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8/180/61/000/002/001/012 2073/9535 AV~MIORS I lochnov, V.- 1[2#-and Zlochavokays, 1, 1.(Cholyabinsk) TITLZ* On the Initial Stage of Plastic Deformation of Commercial Iran P&RIODICALi Isv*atiy& Akadowli nauW MR, Otdel*niya takhnlchoaklkb nauk# MetallurSlys, I toplivo, 1961, No.g. pp,60-61 TBM B. 3, Kasatkin (Isv.AN S95R, OTN, Metallurglya I toplivo, 1959, No*5 -59) found that In the early stages of deformation (b a 23%) slipping proceeds along numerous planes but only to a small extent* He identified throe types of slip lines, Ms S. Alforova at &I. (Ref.2) obtained the first pictures of the surface or stool )od of grain boundaries, but also In the middle of gralrA, The hypothesis Is wmnaod that the site of &rising and the region of spread of strips with Wn slip lines Is determined by a combination of local stresses 'in the specimen and the corr*- spondIng crystallographic planes. As the deformation Inareases,tho n;nber of elementary shears increases and at deformations of the order of I - 1.2% they already occupy a considerable part of the grain surface. The site* of Card 2/3 4/137/62/ow/w 3/1 Wi9i Electron-microscope study AWIA101 terminatlon of such sharper allp traces have a two-fold character: tl-.e. ~!Jj, traces either vanish smoothly with a necessary thinning down at the verl ewl, or &lee they termInate abruptly at awe boundary within the grain or ki Js;4~."rity. The conclusion Is drawn that slip traces are, apparently, localized 6t grain fragments. 11he'boundaries between the fragments my play a two-fold ralet they may be the sources of the slip lines or, on the contrary, they mAy Impt-le tht development of slip over the grain. An analogous role Is ascribed to impuritles In the metal. L. Oordlyenko (Abstracter's notel Complete translation) Card 3/3 (Choloblask)l OMIDOIrMY, 1. U. (Chelpbdask) Untles of riff"tauuAtion of olostrioel fuel dolm Its amwiling, lays AN =14 Otdo t0b, mauk. Not. I W. w.61 61-" N4 062. (Klu is S D staolm4wt tmt"At) ommulgatton) i 3/126/62~014/005/004/013 Z111/9433 AUTHOJISs Zalts~Pin, S.V,t Kochnov. V.Ye, TITLE: Structure of slip lines VZRIODICAL3 Fizika metallov A wetallovedeniyel v.14, no,5, 1162, TEXT: ..It is impossible to study with the electron microscope changes in the tine atructurvalong slip lines because of their considerable length. An optical method for this purpose to described, based on the exAmin&tion of the surface with dArk-field illuminations tit* slip lines appear bright under these conditions The relative extent of tits brightnets slonX the lines Indicate* differences In formation during deCorr"tion and enable* the sizes of the tine slip tines and thoir-development along the whole slip line to be evaluated. verormation nonuniformity was observed not only In pasaing from grain to grdin.and within one grain but also along a slip line, this being particularly pronounced In "hatchuring" of the lines. An deformation increases th~ height of' tits shear steps In lines near grain boundaries decreases, In-the central parts of tit* grain* there Card 1/2 S/126/62/m4/co5/oo4/015 Structure of slip lines 9111/9415 is both a general decreams:ln the height of,shear steps and the development in some lines of coarse slip for deformations up to 10%,. The method was studied with type Y 2C H80 (Kh20N8O) nichrom*, rolled, heat treated and cooled in vacuum and electropolished. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Cholyabinakiy nAuthno-Isslodovatel'skly Institut motallurSli (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Instituts,of ~Ietallurgy) SUBMITTZDt February 13, 1962 Card 2/2 UTSEPINO S,V,j XMNOVI Vje, Struatu" of ALUP baMse FISsustol ustalloved. U no.51673- 677 9 062, (XrPA ISM) 1. Cholyabiniddy naueboo-Issledovatal'skly Institut iM0tanqMpIW) (Dislocations in ya"") BE=707# mazol ffA-TAIIA--. bv*fUptdng sdAwrallod Uvaeformor steel by the Internal fristica XWOO'NOWAS Finipmetol astillovoL 15 no.11113-118 Ja 1630 (KMA 2612) L Mo2pblukLy Intiftt motaUmuo (best It"104boatio Properties) (bulual f*letiom) IOWMp V*Ual BAIAZITOTO M.I. Solubility of nitropu wd carbon in cold-rol 'ad trawformor st"lo Vise awto i motallovodi 15 no,6s937441 Je 1630 (KIRA 16M l* Mwlpbinakly nauchno-issladontelfskly Inatitut mt&Uurgii, (St"i-Lmolusions) (Solubility) XOCHHOVO V.1e.) OWNWO R.8a; BVINOrf, A.H. Methods of ro"aling the substructure of wtals, Yis, jot* i . odt&Uo- ved, 16 ne.11152-155 JI 163; (KEM 160) 1. Chelyabinskiy muchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut astauurgii, (NotaUagraphy) (Nota:lLs-Pickling) 610a UMWo A.K.0 CLUMOO Ix bbtbMs of revealing the substrsaturet4b alsetrual steel. mil 23 no.313.PI-252 Mr 063. (Km 2615) 2. TB*ntraltnyy mauhm-Isslodwratellskiy Institut cheraq atallurgii L Chely4binskly nanAno-Issledavatellakiy institat, (Irw,-#Llteon allays-pickung) 'I-E-00-mo if-6104, GOLIDSHISTIO Val. ItscrystaWswan stm" In trossforwr steel. no. #wt. I metallovedo 25 noo5s685-W jV ~63, (NVA 16i8) lo ftuOhn6p4solodovatellskly ImUtufA mwtanwol Melyabiask. (ita uuvmow) (cryltawsauca$ socumovo Toy*# Dotendnation of orlentaw In& in alvblk..Iron fr= stdaft I fl9Ur*A* Ufa lAb., 29 A& o2.205 t63. (KM 16#12) 10 Cholnbinakiy n&UOMo-lll2*dmt*l'sldy lastitut astanurIll, . .1 - OJORWO Mai insbol ORLIXT, AoXo,, luxbol YXI(mm"1060 lashol OOLIWHMOO I.Ye.0 lash.; TASILITIVA, S.M. Vhot of a bmW in elsetvlosl steel an its mgnstle properties, Ilaktrichest"no.no62-63 N 16). (KmA 19 institut Cb*27&bimk* sistanwIli" 16111) MR'- lot -it Accustog as ArOnS43 AVTWRI zatsept"S lov, (C"1Y&btU$k)j glodw"kqao 1.1. (CbelyAblask)l jtLh=, V.D.