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LOOM I YEV, V. Using roller Mille for grain Orwhing at food mills. Muk.-OlOT. prom. 25 no-5:22w23 Nr '59. (MIRA 12:8) l.Nachallulk kombikormovoge teekha pri Mishkinskom melinichnou kombinate Kurganskey *blast!. (Grain-milling machinery) (Food mills) ZDM)RATIYZV. V. ftnufacture of furniture is growing. Prom.koop. 14 no.1:3 Ja ,6o,, (KM 13:5) 1. Zamestitell nachallniks proisvodotvenno-takhnichookogo otdola Ghuvashprossoveta, g.Gheboksary. (Chuvashia-Purniture industry) kscz kyt: v AREMAGILISKIT, Vladimir GoorgiyaTich; LOVIRATITRY, Viktor Aleksayevich; TRAUTMAN, U.N., redaktor; ult0 "AutUt ~'chsskiy redaktor. [To the student on organis,ation of working and living habits] Studentu ob organizataii truda i byta. Kookwa, Goa. isd-vo mad. lit-ry, 1955. 97 P. (KLHA 9:6) (Students) SOROKIN, Tu.11., kandidat tAhnicheakikh nauk; YOROBITEV' B KOIMT#YW 7 A - TMITEV$ 13.N,j akadealk, redaktor.- SAHARIN: A:M':, relandr; 1 SOVO I.V., kandtdat*fIlosot9kIkh nauk,'redaktor; TUNISOTA, G.V.$ redaktor; ZILMOVA. Ye.V.q teldinicheskiy redaktor (Aleksandr Tedorovich Kozhaisidt. creato"r of Ahe f trot airnlane -, a collection of documents] Aleksandr Pedorovicfi Mozhainkil 9'ozdatell pervogo samoleta; abornik doktimentov. Moskva, 1955. 174 p. NLRA 8-.7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Samarin). 2. Akademlya nauk SSSR. I~Btitut tst6rll~estestvozn~nija i'tekhniki. (Mozhatokit, Al.koandr Pedorovich, 11325-1890) XONDRATITMv V.A. Gheracteristics of the industrial development of India. Izv. AN 73zSSR Ser. Obahchostv. nauk no. 1 :59-65 158. (HIM 11:8) (India--Industrialization) FCLYAK, A.A.; KAIRTYSMA, G.A.; SOLODOVVIKOV, V.G.; BRAGIRA. Ye.A.; KODRAT I YBV TJLIRIKH,'O.D.; ZAMMSWA, A.A.; SAVELIM, N.A.; POKATAY3VA, T.Se; AVARINs V.Ya.. otv*redo; PAUTZJYIV, V.I., red.iud-va; ASTAPITIVA, G.A., [Industrialization problems of the sovereign underdeveloped countries of Asia (India, Indonesia and Burma)) Problemy in- dustrializatsii suvorewqkh .slaborazvitykh stran Azii (Indiia, Indoneziia. Birma). Koskva, Izd-vo Aimd.nauk SSSR, 1960. 436 P. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSEL. Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i mezhdu- narodnykh otnoshaniy. Z. Sektor stran Yugo-Vostoohnoy Azii i Dallnego Vostok& Institut's mirovoy ekonomiki i mothduna- rodnykh otnosheniy Akademii nauk SSSR (for all except Avarin, Panteleyev. Astaflyeva). (Asia, Southeastern--Industrialization) KONDIUTIYEV, Vladimir A. (Industrj of India;,main trends in its development since 1947] Promyshlennost' Indii; osnovrqe tendentsii razvitiia posle 1947 g. Moskva, Sotsgiz, 1963. 245 p. (India-Industries) (MIRA 16:12) rKONDRWYEYO_~.; DUBROVINSKIY, V.Ya.; DOBRINSKIAU, A.K.; :~~ ROZENBAUM, P.S.; TAVROV, Ya.M.; BOGDAMOVSKIY, V.F.; GRINGAUZ,, S., red.; YAKOVLEVA, Ye., tekhn. red. [Named after Vladimir Illich]Imeni Vladimirs. Illicha. Mo- skva, Mosk. rabochii, 1962. 510 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Moscow-Electric machinery industry) 9DIMAT YET, V.A. Bleuentary deduction of the necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of solutions of a linear differential equation of the second order. Usp.mat.nauk 12 no.3:159-160 Yq-Je '57. (NIRA 10:10) (Differential equations'#, Linear) t AUTHCR WMRAT I YW V.A.,-- PA - 3o32 'TITLE -8~cient Conditions for the Non-oscillation or oscillation of the Solutions of the iquation yl*p(x)y a 0. 1 (Doetatoch.nyye yaloviya nekolsblomo3ti i kolablemosti re3honij uravnoniya y*#P(X)y - 0, -Jissian) PERIODICAL Dokl&dy Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 4, Pp 742-745 (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/195? Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The present paper furn1shei a number of sufficient conditions in the 4ass, of which the solutions of the equation y'y+p(x)y -0 do not oscillate. Theorem,le If in the case of x,>/X, a ~o3itiv* difforentiatable function r-(x-T-a3T-,& constant v> &&t for any constant C the inequation ,,0 exist, so rt - rl (1-v)r1l r, r, 77 7 Vev < -~X P - - 4ra. I Ir dx: + C,< 7-*7- VV, X:~X. is satissfiede the solution of the above squation'is non-oscillating. Three corollaries are added to thisr solution Theorem 2: If a differentiatable function r(x) exists, so that O 0 and if the equation (n) Y + q(x)y - 0 satisfies the condition k, then also (1) satisfies this con- dition. (x) and let the equations Theorem: Let P (x),4p(x) oo the capacity tends to zero- 3- If 91 then the capacity n . of E I is greater than that Of E- 4. If 2m;~n ande fhen E is emptY-5- If 2m!5n and 4H In (E)_0 then the projection of E onto an n~H arbitrary (n-2m+l)-dimensional hyperplane has the Lebeague measure zero. The author considers the first bounuary value problem for an elliptic equation of the order 2m (1) Lu W'0 If the problem is solvable in the region a thell there exists a non-trivial Solution of (1) which satisfies vanishing boundary conditions. It is shown that (2) (D'u)2 dv-e.. u2 dv where the constant K1 depends only on the coefficient of the equation and is integrated over the whole space (it is assumed that u =_ o outside g). Card 2/4 88397 S/02 61/136/004/003/026 C111%222 The Solvability of the Firat Boundary Value Problem for Elliptic Equations Then (1) is considered in an open region. The author seeks a generalized solution u so that u - v 6 Wm- . Question tIn which sense here u - v and 2 their differentials do equal zero on the boundary ? if lim ek(D) Definition s The boundary point A is called k-reg-alar h-*O h2 > 0 where ek(-D) is the capacity of the complement of D in the square with the side h and the center A. 02 Theorem 2 : If A is k-regular and u G- WM then the first (k-1) differentials in the point A are asymptotically equal to zero (k = 1,2.... There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: July 30, 1960, by I.G. Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTEDs July 28, 1960 Card 4/4 KONDRATIYEVI V. A. "on the differentiability of the solution of an elliptic equation up to the boundary" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-22 Aug 62 -,IONDR&TIYEV 0,V,A- oscillating solutions to the aquation Y(n) +P(x)Y = 0. Trudy Moak. mat. ob-va 10:419-436 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Differential equationsp Linear) KONDRATIYEV V.A Evaluations of derivative sOlUtions to elliptic equations near the boundaryq. Dbk1.* AN SSSR 146 no.lt22-25 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) ' 1. Fredstivieno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Differential equLtions) KOUDRATIYEV. V.A. Boundar7 vk2xii-prdblemo for.eMptic equations in cozdcal regions,'. DOU..'AN. SSSR 153 no.lt27-29 N 163. (MMA 17: 1) 1. Predetavleno akademikm A.N. Kolmogorovym. KONDRATIYEV, V.A. -..I.- I General boundary value Droblems for;parabolic equations in a closed region. Dokl. AN SSSR. 163 po.21285-288 ii 165. (KRA 3-8s7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemW universitet. Submitted December 31, 1964. M7 LN12T I TTA5: TrIMe, derivation of formulas 'for deteraining the dependence of time t f-- thq removal of the desired thickness a at various rules for changing u-n-Rnt force is proposad. It waz expolf-,hentally establiahed that :if utabil izing the electrical parameterfl of ~~be and at the progrese of the p-roceso of qlectrochanicA) working F~,,jrilhs of' ti---,n t ar,~- rtgio.~nTigr7 fnr ~~o Df a 4681rei --~Latrat.= 1 1 bibliograp-1v 2 antrioa. P r-.T P nx 0 Y-*. SUB CODE 1E ENGL 1 00 Card 1/1 ago M;kME~ ZQ W m 00,11 I K Corotukry insuff ic lency. Fel I daher & akush. no. 7:25-32 Ju3y 1953. (CIAM 25:1) 1, Moscow, , - -P KONM&T'YBV, V,A- Wl"A'~'-` . ]Fel'dBher & akwh. no.9:16-20 sept. 1953. Acute vascular insufficlenCY (GM'25:4) 1, Moscow, KamR"ITNv, V.A. aimsh. no.11:22-27 N '53. (MM 6:n) PQlwnma7 embysem. Tel'di (Impbysess, Pka=M#47) KOHDRATIUV. V.A. (NOBCOW). Dicowarin. Felld.1 almsh. no.12:52 D '53. (KLRA 6:12) (Anticoagulants (Kedicine)) InUnDA V M-9 - limbo Advice for the patient suffering from cholsoystitte and gallstones] i cysty bolinoun kholetsistiton i shelchnokamennot boleinfiv.. Noskwa, Nedgis, 1954o 22 p. (NLIRA 9:10) (CALL BIADBU--DISIABIRS) (CAIGULI, BILIARY) KORDRATITIV, V.A. ' (Regimen of a patient onffering froA gipertonichemkoi bolesullu. Hooky&, (EVportension) hypertension] iteshim bollnogo Nedgis, 1954. 31 P-(NM 7:11) LUSBNIKOV, Aleksandr Georgiyevich; KONDRATIYEV, V.A., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekbn. r~d.- [Clinical aspects of internal diseases in Russia] Klinika vnut--ennikh bole=ei v Rosaii. Moskva, 14edgim, 1962. 253 P. I .. (MEDIICINE, INTFMAL) (MIRA 15:4) BAGDASAR'Y-AN, Kh.S.; KONDRAT IYEV, V.A. Twn-~uantum photoionization of N.N.-limth.71--p-pherylenediamine in alcohol matrix at 770K. Kin.i kat. 6 nc.5:717-781 S-0 165. (MIRA, 18: 11) 2. Fiziko-kh:Lmicheakiy institut imni Karpova. v -1 4-4;~i , L 8497-M ajT(i)/wfm)/IWP(J)/!/,%fA(m)-2/UdA(c) IJP(C)/RPL ACC NR: AP5026471 SOURCE CODE: UR/0195/65/006/005/0777/0781, AUTHOR: B~~sar~lyan. IQ~.S.,-_KQndratlyev, V.A. ORG:,:Physicochemical Institute im. L. Ya. KaEpov (Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut) nediaminelin an alcohol TITLE; Two-quantum photolonization of N,N-dimethyl-p-phe matrix at 77K SOURCE: Kinetika i kataliz, v. 6. no. 5, 1965, 777-781 v, I'll TOPIC TAGS: phatolonization, amine, A2~ern!lstry,* alcohol ABSTRACT: It is known that agmatic amine molecules act as photosensiti7ers of the photochemical d nation of alcohols, and are also capable of photoionization in solid alcohol solutions to form the corresponding cation radicals. In order to determine the relative Importance of these, two photochemical reactions, the authors studied the kinetics of accumulation of cation radicals during photolysis of solutions of N,N-dimethyl- p-phenylonediamine in a 3:8 leopropanot-loopentane mixture at 77K. The initial rate of accumulation of the cation radicals was found to be proportional to the square of the light intensity. A study of the intermittent illumination effect showed that the character- istic lifetime of an intermediate particle In this reaction coincides wit* the lifetime of the Cord 1/2 UDC 541.141.7:547.553.1 L 8497-M ACC NR: AP5026471 amine molecule in the triplet state. This reaction is thus a new example of a "true" two- quiantum. photochemical reaction resulting from the absorption of a light quantum by the molecule in thia triplet state. It is concluded that depending upon the nature of the amine there takes place either a two-quantum. sensitization of the dehydrogenation of the alcohoA or a two-quantum photoionization of the amine. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 1 table, and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 07 SUB DATE: 2OJul64 ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 005 Card 2/ 2 USSR/Cultivated Plants Fruits. Derries. m-6 Abs Jour. : Re f Zhu~ Diol., No 20, 1958) 91818 Author : Kondratlyev) V.D. Inst Molda,%~ian Sai6 4itit research institute of Horti Culture, Viticulture a~ 'Wine m.