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Moat of the operation of the adjuent =its on Uw oavitatlo"I characterlstlas of a hydr&uU* turbimo 1xv. vys, ucheb, save$ Onerls 6 no.1207-202 0 f63. (MMA 1711Y 14, lharlkovskiy poUtakhniche Institut imni Lenina, Prodstavlena kafodroy Sidravliohoakikh mehi 5aEm,.-~~*tekhn#wkukj DYAUX# V&I*p iuzh* Analysis of the results of natural cavitational tests of reversible-t blAds type kvdraulic turbines, I&T. no. ucheb. sav. turg, 6 w.Se M-107 As 1630 IMIRA 1629) 1. Khar1kovskiy palitakhnicheakiy inatitut Imni Lonina. Prodstav. Ism Ubdrey obehohey UplotekhnUde (Hydraulic turbines) IMTMWAO A*L.j ZUZIN&o A.1, 4f~ ,AM In some eye diseassel authorls Ostracte Ust.oft. 72 60.51 W50 9-0 159. (WA 1313) 1. Naskovskaya CUsmp k1latcheskap bollultsa (muobW rakow te'l #- Prof. MOL, &&saw)* ,(Xm Dlluml ther') (00391commo thir. ) Milms Tuemo). IMM-t,)V=a ZOO* PAW" P4" ft lint emahmosome BW* tddio-d:Ms kCbnu am* 111"0 80IM14 I widu brafto M had no D 160 . 4HI11A 19d) XLYIwongly. -f~' L. rVA33 I Treastire 1,-I;tnd Ubliograp-hical Report 11.141) 111751 r0OK Call 0181.36M Avthor.- IYANWIVI, L. A. and KLYMADIIIIII!, 3.- 1. Full Titiot JW31CAL CIMMTHT AJ;D OF ZILICCU TrAnslitorated Title: Fizichesk*ya khi--i7a i kf&il-ma kre-4ni-z 3ilikatrrykh tokhnikum-ov) Publishing Dhta Ori,,,inatirw, Argency; Vone Publl3llngg Ifouset State Publishin Houne of Ut--3ratura on !Iullling Yaterials (Proms troyl zda 4 Date: 1950 M# pp. a 296 No. copiesi 3jOOO Editorial Staff Editor: Oblonskayaj 11, Tec)i. FA.; 'None Zd.-In--ChIef3 'bobvinkin, 0# X,, Prof# Apprainert None Others-z Nazen of sotse Russian seinnti3tz arn m-entiuned. Text I%ta Cover-get The principles of pfj3ical and colloid cLemiAr7 3r* discussad as well as the chamintry of zi-li=4 This is an elementary -textLook, ani seeino to 17o of little interest, Purpose: Approved by the Administration of 'Educational Insti tult ions of the YinIstr7 of the ;3;141dirw, L-Aarials Induutry at a tex'.Ix>o'-z for technical achocle. V2 A-1, D it! 5 Card 2/2 Call qma.3"55 GF 3T"A 1-3:CAL CIM I.,ray gD C Full Title: M Text Data Faciliues% None 19(193 -194't' No. HussiAn and alavir. lie r A,,Jlablg: Library of CoTigreas xnuw, OXMM, A*A*; IAUWICR# TA*# klkn&LW tokbufabook or,- IM1101r, 9,5,, rodaktor; UUMMMU, I.T., t_~ roda"or., [Pmtlosl labontory vork In the tochnol"7 of silicates] Uborater- at -pn&tiku po Uftologil ailikstw, Pods redT A.Balksylom. Noskra, 009ollid-TO M-17 PO strOlt. Ostortalau. 1955. 346 P. (mm 9t5) (Silicates) PXASX -I BWK ZXPWITATION 402 Klyukovskirs Wrily Ippol4toyloh.and,ftnulloys 4T Alskeendrovich FIslohooka3z khlmlyd~l kh1mija kreanlya (Physical Chemistry-and Silicon Chemistry) k ea., rev. and'onl. Moscow, Pmetroyladat,, 1957, 263 0.5000 copies printed. 19d. (title'vago)f 130ty.Inkin,, 0 K,,, Doctor.of Technical Sciences, Professor$ 196'. ($t. Fedorova, T.N.1 Tooh. Ed.t -011onson,j P.O. PURPOSEt ApMvod by the Administration of Special Secondarl Schools of th*,IdnIstryj*C Higher Iducation of the USSR as &-textbook for xilldate-- tokhdk=s~ principles of physical and colloid COVIRAUt a heuistr* 'and, "~W4]6wwuwsos,n, detail the chemistry of sillaon, Gonerit oonesots sro,~glven of the structure and of the state,of Ag8rogationo, Uttoro of true solutions of electrochemistry,, of the squilibriun of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, and.-of x&nywv,, L*v Aisuandroviahs J=Magnt CoUALIffoutoviah; X.D.t ls&vaj YZZBDVAp L.Lol, tokba. red. (pt"ied ahwastry,W siUws chadstryinsialwaks"W- KUA i kidmilit kfNMU'f IIA#)# lbsimp OdsoltAo.vo "T"shou sblmUs* 1%2. 310 (KrU 160) WUTWVj Lev Alsksandrovichl mmoymay, (worgiy ippolitovich) ULOYMOVAt Wins 00 vuj OWWAUMArCIri-redi" (Methods of laborator7 testing of building materi.als and building parts) Pstody laboratortWkh iopytanii stroltall- mykh detalsi. Modmap, Vyashaia shkola, 1964. 323 (KIRA l7ije oe A *old is 69* ,004 VI A-0 15 00*0*90.*090:89: 00, ISO lial i W"- r*wmtwm no dom Tlwvbsve--'--'- am of Ow w" Ow sawal pa b On WaNd of c awd as pat"W 10 env" Ow Of "Oft sm bt "A Make, -INNON I OWN a w td%* Cl 4 WNIMIN 4 NO' i*f *"P 4m '0060" 410 In "A MINI mft)nu av Mod lbucaw was a 0 - 60 "m m a 1W in WN* aw Ps aftL IWWA 4, M.- OtV-SW c0 "41 dtWVW C" go l;Z,4w; got a per, low *A iwfnw in 1 Iowa *hm as *0 ft* Ord OW araw a*mmd in ib* Ow a", am aw "Maw age 00" too J Afiffid One iis 0 0 0 dl 4, W 00 A 00 WAW 000 -W-- WMW W-M as lpm," t, a* i wm~ yb* 00 MISS 0 0o aV bdw 00 a-.