na alizarin sulfonate to form colored products of 10 composition with maximum light absorption at 560-590 and 570-549 mg respectively.Th,O ~apectrs&al characteristics of the reaction products are similar for the difforent RES. For both reagents the mol. absorption coefficient is of the order of 13,000-17p000. The sensitivity of the reaction increases with the atomic number of the RZE. The- colored products of the-.RBE reaction were used for photometric determination of Lu, Cd and Er In solutions of thoir salts. Theeie reagents cannot be used for separate determination of the REE where oo'cur tog!ther. [Abstrocterox note: Casplete translation.] Vard. 1/1 KORENMAN, T-M.; YEFMCHEV, V.S. Fluorimetric determination of scandium. Zhur.anal. khim. 17 no-4:425-428 Jl 162. (laRA 15:8) 1. Gorlkovskiy gosudaratve&-Vy universitet imni N.I.Lobacheyokogo. (Scandiu*--Analysis) (Fluorimetry) KORENWIP I SIIEYPJIOVAI F*R,; NIKOIAIEVp B.A. Li.-IIJ. "Radioactive isotopes in analytical chemistry" by L.M.IiikhBeva, N.Mftlcheev. Reviewed by I.M.Korerman, F.R.Sheianova, B.A. Nikolaev. Zav.lab. 28 no.ll,.-1402-1403 162. OMIRA 15:11) (Radioisotopes) (Chemistry, Analytical) jMch6ev, N.B.) (Mikheev, N.B.) ,kOREIIMANO I.M. I NOVIKOVAO A.M. Reaction of yttrium salts with disodium phosphate. Trudy po khim.i khim.takh. no.1:87-89 163. (MIRA 17:12) xOmpig., I.M.; SMAIOVA, F.R.; POMMNTSEVAp E-G- Metalo-contadning reagents as fluorescent Indicators in the neutrali- zation methods Trudy po khim,.i khimotekh. nool:125-129 163. (MIRA 17s.12) KORENMAN,, I.M.; RODIONOVA, Z.M. Reactions of metbylfurfurole and hvdroxymethylfurfurole with some aromatic amines. Trudy po khim.i khim.tekh. no.1:130-134 163. (MIRA 17122) ACCESSION NR: AR4025719 8/0081/64/ooo/m/wu/nois SOURCE: TIM Khimiya, Abe.. 2B80 AUrHOR:,,,.Koremnan, 1. M.; Yefimy*chev, V. S. Trl'LE: Some fluorescent compounds of maticylal-2-aminophenol 1 CITED SOURCE: Tr. po khtmit i kh1m. tekhnol. (Gorlkiy), vy*p. 1, 1962, 114-119 TOPIC TAGS: fluorescence, aminophenol derivative, saticylal-2-aminophenal, 6allcylaidehyde TRIMSIATION: The authors studied the relationship between the intensity offluorescence of solutions and the relative contents of salicylal-2-aminophenol (RH) and the salts of Al,' Ga, Be, In, and Zn with a constant sum of their molar concentrations. Using- the method of isomolar series, the composition of the fluorescent compounds was deterff iined. For Ga, Be, and in the ratio (M3,f,)::(RH) turned out to be 1:1, compared to 1:2 for Al. The 1:1 ratio determined for [Zn2+1::[HR] excludes the existence of a molecule composed only of a cation of Zn and the anions of the reagent. The authors admit that in the forma- tion of a fluorescent compound, in addition to the metal and anion, hydroxyl play groups Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4025719 a role in strengtheiing the valence bonds of the metal. It Is also important to take into accotmt the nature of hydrogen bonding in the molecule. R. Nurmukhametov. DATE ACQ: Mark BUB CODE: OC ENCU 00 2/2 Card XORENMN, I.M.;,CHELYSHEVA, S.F. - ------ Interaction of hexamethylenediandne with aluminum salts. Zhur. anal.khis. 18 no,12:1457-1463 D 163. (WRA 17:4) 1. Gor1kovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni Lobachavskogo. KORENMAN, Izraill Mironovich; BUSEV, A.I., red.; KORCHEMNAYA, , -Ye-.-K.---- ,, re&.-j-K9SM*l, PA.,, tekhn. red.j GUSEVA, A.P., tekhn. red, (Analytical chemistry of potassium) Analiticheskaia khimiia kaliia. Moskvas Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 253 Pu (MIRA 17:3) KOREWAIN, lzraill Mironovich; FRM40, R.S.., red.; PANTELEYEVA, L.A., - - ~- (Introduction to quantitative ultramicroanalysis] Vved,~- nie v kolichestvennyi ulltramikroanaliz. Moskvas Goaltim- izdat, 1963. 