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. - -1.1. am MAO I ~,- I Kokin, if. K, "The value of"' leucocytic blbod fomula in dif forentJ ating epileptic and hysterical parcx-f7,ms)" Trud~r Leningro goopitalyn dlya lechoniya intilidov Otechestv. voyzWj Leningrad, 19hB, p. 360-73 .. SO: U-3850i 16 june 53, (Letopsis tZhurnal Inykh StAvf, 110. 5, 1949) POLYAWYA, M. Ya-.1011N, M. 1. Biological characteristics of the blood In epilepsy. Nevropat. poikhist,o Kookya. 19 no.5t54-58 Sept-Oct. 1950. (CIAU, 20:1) lo Of the Department.of Bxperimental Neuropsychlatry, Institmts of the Braln imeni Bekhterev (Read of Department and Director of Institute- - Prof. To Po Oelpov, Lieutenant General Medical Corps, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciencem USSR. AoUve Member of the Acadevy of Medical Sciences USSR, decoased)o 01I.N.a Iffsot of blood from epileptic patients on behavior of animas in the labyrinth. Nevropat, psikhIat., Moskva 20 no,,5:69-70 Sept-Oct 519 (OLML 21:4) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. raniWad. USSR General Problems of Pathology* Tumors@ i~t OriO61 'TUMors'Ln Humans, ogy Abs Jour.- Ref Zhur Stole, No 15, lMs 70953e Author Lemokia M-'K.- BeItker 0, Me Inst, Not-given, Title C ho I est eni o I~h6 of the, Car ebe 11 um Zhe rooatol~e i'pplkhlatril, ;9551 56 No 3$ Orig Pub. nev Abstract. A o i-patleht-suffered epileptic f I ts and 52 year. lt -i , it , - re~iLned n'6.' twIlLght."state.."'since she was 32 He'r',cohditlon deteriorated with each-;ye'hr.`e... -..-A, n'eurologica I. examination revealeds, anii6c6r*16~--- ~Atktlng_ny3ta' ''and garests.of the gmus., low ei; br in`~W'~-bf` the:., foicla-I I nerve T e leftknee- r ef I hl dheO~' thin''the.rLght one, her valk',vias' d I p, t -lo' ical' A-ef I' un. ea yj:, sy~y,, ng o., a., ho g exes.were Card 1/1. X01:5. H.K.,; EIKKKR, G.H. Cholesteatoma of the cerebellum. Zhur. neyr. i psikh. 56 no-3-- 236-239 156 (MLRA 9:7) 1. OrlovskWa oblastwWa psikhonevrologichaskaya bolinitsa (glavury Ymch kmadidat maditsinakikh nauk M.K. Xokin) (ONAMUM, neoplafte, cholestoatons (Run)) W%CWEMA M'011~60 8 Vi -Soo 8 Vol MEDIGA 12/10 Neurology Oct 4949. BIOLOGICAL, PECULIARITIES OF THE BLOOD OF EPILEPTIC PATIENTS R,/,, it) - Kokn ZH.NEVROPAT. I PSIKHIAT. 1958, to I ?~- a084;900) 1 i-_ Tables rphi smical and experimental changes found in the car 0 F;om tain =log cal, bloche blood of epileptics it is concluded that their blood his toxic properties. The white cell count to different, both before and after selzilres and in the interval. Such blood exerts a toxic action an the Isolated fro heart amounting to complete car, diac arrest. A dog with conditioned behaviour In a maze loses his behaviour pattern after repeated transtual one with blood from spilepttem, and will either rArdly or not at all return to his * established pattern. Normally the dog returns to his pattern only after several months. Blood from normal donors or from hysterical patients had no toxic effects in such experiments. 4- 7 7- 41. 4 HL~UKOV, BoMat Zddluzhezmyy.vraoh RSFSRj-KOKINy M.K.t Universities Of health in Orel PrOvindG. ZdmV. Ros- Feder. 5 n0,183"6 Ja 161, (KMA 14j:L) .1. orlovkogo o'blwlmvotdola (Sov. K.Ao Trofimay). OREL PROVINCM-MMH EDUCATION) PROTOPOPOV0 S.P..' aafil. 49yatell nauki RSFSR., doktor mod. nauk, prof,# otv. red.1 BAZHENOV, PA.,, zeal. vraoh HSFSR, red.; IVANOV, B.S.,, saal. vrach HSFSR,.kand. mod. nauk,,red. KOKIN zaal, vracb.RBF3R, kand, mod. nauks red.; TROFIMDV-, KA., red.1 TSUKANOVAI Ye.P., Seel, vrach HSFSR, red.1 SHIPEROVA, R.1a,g ~asl, vrach RBFSR kand, mod. nauk, sm. otv. red.1 ANTONOV, V.p red.; KUZIN,,N., tekhn. red. (Problems of.practiwa medicine;.from'the practice of -nedical institutions in Orel Province] Voproey prakticho6ol maditsinyl iz opyta madi tainakikh uch zhden44 Orlovskoi oblasti. Orel, OrloTakos knizbnoe izd-yo, 1962. 335 p. (MIRA 16t6) l.:Zaveduyushchiy Orlovakim.oblantnym otdolom zdravookhrananiya (for Trofimov). (ORKL PROVINCE-MEDICINE-PRACTPE) KOXIN, M.K.p kand. med. nauk; PF~LEPELKTN, V.I. Characteristics of association in chronic alcoholics. Trudy Gos. nauch.-isal. inst. psikh. Jt167-171 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Orlovskaya oblastnaya psikhone7rol.-gicheskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach - kand. med. nauk M.K.Kokin). DUBUSKIT, P.7., doktor tokht.nauk; AIMTSY, B*X,, kand.tekhu'mauk; HDRMOV, I.G., :.:and.tekhn,uauk; YISHCHMT, X.Ae, k&;;,,tekhu.nauk; CEUNTAKOT, L.K., tand.tekhn.nsuk; SHADRINA, G.N,, kand.tekbo.muk; The over-all mechanization of assembling avartment houses. Transp. btrol 9 no 6 113-17 :,* 159. (NM 12ill) ZBuildi;; machinery) (Apartment houses) KOKIN, N.Y. Lay-out for ovw-&U mechanization In the asseftly of dwellings and Industrial railroad buildings from prefabricated roon unitso Trudy NUT no*122s254-280 159q, OCCU 130) (Buildings, Prefabricated) (Railroads-BuIldings and structures) KOKIN9 M. V., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into scheme of complex mechanization of an assembly of track-line and living quarters in rail- road transportation out of block-chambers." Moscow, 1960. 