~ 6 im ap*"-4 of A. A- as* 06 in low 0181 too 00 fe, 00 64 too too silly" C%60*416"ys is ICU No'S -9c 0060000 0 :1441P we Wei; 00 0 00i 4 46 00 co VA is 00 Ow. 600 0 am tv"d T".1174 -2-1. "16,14k so Al, New t it, 00 00, **,I,- is* 00 09. 00 too. 1-* 0#4$- 0 0 o o 0.0 'a 0 1 0 144 o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 # 0 v 0 lo a" 4%. I v ii, i -4 i -i's 4, '000 : a 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 00 1000 0000 * 0 0 0 0 0 boo as$ too too too 00 too too V v -so its as Oil 44,01"t tw'O I::!!.* - -------- 00 Al . . . . ........... 90 MOO ids- ar#wl Md 1W*dO =_ . at Sw low OWO .00 Ow ;i'w"A is, be rq--- io - 'a'd. Ot Not- of 0, Iftm, see Omw 011" go 144 lip *0 as br bm "40 "Moo soil 004, fob Tjw "t modr 60 1"Osero Ow" 6*0 96" sow pwwv WOW. 67 "W A. A! sow 116 00 ~Iptv' I I is 0 two w vita*** $%o a#"41,069- 10 0 0. i-s 0 '0 "i'laiiin. fee *a a' so&! All- "I 64- see see so see see :so see 0 W$ 1 t so Otw wi ;w 1144 4 oat too 0~0401 -00 gs -00 So A, 0 A N01- 4w we oat. W. Lsa~l. I to C! of 1 6 wpm he go, OINNIOU ad I to r "-I f spa a Now a mx~~m ""I it j I've"Ift "WI to low .0 0 jow dw ""W .4 PIC loft"We sw Old a W" wi b..d b, dw Is Pmcwd of sm OwbI MW k by 0 w of as Ow. elp"W. Its ambf is "W. A V"T #14" 4-rim" see J',,j AVAUP LO low &%d"m a" Owmw mW bnoo so Od 41 OJW W. Ow"MOSIMSPOW Owd. Ito* so Oak do reww WA" Ito, Idwil, w d SOWN. ;= ::;,& IM dMd. ad Un see a so thIft. tusks idlill 40# iiad tt. Pw -11W the see ad few in is be 1 10 0 do Oak loop W4 4d f"d In 11141111 1 t!!# too life rot*= 0 03 to ;9 A I sees lop It IS A & 'too, LLA A go WA oil 46 **A rm Oww VM 009 =49034"CU4 . I::: dol "Ito =NAM W-600016 !. no 4 No Imedmod tITI, %g00 wim ad "a low, sod two We see *of 0 two* !too too .600 all so 0 0 0 ma goes* see*** fees$ too* 0 0:0:040:0,0000:0000 0 foe 00000 0000 049 004 00 8 see 04s Oam Ow 46&Amd MAR + + AMU -8911 - -- SO so, CW16 *0 og'*' 000001*0-0000000*** 0004~0000000 xav- so of boo -00 -00 400 see a** see 4*0 see goo too too LIM Im MALLNIG" iftWINA 44~-wx. Sam sum was" 44681% ?a am a6l a i d i Sit OM ~2*i 0 i 0 00 0 or 0:0060004000 XL!tllllN No Ae And K2YWt"M& Be$*# I* TOPCOM 0 Kawaidl Mantemkh Sbv4'Quarp Oaryvabiyo slmtsrp 19331 No* 5s 55# sOt Ow7w" Slutsy A934-35 IN. On 074 i 0 0-0* 0 0910-49 490 004 60 ow obje 1 .1. Ljf6w"miia 164 6~ to& I *as I .I i sm aid fq$ 0 it V a woo be* -00 see see UA = M a b4 pmwm it a dom at 6tt "". Im d W Al. Aso-AILS AMU titiolif nowdst" Sol sow NW&" 00 9 1 * - . ITV h b.fa 2 AR j.-Ol' *fee* IS, '16 0 0 is 0 0 * a -41 I iffy, so a 00 es 006 004 sow 008 :h Air Iris, Al p 9 a w u @a* 1 -9 ifflim al-, Wow. Aodmk" J. Mw. a. a. I We 40 =by hoOM a imbi. W C4% mA CoM OW vkh obe "uayw wwo aWW. 3640% CA 6 br* Wd AW% dw moo Vooff Ibm im Tbr bovior ad Ps am. ow Was 0~31A. me The am. of Cjls 'M Me to whwwd6 a#~ opus ow MM noblarwy Omp. "no, dw CA ad Poirr be OW At so daft. bo be! don-* so t W ON as wo W"O~W. A. 1 0 off see goo goo two* '00 see :*Go 4Mo 6*00690 - *low 0201,11 too .4440" 049 409 00 ~U#Al of pea I ellwalod 0-:10"M 00 0 00000.00000000000000;0106,6190- 0006:00: oesesoo 060000000*i*Oo$OOOOOO00000000012 RIF o wo n 0o 0 ~s 009 w "IL -00 off 002 LANIOL -06011, Cleab It. 1964W. 0 00 a 414.16 1 000 so a 11 1 two) too 008 004 1 "a 4 600 o* 111 Thr Poswe wW i1w s so 4 1 WA" dWVW am" to dielle dw k am thr 0". 0 ntillu .106 OW40. 0 0 1 O"Outts so Fmwo~sm ubwydo 9 0 rhift is isill, OWN 00 wo 00 A. A. batUbma attb"ItAk Lfil"ftft ftAWWAIM --T one $"$Ws doo ,,so 6p 0 60 to --tow 630641 $$.wan imps 444, 7ii-i-T il, ii-i -0 F -1004-000006001 gi so# 00,13 fov wig at womw 4f - m A &so 6w Off 780, Pw VOTO= "A I* ilk. wobrio to f1w PWOA" idw pvswm of W too 414M.. AN-C le!T OW a odw*f d UV4= L ppr he I;rk Its cc, "064"St 6. a TA, Its 111j, a 0*1 0*4M aw "* it to. F. ndelild wkb 4 1% =WV d# ow b""- at Xi mobtoorl. 66 . AM a" 411 thr 4**d *kb h% a6ww~ of -tbft o*Wmowv goo** tv A. A, I%mlo Ii it .0 -0 OU 010 S S 911RU-00 O'S"Woo a 0066004 see :so goo see no* goo gob *7W god oom 0*4 000 00 so see lose ]*POWER 10 0000 a fit j .4r, &,- 14-4-0-A-A .-Af a'a tee 'k eel 16-00. vwts to Ispartdow it" gob Obw OlUMIN Anmmkw we. &$*old C. 4lh6mlift. CA*. Me + kbqd. "so MMeIg drR19% V 0 &W ONWW. 11' # 110 v Al kfir"164M. MO + V At 40- Other AsxwV10141b. twahm was Lagam; 0 Obt, 00 CII.. w 16,9% to thr lrobvive fatall,"14 Ibr so* prp... will No v ItNe 111me am low wAt. OtOlner"al tow 00- la "w yw. Is ;be Am. Aftbo"It mobr bw wbm .000600101 Boo, 0 Ilea W& IWOSM "w ass I It, :,.