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4 k o- Pr5 / -rSA -/r/ .4 ~- Y -- VALITSKIT, I.V., redaktor; IOAMMSTAN, R.A., redaktor; L"PrSiTMCIE-2-I09 redaktor; GAUMIX. I.M., redaktor; TROFIMOV, A.V., tekhnicheekly redaktor. [Improving the quality of cutting bits; collection of articles] Pov7shenie kachestva izgotovleniia sharoshochn7kh dolot-, obornik statei. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1954. 93 P. WaA 8:4) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovateliekly institut makhant- zatsil i organizatsit truda v neft7anoy promyshlonnosti. 3yuro tekh- niko-ekonomichookoy Informatsii. (Boring machinery) K(MMM, XDnstadin Yefremovich; PAWY, Polikorp Avtonoaovichl IMSITSKIT, P.I'&,red,; ANDRMY, A.Y., red,; KOVALEVA, A.A., vedushi _R*RHAP N.A., takha,red, [Drill bits; a handbook) Burovye dolots; spravochnik. Kockva, Goo.vauchno-telft.isd-vo neft. t gorno-toplivnot lit-ry, 1958e 214 p. (MIRA 11:7) (Boring machinery) IBRAGIMOVY I.E.;,,j2Ej�j_T�KITt T.I.; KAPLAN, G.A.; MARBIN, Z.S. Use of a mathematical model in determining the parameters of a circulation multiplicity regulator for a.'system of automatic control of catalytic cracking. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk no.6:101-112 162. (KRA 16:6) (Cracking process) (Automatic control) (Mathematical modela) ABDULLAYEV, A.A.; KOFYSITSKIY,,T.I.; LEYTMVI, Yu.S.; MAMED-ZADE, A.G.; KMDEYp Z.V. V Temperature-control system for a catalytic-cracking reactor with a finely divided catalyst. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.8:19-22 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Hauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektr*ry institut po komplelonoy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov v neftyanoy i khimi- cheskoy prowyehlennosti, g. Baku. SAMDYlDVICH, B.I.; LEYTMAN, Yu.S.; LyApIIIA, L.I.; KOPYSITSKIY, T.I. Economic efficiency of the introduction of an automatic- temperature control system in the reactor of a cataly-tic cracking device. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.8:63-86 163. (MIM 17:6) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni M. Azizbekova i flauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut po kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov v neftyanoy i khimicheskoy promyshlennosti. MYASNIKOV, Ye.A.,, :Lnzb.; GFYVPIIDOV, I.A., J.rzh.; KOPYSITSKIY, T.I., inzh. I Eleotronic impulse-tyre regulator for dosing milk of lim, Elak. Sta. 36 no.8z78-79 Ag 165. (MIRA IM) SOV/123-59-.15-59396 Translation from: Referativn" zhurnal. Mazhinostrayeniy6, 1959i Nr 15, p 77 (USSR) AUTHOR-z "-Kopyskiy, B.D. TITLE.: Hot Volume Gaging Instead of Mechanical MaGhining PERIODICAL: Byul. tekhn.-ekon. inform.Sovnarkhoz Rostovsk. ekon-adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 11, pp 14 - 15 ABSTRACT: The article has not been reviewed. Card III KOPYSKIT. B.D. Hot three-dimensional stamping instead of machining. Ku%.- shtam.proizv. I no.1:45 Ja 159- (14IRA 12: 10) (Sbest-met&l work) 27237 s/148/6i/ooo/oo3/bo4/o15 A161/A133 AUTHORS: Okhrimenko, Ya.M., Kopyakly, B. D. TITLE: A method of studying the pressure distribution of plastic. material on the contact surface'of tool PHRIODICALt Izvestiya vyssMkh uchebnykh z4vedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 3, 1961, 45 - 53 TMCT: A new simple method to measure.the distribution of joetal stresses on press tools has baen derteloped and is now being used at the Moscow Steel Institute. It was the subJeat of Ya. H. Okhrimenko's dissertation for the degree of a Doctor of Techhical Sciences in 1959. The principle of the method is the de~ermiznati= of the pressure exerted by metal by means of holes of definite a=all dilazet_r drilled in upsetting plates, and foil ',.~f sufficiently strong bu*. plaztic Z~el;all (brass, copper) placed an the holes. The pressure exerteA by the metal on the plate all over the contact surface is determined by the haight or aphet,lol~l boases on the roll produced by the metal squeezed Into the holes. The height of -imprints was calibrated kq mewis of an especially designed hydraulic calibrating-device, consisting of a massive thick-walled cylinder with a bore that is closed with a Card 1/3 27237 S/148/61/000/003/004/015 A method of studying the pressure distribution... A161/A133- sealed piston on-the top, and holds the calibrating disk in the:bottom. The foil is clamped between the disk with holes and a sealing washerof polyethylene. The screw plugserves,for the tightening of the whole system. A thin duct in the cylinder wall is connected to the device work chamber with pressure fluid (water or oil) to a pipe leading to a pressure gage. A calibration curve is illustrated. A comparison of pressure epures obtained by the new method with data of other conventional pressure measurement methods shows identical regularities. The foil in couple witlf holes of definite diameter presents a sufficiently accurate and sma.11 pressure pickup that makes it possible to measure the pressure inpress tool spots that are most difficult of eccess. The article includes the theory of the method. The method has been develop~ri further for thl rheasurement of pressures inside the n metal being deformed, with .ie aid of nwitnesses in the form of 5 X 5 x 5 mm steel cubes wit~i holes in the fac,ts and a foil over the holes attached with glue. The "witnesses" are suspended -).4 thin wires in the mold that is filled with be i-nvestigated, and thus into the ingot. The ingot is melted after the de- formation and the "vitneas,q" retrieved. Imprints on the foil show the pressure that had been exerted on aill six faces of the cubes. It Is stressed that the cb-libration on the foil mu_ob be complemented by the calibration on the metal being investigated. There are 5 1 igures arid 5 ref er'ences: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sovilet Card 2/3 27237 8/148/61/000/003/004/015 A method of studying the pressure distribution ... A16VA133 -bloc. The reference to the Bnglisb-lw4waga publication reads as follows: J. Frisch. Contribution to the Knowledge of Pressure Measurements During Metal De- formation. Transaotion of.the A&% no. 4,1955. A&SOCIATION: Mookovskiy institut stall (Moscow Steel Instituto) SUBMITTED: July 1, 1960 Card 3/3 v ru i,!JTIIORS Olihi- !meriko ~. Ya., M~ , 71 F Cc~ivx ibut ion tc the i t-~c- i n nlw~ t ic 8/6 oo6/o E I I I If/ E I :; 2 and K-:q)),sk- iyj 13, D, problern of ineasuring: normal deforpiii t ion 3 V v !~ x~ h j kh tic 11 b nvkli I v e d (, ri -I- v pp, Th,-, h o r:,~ --i ii,~,w 11 1,vallv t Ila t 1011,; call !Auv(-ljp-!d during pfast ic dr-fortuation ar,! s I -I lj~%,, th(~~ t ~:c fin irjuo2 w~ i n -', I oij rl v I 1 7.