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S/19 62/000/003/005/010
AUTHORS: Sobolevskiy, M. V., Nazarova, D. V., Chintyakova, L. A.,
Nirillina. V. Vr
TITLE: Thermooxidative stability of polymethyl phenyl siloxanes
with different end groups
-I'-'RIODICAL: Plasticheakiye massy, no. 3, 1962, 13 - 16
T*--'XT: It was experimentally proved that in polyorganoniloxanes the
stability to thermal oxidation increased with increan.-Ming content of phenyl
groups. The investigation was conducted on the polymers
(CH 3)3 Si-0- -Si-01-Sl(CH 3)3 (1) obtained by fractional distillation of a
6115 j 3
~-'I'-3 (PFMS-3)' liquid (CH H Si-0- :-Si-O. sic H (CF. ) (II);
3)2C6 5 C 1 6 5 3 2
j--CH3 n . 6H 5* 5
C111 (C H (III); and
3 6 02S'-O-~ S'-O -S'(C6"5)2CH3
Card 1/3 6 5.,5
Thermooxidative stability... B101/B147
C H'
(C6 if 03 si-O-I-Si-01 Si(c 6H 0 3 (IV). II, III, and IV zere obtained from
C it '
5 5
methyl phenyl dichlorooilane synthesized according to '1. Patnod, D.
Wilcock (see below), partly hydrolyzed, and reacted with the correspon,ling
sodium triorganosilanolates. The authors
determine d (1) the gelatinization
rate of the polymers at 300, 0
350, and 400 C; (2) th e viscosity at 100'C
after b lowing air through th e liquid polymer at 350 or 400 0C. Results:
(1) Gel atinization rate:
tPolymer at ~OOOC at 3500C at 4000
I evaporates evaporates -
11 18 hre 30 min 2 hrs 18 min 37 min 23 sec
111 50 hrs 5 hrs 30 min 1 hr 31 min
IV 74 hrs 11 hrs 45 min 2 hrs 21 min
(2) Change in viscosity after thermooxidation at 350 0C:
Card 2/3
Thermooxidative stability... B100147
?olymor Initial viscosity, Viecouity after Increaoe in
catokes 9-10.5 hro, cstoken visco3ity by
i 5.275 53-70 918
11 14-99 126.a 746
35-37 160.30 353
IV 167.95 563 247
Thus, polymers with only one phenyl end group offer no advantage since a
noticeable protective action occurs with two phenyl end 0groups only. A
similar behavior was observed in thermooxidation at 400 C: 1, 11, 111
.aelatinized within 9 - 11 hro, IV after 14.5 hrs only. There are 5
figures, 3 tables, and 3 non-Soviet references. The three references
to English-language publications read as follows: lurphy, C. Saunders,
D. C. Smuth, Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, no. 12, 2462 (1950); 77- H. Daut, J. E.
Hyde, J. Am. Chem. Soc 8T (1952); '11. Patnod, D. '.'Iilcock, J. Am.
Chem. Soc., L8, 358 (1;4~7'
Card 3/3
Y P 0, 8/191/62/000/010/004/010
AUTHORSt Sobnlevskiy, M. V., Chistyakova, L. A., Nazarova# D* V.,-
t,irlllinn, V. V.
