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"A study of phyolco-chamical properties of methicil.11n and oxacl.Uin."
report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Pragusp 15-19 Jun 64.
Cent Antibiotic Res last) Moscow & Factory for Medical Preparationsp Rip.
10FOo R.I.;_KLEYNM .1
Effect of fats on penicillin prMuctims Pntlbl-~Alkl 8 no,gi
684-4M Ag 163. (MIRA 170)
Is Rizhakiy savod meditainskish pm~Arrktov.
Study of mom pbysicochemical properties of oleandomycin. Anti-
biotiki 10 no,lls982-989 N 065. (KIRA 19:1)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iselodowatellskiy inatitut.antibiotikov,
Noskva,i Riabskly sayod medpreparatov., Submitted January 16#,
11TS"MO Ox, kwAldat meditelaskikh nauk
Results of treating ulcers with sleep a-A wrocalus block* Sovo
mod. 19 wi.Bt" Ag 055. (WAA 8tIO)
I. Is fakul'tatskoy terapewticheskoy kllnlkt Vitabskop meditsin.-
skov Instituta,
(PVT1C VLCIMSo tbaraw
sleep & procalme block)
(SLWO therousee
uleargo &low A with procalm block)
(AUSTMIA, UMONAL, there use
stellate, block In peTtle uleer, with proealne. alone
& with 81M therm:W)
(PRDCAIU. there use
peptic uleer,itollat* block. alone & with sloop there)
Panctional changes In the ressectot stomach to peptic ulcer as
revoolod by late roodies nimrglls 32 mool2123-29 D 036o
(KLRA 10: 2)
Is Is fakultatskoy khtrurgichookoy klialki (say, - prof* L.Tae
Shostak) I fakalltatskay torapayticheskoy k1loild (say, - prof*
YooG.G*fsn) 'Vitsbakogo meditsinakegoAnstitlitas
(FMIC VM6 surg.
postope funot. changes)
BALABAII# B,V,p Insh, VABILIt V,D*, insh,; ZZWAXXSRt LoXhot Insh,j
Automatic control in municipal electric power distribution
networks. Ilsk. at&. 34 no*704-59 J1 163. (KIRA 160)
XLEM&A iyev)
Calculation of the itability or solubility of complex compounds - I I
in colored solutions from photometric data. Zhur. fis. khIno I
OVCHINNIKOV9 yu.p.1 SOYM# D,V,j CHIMUCHEVp 0,P.; Prinimall uchastlyes
Making alwdnum alloy parts vith. intricate internal channals,
Allum. splavy no.105-201 163. OaRA 16i11)
ACC "RI AP6012220
SOURCS CODE: UR/0032/0/032/004/0457/0457
AUTHOR: Kleyner, L. M,; Pilikins,, L. D.; Hystanove. At No; Flents 0* Ve
ORG: none
TITLE% Determination of grain size In high-stroporth sto*la of the
martensite typo
SOURCE: Zavodakaja laboratoriyat v- 32j no- 4t 19669 457
TOPIC TAGS: grain size# martonsitio steel, high strength steel
ABSTRACT: The proposed method connisto in o6idetion of the metal at a
temperature somewhat lower thsn Aq (600-73G C). The oxidizer used was
KMn0 which decompooss above 20000's evolving *tonic o A ample
was ~xidizsd at a temperature of 720 or 600uC for 2 or'"169;urs, After
oooling in air to room temperatures the oxide film was removed* Etching
was carried out with a reagent consisting of 4 grass CuS011; 20 01 Noll
and 20 ml. H 0 with the addition of a surface active subsTancs--sjn~bol
(iot6)0 Tbi irtiols shows micropbotoo pf the polished &le&*
arto bast 1 figures
SUB CODIt 1l/ BUSH DATIt none*
YURC=g I,YAL.g kmad, toMmo nank: ZMAMY. T.Po; SAZHIDD, T.P.; XWMTp
Loool IMM&A130
Orgodsing asseab2y Unaski Wmalulan poroolain manufaaturo* trww
G11I no#3131-52 1560' 1 (ML U15)
ftntim--Cormdo Industries)' (Pbtt*ry) (As"obly line matla-U-MAS
TAYTS,p doktor tekhn. nauki W" mp M.K.0 insh.1 ZAVALISHIN,
YO.K.,, inzh.1 XAWOINR YaOP -'1nzh-'j--FAL1LEYEV, IpLop jnzb#;
KAOAH# R.Lp insh. ldsvsas;~J; Pr1;1xa11 uchastlyst POPM,
V.N. Insh.; CHUTRDV,l A.A., insh,; MINUKHINA, L.N., Insh.;
VoRop insho
Technological and thermodynamdo characteristics or strip
heating for the continuous furnace welding of pipes.
stall 24 no.8046-750 Ag 164. (MIRA 170)
1, Ukrainakil nauohno-iselodovatellakly trubnyy Institut,
Urallskiy nauchno-isolodovateliskly trubnyy Institut I
Chelyabinakly truboprokatnyy zavod,
&;ZVI-MI170 P.A.0 kand. toWio nauki WAM,R, inzh.