-1 1 j. 1~ z, a t e d i i ild o r (-a) ip~ `nvolvud In nt ~,I~ t Io il T,,-~ i i d tht, 11iyb i C. flv~ a i k I M,~. 11 T f, lit a 1) re t 1- .7 t-4 bv tiv,t I t pc, ti t i d r e 11 A rus r uru~ ri h U S 1~ d C~ S g J)o7 n t On hav it g a I h C- Ma i fl f ~Il t 11 T- (, f, Il S~ nin t ! A Pr- '. ji I t y 1; , g wh r 1 i!~ c r; 11 k ar t -u T- r ul a ~~ 2 t Ii e 1) n s : t h v. I ci i~ I ~, -2 1 1 t , ,k iidljuit ivF-, s but 1) r d Q with dlill -gtlp. ~Tidicatot thot h c- o m p i c! -q s i o n C-ad j x1g, o nd the wau thr.,n %-A f.~r thc fy-(~C 11 ps e. t i tL,(; 47, f I C,-,, d C -, pp~, Zk .1.11M I n i tlth-a I I r, v a n(1 s e 1 a 11 2 r Flie r ~~u L t si showod t ha he 1C, fA 11 - C e PI:t i nq7, de pe 11 A y on ("ard Contr ibuft ion t cc. the S/ 12f816T16ooloor- A,06/01~q -jr c, e m r) f V I I I '/ P,-. I :) .2 t h e ma t- e 1- to 1 1) r, i ng r n~itv~;d ai.,[ cii f lie (I iame~ er of tlip p~, zi~ Th e mea -~ ur,~ c1 no rnio I pi- i~- s 24urc- 1.1 ive r e ?.;c) n -ai i de r~i 1) 1 V lowe r I lia ri t lie t ru e woric-ing s t r (., n , f., !~, t 1) --.~ el u v i a t i t I it I I I C r t' i a s 1 1 Ig w i ': h I Fli- r -,a S i 11'a; p 111 rt ia m e ~ Co- r ~illd d0c Vrtl'~) 111~g 1) IO!'t ic i tv cr. (114-. wtill VrIa !" Thr.- 4t iffness of 'he C~~tll Id br- comm!Fwrisui,able with the mechcini,. --it I --I C. t r, r , i .- z; -I'I t. r -tile a nd a ! I z. %-;a it.: o -_,hou Id h a I , - 1 5 t - o f t 11 C. 1. -r ifil be Ing r1cfol , d also be "lade Cot t I I C- -9 t I - I! s e i tivri I v e d fit the fillti).q b ,, !,I i i :F ma i f! r ~ a I o f thq fi;~i I ct i n iirh i cl, t 1, e n iro V s, n i ~_- f i I!ing process takes' place; I n f I`ff t " Q, -E, 5 th'~ e 1,3 s t i - men i. S r u ti". Plast ic menis~,us and th,~ fO,~,-4t IC COIUMT1 As a Confirmation of these .11 e la t, 1 c, n s .., the nu~hc,rs d isctis-s results nbtained (Rel.5 - same journal-, 1961 N o , _--, I b y t h P m -.; i- 4 1) o d i f f e r c- ti ~ ( f o I I - i mpr,.-i. n I ) tile thod of inve r iga t ing the normal -itres~ses in the upsetting of cylinarical forg.irigs. Their conclusi.on , frt-,tn their own and published work, i~.i that at high deformations accompanied by considerable movement of the metal atong the contact surface, load cells give high values for pressures. This is most probably due to the shearing of the column of metal which has flowed into the measuring hole. An important but difficult problem is how to measure and register the deformation of art load cell, whose Card 2/ 5 1 -2-.99) Contribution-to the problem of ..... S/148/ 1/000/005/006/015 Elll/E152 stiffness is equal to that of the instrument being deformed. The development of such a load cell should be pursued. There are 9 figures and 5 references- 4 Soviet and 1 English. The English language reference reads as follows: Ref.4: A.G. MacDonald, S. Kobayashi, E.G. Thomson. "Some Problems of Press Forging Lead and Alumin2.umll. Trans. ASME, 1959t No.7. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: December 28, 1960 Card 3/5 S/182/61/000/009/002/005 D036/DI12 AUTHORS:. Okhrimenko, Ya.M. and Kopyskiy, B.D. TITLEs Experimental study on the pressure of ductile metal on the walls of a tool (when compressed in a blind cavity) PEERIODICALt Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstyo, no. 9, 1961, 7-11 TEXTs The authors state that according to many investigators the elastic constants of lead, steel at forging temperature)etc.)are subjected to the hydrostatic law, and that as these metals,approach the smelting tempera- ture the Poisson ratio approaches 0.5, whereas N.N. Davidenkov and S.P. Shikhobalov (Ref. It 0 bokovom davlenii tverdykh tel na zhestkiye stenki Lon the lateral pressure of solids on rigid walls]. Sb. "Eksperimentalf- nyye metody opredeleniya napryazheniy i deformatsiy v uprugoy i plasti- cheskoy zonakhel [The experimental methods of determining stresses and de- formations in elastic and plastic zones], ONTI NXTP, 1935) point out that the elastic constants of lead are not subjected to the hydrostatic law, and that the lead modulus of elasticity reaches 7000 kg/CM2 = 0.45. Card 1/3 S/18 61/000/009/002/005 Experimental study... D038YD112 To disprove the fallacy of the first theory the kafedra kuznechno-shtam- pcvoohnogo proizvodstva Moskovokogo instituta (the Department of Forging and Stamping Production of the Moscow Institute) has carried out an in- vestigation into the distribution of the pressure of ductile metal on the bottom and the walls of a tool when the metal is compressed in a blind oy- lindrical cavity (a container). The distribution of pressure on the walls of a die cavity was determined by extruding the metal through narrow slits placed along the vertical longitudinal cross section of the blind cylindri- cal cavity of an experimental die. One and two counter-moving punches were used. 60 mm. diam, 60 mm high C1 (Sl) lead specimens were tested on a con- tainer comprising an upper and a lower punch, 2 semi-bushings with a ver- tical joint and clamps; 3.75, 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 mm high blanks were in- vestigated. The authors conclude that it is possible to distinguish an "active" contact surface which transmits external force, and a "passive" force which absorbs oblique lateral pressure on the wall of the cavity. Only in one particular investigated case of compression in the cavity did the friction forces act unilaterally towards each other, and radially. Card 2/3 8/182/62/000/012/002/005 D040/Dll2 AUTHORS: Ko~~ B.D. and Ok-hrimenko, Ya.M. TITLE: An inve3tigation of forces acting in burrless forging dies during operation PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtanpovochnoye proizvodstvo, no.12, 1962, 12-16 TaT; The article is a contribution to accurate*calculation of die dimensions in designing dies for burr-free forging. It presents the results of a theoretical and experimental investigation, the experimental part of which was carried out at the Novocherkasskiy elektrovozostroiteltnyy.zavod (Novocherkassk Electric Locomo- tive Plant), wherc, although burrless forging dies are being introduced, the re- duccd lifc of the dies does not give the expected saving. The experiments were conducted with especially designed dies showing the effect of different factors the volume of the billet, the location of the die parting line, the geometry of die and cavity, the depth of the die cavity, the thickness of the the bottom, and the load on the punch. Stresses were measured with strain gages, amplified and oscillographad. Formulas were derived and a nomogram is suggested for determining the die dimensions. Technological recommendations are given. The recommendations include a detailed drawing of a recommended the design'for forging flanged gears, Card 1/2 An investigation of forces ... S/182/62/000/012/002/005 DOWD112 and concern the location of the die parting, the tapers, and the use of a compen- sating cavity; the necessity to forge in 1-2 strokes only and to correctly judge the end of the forging procoss is stressed. The latter can be done with the use of radioactive isotopes signalling the presence of metal in the cavity corners. Dies dosigned on the basis of the investigation have a satisfactory life time, and the quality of the forgingo is good. There are 10 figures. Card 2/2 ACC NR3 AP6029652 blank measuring 70 mm in diameter OW 49 mm in length can be processed Into a forging of 128 mm diameter. In this connectims a nomogram to presented for calculating the conditions under which blanks measuring up to 10,000 cmO in volume can be subjected to flashless die forging in any equipment. The greater the underloading of a press Is (owing to discrepancy between the rated squeeze of the press, the forging temperature and the precision of centering of a blank in the die), the greater its springback margin is and the greater the excess volume of Wan that can be absorbed owing to Porlir elasticity of the press. Generally speaking dUn forgings; (height-to-diameter ratio 0, 05-0, 15, produced"from. long blanks (langtb-to-diameter ratio 1-2. 5 ) are beat sulted for this purpose. OrIg. art. hast a figures. SUBVODE: .13, U,/ SUBK DATF4 =w/ OPM RZFt 006 ACC MRs AP7001362 INVENTOR: Kopyskiy, B. D. SOURCE CODEI UR/0413/66/000/021/0023/0023 ORG: none TITLE: Method of making strips with lateral oblique fins. Class 7, No. 187713 SOURCE.: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarpyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 23 TOPIC TACSi finned tubs, fi,nnod strip, finned tube manufacturingIrA%~Q-k i'A* ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate'introduces-a method of making finned strips with lateral or oblique fins by cutting finned tubes. To make 'strips with a certain width, length and different angle of the fins,.the tube is cut At a certain angle to the axis, exceeding 00. Orig.-art. has; j figure. [NDI SUB CODE:* 13/ SUBM DAM 3lJan64/. ATD PRMS0110 ROZHDOVA, S.Ya., inzh.; ILOFYSKITO UpJ4g insh. --~- Besigning and building chemical industrv enterprises. rrom. stroi. 37 no.6:45-47 Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) Ohemical plants) Crrecast concrete construction) KOPYSKIY, S. V.; ROMM, D. A. "The Problem of Hygienic Evaluation of Nxilding Plan for Barrack Premises," Voyenno-Med. Zhur., No. 6, p. 46, 1955- KOFrSKIr. 6.V., polkovnIk sod. slushby Some practical asp*cts of preparing for cnap service. shur. no.3:49-53 Nr 857. (MICIM. KILITARY AND NATAL. prep. of troops for camIng (Bus) Tomm". (NMU 11:3) KN7SGVj A.A.; PLYUKHDI, V.I.; KRYUKOV~ V.L.,, red.; ZUBRILINA, Z.P.JV tekhn, red. [Catalog of spare parts for stationary engines] Katalog zapas- nykh chastei k statsio'narnym dvigateliam. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 373 p. (MM 14:12) (Diesel engines-Catalogs) (Hydraulic turbines-Catalogs) .K -MSQV 7 -_, Aleksandr Alek"yovich; KRYMOV, V.L., red.; ZUBRILINA, Z.F., i-e-khn. rQf.-- EC&talog of sport ports for sarthmoving and excavating mchineryl latalog zapasnykh chastai k mliorativnyim i somleroinym mehinam. Koskva, Goo.Lzd-vo mallkhos,lit-rY, 1959, 339 P. (KIRA 13:8) Olarthmoving mchinery) KOPYSOV, Yu.G. Chemical compound of a Ij9s8 than 0.001 m. fraction of the non- carbonate part of marl - chalk rocks. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no-3-- 186-189 Mr 163, (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikon AN BSSR K.I.Lukashevym. (White Russia-Geology, Stratigraphic) KOPYSOV, YU.G. Study of oriented aggregates of the noncarbonate part of marl, chalk rocy,s. Dok1. AN DSSR 6 no.12:788-790 D 162, (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN LISSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR K.I.Lukash4vym. KOPYSOV, YujG. CompoaLtion-of.fraationa-less.-than,0.001mm of the noncarbonate part of marl-chalk rocks of the eastern section of the White Russian S.S.R. Dokl..AN SSSR 152.-no.2t422-425 S 163. OURA 16: 1-1) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. KOPYSOV, Yu*G& New data on the fraction < 0,001mm of the noncarbonate part of mqrl- chalk rocks. Dokl. All BSSR 7 no.1:37-39 Ja '63. (MMA 17:1) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR G.V. Bogomolovym. KOPYSOV, Yu.G. [Kopysau, IU.R.] . ; Natural cement marls in the eastern part of the White Russian S.S.R. Vestai AN R9SR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.301-88 162. (MIRA 180) AUTHORS: Lopato, G.A. and Kopysova PI.S. 121-4-8/32 TITLE Duplex Two-pass Method of Cutting Bevel Gear Pairs (Dvoynoy dvustoronniy metod narezaniya konicheskikh par) -1 (1 PERIODICAL: Stanki i Instrument, 1958,%vo.4, pp. 20 - 21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A proposal, due to A.L. Laschaver, called the duplex two-pass method, for the cutting of small and medium pilch bevel gear pairs with circular teeth of constant height is des- cribed. Practical tests are said to have established the use- fulness of the method up to a module of 5.5 mm, In order to cut the wheel and pinion teeth with the same cutting head, the width of the tooth gap and the tooth must be constant along the whole of its length. This determines the spiral angle, and a table gives the cutting head diameters which can be sg chosen that the spiral angle remains in the range of 30 - 40 . The cutting heads do not differ from the normal design, but have diameters other than standard. Refer--nce is made to the senior author's previous paper in Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1955, n0.10. An editorial -note disclaims the applicability of the method to gears of a module exceeding 2 mr., and states other disadvantages, including a non-standard pressure anLJe and the (;ardl/l large assortment of cutting heads required. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 1 Russian reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Gear cutting machineo-Operation 1,1111CIIIK, T.G.; KOFYS,SKAYA,, F.G.; GFI:SIINYK.'I, K.P. Effect of toxins of soil fungi on the nitrogen and amino acid. content of plants. Mikrobiologiia 31 no./,,:669-676 ji-Ag f62. (MIM 18:3) I. Blologo-pochvennyy fulailltet Mc3kov:-,k,-,go j;o,-vidarntvcnnoj;o univarsiteta imeni Lomononova. KOPYSTIANSKI, Anatol, mgre, inze The problem of power reserve in electric power systems in the activities of the Committee for Poland's Electrification, Polish Academy of Sciences. Przegl elektrotechn 37 no.12:490-495 261. 1. Komitet Elektryfikacji Polski Polskiej Akademii Nauk. (Poland-Electrification) KOPYSTIANSK 03 mgr.,inz. The problem of power reserve in electric power systems on the workshop of the Oommittee for Poland's V.ectrification, Polish Academy of Sciences. Przegl elektroteohn 37 no.12:490-495 061. 