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KI.R.S.A"NOVY V.M.: KONOVALOV, V.S. T--mperature conditions in the formation of the head part of a billed steel ingot. Izv.vys.ucheb.sav,; chern. met. 8 no*4172-, 74'( 165, (MIRA 1834) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. KONOVALOVP V.S.; KIRSANOV, V.14.; PANYUSHKIN, N.V.; PATLANI, Ye.F. Improving the quality of the bead part of a ki-11rd stpel ingot. Stall 25 no.5:417-416 my 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Truboprokatnyy zavod im. K.LibknekhtA i Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. AUTHOR: Konovalov, V.S., Engineer SOV-118-58-9-7/19 ILITLE: '4ain Transportation Lines Operated by Kxana of Bolt Convoy- ers and Cables (Vaoistrallnyy transport s pomoshchlyu len- tochnykh'konveyyerav I kanatnykh dorog) i,7~- PERIODICAL: Yekhanizatsiya trudoyemkikh i tyazhelykh rabot, 1958,Nlr 9, pp 22-25 (USSR) A3STRACT: Referring to the advantages of belt conveyer and suspended cable transportation of bulk goods in the US, South 1 'merica and Sweden, the author admits that the USSR is lagging be- hind in this respect. The VNIIPTMASh Institute is working on this problem. By means of various graphs, computations and reflections, the author tries to find out the most ra- tional ways of transportation. There are 3 photographs and 10 graphs. 1. Materials--Transportation Card 1/1 KOP"O'VALOV ' " S- Cand Tech Sr ,j _ (d,..) ef4-6 Ctiveness in th e use of 14 "Inves tigat'on Of the transport for t-.e movement variolis forms of continuous loads -from Places of Origin Of massive amounts Of friable 34 PPp 200 cop. (Inatitut, Oto Points where needed," I f kiningj, AS USSR) Moscow# 1960P (IMj 42-6o, 14) KONOVA~,O~V ~ kand. tekhn.nauk; STEFANENKO, S.A., lnzh.; KUZNETSOVA, M.L., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red. [Mechanization and automation of intrafactory transporta- tion in machinery plants] Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia vnutrizavodskogo transporta mashinostroitellnykh zavodov. Moskva, TSINTIMASH, 1961. 68 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Conveying machinery) (Industrial power trucks) (Automation) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) KONOVALOVI V. SPI i22h. Efficiency of using continuous transportation of bulk loon loads from places vhere they are mined to points vhere they qrs needed. Sbor. trad. NMI-so.39.'422-424 (161. MM 16:4) 1. Teesayusayy nauebao-ineledovatellskiy institut pidmyemno- transportaogo asshinostroyaniya, (Mine haulage) to-110-VRAW-V.-VAL, kand.tekhn.nauk; RIK", M.A. , dLiizh.- - - --- --- - -- -- Automatic storage al.the mMoskaboil" Works. Mekh.-i avtom.proizv. -- 15 no.11:31-34 H 161. (KIRA 14: 11) (Mosoow-Cables-Storage) ,(Automation). XONOVALOV, V.'Sqj kand.tekhn.nauk; POPOV, Juj,s, inzhe Problems of designing general plans and intrafactory transportation at machinery plants. Prom. stroi. ~40 (i.e. 41.1 no.3:10-16 Mr (MIRA 16:3) '63. (Industrial plants-Design aT~ construation) KOIIOV,AI,OVI V.S., kard,tekha.naiik; KAGRANOV, T.F... inzh. - Prospective co -niotructi(ofts of hoisting and transportir4c., machines for industrial buildings of the machine industry. Prom stroie 41 no.9:46-52 S 163. imm 16:11) KONOVALOV, Vasiliy Vaslllz2i~~ Y-,UZNETSOVA, ~EICH~TJKT.S,, prepadavatc-I', D,V., prepodavatell, retaenzent; USIONA, N.B., takhn. red. Lyudmila Ivanowm; retsenzent; 110KROVSKIY1 KIIACHATUROV, V.V., red., (Radio navigation E,(1114 ment on ships]Sudovye radionavigatsion- ~P nye ustro.-Istva. Moskva, !-.d-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 374 p, (MIRA 16:21/ (Radio in navigation) (Radar in navigation) 137-58-6-11355 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 14 (USSR) AUTHOR: Konovalov, V.V. TITLE: Pelletizing Krivoy Rog Ores (Okatyshi iz krivorozhskikh rud) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Domennoye proiz-vo. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957, pp 74-88 ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the production of pellets (P) from undersize (0-12 mm) Krivoy Rog ores (KR'/. The experi- ments were preceded by the testing of a number of methods of clinkering. The. best results were obtained when dry material was introduced into a supersaturated moist mass, with sub- z;equent pelletizing. Experiments showed that clinkering by pelletizing may be done successfully not only with fine-ground concentrates, but also with undersize KR. Flue dust, lime, chalk, and coke breeze were tested in a series of experiments to strengthen the P. The P thus produced were roasted with blast-furnace gas. The influence of the temperature and of the excess-air coefficient during the burning of the charge additions on~ thd. roasting: process:and.the properties of the P were, inVe'sf - Card 112. igated.'' The rate -of downward travel of dic- zoIne-of combustion Th" y PtrP3PJt1Oa of ),,,t or'quCtles ~at !O-X:, A-.11- AUTHORS: Konovalov, V. V., Chechetkin, V. I., SOV/72-58-7-5/19 --raTrz-n-Y-aY,--D-.--Tt-, Firer, M. Ya. TITLE: Semi-Industrial Investigations of the Thermal Preparation of Glass Layers (PolupromyshlennTye issledovaniya termicheskoy podgotovki stekollnykh shikht) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1958, Nr 7, Pp. 17 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Such a sintering device is shown in figures 1 and 2 and is described afterwards. The tests were carried out with two types of layers: the tesi-and the working layer, the compositions of which are given in table 1. The curves of the rise in temperature during the sintering of the two layers under the same conditions, are given in figure 3. The curves of the dependence of the Na2so 4-content in finished agglomerates on the relation of gas and air in the induction mixture for 2 sulfate-soda layers are given in figure 4, and are described in full details. The tem- perature curves obtained with the sintering of the test layer are given in figure 5. Further the authors report on the filling weight of the agglomerated glass layers, as well as also on the Card 1/3 productiveness of the agglomerates. The most advantageous height Semi-Industrial Investigations of the Thermal Pre- SOV/72-58-7-5/19 paration of Glass Layers of layer during sintering, as well as the optimum velocities of this process are given in table 2. The duration of the heat treatment, as well as the curves of vacuum-changes for different types of layers and heights are given (Figures 6,7 and 8). The heat-treatment lasts 9 to lo minutes. Then, the consumption of