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Inat, 1@ 0@ t I-Ij. -echrdcal sua. :,C,. Y 15 5 S/04SV62/026/012/006/016z B11T/B186- AUTHORSa Kryukova, L. N.' Muravlyeva, V. V.# Shpinell 9 1ve so# Malysheva, T. V., and KhotAR,_Y._A_A._ TITLE i Scheme of levels of Ir 169 excited.on electron capture in P089. PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheek.ays, V. 260. no. 12, 1962, 1492 - 1494 TEXT: The decay of the neutron-deficient isotope PtI89 g T1/2 'm 10-5 hre, was studied by analyzing the conversion spectrum of the platinum fraction'. In the 30 - 650 key range, the measurements w*ere made with a magnetic spiral spectrometer using a method and experimental conditions described earlier (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz.0 24, ilog (ig6o); 25, 1257 (1961)). Besides the lines found previously, two new ones were discovereds 381 keyo T several hours, K457-1 and 644-5 key, T 1/2 0 . 189 1/2 0 10 + 1 hr, K720.6. The energies of the f-transitions in Ir were measured and their multipole orders estimated (Tab. 2). Proceeding from the similarity of the odd 191 193 isotopes Ir and Ir a level scheme was proposed on the basis of the Card 1/4 S/04 62/026/012@008/016 Scheme of levels of... B117YB186 sums and differences of the x-transition energies (Fig. 1). It.was supposed that the excited states with energies of M and 305 kev corre- spond to the first and second levels of the principal rotational band. The 94 kev level is a single-particle level 1/2 [4003 and that of 175 key is the first rotational level of this state. As no direct transition with an energy of 234 kev could be detected, doubt arqse whether a level possessing this energy was present, which could be regarded as the second rotational level of the 1/2' [4003 state. Levels with energies of 568 an'd 720 kev were not interpreted. If the energies of the lower levels of the odd Ir isotope are represented graphically as a function of the mass number A or the number of neutrons N, a smooth curve results. It was therefore concluded that the equilibrium form of the nucleus does not undergo any considerable change in the transition from N - 122 and N - 116. This paper was presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy. held in Leningrad from January 26 to February 2# 1962. There are 2 fig- ures and 2 tables. Card 2/4 5 048/62/026/012/008/016 Scheme of levels of... B 11 !/Al 86 ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-isaledovatellakiy institut-@sdernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gos. univeraiteta im. K. V. Lomonosova (scientific Research Institute of Nuciear Fhysioa of the Moscow State University imeni X. V. Lomonosov)'; Institut gookhimii i anslitioheskoy -khimii'.im. Vernadskogo Akademii niuk,-SSSR (Institute of Goo. chemistry and Analytical Chemistry -imeni Vernadskiy of the Academy-of Sciences USSR) 189 Fig. 1. Energy level diagram of Tr leg Table 2. Energy and multipolel-ord6r.of the t,@-transitions@ in, ar A I (1)'Poasible values'." 11 sdmixtur6s@@ LegOd of the multipole Oders 1 (2) gmaj Card 3/4 KHMOVA L. N;; MMVIYEVA, V. V.; SHPINELI , V. S.; MALYSHEVA, T. V,; kHOTIlf, V' A. JAvel sebeze of Irl89 excited by electron capture in Ptl89, Izvo AN SSSR. Ser. fis. 16 no.2.2:3492-1494 D 162 (MIRA 1; -. 3.) 1. Nauohno-issledovatellskly inatitut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarst"nnogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosawa i Institut geckhinii i amUticheekoy khimii imt,Vernadekogo AN SSSR. (Iridium-lootopes) (Platinum--Isotopes) (AUctronm-Capture) k ANDREYEV., K.K.; KRIGER, G.E.; KHOTIN, V.G. Formation of combustible gaseo in the r"otion of aluminus with vater and vith solutions of amonium nitrate* Zhur.prikl.khim, 35 no,,n: 2569-2570 N 162o' (MIRA 15:12) (Aluminum) (Ammonium nitrate) . (Gazes) Fit - @. 'L 179 /RPL Ps-h/Pr-4 41-63 P ADS: A"TC T3006091, 0 0 9 0 A AC9%':ION _NRV -'.3/2938/63/060/00 AUMRS: Andro*Sv j K 4 Khotini V. b6iminifig tfia-@683ibilit of explosives TI tl@3 33. Factors- del In' shot hoLes burning cut as Toozolyi vary*vchiaty* abornik-atatays.196)9., 495, LOS TOPIC TAGs: explosive @pobadLt'VP-lg:pobodit# ammonite# ammanite PZhV-20, Tl:ia @b A13STRACT: urning OIA"t, of :69ifistya alto MV40 and pobadi @'VP-I (an ammonium nitratoUmplosive containing 9% liquid n it ASt L) M ing - mi ED-8-561)(parcury_ fulminate- j $iaa studio Tetal) electrodatonator.fdatonation-7of tRiiss dhliFg-esp.. compress act, and im- 7ti.. mi compressed was dater nad,@ With unObmprassad*charges,, detonation- stopped at similarly small. diametlerb; under.high-Loompression PzhV_2 detonated uE to 8 while the VP_I diameter roaa sharply to 20-26j! mm r ange. it is suggested that those deficiencies in pobodite b,. 17 @Sard _@/;2@, ' @ ACCE I0 NR :: A7300609T ad by replacing th 6 ifts, Temov Iquid a ns or and int* with a, solid M-' duoing compression-inhibiting materials In amounts oorresponding;tj the liquid contained, Origs,art,. has-, -..3. figures, ASSOCIATION: None S UBMITTED: 00 DATE4 Q: 14Jun63 ENCL. .001 ' SUB ;CODE: AR @:, ,N6'REP SOV 002 0 THM 001 T Card i V2 , - , ANDREYEV, K.K.; KROTIN, V.G. ... Factors deterrdning the tendency of coal mining explosives to burn out. Vzry-v. delo no.52/9:140.-151 163. (MIRA l7t!2) 1. Moskovskly ordens. Lenina khim@ko-tekhnologlcheskiy institut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva. MOTIN, V.G. Some ways of reducing the tendency of industrial explosives to burn out. Vzryv. delo no.52/9sI52-155 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Moskovskly ordena Lenina khImIko-tekhnoligiaheekly Inatitut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva. Wr (1) - 15859 AUTHOR: Sushkin, N. G.; Alferova, Ye. V.; Bash, Yu. M.; Perez@@, M. L TXTIX: Graphic construction of the trajecto of electrons In a magaetron gun SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 12A36 REF SOURCE: Tr. Vses. n.