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une or phantl-nugir-resol In making cylinOrtrot! rort-s In hot
boxes. Slavarenstvi 13 no.4sl47 AP 165.
Production cf cylindrical cores in nonliviled com lboxy-s by
tne hot-box process. IbU.050
1. Tatra National Enterprise, KoprivAce.
Attowts at bone induction br hateragamous grafts of W-ItAr
'blmder awon. YOWL WTPbdI 22 uoolla-a '163, 4y
1. Department or Histolev and Embryologyp Medical Aosdawg
Vareav. HW, Doc. dr 1. Ostrouski; and 2d Otatstric and
Oynecologia CUnlot Medical AcadwW. Warsaw, Read) Prof. dr
I Roaskouski.
KMILIN. V.V., intheserl KUDIN, T.O., Inshener.
Building an all-welde& bridge, Avt.dor. 20 no.6:13-15 -to '57.
(Nustansy Prow ine 9-SrUges, Iron and steel) (Moctric welding)
KOMLIN, Tov"IrAh't Doll T*00,145h.
ROPI"Ins swU spans withom% remaylug rails* Transpestrole
8 no.1200 1) 158. (NIU 22 11)
(Railroad Widges-Aalutemme mA repa1r)
KIDDIN#,V,O,* kand. tokbno nauk
T ~Cosibined x6tho4 for calmdAting pile gmtlngs, Tmns, strois
13 no,8158-U Ag 063. (MIRA l?s2)
11wiff, V.O.j insh.
Oaraoteristica of the calculation of piling gratings by the
generiLUsed xathod. Trwwp. stroi. 14 no.8s46-48 Ag 164. (MIRA ISol)
. V. r, iAUO S.IL .
Itimme Darmette; on tho 85th amiyors=7 of his birth,.Klin,,
uW. 38 moeW-5 :* 160. (KMA 1302)
- I
(Bu I tlv5-)
Present problems of so-oa2led **IU4*n dise"99 with report of
three @as*** Senro &a* polska ? no,lilll-122 Jan-Yeb 57.,
1. 2 Klialki Morob Warwowah A* K, v laW. 11srowalk: prof*
&, 11, Hornm# Adress %ads# 111nika Chorob Xorwmqoh, uls lopolaskisgo
I (Pol))
KWD11CUl alanins; RUUMXA, Sof I&; SZDIC, Janics
2 Cases of so-called latent opilepsys Polski typd. lok. 14 ao,10s
444-446 9 Ibr 59.
1. (2 tliniki Chorab Nervowyoh A.N* v Lodstj klarowulks prate dr
11. Bermn). Adross lads, u2. lopairiskiogo, 22 Jr2lu. Charob Nervowyob
As No
(APIXAMO in W. & child
latentv came reports (Pol))
)Ilasthon" in a 3.y"r-old girl. Nou"l, nourochir. psychlat,
Polo 13 no,ltl23-226 163a
1, Z Kliniki Chorob Nervowych AN v Lodsi i s Oddsialu Nsuro-
logiesnego SspIta1a In, Jo Korasaks w laftl Ordymtor: dr Wds
XUMMXIO ldzislavj_wp~-i $~:anina
Apropos of the M syndreme and so-called lightning-fast
flexion opammo Wourole neurochir, psychiate pole 13 no.6a
835-SY7 N-D'63
1,, Z Oddsialu Wourcloglaxnego Sxpltala int :*Koresaka v
UA%i; ordynators,ZJubertkU
GHITWCU p D,p ing,; NWIVISCRI, L.,,Ingo
1--l'~'o,'- 7--. ~
Contributions for determining &* calouUtion nstW of Us
vind effect an the necessary beat of *12dings. Reir vanstr
si met constr 25 no* 221 634-638 D 063.
UOU-117-SKAUt X-S-
Etiology of roarlet fever. Rq)ort 00.41 Isolation of the L-form of
streptocoodus from pentollUn-treated patients vith scarlet fever
and the producticm of a ovohewoculture. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i Im
33 no,501-35 Vq 162, (KM 15i8),
1. Is Inst1tuta epidexiologil I adkrobiologii 1"ni Gazalel AM
Is X-1
0* A4
*0 a
00 :00
00 c vu 440awk is of as *sub* dd nw.
0 soft
1~ MIS. Marc I.
00 MIME16-.F"ing 0 W ii;Z;~ #pow ma
00 4WAN"ft NbM- OW" MW dkM$ GSA WWM~* a# VS.
00 WAMV 0 maskoft. rm Me, fewl6ft b Wt. I
"d WSIM -A~6ybrtokw comm6m wkbm saw
WN m WNW&W SNOW& Ambash
vftva* S*h tow
4M*A* A** ohm to "Wwv 0 ww"aft
u# d dum 0 how bIbf4w4mqv"w**
40 goo
4e: ass,
oe 4, 1 .4. Jot 4w 0. 00
-6-i-o' 'Cvili V W-iCl-
10, 1
'Zi 13% 4
1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 *-#-Ivq
op ~A
00 A
00 A
00 A
00 j
04 41
III till, 1 04 A-1-
amb OL
"I ,*. "'N" %IV. " - I -
ib INIA111111". t'"m I' ors"Opows low
*Owhv lot U Ohm 1l, 11hr amok
=101=11or MAOIrmit, Ck*Awd 0 km
up* Me ague% F ON 1. Tow msymn god a- Ow
04"WrIo* mov Am VU411 ma"Od 4 U, dow ism4m*
i;*- v4wer of low I Poo orakw% Umb Wow rwrw
TIw sruwatme V"t 04 oforlood"aftmw
"M 04==w rers" b7 sebre aftlows is jormy
4. :"a* an id r^ " mv"hw k n.
hmd am ft b"aft sahmm law aft"I of
is wwwwd an The immoialm b &K am to
bet is us
go IhIcy 4d md saylow #w kw kdAd" by
11111aw 41 go Omefth do "a. AKwish
W1111101 44"Wiptom
0- *- a
41 it J 4 d 4 il OR 4A
0 0 0 0 916 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0000 410,141
;,I -is: a 0 1 is at It A 4 IF
0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 *0 '90
*10 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 41, 0 0 9 0
0 0 o, 0
M"T ITMUI 8019,
4katlot favor# Eprofessoirl Tolsloffo, Reviewed by S.MaKlodnitskslao
ShursulkroblolsopidA imm, no,12:76-79 1 053, (XLRA 7A)
(""lot fever) (laffes V.I.)
N N, M, ON*=
0 rMS
pathmenslis &AA 6,1101off of surlet fevers Zharomikrobiolospid6l
I==, no.M90--" AC 054. (KERA 729)
(BOARM PSI taateriolw)
UMNITKAU, -641 Is"YON: MATMIN. A.1., ro"ktor; ROKMIA, Z.A.0
- I "- - M.11ka r
amleany IMMM61" I
9.1-120daitWit IM3-19)9# Nookwat Oaso lsd-row4,11%-37s 1956,
185 P. ( ' ' IfUlls, IUMAI 1201"TICH, 1868-1939) (KUU 100)
Kwml"uuo $x
-, c,- 1. ~ - ~.-
Nei* Oflualsta an the contamW of his birth (1859-1949), Umv.
Roe. Pedar, 3 ".3,35-36 Mr 159. (IUPA U34)
Hemoculturso from "&on vith rhountion In the active pbasoo
Sbur.mWobiolop opid, I Imm. 32m,nt56-M .1 161. (KMA JMJJ)
L Ix botituta opide0ologii I Mkroblologil Imul GwAlel AM
In memory of StietAus &u%et (1873-1960), Zhur. aikrobial. opid. L
iwam. 32 no.7114&147 Js 161. (MIRA 15:5)
(B t ZT=Ms 1e73-1960)
-tRIMMIN, WNUOR tillffi-
UMNI?SKAU P, kandved.nauk; URDMMDt A.F.S kand.mod.nauk
Pathogenesis of-strVtoooe"I Infections, Report go, 29
StuO)r of the pathogenicity of streptoooccal, forms in evchemocultures,
isolated fron children in an active phase of rhmmU=# during
an experinent on antml#. Trudy MDNIXI no.3t"9 062.
