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Reserves for increase of 2abor productivity in ommications and
of using tbem,, Test, oviazi 20 no-5,.29-31 My 160,
(MIRA 13: 12)
1. Nachallnik Planovo-finansovogo upray2onlya. Ministerstva. avyasi
SSSR (for Lwukhova). 2* la-chillnik otdela planirowa iya Planovo-
finansovago upravleniya, Minieterstva. avyasi SSSR (for Rubina)
"Econmics of telecomminicatim" by A.A. Vishnevskii and others.
Reviewed by V.N. Koniukhova. Vast. sviazi 21 no.8:27-28 Ag 161.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Nachallnik Planovo-finansovogo upravlaniya Ministerstva
avyazi SSSR.
(Teleccm=nication) (Vishnevskiij, A.A.)
(Podgorodetskiy, I.A.) (Sergeychuk, K.Ya.)
(Solovoychik,, L.M.) (Tochillnikov, G.M.)
Change in the procedure in planning the exploitation and
development of communication means. Vast. sviazi 23 no.6:
17-19 Je 163, (MIRA 16:8)
1. Nachallnik Planovo-finansovogo upravleniya Ministerstva
svyazi SSSR.
SOLDATKINA, L.A., dotsent;_MNYUKHO_VA,.,Ye,A., inzh.
Experimental study of the voltage quality of a municipal power dis-
tribution network. Izve vys, ucheb, zav.; energ. 7 no.W-14 Ag 161+f.
(mu 17:12)
1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina energeticheskiy institut. Predstavlena
kafedroy elektricheakikh sistem.
a ~T
~y cn i.- g3 a fin
20 -ric).~.-P-13
KONYUKHOVICHs As As Cand Bjolog Sci
Dissertation: "Game Econonq of the Trans-Carpathian Region, its Develop-
ment ani Reconstruction.* 22/5/50
Moscow Fur Inat
SO Vecheryaya Moskva
Sum 71
KOITYUKIIOVSKI![?. V.N., kand. iator. nauk, dotsent, polkovnik; GIUMOVETS,
P.P., polkovnik zapasa, red.; IfMCIlIKOVA, A.N., tekbn. red.
[Territorial system of military organization] TerritorialInaia
sistema voennogo stroitelistva; iz opyta organizatorskoi do-
iatelinosti partii po territorialtnomu stroitelletvu Vooruzhenmykh
Sil. Moskva., Voen. izd-vo M-va oborony SSSR, 1961. 86 p.
(MIRA 14:10)
AvTavNKTr j B. V.
Transplantation (Physiology)
Effect of transplants of cornea of adult Amphilya upon the skin of tadpoles. Dokl.
AN SSSR 84 No. 4 1952.
Monthly List af Russian Accessionsp Library ot Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
Kolkhoz "Pamiat' Illicha"; opyt ek-onimlcheskof;o Inslodovanila
The kolkhoz "Pamiat'Illicha"; economic study, Moslcva, Goa. izd-vo sellkhoz.
lit-ry, 1952. 222 p. (,44-22469)
1. Pamiat'll'icha (Kolkhoz)
USSR/Physics Gas-discharge plasma FD-978
Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 2/20
Author Konyukov, M. V., and Terletskiy, Ya. P.
Title Electro-accoustic waves in gas-discharge plasma
Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 27, No 5 (11), 542-548, Nov 1954
Abstract On the basis of the system of hydrodynamic equaiuions for electron and
ion gases and equations of electrodynamics the authors solve the prob-
lem of the propagation of electro-accoustic waves in plasma. They show
that when the friction is taken into account the neutral gas and crea-
tion of particles in consequence of ionization in a cylindrically sym-
metric discharge can realize two types of running waves, along the axis
of the discharge tube; namely, electronic and ionic. The electronic
waves turn out to be rapidly damped, and the ionic waves are both damped
and amplified. Acknowledge the cunsultation and advice of A. A. Zaytsev.
Twelve references, 7 USSR (e.g. Yu. L. Klimontovich, ibid., 21) 1951;
A. A. Logunov, ibid., 20, 1950; M. F. Shirokov, DAN SSSR, 89, 1953;
G. V. Spivak and Ye. L. Stolyarova, Vestn. MU, 5, 1952).
Institution : Moscow State University
Submitted : December 28, 1953
?,c;",7v,r,HOv, 1',.V.
, ~ zz:~
Onp Piotho(, of inter'--n-tizir a (:iff(~-rentiril -iolvitinii !,.,i'h v~!riqble
I . L.
coofficiente. Trudy M-217PI rio.IF,:26L,-266 153 [publ. 1541.
Oaa;. lg:"].)
(Difforenti,al eauations) (Calculus, Interral)
"Hydrodynamic Equations for Media With a High Degree of Rarefaction
and Ionization (on the Problem of Iongitudinal Waves and Oscillations
in Plasma Ulth Glow Dischcwge)." Cand Phya-Math Scis 14Dscow Ordar of
Lonin State U imoni M. V. kmonoaovj 17 flov 54- (Wit 9 110V 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (n))
SO: 6M. No. 521y 2 Jun 55
USSRfthysics Plasma waves FD-39-64
Card V1 Pub. 146-23/44
Author Konyukov, M. V.; Terletskiy, Ya. P.
Title Electroacoustic waves in gas-discharge plasma taking account of
space recombination
Periodical Zhur. eksp. I teor. fiz., 29, No.6112), Dee 1955, 874-876
Abstract Previously (ibid., 27, 542Y 1954) the authors considered electro-
acoustic waves taking into account the generation of particles;
however, they did not pay attention to space recombination, which
exists together with recombination at the wall (Krefft, Reger,
Rompe, ZS. f. techn. Phys., 14 242, 1933) and 'which plays an es-
sential role In a number of cases, e. g. in molecular gases. In
the present comminication the authors clarify the role of space
recombination in problems connected with the behavior of electro-
acoustic waves. They conclude that study of the influence of
space recombination upon oscillations of electrons and ions in gas.
discharge shows that the variation of the damping coefficient dur-
ing generation of particles through space ionization depends upon
the role played by space and surface ionization in the realization
of the stationary state. The authors thank A. A. Zaytsev and G. V.
Spivak for consultation. Three references.
Institution : Moscow State University
Submitted : July 12, 1955
, , -
T .- - -
, I,-- - - - ~ ~ A-7- ~ - - - - ~ . -L-- -.:- . -- -
..JJTHDR; KaiYUKOV'Ma. PA - 2963
TITLE: 'On Low Frequency oscillations in the Plasm of Electronegative
Gases. (0 nizkochastatr4ykh kolebaniyakh v pl^,trmkh elaktrootritsatl'
nykh gazov, Russian)
PERIMICAL- Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 032, Nr 3, pp 510-5-14
Received: 6 / 1957 Reviewedt 7 / 1957
ABSTRACT: Slight oscillations of a plasm consisting of electrons and positive
and negative Ions are emudned and dealt with an a mixture of three
perfect gases whichp by means of a self-oonsistent field, are in
interaction with each other. Creation and annihilation of charged
particles are disregarded, so that investigations are concentrated
on slow oscillations at not too high pressures. Taking accotmt of
negative ions leads, besides the high frequency oscillation of
the electrons with ions at rest, also to the ocouzze as of two
low fs-equenoy branches of ion oscillations with different depend-
enoes of frequency upon the concentration of charged particles. In
the case of the first branch the positive &M negative ions
osaillate In phase opposition# while in the cans, of the second
branon oscillations are oophasal. The second branch furnisbies a
limiting vave length corresponding to the vanishing frequency, which
Card I/?- decreases in the case of increasing density of the charged particl*s.
