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C)CMXA* X.~ cl"behure, Now, 'NISRIN, Novo At tha I%artov During Plant. Ik" I stqttis 9 nool2t27-20 3) 159. (NM 13 S 4) L Ischallaik Vuro tokhidebookey Inforeatell KharIkovskego podah1pulke"go sav"s, (for Keehogura)e 2o Otv*tetv*xw sakretarl nagetirashnoy gutty *Oolog rabotrAW tharllco,"kop podshlpulkovogo savodA (for Nishlo). (tharkov--learing industry) (Automation) S/743/62/00010011004/ 08 AUTHORS- X ,M. Xr&vnoshj:hekov, M.M., Markovfikiy, Ye.A- TITLE- On the effect of nuclear radiations cn the propurties of metallic a4ys. SOURCE, Struktura i svoyttva litykh a davov.. no. 1. 1nst. lit. proiav.UI 'ISR. Kiev. Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1912, 67- 75. TEXT: The paper provideA-A discussion- -- a aerature- urvel I Pr 'Y of Engli oh- language Western publications. It discusse3 the effects of nuclearT, neutron radiation on metatlic alloys in this sense of the Seitz and Brinlanann t1hories. I he effects of neutron radiation on the hardnesn, tensile strength. and peld ' int of Various stcals, including SAE 1018 and 1)95, stainless steel 304 and 316. an4l ASTNI-AZIM and -AZ4Z with various grain sizes, are summarized in saver~l extensive tables. Radiation impingement on cast structural steels. esl)ecia4 when in the normalized or annealed state. can substiLnUally increase the strength 49f such ni;,terials, affording them a strength that apprnaches that of work-hardened steel. 1, is sxig-ested that investigattons be porformed to establish the chAnges in the Properties of irradiated ca9t nataterials versus the radiation dose and to ascertAin the rninirnal radiation dose that affords the desired effect. It appea;:& advisable aLio to undo rtake an investigation of the affect of neutron radiation on C.'se heat Card 112 On the effect of nuclear radiations on the ... S/743/6Z/000/001/0041008 treatment of cast alloys. There are I figure, 4 tables. and 23 references (9 Russ ian- language Soviet, 13 Russian- language translations of English-language original papers, and I English- language original: Harries. D.. J. of Iron Ik Steel Inst., v. 194, 1960, Z89). ASSOCIATION: Institut 11taynogo proizvodttv&. AN USSR (Institute of Casting Productlon. AS UkrSSR). _J7 Card 212 V3 KOCHEOURAO Insh.1 MARKDVSKIT, Ys. A., kand.tekhn.nauk Using radioisotopes for checking the density of foundry molds. Mashinostroents, no* 203-54 Mr-Ap 164. (JURk 17s5) KOCHIMURA~o N.M., insh.; K4WOVSK]Tp Y**Av, kand. t*kbno nsuk Using beta radiation for chocking the soisLurs content In molding sands@ Fashinostroonle no*508-99 S-0 I IHIRA IM) VJ)/9WPj t)IM-P (I )/EWP(b)/EXA(h) X/DJ 12165-M ACC W: APS028311 SOURCE COM, UR/0369/65/ODI/005/0352/0556 AVrROR: --n-ov-sitty.16. As; Xresnoshcho'kav, M. M.; Kochegurs, Noom, ~4 ORO: Institute of lfoundry"94blog.4-AM VkYSSR. Kr9olinstitut oroblou 110ya Alto UKrSSR) TITLEs Cht"I", In the SAW VittiOlft end Strength characteristics Of structural materials subjectad to neutron irradiation Nol TOPIC TACS#. steel, copper, antifriction, material* antifriction metal, neutron irradtatton, nuclear r"cLor material j c"t Iran, Irradiation effect. tobricat*d structural dotal, metal physical property, stress relaxation V 4f AUDAM This votk studies the changes in the antifti lion 24JUMt2rk of some structural metals and alloys subjected to various degrees of neutron irradiation In an operational neutron reactors Simultaneously, the thanges in some of the strength characteristics of the materials are also determined. The materials studied were'stent goo 45, various types of rest Iron, copper, and SN-30 load brante. The results obtained give grounds to conclude that the accalsvoted pro- cess of stress relaxation under the offset of Irradiation my take place not only for stressed materials but also for metastable hardened structures. An ottmept 1/2 .Card L 12165-66 -AP5028371 ACC INM is siodo to explain the tim-dependent decrease. in the strength of steel subjected to Irradiation* but It Is not Sufficlantly grounded. Ifurther experisiontal work is required. The work perforsied showed. however, that the usterials tested, after", undergoing a stage of relative decrease In strength, obtain under prolonged neu- tron irradiation satisfactory antifriction and strength characteristics and my bal successfully used in friction joints. Work in this field, according to the present &uthorep should be directed toward the study of the wear resistance and setting of usterLals under neutron irradLatioulAn v&cum, at high tempecaturome and in special imedise OrLS, arte bass 3 fISuFos., BUS CODE: Ill 18 / $='am$ mt64 CRIO Rut 002 / M JUW1 001 ROOM Putovor obkhodehik Ny kilometer to almp In excellent conditions fti I put.khos. no,32128 D 158a (KIRA 12:1) L 17-y& distantolys putt Yushnoy dorogl# atantelys Solntsevo. (Solntsevo-ftilroads-Track) SOV/114-9-7-13/17 AUTHURSt Chuchalin I P (Cand. Tech. 8^.J., Direitor of SoAentifla- Resear,3h 1ns;i6te); Bel'tY&W9 Yu.N. (Assistant); kqhe,uro~VVO& (Aspirant); JW:notsov, V.M * (Senior g not oust1n, B P.,(Junior Solent 4ria'g;rker); and not I u Kf~ Strazd1n, V.A. (Ingine;r) TITLS.* Parallel Gonnection or valves for Svit-,-tiing Large Pulse Currents PERIODICAL: Izve3tiya vy3shikh udhobn7kh i-avedenly, Blektromekhanika, 1959, Nr iij, pp 94-98 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 The basic requirements ro-L sat.4sfa,3t~ry parallel operation or thyratronst Ignitrons ` at,.. are$ s!m-.-Itanerjus firing and equal voltage drops. Thes4 ttwc, fwjt.,~rj a.-* considered quite separately for the o1rcuit In Fig .11 used for switching the charge from a bank of -,ndenscirs to an electromagnet producing an Intense magnat!t~ fields Fig 2 shows the simpler ease or two thy-atrorts conneated direotly to strings of condensers. If T, r1res first C2 will discharge more slowly than G1. ig 3 shows the iariation ip. voltages of Fig 2. The ad-lode of the sennfid Card thyratron remains positive un"'11 the iritant t-, when JU21 >JUJ. If T2 fires a nega tl~*e , 'oltage appears at the first anode since U+U2>U+U].. TI extinguishes and SOV/IW+-59-7-13/17 Parallel Connection of Valves for Switching Large Pulse Currents the load transfers to T The exchange-process repeats itself rapidly as shown f; the oscillogram of Fig 4. To prevent the anode voltages becoming zero the circuit is modified by the introduction of the 2-core dividers shown in Fig 1. Fig 5 shows a convenient method of firing parallel-oonnected thyratrans. A sufficiently uniform distribution of current among the thyratrons is guaranteed