-I. in-ta elektroterm. oborud. vyp. 1, 1965, 50-65 TOPIC TAGS: particle trajectory, magnetron, electron gun ABSTRACT: Powerful electron guns (up to 100 kw) for electron heating, with electrostatic focusing, require a high accelerating voltage (of the order of 25 -35 kv) and are sene!tive to changes in the dimensions and alignments of the electrodes. The possibility Is considered of using a magnetic field for focusing the electrons. The magnetic field makes It possible to re- duce anode voltage to 10-15 kv and reduce requirements for accuracy of adjustment of the anode and cathode. For validated calculation of the optical system, a graphic method has been developed for constructing electron trajectories in superimposed homogeneous and hetero- geneous electric and axisymmetric magnetic fields. The electron trajectory is constructed on the meridional plane by the method of curvature radff R = f(r, z), and the plane Itself rotates to gether with the electron with an angular velocity T = f(t). The advantage of the method to the UDC: 621.38 L 0421.7-67 X 6 C__N,_R_s_A_ A 6 0 1-5 8 5 9 0 possibility of calculating electron trajectory not only in the a3dal regions. but also at wW dis- tances -from the axis. The calculated trajectory coincided well with the experimental one. A shortcoming of the method to the cumbersomeness and complexIty of the calculations. Trans- lation of abstract Bibliography of 7 titles, N. M. SUB CODE: 20 2/2 "s9l) KHOTUa F. YA. Jaundice Hemloytic Jaundice in ndwborn as an etioloryipal factor in the devel6pment of con- 0 genital double athetosis. Vop. pediat. i oikhr. mat. i det. 20 No. 1, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952, Unclassifted. i@ lbl - -- - - --- - - ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - L I . Infants - Diseases Hemolytic jaundice in newborn as an etiological factor In the develorment of congenital double athetosis. Vop. pediat. I okhr. mat. i det. 20 No. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, August 1952, Unclassified. SERGEYEV2 S.T., kand, tekhn. naukl.__@@OTINA, G.A., inzh, Vibration of Ilquide in pipes and Intensification of heat exchange. Trudy VNIMMASH no.1004-79 165. (MMA 16:9) Mai= SERGEYEV, S-1-0 Icand. fekhn, nauk; KHOTINAP G.A., inzh. Intennificatio-I of heat exchange by means of vibrations* Trudv VNIIKIMASH no.9:75-91 165. (MIRA .18:6) 1 - im DUBNOV, L.V.; YHOTINA, L.D. Study of the channeling effect during th" detonfttlon of oomo 1ndustrial explosives. Vzryv. delo no.52/9tl68-179 163. (MITRA 17.12) 1. Mezhduvedomstvennaya komissiya po vzryvnomu delu. SMIRNOV, L.F.t, KWTINAt M.I. And of pyropes in the .Haymecha Taller. 41-43 160; ()kymecha Valley-Pyrope) Inform., blule NIZOA Aosl91 (XM 13122) KHOTINA, S. Ya. Causes of congenital diseases of the central nervous system in children. Vop. okhr. materin. dets. 8 no.1:20-25 063 (KIRA 17 t2') 1. Iz Leningradskoy ob"yedinermoy detakay bollnitsy Qlavnyy vrach K.A.Koshevaya). KHOTINA, j. !A. Paralysis, Spastic "Dibazol" therapy of spastic paralysis in children, Pediatriia, No. 3, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress October 1952, Unclassified. KROTINA, S.Ya. Remolytic jaundice of newborn as the etio@logic factor in bilateral athetosis. Topr. pediat. 20 no.4:29-33 JulY-Ang 1952. (CLKL 23:2) 1. Or the Departamt of lfervvas Diseases (Heat -- Prof. G. I1. Arozovich). Ieningrad Pediatric Medical Institute (Director -- Prof. N. T.@Ahutova). KHOTIUOK, A. (Ashkhabad) [Misprint in the *Star atlas of. the northern sky"]. Astron.teir. no-141:13 B 053- (NMA 7:7) '(Stan-Atlages) KHOTINOK, R.L. 33880. Dryef Myetyeornjrkh Sledov Po Nablyudyeniyam V Tule. Byullyetyen: Vayesoyuz. Astron-Gyeodyez. O-vaP No 6, 1949. C 36-39. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 46, Moskva, 1949. KHOTINOK, R. L. Meteors Results of photographic observations of the Perseld meteor stream made in August 1950 at Firyuza. Izv. Turk. fil AN SSSR No. 3, 1951. Monthl-v Ust of RuBsian Accessiopa# Library of Congress, j= 1953. Unclassified. KHOTINOK. R.L.; ZUBAIROV, M.Kh. Results of -photographic observations of the meteoric ahower of Perneid. in Ashkhabad, AnInput, 1950. lzv.AN Turk.SSR no.1:92-96 152. (HM 6:8 1. Institut fisiki i geoflziki Akademli nauk Tarkmenskoy SSR. (Meteors--August) - I " of, a ";f' ti- I o" 11 I 'I.,. I.." . - . L, 1-1q, @ lz*-.-. A'I pp - 71' 77 @-i . , @ i., T- 2. TTS-3-H (I-,00) 4. ."'clipses, Solar 1952 7. Determining the f-cun@ari.2s o@' th-I tf@,tal -hase area o' the Tolar ec'.-Jr-seo' -@--br,-!Dry 25) 1952 fro-na obFervritions mde in V- Turkm-m R. A.,-,rcn. tczir. '@`O- 132, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, une 1953. Unclassified. KHOTINCK, R. L. Astrometry, Astrometrical Observations (1652) Izv. AN Turkm. SSR, No 2, 1953, pp 69-90 KHOTINOK, R. L. "Determining the'Exact Boundaries of the Path of Totality of the Solar Eclipse of 25 February 1952." The author and a group of assistants calculated the exact boundaries of the path of totality, making use of measurements taken during,3the eclipse. SO: Referativnyy Zhumal-AstrononLiya i Geodeziya, No 1, Jan 54;CVI-30785, 28 Julv 1954.) MiDTINOK, R.L.: wl- The sound-producing bolide of August 9, 1931,,as observed In southern Turkmenistan. Izv.AN Turk.SR no-3:96 155. MRA 9:5) 1. Institut fiziki I gooftsift AN Turkmenskoy SSR. (Turkmenistwv-*oteors) KHOTINOK, R.L. 'Electrophonic' bolide of July, 1949, In Iolotan' District, Turkmen S.S.R. Izv.AN Turk.SSR no.4:96 '55. (MIJU 9:5) 1. Institut fisiki I geofizikI AN Turkmanakoy SSR. (Iolotan' District--Keteors) KHOrINCK,R. (Kushka. Turkmenskaya SSR) Errors in determining the duration of flight of telescopic meteors. Astron.teir. no.158:19-21 Ap 155. (MIRK 8:9) (Keteors) KH(YTINUK, ILL. (Moskva) .64i 4 Observation of a bright meteor in Turkmenistan at points L82 k-1. apart. Astron.tair. no.164:21-22 0 '55. (HLRA 9:5) 1. Meteornyy ol.del NO VAGO. (Turkmenistan-Meteors) EHOMINOKI R.L -, Ly a) ,; Lnj . Determination of the spatial density of meteor shavers. Astron.tvirk. no-170:24-25 156. (Keteors) '(KERA 9:10) KHOTINOK, R.L. Catalog of observations on telescopic meteors. TIrudy Inst. fix. I geofix. AN Turk. MM 3t4g-63 157. (KLM 100) (Chardshou--Keteors) KHOTINOK, R.L. Lunar eclipse of Kay 13-14. 