PA - 2963
07a Low Frequency Oscillations in the Plasma of zlecitronegstive
As oscillations and wave0ave up to now been investigated experi-
mentally only for plasma with electrons and positive ions, there
was no possibility of a comparison with the experiment.
(2 Illustrations, 9 Citations from Works Published).
ASSOOIATION: State Pedagogical Institute Tula
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
ZA P1,63
-eiroddo ORt 01 892USqD We"
OBJGASUV14 0,44 jo URTS at[4 l(OTRA uT tUSIVAead eav SPIDT;
gaisgoeTp j0 UOT811 000 OR4 UO evejamn
GURTS 9~1 02UlBqO qOU eDOP PTOT; BOJOASUVI4 9114 891OV2 tq2TT
lo,j -oorld 9&3jv4 algavIVOTV 944 qOTqA UT OVS olqt ;o sessum
mo4v wq4 pus dl/el Pdox;oepu elq4 JO AT~uunb 9q4 uo spued
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L~6L ~6a tiolvyi UOTSTAaa JO SxuzqTl .a!iirv7ivAv
(1111TIOuT STI ju 6L9Wq Sauru
---ga-ROTPORuPad STNe
vmslold lvaVn9UTSvnb 18 JO M14Toodoad aq4 JOPuln POuTlllqo RT Z/L PaV3
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RZ HN e C L UOTIlariba aq4 STRI moiLq
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2UOjv P940aaTP PTaTJ OTIeu.?vm
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-10J OUOT!Mbe
asolqq 100-1; -9uTlTnG9J SUOT;'7nba jo ma4eXg 91%, .
OTPuSsm a-ql moaj s9TOTjjvd p99juqO RUTAOM qqj UO RUT40S
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sGUOl!tO&!9 JO BuT48TOu0o gas'&,?
IVOPT aOJ GUOTlvnba jvoTmvUtpOzpX
q aq, m0a; no qqas aOqjj,
'OPTOT; DT4au9vaz TvlzTpnlT2UOT 4q peellso g3jut4OSTP aT44
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-USOX*3 914q. JaAO SjjqUqp
lus"no JO UOTjrqT a4gTP 84~ UT uOTVeOTJTPOM
atUt 00!~V-9TJGOAUT 9-Tati aoqlne at,, .04 pozaajej ale jallpm
SWIM 0144
WITA PsuMazuOD szxadvd 4al)UTMTT8jd*0.9avqOvTp 041 JO
VNI 01 TOTTviud
Us UT OSJ*409TP 899 v 10 Umn
-100 OATITaod wq4 JO UOT998admoo eiql
P9119TISBAUT r9dud juesead aqj; 11DTHlSqT
'(9)Z JH'~~ '10A 'L~6L 'TIMP49JO81 T *MTJGdsX9 TVUJnqZ
~Pvm MOUsTOpoid A 'oqTOIG OROU,T94TqzOTod TFTroa; (alod MOU4Tu
X)-PTOTJ OTlau2uW Iv
-UTPnITBU01 V UT umnToo
OAT4TOOd v jo Lioaq, gq4 04 UOT4nqTJ4uO3 v
-A-W 4AO3jnAuo)j :HoHlnv
' ?
"The Effect of Processes of Decay of Negative Ions on Theri Concentration
in a Positive Column."
paper presented at Second All-Union Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Moscow
2-6 oct '58.
hTHOR: Konyukov, M. V. 56-34-4-19/6o
TITLE: The Concentration of the Negative Ions in the Plasma of the
Positive Column (Kontsentratsi-va otritsatellnykh ionov v
plazas polozhitellnogo stolba)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekspericental 'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 4, pp. 908 - 911 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The negative component of the plasma of the positive column
in electric negative gases consists of electrons and nega-
tive ions, Although the character of the discharge essentially
depends on the conoentration of the negative ions* in 4
earlier works dealing with -the same subject (Refs 1-4) the
concentration of the negative ions is not computed nor is
their dependence on the kinetics of the charged particles 1n
the column explained. The aim of this work is the investigation
of these problems. First a system for the balance of the
charged particles is written down for the case of the quasi-
neutral ambipolar diffusion on the occasion of superficial
recombination of the electrons at the wall. Bymeans of this system
Card 1/4 ofeT-vdons the concentration of the negative ions can be con-
The Concentration of the Negative Ions in the Plasma of 56-34-4-19/6o
the Positive Column
puted. Subsequently a solution ansatz for this systen of
equations is written down. According to this solution the
concentration of the ions is higher by 2 orders of magnitude
than the concentration of the electrons is on the usual con-
ditions in a positive column. Considerable concentrations of
negative ions lead to a strong decrease of the transversp, and
of the longitudinal gradientp which fact seems little probable
to the author. For the determination of the next higher
approximations also the volume recombination must be consi-
dered. The initially mentioned equation system now is speciali-
zed for this particular case. The solution of this system
of nonlinear equations for the whole cross section of the
column is difficult. Therefore the author restricts to the
computation of the concentration of only those negative ions
which are near the dischargeaxis. On the additional assumption
of the ambipolar quasineutral diffusion a system of equations
is obtained for the determination of the concentration of the
negative ions and the distrib~-~tion near the discharge axis.
Card 2',/4 Also the following two special cases are investigated: a)
The Concentration of the Negative Ions in the Plasma of 56-34-4-19/6o
the Positive Column
A volume recombination exists. b) Every occuTring electron
turns into a negative ion. In the latter case all negative
ions disappear because of the volume recombination. The in-
sertion of the volume recombination decreases the relative
concentration of the negative ions on the axis. The direct
measurement of the concentration of the negative ions is
difficult and therefore the found conclusions are verified
best at the change of the transversal electric field caused
by these negative ions. In the kinetics of the column with
negative ions also the discharge of the negative ions must
play-a role in the collisions. The author will also deal with
this problem in future. There are 6 references, 2 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Tul'skiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Tula Pedagogic Institute)
SUBMITTED: July 2op 1957 (initially) and December 23, 1957 (after
Card 3/4 revision)
The Concentration of the Negative Ions in the Plasma of 56-34-4-19/6o
the Positive Column
1. Gases---Ionization 2. Ions--Analysis
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Konyukov, M.V., Terletakiy, Ta.P. 56-34-4-36/60
Tr=.- The Relativistic Problem of the ' Notion . of an Electron in an
Axially-Sy=etric Magnetic Field Shifted Along the Symetry Axis
'Relyativistskaya zrdaoha o dvizhenii elektrona v
aksiallno-simmetriohnom magnitnom pole, paremashchayuahchmaya
vdoll osi simmetrii)
PWODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentall noy it eoretioheskoy f iziki, 1958, Vol. 34,
Nr pp. 1003-1005 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: According to a well-known suggestion made by R.Widerbe (Ref 1)
only the following 2 varieties of the relativistic problem of an
electron were investigated in a variable axially symetric mag-
netic fieldt The motion in a parallel field which is homogeneous
in the direction of the symmetry axis, and the motion in a barrel-
shaped magnetic field. The present paper investigates a now
variety of this problem, in which the magnetic field narrowing in
the direction of the symetry axis (bottle-shaped mgnetia field)
shifts with variable or constant velocity along this axis. This
new variety of the problem may also serve, like the varieties
Card 1/2 previously dealt with, as a theoretical basis of a new type of
The Relativistic Problem of t1 h1lotion of an 56-34--4-36/60
Elect in an Axially"Symmetric Magnetic Field
Shifted Along the Symetry Axis
accelerators , viz. of a linear induction accelerator, or, in
short, of a linear betatron. First the equations of motion of the
eleotron resulting frm a Iagrangian are written down. Next, a
solution of the field equations which is possible in quasisteady
approximation is given and discussed in short for various special
cases. Unlike what is the case with an ordinary betatron a strong
f ield H oan be concentrated within a very small range. There are
J+ references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATICK: Moskovskiy gosudarstverrAyy universitet (Moscow, State University)
Tul'skiy pedagogiohesldX institut (Tula Pedagogical Institute)
SUBMITTED: December 16, 1957
1. ElectronB--Motion
Card 2/2
4UTHOR: Xonyukov, M. V. SOV56-34-6-35/51
TITLE: On the Theory of the Positive Column in Electronegative Cases
(K teorii polozhitellnogo stolba v elektrootritsatellnykh
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy 1 teoreticheskiy fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 6, pp. 1634-1635 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In a positive column with volume production of negative ions
and with disappearing of these1ions on the wall the relative
concentrations of these ions satisfy the condition
%-;~-De/2DP- 1, where Deand D P denote the diffusion coeffi-
cients of the electrons and of the positive ions. Only under
these conditions the negative ions can move to the wall where
they recombine. The wall is a surface sink for the negative
ions produced in the volume. Taking into account the decom-
position of the negative ion in the collisions with neutral
atoms complicates somewhat the problem. This problemt never-
theless, remains linear and may be solved completely. An
equation is given for the concentration x of the negative
Card 1/3 ions in the column. This equation is cubic with respect to x
On the Theory of the Positive Column-in Electronegative Gases
and has the following solutions.
