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SECRET (When p4! lid In) AmIA OR COUNTRY(3) ORGANIZATIO Congress ONE GPO* Liaison (Congress Senurity 1 ooYOttt1 ES PIltnnm Bundy DOCUMENT Sen Joseph DOE: pits3 July, 140600- i-Orre4 McCarthy P/SW Dean Aicheson cLAss.no class Alger Hiss IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENT (author, form add , Witt 4 length) Historical Staff File: Congress - McCarthy investigations LOCATION: HS/HC-158 ABSTRACT This file contains an exchange of correspondence between DCI Dulles and Senator Joseph McCarthy regarding the . involvement of CIA employee William Putnam Bundy with Alger Hiss and regarding unfounded allegations about ,a government Printing Office* employee. Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 FORM 9521 061101.1TC POIVIOUS 4 4 4.49 g' w COITION, HISTORICAL STAFF SOURCE INDEX SECRET C111?115) Approved Fooditelease 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-001640000100100002-7 COPY Mr. Allen Dulles, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: July 16; 1953 L As you recall, we met the other day and decided to have someone from your staff and someone from the staff of my Committee attempt to work out a formula whereby our Committee could get the information to which the Congress is entitled without in any way endangering the security operations of your organization. Pending that accomplishment, I am submitting to you the follow- ing information which we have received in regard to Mr. William Put- nam Bundy, and would appreciate your checking and letting us 'know whether the following alleged facts which were presented to us are actu- ally true: HS/HC- 1. That Bundy contributed a total of $400 to pay for the defense of Alger Hiss. 2. That he subsequently gave substantially the following reasons for making this contribution: (a)That he felt it was imperative that Hiss be freed of any charge having to do with Communism?or espionage; (b) That he felt for the sake of the Democrat Party he should aid in clearing Alger Hiss; (c) That he contributed to help his father-in-law Dean Acheson. 3. That Bundy was active in at least one organization had been officially named as a front doing the work Communist Party. This document has been approved for release through the HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM of the Central Intelligence Agency. Date HRP - Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00161R00010 which of the This is a TEMPORARY DOCUMENT only, for the use of DC The record copy has been released tg National Archives under the iliSTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM. HRP 9.-? 00002-7 Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 Nome IS ? Mr. Allen Dulles, Director -2- July 16, 1953 In connection with "3" above, I would appreciate knowing the date he joined any Communist front organization, the occasion of his joining and the reason which he gives for having broken with the organization. In connection with the contribution to the defense of Alger Hiss, if you find that he did not give the above reasons for making the contribu- tion, I would appreciate knowing what reasons he now gives. If the above alleged facts are untrue, then I feel that it is very important for your organization and for Mr. Bundy that the matter be cleared up immediately. If those facts are true, then I am sure you will agree that he should not be holding a top job in the Central Intelligence Agency. In view of the statements made to the press by members of your organization as to Mr. Bundy's duties, I would appreciate knowing exactly what his duties are. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, (Signed) M c C:s LLILHC- .151' Joe McCarthy, Chairman Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Inve t gations Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 COP? *nri.3 proved Fosaiblease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-001400100100002-7 22 July 1953 The Honorable Joseph R.. McCarthy Chairman, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations United States Senate Washington, D. C. Dear Senator McCarthy: I have your letter of July 16, 1953 ir which you submit the information you have received with regard :o Mr. William P. Bundy and make certain inquiries about this information. The record of previous clearance procedures and loyalty and security investigations in this case shows: (I) That in connection with his application for employment with this Agency in March 1951 Mr. Bundy disclosed that he had contributed a total of $400 to the defense of Alger Hiss. (2) That the reasons, as given by Mr. Bundy, for this contribu- tion are not in accord, in substantial respects, with those given in your letter. This record, together with your le:.ter, will be submitted in connection with the re-evaluation of Mr. Bandy's case. under the President's Executive Order 10450, pursuant to directive from the Civil Service Commission dated 9 July. I believe that further comment on this point should await this review, the outcome of which will be commu- nicated to your Subcommittee, pursuant to our conversation of July 14. (3) That Mr. Bundy, in the summer of 1940 while working in the Library of Congress, joined the United Public Workers of America union, attended one meeting and resigned his membership at the end of a two month period. We understand that allegations concerning Communist influence in this union were made some six years after Mr. Bundy's resignation. The record does not indicate that Mr. Bundy has ever belonged to any other organization which might fall within the scope of your third question. ? HS/HC- t I Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 ,vitfigik4 Approved Far 'Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-001840060100100002-7 Our files further indicate that the three general allegations referred to above were subject to complete field invest i.gation, personal interview kind subsequent review and favorable determination by the CIA Loyalty Board and the Loyalty Review Board of the Civil Service Commission. Ever since Mr. Bundy joined CIA in .3...tne, 1951 he has been attached to our Office of National Estimates and since June, 1952 he has been the assistant to this Agency's adviser on the Planning Board (formerly Senior Staff) of the National Security Council. There has been no change in Mr. Bundy's general assignment within the Agency mince he joined it in 1951 and no change is contemplated. HS/HC- Sincerely yours, Allen W. Dulles Di-rector 2 Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 Approved FoiftRelease 208261g1y: CIA-RDP84-00160000100100002-7 UNITED STATES SENATE Committee on Government Operations July 27, 1953 Mr. Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: This is to acknowledge receipt of yours of July 22, which is in answer to my letter of July 16. Needless - Needless to say, I think that this matter becomes increasingly important in view of the fact 'jou have now confirmed to me in writing that Mr. Bundy did contribute $400.00 to the defense of Alger Hiss. This fact, of course, raises the gravest question as to his holding a sensitive post in an intelligence agency, a good part of the work of which must involve the detection of activities of people such as Alger Hiss. On this point you overlooked responding to the inquiry contained in my letter to you of July 16, concerning the explanation that Mr. Bundy has made con- cerning his contributions to Alger Hiss. I had asked: "In connection with the contribution to the defense of Alger Hiss, if you find that he did not give the above reasons for making the contributions, I would appreciate knowing what reasons he now gives." With reference to your identification of the Communist front organization to which Bundy belonged, as the United Public Workers of America, I think that this additional factor adds to the seriousness of this whole question. I have asked the staff to research the question you raise as to when allegations con- cerning Communist infiltration of this unit were first made. ' I realize the tremendous burden of your work, but would appreciate receiving the ,information requested herein as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, (Signed) McC:dr HS/HC- JOE McCARTHY, Chairman Striate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 Approved Fedi Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-001W060/100100002-7 1 August 1953 The Honorable Joseph R. McCarthy Chairman, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations United States Senate Washington, D. C. My dear Senator McCarthy: wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 27 July 1953 in which you suggest that my letter of July 22 did not full!, answer the inquiry in your letter of July 16 "concerning tb.e2explanation that Mr. Bundy has made con- cerning his contributions to Alger Hiss" and, referring to your earlier letter, you state that if the reasons were not as indicated by you, you would appreciate knowing what reasons Mr. Bundy now gives. In my letter of 22 July, I pointed out that the record, including your letter of July 16 and including the reasons given by Mr. Bundy at the time of previous clearances by Loyalty and Security investigations, would be submitted in connection with the re.evaluation. of Mr. Bundy's case under the President's Executive Order 10450 pursuant to directive from the Civil Service Commis- sion, dated 9 July. I added that I believed that further comment on this point should await this review.' After most careful consideration of your letter, I feel that the proper course to pursue is to follow the procedure prescribed in the President's Exe- cutive Order and, under these circumstances, I do not feel that it would be appropriate for me to comment on certain phases of the matter pending the conclusion of these proceedings. Faithfully yours, /0/ Allen W. Dulles Director Approved For Release 2002/01(11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 IHS/HC- i Approved Focjtelease 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-001610000100100002-7 cp- Marlin 511.i.TS3 3B3ATI; Cosirdttem on Appropriations AILle.t 3, 1)53 Nr. Allen Dull** Director, Contra. Intelligence A5encor Washington, ;-;? C, Dear Dui This will &* Lod yours of toacust 1, 1953, in nwor t w previza in- cre.rieo, both in writinz and orally, in regard to the 0.7-1r.ctio.-43otri Aloa? }fiats and W. Bunt", including the roasonl Why Mr. 6und,y contributed so heavily to ass' clef en,le funi. X note year refusal to give. us any tnforra.- tion in regard to the connection hetweisn Hiss anii Judy. As you will recall, SOTFA ti MC. ago you mt 4th the irte-rtbers of 'V 61114tomittoo ir'sd it ww," aixeed that information rthould aVailabit to the. Corantlit.e4t. solch inrorftation in no vay enziangewea the secority ..