1957. in Moscow. Astron. toir. no,181-.13 Je - '57. (MI-U 13:3) Oblipses, Lunar-1957) SOV/169-59-4-4034 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, GeofIzIka, 1959, Nr 4, p 123 (USSR) AUTHORi Khotinok, R.L. I - \11 TITLE.- The Activity and the Density of the Meteor Stream of the Lyrids in 1953 PERIODICALg Byul. Vses. astron.-geod. o-va, 1958, Nr 21, pp 45 - 49 ABSTRACT.- 'The observations of the meteor stream of the Lyrids for deter- mining the spatial density were performed by pupils of the high school Nr 17 of the Kushka town in the TuVATnSSR under the guidance of the author from April 20 to 24, 1953. During 16 hours, 443 meteors were registered, 175 of wh1ch were belonging to the meteor stream of the Lyrids. The observations made it possible to determine the distribution of the meteors of the stream in respect to luminosity and hourly numbers. These data were used for determining the function of luminosity and the spatial density of the particles in the stream. A formula is suggested for determining the average distance between two Card 1/2 neighboring particles, which represent meteors up to a certain 7, Ae-@T- SOV/169-59-4-4034 The Activity andjthe Density of the Meteor Stream of -the Ly-rids In 1953 stellar magnitudez 0 2 F, r - 35.7 V@@ sin -7 !. where H is the average altitude of the meteors of the stream, N, Is the hourly number, S is the cross section of the field of view of fhe observer or of the team of observers, and V is the geocentric velocity of the meteors of the stream. On the basfs of the observations on April 21-22, 11953, the author obtained for the meteors up to the stellar magnitude 6 the distance r - 565 km. .W.A. Katasev Card 2/2 KHOT I NDK. R. L. Detnrmination of exact positions of satollites by moans of,pbotographs taken with aximuth Instrumonts. Blul.sta. opt.nabl.1sk.sput.Zem. no.9:1-5 159o (MIRA 13:3) 1. Stantelys. mblyudenlya takusetvannogo sputniks Zomli Astronomicheekogo soveta AN SSSR* (Artificial satellites--tracking) i ZMKIN, I.T. Prininali uchantlys: KARTINIM, Y.T.; SIMAKINA, Ye.G.; TBRMITWA, A.K.-, KHOTINCKD Rf.L. PUTS IT, V.T.,; MMAUT. T.G., red. ixd.--v-a;-MUWUOYA, L.g I [Instructions for observing meteor@] Instruktaiia dlianabliu- denil asteorov. Koakwa, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SM, 1961. 52 p. (KIRA 14:4) (meteors) (2) Khotinskay SOV/76-4-lo-21/40 .AiTHORS: Rudnitskiy, A. A., a TITLE: Investigation of the System Silver - Rhodium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, TIr lo, pp 23o8 - 2312 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A phase diagram was recorded from the system Ag - Rh. The thermal analysis was carried out by means of the Kurnakov- pyrometer and - above 18000 - in the device of K. A. Nedumov (Ref 3). Further, micro-structure and microhar ness. electric resistance and its temperature coefficient ay well as the thermo- electric properties were investigated. Both/,components of this system are not miscible with each other i!r@ the liquid phase in the range between 25-99.5% Ag. The alloys consist of mixtures of the solid a-solution of silver in rhbdium with pure silver. The solubility of silver in rhodium is'@5% and increases at 14000 up to 101%. The maximum of the microhardness corresponds to a saturated solution of silver in rhodium (5-le-). The electric resistance of alloys rich in silver shows no difference as compared with the resistance of-pure silver. The alloys rich in Card 1/2 rhodium show a maximum at the limits of solubility of Ag in Rh. Investigation of the System Silver Rhodium' SOV/78-4-lo-21/40 The determinAtion of the thermoelectric force confirmed as well as the n@6arly complete insolubility of Rh in Ag. Small Ag-additions increase the plasticity of Rh. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 11, 1958 Card 2/2 S/07 60/005/012/009/016 BO 17YB064 AUTHORS: j___RuTn_-1T_sRiy, A. A (Deceased), Khotinskaya, A. N. TITLE: Investigation of the System Palladium =Aho'dium @:Vold PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5, No- 12, pp. 2781-2794 TEXT: Microstructure, hardnesev breaking point, expansion, and resistivi- ty and its temperature coefficient of hardened and softened three-compo- nent alloys of palladium, rhodium, and gold were investigated. The solubi- lity of palladium in gold was found to be strongly restricted if more than 1% of rhodium is added as third component. The mechanical properties of the alloys are improved by addi 'ng the third component. Sections with con- stant palladium content were used to draw the three-component diagram; the sections run in parallel to the side rhodium - gold. The course of the boundary a/a+p is determined by studies of the microstructure and from the phase diagram. An add@tion of gold to two-component alloys palladium - rho- dium improves their mechanical properties. The electrical properties of Card 1/2 24730 S/078/61/006/cW/007/014 go B107/B207 AUTHORS: Rudnitskiy, A. A. (Deceased), jhotins@azp,@. ii@. Duplik, K. S. TITLE: Study of the syst - palladium - rhodium - silver PERIODICAL: Zhtirnal neorgani( ikoy khimii, v. 6, no. 7, 1961, 16-92-1635 TEXT: The system palladium - rhodium - silver was studiedp particularly in the part which is rich in palladium. The object of the study was to determine the suitability of the alloys for electric contacts and measuring devices. The specimens were prepared from pure metals by melting together. After five days' heating to 12000C (alloy rich in silver to 80000, the specimens were cooled down in the course of one week; or, the specimen was chilled in ice water after one day's heating. The following was studied on the specimens thus prepared: Microstructurof Brinell hardness, tensile strength, relative expansion, resistivity, its temperature coefficient and the integral thermo-emf. Table 1 shows the composition of the alloys studied and the majority of the results of Card 1/ 7 2h730 S/078/61/'006/007/007/014 