- lyabiwk) ,TM9% The micro relief ois tbs surface of aleket-chromium alloys data& mall pla- ddovmtioss 'SOURC19% AX UOR 1xv. Notollurglys, I pruoys delo, **.Z, 19". 172-176 Ic TAcst micro relief, Kh2ONW alloy, IM4373 alloy# nickel based slUyt chromium contSWAS 81107s PIA$tlG deformation. hIgb taepersturs alloy. optical microscoryt stoctron microscopy. sbear AWMCT3 The autbors determined the behavior of this metal In an elastic-plastic relion mWO consequeatly, the begenLaS of the metal flow and Its tendency toward plastic deformation, The purpose of tbo present vork was to dtudy the deformation relief$ of Plastically-deformed higb-teaperature alloys at room temperatures and small dogreas of deformation* Us investigation was made by optical and electron microscopy on A-!-- on MOM and 914373 allays. XLeMbotopapbe of the sar- faces of these A Von presented which *bow vorims stresses sed abears of the surface, Us pbotelfsphe of the micro-rellefs Sboved extremely zoessilom Worms- Card 1/2 ACCUSION OU AP40"843 tift of $raw to 00 Initial at&&" of defo-mation. is u9st Instaucest tbo Past mpitude of Oasr$ Was observ witkia the palus* In the L"t1A1 stag" of do- -formation. no th" st""turt of the $Up "a" to the alloys MWW nody vas obeer- ~04. so Pmeas of form"$ slip us" WO 4"de 4ft obviewsly **cur 0" -to tb4 transition of the M11441 41SIScatifte fm 006 suffm ;0 tbo odwre parallel to tb4 Initial. The strouldmwAug pbaso leads to the deareass log do active systeme aW to 66 increase of Obw SIOWAS slip PLOm". Oct$# -am haws 5 f1wes, SUBXrr= 17JAm63 MU ACQ% 30A#VA - 00 mows$ HL -so IV M 002. Oum 001 2/2-- TaPir T&L-C. .- . F(Is i c tant a 1 lov. cr-yj ta I _ I " __ _ i ~ f - , I -- , - -;, - I , t. , , - - k 21 4k "'NN x0ri-101, Vye, FXf*dt of rapid 0001ing SM subsequent hisating on s'pecmr losses Of cOld-rclIOd oloctrical stool, Fis, met* I mqtalloyod, 18 DO-31478-480 9 164. (MM 1701) 14 Chu)YabinsklY nauchMm-128103ovatellLkly frestitut totallurgil. 4 ON EFUL. :'-X-, m r .- ," -, m- flZilmi 91 .,'61 ,7. i - , -'~ ~ -ni - , , ZVMVAj V.A.; MILSHMANO R.S.1 VASrL'TF.7A, S.M. ForrAtion and doomposition of outonito In cold-rolled trumforsar stool. Fit, mt. I wtalloved. 19 no.6026-929 Jo 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Wituohno-.1seledovatelfskly institut metallurgilt Chelyabinsk, -;&y JD/W/W/Wl xR, MWAM como wMmMAw1m6twWAM .F ?=I WrIftat rw kvt im of IOUUO Class 2), The 1w w Or"al"Um or nogaFammmom (OrOnLatelp Jw- I systutess "Obrosear I unrlwa udwyo 1w. IAO 1906 62 IMO Mle 'IsIrlosais mUl bmt smetwass slaml On 0 ADaRACh TkIs A*Umw derittlasts pvmto * simeal on &W mn*AKKv for Met tmetwest of =Ulf* To -Qvm% muls fm suak"a to ww totem arA red bod we ~ to Vw laWlsouth' IM Ulem SMU veto% of ma &wit"# wd "a 1". bad ~Utdft 640 14 veto%* 00m# Ff/ mul *6hm W.W-- YUS ~ yt I ~, ~) I . , i!PartialArne of cyrjow-iw!nj~o d.~ the t--O,,qve of a 6 yr t o ?I (V Wor !i 1~ Is 4 r, I f, y 1:,- 1-5 tv-vtlyy un am,%# Kfifodrn Will, npftlo KOCHNOVA, r. Ye. Dr. Mod. got. Dissertations " First Clinical-I-XV Changes During the raitial Stop of fibsroulosis of the Lungs in Adults** First Moscow Order of LAnin Medical last, 14 Apr 47. 501 Vechernryla Moskiat Apro 19UI (ProJeet W836) .. T - "Clinico-Roentgenologloal Examinations of the Developmnt and rUowss of r Pneumonia Foci In liorral Cases," Prob. Tuber., No. 2, 1949. Cent. Sol. Ron. Inst. Roentgenology & RaaoloW in. V. H. Molotov. Isoscow N-WA- I V- --..i. rofessor Methods of tosohing about toorculosIg, 21 00.1:"3 JS 157, (XW 104) Is ts k*f*dry tubarkulosa tt M"kOvgtcCo moditillaskago Institute Imal 1.10stalim 6 (nWROMMISt PUUMXTO *due mme mmaultation w1bods & (Aulomflal MIS SUOUltatift metbods & appar. for Students In 104twis ov, togroillosis) i f - tr,*M/Pharmc.-)li_;y aiv' -T:)xlcjlorl - McmLt-',-rz2MIc Prcparati,)- 1-9 .4,titif').~xculatic Dru~;ojo *-1,jf lur - Siols) R3 14, lcOj, 66422 ;,uthncr KI.;eIlliva I YU Inst Title 1 01 the LVortanco 3e Dru:, :%s~staaco In tho TreaUr;;.*,w "tiwtts vith Fulwnary 'rW1wi,-cul,;si9* OriC; Pub Savo r&.Itsinap 1957,All-i j 20-27o Abstract d*"-. i1matimtion v3s ':, -,co I" drus, rezlr~ta':,' i-in existud in the path-)I).-~Cal LnZ(.rit-.l obtairte. rc; 135 patianto vith varxj%vs )f tuburculosis CO, wore trA.:atod vith varl.'wi pr."aratixis in d1^fc.%: ~ . c n.:A- -iztiaus a;A durla(; durattew, 0 0 ..rcC. miC twenty-sux )r hzAl chranic fibrir.-)C--"'.' - hamtor_cnic alvO jAdj.""ary To a. WI.,.; tu. :s:vilysis of the Ca'4-i rrxi t%u literature tuu~ :i,,-, -va bbr uristions thu raut!..)r cxv. t) the amelusi-., Car-A 1,/2 )* 44.e~)Aa UM/Phart= 1, ~y uA Toxlc:)laMr - ac.. ~:ra*;cut Ic Prrpornti V-9 '..AiWbarculatic Dru,;-.* .',,b9 J7-~r wV !