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]MM, B,Ls KOLUM# Regst POTMYA* Ye, P.; YMWY# O.P.: SHYM, Lt., Problem of complex lummizatIon with 21vb4 vacclass, authorts abstract. 9h6O`--'iW0bi44 OpUs I 4ion. 29 no.10122 0 Iss. (im nsl2) 1, IstrimtsWo, navabno-lasledovatelskogo Instituta Mintaterstva sirevoothrananin 3861o (TAOOIM A3M VAOCVATWX, aambissit vaoc. with living vaccines ()be)) nos, I.I.t votamm, I.S.: IBZMSM, T.F.,, 3MIRXOTAq L.Ao; upridebtal PU4us among airmote and IoWtallod suslika. lost, 20115-30 159. (MML 130) (KAMM-DIOAUS AXD PSWO) (OUSLIM-DIUMI AIAD nVS) XLM, Bola KOZMM# 2*3*1 ZMSINAXAUg Notel DITUTICHO NeAs CompmOve obarsOorlstles of Sbroo 11y9 "UpUVw "*else# (W 17g W.17)9 - obtalmA 'by tho do" motbod, hv, btgosomuot4- tolinali 159. (MM 13 l?) ELMO* A. Umax* I.S. MAWAs TO.P., TUMTS O-P-t ==Be X.I. oomplex lumusatiolk with Uwe T"alsol. IST. Ift.col'umbe- ISSI.Protly0ohmolost, 201225-236 159. Oau 1317) (TAMM2101) aws. I.t.; COLN=$ I.#.; TOMY, G.P. Wrperimental data on the use of a complex vaccine against bruoollosla. Uv. lost, 201 283-296 159. Ur?) MOOM XUM p Z. I SHCHXKMAp 3.1.1 PAUUOq S. bwasptibiUty of owe opal** of roftts of tM Maritime. Tovitay to experivestal pUpe. Inv. Irk, goo, n&=b,-issa, Yochum, Insts 2ls92Jfl 1"0 . torull) (MMINS is -Wrl-s IA-DnWI3) tPUM) ~Zr KOUISNIL'Bo8sl MAMA# le.P#; VIIOM# G.P.) SUMNI, TA Chamteriatias of the Imanis1W properties of live dry polynceins agaimt plaguel tuUmiat wA Imellosis. Isv. Irk. sos. nau&.- #ja* pvtivockm inst, 21i220-221 (KIPA, ull) (TACCIM) IMMWUV,, L*Ys.: HIM 0, Ye !D -,JMWS Vj.; ZUXn=A, A.?. Affeat of ths oondition of tho contral, nervous s"tes on iummi- ty to plaguo In experimental animals, Shures1kroblolespid. I I"MM, 30 no*51140 my 159. (NINA 12:9) Is In Irkutskogo protivochunnogo Instituta Sibirl I Dallnego (PJAOM) (=TOM SNOW) Stoo of the microtIms of the air b7 the precipitatica xwthod. Gig. i sax, 28 no.7s96 -11 163o (MM -17s 1) 2, Is ljWtakago asucbn~isslsdantollokogo protiTocbmwp instituta. ac A a As GSIA fpoerinl,~ d 1 4 Ali otorta ir, the 'mratoatie.n Tocrim. joy.feei. ~t'A N I., Womkovakaya 11croilska^ Vill tit ,tAskLya (nuchqy rukf)vo4lth*jl -- diAmnt A,A,4!'r*flnj clattyr vrikoh MYASNIXOV# A.M.t at. inab.1 LIMLLT,, S.F,p at, Snob.; BUBAN, B., insh.; ROMMANDVO 0.3.1 XISSUTt F.S,p Jusb.1 TUPMTO V.I.* at, insh. I KARPOVAt Z.A. o at. losh.; JL~tj-Xjl.4 losb. I MATURVICHO A.V.9 lushel POSTOVOMVAv X.S.,, rod.1 MISSM, I.N.v M.1 IVANOTA, Z.V., tekhn. red., (Hydrologioal yearbook) Oidrologichaskii eshegodnik. Lenin- grad, Oldrometsolsdate 1960, YbleL Wo,7-9. Pod red. I.3. Pastovoltovol, 1962. 48 pe od R& 16 15) L Oldrologlahmakaya st&*~Jys ss"ro-Uvtosskogo upravled drmoteorologiobaskoy slushby Seraflwvleh (6rlVasnikov T Oldrologloheskap stantsilys. Se"ro-Kaftmokogo upmvlnlya g1drmistsorologlobeekV flushbr ach-m-ftm (for Ukholet). 36 Oldrologloheskaya sUntslya sdorskap Ssv*ro-lavkasskop upmvlenlya gidrometsormalogich" slushby ffor Rishan). sty 4. lachallnik gidrologicheskoy stantail Sallsk Severa-lavkas- skop ~upravleniya:gidr*aoteorologiabookoy'sluibby (for XoNds"rov). 5. lbarlkovskaya g1drmetoorologicheskaya obser- vato (for Topikoil, 6s Marlkovskays g1draloglobsW4kya otas- tsip for-larpova). 7. Saratoirskap g1drologichesUp stantalya (for lletself).' S. Oldkologlobeskaya'stantalp Ulup (for Hatskevich). (Hydrology-Tabl*ss calculations, ate.) XLETSO V,Z,j VYGODAp RM,; SERIKOVO A*?. IA&ching in iron "Its of complex metal sulfide o*nc**- trates and semifinished products. Trudy IPI no*18:27-30 163. (MIRA IM) JIM# Vol#; SSIUKOV# A,P. Studying condit tons for the dissolution of a collective oopper-nickel concentrate in a solution of ferric chloride. Trudy IPI no.M31-39 163. (mrm 17:6) KLETS-KLEWSOV. L. Z. "Route Signals for Electric Train Haulage in Shafts Danferous Y4csuss of Their Dust and Gases." Cand Tech Sol# Donato Order of Labor hod Sanner Industrial Inst, imeni 'A.S. Khruthchov. Min Higher Education U03a, W'talino, 1953. (KL, No 17 Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 33 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Dofend&1 at USSR Higher Zducatlonal 'Institutions (16). =WSALN"M, UT 2140VIYOVIch, imma. takhn. mak, pr*podavatoll. algialiffs on elocirlo rillroads In coma mines, hvo mo mabob* says'l tlektroukho~1 vojsI37-1~) 138, (KML llt6) I* Doustshy IndustrUllayy inditut, (Mine railroads-Olvallog) ca:A Tach -~Cl of the Tacs,nological Proeass for Obtaining High-Quality Alloy Gaut Iron." lbscow List of -iteal U;onl I. V. Aalin so Vecheryaya Moskva Su m 71 P low: FVA I- netskin, Cand Web Sci, P. 7. Kuleshov, Litoy Prolayod" So 3, VP 7-0 Describes wthod. MA oquipment for drying solds - dried-W linings Alch vere developed and J $47. Discusse-1, opted for foundry Vmatlo3 In I Sold-facim mixts, MA compares method. ot,;,.- Ir KIM, ?I 233T59 We "Structure siA -Nothmalml ft4er I" of.Modifled Cast lm~" 0,1, KleteklAj CwA T*ah Sai "Utey Prolzvod" No T, pp 17-22 BWI*s process of awAifying or inoculating east Irom MA effect of such f"tors as Overheating in melting, *"a of.ste*1 scrap and changes In carbon and silicon contents an structure and properties of Inoculated Im. Discuss" results of inoculation v1th ferro-. silicon and sillcocalclum ~by ordinary and double wtb. odes and with prelininary dsox1dat1on. Outlines tab- 4016gy of hlgb-omlity cast irons. 