a) x < De/2D p -1. In this case the column is a volume source
of the negative ions and the negative ions produced in the
column migrate by diffusion to the wall which acts as a sur-
face sink. b) In the case It =De/2Dp - 1 the production
of negative ions by adhering of the electrons to the neutral
atoms is equal to their vanishing by decomposition. There is
no effective Production or vanishing of negative ions. Their
radial flux is equal to zero and the total quantity of' the
negative ions in the column is determined only by the pro-
cesses in the volume. a) In the case x < D 0/2D p -1 the
number of the vanishing negative ions in the column is higher
than the number of the Droduced ions and the column is a
volume sink of the negative ions. Thus, in a positive column,
where the vanishing of the negative ions maybe described by
a linear equation, there are possible small values of %. In
this case, however, a layer near the surface of the wall
Droduces a flow of negative ions which is directed towards
the interior of the column. There the ions disappear by de-
Card 2/3 composition in the collisions with neutral particles. Taking
On the Theory of the Positive Column in Electronegative Gases
into account the volume recombination of the positive and
negative ions one may subdivide two regions in the coltimn;
an interior region where the recombination prevails over the
production, and an exterior onq-, the production prevails
over the recombination. There are 4 referencesp 1 of which
is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Tullskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Tula I-Pedagogical Institute)
SUBMITTED: March 17, 1958
Card 3/3
9 P i p n
.1. x r,
Y r ti
g Aj
50 ro 4. n
q 1 :3 6 - ~F mi -
r r,
2#42 120 so -2
AUMORS s Gr-v.kir, T.L.. Lk . .7.=11m"Spfejj . G.T. and
TITLRr All-Ci.n C..CaX.nno on Gas
PMODICALs StadlotakhalAa i olek%ronika, 1959. Vlol 4, Xr 8.
Pp 1339 - 1358 (US")
ANSTAWTs Th. cofar..c.p ... rg..i-od by the A--Sc-USSR, the
KjnLstry of Ilighs, Zducation and moscow 3tato University.
A4---TAAQZAXXV - MN*aAUr4sant of the C~ Density During
.the Dyna"a Operatio. or . Diachargo" (a as p 13D6 of
the joarmal).A.Y. Nodompas.e, - Th. Mature of a Striated,
Positive Clu=..
bl%rary ;rand TIE..x Las" - *The Th"ry or Probes for
ossurePt -
:Mtff!ASam':tm &I. - "he Positive r-olumor at a Discharge
rm ngi....
*Xnn" go _: the Ft" O..Os or the
the Us at L.:r X.02 an Their Concentration
&A the ClQ1LR-.
L!i&~aad A"*-.Sl:t t Oring.
Fine ad PL.." .4 "an a-
TS.L. zll~t.vlh - .8-ray Loot by Charged Particle* for
Cclllstlanx I- Plan" (the Langmmj~
Paradox)- &ad -ft. Thoonj of X~m-lixaax Plasiss Omcillotio"-.
-T.O.G. Marti= and X.G. SakrashInkci~_- 004peadonce of
zam in .;eiectroas Region of a Pulse
Discharge on the Katerial. of the Slectrodoaffi. .
end B--x_.JLLYm-' -A - -Fortwation or Light
spot& a& the goods ~i & CLam Di..h-g. (a.. p 1301 C
.A. N^110y"'s -"Distribution of binary Mixture& of Xnart
U&SO. in , ... Discharge..
L%,;S,~and -3-a tuanonama
gh;;d.Z .Th* :o-lbillty of
.;.n. giy
C~ T. irnitskAY& and U.M. Ito Soma Character.
--3q;hrud o X 4
or ... -charg.-r. Xo. P-p and 1. a Magooti.
10.14.ti.. Vacuum doug...
To N are of
;ad 0
V.c g
lect~o~ ~Osclll 1A a XagnotIG
he So .1k
Fields (a.. 9 1253 of the Journal).
ft: -,or by L I.$. A. V.klwok. .."iderad
xins -N;.'1'ib4*_f. 't
th &p ro to A a r do rmlaing 'the Concentration
or &tons at the radiation levels. Ir
wabAl._ and L.A V. -d a paper on
on.-t-t 41T-ry Theory of the Stark ?_' of the
Spostral Lt." I.
.!L.A. X-j" m?Uo Broadening
so be Shift a Spectral Lines in a "a-discharge Plasmas.
(S.Sland) - "he LLu.ti.. or Colll.Loos
to the asnit:tton or the Molecul~ Hydrogen In
a Hydrogen Discharg:1
T 31 go Iat : - 05oms Proper-%I*& of %be Ara
Viech.mrg. in - of Inert C-.*.*.
;ZA,_MEk and MY-_ZaA*:mkov -.Productiom of 19igh
saperst area sy Ms.- of Spark Dimich-go.*.
240) SOV/48-23-8-9/25
AUTHOR: Konyukov, M. V.
TITLE: The Influence of the Processes of Vanishing of Negative Ions on
Their Concentration in a Column
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 8, PP 971-974 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Balance equations (1) of charged particles are used for in-
vestigating diffusion discharge by negative ions of positive
columns. In the first part of the present paper, a case is
diocussed in which the coefficient of volume recombination of
negative ions and the dissociation coefficient of negative
ions are equal to zero. Equation (2) supplies the relative
ionic concentration. If only the coefficient of volume recom-
bination is equal to zero, formula (3) is given for determina-
tion of the relative ionic concentration. Further, the time
of diffusion of electrons as well as of positive and negative
ions is investigated. Equation (9) indicates the source strength
of the walls If both coefficients are unequal to zero, the
relative ionic concentration may be determined by formula 00).