191 p. (MIRA 17:2) NAZARMO, V. A.; K2~~~ Basic problem of developwant of analytical chemist . ZjLv. lab. 28 no-12.:3411-3413 162. (MIRA 16:17 (Chemistry, Anaiytical) V00 V63/000/004,/000/011 B193/BISO AUTHORSt K-OrehMan, Sheyanbva, F. R., Nikolayev# B. L., 1b_ramovI 0. B. -TITLEt ---Ihermoaetrio--tit.ratiort-cf-aome -organia- compounds PERIODICALs Referabivayy zhurnal. .Rhimiya, no. 4, !963, 154, abstract 4GI47 (Tr. po kb imii i Rhim. tekhnol. (GorIkiy), no. 4, 1*961, 753 -760) TEXT. The thermometric titration of4queous; solutions of furf,ural and acetone solutions of sa-licyl aldehyda'. by solutions of tetramethylenediamine --a and he;. meth7lenedismine has been investigated and found possible. equivalence point was fcomd from. the zalient point on the titration curve obtained by plotting temperature versus titrant consumption iv ml. Them - optimum ratio of titrated solution "noentration to titrant wa a_-,found. The normality of.the titrant m4st be ab~out 10 times,that of the titrated solu- tiong so thut there is only a slight volu-ae ;hange oX- the- reacting mixture -during--the--titratiang- thus L avoiding. any. -big -varia-tion-in -the Apecif ic -heat-. d:er' ration is shown to have to effect on of: the mixture The or of the tit-' the accuracy of the analysis, The temperature pick-up consisted of a Card 1/2 -------------- tSSION NR:_ R3003331 A 'S/0056/63/000/W5AP53/D053~ !SOURCE: RZh. Mikat -Abi, :P372"- ~AUTHOR: Korarman 101AS; 'feftmj~ohev.. 1TITLF 3: Concer~ning some Itimine'scent dompounds of4al-vailal-2-aminaphenal CITED SM RICEI Tr. P0 ihimiil'.Ulim.*~ tekhnol#- Oor t kiy) s 1,f- 1162 _11C MPIC TAGS: 'Itmine nce, ~alycl~a.~-2--~minophenol~:compounct :a1mainum', gall-itim, indium, zinc, SaMUM, n' Zn, Sa Ais at n. TRANSLATION:- The in ities o. luuinpcenoe of-the compoluids of ophenol (HR) viith A I Ga X'Sa 'I In ,and.ZnZ~ were investigated., The compo- Isitions of these compounds we 're deter'mined from the character of the dependence of. the intentities -on the ratio - of the weights of HR and the metallic se-Its ai~d.,qn the !time. Strong lumineAcenep of -the first four compounds (particularly with Al"t) is jattributed to two circumstances:: 1) hydroxyls, which saturate the valence bonds Of 7- the metals and the formation oC the luminescent compound in addition ito the metal and the anion*of the reagent; 2) an important role is played by the 1formation of hydrogen bonds in the production of the rigid structure of Lhemole- icules,and in the elimination ofthe possibility of nonradiative scattering'af the, Card 1/2'. FEREGUD, Ye.A.; GMIET, Ye.V.; KOBRZWI, I.M.. zasl. deyat. naull prof., red.; PIASTRO, V. -,r-er. (Chemical analysis of the air in industrial enterprisesi recommended methods for determining the permissible toxic substances concentration in the air] Khimicheskii analiz vozdukha promyshlennykh predpriiatii; rekomendueqre metcdy opredeleniia predellno dopustin7kh kontsentratsii vredn5,kh veshchestv v vozdukhe. Moskvap Khimila, 1965. 363 p. (HIRA 18.7) KORMAN, I.M.; VF.RBITSKLYAP T,D. Coprecipitation. of bivalent tin vith cadmium hydroxIle. Trudy po khim.i khimtakh. no.10-13-117 161+. (mrRA 18:12) 1,, Submitted June 28v 196,39 ACC NRt ARG027499 AUTHOR: Korenman, 1. M.; Nazarova, G. V. i I TITLE: Alkaline method of separating from lanti'~arjum SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 4G137 ~EF SOURCE: Tr. Po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorlkiy), vyp. 3(11), 1964, 454-458 TOPIC TAGS: lanthanum, beryllium, gravimetric analysis ITRANSLATION: By gravimet~ically determining Be 2t in the filtrate and precipitate, it was shown that during La3 precipitation wish an excess of NaOH in the presence of .Be2+, the adsorptive coprecipitation oJF ~e2 occurs with the La(O*d)3. The La(OH)3 pro- 6ipitate obtained was nearly free of Be2 after its two short reprecipj.tations*from~ a ~ot solution. Calculations were made of the coefficients in the Freun(Ilich and Lang- niuar equations of the adsorption isotherm. 3 figures, 2 tables, 7 references. (From M. Xhim.). 