14 pp; (Min-. istry of Railroads USSR, Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Railroad Tr'ansport Engineers im 1. V. Stalin); 11to cop- ies; price not given; (KL, 18-60, 151) KOKIN M V , kand. tekhn. naukj MONAKHOV, I.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHEWAKOV L.M., kand. takhn. nauk; SHADRINA, G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk Selecting cranes to assemble large-panel industrial buildings. Transp. stroi. 14 no.lls3O-32 N 164. (mrRA 180) LUXOHSXIY, G.I.; PISAREVSKIT, A.A.# red.1 KOKIN, N.M., tekhn. red. (Bronchoocopy In a surgical clinic]Bronkhoskopila. Y khirurgi- cheskoi klinike. Moskva,, Medgist 1963. 275 P. (MIRA 16:3) (BRONCHOSCOPY) BEBUTOVA, Yu.I., red.; KOKIN, N.M., teldv~. red. (Tabl a of equipment for hoopitift-*4polyclinioal Tabell obolzovaniia bollnits i polikliniki. Moskva, Kedgiz, 1963. 263 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretwo zdravookhraneniya. Planovo-finannovoys upravlaniye. IKITRIYIVA, A.A.; NOKU, S.D. Templates f?r two~-tons painting of bodies. Avt.prom. no.8: 33-34 Ag 60. (MIRA 13t8) 1. Mookovskiy savod mlolitroshnykh svtomobiley. 'Automobiles-Painting) DMITRIIIVAj A.A.1 CHIFINA., A.P.; KOKINO S.D. - ----------- Formation of bubbles 6n tb* painted surfaces of automobiles, Art, prom. 27. no- 4s4l ApIge (HIM 1414) 1. Mookovskiy S:vtozavod malolitrazhnykh avtomobilay. (Automobiles-Paintiug) The mrs r of heat exchangers may be out in half Elak. i tople tiaga 6,noolOI37 .0 162o (MM 15:11) 1. Dueprogiprotrame Electric railroads-4ubstations) troury-arc rectifiero-Cooling) MEW W~ KASINOV, B.N., insh.1 KOKIN, V.D,, inah.1 MIMUYLOV, V.F., inzh. D-543 universal single-bucket frontal loader. Stroi. i dor. mash. 8 no.llt4-6 N 163. (MIU 17il) Ile KDKIN, T.D.; TYUMIN, N.Y. Mobile D-370 mixer and D-371 loader. 8troi.1 dor.mashinostr. no.n: 21-22 N 056. (KIM 9:12) (Nixing, mehinery) (Leading wA unloading) KOKINP V.K., inzh. Concerning the book by K.V. Mironov "Evaluation of coal deposits from the point of view of engineering geology." Shakht. stroi. 7 no.12s28 L D163. (MMA l7s5) 1. Kombinat Donetekshakhtostroy. \w, -A! i-- KOKINP V,K,t insha; YAWOOP V.D.p inzh.j GRAMTIKOV.9 A.N.p inzhe Brief neves' Shalc#t* stroi. 5 no. 1:29-31 A 161., (KMA 14s2) (qqal *ines and winix, (Mining engineering) V.K. inzh.; YATSMO,, V.D.,, inah. News. Shakht-. atroi. 5 noo8:28-29 Ag f61. (St&U= Provinee-Kine timbering) AP6013281 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/661000/008/0050/0050 INVENTOR: Krikorov, V. S.; Blinoy, G. A.; Zhelninskiy V. D. Kokin V. K Markaryants, E. A. ORG: none TITLE: Method of preparing dielectric films. Class 21, No. 180701 SOURCE: Iz"obreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 50 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric material, silicon dioxide, lanthanum, vaporization, Arr~CUJA,", A13STRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a powder spray method of preparing dielectric films on a silico loxide base' in a vacuum chamber. To decrea#~,, the temperature of vaporization of silicon dioxide without damaging any properties 6f the dielectric film, a mixture of silicon dioxide and lanthanum, -taken in equipolar quantities, is used. [Translation] INT) SUB CODE: 1~/3/SUBM DATE: 04May65/ Card ROME M_ UDC: 621. 319. 4. 002. 2 110111, V-11,,-iushoner. ..M~a The finishing of silk fabrics in Czeehooloyakia. Tokst-1prom. 16 I no.506-60 My 056. (MM 9:8) (Osechaslovakiar-Silk manufaeturs) ..- LEMKO, Petr Ivanovichl, KOK11.1 V.N.p inzh.p rotsenzentl 4 1 XNAKHOUKAYA, L.R.So rec. (Chemical substitutes for materials made from edible products In light Industry and the textile industry] Khimicheskie zaweniteli materialov I pishchevykh pro- duktov v legkoi I tekstillnoi prou.7shlennosti. 14oskva, Legkaia Industriias 1964. 125 P. (MIRA 18:1) KOXINI V.S Wissler-Fanconife allergic subsepais. Sov. med. 28 no.6: 110-112 Je 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Detskoye otdeleniye (zav, V.S. Kokin) Gorodskoy bollnitay Nr.7 (glavnyy vrach A.A. Sapelklna),, Donetsk. ACIMMION at UP/0360/65/00/006/0563/00. AUnWi Soltipp V. ve TITLE: vacuum ~ - 1 16 BOURM Shnial prikladnoe4hiffir6skoplis Y. 2# no. 6p 105p 561-562 TOPIC TAGSt monochromatorp:UV spectroscopy ABS Adeflection-vacuum monachromator with photoelectric re Istrationg Intended for dlf-- ferent spectroscopic investigations In the vacuum ultraviolet raglan from 1000 to 3500 A. The imtrument can be used for plasma p1waies, astrospectrogeopy,, Investi. gations of sources and receivers of light and of luminescence spectra, and measure.- i ment of transmission and reflection properties of various materials. The disper- sion element to a diffraction grating replica with IM ltnee/m. The Instrument projects different sectiona of the seectrum on exit slits with accuracy 065 A, as measured with a drum graduated to I A* The resolution ranges from 0-3 X at 3100 X to 0o14 A at 1430 A* The recelyw to a phototadtiplier (FEU-29)* The sonoebromri- J,tor includes a camers for the =iaGUrtMent of transparency end reflectivity of dif- I ferent materials In a range from 8 to 350~ A diffusion p%W can be added to oper- ate in the shart-um section of the spectrums orig., arte bast I figo"o Card 2/9 KOKIN Yu. Practice in using participation coefficients for the distribution of o6nective earnings in a mixed brigade. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar, plata 4'no.lOt29-32 161*6 (MIRA 14110) (Cast Kazakhetan Province-Vages-Minee and mining) (Piecework) AnTOSEEKOV, Ye.,,- KISSLEV., I.; KOKINj Yu. Labor problems at the World Youth Forum in Moscow. Biul. nauch. inform.% trud i sar. Plata 4 no.10:40-45 161. (14M 14: 10) (Youth-Congresooo) (Labor and laboring classes) A USSR/Microbiology - General KicrobiologY P-1 Abs Jour : Referat Zhurn - Biol. No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68348 Author : Kokina, A.0 Title : MethodV_of Direct Bacteria Count Using Phase-Contrast Microscopy. Orig Pub ! Mikrobiologiya, 1956, 25, No 5, 615-618 Abstract : For a direct count of bacteria in water, phase-contrast microscopy (PhC) can be used. At a bacterial count of over 1 million / ml the count is made in a Goryaev coun- ting chamberp under microscopy with a 15 x ocular and a 40 x objective. By comparison with a count on membrane filters (Mr) (according to Razumov) the average devia- tion was 3-8% in favor of the Goryaev cb er. At a le- vel of less than 1 million / ml the count should be con- ducted with a pbwe-contrast microscope directly on the MF without erythrosin staining. The average deviation by comparison with an XF count with Staining is 10-5% Cara 1/2 USM/Microbiology - General Microbiology F-1 Abs Jour : Referat Zhurn - Biol. No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68348 in favor of the usual method. The count is made with a 15 x oculax and a 90 x objective. Card 2/2 - 2 - LIMU, A., takhnolog,# IMU L takhnolog Rapid coaling of "Bol'shaia, Tolp4-type motorboats in the Rostov harbor. :Each. transp. 19 no.n:43-" N 16o. (KM 13 s 11) It Rostovskiy port. . (Rostov-HLrbors) (0oalin&~4kaipment and supplies) KOKMO L. P., Candidate Ned Soi (dies) "The affect of omll doses of ohloral bydratsp barbaWl., and. vtronal at the external inhilbition, of positive conditionea food reflexes"a Ryazan'j, 1958~ 16 pp (rqazan' Med lust Im Aced 1, P4, I%Vlovq Chair of Phamacolo67)0 200 copies (KL,, No 22, 1959p 121) KUM, A.H.j KOKINA, L.P. Influence,'of somniferous agents and of their combinations with pentamin on the w;ternal inhibition of positive conditioned food reflexes. Farm.i toks. .24 no.4397-403 Jl-Ag 161.:- (MIRA 34t9) le Kgq&a farmakologii (zav. - prpf.,A.N.Kudrin) Pqazanskogo maditsins.kogo institutq Unni. akadWnika I.P.Pavlova!. (CONDITIONED,BESPONSE) (DIETHnM TRIAMIDE) ABMITURATES) KOKINN L. P. ~y Q.- SR/ZlectronL -'Semiconductor Devices and Photocells, H-8 Abet Journals Referat zhur rizika,, No 12, 1956,, 35220 Authors Dorf, 0. P., Kokl a..-N. G.,, Lifebits, T. M., Shklover,, D. A. Institution I None Title% Photocells and Photowultiplier with Magnesium Photocathodes for Recording Ultraviolet Radiation original Periodical: Hadiotakhnika i alWaronika, 1956, 1. No 1, 1o6-113 Abstract: 'UP to 250 vacuum photocells vith magnesium photocathodes, intended for operation in the ultraviolet region (from approximately 3500 A) hav,i been prepared and tested. A reproducibility of the spectral characteristic from specimen to specimen of approximately 10% vas attained. A magnesium photcwjltlpller with low dark current was also prepared, making it possible to record raflIation fluxes up to lo-15 watt at )(X 2537 A. Card 1/1 KOKINA, NG. "Data on the Application of, Electron Multi-pliers to the Monitoring of Ultra-Violet Radiation." A conference an Electron And Photo-Blectron Multiplier; Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957., Vol. II, No- 12, pp. 1552-1557 (USSR) Abst: A conference took place in Hoscow during February 28 and March 6, 1957 and was attended by scientists and englneere from Moscov, Leningraa, Kiev and other centres of the Soviet Union. Altogether, 28 papers were read and discussed. SOV/1000-3-9-10/20 AUTHORS:Lifshitst T.M., Kokina 14. G TITIJ~: Photocathodes for the Registration of the Ultraviolet, Based. on the Allo s.of.Magnp~sium.azid Barium (Fotokatody dlya _Y' registratsii ultrafioleta na osnove splavov magniya s bariyem) PERIODICAL:, Radiotekhnika-i elelctronika, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 9, PP 1199-1203 (USSR) ABSTRACT:. In order to secure an improvement in the performance of. magnesium photocathodes' the authors investigated the photo- electric-parameters of _' a whole.range of magnesium and bariuq alloy9".''j" The ex erimental samples were obtained by. p evaporating the coating material onto the body of a photo- cell in vacuum. The coating alloys had barium contents.of-- 11 2 31 8.5, 16.2 and 30%. These alloyq were prepared in tile institute of Metall=py of the Soviet Academy of:Sciencesi The evaporation was-done by means of a tungsten helix:in a vacuum of about 1o-7 _mm. HS; _,qix samples were prepared from each alloy. .