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teoretichaskoy i prikladnov ma~-znItnov izidrodinamike. 3dI 3: a V. 4. VZga Lza-.r,, ,,:t p 1 a sma boundary effect, pla3ma wave trqnst.-)rma~i3n, aagnecohydrodyliamic ABSTRACT: G. B. Field was the first to study the trans format tons of longitudinal plasma waves on the sharp plasma-vacuum boundary in the hydrodvnamic approximation 19~)6~ 124~ 555). The plasma was within a ?erpendicular ma;nctic fiel~i lldled by a wall. Consequently, in addittor to t,e continuil~y of =,_%_~aenrs of the electric and magnetic fie!J.3, ~,ne '~a,4 L..;e c)r 11 ~Irzp r -maI electric field component. A. t L a R ev 1960, 117, 2, 382) dropped the "hard vacuum" requirement and ddi6cussed, fv,-- zhe caae of no magnetic field, the wave transformation at the boundary betvoen Card 1/2 N 0 N. TO k>o L11 C 1+ USSR/Chemistry - Physical chemistry q,Cheml USS' F Card Card 1/1 Pub. 147 10/27 Authors Palatrdk, L. S.,- and Kontorovich, V. M. Author. s Title Analytical investigation of multi-component heterogeneous systems by the Title method of generalized law "of center of gravity(t. r-oriodical : Zhur. fi%. khim. 28/9, 1599-1614, Sep 1954 Ab,stroct : The development of an analytical, generalized center-of-gravity method for the study of multi-component heterogeneous systems, is announced. This method was found-to be mathematically quite simple and its application to concrete systems consists in actual calculation of the determinahts. The advantages of such analytical methods over geometrical methods are listed. Mass ratios for -ohases forming during crystallization processes of any given variance are presented. The various possible ways of the invariant process in relation the comnonent concentration in the basic solution, were discuss- ed. Four USSR references (1937-1954). Institution : The A. It. Gorkiy State University and the V. I. !Anin Polytechnicum, Kharkov Submdtted : December 21, 1953 I ~ -- - , - ` -, - *1 - - - --- -, '. r . - - '- . Category : USSR/Atomic and Molecular Phyiscs - Low-temperature Physics D-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2. 1957 No 3518 Author : Kontorovich,.~. last :-Vffy~sicote~haical Institute, Academy of Scineces Ukrainian SSR Title Effect of Rate of Flow of a Film of He II on its Thickness. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 4, 805 Abstract Taking into account the dependence, known from landau's theory, of the thermodynamic potential/Atof He II on the relative velocity of the components, the author writes down and integrates the equation of motion of the superfluid component in a film next to the wall (the notmal component is at reat). An expression is obtained for the de- pendence of the'film thicknes r on t4e speed Q-of liquid flo ov 1/3 w I 4 L = ( z) the film. It turns out that (Q) :A (0) (1 -q'), wher 0) is the thickness of the film at a height z at Q-= 0 (according to Frenkel;'P takes into account the Van-der-Waals interaction with the wall), and q (0). An estimate yields qr--10-1 2 _ 10- . Card 1/1 AUTHOR KONTOROVICH, V ITSKEVICH, E.S., PA - 2085 TITLE Heat Capacity of ructures at Low Temperatures (K teorii toploemkosti sloistykh struktur pri nizkikh tomperaturakh). FERIGOICAL Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, PP 175--177 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957 ABSTRACT Heat capacities of laminar and chain-lik* structures are not subjected to the DEB)M,-theorem C , (T/E))3 in the case of low temperatures, According to I.M.LIFSHITS the deviation from the T 3-rule,1,91- injWW&q`6:6fion ' ' 16u'~' with t~e special role of bending waves in such structures'. The" aho ma form of the dispersion law concerning bending waves leads to an anomalous temperature dependence of the energy of crystals. In the case of tempera- turea, at which interaction between the layers cannot be neglected, the following precise formula is obtained (l/A,)d/ds(Cs4)-s3d2/dsaln r(s)- s(s + 1) - 1/6. Thus it is easily possibleto tabulate heat capacity of laminar crystals in the'range of lowest tempei,atures (T 0. A constant and homogeneous effect of the wind is assumed and the Coriolis force is tl taken into account. The equations-of magnetohydrodynamics are obtained in the form: dtw dz2 - (b2 T- 120) w0; da 4Ea BjW. (2) i BW. (3) Here,' W V +iv j B + iB 1. + ij I a =Q siny y y x Card. 1/.7-,-- blagnotohydro.dynamio Orrebts .4 - 1~ - - B 16-4 1321 2 . 2 2 1 a a oha racteristic vertical flow scale in b B z*//I afl2 the absence of a magnetio fieldl b- I is a characteristic scale"related to the effects of electrodynamio and viscous forceal M - b(AY2) 2 B z is the Hartman number; Q is the angular velocity of the L Marth's rotationj in tht, geographical latitudel *1 is the dynamic*al, E turbulent viscosityl ~O a I/Q; the-upper sign in (1) belongs to the northern and the lower to the southern hemisphere. As is seen from (1 1(2)~ and 4 and j are xpre ed b w and satisfy Eq. (1) which possesses eitios: w,zAoDA 0 5) the under the boundary cond. n dw,7dz ZOO' j solutions w W exp z'z i (a + &'z)), (6) J! W U - T/,qlel, 2a = am c1g M', 7) eo+ie= Islet&= Y-W+Nal, s"">O, e>o. 21-566 S/02 61/137/003/015/030 Magnetohydrodynamic,:effecto ... Y B104 B214 At a place far away-from the equator, M 1 and the effect of the magnetic field on, the velocity is negligibly small. 