Study of the system palladium ... B107/B207 VXI measurement; Fig. 1 shows the phase relations. The interfaces were determined on the basis of the discontinuous change of properties, and of the microstructure. Table 2 lists the values for the integral thermo-emf. The unlimited miscibility of the system palladium - silver was found to touch the ternary system very little, approximately up to 1@; Rh. These low rhodium contents improveg however, the mechanical properties considerably. The misoibility gap of the system rhodium - silver vanishes only with an addition of at least 6Vio palladium. Owing to the investigation results palladium found a much wider applicability allowing a partial substitution of platinum alloys. Preliminary studies on the boundary systems by the following Soviet authors are mentioned: V. A. Nemilov, R. S. Polyakova, Ye. Ya. Rode, V. G. Kuznetsov. There are 8 figures, 2 tables, and 14 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to English-language publication reads as follows: R. W. Drier, H. V.'alker. Philoo. Mag., 16, 294 (1933)- SUBIMITTED: June 22, 1960 Card 2/ 7 1 2- WD 29533 3/078/61/UO6/011/011/013 B101/B147 AUTHORS: Savitskiy, Ye. M., Baron, V. V.1L Khotinskaya, A. N. TITLE: Phase diagram of the system niobium-palladium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 11, 1961, 2603-2605 TEXT: The present paper deals with the examination of hardly fusible alloys on the basis of hardly fusible rare metals and precious metals. The phase diagram of the system Nb-Pd was determined (Fig. 2a). The compound Nb 2Pd forms on the basis of the peritectic reaction liqu + P -'W- Nb 2Pd (P =solid solution based on Nb) at 1650 +250C. It has a tetragon 1 a-phase crystal lattice. The lattice constants are: a= 0.96 �, c = @.11 R-* c/a = 0.52. [Abstracter's note: One of the data given for a, C and a/c is wrong. From a and c it follows that c/a = 5.2 2 2 The hardness of Nb 2Pd is 578 k9/mM , and its microhardness is 645 kF1/mm The compound is brittle. The Kurnakov compound Pd 3Nb forms from the melt /0; .--> C ard 1 Z_ 2)533 3/07 61/006/011/011/013 Phase diagram of the system... B101%147 at 17000C. The crystal structure of this phase is being studied by 2 Ye. I. Gladyshevskiy and P. 1. Kripyakevioh. Hardness is 225 kg/mm 2 microhardness 321 k9/mm . The existence of these compounds is expressed in the curves plotted for the various properties of the alloys: thermo emf (Fig. 29), hardness (Fig. 28), and oxidation rate (Fig. 2'@). There are 2 figures and 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: P. Creenfild, P. Beck, Trans. AIME I 2o6, 265 (1956); A, C. Knapton, J. of the Less Common Metals, 2, 113 F1960). ASSOCIATTON! Institut metallurgii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED.z March 11, 1961 Fig. 2. System Nb-Pd. (a) 'Phase diagram; (6) absolute thermo-omf- Y 0 (9) Vickers hardness of tcmnered samples; (1u) oxidation rate at 1200 C. 2 Legend.: (1) atom@, of 'Fb;,)(X) liquid; (2) thermo-emf, $IV/o(;; (3) TIV, kg/mm (4) oxidation rate, mg/cm',hr; (5) Nb, Oi'p by weii7ht, Card 2/0 -2 RUDMITSKIY, A.A.;.-KHOTIIISKAYA, A.N.; DUPLIK, K.S. System palladium-rhodium-silver. Zhur. neorg. khim. 6 no.7:1622-1635 JI 161. (MIRA 3-4:7) (Palladim) (Rhodium) (Silver) is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0;0*000000000*00 111 1 r I f 4 1# Q u 64 0 a it a is -881 91; ub bps"m;$? gap 'at 1 10 -11111 M U J-- Ji- -A..I,.. A t- v_ A a A 0*4101 YA qt*' '4 -.00. 00. Is Intuam by to- Thep :180 G. 1. Gor*ttfa ww! to 11 -N 09 @1!74f and CaCth .00 4. C. Pwn with (N)IJIM fuw at I I frogn the rtwlkm al gy 00 110' to, a boampeartous M&"- II-t 10511114 We so it the cbc(h Otim mutalm 18% UK)6.4 With kywa rfmicut W w , the ruskow melt bilther. The ulist. 00 xhltlWA&Oc"MW6%HVO, Natundt-bulkerlitnem-W nluwdiowm4rAthemyewinPolillutt.. If-M-L, Sell 7 069 *0 00 see coo I L OWULLUESKAL LiTIOATUOt -CLASIOPICA100 be* Isom $I- % i, --- - - - , -- -,-, -*-' @ :., -. , - 1 447, I IV. - -ft-, -.-T I I-T 141441 "to d"I aft u is 0 d %still OVC 4@v 651 0 to a a a --- V--Vll 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 of 0 **~goes 000 6049609's *Sol** 4 so off 0004006 All KRA OVITSKIY, B.H..- KATMVICH, R.H.; KHOTINSKAYA, Ye.Ye. One-step method of prpporation of aminophanylimides of naphthalic &old from naphthalic anhydride and nitroanilines. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R..86. 953-5 '52. (KLRA 5:11).. (CA 47 no'.20:10513 153) 1. A.M.Gortkiy State Unive, Kharkov, SETY KRASWCVIT B.M.; KHOTINSKAYA. Ye.Ye. '%" -- -Ing"b- Condensation of naphthalic anhydAde and its derivatives with aromatic amines. Part 3: Aso dyes derived from phenrlimides of naphthalle acid. Uch.zap. KHGU 71:145-154 '56. MM 10-8) (Azo dyes) o SKi, .!..MCTIIISKA Ye.Ye.; AIWICH, Ye.&P. KiutsGvM Y, B.@! Yellow pigmeDt3 from arjinoj@hen.@rllmideE of naphthalic acid. Uch.zap, MGU 71:253-254 '56. (MLITLk 1c: 8) (Pipents) (Naphthalic acid) 50) SO'1/63-4-2-36/39 AUTHORS: Blinov, V.A., Krasovitskly, B.M., Khotinskaya, Ye.Ye. TITLE: On the Light Resistance of Some Monoazo-Dyes Which are Derivatives of Benzanilide and I-Acid PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskaya nauka i promyshlennostf, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp, 265-286 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The tested azo-dyes were used in dyeing cellophane. The azo-component of the dyes was I-acid. The resistance to light and light-weather was studied in the usual way employed by colorists. All dyes showed con- siderable resistance to light. In the light-weather test the dyes with- out substitutes in the benzanilide grouping had the lowest resistance. The dimethylamino-group and the carbethoxy-group increase the resistance. The introduction of a second benzene ring increases also the light re- sistance of the dye. Card 1/2 There is 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. sov/63-4-2-36/39 On the Light Resistance of Some Monoazo-Dyes Which are Derivatives of Benzanilide and I-Acid ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gortkogo (Kharlkov State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy) SUENITTED: September 15, 1958 Card 2/2 KRASOVITSKIY, B.M.; PLAKIDIN, V.L.; VVCHENKO, E.F.; GOLOMB, L.M.; ROMANOVA, M.G. Vat dyes, derivatives of 1,8-naphthoylene-11,21-benzimidazol",5- dicarboxylle acid imide. Zhur.prikl-.khim. 36 no.6:1330-1335 JS 163. (MM 160) 1. Kharlkavskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet i Rubezhanskiy fiUal Nauchno@-issledovatellmkogo instituts, organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Dyes and dyeing) (BenzimidazolecarboxyUc acid) SOV/120-59-1-39/50 AUTHORS:Berestovskiy, G. N,, Khotinskiy, M. S__ TITLE: A Relay Switch (Releynyy kommutator) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 1, pp 13@-140 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The oscillographic measurement of two voltages can be done by means of one tube, if a change-over relay is employed to switch the input of the oscillograph from one measured volt- age to another (see the circuit of Fig 1). In order to ob- tain a versatile measurement circuit, the relay can be conn- ected either directly to the input terminals, or, alternatively, the input signals to the relay switch are first applied to cathode followers. If the second alternative is employed, the switch acts as a two-channel pick-up with cathode follow- ers, and its input capacitances are of the order of 10 pP. One of the channels contains a capacitance-compensated atten- uator, having attenuation ratios of 1:1, 1:10 and 1:100. The oscillographic display of the signal can be adjusted vertically by the potentiometer R in the cathode circuits. The switch- ing relay is operated 14 the mains voltage at 6.3 V, It is a polarized relay, type RP-4. The capacitance between the open contacts of the relay is about ? pF and its input capacitance Card 1/2is about 20 pF. In order to reduce the relay bounce, the SOV/120-59-1-39/50 A Relay Switch device is mounted on an absorbing substance (expanded rubber). The input resistance of each of the cathode followers is - 10-MrL. If the input capacitance of the oscillograph is 50 pF, the bandwidth of the device is about 12 Mc/s. The oscillo- graph is synchronized by the external signal taken from the input of either the first or the second channel. When the switch is in operation, it is possible to observe on the screen of the oscillograph two faint curves, apart from the two bright waveforms. This is due to the transient phenomena of the switch. The second disadvantage of the switch is the difficulty in displaying the signals having a frequency of 50 C/S or less. The papar contains 2 fi,-,ures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheski@ falmiltet MGU (Playsics Dept. of the Moscow State University SUBMITTED: February 6, IJ48. Card 2/2 t'L'Y,qH'TADT2 M.; POTINSKIYj N. @Conference on modern wa7s and met'hods for thp Btudy cf"b-,gs. Izv. AN SSSR.- Ser. geog. no.3:339-.142 My-je 165. NEYSHTADT, M-I-0- DEVIRTS, A.L.; MARKOVAp N.G.; DOBKIIIA, E.I.; N.A. Dating of holocains deposits by radiocarbon and pollen ana@jysis. Dokl-,AN SSSR 144 no.5:1129-1131 je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Institut geografii AN M J Institut geokhimii i analiticheskol khimii AN SSSR. Predstavieno akademikom I.P.Gerasimovym. (Holocaine) (Geological time) KHOTIM;UY N. A. 1- Comparison of thq diagrams of zorla-@ division of the Late and i2ont-Glacial time using synchronizing lovels. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:74-77 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Inatitut geografii AN SSSR. Pi-f!t1stavleno akademikom V. N. Sukachevym. t. FEDOROVAq R*V.; kELW@@ Metbodological conference of palynologists. Izv.AH SSSR.Ser. geog. no.28152-153 Mr-Ap 063. (MIRA 1634) (Paly,nology-Congresses) XHOTIIZKIY,, N.A. On the 60th anniverBary of Mark Illich Neishtadt's birthday. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-3:128-129 164. (MIRA 17:6) LTOBIMOVA, Ye.L.; KBOTINSKIY, N.A. Prospecis for studying plants as indicators of geological conditic.-s in the insular forest steppe of central Siberia. Trudy MOIP 8:137-140 f64. 49RA 17:12) MANUILCVV K.G.; Data on the deep sinks of ancient rills of glacial discharge. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.3:89-96 My-Je 163. (MIRA Ib%8) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. (East European Plain-Sinkholes) (East twopean Plain-Glacial epoch) KHOTIMSKIY., Ye., sudlya vseaoyuznoy kategorii Moral aspect of a sportsman. Voen. znan. 39 no.6t24 Je 163. (KRA 16:8) (Sports-Philosophy) AUTHORS: Besprozvannyy, I.G., Khotinskiy, Ye.A. SOV/90-58-1-5/9 TITLE: On Designing the Circuitry for the Secondary Commutation of a Busbar-Connecting Switch (K voprosu o proyektirovanii skhem vtorichnoy kommutataii shinosoyqdinitellnogo vyklyuchatelya) PERIODICAL: Energeticheskiy byulleten', 1958, Nr 1, pp 25-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to make sure that paragraph 57 of the Soviet "Rules for the Installation of Electro-Technical Establishments" concerning the protection of the transformers is observed, even in the case when one of the transformer's switches is substituted by a busbar -connecting breaker, the authors pro- pose and justify the following 2 technical arrangements: 1) every leg of the transformer's differential protection unit has to be equipped with a current-testing unit and a two-way switch. Control cables are to be laid between the panel of the transformer's protection unit and the panel of the busbar-connecting switches; 2) every busbar-connecting switch has to be equipped with an ofitfit of current trans- formers made especially for differential protection, further with testing unit, and with collecting terminals for reserving current circuits of the transformer's differential protection Card 112 unit as well as "disconnection" circuits which act upon the SOV/90-58-1-5/9 On Designing the Circuitry for the Secondary Commutation of a Busbar-Con- necting Switch busbar-connecting switch. Thus the transfar@ier will have all three prescribed protection units: a) differential protection; b) gas protection, and c) maximum current protection. There are 2 circuit dingramb. Card 212 060 00 a X V 0 t 0 It U 1) W 0 It ?a 0 it V X 0 A 41 #1 41 so AA.JM-. Ak M At 1-1% 00 . H. Z. Ai d d V. A. v ZhW- S. py, (1) is obtabnd ASID 0 1 the 4INWROM dIW& d NMI Mona (U). with pyrrole. od t 2 b hil bo" (Us) .3 -cur asy with NM obd w e M a V pr . w b do princijW product. Inallo E S Jawfinskil kdm d = : coo 00 a sand V. S . . . @ . Begnal . I"d. 3D".