%0N dow 0 igloo pwbasubmammost 0 MIAMI mw 11 a Ow"m A, A. had goo list 100 :0 boo am" 4,40 see IN 0 ~44 Sim t i IA 0 0 0 0 -014, 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 so as is H is 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 ~o 0 &LItIlyll, N.A. professor, Joktar tokhaiebaskift Gftk; 'TAUSMTA# TO-Ce, -%V %will$ kwAldat khtsieUskikh wmkj AIAUMTA, T**Ao, dotsest, kandidat Waltheskikh saskj BODIONTUOU, 9,16# assletest, ItWly of tbo catelytte sonversions of *bale tar. 'Irso UZ no. 9190-96 155. (NUA 919) (oil owes) /PiAM I WOK MWMMX 82T Leningrad. Inthwwroo-stanamicheekly Institut KhAmlya I kbinichaskiyo prolsvodstva (Chemistry and Chemical Industries) (lanineradl I%&vo Lents" kogo wdv-ta,, 1957. 147v, (Seriest Its Trudy, v7p, 20) 1,0100 coplat printed. Us.: (tItl* page) t XlymMn#,,- N,A, j, ftd Savtbsnkwms A.?.; Ed. (Inside took): shemeleva, YO, V,; VWZ. -Zd., Yodoiwna,, S.D, PMM=i This Issue is intended for specialists vorking In the field of oil sbal* processing and chemical toobnologyl, *a v*11 as for Industrial economists, 00TVAM fte.artlAlss contained in this collection present some results of th* research vonftot*d at the Departs"t of Chemistry of the LoningrM Institute of Ing1warin OjA lftnaMos ILMI,, The zMa topics are the caKplax proe. easing of the Baltic oil -shal" and the utilization of that internal potev- tial of chemical enterprises. Docent S.A. Volkov participated In the Wting of this coluotion, Chemistry and Chemical Industries 8 LIYT Preface Brief bwaription -tba Ofttests or sit 06nection IrYSSAIM', YOSY4,0 -bi'adkw- 6f -2608MIM &016 pr&lems in the DOWTVIISSUon w of tha xQuaftic ]Mol"or or coal" Prodwtion %4 MAtb*r 4101auas" the elftsats of shaile oil produation in order to establish the optimm - operstioias! ind seawW a characteristics, , rue LW wA the VI -(Ali-tkion Salentine Research InstituU for Sol* Processing) fowA thst the'PreftatAox of Uqvl& ftels frim gaae oll on, U profitable vben pz r use to nvWW of the entire remp of otber proftate o'bt&twA from Us wq components of sh&I* *Ia. C4191t4a is- vestments, production costs. and mariatIng costs are Uken Into sculderso. %tiou* Tables abaft by the wAtbor ~Sjve statisti4al date fta the &aU 611 industry wA f"a Ox petrolets inaustry. 2he article oontaw 6 tables, 2hers a* so reforesess, Chandstry and Ch4mical Induatries 82T A !.A,.,, Professor,, Doctor or Technical Sciences, Abarenkova,, Y*,A, Docent,,' Can& to of-Techn1eal Belencess and Tarssenkoft,, Y*jl.,, Dooentp esaidate of Chadeal Sciences, Otu4y of the Iffeat of Carbon Dioxide on Changes In the Marsater of Thermal Dooo"ItIon Prodets Otktntd fm Baltio Shale UT. ThIs article on the thermal decomposition of sholes led to the conclusion that the introduction of 00 into the smolooking zone increases. the yield of oil. Variations In the K:: rate of 002 modirles the fractional content. The nintuns amount of residue above 3250 to oVt*Lnod for a flow or 2.5 liters of 000 per hour# An Increasso'rate of f1ft of 009 throvo the sWookja'soo lawari the content of sulfonated hydroautons In the gasoline-ligrolne frattiono The simme vas observid for an Inert additive I N ) The amosition of the Diesel fraottlonp 225-=*p Indlostes lntersatlg;*Of the 002 vith VM610" Of shale decomposition, There we 5 tables ad 15 references of v1deb U at So"etp 2 Ingllsb,, 1 German and I Hungarlan, Xlwwlt,, F,Ys., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Two-stage Method for the Preps,- ration of Carbon TkIs*16 126 ThjLs'tvo-atage catalytic cracking method glvws rosults not lower than 20 per *ento The basic reactions axe: C Vj iv I il 4.g gig 17 21 um (600) 4. Bay Sands PowAry 7. newt on the geological prospecting carried out in 1942 at the slawd-Y deposits of molding sand. (Abstract) Mm. GUY. upr. gool, fons nos 2j 1947 90, Monthly List of Musian Accessionsa Library of congress, March 198p Unclassified FAVI-CIVA, m.,YnV7II-A. Paths of the fortation of cvmqpl,~x m:Aell, atcrect:rpen %1!n; varLous zethAs of traininF. Eerv. sist. no.5:83-92 c.. .311 1. Labe5mtol"llyn fialaoict,'Al '.ruch Lenlrq~radskot:o g~;su:!Ars.- vennoga untvtrsltqta. L 2210-M 1WT(1)11WT(*)1?1WP t)/ AC=31(W MR I APM7W 010181/6 V. Pe AV nft I - A004*14, Z- 2- 1 Ot A Xnavewe of hipurity and 4W'WwtUa an the kinetics 3965, 9262-22A Want nsUs t"rdap +.