1. Komitet L?]eYtryfikacji Polski, Polska Akademia Nauk. KOPYSTIPIISKI, Anatol; WIDEL, Jakub ......... . ..... Adam Wwig, August 34, 1903.-.J"tmr- no.2x6l F 163, y 3, 1963., Gomp pallw 11 P/046/60/005/011/014/018 D249/D303 AIJTHORS-. Chdipacki, S. I Kopystyfiski, J.9 Preibiez, Z.. Boatiowskip R., Tutlandovp 1. kDubna - USSR), and TITLE: P'+ radiation or 140pr PERIODICAL-0 Nukleonika, v. 59 no. 11, 19609 788 TEXT: (Abstract - Report No. .148/1 A (1BJ - Institute of Nuclear Research? PAS)): The spectruz of positrons emitted by I-r4VFr was investigazed using a long lens magnetic P-ray spectrometer. Heli- cal baffles were used to separate poaitrons and electrons. The maximum energies of the three components are 2366 � 12 keV 770 � 12 keV 3 485 � 15 kVV-, their relaiive intensities are: 1 :< I.& X 10-2 -. 7.2 x IV-0v [AbBtracTjor"s note: Complete 'transla- tion] - Card 1/1 CHOJNACKI, S.; KOFTSTrRSKIt J.; PREIBISZ, Z.; SOSNKOWSKI, R.; ZYLICZ, T.; YUTLUMuv,, is --- Note on positron radiation from Pr'40. Acts, physica Pol 20 no.12: 1021-1023 161. 1. Institute for Experimental Physics,, Polish Acadew of Sciences, Warsaw, (for Chojnacld and Upystynaki). 2. Institute for Nuclear Research, Polish Acaden7 of Sciences, Warsaw, (for Prelbiss, Soankowski and ZyIJLcz). 3. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dabna, UAPJ4 (for Yutlandov). (Isotopes) STEPAMV, Y.Te., doteent; IMPTSTYANSKIT. A.A., starshiy nauchwy motrudnik. Diffraction spoctrograph with double Inage and great resolving power. Dop.ta pov.Llviv.une noo4, pt.2:74 153. (MLRA 911l) (Spoc%rograph) Al .4 ; 14 A ZIA. M4 D Ir 0 A b see loll 11- 10-1-00 Q,.9 i-Wr '14-0.4-NN, a Sol g sit 1.21 HIM #30-sh one a Ic 0 c 0 1, 10, .3 0 i 0. 16 "0 40 -.0 0 il h KLIMISHIN, I.A.; KOPYSTfAISKIY. A.A. Some remarks on the processing of visual and photographic obser- vations of artificial earth satellites. Biul.sta.opt.nsbl.isk* sput.Zem. no-3:15-16 '58- (MIRA 13:6) 1. L'yovskaya astronomichaskaya observatoriya, stantsiya nablyudemiy iskusetvenjWkh sputnikov Zemli. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) SOV/58-59-12-28665 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, 1959, Nr 12, p 305 (USSR) AUTHOR- Kopystyanskiy, A.A. 0A TITLE: On the Vertical~Solar Telescope and Small-Sized Diffraction v Spectrop:ra h; of -VTrigh Resolution Power, of the L'vov Astronomical Observatory PERIODICAL: Piz. sb. L'vovsk. un-t, 1958, Nr 4 (9), pp 123 - 124 ABSTRACT: A report on the solar vertical telescope with a new transmission system, connecting the clock mechanism with the caelostat axis, constructed at the Astronomical Observatory of the L'vov Uni- versity. The telescope is supplemented with a diffraction spectro- graph, having an angular and linear dispersion, magnified by a factor of two, due to a double incidence of the beams on the diffraction grating. A.V. Koroleva Card 1/1 6 /V KOZAK., P.P.; KOPYSTYANSKIY, A.A. Investigating a double-diffraction apectrograph at the Lvov Astronomical Observatory. Mir. Astron. obser. Llviv. un. no.39/40-.81-84 163. (MIRA 16:11) KOPYSTYANSKIY, B.V. Timor for synchronous recording of parameters. Avtom. i prib. no.2s92-93 AP-Je 163. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Spetsialtnoye proyektno-kontruktorskoye byuro tresta "Yuvmontazhavtomatikall. KOPYSTYANSKIY, B.V. Size and frequency of ore samples in sizing analysis. Gor. zhur. no.800-71 Ag 164. (MIRA l7tlO) _L J"496M WOMEW(MV (v,)/D.?W/JKdP(h)/PP(1Y JD 1, ACC NRs AP6005JI13 (A) SOURCE COM UR/0413166/0 6-106-17-6644100-4 INVENTORt Su~ovoy' to A.; Ygmetlyanov, S. V.; Kopystyansklyl'S. V.~~'/ ORGt none TITLEi R_o_nlInq,&_rcii1n1 [announced by the stmt Metallurgy (Got4darstwennyy Class 21. No. 177504 metalLov)) SOURCE: Izobrotaniyat promyshlennyye obraxtsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 19660. 49 TOPT~C TAM control circuit, loRte circuit$ automatic control system ABSTRACT: The proposed contactless controller (see Pis.) is intended for objects with interacting parameters in a system with a time lag, It contains a comparison unit, a shaper of the first difference of the' error sisnal'(a servomechanism whose motor Is controlled by an OR-NOT circuit),.and a device for shaping a signal proportional to the duration of the functioning of the actuating mechanism. The shaping device has a transformer output. In order to Improve the response of the system and the accuracy of the output transformer, an additional winding is included in the output transformer. The winding Is con- nected to the control logical element of the first-difference shaper and to two memory alementse The memory elements are Interconnected 1/2 UDC: 62L-55:681.14 ACC NRt AP6005313 J 1. Nonlinear coutactless control &vice > Fig* Amplifier; Z# 3# 6, 7 - logical ale- ments; 4 - power amplLfier; 5, 9, 10# 110 150 14v 16 - logical elements; 8 actu-- sting mechanism; 12 - counter; 13 pulse neratore through O,R-NOT circuits and apulse counter, The output of the first memory element to connected through an OR-NOT circuit to the logical element of the signal shapero Orig. art. hast I figure.- (DWI SUB CODEt 091- SUBM DATHt 2OSe p65/ ATD PRESSt Cmd 1/2 ACC NRi 7;6 '00;;6 3 SOURCE CODE! UR/0413/66/000/001/0109/0110 INVENTOR:- Kopystyanakly, B. V..;.Hatseyevich, B. V. ORG: none 1GAil TITLE: Differentiator for obtaining derivatives in discrete systems. Class 42, No. 177690 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znAki, no. 1, 1966, 109-110 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, electron component ABSTRACT: The proposed differentiator is designed to obtain derivatives in discrete automatic control systems or systems with a long-duration control process. It con- sists of a converter, two pulse counters with memory circuits, OR-NOT logical elements two flip-flops, and a master oscillator. To obtain accurate differentiation and elim- inate inertial components, the converter is connected through electronic switches to the pulse counters and logical elements. The latter are connected to the flip- flops, which in turn are connected to the electronic switches and the master oscilla- tor. IDWI SUB CODE; 09/ SUBM DATE: 20Apr65/ ATD PRESS:Ifig/ Card 1/1 UDC: 621.374:621.3 L 39633-66 GD-2 ACC NR, AP6002879 (A) SOURCE CODE., UR/0286/65/000/0211/0c)38/003 '9 AUTHORt Burovoy, I. A.; Yemellyanovp 5,V.; Kopystyanskiy, B,V. 110S ORG: none TITLE: Nonlinear controlled Class 21, no. 17696'9 [announced by the State Scientifj&-Researc-h--In-stitute of Nox1ferro)iA_&.Ws (Gosudarst- vennyy nauchno-i-a-s-i-e-do-v-a-te-l-i-sTEiy Institut tsvetnykh metallov)] SOURCE: Byulleten, izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no.24, 1965, 38-39 TOPIC TAGS: automatic regulation, automatic control, nonlinear automatic control, logic circuit, servomechanism, pulse counter ABSTRACT: 1. The nonlinear controller for controlling inertial objects w1th interdependent parameters, consisting of a comparator, Integrating actuator, logic circuit, and relay servomechanism, showing by coincidence in symbol the error and its derivative, and triggering the final control element across the logic circuit, Is characterized by the fact that it has a pulse counter.connected to the pulse-couple and logic circuit for the purpose of improving the quality of control be determining the error undercompensation. 