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SOKOLOV) 11,1.;
N.F.; FKROV) B.N.,
akademikp red.; GRIGORASH) K.I., red. izd-va; ROZHIN) V.F,p
tekhn. red.
[Handbook on the'design of components and systems of automatic
control; a manual for the preparation of course and diploma
projects] Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniiu elementov i sistem~
airtomatiki; posobie po kursovonu,i diplomnomu proektirovani.iii
(By] M.A.Balashov i dr., Pod red. B.I.Petrova. Moskva, Gos.
nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Oborongiz. NO-4. 1961. 311 pe
WIRA 15:3)
1. Moscow. AviatoioraV7 institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze.
(Automatic control) (Electronics)
AUTHOR: Kiselev, L. N.
TITLE: Computing converters of potential based on tiansistor8
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhur-nal, Avtomatika i radioelek-tronika,
no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-5-51a (V sb. Poluprovodnik,
pribory i ikh primeneniye, no. 7, M., "Sov. radio",
1961, 275-288)
TEXT: Analysis of two-emitter semiconducting converters has been
carried out for two cases, when the permeability of the core does
not depend on the magnetizing current (core with air gap) and when
the transistor core has an ideal square magnetization curve (to-
roidal cores). Most applications use converters based on toroidal
permalloy cores. Computation of the working rate of such converters
is made from the given voltage supply, the voltage and power out-
puts, and the frequency of the converter. The working rate of the
converters and the elements of the inverter circuit are determined;
transistor calculations are carried out. The computation method
Card 1/2
Computing converters
gives good agreement
the 5 - 500 watt range.
Card 2/2
of D273/D301
with practical tests for converters working in.,
5 references. ~-AbBtracterls note: Complete-V
KISELEEV, Lev Nikolayevich; HIK171N. Viktor Borlsovich
Frequency control of a square.-wave voltage aelf-oscillator. Tzv.
vy6*ucheb~zav.;.elektromok%i. 7 no,1021225--1230 (MIRA, 1811)
1. Starshiya inzh. Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo in3tituta.
TITLE: Transistor-magnetic average-current pulse amplifier
PERIODICAL: Refer6tivnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika 'i radioelektronikat~
no- 4, 19620 abstract 4-2-10y tPoluprovodnik; pribory
i ikh primeneniy*e, no. 7, M., Sov. radio, 1961, 207-
TEXT:, Some variants of average-current pulse amplifier circuits
supplied from a DC voltage source are considered. A. classification.
of such circuits is given. A comparative analysiO of the iollowing
amplifier circuits is carried out: Pulse amplifiers with ohmic-
inductive loading, magnetic amplification with pulse duration mo-
dulation. The circuit of a controllable oscillator with turrent
transformer and differential loading, and that of a magnetic am-
plifier supplied by*a DC voltage, are given. It is shown that these
pulse amplifier circuits for average-current amplification have a
_greater efficiency, good line-arlty and considerable lifetime com-
Card 1/2
Transistor-magnetic :P222/D309
pared with other types. Computational formulas are given for tran-
sistors working in the switching regime. The basic relationships
for the design of the given circuits are-derived. The choice of a
suitable circuit depends on the actual amplification requirementes,
11 figures. 6 references. /-Abstracter-a note: Complete transla-I
Card 2/2
V.G.; PETYGIN, V.I.; F=OV, V.S.; prinimall uchasti7e: SHIMOV,
Investigating granulators as controlled systems. TSvet. mato 35 no.6%
41-46 Je 162. (MIM 15:6)
(Ore dressirig) (Gramilar materials)
GEVONDYA'S.. Tigran ArutyunovichjlqSEIXV, Lev Timofeyevioh; RYABOV, B.A.
doktor tekbu. nauko prof., retsenzint,--ZAKAZNOVj--N,P., kand.
tekbn. nauk, reteenzent; DOBROGURSM ~ S.O.p doktor tekbn.
nauk,q prof., zasIG doyatell nauki i tekhnikip red.;
YELrSEYEVP,K.S*,, red. izd-va; MODEL', B.I.9 takhn. red.
(Devices for meavuring and recording vibrations] Pribox7 dlia,
izmereniia i registrataii kolebanii. Moskva,, Masbgiz,, 1962.
467 p. (MIRA 1534)
Stability of a control system with accelerated sliding mode
of operation. Dif. urav. 1 no. 12t!568-1577 D 165.
(MIRA 18: ,,
1. Matematicheskiy institut imeni Steklova, Sverdlovskoye
otdeleniye. Submitted May 12
9 1965.
AUTHORS: Deychq M.Ye.j (Dr., Tech.Sci.), Kazintsev, F.V.,
Abramov; V.I., Kiselev, L.Ye. and Filippoval V.G.