Card 1/2 In this case, volume recombination causes the development of
The Influence of the Processes of Vanishing of Negative Ions on Their Con-
centration in a Column
volume sources. A method introduced by V. L. Granovskiy
(Ref 7) is applied to the estimation of negative ionic con-
centration. The author thanks A. A. Zaytsev for valuable dis-
cussions. There are 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Tul'okiy ped. institut (Tula Institute of Pedagogics)
Card 2/2
21(7) SOV/56-37-3-31/62
AUTHOR: Konyukov
TITLE: Nonlinear Langmuir Oscillations of Electrons in a Plasma
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 37, Nr 30), pp 799-801 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt Langmuir and Tonke (Ref 1) already investigated the electron
motion in a plasma, in which case the perturbations causing
oscillations were assumed to be small. As, however, this is
practically not the case, the author in the present paper in-
vestigates the electron oscillations for arbitrary perturbations.
If the positive ions of the plasma are considered to be at
rest, and if electron temperature is equal to zero, the be-
havior of the plasma may be described in hydrodynamic ap-
proximation by the equation system
On + a (nv) - 0, 9V + V ~v - e L , a2r/a x2 .41-Le(n-n
at ax at bx m ax 0
curl 9 . 0. e, m, v, and n denote charge,mass, hydrodynamic
velocity, and concentration of the electrons,_.f the potential
of the selfconsistent field, n 0 the concentration of the
Gard 113 positive ions. The mathematical difficulties presented by the
Nonlinear Langmuir Oscillations of Electrons in a Plasma
.,solution of this system are avoided by a transformation and by
the use of the Lagrangian equation of motion. It holds that
n d2n - 2 I(in\2 +4'Ce2n 2 (n-n 0, d 2v+ 41Ce2no v - 0, and
dt2 rdt) M 0 dt2 M
with the new variables y - ln(i + )), 9 . (n - n 0)/n one ob-
tains d 2y/dt2 _ (dy/dt)2 + W2 (ey - 1) - 0. The exactosolution
of this-equation is -J - b sin(w 0t+?)/[l-b sin(w0t+,P)1; b and
are constants of integration. Solved with respect to n,
n ' n~ [1 - b sin(wotl+ f)] results. With dx/dt . v, x - x 0is
a(x 0) 1 - sin(w 0t + f )]. a(x0) denotes the function, which
determines the oscillation amplitude distribution,tp, the
primary phase. If at t a 0 the velocity of the points is equal
to zero, it holds that n - n 0/[1 - b coo w 0t I, X - X0 -
- a(z0 )[1 - Cos wot]. The determination of b(x 0) and a(x 0) from
Card 2/3 the primary distribution n(x 0) is carried out by means of
Nonlinear Langmuir Oscillations of Electrons in a Plasma
n(x0 't) - dn(x0)/dxop where dn(X 0) is the number of electrons
which, at the time t - 0 , are in the elamt.-df--valme dx0-
b - n(x 0) - n 0and a = 1 x0n(x )dx x results. These equa-
n(X-T- n 0 0 - 0
0 0 1
tions give the solution of,the problem of Langmuir nonlinear
oscillations in Lagrangian form for arbitrary primary density
distributions. The results are .:I-....~,. discussed. In conclusion,
the author thanks Professor Ya. P. Terletskiy for his advice.
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Tullskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Tula Pedagogical Institute)
SUBMITTEDi April 15, 1959
Card 3/3
0 B012/BO67
AUTHOR: Konyukov, M. Vo
TITLE. On the Indirect Fstimation of the Cross Section of
Adhesion of Electrons-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nau~ SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960,
Vol. 249 Not 89 PP. 989-991
TEXT'- The equation for the electron energy balance is written down
in the form of formula (1). This formula does not contain the energy
portion yi consumed in the losses in the collision with the cross section
Qj and the energy losses ->Ci of the electron occurring in each collision.
If the distribution function is known and the dependence of the drift
veloci:ty U. of the electrons and of the electrical long4tudinal field Ez
on the electron temperature Te is obtained from the exp;riment, formula
(1) form-9 a Fredholm integral equation'of first order. It determines the
cross section of the i-th process as a funclion of electron velocity.
The adhesion of the electrons is investigated as onie of the processes
AUTHORS: Pekart Yu.A.p
TITLE: Some special
PERIODICAL: Re ferativnyy
no. 7? 1962,
gorn. in-tal
and Konyukov
features of the positive column oi tube
zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikag
abstract 7zh368 (Nauchn. tr. Tullsk,
1961t corllection 3, 106 - 110)
TEXT: Boundary conditions, usually applied in developing the theo-
ry of the positive column of tube dischargep,do not produce the
correct dependence of eigenvalues of the boundary problefu on dis-
char-r,,,e parameters. In the positive coluTnn*of axially symmetrical
discharge between two co-axial cylinders there is'a maximal concen-
tration of charged particles; the Lon of the maximum depends
on the magnitude of eigenvalues. Connection between the latter and
the discharge parameters makes it possible to choose the required
boundary condition. Solution of the balance equation of charged
particles, for station state under conditions of quasi-neutral am-
bipolar diffusion, is sought in the form of linear combination of
Card 1/2
Some special features of the ... D271/D308
Bessel functions of zero order, 1st and 2nd type. The Shchottki
condition provides the relation between maximal concentration and
the radii of limiting cylinders. With the Van de Groot boundary
condition, the eigen-values depend on discharge parameters and.can
be found by measuring potential difference between viallsp.electron
temperature and position of the maximum. The possibility of utiliz-
ing tube discharge for the purposes of studying the relation between
volume and surface losses is indicated. [Abstracter's note: Comple-
te. translation..]
Card 2/2
- mi'm -K-O-V- -M-. v--. -(Flas-c O-W-y-
"On the steady gas flow out of stars".
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
F-7,71 'd )./EVrI( I )/EEC A (W)-2 Pn-4/Pz-oo-4/
!I JP (C
Ai-MHIOR: Konyukov, M. V.
of waves within layers
'a~ y gidrodinar-nike. 3d,
tearetichesko-i i orik. -,-y magn!tno
-,,2shchaniya' 14, LUga. Izd-vo AIN I-ir-SSR'
-,homogeneous magnetoactive plas, , t-,,hcmoge eous olasma wave,
plai~ma wave proamLt-ion, electromagnetic wave propagatIon
-isiderable mathematical difficulties ap-?ear~n-g during the stud-,
hc co,. I
--~-,,Inin a nonuniform magnetoactive plas-ma are caused *"v the influence o,.7
the nonuniformities on the shape if the individual mod-is as ~~L!11 as by the
action between the modes. To simplify the process of solution, the majority or
,egearchers have studied the propagation of electromagnetic waves without ':~on-
sLa--ting U'lle perturhations d-.~e to the propagation of plas-ra waves (Bee,
Bre=er, FropagatLon of electrowgnetic waves, Handbuch der Physik, i958, 16,
4 2 3. Rovever, one can also formulate the inverse problem in urhich one studiee
Card 112
1 43709-65
ACCgSSION NR., -AT5009751
cl-~e propagation of the plasma waves without taking into account the effects due
Lo the presence of zlectromagnetic waves. The author shows that this sharply
7:ia~~ematical difftculties and that for certain specially chosen
~i"Ities o4 the magnetoactive plasm one ca~,. scl-_;ttons ~i,lhkr by %i:l v
_,__rps o, by introducing known special f u nc -, tone; "the
T'he general behavior of the plasma waves is derived in the qias i -hydrodynamic
'a_D.'pT4_;xinaIIion. The magnetic fteld is at right angles to the direction of pro-
Lhe phasp- wave, and all the plasma parameters vary only in the direc-
Complete calculations are given for the behav.or of plasma
wav'~ layers having inhomogeneities whtch can be viewed as perrt.urbationr ot a
uniforrm plasma background. Grig. art. has, 42 formulas.