`th6___iji6V_o-electric chameteristics of the Card 1/p cathodes we've measured by means of the spectrophotomete.rg soV/109-3-9-10/20 Photocathodes for the Registration of the Tiltravioletv Based on the Alloys of Magnesium and Bariiva Vpe SF-4, which as used as a monochromauor. , Zae experi- :iental results are shown in Fiss.1-5. The curves of Fig.1 show the spectral sensitivity of the cathodes as a function of the illuminating wavelength; tho sensitivity is given in IiA per mW. 'The relative sensitivity of the cathodes is shown in Fig.2. Here it is found that the cathodes become more selective as the-amount of barium increases and the maximum is shifted towards the longer wavelengths; the max- imum sensitivity occurs at X = 290 m1i when the cathode contains 8% of barium (see Fig.1 and Fig.2). Similar re- sults were obtained with magnesiwa-barium cathodes of variable thickness (edge-like cathodes) which viere prepared by depositing a 2.3% Mg-Ba alloy on a flat polished quartz plate; the resulting curves of the relative sensitivity for various thicknesses of the wedge (ranging from 2250 to 150,,R) are shown in Fig,3.' The spectral disVribution of the photo- electric work function for a cathode with 30.5% alloy is shown in Fig.4. From this it follows that the photo-eleetric work function is of the order of 2.4 eV. An attempt was made to determine the photo-electric work function of the Card 2/3 same cathode by using the Fowler method; the necessary '30T 1/109-3-9-10/20 Photocathodes for the Registration of the Ultraviolet, Based on the Alloys of Magnesium and Barium curves are shovin In Pis-5; from these it is gound that the work function is 2.47 cV. t-eir tude' t~ N. N. 36rityuiical who analyses, and to 6. P. Dorf who uupplied calibrabed,photo- electric cells and the source. Me papeF -coiit7diAff-5 and 3 references; 1 reference is English,, 1 German and I Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 107 1958., Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Lifshits, T.M. and Kokina, v.G. SOV109-3-10-11/12 TITIE: semi-transparenL",'Pk"teauttlEM 's.'for-'the Registration of Ultra-violet'Radiation (Poluprozrachnyye fotokatody dlya reGistratsii ul'trafioletovogo izlucheniya) .PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronikal 1958, Vol 3, fir 10, p 1315 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The cathodes described were obtained byevaporation (in vacuum) of magnesium or magnesium-silver alloy. The magnesium-silver cathode could also be obtained by.first evaporating magnesium and then silver; the quantity of the evaporated,silver was such that the cathode contained 2-5 atomic layers. The overqll thickness of the cathodes was of the order of 200-300 A ; this thickness corresponded to the maximum sensitivity. At the wavelength of 254 m1i, the sensitivity of magnesium cathodes was of the order 0.2 jiA/mW and that of the magnesium-silver cathode was. 0.6 )iA/M. SUBMITTED: February 20, 1958 Card 1/1 1. Cathode ray tubes--Applications 2. Ultraviolet, radiation --Detection IL t rr OV fir-[ it it'll I q I IL 1. :L 27370 SY,194/61/000/003/035/046 q,, ~-o D201/D306 AUTHOR: Kokina, N.G. TITLE: New mnafnesium raremetal alloy photocathodes for ultrav olet radiation measurements PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3 1961, ~8, abstract 3.G262 (V ab. Redk. met- ally I splavy, M., Metallurgizdat, 1960, 428-434) TEXT: A description is given of the results of work carried out for designing and analyzing new high efficiency photocathodes, sen- sitive to ultraviolet (% = 230 z 400 millimicrons) and little sen- sitive to visible radiation. Tfie basic materials for the new photo- cathodes were Mg-.Ba, Mg-La and Mg-Ag-alloys obtained by evaporation in vacuo. The sensitivity of new photocathodes exceeds by 40 ! 50 times that of metallic Mg, Ba and Ag photocathodes. The spectral sensitLvi.ty distribution,of the new photocathodes is selective in character. Depending upon the concentration of alloy ingredients Card 1/2 27370 S/194/61/000/003/035/046 New magnesium rare metal... D201/D306 it is possible to control the shape of spectrum response, the posi- tion of its maximum and the long wave threshold photoeffect. The curves are given of the relative spectral sensitivities of.14g-La, lAg-Ba and of Xg-Ag photocathodes together with, for comparison, the similar,curves of Mg and.Ba photocath des 2 references. Z-46s- tracter s note: Complete translation Card 2/2 -A s/log/60/005/008/012/024 9140/E355 AUTHORSt Lifshits, T.M-t Kokina,-N.G. and Politovas N*M* TITLE: photoelectric-Pioperties,of Barium-magnOsium Alloys PERIODICAL:: Radiotekhnika i alektronika, 196o, Vol. 5, No a 6, pp. 'JL267 TEXT,. A continuation-of earlier work (Ref, 1) with the purpose of.establiabing whether the phenomena observed are of a surface or a volume character, The experimental procedure excluded the'p6asibility of the properties of the Mg-Ba photocathode being a barium film on a magnesium surface oroxidation of.a surface layer of barium. It is postulated that a stable alloy is formed. The proportion are stable in 9 -is of vacuum between 1 0- and 10:7 mm Hg. The alloy formed metallic.character, as shown by comparison with pure Mg- photocathodes. The-depth of the electron emission from the metal as-a-function of energy appears to berelated to the Appearance of a characteristic energy 1,oss due to excitation of plasma oscillations. Their frequency could be determined Card 1/2' ULAN V-.