2. The controller described in section 1, is characterized by the fact that Card ACC NRs AP6002879 its erasing coils are connected to the relay servomechanism for the purpose of disintegrating the data in the counter. 3. The controller described in sections 1 and 2 is characterized by the fact that the pulse-couple is connected to the logic circuit that triggers the actuator only for the pulse-coxiple impulse duration.for the purpose of obtaining a more complete error undercompensation. 1. relay'unit; relay servomechanism; 3, and 4. pulse counters 5,6,8,9,11-17,19-24 and N. logical elements with "OR - NO" function; 18 final control element; 25: power amplifier SUB CODE: 09,13/ tord 2 SUBM DAM 02Sep64 P.: "Diaphrafpa! h~irni,?, Llvov jtafe Inst. L 'Ivov, 1956. (Dissertation for De"ree of- Gardidal~, in Metlical Svienc-,~). 9'I -0 -" 1~J56 KOP-fSTYA11SKIY,,II.R....~Llvov. ul. Zhovtneva, d-71, kv.10) Morpholog4cal changes In free grafts used for the repair of diaphragmatic hernia. Nov.khlr.arkh. no.1:96-99 Ja-F '59. (MIR& 12:6) 1, Livoveldy naimhno-leeledovatellskly Inotitut erelivanlya krovi (na=hnyy rukovoditell - prof. I.I.Tedorov3 I kafedra patologicheekoy anatomil (zav. - prof. To.I.Pal'chevskiy) Livovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (DIAPMGN--H3RNU) (TISSUES-TRANSPIASTATION) KAMATEV, M. F., pror-(LIvow, ul. TSItadelInaya, d. 7, kv. 0); . KOPYSTrANSKIYJI U. R., kand. mod. nauk .- ---- ~ --- - - -- - - - 1--, - Hypoglycemic disoase caused by adenoma of the islands or langer- hans. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:16-21 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskay khirurgii (Sav. - prof. M. F. Yqmyov) pediatricheskogo I manitarno-giglyenicheskogo fakulltetov L'yow- skogo meditsinskogo inBtituta n& bass 5-y klinicheakoy bollnitsy. (PANCRFAS~TUMORS) (HrPOGLYCHMIA) KOPYSTYANSKIY, O.S. [I~opystianslkyi, O.S.] ExWimental investigation of the effect of surface tension on the velocity field of -,.- a uniform turbulent stream. Dop.Ali URSR no 7:896-8" 164 (MIRA 14:8) le.Llvovskiy politekhnicheakiy institute Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR G.I.Sukhomelom (Sukhomel, H.I.I. (Hydraulics) 15-57-7-9773 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, P 152 (USSRT AUTHOR: Kopystyanskiy, R. S. TITLE: Tectonic Fissures as Paths of Petroleum Migration in Geosynclinal Zones (Tektonicheskiye razryvy kak puti migratsii nefti v geosinklinallnykh zonakh) PERIODICAL: V sb: Vopr. geol. neft. mestorozhdeniy, Kiyev, 1956, pp 51-61 ABSTRACT: The permeability of faulted zones may be greater than the permeability of some sandstones. Three types of faults are distinguished. They are: regional, local, and in-a-stratum. Regional faults are main paths of migration of petroleum from rocks at the depths where the petroleum is formed to the deposits at a higher level. Local faults art: main paths of migration of Card 1/2 petroleum within the fold with which it is associated. 7 30) MAU I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3OV/2302 Aksd*uLya nauk Ukral-nakoy SSR. Inatitut geologit polozny$ch inkopaye- mykh Problem& algrateli neftl I rorodrovaniya neftyanykh I gazovykh sko- DIMLY. futerialy LaVOV3kOY di8JQ43AII B-12 may& 1957 &- (Problem Of Oll Migration and the Formation of Oil and Gas Accuwjlations; Materials of the Discussion Hold In L-vov, May 8-12. 1957) Moscow, 008toptokbizdat, 1959- 422 p. 1,100 copies printed. Edd-3 T. N. Porflry*v, Academician of the Ukralnian 339 Academy of SclOned0s &ad r. 0. brod, Pmfeasor; Exec. Ed.; P. R. Y&rah0v; Tech- Md.% A4. Polosins; Editorial 15oard: I.G. Brod, Profousor. M.R. L&d7zhanakly, and V.B. ForfLr"v, Academician of the Ukrain- -1 Idn Academy of Sciences. PURPOSE. This collection of articles to intended for a wide range or," S"logiSts And research workers interested in oil Problem@. COVZRAQR: Articles coubLU104 In this book 4041 with the problems of 4gration and accumulation of oil and gas. Theme problems were "Oeus"d In MAY 1957 at L-voy State University in. 1. Pranko at & meeting organized jointly by the lnstltut* of Geology and XInr- al Resources, Academy or Sciences of the USSR, the Department or 0001097 old Oil Exploration or tile L-vov Polytechnic Institizte, 0" the L-vOv Geological Society. Theories on the origin or po- trOlOuO deposits and the conditions surrounding their Occurrence 4" tr*41`44, Th4r* are 327 Worences: 232 Soviet, 86 EnglIsh, 5 vr*tw-h. and 4 Gerson. TAKS OF CONTEMrS. Introduction 3 Opening Address by the President of the Org&nLzat;lon Committee or the Confer*=9 V.S. ForfLrsyev 5 nowayev. V.Ta. (Gornyy okruSp L1vovj Information on the Oil- blFa-riftS ftesiblIltles of China abok 11natitut geologil is. Oubkinao Ba$ox) The Ways of ofl % " the Formation of Depooltm in the Productvve Series of the Priboarinskaya (Kura) LOwland and the B.kinakly (Balm) Archipelago 233 Geller- T". [L*wer Volga branch of VNIGNI, Saratov] The Pro- blow of the Difrualve Dispersion of Gas Deposits 241 sokolov&.,v.A. The Diffusive Dispersion or cas Deposits ( a reply to Y*.X. Gallor's report) 251 Doleako- 0.9. [Instltut geologli poltzrLykh lolcopayemykh. Llvov) Conditions of Oil Deposit Formatlona in the Eastern Carpathlan mountains 25T &rjLyushkin V.A (Inatitut goologil poloznykh lakopay*mykh. L,vovl 3"Ic Principles or Oil and Gas Acc=ulatlon In a Chaln ---2f-CO=Oct*4 Trspik--- 267 (Inatitut 6*010ail poloznylcb I skopayeaykh. 'Vow -WLflcww* of Flasarlng In the Formation or oil Deposits "77 Ilt k- V-X- (Institut 90010911 P01*znykh lskopayowykh, Wwov) C.Nitiona of OIL and *at Deposit Formation in the Dneprovsko- Donstaka7a Depression 261 Wcwmo A-X- Wv0v*klY Polltekhnlcheskiy institut) Poruattam or 11 and 480 DRP*81t& In the Dneprovsko-Donstakaya Depression 294 3(5) 'Kopystyans'kyy, R.S.)