'Then (6) goes over into the solution. w WO exp 18) az:~ i (n 4 + az)), Uo T la )/2. It ' shown that if avertical component of the magnetic field exists 6t the equatorp the velocity of the flow directed bythe wind shown, at the surface is equal to that in the depth of the sea. As is the finite * depth of the sea must be -taken into account in the usual hydxo-: dynamics. From the solutions (6) and (8) for w the author derives the V solutions 2 Mae W exp a12 i (2a + a-z)), 41to TO, (9) T1 I a (9) and JR Roo We exp az i (n 2 + az)), (10) (10) Card 21566 Magnetohydrodynamic effects... S/020/61/137/003/015/030 B104/B214 for the magnetic field by using (2). From thede solutions it is seen that in the sea currents caused by the wind an additionai hori' zontal magnotic -field is produced. This magnetic directed at 900 to the right of the direction of the wind in the northern hemisphere and by the same amount to the left of the wind direction in the'southern hemisphere. An expression for the current orthogonal to the velocity is obtained from Eq (3) with the help of (8). This iS; j=JOexp(-az�I( ~14+az% JO=GB,UO1c. (12) (12). -8 2 For U 20 ce/sec, J 10 a/cm ~In the following the magnetohydro- .0 0 dynamic effects for low-frequency oscillation large scale are discussed. The -author assumes dfi-, >> %P"cj - 41 fic~ W, r- 108 cps, -12 u and G) r0 10 bps for the sea). bscillations corresponding to the -Alfv4n' wuaves and slow sound waves are',damped in the usual~skin depth. hiagnetohydrodynamio effects... S/020/61/137/003/015/030 B104/B214 k 2/(41 _ - ;' .. The equation 14kd/.2Cj holds,for the dispersion of these branches.~' For the displirsion of fast Magnetoacoustic waves atd- oo the following relation holds: %into Cos 0 (kB) Ot S, Ct kB (14) 4 Here, a is the velocity of sound in,the seal u the Alfv6n velocity the wave vector; 6j the frequency at whiah the wave-length of the acoustic wave in the,sea is equal to that of the electromagnetic:wave. The most interesting is the region. N - to for the coupling of the field, amplitudes in an infrasound Fave the following relation is given: a in B sin OC 'N H TO I + 1w wo E sin OC 2E � Bs 0.1+iW1&)'P$ v ti sin 0 (Ix, h), x], sin 0 Cx, h). Card- 5/7 (x Ps) P" 21566 Magnetohydrodynamic effects... S/020/61/137/003/015/030 B104/B214 This yields for the infrasound waves in a magnetic field on account of t~m conductivity the expression: 60 U11 C2: Im kOr sT TR-5 i + (w w,), Next a peculiar effect is briefly described. When an infraeound wave is incident on the interface between water and air (from whatever dired- "tion), besides the reflected and refracted sounds there are produced also damped electromagnetic waves in and above the water. All these waves -are also produc6d on the incidence of electromagnetic waves. For certain: angles of incidence which follow from Snellius' law, the waves formed on the sea are surface waves and are propagated along the surface with a velocity which is almost equal to the horizontal-component of the velocity of sound. There are 6,reforenoes: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Sovie't- bloc. Card 6/7 21566 Magnotohydrodynamic effects... S/020/61/137/003/015/030 B104/B214 ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiniki i elektroniki Akademii nauk USSR (Institut* of Radiophysios and Electronics, Academy of Soi*nces UkrSSR) PRESENTED: October 22, 1960, by I. V. Obreimov, Aoadmician SUBMITTED: Ootober 21, 1960 Card 7/7 s/14i/63/oo6/9011002/018 -192/E382. AUTHORS; -~'.konto:rovich,'.V*M_.' and Tishchenko, X.A. TXTLE: Cnveirsi~n. Of- a'co'uatic'-and electroma~hetic~waves on the boundary of-an elastic-conductor in a magnetic fiqld PERIODICAL- Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizilca,' v. 6, no. X# 1963, 24 35 T=,: The impact of an electromagnetic wave on the boundary of a conductor situated in a magnetic fizld excites electromagnetic as well as acoustic vraves. The latter are due to the action of the -Lorentz forco. acting from the external magnetic field on the current flowing in the conductor. In turn, the acoustic wave impinging on the boundary induces electromagnetic waves. A problem of this type was considered by the authors in an*earlier paper (ZhETF, 410 1195, 1961). Here, it is investigated for the case of an isotropic conducting elastic semispace. It is assumed, that the skin layer.and the length of the sound wave are much longer than the electron-free path so that the conversion of the acoustic and electromagnetic waves can be regarded as a special case of ,-,,Card. 1/3 s/lIa/63/006/001/002/W Conversion of F,192/E,382 reflection land refraction~~of magnotoelastir, Waves. The hydro magnetic coupling 'is If Oak so that'. u2 /52 u a2AW and the frequency range is restricted to: (2) cle 0 U Uu wh ere o, is the conducti ity, c is the permittivity, 5 and s are the velocities .of the Vtransverse and longitudinal soun~r Waves,- 1 respectively, 11 is. the2ext ernal magnetic fi.eld, u is the Alfven velocity, w = 2~rda /a which is the frequency at which the length of thse longitudinal acoustic Wave Xe = 2-%Ys/w is equal to the length of the. electromagnetic wave in the material, 71 23% c/ 4wau and w =; 4-Tro, u 2/02 Under these conditions u there exist, five types, of wave in the conductor: two. modified electromagnetic waves - the 'so-called Alfven wave and, a slow magnatid-acoustic wave and three modified acoustic waves (one Card 2/3 ACCESSION XR: AP4017034. S/0141/63/006/006/1129/li39 AUTHORS: Kontorovich, V. Kutik, N. ~W. 4 TITLE: Plutual conversion of waves on a plasma boundary in a mag- netic field SOURCE: IVUZ- Radiofizika, v. 6, no. 6* 1963* 1129-11319* TOPIC TAGS: plasma, electromagnetic