loosening- and foundation material, as well as the Eas consumption for the heat treatment of tho layer are given. The dopondenoo of the specific gas consumption on the excessive air supply for various layers is shown (Fig 9). The recommended gas processes for some glass-layers are given in table 3. The dependence of the gas consumption on the duration of the heat treatment and the sintering speed are illustrated by means of curves (Figs lo and 11). Such a device has been developed for a tank furnace of the Gomel' Glass-Works on the basis of the semi-industrial tests carried out. A test series of the glass melting of heat-treated layers was carried out by which the technical and economic effi- ciency of their industrial use was.proved. There are 11 figures, 3 tables) and 2 Soviet referenadel' ~:ra;fn~-, Card 2/3 Semi-Industrial Investigations of the Thermal Pre- SOV/72-58-7-5/19 paration of Glass Layers 1. Glass--Processing 2. Glass--Sintering 3. Glass--Temperaturo factora Card 3/3 15(?) SO-1/72-59-10-6/14 AUTHORS: Zaliznyak, D. V., Firer, M. Ya., Konovalov, V. V., Chechetkin, V. I., Dunayev, V. G. --------- ~_-.--~-.~~. TITLE; The Influence of Thermal Preparation of the Char-e on Glass Frits PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr lo, pp 21 - 27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the years 1952-1954, the Moskovskiy gornyy institut (mloscow Mining Institute) together with the Gomel' Glassworks carried out investigations of the thermal preparation of glass charges (Footnote 1). Experiments on the melting of the sintered charge in continuous glass-melting furnaces were carried out at the Gomel' Glassworks, and experiments of comparative melting con- cerning the initial and the sintered charge were carried out at the laboratory of the first Kafedra silikatov i stekla Belo- rusekogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Chair for Silicates and Glass of the Belorussim Polytechnic Institute), at the La- boratory for Glass-Melting, as well as at the test plant of the in5titut stekla (Glass Institute) (Footnote 2). It was estab- lished that the melting time of the sintered charge de.pends on Card 1/3 its content of free Na 2s0 4 (Fig 1), as well as on the temper- The Influence of Thermal Preparation of the Charge on SOV/72-59-lo..6/14 Glass Frits ature of the sintered oharge (Fig 2). It may be seen from figures 3,4,5, and 6 that vitrification is considerably accelerated during the melting of the sintered charge. The melting time of the initial and the sintered charges is shown in table 1. As may be seen from figure 7, the maximum furnace temperature was 13500. The chemical analyses of the glasses from the sintered and initial charge are shown in table 2. Ex- periments showed that at furnace temperatures of from 1350 to 14500, the entire melting and the refining of glasses from the sintered charge afford better results as compared with the initial chaM..Moreover, at equal charge weight, 20% more glass is obtained from the sintered charges than from the initial charge. The chemical analyses of two experimental batches of sintered charges are shown in table 3. By using a cold sintered charge, the furnace output can be increased by 25-30%, and by using a hot charge (at Boo-gooo), it can be increased by 35-4o%, and the time of vitrification and refining can also be considerably reduced. According to indications of Professor N. V. Solomin (Footnote 3), the furnace campaign car be Card 2/3 ;onsiderably lengthened by using a sintered charge. According w V /7-EC NN -2/-f Ec-h/T/EK (0-2/FWA (h) Pn -Jd'F-_-4 /Pa-L/Pac-h/ EY; t 3A 1 c- Lr o V Zubritskiv 1- A. Tereghcheliko., A 1 -2 TITLE: The- mathod. end -device- for maaaurlng tran-F--girted puver dt -,uperhfgh frequency SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiatekhnika, v, 7j no. 3, 11~64, 378-381 TOPIC TAGS: superhigh. frequen't--y radiatLon, transmissEon line# wave- guide, waveguLdeme-a-911-r-Ing sectton. traveling v4vepower, nower meter, hot cathode diode A?STPACT: The described method of measuring the superhiph-frequency Clpj~l -ower inside a waveguide is based on the interaction of the i 4nace charge in the wavegu [do , and hati roquitod the design mtniature device for thiq purnoie. A m e a r, u r L n r, C e I Iforrins v! ement nf the device and t-, ln,,~- - 1 -,-~Iv t-tn the _j 1. d eRec ause of low inert ia, noypr Anrl nower ~is'ci~)u!:ion in the pulse can be registerad. directl; ny the device. e prescribed method wakes it possible to de3,ign field and power Card 1 / 2 L 6977-65 ACCESSION MR: AP4042855 meteid for various ranges from tens of watts to hundreds of kilowatts and higher. The experiments were conducted in the 3-cn, band. The investigated circuit consisted of a continuour generation magnetron, Atte-IUALDr, qtandinp-wave ratio meter, matching transformer, measuring waveguide section with a qtretcheJ tunZqten cathode -i '-ode with the conductive wal Is), and a 1~i-4-teDe power- meter. The maximum measured power was lOw. This measuring P v i c e i Lh four insulated cathodes, placed in four various waveguide rions, can he daveloped into a four-orobe mej%suring line for -i r r transmission. Ori~t. q i f 1 -,,-1 r e 5 ASSOCIA11UHt none U 31 1 71 E D 30Sep63 ATD PRESS: 3103 ENCL 00 C NO REr SOVt 002 OTH E R 001 QM Card 2 2 23970 5/131/61/000/006/003/003 o 0 S 31-6 3 B105/B206 AUTHORS: Gordeyev, N. P., Zegzhda, V..P., Konarev, M. U., Shalkov, K. A., Konovalov, Ya. A. TITLE: Experience in the use of graphi~o containing r.fractory materials for pumping over liquid metals by the eleotro- magnetic method PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, no. 6, 19619 292 TEXT: This article deals with the problem of the transportation of liquid metals by means of electromagnetic pumps, for the solution of which high-quality refractory mater-ials are necessary. The high thermal and slag stability, non-wettability by metalB'and other properties of graphite containing refractory materials led to the assumption that they are suitable for this purpose. The testing of graphite containing refractory materials in steel diacharge shutes, made according to the method of tho VIO, Vseaoy-u%nyy inatitut ogneuporov (All-Union Institute of Refractory Materials) jointly with the Borovichakiy kombinat ogneuporoy (Borovichi Combine of Refractory Materials) showed positive results; the Card 1/2 23970 S11311611000100610031003 Experience in the use of graphite ... B105/B206 graphite containing chamotte products were highly resintant against washing out by the stream of liquid metal, and warranted an increase of the stability of the discharge-chute lining by four to ton times. The All- Union Institute of Refractory Materin15 jointly with the avtozavod im. Likhacheva (Automobile Plant imeni Likhachav) experimentally produced a graphite containing chamotte lining for an electromagnetic shute for pumping over- liquid orudo Ironj no well an an oleotromaj-,ni-tic in-ititiring hopper in an iron foundry. After three tantn of jjumptnk~ o-7., I el-t0t, iron, the 6 m long shute lining did not show any o1i ,i,n of t-~ :~i~ -,.I- destruction.. The development of the Induction liquid cruda iron will necesaitatd the establi0mrnt fa oji-ci,~; ft.