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Approver Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-3R0002002300294 _ z-- ? -- NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE ' EAGUE 0411a A Nonpartisan Citizens' Organization ? Founded In 1881 MUrray Hill 9-3544 315 FIFTH AVENUE President NICHOLAS KELLEY Kelley Drye Newhall Maginnes 6' Warren Chairman. National Advisory Council ROBERT L. JOHNSON Chairman, Executive Committee BERNARD L. GLADIEUX Vice President Boor, Allen 6' Hamilton Inc. Treasurer WESTON RANKIN Partner Price, Waterhouse and Company Executive Director JAMES R. WATSON VICE PRESIDENTS DEVEREUX C. JOSEPHS Director New York Life Insurance Company MURRAY SEASONGOOD Paxton & Seasongood JAMES A. SIMPSON Lange, Simpson, Robinson & Somerville CHARLES P. TAFT Taft, Lavercombe and Fox BOARD OP Dix/se-roes DANIEL W. BELL Chairman American Security & Trust Company BRUCE BROMLEY Cravath, Swaine & Moore JOHN J. CORSON Director McKinsey 6' Company. Inc. WALTER D. FULLER Walter D. Fuller Company WILLIAM C. GREENOUGH President Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association LOUIS A. JOHNSON Steptoe & Johnson ROBERT S. KERR. JR. Kerr, Conn 6' Davis JOSEPH I. LUBIN Eisner & Lubin JAMES P. MITCHELL Vice President Crown Zellerbach Corporation SAMUEL IL ORDWAY. JR. President Conservation Foundation WINSTON PAUL Trustee DON K. PRICE Dean Graduate School of Public Administration Harvard University HAROLD S. SHEFELMAN Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay 6' Moch ROCCO C. SICILIANO Wilkinson, Cragun 6' Barker SIDNEY W. SOUERS Chairman General American Life Insurance Co. CHARLES B. STAUFFACHER Executive Vice President Continental Can Company, Inc. MRS. KATHRYN H. STONE Delegate Virginia General Assembly.. EDWARD F. THOMAS- Edward Thomas Associates, Inc. JAMES E. WEBB On Leave WATSON W. WISE Wise Operating Companies Appr g APR ?IM 1963 Dear Colonel Grogan: NEW YORK 16, N. Y. April 8, 1963 I wish to express the gratitude of the officers and staff of the National Civil Service League for your splendid cooperation in helping to promote attendance at our ninth Career Service Awards dinner. The response from the Central Intelligence Agency was gratifying, and contributed signifi- cantly to the recognition of Arthur Lundahl. From our own point of view, and judging from the enthusiastic connents from a host of those who were present, our 1963 dinner was a memorable occasion with a record attendance and a roster of distinguished guests. We hope you and Mrs. Grogan had a pleasant evening. Sincerely, Colonel Stanley J. Grogan Assistant to the Director Central Intelligence Agency Langley, Virginia s R. Watson ecutive Director ved For Release 2902/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Contributions are tax deductible alb Appr Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE A- NCY OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR "`";--)"" t'4?c_ki r?s: atip4A16? cerAi a-c-h-oN.N ett,41 repe'xc, ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved Iris 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-010040230029-4 NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE A Nonpartisan Citizens' Organization Founded in 1881 MUrray Hill 9-35'44 315 FIFTH AVENUE President NICHOLAS KELLEY Kelley Drye Newhall Maginiaes & Warren Chairman, National Advisory Council ROBERT L. JOHNSON Chairman, Executive Committee BERNARD L GLADIEUX Vice President Boos, Allen fs' Hamilton Inc. Treasurer WESTON RANKIN Partner Price. Waterhouse and Company Executive Director JAMES R. WATSON Vaca Peasnariams DEVEREUX C. JOSEPHS Director New York Life Insurance Company MURRAY SEASONGOOD Paxton & Seasongood JAMES A. SIMPSON Lange, Simpson, Robinson & Somerville CHARLES P. TAFT Taft, Lavercombe and Pox BOMLD oy DIDECTOILS DANIEL W. BELL Chairman American Security & Trust Company BRUCE BROMLEY Cravath. Swain. & Moore JOHN J. CORSON Director McKinsey & Company, Inc. WALTER D. FULLER Walter D. Fuller Company WILLIAM C. GREENOUGH President Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association LOUIS A. JOHNSON Steptoe 6' Johnson ROBERT S. KERR, JR. Kerr, Conn & Davis JOSEPH I. LUBIN Eisner & Lubin JAMES P. MITCHELL Vice President Crown Zellerbach Corporation SAMUEL H. ORDWAY, JR. President Conservation Foundation WINSTON PAUL Trustee DON K. PRICE Dean Graduate School of Public Administration Harvard University HAROLD S. SHEFELMAN Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch ROCCO C. SICILIAN? Wilkinson. Cragun & Barker SIDNEY W. SOUERS Chairman General American Life Lisurance Co CHARLES B. STALIFFACHER Executive Vice President Continental Can Company, Inc. MRS. KATHRYN H. STONE Delegate Virginia General Assembly EDWARD F. THOMAS Edward Thomas Associates, Inc. JAMES E. WEBB On Leave WATSON W. WISE Wise Operating Companies Ap Dear General Carter: NEW YORK 16, N. Y. April 5, 1963 Executive Ends): On behalf of the Officers and Directors of the National Civil Service League, I want to express our sincere appreciation to you for your presence and participation in our ninth annual Career Service Awards dinner. Your presentation of Arthur C. Lundahl added significantly to the importance and prestige of his recognition as an outstanding public servant. This annual program which the League inaugurated to bring honor and prestige to the public service has achieved a steadily growing importance. From our own point of view and judging from the enthusiastic comments of a host of those who were present, our 1963 program was a truly memorable occasion, with a record attendance and an impressive roster of distinguished guests. We hope you experienced a pleasant evening, and trust we shall have the pleasure of having you with us again next year. Sincerely, Ae4L3.1 