SUM4'r=: llAug64 ENCL* 00 SUB CODE: ME
NO REY SOV: 003 -OTHER: 002
I_C,,,d 212
Use of reinforced viscose and nylon staple fibers in.a
mixture with cotton for the manufacture of high-number yarns
for kniL goods. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tokh. tokst. prom.
no.1:66-71 164. (MIPJ~ 17:5)
1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut.
1. Y01"MIKOV, Pq MO
2. USSR (600)
4. Cotton Gins nnd Ginning
7. Extracting dust from machine-and hand-harvested cotton, Tekst. prom., 12,
No. 11, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February .1953. Unclassified.
_gkvich; SXMLOVA. Mina Alekseyevnm; WROS. Boris
A.G., retsenzent; 10PRIVIGH. To.-I., red.;
af"ZMWA9 Mop tokhaerede
[Atlas of cotton splaing mchinez7] Atlas mashin khlopkapriadillacgo
proisvodetya. Xoskvm, Gas, nsucbno-t91rhn,isd-vo lit-ry pa legkoi
proWshl., 1957. 340 P. (XIFA 1113)
(Cotton spinning)
B.M.; KISELEV, A.K.~ KOIN~YUK ~FM.; RAKOV, A.P., prof.;
SMELOVAP N.A., EFROS,--lYe.; ZOTIKOV, V.Ye., retsenzent;
BELITSIN, N.M., retsenzent; KOSTIN, B.V., retsenzent;
TERTUSHNOV, A.V... prof., rod.; SOKOLOVA, Me., red.;
BATYMVA, G.G., tekhn. red.
[Cotton spinning] Priadenie khlopka. [By] P.D.Ballasov i
dr. Moskva, Rostekhizdat. Pt.l. 1962. 433 p.
(MIRA 16:9)
(Cotton spinning)
N.A.; EFROS, B.Ye.; AOTIKOV.9 reusenzent; EELITSIN, N.M.,
retsenzent; KOSTIN, B.V., retmenzent; TERYMHNOV, A.V., prof.,
red.; SOKOLOVA, V.Ye., red.; BATYMVA, G.G., tekhn. red.
(Cotton spinning] Priadenie khlopka. (Byl P.D.Baliasov i dr.
Pod red. V.I.Budnikova, A.P.Rakova, A.V.fTeriushnova. Moskva,
Rostekhizdat. Pt.2. 1963. 395 P. (MIRA 16:6)
(Cotton spinning)
KOBLYAKOV A.I. dotsentp kand.tekhn.nauki KOI-TYUKOV. M., dotsent, kand.
.9 .9 P
tekhn.nauk; EFROS, B.Ye., dotsent,.~~.-i-ek'hn.-nauk
Production of fine yarns from a blend of staple nylon fibers
with cottbn. Tekst.prom* 24 no.1:11-15 Ja 64. (MEU 17:3)
1. Moskovskiy tekstilinyy institut.
kand. tskhn. nauk, dotsent; EFPLG-, D.Yl~,., kand. tekhn.
nauk, dot.nent.; KOBLYAKOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk
Characteristics of yarn and knit goods manuractured from
a t-cluton, and lavsan blend. Tek3t. prom. no.4,10-1~ Ap 165.
I. Mo5kovokiy tekstIlInTf institut,
't-" ~Z- Ir'- --
, I - '71 -,/
.11 ~ 1, V ~ /I i~' ,
NOVIKOV, N.V.; KpimIgnif-A-1 0; USP=KLY, N.M.. redektor; ilMRIANOV, B.I.,
[Flame throwers and incendiary weapons] Ognemetno-zazh1jJpLt~l'noe
orushis. Moskva, lid-vo DOSAAF. 1957- 86 p. (KL" lf)t9)
(Flame throwers) (Projectiles, Incendiary)
KONYUMOV, V., inzhener-podpolkovnik; OhTYABRISKIY, R., inzhener-kapitan
1. ~aylng out shelters for troopB. Vocn. vest. 41 no-7:93-96 JI
61. (MINI 15: 1)
(Air raid shelters)
Ruby-operated laser with a generation ltngth of -10 msec.
Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4:857-862 0 163. (KIRA 16:11)
1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR.
AUTHORS: Chipanin, I. V., Ivanova, M. T., Naumova, A. A., Konyukova, A. T.
TITLE: Flotation of fine-grained sands of the West-Siberian titanium-
zircon deposit
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 9, abstract 6G63
C'Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.i. in-t redk. met.", 1961, no. 9,
94 - 99)
TEXT: The sands of the West-Siberian deposit are fine-grained with a
diverse mineralogical complex. The basic sand mass (about 90%) is of -0.25 mm
size; it contains up to 24% class -0.074 mm. Collective flotation can be recom-
mended for initial concentration, assuring the production of a higher-quality
concentrate with greater extraction degree of valuable components than the gravi-
tation methods. Successful flotation requires thorough desliming of the sands
with preliminary drying of the material. The concentration system provides dis-
integration, screening, and double hydrocyclonization according to class -0.02 Mm
with subsequent collective flotation of deslimed sands. Oleic acid, oxidized
Card 1/2
K teorii srednikh velichin. Tashkent, trudy SR.-AZ. un-ta, ser. matem. (5), 24 (1940),
SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947
Edited by Kurosh, A.G.,
Markusevich, A.I.,
Rashevskiyj P.K.
Moscow-Leningradv 1948
One problem of V.I.Romanovskii. Trudy Inst.mat-i mekh. AN
Uz.SSR no.10 pt.1:81-85 '52. (NIU 8:9)
(mathematical statistics)
6510. Konyus, A.A. Kratkiye S*edeniyi lo Teorii Veroyatnostey. Ei.,
Svyaz'izdat, 1954. 80 S. S Graf. 22 -01m. (M-vo s-vyazi Ss Sr. Tekhn.
upr. Lektsii pa Tekhnike Sv azi). 3.000 Ekz. 2R. 5K - Bibliogr. s
77-78 (29 Nazv.) - (55-2339T P 519.2 & (016-3)
SOt Knizhnaya Letopial No. 6, 1955
IsConsumer Price Indexes and Demand Ametions."
paper submitted at 31st International Statistical Institute, Brussels, 2-8 Sep '58-
JAI it.
Fr- .7
RAZGOVOROV, Aleksandr Vasil 'yevich; KONYUS, A.A.-, otv. red.; KAZININA, R.A.,
red.; SLUTSKIN, A.A., tekhn. red.
[Selection method and its use in communication enterprises] Vybo-
rochnyi metod i ego primenenie v predpriiatiiakh sviazi. Moskva.,
Gos.izd-vo lit-ry- po voprosam. sviazi i radio, 1961. 49 p.
(MIRA 14:12)
KISEW . Aleksandr Andreyevich, prof., zaal.deyatell nauki (deceased]; IISMI,
V.A., gostavitall-red.; MTATAVA, Ye.D., red.; BUBHOVA, N.M., red.;
VUSOVA, A.H.. red.; GAMSHIM, Ta.Kh.. red.; GRCMBAKH, S.M., red.;
KCUM, N.M.. red.; XUDRUVTSVA* A.,I., red.; KAT23MI, I.Ye.. red.:
-%EFK red.; NOOKOVS[Ii. Sh.D., red.; PEMINA, K.P.. red.;
red.; SHIRVIIM , B.G., red.; ADELIKAN, Z.I., red.; GAVEHLA"j, MaIto
[Selected works. Jubilee edition on the 100th anniversary of his
birth, 1859-1959] Isbrannys trudy. lUbilainoe izdanie k 100-latliu
so dnia rozhdaniia, 1859-1959 gg. Koskva, Gos.i2d-vo med.lit-ry.