by feeding their anodes through 2-windin; transformeral interconnected as in the equivalent alroult of Fig 6 where the aro voltage-drops are represented by different s.msfls. It is supposed that the latter are independent of current as are also the anode inductances. The increase in current in all the branches-can be calculated as the transient arising from switching the o.m.f's across lossy inductances. The tasic differential relation is Eq (1) and the solution for a particular current, i1, Is Rq (8). If it is required that the unbalanced current through any valve does not "Oead a given amount then the necessary anode Card 2/3 inductance Is given by Bq (14). Confirmatory results have been obtained using type TEl-15/15 thyratrons. SOV/144-59-7-13/17 Parallel Conneation or Valves for SwItAing 'Large Pulse Currents There are 7 figures and 3 ref6rances, of which Z are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOGIATIONt Nauchno-issladovatel'ski-.1- I-risfAtut, Tomskly ,~olltekhnicheskiy Inst,',tat (&~Ient-IfAu-Rasea.rah Card 3/3 nstitute, Tomsk Polytqf2!jI!,.!aI Institute); Fiziko-tekhniaheskiy falcillt-qt (Physics-Technical. DevL,-*I=jAt'; I Tomskiy politaklini;t-eskly institut (Tomsk Polytachnical lnstltil~*) 8 (3) AUTHORS: Basin, V. Us, Candidate o:f Technical 30r/105-59-8-12/26 goiencesi Chuchalln# Is P.0 Candidate-of Technical Ocioncost-AROm-urov.-I.-A., Engineer TITLE: Design of Anode Current Dividers PERIODICAL: Elektriohostvo, 195% Hr 6, PP 54 - 57 (USSR) IBSTRACT. This is an analysis of the, three-anode currentdivider shown by figure 1. It is assumed that the voltage drop across the gas tube at the limit of the jermissible maximum current is in- dependent of the magnitude of the anode currents Reno* the fol- lowing approximations can be made: (1) Reelect of the ohalo re- sistances and the core losses of the current divider coils, 5(2) Neglect of the Influence of the anode current dividerand of the tubes upon the proossase In the main circuit, and (3) the magnetic leakage between the windings. This implies that each winding has the same inductivity, and Ahat the mutual inductivi- ty is half the inductivity of one winding. The latter condition in satisfied if either the windings are zigzag connectedl or, if each log carries one winding, by providing for small air gapso Anode current dividers must be designed as to secure Ignition Card 1/3 of each tube and a distribution of the mean and peak anode our- Design of Anode Current.Dividers BOT/105-59-8-12/20 rents which is uniform within a certain limit. The requirements for satisfying the first ciondition are Investigated under the &boy* assumptions,, The formulas for the Ignition. of the first, secondg and third tub* axot given, and formula (10) is derived for the case of a banked tubes in the circuit. The system of differential equations (111) holds for the simultaneous opera- tion of all three tubes, ]formula ('15) specifies the average current carried by one tubeg-and formula (17) the mean current deviation* The irregularities of the distribution of the av* m it anode currents are exprots"ed in relative units (18), whereas formula (19) gives the induativity of the divider windings for threoto, and (240) for the saaot,tho latter when the circuit con- sists of n 'Th -parallel branches.~ * control pulses arriving at the tube grids must have it ver7 short rise time in order to re- duce the ignition strayinj. The circuit shown in figure 2 ap- pears to be best suited for this purpose. If the pulse ropotti- Sion frequency is smallp 1he Irregularity of current distribu- tion should be estimated isot from the average valuel brut from the peak value. The indualivity of the divider is, for this Card 0 came, given by forauls. (21). The authors also sadoo experiments Design of Anode Current Dividers' SOY/105-59-8-12/28 on &.parallel operation of tub*# with multi-logg@d anode cur- rent dividers in a simple aingle-phaso rectifier and with two- logged anode current dividers and separatevapacitors for a commutation of the discharge current of the condensers* In both caseag favorable results wivre obtained, Under normal operating conditions none of the tubito showed Ignition failure. The osail- lograms of the total current and of the tube currents are shown b., figure 4; Thor* are 7 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONi Tomakiy politekhnichookly.institut (Tomsk PalyJaWnLicAl. Institute) SUBMITTED: may 31t 1958 Card 3/3 IPCIEGURA I V.V. I SHOLPO,j L. To. Magnetic stabi2ity, of Igneous rocks. Uch. up. ICU no.2961149- 156 060. (Rocks, Igneoup-44angetic properties) (KDA 14:3) MOCHROURA I.V,j MLPO# L. To. Falsompatlo ln"stlptlon Qf Tar lastern basalts, gobs saps LOU uo,,286i260-1 Wo (MM 243 3) IsWet Far last-44apetle properties) 3/169,/62/000/001/081/083 D228/D302 AUTHORs P9h"WM4_11_ IV. TITLE: Paleomagnetio methods of rock age correlatior. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal Geofizika, no. 1, 1962, 30:31 abstract 1G221 (Sov. geclogiya*no. 4, 1961, 47 50 TF.XTs The main hypotheses of paloomagnetiom are dincuseed, and three methods are examined for the afe correlation of rocks. The first method is constructed on the uce of a definite scheme of mi- gration for the earth's magnetic polce, this being drawn up from the data of paleomagnetic research. The broad applIC3tion of thle method at the present time Is not povalble on a-;cunt of the too approximate and too fragmental knowledge about *,,he history of the earth's magnetic field. 2he second mathod is a method of strati- graphically :correlating sections and is based on compilation of zones with normal and reversed magne*.ization. This method Includee the methods of correlation according to the dieruptive field, mag- netle susceptibility, and so forth. The described methods enable Card 11/2 3/169162/000/001/081/0~0'1 Paleomagnetic methods of ... D228/D302 detailed differentiation and correlat-ion to be made, but -they do not permit determination of the age of rocks without Introdue t4 rr. of Qther data. In the third method thot degree of demagnetizaticr, of a rock is employed as the main parnmeter determining its age., A positive aspect of 'the method is thut it does not require the se lection of oriented spetAmenso and al:',ows geologic collections am., core material to be used for age meastarements. For obtaining re- liable conclusions about the age of a rock, however, It is ne~es- sary to measure a rather large number of specimens of this roci and to take into account the effect o;16' a number of external -_ for example, vibrationt heating, e1c. -- whose action leude t.