233"9 z. ussR (6oo) 4. getal Castings 7. Producing castings from high quality pig iron with specified mechanical prop- ortier. Lit prolty No 21 1952a 9. Hon List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress#, i2ril 1953P Uncl. Uns L.H*9 doktor toMmIcbeek1kh nauk, professor; XMYZT, B,I,g professoro doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, retsonsent; KU9MIN, Gel*$ kwAULAt takhnichookikh nauk. reteensent; WPAMT. DIM.".79MM'S" reteensentl BMAEM# Y&#Ao# InsfiMe redaktor; PATWIMA, Te.N,q tekhniobaskly rodaktar., [IntensifyIng cupoU operatIon] Intensiflimtsila YW&noohmgo pro- tools&# Nosh&* 000, nauchao-takhnlad-vo Mohinostrolt, lit-ry, 1954. 386. p. 814) (OVola furnmes) V , 'I . _t PIR 0 ., . g W KLITSKIN, 001.1 ka"I"t tektmIcheskikh sauk& Sertbryakov, M., dotsent, -zmma-t tekhalcheskikh mauke Uss, of Asere tinder au pressure. Obor.Inst.stall no.32il92-201 054, (KULA 10%5) I#Ufodra Ilteroop prols"dstva., CWStIV, 0.1. kandidat tekhaichesidkh tauki SZUMYAZOV, X-t-, doteento 1121auit tsI&nIch"kIkh amuk. Cupola vielting of Irou with basic slags, Sborelastostall no.32t236-256 154. (XLIA 10:5) 1,XLfedra liternogo prolsvodstva. (Cupola furuaces-Tiesting) -ON, mw WHIM 0, kids, EWSZINS 0.1. - VAgneelm-modifted, low-sulfur-coatent a"t Iron, welted in a basio oupola. ldt.proisve DOOMI-26 8 15?, (Xlu lot 101) foundry oWalstry) i0ast Iran) laETarmt 0. 1. tcwA. Tech. Sci.) Inwovmnts of the Proooss of )blting Im In Cupo]A Purnacoo." AU-Unlon Conforonco of lbundry Wcakers. ond of 1957o Mmoov, m"biwatroltall, 1958. No. 5, p. 48. 25(1) PHM I DWK XXPWITATrON SOV/15W Vasilevskiy, P. F., B.S. Oulyarwo D,P. lvawv,,, V.V. loda, r.p. wev, 0.1. Kletskin A 0 Karatkovi A.S, Murs1thin, Tu.A. Nekbondzl, P.O. -Petrov, and M A.';;ez; Liteynars, tekhnika; 2-y& Mothdunarodnays. rptavks. liteynoy tekbniki 1litoymm teekhi FRO I ovn (ftundry Technology; Second Internst1qual ExhIbItIon of Fbxmdry Technology and the YouDdries of the YHO and OM) Moscow, XWRWIZ, 190. 212 p. 3,500 wPisa printed. W.s P.I. V"llevskly; Ed, of Publishing Bonsai A.I. 81rotin, Engimer; Webe Id,,i A*Yas Tikhamy; Managing No for Literature on Heavy Xachine building (Mashes) I S.Ya. Golovinp Engin"r, PURPMR: The purpose of this book to to acquaint readers with now developments In foundry technology sm presented at the 23rd rnternational Congress of Vouodrymm bold In Duseddorfi, Oormamy in 19%. COVXRAIUZ: The Soviet delegation under the leadership of P.O, Petrov, ngnmr,, and his deputy D,P, Ivanov,, along with nine other aWmers,, attended the Congress of Card 116 Foundry Technology (CoDt,) MAW 7oundrymn and the Foundry fthibition held in Duesseldorf September 1 to 9, 1956. In this book the dalagates present a joint report an the atst,~ of art in the foundries and research Institutes Alth they visited. The book tontalm maq photographs and diagram of the machinery and equipment used In foundries MA also photographs of finished foundry products. Illustrations woosipany as technical descriptions and technical data. One chapter deals with loading German foundries and the mmJor automotive and aschIne-buildIng plants vh1ch wdatain their own foundries, Another chapter deals with research exid scientific Insti- tutes in Oormany in ~hlch pmblems of melting and coating are studied. Finally# the authors attempt to evaluate German methods and techniques and compare then with their on. There an no references. TAWR CW C Foreword Cho I* 23rd International Congress of Youndrymen 3 7 Ch. 11. Second International Foundry Xxhlbition 11 The 1xportanee of the second International eWbition U Foundry technology at the exhibition 12 Card 2A Foundry Technology (Cont.) Sm/1500 1, General trends In mechanization and automation of processes in ri '" 12 2. Equipsient for -the vr"mtIon of molding compounds 17 3. Hold-making machines 97 4. Core-making machines 43 5. Send slingers 50 6. Machines for costing in shen molds 53 7, Pressun casting machines 60 8. Malting equipiment 66 9. Shake-out and clewing equlpiment 77 ch. in. Foundry Technology 92 1. steel Casting$ 92 2. Castings from high-strength cast iron with spherical graphite 118 3. Nonfert s castings 122 4. Investment coatings 125 Ch* IV. Organization of Prviductlon and Labor 10 1. Participation of the foundryman In the design of cast parts LSS Card 3/ 6 . . ....... I-- Foundry Technology (Cont.) 2@ Safety onowering 3. Organirtation of production and engineering equipment In foundries Off/2500 Ch. V. Foundry ftops to West Oman Pluto General state of production Production of coatings In IndIvidual plants 1. NotaUurtioal plants and "fal ftuaddos Ruhretshl Plant In Goettingen Dochmer Stah1vefte Plant in Doahm Bergische Stahlindustrio Plant In PAwabold 2. Automotive and general useftine-buildIng plants Vloseblaonfabrik Xs#Unpn in IssUngen Krauss sad Naffty Plant In *Woh Alexandorworke in Rft~eMld Metalvork Rund and Webak In Oelsonkirehon-Schalke 3. Agrlmdtural Xoahlnory Plants International Harvester Corporation (McCormick) in Nousso 1,anz Plant in Mannbein 130 132 139 139 )A2 146 ne 153 1.53 155 157 160 161 261 la Card 4/6 Yomdry TwhWl0a,(0=t.) MAW 40- Astaddle pisats volkswom