., L'JOV/21-59-2-20/26 ,,k UT if ORO": _LQDysv-r--' 4 - R. S. /Ishchenko, A.114. and Boldyreva, ' T,A~ B-:1~Qym-ri TITLE: Fragments of Coal in t1; Flysch Deposits of the Car- pathians (Oblomki uglya v ..urodakh K-arpatskogo flisha) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, 1959, Nr 2, pp 192-193 (USbR.) ABO~TRACT: The authors participated in the field e_xplorations of the mineral structure of the Soviet C,~rpathians, and among other things, found there fragments of coal up to 40 cm in diameter. That coal resembles the coals of the Llvovskly-Volinlskiy flexure in the type of spores and in the sub.-I-Cantially petro.-rr,,ctp1dcal struc- ture. This fact agrees with the a,~suuiption of the Polish geologists, that the northern slope of the flysh sea consisted of nroductive carbon over a considerable area. By- its spcEe _,Malysis, that coal be- Card 1/2 longs to the coal found -in the Bashkirskiy stage of the SOV/21-59-2-20/26 Fragments of Coal in the Flysch Deposits of the Carpathians middle carbon. There are 9 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 6 Polish. AS60CIATION: Institut poleznykh iskopayemykh AN UkrS6R (Institute of Useful Minerals of the AS UkrbbR) PRE'O E I T T ED -P;j V.B. Porfirlyev, Member of the Ab Ukr~joft SUMIM, D: October 17., 1958 Card 2/2 KOPTSTTATISKIY, R.S. .. - ;.1-1 . ,~Fllssured rocks and theIr reservoir propertiea." Havifmad by R.S.Kopystlanoklt, Gool.nefti i gaza 3 no.10:52-54 0 159. (14IRA 12112) (Pitroleum geoloff) _KOPYSUA=IT,_R.5. IKopystianalkyi., R.S.] Jointy rocks in the Carpathians and their reservoir properties. Geol. zhur. 20 no. 3:27-34 160. (MMA 1414) (Carpathian mountains-Petroleum geology) KOPYSTYANSKIY, R.S. (Kopystianolkyi, R.S.] - ---a New data on the role of joints In the formation of oil-bearing sediments in the Borislav deposit. Fratsi Inst. geol. kor. kop. AN URSR 1194~100 161. (MMA 14:6) (Boriolav region-Petroleum geology) (Joints (Geology)) KOPYSTYNSKAp Xrystyna Investigations on the vision of Infrared in animals. Pt.3. Prace zool no.7995--107 062. 1. Department of ZDopsychology amd Ethology, Jagiellonian Universityj, Krakow. Director: prof* dr. R.J*Wojtusiak, At- KOPYSTYNSKL -Tacek Electric charge testing of dust by measuring the deviation in the electrostatic field. Przegl elektroniki 5 no.11, 597-602 N 164. L 00353-66 rWT(d)1EMT(1)1W(za) IEMP(w)19&(d) /W(v)/V_2 /MP~k)/~?C8 (k) /V- A (h)/ 7 . __ ETC(m MIAW .ACCESSION RRt AP5021705 PO/0033/65/01 7/003/0453/006 A17MORS. Kopo~ynski,.J. (Warsaw); Szaniavski,,-A. (Warsaw) TITLE: Flow structure in a nozzle throat .SOURCE: Archiwum machaniki stosowenejp v. 17t no. 3, 1965P 453-466 .TOPIC TAGS: transonic flow, sonic point, nozzle flow, real gas flow, ordinary ,differential equation, velocity profile ABSTRACT: A detailed mathematical analysis is made of the transonic flow of a real ,gas in the throat see-Lim of a nozzle. The analysis is based on a paper by A. B. Vdaileva (Zhiumal vyohialitnellnoy matematiki i matematiaheskoy fiziki 4f 3 (1963), 1611-642). The discussion of the following differential equation Su" [D_+ + T also includes first order dissipation effects. The differential equation is written' 1n the form dW dU - -1 - = F(J 1~ U, x), 7- W.: x Card 1/3 L 00353-66 ~ACCESSION Mt' AP~02170~ :and the following two problems are consideredt (1) for > 0, a solution is soughti !for U(x) and W(x) satisfying boundary conditions U(XO)=UO, JV(Xj=WO-,1, 1(2) for 0 a solution is sought for U and W subject to boundary condition U !Conditions are established which make solution (1) tend to solution (2)t and an impproximate asymptotic solution is proposed for problem M, i0eff 6d" 11~ U dU df --6- 0 dxs dlx -f7k IThis is done by expanding f in Maclaurin series and defining U by a stream function wbere lim R(6, J) 0'. vo J~O ;This leads to the solution + 2 --4 4 k 4 2 ;'It is shown that if is a solution, :t~ien --0(49- ~0) is also a solution. ,For large the asymptotic solution yields Card 2/~ 7, 00353-66 ACCESSION 11R1 A~5021705 V (f, A, VO) + + + 8~3 ,Tfi6 solution is then discussed in the framework of-c ontinuous and discont inuous ,domains. It is shoym that the external solutions U(x) can be fitted with the 'internal solutions V). This shows that the negative acceleration insido the thin diecipative layer at the throat can attain large values despite the fact that the rvelooity differences on both sides approach zero with vanishing diaoipa-tion. Orig. ;art. has: 51 equationsp 5 2igures, and 1 table. :ASSOCIATION i- Department of Fluid Mechanics, IBTP Polish Acadeqr of Sciences ;;.SMMITTBDt 24Sep64 EUCM 00 so COM, I Ilk iNO REP SOVi 003 OTHERs 004 P/045/61/020/012/004/004 B137/B104 AUTHORSs Chojnacki, S., _Kopystyfiski,_J. Preibisz, Z., Sosnowski, R., Zylicz, J., and Yutlandov, 1. TITLEt Note on positron radiation from Pr140 PERIODICALs Acta Physica Polonica, v. 20, no. 12, 1961t 1021 - 1023 TEXT: In their letter to the editor the authors report on an investiga- tion of the positron spectrum of Pr140. Measurements were made with a long-lens spectrometer in which helical baffles were applied to separate positron and electron radiations., The Pr140 isotope was obtained from a neodymium fraction separated from a tantalum target by the chromato.-raphic method. The target was irradiated with 660-Mev protons (synchrocyclotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna). Nd140 contained in 140 the Nd fraction decays into Pr by electron capture. The Kurie plot is a straight line from 350 kev up to the maximum energy of 2366 � 24 kev B. S. Dzhelepov (Zh. eksper. teor. fiz., a, 857 (1959); Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. fiz., L2, 153 (1958)"; Papers presented at the Second Conference on Neutron Deficient Isotopes of the Rare Earth Elements, Joint Inst. of Card 1/2 US.SR/Medicine - Psychiatry Jan/Feb 4.9 Psychoses "Scientific Conferencesof the Kiev Psychiatric Hospital Imeni Academician I. P. Pavlov in 1947 - 1948," Prof Ye. A. Kopystyuskiyv 3 PP "Nevropatol i Psikhiat" Vol XVIII, No 1 With Prof Ye. A. Kopystynskiy, Chm, G. M. Gal'- porinaya, Z. A. Grull, and Ye. M. Yunak, secre- taries, 28 sessions were held 21 Jan 47-14 Apr 48. Sixty-one reports and demonstrations were given, atmong them: "Capillary Resistance to Psychoses," by Docent I. A. Polishchuk,.and "A Case of M 149T72 USSR/Med-Icine - Psychiatry (Coutd) Jan/Feb 49 Regeneration of Ratke's Canal," by Prof B. S.. Xkkominskiy and Docent Rabinovich. Some reports vere read by guests (Prof Ta. P. Frunkin, etc.); others treated organization problems. 