~;i%w - BI-lap 11-3 Ilip 19'j3, 664n tw if drut; mii"-c.: Li the clinical a-."Pcct,; ,C T is c~,~Vlex cuA criktz.V)c%~iry) althouli resmata.-cc L.,i dru,;% Is of derlvii~,ij im the trcatum-,%. :.- T: -,,:Lot:i;.ius even in C%-j ~vwmicw of mistomit bactma *'A'w curu -jr T Is pqssiblQ vii~; 2rol-raood therapy, T..: -,u4:., r jolluvas tbnt in evaluatLA,_ *%w4c IiAleations C-ir ilija --f natibactorRal L:--irupy in tho promico ,); f'ov_ retistwit tubercla bact~:x-'~ap Uic cli3dcian Mm t- :=c in Otecision -in the bcksi3 ): '%d4c -,Aacral cotAitla.*& :- C-.z paticuts -- B1b11o,-ra;Aiy' wiVi 16 titloso -- V.I. Cku-A 2/2 - 31 - NOCHBOVA, I.Ye prof Chowtherapy to early manifestations of tuberculosis* loweado 21 no.9118-26 8 137. (xm 1111) 1, Is imf0d'7 tW*rtndsss 11 X00010060 "ditslusk*90 tultitutS iment voliftrogo"a (TUUMUMISs PUIAMMItY, tber, in *Orly stage$ follow-up) toCMTA# I.Ta. prof.s XMYWYA. 0,1.1 IMENOU. V.I.; RMPADWTAO -1- L.K.-i 0 N.T,; USLUOTA, I.T. Tuberculosis vaccluatiou In Mull subjects with s, positive tuboroullim reaction. Savowde 23 no#1208-63 9 159o (XIIA 13 14) to Is kafoft t0orlmlosa (s&v*dtWmshoh1y - prof. 1,T9, ZoebaM) 11 Maskovskago maditaimakago lastituta Imest X&1* PlroCova, (JOD VAOOMTIOX) IOCIMA# 1.10.0 prof# De"20punt of omrms prooseses acoardlag to data ooUsated bofam &nUbi*Uo &W drug thwapyo Sov. ftm le"ar form of tabaftlesisl anUbseterlAl tborep7 and durivAg sod. 24 no. 5s22-28 M: 160* (KMA 23 sIO) 1, is kgLfo&7 tularkWAm 11 Mwkan&W maditeimkoP I=Utut& Imal 161, Pirogo"O (IMMCKNIS) . JLOCMAq X*Toop prof* first A114W#slm Ccogrsso of ftWsLvUo#t#o Swe =d* 24 no. W39-14 My 160 JTMUMMU.CMROM) (MnA INIO) Tr"townt of tubwotdoole of the skol*W mmal" vith aatlbaoterLal Wepustlow, Uvn*C 25 no.81A.7-52 As 160o ()WA 1319) 1, Is kafeft - tallooy kbiratU I tubtrindosajl Hookovskogo seditsiukogo rottuta Jaml N.Lftrogm. ( tCCHWAp Z*Ts.t pra,; MW# V*S,p pmt. Thmels b"plUU in Omt Brlt&Ui Saw.mod, 25 no*21llO-213 IP 1610 (MiT Mirn ITAIM) (mm w 3) IOGHNOVAS I.Ye.1 KIKHAILOVA,, O.N. Rerdta of tr"tirgg is with.1muside. Mda. I md. no.21.1 f6O, (WA 14S 12) I - We&& tubarkal4g 3& (my., ;rOf- 1.16,100hDOU) II Moskovskop neditsi=kogo inatitt" imeni'S.I.PLrogo". (Tumammmls) ;OCHMOVA 1. Ys.. , prof HAUT 0 V.S. 0 Mt. 91-fty dispools of aslalfication and beterogawtic o"ifi*&UW by V.A.Diiachouko, Rovievod by I.S. loolmove WA V.S.Maiato Boy, nod. 25 nools154-155 Ja 162o (HIPA 15sQ (OSSWCATION) (CAWIFICATICN) (DIAGMISt PADIOSMIC) (DIIACHM,, V.A.) ...MHNOVA.--It Ye$# prof*1 MArA?, To S*# prof, Fathornics diagnostic wA tbor&POUUO prob2sum in tuberculasli of the frontal bmw, Mdrurgila 38 no,507-82 062 IIX-2516) 1. Is klialki ftislatril I vopitallnoy kUrurgit 11 Moskovskoo matsinskoco instituta Imni No 1. ftracm. (FMAL SONg-ohMMAM) - K=!M,-L",,.prof.; ROWHKIXA, Z.S.1 TABMOVA, T.D.p kind. med. naukI IMFMN OVA, T.P. DiagnoWo valuo or Um tubercuUn %iLrkl* in the examinw- tion of adults for tubmulosis. Say. mod. 26 no.442-& Ap 163* (MMA 17s2) 1. Is kafedry tuberkulat (sav. - pror. ije. iochum) n Nomkovskago meditsinek4go institute, Imni 11.1, Pirccova i lontrolinogo inatituta moditsinskIM b1oloocheskikh pro- pmt*v iment LOJ6 Tars"TICIM. 40 iloo4RIM-110 Ap Ifl. not 11 rd 0 4 1 YOC!1?4vA# prof.; TRIMMA, T.M., dotqi-ant; I ;-!A-i..KhVA, V.F. Seventh All-Union Congreas of 5-2v. xfo. 26 no.6s144-147 Js 065. (MIPA I.W) 'LOCHNOB"Lil"Jur. (Moskva) ,Achievements and tasks of tuberculoviD control at Um M'"nt stage, Sov*md, 28 no.120-9 D 065. (HIRA M12) Chl2dran In the drus otwo, Zdawle 6 no#As3O Ap 160 Im -use) (TIUMM) MDOMTA, 0. 1. Nodialso'bettU IaUls, Mamse 6 29.7131 jo 160. (xm 23 17) (Unu) 11 - IOCHMVAt 0016 Old prescriptiam. Zdaroylo 7 no. 2s3l F 161. (KM 14:2) (MEDICIM-MOMe I=IP7S# MMIPTIONS) IOCOOVA o 0. 1 * 0----~ Baoterioldal 1*WwpWtora Sdarayle 7 noo6s3l 40 161# (HIPA 24s7) . (Puma (?HAW=)) IOCHNOVA, 0,1, - - - , A conyWent barAkp,, Zdarovo~ g no',313, Mr 162o Oam 15,4) (UMM Alit) Uftolxo) SOROK.TNj Mlr,; XOCMA,, Z.A. Polyzers of 117aide otb*rs. Ropott M0044,'Maining Pollmers,of %,Ajvl g1jaide others in the presom;* of bl%&O CAUlPtd* tAk*- kr"ouat, i ikh PrU4 noo4s6-9 162, (MIRA 16M) SMMIIO M.F., IOMMA. S.A.s SPADS. L.O.; MKMYLOVA; L.So I PblMn of glpldol eUmrs. Lakokma.mat.1 Lkh. no. 3 1 Ir-12 0 62, (Noteauve coatiop) la-M150) (Olroldol) SMOXIMp X.F.1 IOCMMAj X.A. 10 Polsom4"ttas of OC-Wde caMoundal reylev of Ilterstum, UkakrasomatJ lkh im# so,509-96 062. (XULA 16# 1) ra:Ass) (Polywrisation) . IOGHMA,,,l *~#, prof, The 17th Interutioul OWarm" an Tuberculosis. fty. Md. 27 no. 30476W JRr 164, (KIM 17#n) 2�12-61 - 9M/rvMj)/"o)/Wff a)/hW-JYM/AqD--Pa-J#/P"/Pr-h- PA I 1CM AWS JIB: AP3OW395 6/0191/63/0()0/005/OOU/0014 7 AVMM: Sorokinf No Fo; IAWY, To L; rArldshko,, Zh, To; XLc~# ,-A- TITES: 5-of UMSAW"Od Otmrs of, awdol'.1 00polyserization of Methyl MethrAllate With a1414ycidyl ethers in solia-Bons SOME: PlactichasiYe M"O** rA- So 1"1 11-14 TOM TAOS: copolymerization, methyl setbacrylate, 2-Vropenyl 9,3-epoxv"yl, copolymerization rate, reaction teMeratwe, Initiator ooncentratIon, reactIvIty ratios, yields, molecular velabt, bensoyl pwoxide AWMACT: VAthyl nothscrylaU (WA) vuA 