71TLIN: jynthesis of Ot,4)-hexaoreanopolydimethyl-polymethyl-pheny1
,jiloxiinen vAth re6larly alternating dimethyl- and methyl-
phen,-1 tilloxy links in 'the chain
Pi.RIOACAL: Plasticheskiye mas;y# no. io, )962, 17 - 21
T"ATt Pure 1,1-dioodium stilt of dimethyl silanediol, 1,3-disodium salt of
1,1,3,.i-tf:,tramcthy1 dioilo-itinediol, and 1,3-disodium salt or 1,3-dimethyl-
1,3-diphenyl silox-inodiol 7iere synthesized by.reactio6 of cyclic polyorea-
no!jiloxanes with 1-tiOll in aqueous C2H5OH accordinfr to F. Hydele method and
a modificrition or other mothods (US Patent 2567110, C. A- 45, io676 6950~
To pre!)are theob salts in a pure condition, they have to be kept in vacuo
fit 1400C for a considerable time so as to remove *the four molecules of
cry~Aal-wnter. Therefore these salts were linked with organochloro silonea
immediately In the renction mixture. One mole of cyclic polyorganosiloxans
Card 1/2
oynthesia of q.4-hoxaorganoes. bioi/B186
and 1 molt, of N.AOII vere kept in 5GrX alcohol and toluone between 80 and 900d
for 1 - 1.) firs. d:iter wiis then evaporated and 0.25 molos of 5(y~-tolu8ne
solution of organodichloro ailine was added dropwise between 10 and 25 C-
After 1; - 15 inint 0.5 111oles triorFanochloro silnne was added between 20
and ~'5 C, toluene vins evaporated, and the polymer was distilled at 1-2 mm
lig. r).(3 i;iolca dimetl.yl-dichloro ailano, 0.4 moles trimethyl-chloro Gilane
per mole of 1,3-(Iiso,,Jiulli-1,3-diiiethyl-1,3x-dipheny1 eilo)~anediol were found
to be the 0 optimur. amounts for synthesizing polymers with a boiling point
,.tbove 2)0 C at 1 - 2 mm fig. Data are given for the following polymers
20 0
(y ield, n,) viscosity at 20 C (ca), and freezing point (OC))t me3 Sio
[(PhI,,eSiU) 11 Sime 56.4, 1-5130t 457.2, -361 Me 6i0
Sio-I (Plelosio)
;"I i P NMI jime 64-6, 1.4619, 134-5, -831 me Uio
2 Q"0-16 ("2S'0)2** 3 3
)(Phi,x,6W), , 54.5, 1.5241, 1580, -261 me Sio
-"Ie (Phi4eS'016-S'Me3 3
11 26'0--12
1'~jio) ' PhhieSiO- J'(I"'e Sio) -Sime 38-7, 1-44109 53-44t -1041 his Sio
4 2 4 3 3
O'Sio-Oltledio.. Me 310-3imo 34-5t -t 78-7t -601 M6 - CH30 Ph
67 2 3 C6'15-
There 2re 4 tables.
Card 2 2
Thermooxidative stability of polyzathylphenylailoxnnes with-
different end groups. Plast.massy no.3:13~-16 162. (MIRA 15W
Synthesis of - hwmccrg&aopolydimethy1poj)= lphezWlAilcmansa
Y PhenYls
having regularly alternating dimthyl- am mativ ~ iloxy
links in the chain. Plastmassy no.10:17-21 162. (MIRA 15:11)
KME=Vl YU114,
[Structural dingraw of the Iron-carbon system] Dingramma oustoianila sletepy
sholoso-iVierod. ftordlovskp Goo. nwohno-tekhn. isd-vo po chernol I tsvetnol
notallurgil, 1953. 61 P. (W" 6:8 )
(steel alloys)
. . ........
AUTHOR: Kirillovq A., Maoter of Trade School 3, Molotov
TITLE: A School on the Rise (Uchilishche na, pod"yeme)
PERIODICAL: Professionallno -Tekhnicheskoys Obrazovaniye, May 1957,
# 5(144). P 32 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The short article speaks of the deficiencies in school diecl-
pline# inefficiency In a number of groups, unsatisfactory
leadership on the part of the foremen and deficient *Auca-
tional work which have now been overcome. For the past year
the collective of the school workers and students have fulfil-
led the output of bench drilling machine tools "HC-12A", fitter's
vises, etc. by 112%. Ton different devices have been manu-
factured which increased work efficiency by two to three timed.
The lathe and milling machine shops have been furnished with
the newest type of starting and control equipment.
AVAILABLEi At the Library of Congresat
Card 1/1
6 V- "I /,q, 27-12-15,'27
AUTHOR: Kirillov A Foreman of Special Trade School # 39
i -er,-m, V ~_ i ja a _~*, ,
TITLE: The Foreman's Part in Students' Extracurriuular Work (Poll mastera
vo vneklassnoy rabote s uchashchimisya)
PERIODICAL: Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrnzoveniye, 1957, # 12.
p 19-20 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author stresses the importnnce of the students' extra-class
work and describes in this connection a few excursions made
outside of the ordinary time where students had the possibility
to become familiar with inventions in engineering and advanced
labor methods. He further pictures the students' activity in
art and sport circles, in organizing students' concerts, etc.