- a..c,hange in the magnitude of remanent magnetization. 27 referen:.-9.~. AtstraotorOo notes Complete translation. Card 2/2 Taleouspetio methods for ap earrelAtio" of rocks. knalels geol geogr 16 iio.102-" J&4(r 162. KHRAMOV, A.,W.; FSTROVA, O.N.j KCHAROV, A.d.; XOCJWAM V.V. !Z-L-V j PrIM-li uchastips DIAMV4=OV, V.T.-;7Tlaifx_mxzyj SeSel UNMlITj BA, noobnyy redal RUSAKOVA, L,la.p -yedushchiyrod,l GENWIMA, IA, tokhn,red (Notbodology of palemagcotla inveistiptiow] Metodika paloaag.. ,nitn;ykh isslodoymlie Wnin4prado (lose mmohno-taklm.isd-wo nefte i gorno-toplimi Ut-ry. Laningr. otd-nio# 1961. 130 p. Menin"# Vassolustwi neftimmi isauchn&-iseladovatelleldi pologwamdoohi7i institut, Trwlyp no,161) (KIRA 14 17) 1e Vassoyusnyy neftyanoy nwilchno-lasladovatollskiy goologarasrad- ochrqy irAtitut (for Xkramov). 2. Moskankiy gosudarstyawn uni'versitst (for Petrova). 3. Vsiosoyuwqy nmhno.-imaledontall- skiy goologlohookiy institut -(for lComarov, Koebeg=). 4. l*- stitut elmoutorgwdohookikh mord.,Lneniy (for Dianova-Klokovs). 5., Inatitut fisw Znli AN SSSR (for Plontkovskiy). 6. Len- ingraftkiy universitat (for Tanovaldy). (M%mtim, Terrestrial) TAJIOV# t,N,j MVMMSKIYp I.N.1 POUVAYI, X.1.1 MMMA, O.A.; MIFMNAO S.L.; IBKAXMROYAO A.D,j ISFINDV, K.P.; CHEM' Vff-VZY (Ch'Su TS-waill TITOV, K.rstj PANTZU'UVg A.I61 KOMUtTRA.,V.V.; GWANOVAI O.M.1 2UTEV) A.V.1 NIKOLISKIYI, Tu.I,j -8vmp U*R4 Noblem of the methods of geological investigations. (TrWy) VS3= 9201-98 163. (HIRA 17W K(r H FXU RA, V, V, . I ~ Palsorapatic comido.-Mcn rf effusive complexes rf t?,,j Par gast. T-rudy VSEGSI Y14iII9,125 164e '%MIARA 2811) J. ACCESSiON NR; AR4022443 S/0058/64/000/001/A039/AO39 SOURCES RM FiZika# Abe* IA352 J AUTHOR: Kocbegurov# V. A.; Xuznetsov, V. M.1 Chuchalin, 1. P. TITM Ionic switch-for the excitation of the electromagnet of an accelerator with unipolar pulses =TED soume lav. Tomskogo politakhn. in-tao v. 122# 1962# 116-118 TOPIC TAGSt accelerator, accelerator magnet, accelerator magnet I pulse supplye ionic rectifiert ionic controlled rectifier# unipolar excitation pulse, pulsed capacitor charging, pulsed capacitor dis- charge TRANSIATIONs To increase the efficiency of an accelerator with pulsed magnet supply# it in proposed to use current pulses both to charge and to discharge the capacitor bank. The corresponding change L 1/2 ACCESSION URs AR4022443 in the polarity of the windings is affected by means of two pairs of controlled ionic rectifiers, so connected thatpulses of the same. polarity are excited in the electromagnet winding. Each pulse can be used to accelerate the particles. Th* energy losses in the air- cuit are compensated by a, rectifier whose polarity also is reversed in synchronism with the reversal of the polarity of the capacitor- bank voltage. V. Kanunnikov. -DATE AM i 03Mar64 MM COM PH# 8D Zyms 00 2/2 7 7 Str4to Virm I BZLLZNp Zypmti ZOOMM, Irons I-. beteraination of small amounts of acetaMebydo in am organic solvents. Cbou anal 6 no,21;95-199 161. (BUI .103 9) 3. Struezynski Analytical Departmentt Institute of General CbWati7p Warsaw. (A.cetaldo)Wdo) (Solvents) (Organic coupounds) ,BZUYJIO Zygrsuntj .WCHEL. Ironai ft&---Mwftvw;wMwwwwMMMw Polaragraphic determination of terephthalic acid and Its potassim mate in The presenee of phthAlic.. toluicp and benzoic saide and their potassium salts. Chem anal 0 no.]$ 411--!W 163. 1. 14. Struezynaki Inal7tical lAboratory, Institute of General Chemiatry, Warimw. L 0643g:( .2 EWT(~) __AT ACC NR. Ap6o26712 _124 AUTHORs rjribrAkov,, Z. Set KooheLA2, Ve As; Rashbap E. L ORG: Institute of Semiaonductorolp AN UkrSSRp Kiev (Institut poluprovodnikoy AN tkr TITIM Domain structure of a xultitrogjLh sentologgotgr during passage of strong currenti- SOURM Mika tverdogo tela, vo 8y no, 8# 1966t 2479-201 TOPIC TAW I semiconductor band structurej semiconductor carrier IBSTRAM MAny semiconductors and seximetals have a multitrough band structure, vA because of the anisotropy of the electric conductivity In each of the trough9q fluxes of elGetrons belonging to various troughs are oriontoid at an angle to the total cur- ront. If the Intortrough rolaxation time T consider4bly exceeds the intratrough re- laxation timey the spatial distribution of the carriers can be determined from a sys- tom of associated diffusion equations in which the scattering between troughs a and 0 Is described by terms of the type (n -nA)/T as Undor these conditionst an essential part is played by the characteristioal;ngth Jj= ff-ro Thts characteristic field Is "L Lf/eLt whore 6 - kT and 6.v respectively for & nondagenerato and a degenerate gass k1a 'sis of the limiting case where 9 EL is given. An Infinite plate of a sonopoleir seraiconduator with thickness 2d (-d.9 < d) is considered to which an electric field I; is applied in direction Ck. The boundary corAitions for electron fluxes of each of Cord- -1/2. L V4c-- ACC NRi AP0267u the troughs aro written down by introducing surfson Tolooltios of intertrough soat- Zinc s The case where 2d is considerably amllor than the drift length OL'is analysed b7 moans of diffusion equations with Z>>EL- The caso where i2d >>4-, is also analyzed. A characteristic feature of almost an the cases considered 113 the appearance inside the plate at It-#* of singular points (domain boundaries) at which the electron concentrations and the electric fields are diff*rontt the position of theso, points is determined by the conditions of the goneration-reambination balAnce. Orig, art. hams I figure &M 2 formulas, SUB cola$ ZO/ 3UM DATSI O7Fob66/ MM RM 003 Card 2 / 2 t -- /4-4 L oft26.