waves in plasma, plasma wave 0 impedance, plasma, wave impedance matching, plasma wave conversion, mutual plasma wave conversion, plasma boundary wave conversion, plasma wave resonance ABSTRACT: The mutual conversion of longitudinal and transverse waves on an abrupt plasma boundary is considered in a weak magnetia .field which is arbitrarily oriented relative to the boundary. The purpose of the research is to ascertain whether a narrow and sharp resonance, corresponding to matching of the wave impedances, is ob- served in this case in analogy with the mutual conversion of electro- magnetic and sound waves (B. M. Kontorovich and A. M. Glutsyuk,' ZhETF v. 41, 1195, 1961). A characteristic maximum of the angul4r Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017034 dependences of the conversion coefficient is found to exist and the frequency dependences ofits position, height, and width are inves- tigated, particularly in the resonance region. It is shown that in vacuum without a magnetic field all the conversion coefficients I vanish, but. the turning on of even a weak field makes wave conver- sion possible because of the appearance of- transverse field compo- nents in the plasma wave. The authors are grateful to V. K. Yakoven- ko for useful discussions." Orig. art.. has: 2 figures And#27 for- mulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AK*UkrSSR (Insti- tute of Radiophysics and Electronics, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 18Dec62 DATE ACQ: 18Kar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF'SOVs* 009 OTHERs 002 Card 2/2 KONTOROVIGH, V.M. Elasticity theory equations, and the dispersion of sound in metals. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.5:1638-10'53 N 163. (MIRA 33:1) 1. Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AN UkrSSR. NRi AP4024480 S/0141/64/007/001/0181/0182 AUTHORS: Kontorovich, V. M.; Chernyak, G. Ye. TITLE: Line strength of magnetic-dipole transition in the hyperfine structure of the atom SOURCE: ~IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 7, no. 1, 1964, 181-182 TOPIC TAGS: atomic spectrum, hyperfine structure, magnetic dipole ~.ransition, line strength, hydrogen, deuterium, nitrogen 14, spon- tancous transition, interstellar mediumt radioastronofny, nitrogen concentration, interstellar nitrogen concentration ABSTRACT: After pointing out that the line strength given by.I. S. Shklovskiy (Kosmicheskoye radioizlucheniye, GITTL, M., 1956, Ch. 4) leads in the case of nitrogen to appreciable disparity with the cor- rect results, the auth rs recalculate the line strength for hydro- N genff deuterium, and N The lines in question describe spontaneous Card 1/3 !ACCESSION NR: AP4024480 Itransitions between c6mponents of the hyperfine structure of atoms in the interstellar media, and are of importance to radio astrononWe The calculations show that the accumulation time for the nitrogen line is about one order of magnitude larger than indicated )~y t,Sliklovskiy. However, should the real nitrogen concentration be .;,larger than presently assumed, the results might change. "The :authors are grateful to S. Ya. Brailde and I. S. Shklovskiy for use- 'ful discuss-ions." Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 1 table. 1ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AN UkrSSR (Insti- ~!tute of Radiophysics and Electronics, AN UkrSSR) iSUBMITTEDs 22Apr63 DATE ACQ.- 15Apr64 BNCLj 01 tSUB CODE: PH, AS Card UR REF SOV& 002 OTHER: 005 ------ ACCESSION NR: AP4024460 2 3 4 5 21 C.U 3 3 9 1,6 5.3 A-iot N14 1, 1,-47- 14 60 ~2!2 9.14 13:43 30 ENCLOSURE 01 Line strengths for hydrogen, douteriump and N" as obtained in.this work and as given elsewhere 1 - Element, 2 -.5,2ransItiona, 3 - Wavelength, 4 - by formula (3), 5 - by rot. (33# 4-5 Line strength, 6 4drogen, 7 Deuterium - Nitrogen Card 3/3 DG ES JW ACCESSION N-1q: AF50=37 AUTHOR: Giterman, M. Sh.; KpntorPvizh, V. X. TIMED Effect of spatial dispersion on the propagation and scattering of wayes nea~r the critical point SOURCZ: Zhurnal eksperimental.'noy i teoretticheskoy fizilki, Y. 47, no. 0, 19641 21,14-2i4g TOPIC TAGS: wave nropagation, w-exe scattering, sound propagation, second order Ph,4ze transition, thermodynamic critical paint-, thermadyna--Lic function ARSTP-ACT. 11'he.general theorro-4-fluctuatioa of hydrod~mw-ic quantities is ex- tended to include the case of media with spantial dispersion and is used to deter- ni 'is sion an' m ine the characterist.5-cs of the zleer. and scattered fields (a. per absorp- tion of wwies, extinction coefficient of ligh-,, intens,'ty of the r- luoin, and a-,hers). These che-racteris-L'ics- can be used in connection with ex;)crirrientel studies of the critical transition in media, and their lu-Lowledge has become irmortant in viewr of poss."ble 1oga.-i4tj,,rjic of the snecific heat, -which can exist near the critical po-zn-,. -,he zoan-ection between the density Cord 2 SUB CODE: TI) ixkw sov: o16 Ccrd --2/2; qrm: oo4 ACCESSION NR:' AP5013897 V .111 Kontorovich, V. M.; Tsuke rnik TITU: State of an electromagnet~ic fie Lt ~iel~ with a defin' e field strength ,SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesk-oy fiziki, v. 118, no. 5, 1965, 1386-1392 iTOPIC TAGS: 'electromagnetic field, field state, field intensity-------:-,. A value. waze -Eib-d- cs*-------~:-.