TITLE: An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of
Constant Profile under Variable Conditions (Issledovaniye
perememogo rezhima turbinnykh stupenet s dlinnymi
lopatkami postoyannogo profilya)
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 6. pp 8-17 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article describes the results of tests on four
single-row stages with relatively long blades of Constant
profile, fitted to an experimental turbine. The
efficiency of single-row stages depends on a number of
geometrical and operating conditions: the configuration,
pitch and angles of installation of the blades " the ratio,
of the flow areas~,the velocity ratio and the Mach ands'
Reynolds numbers. The tests described here were made-to,,
study the influence,of these factors on the efficiency.:
The stages had a d/t ratio + 7.73 which is.the limiting
value for cylindrical blading. The four stageSLinvesti..-.~
Card 1/8 gated employed.two types of guide vanes (TS-1k and TS-2A)
and two types of working blades (TR-2A and TR-3A).
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant
Profile under Variable Conditions
The principal geometrical characteristics of the blading
are given in Table 1. All the stages used welded
diaphragms of 400 mm mean diameter with guide vanes
48 mm high and working blades 51.7 mm high. The, measuring
equipment used is briefly described. The stages were
-tested with ratios of back pressure to inlet pressure of
0.9 to 0.51+9 which corresponds to a Mach number range of
OJ~ to 1.0. The testswere made with constant back,
pressure. The influence of diaphragm leakage on the
efficiencyand the degree of reaction at root And tip
sections were investigated. The quantity of,leakage
Steam ranged from 0.8 to 3.510o of the flow through the
guide vanes.- The influence of the Reynolds number on the
stage characteristics was investigated in three og,the
stages 15 with Reynolds numbers ranging from 3 X 102 to
7 X 10 - The maximum error in determining the stage..
efficiency was between 0,4 and 0.6%. The influence~of
compressibility on the.stage efficiency and degree of
Card 2/8 reaction is then considered. Stage efficiency graphs as
functions of velocity and pressure ratios are given in
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant,
Profile under Variable Conditions
Fig 1: it will be seen that for each stage there is a
pressure ratio that gives maximum efficiency. Values of
the best pressure ratiog the highest efficiency, and the,
change in efficiency as the pressure ratio deviates from
the optimum value,.are tabulated in Table 2. The curves
in Fig 1 show that the efficiency is fairly stable as the
velocity ratio changes, indicating that stages with guide
vanes type T3-2A have a flatter characteristic as a
function of the velocity ratio. This is because the
ratio of the blade, area to the guide-vane area is lower
and there is cons'equently more reaction in stages with
these guide vanes. Curves of stage efficiency as a
function of MO with constant velocity ratio are given
in Fig 2a, and-clirves of efficiency as function of the
available heat drop with the speed constant in Fig 2b.
From consideration of these curves it is concluded that
the stage efficiency is reasonably stable. Curves of
the Pressure distribution over the pitch of the guide
Card 3/8 vanes at the tip and root sections respectively are given
in Figs 3a and 3b. Corresponding curves under static
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant
Profile under Variable Conditions
conditions and in the presence of a working wheel are
given in Fig 3c. It will be seen that the static pressure
.field Is very~irregular. Graphs of the reaction at root
and tip sections as a function of the velocity ratio are Fig 4. It will be seen that in most cases the
reaction is negative at the blade roots. These tests
were made in the absence of diaphragm leakage. The
presence of negative reaction at the blade roots has no
appreciable influence on the stage efficiency. The
curves of distribution of.reaction over the radius for
stages KD-2-2A.and KD-2-3A at various values of velocity
ratio and constant pressure ratio are given in Fig 5.
The curves were constructed from experimental values of
the loss factors,at different sections of the guide
vanes and reaction in the root section7 using formula
(2). It will be~seen that the agreement between.the
experimentaland calculated values of reaction is
satisfactory. Graphs of the relative difference of root
4/8 and tip reaction as a function of the relative change in
ard the velocity ra-tio are given in Fig 6. Over the range
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant
Profile under Variable.Conditions
of change of velocity ratio from - 0.2 to + 0.2 this
relationship is given -Dy formula (3). It was found that,
there is a certain range of Reynolds and Mach numbers
and of diapbragm lealtage for which formula (3) remains
validq as will be seen from the results plotted in Fig 6.
Formula (3) as a basis for two methods of
designing stages with long blades operating under
variable conditions, as is briefly explained. The
influence of Reynolds number on the stage efficiency is
then considered. A series of tests was made on the three
stages. - The Influence of the Reynolds number ~.was thereby
evaluated in stages having different degrees.of reaction
at the root and middle sections. The test results,
plotted in Fig 7, are discussed at some length. It is
found that the influence of the Reynolds number is
greatest when the velocity ratio is high. Graphs of the
relationship between the maximum stage efficiency and the
Reynolds number appear In Fig 8, and graphs showing the
Card 5/8 influence of the Reynolds number on the reaction at the,
root and tip sections of the three stages are plotted in-.