In W ul 5. ft"Ifte'Nu ilk x6rurtow Orm It AMU In gwm*vw EMM14 md X0,1Z jamilows Foum&les in Wpslg Plants (I"t aftusaw) almsm" In Wpsig %#O In lAdV219 'Nl~kti*;t-shiWss* in 14pdg Cho VI& Tralnim of ftmft lagineers ond the lAml of Sclentifle Resoarch Work In the ftwAry laftstri" in West and Zest 0examm 1. F rr Institute of the Rhimo-Vest0aUa T*dudeal CoUev (AWm,p West Germany) 2o Vest Germw Sclentifto Re"arch MatitaU (Dues"24arf) cut 173 175 173 JL79 182 ift in 287 192 192 197 AUTHOR Kletakin, 0.1. sov-128-50-8-19/21 "Hydraulics TITLE. Information on the Session of the Commission of Fusions" of the Casting Section of the Scientific Tech- nical Department of the Machine Building Industry (Infor- matalya o zaesdanii komissit "Gidravliki rasplavov" litoy- noy saktaii Top KTO UAShPROM&) PERIODICALt Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1950, Nr 8, pp 27-52 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The conference of the commission "Hydraulics of Fusions" dealt with the rational principles for designing casting systems. The Candidate of Technical Sciences P.V. Robin*- vich read a paper in which he demonstrated that in all cast- Ing systems$ a positive pressure should be zalnTalned to keep out alien gases. For an optimu= of the weight speed of casting, the linear speed of the metal poured into the mold should be low. The slag removor should be designed land calculated with regard to the critical speed of "equi- librium" and the use of inertia forces, In the discussiong the propositions of V.I. Pundstor were considered. It has been established that the system with hydraulic stop, type Fundator, can not remove the slags automatically. The me- thod for choking by meeps of a sharp lo.-al reduction of the Card 112 canal is rejected by V.71. Fundator without reason. The Information of the Oession of the Adomnisnion "Hydraulics of Fusions" of the Casting 3jeotion of the 3oientific '.."'eohnical Department of tho Lachine Build- ing Industry commission has shown that some comparisono between diagrar, a were made by V.I. Fundator without redard to scientific and ethical principles. He presents no theoretical arguments and bases his views only on empirical relations. '41"hero are 7 sets of diagrams, 2 tables, I graph, and 23 re- foroncee, 19 of which are .1joviot, 2 SnOllah, I German# and 1 "zachoslovakien. 1. Foundries-Equipment 2. Metals--Casting Card 2/2 S/128/61/000/001/004/009 1054/AI33, 0. kol Boboll, N. L.1 D'yakonov# V. Ye.1 Rabinovich, V. D.,.and Van Zhu-Yao,. TITLEt Study of processes in cupola furnaces in which part of the coke Is replaced by natural gas PERIODICALs Litoynoys proizvodatvo, no. 1, 19610 19-25 TEXTt . Although several Soviet plants use natural gas for firing fur- naces, there is still a number of problems connected with the replacement of coke by gas. In cooperation with the MQsgazoproyekt Institute the Stan- kolit Plant put &.coke-gas fired. 10 - 12 %A capacity cupola furnace into service last yeart which is equipped for tests. At to the design of gas- fired furnaces, the general opinion is that when fired only by natural gas, the cupola design must be changed radically and should be given a shop* re- sembling a shaft or air furnace. 'When both coke and gas are appliedt how- ever, its design has to undergo only slight modifications and, If n*o*soaryt the furnace can be fired by oak* only. Special features of the furnace con- verted for oak# and gas firing (Fig. 1) are the two collectors which food Card 1/12 8/128/61/000/001/004/009 Study of processes in cupola furtiaos,... 4054/AI33 air to the tuyeres and the burners, respectively. The tuy&res are moreover arranged only in one row in connection with the considerably reduced amounts of coke and air used. In order to establish the optimum height of the bur- ner assemblyj twelve burners were mounted In the test-cupola In three rows, the first at a height of 770# the second at ItO70 and the third at 19370 ma from the axis of tuy9res. At the simultaneous combustion of gas and coke the regulation and distribution of the blast between tuyAres and burners is very Important# 'With the collectors (4, 5 in Fig. 1) which operate in com- bination with Independent fanst the required constant gas-coke ratio in the cupola can be set and maintained. Complete burning of the gas outside the shaft is obtained by a special tunnel-antechamber for the discharge of the gas-air mixture from the burners, Ths most suitable burner for cupola* fir- ed vith mixed fuels in the doublo-eirouit type, in which the gas and the air can be pro-mixed and the outlet oross section in such that the speed of the outflowing air-gas mixture is more than 40 - 50 m/soo. During saielting in the cupola furnace the parameters of gas and air consumption for tuyirss and burners change constantly. The control panel Fig. 4) has push buttons con- trolling the slidevalve mochani :me k%j Pig. ti, the push button for stop- ping the cupola operation in ca 9 or danger, 17t Fig. 4), a button for au- Card 2/12 Study of processes in cupola furnaces... 