�2 XW(l) IJP(a) AT X NRt AP6GAW SaWS CODE: mVO056166105110011026610260 AUTHOR: Gribn1kay of; ~01A ~V* A~.; Rashba,, E. 1. I Z, O'AG: IP;tktyte,of Sealconductors emat ScAanc -- . - - j. Mad, as, Ukrainian SSR (Institut polu- provodnikov Akadmil, nauk loci-sinsici-si-R) TITLE: Appear&nc~ of domains in "mW- semiconductors during the passage of Strong currents SOMCS: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichookoy fiziM, v. 51, no, l" IW, 26&* TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor band structural semiconductor carrier, carrier density# electron distribution, semiconductor conductivity, electron scatterIng ABSITTACT: The nonequilibrium density distribution of e?ectrong in a mwv-v&.UeY semL- conducting plate in analy2ed for the ilinjil-Tj _cds_i'_,6f _sfio_~a_fields, which greatly disturb the carrier distribution in the valleys practically throughout the entire plate. Only many-valley semiconductors in which the Intervalley scattering tine is the longest relaxation time and is much longer than the characteristic times corres- ponding to all the intr4valley relayAtion processes are considered. -4he analysir, showa that when a current giving rise toa strong electric field passes throuZ7,h a mw~_ valley unipolar semiconducting plAtep the electron currents In each of the Y&Ilcys ar~ directed at an angle to the electric field. The conditions of continuity of those currents in the interior and on the surface give rise to the splitting of the plate. irrto several domains with boundaries parallel to the surface of the plate. '7he of- Card V2 __j L o8176-67 ,kCC kRI 0 fects which appear in marW-valley unipolar semiconductors In strork; electric f;eldr, and give rise to the splitting of plAtes into domins are: nonlinearity of -the Volta ampere characteristic, the appearance of a transverse electric field, a considem le i rise in the transverse resistivity, rectification of the ciwrent in the case Oftin- equal scattering rates and unequal slopes *f the valleys, anisotropy of the conduct' vity, and partial or complete deletion of some electron valleys. Each donaln contairi. as a rule only the electrons that belong to one valley, their number bein;, s,.;cl-'as to " ensure electric neutrality. The Tnunbet of domains Is equal to or less th~in the number of valleys; if there are fewer domains than valleys, the elcetron.; nit inclilded In the', domains are always concentrated in a thin layer next to one of the surf4ccs of t e plate and the surface electron density is greater than the viullibrix" value. The sequential order of the domains in governed by, the angles that the principal axes o1A the electric conductivity tnesors# corresponding to the different valleys, make with the surface of the plate. The number of domains and the positions of their boundar Go depend on the ratio of the intervalley scattering rates in the interior and on the surface of the plate. The extent to which the simplilying assumptions made are sati4-1, fied is discussed. It is suggested in conclusion that. the splitting of semiconductors! into domains may cause other effects not considered in the paper$ as well as &ppreci- able changes inthe gelyanomagnatic yz rties, Or1g. art. has: 6 figur*sO 64 for- mulas, and 2 tabless BUD CODE: 20/ OM DAM 31JAU66/. ' ORM MIrs 004/ . OM =I OOT 2/2 not 21015 SIO 5 8/61/000/00 5A WA 50 1 .31 10-CSO) A001^101 AVIRM gocholayev,_1j, Tr=t The effect of opt*oal oscillations on paramgnetia spin-lattloo relaxation In Ionic crystals PMUODICALs Referativvyy zh%wnal. Mike, no 5, 1961, 176, abstract 5V346 (V sb. *14aterlsly 1-y konferitntall molodykh nauahn. rabota. S. Usant. Pls..tekhn. I mates. sektalye . Kazan'. 1959, 63 - 67) TMI The author detects the part of optical oscillations In the mechan- Ism,of spin-lattice rolantionj KronIg mechanism to considered. - As a crystal the l1naar ;chain of atoms of two t"wo Is taken, in whost #Iems, tary cell are can- tainedl a paramagnetic atom with mass mL(spin a - ) and a non-mWetio &too with mass m I Only two-phonon processes are ocneldZz, since In singl*-phonon processes iy audio froVenotes play a part, It is assumed that m,&130 ap Under these conditions, in case of high temperatures (room) the contribution to the pro. V~ bability of relaxation transitlen, due to optical oscillations, Is equal to the c-ontribution from vocustio oscillations In order to magnitude. V. Str1gutsk1y [Abstracter's note: C*mpl#to translation.] Card 1/1 A I FAMOR I TITLEj S/Oa 1/16 1 iloooloo6loo 1/0 1 810)jB20; 144holftyelf Do 1. Effect of optical vibratAlons upon the paramagnetic spin- Dkt,,1:!e relaxation in irnic --ryntals PERIODICALs R4fPr%tJvnyy zh,irnA!. Khllmlya, vio. 6, if-6*, 14, abstract 61AA (00411. O;b. "Materialy '-y konrerentell *o1c,4ykh rauchn. rabotn. g. K&2jtni, Fiz.-I-1khn. i natem. oaktsiyall, Kazan'. 19~9, 65 - 67) TEXT# A efuly has bAen the establishmont of crystal lattice. The grystal containing two two been 4prived f,.)r that contributions of order of magnitutio. toTperatures (of tht study of rolaitation Card 1/1 vaie of the effr*,!* i~- c,pticRI Y,,bratlons vipon 4.*quilibrium botwoon a ay3tox :~f electron spins ani author hap Axaminpi tho~ enee of sk one-dizensional atow of diffars:-nt m4fjn-~.,1 In its cell. An aquation the pribability of rtlax%tion ~rnr.3itlon, -which shows optical an4 voustic vibraf ionn arp in the same It to notsid that the Dotyp approximation for highf-r or4er ~if r,) m %avg~raturp), in nnt sumcient for a -498 es tA tntra:~t*irls n-t,~! r,,~mplafe translation] proc KOCHELAYEVt B. 1,# CAND PHYS-MATH 30-19 "CERTAIN PMOBLE1111 Of THE THEORY or SPIN-1.4TVIOC INTERACTION** KHAR#KOVq 1961a (Mom or HoONCA AND Uo SPEC ED UxSSRq K"AR'XOV ORDER Of L4eoR RED 84mmen STATE UNIV III A. M, GOR'KIY), (KLt 3-619 204)0 55 -24 (2) AUTHOR: _Loch4l&~Yovt B. 1. SOV/56-37-1-57/64 ,TITLE: On the Th cry of Spin-lattice Relaxation of Nuclear Spins in Ion Cryst:ls (t toorii split-reshatoohnoy rolakoatell yad*rnykh spinov v ionnykh kristallakh) PZRIODICAL: Zhurnal*oksporlmontallnoj, :L toorsticheskoy fisikip 1959t Vol 37s Nr 1(7)., pp 242 - 248 (USSA) ABSTRACT: The present paper presents a theoretical investigation of the spin-lattice relaxation of the nuclear spins caused by quadru- pole interactions at high "Iesperatures. At first,, an operator of the spin-lattice interatition to derived, the fors of which in a little more convenionl than the form derived by Jo T&A Kranondonk (Ref 2). The wx',hor then investigates the case of a pure ionic bond. As In the &for*-mentioned previous paper (Rof 2)0 it is assumed that the relaxing nuol*l are contained In equiva- lent crystal fisldo,, and that the Influ*nos of magnetic dipole- dipole Interactions on the quadrupole relaxation can be noglect- *d. Under them* assuaption!st the interaction of a single nucle- us with the electric field of refloating ions to caloulated, Due to the modulation of Viis ,Interaction by thermal vibrationsp Card 1/4 transitions between the inlLyidual spin @tit** are induced. At On the Theory of Spin-lattice Relaxation of Sualear oo'V/56-37-1-37/64 Spine in Ion Crystals first, a rather extensive expression is written down for that part of the ftailton funclion which describes the quadrupol* interaction of the nualouis with the crystal field. In order to. obtain the operator of Ws spin-lattice interaction# the con-" ponents of the gradient Ca tensor) of the electric field (which Is formed by a shifting of Ion@ due to