KLO21ITSKAYA,, 8.11,p kand, mod, naukj MAKr=KAUO S. To.; ODDMOVAO V.A,t
-PA9zCWIxj S.A.
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Sov. mod. 26 no.nI51-56 N162
(HIRA 1713)
1 Is 1-7 terapsyticheskoy kliniki ( say* - doktor mod. nsuk
H:O. Malkins. , baktoriologicheakoy laboratorii zav. - S.M.
Xiodnitakaya) i patolo anatc-Icheskogo otdo3a zav. - kando
mod, nauk A$AO Hauwyamokcvskop oblastnop nauftc-Issle-
dovatellskogo klinicheakogo inatituta imeni M.F. Vladinirskogo.
Fiftieth aonivereary of the disoovery of the role of asimels
In the epIdealology of plops. Zhur. alkrobiol. opid. i
Immuns .40 nooW54-156 Vq -63, (MBA 17W
1, Is I Hookovskogo ordens Lanina seditainskogo institute imni
Sechanova i Moskovskogo ablastnogo nauchno-Is#I6dwmte1'skqgo
klinichookogo Institute,
NeMol VRANAj lal DU TUANI-TSAT (Tv Yuan-ts'all; KIM XHI IN$
Study of.A-t7peron and KO--meson production in YA-p-Interactions
at an eneigy of 7 - 8 Billion glectron Volts, Zhur*~kxp* i *^oro
fix. " nos21431-"3 F 163# (MPA l6s7)
1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadormykh iseledovanly. 2. Sotrudnik
Instituta atcancT fisiki v Bukharests (for Mikhul),
Production of 11 -hporons by 7-8 Bev, negaUve // -moons on
hydrogene Zhurs sksp, i teor. fis. 45 no.2sft-" Ag 163.
(MIRA 160)
1. Ob*yodinennyy institut yadernykh isslodovady.
(Hyp4mns) (mesons)
(Nuclear reacuons)
AVRIN,j (414 [Alcullso.1mKoll GAMMA, Th.O. flklevomko, ra.0.1i
WAMWOoA' *102SArf X.T,s MINOT, S.r., UU=ff,
LAI I Klodso"olkyll 1.1.31 rcoom, 71t.T.
CUbust-M-1-11 rogugo T.T. EzSsUvkv T.I.Ji Immuffe
X.:48 SMOSIZOTO v.S.1 [Zoqtohrysev. T.3j:
two x. . Ezam-wo 2.2& 71 KnUM", 0.1P.- CXwtyWLok,
WILIMs P.No; kmAjotto.maki UVOLIMIT P'Ta.
T.X*j &FMI 0,01 tommo-m-31
ORMWo 14A.1 MUNILOY0 I.A.1 tMISAX, Ta.yo. Ebrs&ko IV, Is. It
0 to. rod.
lod.1 LAMINO I.A. CUbutlas I.A.]# t'k
[Antooltion In IndustrY3 Momatizatstia , prmwslovostl,
Ulv, Dershovyd-vo tekho.11t-ry UISR, 1960* 288 P,
(AntowAtin) (Industrial managmat)
Diagnostya oharacteristles of Digitalis forrugima and Digitalis
lanata. Aota Polonlas Pure. 11 awl. t67-68 1955.
1. 2aklad Botadid Thr"coutyesnej A. M.0 Posaan.
fs"Ines A ImmtO%, differoUtiAtiOn)
COUNTRY I j~olu nd
ABS. Jouit. i;06' 14 ;0. 43712
AUTHOR Dorabislaka,,A. and-Al ~iej
IN'Te. Uot Oven
TITV I A Microctilorimotric Dynamic-Adiabatie Method
for theMossurement of Variable goat Effocts
OR XG, PUB, I Zess Vauk.1-olitech Lcd%ki*jj sm 22, 69-71 (1938)d
ABSTRACT A dynamic-adiabatic procedure is proposed for
use with ths Wotoalawaki-Darabialaka mlcro~
caloriu*tor~(W. Swistaslawski and A. Dorabialska#
Roczniki Ones,,?, 559 (1927)) in cases when the
Principal'p*rtion of tne beat to be measured
is:reloustd in &,short p@ riod of time (1-3 min)
and the rtuainder is,giveu up slowlyand at a
deareasing rated The method consists in the
foil ovino:. In the Initial stage of -th* calori-
metric exterisent th*-texpersturt of the Jacket
CARD 1 113
"n H 27
gory , I "homical TeolumaIDSy- F"Mont"'On 1ndustry
Abs, our 1
t f
o lbs 1959,1
t"th(iri -S
Atute I
dornl2a-tion nna -Auto= ton of Malt Producing
Orl g pub Przom, ferrentacyjnyt 19589 9 No 4 f IP6-131
Abstroct t Automation of processes involved in the
manufActure of valt were justifie4 ana rossi-
bilitits of its arnlication in vrnctice were
revioved. PresontoA.are oreliminary flow
Aiagrams. covering the Putovation of ur6cess
;juipment and of grain treating;
the centr zation of mxtrs control and of
blockfnR-out.certaln to noloRical processes-
-by'remot* ton-trol.-It oavors also the-rormte
Cords .1/2
i *Jso of Aemote Texperaloure ito Jord ing ana Ccnzroli,
in the X.RIt 16ndustry
NO 51 VB-171
-ct 'I'he algal*'Ictrize 13 rumote r,,,:o-dIn&
Atid control of -.I& temperature, -'r, tril-b ..g ;,rwuzt'.'Or,
of 4
-:W Ce 3 3 Ity -Ie I-Stru-
r,4 J'-
.M,n*3 aVallable for to'wing --,-.*.o con-!
,, ?old,, I,
sld6. -%tlon 'he sj*::If'c .1e
proce7isese zi. V-Sk-z
Card 1/2
EMINSKIs Stanislaw (Krakows Skjiwlnska 8)
Adrenal hormone therapy of tuberculous pleurisy. Gruslica 26 no,51
387-394 Way 1958
1# 2 latalki Ptrijatryasnej A#N* v Krakowle. KIsrownIkt prof. dr,
$t# Hornuno.
AM in pleurisy (Pol))
(AM, ther. use
tubara. pleurisy (Pol))
EXCIRPTA MEDICA Soo 13 Val 12/8 Chost Dis. Aug 59
fitycane w studonekich p6l"natcrisch - X lad zidsk i 3.andPlotrowska
B. Zespolu Hadavesego, Inst. Grullicy. I V61saIMT.-PnTclu-Sruilic"go
dia Student6w. Xrskow - GRUZLICA 1#58. 36/10 (869-871)
I Respiratory Insufficiency Is divided into alveolo- respiratory and vtnutatory types.
These items* are divided tMo 2 groaps: the restrictive in which. by viru" of
fibrosis, the lung Is unable to inflate to an adequate degree. &W the obstructive in
which things& in the airway prevent either properinflation at deflation. Pleural
and long changes need carefully planned muscular exercises as well as 3 "rifts
breathing exercise& (15 min.).,. (1) part-physical introducing exercises; (3) part-
physical forming exeralsess part-ophysted muscle relazing exerclses (in*
creasing thoracic mobUI14. -90, should taks, into consideration IM varialloits in
%he volume of functional residual air which may occur during exercise am which
directly influences the quidity of vonsilatiou. "lotherspy plays a pt tn~M
role in chronic medical oanditions.
