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. .-7 -Z-.- ~'. ..-- . . . . . o.- -- I I -.- -- . --- .- - - I ! . Card 1/1 KOPTSIX, V.P., *mw Kethod of supopposition of Pywcotry S.00 a used In eryatmIlop"q6tcol, Krtl%t9tllO9rafII* 2 UO-1:99-107 157. (MLRA lC:?) 1. Moak-ovskly gosudaretvennyy universitet Iment M.V.Lomonnsova. (crystallogrophy. Mathematleal) 24 (2) AUTHORS: Minayevaq K. A.9 SOV/55-58-6-12/31 ---7o-ronkov, A. A., Solov'yev, A. F., Izrailenkof A. N., Popkova, Ye. G., Kozlovaq G. I. TITLEt Investigotion of Now Pie2oelectric Crystals on Small-dimensio3ed Samples (Isaledovaniye plyezoelektricheskikh kristallov na malykh obraztsakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo, universiteta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1958, Nr 6, pp 91-98 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1955 one of the authore.sucaeaded in developing a simple method of investigating crystalline dielectrics with respect to their piezoelectricity (Ref 1) by the mechanical excitation of piezoelectric oscillations at low frequency near crystal resonance. The strength of the piezoelectric effect was determined from the ratio to a quartz standard. Part of the results of investigations carried out with 1200 crystalline dielectrics are given by two tables (Table 1: 186 crystals with smaller piezoelectric effect than quartz; table 2: 111 crystals with a greater effect). It was further found In Card 1/2 the course of the investigations that a fact of great Investigation of New Piezoelectric Crystals on Small- SOV/55-58-6-12/31 dimensioned Samples importance for the theory or piezoelectrics is the rule governing the distribution of piezoelectric crystals according to space groups of symmetry which are favorable to the piezoelectric effect. This fact may be of use for the detection of new piezoelectrics among the dielectrics with known space symmetry. It was further fouhd that the symmetry assumed in the case of many substances was too high. The authors thank A. V. Shubnikov for supervising work, and A. N. Kost, V. M. Belikov and a number of other comrades for placing the crystal samples at their disposal. There are 2 tables and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra kristallofiziki. (Chair for Crystal Physics) SUBMITTED: June 11, 1958 Card 2/2 A5THORS- -K-,pAeik) V-o-A., Minayeva, K. A., SOV/46-22-12-33/7 .13 Struk~-,~ B. A. TITLE: Dielect~,i!a Investigations of Sma11, Samples of P-.Lezoelectric 1-yatals (Dielektricheskiye issledovaniya kristallov segnetoelektr:~~:ov na malykh Gbraztsakh) PERIODICAL3 lzvestiya Akadem-4i nauk SSSR. Serlya fi.7-1cheskaya, 1958, V-~!- 227 Nr 12, pp 1537--i540 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In -the present paper a devioe is described by mpans of which the temperature dependsn--~e of the die--ectric constant E(T) can be pl%~ted and the dependenie of polarization on the electric Pield 11M meas,ired w' *th small mono-orystal samples within the range -190 -i-2500 .emperati=e . The device can be used for the investigation of die-fec"I.-io anomalies i-a piazoelectrics and f,,r the debermIrtat-'on of phase transitions in crystalline diele-4tx:~osj the phase transitlons being acccmpanied by the -:az'at~.on cf j -,~f the substanoe. The method of the RC-chain described in pulblioations (Refs 19 2) was used for the device. The principal radiotechnical scheme of the device (without generstc-r and potentiometer) is given in Nguro 10. Apart from Mard 1/3 plu,i-Vi~g tho Oopondonoo C(' Hilo duvikie 'permits also the Dielezt:r-4,3 Inrestigations .;f Small- Samples of S01,1114,85-22-12-33133 Piezaelect-rip, Crystals determination of the 3,-;_,urrence of spontaneous pularization in sample by means of an ordinary oscillographic scheme (no figure). The E(T)-ourves of 24 Euleatrics were plotted to chook the device, whereby it was shown that the dependence E(T) caa be plotted with a-affic-fent accuracy. The di'scOntinuity of 6 at 1200 Ywas determined for polarized BaT_J1O 3 ceramics with a ,rery smal-1 sample (0.1 s M x 0.1 om). In (-,TH mor-ocrystals d 4)"SO4- dielectri~. anc-malies were detem-'r-ed at -51% The temperature,e of "he and t-he field are given IL fig,;xes 2 and 3. The tempexature dependence of r. of (NH 4)2S04 In the range of high temperatures is characterized by rapid 1+4 - .~.z,.;-X-aasa of aotive crystal conducti-,-_,ty near the me V~Alg-point This mathod makeq it pot)siblo t:) -~)botirvo othor pro(108000 Lo the ohangtj o~ pit(, (A,,jtjkoro Lub oxporiments to anomalies in tablet-shaped S-liignett.?-salt and BaT_`03 saimples, yet without success. This --be I he presenc~e of air .ffe,,,t J.s, b,~,ae,.-ar,compl~_- Ay +i'ed by t. CaTd 2/3 iaye-~,st binding agents and a chaotic arranpemnent of arystalline Diele.,tx~.-1..l Investigaticna of Smal'. Samples of SOV148-.22-12-33133 Fiezoelecntriv Crys 'a'-.g grains in the hetqrogene-;,.i& system. After all, the investigation yst~xl s seeTs -0 -r.0- *.,-.,-,!.: d' cf 2mall 1, and m,,re The dpv-"",,a deszr--'-Iced may be -.used the ssea:-ch of new p (rol-,gh scheme f.n F~g 4) and ftr pr~-,iiminary measurement of sabstames -nh-.*.th 'b~, -,b,..a-inp-,,l wi.thout d -a!-ies --,i the form of smal-, Thers3 are 4 Lrd 8 ---,.fevenoes, zi .,f -.vh"-ch arg Soviet. ASSOCIATION. Rz.:~~'.c-.hqsldy vnivorslteta im. M. V. L ?t. of Mys'.-s -,f the State Univeralty Y. V. Card 3/3 uscow,-Dc-60.,555 SOV/70-4-2 AUTHOR. fropt 8 ~~ -13/36 ............ TITLE: Dielectric, piezoele-~tric and Elastic Properties of SIngle Crystals of Resorcinol (Dielektrichaskiye, plyezoelektricheskiye i uprugiye svoystva monokx-istallc-., rezortsina) PERIODICAL; Kristallografiya, 3.959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 219-222 (USSR) ABSTRACT-, Cryatala of ro,�oru-JnoJ.j C 11 (011)LIT Wove prepared from 6 4 aqueous solution out of contact with air. The morpho-, logical features of the crystal faces as ifell as the data of goniometric measurements showed that the crystals are of the rhombo-pyramid forin of the class Zm . From 12 crystals about 50 plates were cut for oxamination. At room tomperatu-re and I kc/s the dielectric constants were found -to be: Ell :.,- 3-51~~ 0.07, c 4-14+0-07, e 22 33 r~ 3.54+0.05 The static values were some 20% greater than these. Cardl/4 SOI.70-4-2-P/36 Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties of ingle Crystals of Resorcinol The pyroelectric coefficient P T9E was found by Ackerman8s method (Ref 6) to be336 + 12 c.g.s.u./OC. Tho piezoelectric coefficients were fouit-d to be: d15 ~ 53.9 x 10-8 ; d24= 55#3 x 10-8 ; d31 = -12.4 x 10"8 d32 =-12.8 x 10-8 d33 16.8 x io-8 c.g.s.u. The accuracy was about 10-1570. The dynamic values were less than these static values by 20%. The coupling coefficients were about 5-15%. The elastic coefficients were measured by the resonance-antiresonance method. The 3 density value used was 1.28 g/cm . Results are to 100% from measurements of 28 specimens. Card2/4 SOV/70--4-2-,13/36 Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties of Single Crystals of Resorcinol = * 19.0 x 10-12 cm2/dyne 111 *22 = lo.6 s33 = 15.0 s44 = 30.'7 S55 = 23.0 s66 = 25.0 s12 = - 4.0 *13 = 3.4 s23 = 8.8 c11 10.3 x 10 10 dynes/cm2 22 111.11 33 12.9 c44 3.3 C55 4.4 C66 4.0 c12 = 6.2 c13 = 7.4 C23 = 6.9 This is the first time the resonance method has been used for the determination of all the compliances s ij of a of crystal/symmetry 2m and it can be recommended for cases Card3/4 SPV/ 0- -2~- J~~6 Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic ProperLIeZ o~ ain' Crystals of Resorcinol where thedirect measurements of the c ij by impulse methods are inapplicable. Because of the high pyro- electric coefficient crystals of resorcinol must be thermostatted. The crystals must also be protected front solvents. Acknowledgments are made to A.V. Shubnikov, G.B. Bokiy, I.M. Sillvestrova and V.F. Parvov. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 3 German, I English. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M-V. Lontonosova (Moscow State University inteni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: November 11, 1958 Card4/4 AUTHORS: o mik -A -gpd Nobyakov, I.B. SOV/70-4-2-14/36 TITLE: The Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties of Cancrinite (Dialcktrichoskiye, plyezoeloktricheskiye i upx-ugiye evoystva kristallov kankrinita) PERIODICAL: Kristallograftya, 1959, Voi 4, Nr 2, pp 223-225 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The mineral cancrinite is closely related to nepheline and has the formula (Na 2Ca)4[A'S'0416CO3' (H20) 0-3. Its hardness is 5-5.5 gnd density 2.42-2.48. The space group appears to be C 6 = c63 but the piezoelectric properties agree better with the group 6m . Cry5tal plates were cut corre--tly oriented to 51 . Dielectric susceptIbilltles were measured as e 11 622 =-9.5 * 0.1 and c 33 = 11.2 +-0-3 at room temperature with a bridge circuit working at 50 c.p.s. The loss at 20 kc/s was tan 6-0-01 and the dielectric strength was about 30 kV/mm. The piezoelectric and elastic constants were Cardl/4 measured dynamically by conventional resonance methods. SOV/70;4--2..14/36 The Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties f CAncrinite Of the three piezoelectric moduli d 311 d33 and d 15 the last could be determined directly and was (averaged from 10 specimens): d 15 = -(27 + 4) x 10-8 G.g.s.u. with an electromechanical coupling coefficient k of about 1511. From indirect measurements d found to 8 328 was be (13 4 5) x IQ- and d (+2 +3) x IQ c.g.#.11. T11(o coefficient of electromeolianical coupling corresponding to d (14.9 0-3) x 10 was 13140. The elastic 32 12 compiliances were found to be a CM2/dyne-, 44 = (4-2 0-1) x 10 844 = 1/c44 = (4-3 + 0-2) --' 10- ; s66 I/C 66 = (3-5 + 0.1) x 10- 12 directly from principal Card2A cuts. The other values were derived from 3 groups of Y70-4-2:W-6 SO The Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties of C nc~4nite ~cryxtals cut with 0 = 45, 60 and 750 and were: a (2 * 0-3) x 10-* 12 ~ a ~ = (1 - 3 0. 3) X 10" 12 and il (0.3. 0. 2) x -12 3j 13 10 12 cm /dyne. As 566 = 2(aii. - 512) 12 (0.2 + 0.3) x 10'* '.!,. 0 as a12 cannot be positive. The crystals were rather imperfazt, and c-on- aidorablo variations between specimens were found. it 16 concluded that.-oancrin-ite does not come up to quartz as regards elastic properties but exceeds it in piezo-- electric activity and in effe,~~tiveness of radiating and picking up u/s vibrations both in longitudinal and in torsional modes. It is therefore important to produce artificial crystals. Acknowledgments are made to G.P. Barsanov and D.P. Grigorlyev.. There are I figure, I table and 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 2 German. Card3/4 I - SOV~7o~4~2-&36 The Dielectric,.Piezoelectric and Elastic Proper ie f ancriniti- ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: November 15, 1958 Card 4/4 SOV/70-4-2-16/36 AUTHOIAS: Chumakov, A.A. and Koptsik, V.A. TITLE: Experiments on the rystallisation of Now Piezoelectric Substances (OPYt kristallizatsii novy1ch plYezoelektriches- kikh v0shchostv) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959. Vol 4, Nr 2. tip 235-238 (USS10 ABSTRACT: Full piezoelectric measurements have been made (by others) on only some 30 substances. The authors of this paper have carried out work on the crystallisation from solution of-materials selected from 120 dielectric compounds available commercially. Tests for activity were made on powders. About half the materials tried could be grown as large crystals from suitable solvents. 7 standard solvents were tried for each. Seeds were prepared by lowering the temperature of saturated solutions and were later used in growing big crystals in the dynamic regime (by crystalliser). A table of 49 materials is given with certain physico-chemical data and the recommended solvent. Solubilites are availablo in standard tables (ex. A. Seidell). Measurements of,the card-1/3 coefficients of clectrome.::hanical coupling of the following SOV/70-4-2-i6/36 Experiments on the Gryat,611isation of Now Piezoelectric Substances materials Ind 'leated that full determinations of electrical and mechanical parameters would be worthwhile: sodium salt of 0-anthraquinone monosulphonic acidi arabinose; acetoxime; barium nitritel benzophoixone; dimethyl glyoximef, cadmium bromide (CdBrlkl-l 0); potassium ,~p2 phthalate; calcium Iodate,, LUICO 2 H20 lithium formate-, acetophenone oxime; ramnome; sulphanilic acid; terpine hydrate; dl.--treonine~ uro-tropine; formaldehyde sodium bisulphite- quinine hydrochloride,., cmiber anhydride fC 4H40 3). Aelmowledgments are made,~o A.V. Shubnikov, A.N. Xzrallenko and G#I. Kozlova. There are 1 table. and 12, ref ere=- es, 11 of which are Soviet and I English. Card 2/3 SOV/70-4-2-16/36 Experiments on the Crystallisation of Now Piezoelectric Substances ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR) SUBMITTED: April 8, 1958 Card 3/3 Ice 5/181J60W/04/25/034 BO02/Bo63 AUTHORS: Koptalki,4. A.