es R. Watson ecutive Director Lt. General Marshall S. C ter Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. roved For ReleascTIltiMileerFeTAdR191161F-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE presents ITS NINTH ANNUAL Career Service Awards c7i,tfirter Tuesday, the Twenty-sixth of March Nineteen Hundred Sixty-three The Sheraton-Park Hotel Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 1963 NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE 315 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 16, N. Y. Organized in 1881, the National Civil Service League is a nonpartisan citizens' group working to improve the public service through better personnel at all levels of government?Federal, state, and local. The League is proud to present its ninth annual Career Service Awards to ten outstanding employees of the Federal Government. These individuals exemplify the highest attributes of the career public service. * * * THE CAREER SERVICE AWARDS PROGRAM IS SUPPORTED BY THE ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 SEATING LIST NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE ninth _Annual Career .Service Awards in ncr Tuesday, the Twenty-sixth of March Nineteen Hundred Sixty-three Appr The Sheraton-Park Hotel Washington, D. C. ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 HEAD TABLE (Upper Tier) (Seating Arrangement -- From Left to Right) 1. Hon. Albert W. Watson, U. S. Representative from South Carolina 2. Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, Deputy Administrator, National Aeronautics & Space Administration 3. Rear Admiral J. M. Lyle, SC, USN, Deputy Director, Defense Supply Agency 4. Hon. Kathryn E. Granahan, Treasurer of the United States 5. Hon. Robert E. Hampton, Commissioner, U. S. Civil Service Commission 6. Rear Admiral F. L. Ashworth, USN, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy 7. Hon. David N. Henderson, U. S. Representative from North Carolina 8. Hon. Ben Dorfman, Chairman, U. S. Tariff Commission 9. Hon. Robert R. Barry, U. S. Representative from New York 10. Dr. Leonard Carmichael, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution 11. Hon. Thomas D. Morris, Assistant Secretary of Defense 12. Hon. Donald M. Wilson, Deputy Director, U. S. Information Agency 13. Hon. Kermit Gordon, Director, Bureau of the Budget 14. Rev. Ernest Gordon, Dean of the Chapel, Princeton University 15. Mr. Winston Paul, National Civil Service League 16. Hon. Hiram L. Fong, U. S. Senator from Hawaii 17. Hon. John A. McCone, Director, Central Intelligence Agency 18. Mr. Weston Rankin, National Civil Service League; Partner - Price, Waterhouse & Co. 19. Hon. Douglas Dillon, Secretary of the Treasury 20. Mr. Walter Cronkite, CBS News Commentator 21. Mr. Bernard L. Gladieux, National Civil Service League, Chairman of Executive Committee; Vice President, - Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. 22. Hon. John W. Macy, Jr., Chairman, United States Civil Service Commission 23. Hon. Kathryn H. Stone, National Civil Service League; Delegate, Virginia General Assembly 24. Hon. J. Edward Day, Postmaster General 25. Hon. David E. Bell, Administrator, Agency for International Development Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 - 2 - HEAD TABLE (Upper Tier) continued 26. Hon. Frank Carlson, U. S. Senator from Kansas 27. Mr. William C. Greenough, National Civil Service League; President, Teachers Insurance 6 Annuity Association 28. Hon. Gale W. McGee, U. S. Senator from Wyoming 29. Mr. Rocco C. Siciliano, National Civil Service League; Partner - Wilkinson, Cragun 6 Barker 30. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Under Secretary of Commerce 31. Mrs. Robert Winternitz, Chairman Executive Committee, Civil Service Reform Association 32. Hon. Victor Longstreet, Assistant Secretary of The Navy 33. Hon. Alan S. Boyd, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board 34. Hon. Thaddeus J. Dulski, U. S. Representative from New York 35. Hon. Frederick J. Lawton, Vice Chairman, U. S. Civil Service Commission 36. Hon. Kenneth E. BeLieu, Assistant Secretary of the Navy 37. Hon. Lindley Beckworth, U. S. Representative from Texas 38. Rear Admiral Martin J. Lawrence, Chief of Industrial Relations, Department of the Navy 39. Hon. Joe R. Pool, U. S. Representative from Texas 40. Hon. Howard W. Habermeyer, Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board 41. Hon. W. Donlon Edwards, U. S. Representative from California 42. Mr. James R. Watson, Executive Director, National Civil Service League Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 AWARD WINNERS HEAD TABLE (Lower Tier) 1. Graeme C. Bannerman 2. Mrs. Graeme C. Bannerman 3. Captain Hewlett R. Bishop 4. August C. Hahn 5. Mrs. August C. Hahn 6. Dr. Gregory K. Hartmann 7. Mrs. Gregory K. Hartmann 8. Arthur C. Lundahl 9. Mrs. Arthur C. Lundahl 10. Nicholas J. Oganovic 11. Mrs. Nicholas J. Oganovic 12. Dr. Hildrus A. Poindexter 13. Mrs. Hildrus A. Poindexter 14. James J. Rowley 15. Mrs. James J. Rowley 16. Frank A. Taylor 17. Mrs. Frank A. Taylor 18. Mr. William H. Weathersby Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 ORGANIZATIONAL SEATING LIST Organization Table Number AFL State, County and Municipal Employees 106 STATI NTL American Cyanamid Company 19 Central Intelligence Agency Civil Service Commission 1, ? 