2-propenyl 2,3-epoMWvff1 ether (PEPS) h&ve been Copolymerized In Wthyl WV1 ketonej dlomve, or toluene solution at 70 too 90C In the Wesence of 0.5 to 1.0 uol% of benroyl per=lds or Alpha, Alpha-azabialsobutyronitrile. The reaction was conducted wAer n1troeen in solutions whose initial coacentration of the amomers was 30%, with W " PLTE in ratios of 2-2 1:1 anA 1-2. The copolywritstion rste dropped with an Increase in4;6 rEk eWt;-nt and increased vitb an Umvww Card 1j2 L 9839-63 ACCMION Us AP3=395 in the reset4on UnWature or WtIstor cowentratIon, Becatme WA Is w4ch wre reactive Um P=s, the WQwMS ratio In the copolymers is =xh higher then that In the initial marMa mixture, the monomer reactivity ratios were calculated to be 40*7 fcx WA and ~~,03S for PM. The copolymers, obtairAd in yields of 41 to 8%p are %hite sollds readily soluble in benzene, toluenes acetone, or dioxane, Their molewlar veights very from 2000 to 10,00, de-o creasing vith an increase in the WtIS1 PEM concentration, reuction taqwo,- ture, cr Initiator concentration# Cop3lymers prepared in dloxane solution have the highest molecular weight,, CrIS., art, has: 5 flowes and 4 tablea* ASSOMMON: none SUTHITM: 00 DATE ACQ: IOJ".'l ENCL: 00 SIM OME: 00 NO MW WV% 000 07M Oll C.'d 2/2 ACCXSSION MRs AP4034711 8100316410001=10MI0010, AM=lt Sorakin, go Fal 9ofteno Is Ael K*Webftl Me I* TITUIs Two-oomponent polywetheas 2&oqwm on the U"s of glyol4yl ester Pollss"# i Muthealsed in the presence of two- sad throo-hastional Initiators SOURM Lskokftsoohny" ftterlW I M primemenly*# nos 2s 19Rp 7.10 TOPIC TAGSo polyurstbane laoquerp glycidyl estero phaWlglyoldyl, *st4rt butylglycidyl saterg glyoi4yl ester polymv# dileocyoutet triLsocranstep GhsM11oA1. film stability, la"r fils hardwID& ltioquer film adhesion ABSTRACTs The beat n-butylglyol4yl ester polywr (DM) and the phwW1g1$d4r1 Oster polymer (PQ1P) wore.syntbosised frce the corresponding map, v by block polymerization at 90C In the presenoe of tbe UtitiMore rescrainolt tr1mtAWWpro-e,, P=O, am Saco. While X% rescrainol. yielded linear polymere of *an averqp molecular weight of 570# the sow amount ckf trimetIWIolpropons produced breached j polyzere of molecular voijots witMa Uw 760-775 x we - So MV and PW Pollaws' od ad were ased to make laeqwo 1W bel" b1saW with tolull to wi*th 4,4'-diPhQWlWV* 'to (M) # or Wift 4 41 A'- tr1phwWlm*thws"isoq=w MM as hardsm"a of Hui~ of so* too. Cord 1/2 40 AC=IOK Us AP40M711 WI; component compositions is caused tr the fmistion of urethanes, the autbore psx~- forsod a series of tattoo using various MOB ratios, temperatuns# and reaction periods. It was found that at 9W satisfowtorily hardened films with high pkWoioo- mechanical properties and good appearance vu obtained b7 blending the gljc14y1 esters of linear structure with TWO &zA 1W blending the polymers of breach" structure with TD or VAM#' It was also fotnd that for blends of the l4nes PU polymer with M the optizatm ratio of MOR was 1,3sis This yielded (at 900) completely hardened film within 6-1 hours.. For the brandhed XM and P= Pol7neral the optimal ratios of NOOM in their blexAs with M wer 1,411 and 10ilt wA So hardening periods on I and 3 hours resIxtotivoly. A period of I" ham was required for hardening films of the brmd*d XM pol~usr t1saW with ID at a SCOsOU ratio of 1411, The harftess# afihoision# and resistance to dismical apats of the lacquer filow proved then to be of high quallfW, Oe A*.T"U'ysv~. partiel- pated in the work. Orig, iart* has, 4 ohourtsp 3 tablesp MA 3 f"901", ASMIATIM nano '.CWMaTM1 00 am 'MI taio;4 ~MM 0=1 W XO IV "No Mg 02=1 a" CWd ;12 ACCESSION AP4043819 8/0303/64/000/004/0001/0004 AUTHOR: Sorokin, At. F, j Kocbxmj Z* Ael Korklahkot Zb, T,; V"lllyeva,, 0, Ae TiTLE: Prernixed polyurethan coatings based on polymers of a-butyl- and phemigireld1i ethers. SOU11CE: lAkokr"ochny*yo mstarlsly* I Ikh prinsoonlys, no. 4, M4. 1-4 TOPIC TAW: premixed coating. pro lymer synthesis. cured film, chemically restated coating. polymerized phonylglyWdyl other, polymerized n-butyl other, toluyle" dilsocyansts, polyurethan, polyurathan (11a ADSTRACTs Two types of prepolymers with isocyande and groups were synthesized from linear or branched polymers of n-butyl or phatVISlyaldyl others and goluylano ditsocyanate# using 30 mot. % trim ethylol propane of phoWlglyc*1 or resominol as Initiators, poo- tively. to obtain promixed polyurethan coatings characterized by stability to storage* Two type- I prepolymers were synthesized from the branched polymers at $00. Both Me polymer sad the dilsocyanste wore used as 60% solution@ In xylons, the temperature of the owthermlo reaction did not exceed 200, &M the reaction was complete 1.6 bra. after toluylene dilsocyanato was added, . Two type-2 prqwlymon won synthesized at 700 (mm CWd 1/2 ACCEMON NRs AP404361,9 the has" polymer$ and type I prepolymors (substituting for the toluylono diisocyando)* The reaction was complete within 40 min. or I hr. 40 min. depending upon which pro- polymer (based on n-butyl or phanylglyaldyl other) was added. All four prI wet then used as premixed polyurethan to 62--, Oo weH when protected from moisture for 4 "pe 1) or 1. 