'SUB CODE: 07,11 UDC: 669.854.09 ROZINGAUZ, V., inzh.; IORIID%N, -R., inzh. -- . - New type of apparatus for removing skins from sheepand goats. Xle.e. ind. SSSR 29 no.2:6-7 158. (KIM 11:5) 1,Leningradekly "okombinat. (Slau&tering and slaughterhouses-lquipseat and SUPPIA89) (Rides and skins) KORENW., Ya,1* Coprecipitation of aluminum with magnoAtm hydroxide. Zhur.anal. khim. 18 no.6s721-725 Je 163,, (MIRA 16-.9) L Scien-Ufic-Research Institute of Chemistry of N.I.Lobachevsky Gorky State UnIv6rsity. (Aluminum) (Magnesium hydroxide) KORENMAN., Yao 1. The Second All-Union Conference on the Preparation and Analynis of High-Purity Elements. held on 24-28 December 1963 at Gorky State Uni- versity im. N. 1. Lobachevskiy, was sponsored by the Institute of Chemi- stry of the Gorky State University, the Physicochemical and Technological Department for Inorganic Materials of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and the Gorky Section of the All-Union Chemical Society im. D. 1. Mendeleyev. The opening -address was made by Academician N. M. Zhavoronkov. Some 90 papers were presented, among them the following: A. A. Tumanov, A. N. Sidorenk d Y 1, 0, an T,,,_%,j _Kor-onman. Determina- 10-3 __--i. . 1 i _ t r~ mem n tion &f p micrograms i 5 m iconductor thin films by- means of a catalytiz method 777 KOREPIMAN, Ya. 1. Coprecipitation of lead with magnesium hydroxide. Trudr khim.tekh. no.1:140-145 063. Coprecipitation of tin with magnesium hydroxide. Trudy po khim.i I ~-O khim,tekh, no,1:146-151 Coprecipitation of antimony with magnesium hydroxide. Ibid..4152-154 (HIRA 17:12) ACCESSION NR; AP4044894 5/0032/64/030)'009/1058/1060" AUTHORSt Tumanov, A. A.; Sidorenko, A. N.; ~orenukn q~~. J_ ..j.j TITLEt Kinetic method for determining the microadmixture of iodine in metallic ailicon and germanium SOURCE: Zavodakaya laboratoriyf,, v- 30, no. 9, 1964, W58-io6o TOPIC TAGS: iodine, cerium reduction, arsenic acid/ M 11 57 photoeleotrie ,colorimeter ABSTRACT: The method for determining small iodine admixtures is baded on the reaction of tetravalent Gerium. salts with arsenious acid. This reaction in 'catalyzed by traces of iodine contained in silicon and germanium. In this proceee the yellow tetravalent cerium is reduced to the colorless trivalent stute, while the arsenious acid is oxidized to arsenic acid. The rate of color fading is recorded with a FEK-N-57 photoelectric colorimeter. The analysis should be per- formed at 20C, using beakers of P-1 glass (glass types 49-2t 23-10 and Ergon were found unsuitable). A standard calibration curve was charted for the optical density, of tetravalent cerium in the presence of metallic silicon nad various imown concen- ,trationo of iodine. The~-.procedure consisted of adding 5 ml of a 10% 1(aH solution and 0.2 ml'of a 30% 1120i~o 10 mg of powdered silicon, This was heated until Card 1/2 A ACCESSION NR: AP4044894 dissolved, after which measured amounts of KI were added. The solution was next neutralized with oulfuric acid, diluted to 25 mls and transferred in 5--m1 aliquots into test tubes where it was acidified with sulfuric acid and mixed with 0.2 al 6f 0.1 normal solution of Ce(SO ) and with 0.2 normal solution of Na AsO A maxim= ~4 fading of the solution was observed within 60 minutes. A similar procedur was used in plotting a calibration curve in the presence of germanium, the dete=tion of ,optical density being conducted after 30 minutoo. By such a techni ue it Mae possible to determine 5-10-Vo iodine in 10 mg of silicon, and 5-10- iodine in i me aof cerium. The cations of mercury, silver, lead, and tellurium inhibited the Ireaction.' The determination was not possible in the presence of over !iO micrograms of chlorine or 20 micrograms bromine. Orig. art, haso I formula and 2 tables. 'ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gorikovskon a ;gosudarstvennom universitete (saientifio Research Institute of Chemiati.79 Gorkiy ;State University) SUBMITTED: 30 CODE: Card 2/2 00 ic NO RV GOVi 003 EXCLI 00 1. 