*Una. Title Tr. MoM h,-i; in-t oadovodstva) Vinogradarstva i VirlodeliYa,, 195T, 3, Abstract Large and heavy seed fractions have greater GerminatinG power, and more vigorous germination than 6Toups of small and lidit, seeds. The output of standard wildings from seeds, of the former category is greater than those from the latter cateEpry., To obtain uniform wildings it is suE~bgeetecl to sort the apple and pear seeds according to size and specific weidit. The higher the specific weight, the larger the size of the seeds, the shorter the period of stratification. Experiments demonstrated the efficiency Card 1/3 ture of the above-ground pari'~F_ij~e wilding: the number of cell layers in the palisade parenchyma of the leaves and Card 2/3 VNDRAT I YEV, V.? * How to improve the operation of train contactors. Blek. i tepl.. tiaga 4 no..9:25 6 060. (KMA i3 -.12) 1. Master reostatnykh ispytauiy depo Krasnouftmak Kazanskoy dorogi. (Electric loconotiveg) (Ilectric contactore) KOIMRATIYEV., V. F . "Antibacterial Properties of Oil of Three-Spined Stickleback." Friroda, 11o 2, P 114, 1953 Translation DRB, Canada, T 179 R, 18 Apr 55 1. KONDRATIYEV; V.' F*- 2. USSR (600) 4. Vitioulture-Voronezh Province 7. Viticulture in Voronezh Province. Vin =R 13 No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. YONMATIM, V.P., agronom (g. Kletnyp Bryanskoy obinsti); XMI, A.Ch. WIld small frult plants. 11'r1roda 46 no.6:127 je 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Gln-nyy bstanjoheekly gad Akadamtj neuk SSSR (for K~110. (Dryansk Province-Berries) KONMTIYJIV ~V*F* ( Kletaya. Bryanskoy oblanti). fte-serve the country,a forests. Prlroda 46 no.9:61-62 2 157. (Forest protection) (Km Iota) DEGTYAREV,, Nikolay Mikhaylovich,, starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; KONDRAT IYEV, Y_yac slay FedorMjqh starshiy nauchzWy sotr. ; !iL_IPENOK,, T.G.., red.; KUZIMENNOVA,, N.T., tekbn. red* [New methods of oil production]Novye zaetody neftedobychi. GromWi,, Chacheno-Inguahakoe knizl-~ioe izd-vo 1961. 66 pe WRA 151.3.1) 1. Gro=enskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institat (for Degtyarev., Kondratlyev). - (Oil fields-Production methods) KONDRATIYF-,V. V.F.. aspirant Calculating the side dynamic forces acting on straight Itrack sections. Vest. TSNII MPS 23 no.7gl2-15 164. (MIM 18a 3) 1. Urallskoye otdoleniye Vaesoy-uznogo nauchno-isslodovatellskogo instituta zhele-,~rodorozhnogo transporta Ministers'Elva putey soobshc'neniya, 3jterdlovsk. ROLIKI A.I.; KONDRATIJEV V.F Determination of the magnitude of compressed air leakage in industrial pneumatic networks. Energ. i elektrotekh prom, no,1:64-68 162. MRA 15:6) (Compressed air) (Pneumatic tools) sov/58-59-8-18838 Translated from- Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959,.Nr 8, p 257 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kondrat'yev, V.G. TITLE: Principles of Selecting the Parameters of Instruments for Determining the Distortions Caused by the Non-Uniform Motion of a Sound Recorder PERIODICAL; Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta zvukozapisi, 1957, Nr 1, pp 29-46 ABSTRACT: The article discusses the permissible non-uniformity in the speed of a sound recorder. This non-uniformity is manifested in periodic and non-periodic tone variations upon reproduction. When it is heard in a room, the tone, frequency-modulated by the mistuning of the tape- drawing mechanism, is transformed into an amplitude-modulated sound, the perception of which depends on the acoustic characteristics of the room and the position of the auditor. The perception of non-periodic tome variations depends on the ear's ability to discern tonality differences. Skipping tone variations are noticeable at 0.2% ofthe tone frequency. In the event of monotonous variation this difference amounts to 2%. The question of the perception of distortions of music, Card 1A which are due to mistuning, has been Insufficiently studied. The SOV/58-59-8-18838 Principles of Selecting the Parameters of Instruments for Determining the Distortions Caused by the Non-Uniform Motion of a Sound Recorder effect of mistuning varies with the type of reproducible music and the mistuning frequency. In this connection it is possible to draw the following conclusions: 1) In order to determine sound distortions it is necessary to know not only the magnitude of the sound-recorder's relative speed instability but also its character; 2) Different allowances must be made for slow and for rapid speed variations (periodic as well as non-periodic variations); 3) Firmly established norms for a sound- recorder's speed non-uniformity do not exist. For good instruments the magnitude of non-uniformity should not exceed a few hundredths of one percent. The article further considers the required characterisites of instruments for measuring a sound-recorder's speed non-uniformity. These characteristics may be summarized as follows: 11, The upper limit of the frequency detectorls pass-band should be 200-300 c; 2) Three thousand c is recommended as a measurement frequency; 3) The detector must steadily register a frequency deviation of one-hundredth of one percent. The numerical value of the average speed depends on averaging time T, which must be strictly specified. It is suggested to adopt It as equal to 2 sec. The variable speed-component of the sound recorder must include components from 0.5 c to the upper limit of the detector's pass-band. Harmonic analyzers can investigate the periodic speed-component and determine Card 2/4 SOV/58-59-8-18838 Principles of Selecting the Parameters of Instruments for Determining the Distortions Caused by the Non-Uniform Motion of a Sound Recorder ranging from 0.03% to 2%, as well as the measurement of the mistuning coefficient at every mistuning frequency from 0.5 to 250 c with smooth overlap of the range. There also exists the possibility of determining the magnitude and sign of the variation in the average speed of the sound recorder with limits ranging from 0.5 to 10%. The nominal frequency measurement is 3,000 0. V.S. Vaymboym card 4/4 KONDRATI 11 laminated spring*, Pribora- 'i~itomiLtic =Ching@ for mang"tlgring.