- ment for the manufacture of graphite containing refrftctory There is I figtkre. ASSOCIATION:' Vaesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (All-Union Institute of Refractory Materials) If. P. Gordeyev, V. P. Zegzhdil 7 Borovichakiy kombinat ognouporov (Borovichi Combine of Refractory Materials) U. U. Konarey, K. A. Shalkovj Ta. A. Konovaloy Card 2/2 GORDEYEV, N.P.; ZFGZHDA, V.P.; KOITAREV, M.U.; SMLKGV, K.A.; T0170VAWV Z-..A Using refractory materials containing graphite for transferring liquid metals by an electromagnetic method. Ogneupory 26 no.6;292 161, (I-IM, 14:7) 3. Vessoyawyy institut ogneuporov (for Gorde7ev.. Zogabda)a 2. Barovicbskiy kombinat,ogneuperov (for Konarev,, Shalkov, Konavalow), (Refractory materials) (Smelting) K-0 1vuvITL-c-v~- oil Is VI a V~ 94 lit -4 r- go,, -0 10 ;g a YJV A 2 Eli 2 "a z .11 10 is do Ja - - -. 4 1' .1. 4 11 3! 2 R ll~ log a 02 9, IK Awe j .1 ~ 09 lit KONOVALOVy Ta.R. (Kamvalau$,IA:.R.],- YMWMVp V.I; (lAfremaug V.I.] Effect of*ultrasonic vibrations au the strength adi pUsticity of brass, Vestai M BSSR* Ser6 yj*._tOkh. navo no. 4S93_98 l6o. (MIR& 34:1) (Ultra4cuic waies) (Brus) KONOVALOV, Ya.R. [Kanavalaup IA.R.1; YE~MMOVj V.I. [IAfremaup V.I.] Effect of ultrasound waves on the strength and plasticity of staticaLly loaded bi-ass. Vestsi AN BSSR Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no. 1:114-119 161. (~MU 14:4) (Brass) (Ultrasonic waves) ,KONOVALOV, Te. "Yinancee of people's democracies";by D.Butakov, V. Bochkova, I.Shevell. Reviewed by E.Konovalovl'. Vop. ekon. no.14140-144 N 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Gomnuniat countriai-Finance) KONOVALOV, Ye. -------- Improving the material welfare and cultural level of the peoples in the world socialist system. Vop. ekon. no.1:94-102 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:1) (Communist countries--Cost and standard of living) (Communist countries--Culture) KONOVALOV, Ye.A., inshe, ---- ... .... 1--"..- .. , .1 - - Methods for oaloulating the compression and settling of peat bogs in drying. Torf. prom. 40 no.7:24-27 163. (NM 17i1) 1. Kalininskiy torfyanoy inetitut, L 014W--00 hMM/kNAM) KC_ C N AR: .P5025706 SOURCE COEE: UR/0286/65/000/018/W57/0057 AUTHORS t Konovalovo Ye, A,; Ploshchanskly,, L ~ M.; Soloyly2y, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: A device for checking radiation meters. Class 21, No. 174729 SOURCE: Byulletent izobretenly I tovarnykh znakov,, no. 18,, 1965t 57 TOPIC TAGSt radiation monitor, radiometry, radiometerp filter,, mercury ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for checking radiation motors. It contains a radiation source, a shielded housing vith a collimated channel, an attenuating filtert mechani ms for moving and fixing the position of the aourcep wd' an effective area (see Fig. 1), To simplify the design, Increase the measurement range, and reduce the checking timej a liquid metal (e.g., 11S) is twed aa the attenuating filter, The radiation source. Is r1aced directly Inside -the filter and.- can be maved. Card 2/2 UDC: 621.039.55 ACC NR, Ap5o257o6 Fig, 1, 1 - Radiation source; .5 2 - shielded housing; 3 - liqtdd-wt-al attenuating filter; 4 - mechanism for moving source; 5 - muchaniom for fixing source; 6 - effsotive area; 7 - sensing element of Mdiatlon motors OrA ig, arts has: I figures SUB COM IS/ SUM UTZ: 17Apr64 7777777 L 5067-66 C ~CN a ~,n 5R6 ~2 6 4 5 UR/0089/65/019/002/Mi/0203 AMOR: Konovalovj Yei A.,; Ploshchatinkiy, L. M,; Solov'Y21, _V. 1~-' TITLE: The use of polyeih'ylene pipes in pipelines of dosimetrio air -Sampling system SGURGE: Atomnaya enerGlya, ve 19, no. 2, 1965l 201-203 TOPIC TAGS:~ nuclear reactors atomic energy plant equipment, air pollution control ABSTRACT'* The radioactive-air..saMplers are usually equipped with pipe-i lines maaa of aluminum or stainlosju The possibility of ,,steel pipes. their replacement by non-corrosivetlpolyethylone pipes is discussed. The describe fheir eij5_rlments with the polyethyline pipes hav- Ang a 20 mm diameter and 4 mm wall thickness. The results of their :teats showed that the polyethylene pipas could be used at temperatures up to 60 C. pressures up to 3 kg/sq cm and rarefactions of 600 mm Hg. At the beginning of 19626 the air sampling pipelines of the VVR-M reactor were equipped with polyethylene pipes and tubes. Their total' length was about 3000 m. No,trouble was experienced during two years 1/2 ucdid K(NOVAU)T. T*.A. I . I . -,~ RallrwA coustructl*a In the Cftlzese Fooplo's Rqmblic. Zhol.dor.transp.37 as.11:85-87 1~155. (NLU 9:2) (China-Itallreads-Construt ton) KOMVAIOV, Cooperative agriculture in the Chinese People's ROPUblic- Vop.skon. no.9:138..144 S.1146. (MLU 9 & 10) (china--Agriculture. Cooperative) IONOVALOV, Ye. ~ Relations between industry and trade in Wna. Sov.torg. no-1:32-36 Ja '57. ' (NLHA 10:2) (China-Comerce) KDN)VALOV, Te.A.. kand.okon.nauk Now upswing of railroad construction in the People's Republic of China. Zhel.4or.transp. 40 no.11:87-88 N '58. (MRA 11.-12) (China--Railroads--Construction) TAN TOM'-BET [Tang Chien-poll; STARODUBROVSKATA, Y.N.;-0jDYAWV To.,A.--(IUANI DA-TUN (Knan ?a-tlung]; CLMIK, I.P.; SUMOVA. -KEII LI [He L11; CRZI ST-T"I [Chang Sgd-chl Ian]; VOINOV, A.M.; SHIRYAMN, S.L.; KM IN. V.A.; STMV, A.B.. red.: KAWIVSKATA. T.N., red.; GER IMOVA, Yo.S., [Economy of the Chinese People's Republic, 1949-19591 Ikonor3ika Kltalskoi Narodnol Respubliki, 1949-1959. Kookva, Gosplanizdat, 1959. 304 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Zaveduyushchly sektoron ekonomiki stran narodnoy demokratil Instituta ekonosW A SM (for Stupov). (Chins-31conomic conditions) VASILITSOV, V.D.; VOLCIWKO) 1,!..Ya..,- GERTSOVICH) G.B.) kand.elwn. nauk; ZHARKOVp Ye.I.; KOITOVAlDv, Ye.A!J, kand. ekon. nauk,- j4ATVIYEVSY-lkYA, E.D.; OLEYI-TIK, I.-F'.