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Marine geology work S16141611000100810031004 D037/DI13 from 3,000 - 1#500 z and separate peaks are up to 19000 m high The North- ern Atlantic ridge is also rugged with up to 4,800 m deep vall;ys. In the bo.ttom configuration of the European basin between Europe and the Central Atlantic ridgelthere are ridges with 600 m high and 3-5 - 4 km wide cones from one of which fresh basalt was grabbed. These volcanic cones are upper quaternary and recent formations. The European basin is deepest near the shores of the Pyrenean peninsula. The study of sediment samples collected in the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocoan will permit future Soviet maps to be made more precise. The following classification of sediments for navigation and soil charts has been established in the USSRs sand with lose then 5% particles < 0.01 am)9ijilty sand (5-10,10S), sandy silt M-30%)t silt (30-50%) and argillaceous a t ( >50% particles 4 O.Olms). Fig. 1 shows the bottom sediment facies of the northern part of ta Atlantic Ocean. A pre limin4ry investigation of cores has,shown that in their upper layer (1-25 cm) the faoies shift considerably with time, the upper layer of sandy silt or silt turning into a coarse sediment containing gravel and pebbles. To the south of Newfoundland$ such a layer eAtends to a depth of 3,000 m and more. Above the submarine slopes the quantity of suspended Card 2/5 8161416110001"1003 geology work D037/D113 solild mAGA'al increases.and -its mechanical cospositich changes In aAV,. oluslon: the authors state that further practical and laboratory -fideat will Mov the.goologlool,prooess*4 occurring in the Atlantl *0 Ocean," t41 morliaocurately def inad.. . The following persons participated'in the, ~w tOf. the:--expeditions V#S. Sarasht'Ye-M, YMrinko# Sol. Olpyr Polo Yerofey VAA1,,T6to*hzh*v-8hak0 A6V# llfin~ and T.K.'Xikoleyeva, A*Pj Kstal#81~,j Vj1*-..".dUskhov'dmd V,Vo* Litvin are-als6 mentioned In the article' 3 figures and 14 referenoest .10 so,vist-bloo and 4'non-So~riot-bloco glish4anguage refersdoes read is followas No Hillp Notes an the bai m i6,1 t of the '9,2. - At! i6& ~Deep_sss, Res, vol .39-19561 MOV, Ki etr -char ant n6vio 906haftl"2 composition of sediments as indicative of tha Conalt iflepositiono congress. 'Report of the, 114 sit Sritfiin#~Stoi Sa"LO60904, session Or ad a 2cord,:3/5- Card'4/5 Pig. 1 - ~~ ~ ~v Marine geology work 3/614J61/070/008/003/004 D037/DI13 Fig. 1. Bottom sediment facies of the northern part of tho Atlantic Ccean. N facies of the upper level (1-25(ca)l b facies of the underlying level 26-85 cm); (1) outeropul n a i:t;n clayl d ibtution border of elastic fiolon; 4 facies of elastic sand and sandy siltj 5 carbonaesous elastic faciesl 6 carbonaceous facieel' 7 argillaosous facisel 8 volcanic faciest 191 large-fragmental facies, Card 5/5 XMIOVAS NJ* Origin of the r*Wf of the BMWU S" bottmo ToP*PQ9* JW*52S 165476 16le Od?A 24t6) (VarenU Sea-0o"a-bottes) KLENOVAj H.V.1 GERSHANOIICH9 D.Ye., red.isd-va; VOLKOVA, T.G.p tekbu. .1 POLYAXOVA# T.Y.,, takhn. red. (Sediments of the Arctic Basin; based on materials from the drift of the icebreaker," O.Sedov.010sadki ArkUchsskogo bu- seina po materialas dr*ifa Vp *G.Sedov.0 Noskvs, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 103 p. (HIM 16t2) (Arctic regions-Deep-sea deposits) EURIOVA stI47M; SOWVtYEV, Vladimir FUIppovich; 0 Iya A.Ukeandrovasl VIXMMO# Nina VAkamm; KULAXOVA, lAdiya Bergeyma; XAMq Isgor GeorglyevIabj RWMj Vladislay Gavrilovicb; MCMAKOVA, Nadezbda Sergaymal ZEMKOVICH, V#Pop otv. red.1 LSWITZVp O*K.p rod. Isd-va; UDYCMj L.P., rod. iad-im; GM'MXAj O.M.,p tekba, redo [Geology of the subsurface slope of the Caspian Soa]C*olo-- giabaskoe strosnU podvodnogo sklona Xaspliskogo moriae LBYI M.V.Klenova L dr. Moskvat led-vo Aked. nauk SM9 . (KIRA 150) 19620 636 PO (casplausea-Geology) ~Casplan Depression-Geology) s/169/62/000/008/056/ogo 9202/E192 AUTHORSs Xlenovat M'Vot and Zenkeviche N,L, TITLE: Geological works in the western part of the North Atlantic PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnals Geofizika; no,8, 1962, 4, abstract 8 V-19. (Tr* Norsk. gidrofiz. in-ta. AN SSSRs 251 1962, 142-186),* TEXTt The results obtained during the voyage of the Research Vessel "M.Lomonosov" in the fields of marine geology according to the IGY plan are given# The basic directions of the studies were V/ as followas the study of the sea topography and.tho geomorpho-- logical interpretation of the collected data, and the study of suspended matter in the waters of the sea. During the entire voyage of the ship, sampling oftho bottom with a direct type impact tube and bottom scoop type "Okean" was carried outg together with echo sounding and also sampling of the suspended matter. The region of the studies was contained between approximately 450 and '100 N# The ground sampling was carried out predominantly over the depth in excess of 4000 mo The topography and geological Card 1/3 Geological works in the we Istern s/169/62/000/008/036/090 Z202/E192 structure of the region was described on the basis of the above data. It was noted that the results of the studies of "M.Lomonomov" in the vicinity of the eastern coast of N,America are in full agreement with the data given by the American marine geologists. The mechanical analysis of the sediments and analysis of the composition of the aleuritic fraction carried out on the ship gave quantitative charActerisation of the more Important peculiarities of the sediments of the region studied, Mechani,,sl analysis of the surface layer using microscopic method based on the use of the graticule eye piece of Glagolev has shown that this method may be fully utilimed to define quantitatively the composition and designation of the sediment according to the dynamic classification, The