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28 Commerce 36, 37 Defense 24, 25, 26, 27 Federal Professional Association 107, 108 Ford Motor Company 21 General Electric Company 20 Navy 29, 30, 31, 32 Post Office 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Radio Corporation of America 33 Republic Aviation Corporation 38 Smithsonian Institution 66, 67, 68, 69 Treasury 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 87, 88 Underwood Corporation 33 U. S. Information Agency 62, 63, 65 U. S. Secret Service 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 105 White House Police 101, 102, 103, 104 Press Table 98 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 GENERAL SEATING LIST NAME Table No. NAME Table No. Ablard, Dr. J. E. 30 Bell, Garland V. 86 Adams, Miss Eva (2 guests) 31 Berg, Arthur I. 36 Aebersold, Arthur F. 2 Berlin, Seymour 12 Aitchison, Beatrice 39-48,54-53 Berman, Benjamin 7 Allen, William L. 39-48,54-58 Berman, Hy 78 Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. 36 Berry, Mr. & Mrs. W. L. 101-104 Alexander, Robert 39-48,54-53 Bertsch, A. A. 20 Amchan, Morris 29 Berzak, Mr. & Mrs. W. P. 4 American Federatio of State, Bidgood, Miss Pat 63 County & Municipal Employees 106 Biglin, Donald 16 Ames, Miss Laura 99 Bishop, Mrs. Hewlett R. 36 Anderson, Burnett 63 Bishop, Marcia 36 Anderson, Mx. & Mrs. Howard S. 89-96,105 Bishop, Dr. & Mrs. Philip W. 67 Anderson, Jack 11 Blaschak, Walter 89-96,105 Anderson, Milton 39-48,54-58 Blate, Mr. & Mrs. B. J. 39-48,54-58 Anderson, Dr. & Mrs. Richmond 53 Bleil, Dr. D. F. 30 Andervont, Dr. & Mrs. Howard B 51 Blitch, James 12 Andress, W. S. 39-48,54-53 Block, Dr. Herbert 39-43,54-53 Angel, Mx. & Mrs. Herbert E. 61 Bloom, Peter 25 Anglin, Mx. & Mrs. John E. 69 Blosser, Charles B. 62 Arnesen, Mr. & Mrs Ragnar 100 Blum, Mr. & Mrs. William 34 Arnett, Thomas E. 100 Blumenthall, Leon 5 Arnsberger, J. B. 39-48,54-50 Borda, Mr. & Mrs. Charles 86 Aronson, C. J. 29 Borda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 85 Arthaud, R. E. 29 Boring, Floyd 78 Ashworth, Rear Admiral F. L. Dais Bouck, Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. 89-96,105 Bowler, Mr. & Mrs. John P. 2 Boyd, Hon, Alan S. Dais Boyd, Mary A. 39-48,54-58 Babel, George 2 Boyle, William E. 69 Bach, Hollis B. 39-43,54-58 Bradley, Mr. & Mrs. James C. 66 Baker, Arlie P., Jr. 31 Breickner, Joseph I. 89-96,105 Banfield, William 70 Briggs, A. G. 39-48,54-58 Bannerman, Martha 25 Bright, Mr. & Mrs. Robert 89-96,105 Barker, Howard R. 39-43,54-53 Brockman, Mr. & Mrs. C. W. 31 Barrick, Reuben K. 37 Brown, Maurice 2 Basham, Anne 99 Browning, Carson 39-48,54-58 Bates, Mr. & Mrs. Robert 9 Brugger, Mr. & Mrs. La Verne 4 Batrus, Frederick E. 39-48,54-53 Brumbaugh, D. Q. 29 Beall, Mx. & Mrs. Carlton 39-48,54-53 Bryant, C. A. 39-48,54-58 Beary, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. 39-48,54-58 Bryant, Charles H. 7 Beckman, John 16 Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. E. C. 52 Bechtold, Edward 10 Burke, James T. 89-96,105 Beckworth, Hon. Lindley Dais Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. 101-104 Beckworth, Mks. Lindley 49 Burkhead, Charles E. 107 Beecher, Richard 11 Burkley, Dr. George G. 78 Beets, Miss Virginia 67 Burling, Edward B. & guest 34 Beeler, Mr. & Mrs. Carl 10 Burnell, William 88 Behn, Gerald 70 Burns, James A. 39-48,54-58 Belen, Hon. & Mrs. Frederick 39-48,54-58 Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Martin 16 BeLieu, Hon. Kenneth E. Dais Burris, James D. 39-48,54-58 Belin, G. d'Andelot 79 Byram, William E. 28 Bell, Hon. David E. Dais Bell, Mrs. Da444n1Dyed For Relea se 2002/02/06: CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 NAME Camp, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Campbell, Jacob Campion, John E. Carland, John E. Carlson, Hon, Frank Carmichael, Dr. Leonard Carmichael, Mrs. Leonard Carneal, Mrs. Irene Carnes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Carnvale, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carroll, William A. Carson, Regina Castillejo, Jose Luis Cawley, V. R. Chaney, Mx. & Mrs. George W. Chapin, Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Churney, Mr. & Mks. Frank Clain-Stefanelli, Dr. & Mrs. V Clark, Donald R. Clayton, Mr. & Mrs. Fay Coffman, Amos J. Cogan, Raymond H. Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Comulada, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Conlon, James A. Connor, James L. Cook, Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Comely, Dr. & Mrs. Paul C Cornish, Dr. & Mrs. Pinyon Corrigan, William Cotturo, Grace A. Covins, Anthony A. Cozzens, Mrs. Elsie Crane, Donn P. Crawley, Roy W. Cresthull, Esther Cronkite, Walter Crook, Leonard T. Crowe, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Culp, Jo Cumiskey, Frank Curtis, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Dahlquist, Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Daniel, P. J. and guests Daniel, Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Daniel, Russell Daniel, Wallace G. DavisJohn A. A roved For Release 2002E02/06 : J. - 2 - Table No. 64 39-48,54-58 73 25 Dais Dais 66 39-43,54-58 89-96,105 31 39-48,54-58 4 23 39-48,54-58 89-96,105 39-48,54-58 15 69 31 5 39-48,54-58 51 89-96,105 29 36 33 27 69 60 53 39-48,54-58 65 65 59 39..48,54-58 53 2 Dais 107 39-48,54-58 15 39-48,54-58 52 89-96,105 84 31 89-96,105 39-48,54-58 PP NAME Day, Hon. J. Edward Deal, Calvin Dean, Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Dean, Wayne G. de Angelis, Mr. & Mrs. Manlio Decker, Lowell Deery, Charles E. Del Grosso, Peter Demuling, Clara Dennison, Mr. & Mrs. David DeWees, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiBetta, Alda Dickerson, Wilton Dickey, Alex DiCkson, A. M. Diemen, Charles Dillon, Hon. Douglas Dixon, Henry L. Dodson, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Dole, Mr. & Mks. Christopher Donnelley, Mr. & Mrs. Dixon Donovan, Michael J. Doran, John Dorfman, Hon. Ben Dorfman, Mrs. Ben Dorsey, E. V. Doyle, Louis J. Drechsler, Carl W. Drott, Bert M. Dryden, Dr. Hugh L. Ducey, Comdr. Anne L. Dulski, Hon. Thaddeus J. Dunckel, Earl B. Duran, Juan East, Catherine S. Echols, Mr. & Mrs. Emmet