003 TUMANOV, A.A.; SIM-0,M0, A.N.; KOF NM ~Yal. .~E~ Kineitic method of' determining iodine impuritioi in silicon and germanium. Zav. lab. 30 no.9:10;18-1060 164, (MIPA 16: 11) 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskly inst-itut khirrai pri Gorlkovskom gosudarntvennom universitete imeni Lobachovskogo. KORENRAN, Ya. 1. Precipitation of magnesium hydroxide in the presence of a zinc salt. Trudy po khim.i khim.takh. no.1:124-130 164. (Y'M 18:12) 1. Submitted June 29p 1963. KORENNOVI B.t-inzh.; SAVINCV, V. Automatic temperature regulator with increased sensitivity. Radio no.11:26-Z7 N 165. (MIRA 18%12) KORENNOV, B., inzh. Radio wave methods. Radio no-5t2.3-25 MV 162. (MRA 1535) (Radio in prospecting) S/169/61/000/012y'004/089 D228/D305 AUTHOR: Korennovo B. I. TITLE: Electric properties of rocks and methods or measuring them in an electromagnetic field (critical review) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geof izika, no. 12, 19611 8, abstract 12A62 (V eb. Teplo- i massoobmen v merzlykh pochvakh i forn. porodakh. M., AN SSSR, 19619 128-143 TEXT: The main factors determining the magnitude of the speci-fic electroresistance e and the dielectric permeability E of rocks are considered. In the laboratory, the values of the parameters of p and E are determined by different me- thods: the bridge method; pulses; the technique with the appli- cation of quality gages--cumeters; the resonance method; and the method of impulses. In field investigations, it is most Card 1/2 I BOOK EX PHAS9; PLOiTATION SOV/6481 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. /Institut merzlotovedeniya. Teplo--i massoobmen v merzlykh tolshchakh zemnoy kory (Heat and Mass Transfer in the Frozen Strata of theEarth's Crust) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 213 p. Errata slip inserted. 1200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdoleniye Institut merzlotovedeniya. Resp. Ed.: N.I. Saltykov~, Professor, D6ctpr of Technical Sciences; Ed.: A.L. Bankvitser;: Tech. Ed.: V.G~. Laut. PURPOSE: This book is intended for resear'ch workers int'-permafrost and geocryology. COVERAGE: This collection of papers dealst:with the ris'ults of thea- I retical, laboratory, and 'field reseaich-on heat trAn~fer in frozen Card 1/1 -SOV/6481 Heat and Mass Transfer (06nt.) ground and in ice carrted out by the ttiff of the *ejit- and Mass-Transfer Division of the Institute of Permafrost Study, tiberian Branch, AN SSSR. The theory of heat- and matis-transfer in ice, frozen and thawed ground, and rocks is discusaed. The problem of heat ~trans.151-r between engineering structure:s and frozen ground is investigated. Methods used in these investLgations and the instrumentation and equipment designed by the authors are described. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ivanov. N.S. The Heat Regime of the Upper Layer of -the Earth's Cru-it-in the Yakutsk Area 9 Gavrilova, M.K, The Heat Regime of Surface'and Near-Surface Rocks According to Calculations and Observatons Hade at the.Suntar-Khayat High-Altitude Mountain Station in 1959 56 Card 2/!7 'Heat and Mass Transfer (cont.) SOV/6481 Filosofov, G.N. Air Currents in Rock Fissures in t~e Aldan- Chul'mansk Mining Re'gio~ 64 Devyatkin, V.N. Diurnal Temperatures in Boreholes Filled With Various Materials 76 Korennow-B.I. Thickness.Determination of Long-Frozen Rocks by the-RWR-c~--Wave Electric-Prospecting M~thod 80 Aptikayev, F.F. Some Ftatures of Seismic Wave Propagation in Long-Frozen Rocks 89 Chistyakov, G.Ye. The Temperature and I~e Regime of Rivers and Certain Watersheds in Yakutsk 92 Balobayev, V.T. The Thiving of Frozen'Rdcks Due toAnceraction With the Atmosphere 105 Card 3/1 Heat and Mass Transfer (Cont.), SOV/6481 Ivanov, N.S. On the Question of the Possibility of Determining the Thermal Conductivity