analysis of the matter contained in the surface layer of the sediment together with the data obtained from earlier voyages led to the compilation of a distribution diagram of the mineral grains in the aleuritia fraction, which confirmed the paramount importance of the scattering of mineral material from the mainland in the process of sediment formation. Card 2/3 Gcologica4 works in the western S/169/62/000/0o8/oWo9o E202/E192 The biogenic components begin to play a noticeable.role,.in the composition of the sediment only in those places where the influence of the detrital material is no longer dominant, The distribution within the sediments of various biogenic components is closely connected with the-hydrological ionditions. The decrease of the detrital componqnts in the a4euritic traction down to 6*41,~ was observed the region of the Central Atlantic RidSe over a distance of Above-2000 miles from the nearest (South American) land. In the eastern direction, irrespective of the great distance from land, the quantity of the mineral groins in the aleuritic fractions does not decrease. 42 rererences, rAbstractor's notes Complete translationj- Card 3/1 MMOVAO M. V. Suspended utter In Us Atlantic 00san as an indicator of the structure of ths water layer. Trudy Inst. oksan. 561223-229 162, (MIRA 15tio) (Atlantic Ocean-Vater-Ana2yets) Aldl~ e Z4 XLEWOVAO M.V.j LAVROV$ V,M.j NIKOLAUVAp VA. Distribution of the suspension in the Atlantic Own and Its relation to the bottom topography. Dokl. AN &W I" no,,5s 1153-1155 JS 162, (XIRA 15j6) 1, Institut oksanologii AN SM Prodstarleno akadsaikom MAhcharbakovyx jAt1anUo Ooesa-Zedise.utation avA deposition) (Ocean bottom) UXROVA,t MoV* alassification of recent mrine deposits, OkeanoloWa 3, noo3s527-537 163o (MMA 164) (Deep-sea deimelts.-Massifloation) KIIIXIA 0 N.V. I'Ome rex'AtO of tho atudy 'of tiantic ocean and tt~o s(nithern jArt of flo- eldrofiz, AN URSE ~7 KIENOVA,-H,~Y.; IAVROV, V.M.1 YEROSHCHEV-SIIAK, V.A.; NIKOIAYEEVA, V.K. Works on marine geology in the northern part of the Atlantic Oceans Trudy Mors gidrofiz. inst. AN URSR 3006-115 164. (MIRA 17t11) ACC Nks AT7003622 OMM Ms tM/3090/66/000/015/0112/0117 AMOR: Xlonovas N.", ORO: none i7TLZ% New date on the geolqw or the Atlantic Ocean SOURCE: AN WSH, MethduvedometyenrW geofixicheskly komitst. X raMel programW NO01 Okeanologlya., Gbornlk statey# no. 15, 1966. Okeanologicheaklys Issledovanlyag, 112-11T TOPIC TAGS: hydrographic surveys ocean dynamics, ocean floor topography 0 ocean property) S-rom if 004WOwy ABSTRACT: This article covers the geological investigations on the r/v's "M. Losonosov," "Equator$" and "Sedov" d=ing the Iffand IGC. An analysis vaa conducted of the geological features of the ocean bottom. As a result of sonar soundings e. smoothed plainss occasionally step-like* vere found at different levels In the northern part of the ocean, Some of these vere related to submarine terraces of th Barents Sea and other northern sees. The submerged wuntain region vas observed at the continuation of the Farm lslands--~the Faros rises as vell as nev seamountes the "Michael Liomonosoys" Professor Per*zUn#" "Academician Krylov#" and "Professor Mesjazev" banks. In the Idd-Atlantle Iddge areas characterized by the alpine type of relief vere observed Mjecent to ancient an". Gem probable volcanic Cow card 1/3 VOCS none were studied. The bottom relief of the Atlantic Ocean represents a system of inter-.: sected submeridional and sublatitudinal structures which reflect the planetary I process of alternation of submerldional. and sublatitudinal movements. Just as in other basins, the dependence of sediment thickness and the rate of sedimentation on the bottom relief was found from cores. Maxima rate of sedimentation takes place at the foot of the rises and hills and at the bus of the continental slope. The more ancient rocks approach the surface of the rises and have been revealed under layers of cores. As a result of slov sedimentation sman sediment thicknesses am typical of the basins. The study of AWsleal composition on one-layer preparation from fresh material on the research vessel resulted In the determination or the relative Importance of rock-forming mineral and organic components. The following facles am ,distinguished: elastic$ clastic-calcareous# foreminiferal, coccolithophoral* silicispongeouss and sediments of volcanic origin which were found chiefly in under layers of cores. The altered remains of ItqAlarlopsis were found In sedimenta of Brazilian and North American basins, This fact confirms the penetration of antarctic waters Into the equatorial and northern parts of the Atlantic* The secharical. analysis by microscopic method showed the relationship between the distribution of sediments and bottom rellef, The detailed description and study of dry core cuts revealed series of steps of carbonate and elastic sedimentation " well as distinctive textural pecullw4ties# which are feebly marked In the cuts of moist ems., There were thin strata of relatively consl6grained meterialg slideq and hieroglyphic textures connected vith the worm-boles# peculiarities of stratification planosq and r- Card 2/2 ., ACC NL ATTOO36N 3/3 3 SOURM C01011 AUTHORS Kle o,-X,-Vj Lavrovt V. M.1 NikolayevatiV. Ks '~~_Rwa ORGI none TITLE: Peculiarity of suspended matter distribution In the Atlantic Ocean 41 SOVRCEt AN SSSR, Mezhduvedowtveunyy geofitichaskly kouLtat. X razdel programmy MGC: Okeanologlys,Sbornik statty, no. 15. 