~"- (mM 10tO stroanis no.5127 Wy 157. (Spring* (Ked~&Ui6a)) A r. Ko 321ttil _A---r-_K-O-H-dP_aTbeO Tim 271V1 1960 r. ii Come Bacimo-mefijujimexciA opaciia ima axanotim jimemi C. AtKIfpoaa (JIchHurpa;x) MIICCCPTaUllfO Ila TCMy CK 191411.110- ~CTUWCKM tiennocru HeKo bix 6u9xuAtuqecKux u zemodaiiamuqccKux noKa3arcrea npu TOP 4TIPGCKAepoje>. Y do;lbliuX ,aWPOCKUP030M YPODellb Odlf%CrQ XMICCUP11113 KPOOll n -0111,111101 H 11MCOT -or, PeAc"Iell floe Alia mocy IIIICCKOQ 311aliCIIII0. KojumecTuo, 1040-minimoll; y donbuwx aTCPO- MILIP030161 XOle6.IeTCq 1111,1111111I.Myublio 8 CP313111ITC.11,110 11111POKIIX lIPCACJl3X, XOTH OTNIL- tiaCTCA Temaeumix K ciumenwo. B CB9311 C 3TIEM Owice Aocrozfepnum ;manincTimcKit -C-IC.3yeT CqllTaTb CilliXeMle 110)(23aTuR OTIIOIUCIIUH 12-C~O-Illmmtjl. xoiie-,Tcpllll Candidate of Nedical Sciances Dissertations approved bY the Higbor Attestation Gowdsmion in Jamary and Febrwn7 of 1961. Terap. arkh. no. 60.17-121 161 BRIKHER, Vladimir Naumovich; ~ojjp~~P7,IYEV, V.,3.,, red. L'Disorder of electrolyte metabolism in cardiovascular m6 diseases] Narushenie elektrolitnogo obmer-a pri serdec', - sosudistykh zabolevaniiakh. Leningrad, M-,,ditjJLna., 10,65. 180 P. (mrr.A i8s2) USPENSKIY, F.M., kand. biol,.nauk; S04OV, I.A.; MUMINOV, A.M., kand. sallkhos.-nauk;.IVANOV, Ye.N.#_ksnd...~biol. nauk; VASIL'YEV, A.A..,Aand. sellkhos. nauk;.SOIDVOYEVA, A.I.,, kand. sell khose z.auk; ZAPROM~TQY, NA.-,_-doktor sellkhoz. nauk; YAKHONTOV,,V.1., doktor biol.-nauk; KAPUSTINA, R.I.; STROMM, N.G.-pPOISMSHCHIKOVA., V.N.,,-kand. 4Q'llkhoz. nauki KARIMV, N.A...Vdcktor biol. nauk; NDSKOV, I.G., kand. sell- khos. nauk; KHODZHAUV, A.Kh.; ALETEV, B.Gi, kand. sellkhos. nauk; YAKHONTOVI-V.V., doktor biol. nauk;..STEPANOV, F.A.; LYUEETSKIY, Xh.Z., kand. mod. nauk; GUREVICH, B.E.; XONDRATIYEVO V.I.; SUDARS, L.P.j KOSTBNKG.,-I.R., saal. agr. -1 - RELIK, I.M., red.;-BAW1TpOV, A., tekhn. red. [Manual on controlling the pests, diseasep and woods of cot- ton, corn, and legumes] Spravochnik po borlbe a vreditall i bolesniami khlopchatnika, kWmmsy i bobovykh kulltur. %-.2., parer. i dop. Tasbkont,, Goo,izd-vo Us=, 1963. 325 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Field crops-Diseases and pests) (Wood control) Kondratiev, V. I. "Geophysical Ylethods of Prospecting, or Copper-Illickel Ores in the .L I Revion of the KonTha Tundra." In the book: Kbibinskie Apatity, Leningr2d, vol. 6, 0 1933, pp. 175-176- and 179. JUso: Razvedka Iledr, 'Oscow, Uo. 1, 1935, pr. 22-24. xONDRATIM, V.I., inzhener. Los. pros. 35 no.2:22b P '57. (nu 10:4) 1. Sibirskiy lemotakhnichaskly Institut. (snow remova) (Tmmberlng-4Lwhln9ry) 137-58-4-7603 Translation from! ReferativnVy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, A58, Nr 4, p 177 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kondratlyev, V. 1. TITLE: Accelerated Anne'aling of White Iron (Otzhig I,-elogo chuguna us- korennym metodom) PERIODICAL: Vestn. tekhn. inform. M-vo trakt. i s.-kh. mashinostr. SSSR, 1957, Nr 3, pp 17-20 ABSTRACT: An electric furnace (F) designed by the author (the layout of which is appended) was built at the Tula Harvester Combine Plant for fast continuous annealing of white iron; the furnace makes it possible to reduce the annealing cycle from 118.5 to 26 hours. F economy was improved at the same time, as the proportion of the heat actually employed in heating the castings by this new tech- nology was 81 percent, as against. 15.7 percent under the old tech- nology which was based on a gas chamber car-bottom hearth F. The capacity of the new F in continuous annealing of white iron was 4.5 t/day, the cost of construction was 150, 000 rubles; power con- sumption per ton of casting was 375 kw (sick). A detailed descrip- tion and characteristic of the F and of its use are presented. Card 1/1 1. Cast iron--Heat treatment--Equipment 2. Electric S!.'~ P. furnaces--Applications 3. Electric furnaces--Effectiveness KOMRATIYEV V I.... starshiy prepodavatell; SOKOLOV, P.N.) student II-go kursa Studying operating conditions of the autorrmtic unit of a continuous production line of bucking full-length logs. Trudy STI 33:98-104 162. (miRA 18:6) LARIONOV, A.I.; DEGMMNDZ6I, G.A.; RUDKOVSKIY, Yu.N.; KONDRATIYEV, V.I. Automated line of the Siberian Technological Institute for primary processing of untopped trunks at the landings of lumbering enterprises. Trudy STI no.32:27-33 162. (MIRA 16:12) KONDRATIYEV. V1.. kand.ekona3dehesicikh nauk ~j -o .. ... . . Istanational. socialim.