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant
Profile under Variable Conditions
Fig 9. Graphs of the flow coefficients as a function of
Reynolds number are plotted in Fig 10. Theinfluenoe of.
diaphragm and leakage is then considered. In order to
determine the influence of diaphragm leakage on the stage
characteristicsq steam was delivered from the steam chest.
to thespace between the disc and diaphragm in amounts up
to 5% of the main flow. Graphs of the changes in-
efficiency as functions,of leakage are plotted in-Fig 11.
Graphs of tip and root reaction, and flov coefficient..
as function of velocity ratio and P. -graph of the
influence of leakage on the change in stage reaction, are
plotted in Figs 12a and 12b respectively. It is found
that increase in Reynolds number and decrease in leakage
reduces both root and tip reaction. The results of a.,
detailed study of the flow structure in stage KD-2-2k
are discussed.. The main conclusions are that the ratio
of the flow Area of the working blades to that of the
guide vanes has.a considerable influence on stage
efficiency. Alterations of the blade root reaction from
Card 6/8 + 5% to zero had little influence on the stage
efficiency. The presence of low negative reaction
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant
Profile under Variable Conditions
caused some reduction in stage efficiency. With increase
in the compressibility (Mach number) the efficiencY first
rises and then falls. The optimum value of the Mach
number depends on the stage geometry and particularly on
the area ratio and the type of blades used. As the Mach
number increases, so does the reaction. Detailed
investigation of the flow structure showed that alteration,
of the area~ratio.alters the losses in the working blades
and the discharge velocity loss. The flow was found to be
very uneven at the outlet section of the guide vanes,
It was established that over a certain range of Mach
numbers9 rotation of the runner has no important influence--
on the velocity distribution over the pitch of the guide.
vanes. It follows from this that stage calculations.-
based on static steam tests on full-scale diaphragmsare,
Card 7/8
An Investigation of Turbine Stages with Long Blades of Constant.
Profile under Variable Conditions
reliable provided that the Mach and Reynolds numbers are
equal in the actual and model conditions.
There are.12 figures, 2 tables and 5 Soviet references..
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut
(Moscow Power Institute)
Card 8/8
MOTANOVSKIT, B.K., kand.tokhn.nauk; KISEM, L Te.- 4nsh.; FILIFFOVA, T.G.,
Methods for calculating two-row velocity stages. Inergonuhl-
nostroenie 6 uo*513-6 W 060. (MIRA 13:9)
(Steam turbines)
DAYCHP M.Ye.j doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.1 TROYANOVSKIY, B.M., kande tokbno
-d-ORIF& 00 of tiper o e peripher
meridian line. The tests were,conduatedL in a circular wind tunnel in.aIr
at a maximm subsonic apeed .of M - 0.84. A grill with a variable chard and
T a const proved to be highly effective (up to M = 0.86) during the reglaes
considered. Separatien of flow --ma not observed in any of the grills,
i :.which differs from Bammart's, conclusions CK. Bammert, R. Klaeukensj-
ingenieur-Archiv, Bd XVTI, 194g. This confirw the explanation by the
present vriters of the separation in certain annular grill'a, by the flow
;a,,d 1/2 ......
L 0-48 -6
'14-' AP5011717 7. i.
in the root zone -- by the presence*in it of diffusion sections. Down to
the aiigle of opening of the peripherial line Y p : 320, the losses in
I the grill proved to be small, which is explained by the optimum grill con-
figuration with respect to height (-t u const, b a var) and the high
effectiveness of the initial grill TG-rA MPEr. The tests showed a large-
dtv--~rgence in the distributed parametars of the flow vith respect to
'height in comparison vith the most prevalent calc,ilation Vith a simpli-
fied Euler formula. The method of calculation used provides satisfactory,
conformity with the experimental- results. 'Orig. art. bas: 7 formulas, I figure,
and 6 graphs.
ASSOCIATION: Koskovskiy energetieheskiy institut (Moscow row6r Engineering
1 __7
DEYCH, Me, doktor tekhm. nawk, prof.3 TROYANOVSXIY, B.M., kand. ~-ekhn.
nauk; KISELEVIJp., inzh.,, KRUPENNIKOV, B.N., inzh.
Study of an annular large-fan turbine cascade. Teploenergetika
11 no.11:26-30 N 164. (Wn 1-7:12)
1. Mookovskiy energeticheskiy inatitut.
Ef-If"e-c! of- the angle of do-,par ta,- C-i -n- 1 i
,rit;f-, lareze fan T v
kafedi~cy paro-trylich -1 gazcrvyll's.