1966. Okeanologichaskiya issledovanLY86 TOPIC TAGSt hydrographic surveyo ocean dynamics, ocean propgrtyp ceanographyp oeeosa ikee)j' nrof4*G&A P'*L/.t k7r-SeAze# WOA =4m'rolc! evogo.) ABSTRACT: This article describes the research conducted by the r/v M. Lomonosou during cruises carried out under the ICY and IGC program. Suspended matter was In- vestigated using weight and microscopic analysis methods. Qualitative and 4u&ntitativd analyses of suspended matter were wde. Substance composition and distribution were used as indicators of water was" * In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. the Arctic (Labrador) water was found to contain suspended matter with heightened coutdot of diatoms above great depths and a mineral-diatomaceous suspension at the NewfouadaI4 Bank. Distribution and types of suspended matter are given for spring and fall on &! diagram of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Current waters colk- tain detrital-uinetal particles in simpension; in the region of entry of Mediterranean waters the matter in suspension in enriched by coccolites. The region of StA;arctic I nnna ACC AT7003623 imixing is characterized by suspended vatter of mixed,composltion with heightened content of diatom and coccolit". The weight amount of suspended matter approximates 1 0.5 mg/l in autumn and about 1.1 mg/l in spring. The vertical distribution of sus- 1: pended particles confirm the importance of bottom morphology for all marine proc"SOV lAbove seamountoi, ridges, and rites, the content of suspended matter incre"es from bottom. On slop" an increased amount of matter in suspension is observed at depths of about 3000 a. At depths of about 800-1000 m the suspended particles nearly vanish; In the upper layers they increase again but do not exceed the content of bottom layers. In foothill ion" the distribution of suspended particles is homogeneous from surface to bottom and amounts to tenths of mg/l. The study of sus- pended matter reveals concrete relations between hydrological regime, relief, and the distribution of sedisentse The investigation of suspended matter mot be continued in order to specify the peculiarity of water moveodnt and to study the chealcal and mineralogical composition of suspended matter " Initial material for bottom deposits# A section from the English Channel to norids, shows the transparency, particle size. and vertical distribution of suspended matter in the Atlantic Oc"n. Orig* art* h"s 3 figures and 2 tables. (DA). SUB CODSs 08/ SUBM DATISS none/, ORIG RIF: 0091 2/2 1, Card ACd'NC_AT76_0362 SOURCE CODES UR/ Avnm Klenova, m. V,; S&V611yevap P. .................. IORC: none TITLE: Sediment saps of the North Atlantic 66/000/0151012410130 SOURCE: AN $$SR. Methduvedomstvennyy goofitichaskiy komitet. X razdal programmy Sbor'nik statcyg no. 151 19660 Okesnologichaskiye Issledovanlya, MGG: Okeanologiyas 124-130 TOPIC TAGS: hydrographic survey* ocean currentg ocean dynamics, o0an props)RI 'ABSTRACT: An evaluation Is given of the sediment maps for the Atlantic Ocean, The first map was compiled by Murray and Renard (1891) and is still used with some modift- cation in handbooks and textbooks; it shows the distribution of terrigenous deposits ("blue" mud) and pelagic deposits (globigerina, radiolarian, diatom, pteropod ooxe, and red clay). Similar designations are given on a map compiled by P. L. Betrukov (1961). The sediment map of the Naval Atlas (1952) was prepared on a different basis. In the Naval Atlas chart and the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the navigation classifi- cation was based on the content of polite fraction 50% of this grade* p: foraali Some components of substance composition are also shown on the ma Wera, concretions, stonesp shells, corals, ate. The chart Is based on the Idea of sediment UDC: none ACC'AR" AT700-3'624 t, I disperelen an a primary property of bottom deposits. During IGY and ICC investiga- tions the chart was revised. DeterPination of CaC0 showed that carbonate sediments are distributed -more widely than was shown on Murray's and Correns' charts. Content of CaCO In the surface layer to connected with the polite fraction content, but the former incre"es'more rapidlyjaince C&CO In mud sediments is formed by Coccolitho- phoridae, individual coccoliths, carbonate detritus, and pelitic carbonate, while foraminiphera enriches only more coarse fractions. When elutriating in water, the carbonate particles disintegrate and the results of the analysis correspond neither to the visual description of sediments, nor to their physical properties and deposi- tion conditions. The microscopic slave analysis gives more reliable results, but further investigations are necessary for working out a method which would permit the reflection of the distribution of sediment tipee In conforalty with conditions of deposit and properties, The article includes three diagram of ac"n floor s6il types of the northern Atlantic Ocean, Ori&~ art, has: 3.figur" and I table. JBAJ SUB CODE: 08/~ SUBM DATIs none/ ORIC Rat 010/ OTH REF: 009/ AXOPOT. Ll-: MYATUAYAt Yo.A.: MMOTA. 8.1. Ow Capsella bursa pastorls as a bImA aosedation, larm,j toks. 28 no.lA348 Ja-l 155. (XLU a I?) 1, tafedra farmakologil (sav, doteent I.I.Akopov) SmarkwAskago pleditsinskago instituta Iment t,P.F&ylova, (PUMSO Oaps*lla bursa'pastorlso off. on blood coagulation) (BLM CQAWWtOgs effects of drugs on. Capsolla 'bursa pastorls) KUJIDVA, Vera: YANTIS, Alfred Antidotes to methyl alcohol poisoning, Cook# oftbe 13 wall 71-77 Yeb 570 I* Ocni a nourochirurgicks. klialks VIA J. Dr. P, v Rradel Iralovo. (ALCOWL XKM It. .ntld.ts. (;or) KLMp XLUsjXUCK0YA, Teral POCUZZA, Zdawki JWp Zboat Ploarders of v1slon In orpmol" 2mdma of the chiasmatic cook* orth. 17 nQO4/5$241,--,W 12'16L, Ukarsks faknlt& lar2ovj~ daiversity v BMci Kmlovs, Imtodra amibo 2skantwip prodnosta prof. Mr. M. Ulm. 0MC NW dis"ses) (VISION) M MCOPZASW patb*2) M KLnAA, Milool _KL.:-.IIOVA 9 Vera; PIUXHAZKA v wenek; JUAN, Josef Disorders of vision in GxPGn8ivG lesions Of the ch4gs2fitic region, aborn. ved. prac. lak. fak. Karlov. univ. (11rad Twi) 4 no.2sn9-137 161. 