8/128/61/000/00,1/004/009 A054/A133 dible and one for light signals (18j~209 Pig--Op a safety-releas* button (19, Rg. 4). In order to'naintain a constant gas pressure before the 'bur- ners and-to ensure the combustion of gas at a given ratio to air# two jet- regulators from the lbartkovskiy sayod Toploavtomat (narikoy Toploavtonat Plant) are mounted one controlling the.gas pressure (8, Pig- Opthe other the gas-air ratio 6, Pig-14). The controlling pulse Is given to the pros- sure regulator when the gas pressure before the burners attains 0,27 Atmo- spheres. The change In pressure before the burners Is compensated by a YA2W (operated by &CK-80-15 w SIC-80-15 servo-motor)$ moving before tho-burnore in the required direction-to equalize'the gas pressure. The gas-air,ratio regulator receives pulses of ressure drops:from a diaphr hich controls the gas and air consumption fdifferential tYPOAn3M(DP;:rp;essure uge). Air consumption of. the tuyiies and burners is controlled by an~-610 rz-6,10h gas consumption by an ~-612 (9-612) device.- In order to prevent gas-oxplo- slops,, a r7K-100 (PX-100) safety valv*.# designed by the Voseasproyoktj~is mounted in the gas.conduitj it in equipped with an electromagnet who#* head is connected to the air-colleator of the burners through a pulse pipe. When the air-pressure drops below a certain value, the gas supply Is switched off automatically. Then the gas pressure drops below 0.15 atm, tbec nAW.5 Card 3/12 3/128/61/000/001/004/009 Study of processes in cupola furnaces... A054/Ai33 (SPBS-1.5) gas-pressure indicator (12,,Pig- 4), starts operating andthe gas-supply i;03toppod,~ Th tion of all these devices is signaled by & flashlight ( and a h..I:.Orir&).. the air-ooll*otors are provided -with valves to prevent their destruction in case of explosion. The 8801tine pidoeiss, the quality of metal oa*lttd in a nixed-fuel cupola and,the coup- .sition of the combustion products w*ro-studied with various rove of -burners (It 110 111) ind also with different combinations1respectLytlyt at the-same time I-11t,11-IIIt 1-111 and all- throe.' The other oanditions of the p"- case (composition of tho~ohar so for CY 24-44 (SCh 24-44)iront firing.con- ditions and tempsratureo~ I were SidentioalAn all~tosts. It was found that by charging 100 kg coke and 30 gas-into the furnace for-I ton Ivan# 675t000 kcal heat was introduced, as against 9920000 koal of heat used for .the same amount of iron in furnaces fired by coke only. This oan,be *x- plained by thelfaot that less heat in spent on sleg-formation due to the do- crease in the amount of flux applied and to the improvement of heat transfer to the charge in the cupola furnacest partly fired by gas, An analysis of the gas composition in ooke-fired and coke-gas fired cupolas showed that the C02/CO ratio is highertin the latter type of furnaces. It was found that by mounting the burners higher in the furnace shift the C02 cOut"t Of fuza"s Card 4/12 B/128 61/000/001/004/009 Study of processes In cupola furnace&... A054YA133 gages increases while Ah* CO,oontent doc:cossos. .The hydrogen content-t1so increases in furnaces with mixed fuels (it is 2 - 2.5 %, three times more than when firing with coke alone)., Thehighor the burners are plazod.9 the higher the hydrogen content. Figars-7 Presents the to= rature conditions of mixed-fuel cupolas and shows that they are 150 3009.01 C higher than those in coke fired furnaces. At a level of 3 m from the tuya**ro the temperature of separating gases attains 95000 in the ooke-gas furnace, (when row I of burners Is operatIng)t.whIle the corresponding temperature for coke-fir*d furnaces is 650 - 700 , Thust the smelting of tho. metal charge begins at higher levels In tho,ooke-gas,fired furnaoe,4 As to the behavior of carboal silioum and. magnesium, no .,change is. found in iron smelted In nixed-fuel ou- polas, while the sulphur content decreases by 0.01 - 0.02 ~. Whon the bur- ners of the upper.rov are used$ iron shows an Increased tendency to form *a- mentite and shrinkage cavities; while its fluidity seems to decrease. More- over -, iron produced In mixed-fuel furnaces has a higher hardness (by 10 - 15 Brinell grades) while the mechanical properties do not change. The lizing of mixed-fuel furnaces requires more frequrt repairs since it burns higher up. The coating consists of 35 % sand, 2 5 refractory clay and 40 % waste of firoolay bricks# Espootally-the coating of gas-burner tunnels has to be Card 5/12 9/128/61/000/001/004/009 Study of processes in oupola fUTnaG#S##A 1054/AL133 in perfect condition, because the regularity of the goo2etrio&l form of the tunnel greatly &ffsots the intensity of gas combustion. Coating with fire clay blocks was too expensive, a refractory mass is therefore used. the peration conditiono of the mixed-fuel cupola are given in Table 6. The coke bed is Is4OO mm high. When the normal operation conditions are attain- ad, further operatIon is controlled autom&tioallv. The experience of 14 months of operation has shown that the mixed-fuel cupola works s&tisfaotori- ly with 10 ~ coke, for 300 =3/hour. gas at an air consumption of 5,000 zO/ hour.,,,produsing.10 tons oUiron.perIour at a temperature of It4300C in the chute. The output of the,mixed-tuel atkyola is increased by 20 - 25 % as comp&red.with coke-fired cupolas. There are 6 tables and 13 f1gurOs# Card 6/12 I :~ "w~,~-~4,~";.~,~ 11` .-I- -- I . , - - ;: , . * . I rj,..