-xr tour a(nry or tor pitAo44 its work, ka I rocalls at that time you readily uonocZod that eridonce of dinhooesty, atOrrnrsion, treoson, etc., in your ers,,,anttatlo-n should not 1-,o hidden under A cloak of secreAY. rendarstand that W. Bundy now holila a top position in your organisation and hail acoSsi to oll secret inforslation coming -to :roar organization fro:a wa.rious part* of the world. I furter underatand that he did not come with your organization until after Alger Hiss was in jail. For that reason, his contacts end association with end his contribuilons to Alger iligs Wqra of necessity prior to his ceiployment by you, wallas, of course, he has had contact with Hiss since het red3 been in ati. Tour insistence that the 4ongress is not entiticai to obtaLn informatIon about improper conduct on The part of your top offtr ts extreracV re- wer.skline-doubly so in view of the ptatrariai tif.i.r.h has b tedA COW4Ne to me '4t421 the past few weeks* Unfortunately the Conirees is going out of session to- night so that no action can be taken in the ca5e of your protection ana covcr-up of Eturtdt. However, the fUll matter will be echni-ittsd to myr Gun- tidttes and undoubtedly to the Senate upon its return. TaiEtt add that it woad seem that the last tura In the worl'..-3 who .would try to protect ad hide the facts about ono of h3r; top offi.core' ASS oci- ations with and contributions to a convicted traitor vbuld iixt the heat' ef the ca. I think it is unnecessary for mt.to call your Attention to the tremendous damage you thereby do this organization. "nult the. zza.tterr caxmot ate will not rest here IAA of course, obvious. ra,u.ro (sir) JoeMcCsrttri 4.);?, -A1CX'; art: W.A.A Chairman, .',en,Ats Invoistk ?ationa Corn .3.ttoo Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 ? ? ' Approved Folalifelease 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-001040000100100002-7 n2.-1- 22 The Honorable Joseph R. McCarthy Chairman, Permanent Su,bcorrienittee on Investigations_------- Senate Committee on Government Operations Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Mr. Chairman: I have recently read over the first printed volume of your hear- ings on "Security?Government Printing Oifice", and recall that at the time the hearings began, the press published several quotatis.ms to the effect that an alleged member of the Communist Party had access to secret data of the Central Intelligence Agency. Subsequently It was developed that this person was a Government Printing Office employee. In addition, the Deputy Public Printer, Mr. Cole, was quoted in the papers as stating to a reporter, in referring to the main GPO plant, that he could not say positively whether they handled CIA material, but that it was his belief that they could or would. At the time these investigations were being conducted, I had a careful cheek made of our reproduction facilities and found that no classified CIA material is printed in the main GPO plant. The only CIA work which is handled there is routine unclassified matter such as blank forms. Cu 12 August Walter Pforzh.eimer, or Legislative Counsel, informed Mr. Carr of your staff of these facts. Z,12.-. Cole informs us that these facts are correct., and in addition that he has submitted a statement of these facts to your Committee. The press reports mentioned in the first paragraph have re- ceived widespread circulation both in the United States and abroad, and have raised some questions as to our security. Under the cir- cumstances, therefore, I would appreciate it if you would include this letter in the printed hearings so that the fact that CIA does not have classified material printed in the ma.in ORD plant is made a matter of record. HS/HC- I Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 ' Approved Foelease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-001611410001001-00002-7 ? HS/HC- It has occurred to me that in the course of your investiga- tions you may possibly run across information concerninz this Agency or its personnel. Naturally, 1 would appreciate it iC you would make such information available ;.o me so we can take a thorough look at such matters. With kindest regards, I an71 OGC:WLP/blc (12 Oct. 53- Rewritten 19 Oct.) Orig. & 1 - Addressee 2 - Signer - ADD/A 2 - Legislative Counsel Sincerely, siza Allen W. Dulles Director Concur: - 2 - L. K. 'White ADD/Adrainistration Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 HS/11C- ? ? Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7 Co PY 7 July 1954 The Honorable Joseph R. McCarthy Chairman, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Senate Committee on Government Operations Washington 25, D. C. Dear Senator McCarthy: During the closing days of the recently concluded hearings before the Permanent Subcommittee you made several reference to alleged Communist infiltration of the Central Intelligence Agency. In reply to a similar charge made earlier in the Committee hearings I denied such infiltration. In the event that you should have any evidence in support of these allegations, it would be of the utmost importance that I should have an immediate opportunity to investigate them. Accordingly I would appreciate it if you would let me have at the earliest possible .moment any unfavorable information you may have bearing upon the' loyalty or integrity of any employee of this Agency. Any such informa- tion will be immediately investigated and appropriate action taken. I have noted that you have indicated that you are making available to General Clark your material on this subject. Consequently I am sending him a copy of this letter and asking that he kindly advise me if the information which he may fec-eive from you is of a nature to require any investigation on my part. I feel that any unfavorable information regarding any CIA em- ployee would require immediate action and should not necessarily await the report of the Task Force. AWD:meo DistributionL Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - 1G 1 - ER 1 - DCI file via Reading Faithfully yours, (Signed) Allen W. Dulles Director Handcarried 7/8 by Mr. Houston Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00161R000100100002-7