ASSOCIATION: Special Trade School # 3, Perm'Oblast (spetsiallnoye remes-
lennoye uchilishche go 3. PermskayR oblaat')
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
,KIRILLOV, A.# podpolkovnik# kand.filorofskikh nauk
............ :-.
Prevention of war is the most important problem of our time.
Komm.Vooruzh.Sil I no-3:14-22 N 160. (MIRA 14:8)
(World politics) (War)
KIRILLOVO A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent
Keehanical cutting of cooked root crop vegetables. Obahchastv.pit.
no.802-35 Ag 1 2. (MIRA 16:10)
KIRRIM, A., polkovnik, kand. filosofskikh neuk
Victory or the U.S.S.R. In the Great Patriotic War and
the world revolutionary procens. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46
no.6:9-16 Mr 165. (KMA 18: 11)
Sestautoma to drill vith fom, INnring bar* for making lock seats.
SWested by.I.I.Isim6i A.A,,Kirtlltna. A.B. Vinogradskii. Rate.
I isobr.predl.v stroie n0.16:44-45 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Shbotalki darev6pbriVaiyvayushchago kombinata No.3 treat&
Glavmogprometroymiartaly Mosgorispolkows, KoakTa,-I-ya
Iaraoharovs%mq& ulg Me
(Drilling &ad baring machinery)
A,I,# red.; BALLCOD& A.I.,
[Manual on the construction of farm buildings] Spravochnik po
sallskokhosiaistvennowu stroitelistvu. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo
sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 704 P.
(Yarm buildings) OURA 13:12)
RUBINSHTSYNt A.L., professor; KIRIIJAOV,.Ao#., dotsont; AWIYZVA, T.I., assistert;
HANSIMOV, S.N., Inxhoner.
Method of forecasting the deformation of loose soil under h:7drotachnical
stnictitres. Gidr.i mel. 5 n0-9:3-13 S 153. MaA 6:9)
(Soil mechaLnics)
XMISMI, Anatolly Bruestoviah; XMLU)TO Alskmandr Alskmandrovich:
PWPXW. Vladimir NikdUyevich; ISAYN, AJ*$ spetaredt-
KUZIICMI V~S~,, red.1 KISIUO Te.I., tokhn. red.
[Reference manual on hydraulic engineering In relation to fish
cultural Spravochnik po rybokhoziaistvannoi gidrotakhnike. Moskva,
Pishchepromisdato 1958. 427 p. (MIRA 11310)
(11sh culture) (E~draulic engineering)
RU13INSHTM, A.L.. professor, doktor takhn.nauk; ARrY,YVA. T.1., k-and.takhn.
nauk; KIRI1WV A.A. doteent, kand.takhn.nauk; YROU)V, M.N. insh.
Problems in the design of hydraulic structures on loses soils.
Nauch.zap. MIIVKH 201262-281 058. (MIRA 13:6)
(Ioses) Ooil mechanics)
TALIOTET, N.A., lash.; -9A1-LWT'-" , Insh.; CHUBAROT, N.D., lush.
Moderniza'tion of milled peat harvesters. Torf.prm 37 no.6tlG-13
f6o. (ULU 13:9)
I* VeasoyusMy nauchno-issloodvatel'skiy Institut torlyancy promwoh-
(Peat machinery)
SFIRIMOVp Aleksandr Alsksandrovichl MWp Anatoliy Aleksoyovlob; FATSU-
VICHp I.R.-p kand. tekbn.saukr ret"n XMLWVI, A.A.p insh.p
rodel DUGIVAO N.A.# tokbno red.
I I -
(New squipont for automatic bard facing by oemicircular weaving
arc] Noyce oborudovanie dlia avtomaticbeekoi vibrodugavol nAplavid,
Moakva,g Goo. nauchno-tekba. isd-yo, saabinostrolt. 34t- p 196L
72 p., (Mig 44 17)
(Rard facing-Equipmut and suppliso)
KIP-=V, A.A., kand.tekbn.nauU
- -------
Effect of prolonged filtration on the compactibility of,l,)eE3 soils.