18564. ---------
etetmihing -the di tri
0.375~,:;OA25~* __.,The-resultant ata were used.for d a
of the,fiollolving: =et6rja ~.~Ith res6ect to the height of the blading;
breaking pressure pol c . pressure - p I flcw departure angles a, and - a2 .'in
the meridian dir-4ction. Angle al: -is aeasured betyeen the pvoJection.6f velo ty' Of
~on the cylindrical s ce . and the : dire at ion of.the periferal component of velocit
angle..a2 is measured betueen-the vector of velocity a, and its project on on'.,
he:~cylindrical:-,surfa6e.-, It ~. was ". found' that' An increment In the effective. angle 'of
departure increases,the' difference-between the static pressures at the-perlpheiy-,,an
root ofthe blading due_to,a,-reduct1on--1n energy,losses and a corresponding increas
in.the velorc-i _ the dep4rting.air at-the'root section.-Heasurements of~ art
ty. of
angles a, sh6v_1hat- they. are- greater than the,effective departure angles#. When the
effective departure angle- As increased the, dif ween 'ap vilw~of
fe'rence bet the avet
the measured 4agle and, the. effective angl4s- Is reduce4,.which may also be.explailned
by a reduction' -in:ene_rgy, losses and Uss'x6distribution in the rate~of air, flow
spect-to height.' av ierai g evalues-of.the meridian angles with: respect, -
with re The t
heig] nctlow-of the effe v dep angle IV,
cti e arture
(62 Aire a iinear.,
WS ait._~ an angle of 150 At smaller effe6d
00,fok x 0 e ure
(02) ve
d 1 -t average u ds'~ to. de-
eparture ang es, valies of aj are-positivet-which correspon
Card 2 3'---:,:
(The North opens up its wealth; from the history of the
industrial development of the Soviet Far North] Sever
raskryvaet bogatetva;,iz istorii promyshlennogo razvitiia
Sovetskogo Kralnego Severa. Moskva, Izd-vo "Flyall," 1964.
108 P. (MIRA 17-6)
Mobile hoists. Kholetath. 31 no.4;66-67 O-D 154. (MLRA a. 1)
1. Starshty elektrik Bakluskogo kholodilOulka.
(HoletIng machinery)
WBI,.TZU-CHOU; u [translator]; ASTAPIYMV. G.T.. otvatstvennyy
redaktor; USYTATSOV, A-To., redaittor Watel'stva; ASTAVYWA, G.A.,
takhnicheek-ly isdaktor
[Capital investments of the Imperialists In China (1902-1945).
Translated from the Chinese] Kapitaloylozheniia imperialiotov v
Kitas (1902-1945). Poreyod a 3-go kitaiskogo izd. M.A.Kiseleva.
Kookwa, Isd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR, 1956. 48 p. (MLRA 9:8)
(China--Foreign economic relations)
A book on the foreign trade of the Chinese People's Republic (~`Basic
data on the foreign trade of the Chinese People's RepublieN [in Chinese]
b7 Ch'i Heiao-sau. Reviewed b7 M. Kiselev). Vneah. torg. 29 no.'4:30-31
159. (MIRA 12:6)
"Utilizatlon of E-mpericrAcc, Jr, UP Accl ;--la-
a as Ir
zazlon o~l Varieties of' T'rc-es and B'Usheot of Orlovs' Shelter
lantinf-. 11 Sul, 5 'an !:f , VoFcou rorostry Eni,' n inst.
Belt 53
(Dissertation for the Degree of Gwididate in I-xicult-ural Sciences).
So: V c I, e r v 1,!oslcva January-Dneember 1~,52
DERYUGIN. Sergey gatveyevich; KISEIRT, X.I., retsenzent; ZITTSETI, T.H., red.;
[Operation and maintenance of spinning uschinery; comb spinning of
thin woolj Ustroletvo I obalushivanie,priadillnykh washin;
grebennoe priedenie tonkoi sbertsi. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., i957. 150 P. (MIRA 11:1)
(Spinning machinery)
labor standards for continuous machinery production lines. Sots.
trud no.3.,68-73 Mr '37- (NLU 10:4)
Nachinery industry-Production lines)
KOVALEV. Y.L.!..k-and.tekhrxnaujc,. red,; GAXMMG.-Ya.Yu.. reteenzent;
FORRALISKIY-, M.I., ratmenzent; KIS3=, M.,.A., reteenzent; PLIKTAWtIKOV,
H.N., red.; &AOLOIfA, Y.Ye., A.G., red.; KNMIN-,
[Manual on wool spinning) Spravochnik po sherstopriedenilue
Pod d F L Kovaleva. Izd.2., perer. i. dop. Roakva, Izd-vo
naucS;:tek*hn'.1it-rjy Rwsa, 196o, 785 P-
(MIRA 13:12)
1. Moscow. TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut
sharstyanoy promyshlonnosti.
(Woolen and worsted spinning)
!Swelling of., Gouhds.'-Dui t6 Fnmezing-and Its Effect-on the'StaLility of'Foundations."
Thesis for degree-of'Cand. Coologic6l - Mineralogical Sci. Sub 26 YaY 49, Momcow Order
of Lenin State U ijponi M. V. Lomonosov
Suwmar7 82, 18 Doe 52, Dissertations Presented for DeKrees in Science and Envinearin in
Moscow in 1949. From VechernyM I-losIrva. Jan-Dec 1949
lii~uvl M 7.