1960. 427 P. (KIRA 13:10)
KONYUS editsinakikh nauk; LEBIONVA, V.P., redaktor;
-~4, doktor m
SKIT, G.N., redaktor
(course of the development of Soviet maternal and Infant protection,
1917-1940; from materials of organizational and scientific con-
gresses] Pati. razvitita sovetskoi okhrany materinstya I. aladench*-
stva. (1917-1940). Po materialam organt2atsionnykh I nauchnifth
eftesdov. Pod red. V.P.Lebedevoi I O.N.Speranskogo.*Ko kra,
TSentrallut institut usovershenstvovanlia vrachei, 1;54. 402
(KMA ?: 8)
(Maternal and Infant velfare- History)
ZAILUDOVSKIT, P.Te.; KONWS, S.M.. doktor med.nauk, red.; ZINOV'Mff.
I.A., kand.medn-aiW-, -red.; NONSTANTINOV, G.P.,
[History of Russian medicine; materials for the course on the
history of medicine In medical Institutes and in institutes for
advanced training of physicians] Istoriia otechestvennoi
meditsiny; materialy k kmea Istorli maditsiny v meditsinskikh
institutakh I inatitutakh usovershenstvovaniia vrachei. Koskva, usovershenstvovanlis vrachel. Pt.l. (Period up to
19171 Period do 1917 gods. 1960. 398 P. (miRA 14:2)
Esfir'-Hircnomna, doktor med. nauk; STAROSTENKOVA, M.M., red.;
SAVCIO iKO, Ye.V., tekhn. red.
[Our children should have health and joyl Nashim detiam - zdorovle
i radost'. Moskva, Izd-Vo "Up-nie," 1961. 29 p. (Vsesoiuznoe ob-
shchestvo po rasprostraneniiii politicheskikh i nauchrqkh znanii.
Ser.8, Biologiia i meditsina, no.21) (MIRA 14:11)
X61m8tu* "ed. ,
--l----",,,.". ",l;-,-~, -: '' ~,;,:-. , IIII I* k
11; .: ... ~:~ I . - , -Illow
,- - , " --. . I- ~,: ~ ~: - - f~- 1., 11 . - ,
;, . I - . . . , -1- 1 1 :!. I - ~ I I.,
- 7.: , I -- I I I . - - ----- ...
CHUD&KOV, YO.A., akademik, glavvy redaktor; AKOPOV, S.A., rodaktor; ABTOBO~
LIVSKIY, I. L, redaktor; ACHERM, M.S.. reduktor; BIUMAMM.. -I,M.,
radektor; GUDUOV, N.T., redaktor; DIUJSHIIT, V.I., radaktor; YZFZWV,
A. I.,. redaktor; UPOROMMTS, V.K.,, redaktor; ZIMIN, A. I., redaktor -, ML-
UKOV, N.S., redaktor; KIWICHXV, N.V.. redaktor; ZOVAN, V.M.. redaktor;
09C .. redaktor; UPGART. i.A., redalctor; K<MV, V.A., re-
daktor; KAMINS, L.K.. redaktor; KARITZKBAKH, L.K., redaktor; BIKOIAYV,
G.A., redaktor; WING, I.A., rpdaktcr; PATON, Te.O., redaktor; BMU,
L.K., redaktor; RUBMV, N.N., redaktor; SAVUIN, N.A., redaktor; UKU-
CH15KO, I.I., redakt or; 'AIRMEN 2- 5'.'V., redaktor; SHUMI, N.A., redaktor;
SHRIMT, A.N.,. redoktor; ORVERULIJU,. L.Ta., samestitell glaynogo re-
daktora, redmktor; TAKOVIXV. A.S., redaktor.
[Machine construction encyclopedic handbook] Kahlaostrosuis; entsiklope-
dichaskii spravochulk. Part 1. (Ingizeering.calculatiour. in machine
construction] Inshenernys raschety v sashinostroetil. Moskva, Goo. nauch-
no-tekha. isd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, Vol. 1. no.l. 1947. 548 p.
(Wedftytiewl 'emineft'ri-mg) (mm 8:1)
10. 0 inzhen~r.
For high Ideals In scientific and technical literabire. Vest.vash.
27 ne,11:73-76 N 147. (mm 9:4)
KOSTUSHATA, Tully& Pavlovnaj, Insh., kand.istorich.nauk; GLTAZER, L.,
rot.-; tMMrOUA-,-V.-,t*khn.r*d. .
[Technological prommes and the creation of a material and
technical base for commmism] Takhnicheakii progress I
sozdanle material 'ad..dprolsvodetyannoi basy koommisma. Koskva,
Izd-v* sotelallno-okon.lit-ry, 1959. 203 po (MIRA 13:3)
(Rusal"conomic policy)
KONrUSHATA, TnIfyA Pgyloyna, kand.istor.nauk; KAFLUITOT, A.S., red.;
(Lenin plan for full electrification of the nation Is the plan
for the creation of a mterial and technical basis of communism]
Leninskil plan sploshnoi elaktrifikataii strany - plan nosdanlia
materialino-takhnichaskol bazy kommnisma. Moskva, Izd-vo Quanieg'
1960. 46 p. (Tsesoiusnoe obahchestvo po rasprostranoulin politi-
cheskikh I nauchuykh snanil. Ser.1, Istoriia. no.6)
(AIRA 13:3)
Use technological information In promoting over-all mechanization
and automation. f4ekhA avtom.proizv. 15 no-10:56-59 0 161.
(MIBA 14:10)
1. Glavnyy inzh. Mentrallnogo byuro tekhaicheskoy infor-matsii
Gookomiteta Soveta. Ministrov SSSR po avtomatizatsii i
(Technology-Information services)
Patent information should serve technical development.
Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 18 no.lt44-47 Ja 164.
(MIRA 17:8)
1. Zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy rabote TSentrallnogo
nauchno-issledovateltakogo instituta patentnoy informataii
i tekhniko-ekonomicheskik-h issledovaniy Gosudarstvennogg
komiteta po delam izobreteniy i otkrytiy SSSR.
Defend the priority and national Intereats In the field of
Inventlom, 3md disnoveries In the U.S,SoR. Stroi. I dor.
mash. 10 no.9-07-38 S 165. (MIR.A. 18110)
1, Zames~itell nauchallnika oWela Gonudarstvennogo Komiteta po
delam izobreteniy I atkrytiy SSSR.