-l--.,-G-0R0KH y-t;- N-; KARPOVSKAYA, A. F.; PU-IUNA. .1j. i1 '.'ILYLKV'V, F. PALILOV, N. A.; RASTREPINA, V. S. Onions Adopting warm storage of onion seed plants, Sad i og., No. 8, 1952. _Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195%/, Uncl.. 2 -Ro2e of the a oe ty2oboll no -choli nesters me system In galvanotluds anit the suanation, of stimll, In Paramecium [with sumary in ftllsb] Siofislits 2 no'.1:46-50 157.~ (MM 1033), 1.1afedrs fisiclogii shivotnykh Koskovskogo goeudaretyannogo universitsta Imia'KaTaLononosova. (ACETYLOHOLIM) (CHOLDMSUPASS) (XL3 M OPHYSIOLOGY) (PMOzQQ IDDSRTOTANTS, Kh.O.g 101CINA, N.V. Rhythmical bioslectric phenomena In unicellular organisms (Opalina ranarum) CwIth summary In Inglishle Blofisika 3 noW42z. 425 158 (KIRA 11:8) le Blologo-pochvennyy fakalltat Koskovskogo goeudarstvennogo, univeralteta im, KoTo Lomonosovas" (MOTROPHYSIOLOGY) OMSORU) lit I ,12. JAM" I lit .1 e Q I I $7 fill 'A.,z . %; a ' ' lit bgris 1 .9 a 11 4 Is 1.1 ]M . I - ", -' , All I t ifl; I i I'll VO-1. 2 .12 all 1 .1 -kill 17 (4) BOV/20-127-3-69/71 AUTHORSt Koahtoyantol,XhoSep Academician AS ArmSSR, Kokina, N.,_Nv 04%% TITLE: On the Effect of A-Alanins and d0'_AminobAtyrio Acid on the Periodioal-Electrio Activity of Nerveless Organisms (Infusoria) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3p PP 721-723 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the course of thelaSt -three years considerable attempts have been made to prove the. participation of some amino acids in .processes of stimulation and inhibition. The compounds menf'icned in the title proved to,be especially effective as suppressing sub- stances (Refs 1-00.1twas assumed that they create a state of hyperpolarization -thus causing suppression. This is expressed in ,the activity of the nervous system mentioned in the title* The investigation desoribed in this paper of the effect (mentioned in the title) on this activity in the case of nerveless organisms continued the search for.a prove of the chemical cause of this activity (Ref 5). The parasitic infusory Opalina ranarum was used for this purpose, Its rhythmical bio-sleotrio activity was derived by mioro-eleoltrodes according to an earlier described, /3 method (Ref 5)*'The substances mentioned in the title were added Card I to the medium in concentrations of 0.054; 0,11; 0#16; and OP22W;4 -On tfie iffoot of P-Alanine and r-A-minobutyric Acid BOY/20-127-3-69/7i on the Periodical Electric Activity of Nerveless Organisms (Infusoria) after the bio-eleotric activity of the infueory cell had been registered@ The experiments showed that the last three concentrations of.fl -alanine cause an immediate inhibition of the cell activity mentionads the potential remains constant after having reached its maximum* The duration of the inhibition (1-5 minutes) depended on the concentration of /7-alanine and the sensitiveness~of the infusory to this substance* Purther effectog eapeoially.on the picture of the metachronous ciliary wave Ref 6)# are described* The results obtained indicate that - lanine has a specific eifoot on the membrane potential of the qrveless unicellular organism. It suppresses the periodical fluctuations of its value at the climax, i.e. it causes the state of hyperpolarizatione Its effect is in diametral contrast to :Alanine: r-aminobutyrio acid (Pig 2) has a similar effect as alanine The differences ares (1) its effect occurs only after 15-20 minutes whereas the offset of /3-alanine occurs instantly. (2) The acid mentioned has a long-lasting effect whereas that of A-alanine disappears soon even without washing out. Anticholine-eaterase substances and 294-dinitrophenol have Card 2/3 a similar effect (Ref 5). The character of suppressiong howevert Oil the Effect of fi-Alanine and r-Aminobutyric Acid SOV/20-;127-3-69/71 on the Periodical Electric Activity of Nerveless Organisms (Infueoria) is different'with all compounds* The results obtained with infusoria indicate several physiological properties the uni- cellular nerveless organisms and the cellular structures of the nervous system have in common. These common properties are the effects of the substances mentioned on the membrane structures and the metabolism of the cell with the resulting consequences, for the processes of bio-electric activity (in agreement with references 7,and 8),,-There are 2 figures and 8 references# I of which ib Soviet6 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uni*ereitet ime M, Ve Lomonosova, (Moscow State University imeni M. Vo Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: May 16, 1959 Card 3/3 KOKINA, N. N. Cand Bio Sci - (#iss) "Bioelectrical Phenomena in Infusoria of Opalina ranorum (in the light or the Problem of the fiV&I- " Evolution of Metabolism and Functions of the Stimalation Systerjs),w Vogcow, 1960, 18 pp, 150 Oopjq& ( Uoscov State U. im U. V. Lomonosovp Biological-Soil Facultys Chair of Animal Physiology) M, 47/60, I'DO) KOKIU N R Mstho4 for drawing Offthe intracellulAr potential of Protosm. TSitologtia 2 UO*W97-301 J3PAg 160s (KOU 3319) 1. Kafedrs fisiologli shivotafth MmOcovskogo univoralteta. (EXOTHOMSIOLOG.1) (FMOZOA) -QKIKAq N.N Ionic interactions and the role of potassium in rhytbmic oscillations of the intracel-lular P-Otenital in infunorians. Biofizika 5 no. 2:134,- W 160. (HIPA 34:4) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvemogo universiteta imoM.V, Iomonozova, .