Swelling of ground due to freezing. Trudy NII oan.1 fund. no.26:
:4-12 155. (an 9:8)
(Soil freezing) (Soil mechanics)
- ---------
KISEM. H.P.- GONJBMKOVA. L.A., red.izd-va; ELIKINA, E.M.,
[Ca;culating the setting of foundations on tbawipg soil beds]
X ranchetu. ovad6k fundamentor na ottalvatushchikh gruntakh-oanovs-
nilakh. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1957.
39 P. I (KIRA 11:3)
(Foundations) (Soil mechanics)
KIS79LEY, M.F., kandidat geologo-mineralogicheskikh ml
11valuating suitableness of froxem. grounds for laying foundations.
Stroloprom.35 noog.,37-39 P '57. (MA. 100)
(Foundations) (Fros6z. ground)
3hillding on frozen growAs. 3trol. prom. 35 no',lZ;ZZ-26 D
(Frozen ground) (Foundations) (KIRA 11:1)
.14(10) PSW I MU EXWITOMON Sovft~a
Akademlys stroitelistva-I &rkhIt*kWry~SM#-- lastitut oxwvaw~y I Podunwth
lbstrwEtsiya po opreftlinlyu: rascheftoy. jl Lay ottalvanlys MMJM grunto-f
V ognovanli soormhenly.-f po opredelenlyu. xaschietVkh teploftsichesklkh
koeff:LtxI3mnt*y gruntov~ (Instructions for Zatimting the Depth of I%nmL-
frost ftawing Vhen I&ylzg Building Foundations and for Estimating the
Thermopb4rsiftl Coefficients of Soils) Moscow, Goestroyisdat., 190. 16 Ve
5,000 copies prlvbsd-~
M14. IM.seliev- Candidate Lof: 'Geological and Mineralogical ftlenceel JU. of
FU 2IShIUg U.: L.K. Solntftva
PUfdyOMO -"I"
booklet is; Intended for cLVU engineers and builders., I*rti-
cuiar3j those enco=ftring. permafrost conditions.
COMM 1"*Bfid~ InciWe wthods for datimating the depth 16 whIch
permafrost thaws when, the fouadiations for buildings and other struqtwes
are 3Aid.'--A method-of-compatiug the thermophysical characterls$ics of soils
vithout conducting field or 3ALborstory tests requiring special eqaipwnt is
also included. Test situations and exuTles are given to illustrate the
Card ;/2
SM 'NOV. k.P., kand.tekbn.nauk; KIBRIAV, M.F., inzh.
Trenchless laying of reinforced concrete pipes by the forcing-
in method. Strot.truboprov. 3 no.11:21-23 N '58.
(KIRA 11-.12)
kand.geologo-mineral.nauk; VLAVIff, B.N., red.izd-va;
[Instructions for~orgsnlzlng and conducting observations
of changes In the water and temperature in parmnently
frozen growA for the purpose of building fcnmdationsj
Mms-ndLIA po organizatsil I vadeniiu nabliudenii za
ismineniam voduo-tomperaturnogo rezhima vechnomrzlykh
gruntOT d1la teelel-fand mentostroaniia. Moskva, (;os.isd-vo
lit'ry po stroit.s.afthit. I stroit.wtorialan. 1959. 26 P.
(MIU 12:6)
1. Akedealya stroitalletya I arkhitektury SSSR. Institlat
o"ovanly I podsomykh soorushaniy.
.(Prosen sround)
KISELEV, M. F.: Doc Tech Sci (diss) -- "The theory of compressibiliLyCf melting
soil". Moscow, 1959. 33 pp (Acad Construction and Architecture USSR, Sci Res
Inst of Foundations and Underground Structures), 150 copies (KL, No 13, 1959, 103)
14(1o); ~6)
Soveshchaniye po ratsionallnym sposobam fundamentostroyeniya na
vechnomerzlykh gruntakh
Trudy... (Transactions of the Conference on Efficient Methocb,.,of
Building,,Foundations on Permafrost Soils) Moscow, Gosstroyizdat,
1959. 131 p. Errata slip Inserted. 1,200 copies printed.
Ed. of Publishing House: N. M. Borshchevskaya; Tech. Ed.: Ye. L.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for construotion ppgineers, indus-
trial planners and builders.
COVERAGE: This book contains reports originally read in Vorkuta in
1958 on experience gained in planning and building foundations
in pennafrost regions of the USSR.. The reports were prepared
for publication in the NIIOSP (Scientific Research Institute
for the Study of Foundations and Underground Structures). The
Tntroduction was *1-itten by Professor V. G. Bulychev. No
references are given.