*Up Vo -V*tAs M #t OtIvAr 7 v abw~ radiation off tv. TOM TACO t $1%* 012640 color center AMSTPACT: 7b* *Utbwo -aftempt to UttriAmte the- intensifteation of the aa~ltldd of r mutters during 4h* linear stage to deforwd crystals to tb* lnftuewo of the redistribution of the Upwitiesp vh1ch are present Ov in lpw** crystals. Toots were made on crystals grow ty the Kiroyoulos wtbod from themICS137 ywe "It* Uniaxial Cawession was produced at a constant speed by a speoUa aschim des for ca tests* The sumples were Irradiated with UIS-70 apparvituse At the irradiation intensit7 emplqrodp the rate of g*wraition of IP cefters In 'pure" = vas quit* Iwo Addition of strontium to the Mstal increases tbos rate of formation at 31 centers both before and after irradiations PI"tio defornation leads to too of both stages (betwe *M after Irraidiatia0l, vith the intensift of the first st"s 00MVIN CMU" GftwMjM Cotd 2/2 L 2210646 Acmics mRs the stroutiva, h4a tba r#ft1t4 of the "cuwalAtIon of 7 centers In the seaom stage It In. mm that Ism a svoller dearsw In the detonation of the 011ir crystal couttilrAos to a lane Incres a In the rate of 116center generatloce TUS In taken an a direct contiration of correctness of the mechanism of raMatiou ion of Tacancles an dialocation authors tbank I* I&, - Nelft- enerst &g I U7 It r to use w aykuyan for pidancep ve 10 miggale V'vk'%W%'vn for micromechwdeal tests or the crystalAp and Too guystam & %-I- " work* Origo art* bast 1 figs" And 1 table* ASSOCUMN t Tamiddy WY JAStItUt JA. 0; 16 MrM (TOOk 0-) - - -I .' ' - umaTm s 94&n65 XMI .'00 Sm 0=1 as* 0 s MR MW OWs 001 is OOT " 2/2 C a I 19twilm ye r thwW as oz~ of the Golbods of Bove$, sod, 17 no, It3&39 Jan M. (cum Ct the Sweloal DITIous of Twisir Oblast Hospitma Mad pkqviouo -1. yakiftookir)d AP502TO09 SOURCE COM UR/0120/65/000/005/00T1/001) AM 10H.- Klyukvina Yo. F.i Chsykovskiy, V. a.;, Nikollskly. A. P.; Yevl&zov, To ORO: none TITLE* Construction and teahnical characteristics of a imMDgr&ioUa1_cMt* SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1965. 71-73 7W 7 7 TAGS proportional counter TOPIC- ABSTRACT: A proportional counter designed for detection of 1-10-kev x-ro"atioa to described, To meet the requirement of a large-area Input aperture of nibienum thick-, ness, the design containsticathode-equipped-with two 10-p Al film apertures 25 x 16 each. To reduce attenuation of fluorescent radiation by the surrounding airs the cour.ter itself is placed In a vacuum, while the reaainder of the unit Is subjected to normal atmospheric pressure. Provisions are made for connecting the output-ofthe counter to a scintillation counter. The active elements of the Counter are a stain- less steel cylindrical catbods 25 = in diameter, a tungsten wire anode 0.05 = In diameter, and a gas mixture of 90% Ar and 10% CHi, which Is passed through the counter interior at a rate of 5-20 cal/min. Fis. I shove the output pulse height as a func- mc ac- tion of the applIed potential. The linear region corresponds to & gas aVal&nChe f"j tor range or (1.3-1.6) X 104. The efficiency of the counter as a function of wave- length is shown In Fig. 2. The effectiveness of the counter In detecting bard radit- , IL~ COW, 119 ACC N14 AP5027009 tion Is limited by the Inadequate attenuating prvperties of the argon &*a; for soft 4: AOW F16i 1. Pulse hVight a e an ftm6tion or vaTelength I.- Fero; 2iZZnKQ* -.1 Calculated; 2 - experimental. radiation, it is limited by the thickrAss of the cathode aperture, Most effective rad.iatlop range Is'3-h kev. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 formulae. (OD3 SUB CO"v- NRI -Susm DATz 1 2oju16h/ orao n7i ool/ ATDpxms Card - 2LZAtC& PAIdd method for determining the protein content of w& uslaq Or&W Go Agroblologlia noo)#464-466 )V.