Coef" ficient for Pryogen'ic Media Usinj the Theory of the Regular Thermal Regime 157 t: Filippov, P.T. An In3trum~~nt for the Deiermination 'o*f the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Rocks in Boreholes Without Casings 160 Korennov, B.I.,and V.A. Savtnov. An Instrument for che Dielectric Permeability,of Rock Samples 165 Kutasov, I,M. Speed Deterviination of ThArmal Convection Currents in Boreholef 168 Ivanov, N.S. Interference Method for the Determination of Thermal Currents En goils and Ro6ki 175 . II - I Ca.rd 5/7 KORMOV, B.I.; CHERMP G.M. ------ -7- ~ faboratory investigations of the disperaien of dielectric permeability of rack samples. Geol.A geofiz. no.11:108-114 162. (KM 16:3) 1. Institut meralotovedeniya Sibirskogo otdolenlya AN &"ZR, Yakutsk. (Rocks-Electric prope*Aes) WHIONOV, P. Flight saftey rest vith the Idne Maintenance and Repair Shop. Grazhd.av. 17 no.4t24-25 AP 160. (MIRA 13:9) l.'Nachallnik liueyuykh skiipluatatsionno-remontnykh master- skikh g. Tbilisi. (Airplanes-Maintetianae and repair) KDRXNNOV, P. Reorganization to needod. Grazhd.ay 17 no.9:23 5 160.W[RA 13:9) 1. Nachallnik LirAyno-ekspluatatsionuykh-1--remontny~~ mutervidkh, Tbilisi. (Airplanes-Maintenance aid repair) KORENNOY A.[Koriermoi, 0.]-- MATIYKO~ N.[Matiiko2 M.]; SOIODKIY V.V.[Solodkyi, V.V.]', red.; GURVICH, O.G.L"Hurvych.. O.Hj, tekbn. red. (Tecbnological progress in electrical welding] ElektrozviL- riuvannia, i progres tekbniky. Kyivj, Kyivslke oblasne, kny:;h- kovogazetris vyd-vo, 1960. 37 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Electric welding) YORE, I.P.,'OY, A. I. Forennoy, A. I. "The exj.,erienco of the production use of autuona-Ac tools of the Electrical Welding Institute", Trudy Vsesoyuz. kcnf-tsili po avto,7,at. svaa-ke pod fi~usom , 3-6 October 191,17, Kiev, 1948, P. 195-98- SO: U--161, .10 April 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 'nyl~h StcAey, "o. 11, 194~"" .32 k, 4. J. Wimp I k'l. X*K.; MMMTW,4~1- - .Development of high-speed electric welding at Donate Basta Industrial entorpr1ses. Nere s Ist.tekh. no.I:W98 154. (Donets Basin-Electric welding),- Wak 9:4) ASNIS, A.Ye.;XOB M OT, A.I. .Restoring worn-out crankshaft Journals in tractor engines by mechanized hard facing under flux. Aytom.avar. 8 no.5*.63-73 S-0 155. (KLRA 9:1) 1.0rdens. Tradavago krasnogo snament institut elektronvarki imeni Ye. 0. Patons. AN UWR. (Grankahafte-Volding) (Hard facing) KOPO,1112-y, A. I. and VAL fChU-K, G. I (Engineer) Structural Stress Concentration and Ways to Extend the Service Life of Tractor-4lotor Crankshafts. Povysheniye iznosostoykosti i sroka sluzhby mashin. t. 2 (Increasing the Ware Resistance and Extending the Service Life of Machines. v. 2) Kiyev, Izd-voA14 UkrSSR, 1960. 290 P. 3,000 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy, t. 21, Sponsoring Agency: Vscsoy-uznoye nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obshchestvo mashinostroitel Inoy proqrshlennosti. Tsentral Inoy i Kiyevskoye oblastnoye pravleniYa. Institut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR. Editorial Board: Resp. Ed.: B. S. Grozin; Deputy Resp. IM.; D. A. Draygor; M. P. Braun, I. D. Faynerman, I. V. Kragel 'Bkiy: Scientific Secretary: 11. L. Barabash; Ed. of v. 2: Ya. A. Samokhalov; Tech, Ed.: N. P. Rakhlina. COV7-RAGE: The collection contains papers presented at the Third Scientific Tecmical Conference held in Kiyev in September 1957 on problems of increasing the wear resistance and extending the service life of machines. The conference was sponsored by the Inutitut 3troitel 'noy makhaniki AN UkrSSR (InDtuitute of Structural Mechanics of the Acadeqj of Sciences Ukrainian SSR), and by the Kiyevskaye oblastnaya organizatsiya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshdhestva niashinostroitel Inoy proWshlennosti (Kiyev Regional Organization of the Scientific Technical Society of the Machine-Building Industry,),