1. Ocni klinika dno ta prof. Mr. H. Klima. (CipTIJ (WWH MXKASM physiol.) (Vial 1) KLOWA, Vera Contribution to Uw tr"toent of conjunctivitis. Sborn. vedo praos leks fak. Karlov. uniye (Brad Kral) 5 no.107-92 162. lo Ocni klWkal prednosta of Mr. M. Klima. (COHnNOTMTIS) rMLIM) , (ACRIDINES) MIKUTUN, A.I. vraah&. UMWA,--,V.A.o meditainalmys sestra. Magorsakov on lhe poouliaritlas of care for nental pattentso Ked.mastm 18 A6.9140-0 a 059. (MM 12:11) (NORSAXW# SZWI MORMCK, 1854-1900) (pMausic IMIM) HIMMOV, A.X. 9 vmobl KLMMAj V*A.,p wditsinsimp sestra Charaoterlatics for cue of pationts vith mdo-&"* pIT* pwbosis. Mod. sestra 20'nods44-49 Ag 161. (min 14S 10) (MANIC-DEPMSIU PSYCHOM) - KIXMICSO Iwo Conduct of social Insurance In Bowsy County, MmIm n w*788-9 n 161, 1. Ssakosemosti Tanadalambistoositami 105yout Somogy mgyGI Alkospontjanak vesetojoe Muory6-Insuramet Social)) 9wagarp-Trado unions) i RAZUMIKHINP Nikolay VasillyevIch, Frialswa uchastiye KLF2;OVITSKIT N.P,j MROVSXJffAs T,Ip red* ...ON. [Experimental studies of the evolution of the roundness of rack fragments) naperimentalOrqe Ireledovanila evo- hutsil okatannosti ablomkoy Comykh porod. LonitAradj Leningr. unt-voj 1965. 65 p. (MIRA 18s12) KMOVSKAYAt K. 1. "On the Pathoanatomical Changes in fatal 4ectrotrmirA." Cani Had Scip Uningrad State Medical Pediatrics Instp L*ntnpvdp 1954. (KL, No 5. Jan 53) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higber Educational Institutions (12) SOs Stm. No, 556,, 24 Jun 55 !Up P/035/60/000/W3/00e/006 AOrjolAW6 AUTHORSt Mindowics, Jerzy# Doctor of Baginoerlng,-Assistant Prof*ssorl Klenowioz, Zbigniew, Master of Engineering T1=3 Examination of Hunt Preventing Properties of lubricants by Means of Static Water Drop Corrosion Test PWOMCALt PriegIfid Meahatom, 1960, No. 23, pp. 694 - 698 TEM The article describes the static water drop corrosion test developed by the Research Laborator7 of the US Navy In 2949. Further, a nuidw of lubricants produced in Poland were tested with the above method and results we described. The best,anti-oorrosion proportion showed the aviation lubricant Type SP-1, a rifle grease and the anti-oorrosion lubricant Typo LT. The worst wore technical vas*11ne, spindle-oil 2, TDK lubricant and aviation oil Type HS 20. Further, the authors describe the advantages of the static water drop corrosion test and suggest this method for being adapted in Poland. Thor* we 5 tables, I photograph and I figure. ASSOCIATIONt Politsohnika Odafinka (Odafisk Polytechnic) Card 1/1 IN XWSXIY, A.Yo; TURAMs N#A,l TSUMEV; A,I.j GARANINAt L.F.p ~-fied (The city of Gorkiyj a conolso mnwa] Gorod Gorskil; kratkil spravoobnik. Gortkiis Gortkovadmo krdshnoe isd-vo. 1963. 2 53 (MIRA 17s4) MRAS, :,r*d,l ROIGASt Eop redo; LWI, Is, red.; ~412AIM4-A&4- redo [TrUbomoniasis of the urogenital tract; a collection of "Clail Trikhomonas urogenitallnogo trakta; sborn1k at&- tei. Tanins AN Estonskoi &U,, 1963. 213 p. (P.IRA l7s6) TOM, TuAh,(Teras# J.1t red.; LW I A red.) PIMj Kh-0- (pibl,, H.1p rod.1 TALU09M; I:T:tT&1lx*isUr, 9.1, red.j TAMBO L.X.(Jfirxu . 1.). red.1 - MIT I S , -uc redal BVASTOYANOV# As# rW*; p X,p tekbne redo f1westiptions in microbiology] Issledovwdia po mikrobiologil. TA114rrn. Volalo 1961. 221 p. (K= 15 s 6) 1, Resti NSV Teaduste Akedesulas ZkgppriM=taaage ja X144n4l4s* Reditaiini Instituut, (MICAL 141CROBIOLOM) MOVIE" BOGOVSMp Pavel Alsksandrovi h ELZMW# X.S., red.; SEVASTITANOV, A., ",,:I redo; TOCMSMj X.0 to [Carcinogenic effect of products of Estonian oil slale] Kantserogen- nos doistvie produktov pereraboth estonskago sl&ntea T&Mmip Akad, nauk Estonskol. M, 1961, 349p III, V. ?mIRA W12) (EMONU,-.41L SHAT (CARCINOMS) HAKWO2 Paul' KhanSOV10h; KLENS11T, K.S., red. (Seasonal quantitative dynam1cs of soil becter3a " factors determining It) SezonWa kollebootvannata dinatike pochvenzWkh baktarit I faktory, obuslaylivalushchle ea. Tallin, All Istanskal &,;R, In-t ek"rlxantallnol biol 09111, 1964. 234 P# (MIRA 1911) KLF,NTS;W,Rt Imres Cand Agr Sci -- (dies) V 6cadwe in the 7seea Fr-0~74IViMj" Mos, 1958, lb pp (Mos Orfler of Lenin Agr Acad im K.A. TimiryazeU) 110 coiiies (KL# ?3-5b, 109) 99 - kzl"is O-f labor involved in the repair of equlpwnt In metanurgical productione Sots. trud 8 no,12:93-1W D,;61. (KM 17 Numm or 0 IN Adrenaline and adroalinelike substances in the blood in pe is uloer.,Yraobe delo no*$s3&-4l A6163. (KMA 16V 1. Xafedra khirurgii No.1 (%&v. - prof. V.I. Akimm) Kiyevsko- go inatituta umovershenstymnlya Ymbey, (ADMMAUM IN M BCDT) (MTIC M.CEIL) na-MRIN. M. 7668. KLMUSHIN, X. -- n& trelevochnom traktore (Ruesk" traktorista gynov. lospromMosa. lit, tapts' X. S, Urvsklna). Molotov, Xn, Isd., 1954, 24 s. 20 ca. 3.000 eks. 301.-(55A2i8_)p_ 634.992.5:656.13st(47.813) Xontrollnyye sadanty4L I ustodlebaskire ukazanlya po kursu *T*khnol*6i" metallov I dereva",, -Sm. 7630 SO: Inis latuals', Vol. 7, 1955 NURABHDV,p Y,6,70- strict IW&4 Veterinary rwtor), Veterinary Doctor of an Zxperimental Model haul Noiaorsh District.. Winin Oblast'). "The vork of Yeterinary.speei"ta at an experimental model fam..." VeterinarlYa.- Vol. 39s no- 30 ~Much 10 13. R jLUZX OVp V,,Dj SOROXM, To,I,l VIMMMA9 rI,M,; ]MtWlXAP .0. XHOXHLAN# A*8* -SLV JOL ft-ddiwor of aotinWain belonging to the fluorescent *.of I A.atinmycatess .Sr*V Inst, aicrobiol. no,6sl93-201 19.0 (KIPA ]AS-1) 1; Teem ft"~WisslodovatsX!skiy insti~ut antibiotikow, M*Okva. (ACTINKYWALIS) (ACTINOMT lAVMWA,, 10.D.1 KPAVC=Ut X,A.j 17MPIMO CIV. Nature of the onsymatio activity *f lysosyms lxyoAl SSSA Otdo k"navk no.4029 IP 161. (XMA UW Is Imstitut, organiabookoy kbiaLU Ins X,D,Zellnekogo AN SM, P; News UMPMt Ao A* Dusertaticas Cbmaw An Abe cautent at, I*id" in the blood mama patimu idth arurloaciamix WA wpertocu due&" In treatmat vith lwitbU Dum: Cad Ned fti AcM *d Scl WR PafAj&ZC;-e Date, P2"es 1956, Yloscow &mftet ftliboys 14t":W Ip No 4T., 190 IUVCHSMKOS N.A.1 XLBOPM* Q.Tj ~UVMWAq To.D. StWy of the oatalyU"Ily &*Uve oonterm of lywqm, DWa. AN SUR 1" no.isn&221 W 162. (xMiL 1515) le inatitut organi4bookoy WWI La. V*D*Zolizakop AN SM. PredstavUno akaftnikon BoAslasmaklas NPOSYM) (C&ta4vis) KRAVCMXXOj X.A.1 Ktg"At O.T.1 XXVSRVMs To.D. Isolation aM d*uatino of th* proftets of lywosyne nodLfied by lodcavetle &old@ Biakb4=41& 30 no. 31534--%2 MY-40 #6 WRA 19113 Is betitut orgulebookoy kMaii immi Selinskogo AN SON4 140sk"O VladimirowA; KRAVCHENKO, Nikolay Alekservith; KLEOPMAj,,G'.