3 (iypo 2) months, were highly redistad to 12 months' exposure In 10 or 20% Solutions of N&OH, 5 or 10% solutions U280,1, distIlled water or transformer oil, and had excellent physical and mechanical properties (single cost 25p for type 1, 20-21ju for, type 2, two costs 60-52 and 45-40p, respectively, Impact strength 60 kg-cm for &U, relative hardness 0.72 - 1*00), Both types of oo&Ung were cured for 6 bro. at 1OOC* Orig. art. has: 0 tables# 2 graphs, and numorove chemical formWase ASSOCIATIONs none MWrTZDt 00 MM CODA Kre 00 NO RXr SOV, 001 Cwd ?/2 16Q~~-65 raw S-)rokin, M. F. Korkishko. Zh T., 7.A- r-,jre,Lna-n varr. j h 4p mpt or I III i rqu 4- r p ri i r e t F, a ne va rr. i R i t r a f tinc t Iona I n i VR' AP40447671 I(1m.1clas are rivr-r far rffl~, t~j-t-- i_-- 00 ENCL: 00 5 U 8 ::ODZ OC 005 Coro :F~A MlMkkrAWWFFMW'1M AMAWCM49- RAW A CC ESS] ON APS016947 UR /030 3/05/000 /003/ 003 2/)035 667. 633. M.3. 3 P_ Ror,.i(in, M. F. Ki chnova- Z. A. Z h Lkova 1- P, Lm in 11 11,1- t e- e, o r a ~mf 3 It f-w Lxn Ln -Yf-.ra; atA% LrroAq-tn f r n ditun V"ymnr,.; awl tioluN nnn ~~i Lnyr-rimetuO T'he r-_Ac ti On rt~- r P,-,q rr trwi ka fn I I (mi i Ito- 4 -m! ACCEI&MIW4 14n; APGOIGI)47 Oft IA*-IN T 40 IfFfl cc WMCZ CONTS VR/0303f65/ 090110" ALIM: Koc bROV&I N* Ir. ORO t TITLZI P011utathe"a Yaniftwes from "bloc$M" Isocyssistes and sbqle polyester# SOURCIs Lakokr&&ochnyy* materialy I ikh priamenlys, no, 6, 1963, 1-4 TOPIC UM polymero vernisbe pollurethati*6 polyeateri hardening AIMACTs This work represents am attempt to obtain polyurethane varnishes from polymeric glycidic esters. It vat destratle to impart unlimited storabulty to the varnishes ard to prevent Selling on addition of p1gownts. To do go, "blocked" polyuretbanes were synthesized which contained no resideal free functional groups (hydroxyl and Isocyanate group#). The synthesis of "blocked" polyur*thaboo we accomplished in two stagew ACC Nei AP6001678 + MIODOCA where R(OH)3 Is polymeric alkyl or aryl glytidato. On*- OW two-compoceat coatings veto obtained from the "blocked" urethants. The coatings can b* hardened by host trtatmentt 1.5 hours at 160C proved to be optimal cowitions. Ttw obtalow filas beve excellent appear&nceo good physUal and mechanical propertle.-t *Dd Mab chemical stability. Orig. art, bass 3 figures wW 5 tables. IVP SUB CODE: 1l/ SM DATIs was/ ORIG RVj 005/ ATO MEW C.000 KOCwLwo M. 1. 30168 jaWonyoniya abobodoy efwargii I tep1modarthardya pri pyo&Kaiynh ebrazovanlya argyanidoy kobalsts shurnal prikl, OdMis 1949P Koo 9# Co 970-779-Bibltogri 6 nazy SOt LETOPIS' -NO. 34 IOCIMOVSKIO Gustav$ WIMMUO Josef ------------ Favorable results of glueoeortloold theraff In a pulmonovy term ,V of Desuler-1.010mv- k_-11-bawam die*&"* PolskI tygodolek* 15 ao*28t 10?1-1073 11 A 1600 I* go Sopit&U PrIedwgrallesego v Pilehowleach k/clivic: dytAtort '6k , 1", a."Oo"ao"k, MMIMIS thor) LM DIU"" ther) iAMMM P r, M INOMM ther) KGWOVSKI.-kamw A o"@ of pulmmry tubercidoels cosplioated ty acute spontamew pericarditiso Oruslies 28 ".8t"5468 Ag 060. I* Zo 8*pIt&U hisalwSmallasego v Pilebovimah kolo Olivia Dyrektorl lake age OsIKoohwvskI* (1 11 - CUW$t$o yousomm case reports ) (IMCAMMIS a"# reports) KWMIOWSKI, Oustavi RMU, comrd Permaent w In a case of fresh tuberculous mWem trotted with antibsoterial drugs and bplumidass, Oms2lea 29 no.M2053-105S D 1610 1. Zs Sspitala Pneoiwgrusliesego w Pilchovioneh Volo Olivia Dynktort lek. nod. 0. Kochnowski. (AWrITUMMAR AMTS ther) (HrAIXAlDASZ ther) KWHROWSII,p O"taw Results of the treatment of reeent pulaoftr7 tuberculosis with large domes of M. drulics, 31 no.3t263-266 163. 1. Ze Sspltala Pnociwgmlicsogo w P12abovicach kolo Oliwic Dprektor Sspita3A# lek. nod. 0. toohnotaki. (MOVIAZID) (TMIRMA19,0 MLMKARZ) -1 XOCMOWUI, Gustav; RaM, Gerard Fatal pstrio oanaer durIAS the treataent of pulauaar7 tuber- culosis wItb anilbeaterial drugs ani cortisone, Pols tys. '149 19 no,25arwotl 15 .14 $(A' 1. b ftpitals Praecivgrutlialep w PlloMwicaab kolo Olivia; d1raktort lako node Oust&V toobnovekle KOCH09 DlMAt Cand Agr Sci -- (dies) "Noma and a.0thodS of irriFation of the cotton plant on meadow-swamp soils of the Chirchik River Valley." Tashkentj 1960. 16 ppj (State Committee of Higher and Secondary Bpec- ialist Education under the Council of Ministers Uzbek GBR, Tashkent Agricultural Inst); 200 copies; price not given; (KLI 26-60, 141) SOEM10i Pq OMO V.1 SUIMUt L.1 YADIMt I.1 W=v V.t doktor I tekho snauk *St"l pouroO ~r D,AJw2lar~nko. Reviewed by P.S*smenko , and others. Mot&Uwg 8 no.10940 A 163. (KMA 164) (Steal lwts) (8*91"ank6p D.A.) r~% UmMa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 7 TTV?& 1 -IF AF W- W - - if s w v w w Ir w I IF -- 7 A JL A. JL o - www z se POK92we too : DAMS 6100 1111111 O'Nis Of bWM of a WIN adftq of M emb *Am h ob f M* r * y . ".o4 tb""k the mWaft It* at" %A Am 1%0 % . "Woof 1 sod 4 ,hr 4m'" POO a dmw so i1w at., I I* on. =w"It"Illba I 4p I bF 6.0 Iw ffj .. - *0 Ow twAbnew ftlWAM.