-and.national. liberation soy- , ts, Kom, Voorush.Sil 3 no.24t75-79 D 162. (KM l5sl2)': (TecMical assistart6e, communist) ~-AdCZSSION NRI A?4025732 3/0046/64/MO/OM/0066/0070'1 AUTHdrts Wyelrp V- I- TNUs Sound formation with gas streas collision SOUFG3s Akusticheskiy shmmalv ve 10s no. Is 1964j, 66-70 TOPIC TAGSv sound formation, gas stream collision,, singing flaw, periodic flaw ion, auto-oscillating precensp feedback, sound ways, outflow velocity, Doss" pulsat The author describes a new form of "singing flame" arising with ,.collision of plane gas stream of ini'lammable and wddent substances. He proves, experimental3y that the periodic pulsations of flame are an auto-oscillating process.1n.which feedback in realized by a sound waves The pulsations of flame '.-are the result of periodic transverse oscillations of the streams with respect to each other; the phase shift between them depends on the relation betvaea the velocities of-outflow of the strem and on the distance between the nozzles, The llsingingu-flama is the result of forced turbulisation of an open plans flame with the help of a plans stream of oxygen or air* Such a form of combustion of gas, is!sometim"i used in industry for shortening the burning zone and controlling Card 1/2 P:- IE -10 -h, Pt-- A -lo!oo4/oh44 /0449 R AP404IQ295 S/oo461IC4/~ 1~ -1-7: Kondrat'vey, V. I.; Sim.skiy-Lorsakov, A. ,eneratiGn of zound in the collision of oxidizer and fuel gas ~'O 71 P C EA'-uslicheskiy zhurnal, Y. 10, no. 4, !964, 444-4149 TOPIC TAGGi ccrit-ustion, combustion instability, gas jet 1%; combus- tranaverse oscIllations in the The generation of -i flaT. f,,~e] -sas jet colliding vith a flat ccurtercurrently z et,, ,and the follow- oxialzer gaa ~er- Was ",-I -I- - in,3 se-mier-piricai formula. was derived for calcuiRting tne period flame pulsation T where t is the time travel-e-d by the p-erturbation through th4-jet, T is--the- burning time of'a combustible element, and v is a constant ----------- Card 11'3 L M-46-65. ACCESSION NR: Ap4o49295 0 vhidh is empirically determined and depends on the fuel-oxidizer velocity and flow-rate ratios, the location of the point of colli- sion, and the nozzle geometry. (The best results were obtained with a 0.2-0.9.) The value of T in calculated from the formula., + )T11, Z 0 10 1where w is the nor-al bui M rning -,elocityand Q20 and Q10 are the fue .and oxidizer flow rates, respectively. The calculated and experi- mental reletionships t~etween T and the distance between the nozzles ivere in good agreement. The experin~entally determined relationship between the pulsation frequency (60-260 cps) and the oxidizer veloc- ity (0-8 m/sec) vere also in good agreement with calculated data. '0: a constant fuel-oxidizer velocity ratio, the pulsation frequency increased with an increasing sum of the fuel and oxidizer velocities. 7-t is concluded that the formula may be used for calculating the pulsid- ilon frequeno7 irr the combustion of impinging gas jets. Orig. art. has; 4 figures and 19 formulas. Card 20 KONERATIYEV,, V1. Soviet economists in Great Britain. Vop. ekon. no.3:160 Mr 161. (MW 14:3 ~ lGreat Britain-Economistop Russian) JI,abor productivity-tongroBses) POLONSKIY, Mark Leonidovich; KONDRATIYNY, Valentin Kondratlyevich; CHIUGOV. N.M. , red. ft, red-.kart; -TOGITA, H.I., (Greece] Gretaiia. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo googr.lit-ryll 19590 55 P. (Knu 12:10) (Greece) ---------- S/286/63/000/001/015/025 A154/A126 AUTHORS. Gromova, L4G.1 Shekhoyan, L.S., Kondratlyev, V.R.9 -Ko-labakhinat Te#I*o Utenkova, G.P.t 1.T. TITLE: Method of obtaining pressure fluid for high-vacuum steam-jet .1 pumps PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobre4.eniy i tovarnykh znakovt no. it 1963, 2T TEXT: Class C 10m; 23c, 1 no-:152527 (770832/23-5 of March 27, 1-962). 0- In order to widen the assortment of produete uaable an raw materials for the production of pressure fluid.for high-vacuum steam-jet pumps. and to reduce the cost of the final 'roduct, turbine oil distilled in a vacuum by P known means is used as the raw material. [~os trac ter, anotet Complete translation.) Card 1/1 /~c JYL V )" Frm- an article appearIng in lamedIA-ma woriar" iza.0 of 22 June 1956 (No. 5 -"84) By decree of the kresidium of the areat National Session of the Rtumnian People's Republic on 5 May 1956 nine Soviet engineers and technicians wero awarded "honom" A. S. Barghenkov, N. A. Lebedevs 1. F. Marakhovskiy mW P, N. Pokrovskiy were awarded the "Order of Labor - First Degree;" Ns A, lurkaw# A. S, Koxyrovs V, M, Ko,*atM K. V. Stepamva and I. I. Tatukin were awarded the "Order of Labor - -,9econd DegreesO SOt CIA,,-PDD Sumary No. 3.1859 1 Jan 57, For Official Use Only. 1 ~ ~ , -T -~- ~-4/- r . .-!S I -- , ~ ~ 711 - j / . - . , ~~ I' C (,. C, , C, d ~ I'o " k f I ~ ! ~ , i ( I I ~ I 1 .1 -A: 59. T%i3hkentdki~-'Iiiatitut73XIheto-i-ov--Zheletnodorozhnogo Tranap" (Tashkent Institute of Failroad ftansport Engineers) Remarks: V. M. Kondratlyev; devised electrical analog for rod- 'ii-mFe-system, witif-several degrees of freedcm. Source: Trudy Tashkentskoy Instituta Inzhenerov Zlieleznodoroz Tran'dpdrtai~ pp~ 139-15T- FfrCM Reftrativn Zhurnal Avtomatika i.Radioelektroni1c , No 12, Dee 32-1-116 shch) M PM MU OAM.9 .19 Mr 6.% 0001=Ufle Mmfbrmtim ftWrt-QWnimtjm and Aftdrdstmlm ct Owlet BeftDoe, Conf. KONDRATIYEV,_,V.M. Jomz problems in *electric oixulation of rod systems.,Izv.AN Us.SSR. Serotekh.naukl no-507-45 165. (MIRA 18:10) Io Tashkentakiy Inotitut Whonerov zheleznodorozhnogo transport&. Periodical Vest. Mash., 34, Ed-. 