Nauch. m. XIIVM 23:92-136 '60. (MIRA 14:8)
(Loess (Soil mechanics) (Soil percolation)
ALIFORS) LARS (Ahlforap Iars].. pr f LIPM Bermip-pMf.; ZCRICH., V.A.
01-jtranBla~or]; SHABAT,, B,V., rod.;
[translator]; KIRILWf A.A. DANTSEVA, S.V.0 tekhn, red.
(Space of Riemann surfaces and quasi-conformal mappings] P--o-
stranstTa rimanovykh poverkhnoatei i k-yazikonformnye otobra-
zheniia. Pod red. B.V.Shabata. Moakyal Izd-To inontr.lit-
1961. 176 p. (KERA 15: 11
(Rieman surface) (conformal mapping)
URILLOVS A.A.$ kand.tekhn.nSukp dotsent
Calculation of the foundation in case of the eurfaco packing
soils kith heavy tampers. Isv. TSKHA no.3:236-238 161.
(MW 14-.9)
Unit for cleaning and painting Internal surfaces of pipes. Bid.-
takh.-skon.inform.Goo.nauch.-isel.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no-3t
32-33 162. (MIRA 150)
(Pipe, Steel-Cleaning) (Painting, Industrial)
YELISMV,, M.A., inzh.1 KIRI [py,_AA,, inzh.; CHUBAROV, N.D., inzh.
flow FFU harvester for milled peat. Torf. prom. 37 no.5:29-32
16o. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovuteliskiy institut torfyanoy
(Peat machinery)
&MLLOV., A.A., kand. takhn. ziauk.. dotsent
Building hydraulic otructuroB for irrigation rAirpooo 11 In loess
soils. Izv. TSYM no.ltl39-158 063. (MIRA 16-.7)
(Loeso) (Irrigation) (Hydraulic engincoring)
LIRMOV A.A., kand.takhn.nauk; BIMER., F.Ya,s inzh.; KORM=SYN, R.R.,
; SINMOV,, V.X.,, inzh.
Adhesion of freshly placed concrete to *old* coucrete. Gidr,stroi,
32 no,7s28-29 J3. 162o OMU 15:7)
(Concrete construction)
--A.A., ka-nd.taklin.niluk, dotsent; SINYAKOV, V.K., kAnd.tekhn.
nauk; DAVYDOV, Yu,S,, inzh.
Stoopnema of slopes of underwatar trenches. Izv. 'ISEIIA no,3:195-
199 163. (Hydraulic structures) (MMIt 16:9)
Determining the slope of 4abankments of underwater pepeline
trenches in looms soils. Strol. truboprov. 8 no.804-16
Ag 163. (MDU 161n)
.KIR1LLCV,p--AvA-i,- FRO1DV; N.N.; ORLOVAp V.P., red.1 DEYEVA, V.M.,,
tekhn. red.
(Hydraulic structures in irrigation systems on sagging
loess soils) Gidrotekbnicheskie sooruzheniia na orositell-
rWkh sistemakh v lessovykh prosadochr7kh gruntakh. Mo-
skva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 270 p. (MIRA 17t2)
Klll~-11,1-0',I, A 41.
AUTZORt KIRILLOV..A.A. 20-4-4151
TITLEt -Ths RepressiLtation.of the Groups of Rotation of the n-Dinsusional
Euclidean Space by Spherical Vector Fields (Prodetavlaniya
grappy vrashcheniy n-sernogo evklidova prostranstva efericheskini
Yektoru.vai polyazi)
PERIODICILt Doklady lkad.NaukSSS141957, Vol. I 16,Nr-4,pp- 538-541 (USSR)
ABSTRACT& Lot 3 be the sphere with the equation n+1 X2 . Lot R(n) be the
totality of continuous vector fields which taagent 3n. The
author decomposes R(n) into subspaoss being invariant and
irreducible with respect to the group of all rotations of Sn
and he gives schemes of the corresponding representations by
.gradient fields and spherical functions on Sn and by rotational
CardiA fields on 5n'
ASSOCIATIONs Moscow State University im. V*V Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gowidarstvenrqy
universitet im.,M.V. Lbmionosovn5
PRESENTED BYs AN& Kolmogorovs Academician, April 2, 1957
SUBMITTEW March 29., 1957
AVAILABLEt Library of Congrese
Twantleth"'i;ii6'M'R;ti-c..O.Cnntnot in Moscov schnals. Hat. pros.
no.1:221-227 158, (14IRL 110)
(Ho"Cov--yathamt ice -Compat it ions)
AUTHORt Kirillov, A.A.