-:-,--- ynami -e a ABSTRACT: Since a free:~ 1e tmmagzrietic rield can be described in tum. theory either by giving the photon occupation numbers or ~quan4l by z-i ving the fi-eld strength, the authors consider the problem of finding states of the electromagnetic field In which the electrical or the magnetic field strength has a well defined value. The states of inter\ost are those in which the field st--enwth is wiveri in all of space at one particular time, so that a complefe set of the values c,f the electricall (or magnetic) field strength can be chosen in all ,Card 1/2, L 61502-65 ;ACCESSION NR: AP5013897 points of space. The probability distribution is obtained for the different photon occupation numbers in states wl~h~ well defined field strengths. It is noted t~;a~ "-c- ~7.IsFior. process- aureate the field are statistically _1n,Jeper,,:1-.,-..t_, ,hp photons have a Poisson distribution, t,,)' 'n -a7'e occurs only for a :-umte rs. 77he probabillty `-r states with de- ne-4 7o_Enetic field strengths are obtained ty analogy. The solutions can be applied to any real Bose field, for example phoons 3P_1- -waves. Original article has: 22 formula,- ASS-3CTATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrain- s k o -v S SRI ~'.,atjtute of Radlophysics and Electroalca- AcadQ in mv of q T Tltr SSR); Fiziko-tekhniche ski:,, !,-ist' a;-k Uk r a ir~- ~hyBl- nj.. 0V I Card L 222M= JXT(CZ) -ACC NR. AP6007639 SOURCE CODE: UR/0141/46/009100110145/0166~,--~;. AWMOR: Vigdorchik, V.. 1. Konto 0RG__ Listitute bf -Ra ovb"ide:, d;L A elektrdniU~ AN,M T1TLJ,_ 2_0,dud- '4_cylind c ma etron. Mii IVUZ. Radiofizika.0 v. 9,' no. 1 1966, 155-166 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, electron cloud 1ABSTRACT: 'A nonlinear mechanism of compression of the electron cloud by the ~r-f field i in a surface -wave magnetron, is theoretically analyzed. Only the i amplitude" nonlinear mechanism that limits the- oscillations is taken into account;-_M_ ithe "phase" nonlinear effects connected with the electron velocity modulation' and ,,;responsible for the transfer of'onergy from the electrons to the alternating field ie. jCard Ila UDC: 621.385.64- -J ML Y, -66 -aa (1 AP6031990 AUTHOR: -Kontorovich V. M. SOURCE CODE: 5/0180192 W t5 ORG: Institute of Radig~~ics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences, UkvAinlan AAR (Instifut -radiofiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) TITLE. Influence of thermal expansion on the singularities of the kinetic coeffi-~--- cients at the Curie SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pislma.v redaktaiyuo Prilozheni,ye.. Y. 4, no. 5. 1966p 189-192 TOPIC TAGS: thermal expansionp Curie point, second order phase transition, ferro- magnetism, carrier scattering ABSTRACT: The author points out first that besides singularit-ies of the kinetic co- efficients near the second-order phase transition points and critical points, due to scattering of the carriers and connected with the mechanism of the phase transition and with the spectral structure responsible for the transition, there should also exist singularities that do not depend on the details of the scattering process and which are the consequence singularities of the thermodynamic mean values. He then considers a.'singularity resulting from the dependence of the carrier dispersion law on the lattice constant, and through it - owlng to the thermal expansion c-f the crys-, tal - on the temperature. Solution of the kinetic equation for the electron distri-'~' bution function yields an expression for the conductivity change connected with the Card 1/2 !ACCESSION NRz AR4014943 S/0271/63/000/012/AO47/AO47 ::SOURCE: RZh. Av'b., tole i"hisle takhnika, Abse IZA298 AUTHORs Kontorovioh, V. P. iTITLES Use of a transformer as a linear mixer !CITED SOURGEs Sbo nauchno-'Ookhn. inform. Azerb. in-t usuchno-takhns inf orm. Sere I 4vtomatika, i telemekhan., vy*p. 1. 1963, 6-14 ITOPIC. TAGS: mixer, linear mixer, transformer application !TRAITSLATION: The author considers the possibility of using s. transfomer with several primaries and a common secondary winding as a linear mixer oonnacted at thell ,output of the transformer of a multichannel tolemoto y ring systom with rrequone Isignal separation.. To exclude saturation, the primaries are connectod oppositoly Un paris with respect to the plate current. To reduce ihe parasitic plate modula- :tion arising because of the contact-between the windings, the channal input tubes jare Dentodes operating only on the sloping portion of the plate characteriatio. ;Experiments were carried out on the inutual effects of the channels and the par&- sitio* modulation f actor computed@ The transf ormer was loaded across a.-I equivalent !ACCESSION NH: AR~OY4iO iMpodance oorrespondi,3,6 to an Unwound interaction of three OhanA818 was atud KOBD-4 oable 3000 motors in length. Th9 turned Out to be 0*4%* F.B* ied, and the average noise signal ratio DATE Aqs 0qJaA64 SUB COM GN Was 00 ALIZADE, G.A.; KONMROVICH,,,Y,.P. Reliability of measurement apparatus for-field geophysical work. Izv,vyo.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.9:87-91 163. (MIRA 17s2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. M.Azizbekova. KONTOROVICH, V.P. Evaluating the reliability of a measurement. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 8 no.1:43-46 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Azerbaydzahsnkiy institut nefti i khimii imeni Azizbekova. Rekomendovana, kafedroy elektronikip avtomatiki, i telemekhaniki. KONTOROVICH, YA., handidat takhnichookikh nauk; MIROSMCHMO, I. ~, ~ - - - A low-tonn vessel for the local transport,of large cargoes of food wA Industr1al wrebandise. Mor.flot it no.5:19-22 My '56. (ma 9: 8) 1. Mntrallny7 usuchno-istledowatel'skly Institut skonomiki I skepluts.taii Yodnogo transport& (for Untorovich); 2. Mntral'Wy nauchno-iseledovatellekly Institut morskogo flota. 