Operation of an Injobation*mIxer with the injecting medium under
incr-.asod pressure, Proizv. trub no.10s8l-85 163. (laRA 17M)
Deteraination of the optima therml and teaperature conditions
Of & Continuous furnace for fast hosting.of thin bodies. lnzh.-
fis. shur. no.M67-72 0 164. (KM Vill)
1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-lisledovatellskiy trubnyy institut, DrAprc-
M.K*q imb.; UINITSVY. O.S., Insh.
Boat'proosomos, In open.-boarth furnsoes fired vith mixed
cases with carbv:otted aunt. SWI 24-no.ls27-29 A 64.
(KMA 17:2)
U R,1() I /C1-n,"rY-Y7 /rXY)Q/0
il K-1 e y nr Tayto. N. Tu.
7 1Y T;--%ting of thin bodies when the water equivaiont .-)f the heRtIE149 gr'ats
tn?henerr-n-fir-ich~rkiy zhumal. no. 1-:4
T A119 heating, thersod
Formulas are given for calculating the heating of a thin ltr~
%rxi -unter flow If the thermal capa-Ity Df Iris.
j ome ~ 1 upwir a v .7t~r r -sul"
c oublet-t to (-haVe according to s j
t:, th- hPating of thin todles 1r, pras 'u:-.a ~a
fn= ror=ulam for '-tir lira* .-44 , . , ..' .4 , 'I n-
,n b-oth direct " 7,r,unter f-:r-a orgl a. a
i f r-an b4c derived as specific cases of th4 rort general
At !r-,!1oped in the artlcl,4. To facll!t~&*A us,@ -)f ttia 'orm"jt,
C-an for a degenerate hypergeometrtc r~w-tloc emp.crjed La
Orig. Fkr-t. heel 214 formulas, 2 graphs.
C.,d 1/2
V~Sfr T ATTOM l1kraimikiy trubrqy inatitlut, DnspropotrovNk
SURXITTM! 01 Fst>64 VCL 1 00 SUB ~;ODF. -TD
Calculating the temperature of the wall of a metallic recuporator.
Stall 24 no.71656-659 J1 164, (MIRA 18#1)
1, t1krikinskiy nsuohno-issledovatellskiy trubnyy InstItut.
Toohniquom for obtaining dumble and goonmioal p" of wift
by oastIng In corwdo molds, Sbor. trade NWT no.1011)2.249
162* . (MIRA 15slo)
LVGMM# 149 "Mistentl MUM=$ ?.I Insh.
Propamtion of ro"tod wspro :Qbobabostv.pit, no,2s57 1 161
Is Ufo&a tokbnol&SU prigotavlo3d7s Hookovokop IwUtnu
mroftogo khos"tva ism' O.Y. ~ PIS
*pr) talu"s)
AUTHORs Kleyners V.X*, Engineer :91-58-6-21/39
TITLEs A Sight for 'Mork on Tranazianion Linen (Vizir dlya raboty a&
linlyakh elektroperedachl)
PERIODICALs Energetiks 1950 ~Vr 60 p 22 (Ussit)
ABSTRACTs A pistol-shapod textolite eight for work on power lines is
coscribed. Since the mirror is displaced to the right of
the vertical axial line, the viewed object, the threads and
the reflection of the level bubble in the mirror can all be
seen through the alit simultaneously. There Is one figure.
AVAILABLLs Library of k;ongresi
Vard 1/1 1, Sight units-ChowaterisMes
AOTHORt Kloynor, V.14 Rnginear 91-58-8-24/34
TITLEs A Now Pitting for Fixing tho Upper %lectrode of the Ex-
ternal Spark Oap in a Tubular Discharping Rod (Novaya
konstruktsiya kropleniya ver!.hnego elaktroda vneshnego
iskrovogo promeshutka trubahatogo razryadrika)
PERIODICALt Xnergetik# 1958,42[r.89 pp 31 (USSR).
ABSTRAM With the present t:rmin4 both the load and the electrode
are clamped togeth r be tween the terminal's two jaws*
This leads to a poor cortact and ultimate corrosion of
steel slatrodes. The now torminal describod by the au-
thort and effectively proved in practice, clamps the cable
in its jaws and is sortwed onto the electrode, thus elimi-
nating the defects of the older system. There is 1 dia-
1. Co nnectora (Electric)--Design 2. Electrodes--EquIpz*nt
Card 1/2
AUTHORt Kloyner, V. Yo.