# Teraskovap Le A* TITLE: Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of Electric and Elastic Parameters of Cancrinite PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tola, 1960, Vol, 2, No- 4, pp. 697-700 TEXT: In an earlier paper (Ref. 2), the dielectric constant Ej as well as the piezoelectric and elastic moduli of cancrinite had been determined at room temperature. In the present paper, the authors determine its behavior between +200C and -14000--The temperature was measured with an accuracy of 0.20C, the dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic coefficients with an accuracy of 4, 99 and 3fo, respectively. The same samples were used, that had served for earlier published determinations. To be true, there occurred deviations which are explained by the aging in one year. Three different sections were examined (Pigs, 29 3, and 4). At low temperatures, anomalies occur in E and the piezoelectric moduli; the precise position is dependent on the orientation of the cut..The anomalous dielectric behavior of cancrinite can be explained by the structure (Fig. 1); According to 1 Card 1/2 Investigation of the Temperature Dependence S/181/60MN/25/034 of Electric and Elastic Parameters of B002/Bo63 Cancrinite V. A. Ioffe and I, So Yanchevskayag this anomaly corresponds to a resonance absorption at 180 kilocyoles; it is possibly the consequence of an electron transition in the aluminum oxygen tetrahedron from one oxygen atom to an- other. The piezoelectric anomalies are apparently related to the dielectric ones, These conclusions are only provisional, an accurate investigation requires a better structural determination and an investigation on synthetic material. There are 4 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I Freach. ASSOCIATION; XGU9 fivioheekly fakulltet (Moscow State University, Department of Physics) SUBMITTED: May 22, 1959 Card 2/2 85004 S/048/60/024/010/013/033 B013/BO63 AUTHORS: Koptsik. V. A., Strukov, B. A., Sklyankin, A. A., and Levina, M.--Y-e. TITLE: Dielectric and Calorimetric Study of Ammonium Sulfate- and Ammonium Fluoroberyliate.,Frystals PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk VASR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vo.l. 24, No- 10v PP. 1228-1230 TEXT: Large ammonium sulfate monocrystals were obtained from an aqu "Ous solution of the chemically pure reagent by applying the cooling method. Ammonium fluoroberyllate was synthesized by Lebeau's method (Ref. 19i) * The crystals were bred from its aqueous solution by evaporating at a con- stant temperature. Studied dielectrically were c-cuts of (NH 4)2S04 crys- tals and b-cuts of (NH BeF crystals. The crystalline powder used for 4)2 4 the crystal breeding was studied calorimetrically.. e and tan 6 were meas- ured after all stabilization processes were over. Temperature dependences of E and tan 6 are shown in Fig. 1 for the c-cut of (NH 4)2 so4crystals, Card 1/3 85004 Dielectric and Calorimetric Study of Ammonium S/048/60/024/010/013/033 Sulfate- and Ammonium Fluoroberyllate Crys- B013/Bo63 tals and in Pig. 2 for the b-cut of (NH 4)2 BeP4crystals. The dependences tan 6(T) have the same character in both crystal types. F_ (T), on the contrary, exhibit considerable differences. The authors also considered temperature dependences of polarization for different field strengths in the region of phase transformations of the mentioned crystals. The respective results are published in a separate article. Fig. 3 shows the temperature depen- dence of specific heat c p for (NH 4)2SO4* It was found that the cooling of the specimens at T > T K is not always accompanied by their transition into the piezoelectric phase. The undercooling was determined as being about 0.4 4 0-5 0 , which corresponds to dielectric measurement results. The mean value of integral temperature of transition was 490 cal/mole..The temperature dependence of c p on (NH 4)2 BeP4is given in Fig. 4. The curve shows a characteristic X-peak. No undercooling effect was observed. The discrepancy between the transition temperatures determined calorimetrical- ly (-J9.9 and -98.60C) and those determined dielectrically (-47.6 and -93.4 0 is probably to be explained by an inaccurate graduation of the Card 2/3 85oo 4 Dielectric and Calorimetric Study of Ammonium S/048/60/024/010/013/033 Sulfate- and Ammonium Fluoroberyllate B013/BO63 Crystals thermocouples used in dielectric measurements. The authors thank A. N. Izrailenko and A. Po Solov'yev for their assistance. The present paper was read at the-Third Conference on Piezoelectricity which took place in Moscow from January 25:t0 30, 1960. There are 4 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gos. universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). VNIIFTRI Card 3/3 85005 ~P,,~73() 0 S/046/60/024/010/014/033 .BO13/BO63 AUTHORS: Koptsik, V. A., Strukov, B. A., and Nevedomskaya, I. K. I TITLE: Study of Optical Propertieslof Some Piezoelectric Crystalsl PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1231-1233 TEXT: The authors studied the temperature dependences of birefringence in piezoelectric ammonium sulfate-(NH 4 )2 so4and ammonium fluoroberyllate crystals (NH 4)2 BeF 4* The scheme of a complete apparatus for crystallo- graphic measurements is given in rig. 1. The apparatus was constructed after blueprints supplied by the designers of the universal microscope stage (Ref. 6). In the practice, it permits an arbitrarily rapid heating or coolliig of the specimen and a stabilization of temperature. The temperature course of birefringence for the c-cut of the (NH 4)2 so4 cry8tal is shown in Fig. 2. The marked change of the quantity 6 n in the transition point makes it possible to observe optically the course of the phase Card 1/3 85oo5 Study of Optical Properties of Some S/048/60/024/010/014/033 Piezoelectric Crystals BO13/BO63 transition in ammonium sulfate crystals. The authors believe that the coloration of specimenst which proceeds from the corners toward the center, reflects the transformation process from the paramagnetic phase into a piezoelectric one. Below the transition point the crystal is cleft on the plane of cleavage. The authors succeeded in following the dynamics of this process. At the interface between two phases considerable inner stresses appear in crystals, the consequence of which is a crystal cleavage. Fig- 3 shows the temperature dependence of birefringence A n for the b-cut of (NH 4)2 BeF4crystals in the temperature range from +200 to -1300C. At -900C birefringence was found to attain a marked maximum. This can also not be brought in connection with the change of the geometrical dimensions of the specimens due to thermal expansion. The domain structure remains invisible even when strong transversal electric fields are applied. Optical observations confirm the results of dielectric and calorimetric measurements, according to which there occurs a transi- tion of first order in ammonium sulfate, and a transition of second order in ammonium fluoroberyllate, or thereabouts. The present paper was read at the Third Conference on Piezoelectricity, which took place in Moscow Card 2/3 85005 Study of Optical Properties of Some Piezoelectric Crystals S/046/60/024/010/014/033 B013/'DOQ63 from January 25 to 30, 1960. The:~-e are 3-.figures, and 7 references'. 