&M 04 jbF a. 0. pow I." , -0, 'Wild # W- I dft*M" la adw op l1 40 aw,. w mooq F -4 Obw Owk 66 4aw id lbr 9--d #4 lbr bw mn*4 so" sf br "1 6'& : two-I'dume milk IvfbrbmIk see SOW - to the MR bgwwto namorctol soil fiw tonb 4.06WO6 Oev u- ISO" go* !llo* Its* FRO 0 Wsit~" tolostot ttisswilik"le AJAW-' 160 06# 4P* 0, u a go ID 000010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0*#a 2 IL s Y r I I 0 A - -0.0 lot - , - 101 W - 00 oss 00 00,1 of mob" Now is Owdi 4A wr w . "P 0 peg. S-3 saw)# # 6 ar 6 L94 * sea IX w sea thr @WOO SCUM urvols" a w = I " S 4111141 &e thv rakewles Ow A b14 I*ttm a trutio-up W."re 00441 saw Ow IMOMW rIVIP", l , woo too 0101 ago 10 Ilk S 11 41 60*000000 001 0 "Sol, 00 0060 gel two 0 a, wk fb:i-v" ar:iw-r-r 4~7 0 a 41, 0 a 6 0 Ab 4, 4M MWER we Al. ow V. am v .7 at :i , re oww It- I#.** UwAht totems loW4 *0 MW owl, is Ar sqRs btmfb 0"" #4 4WAw. 4060M by I IM 4 sobs awafth cn The thatowuMit ~m b G I'vot1laq - I'll h - 0169.11#11100 I'm ft 00 spq Nk *I. go AMW 00 wrl"MI at #00 b-Mil so S;j 4w#. of low 110M. of do 4"41k so beft femm *Web Ow .00 abbb ". At * erM1rdG1 llw budew flow is A# Woo% *00 400 aft jore"Wo folln" I G At fr so -100 00 NOV ~ !a 41ftm. sea p or* rdhvbo :Z~, R#W~d to C is a -o0vad see ferf. ad bro ow~" 004" fill - - Aw"Id q. 00 4 A, - AMP wbwo C - meet 46MI IF (%v et 1 .4 tow goo 000' bqw. pf - pos"N comift * ~- Soo t. a ON4 is pwme of I=./ M, so* 004 -WISM I- oA of flo . AM04 to 9 4w *44A on so Oew 0*4 (0,01 ~84 NO"') " immit. 1,04V lbpt rmwwfx~. thp SON11410A tw of Ift WAN) ofol M lot C 1. a vA0AkArw& Now *"~ tbr civil. lmlwle "fish w at 400 :Mww*A traloorbe by un, onflowl of Ww gfm 17C# - CLIO- fbow It. h'k badrs1hy drW.=b: 0111111 ewcqdv*~s *F416MINOWWtor"ollbreft""b"a 400 14 the 4 100 odraudowhAWN13 flemtwalkeftwo goo W lvft NOW #a h'so 0 134WW #6ow of 9 lkmo OW& 610414 to W I. I e% t 101-wak npoe goo 4 -T"N goo M41114#0 k*4%r% obt pw ~ w 4kwlr Sof fbp i40. goo a 41vMt~6L left#$ W "s 0hrim *am lip ftif me towboolo" ~4 futo 0.,.- - Tbr"pMkw0Ct a ,-deg. A* vNio "We 1bp &*# 211-011 nt I-q4 10 hr 424W 41r, - , to 41, 4d 4" 60 16 Of d! i ;01 ;frm& ($TV$ *#left$ 0 to 0 0 we 0 a "too Oleetills, * 0 9 0 0 0 0 ov 000 1 0 41 0 0 to Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 All 0 * 0 0 0 : : 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 ~W~~ i - OW Is v v i r- 'At a * 44 MAL 14-1 9 1 AL Ct "It "WUUM W U4VIX INIMM UTIS UM A ft=N INUMS I rim 4! to coma ft x T. A. ROWWL (16 Ig a v"Oks" saufts 329 104 ?-49 IU) (in iAl too off oew 001 see off Soo Soo see 100 400 Co 10 og 0 ***see 4p Ow 0 0 A w W4 m " 610 2 M* laiv Ow- 10mv got a Tbs -d Ad astA iwkm 64 eub Soo- . Ahm "= Ow Irt-C dimpus. 4 Cb 19 4~ w U c t Tbl so 64.16. *W s ndl . l w" IbF mokma a now wm;wio ewl" Ow Wit M. l(awat 0#8 see, 004 sow ll se Ki m 0 age Soo o00 off it- ra. AAV ---l 1-1 ~99 a ~~ tA It 0 *0*040*0000 0000 0000 see too see of Soo 4 64-4-J 0e, a so ML - * 4 4 # # # 0 * * 9:11 JL ~__p -4-- & silt a I T 1 A-IL. a 1-1 #A ft AAA ; :441 Ow an" SNOW *W, ad 14 00 - -see 1"&# fm #"I fd .6 61.00 UK* *a* M "is *0 40 do .TM-41 still = k, = "owed muk"w7ev".0 0 ~-falefsokwr I*. *'A 46mr"4 Ow no V. *calm 01 All t *Mod (016 do Omp. 1 0 ~ i 4w sw- w IN. OW me C mom 4m owl am dws fm am be =6 'L 6m" Ott, MOW 44 bilm"I d %dW ciand (d, C 41, MM:)- . d 0". "bh&4 raw sbp 1COP 40 do 0*4ml A" I* *t-ef* aw Way I *81-4006b- Oo***iwhw. fitka ""Wir mw #0 hAtwo 4AW k! t0&. "w i a*. 114wit it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 too ION ve 2. -f- ;-"n, a =31 a lim of "a Lmallb Ikrm m afa is#*, I ,,, orv4c baw is a 6 N. lum w IF il AII U I-; v ------ 1 ILI A- qt- ton" in Ch- N=*; 004 00 *0 TErwas Mot I:.* no-vo 010 to* fail w wA imm""S"s for im *"wew S libig : ISO 9 to 04t- V14L AM- it do left I AL* t 0 0 ee 0 4p 6 0000 0 7 - ------ -- --V%3sVWW14WJ6. trvzi-w~.-m-,- ~ -oil ii a 0 an be some to 6'4~0 A _L. A 60 A "Rol - 00 00 W-aw 00 k k uw ow* bit l *a 5w6 pm Wto" tAbIWIKAIM 641 0 0, 00*40*0000000 Woo Soo 00 400 Aso moo too 0060800 KOCF-O, V.5, 352n. MaktricMaksys gibkoo bwratneys svyn, V SBt5O Let Kievsk politakho. Ir.-To Usy. 1948 S. 527-34 Bibliogr: 3 Xasv. SO: IAUpis' Zbwmllzwkh Statey, Vol. 34, 1" *skva )L-Cwj 0 "'. S. Kochop 7. S. "DecArbon12.ltion r^14 and Intensity of thn bailir4j CAuldz-jn in the open-h*arth furnace*" Ityestlys Klyevsk. politekhn. In-tap Vol VJU) JA8 (on covir: Vidb p- 179-)3~, - 301joo If, Avis SO: U-521.1, 17 Dtcenl)er, 1953s (Liet-j7pis 'Zh-4rnAl StAte~p 26, liu,i) v qw m X7 toki *,4! sell 0 86.6 INS tVA04 got r ,V a O'Amejad fA 0 0 008 000 eel + too 99 See 004 a sod sea logo :04 004 0111 000 401 Sol gel to It- slow 0000 .21 tell- *set KOCROO V- NInvestigation of Heat (Thermal) Processes in vis -sath of a Stool Furnace#* Sub I Oct 52, Imt of Metallurgy Irani A. A, Bqkov, Acad Scl USSR. (Dissertation for the Doers* of Candidate in Teohnical Sciences), 301 Vsch*m8Ya_?*kvb JanuM Deasabor 1952 Ow4*taUw9Y - steels Tachooloa, Jul 52 Processes "20mvernture ConUtions or afti and slag, wA go" now in steei4svitins xLectrig ftraw",- v. s. 12 Ak Nauk, Mel Tekh XwW So 7, ve loh5-io6o Lm"tioutes variations in temW of wtal =A slag,, 04 nAws of beat in basic elec -an fumeces of 25-t'M capacity to establish optimou else coaditiow Of furnace coration and to inaev" Pmeess of steelmaking. zatablishes among other factors that rat* of beat absorption. durj=g up is 2,-~3 time Vmter than during boiling *And r*fjnjAg. P"sible shortening of last 2 periods contributes to increase of fcr=Lce efficiewy. ln~mnmtz-tw, 034pediency of using immused -3 --- LL -for pm- OMB eoftrOl. SUbELtt*i by ACSd 1. P. DW9MZ IS J= ~2. ~fl~~WMKI IRA. R , ''m ,- I Q I -. , , d IC ~f , 'a , t ", I, I I " - M -- ME fIN Wow i " -, M.