D. Echols, James R. Eckler, Dr. A. Ross Edwards, Hon. W. Donlon Edwards, Mrs. W. Donlon Egan, Col. William N. Ellers, Joseph Elliott, Philip H. Elliott, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Erion, George Esserman, Jay L. Etzell, Maurice Everett, Mrs. Helen H. Ewers, Mr. & Mrs. John C. CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Table No. Dais 8 61 13 59 39-48,54-58 86 39-48,54-58 16 51 100 2 28 14 108 39-48,54-58 Dais 39-48,54-58 .59 82 79 87 39-48,54-58 Dais 61 39-48,54-58 39-48,54-58 101-104 39-48,54-58 Dais 99 Dais 20 23 10 74 63 51 Dais 61 13 18 39-48,54-58 9 49 87 12 39-48,54-58 66 Appr NAME ved For Release F. Irs. Percy A. 2002/02/06 : - 3 Table No. CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 - NAME Table No. Fay, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fenton, Barbara Fielder, Boyd W. Fitzgerald, Dr. & Fletcher, John D. 37 59 39-40,54-58 60 39-48,54-50 Haack, Wilbur 1 Habermeyer, Hon. Howard W. Dais Hahn, Mr. & Mrs. H. B. 39-48,54-58 Hahn, Rev. Louis C. 39-48,54-58 Hahn, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. 39-48,54-58 Fogerty, H. F. 39-43,54-58 Hailey, Robert G. 7 Fong, Hon. Hiram L. Dais Haley, Judith 67 Fong, Mrs. Hiram L 50 Halmos, Eugene E. 108 Frantz, Robert 33 Hamill, James 17 Freeman, Alva 2 Hammill, William 11 French, Dr. Robert 22 Hampton, Hon. Robert E. Dais Fridge, Benjamin W 27 Hancock, Frank M. 89-96,105 Frosch, Dr. Robert 32 Hannah, Harvey 39-48,54-58 Harden, John G. 37 Harding, Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand M. 85 Harlow, Mr. & Mrs. Bryce 22 Gaffney, Mr. & Mrs George H. 05 Harmon, Miss Dudley 50 Gage, Herbert A. 87 Harper, Henry 73 Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. 72 Harrill, Mx. & Mrs. R. Joseph 99 Gardner, Paul V. 69 Harriman, E. E. 39-48,54-58 Geiglein, Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. 89-96,105 Harris, Reed 65 Gelston, C. B. 39-48,54-50 Harris, R. E. 107 Gill, Thomas G. on 00 Harrison, Evelyn 6 Gill, Vern 3 Hartigan, Mr. & Gimmel, Kermit (Guests) 71 Mrs. William J. 39-48,54-58 Giordano, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. 85 Harvey, Donald R. 16 Gladieux, Bernard L. Dais Heath, Milton 20 Gladieux, Mrs. Bernard L. 35 Heffelfinger, Ross A. 80 Gladieux, MX. & Mrs. Bernard L., Jr. 35 Heiby, Mr. & Mrs. Earnest 18 Glasheen, John 15 Heighes, Raymond 13 Gleason, Mary J. 1 Henderson, Hon. David N. Dais Godel, William H. 26 Henkel, Lowell L. 68 Goins, Mrs. Thelma 59 Henne, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. 89-96,105 Goldberg, Mr. & Mrs Del 97 Herman, Earl M. 39-48,54-58 Goldberg, Jack 1 Hessalroad, Lorraine 19 Golden, Mr. & Mrs Max 24 Hoag, Frank 100 Goode, Cecil E. 50 Hockman, Mr. & Mrs. E. M. 36 Gordon, Mrs. Ernest 23 Hoehler, Mr. & Mrs. Fred K., Jr 60 Gordon, Rev. Ernest Dais Hoffman, Ludwig 18 Gordon, Hon. Kermit Dais Hoffman, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. 89-96,105 Gormley, Mx. & Mrs. Donald C. 34 Holtzclaw, Henry J. 86 Grady, Markt 39-48,54-58 Holtzhauer, John C. 89-96,105 Granahan, Hon. Kathryn E. Dais Honenberger, E. J. 39-48,54-58 Graves, Mr. & lArsL Thomas 97 Hopkins, Elizabeth W. 65 Green, R. L. 39-48,54-58 Howell, Mrs. Hilda 65 Greenough, William C. Dais Howland, Dr. Richard 66 Grenoble, William L. 65 Hughes, John F., Jr. 88 Griffin, Norman E. 39-48,54-58 Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip S. 35 Griffith, James H. 89-96,105 Hulick, Ray L. 39-48,54-58 Griner, John Groark, E. T. 50 18 Grogan, Col. 77 Gulledge, Hon)?1kifsl!ar114?itjP.le. 2002/42/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 NAME Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 - 4 - Tab le No. NAME Ihrig, Edwin C. Irons, Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Nyle Jacobson, Ray Jansson, Muriel N. Jason, Dean Robert S. Jay, Vincent E. Jeffries, Mr. & Mrs James G. Jensen, Dennis Jessee, John Jinks, Harold M. Johns, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Johnson, Mr. Francis Johnson, James K. Johnson, Kimbell Johnson, Richard Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jones, John P. Jones, Miss Katherine A. Jones, Robert Jones, Hon. & Mrs. Roger W. Jordan, Joseph P. Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. George E. M. Kainen, Jacob Kaiser, Sgt. & Mrs. Myrwood E. Kamrad, John Kanost, Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Kator, Irving Katsuranis, Joseph Kautt, E. C. Kavanaugh, W. D. Kearney, William J. Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, Mrs. L. Kennedy, Joseph A. Kent, Dr. Sherman King, Roger King, William B. Kirkpatrick, Mr. & Mts. Lyman B., Jr. 77 Kiser, Mr. & Mrs. Royal 27 Kluttz, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry 50 Knight, Mr. & Mrs. H. Stuart 89-96,105 Kotyk, Mr. & Mrs. John 21 1 8 39-48,54-58 6 13 52 108 89-96,105 39-48,54-58 7 39-48,54-58 89-96,105 7 13 28 33 97 83 1 63 88 8 89-96,105 32 68 101-104 1 67 1 15 39-48,54-58 19 39-48,54-58 50 89-96,105 49 68 77 39-48,54-58 62 Kraft, Eugene Kranda, Emil Krill, Mr. & Mrs. Jackson N. Krueger, Carl Kunkel, Conrad Landry, E. B. Lanier, Lt. & Mrs. G. E. La Penta, James J., Jr. Lawrence, Rear Adm. Martin J. Lawrence, Mrs. Martin J. Lawton, Mr. & Mrs. David F. Lawton, Hon. Frederick J. Lawton, Mrs. Frederick J. Lea, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Lea, Leonard Leal, Dr. & Mrs. J. R. Lee, Philip R. Leff, Sam Leich, Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Leleck, George Lemmo, Philip Lemons, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lenhart, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Lerner, Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Lewis, Mrs. Dorothy M. Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. James L. Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse W. Ligi, Egesto A. Limouze, Capt. A. Sanford Lincoln, Robert A. Little, L. K. Livingston, Jack Lloyd, H. Gates Lobb, Dr. R. K. Logan, Madonna Long, H. Alan Longstreet, Hon. Victor Longstreet, Mrs. Victor Loring, Winifred Lundahl, Ann C. Lundahl, Robert D. Lusby, Eileen B. Lyle, Rear Admiral J. M. Lyn, Roger Lyons, Robert Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Table No. 39-48,54-58 30 89-96,105 26 39-48,54-58 39-48,54-58 101-104 39-48,54-58 Dais 24 80 Dais 8 68 33 19 53 5 6 39-48,54-58 88 89-96,105 22 59 86 89-96,105 61 88 37 62 65 26 77 31 15 86 Dais 24 87 64 64 81 Dais 28 26 Appr NAME ved For Release . E. M. 2002/02/06: CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 - 5 - Table No. NAME Table No. Mac & Mc 37 28 Messer, Mr. & Mrs. Don 14 Mikules, Dorothy M. 14 Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Chester J. 39-96,105 Miller, William D. 62 MacCutcheon, Mr & Mk MacIntyre, Fred McBee, James 18 Nillstead, William G. 39-48,54-53 McCahill, William 1 Montague, Henry 39-48,54-58 McCain, Mr. & Mks. Asa 12 Moon, R. A. 39-48,54-58 McCann, Mk. & Mks. Gerard B. 89-96,105 Moore, Mr. & Mrs. George T. 101-104 McCann, Lewis P. 107 Moore, Mr. & Mrs. John E. 25 McCart, John A. 51 Morgan, John W. 13 McCarthy, John G. 14 Morningstar, Mary 39-48,54-58 McCarthy, John j. 9 Morris, Hon. Thomas D. Dais McCone, Hon. John A. Dais Morris, Nis. Thomas D. 24 McCone, Mks. John A. 77 Morris, W. H. 15 McCormick, Mt. & Mrs Robert L. L. 99 Mosley, Lionel S. 65 McCutcheon, William 28 Moss, Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. 39-48,54-58 McDonald, William T. 5 Muldoon, Charles P. 78 McGee, Hon. Gale W. Dais Mullaney, Mk. & Mrs. Vincent S. 22 McGee, Mrs. Gale W. 50 Murphy, Joseph P. 39-48,54-58 McGeoghegan, Michael E. 80 Murphy, L. V. 108 McGhee, Kyle V. 101-104 Murphy, Richard J. 39-48,54-58 McGrath, Hugh 15 Murr, Arthur C. 14 McIntyre, Charles 39-48,54-58 Murray, Mae W. 62 McKean, Alan 5 Murtha, John 17 McNally, George J. 89-96,105 Muzzey, Dr. D. S. 31 McNally, John 78 McTigue, G. J. 20 Nagle, Paul (and guests) 39-48,54-58 Neese, Irene 49 Macy, Hon. John W., Jr. Dais Neisser, Mk. & Mrs. Philip B. 81 Macy, Mrs. John W., Jr. 9 Newsome, Mr. & Mrs. Paul 53 Mahaney, Francis J. 39-48,54-58 Newton, A. E. 39-48,54-58 Maharay, Mx. & Mrs. George 80 Nicholson, Mks. Flora & husband 4 Maher, Charles 7 Noble, Lindsley H. 39-48,54-58 Manatos, Mary M. 12 Norcross, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin W. 80 Manatos, Mr. & Mrs. Mike 8 Nusbaum, Wilbur W. 17 Manning, Ni. & Mrs. Stephen 79 Nutt, R. E. 107 Mhpes, Leon 18 Maples, T. R. 39-48,54-58 0 Marlow, Sanford S. 62 Martin, Mr. & Mrs. J. IC 30 O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. John R. 37 Martini, Steve 78 Odening, Capt. & Mrs. Robert E. 32 Marvin, Mrs. Ursula 68 O'Driscoll, Daniel J. 89-96,105 Masterson, James 11 Oehser, MX. & Mrs. Paul H. 67 Mastrovito, Mr. & Mrs. V. J. 39-48,54-58 Olcese, Dr. & Mrs. Orlando 23 Matthews, Wilson 11 O'Leary, Mrs. Belva M. & husband 5 Maxwell, John 37 Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. B. H. 89-96,105 Maxwell, Mrs. L. 30 Oliver, Mildred 39-48,54-58 Mayer, John 39-48,54-58 Orschel, Joseph E. 39-48,54-58 Meininger, Paul 39-48,54-58 Overend, Charles F. 14 Menzi, A. R. 86 Owen, Mr. & Mrs. Vaux 52 Meredith, Dr. & Nr. Richard H. 14 Merritt, Donald M. 80 Mesarick, Andpappr ved For Release 200327-02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 NAME Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 - 6 - Tab 1 e No. NAME Papperman, Solomon Parker, Mx. & Mrs. John E. Paterni, Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Paul, Winston Paul, Miss Ruth Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Petersen, Gordon Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Burrill A. Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Phelan, John Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Carrol S. Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Max D. Pine, Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Pitt, Mrs. Hilda Pizer, Sheldon Pizzoni-Ardemani, Dr. Sergio Poindexter, Miss Patchechole Pool, Hon. Joe R. Pool, Mrs. Joe R. Poole, James Posner, Ben Powell, W. L. Power, Rev. Daniel E. Pritchard, Dr. & Mrs. Allen Quimby, Lt. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Radovich, Private & Mrs. Raff, Dr. & Mrs. S. J. Ragan, Mr. & Mrs. William Ramspeck, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rankin, Weston Rea, Ralph Reed, J. W. Reid, Joseph Reilly, Frank Remez, Mr. & Mrs. Ziv Remley, Ralph D. Reynolds, William F. Rietz, Howard K. Riley, Edwin Rime, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H., Jr. Riordan, John Risik, Philip Rissell, William A. Rizoli, Dr. Hugo Roberson, Henry Roberts, Emory 3 89-96,105 89-96,105 Dais 49 30 3 89-96,105 68 24 89-96,105 89-96,105 89-96,105 68 107 33 59 Dais 49 11 63 20 50 100 89-96,105 George 101-104 32 9 108 Dais 39-48,54-58 39-48,54-58 11 39-48,54-58 10 12 99 39-48,54-58 39-48,54-58 17 25 25 39-48,54-58 78 16 78 Approved For Release 2002/02/0 Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodgers, W. C. Roebuck, R. F. Roosevelt, Hon. Franklin D., Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D., Rosen, Bernard Rosen, Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Rosenthal, Miss Florence Rosenthal, R. L. Roskelley, F. W. Roth, John D. Roy, Edgar L. Royal, Joseph N. Rucker, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Ruddock, Andrew E. Rudick, Michael J. Rush, Robert L. Rutstein, Jacob J. Ruttenberg, Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan, Charles Ryan, Rose (& guest) Sanders, Cmdr. & Mrs. Ernest Sanford, Mrs. Aimee Sarelas, N. T. Satenstein, Leon Sauerhoff, John Saunders, Thelma Sawallisch, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Schmidt, G. Lewis Schneider, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schreck, Al W. Schulkind, Gilbert A. Schulte, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Scibilia, Rosario Scott, Christopher C. Scoville, Dr. Herbert, Jr. Seckel, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Seidman, Hon. Harold Shamp, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheldon, Huntington D. Sheridan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheridan, Roy Shillets, B. Short, Ray A. Shriver, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn K. Sicilian?, Rocco C. Sicilian?, Mrs. Rocco C. Sidlick, Willard Sigmond, Irwin Simmons, Samuel J. Singer, Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. 