- otv. red. j KAVERZMAj Te,D.0 doktor khlm* n9uko SIMMKOl E,I* , red, (Hatual for the chrovAtOgruPhic analysis of amino acids on colums] RukOvOdq+.,vo po khrmAtografichaskotu Anauxu aminokislot n& koloaakh. Vloskvap Naukap 19649 69 (141RA 182* F7JVClTENXV, N.A.; U"PIM G-V-; KAVk,v'--`vW~A YA U 0 4 . Study of the reavtIon of ci.-t*)ry-mrthylv ton of lyioryro, wil-h iod,lacetic &-31d, ldclKbl:--A.Ist -10 no.1119~--202 J'a-? 1-6!., (VIIA lh6) 1. inatitut organlohesKny- r~';Z)Rs MO-4kVa. KRAVCHENKOp N.A.1 KtEOPINA GG-V~~; XAVERZNEVAO Te.D. - w "ej ~. ~ I w Study of .an aetive conter of lysotyme by thI carboxyzethylation method, BiokhWia 30 no*4013-720 Jl-Ag 6% (KrPA isle) 1. Inatitut organichaskoy khImil Imeni N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSW# Moskva$ KtEOPINA-G.V.j KRAVCHEHKO, N.A.1 KAVERZNEVA, Ya.D. Role of C--amlno groups of lysins in lynozym. 1xv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.5030-838 165. (MIRA ISO) 1. Institut organichaskoy Wait ix,,N.D.Zol-inskogo AN SSM* -1 il - SOCHAVAs Vs; KLEOPOVI I. "Problems In the geography -of the Far East.* PAwiewed b7 V.Sochavo, I.Kleopova ltv# Vass. goo'. ob-va 93 no.6t54&548 N-D 961, ~' (~au 15:1) (Soviet far last-Geograft) S/120/62/000/004/003/047 zl94/E420 AUTHOASS oo Login, S,P,, Okorokov,,I.S.1 Nov* TITLE: operation or the supply system for a proton synchrotron of 7 GeV during th4 starting period PERIODICAL: Pribory i tokhnika 'eksp*rimenta,. no.4, 1962,. 33-36 TEXT: ' The article describes-early operating experience with the magnet supply system, the performarico and construction of which are described in the present journal (27-33 - preceding abstract). The equipment usually works continuously for up to 5 days per week followed by a regular weekly shut-down.. In. 6 months it-has operated for a total of 2200 houirs. The faults that have occurred resulted only from defects in the control circuits, mainly in the ignitron firing control arrangements.' A few backfires occurred because the valve temperature conditions ,were not right, mooIt backfires occurred under inverter conditions for which the beat lead angle was about 400. The different kinds or rauit, their causes and the steps that were taken to put them right are described. The stabilization of the primary rectified voltage is described and the operation ofthe control Card 1/2 5/12o/62/ooo/oo4/005/047 Operation of the supply system oe, E194/E420 reactors which govern the transition from rectifier to inverter conditions is examined. Performance of the equipment is illustrated by oscillograms, There are 5 figures, ASSOCIATIONt Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GKAE) SUBMITTED: April 11, 1962 Card 2/2 S/120/62/000/004/038/047 9073/9382 AUTHORS i Kleopov, I~F* and Lazarev, 14,V. TITLEs System of current supply for the maSnetic-moasuroments bench PERIODICALs Pribory i tekhnika ekspertmenta, no. 4. 1962. 203 -:2o6 TEXT: The systom dexcribre~ produces once every 30 seconds an autonintic sequence of current cycleb in five series-connected ma4netic blocks (L a 0.15 henries, Hy u 0.11 ohm) which simulate the cycle~of the main'curr'ent supply system of the accelerator. The current in a cycle increases at an initial' rate or 1 670 A/see. reaching its peak after about.1.8 seconds and fallIng to reach zero after 3 seewds. The current for th* magnets or the test-banch is provided by d.c. generators. At the initial instant the blocks are switched onto a stabilized voltage U1, which ensures a given rate of current increase. For coropensating the voltage losses caused 'by the resistance of the circuits the voltage is increased continuously to the value U2 etarting at a suitable time after switching on. When the Card 1/11 5/120/62/000/004/038/047 System of current supply E073/9382 current in the system reaches Its full amplitude the polarity of, the voltage in reversed so.that a now value of t~e voltage U 3 Is reached, corresponding to the given rate of decrease or the current strength. When the current drops to zero, the magneto are switched off from the supply :ystem and the circuit returns to its initial state. Two series-c nnected 230 V, 1950 A generators, with two sanchronous motors of 6501k'W -each are used as current sources. Two threo-phose,thyratron rec tifierm food the serits-excitation windin!rs of the generators. The block schematic of the supply circuit is given in Fig. 3. Forspeeding-up, the reversal of the output voltage of the generators, their excitation windings are switcb*d onto a voltage of opposite polarity when the current aprroaches its full amplitude vnlue. The switching'is effected by a low-curront. fastrelay,connected'into the grid circuit of the thyratron rectifiers, which are connected in parallel in oppoiition to each other, whereby the-control circuit excludes the possibility of their operating si ltaneousily., The current cycle in the magnntic Mu Card 2/4 System of current supply so, Eig. 31 C, OF P Re 6w Card 4/4 D(:,Av4PIIfi#v Pa, S/120/62/000/004/038/04? E073/9382 4( )76h 9/120/62/000/004/045/o47 zo39/x420 AUTHORSt Sokolovskiyj V,Vs, Radkovich, I.A.2 Golldin, L#L$j Xleopovj 10F., Xulskov, P.M., Lusin, V.No, 44wz&-r*-v-jskiy, I#A,, Okorokov, I*So, Talyzin, A.N., Trakhachav, G.V. TITLEt The effect of changes in the r~glme of the proton synchrotron supply-syttems an the magnetic characteristics of the blocks PERIODICALt Pribory i tokhnika oksperimenta, no#4, 1962, 240-244 TEXT: Measurements are made of the effect on the field and gradient in the C and X-blocks at a level of 90 Sauss when the- final smoothing condensers are e1ther disconnectled or connected symmetrically or non-symmotrically4 in addition, the came when the final smoothing condensors.