-,. ': ..-~ "i. ~ ~ 1, -,. - ." 3/128/61/000/001/004/0d9. Study,of propoloses in oupola furnaces... A054/A133 4t Pigure 41 Control devices and automatic systax. of the coko-gas fired furnace 1 -- millivoltmeter; 2.3 -w dlmhrmPPm- gdLvi. 4--mil 1 ivol tooter I (not given)( 6, 10 - air consumption gau ; I ;Ogasometerl at 9 - auto. MAMO j6 julators; -11 - safety valve; 12 - contacts indicating the an pr ure Oopj 13 - howler; f 4 - p n 00:rOati g M:chani:.m;,f15 - ser- omotor, 16 - at chani slide valves; 17 - push button for stop- ping furnace operation; la - sound signal; 19 - safety swLtoh off do- MCM WVT%~"P?MXWW viool 20 - lamp. Vertical.logands to the power line of fan Card 9/12 3/120/61/000/001/004/009 Study of processes in cupola furnaces... A054/A133, Table It Technical characteristics of the Oft OUDOla Deoignation Specification Internal diameter of the furnace shaft . . . . Number Of tuye,*re rows . . . . Number of tuyires in the row Ratio of tuyire-sootion surface to the surface of shaft section . . . . 0 d 0 0 a 6 Number of burner rows . . . . . . Total number of burners . . 4 . 0 . Distance between bottom and tuyire axis . . . . Distance between the t-ayirs axis and the lowest row of burners * o # . . * * . * o . * # . . . # Distance between the burner rows * * . . * . . Distance between the upper edge of tuy;res and the sill of charging door Forehearth-internal diameter . ... . . . . . . Card 11/12 *10300 i0 % 3 12 850 an 770 as 300 31935 aa Igloo .8/12BJ61/000/00t/004/009 Study of prooesses in cupola furnaceseff A054/AI33 Time from the begin- M ning of furnsoe ope- P ration, min w "--` " ressure IM ater ool vow onsump- ion 3/h MA* 4" W44" Pressure as 'later coluan Oonsuav tion 83/h WMW res- ure . wa or ocl, DCOM11sp- tion x3/h 0 - 20 250-300 29500 20 - 30 500-600 3#500 900-1tOOO 3jOOO 2tTOO 300 30 and more 700-600 59000 950-19050 3jOOO 2s7OO 300 The pressure should be raised until the pointer of the gage does not move from 0. Card 12/12 a---- -ALUj&jN1 G.I.j kand. tekhn. 6ftk;'3UKHARC1t*UK, Yu,S., kand, tekhn. rAuki BEMT&AUVO B.P,, Imbs; SCIBOLI, N,L., lnzh.; DIIAXONOV, VoTeop inz'h,; RABINOVICH, V.D.# inSho Malting cast iron In a coke-*von gas-fired cupola. Lit.proisys no.12t14 D 165. WRA 1802) StandaMisation of splaultural mahluery, Trakt, I selikhoinsh, w.5t4l-O My '58. (mm nt6) Work of the conference on mounted agricultural machinery. Trakt. L sal'thossash no, 60 of cover Is f586 11:7) 1. Glavigry konstruktor Yessayusnogo cauchoo-Iseledorstelskogo Institute sellskokhosymystylunago asiblaostrasulys, (AgAoutltw%1 machinery) ILMSKIN, N-L, InSh-1 MACHLIN, Ye. A., lush. SSh-45 prime mover and mcwted bervesting equipment for It. Trakt I sellkhossmsh no. 7:3-9 il #58, (mau n:?) le Ylesoruanly nsuohno-19016dovatellskly lustitut eel skokhosysyvtvonaogo (Tractors) (Harvesting machinery) N", Line of development for the Improvement of agricultural mebinary. Trakto I sellkhosmash* no,lltl-3 1 058. Mullin) 1. Olavrqy konstruktar Vassoyusnogo nauchno-Iseledovatel'skogo Instituta sellskokhosyparstvennogo mashinostroyenlyao (Agricultural vachisary) LAMWAR# X.Go; CWXAK, A.T.# lushaj, redel BXWCHKIN# I,P#o kudstoW, neuke redtj ZANIV, A,Y,, kandetekbnousuk, red.; VOLINUIT# XsP,# Lush., red.: IYAWT# I.Lo Insh., red.;JMJMSM. X.I., Who# rsd*j MRff, G.D.$ kud.tokhn.nauk, rod.; ;ktor tskbn. nauk, red.; UBIN0110119-1.Poo kanCtakhnonauko redeo, RUILUMSUT9 ViGhte kandttekhaeumlok, redel SUMOT, Gola, daktor tekhnsumuke redal nWWo X61## kandoteldinsusuk, redel PXDOROT, TeAel Inshop redol CHAPWICH, A#A., kand.takhntnauk, red,,-, POKOKARVA. A.A,, takhaered, [Bibliographic mnual on tillage mohinery and Implematel Biblio- greflobsekIl spravochnik po, poobvoobrabstyvalushchle ushinan I arck- d1lam. Moskva$ Gosplanisdat. No.2. ELItorsturt In the Russian language from 1730-1955] Literature as rueskou Issyke sa 1730-1955 Se. Pod red., 0,1.8insokovs, 1939, 263 p. (MINA 1319) I* Moscow* Yeasayusun asuchno-Iselodavatel'skly Institut sel'sko- khosysystvonnogo mehinostroyanlys. (Sibliography-Agricultural mchinery) nnsliv, 14. 1. 1. Work in the automation of agricultural operations, TraktA selikhossash, no.811-2 Ag 159* (MIU 122U) 1. GlavzWy konstruktor Tessayusnogo nwichho-Issledrvatellakogo Instituta, sel'skokbosysystvennogo mashinnstroyanlya. (Agricultural mcblwy) Vork results obtained In 1938 by the All-Union Resmirch Institute of Agr1aultursil Machinery Building and main objec- tives of the Institute's 1939 plan* Traktol sellkhosmsho no.8:13-16 Ag 159. (NIft 12M) 1., GIavrqy konstruktor Tessoyusmogo nauchno-Isslodovatel'skogo Institute ssl'skokho%Mstv#nwSo awhinnstroyontra, (Acricultural mabinery) Now mobluery for apiculftre. Trakt, I sellkhosamsh. no.22sl4 D 139, (XnA 2393) l.Cll&TW konstrUktor Tsee*yuxnogo muchno-lesled"atollskop lustltuta C;Ioultural machinery) TOLKOT, Tuol,# insh.1 GAUSOVICS, A.A,, kmUd.tOkM.nauk,# ULAMOT,X.G,q Imnd* sell skokhomonsuk; GOWSKA, A.Ts., agr.; ZRITNIT, M.?,, Insh#j ZANIN, A.T., kand.tokhn.nauk-9 ZAMMITSYS. T.To., kand.tokhn.nank; VOLINSKITI X*P.1 ZXLITSXBM# LM,q kandstekhn,nouk; KAIPOT, A.M.