& 165. (MNU loan) I* T8680yusiWy naueMo-Issled"stollskiy Institut somobobovykb kviltur, C, 07*1, Methods used In the C,,raination of cotten pollen In artificial media, Agrobiologils no.5082 S-0163. (MIRA 170) lo Vocioyunyy nauchno-issledovatellskil institut rastentyavidstva, Leningrad. UMWMA,, Z.P. . I I ftutaoUtre of starolA horawon frce the vaste products of the woodpulp Induatry# ?hidy We khls4-famelast. no.141 319-324 062 (KMA 17 t2) TeabnIo&I and eommio ccwWlaw of steroid harame pr*- duatian from different tMa of rsw material* rUdot325-330, of stop, 206147-" 157, Who cx 1016) ski SkII& I rdAlot*k%MGbAGklJ& lamponly, notitut fig Isiortmatut ImetWtion of the phase stOllity of raltiplio"# and the spread of sMtral 11two, law, so=hsvom I il*m 157, (Mi 1018) (Irequena multipliers) "The Dwest4wtion of Frequency lutsbUlty bduced by a Frequency Witiplier and the Output 6scLUstion,9peatrm*" report presented at the AU-Unian Coaftrance on Otatistical Padlo Physics,, Garlkly, 13-18 October 190. (Izvo vyssh uckwv zaved-RvAlottkh., vol. 2, I# pp 121-1ZT) COWL= card under SDVtOV,, V. Ij AUTHOR s *Zoo TITLIS -?he ?his$ stability of frequency multipliers (76soustor obastoty) ?XRIODICALs Ismeritollual* tokhalkat 19580 Pr 1p pp 58 62 (9434). ABSTRACTs the article to concerned vith an investigation of the phase stabilitk of frequency multipliers In oonavotlon-triW"tbe~" designing. of S'loro-wave devices of high stability based 'on the a of resonant absorption, and on SoledU168% various materials* 'The author -des4riUd in two,prs~dous articles the method and the preliminary,re- sults of-the'elporiment:10 the equipn*nt vhioh'w*s usedo and ~ further -, rosulteCRef and 2..7. This article describes the and results of the nvestigation* it was possible to increase IM rssolvi4-power of thA spectrum awlyser':125 Card 1A times' vithout dosigning-new complex devices. An equation Translated fm.s ReforativW Zhuml nalkas 1959,:Mr 8, p 214 (USSR) AUTHOR: K~'## Mad Tr=t The Phame Stability of Mqu4my JbItipliers PERIODICAL Tr, Vase. n.-1. In-ta f1s,-tekhn, I radlotekhn. Ismerefty, 1958, Kr.2, Do 22028 ABSTRACTt The article exposes the final remIts of the author's study (of. also M%fts, 1957, Nr 12, 3M5; 1958, Wr 3, &M on, the Phas* stability of oscillations at the output of frequency mult1pliers. A description of the results of the experimental study --- an analysis of the ox- p4riment --- is madso and Uw frequency fluctuations brought about by the multIpIlem an doUrubad UwasUeally. DroMmings of the spectral line of the 08011lWan UM multiplication, were not detected wmorimentallyj this attests to the fact that the relatlv* broadening of the lv* which occurs when the multiplleation coefficient N Card 112 2.25 - 1P , does not exceed 2 - '10"1l. Theontical enressims were 30"8-59-8-18534 The ftme Stability of Prequendy Multipliers obtained for the voltap and the root-visan-squars $m*-inarevient at the multipller's output with allovante for *hot effect. Estistates of frequency fluctuations of the output oscillation were made for a concrete version of the mItIplier D.H. Kly3hko KLTMMI# N.Zol TMVj 1,1s D4uslat" Of ftMmy of a not aboolut4l baramlopwoos In comootion vIth ths wanmmmt of ftwmawlss of MAI stabla osai2latone Tmdr lut,lom,stud,,, nor I 1=,plb, U0490-10 162. 0 (WA 16s1)- UIU)KLI TrMq V.N.$ TUAnj G.A. YAtW# fOr 10wftsto of aacmAUted qM diffomtlated lea. TruV lutognastradop aw I 1=,pdb, noo5goU47 (XMA 16ol) AtITHORs TtTLEi PERIODICALs ABSTRAM~ Card 1/1 Klyunin, A.X., Engineer SOV/91-58-3-8/2a 74b. - 21bduAtIng the Mr Leahmp 1z a Tuzto- purstor Vadetsi System (Ustrpneniya vozdut noy napAotnosti vokuumnoy sistamy turbog*noritors). Exchange of Experience (Obsen opytom) Enorget1k, 1958, Sr 3, p 14 0MR) Soon after actual operations with the VPT-25*.3 turbine ware, started, a lack of air-tIghtnese in Its vacuum aystem was observed. The author describes which spots of the system proved deficient, and puts down his recommendations to eliminate-the defects. AUTHORSt Brovin# F.G. And Klyu TITLEt Loeatift the Air tg&kgV ftv" j4 the VPT-25-3 Turbines (Vyyavle- hiyezest.prisoss vozdukua u turbiny YPT-75-3) Exchangs, of Experionc* (Obm*n opytom) PERIODICALi Energet1k, 1958, Or 3. 0 14 W-99) ABSTRAM The authors praio* as useful the recommendations published by Engineer Ye.A. Vosolay In "Energetik-, 1956, Nr 2, concerning the detection of"Sir-Intake spots In the stems-turbine system. no concisely describes and illustrates another.sethod, which helps to find such'air-Intake spots in the -steam ejector and piping which we not daUcUd,prev oinly. There is 1 diagram. AUTHORs "Yun'AL A.Xot Snoineer 91-56-7-1V27 ?I TLIC t Xxohange of Uparionco (Obs n opyton).Mossuromentoryac- In : Type (Ismerenlyo wakauma v pa- Steam Turbines of "VPT-25-3 rovykh turbinakh YPT-25-3) PZRIODICILi Insr.gotiko 1956#Alr 7s p 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT# Observations showed that the junction of the vacuum gage with the turbine outlet was not suitable for accurata,vacuun measuring in the condenser. Thor*fors, op*clal toots me" carried out at 6 points represented by Figure 1. The re- sults of the *to&* pressure, carried out simultaneously for various specific steam loads of the condensert are grophi- cally represented In Figure 2. The comparison of-the re- sults shows that the nostappropriate spot for accurate va- ouum measuring Is located in front of the atmospheric valve of the given turbo-generator type* There to one diagram and one graph. 