&re in circuit but the primary4 smoothing condensers are reduced to one quarter of their usual value is examined, The offset of a shunting thyratron and resistance is also*investiS&ted. Changes in the value of the field cikused by any of the abovedo, not exceed + 0,6% while the difference between blocks is about + I%# The ;ffect of those Card 1/2 S/12o/62/000/004/045/047 The affect of changes 9039/z420 circuit changes-on the rate of growth of the field covers the range, +3.2 to -8,3% and for thit,differ*nce between blocks +.5,2 to -6.9%. Changes of the working range without altering the circuit produce significantly smaller effects than are produced by circuit changes, e.g. changes in the average field of separate blocks are 0.2 to 0.3% while the difference between their fields changes only by 0,02 to 0605%. The introduction of an auxiliary control an the value of the residual field noticeably increases the accuracy of the resultst i*ee error reduced to less than a half its previous value. There or* 3 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATIONSS Institut t*oreticheskoy i skoperimentallnoy fixiki GKAE (Institut* of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GKAE) Nauchno-imaledovatellskiy institut elaktrafisichaskoy apparatury M & (Scientific-Research Institute of Cloctrophysical Apparatus GKAE) SUBMITTEDi April 11, 1962 Card 2/2 ;? S/120/62/000/004/030/047 2140/Z420 AUTHORSI Kulakov, P.M., KAfdash, A.A.. 9obQVAkoV, A.306 Spevakovs, P.M., GDA'din, L*Lol Xloop4v# t#F#* Koahkarov. Sharnov, 0.1. TITM The system for magnetic field the proton synabrotron. PERIODICA1.1 Pribory i tokhniki Oksperiments, n0.4, 1962, 158-16? TEXTs The magnetic field configuration In the strong-fosused 7 GeV machine is adjusted by a series of correction systems . I permitting the betatron oscillation frequen4y to be controlled and resonance disturbances at the orbit to be ellminate4. The system used tar field correction As described together with the system for switching and exalting the windings, with experimental data on their attest an the %oan. The windings permit adjustment of the magnetic field detay Index. the azimuthal asywAstry of the field. ecopensation of tho.nonlinoar distortion or the ifield with saturation, correction of the position of the neutral plane &ad the "ttereates between the focusing and Card 1/2. 5/120/62/000/00%/0)0/0%7 The system for magnetic field S140/2420 dofetusing groups at blocks. There are two sets at those windings, the "gradient" and the Ononlinear* windings an the nAgnetic Palo surface facing the chamber. Measured date presented in the atti:16 Indicate the effectiveness or the corrections In stabilizing the betatron frequency. flow*ver, it to considered that further adjustments will be made In the course of the work.. There are 15 figures. ASSOCIATION$$ Institut t*orstitheakey I sksperimentallney tisikk GKAZ (Institute at Theoretical and Uperimental Physics GXAZ) Wauchno-Issladevatelfskly Institut eloktrarinicheskoy apparatury ML42 (Solontitia R*aearch Institute for gleatrophysical Apparatus QXAR) SUBHITT&Dt March 294 1962 Card 2/2 3/120/62/000/oot/047/047 2039^420 AUTHORSs Vlodimirokly, Y.Vs, 4614dift. L.L., Pligin. U.5., Yeselov, M,A,, Talysint A.X., Taras6vi TOOK*$ Kashkarov,'L&pitakiy 'N&., 11arabash. LAs Peopov, X.F4 Lobodev, Poi Kux'sin, A A.. In Ono4ovsklyt K.X.o Uvarov,*V.A., Vedoplyanov, r*A. TITLEs Adjustment or tha.~aceleratton rogivas of the 7 GeV proton synchrotron PZRIODICALt Pribory I tokhnika skeporinonta, no.4, 1962, 246-255 TEXTs In order to establish the optimum parameters for programming the control frequency the Intensity$ positlin, and frequency and amplitude of transversi oscillation of the beam Is measured in three ststeal (1) during the first r*volutlonj (2) with a tirgule,tiftS beam and (3) with acceleration. for measurements 6n the first roValution long afterglow scintillation screens are used which are either observed visually or by means of a television camera# The *croons are placed to the soations between magnet blockal 1~ In the InItI&L part and ,rIn -tAo final port at the dmober.' - Win aho4oft .0at'thoorbit do** not 7~- ---,7, 3/120/62/000/004/047/0'k? A4justm*nt of the acceleration 9039/t420 deviate by more than loS tot from the axis during the first revolution. Circulating boom* without acceleration are obtained which continu*,for 20 to 30 revs. The circulating current to determined by means of a flight tube and the transverse oscillation frequency with an electrostatic probe with doubl vertical and harlsontal plates#, he 3clatillation screens In I* form or & grld with 85% transmission are used to show the boom position and diameter for 5 to 10 revs. The beam diameter is shown to be about 4 eta under normal OoDdItIons. zavest1gations are carried out on the optimum form of the frequensy- Slao roUtl6st fat holding the boom in orbit. The width or the trapping r;gt:: 1:,t 3 Kc/s for an Initial frequenoy of ?50 Ke/s vhith a rv w r with theoretical estismtes# Preliminary adjustment Permitted the ottainment or 6.2 4ov protons and after adjusts*%% 7.2 Gov protons were obtained an Oatober 3~, 1961 The usual Intensity on a normal eyelo Its* In the range J~ %; 5 X 109. There are 7 figures and & tablea ASSOCIATIONt Institut toorstithookoy L eksperimontallnoy tialki. UA& (Institute of Theoretical and txperlmontal LUO physiss out) rJ11;J01 April 11, 1962 VLADIMIRSKIYP V.V.; GOWDIN, L.L.; PLIGIN, TU.S.; VEXI", P.A.; TALTUR, A.M.; TARAMVj Te.K.1 KOSHKAW, D.G.; LAPIMIT, Yu.Ta.j RMaM, L.Z.1 MEEDEV, P.I.; KOZIMIN, A.A.; RATALIN, V.A.1 