149T72 KUPYT. A.1). Relation of spring Boll moisture reserves to meteorological condi- tions In Irazakhotan. Trudy KasNIGNI no.2:9-22 134. (K6M 9 112) (Umakhetan-boll moisture) KOPYT, A. D. Characteristles of moll moisture reserves under basic agricultural crops of Usakhatan grain regions. Trudy KazNIGK no.4:118-152 155. (MLROL 10: 2) (Kaxakhatan-Soll moisture) (Grain) AUTHOR: Kopyt, A. D. 50-1-8126 TITLE: Peculiarities in the Water Conservation of Soil 'Tz 4ring Wheat Under Different Methods of Cultivation (Osobennosti vodnogo rezhima pochvy Pod yarovuj poilit:nitacy pri razlichnykh sposobakh yeye obrabotki). PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya 1950, Nr 1, PP., 33-37 M;311) ABSTRACTz In the course of two years (1955-1956) expeditionary in- vestigations in the Yesilsk district were carried out by the department of agricultural meteorology in the Hydroneteor- ological Research Institute of Kazakwstan in cooperation with the expedition of the Vilyams-Institute for Agriculture of Kazakwstan. Tilis district is one of the main granaries of ti,.c region of Akmolinsk whose areas of soviing am-ount to 5662.0-00 lip., 550-000 ha of which are newly-won virgin soil. The Cround cover of the district Yeslisk mainly cons-i3ts of carboraoeous dark brown soils of clay and heavy loau. Lie t eorcloGic ally thez;- two years of research were very diffurcut. From the Cenc;rt~l description of atmosylieric conditions follows that 1955 was a dry year, but 1956 an a1mo:3t normal year for ciis rerion. From the investigationa performed tlie folllo,,,ring ccncluaionu Card 1/3 may be drawn; 1) The cultivation of the virgin soil according Peculiarities in the 'Water Conservation of Soil In Spring 50-1-8/26 'Wheat Under Different Methods of Cultivation to the usual method with a plow and jointer in a depth of 22-25 cm, as compared to the cultivation of soil with 'the disk harrow and subsequent loosening of the soil, yieldG the most favorable conditions for the water supply of spriilQ wheat. 2) The stubbles left behind for winter contribute to- ward a considerable increase in water 2upplies in the snow, 3) A deep loosening of the soil (for the second and third culture) yields higher accumulations of ground humidity at the beginning of spring. The advantage of the above -iaent 4 oned process for the conservation of humidity and in the period of cultivation of the soil for the seed in the next year as well as in the vegetation period of spring wheat was detQrnined in the pre-plowed soils. 4) The parietal cultivation of the soil (the stubble jointing) for the sowing of the second culture diminishes the loss of moisture by evaporation of the ground surface. The same cultivation of soil for the sowing of the third culture somewhat increases the loss of humidity, which is connected with the consolidation of soil. Consequently the order of plowing and parietal cultivation of soil is necessar5r Card 2/3 for improving the conditions of water supply. Peculiarities in the Water Conservation of Soil In Spring 50-1-8/26 Wheat Under Different Methods of Cultivation - There are 2 figures, 1 table. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress 1. Agriculture-USSR 2. Soils-Moisture content Card 3/3 KOPTT, A.D.; ANISTRATMO. D.P. The problem of adequate borehole numbers in #oil moisture determi- nation. Trudy K&sIIGMI no-13:89-96 '59. (XU 13: 8) (Issak-hatan--Soil voisture) KOPYT, A.D. Method of determining soil moisture in the regions of the and atappe zone of Kazakhat&14 Trudy KazNIGMI no.241154-166 165. (MIFA latio) KOPYTIN, A., general-mayor aviatsii Let's improve the political education of military personnel. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil I no.2:26-34 0 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Russia--Armed forces--Political activity) KOPYTIN, A., polkovnik , - - Training in self-discipline and expedition. kv. i kosm. 48 no.12:29-32 D 165. NEU 18: 11) USSR/Electricity - Drive Systems Apr.53 "Mechanical Characteristics of Electric-Hydraulic Drives," Prof M. G. Chilikin,~~. M. Kopytin, Cand Tech Scilc~_Ibscow Power Eng Inst im Molotov (MEI) Elektrichestvo, No 4, PP 47-55 Outlines procedure for plotting mech characteris- tics of elec drive with hydraulic pump-and-motor transmission (elec-hydraulic drive). Cites eqs for mech characteristins, facilitating compari:s6n*of elec and elec-hydraulic types of drive. Shows way to set up7equivalent circuit of 258728 elec-hydraulic: drive. This article'covers part of & work completeik agreement un cooperatIbn betweiin7NEI and the ZIS-automobile plant. Submitted 19 Nov 52. ACCESSION NR: AP4041635 V018Z164/000/006/0024/0026 AUTHOR: Matveyev. 1. B..~KOPJL TITLE: Hammers with hydraulic drives and selection of their control systems SOURCE: Kuznechno-ahtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 6. 1964, 24-26 TOPIC T.~G& hydraulic -hammer', steam air hammer, hydraulic hammer coattol. system. hydraulic hammer design, hydraulic hammer efficiency, hammer operation economy. hammer performance characteristic ABSTRACT. The authors designed a now control system facilitating the use of individual hydraulic driven for hammers and satisfying the requirements for continously variable stroke length in operation, rapid re rs n (0. 01 - 0. 03 sec.) without the use of mechanic4l systems fastened to the hammer, a;ewelil as accumulation of high energy (103 or 104 kgm) and its release within a few hundredths of a second. Utilizing a relatively small volume of compressible liquid as an accumulator and a system of rapid action valves, they built a prototype with a maximum Impact'anergy of 100 kgm and a hammer unit weighing 32 kg, ~/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041635 capable of 300 double strokes per minute and developing impact energies of 70 kgm for a height of 175 mm (I. e. , ratio of acceleration of g = 12 to 14). Tests of the prototype indicate high efficiency (0. 6) and the feasibility of using the proposed system for.hydraulle hammers. Pressure In the accumulator. should be 600-700 kg/cm2 and the unit should be separated from the overall pressure network (100-150 kg/cm2). Calculations.of operating economy, based on consumption of electricity to operate the M-211 unit (max. impact energy 3500 kgrn,. hammer unit 1000 kg) for 5960 hrs. per ye;4r.. indicate annual... savings of 322, 000 rubles for 100 hammer& (0. 012 rubles per kwh; 22 kwh required for'- P170poWed system as compared to 67 kwh for presient compressed air requiremaht -of 670 m /hr.), and suggest the advisability of modifying present steam-air hammers to hydraulic operation. ~M )ias: 2,diagrame and 4 formulas. ASSOCIA71ON: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENbL: 00 BUD CODE: IN NO REIF 80Vt 002 OTHER: 000 2/2 I KOPYTIN~ A.T., general-mayor aviatsii For you, comrade sailors. Starsh.-serzh. no.7:38 J1 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya Voyennojo izdatellstva. (Bibliography-Russia-Navy) (Russia--Navy-Bibliography) GLAZKOV, P.G., inzh.; GRIGORIYEV, F.N., inzh.; MURZOV, K.',. inzh.; ST,ADY,OSHTFYFV, V.T., inzh.; Prinimall uchastlye-, MALAKHA, A.V.; POKRASSyL.M.; DRUZHININ, I.I.; OSIPOV, V.G.; KONDRATYUK, A.M.; POLYAjV, I.V.; GOiU)IYENKO, M.S.; PAVLOV, M.T , KOPY A V TIN PARASHCHENKO R.A.; POTANIN, R.V.; AKIITyItSKIY:IVH_.