-,,-kand. ekon. nauk; RMLIVSKAYA, E.S.,; SKVORTSOVA.9 A.I.; SOKOJDVA, N.V.; SOTNIKOVA, I.A.; TAIMIT, V.S.) TRIGUB121KO, M.Ye.; FMSOVA, Yu.V.; SlIABUIlIVA, V.I.; YU1111', M.N.; STOROZHEV, V.I., kand. istor. nauk-, red.; MPNIKOVA, Ye., red.; XMIOV, G., tekhn. red. [Economy of the people's democrdeies in figures for 19601 Ekono- mika stran sotsialisticheskogo, lageria v tsifrakh 1960 g. Pod red. G.B.Gortsovicha, I.P.Olainika, V.I.Storozhava. Mos-dwa, fzcl- vo sotsiallno-ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 238 p. (MIRA 15:4-) (Communist countries-EconomIc conditions) KONOVALGVA Ye.A. A conference of statisticians. Vest.AN SSSR 31 no.9.-100-101 s 61. OMIRA 14.10) (Statistics) SOROKIN G.M.; OLEYNIK, I.P., doktor ekon. nauk; WAIPPIP&N, T.V., doktor ekon, nauk; DUDINSKIY, I.V., kand. ekon. Auk; MIRDSHNIC104KO, B.P., kand. ekon.nauk; SERGEYEV, V.P., kand. ekon. nauk; TARNOVSKIY, 0.1., kand. ekon. nauk; -'rOROZHEV, V.I., kand. ist. nauk;,.KONOVALOV, Ye.'A., kand. ekon. it;zk; GERTSOVICH, G.B.,.kand. ekon. naU_;_PffP0V_,_K_.r., kand. ekon. iauk, red.; ZEVIN, L.Z., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N., red.; PAK, G.I., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S.,, tekhn. red. [The building of communism In the U.S.S.R. and 6q[ peration among the socialist countriea]Stroitellstvo kommunizma r SSSR i sotrud- nichestvo aotsialisticheakikh stran. Pod -01'=T; L red. G. M. Soro- kina. Moskvaq Ekonomizdat, 1962. 334 p. (MIRA 16s2) 1, Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki vf41-kaw sotsia-listiche- skoy sistemy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii #v;% SSSR (for Sorokin). (Communist countries-Foreign economic elations) w. VASILITSOV, V.D.; VOLODARSKIY, L.M.; VOLCHENKO, M.Ya.; GALETSKAYA, R.A.; IROV~ N.I.; KARMA, L.F.,-_gQ ,110VALOV, Ye.A.; MATV.-LYEVSKAYA, E.D.; PMESKU, X.I.; RUDAKOV, Ye.V.; SAYFULINA, L.M.; SHVORTSOVA, A.M.; SOKOLOVA, N.M.; SOTNIKOVA, I.A.; STOLPOV, V.D.; SURKO , Yu.V.; TRI, V.A.; TRIGUlENKO, N.Ye.; FIRSOVA, Yu.V.; SHABUNIVA, V.I.; YUMINt M.N.; RYABUSHKIN, T.V., doktor ekon. nauk, otv. red.; ALAKPIYEV, P.M.$ red.; PAKt G.V., red.; GERASIMOVA, D., [Ecommy of socialist countries, 1960-19621 Ekonomika stran sotsializma, 1960-1962gg. Moskva, Izd-vo t'Ekonomika," 1964. 261 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsiali- sticheskoy sistemy. (Communist countries-Economic conditions) M, G.Ya.; KONOVALOV, Ye.A.; PANKOV, V.G.; YASHIN, D.A. TangentLal channels and reconqtruction of the thermal column of a VVR-M reactor. Atom. energ. 19 no.5:465-467 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) J, 40 ACC NR1 AP6001699 SOURCE CODB: DR/0089/65/019/005/0465/0467 AUTHOR: VAs G.~Ya,; Konovalov Yo. A.; Pankov. V. G.1 Yashin' D. A. ORG: P.Jaysicatechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, AN SSR, Leningrad, (Fizikotekhnicheskiy insTltut'AIT OR) - --- TITLE: Tangent channels and reconstruction of thermal column of the VVR-M reactor SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 5g 1965, 465-467 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear research reactor, nuclear reactor technology nuclear reactor componentA-VR-M nuclear keactor ABSTRACT: In order to improve the operation of the VVR-M reactor in- stalled at the Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, some changes were made in the number and'disposition of channels and in the rearran~3~ ment of thermal column. The reactor was originally provided with 9 horizontal channels located in concrete shielding. In 1961, a channel, 11o. 10, was added at a distance of 131,10 mm from the core center. In 1963, t-vio channels, Nos. 11 and 16, viere bored as tanl7ant to the ber- y1lium reflector. Stich Ei tangent position reduced the effect of garnma i background on irradiated samples. The tuh;orraal colur-n (3040 nmi lon,,,-,), origblf~JJY 0amposed of six ~.;.raphite diriks, wao thon recons'111ructod. The Card UDG: 621.039.519 ACC NR, Ap6001699 7 5: Iffil t y"i MIS PIP r M_ -Reactor tank; 2-Beryllium reflector; 3-Reactor bore; 5-Carriage niche; &-Data*transmitters; 7-Movable oast-ion shield Card ACC N.R, AP6001699 last five graphite disks were replaced by one concrete disk carrying four horizontal channels, No. 13 with d = 120 mm, Nos. 12 and 15 with d = 102 mra and No. 14 with d-= 80 -mm. Channel No. 14 was bored 10 am lower than the three upper o1lannels, The arrangement of channels is shown on Card 2/3. The physical parameters on chanels Nos. 1, 10, 11 and 16 were given In a table The addition of channel No 10 was sug- gested by Yu. V. PetrovP mem;er of the Institute staff. I.*A.-Kondurov proposed tho channels No-s.'11 and 16. V * S. Gvozdev showed a great activity in creating the tangent channels. A graMude is expressed to D. M. Kaminker (scientific- Supervisor) for-his interest and assistance. i Orig. art, has: 2 diagrams and 1 table. SUB C ODE: 18 SUBM DATE: 2]Apr66 ORIG REF:, 002 OTH PMF: 001 Card 3/3 J'Caw-d 1-/--2 nn- ACC 14R, The D-l mleotr~kagnetjc valve ad,, 5. valve 1. golenoid case, 2. plungers 3. b,,gg guiding bushp 4. insulating be 'lid# 9.. tef :Ltchg 7. solenoid coil cases SO solenoid a&" hood j, 6. XV-9A limit 8w dwqlap 12. spring, 3-3. T&I'M bases 14- 'ntako rings 10. looking Piat0up pipe, 15. auction pipe, SUB CODEs .16 4UBN DAM 27Apr65 ACC NRt AP6030165 SOURCE~-C'd~E----~fVOi2O/66/000/004/0224/0225'--' AUTHOR: Konovalovo Ye. A.; Ploshchanskiy, L. M.; Soloviyov, V, A. ORG: Physicotechnidal Instituts,AN =R, Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut AN SSSAJ TITLE: Single action KD--l electromagnetic air valve with switch on signals ~% - - 10' SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 224-225 TOPIC TAGS: reactor control,, valve, isotope separation, radioactivity measurementj radiation dosimetryg radiation instrument Cro&.Oln6(5~O 67-IC- VA ABSTWT; In 1962 the dosimetric controL systej~ of the VVR-M reactor was equipped "")i.ith 65 KD-1 electromagnatic,air valves of single action with switch on signals. The have been operating continuously for 2 years, each switching-at least 50,000 imes during this period without a single breakdown. Monthly inspections of the tight Ml~ss of the air control system disclose that the valves are; overall dimensions 41- -' ~~250 x 120 mm2 -passage cro'ss-sectional area - 16 mm, working weight - 4.6 kg, flow ~'-'~Voltage - 48 v, type of current - d.c.9 working current - 0.3 a, signal circu 0.5 a, spring pressure on locking piston - 4 kg, stroke of locking piston - 5 mmo temperature of heating surface of valve body at an ambient temperature of +20 C - 45 01 and air