Dobrowolaki - Warsaw 4XV. 190)
EMINSKI! 8kentelaw; MAKMIA, Naria; TURIANSKAp Vladyslaws
Indloes of tuberculosis morbidity among university students In
Krakow durl 1945-1958 based on radlophatographlo studies. Chms-
1104 27 no,1111227-1133 1 '59#
1, Z Muth Ptysjatryowwj A*N* w Irskowle. Zespoln Naukowo-Badaw-
OSOCO Ing"uta, Gruslier v Irakovio. Xlerowniks prof.dr. It.lormg.
2 VII*JskI*j Poradni Prseolwgmslias*J dla Studentow Szkol Vysssyoh
w Irskowliss Xissow Ikt dr, He Krakowskas
UMM die.)
.!!4 V. a.; Pavods!Us, Lo Go; Yershovae So A#:
My4yev, V. N oo.
ORGS none
TITLE: Deep purification of cadmium and by rectification and zone refinin
SOURCEs Zhurnal prikladnoy Wall, V4 39, no. 6, 1966, 1239-1266
TOPIC TAM cadmium, zincp metal purification, metal zone refining, electric
resistancog,cadmium comyound, sit4 oxide
ABSTRACT: Deep purification of CdO cm rcial-grade cadmium and ZnO commercial-
grade zinc by rectification and subsequent zone refining is described, Rectifica-
tion was done In & h-f Induction heated, graphite, shelf-type column with 26 plates,
or In a quartz 'Subbling-type column with 10 and 20 plates, A single ch&rS* of metal
was 9-11 kg* The purity of the natal fractions obtained with rectification was
determined by measurement of the residual electric resistance at 4.2 K. Rectifica-
tion alone lowered the total content of Ali Ni Sn 8b Pb, Bi, Co. Mns Ca, Ca and
other Impurities In cadmium to lose than 1-10-t wt'l. *The yield was 602 of the
charge. Th lowest Values of the residual electric resistance obtained with recti-
fication w&: 0.9-10-10 ohs-ca for zinc and 0.6-10-10 ohatca for cadmium* Additional
purification was done by 20-pass zone refining with a molten natal zone 4.5 ca Vida
1 621,915.5921546,47'48
L 31 "3-66
ACC NAo AP6019363
and a zone speed of 4.5 mm/hr, Vith zone refining the residual electric resistam
In zinc and cadmiuk decreased to 0.6-10-10 and 0.48-10-10 ohm-cm, reso ctively (the
respective-gv=j-399.999982). from the data an cadmium rectification the co*ffi-
cient of the separation for the Cd-Za system vith a low concentration
(1.10-3_10-4 Wt%) of the second component vas calculated and found to be 2*0 0*3
Orig. art. hast 6 figures and 4 tables.
SUB CODEt l1v 13/ SUBM DAT11 O6May65/ ORIC Mrs OIS/ ATD PW5j
)MWIX, Evson; VM.. Vladlair; FORS?p Zdomk; MICEI#
MmUsekl IW=p Otte
Ph,mical and chodcal plociples or the production of carbonate type
embined fortiUser. Chou pma 22 no,121641-45 D 162,
1. Vyzkwmy ustay anorganicks chemie, Usti nad labes*
Sources of awdicAl blblJogmphy, Cesks oftal, 21 ros5;428-431
S 165.
MOMONVAKIA/CUtivated Plafts Mdero me
Abe Jour t Rer nwr B101 to 4j 19580 1%58
Author 3 V, Xlorffs
Title M-JWdbIoloGIcaI Findlup in Orasslana
I ftw;Tca
i -60mbiolociya V travopollnoy sistOMO).
Orig Pub t Sbor Vysoke sholy samed. 4 L*ono,,ftko Brnse 1956., A.#
Igo 2., 75-8e.
Abstract t The uWIrIcaUy I-arived. mean correlations of LTass =IX-
ture SW cowponents'. yallow alfalft - couch a"$ and
red clover + timthy., ordinarily utilized by weiCht in
Provortion of 2/3 Peas to 1/3 erain,, are critically
evaluated.. Vhw -the seed mixtures are uVirleaW put
toosther their condition to not almys taken Into con-
sidemtion wAp hencop the mixtures my not al" yield
the planned results in tho composition of anseland
Card 1/9
X1071RA, J.
Cholosteatomm verum orbits@. Cook. ofth. 15 no.1:42-57 Feb 590
1, Oant odd~Uni namoanke v ft"orku, prodnosta primr KLMr. losof
(CROUMTMTM# case r*portej,
orbit (00)
(ORBIT, aysts"
cholostastolm (0s))
lopwities In slualnum by, tho actintim
analysis#" &Utft~U Gas &* dr 27 no*9/IbIS19 964
I The josef'sUfso botitnUo Ljubljmao
KLOMTAlt, MRrija, dipl, Was.
Soals formation on the heated mrtaoss of bollors. Nova proixv
13 so.WO-250 41
KLOHR, OlofOA#,, prof*
Biology and Ideology. Elovileg 8 no,,lt2&-30 Ja-F 163s
2. Janet Egy9tem Tormeasottudomanyok Filotofiaja Tanazakenok
vezetoje,, Namet Domokratikun Kostars"ag,
A.-L,- M I
2. USS OW)
Apartment Plouses
'Advamed methodl in em strwtion of apartasaL houses.
Kul* strole WIN :0 No# 200
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. J&nu&rY -1963. Unclassified.
ACCESSIM KRI U4039%6 8/00"/6k/00o/0A/Au&/MA
SOURCE4. Ref. Sh. MatemetiM, Abe. 4B552
AUTHOR: Xlokacbev I., Ve; Sobolev., Go A.
TITLZ,, A standard program for Vw numerical Integration of & system of fl"t-
order ordinary differential equations by the Runp4CM& metbod,, vIth automatio
selection of steps, for the PM-2 computers
CITO SOUM Sbo Resheniye in%* sai-eb ns, elektron. vy* chIsIp asabinakh" L."
TOPIC TAOSs numerical integration, differential equation, ordinary differentisl
equation, first order diffevotlal equation, Runge Kutta methods computer
TMSL=Ogt The paper presents a progm Intended for the numerical Integration#
on a giventintenmi L'Xo" x * of a system of ordinary differential equations of
form I = 1$2ppeopup vith Initial conditions. (390)'ayiop by;
the fourth-order Runge4utta formulas. The Integration Is performed !14%b automatia
election of the stop, the napWido of wbich Is modified by the
p=Wm depending
Card 1/2
ACCFMICN Nits AM039846
on the behavior of the solution obtainad,, in such a way that at each point of the
interval of integration.* the step night be awtimum for the given allowable error@
constructed program is a standard one: it may be Included Into say working
program, and arbitrary programs my also be Included into it. The program allows
~several schemes of integration &:A output of the results* The choice of points for,
which the results an printed out allows one to obtain the solution at the ends
ipoint X of the integration Interval L"xo, X-7; at all points at which the Integra-
tion stop to increased; at any points generated according to a rule., which may be
arbitr&ry, sjpecified in advance by the programer (output at constant- Intervalap
given table of output pointap etc**.) If desir*dp the Initial data may also be
printed out* The program my be used with a caq*ling and InterpretIna-systeme It.