- I Wm k I t N XWHO, I.S.g protessori doktor tokhntoheslglkb nsax gladustrial mossurs"as of the tompsrature of liquid iron alk7e.0 Zavolsb*22 so*718d)-top 056, MU 9 s 12) (fterso0ouplall (Iros-Natallargy) WIXMILU# A#. doktorg lubal XIUATM* OsAeo bUbdo SAM, ma; Soul 3MZKASuw &03..- OT=, G.S.0 Prof., dottor P.P.1 ==Or. AN,,, prefel, daklor to" =*I GLMMI NA*l prdeo doldor tokha. =*: DIUMs Use prof., doktor teift. mdq K 1 1111, prof., daktor tekba. aavk; MIMI=@ lbes kmM* te3ftso Almaj nummallmals Lolo, bod, toWM6 awski ammye e'vol lairs LAI baL teak. nank, stareMy mvibay sotrv", NOWMTO UA,,, kuWL, tej&16 nanki ftMSB9 A*Gsjk b&L tekb& wide; XUOTs-TsFel UMMs AA, slemalmm, XUL "NUM WAS/19117-35 137. (XM 2214) I* slavw slauplavillohdhik amsterstya mdalluwamakor pro- mrshumsolitl I radmi*v ftskhosloystaker roqftbUk:i (for Dammwammajo 2, XmMor Thatrallmogs intitata WosmAsU dmW mitaUumcil (for NIMwrlev). 3. Zra"or M=Inskoco instituba ustallev (for Goadmuke). 4. Glan" st&lopbmllldkoUk awastdcogo "tallawouskW kcAlusta (for nimmake). S. Swo. Wedroy astaUuMll st&U Moskardoge lutitut& st&U for Olks 6o Zematitoll S2&v%"* lashesera savoda in. Boren fer fism"Sko). 7. w0ow utalluwl stau i MOWUAkW pGUt*khaldMdfto imatituta (for lbrosov),, 8, Zwe- Wed ~.Vm- M, LIW m*t&Uwcl9h*sklkh poobw Wntsvetwo lastituta OWr auatev). 9. uT*4Lwuhamy kesdroy mianalu itau wt&UurCUhs9kogo laAltuta (for Umutwv), 10, dqMAGMY kafedror wtallumll xt&U Ilrovdcop poUtekbaldw (O"timad as 202S := IMMUs A.-(ooMlnwd) O&A 2. 11. XRoballaik UkUmiabeekoce a$"2& Malstars"a cberm7 mtal,-- IUSH Vbvprskoy Mw"W BsqpOIM (for Awksah), U, Zuw- stItell Wakleft lovolhdlsbp notallunlahodcop smoda (for Ourdo), 13o' *AbAladk to'balob skoo ot"I& am*" fDaspro- Osillull (for 8"MMY), 14. bkoltut wtalluwi 114 bskm AN 8M (fay *vik)s -U# UaMlljdk staloplavIllOW laborateril veraladmea lwtltuta wt&lUv (for ShmoyeroOs 16# la"allalk Uborstoril po sorory-say r"llvU stall Waso"kago, flUsla TInlyallaW sambao-IssUdovatelldposo lastitata Walstersha strMel Im7 prommkUrmostl (for Phpw6). 17. *AW falk muie- Iffskep too)&& swe" ~UpsroshsW'8 (for Numv), 18, Zomsstl- toll direktors ladltut& motalIvnil Is, Bsykwr& AX $332, ohlw~- kor spoMeat is $SIR (for hwarls). (Steel-410alluM) KKMKOVUIYp TaTol IVDWO ToAot kmA, tobbisi, nauk, etaroW manchM rabotzdk; K081209 PaTe.0 kudo tokba. *ukl KiZAKVICH. 8~41 LOATIAMUT9 Voto~-prof.# doMor tolft. zwkj 11UPITIffs O*To; 8"OU1019A.10: kudo tokba, nalca dotool 1120MI(So A.Vol umfulye-1.1 I kwwi. "3&a. *auk$ DOUSKITO x4Y&'t do4sel ,=Wr~j ~00 doMor toMmo m*j NXIM9 Total UNKINg Lox* Sladehly oauohsWy sotruWk; SMUT# Islas act@,: EMUCKONg AoPa; I : I I P's TooA61 KU"Wo YO*Ao ka"o tei&no AWke date.1 KONVA$ tole$ kuAs, t0ba, amk Mmwh3W7 "trodolk: WIXOM# Golo3 011=11a P*Tov pn:t*# dektor toHm. a&vkl IJIMTA, Ketel UJSMnq T.I.1 NORCKOVs P.Lj M011019 AYo.# prof,, doktor toHnis aw*g stallobly muohlWy lotrobikS 2AUNIg Isla: IMUMffg A.Go 11twusiono, Plule "EllON noilb/190046 157. (XIU U14) 2e, Starobly Imboner 61m tostau Nialsteretva aMrsoy mt&Umr~- 61 Sm (for a 2* BASItut Sa" (for Toftwv)o 30 Im- rektor 11hoprobershisokov mUUmiahookoco ImUtuba rosewo). 4, WwWlmlk 1"orateril lost 1wt1tvU vor" (for ramamw1oh). 5. ZILT*6wwlhohiy tdo&v Stou 11"PropetroTmov muwa skop lutitutidt for I woobtamr). 6, XmW'alk UboratorU 61pree (for 7121? )* 70 Obowlik- mk1r PoUteMudoMmidy Inetitut (for ltrovxm). S. NaoW4dk topLAsidudehookor Ubmtoril 8norekNo m*&'2wW1oh*dwV.v&vo" (for DW40vtob)o 9* Swoolltell nadmIlnUm TSmr*1#&4W 140ratoril Yakvwskop mtanurelchookop swo" (for Sormtoldy (00"imed an awn Gam) JWWAX OKIZO Vale-(00261=04) C&rd 2, 10, Sibirdely m$414vochooldy Inditut (for Modshlbosbddy),, U. fa"dqwb*W Wi&oy mUllaill sUll Kiyovdmp poUtWdud- absokko IwHWA (fOr tKho)* 22 loolayVWbWy obyWaMeti I=b4S4r&:MUntdWV USAUU-Slobsdfto ko*ISM& OW MUU lurglabookor toplaUMmild (for Zonkft), 14. Vrallddy poUUMmi- abolkly isdiftt (fol Edw"). 15. Sunstlt*l I maW laiks tolao. tokbolobodcoy lAorateril Nishae-2WIlskno mt&llurglobodcqp koablwts (for Zbvam"v), 16~ la*Mllsdk tspUt*l&MdwskW Ubo- rateril smoddeor "boutoril two& is. ToreaMleft (for 27. MASSO"kir ntal2wgiahoddy imtiW (for rqwsla). IA. bAltat mounwol IN. maybm As an (for Uboss)., 19, Sm"I'alk Wooraoril uxtenordda pedw vessawl. sea mobso-issudmisilikep isAiftta ustanwitabsOW topla. tokbalk' (for adrokov). 