Tr=: m C T -5w-i (MST-500-1) butt welding machine
PMODICALt byulleten' tekhniko-skonomichaskoy informatell, no. I 1962s 22 23
TEXTs A now model MST-5W-l butt welding machine Intended for the electric
resistance welding of tips to drill pipes 73 - 168 mm In diameter was braight out
by the "Elaktrik" Plant In 1961. Welding on the machine Is affected automatically
by the method of continuous flashing-off at a speed of 0.15 - 3 m/800 with Inter-
mittent preheating. During preheating, flashing-off and metal build-up, the tra-
veling clamp is displaced hydraulically. The motor power amounts to 14 kw, the
maxim= clamping stress is 75,000 kg. The,following technical details are givens
productive capacity - 50-180 welds/hour; rated power at a switching-on duration
of 40% - 5W kV-amp; primary voltage - 380 v; (rated) primary current - 762 amp;
secondary voltage control range - 5.4318.25 vj number of regulation stages - 41
secondary short-circuit current in Us rated stage at a clami distance of 100 mm
65,000 amp; maximum cross section being welded 11,000 on maxima build-up
Card 1/2
M C T -500-1 (MST-5W-1) butt welding mausLine A004/A101
stress - 50,000, kg; maximum clamp distance - 200 mm; building-up rate, not 1098
than 30 mm/seo overall dimensions of the feed and control station (length x
width x heighti - 1,350 x 650 x 1,730 mm; weight - 415 kg; overall dimensions of
the welding machine (length x width x height) - 4,615 x 1,520 x 2,840 mm; weight
-.15,150 kg. As a result of using a three-phase transformer of lowered frequency*:
auniform load of the network phases, a reduced power Input afid an increased
transformer efficiency were achieved. There is I figure.
(Abstracter'* notes Essentially complete translation)
The M-300-1 butt-welding sawane. Biul.t&kh.-*kon.Lnforn.(;oso_
nauah.-Lool.1notonauchoi tokh.iriform. no.3322-23 062.
(MIRA 15t5)
(Bleatrio welding-Squipownt &nd supplies)
AUMOR: Kleyner, V. Ye.
,Tr=t Type KMfljj -300/1500 (MghpL-300/15W) welder for strip seam welding
PEMODICAL: Byulleten' takhniko-okonomicheakoy lnfo~matsli, no. 10, 1962, 38
TEXTs The "Elektrik" Plant of the'Leningrad Sovnarkhoz manufactured the
MSh?L-300/1500 welding machine for the electric double-soam lap-welding of the
ends of cold-rolled carbon steel strip in continuous technological processes,
~e.g. electrolytic pickling, galvanizing, timing, annealing, etc, The welder
in fitted with a type IIHM -200-4 (PM-200-4) lgn~tron breaker. The electric
equipment to housed in a MY -109, (ShU-109) control cabinet. The following tech-
nical data qre givens Power at 3% duty cycle - 300 ky-amp; pr1mary voltag's -
380 v, secondary voltage - 4.73 - 9.47 vj number of regulation stages of the
.secondary voltage - 16; rated current (primary) - 885.ahp; rated current (se-
condary) - 35,000 ampj aggregate thickness of the steol,,to be welded - from
0.35 + 0;35 to 1.5 + 1.5 mmi width of strip being welded 500 1,W mm;
Card 1/2
TYW IAM17A -300/15W...