Card 1/4
Transactions of the Conference (Cont.) SOV/2843
Foreword 3
-Kiselev, M. F. Basle Principles of Designing Natural
Foundations ana Building Substructures on Frozen Ground 6
Suvorov, B. T. Experience in the Construction of Buildings
and Structures on Thawing Ground 18
Ushkalov, V. P. Computing the Bases of Foundations on
Thawing Ground According to the.Limiting Conditions 27
Dokuchayev, V.,P. Experience in Designing Foundations
in Northern Permafrost Regions 37
Bakanin, V. P. Construction Conditions and the Exploi-
tatlion of Mining Enterprises In the Pechora Coal Basin 47
Card 2/4
Tj~ansaetlons of the Conference (Cont.) sov/2843
Zhilltsov, A. I. Construction 6f-.Industrial Plants on
Permanently Frozen:'Ground With Subsequent Settling
Markin, K. F. DesAgning Pile Foundations Under Permafrost
Conditions 58
Pchelintsev, A. M." Special CharacterIIstics of Foundation
Building in the Cit of.Igarka 64
Bakalov, S. A., and V. M. Vodolazkin. Methods of Restoring
the, Deformed Principal Buildings in Vorkuta 67
Yegerev, K. Ye. Anal-y5is' of !Work -and -.Computing the Rein-
'forced Concrete Frame Foundations and Frame Works,Taking
Into Account UneVen.Zettlin~g' of the Bearing Ground 75
Ushkalov,:V. T. Co ting-Ithe'Depth.of Thawing of Perma-
nently F3~ozen Ground, Under, Building Foundations 83
Card 3/4
;V-Ik.-~ '~-
-- Plan for new norms and technical specifications for designing
natural foundations for buildings and structures to be built
on permafrost. Osn.jund. I mekh.grune noo):16-18 '59.
(HIRA 12:8)
(Foundations) (Frozen ground)
Bffect of the hewre due to freezing conditions on the stability
of buildings and structures, [Trudy] KNOW n0.38:9-24 159.
(MIRA 13:6)
(Boll mechanics) (Prozen ground) OFoundations)
Y iekh&r0k;.AMURGj D.M.
4~FW,J(.f ..,,,elektron
.Discussion,.of.'the.artiole."Instructions should be reviewed. 0
Avtom., -telex.-.. L-aviat' 7. no.1l.- 3749 9 163. (MIRA 16:12)
10 Liskinakaya-diatantaiya..aignalizateii i ovy4zi Tugo~-Vomtochnoy
d'orogi,(f6r Kideley). 2. Nachallnik otdela signalizataii,
tsentralizateii:i bl6kirovki sluzhbor signalizataii i svyazi
Severnoy dorogi (for.Gumburg).
Remarks on paragraph 3, "Selecting the depth in foundation
laying,," of the fourth chapter of the manual "Foundation beds
and foundations." C)sn.j, fund. i mekh. grun. 7 no. 6:32 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
VLHAVA=jIN, Tigran Vaganovich, inzhener I II~~.,Klkh&R Grigo0yevich.
inzhener; GALARDTA, H.S.. Inzhener. rodaktor; TUDZUIF,-D.M.,- tekhni-
cheskly redaktor.
[Work practice of departments handllqg automatic train stops in
locomotive repair.shopslOpyt raboty -10sokhow artost lokono-
tlvnykh delm. Moskva, Goo.transp.shol-dor. Isd-vo r955 86 p.
(Locomotives-Repairs) (MLIA Ml)
Nikolay Pavlovich; TLASOV.
Make im Grip;.,' yov~ich;,., GERASIMOT,
(what everyone should know about antiaircraft defense in.the
cities] Cht.o nado snat' naseleniiu.o protivovozdushnoi oborone
gorodov. Moskva, Izd-yo.DOSW, 1959. )g p. (MIRA 1):2)
(Air defenses)
K.M.'; Igsimmy, M__A"$ XORABLEV, -N.D.; 'SIL1KOV, G.A.; SKORODIN, -I.Ta.;
[Manual for training and testing for a first-class rating"in tho
organization *Ready for Antiaircraft Defense."-] Uchebno-wto-,
diche'skoe posAielpo provedenilu trenlrovok I pr'iemu norm "Gotoy
k PVOO I-i stupeni. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSW, 1959. 110 po'
1. Veasoyusnoye, dobrovol-Inoye obshchoatvo sodeyetviya armiL.
avlataii I flotuo
(Civil defense)
StructureIof graniciden.S. Part 4: Studies of its copper complMms.
Zhur.ob.khim,' 26 no.6:1779-1786 Je 156. (MIRA 11:1)
1,Noskovskly:gosud&rstvenMy universitet.