01*ighters) -r,U11iVNUV1L -1 Y * -SOVALOVA, A. A.--- M, . ., Corrodible Stability of Nitrogen Tarring of Iron Alloys; Works of the Moscow Aviation Technological Institute," Issue no. 4, Defense Industry Publ. House, Moscow, 1948. 1.5 Diatri 4EI \Xab%) to~;.r ltlun~nm 'And other solutions. 11 and 17 p Fri- KONTOROVICH, Yu. I., Cand Med Sci -- "Simple epiphora. Clin- ical, diagnostic, and therapeutic problems," Tomsk, 1961, (Tomsk State Med Inst) (KL, 8-61, 261) - 473 - Korr,OROVICII,-,~-I.-- . Method for lacrimal patenc7 test. Vent* oft. 74 nq,, :5~-55 061. IMIRA 14:4) I I ~JAORDUL ORGANS--D-TSFASIM) CHEREDITICHENKO, V.M., dotsent; XCIN T .) i Rare lesion of the eye caused by the oontento of an Aporia crataegi butterfly papa. Vest. oft. 76 no.1280-81 Ja-F'63. (MIRA :L6:6) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolezney (2av. - prof, N*79,Braunshteyn) Kharlkovskogo maditainakogo inst'uztae (MMIS) (Eylt-FOREIG.V BODIW) KONTOROVICH,jkq,P. -. Die casting of stator iron packs without previous joining, Lit, proizv. no.10:44-45 '0 163. (MIRA 16'.12) BANIN, A.Fe; KONTOROVICIly Z.L.; KRYLOV.. Yu.V. - Certain problems involved in the switching of petroleum pipelines, Neft. khoz. 42 no.2:514,-59 F 164o (MIRA 17:3) BANIN, A.P.; GOLUBNICIIIY, V.A. Depreciation standard for overall repairs of petroleum products pipelines. Transp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no. 3:31-37 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye po transportu I snabzheniyu neftlyu I nefteproduktami RSFSR. KONTOROVSK&Y,k. T.M. Exoerythrocytic infection in chicks Infected vith blood containing Plasmadium gallinaceum and treated vith acrichine. Med. parsnit.. Moskva no.1.53-54 Jan-lFeb 195j. (CIXL 24:4) 1. Of the Institute of Malaria and Medical Parasitology of the Ministry of Public Health Ukrainian SSR (Director of Institute -- 1. A. Demchenko). OVCHINNIKOV, K.M.; HORMVSKATA. M.I.; TISHCHINKO. 0.D.; DUCHOKO, I.A., direktor; HAXOCHIT. S.3.; GORMSHETA. I.I.; BILISKATA, M.K.; KONTOROVMTA T.M.; F-UL4.4" BZLTY, Ta.M., 2&veduyushchiv; DNZVNKO, V.I.; .8-w-chly; D'YACE3NKO. V.I.; UKOVIGH, T.K.; AGA70NOV, I.N., zaveduyushchiy; BAFAMILI- NAYA, P. S . Prognosis of malarial Incidence of a locality and organization of antimalari- al measures In the xone of the future Kalchovka reservoir. Med.paras. I pa- raz.bol. no.2:109-116 Nr-Ap '53. (MLRA 6:6) 1. Ukrainskiy institut =Jvaril I meditsinskoy parazitologii imeni profes- sors, Rabashkina, (for Demehenko). 2. Zaporothakaya oblastnaya protivomalya- riynaya stantsiva (for Bely7). 1. Dneoropetrovskaya oblastnaya protivnmalya- riynaya atantstya (for Shevchuk). 4. hersonskaya oblastnays. protivomalya- riynaya atantsiya (for AVdonov). (Eakhovka reservoir region--Malarial fever) (YAlartal fever--Kakhoom renervoir region) TOROPOVA, M.N.; KOLDAY36YA, V.D.; XON~OROVSKAYA. T.M. ,J~athohiotological changes in experimental malaria in chicim infected with blood and P.gallivaceum sporosiotes. Med.psraz. t parez.bolo supplement to no.1:33 157- (MIRA 11:1) 1. Is Ukrainskogo instituts malyarii i meditstuakoy perazitologii t f6entrelincy poikhousyrologicbeekoy bolinitsy Ministeratvs puter soobshchenlya (KAIARIAL FIVIR IN BIRDS) KONTOROVSKATA, T.M.; BEMOVICH, B.I.; 3ARKOVICH, Ye.I. Congenital malaria. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 27 no.4:491 JI-Ag 158. (KIM 12:2) 1. Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta mlyarii I sedl- t3inskoy parazitologil imeni prof. V.Ta. Fabashkina, Reniyakogo rodillnogo don I Renivokoy rayonnoy malyariynoy atantaii. NALARIA, epidemiology. congen., In Rusia (Rue)) EDNTOROVSXAYA T.K.- BELISKAYA, M.K.; ARTYUMH, L.G.; GRETSEISHTMN, I.K. Synanthrople f1les and their control in a rural populated center In ]b v Province. Ked.paraz- I paras.bol. 27 no.6:731-732 N-V'158. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-losledovatellskogo instituta malyarli I meditaiiDskoy parasitologii Iment prof. V.Ta. Rubashkina. (WARMY PROVINCZ-FLIES) Effects of spheroldhAtion on mechanical I N UU Iry-rallovT almov'040. ~Ss$. $'e Cbemical Abst. soylm. Z1, No. 4.. 2).-EffetU oll' ts ~ ec of spheroidization, resulting from can- Vol. 48 No- 4 tinuous exp t high tentp. of tempered and nortualized olure 0 Feb. 25, 1954 (at 90WO-1 low-C and )ow-?,In steels, am reported. t4etallurgy and Metallography FT- 1',,- 7,- , 1,77 'F TZ 2. S (600) Creco of Metals 7. Autcmatizv~-Ion ,-f Mi-.c IP-2 TY-e machines fdr the st.~~riy -of crew-,,p In riet:i1s, V'-~~s. 718811. 33 No. 2, 19153. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. /,-r /-r J--. Subject USSR/Engineering AID F - 679 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 14/24 Author Kontorovskiy, A. Z., Eng. Title Changes of structure and properties of metal in the process of operation in high-pressure steam power stations Periodical Energetik A) 7, 23-26, J1 1954 .9 Abstract' Discussion of the rewlts of various mechanical tests and chemical and metallographic analyses of steel subjected to long service at high pressure and temperature In boilers, turbines and piping. Specific attention Is given to structural recrystallization, transformation of solid solu- tion of molybdenum*and maganese to carbides, apheroidiza- tion of perlite and increase of remaining deformation. 