(INFURORIA) (POTASSIUM-PHXSIOIA)GICAL EFFECT) (BLECTROPOSIOLOGI) T-AMMIANW) B*p and )MOMOYMS) Kh. go "On the Action of Some'Pharma cological Factors upon Nerve-free CeUs (Infusoria) smdupon~the CeUs of Stretch Receptorsin Arthropodsoll Paper to be presented at Synposium V. of the First Intl. Conference an Pbarimcology, Stockbolm) 22-25 August 1961. Authors address: USSR, Moscow,, Leninskie Gory., State University of Moscow. NOSHTOURS., Xh.S. Effect of antichoUns.terase drugs And acetyleholim on the rhythmic electrical activity of the ;ufusoria Opalina rananm. Zhur. ob. biol. 23 nool:74,-76 ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Department of Aln'--I Pbysiology State University of Hoscow. (BLECTROPHISIOLOGY) Ml AOXINA N.N. Role of netabolic processes in the realization of rhythmical potential variations in the unicellular organism Opalina ranarum. Trudy MOIP. Otd, biol. 98232-137 164. (MIRA 18t1) Is Kafadra, fislologii shivotnykh Moskovskogo universiteta, KOKINA, N.N. Bioelectrlo phenomena In unicellular organisms, Blofizika 10 no.4s7O4-707 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulitat Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. A 0 0 0 * 0 0-0-o-O 0 0 0-0-10-6 0-0 0 d I lots to x is it 9 u if A b 9 a x a 0 9 43 a *to L f k A-X- 1-j-, AA A CA 0 Wit- b. s dP. a A. 7- ~-e-ioa OCK mf$ 0-0 Facocir"fl smod A. Ya was wu NOP 0( lewd ralwhy but of I staumbuthig Not Wv dwk 'be bkmwm map. Tw ft"www fail-, in swcae Ow dulling 'be *M- =W# md mmudly Ow mcw a alwhowtumd bit"W9164MU41wity, lgwfv"* 6 rm wo U4111 MOM ISO* ""w dw wa as" It's= to at 110 ate NNW =Mt" aw. wb& sw 1ka law "04 w "imulk sh" fts #*"km tbR see *-A9w%v&tW*OftsWb#d* 4d lbt 461 wmwt W she stem. wmkalk tb* w" =61 starrh cantm 4m~ -*led by ftuly 4%. m That The jal&j 401. 01 mob* baby"tes W anva;r WW"Sum &a at goo we 0 roe fw-I 8 7 v AV so tv f ad--* 21 9 1 it a 9 a 4 31 9 %A IS cis a R7 mw a 1 24 aft" 0 ;qqoGq::q*:q"Ga * ~*::*Ueoooof 0000 00 1010100"If 0-00-0-0 000000000100, 0 00600*00 Oat 0 0 0 0 0 0 Opel 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 000 um Wf as 11:q. -L As -M ft. IX 90 U j 11 1 d I f .. - . ." ~,. , I : !4 a I I r. it , . , . ~ . ~ ., .. - . , - - . . - -- , - , , , , Do Peocts" 4.0 _,t4 of, Somme so il"I varlades,01 sc~v in TIN I 'w, IA I A pP(W AMWY, G"Wks PAINI 8 A- It, ?7-vA(IW).-Tbg Supt tvale"I b! eddy Irmsirtin of surgo Is as a rule lower than of the late %wk- see it". The s"arancl starcheisattut mitswitbin ibe wait- Ous puts of The plant. TIw Irpes of mms ittains Ifw vvjmatim vs. are Masted. 1. S, jode 00 as A 0 0 41 AS, .see j oil; 00 A S a I A &If*LLUWf0C&k 161140URE UA11100CATWO %*Mott .0 1 aw. Oat 4~ s" 5~o_ t~ I gas U AT 10 It of 0 801966 000 0 0:0 O~O-q O~ 111-11-liol, 0 0 Ws 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 4 0 0 a 0 0 sees 0 0 ~ 1, so 4 0 0 6 of 46941 9 0 'j o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 09091111 we . 1k h a a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Mel; -,Lf" 410 A 410 It feat"W 4&0 peavlao'll mot# 410 A 410 c (00 too 400 aI I' j6~lpKddm-Wd A. 41 " 410 Al ). (19 y&. Kablift. J. bobs. 4 U NO. 11 -1W4 No 81"s ifce~ Soo motor, lattrAn, MW Wmautfla W wto -1 6 coo " bramMal: In 400 M -, C). lollf its Favil"Im a weeks 7 ed tA IftlerVAIS 1161111 MAY 16 food Mc. Tall"in c"tem of 24 yr. ablials and fruit ToriM. 4300 food hom 3.8 to 6.7%. Tammlo In I wm am. for July a mcwtam of tanala 04 ads ti Man l f e . ons. . to ac Mitrol C. empar %*hm 10.9. 7.11 C. a-as 10A e (Poll 0 uhwm 10.7, 7.1; a w bwmw- It-0. a.&-. C. Imloallanam A D(AtON W t II S WO SVPM I- TklW PkAtl WC 4 s L& . o - di li ll ee Vaivahk Pdam w loofft of tamel ve as ir e s, So Wi 400 !100 V see 11 I MIFTAL&WHWAL L"1114,6110111 CLASSIPICAllft see 1341W ".Inv -111 M"" "I Soo cm "v I O ZwMw_m umr--mqLiLMKMMLMLMEJELMM 'A 9 U K Us IF a to mmu w =61' XOKINA,, S. I. Tomatoes T6mato-raising in the North, and factors contributing to its increased harvest. 1. Influence of mineral fertilizer on the harvest and quality of the tomato fruit, Uch. zaps Kars Fine un, 3 No. 3 1948, &TA9 R-lej rukoyoditell raboty; SUM, B.Th.; YOMINSELTA. %.T.; 49righ-11 1.9 YSTMOVA, M,G,; XATMMVA#-.V.Ao; VASITANOT. V.P.; VISILITSV, water; OBUYY# stirshly apparatchik; NAUNWo FoN*, starehly apparatchik; TRUPIN. M*P.# starshiy apparatchik-, VOLOVA# V.Ke. starshiv apliaratchik; ZORIU. Ys.A.