3 Soviet. V ASSOCIATION: lloskovskiy gos. universitet im. Lt. V. Lomonosova QToscow . State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) VNIIFTRI , Card 3/3 .,,o 0r Ir 4OL .4 ts Ar Ell I , ~ . P fs r- r r. -s a Iq U it k* t; ,r F *- , I Ea it ;t jr 7 r 1. KOPTSIK, V.A.; TBM"OVA, L.A. Investigating the effect of teaperature on the electric and elastic parameters of cancrinite. Fix. tyer. tela 2 no.4:697-700 Ap 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvewW universitet, fizlcheekly fakulltat. (Cancrinite) Polymorphic phase transformations and the eywmetry of crystals. I Kristallograftia 5 no.6032-943 N-ID 16o. (MMA 13:12) 1. Mookovskly gosudaretvenWy univer#itet iment M.V. Lomonosova. (Crystallography. Mathematical) EOPTSIK, 3TRUKOV, B.A.; #ILYAIIKIIT# A.A.; LZVnIA, M.Te. Dielectric and calorimetric investigation of crystals ammonium oulphate and ammonium fluoberyllate. lzi. AM SSSR Ser. fiz. 24 no.10:1228-1230 0 160. (MIRA 1). 10) 1. Moskovehy goiudwatTenW univereltet im. M.V.Lomoaosova i VSeso7uzny7 nauchno-insledovatelsehy institut fizikotakhnicheskikh i radiotekhuicheskikh izmerent7, Moskva. (Ammonium atkIphate OrYstile) (Ammonium fluaberyliate crystals) /Sj / err, ID 71) 2071L I I)tj 16 S/120/61/000/001/057/o62 Z194/E184 AUTHORS: Koptaik, V.A., Strukov, B.A., and Yermakoval L.A. TITLE: A Precision Laboratory Cryostat for Investigating the Electrical and Elastic Properties of Crystals PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961,No.l,pp.184-188 TZXr:' Progress in the development of laboratory cryostats is briefly reviewed. A circuit developed by B.N. Vasillyev which was a further development of one used by Wilson and Stone (Ref.9) was used in constructing a precision laboratory cryostat for investigating the electrical and elastic properties of crystals in the region of polymorphous p~aase conversions. The apparatus was required to produce stable temperature points every 0.1-0.2 OC; the stabilization of the temperature should be within � 0.005 OC for a time of 30 minutes to one hour; the specimens should be maintained in vacuum or in an atmosphere of dry gas; electrical terminals in the thermostat chamber should be so designed as to ensure the complete absence of temperature gradients. The equipment consists of a cryostat, a temperature stabilising circuit, a vacuum system and a potentiometer circuit for Card 1/7 20714 S/12o/6:L/000/001/057/062 Z194/F.184 A Precision Laboratory Cryostat for Investigating the Electrical and Elastic Properties of Crystals temperature measurement. The thermostat chamber of the cryostat consists of a copper block (9 in Fig.1), 180 mm high and 45 mm in diameter. In the cylinder are drilled two cylindrical ducts over three quarters of its length. One duct is used for thermocouples and the other for ampoules with specimens. The outer surface of the cylinder is threaded with a four start thread; two of the grooves contain n1chrome wire heaters and the other two platinum resistance thermometers. The heater resistance is 1 kilohm and the thermometer resistance in 300 ohms. Under conditions of automatic control the surface of the copper block is maintained at a constant temperature. Because of the good thermal conductivity of the copper, after an interval of 10-15 minutes the same temperature is established I.n the volume for the test specimen. The copper block 9 covered with an aluminium screen 10 Is placed in a cylindrical glass vessel with double walls. The inner space is connected to a vacuuin flask containing liquid nitrogen. The temperature sensitive element is the platinum resistance Card 2/7 20714 S/120/61/000/001/057/o62 B194/El84 A Precision-Laboratory Cryostat for Investigating the Electrical and Elastic Properties of Crystals thermometer would on the copper block and connected in a balanced bridge circuit, the other arms of which are manganese resistances and an inductionless resistance box. When the resistance of the platinum thermometer alters, it alters the phase of the output signal from the bridge and the function of the rest of the circuit is to apply the necessary amount of heat to the heater to maintain the resistance of the platinum thermometer equal to that of the resistance box. A schematic diagram of the control system is given in Fig.2 and the method of operation is explained. The vacuum system consists of two main parts, one of which is used to evacuate the inner cylinder of the cryostat and the other to pump from the glass ampoule with specimen holder. The system includes a rotary vacuum pump, an oil vapour trap and appropriate valves and pressure measuring devices. The required temperature in obtained and maintained as follows. The copper block with.theampoule is placed in the inner vacuum flask of the cryostat. Liquid nitrogen is poured into the outer flask in which the level of nitrogen Is Card 3/7 207--th S/i2o/6i/000/001/057/062 9194/9184 A Precision Laboratory Cryostat for Investigating the Electrical and Elastic Properties of Crystals automatically maintained. Cooling commences at a rate of about 0.5 OC/min. When within 3 to 40 of the temperature required to stabilise,the inner vacuum flask is evacuated until the pressure in it reaches io-3 mm HS, then the rate of cooling rapidly diminishes. The bridge is then balanced by means of the resistance blocks. The automatic temperature control circuit is then connected and any further reduction in temperature takes place in steps controlled by the resistance blocks. The accuracy of stabilisation, was checked by measuring the e.m.f. of a triple copper constantan thermocouple with a sensitivity of 0.1 mV/oC- During 60 minutes the temperature changed by less than 0-005 OC. The cryostat has been working for two years and temperature characteristics of a number of crystals have been obtained* Gratitude is expressed to B.N. Vasillyev for useful suggestions and to A.F. Soloviyev for help in setting up the circuit. There are 3 figures and 13 references: 5 Soviet and 8 English. Card 4/7 A Preci3ion,~Laboratory' Cryomtat ... . Le xend to Fig, 11: am= 1 I Textolite coverl 2 Porous Plastic Cover I 3 Outer.Flask; 4 Protective Tin Caning 5. Wooden Block; 6- - Ebonite Stopper.; 7 Glass Connecting Pipe'z-" (to Pump); 8 nubber Riiig;. 9 Copper Block; 10 Aluminium Screen; W. 11. Inner Glass Flask; 41 Card 5/7 20714 S/120/61/000/001/057/062 E194/E184 S/12o/61/000/001/057/o62 E194/Ei84 -FIg. 2 KOFTSIK, V.A.; SIROTIN, YU.I. Symmetry of piezoelectric and elastic tensovs and of the physical properties of crystala. Kriatallografiia 6 n0-54766-768 S-0 161. OWA 14:10) 1. ~bskovskiy gosudarstvanW universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Calculus of tensors) (Crystallography) STRUNOV, B.A.; GAVRIWVA,, N.D.; KOFTSIK, V.A. Some characteristics of the ferroelectric phase transition In (NH4)2BeF4 oryotalo. Kristallograftia 6 no.5s780-782 S--O 761. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretveimyy universitot imeni Lomonosovao (Ammnium fluoberyllate-Electrie properties) 0 0 UTM-C, -2 S *ITLE. 37943 S/181/62/004/005/038/055 B108/B112 Strukov, B. A. K i k A and Ligasova, V. D roDerties of amimon- Experimental study of the ferroelectric p - ium aci6 sulfate in the vicinity of the high-temperature ohase transition PEMODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1334 - 1338 TEXT: An attempt is made to formulate the thermodynamic -theory of Ginz- burg and Devonshire -for the ferroelectric NH 4HSO 4' The measurements were made in 'he temperature interval from +10 0 to -200C at 5.10-2 mm, Hg. In order to find 'he exoansion coefficients A and B of the free energy, %,,-hich enter into the relations for the displacement of the transition point in an electric field, the authors measured the effect of an electric field unon 'he phase transition in NH 4FISO 4* The hysteresis loop observed in the ferroelectric phase vanishes at the point Where E reaches its sharp peak (1700 at -2.3~OC). 4"leasurements of the spontaneous polarization indicate that only the first two terms in the expansion for the free ener&r Card,1/2 Exoerimental study of ... s/181/62/004/005/038/055 B108/B112 have to be taken into account'. The coefficients at these terms were calculated from the experimental data: A - 1.36-10 -2 and B - 8.4-10 -8 electrical CGSU. The measured displacement of the Curie temperature undert the action of an electric field is in good agreement with calculated d t , 1. 2/3 (T - T. O.E ; k - 0.16). It is established that the high-temparature nhasc transition of NE411304 is a socond-kind transition. There a~e 7 12.,,-~Ures and 1 table. The two most' important English-language references are: H. H. J. Appl. Phys., 30, 1010, 1959; R.'Pepirrsky. Phys. 2-ev., 111, 1508, 1958. A3'G:,'!AT1O11: ',oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (!!osco,a State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) U B 7,, IT'T E DJanuary 16, 1962 klard 2/2 S/07o/62/007/001/018/022 19132/E460 AUTHOR: Kos3tsik. V.A. TITLE: Changes in the symmetry of piezoelectric crystals by the direct and the reverse piezoeffects PERIODICAL: Kristallograflya, v-7, no.1, 1962, 144-147 TEXT., A table is given of the changes in symmetry which take place in piezoelectric crystals without special polar directions under the action of an electric or mechanical pressures, it follows that if the crystal is studied in its strained state, extra piezoelectric and elastic moduli are required to describe its behaviour. An estimate of the magnitude of the effect is made for ADP (ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) and it is suggested that certain experiments should be carried out to test the relationships calculated. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1961 Card"l/l S/07o/62/007/002/oo6/022 41-, 'r? E132/El6o AUTILLAIS; Strukov, B.A., and KoPtsik, V.A. T IT U.: Thermodynamic examination of the ferroelectric phase transition in crystals of (N7H4)2BeF4 PERIODICAL: Kristallografiyas v.7, no.2, 1962, 234-237 TEXT: The experimental data relating to the phase transition in crystals of (Nkl4)2BeF4 are examined in the frame- ifork of the thermodynamic theory of Ginzburg and Devonshire. The displacement of the Curie point under the action of an electric field has been calculated and measured experimentally. The free energy is calculated as a function of polarisation and temperature. Good thermodynamic data on the compound have been ptibl�shad eavli-ev (Ref.5: B.A. Strukov. N.D. Gavrilova, V.A. Koptsik, Kristallografiya, v.6, 1961, 78o) and the crystals were shown to follow the Curie-Ifeiss law. Theoretically the calculated value of the displacement is 7.4 x lo-5 degrees. volts-1 cm and'this agrees closely with the experimental value C~rd 1/2 Thermodynamic examination of S/07o/62/007/0O2/oo6/o22 E132/E:16o of 6.9 x 10-5, confirming the applicability of the thermodynamic theory. The authors thank Professor V.K. Semenchenko for his conunents. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: MaY 15, 1961 Card 2/2 STRUKOVI B.A.; KOPESIK, V.A.~LICMOIVA, V,D. Z.-rperiniental study of the ferroclectric properties of arm onium bigulfate near a high-temporature phase transition. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.5-.1334-1338 ity 762. (MIRA 15:5) 2. I-loskovo-Ifty gooudarqtvennyy universitat imeni Lomonosova. (Ammonitin sulfate-Elec trio properties) KOPTSIK, V.A. ... . .... .. Measuring the oymmotry of piezoelectric cryotals in the direct and inverse piezoeffect. Kristallografiii 7 no.l::144-147 Ja-F ,62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet, im. M.V. Lomonosova. . (Piezoelectric substances) (Cryatallograpby., Mathematical) KQEW , V. -A.; SIROTIN) Yu- I- "Space magnetic symmetry of tensors." report submitted for 6th Gen Assemblyy Intl Union of Crystsllography, Rome, 9 Sep 63- Moscow State Univ. KOPTSIK, V. A. "About polar and non-polar electric and magnetic crystal structures." report presented at the Symposium on Phase Transitions in Solids, 6th General Assembly, Intl. Union of Crystallography, Rome, Italy, 16-18 Sep 1963 (Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow,, USSR) L- 12807-63 -AMC/=/ESD-3 LJP(C)/4M rGCESSION NR: AP3000763 SIW701631008100310319103zl AUTHOR: Koptsik, V. A. Jr TITLE: foli,-i;--p~olr =ndpolar-neutral crystalUna structures SOURCE: Kristallografiya,, v. 8,.no-~,3, 1963, 319-~327 .TOPIC TAGS: - crystalline strueyurev~,~ !polars-polarp polar-neutral,,1erroalectrici piezoelectric.. antiferroelactric,.. ftrromagnetic, -piazomagnatic, antiferromagnetic, .antiferrimagnetic, Shubnikov groups ,ABSTRACT., -The autl-ior. offers a- alasstfication of crystalline structures in approxi- .~mation of point electrical -AtdtagnaU6 iloments acicording-to macroscopic, 'properties (ferroelectric - FS, piezoelectric -14F,,-'antiferroelectric - AFE, ferromagnet-ic FYI, piezomagnatic.- PM, antiferromagitatie - AM4j. and their combinations) in the 'Shubnilmv magnetic groups and classe,4. This is - an extension of Hippel I a iork (Z. Phys. 133# 158-173* 1952) and of the autfior's own earlier work (Dissertation, M., 1952). The classification is shown in Tables 1 and 2. The author concludes that groups termed FM in the classification assume under certain conditions antiferro- magnetic and antiferrimagnetic spin configurations, in a manner similar to that in pyroelectric groups. Detailed crystallochemical analysis of the actual magnetic configuration can not be made here, however.. because of insufficient data. ~He Card 1 /1;,- L 328o7-63 AV-C C Y-S` ACCESSION NR: AP30OC763 F remarks merely that consideration from.the,viawpoint of symmetry always determInas only necessary, not sufficient, ~ondltions for-realizatlon df the structure. The class of spiral magnetic structures,, for example,, is not yet,described by-known Shubnikov groups but requires the introditation of semicantihUous magnatic.g.,ows* Superimposed symmetries are the on3,v absolute prohibition. After working out the ;equivalent positions in magnatio groupp, the positions forbidden to magnetio atoms'..