-Tbe yield of I fruen U inenneses. and dot of M disninisiwq, when the .0 0 disin. is ; dow beelieW bw the opposite Was i IV r= elloct. s produced froon . which 6 t fumed from 0 durim the rtwbm. R. C. A. it 00 009 00 S t A VALLUNGKAL L111114140f CLAtIVOCA1106 - L 1.14.4 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 o, a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 9 0 0 0 0 VANN)) us Is* low spou UU40 to@o 7 - I I 7-ml, Te J1 7a-x m, AMP I too A .00 o: 96 .00 008 ed i -00 so ma now b am .00 V. PAImah- Vkod-. Kh- 600 M.-The CW is 1"ted bm a cemovedo. j as* In a Ottommme of maw 00. stod The cimmiabcootion S@ aft I - th,,,Cb sq. HAh or NaMl. the nab am tpu ibex 0.1% of %) is orrigtiord. and fulfate in it* mob. D. C. A. goo soil 1@1 of Agee see use so", 11VIOSIV. Sk4ki 400101v bee 141"100 -4 1 logoo MIN 001 am( %sisal *W a.;--AtI 0 1, go 09 1,, a, or a, 'm a, a, ic x lio g - I Id a a ff I W at I a 1 3 0 1 10 00 0 0 0 -0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a I a I 1 0 0 is U w is is 11 If a 34 a IS v a If a 41 Q a 0 Ox A A_@L_& .1- A- k__A - J. - M A--- -A-- A LAP A 6 f.-FiVo"t j 00 f so 0. 00 00 ooz is WdMAW see oo a DdWMb"= KIM" 'Z'W' a see 00L) X37190).-irl- wal low in the a& by the sea 1, , WsssW MOW of, is d1ld, H. C. A. UWAIJ too 00 wee, oes 2 volb so see Use 1;j ties L A "TALLURGICAL LITINATM CLASIVICATION gz--. .00 33i;. 6V.4110., I low 80.111. a.. CAL 484.31 dVd Q- 71 p . I 0 U S &I to uies ; v ft 1, a J r a li a K a a it a 'm A 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 5 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 go 00 0 o 0 0 0 f 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 03 v A I Q Ij U 6%6 It m A 0 A m 1, If AA W U I 9 11 Y 9 A 49 61 lilt 14*c* . 00 _ _ . - 00 99 A - - '_ - ' '- -00 good me sm s w d do noon 41 _ um &m" dd bewsk am OW mmko. 1( S . . ZAm;im mW 1. z' xhok., Vkj.. -ftft.T. 1.00 00 Rwmwm)(is OWN" 301) IWHO.. -06mew"b" 6w to the cowhu*m sh., kwm. 1 @00 00 " (4 town aw 4*W*A 01 Men Ill a gna. 4 **Pak dwftl gspwh* as W11481w Tbt amwg -00 00 : jbg cjm bfjjf 7 hil, .00 Of . ""W"l-ly -may ow lwlkvalAy WF moo z t&P #. C-pemodye u the NIL ad" of me. a66 b&viff d 00 Is B & ter wy ewbuso V%, bratedath btTrup., funumism of the SMI& is = 1 1k v V 00 0 . 11, 11 wiling M" Q"b' - -W W MOW, 011CM11im of the anilkle is 60 0 uppreciaw. W. P. Bricks COO mo 00 a Poo 00 1 2,SGO coo @ &00 boo wo 9t, 0 S I I A OITALLUPfKAL LITIRAIL412 CLASOOKA16061 boo si -1 a a An I a I v 8. 1 a I At It 9 K 9 It It IS RW n 0 q 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 01 0 o 0 oie 0 *so 666060-0-0 0 0 0 0 Oio 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a 0 00 00 00 44a Sol Fmo 1M.717 /E fill t@ I .I Ii.. A , ' "-j,. F@ I T YT 7 I GT- WV w-Thpi""it" PI .1111im-I fl;pj, @ 7, yiuld '1110i"ll IS th'. pr.-IlIvi 1". 'I'l Ihl'l i'l l." I) V ,It; ha i'; ;. lim".11111 411, 41,11.111t. 111, ;."" - O'd, alld 'v't. U011 it: In. Ill Fit 0111VI, PP1`-'-1Flrf'; pill 0111111/11 nnn@, m . 21N @ 9 1 1 1 pf, -'w@' 1-1. 121 3 , Mom I.A011) jo 00 0, I I 1 4 3 0 1 1 g. A ' N if U 11 4 111 P@ is a a u a 4 9 a Is a 11 a a alto 00 4 .@j, - - 1 419C91 0 A atsmi 146- OS @@ 00 -A Products of at 2-AmIrlotluorenone. s. a ' ' alto ft -0 IS iollosat. .1. G d ( m t Iskil and IN A *0 77-0091,11). -Amtylsiiion of 1-amist.,ifmore. . Nalle (I b x" A lphI O 1 1 l f d 0 q a mo . o mana. r : . roinji y e y ddif 1 ar l i I MCI i l h ( .00 stu xo m exones. v"on e monis. e om ji y t g j Ac The mol. coultKI.. krined In MIMXY; yieldi. , Iron HtOll); it Is rmli 1. into it's Com. 'y - Is ( lKwmt* by tfeatuveml with CIIC4, vshiT ctow, the ml tnono-Ac entnild. it) float on lop, or by hoding with ' 1 womw 2-3 hro., tile mosio-Ar deriv., in. T. 7,4 1-ing * I illmo., sold tile sit. M-4 (ft-11 V101D. 's recoverell front tile W14". 114)111 fuml Cry't. ZMCII = see 11t awl readily hydrolymble 110 salls which are Isest oll b d b i ICI i F q l @0411111 nto enzene . t or ns. y pasAt n, I-p of the comptim. U:Y.I exccxs AcCl In the amty[Atiws of Gee I fickisthe niorlo-Actleriv 22194W (frmt EtOll) in . , ., G Coo . M. Ko,6431.41 g 00 W oo 00 Joe goo coo see f ]as* we 0 9 ties ;1, coo AS-St.. FT 81 .,L'.@CKAL "IFRATLOC CLAMPKATICH tie's - - W FA as i at 1w 11 1 IF a 9 AN 4 3 1 aw 0 11 AV so 0 to to to 10 r# ft K a A a `1 l e 0 0 0 0 a O ON 960919.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 1 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 91 00 0 * 00 0 & * 0 *gee see** w e : : 0 : 0 MWIMIT. Ye.S.; GA]BEV. YU.O., professor, redaktor; STUCHVSKIY, A.M., tekhwf@@iiiry redaktor. [Stereochemistryl Stereokhimiia. 1hre lektaii, Kharlkov, 1950. 143 P. (Stereochamistry) (KM 8:2) 7 Chemical Abst. Vol. 48. No. 3 Feb. 10,,1954 ga nid Chemlbtrv Valence Moore.) t teal Chemistry) Method of studyihg valence in sch661s. Miji. v. shkole No. 1, 1952. I-Ionthly List of Russian Acceagions. Library of @-on.-reus, October 1952. Unclassified. dcrivativen 0 111cla.,;Of Plienleacid. 0. N1. aild K. 'i !