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rd 0 0 St 0 41 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0-101 01: 444*logo go A . 1 11 1 11 It A I A #h 9 w a 1 A Of . - - A-J 6 C 4 , R. At 4p laosalm 41Wraltim to t6WU'M vapor to the arc dit 1 T" 12204 (ff MI Mramlivilit-1111 4d tilt, jigialfts d (tir the Ingm 536(1 ond.37-16 A. of T1 =1 A 00 1) a vat'1111111 air thinir omw thmi th, tilt initud Im Of Ifistirmitm cruivirs is Xi anti is indelit'"th-lit M thi- " at,., cutitst Stmuph at W-31 it-up. The t,ffv -tilic flAtne N '"Tip., as-lit"Ing WA(strunu 6% 41otti ithtil I"t tile Siting, IrW4 111-i, Glid Rathoultin 00 Zee so goo R23 :zoo ,001 t ties It jo ""*m gets fit 04 n it a, A 1,10 0 0 00000 0 'Ni 0 0 0 0 099 0 .3 v 0 so 0 t 0 goo 04000 0:0 00 00000 0 40 9 0 0 0 0 & 9 *;o 0 00 6 0 so 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 r;rTMRN]]COTA, L,Ta,l MM331A. OvX* Spectrum deteridnation of mineral coppouents In rubber. Zbor. at. LM noo'24tl4D-145 157. (Rabber-apeatra) (KM UZ5) 24M SOV/48-23-9-47(57 1 AUTHORS: Vasillyeva, V. N., Dvorzhetakaya, L. A., Markovskiy, L. Ya., Xhlebnikovap L. Ya. TITLE: The Spectra), Analysis of Luminophore-puro Sulfides and Zinc Sulfates With the Application of Chemical Enrichment PLRIODICALt Izveatiya Alcadonii nauk SS5R. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr I), pp 1153 - 1154 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the production of synthetic luminophores it is nece3sary to produce pure zinc sulfides. For this purpose a method of analysis was developed, which permits the determination of micro-quantities of Cup Pe, Ni and Co in these preparations. The method, which was developed at the IREA, is complicated the oon- and takes too long. In the cane under investigation 6 and Ni and Cc must not exceed 5.10- 0 tent of 14, 5 - 10 Cup Fe , and 1.10-5~~l respectively. As a direct spectral analysis does not have tbe necessary sensitivity in order to determine such small quantities (with the exception of Cu), chemical enrich- ment is neoessary: 10 g of zinc sulfide is dissolved in HCl and oonverl~ed to ZnSO . Thin 3olution is then enriched. For Card 1/2 the direct analysis 04 ZnSO the same method is used; enrich- 4 The Speotral Analysis ol,' Luminophore-pure Sulfides BOV/48-23-51-47/57 and Zinc Sulfates With the Application of Chemical Enriohment ment in the. first case is roughly 100-fold and in the second about 50-fold. The spectroscopic analysis was also carried out on wealily acid solutions of zinc chlorides in watervith micro-admi:itures. A direct current arc was used as a I-,.ght source. The sensitivities of this determination oe-11i, Cu, Fe, and Co'from the two solutions are given. The mean arith- metical er!For is 15% for Co, 25% for Ni and Fe, and 60% for C*. There are 1 figure and 8 references: 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOM Gosudarstvia~nnyy institut prikladnoy khimii (State Institute of Applied,Chemistry) Card 2/2 20852 S/04BJ61/025/003/041/047 1// 0 eio alp //.C/ .1100203 AUTHORSt Dvorzhetakayit# Le As, Khlebnikova, L. Ya.,and Shvaneva. IL, K. TITLEt Spectrum analysis of some luminophore-pure substances and some luminophores PEPIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,. Sariya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 3, 1961, 422-423 TEXT: This paper was read at the gth Conference on Luminesoence (crystal Phosphors) in Kiyevj June 20-25, 1960. The authors attempted to study, by means of emission spectrum analysis, luminophore-pure substances and luminophores examined at the laboratoriya evetasostavov Goq. in-t prikl. khimii (Laboratory of Lamiriesoent Substances of the State Institute of Applied Chemistry). Zinc culfide was date -nted in nearly all luminophore- pure substances; the methodi developed by Ji14-1- Kibisov et al. (Kibisav G.L, Rezvova M. 1. 