6, 78 -A3,-June 1954 Abstract The developmt of flaws in-high-pressure water heaters was traced to defective welding. A desoription is given of experiments conducted in the gas-welding of,pipas of the dimensions 25 x 3 and*38 x 4.5 mn. An analYsis is made of the resul+,s. of such exneriments, to determine the nature and.origin of welding defects and 4iya are indicated for.avoiding them., Illustrations;',drawings; graph; tables. Institution AUTHORS: TITIX: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: card 1/2 Say=, X*G.& Kondrat~mwq IVoMe 32-.0-57/61 Consultative Ass.embiyof the Collaborators of the chemical- Analytical Laboratories~ plants Dealing with theAletallukay Of Non-F*rrous metals of the .. rAzakh , SSR for the Determination of We Iand Dispersive Elimints'e.(Soveshchaniye rabotnikoy khimiko-~ analiticheskikh laboratorly, predpriyatiy tsvetnoy metallurgii Kazakligkoy SSR po oprodelaniyu red1rikh i rasseyannykh elementov) Z&vo.dakays Labor-atoriv as 1957, vol.,23, Nr 8. pp. loo9-1010 (USSR) The above assembly was.hold at Usti-K&Menogorsk from the 8th to the 11th 11sy 1957.'It Iwas attended by 140 delegates. A total of 2o was.delivered. The lecture delivered by V.I*plotnikov _4114nion Institute of scientific Research for Non- Ferrous MotaliYon'theapplication of radioactive isotopos-for the determination of rare metals,is mentioned in the first ~laceo- Next, *40,jir-t is siade of & lecture delivered by V.1&L7i41AO .(Of the ease I 'of 1he Inditim- .i.4t4tq)-QX ])otermiastiona and In one and their productO *too jM"A$&jj*j# of laboratorl0f of the sink-lead combine In Vgtj.jWsAo#=sk- of the polym*tai combine of LeninOgOrgk, Of the lead works at M"t , of the Kazakhstan geological AftiAistzstit and the Kazakhstan prospecting authorities for non-ferrous metals ce.Ir-d2/2 GROMOVA, L.G.; SHENHOYAN, L.S.; KONDRATIYEV, V.M.; ALASHREVICH, M.L. BM-7 oil for high-vacuum ptzmps. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.2:8-10 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy neftemaslozavod. I KONDRATIYF.V, V.M.,, dotsent Laboratory determination of the forces of drawing a wad of bundles and the nature of their origin. Trudy STI 31:48-55 161. Accuracy of the calculation of laboratory data according to Froude for determining the forces of drawing a wad of bundles. Ibid.:55- 64 (MIRA 170) KHRISTOFOROV, B.S.;_LOND T kand. kbim. nauk,, reteenzent; MISHCHENKOp M.A.p retsenzent; TIMERBUIATOVA, M.I.# retsenzent; NOVIK, I.V., retsenzent; PETRENKO, A.G.j. retsenzent; MAMMA., N.N.j retsenzent; LEVIN, I.S., retsenzent; BUSEV$ A.I., prof., otv. red.; KRAVCHENKO, L.S.~ red. [selective_ wanar9l"Pulft A&k*~f8_j Isbiratell- nye rastvoriteli v veshchestvennom analize. Novosibirsk, Red.-izd. otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1964. 95 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Busev). KONDRkT'YEV, V.M. Method for calculating the largest eigenvalue of a matrix* Trudy TASHIIT no.180-14 161. (MIM 18 % 3) K C. ! '71 " t t . , , I, I ~, ;- ; '.q.1,~!, vibration and rigidity of T,rld oy-!tem-~ on !NSE-7 (74) electrio modals. Vych. i. org.tekh. v rtroi. 1 prcekt. no.2:45-49 164, (MIR-k 18:10) 1. Tat-fl-l-entskiy inc-lAtut inzhen,--ov transporta. KONDRATIYEV,.V.M., inzhe Electic modeling of hinged-rod aystems, Vych, i org.tekh. v stroi. i proekta no,3157-61 064a (MIRA 18:10) L 56918-65 )/6fA_(d)_ Elf R APS013975 l V 14 Kondrat . . yev, ashkentsk . in-ta 7. ~61 -95 r i C anA ~,Z metaod -rduu -1 r ul lj:au=L-Cxj- I E~ 2/2 KMDRATIYEV, V.V. (Tashkent) gr ------------------------ Few working parts with deflector nozzles for sprayers. Zashcheraste ot vred,I bol, 7 no,,4t29-30 Ap 162. (MMA l5sl2) 1. Zaveduyughchiy laboratoriyey ispytani7a apparatury Usbekskogo instituta zaehobit7 ruteniyo (Spraying and dusting equipment) (Nozzles) KONDRATtYEV V M. dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk DetermJ.ning the cp*mposition and dimensions of a marine raft made of cigar-shaped sections. Trudy STI 37:85-95 164. (MIRA 18:5) KONDUTIYEII., dot2ont, kvi,,i. tc-lchvi. mmk; !iO[,F()'!, V.P.w jLw1wi! I Experl.mental studies of the distribution of the load o' nll-length log bundles among strap containers. Trudy STI 37:130-134 '64- 04116~ 18. 5') KIMITSYN, V.N., assistent; KONDRATIYEV, V.M... studollL Process of the formation of. wocd shavings durLng th-e cuttking of wood under various temperature conditions. Trudy STI 37: 164-168 164. (141RA 18:5) o tj iR hT \tt q. N.. 7- Battuel1a Technical Review July 1954 Agriculture,- 03 60 Ap lication of Bacterial Ferttlizer AA1B t Cultiva. do" of aSs In Turf Mus Poll. uwan.) u kzV trW t-V kl d d tosoutwi a ev Do ev an V. on y iOrdew ina Akademii Serskokhoda4icennitkh Naui, Inteni V.I. Lenfw, v. 19. no. 1, 1954, p. M24. Preparation and application of fertihz&s containing micro- organisms. Pbotographs, table. KWIrMATIT-U, V. N. 191T59 XOND Qm~~~~kva). 101*1ag hydrodynaMe ye d1tches. IST-AN SSSR.Otl&tttc~a for a metric aprons and foundation CUM. nauk no-11:113-116 N 156. (AYdraullc engineering) (MLRA 10:1) 124-57-1-800D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 106 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kondrat'yev, V.N. TITLE: The Motion of the Water and the Mechanical "Piping" in Loose Soils (Dvizheniye vody i mekhanicheskaya suffosiya. v nesvyaz- nykh gruntakh) ABSTRACT- Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Voes. n.-i. in-t gidrotekhn. i melior. (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Hydrological Engineering and Reclamation), Simferopol' , 1956. ASSOCIATION: Vses. n.