Occupies (OM)8 memory ceUs, is self -resetting, and has a series of Lmb-prograg
blocks. BibUoirapby, with 5 UtUs. 1. Shelikbova .71
DAM AMs 1%Q& So CM1 M DP ZKO14 00
XLOKACHEV, I.V. (Leningrad) %
. - --
Refinement of the normlind vriting of numbers vIth a floating
point in digital acaputers, Zhur, Ynh, mats L mat.fLa. 4
192-194 J&-F t64, (MMA 176)
UOW# f,K,#soot9khnlk
*chinas *** the vork of stock raleors "aloro K616691114"6
9 nool2s27-28 D 158* (KUA 19: 1)
lo Zolkhou OUkralna,l Nevo-Mmlaskago rayme, ZiravopMokoy
dblastl ,
(Aviouiturma wohirAry) (Stock wA stookbroodins)
KLOKCVA N P.j KUVALENKOo A.D.p ak5devAkj, rct"nzent;
15traln gauges for measurements at high temperaturerl
Tentodatchiki dlia imerenli pri povyshonnykh te4vra-
turakh. Poskva.,hashinostroenlep 1965. 116 p.
(MIRA ]8t4)
la kkadeadys, tauk Ukr&M (for Kovalonko).
Kloklovs V. 1. Gen Col.
~~hl f cf AC - of 4v-niij smi Suvorov)II.
On - Artillery AeaderW (of Jeuln and Svvorov)
Im, Dzerthinskiyo
Sovie* Souroes Xt Oudok No. 236 Mbscow,20 flov.147
Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Isis;W teport Hop 44-3(9s on file in
Library or "IongressoAir Inforwation Division.
9; Mpg X,
see- -GF-W~:� *-**-&AD-* -0-i 40
it 16 His I A 1 W
4 1
00 6, - .46
09 it) A. V. sad 600
of J.
oo a
md of
b W'-"7 -If -c-
ww o
is 0
fie bat 0~61417 IWO, 44 was"
Atli its affAliwallst 4111141kof ctilwKillm v ,~4
u a 1-03 116,t
10 0 0 a ; 0 0 a
0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 Go* 16 10 so so 0 0006 a 0 0
00 0 00
0 0 0,10 0 0 0 * f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or:*. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0
so MA "d W
d mooWfoll" 41am v 0. abomm 004 V, 04=-
~Irm, ICU.. 0
Wo Im"oeve arks iml 143.
0111; ro. III #W must" NOW..
Nor :nIm
a 6"WW" A" $Mo.#d
oA 410tv liew #M^I* hop. M "Pic ro&md lb,
a 111 &4 orbs"
of Wwwr
9) ow 11 -top.* the kgwfb%" lw~
9101111140141 IN OW Will 0 01=. The
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&IIAWd MY 9W%11- 40 4110" SW OWL III U"N, k-
od aim. srA m ahmi IIII mot. to trnyq". 44 Slow obt
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lim. IN hmpma* d6ww"W"I sob OW wam
,h., fbo ft" raw ad low 46.
f". *44. on lbp 046tv
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fammallme away ad Ap pmm- &r in will tmw *4 *
"Oull W 4ow dmhp&m Go *a-hvm ifir mdarv Wa thr is
1"64 04 Obw "T144%. ft"" AM drum. sbp 4whoaft"
ewil. a AW bm".. #00 1446" k4whvi flvo4h volm 40
i*w "wimbis r to "or am $0 $a x 1" 1*1
"A to I Mw*o=mww r!6" mgih With Ime wAij
461,jl'~ 46 V. JMW On h0%) to $A
1.2 x 10-04 sq, r"'M bm ie~ 4.4.
am& With Th X. by vammika d lbwee. la,dd
I , two. Id 7% x ift Ift(lawt wwo%d ;L
SIM4 of R4. wwlb sow "Wim of The me
aed ad lb X - fL?#A Tbr **4d*iWM k=W UMkV h Sr-
ft" W a& to OWW Impbs " low 04 too-* fbk
pm- Como" ow Artq;~ Im br al"amm" Od
r"veim. 4d dw wW phaw in ematmi "Im iho wmph.
N [two
Unax%enistry -,;IMtuu )kr/Apr 53
"Determination of the Coefficient of Distri-
bution of PAdium &sA*of Its Isotope ThX Be-
tueen the Malt and Crystals,of Calcium
Nitrate " V*Q# Xhlopin (daceasea)~~.R.
Clklokmn4~16.Q. P*kejnsj&~T_Wium Inst, Aced
set USSR
Iz Ak Nauk S=j MR lo 2, pp 250-252
The coef of the distribution of Ra and of its
Isotope ThX betueen the melt and the crystals
of calcium nitratev" determined. It has been
shovn that in this s*,*stes thereAs no enrich'
sent of Hm An tie a" pbase., It b" been
shown further that Badium zdtrate readily form
m$jwd crystals with the nitrates of Ca end Pbo
but not vith-those of Or &:A Be. There to en-
ricbment of Ra on crystal of the nitrates or
Sr an& Sao tut not on the zdtmU* lot Ca and Fb
-tfaft- ef undo
A %,,MM W..guse sAi d
Ht"f"' I
------------- fkd"~Y ii- j4a~i
J ~Ahs
W IA zh
.U~ vix
InAl on,:I
I "t ~. lLiLJL~
'R& during its, distriWrj
hid of
Kt-ok\- riv,14, V,
STARIX. I.Ye.g UTUR# A.P. Edsoessod1l MOSHICY, O.Y.; VMS, A.S.;
UM173, B-0.1 18MNAo V.A.; SNUMe L.A.; YNI)MINW, Y*.I.;
mdaktorl TWOU01INAs -I X, g, tokhnicheekty redaktor
EA collection of practical sudloo In radio obasistry] Sbornik
praktichaskikh robot po radlokbiall, Elaningrad] 1956. 210 pa
(XLU 10:1)
1. laningrods Vaiversitstj
MCK-I.A411, V. Al.
KRII 11, T.O.; VINWRADOY$ A*Pe, skadealk, redaktorg 41101M. A.A.. radaktor:
aRWORCIII]COVAJ.1o. kandidat khtmichaskOh asuk,, redaktor; JUXEM, -
,~4~ kaodidat khtstehasifth Gauk, redaktorl IIIITII# B,A,,, e*"-kfffqq-
Gassad]l PASTIZ. X,A** kandidat kbintobaskikh'aaak, r4dakt,
decaasodj I 14?M. A,P*. daktor khIstobeskikh &auk# redektoirydieww"d]:
82alto I.Ye., reasklor; IROYMN. Ya.A.. redaktor isdatelletval
FXTZM* Rog,, Ukhatebask1y redaktor
[Collsojed,works] labrennye trudy. Moskva. lid-voi Akad. nank SM,
Vol .2. LW*rks on Inorganic and analytic chemistry and an poabomistry)
Trudy po neorgentaheskol I analitiobeskey Wall I po gookbiall. 1957.
306 p. Ow 10:8)
1. Chlon-korrsspo~dsnt Akademit usuk SM (for Orinberg, 3tarik,
(Chanistryt Analytic) (Chemistry# Inorganic) (0tochemistry)
11. V.0,; SIXITtY. B.A. Cdaceasod] otvststvsnM redAktor; IATM
AJ, Cdoessood) dektor kbistcheskikh nauko otyststvonswy rodaktor;
11000HADOT, A,P,q skadsmik, redaktor; ORIMM, A.A., redattorl
alIMSHCHUOYAt Val., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk$ redaktor;
14'.bndidat khImicbeakikh nauk, rodatter: PASYIK,
VeAv. Edecessed] karididat khtnicheakikh nauk. redattor; STA-
RIK# LY*.$ redaktor; UOYMN, Ys.A., redaktor isdotelletva;
PIYZM# LS.# t6kbntehsskiy redaktor
(Seloat~4 vorks] Isbranmrs tr%dy. Moskva, Is4-v* Akad. nauk SM.