10 microphotograph3, 5 tables. Institution : None Submitted : No date K01,11TOROV-SM, A. Z. KONTOROV3KIY, A. Z.: "Ch.,nges in the structure and properties of metal during exploitation of hieh-pressure boiler equipment". MoscmT, 1955. Min Electric Power Stations USSR. All-Union Order of Labor Red Banner Heat Engineering Sci Res Inst :Lmeni F. E. Dzerzhinskly. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science.) 50; Knizhnava Letonis! No* 50 10 December 1955- Mosco',y- - -- -- - IT-4a .' ,V j . KONTOROVSKIY, A.Z., Inzhener; RATNER, A.V., kandidat tekhnicheek-ikh nauk. - - - I -Ml~ Observing the condition of metal of high-pressure pipe lines, Elek, ata, 26 no.1:50-52 A 055. (MLRA 8:3) (Steam power plants)(Pipe, Steel) AUTHOR: Lic ciences. Tee Kontorovskiy A.Z., Candidate of S * # A - TITLE: - ------- 4 71- s A procedure for investigating rap tisa ion and 9 evaluation of the degree of its development. (Metodika issledovaniTa grafitizatsii i otsenka stepeni ee razvitiya.) PERIODICAL: "Teploenergetikall (Thermal Power), 1957, Vol.4, No.?, pp. 57 - 59. ABSTRACT: After the bursting of a steam pipe in the Springdale (USA) power station in 1943 a study began to be made of the effect of graphitisation in low carbon and low alloy boiler steel. ThejApes burst because of the formation of large inclusions of graph- ite and util this time graphitisation of low carbon steel was considered very unlike3,7. Subsequent investigations carried out in the Scviet Union by N.V. Ultyanova,, V.I. Prosvirin and others, and abroad, established that graphite formation could occur under certain conditions. The addition of 0.5% molybdenum to the steel retards graphitisation. Now Card 1/4 types of steel were developed which are also alloyed with 0.5 - 1% of chromium, which appear to be very stable iri'; In respect to graphitisation. A procedure for investigating graphitisation and evaluation of the degree of its development. (Cont.) 96-7-14/25 Special instructions were-laid down by the Ministry of P*ower Stations concerning observation of the behav- iour of metal in service. These prodded for the first inspection after 15 000 hours and then every 3 years. Provision was made for a special commission when graphitisation was,found and rules were laid down about sampling, No cases of graphitisation were found in Soviet Powerstations up to 1954- However, recently, graphitisation has been discovered in three power stations. It has, thezefore, become necessary to de- velop special,procedures for determining graphite in steel since it it in some cases difficult to detect graphite inits initial stages. This article describes the procedure developed and applied by the All-Union Thermo-techaical Institute to investigate cases of graphitisation., The method makes use of foreign exp- erience. Card 2/4 The metallographic sections are prepared for exam- ination by lightly etching with a 211vo solution of nitric acid in alcohol. The specimens axe examined at hloA170,follSff I k1 (18)T PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/19T8 ORGRES, trust, Moscow, Byuro tekhnicheskoy informataii Metall v sovremennykh energoustanovkakh (Metals in Modern Power Plants) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 75 p. 4,150 copies printed. Eds.: M.S. Aronovich,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, I.K. Korikov- skiy; Tech. Ed.: G.Yo. larionov. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for designers and process engineers in plants building machinery for power stations. COVERAGE: Materials for these articles were compiled from investiga- tions carried out at the Otdeleniye metallov Vaesoyuznogo teplo- tekhnicheakogo nauehno-isaledovatellskogo instituta imeni- F.E. Dzerzhinskogo (Department for Metals of the All-Union Heat Engineering Scientific Research Institute imeni F.E. Dzerzhinakiy) from 1950-1955. The following staff members of the Department for Card 1/3 Metals in Modern Power Plants SOV/1978 Metals VTI'participated in the research: D.N. Vidman, R.Ye. Mazell, V.F. Zlepko, A.I. Zakhanova, V.G. Zelenskiy, L.G. Leonova, Engineers; A.I. Sekt, V.N. GulyayevJunior.sciontific workers; L.A. 11yutifia, Ye.P. Denisova, L.Ye. Kornilova, Senior technicians. The behavior of steel used for building machinery and accessories for modern heat power plants with high and superhigh pressure is described and discussed. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Foreword 4 Lagunteov,.I.N., and A.Z. Kontorovskiy, Candidates of Technical Sciences. Changes Pin the PT-r-u-cTu-r-e--a-n-d--'Properties of Steel In Equipment of Heit PoWer Plants During Service 5 ChAnges in the properties of steel depending on initial structure and.on degree of apheroidization of pearlite are discussed. The effect of pressure, temperature, time, and stres& is also considered. Laguntsov, I.N., P.M. Gura, Candidates of Technical Sciencesi and T.A. Mikhaylova, Engineer. Behavior of Auatenitic Steel lkhl4Nl4v2m (E1257) in Modern Heat Power Plants 33 Card 2/3 XI P. it r 9 1 1; Inn "q .