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A ro ved For Mal se 2001/04/02 ? CIA RDP83T0 8000300160004 I MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing THROUGH Executive Officer, ODP STATINTL FROM Chief, Management Staff, ODP SUBJECT Management Staff Weekly Report for Week Ending 5 December 1980 STATINTL A meeting was held 3 December 1980 and attended by STATINTL representatives from OGC, IG, _ OL and ODP. Changes to 25X1A Draft E of - were mutually agreed upon and the chan es will be incorporated into Draft F of TL Excess Equipment Management Staff distributed, to selected ADP Control Officers, a Headquarters Property Turn-in Document which listed a Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter and a Composing Machine - excess to OL/PD needs. No interest in the equipment was generated and the OL/PD equipment was declared as excess to the Agency. The acquisition cost of the excess equipment was estimated as $10,024. (U) STATINTL Outstanding Advances As of 3 December, there are 43 advances outstanding, none of which are delinquent. (U) STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00513R000300160004-1 SPS-E067-B0 3 December 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR -. Director of Data Processing STATINTL FROM enuty ie , Spacial Projects Staff/ODP SUBJECT Spec ai Projects Staff Weekly Status Report for week Ending 2 December 1980 STATINTL STATINTL I. SAFE _ delivered the revised Project Plan and Management Plan on 2 December 1980. This is a major revision to the original plan which incorporates the block implemerLtatibn concept. The plan is rioia undergoing CSPO review for accuracy and completeness. 2. ADSTAR The Data General was down for 16 hours this week. The causes were a defective board, a bad disk pack, a bent power plug, and a board ?at did not have proper contact with its power source. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83TO0&73ROO0300160004-1 3 December 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing ATTENTION: Executive Officer FROM: Deputy Director for Processing SUBJECT: Processing Weekly Report for Week Ending 2 December 1980 1. Systems Availability: Attached is the Systems Availability Report. STATINTL 2. Processing of CFC is nearing completion. An authorization to process the final run is expected by 9 December. 3. The October PRISM processing will be delayed while software changes are made to reflect new fiscal year chasT1 customer requested changes. 4. Effective 1 December we plan to start testing the WARM start capability of GIMS. WARM start will prevent the loss of a users routed output (to a printer or another user), after a system abend. Initially this will be tested on GIMDEV for the month of December. If no spillage or other problems arise we will migrate WARM start to the other GIM system. STATINTL 5. On Tuesday, 2 December, SPD implemented Local 3P software on the VM system to enforce the print classification. All print files that do not contain a classification will not print unti the user gives the file a classification. - STATINTL 6. OCR/SAS SAFE has requested that the OSR/SE/C Interim System "Commands Control" user file, online AEGIS, be available for users at n' t or on weekends during the current situation in STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83TOO573ROO0300160004-1 Approved For Rel"se 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00533R000300160004-1 7. OD requested Badge Reader Access Reports from OS. The Badge Office has agreed to generate statistics for ODP Recording Badge Reader Access into the Ruffing and Special Computer Centers. These reports will assist OD in monk 'A- ITL access of authorized personnel. 8. has a our person team on-site to deterRATINPY the is running a very high utilizatBTATIN!~,s problem is preventing addition 1 terminals from being s on the ,~ TL Att: a/s Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1 Approved For Relrtrse 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T005Z3R000300160004-1 3 DECEMBER 1980 DDA/ODP SYSTEMS AVAILIBILITY SUMMARY MONDAY 24 NOV 1980 THRU SUNDAY 30 NOV 1980 SYSTEM CURRENT WEEK 24 NOV - 30 NOV PREVIOUS 90 DAYS 25 AUG - 23 NOV DIFFERENCE BATCH 98.87 97.56 +1.31 INTERACTIVE 99.97 96.48 +3.49 GIMS 98.88 96.12 +2.76 CAMS 99.52 98.61 +.91 OCR-COLTS 98.75 93.55 +5.20 OCR-RECON 99.80 93.83 +5.97 DDO-STAR 99.05 98.18 +.87 OSWR-TADS 96.86 94.37 +2.49 All systems reported an above average week. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1 Approved For ReI Se 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T005f3R000300160004-1 Admin Staff has nothing of importance to report for the week ending 3 December 1980 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1 Approved For Refuse 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00f5?3R000300160004-1 DD/A/ODP WEEKLY REPORT Week of 26 November - 3 December 1980 I. Major Activities During the Past Week: A. Support to PTO: CAMS (COMIREX Automated Management System) A draft copy of the CAMS2 P/S Functional Requirements Document (FRD) was distrib- uted for review and comment. The FRD is scheduled to be published the week of 1 December. STATINTL B. Support to OPPPM: 1. FTE (Full Time Equivalency) We have prepared a response to the User Requirements paper. There are several items that warrant discussion with OPPPM/ADRB. We have requested a meeting prior to 5 December to discuss thes STATINTL items. STATINTL STATINTL 2. PERINSUR (Personnel Insurance) With the help of a representative, procedures were executed on multi- ple terminals from a MICRODATA master terminal. This exe- cution is necessary to benchmark the Model 8000 for the PERINSUR application. No date has been set for the bench- mark. C. Support to OPA: AMERPROD (Analysis supporting external research projects for STATINTL OPA) Th~ programs were reloaded and run to process Organi- zational Attitude Survey data for OPA. This was a follow-on effort of work previously done for the O/DCI. STATINTL D. Support to OC: STATINTL MAINS (Management Information System) Development of Phase I software has been completed and user training is scheduled to begin on 8 December. Phase I provides OC the capability for on- line processing, retrieval, and reporting of cables from overseas field stations. It also includes management information for tracking OC travel. E. Support to ODP: MPS (Development of skeleton Message Processing System to replace AMPS system) The OC DATEX system and the ODP E "skele- ton" MPS have established communications last week. DATEX has Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1 Approved For Relwse 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83TOO6373R000300160004-1 STATINTL issued the 'sign-on' to MPS. Data blocks have been successfully transmitted between the systems. This week it is anticipated that DATEX will be able to "echo" cables back to MPS. STATINTL C Division wishes a speedy recovery to Both have been recently hospitalized and we hope to see them return to work soon. STATINTL STATINTL C Division, has resigned from CIA to take employ- me effective 28 November. Queries concerning work in which he was involved should be directed to the Chief or Deputy Chief of B Division, x8338. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160004-1