welding speed 4 - 10 vV~,dn;l '=ximum stress on each electrode - 700 kg; rated
pressure of compressed air irt ithe mains - 5 kg/cm2; total water cons=ptioxi for
cooling of welder - 1,120 lif4*/hour; motor power - 0;65 kw; overall dimen-
sions of welding machine - 16M x 1,710 x 3,500 mm; wd1ght - 2,800 kg. The'
main feature of the machine Aw the short strip settInV And welding time,.which
amounts to some 40 seconds onlV. There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Kleyners, Ve Yes
knd a
TITLS: Type Mcro.5oo (MSOD-5W) welder for welding rims and type
MMIM -200/%V (VMJS-200/5W) welder for seam-welding strip me-
PERIODICAM Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy Informataii, no. 12PI1962p
30 - 32
TMs Both welders were manufactured by the Leningrad *ElektrIk" Plant In
1962. The MSCO-500 welder has been designed for butt-welding rim by continuous
flashing, these rims having a cross section to be welded in the range of 4.00Q
to 8,000 me. Components of low-carbon steel and iow-alloy steel.can be welded
on this machine, both of compact and, of sectional shapeo The author gives a
brier description of the buio design characteristics i The type VMM,2W15W
welder Is-intended for electric resistanoo-type seam w,31ding of strip having an
aggregate thickness of from Oal + 0#1 to 1.0 + 1.0 = and a width in the range
of from 50 to 550 mm, the material being oold-rolled low-carbon or transforiser
Card 1/2
Type Mcro -5w (MSCIO-500) welder' forooo
steel, After presenting a fow,deslgn features, the author given the following
data - those of the type Mgh?LT2W/5M being put In bracketst Rated capacity:
70 welds/hour (--); welding speeds -- (from 4 to 10~~*#, fusion speedi 0.15 -
7 mm/sec (--)j powers 500 kv-"p at 30% duty cycle (200 kv-amp at 3% duty cy4sh
primary voltage: 380 v QVO v);-..rated primary curre;its. 6.8 - 13.5 amp (3-9 -
7.8 amp); number of regulation steps of secondary voltages 16 (16); secondary
shortaircuit currents T7,000 amp max. (22,6W amp m1n)j maximm forces compres-
sion 40,000 kg (--), upsetting 25,000 kg (--)# on each electrode -- (700 kg);
maximum rim cross section to be weldeds up to 2,600 aW (--); inner rim diam-
eter: from 600 mm oooling-water consumptiont 115W liter/hour (660 liter/
hour); lptor poweri 7 kw (0,65kw)j 60spressid-air pressure In the mainss
(5 kg/caF), welder overall dimensionst length 3#140 (2,!k* mm), width 1#880
(1,710,m), height 2o890 (2#280 mmh weight# 11*300 kg (2j28O kg). There are
2 figures and I table.
Card 2A
The IChPlo-300/1500 ua&Ane f*r seam w2dine ot bands. Diul.
takho-okon.informGoo.nauch,-iosl*inst.nauch. i takhinfom
no.1008-40 162, (MA 15t10)
(Electric volding-Equipment and supplies)
--14~lym Ye. M.1 Ituno F. M.0 KACMMUt Ye. V., FAWK-Wp Z. F.
"Zur Chemia don Phenoxymthylponic 11.1 Ins,"
papw Avemut at tu kth Inu. coup*$$ of such9aUU70 Vimap 1-6 Up 0.
Chsaloal, studies on phenoxPethylpenlo Ill In i production AM
stiAtes on mines of phanoxymA tbylpento Ill in. Antiblatiki3
uo.504-" 8-0 158. (KUL 121 U)
1. Tmevoyusnyy muohno-isslodavatollskiy Inatitut antilbiattkov.
(MOMIN. r91. opdo.
phanyl metbrl penicillin. prod. & chem. of
amino deriv. Mis))
ChmicalpMertles of VhswVUetby1psnIoI111zj scIA Inactivation
of phenowastbrIpenlainin, and of Its aimines In nonaquems solutions
EwIth owmarr in %C1140. Antiblatiki 3 noe6s4245 N-D 158,
(Xl2A 1212)
(PMOILMs rel. apft.
phono3ruethylpeniclUln sold lawt. -,%tlon In son-
aqueous solutions (SUM
A UTIIORS s Gorbaohava, 1. Its Varnakova, L. P. , Kleynar, To. V*,
Chernova, 1* 1. f Proobrathensk1j, M-W.
TITLEt The Synthools of the Racouic Mothyl Ether of oo-Dibonzyl-
maj,,molin (Sintoz ratsomiahookogo matilovoi3o afire o,o-dIbon--
PZRIODICALt Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 19509 Vol.,2V'#'.1r 1, n-167-10MUSSR)
Card 1/2
Tlie alkaloid tagnolin (formula 1, R a R' - R) was liLerated
together with magnolamine, (reference 1) from the leaves of
the Caucaolan maCnolla (MGnolia fusata of the fanily Hacnc-
liaoeae)q in the year 1938. The structure of ma,-nolin w4s It-
termined by the oxidation decomposition of its trimathylethor
(reference 2) (1# R - RI a CH ). On that occastcn I-kato-69T-
-dimethozy-2-mothyltetrabydrclsoquinolino and 2--mct'hcjq-5#4'-
-dicarboxydiphonylether were separated. 7ho position of the
free hydroxyl groups was determined by oxidation of the tri-
othylether of the alkaloid. On the basis of these invoctlea-
tions the formula (1, R w RI - H) was sui;,geste4 for majnollans
The authors for their part realized the synthesis of the di-
oblorohydrate of 21-mothozy-51,4#1-[bis-(6-motboxy-7-tenzyl-
The Synthesis of the Raosmio Methyl Ether of oto-Dibonzy1magnolin
other (11) ,which can after removal of the 'bentyl residue be
converted to the (+) mothylether of magnolin (1, R wH, RI
As initial product for the synthesis the author used the i-