-I v r v P. *a a A 1,; qpg 28(5) AUTHOR: Kontorovskiy, A. Z. TITLE: PERIODICAL: A33STRACT: ASSOCIATION: - Card 1/1 05741 SOV/32-25-10-30/63 --Mihtie, Limit Indices Zavodskays, laboratoriyat 1959t Vol 25, Nr 109 p 1232 (USSR) In dealing with the results of tests for fatigue limitaq it is not taken into"account that the-streis increases during the test (on-deformation of,the sample) which causes a shortening of the period'-until the sample destruction. Investigations showed that on sample deformation a variation of stress of more zthan 10% already influences the time until the sample destruction, thus also influencing the gradient of the fatigue limit curve, and the fatigue limit computed. A nomograph is represented (Fig) which permits the increase in stress in the sample, due to an increase in deformation, to be determined. Corresponding equations,of computation are also written down. There is I figmv. Voesoyuznvy teplotekhnichookiv nauchno-isaledavateltakiy 'institut im. F. Ee Dzerzhinskogo (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Heat Engineering imeid Fp E. .-Dzerzhinskiy) f 34196 S/695/61/000/000/002/005 /A B139/B104 AUTHORS: Kontorovskiy, A. Z,, Moiseyev, A. A, TITLE: Metal for heating surfaces and steam lines of large boilers SOURCE: Gorshkov, A. S., V. Ye: Doroshchuk, and N, V. Kuznetsov, eds. Povysheniye parametrov pars. i moshchnosti agregatov v teploenergetike; sbornik statey. Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1961, 103 - 112 TEXT: Perlitic steels used for temperatures of up to 4500C are compiled in Table 1. Aging tests were conducted with tubes from 15X 1M 10 (15Kh1M1P) steel. After 2000hrs at 6000C, the structure is the same as at -4 12000-16500 hrs at 5750C; after that, the strength decreased by 25-30 ~"). The austenitic steels used are shown in Table 4. Of Soviet steels, 34-726 L4/ (EI-726), 34 -713 (EI-713) and 3V-695P (EI-695R) have the highest resist- ance to heat.. Tubes from this material were tested in the experimental boiler of the TETs VIT at 220 - 300 atmospheres absolute excess pressure and thermal loads of 20000 - 30000 kcal/m2,h for 6708 hr, Althou,,-,h a dense oxidation layer of O~02 - 0.03 !nm was formed. no defects occurred, Contraction, elongation and impact strength dropped considerably for all Card 1/41; S/695/61/000/000/002/005 Metal for heating surfaces and B13q/BIIOA steels. Carbides were precipitated in the structure, a and a phases as well as intermetallic compounds were formed in some steels. Aiter 6'!08 hr, only -30-257-T-(EI-257T), -)4-695 (EI-695) and ;OM-448 (EI-448) steels withstood the test for intercr stalline corrosion, Nevertheless. the cheaper I X 18H 12T (lKhlH12T~, W-694 (EI-694) and EI-257T steels may be recommended in the form of tubes for use in power stations with steam parameters of 300 at and 6500c, operational temperature of the metal 600 - 6250C. There are 14 figures and 6 tables~ Table 1,, Chemical composition and properties of boiler plate steels- Legend: (1) characteristics; (2) chemical analysis; (3) other elements; 2 (4) yield strength afl.4 kg/mm , at yield rate 1 10"5%//h; (5) fatigue strength adf' kg/MM2, for 100,000 hr: (6) by calculation; (7) steel brand., Table 4, Chemical composition of austenitic boiler plate steels in ",.I Legend: (1) steel brand; (2) maximum; (3) nitrogeni (4) USA steels.~ Titanium (Ti) is contained up to 0.65 % only in 1)(181412T ('K-hlBN12T) steel. Card 2/f KONTOROVSKIY, A.Z., kand.teklm.nauk Causes for the appearance of cracks in the drum of a steam engine boiler. Prom. energ. 14 no.8:33-34 Ag 161. (MM 14:9) (Steam endines) S/137/6Z/000/004/115~20_1__ A05Z/A1O1 AIUTHqR: Kontorovskiy, A. Z. T=: Investigation of properties of 15 X IM I cP (151(hIMIF) commercial boiler steel PERIODICAL-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4,1962, 53, abstract 41314 ("Ekspluatats. nadezhnost' metalla parosiloyykh ustanovok." Moscow- Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 1959, 75 - 83) TEXT: The scope of the investigation included microstructure, mechanical properties at Indoor and elevated temperatures, creep and long-time strength, as well as the composition of carbide phase In thestate of delivery and after a long-time aging at 5750C of material of 15KKIMIF steel pipe containing (%) 0 *12 C 0.7 Mn, 0.23 Si, 0.021 S, 0.017 P, i.o4 cr, 0.9 Mo and 0.25 V. In the state of delivery the steel structure consisted of ferrite, perlite and carbides and was characterized by an irregular grain size.within 2 - 6 points. ak of longitudinal samples was higher than that of lateral ones, andin both cases was high enough (10 - 15 kgm/cm2). In the state of delivery 4C% V and 20% Mo were bound in car- Card 1/2 Investigation of properties of... S/137/W000/0011/115/201 A052/A101 bides. Tensile tests at elevated temperatures revealed an increase of (3-, and a and a decrease of 8 and y at 4oo - 4500C which pointed to the tendency of the steel to aging. The extrapolation of 51~e results of lol-time BMength tests up to 100 000 hour exposure yieldedi5loo.000 ;:* 6.5 kg/mm and 61loo 000 - 4.0 - 4.5 kg/mm . These data are considerably lower than those taken fo~ the calcula- tion which points to the shortcomings of heat treatment. As a result of aging at 5750C the Mo content in carbides increased 3 times and the V content 2 times after 500 - 1,000 hours. A further aging caused no change in the composition of the carbide phase. Mechanical properties did not change after aging, with the exception of ak which increased 2.5',times. 