leakage at 750 torr - 0.003 I/min,, at most. A diagram of the valve is shown below. Orig. art. has* 1 figure. ACC NRt. The IM-1 electromagnetic valve 1. solenoid case, 2. plungert 3. brass guiding bush,, 4. insulating bead, 5. valve hood, 6. KV-9A limit switch, 7. solenoid evil case# 89 solenoid case 24d, 9., tef ring, 10. locking piston, 11. dowels, 12. spring,, 13. valve base, 14. intake Pipe, 15. auction Pipe- SUB CODE: 18 SUBM DATZ: 27Apr65 ACC NRt AP7000795 SOURCE CODE: p/cv39/66/021/4. AUTHOR: Konovalov, Ye. A.; Ploshchanskiy, L. M.; Solov'yev, V. A. ORG: ~o e TITLE: improvement of the system of stationary dosimetric control of th(~ VVR-M reactor SOURCE: Atomnaya energiyo, v. 21 no r 1966, 386 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor operation, nuclear reactor control, radiat'Lon dosimetry, nuclear sifety/ WR-M reactor, USIT-1 dosimeter ABSTIUM: This is o summary of article no. 112/3573, submitted to the e(lit.or and filed, but not published in full. The shortcomings of the earlier system are briefly surimcrized and it is reported that in the improved system, used for the rc-.ictor at the Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. loffee, AN SSSR, these shortcomin.cTs ',-!.,-:Ve been eliminated to a considerable degree. The air-control system has a more hliirhly branched network of sampling lines, with provision made for manual, semi-automatic, and automatic control. Both counter-type and ionization-chamber pickups can be used to determine the concentration of radioactive gases in the air. Control Over the exhaust of the radioactive gases in by means of -continuous pumping and is continuous- ly monitored by means of an automatic recorder. The y radiation is monitored by two type USIT-1 instruments, with additional "cactus" type instruments being used in the hot chambers and in the pump room of the first loop and on the cover of the reactor. Card 1/2 uDc: 621.039.58 At-%- NK: AP7000795 Automatic visual and sound alarms are provided. It is claimed that the improved sys- tem.,satisfies present sanitary norms and technological requirements, and that ex- pei Ii-e-hce accumulated in 2.5 years of operation will lead to further improvements. ~.'SUBzI(ODE: 18/ suBm DATE. 14~an66 Card 2/2 n Clinical and X-ray TA~jf,~,, of ''e (M-fitel 18:6) 1. Tnot-itut b 1- s Iny zdravcoUvanenlya re PrQf. Y-.! KONOVALOV Yo.F. I------ 1-----..-,.,.lI,..-- -.- Spont,wrigous ruptiLre cf the utorus in etaxly pregnancy. ~ Z. Mad. Zhur. no.6:65.-66 162. (%,1 1 I-A !'-,;5) 1. T4--ynaya bol'rdt--a stantaii BuzLCIIL-k (glavnyy v-ra-,.,ti - S.I. Didosl) Kabyshevskoy zhalamoy dorogi. KOINOTAMT, Ye-Q-- Certain theoretical conceptions on the kinetics of the deformtlou of surfaces, Vestal Ak- BSSR. 39r. fiz.-takh. nav. no.lrl3q-14?'~57. (Surfaces, Deformation of) (NLVA lotO rONOVALOV' G. ye* - *"~~A~najyz~jngeu% Ana Ing kinematics automatic generating. Tests, 145-159 '57. In broaching gears a6sociated with AN BSSR. Ser. fis.-tekh. nav. no.2: (MA U: 1) 1.Zaveduyushchi.v laboratoriyey resanlya Fisioterapavtichaskogo instituta AN BSSR. (Gear cutting) Translation from: # 33586 82659 i5/123/59/000/09/13/036 A002/AO01 Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, No. 9, P. 97, AUTHORS: Konovalov, Ye. G., Sidorenko, Yu. A., Chachin, V. N. TITLE: Vibration arindi_4'lof Hard Alloy zi PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Fiz.-tekhn. in-t AN BSSR, 1958, No. 4, pp. 248-255 TEXT: Experiments in using the method of vibration grinding of hard alloys are described. The experiments were performed et FTI AN BSSR. Grinding was carried out with the periphery of a "K360CN12K" (KZ60SM2K) straight-profile grinding disk on a surface-grinding machine. A special electromagnetic vibrator produced the vibratory motion of the "BK8" (vK8) alloy plate in a direction parallel to-the disk axis at a frequency of 100 cps and at an amplitude-of 2.5 mm. The experiments were performed at a speed of 37.6 m1sec, a longittidinal'feed of 3.4 m/min and a grinding depth of 0.08-0.15 mm. Under these conditions, the VK8 alloy plate was subjected to conventional and vibration grinding. In all cases of conventional grinding, cracks and scorches Oard 1/2 .PNDVAIDV, Te.G.; YEM14DV. V.I. lzzz:~_ Now metbod for dynamic toning of metals. Dskl. AN BSSR 2 no-7:?83-287 Ag 158o (MR& 11:10) 1. Predstavleno akademiken AN BSSR K.B.Gerevym. (Metals--Testing) KONOVAWV, Ye.G,,;_GLWNOVICH, I.N. Electric conductivity as a meane for studying films of metal oxides formed during cutting. Dokl. AN BSSR 2 no.9:370-373 0 '58. (KIRA 12:7) I.Ptedstavlono akadtsikov AN BSSR K.V. Goravym. (NeWlic oxides--Electric properties) of Nil I .,j A 0 .40 u 02 10 ~Z~ - W4 a cw c too 10 a & ig a v be .a .30. 'I 14~ g 34 k;gl "I A j'a 'A - NO 'a ~i : .44 so fl8 tq- W3 Aj 4 140 In; -oil. IN F41 41 41) 0. KONOVALOV,-.Ye.G.1Kanavalau N.H.], kand. tekhn. nauk; CHACHIN, V.N. [Chach7n. V.M.1 Dynamics of the vibration grinding of hard alloye. Yostel AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-takh. nav. no.1:19-24 159. (MIRA 12:7) (Grinding and polishing) KONOVALOV. Te.G.; AVRUTIN, A.M.; SIDORENKO, Yu.A.; WBACHEVSKIT, I.S. Machining holes by rotary mandrels. Stan. i instr. 30 no.1:29-30 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) (Drilling and boring machinery) 23471 S/123/61/000/009/002/027 Aoo4/Alo4 AUTHOR: Ye.G. ..!~cnovalo~., TITIEs Methods of creating new ways of mechanical tooling of metals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1961, 42, abstract 9B266 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Fiz.-tekhn. in-t AN BSSR!', 1959, no. 5, 158 - 177) TEXT: The author has developed a method of designing new ways of machnical tooling based on the principle of the combination of the functional diagrams of cutting. Thle method is Illustrated with the aid of an example of developing a new method of machining cylindrical surfaces. Various cutting systems are analyz- ed from the viewpoint of a solution of the following problems: chip-crushing, deflection of the part being turned, short tool life, unsatisfactory'microgeometry of the surface layer and the comparatively low-effioiency of the turning method. The most expedient Is a combined functional diagram based on the turning with six rotating tools clamped in one common clip (the rotation axis of the tools agrees Card 1/2 Card-Z/2 S/123/61/000/002/005/017 4OO5/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No. 2, P. 58, 2B488 AUTHORS: Konovalov, Ye. G., Chachin, V. N. T '17TILE. An Investigation of the Surface Quality at Vibro-Grinding of Hard Alloys PERIODICAL: "Sb. nauchn. tr. Fiz.