f but, ou,
hig". iz
-iy Lrubtivy zavod i for fill-Myli-rinni-1 Uc, on-vv~-- n, is. 2nnnova)
2. Moskovskiy institut stall. I splavov ~for Shovaki.n.)e
1v c/5 Wie,4-lAle 7-
AUTHORS: Klyamkin, N.L.,
I 'z
and Protopopov,
TITLE., Mastering of the
Candidate of Technical Sciencess
Konyushenko. Golovkin, R-V-
N.N., engineers
Production of Tubes by Atomic Hydrogen
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 9, pp 821-827 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In view of some difficulties in piercing tube billets
from some alloy stools and a high consumption of metal
in subsequent rolling, the production of tubes from such
steels by atomic hydrogen welding of strip should be
more economical. After investigations of the process by
TsNIIChM and the Moscow Tube Works on an industrial plant
for the automatic atomic hydrogen welding of tubes was
developed. Conditions of stability of welding arc on the
diameter of electrodes and their holders supplying
hydrogen - table 1; the dependence of electric
parameters of the are on the rate of the supply of hydrogen
and the distance between the centres of electrodes - Fig 3
and 4 respectively. The installation for the production
of alloy tube consists of a modified tube forming stand of
the type lo - 6o, six arcs automatic welding head with a
Card 1/2 control panel, welding transformers and a system of power,
S '1 25/6(1/0.00/0101/011/015
AUTHORSs Konyushenko, A. Golovkin, R.V.o Toe-Ytlin, Kh,,A,,, Strunkin, V.A,
TITLEs Resistance of Welded Titanium Pipes in Hydrochloric Acid Saturated
with Chlorine
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, 1960, No. io, pp.61~-"-;
TEXTt The fabrication of titanium tubes by pressing is connected with high
metal waste and tool consumption. In view of this fact and of the growing
demand of the chemical industry in titanium pipes, the Moskovskiy trubnyy
zavod (Moscow Tube Plant) has carried out tests in !958 to fabricate these
tubes by welding, and a technology has been developea for the welding of
tubes of 12, -16i 211;~ 38 and 76 mm in diameter and 1 .2 mm wall from "T1 (VT1)
titanium. High-grade argon was used for shielding in the way described in a
work that will soon be published (Ref.1) and which concerns the welding of
tantalum. It is known from another work (Ref.2.) that titanium is resistant
to HCl solutions being continually saturated with cblorine, but no informa-
tion could br. 7 ---fid in literature (Ref.3-6) on the behaviour of titanium
Card 1/5
A t61/A.35
Resistance of Welded Titanium Pipes in HydrochlorlC Acid SaLuzated with
welds. VT1 titanium tubes of 25 mm diameter and 1.5- mm waii were welded with
160 amp, 12 volt current and 0.6 m/min welding speed, using 4 mm diameter
electrodes and a 12 mm diameter nozzle, while the azgon consumption was 9 li-
ter/min on the arc and 6 liter/min in the blast. The test zpecimens were
rings cut from the tubes and placed into glass test tubes on glass hooks.
Chlorine was blown continually through the test solution (water solution).
A test lasted 200 hours. The resistance of the metal was measured by the
loss of weight, mechanical properties and microstructure. & corrosion rate
of only 0.01 mm, per year was found in a 5% HOI solution at 900C, and 0.1 mm
per year in a 20. solution at 600C. The resistance in fumes was several times
higher. The corrosion rate remained practically constant, The microstruc-
ture of all specimens was: cast metal of coarse-aci--ular shape in the weld
zone, and fine spherical grain shape with twins in base metal (Fig.2,3). The
test results prove the applicability of welded VTI titanium equipment or
tubes in HC1 being continually saturated with chlorint~; a 5'~" HOI concentra-
tion is permissible for work in temperature not higher than 90nC., and a 2CF14
Card 2/5
Resistance of Welded TiUmium Pipes in Hydrochloric Aoid Saturated with
concentration at temperature of no higher than 660c. The.,fre-e chlorine con
tent must be about 0.2 g in 100 V. There are figures and 6 referenceiss-,
4 Soviet-bloo and 2 non-Soviet-bloo.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy trubnyy zavod (Moacow Tube Plant),(A.T. Konyushenko
and R.V. Golovkin); NIOPiK im.Vor'oshilova (NIOPandK im. Voro-
shilov) (M.A. Tseytlin, V.A. Strunkin)
AUTHORS-. Kon-.pashenko A. T., Golovkin, R. V., Konstantinov, V. I.1
TITLE; Manufacture of Tantalum Tubes
- -0
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1960,j\Nr 1, pp 60-67 (USSR)
Ca:L-d 1/5
The authors have developed a new and. efficient technique
for fabricating metal tabes, among them tantalum tubes.
The process consists in butt-welding strip and forming
it into tubes; these are welded by argon are in an
c.,xistini-; i-ecanstructed automatic electric weldinG tube
nill and subsequentl-y passe-d through roilinE mills (Fig
The dimensicris of -the original strip are determined by
size of' -the tube required and the possibility of its
mwiufacture in a given plant. The application of clamps
arid directing instrimients in rolling prevents scrap due
6o strip cominG out in a crescent-shaped form, Cutiting
of the strip edgmes is carried out with disc shears.
_r-'ieces of striT) luere butt-uelded by argon arc v.,elding
M the mode rniz.--id auLomatir maichine "ADS-1000-2-111 by
direct curront (experiments on the welding of
te-.ntaluTI strip with alternating current have not given
CS85 C11
Manufacture of Tantalum Tubes
satisfactory results). Tungsten rods (W-15) containing
1,5% thorium oxide were used as electrodes. Saturation
:of tantalum with nitrogen and oxygen increases the
hardness and brittleness of the metal. To prevent this
effect the weldinG zone (the Dool of molten metal and the
joint both sides of the strip along a length of 50 to
70 mm) was Drotected by inert gas (argon containing 0.23%
nitrogen ana 0.05106 oxygen) (see Table 1). The strip can
be annealed either before but t-we Iding or after welding
and cleaninj.~ of the joint. Annealing vias carr-Led out
by soaking for 1.112 hours in an electric vacwum furnace
of the Ts.-EP-273 type, at a temperature of 12000C writh a
residual pressure of 110-4 Mm Ifg. The weight of the charge
was 30 to 40 kg. Prior to being charged into the furnace
the strip was thorouj~hly washed with acetonp, The
cinnoalod sErip had. a UTS ((Y ) of 51 7 a I)OPCO11t~aF,(3-
0% ~2 a Rockwell hardness ~HRB)
elongation (6) of 24.0 an
of the above mechanical properties show that although
the strip was annealed sufficiently
nou fully annealed,
to be formed into tube billets (Table 2). In t-he
%Jard 2/3 continuous forming of the tantalum strip the sha-oir-'E;
Manufacture of Tantalum Tubes
rolls used were graduated and had groove profiles as shown
_Ln Fig 2~ Argon was applied to the internal surface of
the joint through the end of a hollow rod which was fiX-ed.
between the f if th and sixth shaping stands. Argon was
also applied to the external surface of the joint, by
a supplementar-,y- noazle (Fig The best results in the
weldim- of tantalum tubes were obtained when the welding
i)rocedures inclicated in Table 3 were apDlied, Table 4
sliot'~,s the, test results on welded tube snecimens at-,
various annoalin- tomperatures. In Table 5 the best
rollin-~ method -for tantalum tubes is given, Tubes of
niobium, tantalum, cobalt and their alloys have been
fabricated by the new technique. There are 3 figures,
tables -=d 3 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATIONS: hloskovskiy trubn-yy 7.aliod (t'~,Icscow Tube Works (first
two authors)) '.-.os1X1-ovskiy elektrolam-T)ov zavod (1111oscow
Eiec~tln.C LZIMT) ;.'1OT'kT, last two autho, STY
Radio-requenqy welding-of.straight-seam tubes on the 6-32
machine.. )%tallurg--& no.IW4~26 0 163.- .(MIRA 16:12)
1. Wookovskiy tPubnyy zavod.
.ACCESSION NR: AP4009ZSI 5/0125164/000/001/003110024
AUTHOR: Konyushenko, A. T!,; Golovkin, R. V. 1; Kononova. V. La
I TITLE: Investigating resistance welding of tubing at 300 cps
SOURCE: Avtomaticheskays, evarka, noo 1. 1964. 21-24
TOPIC TAGS: welding, resistance welding, tube-welding, 300 cps resistams A
welding, tube resistance welding
ABSTRACT: An investigation of the possibility of ummufacturing welded 6-16-nm
tubing equal In strength to seaml&ss tubing is reported. At 100, 200, a" 300
cps, tubing (146 batches) was wMerinwntally welded at a rate of 30-87 m/nda. It
was found that the'ultinate strength of the tubing welded at. 300 cps was
50 kg1mm , &M that almost all the specinwas broke outside the weld. 8p;dme
28 x 0. 8 -nun welded at 60 -70 m/nds rate.* with0tood, pressures uptoMatmoA
I red.; BLAZHMOVA, G.I,,.