-, XMUO T*A'O-g LMVA, Z.I., ZMIXA, Z.P., laborant-, SWIRIZA, L.A.. laborant; NIXITINA, N.A. Phoaphogypoun and its us* in the manufacture of sulfuric acid and portland cement; small-scale operatibn at the pilot plant of the Scientific Research Institute of rertilisers and Insectifugoo, CTrudyJ 11TUIP no.160:59-76 158. (XIRA 12t8) l.Botrudniki lauchnoge InatituWPO udobronlyan I Insektofungisidam (for Simanovskays, %hpuntg Yodsluskays, Kokina, Yastukhova, Xaydenova). 2.4mes.titell nachallniks 3-go tsekha Crytnoge sayoda Nsuohnogo institute. po, udobronlyan I Ineektofmg1vidan (for Taslyanov). 3.3-y teekh Opytnop saveda Nauchnogo Inetituta po udobrenlyaw i ineektofuVisidam-ifor Vasillyev. Orlov, Xsumovj Truping YoUtovae Zorlaa, Kirovat hateva, Zenkinag :Sauokhlna). CTSentrallneya analAticheakays laboral-orlya Oprtnogo savoda ;~uohnogo Institute, po udo'brenlyam A ine9ktof;;g1n1dam (for Xlkltlna). (Gypoun) (Portland cement) tSulfurio acid) KOXIS, P. Soientists fulfilled their obliptions. ak4s&*Ut 133-135 TECOOLM Periodical: EPUETOSPESZET. Vol 7) no. 5/6, 19158. KOKITS, Zs. Approximate method for the d eterminatim of host distributiGn in infinitely-thick walls. P. 203. Monthly List of East European Accesbions (EW) LC, Vol. No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. KOKITSO ZS. wRaftation factor of a surface element related to a rectangle parallel to it&# P. ng . MWMGEMZET. (Epitoipari Tudomawos Evesulet). Budapestp RwMW79 vole 8 No- 3. 1959- monthly list of East ftropean Accessions (EW), Lo, Vol. 8l KOO 89 August i959. Unclao Ar,=XCB'n-. AP4037229 8/0153/64/C*T/ b3 ODI/001~/= !.,AVMOR: 1COkko n'0 Yu.jAleskovakljils Be ''7.ETIE*. Determination of aubmiarosram smo=te of caner in zicroxmmts of cs&dly~, I 4SOURM: Ivuz. MAMLYS i.khbdaheskaya tekhaolog4s.. v. To no. lp 19G4,# 19-23- t,TOPIC TAN: - capper., quantitative analysiap colorimaUla. analysial, photowUla exUwtiong caner" arbaminstes lead d1,etby14IthIoc*rW"- t i nate !'A B MT= A photometric wthod for the quantitative determination of comer. down ;1~to 3 x 10-i in Microamounts (0.50-1.00 mg) of CdSep vith a relative *=r noV PO%svas vorked auto The metbad Is based on the extraction of copper from "aqueous solutions vith a chlorofom solution of dletbyldithiocarbminate (WK) onto the end of a special.4 prepared vhite thread and determinin the caner colorl-, metrica24 under a microscope by the method developed by the authors (New tekbnicheskaya konferentslya. IN I&* lansovyeta. TezUy* dowaa Y. (Sclentlftc~ 12al Confevencep Theals PAport) Oookbimizdat., Leo 103,, str- 30- y"W"'P 112 - PJ" t? U L, 7 ~i A I, ~w iwim suoi In I oo 2uTuTui uo. .-L!, ap;UZ)jZ)S LUnILUPP-, ri-v.kjeuv a,.t4cjuj2luieLmcjqo -adled V T, 1 addO~ Ljkl ~'(J il-~.! SION '4047840 I NR: Al ;-er-mination A method was wo r k I tit f, j. I a r~, All Hui t-wU-P t- C- tmt ox 46a ur -over fil'Offlaidgraphy maybe used, in thp 0 1 - 0 001 mi-rogram '',e naper F;hould he replaced by fihe7 as oii,wr- Knimiya i khirn. -ij~4 art ras 2 WST C) W/jD ACC N" AP6012215; SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/04/414/0415 AUTHOR: Koklc,_ Kb._,y ByAtritskiyp A.- ; Alaskovskiyp V. B. ORG: Leningrad Technological Institute im, Lensovet (Laningradakiy takhnologicheskiy institut) TITLE: Determination of micro amounts of chlorine ions in a micro weighed portion of padmium selanids' SOURCE: Zavodakaya laboratoriya, V, 32, no- 4P 19669 414-415 TOPIC TAGS.6 quantitative analysis# oblorines cadmium compound kBSTRACT: The method for determination of the chlorine ions is based on the potentiometria determination of the chlorides driven off from cadmium selenidee A weak solution of hydrogen peroxide is used to prevent oxidation of the chlorides. The chlorides are driven off in a stream of nitrogen. The article gives a flow diagram of the potentiometrio method of determination. Experimental results are listed In a table. The concentration of chlorine ions In the samples was calculated by the formula aEV C sw~ microgromalmilligrom 29,2-a lcad 1/2 KOKX, T. Affairs and people of a shooting section. Voen. znan. 40 no.1:38 Ja 164, (KRA 17:4) 1. Predsedatelf strelkovo-sportivnoy sektsii Tartuskogo go3udaretverr- nogo universiteta. KOKKP V. Reforestation of areas infested with cockchafers in the Valga District. P. 372j, (SOtsialistlik Pollumajandua) Vol. 12., no. 8, Aug. 1957, Tallinn, Estonia SO: Monthly Index of East European Aceasions (EZAI) Vol. 6, Nol 11 November 1957 KOMULIS, Petros Supracoronary aortic atenosis., a new way of Improving mpeardial oirculationo Mcsper,khir,i anest. noe6sl4-22 161. (KMA 1515) 1* 1z podotdela.iBoledovaniya kro7oobrashcheniya gruppy ekoperl- mentallnoy serdeebno-sosudistoy khirurgii Nemetskoy akaderdi nm* (Barlin). (CORWARY VBSSEW-.SURGM) (AMTA-4UROM) (EMT--MSCIE) PARINI V.V.; KOKKIKAKI Kongtantin KonglAntizovich. letohik-iopytatell Igo -kia-s-vai-r-olw-rdi-men mira po skoroitnomu-"pfoletu; KOKKUMXIJ, Pavel Konot&ittinovichj bortinzhener Great achievement& Tekhmol. 29 no,5s18-19 .161.~ (MIRA 3415) (Autronautics) BARIN~ V.V.; KOMNAKIt Konstantin Konotantinovich,, letchik-iopytatell Igo klaooa rekordemen mira po okorostnomu poletu; X-0-M-M Pavel Kon ~+J-Jch., bortinzbener Great achievement. Tekbmol. 29 no-5tl8-19 161.