chloroanhydride of 2-motho)7-5241--dicarboxymethyl-diphanyl-
(3-mothox7-4-banzyloxy)-phonylamine (rV),
other (111) and p
where the diamide V) is produced i*, "he presence of potash*
Under the inflUenoo of pentaphosphorus chloride the latter to
cavorted to the bisdihydroisoquinoline derivative (VI) which
is furthermore subjected to a catalytic hydrogenation and
mothylation by means of formaldehyde in the presence of for-
mic acid, Thore are 3 references, all of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONt Ibecow JuUtuU for ftw Chamdea TpWW1W Jamni M. Lcomoser
(Hookovskiy institut tonkoy khimichaskoy takhnologii imeni
go V. Lomonoeova)
SUBXITTEDs November 24, 1956
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 2/2 Is I;henixtry 2, jethYl otters 3. hxyins
Card 1/3
Sbortinp As Go Zoy/ 2o-12o-2-50/63
)mghylian of the Uangynhlak Peninsula (Ob skdwale
Doklady Akademii n%uk SSSR, 1950, Vol. 12o, Nr 2,
pp. 397 - 399 (USSR)
Until very recently only a short notice (Reference 1) existed
on the occurrence of these dopoaits In thlo region, During Sao-
loSical investigations in 1957 the Akehaghylian deposits w*ro
found much farther north of the first place of finding, at Cap*
Peachanyy# They have developed in a large region and moreover
their Interrelations with other Xaou-one horizons can ~# observed
(figure 1). These deposits &r& boat developed near the settle-
ment of Kysylkum and from there they aro traced until C-7 km
farther to the north* They wore then discloood still farther by
a borehole6 Near the above-mentioned settlenent they form a
plane terrace of oeveral hundred &2- Their thickness amounts to
0 - lo m. Those are dirty-whital Crayloh limestones with a fauna.
The basis of the lime-mace to covered by Bands of Upper Quater-
nary (noyokaspiyakiy) ago. Under-thom Lower Foratiac yellowish
sholl-o'0*11tic linvotones 4 m in thic,ft-noos) are dopocitede From
the schene of fiCure 2 In to be soon that the Akchaghylian layers
On the Akohaghylian of the Mangyahlak Peninsu3A J)OV/ 2o-12o-2-5o/63
which are horizontally deposited and extend norldionally lie
on the Pontiac and are simultaneously loaning to the I W ra
of Lower Pontiac. They are everywhere almost exclusively repro-
sonted by carbonate rocks. On the whole they are shell# shell-
-detritus, oholl-oioilitlo and oloilitio limestones. The occurrence
of marbles of different degrees of rounding and different shapes
is characteristics The mollusk fauna is represented by recry-
stallized oholl-improosions and shell-cozes. At the moment of
embedding the mollusks were subject to rounding and transport
and often were greatly damaged# Pro= what was said above it~oan
be concluded that the sedimentation of those layers within the
domain of shallow water near the coast took place without the
introduction of other torrigonous material. The coastal slope
was already formed in features clone to the recent ones and the
coastal line took a course similar to the recent one. Pron the
rich oanurrenoe of Car4ium konschini Andrus. can be concluded
that those limestones have a Middle AkchaghTlian age and that
their period of formation corresponds to the naximum of the
Avehaghylian, trana6re'sbion. There are 2 figuros and a Soviet
2/3 reference.
On the Akchagbylian of -the *mgyshlak Peninsula SOY/2o-12o-2-5o/63
ISSOCIATION: Paleontologichoskiy Institut Akad*aii nauk SSSR (Palsontolow
gical lnetitut*~AS VSSIt)-Vs*soyuznj7 aerogoologloheekly trant-
vinisterstva goologii I okhrany nedr SSSR ( All- Union Aorogeblo.'
gical Trust of the Department for Ocology and the Protection
of Mineral Wealth of the USSR)
PRZSZNTED: January 21t-1958t by S. I., Mironoit Member# Academy of
sciences$ USSR
SUBMITTIDs January 21g 1958
1, Goop4slad procygottag.UM 2. Minerals-Datermination
3, Geological tIw~-4stsrmJnti*u 4o Falooecoloa-USSR
3(0) SOV12O-,!2,:,-8^-39164
AUTHOR: Kloyner, Yus Me
TITLN: Not Data on the Pliocene of the Littoral of the Stapps-
Ungyehlak (Nov"o dannyyo o pliotsons pribres!Liay chasti
stopnogo Mangyahlaka)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadoaii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 4.25, Or 2, pp 376-378
ABSTRACTi Vp to dais no maritime pliocone sediments had boon known, in
the area mentioned In the title, with the exception ef %he
extreme South (Bigdash)# where Akahagyl 1!moptcnes had boon
found.0 They contain (dsterminatiora:y A* Go Ebiorairp refer-
enos 2) shells of 9 mollusc species. On the basis a! the
abundant occurrence of CardirA konachiAl kidrust iho 1,Mor
author claims That the age of the containing linvat*nso cor-
respond# best with the Xiddle-Akehecyl, Taft-4-o Itmostones
probably developed during the CliM4X Of the Akchagyl trans-
gression, thus we find here a block-soft-tqr-raeo developed during
the latter period. In the region of Ca2a PapiLanjjj the top
of the Akchagyl, limestones nowhere riots &.ois the zero level.