6 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Table No. 100 20 53 Jr. Dais Jr. 36 10 108 99 39-48,54-58 39-48,54-58 18 68 25 60 3 3 39-48,54-58 7 27 39-48,54-58 16 19 39-48,54-58 29 26 13 99 G. 27 63 89-96,105 39-48,54-58 12 9 107 39-48,54-58 76 101-104 35 72 75 24 39-48,54-58 26 39-48,54-58 97 Dais 34 13 18 39-48,54-58 101-104 Appr ved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 - 7 - NAME Skapik, Gloria Sleevi, Eugene J. Sly, Thomas Smith, Carleton D. (& guests) Smith, Private & Mks. Edward Smith, Fred Burton Smithey, Wayne Snipes, Edward M. Somerville, Ronald K. Sorensen, Mr. & Mks. Thomas C. Sole, Colonel Donald Sparks, Charles J. Sparks, Virginia E. Speck, William Spector, Mk. & Mts. Louis Staats, Hon. & Mrs. Elmer B. Stackpole, Margaret V. Stahl, Dr. & Mrs. 0. Glenn Stamps, Robert Stanton, Mk. & Mrs. G. Frederick Steele, Mr. & Mrs. J W. Steger, Meritt H. Stein, Albert Stein, Cmdr. John G. Stephens, Mary E. Stepper, Mr. & Mrs. mil J. Stewart, Dr. & Mrs. T. Dale Stier, Mk. & Mrs. W. C. Stillman, John S. Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Earle L. Stone, Harold A. Stone, Hon. Kathryn H. Stoner, Mk. & Mks. Frank G. Stover, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Sullivan, Jerome J., Jr. Sullivan, John S. Sullivan, Marguerite J. Swygert, Mt. & Mks. John D. Taff, Mel A. Talbott, Mr. & Mrs. Leland Talty, David Tank, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tate, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Tayloe, William Tehaan, Mk. & Mrs. Edward Terry, Hon. Luther L. Teunisson, Annabel Thacker, Mr. & Mrs. Elliott C. Thomas, James S. Thomason, J. R. Thomason, Melvin F. Appr ved Table No. 10 25 86 33 101-104 79 21 88 13 63 26 17 63 17 24 35 3 6 33 61 6 32 32 37 100 39-48,54-58 66 19 36 39-48,54-58 108 Dais 39-96,105 101-104 15 14 89-96,105 39-48,54-58 107 101-104 4 52 W. 81 26 J. 101-104 51 7 89-96,105 65 39-48,54-58 101-104 NAME Thompson, Mrs. Jessie F. Thompson, J. M. Thybony, Col. William Tibbs, Ralph (& guest) Tillinghast, Carl (& guest) Tish, Alexander Tolson, Donald C. Torina, Michael W. Trudel, Robert J. Turner, Mrs. Lois Tyree, Chrisley R. Table No. 62 33 26 89-96,105 69 3 87 89-96,105 4 53 3 Ugelow, Ann 18 Uhlenhop, W. H. 17 Uhler, Frank G. 86 Underwood, Private & Mrs. Allen L. 101-104 V Vardaman, Mildred A. Varhus, H. H. Varhus, R. H. Vincent, Mx. & Mks. Harry Vining, T. M. Waddy, Herbert E. Waldrop, W. Walker, J. M. Walters, Thomas G. Walton, Robert Warner, John W., Jr. Warnock, D. W. Warren, Clarence B. Washburn, Dr. & Mrs. Wilcomb Washington, S. A. Watson, Hon. Albert W. Watson, Mr. James R. Watson, Mks. James R. Watt, Dr. & Mks. James Weatherly, Mr. & Mrs. D. Webb, Alvin F. Weber, Miss Mildred C. Wedin, Richard Weidman, Mk. & Mrs. James, Weinstein, George M. Wendell, Roland Wenzel, Mary Werts, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wheat, George S., White, Mel 62 30 106 34 25 39-48,54-58 28 19 3 11 89-96,105 107 39-48,54-58 E. 67 39-48,54-53 Dais Dais 23 51 E., Jr. 29 39-48,54-58 87 39-48,54-58 III 22 5 39-48,54-58 8 60 Jr. (& guests) 38 107 For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 NAME Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 -8 - Table No. Whitely, Mr. Charles O. 49 Whitely, Mrs. Frances 62 Wildy, Edgar A. 89-96,105 Will, A. S. 29 Willetts, Kenneth C. 39-48,54-58 Williams, David F. 17 Williams, Floyd 39-48,54-58 Williams, Ritchie 28 Williams, Robert M. 86 Williams, William E., Jr. 12 Willis, Art 28 Willis, George H. 79 Wilson, Andrew J. 87 Wilson, Hon. Donald M. Dais Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. G. R., Jr. 99 Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. 23 Wilson, Otis, Jr. 49 Wilson, Dr. R. E. 29 Wineland, Dr. W. C. 30 Winslow, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. 11 Winston, Thomas J. 80 Winternitz, Mrs. Robert Dais Winternitz, Mr. Robert 23 Wiseman, Mr. & Mrs. F. E. 39-48,54-58 Wolff, Arthur J. 39-48,54-58 Wolk, Sam N. 7 Wolman, David S. 15 Woodruff, Elaine 17 Yost, Paul L. 101-104 Young, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 80 Young, N. R. 39-48,54-58 Youngblood, Mr. & Mrs. Rufus W. 89-96,105 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06: CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 CAREER SERVICE AWARDS Wortoring GRAEME C. BANNERMAN Department of Defense CAPTAIN HEWLETT K BISHOP Department of Commerce AUGUST C: HAHN Post Office Department DR. GREGORY K. HARTMANN Department of the Navy ARTHUR C. LUNDAHL Central Intelligence Agency NICHOLAS J. OGANOVIC United States Civil Service Commission DR. HILDRUS A. POINDEXTER Agency for International Development JAMES J. ROWLEY Department of the Treasury FRANK A. TAYLOR Smithsonian Institution WILLIAM IL WEATHERSBY United States Information Agency ApprOved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 grogram Presiding BERNARD L. GLADIEUX Chairman of the Executive Committee National Civil Service League Presentation of Colors MILITARY COLOR GUARD Invocation THE REVEREND ERNEST GORDON Dean of the