tol..VCWorks to ths.field of radiochemistry] Trudy v oblasti rs-
diakhimill. 19579 370 p. (Mm 1014)
1, Chlen-korrespondent Alcademit nauk SM (for Nikitin. Ortubarg,
"Investigation of the Various Factors Influencing the CrYstal-lizat.10n Coef-
flelent of Radium in Its Diettibutiou between Fused and Crystalline lead Chloride"
Taotapes and A&dUtbun In ChwisU7# OoLlecti= of ft;4r& of 2ad
ALI-Ozion Ucl.T=b. Omf. ca Vve of lRadloaclAyt and 1.1so"s Gza
IlAdlatiloa in Natic"Al Econoty sad science, No"Ov'O ltd-vo- An S=" 19580 APPI
This v*U= ;ublisbas the -*;*:t3 of the Chaalr-txj !;ecUcu c: Un
2ad *W~ OcA OPqr.:i Cv,-tf cu We of 1111adloscUve imd StAbla lacitopoz &" T-*dLSt4QQ
in 'Seltec'e ard Y.A%i=1 Op"it"ed "q 1"ei. ZVX,% OA Hala
Aromin r4;x UtIlit-iUcc of Atcat utdar Cc1=11 cX X1z1r,*-ir:i UZA,
M05CO.'ri 11-12 "Aprll
AUTHOR: tlokaan# V. R. 78-1-7/43
TITLZI Distribution of the Xioro-Coapon*nt Between the Molt and
the Crystalline Phase (R pred:l:niyo nikrokosponenta mosbdu
rasplavom I krilstall1oho:111coy f 2 Y).
PERIODICALt Zhurnal Neorgani~heskoy Khimiip 19589 Vol. 3, Nr 1#
PP. 33-35 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The behavior of the micro-oomponent In the malt is In some
respect analogous to that in the solution. The mechanism of
its compensation of concentration results in the process of
reorystallization (reference 2). The velocity of the
commencement of equilibrium at high temperatures, however,
In much higher* With the separation of the solid phase from
the melt# the same cases of a ooproolpitation of the micro-
component with the non-isomorphous solid phase are obsorvedl
as is the came in solutions, Abnormal mixed crystals are
formed. The latter were proved with radium- and lanthanum
fluoride (table 2, reference 3). Radium crystallizes commonly
with crystals of the non-Loomorphous potassium sulphate.
(reference 4) Yet theto is a certain difference in the
behavior of the micro-oompohent In the solution and In the
Card 1/4 melts 1) The solid phase is not separated from the melt
Distribution of the Micro-Component Between the Melt and the 78-1-7/43
Crystalline Phase
according to the logarithmic laws 2) In the case of
orystallitation of the volt& phase from the Xelt9 UO
analogous copreoipitation of nicro-quantities of lead
with the halides of the alkali motels, which have a lattice
of the type W&C1 (reference 3), was achieved, as is the
*&as with solutions, No change of D (D is the coefficient of
orystallizatton which oharaoterises &A equilibrated
distribution) took place in binary systems 'with U012 in
which LiCl were replaced by NaC1 and KC11 as shown in table 1.
The author subsequently colected CdCl 2 and ZnCl In systems
with B Cl2 and PbCl2 as second component and doiermined the
cooffi:ients of crystallization at various ttzporatures
(table 3s reference 5). The following conclusions can be
drawn from the results obtained: 1) The replacement of the
halide of an alkali metal by CdCl 2 and ZnC12 in the systems
with B&Cl2 and PbCl 2 has substantially decreased the value
of the coefficient of crystallization of radius.
Card 2/4 2) No common crystallization of R&C1 2 and PbC12 took place
Distribution of the Vioro-Co.spontat Between the Melt and the 78-1-7/43
Crystalline Phase
below 4100C, The latter phenomenon was explained by the
author by a polymorphous transformation of PbCl between 410
and 4200C. This assumption was confirmed (accorling to
reference 6), at 4220C. This crystalline modification is
apparently not Isomorphous with RaCl 2# The author explains
the reduction of the coefficient of crystallization of
radius as follossl Cadmium and zinc have a great ability of
forming complexes. The constancy of the complexes
Increases in the molts with the decrease of the radius
Of the central ion which to located In the exterior sphere.
gore are the a#ntral ions# those of Cd and Zo.
Do-, Pb- and Ra-tons can participate at the exterior sphere
of the complex. Radius has the largest radius among then
and the complexes formed with it are therefore the most
constant ones. This must result in a reduction of the activity
of the ions of the sioro-component. The coefficient of
crystallization of radius dooreasoo with the transition of
the system: B:Cl,-N&01 and PbCl -N&Cl9 with which the
sx1stenoe f ol d complexes w&I not proved, to the systems
Card 3/4 Baal 2 - CdCl2j PbC12 - CdC12 and PbC12 - ZnC'2 (table 1 and 2).
OrystaUtzation coofflolout of radius In nitrate watemoo RAdlO-
khImila 1 no.1126-32 159. (K]3U 12A)
(Radlum-4ryotala) (Nitrates)
Relationship 'between the Metallization *oef f1cleut D SDd the
distribution oonstant I In fused systess. Radialchivila 1 20011
32-35 159# (an 1224)
(orystanisatIO2) (Systafts, (Chemistry))
RATM. A.P, Cdooeased3l X%O"# IsIs.- NIZDLfSXIYO A.B.
Adsorption of sine and cerium on precipitates, of barium &3A
lea4 sulfates, Hadtakhtmita I no~21174-180 1 90
11aft 1218)
(Zino) (cerium) (Adsorption)
for"tion of abnorpol mixed Lay OrYOU18.12 tho 097$t&12&2&tlOs
2 3
of lanthamn fluorid* olt. Radfokhtntta 1 no131241 2 1590
(lanthams fluoride) (Crystals-Orowth)
Distribution of tbo radioactive isotope of l#%4# %Ig, between
th" malt and crystals of alkali V*tal halide$@ fladlokhwia 1
W-31247-252 '59, (KM 12 2 10)
(Alkali metal halide crystals)
---------- 0-1~
Affect of the ohemical nature of the second coqvnent of a binary
opton an the ooproolpitation of radius with barium ohlorldeo
Wlokhlnil& 1 D045014-520 139. (WRA 13%2)
(Radius) (Barium ohlorlde)
S/186/60/002/002/007/022 -N
f/ 00 9071/2433
AUTHORS I Klokman,YgRof, &akishov, K,G. and Smirnov, V&SO
I i ;d-y 'ft h
TITL19 t of the influence of tho,formation of complex
in the molten state on the~coeffici*nt of cry1f=19
in the systems, PbC12-ThXC12-XCl and CaC12-CdCl,,Z-Kcll
PERIODICALs Radiokhimiya# 2960# Vol.2, No,2, pp-175-192
TEXTs In previous works an the influence of the nature of
solvents on the 14
coefficient of crystallization of radium in nitratei,
and chloride systems* the authors expressed a supposition (Ref,2t
Radiukhimiye, 11 1, 26 (19$9)) that in malts, as in solutions* the
formation of complex ions of a macrocomponent in the liquid'phaso
should lead to an increase in the coefficient of crystallization of"
a microcomponent. In order to confirm this supposition it was
necessary to investigate systems in which the existence of complex'
ions in the liquid'state was proved'by other methods. For this
purpose the authors chose two systems PbC12-KCL And CAC12-KCI#
A review in given of literature on the dependence of physico
cheakical properties on the composition of melts of the above -two
systems, proving the existence of complex compounds, In tho
present work the ooefficients'of crystallization (0) of ThXC12;in
Card 1A
study of the Influence. toll/X433
the system PbC-2-KC1 and CdC12 in the system C&C12-KCI- at
j- various temperatures and compositions of the liquid'phsUis'viers
determined in order to prove the dependence'of' 0 an the presence
of a complex compound'of the macrocomponent in the malt,
Specially puriried starting salts (PbC12# KCI, C&C12) and radium
0 isotope i1iX and radioactive CdI15 (the purity of which was chocked i
J~, by the decay curves) were taken for the experiments, The
1,~ experimental procedure was desciribed earlier (Ref.2 and
RefAs Radiokhimiya,, 1, 5t 514 (1959)). The coeffici*nt of
crystallization of radium was determined at 430 and 4500C with the
,:,-composition of melts 80 and 85 mole % of PbC12 respectively, it
was found that at a constant temperature and composition of the
melt, the coefficient of crystallization D is independent of thelt',
amount of separated solid phase. With decreasing temperature and X
ii corris'pondingly with increasing content of potassium chloride in., :i-
the liquid phase, the coefficient of crystallization increases front
0.93 at 450% to 1,31 at 430% L,'e, with a change in the
temperature of 200C the value .of the coefficient changed by'40%.