The author gives descriptions of elirther expcoures (?-~g I)#
Card 1/3, and draws Aho following conclusions frca his rteullfo: 1) During
Now Data on the Pliocene of the Littoral of the Steppe-Maneyehlak
Cafd 2/3
the Pliocene age conglomerates ronvialvi-ag maioly A! LAwer-
rontiall limestones were deponitod at the lovels of 7M0 m*
They may be looked upon as pro'bible sedinatin of the oaoilla-
tiona of the Lower-rontic *&tars. 2) The follrvirr. stage,
which on the whole seems -*o ooinc~de with the "K.Y=nrianO age#
was a period of Intanaitio re'.14f fornatioA. flilt fo.-Win
w4s soot intensive in the extrove nouih (B..Cdash), There aro-
aion played a considerable role, This -Alact was -,meoubtsdly
connected with the presenza of u staep anValinal atructure.
Apparently, the processes of mar:~*ima abranina t5rk an *you
more intensive course in thio regiov, ?Hs led %,j the formation
of high coastal precipices. 7hie io Atai!fled tL by iho leaning
of the AkahaSyl sediments to 11too pracipia6 (C%ps Fescha-j7 and
south of Kinderli# aocording to A-cfereLev 2;# Thva Uz *Wcrder-
line of the maximust transgression of Akch&g7l goverally tallies
with the outlines of the reoent coast of the Caspian Sea In
the region of the steppe-Rangyahlake Only in the extreme south
we find several tongue-liko Intrusions of this border-11no
into the erosion depressions formed by a pro-AX-ohagyl erosion
process. The continental conglomerates are consequences of the
above-mentionad erosion, There are I ficure and 2 govist
Now DOA on the Pliocene of the Littoral of the Steppe-Xang.Tahlak
ASSOCIATIONs Vaesoyusnyy aorogeologichookly treat Xinistoretya goologli
ickhrany nedr $051
(All-Union A*zogIftksI Trust of the Ministry of Geology and
Conservation of kitlersI Resources of the USSR)
PRESENTZD-. November l3# 1950# by A. L. Yanshin# Academician
SUBMITTXD: November lit 1958
Card 3/3
Pontiao doposlits- of Vot"Urio Dokl.AX 835R 134" 00.2s4l2-414
8 160. (KIVA 2319)
1. Asrologicibesura skspeditatya. 110. 11 vestoyusnogo
aerologtchaskogo treat&. Prodstavlono akad. X.X. Strakbowym.
Origin of alosed'draimp .depressional as emplifled by depressions
of the Mangyahlak stappe region* l2ve AN SUR, ftr, g*og. ao,242-
86 Mr-AP 061, KIRA UM
1.,,T"soyusnyy.aorogoologiaMakiy trest Ministerstva geologil i
okhIrany nedr SM Mundy Dopression-4sology, Stratigraphic)
Deposits of galt, lakes In the Kara-Dops-Gol "gion. IsT AN Turk.
SOR. Bar. biol. nauk no*3s"3 061o iXM 2442)
1. VOOSOYUMV aerogeologiabookiy treat MWsterstva pologil i okbmy
nodr SSSR.
' j ISDOWTo P,T,
Balm deposits of the sonsaxtandift at the foot of the
of northwestern got-Ort* Dokl.IX &SSR US no.419%JM
(WA 1415)
le Predotaylem akademikon J,P,G*mjmovy&,
(Ust-Ort-looks, Bedimentary)
A.Z.1 ihMIXt A.G.
Pontio deposits of the northern Ust-Urt. Dokl. AN SSSR 140
no.31670-672 S.161. SO
f*.--vs-esoyuznyy asrojo,ologicheskiy trest, PaltontoloCichoskly Institut
Am sisn. Predstavlano akadealkom A.L.YanshlW.
(ust-urt-000logy, Straticraphic)
- UMM. YU~K. (Moskva)
Pon nolla and Ust-Urt depressions. Priroda 51 no.2sl(*-
log P 162, (KM 15t2)
- (Ias&Msta*-4i1 fields)
Origin of the sandy massifs of northern Ustyurt. Izv. AN
SSSRo Ser. geog. no. 206-101 Mr-Ap '64o (MIRA l7t5)
1. Vessopanyy aerogeologichookly treat*
nR"Kmlv., L,O.j K=InM,,-Yu.Mj SInSAr--V, A.M.