17. Kalinkina [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KO11TOR0VSKIY, K., .9.o kand.tekhn.nauk; G11E10r;:IKOVjk, T.T., inzh.; KURIOSOVA. N.D.. KONTOROVSKIY A.Z.. kand, taklm, mauk Study of the pliability of the welded comwations of boiler steel, Thplcemargetik&10 no,1264-65 D 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Vaesoyuzn7y institut po proyektirovaniyu organizataiy energeticheskogo straitellstva. J: 'ACCESSION MRs, AP4012337 8/0096/64/000/001/0013/00- Kontorovskiy, A* Ze Carididate of technical sciences)l Vasj~uchkovap Ke I* f* -TITLEs Resistance to scaling of boU*r steel 1 SOURCEs Teploenergstika# noo 1# 1964# 13-18 TOPIC TAGS: resistance to scaling., heating cycle.. corrosiveness, furnace gass microstructurep chromium steel# steel 12KhIHF# steel 15Kh1M1F1, steel 12Kh2WB# steel 12Kh2MFSR# steel =756j, steel IKhl2V2MF 'ABSTRACTt- The resistance to scaling of l2Xh314F, 15KhJMJF, 12Kh2HFSRO and U756, IKhl2V2MF steel specimen's (tubes and rings) used in boilers was Investigated in great detail# and the comMsition, of each steel was tabulated. The specinew were subjected to cycles of heating (1000j, 3000# and 5000 hrs duration) and cooling (f0f 125 hre) all done in air. The specimens were weighed before and after each expsrift~ ment, and the depth of scaling was measured. The results show an intensity of scaling higher than thans, used'in the Leningrad Heat Power Machine Design Congress of 1958* This difference Is attributed to the inherently higher corrosiveness of c,,,d 1./2 .KON-O-,ROVSKIY. A.Z., kand.tekhn.viauk; VASITICHKOVA K.I., inzh.; KUZNETSOVA, T.P., inzh. Resistance to scale formation of boiler steel. Teploenergetika 11 no.2:13-18 F 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Vsesoyuzny-y institut p- royektirovaniyu organizatsiy energeticheskogo stroltallstva, Moskovskoye otdeleniye TSentrallnogo kotloturbinnogo instituta i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy teplotekhnichoskly institut. ACCESSION NRs AP4025WO 8/0096/64/000/WW003VO037 AMORSI XQAtoxQvjjUp_A_t Ze (CandJdate of to chnical goiences) I Vaoraftwas 1. (&gLneer) 1 Xu=wtsovap Y.- P. (Znginew) TITLE: Aging certain 1*ypes of boUar st*4 SOURCEs !Tep1"ne;getLkas, no* 4s i964s 34-37 TOPIC TAGS: steel, boiler steel, agings aging boiler plates l2KhW steels l2Kh2MFB stools l2XhMM stools 15KhLW steels E1756 steels steel strength, ordered metal; disordered metal, holding time, metal structure stabilitys caroide phase variation,, plastieLtyv ispaot strengthj dispersion hardening -ABST'RMT s The variations in the structure and physical properties of boiler steels. during aging with relation to holding time at high temperatures (600-6500 ware studied. The metals tested weres l2KWMj lUb2Ms l2XhZ4M* 15MLWO and M756 steels. Uperlaental results abowed that strength of all the types imesti- zatedwas impaired by the Anarease in aging teVerature and in the holding time. This effoot was more pronounced during the first SM-1000 hove of holding* The -authors eiQlain the causes for the variation in metal k-rdn as, plasticitys, twMils Card 1/2 Acassiox NRa AP4025420 strength,, and impact strength WIdW thoud trOUbm"s in terms Of structural .Changes due to phase transformations They emphasize the effect of the 4110Ying elements redistribution in the solid solution and the carbide phase. Stools -1.29hlWs 3$KhIW end EL756 showed a noticeable weakening in the process of &gWg,, while the response of steels lXh2NFB and 12Kh2MM was Insignificant. The variation in physical properties of steel 11756 win require ftrther study before conclusions can be wAse Orige ax$* has& 2 tables and figures. ASSMIATIONt none 3MKr= 3 00 M~U AGQs 20ip-64 MCLI 00 .-SUB GODIs HL ID MW Bove O(M OWRI M Card 2/2 ....... 10M. IMP KoflTORSHCHIKOV, A. S. F0flT0ff;HCHIK0V, A. S. - "Methods of Calculating thp Evaporatibn of Soil Moisture in Fields Used in Agricultural Cultivation." Sub 3.1 Nov 52, Central Inst of Forecasts. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Geographical Sciences). SO: VecherDffa Moskva January-December 1952 KONTORSHCHIKOV, A. S. ,'Computation of Evaporation From the Soil". Meteorol. i gidrologiva No 4, pp 28-30, 1954. It is established that in years with enhanced reserves of moisture and with small precipitation the evaporation as computed in accordance with the graphs of B. V. Polyakov (Trudy Tsentr. in-ta prognozov, No 4, 1947) strongly doffers from the evaporation as computed in accordance with the method of water-balance of soil. The author assumes that for definite reserves of active moisture W and for precipitation X the quan- tity of evaporation will be approximately the same as when precipitation is absent but soil moisutre quantitatively equals W+X. In place of the four graphs of Polyakov the author constructs one graph of the family of curves W+X expressing the sum. of reserves of soil moisture and quan- tity of precipitation. He recommends use of this graph for forecasting of total evaporation from a rover basin. It gives improved results. (RZhGeolo No 9, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 A :~. ~j;I11'~, *,-' / , -'~, ~" , I--,--,-,,-'7-~r _~-- - ---- KONTORSHCHIKOV, P.T.- KARkCHV, A.S.; LYUBIMOT, V.P. Study of power conaumed in core drilling of geological exploratory wells. Harved. I okh, nedr 23 no.4.-34-41 AP 157. (NINA 11:1) 1, Sverdlovskiy gornyy Institnt imsul V,T. Takhrushava. (Borlig) r v, A, o USSR/Cultivated Plants Grains. M. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol,j No 4i 1958., 15516 Author :-.A.S. Kontorshchikov .. ---------------- Inst : The Central Forecasting Institute. Title : An ALTiculturo Meteorological Evaluation of Agriculture Crop Fornation Conditions Based on Spring Wheat. (AbToraeteorologicheskaya otsenka usloviy formirovaniya urozhayn sellskokhozynystvennykh kulltur na primere yarovoy pshenitsy). Orig Pub : Tro Tsentr. in-ta prognozov, 1957, vYP- 53. 82-94. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1