90. Uvo&Wwibohlv W*&W mUa2aWi sUU Vftlldcago poUto)&WabodcoCo lutituta (for Varikh1s), 2U 36ch-3 IrAk iotsUaftleboo3wr uboratorn 2*atmz law lAborstoril gakwtudogo smt&Umji*h*skW snvda (torz7s=)7 220 sametitell slavueo lmshowm savod& IN. fttrordmgo (for thimally0o 23, laaWlmik m'wtowvdwp tookha *4s=tskW utal- "v"ow lwiioho*op Imablasta (for 24. ftolt4 atalula In* Baytm AN NO (for IbUWkw), 25a GUvW lusbour Posmdo. Z&UYW'dwco mUllmetob-ookop uffo& (for lamftv), 26, XmW#- ulk tookba NegultogorskW utal2argiaMskop bubinata (for vikolay")a (qpa-bo&Ab prosess) 10CHOt V.8.1, prof. j doktor tekba. r&ukl ORkMWMIYt V.I., lash.; HOLONAMO t lash.: lull F I ~ I It T*,A,, Insh, Resting opea-beaft fummWes of 5w too Oap"Ity With hot odco ps* 10, (IM 1115) (Open h"rtb fwumws) pi wmhrw~~ "'m ggg SOV/ 137-58-10-20563 Translation from: Refer;tivnyyzhurnad, Metallurg3ya, 1958, Nr 10. p 31 (USSR) ,,AUTHORS- Kocho. V.S., Granovski-r. V.L. Ploshchenko, Ye.A. TITLE- An Investigation of the Thermal Functioning of Open-hearth Furnaces in Which Compressed Air is Delivered in theChecket Port (Issledovaniye teplovoy raboty marienovskikh perhey. rabotayushchikh s podachey szhatogo vozdukha v golovkil PERIODICAL lity. vyssh. uchebn. tavedenty. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1. pp IIZ-116 ABSTRACT: 4000-4500 rn3 compressed air from blast-furnace turbo- blowers is delivered per hour into the ends of the gas tank of the 220-t ovens at the Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Plant. The employment of cornpres sod air improves the fuel combustion process, thus making it possible to reduce the excess-air coefficient from 1.5-1.8 to 1.05-1. 15. Heating of the gas checkers is increased by 100-1500C. The t&nk-lining life is increased from 80 to ZOO heats, sind dust lose is reduced. The slag pockets require cleaning every Z80-350 instead of 130-160 heats. The rate of C burn-off during the finishing period is 8 Card 1/2 to 15% greater. When compressed air in employed. the melting SOV/ 137-58- 10-Z0563 An luvestigation of the Thermal lunctioning of Open-hearth Furnace# (cant.) period is ZO minutes shorter, and the working period 13 minutes. The unit consumption of fuel. in conventional units, to 13% less. Delivery of com- pressed air makes it possible to maintain higher heat inputs and obtain higher output rates from the furnaces. The heat intake of the bath riots by 40-60% with an air consumption of Z000 m3thr, and even more at 4500m)/hr. In the second half of the furnace, heat absorption declines when air is sup- plied, sometimes going to values close to zero. For a ZSO-500-t furlhace, the optimum compressed-air delivery is 3000-SOOO m3/hr; the precise amount requires determination by experiment in each individual instance. G.G. I. Open hefLrth rurnaaeo-4)peratlan 3. Oxygen-Applicationa 2. Won hearth proWiles Card 2/2 13o-58-2-6/21 AUTHORS: Kocho, Yj , Doctor of Technical Sciences Professort - Wo 9 Molchanov, Yu.D. and Ploshcbenko, Y9,A. TITIZ: Open-hearth Furnace Operation on High-calorific Value Iow- ressure Gas (ftbota martenovskikb pechey na vysokokalor- l ynom, goryachem gaze nizkogo davleniya) PZRIODICALt Metallurg, 1958, Dr 2, pp 9 - 12 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Blast-furnace as is normally added to coke-oven gas for firing open-heard furnaces to improve flane quality. The ca weur, Loweis the ,JjrHi?,v&lug of bl4st-tur4ace fasasb1g, 0 197eor a &as temperature and an nv t a een carried out by the imeni Voroshilova. (imeni Voroshilov metallurgical works together with the Kilevskly politaLnicheakiy institut (Kiev Polytechnical Institute) of furnace firing without the addition. The authors mention this work in which pure coke-oven gas was used with the addition of turbine air into the side of the gas ort and describe the adoption of practice with reduced (Mved) quantities of blast-furnace gas which followed the cosq~btion of the first part of the work. On 250 and 500-ton furnacgs,, the blast-furnace gas consumptions were 3 000 and 4 500 a--/hour, respectively, the coke-oven gas consumptions remaining unchanged and the specific fuel consumption being equivalent to the decrease in blast-furnace cardl/3 130-58-2-6/21 Open-hearth Furnace Operation on High-calorific Value 14w-Pressure Gas gas cons" ion. By Increasing the poSt cross-sections, an equally hitth temperature (about 1 350 C) was obtained for gas and air cheaters, The slag pockets filled less rjapidly, a higher furnace temperature and increased beat flows were obtained with the new practice: measurements with VNIIT-designed probes on a 500-ton furnace are shown graphically. Thrte experimental heats were carried out on a 500-ton furnace without blast-furnace gas and the averages of the main operating results for this mid ordinary operation are tabulated (Table 1)s the authors discuss these briefly and_point out that there seems to be an optimal gas pre-beat temperature. They consider the functioning of the gas checkers with pure coke-oven gas. A failure of the lining of the gas ports on a 500-ton furnace led to the combustion products losing enough heat to prevent over- heating of the gas checkers and the furnacemas worked on coke- oven go continuously for 1 1/2 months. The ti results show Table 2) mean Ureases of 0-7 hours andoff8' kPton for tap-to-tap time and consumption of standard fuel, respectively. The authors recommend the coke-oven(pe firing of furnaces without blast-furnace gas, the cross-sectional area of the gas norts being reduced to reduce the flow of combustion products Uard273