1. Steam turblues.-Nquipmen't 2. Vacuum gages-Performance -Test rewlts card 1/1 P4pbesolad" of WaM Wtktf Itm amk"bomk4 t kaft rd by (60 sopmemko 0 - *WCW" Of $&,lV4dt-Att*4 b4dm(t. V V KI mm" To6 I. L. I 1-04 -1. 7 -Al (ou,milb".1odgwo the W" fie MkKxfmd ht g4n "te %VAW nvunl lt~- Fwibtn"t. tjtve tut dwo cme" jowft.h~ tit A;R~ f;ol 7t:, 11 VAPTU ANDRM, Hoyt IT. INXIMI, 1Y.1 iMW It A. IM0,1121-1 X*- [z Is true 1:;9 ni lator)j PBMXHRI=Vp T. translator I Ov. vr vMtS.j*tr&M1At6rjj TILA901p I., red.; MIMIg X.9 7i:w rod Differential diaposU of the most Important symptom of children's diso"") Differentsiallsaia diapostOw vasbust, siWtowv 4*tokikh bolosuel. Red. A.Talakov. Plovdiv,, Gos.1 To in. thristo 0. Vanovat 1962. A,31 P. (MIRA 160) (CH=N9x-aISZA3xS) (DIAGNOSIS, DVnMWM), J!--- 1806-66 M(IIIAWIRM '/PF(*W J01 'me MRS GOUM SIS/OS77 A"00- CODCs Ult/0191/66/000/002/0 101 Molts Mcbeh-g-To, .,staulklyl 0. Irst UM, 1. P. Op4j Lowav ftate Wverafty in, Xv. rranko (16*vovskiy gosudarstvennyy*VDIVGr9ItO0 inuxt usai aff"it a" th"mUct1da gWjrtj2a_Ot_ wrlow metals ad the U4414 fSets- %14 a 7'5~- SOUX2 i --Mdke-_ -not ~29 1966$ 575--577 4,2i TWIC -TACO t- -JOUO _-tjft#_- Nall-offoct.--thorsoolactromotive ffisroiCt- 4104tals alectrw gas 14 1 *44 1 5~ fABSTRACTs the U, I IAAI*.h_* a" Ak- uts-thatewlectromotive force-were law Zrm`~ - (I. So and 70 wt I Sn).- T14 oe &W lh~ 41 oys asum;- UZI 'ments We" Bmto ftwo are in special glass cells containing voltage end ,we I .current probes. Curves are given showing the Hall cofistent and differential thezoo-4.- ,electromotive forc* as Amations. of temperature far tinp gallium and mercury. The ,absolute theruosloctramotive ft and Hell constant are shown as functions of com. Position for alloys In th &&Ui us -t in system at a temperature 500 above the Selta, ACC VRt APGM653 ling point. The Wasur"Wate dM that the alp of the Absoluto thet'000144tromotive iforce for all metals and allq* stufled coincides with that detersined tm 10"sure- 1--nts of the Hall effect, i. a. the current carriers am electrons. It w" found Ahat the absolute thermoelecrtromotivo fox and Hall constant In molten tin and Gail' 11us are nearly coustant In a wide temperature r*nge. Kerc~ shows a sawmalies 4n both parameters as functions of temperature. The experimental data on the Rau ,effect for gallium-tin alloys agree satisfactorily with theoretical predictions an ithe basis of the elootron gas model. Slight deviations from this theoretical values Are 4u* to the effeat of concentration an the physical paremeters. OrIg. aft. Met figusve. 1SUB COM14201 SUBN DAM OIJoGS/ MG 1MFt 002/ OTH UPt 002 Cad 2/2, KLYUSHANO"I ?1 7 IAhl Oeometr7 of the rAtting tW. of a borer for borirg r:-ozsr& rclls Stmlo I dor. mebt 9 nosl2s17 N ;04 -54" UPI ten q~, zt"W:-,e ~Immwo its insho Adhosivem In sM 241dIng MA shIp np"n# Rech. traup. 20 zoo 3116-M Mr or. ~KMA WS) (SUps intonswo w3d ~repair) M: OR '94; ~r i32Sh* Nov method of detoctin defocts In the br"s of.slfd4a bo&IILW dutu their lial" wlth antiftlatlan materiales Rsch-trsasp* 20 so.0606. A lue (NVA 0A 8/081J61/000/021/082/0941 S144/S11O AUTHORS x1yuhsakOlt if TITM Use of adhesive In shipbuilding and ship repair FIRIODICILI Ref srativayy sharnal. Ithinlym D411181961t 452# abstraot 2IP90 (Reahn. transportp no@ 3.: 19 1 20) TXXTs 'The author discusses -adhesives. for the bonding of a4tallio and sion-Setallic asterialso principal technological methods-.of bonding setallio and non-setallio materialal minimum operating temperature in oonf oraity with the nature of 1ho- material or adhesive, ohomm for a given material; and compositions and technology of the manufacture of, cold and hot setting glue* on the 'basis of epoxy resins. It 16 noted that hot setting glue can be used in shipbuilding in the form of adhesive t4pe. Noreavorp adhesive puttits are used for oosting worn surfaces.. the utties are prepared an the basis of epoxy resins. 