The determination:of the coefficient of~,Orystallization of cadmium
chloride)was done at 650 667'^nd'.68,50C,,' Blank experiments werw
Card 2/4
,~~A study of the influence 2071/1433
Ile rrieck out in order to correct for the volatilization of CdC12*
0 melt the
,,~At a constant temperature and composition of'th
iicrystallization coefficient of CdC12 is Independent of the amount
of the precipitated solid phase, With decreasing temperature#
i.e. with increasing content of potassium chloride In the nolld--
4-411 phase, the coefficient of Orystallization incr*ases from 0.030 kt;:-:
.~; 6850c to 0,39 at 1650*Co I.e. bY 30% for 35"C. The authors -also
attempted to determine the coefficient of crystallization of:--
`KCdCl3 in the system KC&C13-KCI at temperatures 663 and 717*0
coprecipitation of the cadmium compound with the correspond nS
Ilcalcium compound was not observed, The absence of
1~icocrystallization of XCdC13 with K-CaC13 coula be explained either b~ ,-
the fact that the above two compounds are not isomorphic or that stIl
-the experimental temperature, which was about 270*C above the
welting temperature of KCdCljj the latter was completely docompo ~d.
~,'~Howover, the possibility thai the cocrystallization had'occurrodi
7~lbut the coefficient of crystallization was so small that it was,
Albeyon'd the limit of the accuracy of measuring methods used', is not
,,,iexcluded. It,is concluded that on the basis or the above resul
--Card 3/4
A: study of the influence E071/9433
11:~bn,the distribution of ThXC12 and CdCliybetween thomelt
it was demonstrated hat
-crystals of PbC12 and CaC12 respective
in the same way &a for solutions, the formation'of a complex
,-_vompound of a macrocomponent in the liquid phase leads to an
increase in th~ value of the coefficient of crystallizatic~n, There!
re 2 figures, 5 tables and 26 roferoncess 18 Soviet-bloc and
.;..8 non-Sovist-bloc. Four of the references to Znglish language
publications read'&& followso H#Hloom and BeHeymanni Proc,Roy.Soo.11
A, 188, 392 (1947)1 r#Duke and RePlemingt J,Eloctrochem.Soc,
lo6,'g, 130 (1959)1 BaHarrap and X,Heymann, Tr&ns*Far.SoC*$ 51
2, 268 (19501 N.Boardmant F-,Dorman and IC , Heymann J,Phys Chomp so
sumTrED I June 24t 1959..
Xffect of complex formation In the **It on tb* orrotallization
coefficient of ruildins abloride In tbo systems KCS - UM.- KM -
BaNt XCI - OM a AMI&MMI& 2 no*4t3M-3W 160*
. . 9 (NM1319)
(101dius chloride) (Crystallization) Oblorldes)
T- X ; AVDUU)Tj 0. 1.
Iffect of the roollus of the alarocompaiumt ions an ervotalilsotion
to the $)$boos PbMo - BrC12 - OIC12 Aud PbM2 - ltal! - ZKOID
l6oo (Nlu 1319)
(02yetaulzation) (CU*ridss)
1150 10450 12jsj114S*' 1418 A051 Al 30
AUTMORSt Klokmano Vs R.j P&yUSoVt A* Pe
TITLEs A study of the effect of the nature of the solvent and size of
the radius of the cation of the miarocomponent, on the crystal-
lization coefficient value
PEMODICkLo Radiokhimiyal ve 2l no, 5P 1960t 521 - 530
TEM A comparison was made of the crystallization coefficients of
SrC12 and R&C12 In their distribution between the melt and crystals of PbCl2
in the same binary systems which showed that the crystallization coefficient
(CC) of SrC12 is much higher than.that of R&C120 The assumption made by.
the author's in Ref. I (V.R. Klokman, G. I. Avdulov, Radiokhimiya, 2, 4. 393,
1960)9 that all other conditions being equal, the absolute value of CC de-
pends on the ratio of the radii of the cations of the micro- and macro-
-components, was confirmed In other systems# namely in the systems with
BaC121 with which. the SrC12 and RaCl2 coorystallize isomorphically, the
Card 1/16
A study of the effect of the nature of A051/A130
same as with PbC12. A study was also made of the effect of the nature of
the solvent on the value of the CC of the microco=ponent. The subjects of
the experimental lAvestigations were binary systems, formed by chlorides of
alkaline metals U, Na, X, Cs and barium chloride. 3rCl2P labelled with,
Sr9o, was used as the m1orocomponent. The measuremonts of the Sr90 were
carried out from the accumulation of its allied product Y90g first separated
from the Sr . PkAse diagrams were made of the corresponding svotems prior
,to the experiments on CC determination (Figure 1). Data showed that in the
system BaC12-CsCl the formation of four compounds takes place$ which melts
incongruently. The determination of the SrC12 CC was carried out according
to the method described by the author in Hof* 3~V. R. Klokmant A. A. Mell-
nikova, Radtokhistyal 1, 5, 514, 1959). The Sr 0 content was calculated
from the accumulation formula of the allied product of decay. The results
of the CC determination of the strontium chloride in the systen B&C12-LICl
are tables 2 axd 3. The resultsof the SrC12 CC determination for
Card 2/16
A study of the effect of the nature of A051/A130
theIsystem BA012-liolt,at a temperature of 7150C are given In Table 4,
The SrCl CC determination In the system BaCl
2 2-KC1 was made at throe dif-
ferent temperaturest shown in Tables 5-70 Finally,Table 8 gives the re-
sults of the determination made for the system BaCl2_CsCl. The authors
point out that the data obtained showed that the CC of SrCl,.!n its distri-
bution between the malt and,orystate of DaC12 in all the in tigated
systems remains a oonstant value with a change in the amount of the solid
phase# temperature and malt composition. It was further shown that the
absolute value of lhe SrCl 2 CC in the system IC19 is twice as low as its
value in the syston with LiCl and with NaCl. With st shift over to the
system with CsCl a further drop Is noted of the CC value of the SrC12 0
1zhe c1rop in the CC of tho'BrC12 is 643sined by the formation In the Melt
of more stable complex ions of the m~~arooomponont as compared to the com-
plex ions of the macrooomponents. The SrC12 and DaC12 form simple eutectic
.systems with the Li and Na chlorides# in which, In the case of the absence
Card 3/16
A study of the off-sct of the nature of .... A05I/AI30.