-tekhn. in-t AN BSSR", 1959, No. 5, pp. 178-188 TEXT, The authors report on the results of investigations of the vibro- grinding process of hard alloys on a universal grinding machine and a surface- grinding machine with vibrators. During the Investigation, the roughness of the, surfaee was deterinined depending on the cutting depth, the table- and cross feed, and the characteristics of the grinding wheel at vibro-grinding (frequency - 100 cps) and without vibrations, It turned out that the vibro-grinding increases the efficiency by 2-3 times; the fine roughness (Hav = 2-4 micron) can be obtained with t- - 0.06 - 0.08 mm per 2 to-and-fro motions of the table. The vibro-grind- ing sharply decreases the danger of the appearance of searings and cracks and makes it possible to apply disks of black silicon carbide which yield the same Card 1/2 23267 S/123/6:,/3-00/005/007/0 17 A004/A-,!o4 AUTHORS. Koriovalov, Ye. G., Lobachevsk-11, 1. S. TITLE Investigating the process of hole machining ty rotary m8andrels PERIODICAL-, Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no, 5, 196L 71, abstract 5B634. (Sb. na-achn. -tr. Fiz.-takhn, in-t, AN ESSR, 1959, no. 5, 230-235) TME 'The authors desaribe the design and tests of rotary mandrels for the flnizh -machining. of. internal cylindrical surfaces wiltho=-- removal of chips ~ "The investigation was oarried-Tat on specimens of the steel grades 15, 20, 35 and 45 in holes which were reamed by a 1 : 200 tapered reamor, so that the allaganc-a on the diameter continuously varied from 0 to 0.2 mm. The mandrel diameter was 5-0 mm,. the ball diamsta.- 9.5 and 12.7 mm respeotively. The Wvestigation showed that the optimum allowance is in the range ot 0.08 - 0, 1 n--n. T.1-le. sux~lface finish is in the range of the 9th class. There Is I figure and 6 graphs, S. -!',Ivshits [Abstra-~torls notb: Complete translatlon) Card 1/11, 05284- 18(7) SOV/170-59-7-15/20 AUTHORS: Kenovalov, Ye..G,, Germanovich, I.N. TITLE: An Investigation of Films of Metal Oxide During Grinding and Milling by the Electric Conductivity Method PERIODICAL-. Inzhenerno-fizIcheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Mr 7, pp 92 - 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT- There are statements in previous investigations on the possibility to establish, by means of the electric conductivity method, the nature of an oxide film covering metals in oxidation. In order to check this possibility, the authors studied by this method the films of metal oxides during the milling of St. 45 and cast iron and during the grinding of steel of the 4OKh grade and cast iron.-The results of these studies are shown in Figures 2 and 3. As it is seen from these graphs, there is no noticeable decrease of electric conductivity with an increase in the speed of both milling and grinding, if current is fed through a current collector. If, however, current is fed directly into a machine tool without the ourrentcollector, a slight decrease of electric conductivi- ty is observed up to a cutting speed of 400 m/min; at a further increase .of the cutting speed, electric conductivity rises. A reason for this the Card 1/2 authors see in the probable origination of extra-currents of disconnection. KONOTAWT. Ye.G.; MACHIN, T.H. Thermal studies on the vibration grinding of a hard alloy. Dokl,AN BSSR 3 no.11:452-455 N "59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Predstavleno akadealkon AN BSSR I.T. Oorffym. (Grind1bg and polishtog) (Alloys-Thermal properties) PHASE I BOOK WIDITATION S(W/5241 Konavalov, Tevmniy Gr1gorlyevich, and Yevpnly losifovich Pystosin (Ybrabotka plookikh powerkhnostey ah&Akovyai golovkud (Bell Burnishing of Plaw Surfaces) Minsk, ltd-vo AN BM j 1960- 19 P- 3,000 copies printed. Spcaqor:Lng Agency: Fft1ko-tekhnicheekly inst1tut AN BSSR. TAboratorlya nowykh netodov dbrabotki mat*rIalov. Ed*:.R.L. TogVenets, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing Roww Le Timofeyev; Tech* Ed*: Ie Volokhanovich. PURPOSE: This booklet Is Intended for designers and operators of burnishing tools. COVERAGE: Bell burnisher* an discussed from the standWat of their design, kinematics, macrogeometry, and other data relative to their construction and use. Cold working processes ar* mentioned briefly. No personalities are mentioned. There are nine references, all Soviet. car&*%-- KONOVALOV.-Yevme BORISMO, Aleksandr TaAllyevicht FZDCROT, L.le, kBnd.tekhu.nauk, red.; TIKW'BM, L., red.izd-wi; MCIMANOTICH9 I*. tak)m*rled, [Vibration turning] OtteilliruluBhchee tochenle. Kinsk, Izd-vo Akad.neuk BSM, 196o. 3o p. (KIRA 14:1) (Turning) S/123/61/000/015/021/032 A004/A101 AUTHORS: Konovalov, Ye. G., Germanovich, I. N. TITLE: Method of electric conductivity and investigation of oxide films of metals during turning PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye,.no..15,.~.!1961) 36, abstract 15B227 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Belorusek. in-t mechaniz., no. 4, 274-276) TEIT: The investigations were carried out under-insulation of the cutting tool and the blank by means of an installation with special.mochanical current collector which made it possible to collect the ourront,during the turning process of the.specimens without distortions. To determine the-type of oxide films,'the current polarity was changed. When the current was.supplied.through the current collector, no noticeable decrease in electric conduetlvit~ with an increase in the turning speed up to 226 m/min could be observed., There are 3 figur*s. M. Degtyareva [Abstracter's note: Complete translationi Card 1/1 1-1100 AUTHORS,~ TITLE: 3W46 S/571/6o/ooo/oo6/0ll/0ll E191*/E135 Konovalov, Ye.G., and Borisenko, A.V. Certain operating characteristics of an oscillating cutter SOURCEi Akademiya nwuk Belaruskay SSR. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. no.6. Minsk, 1960. 