ONMVSKIY, K.K.; UVAROV, V.A.; VODOPITANOV, F.A. Adjuntment of acceleration In the 7 bay. protc- syrichrotron. Prib. I takh, eksp* 7 no, 4s248-255 jl,-Ag '(2. (PIRA 16%4) 1. Institut toorsticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy flaiki Gosu- darstvennogo kcattota po Ispollsovaniyu atomnoy energit 5.11M. KLRXDVo le.P.1 EMPMO I-L- Carboniferous stmUxmpb7 of the northwestern SIberlAm Platfom M&tJM= no# 32s73-79 160, (MM U13) (Siberian Plalforw-WO109yo StratigmPhle) MWFOVO 1A, wmmft---~ In the Institute of Vis ClaogrsplW of Siberia and the Far Ust, DAls lust* geog, Sib, i Dal', Yost, no,lt68-72 062, . (KMA 17s 8) UMPOV I#L.; VORODIM.. XV. OGeograpUcal, problem of TaJmU&o* Uviewed by I.L.10"pcwt VIT, Voroitev, Iwo Voss# geolto Obwm 94 no,N263-263 162. (Ukutia-46ograpbr) Devvlopment and distribution of gold mirting l9k the hr I&A before the %wolutici. and during the first years of the Soviet regimes Sib* pogo aboro noeW06-214 163, (KaU 161 n) ximpov 1. LO An Interosting practice of the Chukchl Geographical Mussuso Inv* Voes, pogsob-va 96 no. WA&U9 Mr-Ap 164,, (MIRA 1715) otm, red, [Geological Comdtteej, IF&'-19291 hIstOrY Of thO P01097 or Russia) Geolegichaskli kot.itet 1882-1929 Istorlia genlogil, v hossit. Moskvnp Paukas 1964. 173 p. in p. 11,7 *7779 ~*cnV-!--., Lint ~~r Au--~-:7,to 1^191, lables of varcentile increane in gore pOSSibIlItter or Aotarr-InLnZ pircentilo incrensis. p. 4541 LL412 Vol. 7Z, o'io. ~/10, Sept./A;ct. 19541 zek"bi Yugoslavin) SO: Lonthly List of -Zust 4uror6an Accessllono, -0$ Unal, Frepitney of the transition period. ;3. 3. ZAgreb, Vol, 79j ro. 112, Jan./Feb. 11j55. 30; X,-~nthly List of Mat Zkzropean Accevu!onv, (EZAL), LCI Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. Uncle KLIPAC,o D. tWAC,, Da Affect of odatlotoo on development of fir trees. p., 2310 KLEPACp D. Methods of determination or forewt growthl preliain=7 research an gr&Ab of the British o4k, po 60). SUMARSH LIST. (Drustvo sumarskib insonjera i tahnicam ?MR AWslavijs) Zagreb, Vol, 79p no, UA2 MY/Dec. 19556 SO. FA8t European Accessions List Vol. 50 no. 9 September# 1956 YUGOSLAVIA / Forestry, Dendrology. K-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 24879. Author :_Klep4c_, Dusan. Inst i 11oz glveff-."----~ Title s The Study of the Growth of Spruce by Diameter at the Het ht of the Cluster in the Most Widespread (forestl Combinations of the Gorski Kotar Province. Orig Pub: Glasnik sumake pokuse, 1956, 12, 225-256. Abstracti Investigation was conducted in plantings of Western Croatia, not far from the Adriatic Seacoast, The growth of the spruce in the calcium (CS) and clay- humus soils (CHS) was compared, In both cases* the types of plantings are described in detail. Card 1/3 YUGOSLAVIA / Forestry, Dendrology. K-2 Abe Jourt Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 19580 24879. Abstracti In the plantings of CS, the spruce, beechp maplep elm prevail; plantations on CHS are mainly compoced of spruce, For determination of the average an- nual Growth by diameter at the height of the clus- ter, the following equations were derivedi for spruce planjings on CS mr a 4.66574-0.41163 1/d - 0.00031 1/&~; for spruce plantings on CHS m m ~31-931420 - o.u60540 d + 0.004160 dl: - 0 ' 7U36 0MFi. 0.43236 + 0.12581 d - 0.0087 d2, where mr signi e9 the growth in mm, d - the diameter of the trunk at the height of the cluster In cm. Mathematical processing of the data showed that in CS the average annual growth constantly increases; in CHS it attains a maximum by the diameter of the spruce at 65-7u em.; In the first case, the speed of growth is expressed hyperbolically; in the Card 2/3 29 IhnotAonal relation beUmn annul S rowth in Yo2mme and diameters of trunks of f1r trees in t Id mod forests p. I SUMM19LIM?s Zagmbp Val sot Noi. 1/29 Jan./Feb. p 1956 801 Zast Nuvp*an Aocessions Usto Vol go No* lot Octes 1,956 XLEPAC, D, Using frwpency curves of tree numbers in the d": cription of staMs. P. 357. (Saoijallaticko Zenjoddstwos Vol, boo no, 11112 Noy,/14co 1956,) SOt Pbnthly jAst of last lumpean Accessions (UAL) LC# Val. 6p no, Ip W7 1957, Uncle KWACq D. Research an the thicimas of the bark of the most important bals in Croatia, p,91s (SUMMKI um. Vol. Olt No*' 3A# Y"o/Apre 1957s Beograd, Yugoslavia) 50t Monthly Liat of last Ibropean Accossions (MAL) LC# Vol* 6# No, 10p Octobw 1957e Unelt KUMC D. rawtimal relation b"vow thicira" of the bark and di=eter of the trw* In car major docidnow ti"as P* 2%# Periodical# SUNUM LM. Vale 820 no. 7/6j, July/Aug, 19% AWCULTM SO: Mont-My LIst of East Muvpom Amessieft (MM) LC Vale as, no, ApaU 2959,, Urmle 7777777 KLEPAC D. m ~~ Determ1ning losses In the Increment of stands caused by gypey notba (Umantria AUM) - SUMMKI LIST (Sumarsko drustow Urvatsks) Zagrebp Tupslawls, Vol. 83o no. Ot Aug./Sept- 1959 Montbly list of Seat Impsan Accesslon (MAI) LC Vol. 9. no. 2, 1960 Uncle -SUCPAC Do PIAVE p M. Determining the volume of Increment according to the control method at the "riment lots In the L1povIjwd forest r*gion. p, 257. SU)MKI L33T (Suparsko drustov Wwatske) Zapebg Yugoslavia Vol. 830 no. 8/9# Aug./L.. 19,9 Ponthly list of last Impean Aca"Nion (SM) 14 Vol. 9,, no. 2p 1960 Unol nEPAC;D. for"t plaming wW saWment, Rd so Toug 8 no#3/4o" Jo--Ig'63. lo ftsariski takultatp MW#b. g -.4 i~w i"I bm el-11 FUXARAK, WTO J,j WSTROVIZO S.1 KLEPAr,,,,._D.; LMICEX, Z.; ZHIJANAC, D.j SEVNIK# Fs; ZAGAR9 B.1 KIXLAVZIC# J,j KNEZt A.; PIPMO R.; FUNKLt L.1 MTLICICj A.1 ZUMMO L.1 "V0# Ft. Revo1w of periodicals; silviculture. b-al sc Youg 9 ro.4/5i244- 145 Ag-O 164. 7-~ -- I M .1 1 -1 - - . - IM -~ 1~ - : 1~ Is " -I . .