thermal vibrations) must be dsteraiAsdo the rather extensive expression resulting after *out arithmetical oporatians for the operator of the spIn-lat- tics Interaction Is explicitly written down. The next part of the pressut paper deals wL*h the time of the spin-lattloo re- laxations The further calculations are carried out for crystals of the N&Cl-type. The resilting expressiow for the transition probabilit and for the relaxation times for the a&$*$ I M 3/2 and I so 572 (rather extensive) are explicitly written down* The values TI calculated by these formulas (In sea) for the spin- lattice relaxation are compiled In a table together with the corresponding experimental values. The calculation results of other authors (Refs 3#4) are also indicated: Card 2/4 an the Theory of Spin-lattiot Relazatiop of Nuclear BOY/56-37-1-37/64 Splas In Ion Crynt&ls Accoto Present Ion Upirlment K.Tosida -inkneradbas Paper 4% 41. Off 3) (Ref 4) BrI9 in nr 0.26 19.3 0.86 0.32 j127 in KJ 0-039 o.24 0.27 0.077 Br79 in 1ADr 0*028 0.20 o.oe6 OeO31 According to the results ol the present paporsp the Detys model is not suitable for an expUnatlon of the relaxation effects of the spin system In the at room temperature. A further more precise Interprotatimi of the theory iequires an accurate determination of the amplitudes and of the spectral density of the natural vibrations of the lattice, and the consideration of ths-Influenoe exerted by t*he oovalenco on the islazation. affecto This influeaes of the covalenos on the relaxation to only unla- Card 3/4 On the Theory of Spin-lattice Relaxation of Nuclear BOY/56-37-1-37/64 Spine in Ion Crystals portent. The relaxation ti*# derived hero Is such longer than the experimental one It spias of another kind (which can relax more rapidly) are present Im the substance Investigated, The author 'thanks So A. Alftshuter for the subject suegestod and for his interest in the present paper. There are I table and 15 roforono*sp 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Xazanskly Cosudarstyennyy univorsitst (rasan, stawUniversity) SUBMITTED: February 120 1959 Card 4/4 62532 2006/A070 AUTHOR: TITLI: The Theory of Spin-Lattioe Relaxation of Par Otto Ion? in XY6 Complexes PERIODICAL: Fisika tyerdogo tola, 1960, Vol. 2, go. 7, pp. 1423-1427 TEXT: The purpose of this work was to investigate theoretically the paramagnetic spin-lattias relaxation In orystals in which a paramagnetic ion X is surrounded by six diamagnetic particle& T arranged in the fare of an octahedron. In the introductiong Van Vlook's theory is discussed, and it to shown that one of the fundamental assumptions of this theory is not correct in most oases, including such as have been dealt with by Van Vleck. This assumption is that any change in the distance between X and Y is due only to aooustio Dobye wayest that is to say, that the Y-particles are bound to A and the surrounding particles with forces Of the SA26 order, Spectroscopic analyses t&vo shown that some complexta in molecular crystals retain their Individtal properties, and the effect Card 113 82532 The Theory of 8pla-Lattles Relaxation of 8/101/60/002/007/007/042 Paramagnetic Ions In 1*16 601#208 - 8006/B070 of the crystal lattice is to be considered only as a perturbation. This to true, for example, of the GOSPIOX Cr(820)6, vhioh retain* almost unahangodlits characteristic frequency.of 4-45.103am" In different aospoundol relative to its neighbors# hovevert it oscillates with frequency of 4wO t" 5)..10.celf The spin-164tico Interaction in su:h orystals to theoretically studied. For thic purposet it is assumed that the Interaction Is due to olootrio forces .1ittwoon X and Y# An expression for the spin-lattice interaction operator :Ls dtrived, and its matrix elements are determined, Later$ spin-latti,se relaxation to Investigated for high tomporaturse where the two-phonon processes are already of laportancol forattla (6) Is given for the probability of relaxation transitions& The numerical data agree for potassius chrome alum. Finally, the results are discussed, and eozparo4 with those of Van Tleck, and some Important.4ifforenses are indioattd. no ratio of spin-lattied relaxation times for!alun and corundump according to Van Tlecko for' single-pho~aoh processes to Nias ejo_3 , for two-phonon processes at k1cor )I Card 2/3 Imuzowl B.I. zoultudloal relAntiou of %"]sar splas at stwalm %*&per&- tures in a panmgmelle w7stsils Sharookopol toorof Is# 30 so.31"9-1000 * 160. (MM 1317) 2. USAA04Y soou&rs%v W-mr- wavoreltets Tawlear SOO .4~ 1/1 .915-00 69989 AT1101: lochelayev, S. 1. SIOW60113110510181069 B013,(BOOT TITLE: The Influence of the laverftations of a C t 1 Upon spin-lattice Relaxation I PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadamii nauk SSSRt 1960t Vol 131, Ir 5, pp 1053-1056 0531t) TEXT: The scattering of waves U1 the defects of a crystal causes small amplitude changes of the oscillations# and may cause relative shifts of the nearest &tons which are many times larger than those due to Debye waves. In his calculations, the author used the theory by Z* U. Lifshits (Rofs ll 2) of the oscillations of non-ideal lattices. The oporaio-r or spT tJoe interaction is a function of the spin-coordinates and of the shift of the atom with spin relative to the surround- ing particles# B*ro# only the relative shifts of such particles must be known a are symmetrically arranged around a p&rams4;n*tia center. The author considers : nl.y the nearest particles. The single ton crystal lattice Is assumed to bay& a defect at the point with the radius ve;ator Jr.. An expression for the amplitude of the relative shifts of two particles caused by a plans wave is given. There follows an expression for the influence of thot aryttal-defoots upon the spin lattice relaxation. In two-phonon process*## the Influence exerted by the de;e0ts may be insignificant. In direct processes, thit above-sentionod condition Is Card 1/4 69969 The Iniluence of the Imperfections of a Crystal Upon 8/020J60/131/05/018/069 Spin-lattiat Relaxation DOWB007 nearly always satieftedo The defectiveness of the crystal is assumed to consist in the fact that in an of the stoss all Intera,3tion coefficients are replaced by a certain quantity I . The author then Invest1gatesp as a concrete examplej the relaxation of the Ion -Cr3+ In an octahedral surrounding. The corresponding operator of spin-lattio* Interaction is explicitly written down. For the probability of a relaxation transition with the production of one phonon, APQ M 2.1 Q 12 holds as usual. Here Qc.,denotes the % 2 spectral density of the lattice oscillators, a - the quantum number of the oscillator, p and q - the spin levelat ZO-1 Is the operator of spin-lattlos interaction. After some Intermediate calculatio-,2* one finds: 2 (1 -UvO!g/kj) W t2[*)12 + (3) 12]+ Apq IN ;rR-o .