216-227 TEXT: In lathe turning operations the chip tends to wind itself round the tool and work piece and can be a considerable nuisance. Existing types of chip breaker are not reliable, and for automatic machines and production lines it is necessary to develop new methods of turning which overcome the problem of chip breaking. one such method is that in which the cutter is given an oscillatory motion in the direction of the feed. Cutting then takes place with variable feed and the chips resemble those formed during milling, In the Laboratoriya novykh metodov obrabatki mAtprinlnv (Laboratorv for --w m-thnAR of working materials) of the FT1 AN BSSR-bn oscillating cutter head was designed for a turning lathe type IA62. The construction o946 Certain operating characteristics ... S/571 60/ooo/oo6/011/011 E194/E135 is illustrated schematically in Fig.l. The tool I in the tool holder 2 is made to oscillat6 along the axis of the work piece by the cam 3 which is driven along a spline shaft 4 through the gearing 5. The tool holder is held against the cam by springs. The amplitude of oscillation in altered by changing the cam shape but a fine adjustment 7 is also provided. In another design the cam was driven by a separate motor of 0.6 W. The tests were made with cutters tipped with the carbides T5 K10 and T15K6 working eels 20, 45 and 18XT-T (18KhGT). The cutter geometry was: t goo; yl 60; X = 00; y = 70; a = 1101 r = 0.5 mm: : b) 600; 260 x = 00; y = 70 = 110; r = 0. 5 mm. [Abstractor's note: in Soviet terminology T = plan angle, T working trail angle, X = cutting edge side rake, y = rake and aLclearance; r is presumably nose raaius.] Theoretical formulae are derived for the instantaneous rate of feed of the oscillating cutter and expressions are derived for the conditions when the feed is zero so that the chip must break. Then an expression is obtained for the amplitude necessary to cause P-hip breakage. However, the actual amplitude differs from that --alculated because of elastic vibration of the lathe, the tool and Card 2/8 Certain operating characteristic, 30946 S/571/60/000/006/oil/oll E194/El-35 the part and moreover it is not always necessary to reduce the feed to zero to ensure chip breaking made to ensure chip breakage u - Accordingly, tests were The amplitude of oscil nder different recorded on a moving cutting conditions. lation was measured by a vibrograph which a gr tape fitted on the tool holder- Fig.2 shows aph of the minimum amplitude in mm as function of the feed 1 rate in mm/rev. for steel grade 18KhGT (dotted line) and steel 45 ~sOlid line). chip breakage It is found that the minimum amplitude to ensure In the case Of is greater than the the calculated value by some 20-30Y.. is Proportional to tough steel grade 18KhGT the m- - the feed; howeverg for steel Yd 4 greater than 0.25 ini Um is because the bre -M/rev. a amplitude PrOPortionalit gra e 5 at feeds tests Y is not observed. This ak Occurs where the chip is showed that the use of em thin. Further stable value Of the minimum ampul5ified cutting oil, increased with increas litude. The minimum reduced the cutting speed ing depth of amplitude is (in the range 62 cut. However, changes in the angle Of the cutter -190 metres/min) or in the rake rake (from -5 to (-5 to +150) have +150) or in the cutting edge side amplitudes. Practically no influence on the minimum Card 3/8 BY introducing empirical Coefficients into the Certain operating characteristics ... S,A'Vi~6o/ooo/oo6/oll/oll E194/E135 theoretical formula the following expression is obtained for the minimum amplitude necessary to ensure chip breakingg A qf qt qo qy min L. -5rs in SC MAM (7) n I where values of q are taken from Table 1. When an oscillating cutter in used the finish is not so fine as with a normal tool. It was found that the smoothest surface was obtained for ratios of oscillation frequency to spindle speed which give the minimum amplitude for chip breaking, i.e. when this ratio is 0.5, 1.5 or 2.5. Fig.7 shows a graph of the relationshIp between the surface roughness in microns and the ratio of the frequency of oscillation to the spindle speed where V = 70 ft/min, S = 0.5 mm/rev., t = 2 ", using steel grade 45. The dotted line shows the surface roughness with normal cutting methods. The influences of feed, cutting speed and use of cutting fluid and depth of cut on surface finish with an oscillating cutter are much the same as with an ordinary tool. The variations in rate of feed with an osmillating cutter would tend to promote tool wear, and so Card 4/8 30946 Certain operating characteristics ... S/571/6o/ooo/oo6/oil/oil E194/E135 will the increase in the impact loading. On the other hand, with an oscillating cutter the cutting edge periodically leaves the cutting zone so that it runs cooler. This was confirmed by measuring the electromotive force between tool and workpiece which was less with an oscillating cutter than with a normal tool. Tool wear studies showed that with an oscillating cutter in the majority of cases the tool performance was 30-400% bet'ter than with a normal tool. It is considered that an oscillating cutter can be successfully used on ordinary turning lathes and it is particularly effective when used on automatics or on automatic lines. There are 11 figures, I table and 6 Soviet-bloc references. Card 5/ 8 30946 S/571/6o/ooo/oo6/oil/on Certain operating characteristics E194/EI35 Fig.1 Card 6/8 30946 Certain operating characteristics S/571/6o/ooo/oo6/oli/on E194/EI35 Table I Correction factors for the amplitude of oscillatory motion of cutter an functinn nfs 1. Principal Principal angle 45 6o 75 90 I an 1e in in plan 9, deg. , g _plan Coefficient q 1.25 1.0 1.0 2. Depth of Depth of cut, 0-2 2-It i4-6 6-8 cut t' mm Coefficient qt 1.0 1.09 1.16 1.3 3. Use of Nature of work with cooling without cooling cutting coefficient q . fluid 0 0.92 100 4. Rigidity Rigidity of L/D < 5 L/D = 5-r'10 [L/D = 10-:-15 of work work piece L/D iece Coefficient q ,, 0.9 1.0 2 p , . Card 8/8 KONOVAMY, Ye.G.; DORISMO, IL.V. Dynamics of oscillating turning. Dokl.AI BSSR 4 no.8:340-342 Ag 16o. Olu 13:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichookly institut AN BSSR. Predetavleno akmA. AN BSSR K.V.Goravym. (Turning) KONOVALOVI Yevmoniy Gri ofXLvich -ademiks re- i~ I SEVERDENNO, V.P.~ ak teenzen ; REVO K.V., akademik., red.; KHOLYAVSKIY, S... red. izd-va; VOLOKHANOVICH, I., tekhn. red. (Fundamentals of new methods for machining metals] Oanovy no- vykh sposobov metalloobrabotki. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSRj, 1961. 