# ken4otakhnonsukl KAWARWAO S,Aog kan4esellskokhosonsukI KOL49MINAO A.P.0, kand.skon.naukj XWJZYAKOV, A.M., Insh.; KUMIXOT, 1.1.9 insh.; LATRUT$YNY# L.Not Insho; LNBXM. B.M., kand.tokhn.nouk; LVITnp InoL, Inshj KAMIN, To.A., Insh.: HIKOLAYNY, 0.8,, Insh.; POLMMCMWXO# PoVes kmnd.t#khn*nmuk; PU=OCHIT9 I,M,# agro: POYAXKOVg I.P.0 kondosellskokhoo.asutl RASIXOTICH. I.Po, ksad,takhnsamaki SMWM# A*P*q kend.sellskokhosensuk: WISHKOVSKIY, A.A*# in$16; ?MIN, B.G., kand.takhnnonks, CHAUN, I.T., insh.: CHAPKVIC310 A.A.. kand,takhn.nauk: CMWOT. 0.0., kand.tokho.nank., SHMIWj BA. kand, takhn*nsuk: KUSNICMUMO, A.T., insh., red.; EMSKIN Mal 2."_ insh. , red*: MOLYMOV, G,A., Insh., red.: SLAGOOM&O-TA. N.Y'U. , Insh., redsl UTAROTA, AJ., Ukhnorod* [Reference book for the designer of agricultural mchinery in WO volums] 8pravochnik konstruktors sallskokhostaletyennykh =shin v dvukh tonakh, Moskva. Go~.nsuchno-tskhn.Izd-vo simshInostroit, lit-rye T01*10 1960, 635 P, (KLRA 13t11) (Agricultural mehinery-Des1gn and construction) 4K, FE'MVt O.D. Remato obtained in 2962 frcm testing potato oomblm and VadIft polAti. nvkt.i oe2lMonmab. 31 no.3s22-27 Mr 161. OdU 203) 2.,'GUVVY konstruktor T**soyuwjo naualmo-les2odaimtellskop imUttits 00214kokboVipt"mogo ~.M.,;-troyffldr (for M*Ukft)o 2. Socha" InU 2abmtorU kwW#Iou mashin Tsoso;ww ,- - 0 sWuohm-l"20dows- to2lOwso Instituta, se2lakokhospystyannogo wibJ stroymiya (for Petro". (Potato diner(Mahi")) (fttatoft-Amding) NU. KLZTSKIIII MeL rundomental advanced trends in the oonstmwtional development of spicultural ms6hizovy, Trakt. i "llkh&nwksh. 31 no.lOtI640 0 161, (KIRA 14 112) 1. Voesoymyr nausbao-isslodovatellskiy institut sellskokbo- synystymmogo masbinostroyonlyao (AgriculUtral machinery) FETROV, O.D.; KUMKIN, M.I. Resets of the ibspeotion and testing of potato diggers and grading stations by a government agency in 1961. Trakt. L sellkhosmah., 32 no.,2:17-22 r 1629 15 Q) I* Vsqlo7uwv asuabno-isel"ovatellskiy inatitut, sellskokbos- (Potato digger (Huhine)) (potatoes) ORUMV., A.D.; VUSM# LoN.; XAUFWp V*A.; NW-un- f- I"# -Insh retsou"vit; ZMAV=Aj M,N.p rW. isd-va; HOML'j, B.Lp ,tekbo. r*d. (Neu apimdtural maotilwo3gove sell skokb**Wntv*wW* zaabiW; kratkii spravockinik* Isd*2*p porere Moakya, Mashg12p 1962. 279 P. (Agricultural machinery) (Ku 15111) VOIXOV, 0.1.1devessedli ILZMIN. V I ilish retsessent; nL'10,,.O.S.,, insk., r4dol ILIRM, V.D.#ixl;:l';;* (Agrlmatural mobimM In the U.S.A.1 state mid dmlopmotal trends] Bell skokhosisistysumala tekbalim v 88hij sostoianis i tandentaii rasvitila. Moskva, MuhgiSp 1963. 313 P* (Mm (Vaited State"crlmdtuml machinery) KIZISKIN" M.I. Harvesting sugar beets for forage bar steps. Trakto i sellkhossash, 33 no.7tl9-22 JI 163. (KMA 16ill) 1. Glavw konstruktor Vnesoyusnogo smuchno-Issledovatelfskogo, Instituta sellskokhosMstvefmogo mAphinostroyealya, KLETSKINP M*Lj RABINOVICH# I.P.p kwW. tekhn. nauk; TFIIENUUM, M.M.v KIM. tekhn. nauk Estimating the rellabdlity and life of agricultural machines, Trakt, t sellkhosmash, 33 no.itl-4 W 163. (MIRA 16tlO) 11 Voesoyusn" nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sellskokhoayayst- vennogo saahinostroyenip, 2* Glaynyy konstruktor Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo, institute, seliskokhoayaystve"o mashingstroyentys (for Kletskin), KUTSKno X.I. Sow problesis In developing univerva types of agricultural machines. Trakt. I seltkhosmash. 33 no.9t16-18 8 163. (HIPA l6slO) 1. Gla"yy konstruk-tor Vossoyusnogo nauchno-issledowatelOokogo institute, sell skokbotyaystiemogo mashinostroyenlys. (Agricultural machinery) KIETSKIN, M.I.j MIENDAUM, M.M.,, kand. t4khn, nauk Increasing the reliability and durability of agricultural z&Wgwry, Trakt# I sellkhosmsho noA16-19 Ag 16t.. 1 (HIM 17i11) 1. GlAkvnyy konstruktor Vossapsnogo nauchno-loolodovatellskago institute, selinkokhozyaystwennogo mashinoatroyenlys (for Kletakin). 7% KLV,l:ZlR. ".r.; rMPTCHIM0, F.I. Basle problems or the damlapwmt of vork In 1.2oroving the quality, reliability arsi durabillaty of agriculturAl n4ctirezry, Irakt. 1 "Ilkhomash. zo.61l-) Ja 165. 'DGRA 180) 1,,Giavnyy konstruktat Va*aojrj%nogo aliuchno-teal4dowatell-Orogo Inatituts anIfskokhoslaypt"mcgo wAnhinostroyenlys (for RIvskin' 2. Rukavaditell labatatorit kerhostrA t*1'&k#kh*xyay#tvvnnykh %ashIn Vevsoyusnago Insititut-n -gel ' rikokhaqays"'vennogs saahlac. atraptiya (for.V*!.1shvh*nko). V"NUIVAUM, X. Y.; A.1j.1 PAYFIN, R.P. structural w%lysIs of dust protecting JevI,!vs for tZe bAoring units of agricultural machinery, Trakt* I sollkhousash. 29-32 Ag 165a (CROL I* Vaesoyu%W muohroo-Ispledovatell ekiy institut sellek-.1to:y&y. stvennogo mashInostrayonlya, Moskva (for Tenenbaum, Klo-t3kin)o 2, ftyssanskaye, goeudarsty6nnoy# spottiallnoya konatr4sktorakoye byuro (for Yeromyevo Psykin)o VAGIN, Ts.A,p kand. soltkhos. naul-; KVAPILI# A.I.# tand. sell- khoso mauk(doetaosdIl JqqffnL-P,T,$ k&W# o*lfkbos# naukj UTWj L.O.j, kand-*- bi-ol-T-n-M Prialml ucha- stlye KLAWVSHCNMV, V.r.j, kand. sellkbos. nauki UVARSKITj A#L* red, (Fur famb4 and rabbot husbandry) Pusbnos nerovod- stvo i kroUkorvadetvo. Moskva# tolos,, 1965. 286 p. (KIRA 180) le Nauabno-ittledayatellsidy imUtut pusbnogo avero- vodstys i krolikoyodstya (for all oxcept Zavaraidy). PMOTAP NJ*oj TMp A*G##j EM511-910IN Zfeet of an oulwakrua extract an pus-foralm laetoria. lbur, w1kro'blol,# spIde I lmano 27 noW05-106 Ja 156,(XM 96) 1# Is katedry nik-rdbiologil (saw.