(Grazieldin) (Copper compounds)
I fit
Win j
13 -Erg
SOY/56 -6-29151
AUTHORS: Kiselev It I Teeplyayev, V. 1. -34
TITLE- Inclined Shook Waves in a Plasma With Pinite Conductivity
~(Nakloxlnyye udarnyye volny v plazme s konechnoy provodi-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimefitallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 6,-pp. 1605_16o9 (USSR)
Card 1/2
This paper investigates the structure of the front.of an in-
clined,shock wave for arbitrary orientations of thefield,
befcre the frontlin a plasma With finite conductivity. This
plasma is.assumed to have.a constant and isotropic conductivi-
ty a-whichis high enough for the displacement be
neglected. The authors obtain the conditions fo*he possibili-
ty,of neglecting the kinematic viscosity V and the thermal
conductivity due to the electrons x. 0) and x-are neglected
with respect to the -magnetic viscosity VM in the system of
the equations of-magnetic hydrodynamics). This condition
V >> V is specialized also for a special case. Then the
autho3a give the particular integrals of the equations of
-magnetic hydrodynamics. The second part of this paper deals-
Inclined Shock Waves in a Plasma With Finite Conductivity
Card 2/2
with the structure of-an inclined shock wave in a plasma with
finite conductivity., The above mentibned partidular inte-
grals of motion are specialized to this case. One integral
is computed numerically and an expressio'n is obtained for the
breadth.of the front. The last part of this paper calculates
the limit angle of the propagation of -the inclined shock
wave in a plasma with infinite conductivity.'The-boundary con-
' a
1*tions are given also for this case. In the pres nce of a
magnetic fieldt the above meptioned limit angle is largerthan
in the case where there-is-no magnetic field. The author
thanks K. P..Stanyuiovich.who proposed this problem and was
constantly interested in this paper. There are 2 figkires.and
4 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
Moskovskiy gos.udarstvennyy imiversitet (Moscovi State University)
January 20p 1958
10 (4)
AUTHOR: Kiselev, M. I. SOV/20-126-3-18/69-
TITLEt On the Calculation of Shook Waves in Magnetic Hydrodynamics
(K raschetu udarnykh voln v magnitnoy gidrodinamike)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3,
pp 524-527 (USSR3
ABSTRACT: The calculation of the parameters of a magneto-hydrodynamic
shock wave in perfect gases meets with considerable difficultiest,
because the algebraic equations are of the third and higher
degrees. Thus, the boundary condition in the front of a
perpendicular magneto-hydr6dynamic shock wave is a cubic
equation. This equation may, however, be reduced to a quad
equation providing that it contains all quantities with the
index 1 (characterizing the parameters of the medium before
the front) as trivial solutions. The system of equations (1)
shows the already reduced equations for the velocity of the
medium, for its density, and for the magnetic field. The
Prandtl-relation and the Mach number are then briefly dealt
with. The same is then done with the adiabatic curves and the
propagation of the.wave front. Finally, inclined magneto-~
Card 1/2 hydrodynamic shock waves are investigated. Figure 1 shows the.
On the Calculation of Shock Waves in Magnetic SOV/20-126-3-18/69
family of impact polarst from which it follows that the angle
of inclined fronts of the shock waves increases, and that
the angle of rotation of the flow is reduced. Finally, the
geometric interpretation of the onedimensional hydrodynamic
iinDact-transition is dealt with and a diagram is given. The
auihor thanks Professor-K. P. Stanyukovich for discussions
and advice, and G. S. Golitsyn for looking over the
manuscript. There are 2 figures and 6 references, 4 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIOB,j Moskovskiy,gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State-University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
PRESENTED: February 13r 1959, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician
SUBMITTED: February 10, 1959
Card 2/2
164 rj;D b A
AUTHORSs Kiselev, M. I., XolosnitsZnj N. I 3/02Y60/131/04/016/073
B013 B007
TITLEt Calculation of Inclined Shook Waves in Magnetic Gas Dynamics-
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 4, PP 773-775 (MSR)
TEXTs The, tangential component of the magnetic field behind the front
of an inclined shook wave can be calculated from the cubic equation (1)1
2 2
3 u u1 JE) 2 2
h + hjy~l-(2-k)~(I- ;-21x)] h2 + q, a ) (k+l)h
2y Jx 2y 72 1 2y
- (k+I)V2 h 1_ UIX 0 The intensity of the compression shook is
1x ly ~.l V2
1 X 2 2
determined by the Mach number %.,,,h ux/Vx and by the parameter V.1- Nach
The amount of the velocity component u which is'parallel to the fronthas no
influence on the compression a hook of the field. By means of linear and broken,
linear substitutions it is possible to obtain cubic equations from equation M1.