(Models of naval vessels] Modell voennykh korablei. Koekva,
Isd-vo DOSW, 1958. 28 p. (MIRA 12:2)
DOWNIN, Terentiy VaBil'YSTich; K SHMM I.A red.; KTASNENKO.
A.K., red.-; KARTAKINA, . ., to . ea.
[Bacteriological weapons and defense measures against then]
Baktariologichoskoo ornshnie i wry sashchity ot nego.
Nookwa, Isd-To DOdW, 19591 12 p. (NIB& 12:8)
(Bacteirioloilcal V'Sirfare) '.
BAGAYP6V, Leonid Kuzimich; ZAONEGIN, Vladimir Nikolayevich; SUROVIKIN,
VladiBlav Dmitriyevich; KONTUSHMO, I.A., red.; KARYAKINA,
(Oxygen diving equipment; visual aids for training in shallov
diving] Kislorodayi vodolaznyl skafandr; nagliadnce uchabnoe
posobie dlia obuchenlia legkovodolaznozu delu. Moskva. Isd-vo
DOUAY, 1959. 24 p. (MIRA 12:11)
(Diving, Sabmarine-Equipment and supplies)
KONWSHINKO, It. kand. voyannykh nauk, podpolkovnik; SAZHIN, N.. gvardil
--------p-odp-o-1Yc-vnik; TSATSORIN, X., podpolkovnik
The tank company on the offensive; points on the organization
and application of tactical instruction. Voen. vast. 39 no.6:35-"
Je 159. (MIRA 12:9)
(Tank warfare)
KATLIB, Semen Llvovicks; BORNOVOLOKOY, B.P., red.; KOMBHENKO, I.A.,
red.; BLAZE=OVA, G.1.0
[Radio circuits; an aid for radio clubs] Radioakhomy; posobie
dlia radiokruzhkov. Moskva. Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1960. 79 P.
(MIRA 13:7)
(Radio circuits)
STOLYAROV, Yuriy StapanovichoKONYUSHENKO, I.A. red.; 14UKHINA, Ye.S.,
tekhn. red.
(Automation and remote control in the work of young technologists]
Avtomatika i telemekhanika v tvorchestve iunykh tekhnikov. Moskva,
Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1962. 105 P. (MIRA 16:1)
(Automation) (Remote control)
AGATOV, Aleksandr Andreyevich; kOKUSHEIINO I.A., red.
tekhn. red. MUKHINA, Ye. S.
(Light fuels and their mixtures for sports motor vehicles]Leg-
kie topliva i ikh smesi dlia sportivnykh dvigatelei. Moskva,
DOSAAF, 1962, 67 p. (MIRA 16:2)
(Motor fuels-Antiknock and antiknock mixtures)
-, 7
IIESELOVSKIY, Alek5and.- .41kolayevich;
M.Z., tekhn. red.
(Radio-controlleu' _~,njlj 1~";iaupravliaemaia model'
korablia. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1963. go p.
(MIRA 16:10)
(Ship models--Radio control)
ZKO,-I.-A-., red.; BELIC 0,
N.I., red.; TURTAYKINA, N.N., teklm. red.
[Laws of streets and roads] Zakony ulits I dorog. Izd.2.9
perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAO, 1963. 83 p.
(MIRA 16:10)
(Traffic regulations)
POEEZRIMOV, Ivan Fedorovich; kQj~N~KOL~A. red.; ROMANOV, P.I.,
red.; SORKITI, M.Z., tekhn. red. . .1
[What the draftee must know about service regulations)
Ghto nuzhno znat' prizyvniku o voinskikh ustavakh. Moskva,
Izd-vo DOSAAF, 19630 83 p. (min 16:7)
(Russia-Amed forces-Regulntions)
NO HE N -a., Inshe
Untv*roal w4ltiple-cutter baring hNAs. lesbr. I rate,
no.8:25 Ag 158. (NIM 1119)
(Drilling &ad boring mchimory)
Now developawnts in the processing of poultry. Khar.prom.
no*3:29-30 JI-S 162. (MM 15; 8)
(Mmina.-Poultry plants)
- --- r-, ,,
e A)
Ifficient design of sandblast nozzles. Stan. i instr. 28
no.12t2l-23 D 157. (MIRA 10:12)
(Ketal Cleaning) (Sandblast)
KOINYUSHENK09 Stepan Panteleymonovi-ch; SHULIMAN, Ye.F., in2h., red.; FCKICM,
A.G., ~, izd-va; OVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red.
[Vibratpry bins] Vibrobunkery. Leningrad, 1961. 23 p. (Leningradskii
Dom ua#bbno-tekbnicheskoi and Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia:
Propag a
Pribory I elementy avtomatiki, no .310 (KIRA 14:7)
(Feed mechanism)
PLIYEV, Issa Aleksandrovichp dvazlidy geroy Sovotskogo Sayuza
general JWft KONYUSiMAO VI.D., red.
[Across the Gobi and the Hsingan] Cherez Gobi i Khingan.
Moskva# Voenizdatp 1965. 155 P. (NIRA l8sll)
AUTMRS: Molotkov, V.I. and Konvushev, A.I.
--L ------- i-
TITLE: A filament voltage stabilizer with a magnetic ampli-
fier for electron tubes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 11, 1961, 23, abstract 11 E149 (Nauchno-tekhn.
inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 9,
TEXT: In an a.c. voltage stabilizer with a closed control
F itmagnetic amplifier, controlled by an electronic anplifier,
is uidd as the regulating element. The sensor - a diode with tung-
sten filament 4Q6C (4Ts6S) is connected tolthe output terminals of
tUe system and reacts to the variations of the voltage. Theoretical
analysis of the output voltage stability takes into account the para-
meters of the muplifier, the sensor and the regulating element; the
analysis is based on the theory of ideal magnetic amplifier which
Card 1/2
1,wilt-n low
FRIDLAVD, M.O., zasluztennyy deyatell naukip profkj_KQHY-US
Differentiation of intra- and extra-artioular fractu-res of the
upper end of the femur. OrtOPestravmei protexe no.2t24-28
(MIU 15:3)
1e IM travmatologicheskogo otdoleniya (zav. - prof. M.o. Frid-
land) Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.6 (glavnyy
vrach - N.S. Shevyakov).
I&MIng workers iscame outstanding ones* Put' I put-khoze
4 no. 4: 10 Ap 160 * (MI" 13:7)
I* Nachallnik distantsil putii stantelys Yelgavaj latviyokoy
dorogi (for KozWushevskly)* 2& Zemestitell nachallnilm
distantsil puti, stantiffft Yelgaira. latviyakoy dorogi (for
BARGH, l.Z., inzh.; KUTIOV, E.N., inzh.Prinimali uchastiye, KkWClU-'lKOVA,
G.R., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; SAPOZMIIKOVA, G.F., starshiy
laborant; BLOM, L.A., starshiy laborant;._HT~~~-,
red.;DONSKOY, Ya,Ye., red.; -%MCHEIKO, M.G., tekhn. red.
(construction cranes] Stroitellnye krany; spravochnoe posobie. Pod
red. B.I.Koniushevskogo. Kharlkov~ Kharlkovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,
1961. 409 p. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Kharkov. Yuzhmyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pron7shlen-
nogo stroitellstva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitell-
stva, i arkhitektury USSR (for Konyushevskiy).
(Cranes., derricks, etc.)