Tectonio struoture of the plitfom mantle of the eastern
part of the northern Ky%y2kum syneclise, Biul. MOIP. Otd. pol.
38 no,6j17-23 " 163, .(MM 170)
of the aUft bluffs AM, bw orl
OA& A"ry of the Uab
XDIP* Otdo geol* 39 noo3o6l-W
Revims Iand blbllography. Blul. N31P. Otd. gool. 39 no.6s
122-126 N-D 164, OMM ISO)
Nko AP5018629
A -A&W- Wwww4v Jaw
SOWCEs Prirodap no. It 1965s 58-60
TQPIC TA03t water, desat food
A~G'UG'Iri Doep wells, 350 m and more, in the region of the lower Syr Garya
~tirftrn., drilled in recent year-q, have tiyp-i froln water in Cretaceoua
F'T-~lvlloiis wells in Dvorljring Pliocene aiyl Q'-ultOr-Ar-7 f--'-ra*a y1elded orOy
boon At
4rwn up Car dwelOPMfit of the Elfil Kum Desert, Imit the out
t~,nt )oint studies be made for this purpose. Much of t1io vcurk in the study adght
t,n 11me try earlal photographic methods. Orig. art. 4at 1 1: 'ig-,Lme.
A I o 62 9
ASWC 1ATICAl i none
_1- 7
Orti ER 1 00 1
Methods for detailed structural and geological studies in Vatyurt.
Sov. gool. 8 nojilD7-110 165, ; (MIRA 1f 15)
1. Vassoyusnyy aerogeologichookly treat i Naucbno-ixaledo"tellskaya
laboratoriya. goologicbeekikh driteriyov oteenki perspektiv nefti-
KIIII,-Fli, Y11.1-10
Last OtAges of the tectonic history of the Ustyurt and S)uthern'
Mangyshlak Plateau. Dokl. AN SOR 160 no.6tl372-1375 F 165.
(HIM 18:2)
1. Vocsoyuznyy aerogeoloricheakly treat, Submitted June 25, 1964,
Und mater-lands lids and downfall textures along th" ioast of the
ManWhlak Peninsula and the Black S"s Lit* I F*Is lekope noo4t
188-189 jl~-Ag t65, nI
(MIPA 18471
1. Vnesoymnyy asrologicheakiy treat, MoAva.
Nov data an the ocrigin of depressions vith interior drainage.
Dckl. AN SSM 247 no.2sA3"7 V 162, (KMA 15M)
1. Vassoyusnyy seralogialwaldy treat. Predstarlano,
akademikom IP, Gerasimoype
(Vat-Urt-ft7sical gsograpby)
(ManMhlak Penimubim-"Ical pogMpby)
XOMIN, lnsh,,; TMIYAK "lash.: MASSIMIMD. Insh.; TUDININDT, Inzh,,j
XIMYIWXAll lash.
Xors about an unresolved questione 31ske I tepl. tiaga 2 mo.17A0
ii 8. (KI*A Us?)
(Railvosd "search)
v TV - f~ )IT - -V . --I .:3
No 31
Uduition 'of carlboraff In we In mWar refineries, Sekh, j
_Rg-3Q Ap.!V0. 1016)
1. Mmenoyarushakly sakharrgy sarod (for Kleynermn). 2. XoWwWcqa
gruppovays Uboratorlys, (for LIMad),
(Cm,lbon, Aotivated)
Notforrous metalluray to the Koreas, People's Democratic Republic,
Blul. TS1IM torsts not. me. 606-38 138. (XnA Ili?)
(Korea, Morth-Wesforrous metal inlustries)
-a, j- I Ir x -.1- Z7-17-ff--,-1-- 7-T 317-
4- 4 ~ "11-
Results of admiAtstrativo and economic activity to nonferrous metal
Industries in 1957:froa annual reports. Diul, T8112 taysts not*
as* 700-36 158* (NDA 11:7)
(Nonferrous metal Industries)
nzTxuwo 0.
Group misalmrs for foUsbars, Sdrav,lelor, 5 uo,lt?S J& 060,
(XtRA 1315)
: Nuys wastL-4mlo mu
UPLOSM9 Irving (1917- ); X=XOMMj, G.I.[transUtorj;
POSTNIKCFV p M.N... red,-------.