TITLE: _Te_c_tc`r_-__a_nd___T_e_nsor fields in Symmetric Spaces
- \If
PERIODICALs Nauohnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematiche Okig.nauki,
1958, Nr 6,pp 152-157 (U R)
ABSTRACTs Let A-t4, be a smooth manifold, the measure and metric of which
are invariant with respect to motions from the group of motions
C~: . The square integrable functions on A4-v form a Hilbert
space with the scalar product (fte)- S f(M)-gFM)dA,-. . If in
the space of the vector fields on Ai-v the scalar product
(Ttw) (V(X),W(M))d'~, is introduced, where the scalar pro-
duct (V(M), W(M)) of the vectors V(M) and W(M) is defined with
the aid of the invariant metric, then the vector fields also
form a Hilbert space with i IV(M)12 d/A,4co . The Hilbert space
of the tensor fields on -444, is analogously constructed. In al
Card 1/ 3 i~ ~\
Vector- and Tenoor Fields in Symmetric Spaces 0 V/155-58-6-25/36
these spaces there originate unitary representations of F
which are decomposed into direct sums of finite-dimensional
irreducible representations. The problem arisess in the
1-dimensional grid of the weights of all representations of
there is to be described the subset of those weights to
which there correspond representations which are realized
in the Hilbert spaces defined above. The author follows the
constructions of Ye.B. Dynkin I-Ref 3 7 and states that the
weights of the representations which ire realized in the ten-
sor fields on A&v I form "hyperplanes" which are parallel
with thelbubspacell of the weights of those representations
which are realized in the functions on %,v . Dynkin conjectured
that the number of these "hyperplanes" be finite. The author
shows that this conjecture holds true for every homogeneous
apace with a semisimple group of motion. For symmetric spaces
-1"v- It even holdes the sum of the multiplicities of the
"hyperplanes" is 4- nk 9 where n is the dimension of A~ and
k the rank oZ the tensor field. The estimation in attained in
Card 2/3 1~
Vector- and Tensor Fields in Symmetric Spaces SOV/155-58-6-25/36
vector fields on groups and is not attained in vector fields
on sphereB with dimension ;)P'3 -
The author thanks Ye.B. Dynkin for the guidance of the papers
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet, I French, and
I German.
ASSOCIATIONs Moakovskiy goaudaretvennyy universitet imeni II.V. Lomoriosova
(Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTEDs October 8, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORs Kirillov, A.A. SOV//20-128-5-5/67
TITLEs 1~"ced Representations of Uilpotent Lie Groups
I",MIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 128,Nr 5,PP 886-889(USSR)
ABSIRACT: The author uses the method of induced representations in
order to describe all irreducible unitary representations of
nilpotent Lie groups. Especially he shows that each such
representation is realized on a certain homogeneous manifold
in the space of all square-summable functions. The represent-
ation operators in this space are translations which are
multiplied with a certain function. The author considers in
details Definition and properties of the induced represent-
ations (according to Bruhat Z-Ref 37), the representations
of nilpotent groups with a unidime;sional center and irre-
ducible unitary representations of connected nilpotent Lie
The author thanks Professor I.M.Gellfand for ie guidance of
Card 1/2 the paper.
Induced Representations of Nilpotent Lis Groups SOV/20-128-5-5/67
There are 5 non-Soviet references, 2 of which are American,
and 3 French@
ASSOCIATIONolloakovakiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni Y.V.Lomonosova
(Mosoow State 'University imoni M*V.Lomonosov)
PRESENTEDs May 29, 1959, by I.G.Petrovskiyp Academician V,
SUB1,11TTEDs May 29, 1959
Card 2/2
TITLEs Unitary Representations of Nilpotent LjS_grou
PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1960,Vol 130,Nr 5,pp 966-968 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% The author transfers results of Dixmier Z-Ref 1 7 to arbitrary
unitary irroducible representations of connectea nilpotent Lie
groups. The results obtained are already contained in the paper
Z-Ref 3-7 of Dixmier, a fact stated by the author of the present
paper in a remark added in proof,
There are 2 referencest 1 of which is Soviet, and I Frenoh.