@-" ft-@ @11' Gq,MMUthv -M71,w). " Ukia7n. Khinj'Zhur. I 8,@, q:. XqrJO;')2) prepil. from :mWituted unilides l)f dii'llellic arift ark: dewrille(l; (Item: Awy Rood light unit %VC allivr!,tability. CumparlY)a of color of these dyc3 with V0rtV$jh1WjiBg Ull, krived front 111011 Indicates that dolk- filing the !iize of Ulu ceutral unittloes not significarldialruct the cular and other (lye properties, Introductivii, of Dr Monts ilttr- Elie 5,V-poaftions does n,)L have Illuds clitut on the c, *or. Reduction with Na@%O* of m- and p-O,NCsI14- Nil I@L gave 45-5 )0% of Ote corresponding 4V-bt:nzoyIphcgI- cnediwititwi, which were converted to aw dyei by coupling with a -crks of naphlbolitilloisic ae1N for -rull-i-I Pur- 1@, ; with the &@ivs. of Elie diphettle acht licries, CGIVICR- @atwn of o,o'-(CjIhC()CI)t with llitroallifilles In C'1141 followed by rctluctioa with iNrI1,9104 g1ve 10-590' in- and p- alltifluattilid" of diphenic acid. Thew were couplet[ with 2-naplithul-d-sullonic acid, 4-nuplithol-3,Misullonic acid. 'l-naplithoW,84sulfonic arid, I.P.4hydroity-3,0-naphtha- Ictiedisulfimic add, and clistlifoliicari(i.itialk.meditini. The resulting dyes did not differ in color or in abs. spectra from the corresponding acids derived froat BzOfT. Both series of dyes dtowed very, little direct:Affinity for cotton. All gave yellaw-orange to md-vivilet shad"- to acid-dyed wool, with atil. max. 480-M nill. The coupling product of diphenle add m-annino- arkilide with 2-naptithol-3,"isulfunic acid hail abi. ma%. 490 mis; that with 1,8-dlhydroxy4,0-ttalilithalenedisullonlo acid had abs. max. 5W mW, that with I-amino-&hydroxy-' 3,0-maphtlialettedimalfoull: acid had abs. M". 530 Ent,: The 2nd dye after chrome treatment changed Its color to green. Ift colors formed on cotton with Azatol A ranged from red to brown. Dyes with 3-hydroz"hettanthrene coupling agent were more leeply colored than those with 2@ naphthol. The dye from coi-pling of the waraftioanillite of diphenic acM with 3-hydivx) pheminthrime W abs, mitz. -6 615 mis; that detived from '-'naphthol had ab3. max. 490 mju. Thest: were insol, In ftlkalics- as expected. Coupling diaxotized amintianilides of diPhenle acid or BzOll with I- naphthol. 2--c-hioro-l-saphthol, or 4-bromo-l-naphthal We p-hydroxy azo dye3, the lit 2 of w4ich were u tall, "I olkuli, while the hut em gave a die insol. ia Wl' since. the coupling took place in the 2@posltlou of naphthol, the: ohs max. of them 3 dyes were, resp., 480 mA, 505 mp. and: 5W rap. Condensation of diphenle'anhydride with m- or pmlftroauffines In Calla gave 86-6% of the cormspondinjr. nitroluotloaniudIcs. which with NeA06 were reduced to Wye, of the corresponding m- and p-anducanilldes, Isolate u HCl salts. Thest were dissolved In 10% NzICO,, treated with NaN(@, and the mixts. added to a large excess .01 coned. ILCI; the diazoLked fiubstances were coupled with ,the same components as are listed 06bove, ' The resulting dyes rAve yellow-Grangtt to red-violet colors on wool. Absmax; 'of Moll gains. of tile dyes from inonG-m-ambsoaullidt (1)@ of diphenic add with 2-uaphthol is about 8W mp, as Is that of the corre4pondiug diatillide; with p-amlno coupilai agent the abs. max. was about 400 otp. I coupled with 2- acid gave a dye with abs. tuax. .180 mp; the P-4mino deriv.. abq. otax. 5W; I with 1_naphthol-fj@ sullonic acid gave (I dye with abs. max. 4SO trip; the p- amino analog has ab3. max. 49D w1j; I with 1-naphthol-4. sulfonicacid gave a dye,with abs. max. 400; p-arnino analog 510; 1 with 2-naplithot-3,0-disulfonle acid gave a dye with abra, max. 400; p-tunino analog 610; 1 willi I th abs.tuax.- pCid gave a dye ws ? 520; p-aminu anang 530; 1 with I-airthij-&hydroxy-3.0- @naphthalcncdisulfouic acid gave a dy-c %vith abs. niax. IWO: P-arnino analog 5,15 my. chr"Ine treatment dulls tll?! .colors of then dyes but make:i thena somewhat derper on ,wool, Nvith an increasL, of fmatiim. Isiumiiia,,ion of plie,11- Anthreti-quinone, followell by omdutioi: 5.5'-dibrunw- diphenic neitt, which vias conveItttl to the rc_'_jtctlve bisit,,i- =Iutianilld!@) mid inon-m- aud ji-uminunnili-ILS: tbe In was diazotiied by means of nitrosylsulfuric acid, the last 21 were diazotized as described above by conventiotud metli. qds. These coupUd with the components I kw Abore pnh@ duccd = dyes that dyed wool from amse to shades with considerable fastness. Chrome treatment deepened their colors anti increased fastness, with some loss I b I litness. it,- colon fortnea %pOng on cotton y4ith by cot In IrIfs, gave red -colors. The abs. max. of these 4yes lie Moto within 3 mp of t_use of the unsubstituted artalogs..", -Phe Ccra-rnittee St&IIn Prlz;rs (of Me Council of ministers Usspi in tte fieiez of grience- smd inventions announees that the follcvlng scientIfIc vvrkrA, pe, t P ilaz heien tific boo", and textbookz have been suLmitted for competition for Stalin Prizes for the Yeare 1952 aM 1953, Oqovets@Ma KUtura Moacow, So. 22-40, 2(; F*b Apr 1954) New Title of Work Khotinskiy, Ye. S. "Course in Organic Chem- istryll (stwdent manual) Nominated by "Kartkov St--,te Uaiv,@rsity ineni A.E. Gorldiy 80: W.-iu&* 7 JWY Lg;il# KHOTINSKIY, Ye.&h* zaslushonsyy doyatell nauki USSR, professor; IAMY- professor, rodAktor; SAWROIEWff, V.S., tekhatchookly redaktor. [Course in organic chemistry] Kure organichookol MIMI. Ploror. dop. Isd. Mwlkov, Isd-vo KUrIkovskogo goo. universitsta in. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1953. 705 P. (ML" 7:11) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvonnyy,,universitet (for Khotinskly) (Chemistry, Organic) KHOUNSK�r'. S. Course in organic chemistry Parer. i dop. izi. Kharlkov. IzJ-vo Kh.irl- k-3vskogo gos. universitets, 1954. 70@ p. (55-25120) QD251.K54 1953 KHOTINSKIY, U.S., professor. M.1.11onovaloy's reaction and its scientific and practical importance. Khim.v shkole 9 no.3:25-30 MY-Je 154. (KLU 7:6) (Ionovalov reaction) Mfg !bcfoze and r. S. Khatin-Lir .:,,,f Ft. m. Nr. -ny its ki Ukrai.. K A i- IV, i 117-1 A -M Clayton F, 11-1--y 'The chinlifcg-fai atjy@ (iniversu'i of ,43utrsf , its pre-histofy, tol'InAtIOn. And grOWEh F 5 Khotinskil, A. T. Vavpfov, V. P, K,,rujeako, 1. Va levibLkd. Veheoye Zapiski, 9kar'kc* G'as@jarl! , 1"-j/ its. A. M Cjr'kev 58. SO. 13. 7 4:11111.'*@:,). ... nf't@;r' c,aurnetnurating L50 Vis. of th'. nai@c"Ov Rese-rch I giftuto 4ttf-;,to, 6@ @hkov U.-ii-vernitir. . . 