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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 3, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 4, 1946
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Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-094122R000400090007-5 PIS ET ENCLOSURE 11B11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP WASHINGTON 25, D.C. Office of the Director 4 April 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director, Strategic Services Unit SUBJECT: Initial Directive R EFERENCE : N. I . A. Directive No. 4 Pursuant to the provisions of N.I.A. Directive No. 4, dated 2 April 1946, it is hereby directed that you administer and operate the Strategic Services Unit, War Department, in accord- ance with the initial policies set forth herein: 1. Operations. a. Until otherwise directed, you will continue such operations, services and liaisons considered absolutely essential. to (1) United States Armies abroad, (2) The United States sections of Allied Control Commissions, (3) Diplomatic missions, (4) Departmental agencies in the United States now being served. b. You will perform such collecting missions, distribut,_on, and other intelligence services as may be ordered from time to time by my representative. C. Nothing contained in sub-paragraph 1-a will be construed as-En authority for any expansion of the functions and facilities now operating, nor will additional personnel L.x assigned to duty outside the continental, limits of the United States without the approval of my senior representative. 2. Administration. a, You will continue the orderly liquidation of the Stra- tegic Services Unit. b. You will furnish the administrative support to Operations indicated in paragraph 1. c. You will furnish such administrative support to the Central Intelligence Group as may be called for by my rep- resentative. d, You will provide the necessary administrative facilities to effect the transition of personnel, funds, and communicca.- tions, records, services and facilities, with the necessar,; means of maintenance, from SSU to an appropriate group in the War Department or to other appropriate agencies, as subs.~,- quently determined. ET ceIG Directive #6 Approved For Release' Document No. -------- ----------- - --------- No Change In Clal. G7 K Declassified Class. Chang d to: TS C Next Re'iew Data: --.-__..-______._ ___ - : A_RDP8 -092. By: enclosure "J.-'J" 00400090007-5 Approved For Rase 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-OW22R000400090007-5 SE' ',T Command Liaison. , USA, Assistant Director and Acting Chief of Operational ervices, C.I.G., is designated as my senior representative. Further directives and orders will be issued to you by me or by my senior representative. You will keep my senior representat vAoi.nformed of the progress o i the mission outlined herein. will be his deputy. /s/ SIDNEY W. SOUERS Director ET (SIG Directive #6 -~~+ - Enclosure "B" Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400090007-5