~ and the positions permitting magneti.6'momant may be indicated~ Orig. art.. has: 1 figure, 2 tables, and 5 formulas, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvanny*y universitat im. M. Vj Lomonosova '(Moscow State Universipy)- SUBMrMD,. 290at62 DATE ACQV 21Jun63 EXCL-., 65- SUB CODE: P9 -0 NO REF SOV, 16 OTHER: ~002 ,Ord 2/ 12 SIROTIN, Yu.I.; KOPTSIK, V.A. Magnetic space eymetry of tensors, Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.2028-331 j1 063. (KIRA 16%7) 1. Moskovakiy gosudarstvannyyuniversitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.V.*bnikovym. (Calculus'of tensors) (Crystallograghy) SPIVAK, G.V.; LUKIYANOV, Me.; TOSHEV, S.D.; KOPTSIKY V.A. Observation of the domain structure of triglycine sulfate by means of an electron mirror. izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.9t1199-1202 3 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im.H.V.Lomonosova. (Glycine) (Domain structure) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) xylsixt V.A. Polar-polar and polar-neutral crystalline StrLictures, Kris- tallograftia 8 no-3s3l9-327 Yq-Jo 163. OURA 16 AU) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat Jmeni LoomonoB*vae A.Ya. Koptsik, 71.A_. ""'rEvtion study of 4-t S- -4-4 phase t ran --z; Icn erroelqctric crys d r R cLai U ~'rt; U-1 ~iC L171 CBMLUL~I&-b lull,; _i?,ast that th -e -,9 e --pend on t~- e J the cry3tal Ls or on of' the sam- on wb~-Aher it is a thin film). 11,10st of 1-ho paper is devoted L ACCESSIMPT NR: AP5016115 de-criDtIon of the cryostat, in which cool!ng was accomplished by a stream of nitrogen gas. The temperature was held constant within OC/cm. The nt in the samD]Lo was 0 l an~ the temperature gradie 17r-Own by evaporating aqueaus 9n' I -~,Yg ta2 g were o',_-ta! ned : ne~~-4 --s alo!-:i7 the T-5 C f, C ,q'-th the a-axis r,,,;en d PE) ~'t -I on pho toi--r-i-!hs s::,,w-3iI tLat the altice e .11 n "Ui e 'L,,-, stants ,d3e. The lattice c n :,aelectric phases as well as t"ne e, in "oun4 4-c be '.rj an" ee pin sky (A c ta c ry, ta] lat U al ~19 g~~ titude to M.M.Umanskly f or )ng on tbe construction o0 ~Iho c-I n 2 f 0 ln~, I as al~ I AF5016115 F-i z i che sk 09 o faku 1 e t Mo 9 ko v q-ko,,;-- o q c Lui. L'-t.V.;,,Uuionosov8 (Physics Deparmnenn, mtoscaw 5tate Unlv.) -04 /,'-PA~ a )-2!EPF(c j3 128 !-C, V . A vat!---n of domain 5tru-ture low 1-00TUIRCM: MIT &SSR, Izvestiy-a. Berfizicheskaya,v.20a,no.6,1965,956-961 1AGS: ferroelectricity, domain structure FACT The domain stmctures of (NTId)2T3eFj, ol-Iqlarv9d bv the solid ~e,,I -NP -ell sbed. -9 1 r, F, cccled in !-Lull n.- he c -v 3 t ~~i- A L: '3 Cn The are given d o ma In r~: - t', A0CFq3ICN 11R., AP5016128 1 e t n relation to the crystal syn-duet-ries in the paraelectric and r i c states. The thicimesses of t~-~ in '-:-PC4 were 3,--M-!;1z3 9 of differ--nt J.- masFe:: ~41 e C-1:1 '.~F~3 tO bP- 070~)r, -I- I, C --me S a-nd 'to be 2.7 kr, s s e s o f -10 mi C C. T-1 r KAn z i g ( "FerroeIl -:)c I ty ~i3 #-jere in good T..X11t.,114 H.,eA;~Zig and Y,3 r z a b-I e. L~~ 1 ON n ane EXC L CC -,,,E Ss C)IO KOMIK., V.A.;., GA'lFlJXStj, N.D. Faperimantal study of -the pyroalectric effect In ferroelectric erptals. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.110969-IcM N 165. (WPA 18-11) J.. Fizichaskiy fakulstet Moskovskogo gnsudar6tvennogo url- versiteta. -C~ /,r. /oo A6 /ooO r y-, ta 1-11 z a t i o-6--from -fo- Ak arnet, taiL,zation synthctic material = seffid- co-in(lum mlca , , . , p , , til-anate, tungs.ate JAO~r!~UCT, A symposium Gn crystallization from solutions and -,I--lts was held in 7~ 7 Marcn 15-17. One hundred ",mbem from --u1,:-Rr,a , -'Pr-Lar~y, Poland, qrld Czechoslovakia read. Th3 papers fell into six basic groupst ge eral questions oh t t he,) ry and method, -Istailix-Rtion --orundum single crystals I 'ml~-a frcm solutions and )f Farpats, 3pthe.5~s of somac anil k r~I-j t-In aV49 's. d' A. A. L 6c,969=6 A-MMION NRt AP5018615 14. Klebar (E. Germany), ev (Bulgaria), N. P. Luzhina, Z. S. M jKat~jh edvedova, and A. or,,unuv alA A. 5. ~Itq 'U'A ~!. W&I rla- -ak 100 sqfyii,"~ Or for -L. -ow5-Z? ACC NRt AP6015500 aries of the cr-jstallites of the ceramic. In antiferroelectrics of this type, the ab.' sorption anomaly is related to the spatial polarization vector which plays the role oi- an order-disorder parameter; in the antifermelectric phase it defines the dipole superstructiuv and turns to zero above the Curie point. The anomaly of sound absorp- tion is related to increased relaxation time of this parameter near the phase transi- tion temperature of second order. Specimens of the ceramic were made available by V_._ A. I~uMv. L. A. Shuyaloy assisted in the investigation of sound absorption at low frequencies of the order of 50 to 100 kilocycles per second. Orig. art. hasi 2 figuxes. CODE: 20/ SLMM DATE: OODec65/ ORIG REF: 019/ OTH REF: 001 2/2 d-, ACC NRI APr/005332 SOURCE CODE: -AUTHOR; Krasnikova, A. Yao;Koptsik-, V.*X.; Strukov, B. A.; Van Min ORG: bloacow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstven.W univer- sitet) TITLE:. Dielectric and optical investigations of the irreversible ferroelectric phase transition in crystals of potassium SOURCE: Fizika.tverdogo tela, v. 9. no. 1, 1967, 116-221 TOPIC TAGS: potassium compound, ferroelectricityp phase transition, dielectric con- stant, electric polarization, double refraction. ABSTRACT: The authors carried but precision measurements of the dielectric constant, polarization, and the coercive field, ~nd also investigaitions of birefrinC,;P_nce of tetragonal potassium ferrocyanide crystals in the temperature interval -10 - -70C. The apparatus used for the investigations is described elsewhere (PTE no. 1, 183, 15,051'and earlier). All the electric and optical properties exhibited anomalies near the ferroelectric phase transition point at -55.6C. For the tetragonal crystals tested, the irreversible transition is accompanied by spontaneous polarization along the [1011 and (1011 directions, with values 1 and 0.75 microcoulomb/cm2 respectively. it was also observed that in crystals with small angler, between the optical axes irreversible transitions are observed at temperatures that increase with increasing angle between the optical axes. Comparison of the results with nuclear magnetic res- U19/0181/67/009/01/0116/0121 Ccwd 1/2 ACC NRs AW005332 onance and other tests made on these crystals leads to the conclusion that a probable connection exists between the physical properties and the fact that as a rule a potassium ferrocyanide-cr,/stal does not crystallize with any one distinct structure, but all its structural types crystallize simultaneously so that it is difficult to establish the limits governing the crystallization conditions of any particular modi- fication. Me authors thank G. S. Zhdanav and M. M. Umanskiy for a discussion of the results. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CME. 201 SUBM.DATE: ~6my"l ORIG HEF: 006/ OTH REF: 003 L'Card. 2/2 ACC NRt /V SOURCE CODE: UR/oo78/67/012/001/0062/0067 AP7006229 AUTHOR: Rashkovicho L. N.; Koptsik, V. A.; Volkova, Ye. N.; lzrailenko, A. N.; Plaks, E. M. ORG: Physics Department, Moscow State University (Fizicheskiy fakul'tot, Moskovakiyl gosudarstvannyy universitet) TITLE: Some properties of aqueous solutions of Nff4H2P04 and N4jD~P04 SOURCES Zhurnal noorganichookoy khimiip v. 120 no. 1p 1967, 62-67 TOPIC TAGS: a=oni= phosphatep deuterium comDound, deuterium oxide ABSTRACT: The solubility of N14H2PQ4 (AD?) and 041~ZP04 (D-ADF) and the density, refractive index and conductance of their aqueous solutions were studied in order to make use of the corresponding concentration and temperature relationshiDs for the control of the crystallization process. The deuterated compound was prepared by successive crystallizations of ADF from heavy water. The solubility of ADF and D-ADF was found to be linearly related to the temperature: o = 26.21 + 0.4463 t, and the solubility of D-AD? in 1~0 surpasses that of ADP in H20 by about 8%. A plot of the density of the AD? and D-AD? solutions varsus their concentration gave a linear dependence. The refractive index data are described by the linear relationships NADP = 1.3309 + 0 0013801 ND-ADp= 1-3285 +'0:00138c. nrd 1/2 UDGt 546-39'115-!j-8~4-1 V05"-39'ji.2#185--3&--1-O4---- XOPTSIOVSKATA, L.S.; PRMPAYWVSWA, I.S. Westmont of paritonitte by Intra-1mritoneal administration of penicillin. Sovet. mod. 16 no. ?:8-9 July 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Candidate Medical Scle=ss for Koptsinovskaya. 2. Of Moscow Municipal Scientific-Research Institute for First Aid Iment, K. 11. Sklifonovskiy (Director -- R. T. Nifontov; Read Physician -- Prof. B. A. Petrov). KOPTSIOVSKAYA, L.S,p; CHMOV, I.L. Activity of the propordin pptm In surgery on the abdcminal organs. Khirurgiia, no.IOSIU,-128 161. (KmA 14:10) 1. 1w 4-7 khirurgiabookoy kliniki (zave - prof* P.I. Amdronov) Homkovskogo gorodskogo nauohno-ioeledovatellskogo instituta skoroy pamoshohi imeni W.V. Sklifosovskogo (dir. - zasluzbenrqy vraeb USSR N.M. Tarasov, glavnyy kUkurg - oblen-korrespondent 99 SWR zaaluzbermyy dayatell nauki prof. B.A. Petrov) i TSentrallnogo ordena. Lenina institute, gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dayetvitellmyy chlen 201 SSSR prof. A.A. Raffdasarov [deceased]). (ABDMM-4URGM) (PROPERDIN ImmovamA, R.S. Fml-"~-V x "" W-mww- Role of diatbormoceaVdation of the sclera, In dUsclar&I extraction of foreign bodies. Test. aft*, Moskva 33 noe'l: 27-29 Jan-Feb 1954. (CIM 25:5) L Candidate Madima Soleam, 20 of Ow State Solentiflo- Research Institute of Itra ZU"som timent Gollugollts. 1. it it 10 a 34 16 It A M 11 v 11 It 16 k It Is A a J_ a h -P 'v ''I LLA JPA IIIII.VC K 4 A lit ..0 _-Wit !.so M&ktp4 parts of chottilkal apparatus from nonmetallic materialc 7, No. 2, 49-;~p-b%wQc*&nd fibroui coijilm,. such X *0 la's Ihl~v ciallig. alibestoli have a tin. of valuable physicul, 3 1011.1 jillylikINIM-Ch. p4llI1CFtill4 *hiCI1 111.411.1 1144kc IIwm 11ii.114v fiw ww Ili chem. slip., nith.rutch IN ir I, it,. 11111VI-tAly ApplivAldc 11tairliA. A lisily 0 th-e iiew ,itticitsial II&AIrriA6 Awl ,( vltrioti, ittAittific toicili4ill, And tcehiiiijur.4 has led tit the cunclu,ion Owl I)Aft% for chrin. h ( e fuwfc ruin 11taltitetallic Illatetial. by pre-ille. %~WAll ol -cunt materiAls k lit li l l1 l l s. o e. i a-, gnop e. quart It g , CIM"Jite. ceramic anti lit part other itructural istamactallic MAI~rial, Ikvuld be itstrikitived a% %ish%titut" for ~arvvaml 4 0I v KIWI I,Ivr m "Atri"Ill 111VIAS Anti Alloy I CO.,. I'vvili(app. nated-ds flud,.quiAll ow lit the bA,Iv Owill. ill - In their 1111111C.11 %liv, (hey 4111)11111 fintl III$. idtc,l tt%c lit the proiluctinn tit clicitt. trAccullt, rare tie. !i : I vitt, and Ili the pharin4crutli-al indnofy. Z. it. 418 It* WALLURCKAt 1,11111411AF CLASWCAMP -74b U It A' ;l3i is; 1 9 IN If it It IN aa w IS of It it 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 410 0 0 6 * 0 610 a 0 0 a a 0 a a 0 O's a 0 Uz- 7-r. .1-3- a 5 it K "a r) 1 14 S 1) w 0 0 a o 0 *Is a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 010 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 -00 tee too its 0 Ye.O.; aTROPAVLOVSKAYA,, G.A.; KOFTSIOVSKA.U, R.S. SAKSONOVA, --~ UBO of andaXin in cataract extraction. Uch. zap. GNII glas. bol. no.8:109-112163. (Mk 16:9) 1. Gosudaretvannyy uschno-issledovatellskiy institut glazriykh bolezney imeni, Gillmgolltsa. (~JEPROBAMJTE) (CATARACT) KOPTSOV, A.M. (s. Rogozikha, Altayakiy kr8y) Taking brief notes of the conditions of certain problems. Xat. v ahkole no. 4:54-55 Jl-,Ag 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Arithmetic--Problems, exerciaes.etc.) KOPTSOV, G.P. In the *Cotton" pavillion. Tekst.prow. 16 no-7:53-54 JI 156. (NLU q: 8) 1. Gl&vW inshener pavil8ona 'Malopoe V"soyusnoy prowqvhlen- noy vestavki. (Cotton mnufacture-fthibitions) KOPTSOV, G.P., inzh. "Shuttle trains" used In textile mills. Isobr.v SSSR 3 no.1:11 Ja 158. (Spinning machinery) (MIRA 11:1) XOFTSOV. G.P.; SHOMOLN9 A.F. The IghDV-tYpe cotton fiber-extracting machine. Biul. tekh.-ekDn. inform. noo3s49-50 158s (MIRA.11:6) (Cotton machinery) KOPTSOV, G.P.; SHOMOLEV, A.F. The SKZ-3 automatic silk-fiber reeling machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. nce5:40-41 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Real@ (Textile machinery)) KOPTSOVv G.P. Good book about carding machines ("Cotton cEwding machinesff bv N.I.Zo.lotarevp G*A,&,milov. Reviewed by K.P.Koptgov). Tekst. prom. 21 no.3:81 Mr 161. - (MIRA 14:3) (Carding machines) (Zolotarev,N.I.) ErmilovpG.A.) KOFTSOV 0 p imb. Been at Us British Comercial and Industrial Exhibition. Tekst. prom. 21 no.9.*78-79 S 161. OMA 14--10) Obscow-Exhibitions) (Great Britain-Textile machines) SOV/28-58-5-22/37 AUTHORs Kalabukhav N.D. and Lo~ Engineers TITLE: Some Requirements for Technical Blueprints (Nekotoryye trebovavlya k tekhniaheskoy dokumentataii) PERIODICALt Standartizateiyaq 19589 Nr 5, pp 65 - 68 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author discusses the confusion which at present exists in the drawing up of technical blueprints, due to a lack of proper and unified standards. He advocates the stan- dardization of requirements relating to technical blue- prints and discusses methods of designating components and products, reproducing blueprints, etc. 1. Drafting--Standards Card 1/1 High frequency R-C oscillator using transistors. Radiotekh. I elektron. 1 no,,11:1413-1418 N '56, (KLRA 10:1) 1, Fisicheskly fakul'tet Nookovokogo gosudarst"nnogo universitata. (Oscillators, Transistor) EPTSOV, N.-"IIWIIN, S. ---- -L-7 Who to responsible for the output of defective pipes? WO no.9:59 3 159. (MIRA 13--l) 1. Predsedatell soveta Asuchno-tekhnicheskogo obahcbestva 2-go Gosuds,rutyannogo podsh1pnikovogo zavada (for Koptsov). 