4@ P XNLt I'll, `7 Ilk- ,,its N. i wtiEUt. Are dis"S@. Or anic chojoi in WjUruWrom the day iou'.1dirig. S. KnOXII-.1LO and H- NIF. Krasavitsk-il. Aid. references) with particubr profnineace gi,en to I EI'lekor's work on Is,4nerization (1874-@2), liv; itucti-,-i -i the hydrolysi!; of ethylcue and Vropy!cue L he f wmatiorl of 2-butene by reamion of CH,CH, with Cii. ind Hs vriurity in file ttudy of the NN'droger,31vat A %- CC - (-%(e):Cl[' to yield I-licii(ane. Mitory of Mu;dY'ICzd (heinistrylin Ktiukov Univervity \ 11 mi,: 7-, I U-1 -A review mth 151 The g-th f 1hysical chemistrylin Kharkov University Ouring ihe 15o 3cam of-its existence. N. A. Itnuflov lind. IIJ 4(; "his review (M . arty refemnces) gives cclmidrr@tjlc 1- to N. N. Hrkiw, to whow is --scribcd p6ority in of tile dami"(04(frinic rercrian ruln'A for Gold@.-Iunidl. Qalloid chemistry in Kharkov University. D. N. C-ramn, V. W Sillionovii, and S. 0. Telelov. IN;J. 147-61- A review with cxtt=s.ive references. H_Ejlct.@nmn VV> KHEGI, Villi [Haegi, Wj:_EgPTINSKIY, Te.S. [translator]. t Advances in the cbemistry of met,allold organic complexes. W-Haegi. [Translated from Bulletin do Societe chimique do France, fate. no.4:581-587, by B.S. Khotinsklil. UspAhise 25 no-7:903-914 JI 056. KRA 9:10) (Notallolds) (Compounds. Complex) MOTIN-, ; .)Yly Condensation of naphthalle anhydride anj It2 de-:-lvrti7ee -with aromatic amines. Part 4: Azo dyes fron, -0,ej.-.-jj. :,der- of -hthalic, naphthalic, 4-nitronaphthalic, and 4 amilirlillph,halic acids. Uch, zapi, LIM 71.155-163 '56. OIJAII lklj;8) (Azo dyes) KHOTINSKIY.-Te.S..,.-prof., saslushannyy daystell nauki USSR; IZKATLOT, N.Ao. prof.,; ZADOROZHM, T.S., takhred. [Course in organic chemistry] Xurs organicheskoi khinii. lzd,4,, parer. i dop. Kharlkov. lzd-vo Kharlkovskogo A.M* Gorlkogo. 1959. 723 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Ihnrlkovokly gosudarstvennyy univeraltat In. A.K.Gorlkogo (for Khotinakly)o (Chemistry. Organic) 30(12) SOV/25-59-2-18/48 AUTHOR: Khotinskiy, Ye.S., Professor (Kharlkov) TITLE: About the "Celestial Mannall (0 "manne nebesnoy") PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1959ekNr 2 P 53 (USSR) I I ABSTRACT: The author denies the trustworthiness of the biblical tradition and quotes the statements of some scientists on the che- mical composition and other characteristics of the various kinds of "manna" found in the East. Card 1/1 KHOTINSKIY,-Ye.S., prof., oty. red.; NEKRASOV, F.M., tekhn. red. (From the history of Russian chemistry; the role of Kharkov University scientists in the development of chemical science] lit istorii otechestvennoi khiaii; roll uchenykh Kharlkovskogo universiteta v rasvitii1bimiche- skoi neuki. Kbarlkov, 1952. 322 p. (MRA 16:8) 1. Kharkov. Universitet. (Chemistry) DRUKOVANYY, M.F., kand. tekh4. nauk; GEYMAN. L.M., gornyy inzh.; KHOTIYENKO, YU.P., gornyy in2h, Effect of the location of the point of detonation on the mechanism of breaking and the degree of crushing of friable bodies bv blasting. Vzr7v. delo no.53/10%105-112 963. (MIPA 16:8) 1. Welenlye gornorudnykh roblem AN UkrSSR. (BlastiW NOV ZH=, H.G., pof.,, doktor tekhn. nauk; DRUKOVANTY, 0 M.F., kand, tekhn. nauk-, GEYMAN, L.M., gornyy inzh.; YEFREMOV, E.I., gormy Inzh.; XHOTIYENKO, Tu.P., gornyy inzh. Effect of-tbe diameter of the charge on the extent of the crushing of friable bodies by blasting. Vzryv. delo no.'53/10i 59-76 163. (MM IW) 1. Otdoleniye gornorudnykh problem AN UkrSSR. (Blasting) RHOTMIGH.S.G. The present situation In the mechanization of heating and plumbing installation work and future prospects. VodA Jl '55. (MIRA 8:12) (Plumbing) (Heating) KHOTMICH, S.G., inzhener; UNIX, CU.. inzhenor. Mechanization of mmitary enginserigm work. Makh. trod. rab. 10 no.6:12-35 Js 156. (KLVA 9:8) (pipe f itting) KHOURVICH, S., inzhener. mu&-W-@ Nachinery for producing pipes used In sanitary engineering. GorA sell. strol. no.4:18-20 Ap '57. (MI2A 10:5) (PIPS cutting) K k , +kp-,j -i c- @,I - 45 -, G ;- - - - -- -- -- VASILIYEV, S.H.; KHOTKITICH, S.G. -1 --- , 1- -- Progress in the installation of sanitary engineering system. Vod. i san. tekh. no.U:7-14 N 157. (HIM 10:12) (panitary engineering) GININ, X.Te..ingh,; XHMII!jQ& S.Ge, inzhe; ADAKOVr O.T.v Who# retsenzent; insW`- VINOWADOT, A.Ta.. , retsensent; B16CUSOV, Y.Y., inzh,, nauch- xyy red.; NININYAGI, D.K.. red.isd-va; NBDVXW. L.Ts.,,; STAPANOVA, B.S., (Machine tools and mchanions used in sanitary engineering) Stanki i makhanismy dlia prolsvedstya sanitarno-tokhnichaskikh robot. Moskva, Ges..Izd-ve Ilt-ry pe stroit., arkhit. I strait.materlalan, 1959. 179 P. (MIRA 13:6) (Sanitary ongineeriu*--Bquipmut and supplies) KHOTKEVICII, R!, G . - @ih@. Hechanized waterproofing of small diameter pipes. Bov. tekh. mont. i speta. rab. v stroi. 21:25-26 is 159. 04M 12:8) l.Glavnoys upravledys sanitarno-tokhnichookikh i montazhnykh rabot Minibterstva stroltalletva '.RSFSR. (Waterproofing) (Pipe) KURIKI N.H., red.; BOBORIKIN, Ye.P.; red.; VINOMADOV, K.V., red.; GORGHAKOV, A.T., red.; ZILIBZRMMG, A.L., red.; KHUjOV, V.A., red.; IIAUKOY, Y.G., red.;. OEMM, T.M., red.; KHOKBLOT, B.A., red.; IQIQ@C@El@ red.-. MIXIVICH, A.S., kand.takhn. nauk, red.; AMUM, B.A., [Preparation and assembly of water pipes; a collection of articles] lzgotovlenie i montash vodcprovodovi abornik statei. Moskva, TSentr.biuro takhn.informatsii. 1960. 318 P. (MMA 14:4) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Takhnichaskoye upravlaniye. (Water pipes) KUREX, N.M., red.; BOBORYKIN, Ye.P., red.; VINOGWWOV, K.V., red.; GORCHAKGVj A.V.p red.; ZILIBERBERG, A.L.p red.; YJUIDV, V.A.., red.; NAUMOV, V.G.,, red.,, ORIDV I VM,., red.; KHOKHIDV, B.A... red.; KHOTHEVICH S G., red.; FALIKEVICH, A.S., red.; RAGAZINA, M.F., red.- --T-ZT- ON-VETOVA, I.I., red. izd-va; ALEKSEYEV, S.A., tekhn. red, (Manufacture and assembly of pipelines] Izgotovlenie i montazh trubo- provodov; sbornik statei. Moskva., TSentr. biuro, tekhn. informataii., 1960. 318 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Tekbnicheskoye upravleniye. (pipe) : . '. --.. . I I . . -.1 , hizh. 5'@nitaly i- .(-., German Democrnllc RepL,bjj -C. Vod. i tr.!,Y,. no.8130-33 * --, 164 18:1)