Chapel Princeton University Dinner Music THE HOWARD DEVRON ORCHESTRA Entertainment THE UNITED STATES ARMY CHORUS Address WALTER CRONKITE CBS News Awards Presentation OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE Message from the President of the United States HONORABLE JOHN W. MACY, JR. Chairman, United States Civil Service Commission Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Menu Celery Hearts and Olives Fresh Fruit Cocktail Supreme Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, Au Jus , Rissole Potato Broccoli Florettes Chef de Cuisine Salade Creme de Menthe Parfait with Petits Fours Demi-Tasse Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 CO-CHAIRMEN INDUSTRY PARTICIPATION COMMITTEE BRYCE N. HARLOW R. W. MARKLEY, JR. VINCENT S. MULLANEY Procter & Gamble Company Ford Motor Company General Electric Company SPONSORS OF THE LEAGUE AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY AMERICAN VISCOSE CORPORATION ARMCO STEEL CORPORATION BATH IRON WORKS CORPORATION BOOZ, ALLEN & HAMILTON INC. CHRYSLER CORPORATION CONTINENTAL CAN CO., INC. CRESAP, McCORMICK AND PAGET CROWN ZELLERBACH FOUNDATION ALFRED E. DRISCOLL President, Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U. S. FORD MOTOR COMPANY GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION HAMILTON WATCH COMPANY HARVEY ALUMINUM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CORPORATION NICHOLAS KELLEY Kelley, Drye, Newhall, Maginnes & Warren KOPPERS COMPANY, INC. LITTON INDUSTRIES, INC. MARATHON OIL COMPANY MARTIN MARIETTA CORPORATION MERCK & CO., INC. NORTHROP CORPORATION OLIN MATHIESON CHEMICAL CORPORATION PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. S. L. SOMMER & ASSOCIATES STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION ? WHIRLPOOL FOUNDATION ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/66 :-CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 LEAGUE OFFICERS PRESIDENT NICHOLAS KELLEY Kelley, Drye, Newhall, Maginnes Chairman, Executive Committee BERNARD L. GLADIEUX Vice President Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. Chairman, National Advisory Council ROBERT L. JOHNSON Warren Treasurer WESToN RANKIN Partner Price, Waterhouse and Company Executive Director JAMES R. WATSON VICE PRESIDENTS DEvEREux C. JOsErHS Director 1 New york Life Insurance Company Mum,.Ay SEAsoNGOOD Paxton & SeasOngOOd BOARD OF DANIEL W. BELL Chairman American Security & Trust Company BRUCE BROMLEY Cravath, Swaine & Moore JOHN J. CoRSoN Director McKinsey & Company, Inc. WALTER D. FULLER Walter D. Fuller Company WILLIAM C. GREENOUGH President Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association Lows A. JOHNSON Steptoe 8L Johnson ROBERT S. KERR, JR. Kerr, Conn & Davis JOSEPH I. LUBIN Eisner & Lubin JAMES P. MITCHELL Vice President Crown Zellerbach Corporation SAMUEL H. ORD WAY, JR. President Conservation Foundation JAMES A. SimPSON Lange, Simpson, Robinson & Somerville CHARLES P. TAFT Taft, Lavercombe and Fox DIRECTORS WINSTON PAUL Trustee DON K. PRICE Dean Graduate School of Public Administration Harvard University HAROLD S. SHEFELMAN Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch Rocco C. SIcILIANO Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker SIDNEY W. SOUERs Chairman General American Life Insurance Co. CHARLES B. STAuFFAcHER Executive Vice President Continental Can Co., Inc. KATHRYN H. STONE Delegate Virginia General Assembly EDWARD F. THOMAS Edward Thomas Associates, Inc. JAMES E. WEBB On leave WATSON W. WISE Wise Operating Companies Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Appr vecler Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-041113R0002002,1 NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE CAREER SERVICE AWARDS DINNER Ja2i GOVERNMENT EMPIMEES AND MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND TBE NATIONAL avm SERVICE LEAGUE DINNER HONORING TBE 1963 WINNERS OF CAREER SERVICE AWARDS 1. CIA OFFICIAL - WINNER OF 1963 .CAREER SERVICE AWARD Mr. Arthur C Lundahl has been selected as one of the winners of the 1963 Awards which are granted annuAlly to ten outstanding careerists in the United States Government This is the same award presented to Mr. Lyman Kirkpatrick in 1960 and to Dr. Sherman Kent in 1961. 2. TIME, PLACE, AND COST a. Time : 7:00 p.m., 26 March 1963 b. Place: Sheraton Hall, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. c. Cost : Tickets $7.50 each. Checks may be made payable to: National Civil Service League (Awards); or 25X1A d. Dress: 011111WM 3. SPEAKER Walter Oronkite of CBS 4. TICKET SAIE cammITTEE 25X1A DCI AREA: DDI AREA: DDP AREA: DDR AREA: DDS AREA: 5. RESERVATIONS: The Office of Personnel will make reservations for the League dinner Tables will be arranged for eight persons. Following the pattern of previous years, arrangements will be made for CIA tables and for tables of Agency employees without indicating CIA affiliation. INDIVIDUALS WHO WISH TO ATTEND THE DINNER SHOULD CONTACT THEIR OFFICE SALES mom= MEMBER ON OR BEFORE 15 MARCH 1963 Appr vedForRelRase2Q02102/9.6,...,Q1A4RPP,84-6011-3ROW1260-4 i.xcLUDID FRO. AuTOMATI(. DOWN,;RADING ANO aet.ASSIFICArION Approv elease 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-003.000200230029-4 RELEASEt ALL NEWSPAPERS TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1963 NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE LEAGUE 1963 CAREER SERVICE AWARD WINNER WiLONDAHL, ARTHUR CHARLES - - Assistant Director for Photographic Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency Education: 1934-42 University of Chicago 1948 Eidgen Techn Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland 1962 Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C., Mr. Lundahl has been considered as the top photographic