~ (MIRA 14S 5) (Astronautics) .XOMNAKI r Sovetzkogo, Soyoza., laureat Laninakoy _OvaWWy Dero. *G-mii, zaoluWwnM7 master sports, Sport belongs to people. Krylorodo 13 no*3.lt2-3 N 1624 (MIRA 15:12) 1. Predsedatell Federataii aviatsionnogo oporta. SSM. I . (Aerial sports) XMINAKI V Popularise "aerial sport awng young people. Kryl.rod. 14 no.4s 8-10 Ap .0636' 16s.5) I.-Predsedatelf, presidium& Federatsii aviatsionnogo aporta SSSRO (Aerial sports) KOYSINTAKI, Vladimir Konstontinovich Xurs na Vostok. Ocherk o Rerelete Moskva-Vladivostok. 5eading for the Fant; the ;4oscow-Vladivostok flighy. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1939, 93 P- illus.- (ports.)o 14H HN DLCi TL721.K67;.3 SO: Soviet Transvortation and Comunicationso A Bibliogranhy, Library of Congress Referenoe Department, Washin on., 1952, Unclassified. 9t, SOV/ 84-58-3-29/52 AUTHOR: Kokkinaki,, V.j, Test Pilot., Twice Hero of the Soviet Union ------ "Moft-so"01 I TITLE: The 11-16. Airliner - Flight Operation (Sawlet 31-18 - Letnaya. eksplustatalya) IMIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya,# 1958j. Nr 3. pp 21-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The vell-knova test pilot reports on the special qualities of the H-18 observed by him,during actual test flights. He comments an the folloving special points: tWing .. take-off., cliabingj, horizontal flight., stabilityp flying on three enginesq flying on tvo engines. coming in for landing,, going oL the second circle., and night flying. His conclusion is that the-flight characteristics of the airliner are good and no difficulties can be anticipated in its mastery by the pilots. Two photographs accompany the text, one shoving the author$ the other, a navigator of the 11-18,, V. Voskresenskiy., on his stat-ion. 1. Airplanes--Performance 2. Airplanes--Test methods 3. P.ictures Card 1/1 KOKNDNIt 0.1 IVRRISONg F. Problems of interstellar commmications. Koamoa no.lt7841 163. (MIR& 160) (Telecommunication) (Radio astrononT) VOYTKOVA-LEPSHIKrVA, A. [Vojtkova-Lepalkova, A.]; X [Kockovf-Kratochvilovap A.); FISHEROVA, M. V. (Stuohliks V. Organic acid production in the course of glucose by various species of Candida, Mkrobiologiia 33 no.6t959-967 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1, Xhimicheskiy inatitut Slovatskoy Akademli nauk, Bratislava. PRnlj I.D.; KOXK)ZOVj_OAtj BAYZAKOVp U.B. Reduotion of endemic goiter in the eastern regions ~f the Chu Valley of the "his S.S.Ho during a 3.2-year peroid. Isv. AN Air. SSR. Ser. 4ol.--nauk 2'no.695-16 160. '04M 1416) (CHU VALLEY-SOITER) VWXI, Arro; KQXI& R.,yeteenvent; SAARMMSO A,, reteeneent; MAMOI T,$ toimetaja; KOHUj, R.1, tehniline t0imetaja (Joiner's and cabinetmaker's handbook] Laudeepa, Ja moobe3sepa kasiraamat, Tallinns lesti riMik kirjaetues 1962 WRRI,,105 Ot 5) .(Woodwork) C-) P JD U ACC NRI AP6007.T.13 SOM coM W/0413/66/000/003/0112/0112 ATTHORI GrizWbpw,, S. L) zwds -Ya. me; Kokle, A. L*; ElIpgrin, OFG: none TITM Device for-metaw" in, Lwuum class NO 1AnnOUwed__by__tbm-- Design and Council Of '_ - Latvian- 861 - (KostnkWroko-todualosichaskoye -b*o metallizatli Y vWmume Sma - LaMyokoy SSRIN SOORCH: Imbretenlys', PromphlemM obraztm, tovarms y"Oklo no- 3,, 1WP 132 TOM TACIBi metallizing Yam= metaWaing A33TRACT: An Author Certificate. has been issued describing a device for wtallizing In.vacuume it consists of vacum-thambere with drms,,, cel]A,, evaporators,, vacum abatt-off devices# sbut-off.devices * a collector,, an oil-abambing filled trapj, and a iracul=-produclng system, To slmpllf~p the, deal6m cad reftce the operating cycle +Ami evaporators we made to marvi PinataneouslY as glov-disebarse electrodes ando.r.- the entire space.of the COL14.00r.-Is fWad with an oil-absorbing materialo To ids tho collector In a vertical. position it Is equipped vith a self-adjusting lever-t7p tijOitening dr4ce (seik rise 3.)e 66 112 62i.Mom : I - - I. Am RRt AP6007TI3 ~li If pill. I Device for Imetausing in V'acum# Ymm chmberaj 9- &m idth **Us; evaporator; Vwwm ~but-off dowees; coLUotarrs,6 V*CVA= systau SIMI-cowt 116ACC R. AT60230ii SOURCE CODE: UR/3200/65/000/004/0107/0114 ADVIORt Vayvars 0 Yul, Kokle Yu.0krusitis, X. ORG: none iTITIZ: A now brushless frequency converter :SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut energetiki..Baskontaktnyye elektricheakiye mashiny, no. 4 1 9 1965, 107-114 1 TOPIC TAGS: frequency converter, rotary electric power converterp electric energy con- iversion, synchronous generatoro synchronous electric motor TRACT: The authors describe the PCh-8 rotary frequency converter (designed, produc- and tested at the Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of tfie vian SSR) which has certain advantages over the.existing models. The converter con- ts of a synchronous three-phase 50 cps brusbless motor driving-a synchronous three- ,se 500 cps generator. Both units are contained in a single frame and have a common ,ft. The motor has claw-like poles and an external magnetic circuit. The generator s axial de coils for excitation and multipole rotor and stator configurations. The converter has the following parameters i Cord 1/2