or a COMPlOX-formi ng agent In the liquid phase, the state of the micro-
and macro. componsin % should not change with a replacement of the solvent*
A study of the distribution of the nicrocomponent between the solution
and isomorphic solid phase# showed that a lowering of the ion activity of
the macrocomponent as a result of the formation of the complex compound,
causes a drop In the CCp and a drop of the ion activity of the microcom-
ponent leads to an increase of it# (Rofs 81 V. 0. Xhlopin, lzbr. tr.9 It
ig6p lzd. AN SSSR. M-L, 1957)o Thus# a comparison of the CC values of the
SrC1 and A&CI in the same systems showed that the absolute value of the
2 * 2
CC of the microcomponent is that much greater the closer the ion radii of
the micro- and macro-components are (Tablo 9). The authors point out that
if it is assumed that the state of the micro- and macro-components does
not change in the malt with a shift over to the system with XCl# then one
can conclude that the compound BaCl-.2XC1 is completely disassociated in
the melt, The process of distribution is said to be characterized by two
constantat the CC (D) and distribution cons tant K. The latter two were
investigated and K was calculated in the systems BaCl 2-$rCl;-KC1 and
BaCl2_$rC1'2-LiCl, where it was shown that the value of K, just as in
Card 4146
A study of the effect of, the nature of A051/Al"
n -decreases with An'inarease of the content of the ascrooosponent.;
solu tio's
in the liquid phase# whereasl D, the CC, remains a constant value. The
calculations mado for determining the value of X for the hiven system was
based on formulas derived in previous works, (Hof, 121 We Klemm, We Tilkog
S. V. Uttllenhaim# Z* AA* allge Chom.j 176s Is39 Ij 19201 Hof. Ili 1. Be
Peaks, Id. He Bothwetl, I# As. Chem* 8000# 76, 10, 2653$ 1954). The donst-
ties of the melts and the volume of the solid phase were estimated# leading
to the determination of the liquid and solid phase volumes and K. as the
ratio of the volume%ric concentrations of the microcomponent In the solid,
and liquid ph4oo.(Tablo' IO)s One of the authors was able to show that X can
be cdloulated for any system when working in tho meltso if the concentration
of the microcomponant in the liquid and solid phases Is expressed in solar
parts (Her. 131 A.1, bely4ev, Fixichoskaya Xhimiya rasplavlonnykh soleyo
'Then Kal
Idetallurgizdat4o Rol 1957)o where N Is the solar part of the
macrocomponent in the liquid phase (Table 11), In conclusion the author
stresses the fact that the phase diagram of the system SaCl
2-CS01 was plotted
ftr the first time. There are 11 tables, I graph (phase diagram) and
Card 5/16
A study of the effect of the nature of *fee
, umve""
0 Now *0 *
~ a
L", CM
"m mem*""
to 4Q
l , OQ
gal so No as 5" so Mo
1.- 916, 63 843 7w 6" a" $u
10 Ow mi 412. 71A5 1&0 6w
13 va Ow am
1 734 673 &W $71
3D U3 so U73 5" 87A Wt
.On 6U 1&0 50 11so ..
, sts WO to" m
0 1W7S 5m IL" 558
45 in 67.6 $72
13 references 1 11 Soviet-blooo 2 AIDIA-SOViSt-blove The English language
publication readi all followss (got# 11) Is 8, Peakep Me R, Bothwelll L
ka. Chem. Boo., 76 106 26% 1954.
Table It (1) ' CACI(In
soles Pq (2) te'spo-
ratur* of appearance
of the first crystals
n Cj: J3 CsC1 (in
1101 4 temperatm
&no* of first,
Cryst Is -On 00).
C C1 (LA rOl.%)A6)
Temperature Of ap"ar-
&no* or first irystals
~On 00P (7) C$01 (in
mol smaporoture-
of appearance of first crystals (in OC),
ard 6/16
Iffeat of eamplax forattlon in tho wlt on the cM-toWlzatlon
caeff lalent in the syst"s PbCl* - ThIC12 IM1 and C412 - CM2
KC1, ladiakhWia 2 no,6sl75-W 160s (KIRA 14s4)
(System (Chemistry))
AVA"HORS - Xloiman, V. R~s Mel'nllkova, A. A.
ILITLEi Tho off iw# of tto dlfforo-a4 In radli *f th+ ostions of mi*ro-
wil icoff:i1#zt D val,4*6
PMODICALi R4410MMIYA. V. 2. nt. F"
TEXT: rUt 'n pf$Vj~-U# Work,# (pt%
Klowan. %nl 1. r. P*dA1cvMzLjt. 9, 4, ~9~, 196-01 Rot. Z: V. R. Klokmn,
S. A. Pap4v", Ridl~khImly&, 2, *, Vl, 19,60j Rot. .3- V. R. Mokasn, Yu. M. Oar-
washov, Raltokhtmiya 1959) It -matt shcwn UW th4 less the difformae,
in In& roilli )f vaore,,- ard mtmr:soospicn4~w. at.1onss tnt gr,%atar tho valu* of tbA
arystsli.1w.lon oo*fM4:,*V0, Z,. in t1his w*rk & dIff*r^nt 47fit&Z WSS SO.U11*4 naw'iy'
the oryettl1liattion 0~,^ffictont for X4441 10*16*1 ol-s. As om Uterqlnod v1th its
distribut.!:n b*twtiim th--w tvit. and 'th* crystiam of KCI 1r, tho binary #lot** KC1-
-PAC12. Thl data PUW'."#-A $too that I.-IV e-r7B'-%l112ati0n 40WICIOnt Of AM 19
lets thsr. the. of RbC! 'Po4t. 64~. V. A. Klolmaxn, A. A. KPI'Mkove, K. 0. lVakIthey
Cara lp
'The offool. of tM lIff#rv,** to ra-411 of AO,31/A129
md V.S. Smirmy. IRtlicisr-imlys. 2. 4, 28E, 19C0) %% thft ease tvarorituros. Tlws*
it is ;~on~ljlol tl..&,. ttm rtlation notsd previously betwom tho oryst.1111satlon
ooeffiolert sr.4 th* rilil J!*.fo:*r3v cf tno vi!pro- &--I cations
was P7,-,Vf~n to to vs,*-.l t:~r ttnmr myot*--a alto. It is polnttl out trAt In this
cost, slallir to that. er (Rdif. 4) mtoarTstollitskftim co#ffioI*n% of thr War*-
oomp-mont wto fvAnd rr~t to dtp4bnd on tbA oospolltion, mr on the melaw tsavoratu#,
in spite tf th,~ pr*A-i-.,!-, of' % o*rgruontly valO.Ing oup:vnl In this sy~4.#*, Th*ro
LS 1 tati- and rsftrvi.~*f.
SUMC-nED ;.Jly 11 196~08
Card 2/2
s1 186/61/0o/003/oo/M
A4 J/00 2071/035
AUTHORI !j!k~~~
TITLZj On the Types of Liquidus Diagrams of Binary Systems
Formed by Chlorides of Radium and Alkali Metals
PZRIODICALs Radiokhimiyal 1961* Tolo3j No.39 PP,302-308
TEXTs Since radioactive properties of radius make the direct
experimental study of liquidus diagrams of systems containing
weighable quantities of salts of this element difficult# and
indirect methods often are also Inapplicable, the author made an
attempt to give a quantitative evaluation of the possibility of
formation of compounds in binary systems$ formed by radium and
,ii, chlolills by comparison of liquidus diagrams of the systems
*A a
M C - me IClg and the ratios of the generalized moments of
the corresponding bi-'and monovalont cationso The concept 11
(goneralised Ionic moment) was introduced by V,K#Semenchenka in 1934
for estimating the ability of an ion to form complexes
(generalized Ionic w went$ also called ionic potential# equals the
charge divided by th: radium), By comparing the types of liquidus
diagrams of binary systems formed by chlorides of alkali and
Card- 1/ 2
On the Types of Liquidus 2071/2435
alkali earth elements andzthe ratios of the ionic potent Lals
(generalized ionic momonts) of astions of these metals in the,
corresponding systems $ a critical value of ('0M,19+) / COM +) was
determinid. Above this critical value the formation o; compounds
does take place and below it no compounds or* formed, On the basis
of the critical ratio of ionic potentials of corresponding tons
the types of liquidus di&Srams of binary systems formed by chlorides
of radium and alkali metals are predicted. It Is shown that the
critical value of the ratio of ionic potentials for binary chloride
systems, formed by alkali metals and the metals of the zinc Sroup
is lower than for the corresponding systems of chlorides of alkali
and alkali earth metals, which is explained by changes in the
nature of the bonds in the compounds. It Is shown that the
critical value of the potentials of forming a compound depends an
the type of the compound, Los, on'the type of coordinated ions.