intelligence officer in the United States Government and, as such, he has been involved in the most important photographic problers affecting national security, including the Cuban crisis. During World War II he served in the Navy's Photographic Intelligence Center, and is given great credit for the new and unique types of photography upon which our current intelligence efforts are sc dependent.. He has been called upon to deliver critically important briefings to senior policy officials concerned with the national security. His duties extend to obtaining the cooperation of all branches of the Government involved in the exploitation of photography for intelligence purposes. He is active in professional, civic and community activities. In nominating him. CIA Diretort John A. McCone, stated: '.1er.. Lundahl has made major contributions to :he science of photographic intelligence ane has had a leading role in the development of an Interagency photographic intelli- gence organization which is credited with accomplishments of great national significance." proved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Appr A-2 *** " Washington, D. C., Tuese--"March 5, 1963 ved For lpse 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R.00230029-4 THE EVENING STAR AV:V Graeme C. Bannerma Capt. Hewlett R. Bishop August C. Hahn Dr. G. K. Hartmann Arthur C. Lundahl Nicholas J. Oganool Dr. H. A. Poindexter James 5. ReWINN AWARDS TO 10 CAREERISTS, Man Who Unmasked Cuba issites Named The man who first the Soviet missile bu Cuba today was selec National Civil Servic as one of its 10 Care Award winners for 196 He is Arthur C. Lu assistant director of Intelligence for pho interpretation. Mr. Lundahl's offic ceived the famous U taken over Cuba on 0 Late that night, he staff came to a difi mination that the Union was installin missiles on the islan formed John A. Mc rector of Central In who was out of town bicCone% deputy a ban crisis was on. The service awards each year to 10 caree who make outstandi butions to the Federa ment. The league is organization of priva devoted etirely to the Federal career ci the league was found SO Years With (love Mr. Lundahl is a the University of C has 20 years Gover Ice, in tmiforta and o WOrid WELL 4-hre Navy and in, 1945 b sociated with the Na iscovered 1d-up in d by the League r Service dahl, 47. Central graphic first re- 2 photos tober 14. and his to deter- Soviet ballistic . He in- one, di- lligence, and Mr. tlie re made made workers g contri- Govern- the only citizens proving I service. in 18,31. nine* duate of ?ago and nt eery- t. During ed. -th? ame as- 3, Photo- graphic Interpretatio Center at Anacostia. He w chief of the PIC photogramm try divi- sion and assistaAt c ief epg- neer until 1953,4HRr elMvE to CIA. The photo interpre ation ex- pert recently was selected for promotion to captain 'in the United States Nasal Reserve. He lives at 4410 Chestnut street, Bethesda, Md., with his wife and two children, Ann Christine, 15, and Robert Dana, 10. Mr. Lundahl and the other winners will be honored at a dinner at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on March 26. The others are: Graeme C. Bannerman, 53, deputy assistant secretary of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Procurement). He was born In Washington and is charged with supervising annual defense procurement amounting to $25 billion. His home is at 3506 T 00119t,41,314, , Heads Maritime Region Capt. Hewlett it Mallow .54, Atlantic Coast dIrector, 'Mari- time Administration, Depart- ment of Commerce. A native of Long Island, N. Y., he is in charge of the largest field divi- sion of the Maritime Adminis- tration, He lives at Freeport, N. Ir. Aiigust C. Hahn, 55, Deptity Assistant Postmaster General, is a native of Beaumont, Tex., who now lives at 1368 Foucth street N.W. He has risen oligh the ranks from Wier carrier, to kis Present Position. ,Dr.. eregOrY KartinSi 51, technical director, United States Naval Ordnance Labora- tory, was educated in his native efigibilt400Vedef Frank A. Taylor William 40. WeathorsbY glee. He lives at 10701 Keswick street, Garrett Park, Md. Nicholas J. Oganovic, 50, Deputy Executive Director of the United States Civil Service Commission, is a native of Chisholm, Minn., and now lives at 2521 North Quebec street, Arlington, Va. ,He is presently respandble for improvements In Civil Service; and directs the oliege recruitment program. Public Health Aide' Dr, Hildrus A. Poindexter, 61, ?el POW health adviser for the Agency for International DeVelopmatt, is also a ? native of Washington. He has served all over the world in training persons for public health jobs in uriderdeveleped nations. His home is at 513 Twenty-third place N.E. James J. Rowley, 50, Chief of the United States Secret Service, Treasury Department, is a native of New York City. For 15 years he was charged with the prptection of three Presi- W110 ;$itiernr,tchia the entire -Secret ' Service. home is at 3501 Rittenhouse litteet ? Frank. A: 'Taylor, 60, director of the . 'United States National Museum,, $,MithSonian Institu- tion, is another native of Washington. He is a lifetime employe of the Smithsonian and 'isr. how director of the Na- 031'41. )4use* the largest mu- lLIfl Ile lives at 6606 Thirtyi-second.:street N.W. William H. 'Weifthersby, 48, country_ 0111,10 fairs officer, ?IridlarInforma- *fl He yes born in Memphis, Tenn., and unlike mist of the . other winners, he did not "efiter the career serVice in his youth. He is now work- ing in what the agency director and Oxford. He is an expert in /the field of weapons technolo- giVANIAA abroad." He lives at Hatties- burg, Miss. STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4 Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000200230029-4