-gsj4q2Qv7 O%p(4..WkT)-1 pq I W ppq I ,q _~Pq + f-2[lje(4)12 + 1 (5)12 + I.X(6)12] . Here (o demotes the frequency of the "spin- 2 pq nq pq quantum"., 9 - the density of the crystal, and vI a V2 a T3 - v holds. This Card 2/4 V(~ 69989 The Influence of the Imperfections of a Crystal Upon S1020 ,160113110510181069 Spin-lattics, 101axation DO13/BOO7 'transition probability depends also on the distance between the paransguetle atom, and the defeat, which causes a dependence of the relaxation tiso v on the concentration of the paramagnetic centers. Witb 1%w 44? the frequency- dependence of the *spin-quaatum" vanishes. Somewhat uore complicated to the *&as in which the paramagnetic &ton itself represents the defect. The Influence exerted by the crystal defect* upon the spin-Itittice relaxation of the nuclear spine is of *special importance. In the interveil of from '14 to 200 go the dependence of i an T and also of their Yalue, on c say easily be explained by two-phonon processes. However, at 2 to 40 1, t Is more than 10 times shorter in the case of a crystal powder than in that of a single crystal, nor do** It depend on magnetic field strength. This msy be fully explained by the aboy* formula for A (I - for the final clarification ol. Abe influence exerted 'by the defect$ In spin-lattloo, relazationp special experiment* are necessary. The author thanks-S. A. AlItsbuler for his advice as well as for discussing the results. A. V. PRiborov and A. A. Nanankoy are mentioned in the paper. ?her* are 6 roforencest 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gasudarstvennyy universitet In. V. 1 911 snova-Lenins, 'I Card 3/4 State University imeni. V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin 69989 T~e"Influenoe -of the Imperfections of a Crystal Upon 8/020/60/131/05/018/069 Spln-lattlee Relaxation B013/BO07 PRESENTEDi December 14t 195~9, by 1. Ye. ?&am# Aoadouloian SUBMITTED: December 11, 1959 Card 4/4 znn 8/056j6i/041/002/012/020 2 7) 8102/3205 LUTIORI Koohelaysit 1. Is TITM Relaxation absorption of sound in a paramagnetic PnIODICA,Lt Zhurnal eksporisentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fittkip T. 41P not 2 (B)t 1961t 423-428 TZXTr So A. Alltshuler# who developed the theory of resonance absirption of sound in a spin system# was the first to investigate the offset 4f the generation oX sound waves on the spin systs:s of a paramagnetic. The present papsk deals with -a theoretical stud,r of sound absorption In per&- 2gnetic crystals due to relaxation between the spin system and the tkiersial Mtiao vibraiLons. Calculations were p*rf*raod in a mosiphonotenological manner with the use of a method developed by L. 1. Mandel'shtsm, X. A. L*ontovich, and 1. 0. Shaposhnikov, by which the behavior of systems subjected to time-dependent perturbation* can be analysed in a thermc- dynamical manner. It is assumed that the paramagnetic can be divided into two weekly Interacting subsystems, i. o., the spin system and -the system of the remaining degrees of freedom. The thermodynamic state of the latter (the lattice) Is assumed to be independent of the state of the spin system, Card 1/ 5 :11/056/61/041/002/012/028 Relaxation absorption of sound in a ... 11102/2205 '. s.o the spin-lattioe relaxation time T*T' 9" where To is the spin-spin relaxation tins. In addition, the temperature of the paramagnetic in assumed not to be too low.. In thermodynamic equilibrium, the spin system I haracterised by TaT lat and by the externsil field -H. The author ocn- a:d*"ra a small crystal range, whose linear dimensions, L, are small compared with the sound wavelength (W),, but is large enough to be Tcn- siderod in a macroscopic manner. It is furtter assumed that durina sound propagation, both subsystems pass through a series of successive equilibrium states. This assumption requires a sound frequency much groatex than tv4l/r~. The sound waves are assumed to propsgato along the z-azis, so that only one cosvonont of the deformation tonsor must be taken Into Accounts Uas OUIDU0 It small sound amplitudes, the deviations from the equilibrium state or* assun,d to be saall# sothat calculation in linear approximation with respect to the saal uantities u Is possible e-*T-T0, 0lateT lat-70) t a- 0 (u,R,T)-- Mu, where I is the fro* energy of the ipin system in the prosonis, of an -9*-field, Card 2/5 ;kN f7M 3/056J61/041/002/012/028 Relaxation absorption of sound in a ... B102/B205 and 6 is a generalized force. Vu -f -_ 1, - I j 0 # jIand f" are real quantitiess Theamount of snargy olorood per unit time is given by 2 S -24q"(uQ . The amount of heat JQ exclanged between the spin system and its neighborhood is composed of the iLsount of heat 4"Q'--Y,(T-T, )dt at .-Xj(e-8lat)dt t 'ransferred to the lattice during the time dt, and of the amount of hsat,~Q" a -dtfdiv(-X2gr&dT)dV transferred to the remaining spin system. )~ in the heat-conduction c,39fficient between spin system and lattice, and M2 is that of the spin srstem. The relation A1110 'k2yee holds for.W(A(L are the dimensions of V). The lattice vibrations may be considered to be adiabatic at any point. Thenj t ,be totperature deviation of the lattice is Oiat a -Bu, and one obtains '.[T(rTu)o'&-""lYr""k~~+"2V]I where oH indicates the specific heat of Via spin system at constant H. The following expression Is thus obtainsil for the imaginary part of sonic susceptibility per unit volunei Card 3/5 271n 8/09,6/61/041/002/02/C28 Relaxation absorption of sound In a off B102/D205 alv2CU)+ BCM WT.),O + X2 1 8)+ BCX O~U)9Wt (8), where 8) 2 + te t2 +112-Clo 1 H '/VIC C CH/41 is the spin-lattice relaxation time, and CE Is the specific heatj J-TIV. The sound absorption coefficient per unit volume is then found to be A &2r F Op I 0" Pv 3k2T302 0 0 Sp ;]2 1 +6J2 ZI (13). Nexto 1 H I the authGr presents some numerical sstIm&tss ofol for typical paramagnotics. The estimates are made ftir paramagnetic ion salts (ion spin 3~1/2 and 5 - 1/2) and finailv discussed. In the first case, 4410-6 as-Iis obtained at tv. 3.107dps, T-3000K, H-0, and r- o.5-io'Os*c. 4 In the second bass (Hn!O jDe)oo0z1O_5cm_ It is concluded that the theoreticalli,inveatt'jated effect must be experimentally observable. S. A. Alltshuler-l's' thanked for discussions. There are 7 