Card 1/3
Calculation of Inclined Shock Waves in Xagnetio Gas 3/020/60/131/04/0.16/073
Dynamics B013/s007
which are used to determine the velocities,u u and the density The
2x' 2y Q2
accelerated shock waves are described by that branch of the roots of these
cubic equations which has a positive real part. These.shock waves pass oIver in-
to the inclined shock waves of.non-magnetic gas dynamics if the field strength
tends to zero. The delayed shock waves (which vanish in perpendicular fields)
are described by the branch of roots having a negative real part. With
MMach ' I the afore-mentioned equation (1) is solved by the rotational discon-
tinuity h -h Figure 1 shown uy as a function of The energy of
2y ly u2,
the magnetic field is higher than or equal to the internal and kinetic energy
of the gas. Whereas the field strength behind the front varies in a monotone
manner, the dependence of u 2y on u2x has the character of aIhump the peak of
which corresponds to a certain "resonant slope" of the magnetic field. In.
solving the problem of a pistohi the collisions between the inclined shock-
waves and their reflections from the wall are the most interesting kinds of
behavior in the neighborhood of the "resonant slope" of field strength. Thete
considerations also permit an explanation of the prominences in the neighbor-
hood of sunspots. By means of the results obtained here it is also possible t
Card 2/3
Calculation of Inclined Shook Waves In Magnetic Gas 13/020/60/131/04/01VO73
Dynamics :3013/BO07
set up anomogram for -maloul.ating the flow ofa conducting supersonic flow
around awedges-.which is.explained here in,:,Idetail. In case of a perpendi-
cular wave it is easily possible,.to determine,the discontinuous change in
temperature and entropy in an explicit manner. This discontinuous change
deoreases'with increasing field strength with otherwise equal parameters. The
unsteadiness becomes weak with the field.strength h a VQ(Q2 _ 02) _The,
authors thank Professor K. P. Stanyukovich for a discussion of the results ob-
tained in this paper. There aria 4 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are
ASSOCILTIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. X. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov
PRESENTEDs December ilp 1959, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician
SUBVITTEDs December 109 1959
Card 3
S/18 621000100110051008,
tl 40,
AUTHOR: Kiselevi.._X, I.
TITLE:. Theory of the, magnetogasdynamic nerator
PERIODICAL, Moscow. Univereitet. Vestnik. ~Oriya III. Fizika,
astrondmiya, no. 1 1962, 63-68
TEXT: The author studieb'the.influence of the channel profile -on,- the
efficiency of the thermal to electric energy conversion and on.the
dimen6ions of a,magnetogasdynamio gener4tor for the two pl4ne E16'wa. in
cylindrical coordinates i)-rv",H j IT V Hf j z j and
r. z he'spatial
flow III). in splierical coordinates. The )set of'-equations
Card 010v
Theory of the magnetogaadynaMic ... B125/B138
C,.'tj"I Ny xv A Y~ C1,2 x
s. V
d -A
t! at 04
with n n. 1 -.1.for II) and,
I 1.
1_surfeces of the electric fie Ild
which holds . :~f i4d.~eqjjipot
ent , d_
n duc
in the gas flow lie on the.-conducting wall of the channel, has the f ire
integral yzt, +1. The minus.eign is for the cokivergent And the plus
sign for the divergent duct flows.. The variables x P/po Y U/u
Card 2x~
Theory of the magnetogandy:namic ... B125A138
t r1r (H+h)/H denote the dimensionless quantitieo,
0 0 0
__Llensity, radius,and magnetic field strength, ~ is the
preasure,' velocityj.
dimensionless:,I-'iiduc.-:i,n"---f i ld. laUe induced field and ~ is the sum of
.e JLe p ~ I ~1.
these fields.. an -tjw -,ourren:t density
for 'I and 1U afid-,~. .41 for II, a denotes
the divergence anale of the diffuser., I distance between the two'walls.
in case II.~ For small magnetic Reynolds-numbers the induced field may be
neglected. and the 'magnetic field mqy :be -regarded as given. The first
second and third terms in the rumera~ors.of the equations of system I
.-descri the thermal, ge a
'be 'ometric*l, and mechanical influence on.the gas,
flow,.-, The speed of sound can also be exceeded without a shock wave'-forming.
In the critical cross section relation
Theory of, the magnetog'asdynamic~ B120138
quite small Pubsonic.. flow releases energy on--,
cool ing.. In' tider-angle.-diffusorA the--ga's. is -decelerated on flowing ou t
and the,6norgy'-convers.1on ~is .i'l suD))ressed" by the geometrioal~action.~ In
converging'du6to and.small-angle'divergin'g duct'd supersonic flows strike
;i Magnetic wall and are decelorated, The profiles which are best for,
vaisin~ the efficiency. of t.ho. energy transformation in the subsonic region
also-in .Grease the of,the'flow and reduce its internal
energy. The current.~,_~aasin g through the equal to'the integral of
the,current donsity,at Ithe'conductin6,w.all with the area wall.. The
efficiency of the generator is
IV Rem 11-2.3
U2 s,.
IN + 0
POU0 2
to-po 0. PO
(I P (4)
2C B
Card'.~ 41X~
Theory of the magnetogaadynamic B125/B138
where S. and S em are the Foynting vectors of the gas and the induced
field at the channel opening. With Re U