-i. in-t gidrotekhn. i melior. (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Hydrological Engineering and Reclamation), Simferopol' . 1. Water--Hydrodynamic characteristics--Bibliography 2. Water--Motion --Soil factors Card 1 /1 SOVI 124-57-8-9518 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 8, p 135 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE- On the Use of the Method of Initial Displacements in the Calculation of Frameworks for Movinc, Loads (0 primenenii metoda nachallnykh a peremeshcheniy k raschetu ramnykh sistern na podvizhnuyu nag- ruzku) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr., 1956, Nr 14, pp 63-70 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card I/l KONDIULTIYNT, Mid ningrad) Designing frames for stability looses in the elastic-plastic stage. Stroi.mekh. I ranch.soor. I no-3:1-8 '59. (MIRL 12:8) (Folastic rods and wires) (Structural frames) KOMUTIYEV. V.N., kand. takhn. nauk dots. (Ieningrad) Precise solution of the problem in stability losses of centrically compressed rods beyond proportional limits. Issle po teor* sooruzhe no.8:225-234 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Ilastic rods and wires) I KONDRATIYEV, V N.,, kond.tekhn.nauk Graphical method-for plannIng the grading of fields for irriga- tion purposes. Gidr.i mel. 14 no.U:Y+-U N 162. (KIRA 15:12) 1. Krymska)a opytno-meliorativhays. stantsiya. (Irrigation) (Eirthwork) ACC NR& AP6034T58 A SOURCE CODE: UR/002o/66/170/005/1117/1120 AUTHOR: Balakbnin, V. P.; Kondratlyev; V. N. (Academician); Nalbandyan A. B. (Aci-d-emician AN ArmSSR); Gershenzon, Yu. ORG: Inatitute'of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimich-e-sl-o-y-tTz-TW-i-AkademiL nauk SSSR) ~? TITLE: Quantitative study of the hydrogen combustion mechanism in the vicinity of the lower limit of ignition SOURCE: AN SSSR, Doklady, v. 170, no. 5, 1966, 1117-1120 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, U7Avwg*u zombustionv, reaction kinetics. reaction mechanism 'Ak4Z0-*- ABSTRACT: A calculation has been made-of the rate constants of-certain elementary reactions in the 'mechanism of hydrogen combustion at. 900-1052K using absolute concentrations of active centers measured by EFR spectroscopy as a functioff of flow velocity. The amount of water formed vas determined by freezing in a calibrated trap. The concentra- tion of molecular oxygen was determined try direct EPR spectroscopic measurement at the exit of the reaction zone. The following rate con- stants were calculated at several temperatures in the range 90OT-1052Kt C.rJ 1/4 IACC NRI AP6034758 kj, k and kvA11 for the reactions, 20 k3' 2 0 110, 11 0 HI+ I---* + lHomogeneous chain'--',:: initiation 11. + 0, 2011 1. OH+ 1 -1110+11. Chain PFOP a _...2.11 +"o.-'-' Oil + 0 gation. -and br.anding 3.'0 +112,-7p 011 + it 'Wall OH St ib w3scules Heterogeneous Vall chai- *wall O"Stable.'..Aw The optimum values of these and oome other constants vere selected Iby varying them and comparing the results of*an electronic-computer solu. tion of the appropriate system of equations vith the experimentally measured maximum active-center concentrations and degrees of comlaustionE Card 2 / 4 ACC NR. AP6034758 It was shown that the maximum active-center concentration (in the region of greatest intensity of the combustion zone) are not affected by longitudinal diffusion. A similar res'ult was obtained on varying the initiation rate constant. IFrom the value of the induction period in best agreement with the experimental value of contact time, reaction W) was'selected as,the,most optimum process and its constant was k' 1012.4 e- 39000/RT cm3. mol-1 - sec-1. 0 Variation of values of the rate constants of reactions which are the reverse of chain branching and chain propagation (1, 2, and 3) showed that the best agreement of calculation and experiment is obtained when all three reVerse.reactions are taken into account, although R + 02 *- OH + 0 has the greatest effect'on maximum concentrations. The maximum concen- trations of H, 0, 0H.and the concentrations Of 02 ead H20 obtained by solving the system of equations were compared wi:th experimental valueso 5;ord 3/4 ACC NRI AP6034758 The best agreement.was obtained for the following Values of rate con- stants: k, 2. 10-m. C-"wor c M 3MCI- ka 1.7. 10-io. C-twwnrCm 3mol-I sec -I ks 019. J0-1*.,r111QQ1R7CMI-mol-1 sic- I., It was shown that variation of the:values of the rate constant of reaction (1'vall) has no effect on the'results of the solution; there- ,fore, its rate constant cannot be determined by this method,, The optimum values of probabilities of heterogeneous destruction of H and 0 atoms were en (2,4 =J: 0.8) .10-3. e~-swRr. (80:E4,8)-10-2-e-WNAr~ 9 0 SUB CODE: 211 07/ SUBM DATE: 05Apr66/ ORIG HEY: oil/ OTH REP: o66 rd 4/4 L 44566-66 EIIJT(m)/r VP-~~JWD -ACC -NR: AP6030021~--- SOURCE dbtti- ui~-fo~6-~~[66/j:6~-/oo5/iii~fiii8 AUTHOR: Grishin, A. M.. Kondrattyev. V. N. (Academician) 1 ORG: Saratov Stat4i Pedagogica institute (Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheakiyl i n s t i tu-tT- TITLE: Spark i ition~ 1> SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, lll5-lil8 TOPIC TACS: combustion $Aignition, propulsionO /6- ABSTRACT: Previous models of spark ignition processes had the disadvantage of,not a2lowing for the difference between effects of the heat transfer from the reaction zone to the fresh gas on the development of an ignition center and on the actual fl propagation. In the present study, a simple model of spark ignition is formulated which does not have these shortcomings. All thermophysical parameters were assumed to be constant, and the reaction was assumed to be of the zero order. The model, based on Diracs delta function, was used to derive an expression for the mi energy required for ignition. A system of equations which can be solved an a compu, was also derived for determining the temperature and the concentration in the igait-. center. Orig. art,*haall7 formulas. [PV] SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE. 18jan66/ ORIG REF.