referencest 5 Soviet ,Card 8/056/61/041/002/012/028 Relaxation absorption of sound in a DM/D205 and 2 non-Soviets ThO reference to the Zaglish-language publloatlon reads as followss J, R. Van Vleck. Physe R*Tot U, 4269 1940- ASSOCIATIONo Itassmakly Fosudarstv*nnyy univorettet (Kazan, state University) SUBMITTIDs lebruary 30 1961 Card 5/5 30397 3/05 61/075/003/002/005 0 0 (/d 6:3" 21 25yal 04 AUTHORS3 Alltshuler, S. A.l locholay*vt D. I., Laushin, A. M. TITL1Cj Paramagn*tto sound absorption PZRIODICALs Uspekhi fisloheskikh nauk, Y. 75# no. '31 1961, 459 - 499 TEXTs This Is a review of papers on paramagnetic sound absorption, published in the years 1951 to 1961. It is divided into the following chapteraw Introduotionj paramagnetic resonance absorption of soundl c7;tals containingijona of the iron groupl ions with the effective spin 3 > /21 effect on N * tons on an MgO crystall ions with the effective spin S1 -1/21 crystals containing ions of rare-earth elemental crystals tX containing paramagnetic ions in the B-statel Waller's nechanisal acoustic paramagnetic resonance and ApIn-lattice relaxation in ionio aryetalsi setalal experimental studies of eltotron-induced acoustic paramagnetic resonancel nue~].ear acoustic paramagnetic resonano*1 exp*r1sentoLl studies of nuclear acoustic parmugnstic resonancel shape of the aooustir. paramagnetic resonince linel pulse methods used to investigate scouatto paramagnetic esona~ce; non-resonant paramagnetic absorption of soundl some conclusions E ar 3 AM il_153.' P~4~tl.~_~~'~ r`.`-. 42 M ME P R 30397 3/053j61/075/003/002/005 Parasagnotio sound absorption D125/3104 of the authorst All the effects under oonsideration are similar to the action of an r-f sloctric field on paramagnotiass All the principal VY effeita produood by an electromagnetic field in ~aranagnotice (resonance, spin induction, spin soho, relaxation absorption can be obtained bj means ofa sound field. Paramagnetic sound absorption may occur in almost every oubstanoo in which also paramagnetic absorption of an r-f elsctr*asgnsti2 field is observable. there are no Indiostione of spin-photon interaction in solido free radicals. In liquid and gaseous parsuagn9tics, parazagnotio sound absorption Is weak. 'Studies of paramagnetic sound absorption 21in give additional information on the properties of mattert especially on the properties of opin-phonon interaction. The selection rules to be applied to uoustio paraaagnotio resonance are different fron those to be used for transitions Induced by an electromagnetic field. In general# efftu produced by sound are by several orders ofisagnitud* stronger than effoots induced by an oloctrowa~;notlo field. The authors rofor to To.1, Zavoynkly, S. 1. Kooholayev (Mo 1, 1423 (1960)t DAN SSSR Ul, 1053 (1960)), A. R. Kassel' (ZbRTF 36, 1451 (1959) . There, art 5 figutes, 5 tables and 68 rsfsrpn,~sss 28 Soviet and 40 non-Soviet. The throe most recent reforenc*# Card 2/3 3/18IJ62/004/oo6/027/051 B104/B112 AUTHORs I ~We T-L-k- -I. TITLZi Resonance rotation of the plans of polarization of sound waves in a paramagnetic material PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tels, To 4o no# 69 1962# 1559 - 1563 TEXTs An investigation of the resonance phenomena during the passage of transverse sound waves through a paramagnetic crystal revealm a resonance rotation of the plans of polarization of the waves. The dependence of the angle of rotation on the frequency, of the wave and on. the strength of the magnetic field is studied. The angle of resonance rotation in estimated# and it Is shown that the effect must be experimentally observable in most salts of the metals of the Iron groupa, It should also be possible to observe the rotation of the plane of polarization In metals. This appears to be of Importabas for the investigation of the absorption and dispersion of the,electrosagnetic field produced by a skin effect* Card 1/2 S SX162/004/006/021/05i ~14 B Resonance rotation *f.,o 21 4 B112 r ASSOCIATION-i Kasandkiy gosudarstyeWy univer tot Is. Yo I* t Ullyanora-Lanina (Kaiant Stat University Isoni V, 16 Ullyanoy-Lonin) SUBMITTEDs January 29o-1962 Card 2/2 8/10IJ62/004/011/032/049 DIOS/D102 1UTHOR5j AMInovi to X.t and locholayev TITLE# Spin-lattice interaction In crystals containing Individual paramagnetic complexes R6RIODICALs Fisika tyerdogo 014, ve 4# no. 11, 1962, 3273 - 3276 TEXTt Corrections accounting for the inho -a crystal (different =10neity of atoms or complexesg different binding for a are calculated for the spin- lattice Interaction Hamiltonlane The considerations are based an a bi- atomic chain In which only the Interactions between nearest neighbors are taken into account. The Hamiltonian for the Dobye model of oscillations has to be multiplied by a factor K a - '(U*j+a2) 0 + A14.)v ror a(&+b) ai a2 2 2 Wopt singlo-phonon processes, and by Kfor two-phonon processes, x.and b are the distances between the particles of one cell and the nearest particles of the neighboring cell, v to the phase velocity of the low-fr9quency Card 112 S/181 621004101110321049 Spin-lattice Interaction in'..'. BIOSYBI02 ound, A and 6, respectivelyt are the coupling constants for particles : Lthin one cell and for particles of two adjacent cells. The corrections to the relaxation times of single and two-phonon process** are then It t~2 ) K-4* 41) . J') K-2 and 4 2) , . If the temperatures are not too sbye D*bye highland the optical vibrations still low) these approximation* agree well with esperiaental results, ASSOCIATIONo K:san:kiy.gosudarstvsnnyy universitst is. V. I* Ullyanova- L Din (Xasan' State University Imeni V. 1. Ullyanoy-Lonin) SUBMITTEDt June 29p 1962 Card 212 si0'156/62/042/005/025/050 B102/B104 AUTHORS; Aminov, L. K., Xochelayev, TITLz;: Additional Interaction due to phonon field effect in parazagnetic crystals Zhurnal fi:98PeriZOUt&l'AOY I teoraticheakoy fizikip Y. 42, no. 5, 19629 1303-1306 T-"X'2: The spin-spin interaction in parazagnetics is normally regarded as an effect of exchange and magnetic dipole-dipole interaction. The forcer is a contact interaction and the latter occurs by may of a photon field, Dince, however, the spins are also related to the phonon field, an ir.teraction throueh that field must exists This is investigated here by using the quantum field theory. The energy of spin-spin interaction is stated for the cane in which retardation can be neglooted. The matrix for interaotion of paired spins is obtained through the applioation in 9scond approximation of the bonds of the scattering zatrix in