__.~_*_ P y I YF,VTUSIC,NKO, V.V.; LFYTES, AN.; STRYLETS, V.M. Continuous casting of 140-ton steel heats with four-channel equipment. Stall 22 no. 6:501-504 Je 16% (KRA 160) SLA.DKOSIITEYEV,, V.T.; AKHTYIC-jKIY, V.T,, POTPIUNP R.V.; KUCIR41NSKIY, YU.M.; y SLINIKO, A.N.; Prinimali uchaatiyat* GFdvIOR'YEV? F.N.; DRUZHININ, I.I.; OSIPOV. V.G.; PARASHCHIENKO, R.A.; KOMINVA.V.; KOLESNIK, A.Ye.; KHAVALADZHI, V.I.; NOSOCHENKO, O.V. Material balance of sme:Lting with contAnuoura casting. Sbor.trud, UNUM no.2-12124-130 165, (MIRA 18811) KO11YTIN, B. I Seventeen nonstaff sections. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 5 no.3:24 W 162. (MIRA 15 4) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdolon okhrany truda Kuybyahevokogo ob"lastnogo soveta. profsoyusov. (Kuybphev Province-Industrial safety) OA N/ amalymb whkh p-nd% KOPYTIN, B. M:SBMIN, A. Yo ".- Microtow for prepwations of sections for nanowetric examine- t1onso Arkhe pat., Nodma 12 no. 5:91-93 Sept.Oct. 1950.(CLNL 20%1) 1e Of the Department of Pathological Physiology (Road - Prof, A. M. Charnyy). Central Institute for the Advanced 2ralnlng of Physicians. 66W0 110411 8, (NalgrMu- Ir.l. 1041.. ma 1. Ifook 101)" Is. Isi tit 111,161), - A conipirle, tow-vinw, puWaralAtiv ispil. i, ft '61, ul.04. tmaslitWnts to &h4. wokfull.. rhr nw- Wiwi 1. #s"11441 in a PrIcs lull. lh~ faim,411-1 :11"4*rd in 03-1.0 MI. CA WAVVIlt. AM lbr MAU. tilibOth-41 iltvill into thr alkTurift-t wy. 11, 11fiftlicy . . . . . - - -1, !Uly. KOPYTIN~ B. I'll. "Oxidation Processes and Ketogenesis in the Liver During Starvation and Hypoxic Conditions." Sub 16 Oct 51, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Dissertations presented for science and mgIneering degrees in Moscow durina 1951. Q SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55. 11 .; UYBANOV, G.S. .= I= Some principles of T.G.Prokopenkove general theory on the affect of health resort factors; discussion. Top.kurefizioter. i lecho fis. kul't. 21 no,3:77-81 JI-S 156. (MURA 9:10) (HUMH USMTQ. WAMING PIACIS. ITC.) (THXUMUf ICS, PHYSIOLOGICU) USWEN-an and Animal Physiology. Digestion. V Abs Jour: iwr. 2aur-Bia., No 6, 1958,, V033 - Author B.M. KWytin. last Title The Problem of the Cmlex-Reflax Pbade in the Action of Mineral Vaters, an the Exa-er1ne Secretion Of the Pancreas Orig Pub: Fiziol. sh. S=j 1956.. 42,, No 8v 713-72D. Abstract: In dogs Vith f1stul" of the stomach and duct of the -pancreas, detenduations were run on the anount of pancreatic Juice and the activity of wWIase and tr"sin before and after Introduction into the stomeh of 250 al-of distilled vater or idneral-wate" (Essenuft No. 17 and Mptsbas, water)upw hunger secretioni- of pancreatic juice. Card 1/2 S-C~- DERYABINA, Tom* Significaves, of the time factor in the ingestion of mineral waters. Top.kar.,fizioter.1 lach.fis.kmllt. 25 no.1:20-24 160. (KM 13:5) 1. Is otdela eksperimutalluoy ballneologil (sav. - doktor mod. nauk*A.K. Plelegin) Iklineclogichaskogo institute, a& ELvtmzskikh Kinerallzqkh Todakh (dlr. - dotsent I.S. Savoshchonko). (MIRML WATERS) OMMACH-SMMIONS) --A~OMW,-B M * KATROOV, G.S. (deceased] Influence of temperature, *&It component, and carbon dioxide content on the evacuation from the stomac'h of Slavyanskaya and lkeentu)d No.17 zinsral waters. Vop.1mr..fizioter.t lech.flt. kullt. 25 no.1:20-24 160. (NMA 130) 1. Is otdala eksperimentalluoy ballneologli (say. - doktor sod. nauk AJ. Pislegin) Eallueologicheekogo Instituta na Zwkmaskikh Kneral'afth Vodakh (dlr. - doteent 193. Savoshchouko). (MIMMAL WATIMS) (STOPACE) .,-KOFYTIN~-B~1A,j-=PAIIOV, K.N. (Pyatieorsk) Diagnoois of chronic pancreatitis; external secretory function of the pancreas and morphophysiological parallels in chronic pancreatitis in doga. Pat.fiziol. i eksp. terap. 5 no.3:60-64 M~-Je 161. (MA 106) 1. Iz otdola eksperimentallnoy ballneologii (zav. - doktor meditsin- skikh nauk A.K.Pialegin) Ballneologicheskogo institute. (dir. - doteent I.S.Savoshchenk,o) na Kavkazskikh Minerallnykh Vodakh. (PANCRW-DISFASFZ) KOFMIN, B.M.I. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Changes in the exocrine function of the Pancreas during the internal use of water from well No. 4 of Pyatigorsk health resort. Uch.zap. Pyat.gos.nauch.-issl.balln.inst. 3:212-218 160. (KMA 15:10) (PANCREAS SEGRETIONS) (PYATIGORSK-MINERAL WATERS) KOPYTIN, F.G., inzh. Use of an impulse method for locating damage in cables. ~vtom, telem. i sviazi 5 no.6:36-38 Je 161. (MM 14:9) 1. Laboratoriya elaktricheskikli IJ-niy'i setey kafedry elektro- svj,azi Leningradskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. (Electric linea-Testing) (Electric measurements) I KUZNETSOV, Oleg Andreyevich;,KOPYTOV, I.P., red, [Automatic control of the interface level of two media] Avtomaticheskii kontroll urovnia razdela dvukh sred. Moskva, Energiia, 1964. 85 P. (Biblioteka po avtomatike, no.112) (MIRA 17s12) KOPYTIN I.P._,__aspirant Tillage for secondary crops under irrigation. Zemledelie 26 no.3:50-52 Mr 164. (MIU 17:4) KOPYTIN, I.V. (Keme.rov) Hospitalization of patients with appendicitis In some rural areas. Sav. zdrav. 22 no.9s57-60 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii moditsiny (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchago I.V. Kopytin) Kemerovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. : /Radic Tr aim Jan 1946 Telegraphy "Lot Us Advance Soviet Technique in Radio- coczmmicatime and Radio-broadcasting," L. A. Kopytin, Chief Lbgr, rnntral Adminietration of Radio Communication and T-1roadedeting for Vie People- Cccmiseariat of Commmicatione, 1 p "Vestnik Svyazi - Elektro Svyaz'" No 1 (70) It is planned to carry out a wholesale transfer of radio apparatus to the Bodo-radio type, construct more rebroadcasting points so as to increase the', quality of communications with the Far Zast, adopt Ch T (frequency telegraphy) on several trunk lines, increase the quality of communications lines 19T34 LISSR/Radio Transmission (contd) Jan 1946 Telegraphy reception by use of amplitude modulation, and adopt several other means of generally Increasing the quality of Russian radio comomications. 19T34 KOPYTIN, L. A. TeclinoloV Madlo broadcasting centers). Moskva, Sv-.Aztizdat, 1151. Monthly List of Ra-sian Acressions, Llbrar-r of Congress, Noveeter P52. TiCLASSIFIED ~MUAlsk4eyevich; MOMLONINXIT, Te.P., otystetvanW redaktor; KOtnl&,U WHONTRINKATA, M.N.. redaktor; MLUJNMYA, L.m., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Technical operation of radio transmitting centers] Takhnichaskata eksplustataiia peredalushchikh radlotsentrov. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po vaprosam eviazi I radio, 1954. 435 P. (Microfilm](MLRA 8:1) (Pladio-Tranamitters and transmitting)