2. UcherVy askratarl soveta Nauchno-takhnichookogo obahchestva 2-go Gnsudarstyennogo-podship,nikovogo savoda (for Zhurin). (Ural Mountain region-Pipe) ZUB, K.Ya.; BOCHAROV, V.I.; KHASAY, V.P., inzhj.-KOg"NpS-'- KODINTSEV, I.; STANISLAVCHUK, P.F.; JIRW.LRJ le.; SIDOROV, N.I., insh. red.; USENKO, L.A., tekhn. red. (The VL60 electric locomotive] Elektrovoz VL60; instruktaion- naia kniga. Moskva, Tranasheldorizdat, 1963. 250 p. (mim 16:8) 1. Novocherkasakiy elektrovozostroitelln savod. (Electric locomotv,987 KOZENKO, A.B.; ZONTOVO A.K.; jgZCEQY, V.S.- FROLOV, A.V., red.; ZAGC~,KINA, G.V., red.; SHENDAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Automated continuous production line for the manufacture of fiberboards]AvtomatisirovmLnnaia potochnaia lintla dlia pro- 12vodstva fibrolitovykh plit. Moskva, TSentr. in-t tekhn. informataii i skon. issl. po lesnoi, bumashnoi i derevoobra- batyvaiushchei promyshl., 1962. 68 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Fiberboard) (Assembly-line methods) BAWLYEV., Boris Fodoro,i0i, dots-: CHUDINOVA, Izlda Mikhaylovyna; KOFTSOVA,,3~,,,., -red. ... M___ [Siberian Ileavy Machinory Plant of the Order of the Ivid Banner of Labor] 0-denonosnyi I'Sibtiazhmash.ll Kraf3nr,- larsk, Krasnolursloe knizhnoe lzd-vcl, 1964. 85 p. (MI-RA _18:9) 0 0-4 a S 0 ofl E " no Ag His S Sam c c OPI U. ill P OU 2, Do I POOL 3081--2gi- W"O V: hjbi Jim .401 i.8. ~-M~ im !33 13 0 I MAHO Z - j 0-.-. J..O.Mil jo ftZ rift ilh 12 U.-I-00HO 141~ Bit 1:0 00=4 M IVH 1 6.a I.. .a U 0 0 OU g. uo -0u 0 00 .0 r. K 1,V 0 c c , flu A, 0 .00 Oc :.65 0 Oi J i J : . ir r I A YEVLASHIII, L.S.; KOWSOVA, Ye.V. Some practical methods for the spectrun analysis of tin bronzes. Fizesbor. no.4:429-432 158. (MIRK 12:5) 1. Kirovskiv zavod, gor. Chelyabinsk. (Bronze--Spectra) XOPTWII. V.A.; MINAYNA, K.A.; VORONEDV, A.A.; SOLDVIYZV, A.F.; IZRAILCM, AJ*'; POPROVA, Te.G.; MZZOVA, G. I. Studying now piezoelectric crystals in small samples. Vest.Hosk.un. Ser,.mat.,mekh..aatron.,fis.,khim. 13 n0-6:91-98 158- (KrRA 12--4) 1. Kafedra kristallografil Moskovskogo gosudaretvennogo univereiteta. (Piezoelectric substances) KOPTY, A. D. 23416 AGROGIDROLOGIChESKIYo SVOYSTVA OBNOVNYRh POChVENNYKh TIPOV KAZAMSTANA. PochvovEDENiye, 1949, No. 7,, c. 394-99. SOt LETOPIS NO. 319 1949, FROLENKO, Yu.G.; KONOVAWV, V.A.; KOFTYAKOV, A.M. Automatic control of the speed of feeding band Baw unitS. Der. lirom. 12 no.3:13144 Nr 163. (KERA 16..5) (Band saws) (Automatic control) Kau, 8,4 inshener; LOPT I B.A., insbaner. Wooden span construction In building logging roads and railroads. Lem.prom.14 no.4:10-11 Ap 134. MRA 7:4) (Bridges, Wooden) KCPTYAYET, Boris Panteleymonovich; STRONGIN. T.L.. red.; BABICHEVA, T.T.. --' Econsunris guide on electrical appliances] Pokupoteliu o elektro- tovarakh I domashnikh mashinakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 79 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Household appliances, Ilectric) RHVEBTSOV. V.P.; LIDNEV. M.P.; SHILOV, V.I.; OSKINKIN, A.A.; LUMM. T.N.; KOPTTAY3VA, K*V. Investigating the quality of carbon stools made from pig irons containing boron. Ixw.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.11:49-58. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Urallskiy filial AN SWR. - (steel) BAR EVA, Nina Fidormal YHROMEVP Valentin Mikhaylovich; SIVOKONENKOp Igor' Mikbaylovich; KHOVANsKjyp Yuriy Mikhaylovichp- YAVLENSKUp Nonatantim Njko3Mevjch; SHCHERBUUVp Yu,A,.p inzh.p retsenzent; axwvo AoA*p Ooktor Ukbx*w&#,retv*1wxtj, SWg Z*Iop. ksoetakbme mmko rqts*mi*Aj-KQZU9EV, P F w-kW#**kbm.&auk,, waucbWy red.; CRWV* V.P.# Insh,p nauchWy red.; NIKITIU,, M.I.,, red.; TSAL, R*Kej, (Parts and elemests of gyroscopio instrments] Detali i elementy girookopicheskikh priborov. By N.F.Babaeva i dr. lAwingradp Sudpromgis, 1962. 497 p. (MM 15:5) (Ctyroscopic instruments) KOFTYAYEV, P.P. Two-action gyrocompass with electromagnetic correction and aperiodic reduction to the meridian. Vop. prikl. gir. no.2: 123-146 160, (MIRA 15:4) (Gyrocompass) KOPTYAYEVA V A - MiLLMYEVA, K.M.; IVANOV, N.N. Use of the K-160 oiling preparation in the rwindLng .of capron fibers. Khim.volok. no.5:59-60 162. (MIRA 15;11) 1. Klinskiy kombinat iskusstvannogo i sinteticheskogo volokna (for KoptyWva,, Malafeyeva). 2. Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna (for Ivanov). (Nylon) KOPTYAYF-VA, V.A.; KHARITONM, G.N.; TOLPYGINA, G.P. Experience with the KV-150-I4 high-speed twisting and spinning machine. Khim.volok, no.5:60-62 162. (MIRA 15:31) 1. Klinakiy kambinat iskusetvennogo i sinteticheakogo volokna. (Textile machinery) (Nylon) 'S001/62/000/024/040/052 YJF B104 1 6 AUTHORS: Vasillytvaq M. 9.0 Kss*rlna, T. P., lomarots. Yo. I.. Zheatkova, Yo. 1.9 Maslova, M. F., Smirnova, xvanov~ X.,N., Diktayeva, N. S. KO V. A. ptlayeva,' TITLE: Choio*,.,of now ailing agent for processing oapron in synthetic fiber plants it PERIODICAL: Referit'ivnyy shurnal. Khisiya, no. 24 (11), 19629 9479 abstract 20979 (Nauchno-Imelod. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t promm-sti. N.* lostekbisdat. 1960 (1962), 82-94 TEXT: On the basim'of thi results obtained In the testing of now Iling a agents the authors coamend that 205 - 4-5% of the type k-160 (-160) should be applied to the f1ber. The ailing agent consists of iio Vellosits 0(L)# L6% 1-4 (07-4) and.6% Stearoko-6. Twisting Is to be stabilised by low- essurs, steaming. [Abstractor's notet Complete P, t ranslatIon KOPTYUH, Jerzy, mgr inz. Devices informing about arrival and departure of trains, Przegl kolej elektrotech 11 no.10:249-253 0 164. KOPTYUG, V.A.; VOROZHTSOV, N.N,(pladsbiy), red.; SIIPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., ----red-..; OVCHIIINIKOVA, T.K.., tekhn. red. (Isomerization of aromatic compaundal Izorarizatsiia aro- maticheskikh soedinenii. Pod red. N.N.Vorozhtsova. Novo- sibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-mlia AN SSSR, 1963. 175 p. (~RA 17:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for' Vorozhts 0 '7 I.y The actlend aqueous w eyelnes Prad their M-subleth i tratived. N-.. 01 S.S.S.R. 91. 853-6419.53); cf. C.A. 48. 191~7y 0 The reaction of aq. HeINUt with (AryLvdIIIonyI)gIycines was investigated. PhSO~NRCHMH (6 g.) heated with 30'ove66.5 Mesph, Similarly puleciuO $HCH:C-O~H ttve 781 !cQff4SMe; bo OP, td heady quint. wMation, Col. Me( T16t Ood 50.21t 4144SOX . MfIl cave PhNfIv ,a ~-?-fcCtIf4S&fe- p-NfcC4HtSOjNHCIIMtCOAI at 271W sirai latly me 67% P-IMP-CtHcSlfc~ wbile 2-C%Hv-t SOsNHClbCO-R gave 68% ZCIIHO[e. M. We-l*. , Heat. ing 1.14 j. p4IeCcffSH with 10 mi. 220% aq. Me~j 13 hrs. a t NO 8707 p-&rcCgIf4Sqe;. similarly CASH 'jv~`CIUA,e. G. M. lapp.1 9.4e .59"Y'p ds 290910~ vc ~ - thlo ~ a by am : . ~A. dS~ ' ' '"1191: IRA:: ~Jjj - ki! C.A. $0, ~Wb. W 1