which average* of the phorion state were used# It Is connected with the perturbation energy by the relationship Card $1/056j62/042/005/025/050 Additional spin-spin interaction ... B102/B104 C(2) ~ij 2niV ij 6 (tkj mn + toMInI), where ti represents the phonon f requoncies. The enorZ;r operator of direct spin-spin interaction by the phonon field is Liven via Ut, Ar-j12 i s.Ae.r) r (S1) FA (Sj), A - R* (2,W)"; (5)1 here F( are spin functions, PEa characterizes the spin-phman interaction, r,i is the distance between i-th and the J-th lattice point R is the dinansion of the complex examined (H-CXO the phonon wavelength)t q is the crystal densitj, v is the velocity of sound and s - f(r/r)j being of the order of unit7. The effect of the interaction under consideration is eatimated and ito affect on the shape of the parazagnetic resonance lines determined. it is shown that the part played by this interaction is an IJZ;o~rtant one, (aV)2 being from I to 2 orders of magnitude loter than for a rosonance line caused solely by magnetic dipol-dipol interaction. This L To sum up, an 'to most iona of the elements in the Iron group. A additional bonding energy between the crystal ions exists and can be brought into play by the interaction of orbital spin of bound electrons via a phonon field. If the separation of energy levels is less ttAn the Card 2/3 4 3/056/62/042/005/025/050 Additional spin-spin interaction ... B102/BJ04 Debye temperature, the bonding energy is considerable. S. A. AlItshuler Is thunkod for discussions. ASSCCIATION: Kazanskiy universitet (Kazan, University) SU=TTL:).- December 10, 1961 It Card 313 NOCHELATIV, B.I. Re-Olomwe jitation of -the polarization law of sound in a par&- ;Mvwtio. 2, tyer, tela I# noMlV~1563 J9 #62. (=A 16t 5) 1. Kasanskly gosudarstvowtyy universitst issni V.I.Ollyanovs4Anina. (Polarization (Sound)) (ParammCwtim) A)aNOVj L,I.j KOCMLIAUV# S.I. Moot of spin-phcmon interaotion on the parawgistio resomme S"Otrums Fis, tver, tels. 4 noVjjj6()4-l607 :a 062. (MM 2615) 1. lasanakiy gosudarstyennyy universitst imni V.I.Ul'Yawra- Lenina. (Parampatio remonme and relaxation) (ftclear spin) AKI=s,, L.I.j 110munvi -B.I. Spin'.-lattioe interactlon,in cMUls containing evolvW .45notio complem, ns. t"r, tels 4 na,llt3273-3276 N 16? * (KM 15s12) 1. Xasanskiy goaWareftenn" unlywmitat imeni V.:E. Ullyanovs.-Ioninu (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Cryaw lattices) KOCOWSV,v D. I. 1~ Intiforrompstim due to spinp-phonon interaction, Swo skop, i Uor. fit; 44 no.,lt235-239 Ja 163, (KIRA 260) 1. X"AnAkLy gosudarst"mqy univorsiteto (Nuclear spin) (XIVIOUSIR) ,L 131 vCCES" PM ARS011098 UR/0058/65/000/004/003#/D038 SOURCE: Rot, A. fisikat Abe, 40285 't Kolookovalk W, -4it I V. 0. 1 K"W&Y*V L 11 14 1 TITIZi Shape of the cur" for the nuclear induction signal 8b. Itog nauchno konferentslys, Ka ko 1962 Z, Kazan CITED SOURCEt Ma"I YA-t Kazansk. un-t, 1963, 4-5 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear physics# sualear rveon4mco, rosocance absorption, res*n&ft* line TRMStATIONt Th* a t propose an osplaination for the oacillating d" in the nuclear j2sotw0-4W'*"1bassd on the remance absorption line g(v) in the form g(v) Maz - va)r , Who" A and a me constants, The curvo for a(v) Is TIOC at SM C0091 act's 00 1,92434g myromaymm)-2 mpto AT, ACC NQz APS022742 SOURM CoUct U1t/0l4l/6$/007/002/2$S9/2660 AUTWRj Kochalayaw, D. -1. ORGi Kean StMj* Wivormliz 10.~ V). 1. V14yanov-Losain (Kesenskly goaudrestva" uni"reitet) TITIX: Spin-spin Interactions thtv%h cmduction electrons to smiconductom SOURCE% Mike tverdogo tels, v., 7, no# 2, 1"S, 2059-2060 I:? t I cmd I TOPIC TAGSs semiconductor thsory,, spin "w theory, __._ uct an electron ABSTRAM Excharet Interaction of localized spim with coMuction elactme leads to indirect spin-spin exchange (Kittol-Ruderuan Interaction). Ito magn-itudia of this ox- change decreases with distance as r 3-, oscillating with a period detemined by th3 wave vector on the remi surface. These oscillations we due to a logerithimic singm- larity of the Fourier trowfom In the oomentum space f*r spin mcieptibility of the degenerate electron gas at the point Vp (pp Is the wave vector of an electron an the rend surface). It mas previously shown that this singularity Is smoothed out by blurring cf the Femi distribution level with mamatary Interaction between electmas In this case, the relationship between Indirect exchange and distance is sqoe~ weakenedt Blurring of theL Vemi distribution l*V*1 %ben the tem"reture to Increased Card 1/2 2/2 L 245i-M hw(i) !ACCESSION MItt OR/0056/65/049/003/0862/0866 1AUTHORt A"Itshular. 3# A.1 Kocholayev$ Be I* !TITLEs Shift of the flas structure components of the Raylaight iscatterinS line In p4rqps A_I*tLcs SOURcti Zhurnal eksporisontalluoy Itoorstichaskoy fialkip vo 490 30 1963. 862-866 ITOPIC TAGSt fine structure, Rayleigh scattertn8# paramagnetic 104;arial, spin phonon Interactions later# paramagnetic ton 6-,~-U-akinz it possible to phonon-intaraction.-In paramagnetic avoid the lusual expertmentat'diff cultist associated vith generation of sound at lphonon frequencies (1019-1011 cps), when observation of the anstic paramagnetic resonance to impossible duo to line broadening. A hitt lin the ftno structure components of a Rayleigh line was postulated *I --Ta of frequency colucIdenco of a scattorl-n-t phonou- 444-044 -of !the divisions of spin levels of a paramagnetic Lou. As to 4210ple ot'F 'the postulated sffect~sn MgO crystal* doped with NO+ and F*2 1whoss L 2451-M ACCESSION MRs AP5024708 31 spi_*__-_ honotu intoractio #--are wall known) vat considered. Other 3+ crystals containing vll~' Cr I s*411 -.are -.,also -suittblso The effect can be observed particularly well in crystals containing folik-si-of ace earth# with an even number of olectronog and also in liquidas U the shift in the velocity of sound Is proportional to the difference of spin level populations, the greatest shLft-can be expected at iow temperatures$ when the intensity of Rayleigh scattering to greatly.~ reduced* ?or this reason, the use of a laser as a light source to warranted, Possible experiments for observing the scattering of light with simultaneous saturation of the paramagnetic resonance linei are 41scussod. Origo art, bast 10 formula#.. ASSOCIATIONt KaxanakLy gosudarstvandyy unlVeraitat (Kaxan',.*Sts~te University)-- _14WH IT TBD t18H&,r,63- ANCLs 00 SUB CODIt UP# IM NO REY SOVs '002--l. St. jM sot4tcx_ co 'A NRI AP500 Ix I UK/0020/661165/00$i/0933/0 4 AUTHORt Mcbelglev, Do IS ORG: Xaxan State Univerelt