- 007/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 5079 Card l/-1 AeGrg uDc: s4l.126.4 L 29228-66 -91P(j)j9ffT(m)jj 139(c) BM_j0AV1.4M.jNE - ACC NN AP60.19352 SOURCE CODE: UR/0074/65/034/012/2981/2097 AWTHOR: Kondrattyevy V. ORG-. Institute of Chemical Physics,, AN SM(Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR)~ IM Quantitative'aspect of chemical gas-phase kinetics M S(XRCE: Uspekhi khimiis ve 34j, no.,12, 19651, 2081-2097 ~.01UG TAGS: 'chemical kinetics, chemical reaction, reaction rate, shock tubes, adl,Abatic coo Weacion 'TRACT: K. review o BE, n the datermination of the rate constantah of, A ieienentary chemical reactions covers methods of ermination In the present time are discussed first. They are divided int two groups: 1) which the constant Is evaluated in the icourse of-the reactions, and 2) those In which a single primary 'process Is. arbitrarily taken.from a set of processes. The.sdcond igroup is used for measuring rate constants of reactions of atoms land radicals with molecules or with one another, the radicals and, ~;'atpms being generated by thermal, photochemicalg or electric means. lTht!.~ first group includes the methods of crossed beams, shock tubesq farul adiabatic-compression. The mothods are Illustrated with exam- 1ples, Examination of these methods shows that each has disadvan- 'ttages which must be considered when evaluating the quantitative q. The author stre-saes-the fact thatlaxity toward experl- C.rd 1/2 UDC; 541i,124-13 L 4!9229--&6 ACC . NRt AP6019352 ental errors on the part of various investigators using the sar or dif f erent . techniques is f requently the cause of marked disorep- laftoies in the quantitative-results. illustrated with va--. ri-DUS figures obtained for-theZato constants of the reactions 21 H + CH4---*H2 + CH 3* OH + CH2"H20 + HCO A, R + 02 + ar4HO2 + H ,ant OH + H2 --o H 0 +H. The exampleb demonstrate the unsatisfao- ~;tory state of Re problem of determination of rate constants of-, felementary chemical reactions. Methods used for checking the ;correctness of experimentally obtained kinetic data are also 'briefly reviewed* In Junep 1965, the International Council of ~Solentlfio Unions JICSU) created a special group IncMa repro- !s~ataii as from various countries for the purpose of studying the ~problem of international cooperation In compiling International, critical tables, This maybe instrumental In bringing about a )-critical evaluation-andseleotion of data on an International sczd~.- Orig, has. :4 figures". 12 formulas, and 5 tables~ [JPRS] N =3 CODE: 07,20 SU'M DAT9:" -no-ne CRIG REF.' 024 OTH REF: 054 L_!~,rd 2/2 0 0 49 k #4 A L s A-4.1.4-A I Los? 4 M 0 t4 M tt 9, 460 Al MD Hl6b4*MP~FAtwg &W Of MW6168 md Sho pubabilify of Imusamm tj ml.,mles ~JL V-'KOX&*4V'aV AND A~ l.l4rVW4Ktt J. PAT$ ('Afm W S- & R.) 1, V -40. q'i ro~14. .00 Poo 00 :o 00 .3 0c A;* o 00 41 Z;00 00 A A 0 04 m t260 o I L a .11ALLUKUKAt L111441041 (LAWOKATIOld 0 - . 4,' . I . I'll . 1-1. t .)),I$ -M Q- An L 400 0 0000400*0 0 00000000004400**00060000 IrPOO0,44:19090jo0goo 00000060000040;0400400000000000000 too N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 to it It IT is Is 11 4 toa It a Is A a to V A It: a -A. I V a I I I I 1 1 , oat so U a it u u be a is m a 0 a 2 1 if 41 0 a *to -, _ . . 4 ' 1.u C4041% G_ -1 111 -1 00 KONDRAT Kom, ad,," is sup cbmakall ffectmm sit, The 94" - 477, that In m go % .. . I odivatk"I can lw intfirl-fri'd A, (tic h,-4i il wh;4r wesm as tot Ina in an chil.Alwirink, dir- i.m. ter at- fwtian luirtAnd wbm 'be ",wt~m talies, )I, t- 4 V'S"'le light %'o th" :(o.11,41 Z:. shows that Its the can 01 the 4 d I Is an excitcd tuid. Is tiot jit4tirfell by l so il ystir I the act l. .-T 2111, The SWOOP" vxpt. 00 o0v 064 00 VF7v see $.-It. I -9VALLUROCAL 1,01114AIL01 CLASSIFKATION 1100 008 wap~ -. ~. - & I I _.p. I .."I, ... too u T1 IT "I Is ; 0001741,1041 all of so I I ew 0 .3 it (1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 0 sol ~40 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 if 0 0 a o 0 lb~ 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 41 a 0 a 0:0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * o is 00 0 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 0 o 6 0 s 6 1 1 1 61 It 11 if 14 rsm if* tvaln 2 a x is A v a M' M 0 M 0 JK4 1 mil uuidx bit a 0 a st At 41 06 a c -11 I-A-A --- LA 0-i'%, 4- 9101 jL-k.- & ##Cft.f,i 1 '.06. un Ad*Wm"hmboW%kw. V. KoOIURA~xv. J. Saw. I'kY#,-C". Set.. Ph Ill., 62, uflllbrpVWf7',ludy indicate that tk 4eviistina 00 's l oWnw with I vapur to WA a propedy of I w observed b "a V ad x0mi b 0 m o s y atmerrial In the prtwnm lif uwktum kadisle t to tba f tiall ad lsyvn t.4 dw llaw mdam. The rAture of thme = g: o plot M CTUMOM C-- . 04 8 1, Of X00 X zoo soo v 00 see fm 'go 1,43007 14104" -kit Oby 001 41, 1 u s 10 a 4 a a 4 I tx 6 a it it Al L 1 0 ad a 0 0 1 jr a 2 1111 6 KO it I i E4 1 1, IM to 0 0 0;4 41 0 0