- - i SUVO;=Ap Lidiya IllW obnaIKAWIRM Leo nid Nikolayevich; VAW-ABIMMOT., rod.; KUPACH, Jj red.1 SHUNSIAXA, M.0 tokhne redo rinowledge wA know-bov; collection of artioles on the economics of socialist agriculture] bat' 1, umet'S sbornik statei po ekonomike sotsialistiahelde,,jo sellskoga, khosisistva, MosWa. lad-vo TaK MUM "Holodaia gyardum 4 1961, W P. (MIU UtIM (Agriculturo-Sconmic aspoets) OURBYICHt A.M.; SUIRZfMWj Z.I.; KWAM E.J.; RUSIMOVs, ILY, karA.. takhn. asuk, retsensenti GALAHOVAp M.S.# Insh., red.; UVAROVA# A.F.# tokbn. red. (Fuel system an diesel locomotives and motorships with D100 and D50 safineal Topllvnaia apparaturs toplowosnykh I mOovykh dvigatilet Up& DIOO i D50. Moskyaq Mashgis, 1963. 2D3 ps (MIRA 1615) (Diesel loacwtives-Fuel system) (Motorships-Fuel system) All electrical technicians should belong to factory groupq of the scientific Tech- nical Society for Electrical Rr4imeriM, P. 1. (ELEXTROTECIMIX) (Praha, Czachoslavakia) Vol. 13. no. 1. Jan. 1958 30. Monthly Index of Zast &wopean Accession (EW) W Vol, 7, No. 5, May 1958 SAUXON, T, d-r,IEWAO, Z. d-r, Second cass, of Me2korsoon-Rosenthal syndrome. god. arb.. Sarajevo 12 n0-3173-" may-Ifthe 157. 0 lo Dispanser a& kome Westi u Imajaluoi. Sof: d-r T. Salmmon I 0djelonjo v& tho. grlo I moo Opets bolnice u Banjalwl. $sh dwr IMM, IMIA4 paalyols Wo2kersson-losonUal ("YMO die* Ms KUZ'HnOVp I.Lj red,; KLEPACH, N,Ya.o red.j SLASTENENKO, V.A., red*1 TREFILOV, VXj-k6d*-j VORONINAI N.# md. (socialist production conectivej Sotsiallsticheskii prols- vodstvenmyl konektiv. Moskva, 1964. 230 p. (MIRA 180) I*.-Moacove Akademiya obsbehestyamVkh nauk. EaACH, PO T*t Water Tech Sol (diss) -- "TM$ttfptlon of the process of Injecting liquid fuel Into a locomotive engine In amll doseo. Mar1kay, 19580 17 pp (Min Transportation tMq lbarlkov Inat of Railroad Tzensport TWInsers In S, M. Kirov), 150 coplao (KLO Ito 1"9p 126) GURVICH, A.N,, kandetakhn.001*1 EMACII, P-T-v Inab. rual system perforissail of a diesel wiss OWAUAC Oft 4011 amounts of hel, Stake I tepl, %tap 2 00*9139-42 a 158. (Diesel saghos-4asting) MRA 11120) SOV/115758-5-15/36 AUTHOR: Klepacho P TITLE; U30 or Wire Pick-Ups ror Measurements in the Fuel Systems of Compres3orless Engines (Primeneniye provo- lochnykh datchikov pri limereniyakh v toplivnykh sistemakh beskompressornykh dvigateley) PERIODICAL: lzmeritelinayn tokhnika, 1058, Nr 5v PP 32-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author deals with the use of wire pick-ups for measuring rapidly changing pressures and the rise of the jet needle in the fuel systems of internal com- bustion engines. The paper contains diagrams and photographs of equipment used to study the fuel system of a D-50 engineo as well as some results of the measur- Ing operations. For measuring pressurcs in the feed. pipe, the wire pick-ups were glued to the bottom of a canister installed In the body because of the bottom's high frequency or natural or free oscillations. Of especial interest Is the question of determining the Card 1/4 free.oscillations of a resllient~element (here# the V SOV/115-5&5-15/36 Use of Wire Pick-Ups for Measurements in the Fuel Systems of Compressorless Engines canister bottom). Two forces are operative when there is free oscillation of a free plate. 1) The plate's elasticit -(-Kx); 2) Force of inertia of the platets mass (-m Le 'A, dt.r ). The formula for the plaite's movement dt is: M ALL 'T kx a 0. The canister bottom to which dtr- I one or two pi,ck-ups are glued, receives the pressure, arising in the feed-pipe and is deformed. The wire pick-up is correspondingly deformed and thus changes its resistance. The problem of temperate compensation of the resistance measuring bridge when using this device was successfully solved. Good results were also achieved$ by using a device based on the Ts HIDIs 1955p design. The device has an additional horizontal beam, via which the force of the-rod - connected with the jet needle - is -transfermvd to the working beam. 'hire-pick- ups are glued to the latter. The measured pressure Card 2/4 process in the pipe of a fuel system consists of a Use of Wire Pick-Ups for Measurements In the Fuel Systems of Compressorless Engines constant and a variable component. To measure these processes, the amplitude modulation method Is used, by which processes with a frequency 10%-15% that of the ap source - with which the measuring bridge Is fed can be measured. Ac amplifiers with a carrier fre- quency of 5 and 50 ke were used with an UPO-2 oscillo- graph and type I loop. Pressure oscillograms were prepared with a fuel pump shaft revs Z70 rpm, a fuel feed of 1.266 g per cycle and a clearance in the dis- charge collar of the valve of 0.2 mm. Pressure was recorded with the same device, using an amplifier with the carrier frequency of 50 ke shaft revs 370 rpm and fuel feed 0.101 g per cycle. ibe wire pick-up can be regarded as universal since It can measure the pressure in the engine's cylinder, the fuel system and the collectorsp rise of the jot needle, shifts, angular velocities or rotating parts etc. The measuring method worked out by the author was checked by invest- Card 3/4 igating the fuel systems of D50 and 71- en&ines and is SOV/115-5&5-15/36 Us& of Wire Pick-Ups for Measurements in the Fuel Systems of Compressoriess Engines used in investigating the fuel equipment of the 2D-100 -engine under Industrial conditions. For testingg amplifiers with a carrier frequency of L5-50 kilocyles are utilized. There are 3 diagrams, 5 graphs and 6 Soviet references. Card 4/4 CWMW# AP. , 4oktor taktmoneak, prof,: =N=o -doteento land, tothnonauk; KLVI tokhri.nauk; Sm 00=~~nd Invest1gating the perf ormnoo of the fuel system of 2DIOO diesel loconotive engine at low too". Ibrudy IMIT no.35A-12 160. (Mosel ousinse-nal systems) (MIRA 13 t 10) CIUR S, A.P., doktor tokhnnauk, Irot-1 MBWZD, S-L, kand-tsidwAsuko dotment; ILZMACS. P.?.. kwA.tekhn.z&uk: StMZ 2.1.0 insh. Investigating the deforsotions of the fol lujoator b"y of the 2DIOD euxine, 2rudr ]MIT no-35150-54 160. (MINA 13zlO) (Diesel sagints-ftel systems)