Thor* or* 4 figures, 3 tables and 20 Sovist-bloc references,
SUBMITTEDs January 18l 1960
Card 2/2
,r# lot r4umum"s Its ft
T=s studr or fibs bob4ftm- at Or 90
-=v In WOUS W the Eystow
sub*-1401 wA_ PbOUmb
WM(21 R&&"J&w74# -'f 15 3W#_.&j 1%
Tono Twi ft,up "i ft~u imb 2, U019 Xboll ".079"lliftsuft
AB&b&Ms %Us stiAy nft#y
t1a 41pri"Itt" r
of distribution or ft%04-- ia-lua mmulft-m-s-li -at roan in 81"le ents"Is
systons of Pbal-LIOX "I PbO14W1# The s" sbmd tkit tbo oottle"as of
arysta404atleft of ftol Tom", 462'st"t "t ouly as the t Ift of sbaw Is
quensIty at Ibb soud ;Laos but also Win# tho sbwW of the oapposislom at ;__j
volt and the *bup of tom"s
rst=%~ in %I* ftnjrUOj. 4"tM the "offto"%%
vabs of U03. -in tide eye%* to 8#3* U Sbe eptAst PbUM4#A the seeffisi"i:`*
a 0 ~ ~T '!!Tr
of u7stalums"a of GM 1%miss qrs4tioally 4oustat gurL Ob sW14p of
tespratov =4 omgoettlon of Us mU# VMverg It diffors twou %be UU
Oft ale U_UQ syst"O ---The on
nt obtalmd Im. the PW ttl4bas of
:c 777
L 14960.6
Ot -Sbe Utul, to
by wall
tbi 41you 0,466114 o"N"N I
tabs "a - Souipoonums ot
-St Sho -901waij
Ue me is. sjo-x4ft toloa de amus of-%
V R.
ForwMan' of anowaous rAxed crystals of C~0-2 - CSF3 and ORY
V daving the orystallization of calcium Mioride from a w6ho
QiokhbdiA 5 no.4401-141 163. (KM 16 110)
(Calcium fluorlde~ (Rare earth fluorides)
Effect of a gasemw medium an the coproolpitation of cerlum &W
yttrius vith C02 w7stkllising from a salt of the bdna too
C&Y2 - KaY. PAdiakhbdis 5 no.5%527-536 163. 1. 13)
ACCESSZO)t NRt AP4009945 8/0IU6/63/0O5/OO6/O(A9/1O655
AUTHORS: Kyakishevp K.G.; Klakman,, V.R.
TTTLEt Influence or the flux nature on the formation of abnorml
mixed CaP sub 2-Ce? sub 3 and CeF sub 3-YF sub 3 crystals
SOURCE: Hadlokhimiyat V. 5P no. 69 1963.9. 649-65!)
TOPIC TAGSt mixed arystalsp calcium -rluoridex cerium fluoridet
ttrium fluorides calcium chlorides lithium fluoride
ABSTRAM The VVesent article is a development of earlier work by
Mlokman et al, (Zhmj is 33 (1958)o Radiokhimiya 21 5$ 521
(1961).. ibid. 2j 2j 175 il,960)t ibid. Is 30 241 (1959) treating the
san-e subject as applied to other similar compounds, The now series
or tests substituting LIP for NaF in the binary melt with C&F
showed no substantial change In the crystallization coeffici2ts
with respeot to time and temperature. On the other hand# substi-
tution of CaC12 for NaF1 showed a marked difference In this respect....
The following conclusions are made. In a CaP -CaM systemp unlike
the purely fluoride systems CaF2-MaF and caF22-r_,1r, the distribution
of Ce and Y fluorides follows Xhlopin's law, i.e.. crystallization
coefficient D remains constanu Independently of the amount of
solid phase fomed,, of experimental conditions and time. The dis-
tribution of Ce and Y fluorides among the CF2 melt and crystals In
a CaF2-CaC1 system Is uninfluenced by gas environment because of I
poor gas coLbility In the melt of this system. Rising cryetalliza-1
tion coerricients or Ce and Y fluorides in CaF,-CaM 2 at decreasing
temperatures can be explained by the attenuat;S activity of macro-
component ions because of decreasing dissociation of the complex
CaP2-CaCl2 compound. The general rule is formulated that crystal-
lization coefficient D remains unchanged despite changes In the
liquid phase If the concentration ratio of active macro- and micro-
component ions in unchanged. On the other handp if a change in the
liquid pha3e results in decreased activity of macrocomponent Ions
then D increasenj oonverselyl.D deareases If the activity of micro-
component ions decrease#. Orig. art. bass 2 figwess no formdas, 5 tables,
4CCUSION IMI AP4020054 0101"MAN/001/0011/0018
AMORS Ki~~ ~*A ~Idsnikovsf we so
TtTLSs A study of completing in fusions by the isomorphiacrystallization Mithod
in the systems PWI sub I-Or sup * C1 sub 2-11bel and PWI dub I-Or sup Cl sub I
Radiokhtmiyat v* 60 see li 19649 11-18
*TOPIC ThOSt complexiols fuslong Isomorpb1c crystallization motb9d# rbct nb 2-sr
toup *C1 sub 2-RbCtg FbC1 sub 2-Sr sup OCI sub 2-CsClj ScOl sub 2# LiCl,, 11AC1, 1E1
ABsTpAcT: study of the coprecipitatLon of srs~ with crystals of lead chloride,
precipitated from fusions of lithium and sodium chlovidev whichp with r412 and
stcl . provide systems with a simple out*ctiep led to as interest in cooparinS
ve;;fts obtained on the behisvior of Sr" to 00' a Complex systems in which there to
a formation of complex amwovoWso Itom the fusibility car" for the binary system
PbC -M*CI2&nd SvO12-MsClp when no is an alkali metalp complex Of lead
&ad strontium precipitating in a "Vacate solid phate begin to develep, In iystams
with votassim chloride* The -r of compounds said tbeft stability are
CW4 1/1,
ACCUSION Us A14020054,
Mforeat durLag conversion from an alkali chloride to oootborp both for the
system with PW12 and the system with SrCl2# Coef f LeLents of crystallization of
SrClj Lit systems IPbCl RWI end PWII-CoCt are 44termloade Rithervalvessre
obta nod In systems W12-IMI and iPbCl -C*Cl as compared with the systems formed
by lead chlorLds with LLCl# 11ACl and IMI. This is explained by the Increased
stabLILty of complex compounds of the macrocomposont with on Increase of LoaLa
.radii of alkali metals. It was established that the stability of complex compounds
,of PbC12 with chlorides of alkaft metalaq under the conditions In question* is
greater than the stability of tho'correepooding complex compounds of stroutiono
'Using an Looms hic method of coe tallixationo It is possible to establLab the
'presence of complex compounds In X fusioug not only in the am of crystallftso
tL*a of complex compouede but Also to the at" of Precipitation in the soU4 phase
lof the pun componefte OrUe art@ beat, 9 tsblesj 4 ftravese
U r
De'pandence of D on rearystallisation time In the case of the
arbitrary dependenoe on the probability time for transition
of microcomponents from one phase to another. Radtokhtsills.
7 no.4t488-492 165. (MIRA MO.'