-proto D.Te 181stallet) I kafod&7 otabobsy kUrurgii (saiv.-prof. 2.09 lako*vM) Taro*2&vskoso maditelaskago WOW& (dir.-prot. I.Ye. larygin) (URLICO extract of garlic A antes, off. on pus-forwing bacteria, onion# extract of onion & garlia, off. an pus-foralug (am)) pus-f"ag. off. at onion garlis extract (Ims)) UMSKIN,, P. T. Cand Bio Saip Dias -- "Certain features In the digestibility of food and nitrogen exchange of fur-bearing aninals'. Moscow, 1961, is 21 am (Moscow Vet Aaad, Min of Agr RSPSR), 200 copies, Not for S&O, (KLS NO 99 29611 p 180p No 24320). LSI-5113F W GOLIDENBUG, AJa*j ISGUAWVAO N,7.j NUhIACHAYA, D.I. I- KISTATRA Z.O.1 BAYNMO M.N.; SHUSTE;t,, D.Ye.; TOLLIO M.D BISKMMA Proplvlactic exemination of tbo popi4Atioji for tuberculosiso 50T0 mod, 25 uo.508-42 My 162. (MIRA 150) 2, Is orgamizatsionno-metodicheakogo saktora (rukovoditall - k&W, md.nouk A.Va.0oltdoubere) Xbar#k*vukoCo Instituta tubarkulesm L oblantzWkh pvt1voWbe kul kh diapanserovs Khar1kovskogo (glaymy vrach V.T.Bejj~=z I Dnopmpotrovskop (glp= Traeb X#T*K1ctsk1m)# Zaporo4tekop glanory vrach M,,K.,bW&mDv) i Sevastopol$ skogo gorodskogo Srs (glayM vrach.yuh.Tonl). (TUMCUWSIS- (MICAL SCAMING) KtETr,KIY. A.V. Prommure ourve for froom-22. Insh.-fis. thar. 7 no,4t4O-/3 Ap 164. OIRA 17#0 I* Tekhnologichookly institut kholodillnoy proWshlonnosti, Leningrad. A '_SS:ON* NR: 'A PSOOZ09 I S/014064/007/006/0089/0091 A'JTHUR~ Kletskiy, A. V. TITLE. Differential manometer for a P-v-T outfit SOII'Rk-.E: IVUZ. Priborostroyantya, v. 7. -io. 6. 1964, 89-91 T OPIC -rAGS. differential manometer ABS-TPA(-T- A glass U-tube mercury differential manometer for pressures up to ha: ~ and temperatures up to ZOOC is briefly described. Metal nipples are or,r.e, ed to the glass tube on the principle if the meta.1-glass seal Lised in eie- tr(,r, tubes or light bulbs. Careful anneitling and subsequent treatment of the g'lass hydrafluoric acid help in preventing undue stresses in the seal. Elastic susponsion makes the manometer shock-proof. Orig. art nae- A f gure. ASSOCIATION: Laningradakiy tekkinologich.sakiy Lnstitut kholodil'noy promy-'shlennosti (Leningrad Technological Institute of Relrigeration Industry) SUBhUTTED: OlFeb64 ENCL: 00 KLITSXIY# Is K* Cand W Sol -- (dies) 00am"rative data an the tr tm*At of abdominal gun-shot wounds under oonditIons of 108 Lv.!Alaftl BGttal Z and ~~blt of First Aid In N. V. Sklifosovskly*0 Moso 1969* 16 pp (Aaed Mod Sol USSR), 200 ooples (XL# 43-59, 227) nAMUT, &or Nikheylevish (slotetw, tm.] [loosovilas of essiallet sploulturs) Bkoscalks vatelellotyebsobs all'olkoho hospedaretva. Vyd*2.. pomr. I &op. Morldv. Tyd-vo tbimrUvolkoho dorshavalval 1957s 337 fo (NIRA 124) (Agriaidturs-41seassis aspoets) ELOMaTo Zov JUkhaylavlah Exposmies of soolollot asricultirel Mmoolka gotelolletleMakogs sollskoso khosisletva. Pemod so vtorop ukTalaskogs Isdodiso lUr:kov Isd-vo MrIkovskop goo.nalversitsta in. J6X*Qor'koc~s 193a .346 (KnA 1213) UYTW. Alskay OnvAlowl XLWKIY prof,,, oty.r*6.; K(NAMffA# Zo#*# md's ~W A,X.6 tokhnd* (Soosomics of Ubw an oollective form] Mmuosdia tnds v kolichos&M. IMrlkvvo Isd-vo Murlkovskago Cosewtive iu. A.K.Gortkoto 1959. 1u P. (a" 130) loollective farm) xamire Lx.. ciastsew, Lx.],, &bAsmik 9peclausation to ogdovltuno NOW^ I s4rstla 10 00,71 98-31 A 160* (KM 13 17) 1, UkraluskWa &Womip oollsiwkb*sM~tvoWkh nauko (lborol %strict-Agritulturs) OSTADVERKH, Nikolay Foalchl I doktor skon. nauk, prof., OtV. red.1 SHAIWMp MM.=va; DAMNIOt R.N., tekhn. red, (Vars for Increasing agricultural labor productivity; based on the materials of this co.1lactive farms of the ukrainj= S.S.R.) Futl povyshenU& prolsvoditsioncetl solookokhosial- stvannogo trudal na materialakh kolkhosov Ukr.SSR, tiev, 124- vo IN USSR, 1963. 239 p. (MRA 160) (Ukraine.-Agrioulturo--labor prioduativity) RURUM. L.; QMIT.-L 7orsoss,--70raign Relations.-Mitod Talw" Is cusese. 2vesda, No# 20 1952 Mal it Aada Aggessions. Llbrary of tonposs, Warob 1952., MUSSIM 30) AUTHORs Xletskiyo L*R TITLEt At the Source of Chinese Soviet Scientific Collaboration. PERIODICALi Isvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRg Soriya goologichoskayag 1959# No* 10# pp 121-123 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The article deals with the development of the Chinese-Soviet friendship and of the scientific collaboration, on the occa- sion of oleatimn In 1958, as a foreign member of tho AS USSR9 of Professor LiSsU-kaug, % famous Chinese geologists A year later he was awarded the gold modal Iment A.P. XarpinsMy Wy the Presidium of the AS USSR, Almost at the same tine down was received that Professor Li Sou-lbM% as elected deputy chairman of the Central Directorate of the Chinese-Soviet Friendship Society. Professor Ll Sokuarg took an native part since 1919 in strengthening friendly and scientific re- lations between the two countries. lie maintained personal Card 112 friendly relations with the then President of the Soviet AS 30V/11-59-10-12/16 At the Source of Chinese - Soviet Scientific Collaboration Academician A.P, tarpinskiy, with the Professor of Mookovokly universitet (Moscow University) A.P. Pavlovt corresponding Member of the AS USSR A.A. Borloyaki