A330CIATIONt Mookovekly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov )
PRSSENTED: October 27, 1959, by I.Q. Petrovskly, Aaademician
SUBMITTEDs October 21, 1959
Card 1/1
Xll"dL ('V A A
Probler. forr-alated by I.M. Grillfand. Doki. AN S:iSlli 137 n0.2:276-277
I-Ir 161. ONIBA 1432)
1. 1,!olkova:ciy L;ooudar3tvermyy univorsitet im.l,:.V.Ioomonosava. Pred-
utavleno akadcmikon I.G.Patrovskim.
GXLIFAND, I~M. (Moskva)-, DYU=a, N.Te. (SShA); KIRILLOV, A.A. (Moskva);
rompuuo Y. (Tula); Tnt-mucHno wn. TU.I.
(Moskva); VMIO G. ($ShA); FAMIM, D.K. (Leningrad); APXOLID,
V.I. (Moskva); IVANOT* V97, (San-rarlos, Wifornlya, SShA)-,
GRAYXV, R.I. (Moskva); LICBZM, N.A. (Leningrad); LOMITS, A.M.
(Moskva); ZHITOKIMIY, Ta.I,,* MITYAGIN, B.S. (Koskn); SWITS,
Z.A. (YaroBlavll); PUkNXW, A. (Tranteiya); GAV31L, Y.V. (Brno,
Chokhoslovakiya)-, SOIWJLK, M.Z. (Leningrad); LIVIN. V.I. (Moskva)-,
BARBA11, M.B. (Thshkent); 7RIWAN, L.M. (Tula)
Problems. Mat. pros. no-5:253-260 160. (MIR& 13:12)
(Mathematics-Problems, exercises, etc.)
Unitary representations of nilijotent Lie groups* Dokl*AK SSSR 138
no.2z283-284 Vo 1610' (KEPA 14$5)
1e Moskovski7 gosudarstyenrQ7 universitet in* H.V.Lomonosova,,
Predetavleno akademikon I.G.Patrovskime
(Groups, Theory of) (Transformations (H%thematics))
KIRILLOV, A. A., Cnnd. Phya-Math. Sci. (di,32) "Unitary, Repre-
sentntions of Null-Potent Groups Li." VC1, 4 pp.
St-it,7 Univ.) (1-lechani cs-1-11.1athema tic r I Faculty) ~0.0 copiee
(KL Supp 1,60,761, 251).
Unitary representations of nilpotent Lis groups. Usp. mat.nauk
17 no.407-110 162. (Group19, Theory of), (MMA 1518)
U A.A*
Infinite-dimensioual representations for a complete matrix grvup.
Dokl,,AN SM 144 no A a 37-39 W 162. (KEU 15%5)
I* Mokovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeroitet im, M.73,omonosovao
Predstavleno Owdemikom leGaPetrovskim.
(Oroupo, Theory of)
'%Initw-Y representations of nilpotent Lie groups"
report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden,
15-22 Aug 62
Dynamic systems and representations of groups at the Stockhob
Mathematical Congress. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.2t189-196 Mr-Ap
163. (MIRA 160)
Imfir-ite-dimensional vnitary representations of a group of
second-order matrices vith elements from a locally compact
field. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.4:740-7/+3 JS 163.
(MIRA 16t6)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni Lemonosova.
Predstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovakim.
(Groups,, Theorjr of)
Unitary rfiprutscrilation of tho nilpotent 1.3a j,-roupo. Analele mat
17 no.4:3-59 0-11 163.
kiRiLtp,vt A.-A.-
pympsitiM r)~ Al;t~br-alc Mroupi nnl th6ir llnpres'en~tionq.
"sp. i~At-.- nauk ' 19 no. lt225-223 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:6)
[Tho (!,:~)rdinate method] Metod knordinat. Ivaskva, "auka,
1965. 73 p. (Bibliote~:ua fizikc.-matematicheakol shkoly.
Matematikap no.1) (MiftA 18:8)
Allowing for packing in daterm:,rang the volume of ice. Probl, Arkt.
no*2:53-58 157. (MIRA IL12)