'U.2 QV-2) and -324MVI-32-SM) are desoribed being the most suitable adhesives R for bonded aluminum structures, betracter's notat Coaplote translation]. Card 1/1 RM ILTUSHERKOV, I inth. dc Prospects for the use of plastics In shipbuilding ship repairs, Raab. transp. 21 no,V271-29 F '62. . (KIPA 150) (Plastics) (ShipbulldiAg) (Ships-Aaintenance and repair) ME" N U=NXKCNO 'Use of PUmtia materwo in m..tim ship mechanism an Rfdho tr&UP. 21 no.8t4D Ag 162. (HIRA lesq) 110b. Vanish paint ocatings for drinkinc vater unkso R"h. tM.=Po 2150.10149-50 0 162, (XMA 15tio) *Wply) 5ORKIRUP MNUA, F.F.; DUKOR, Z.O.; KhjZWWW&mALS.; XONSTANTINOV, V.P.; KATLERj A,I.j HATRUr,7 A.D.1 SEMETIT, V.I.; TWANOVg ViG.; ?=NOVO Y.F.1 TRUMIN, SA; CROMYs 9b.A.1 3HIBMY, D.Y.) VATASHKINAO S.A., red.lodl-val CHEFMVX.I., r6d.; BOMRDVAj tekha. red. (Handbook an stop repairs In two vol=es) Sprevoohnik po A atu sudov v dvukh tomakh, Pod obehch6i red. M.I.Chernova. Moskva, Isd-vo OReabool transport." VoL2. 1963. 600 P. (Shlps- lutenance and repair) (MIPA 160) 1:0XIII, YOMTS V*Fo rateassout: PZXnl. 1.3.# now. P.Ts.. rodaktorl SUMIMA. Z.Ts. re4aktor ~iutv 1:441MUMAUt A,Z.'.' telftletiaskly redaktor 6sah,malea of mohim-sbap work to repairing moUnary of river "$#$1s] Tokhoologlis sloserno-mostashifth robot po remosto ukhamismov roaWkh suilove Xoskvag Isd-vo fleaboA tramport#0 M& 322 PO (MM 1012) (4tpe Intsums and "Pit) "I mmmial To, insho Use of rubber In shipbullding and ship repaIrs. Bach. tramp. 17 0062:27-22 Ir 1386 (XIM Us 2) (X*Uls Substitute# for) (SAberl unw, X.t.; OUPOT. T.I.S.1 WsIXI UVIA"W. 166.1 YAMOT, T.7.j 09MOV, Mi.A.. red,t XUWM, t.2., r0A.Isd-Tal BWROTA, T,A*s leldu6rede EgandlOook on materials and sqmIVwu%3 9prwoobalk po materialms I oborudoyoullu, Moskva# -Isd-vo 4%ohnol trousport.6 Tol.2.[BqtLip- 101%tj Obondomdo, 1959. 07 p, (CU 1313) (ftIps--2qdpmnt wA (Rarlbor"qdpmont WA supplies) MIUA, F.F.1 DUKOAj Z,d.j XLIrUSMIOV, I.S.; KONSTANTIKOV, T.P.; XOTLYARs D.I.1 MAYXWO-W-.U.-j--TAAY8YA9s A.D.1 SSWr.Mo V.1.1 TRUFAHOVp V.0.1 FMOVO VoTel IRUKIN$ S.R.1 CIMTKOV# Ih.Ael $MBANCVj D.V.1 CIURMt M.L. red.; VITASIMNAj S,A,p ised.isd-va; BOMMA, V.A.# tekbn. red. [Hwdbook-on ship repairs in two volume.) Spravochnik po rezontu suday v dvukh totmakh. Pod obs)u-bei red. H.1. Chornova., Moskva, Isd-vo *Rechnoi transport 0 Vol.l. 1963. 530 P. WRA 16t12) (Ships-4kintenance aW repair) (Marine engimering-Hw4bookos manualas etc.) L.114-j Cand Tsah Sol-(dins) matuar of 6ste r k~ drop hamer." ,&rfk:iyt, 1958. 29 pp with graphs (Min of Bigh*r Mucation USBR* Gorl My Volytooh~ last in A.A# ZhAmov) 120 copies (1M9 30_56tI27) 16~ "~ V~Imrlw ImnSMOM L 1. kud.takbb.uuk RemstruaUowaf tbo-sttaurair stexplzg bmmr vith dbrop pmrU veighing $ tmo Vootsv"h. 42 no.li63-64 Ja 162. (KM 15:1) "A~ w VRV RA =IYA V A M MIS 9 i 2 2 l&UO4RtOr'for tM o0on" Us., 4btam. _ _ gnft Of Mmor opentions. milve 5 WoUV-39 Ap #63, (MM 16 s4) MUS RROh"637) (08cluoEmplo A A tho flOw filagrum a no.78 02 1 -2 2 -., Fr v " If7 A S;ftup "Yo, I i4 i2mm" sAftsku ?y Wick 1 C-14 I - A- - .-ttrUd - F. s -1 Aft " ..", N., -, , ,,!Y q4, f,& " -.:, .. f %'., .N. - , -,.. - . - , " , ,, , : , Z, 4- ~ , I . I . ! I - .11 1 -1 1.- -11 -- 1- ~. .- .: - ". ! ! "li - I , - -- - - - ~ -- , -, - __:_ - ~ , 44 i. . ~- ~ __ - ~ . - ~ - - - - - - - J 11 , ; t!. lt,:~ - ---, --.- - :~~* 'I;- , . LI -.- - - --- ~ ~ -1- -~ I - - - , I I - i -. O-rL 1. . ~ 'I..- f7 ANIM 11yughino G.A.-MMON 32-24-4-31/67 Tims The Dotelt-4na of Copper in Stool According to the Spectral Usthod (Oprodelonlys nedi v stali, spektrallou wtodow) -11"p-'fob%CA14 Z&"dsb** labotatorlya, 1958, Vol. 24, Wr 4, pp. 451-0? (MU) ADSTRACTs AttoWto &Imimg at a qLantitativq datemination of copper in atool havo'hitherto not givon positire r#au2ta, 'bovause the speo- tral lines of o"a are of =stable intensit;r. In order to stab"* intensity an altsrnatinS current electric aro with a wVotio field vas used. The sliminstion of obwwa of Intensity is asoribod to tbo mechanism described in a proyloua work. Copper was determined at concentrations of from 0.05 -0.4% on &)W stylemeter. Analysis ocaditiow are siven. The standard saxples were produced from indwtrisa samples and were previously wcamined by obandoal deter-irAticn. The savor liadt of this method in Siven being + 0.02% absolute for 0.054.2% copper am as + 0#03% absolute f3r 0.2-0.5% copper. Analysis takes 5 vlmt;#. The wtbod has been mvloysa for years for the do- Caro 1/2 terwinotion of "a of steel and &22ays. There are 5 reforenoest TM Detezaimtion of Copper in Steel Aocording 32-X-4-31/67 to the spootml method w4ch aro AMIATIM Obelyablukiy metallurSiob"UY savad (Obs4abinak Metallurgical Plant) l.' Steel-Analysis 2. Copper-Deteraination, 3. copper-Spoum 4. Speatrographic analysis-Iffotiveness Card 2/2 brief reports, Zav,Uto 2S ne.22243-244 59. (=A 2213) 1, Institat goologil polessrich lsboMawo& All UM (for Varchavskly)e 2~ Chelyablaskly astallurglobeekly smod (for Lokhovo x2rusaila). 