296 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Gorev, Smrdenko). (Metalwork) -KONOVALOV, YE. G,9 Doc TECH SCII "THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF NEW METHODS OF METAL ~, MINSKj 1961. (ACAD Sci BSSR, DEPT OF TECH SC~IIINCZT-). (KL-OV, 11-619 216). -104- 0 V 11 L 0 V/ 32203 S/201/61/000/003/006/006 D299/D305 AUTHORS: Kanavalaw, Ye. R. and Hermanovich, I. M. TITLE: On the penetration of cutting fluid into the cutting region during mechanical metal-working PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Bielorusskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh,nauk. no. 3, 19619 115-119 TEXT: The effect of vibrations on the cutting process is consi- dered, In the authors' opinion, the vibrations which arise in me- tal cutting facilitate the penetration of the cutting fluid into the cutting zone, thereby wear is reduced and the metal working improved; this applies to vibrations of small amplitude and high frequency (ultrasonic). This hypothesis was verified by means of special experimental procedure. The vibrations were generated by the ultrasonic generator Y3f1-4,jr'(UZM-1-5) of power 1.5 kilowatt. Three types of cutting fluid were investigated: ordinary water, an emulsion and cutting oil. The height of the fluid column in ca- pillary tubes was investigated after connecting and disconnecting Card 1/2 3/571/61/000/007/009/010 1048/1248 AUTHORS .1ronovalov,Yo.G., and Dorozhkin,N.N. TITLE: A nov. method for gauging ring-shapoo parts SOUCE: Akademlya nsuk Polaruskay SSR* Fiziko-technicheskiy institut. Sbornlk nauchnykh trudov. no.7. 1961. 184-189 TEXT: A now, simplified method for the*fine adjustment of the in- ternal and external diameters of east, stamped, forged, or sintered metal parts, are described; the diameters are adjusted through plastic deformation alone, using a die for the external diameter and a floating, round-hoaded plunger for the internal diameter, on a 40-ton hydraulic press* The dies and plunger are made of a hardened YI5r (iOiVG) alloy (Cr-111-IMn), and their surfaces are finish- ed to a high degree of smoothness, In experiments with sintered .ring-shaped parts consisting of perlite + 10-15% ferrite (Brinell hardness 50-70 kgo/sqomme) external diameters ranging from 34.12 to 34.26 mm. wore adjusted to 33.94 to 33o98 mm, while internal diameters ranging from 16.95 to 17.03 mm. were adjusted to 16.98 Card 1/2 STEPANCV, V.P. Equipment for the investigation of oblique-angle cutting F,,f the optical-polarization-method. Sbor. nauch. trud. Fiz.-tekh.Inst. (MIRA 150) AN BSSR no.7:190-198 161. (Metal cutting--Testing) 41998 S/571/61/000/007/010/010 1040/1248 AUTTIORS: Konovalov,Ye.G*,, Lind Lobachevskiy,I.S. An investigation-_--t TITLE: ation of he depth of the strain-hardened layer and the wear-resistance of the hardened surface after rotary ball-burnishing of internal cylindrical surfaces SOURCE Alacadenjiya nauk Belaruskay SSR. Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. no.7e 1961. 200-203 TEXT: Potary ball-burnishing Is a new cold-working process pro- ducing pitstic deformation in metallic surfaces with a consequent increase in hardness; the process is d.esc~ibed in the book "Rotatsionnoe dornirovanie". by the same authors, published by- the M=R Academy of Sciences, 1959. The depth of the strain-hardoned .layer produced is practicRlly independent of variations In the rate of burnishing within the range 50-500 m./min., and Increases slightly with a decreased ball diameter. The maximum depth pro- duced under optimum conditions is log-2*2 mm. in steel C-Pv-15 Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4030805 S/0000/63/0001000/0192/0198 AUT11OR: Konovalov, Ye. G.; Germanovich, I.N. TITLE: The 7=ffec=tof h~iah requency (ultrasonic) vibrations on the passage of liquid media through capillary channels SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut metallokeremiki i spetsial'ny*kh splavov. Poverkhnost- ny'-'ye yavleniya v raspiLavakh i protsessakh poroshkovoy metallurg--i (surface phenomena in liquid metals and processes in powder metallurgy). Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 192-198 TOPIC TAGS: high frequency vibration, ultrasonic vibration, capillary channel, liq- uid medium ABSTRACT: In this paper, the authors studied the effect of ultrasonic vibrations under various conditions (capillary diameter, temperature) on a liquid medium in a capillary channel. The results are presented in graphs. Ultrasonic influence an the passage of liquid media through capillary channels is a new, little studied phenom- enon. Only the first steps have been made in the study of this problem; before it lie even greater efforts. Many questions still must be answered in order to explain the physical nature of this phenomenon and its pratical application in industry. it Card 1/2 I.--. r KONOVALOV9 Ye.G. (Kanavalau,, IA.R.]; GERMANOVICH, x LNermanovich, I.M.) --- Effect of high-frequency vibrations on the penetration of lubricants and coolants into the cutting zone durilng the mechanical working of metals. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekA. nav. no.3:98-~100 163. (IURA 16: 10) 3/170/63/606/003/012/014 3104/B186 AUTHORSs Konovalovv Ye. Gio Gernanovicht I. N. TITLEt The influence of temperature on the rise of liquid In's oapillary under tho action of high frequonoy vibrations PERIODICALt Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, v. 6, no., 3, 19639* 103 - 105 TEXT: The capillary rise of a -liquid is largely dete=ined by -the- awface tension of the liquid and consequently decreases with increasing texpera- ture. If the liquid vibrates with ultrasonic frequencies in the- directUn of the oapillary axesp the rise is greater and increases wiih temperaturei 7later, an emulsion of commercial acidol, and lubrioatingdl were-subSect4d to 23-5 kcs in glaos tubes of various diameters. The increase-in capillary ripe was measured in. the 0 - 8000 range. The height-to-which water rises in a with an inner diameter of 0-484 = An- creases from 30 mm at fzd 50C to 90 mm at f:z$ 700C- Similar results are oW-", tained for other liquids under different conditions. There are 2 figurossr ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tokhniahoakiy inntitutAN BUR, g. Minsk (Physico- technical Institute AS BSSR, Minsk) KONOVALOV Ye G - SKRIFNICMIKO,, I.L. Effect of cyclic loading of an ultrasonic frequency on the static mechanical characteristicti of copper. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.12:817-820 D 1639 (KIRA 17:8) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut AN BSSR, Predstavleno aka- demikom AN BSSR V.P, Severdanko. KONOVALOV, Ye.G., dek-tor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red. [Plasticity and metalworking by pressure] Plastichnost' i obrabotka metallov davleniem. Minskp Nauka i tekhnika, 1964. 320 p. (MIRA 17:12) lttf-f~ ~~TfM Mi &R'W~11286) r~j 1, fn UR/0276/65/000/04/BO30/~030 -in o-,q"r or, Rn.j 31 ~hn I ils h K.:naovaloy. Ye. G. Layri _v --I_ _4pyj ~t aow~~for investig-a-ting h,~at phenooe i n c-, utilkz q] na it: 7: Sb. 71rimenaniyi ul't-razviika v ma-shinnst-. ',e,'nqk. `;-auka 'ekhm,