A. Yo. Foromant Professor N.A. Bolkhovitinovaq Aaademioian F.Yu. Levinson-Lossingg *to. At his Invitation, the well-known Soviet paleontologist Aol, A.N. Xrishtofovioh# P.I. Polevoyt Academician VA. Komarovo Corresponding Member of the AS USSR D.Tad Vladimirtsev and the member of the Komismiya, po isuahentyu protavoditellnykh oil SSSR (Commission for the Study of Productive Forces of the USSR) (later Academician) L.S. Berg visited China, Pro- sently# Professor Ltin4unjle also minister of geology~ of Chinag vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of the All-China Society oflatural Sciences, Thor# are 6 references of which 5 are Soviet and I Chinese (in English). Card 2/2 0 Rztessiom of credit to the peat Industr7 of the White Russian S.S.R. Tostat AS 3981. as.ItS5.An 157. 2016) (White Russia--Peat Industry) ulmlyo vo t lostiftf credit to peat extracticg onterprisoo. Der.1 krod', 15 r1"167: JI '57, (Y:.-u lo: 8) (Peat) (Credit) L=aK.-r.-v"I 1"Insk) Combining the financial &M ersdit plaw. ht.-SSISR 18 no.8:61.U AC 157, KRA 10: 8) (rinases) (Post i ndus try-Ft name) 1=811T# Shortcomings In plannia& workIvg capital in Peat anterPrIbes, 71n. SSSR 20 noe5t60-62 rf '59, MRA 12M) (wh1te Russ to-P" t--T1 nanc* Ku7SKIr#A*P## insh, Start component U2 for complex protection systemg. Elek, sta. 1 36 no.12278-79 F65. (KM 18112) EWSKITO TOP*# Insh. Mcdal directional protection in a ri"hapod network having two foo41ng sources. Usk. ata* 29 so.7s92 Jl 158. (NUA IU 10) (Bloctrio networks) BATALINA, A.A.: RLETSOVA, V.I. --------------- Effeat of atmospheric humidity on the filter veight. Trudy Wlnev;iat. NIGY1 no.l2t42-" 061. (MIRA 24:22) (Filters and filtration) (554-Aimentation and deposition) KIETSKIYj V.P-.o inzh.; SUM, Yu.B.0 inzh. Increase in the raIJAbUity of tbo electric power supply of traction subutationa, Elak, at&, 36 no.9s79 - S 165. NIRA 1819) 'ACCESSION NRt AP4037249 8/=W6~0Q3/QU4/QW AUMRs Xlettslerp A* (14iPsIS) TITLEt Application of a nev reduction wthod in the elonvalus PVOW on for partial differential equations SOV=3 Zhurnal vy*chislitellmay siatematiki I, mtematicheskay filiki,, v. 4,.. 000 3# j 1964, 4.34-40 TOPIC TAGS t reduction mathod, sigenvaluep partial Ufferential equation,, eigerifunotiork ABSTRACTs The author extends vark of his previous paper (Sin linsohlbsew4pmts fur Bigenimrtol su HarAhwtproblemen bei *121ptischen linearso partioUsn DifferentlaUlsichur4on. Arch. Rate Moab# and Analog 19u, n,, xo. 3,, rri-m). i In that paper be reduced the probles of findLM, the soonest olgenvalus, ;L]. of a Igiven differential equation to that of finding the smallest olgenalue g, of Sam loorresponding ordinaz7 differential equation doponding only on certain arbIUw;7 functions s (P) and additional pavioters xjLe In the pnsent papsi he broadeve tbel- i assumptions and also gives an estimte from belov for X, dirsetly in UM of Card ...... .. .. ,-,:. 1-- ~5:1 N~ 1, 11 Country I USGR catosory I Farm Animals. Abb, Jour Cattle* 589 96893 S Ref Zhur-Biolop No 21t 19 Author IXletushkI&I-IL Inatitut# 1-0 Title I The Fattening of Yotmg Castrated Bung and the 'Utilization of a Oreen Crop Commyer. OrtS Pub. I MolochAs i oyasne zhivotnovodstvol 1958, No 29 40-41 Abotraot I flo'abstract. Cardt KIZJTOD.1 AVRAMOV, R.1 PANISAVWEVIC,Bo Llpoprotelne in tubermlous patimts. Tubezindoza 16 n0651 372-377 S-D #64 1, Vojhi inatitut s& tubarkulosu (Nae4niks puk. prof. dr. He Wcakoyla)j Riohamljoki instItut famacoutakog fakulteta m Beogradu (Soft profo dr, 1, Berke#)* JIVRIC, Swen, sanitetaki potpukuvnik dr.1 WISAVWXEM, horB, awnitetski pukovnikp dr~j-nW-,j!:PWOVIG, Dmicap manitetaki pfpakoynikp are; VMZANO'ISKII Cietkop vial medioinaki tabnIcar. Studies cn the lipoprotein index In tuberculous d1se-ases, 7ojlnc- oanit, pregle 21 no,9055-560 S 16L 1. Vojni ATD# Beograd; Vo4nl InstItut sa TBCp Beograd, KLNJT-49LIC# Ruzal BUKOVIC, Msgn DiPPurative oto-anthritle In dJoeames or newbom Infants. Mod. pregl. 17 no,7055-356 #64 lo Pokrajinaka 4soja bolnicap Novi Sad (Uprayniki Prim. dr. DJura Joyanovic). E' I -JILIC, R.: MBAH. To TV6 cases of slant lung cyst (Pasumatoools) In children. Rod. progl., Novi $&d 6 no.4t242-246 1955. 1. Dsoja Pokrajinsita bolnica Novi $&d, Uprxvntk; prof. dr. Djura Javanovic. Rentgonolooko odelenjo Glavae Pokr. boluice Novi Sad, Set; prim. ar. likols. Yujio. (ww. crato air cyst** giant, In child. A Info, diag (Sor)) (CTM igiant air cyst of luno In Info & cblla., dIag ($or)) Russ; WKOVIGO momn viso"em of newborn Wants according to the Rovy Sad pediatric hospital from 1956 to 1960* Mod. pregI. 17 noeSt429-434 064 1. PrArajinaka. dsoja bolnica,, Novi Sad (Uprarniks Pr.',r. dre Dum Jovanovic). -T ROGULJA, PavlR; KLMUL-AkIcp VUKOVIG,, Dusan Ondoaardial fibroalastoets in ahildren, Hads pregle 17 noogs 45,5-458 164 la Zavod za, patoloaku anatomIju Klinicke bolnice u Novon Sedu (NaceIniki Doo. dre Vladimir Playse); Klinika, &a decjs bolostip Novi bd (Upmvniki Profe dr, Dimltrijo Hiletic). aoxouwo V. (MinskLI CAVA A. Minok) Mechanized shoo repairs. Mostopm. i khud.pnop. 3 no.5t27 MY 062o (KIRA 15t6) (Minsk-Boots arA shoos-41spairing) (Sh" xmLcbin"7) KIZVAKRI, G. (Kobulati, GrwdnakaA SSR) nantations of Imalth. 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