(Introduction to-differential 40bral Vvedenis Y diffe-
rGn'tsiAl1m1u alg9bru, Pod red. 14.M.PomUdkova. Moskva,,
Isd-yo inostr, lit-ryp 1959, 85 p, (KIRA l5s7)
~k= "R: AP14049563 RAM'l )/RAEMW/M-~ dv'5/01 I ';/64/rj00/O0i
AjT~iOR: Antonova. M._K.- Kl"=n., G. I., Rvachcv,,~._A.
ii'LE: &uilding up & dictionary for machine translati( r,
SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhrilcheskaya Informatslya, no. 1, 19614. ',,3
TOP TAGS; machine translation, dictionary. glossary
AB!~TRACT: The paper describes the steps which went into the prepnration of d
Q,os~ary for machine translation of technical and mathemitical computational
ar!icles frorn Enqlish Into Russian. The first step ;,n the ~oork was done by I;n-
~jk,i,~ts vihn prepared lists of technical words and symi)ols wlih exact Russian-
t!'W,-,h equivalentri. The second step involved punching fards fcr a nunZer of
Lneilish and Russlan texts wllch were In exact 1-i rnrr"qnr%tj.janrp with
And (is ed thes "-n- d'ar - word - and i~~ I ri -.- -T-h-e-th-I r J_ _% tep consisted of correcting
approximations of vartous kinds, made in the dictionary. "VINITI associates V. 14.
-fry fl~~ And
YU M. Em I n-a 1~s e i Ke texts.i
ASSOCIATION: Laboratorlya Elektromadellrovanlya VINiTl AN SSSR (Laboratory, or
E I e r. t a tlo11,_Y=j,_.~H
L 200096-65'
ACCESS10k HRO- 'AAC49563
NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000
Cord 2/2
ADAKM, Yia.V., lnshausrj-rtxrjMw("- A~azhonsr.
Improve the utillsation of toivr cranes@ 4khostrol, 13 no.03VI-1
is 136. (Crams, derricks, eta*) (XMA 9
KLISINERWP 1. Ia. *Applicatlon of Ce"tic Aklall to Disinfect Soil against Potato
Vart,l Bad i Onrod, W, lp 19531 pp, 72-75, OD Sa13
Sol SM Sl - 19-5)l 15 December 1953
ILIMKU, LL, prof. Inimeou., xxil c&MMWAN L., doktor; SPWAMMO T.,
doktorj OITSSj Map doktorl BANDO-t-17, divxWl VYRAIM, M.p daktarl
RMISTSUNU, ZhorW*tt*.* doktor
Cathaterization of the Uft ho&rt through the interauricular septum.
Xardiologlis 2 no.ls9-23:Ja-F 062. (MIRA 1385)
1. Is km4iologioheskoy klinild,(dir. - prof. K.K.Wyvsku) bukharostakogo".
modiko-fardaisevtLaheskogo Inatituta.
USSR / Farm Animals. General Problems
Abe Jours Ref Zhur-Biol.9 No 39 1958# 12037
Author s Vasil I yev A,, jUeynerman M,
Inst tNot given
Title iExperience in Stall-Camp Management of Cattle with
the Use of a Green Fodder Conveyor (Opyt stoylovo-
lagernogo coderzhaniya skota sprimeneniyem zelonogo
Orig Pub: Molochnoye i Myasnoye Zhivotnovodetvo, 1957, No 5.
Abstract: No abstract.
Card 1/1
Requirements for Ingineering lustructiOnt In d4siAMIng electric
railroads, Zbel., dors transpe 38 no-Ill" N 156. (=A 902)
(Electric railroads)
KUYSCUM, R#Iot Who (Overdlo"k)
UsIng reaVeratin an electrif led railreadme Zbole dor, trompe
41 no.5t42-46 W 139. (RW 22r?)
i..irsohaitn1k takhatabookago otdola sl=hbr olaktriftkatell I
onergetichasksgo khasyaptva Ovardle"key deregle
(Sloatria rsAlr6mAs-Brakes)
A.M., starshly nanchnyy sotrudnlk: KLVTJMRNkg K.I. (fterdlovsk)
Accountirg and "tablinblag of norms for electric power
consumption are &4 Important prerequisite for Its efficient
utilization# Xbol,dorstransp, 42, no*1141-43 A 160*
la Ural'skays otdolonty* ToesWusnogo nauchno-Iseledovatell-
skogo liptitUts, sholesnodoroshnogo transport& (for Tollf),
2* Machallnik takhnicheskogo otdola slushby elektrifikatell
Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for XIVuermn)o
(Blectric railroads)
CandiUons of the falUng charsateritUes of the invvrter.,
Blulatekbo-okonsinformlawbotokhosov,Min.pateI soob, no#2t
3-S 160. (KML 1515)
(ILUatris railroaaa-MitsUons)
(BUq*io #jmnt couve, tars)
# fA s
..~ 33ppl&vovniyu peachnykh chernozemWkh pmhv pod pl