3, "entrallnera lAborstarlya Vase"nop naueboo-IseledovatellsbW 1"tituts treaksportaW strottelletva (for UAW, (NetalIcTima laboratories-ApIpment and supplies) a, 00,W -Awil, W-4-1 -A NOW twan XnAk a. Ink lk 10. a dwt saw"atka toww"Stbo of W pflova AS" b= of da Awtrk aft hwasm MA WM ohm of dohm hmoRtkoww" MW Wftb Tioy an 47 uw.vwn &M "dm&k of "M so'* 400 SoA see 00000,000:*6049 0 0 0 0 t to WWI 00 *so* ~ *:** 0*0*000000000OLOOO Ull NAM W -a-talmylpol Iwo= I%&$ ad go sll-,~ J ra -244630 assu ilia notboas of osswent" No mitervitr am 09 St b" 16 Among" bleu" tv MW 0111010~ - --*A- - - by"!k-- i6iisis- st the tbasa sw k4ow, tha the to a 80000407 006"UO"s Od Pr"Uftl SUO' vim are fil"A-A so 0*4 f4i4ra qls 4" 40 fliiivAd sew *S-o- L It 0 1 a 0 0 a Tic -AIL a a 6,60 ~16 *0 0 : moo son see OW low , low I*wo o- To Hi's to 11. a 0.501 1 r a 0 0 a A--4S- to Pm"W ="pup WON in I* aim I A" an ' r I I W" at# 4 'Cl Urrrr a 40AMd 4=1 too POW 1 . I * 00 go. of Upravlenis deformatsiel metalla PrVomoshchl induktalonnogo nagre"* (Vestnt Hasho, 191181 no# 21 pa 311-h (Handling the deformation of metal by means of Imiuction heating, DLCt M.Vlt SOt Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Llbrary of Congress, 1953. V", wra ~V F'M VSH I A/)G-' \/, Subject I USBIR/Pov or Ingineering AID P 3399 Card 1/1 Nb. 26 - 25/28 Author t Xlyu4hins 0. V.# land. Tech. Sol. Title I Calculation of current-carrytng capecit of:con- duotors in accordance with the current gonsity per unit of length Periodical s Xlek. eta,* 8$ 440 Ag 1955 Abstract t A brief analysis and presentation of simplified formula@ for Insulated cables. Institution i Nqno Submitted i No date nZolmo **Tog ksMidat tokbuichoskikh ank. Steel deformation during Induction beating. lbt&Uovsi,,l Owowto 660115944 40 157. (I= losa) olektrifikatell ssl$ (InAvAtion beating) lam ln4-~- r4 nl~ r6LYtMHIN,,.I&, kand. tekha. mak Xoatr6dywsia st&bilitv of U-sbars vith autowtic reolosing. 1xvs v"s uchabo savel anerge 2 n0,2000-33 0 '59. (KnA 1393) IsSaporoshakly mshl=n trot tal lay InstIM4 PM*tawlena k&fWM fialki i alliktrotakhnIki, (Reatirto airotdt br*Wmrs) AaJM*WWnU*TWMK-- U-==L Measurement of apparent &,a, power using a detector-type elactrodyn,mia device. Inerg. I alektrotakh. prom. no.b 37-39 Ja-* '63. OMA 16t 5) Is Zaporoshakly shlaostroltsIlWy Institute Illeatria measurements) (Ilectric networks) A KUUBBIN# C*Vot kaigo tokMe lmukl TAMOM" 1U.N.; NUMM, T.O. Heavy auty operatum of tbo electric &I"s of cranes In Aluilvocal pUnts., Inergo i 93*ktrotekh. prom. uo.V7042 Ap-Jo 163o (WA 2617) 21 Sapo bakiy mambimosUvitel'My Imatitut. (MottllurgigLp2auts-ftii~trlo *quipment) otrio cranes) NOV71OF U.N. kmW tel&m. -mrakl UMRn. OX kando tokbn. zanki TOWO for manring larp cumats. Prm. surto IS no,3s IWO Xr 16), (NnA. 1& 6) Isuows ours at No omvmnt) Wi '14~4 MMM lausHINP O..T. (Mushos k"d. t4khn. DAuk WtlPU4*2*otr6ds vater beater. Mekb. oil'. hoop. U w.91 29-30 8-163, (Km 17t I) KL-LUSIUN, -"Vs; MOSHKMCHO To.l.; NAUMENKO, Yu.N.; SIRYMO, N.I. Operation of a large-capecit7p cozvlsos, induction PurrAce. Metalluxs,9 no.22i23-25 D 264. (KUU ISs2) 1. Zavod *Dnsprosp&tjst&2l* i Zapamhakiy manhi no3 txcol tell ins U tut, , U, WUR IMSHIN,, 0,,Vop kwW* tekhn6 nauki MUZMM,, V.G,,, insh. System for controning braking electromagnets &zA alectrohydrwillc pushers, Energo I elaktrotakh. prom. no.408-59 O-D 165. (KM 1981) 0 '. - . . ~ a a A L a a ~ flo a so a %~ it i K ' - - - - it U. 1, Im, "Ad wpairs ats 4o& P1 a Ow of d-N %0 $o$ rA low"aw 10 ob tftoowm 1000 tm aia" OW tow"i Nowd " 9"960*" too 04 &a wo!" W" 06W The bw Abe 017ft of dip *Mkbo go so OAK, .i0 Om 60 r" 0 Its Vi 41 d i6i ai I At 419 QW 0 0 6-02-0- 0, 000 000000000060*0*000 -0-1 010 0 4 A.A. -A. tok 0 *0 460606666000600094 7~11"FNAM" M m4 c 5 -I- , I