1 Vinniohenko E. N, I Materialy, X Soveshchaniya po apektrosImpii, v. 2, P- 417, Izd. L'vovsk. un-tap 1958) for direct spectrum analysis makes use of this oiroumstcnce, a chemical enrichment being conduoted Card 1/3 20852 S/04BJ61/025/003/041/047 Spectrum analynis of some... B104/B203 previously. The other 8ubstanoea were studied by direct spectrum analysis, since all of them had beert analyzed bifore. The analysis was made by complete evaporation of the specimen in the crater of a carbon eliectrcde; the spectral apparatus consisted of a quartz spectrograph of medium dispersion. It was possil~ls to photograph the Quantitative analyses were made with tkie -aid of standards. Table 1 compiles the results of quantitative spectrum analysis of luminophore-pure substances, The error of determination is _+15 %. Table 2 gives results of further luminophores. The authora thank L. Ya. Markovskiy for advice and interest, There are 2 tables and 5 Soviet-bloc references. S/032/62/028/001/003/017 B125/~138 AUTHORS: Xhlebnikova, L. Ya., Vasillyeva, V. N., and Dvorzhetakayik, L. TITLEt Increase in 'the sensitivity of substances with pure luminophore ,properties PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 1, 1962, 45-46 TEXTs The sensitivity of!the spectral analysis of Ki and Cc in -,inc sulfide, cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide can be increased by about two orders of magnituae it the impurities are concentrated by evaporation in the case of the first -two or chemical enrichment for the selenide.. G. I. Kibisov .and M. I, Rezvov (Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, No 6, 47 (1959) increased the sensItivity of analysis of ZnS for N1 and Co to 1.10-5-. 3.10-5%. The following optimum experimental conditions hold for the analysis of zinc. sulf'Lde by the reversed evaporation method used by D. M. Shvarts and L. N. Kaporskiy (Zavodskaya laboratoriya, XIII, 11, 1309 (1957)t weight of sanple I g, temperature 550 0C, evaporation 30 min,. Card 1/2 S/032J62/028/001/003/017 Increase in the senaitivify B125/B138 Drops of the concentrate in solution are applied to the carbon electrodos and then evaporated in a d, ,-a arc. Accuracy, using an WIT-28 (ISP-20- spectrograph is 5,10- 6% with an error of 20%, The concentrate was enriched a hundred times 11n copper and iron, By doubl evaporation the accuracy of 'Ni and Cc deteirmination could be increase 10 and it -6 2-10 %, respectively, N.'~ and Cc in cadmium sulfide c determ-iripel. -with an accuracy of 5-10"~%. b1i and Co in cadmiu-m selenide were determined with an accuraCy of 2-10-6 and 5-10-6% with a maximum error Of 20%. The evaporation pethod is sinpler and the sample is le~-,~, contaminated than with chitmical enrichment, This -aper was " subje0.' of a lecture delivered at the Soveshe-,haniye po spfktrcskopii on Spectroscopy) ir. jr0y '1961 in Gorlkiy. There are 4 Soviet referer':es. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy institut piikladnoy khimii (Sta4'(-. Institute of Applied Chem-Istry') Cara 2/2 r~7 7 777ihf~6/ -1~:AC'C' S 1, 7/ ~A% U Mt.'AK. a. )b) kov As Loft lplmtra t of mlnqphor~ pur~j y ArA Trut SO -1964.: )(hirsly~'-J,_~tekhqploglya IyUmi nqfqrov,,., lheinii,i ry an~.tekhnoloqy of 1urR;nj)q))qrs1 -.AOP~11 0 TOP I C UGSL'~L pectr-or -C 26*6~:~ S 'eel rum;~~U sulfl , cad su .48, 210c salenide, :admluin analys I s~, zinc-sulfidt, cadmlllum I&i A it! selenide, lead -salienice, calj:lum-phosphat-~j zInc phosphate,-strontium Phosplvlt aw*nIUM phosphate, aarnorilun ~a d ~r I a, s t ront I wn I e, calciu hal. o gn to, f4 Ir oph ~611*6 I t -~coppar ron, n tkel 4 Tbi 86tharv. dt~scr,` iss~ -on- Spectroscopy for the-s W3 n bf~:,MI'6i*q Ylt4t4 f _L--ancous detem1hat-lo Ua -es-v ~~tu_ffe, and-Mn In n and lead sulf1do -s and seli enTiles _Wei I --as of CY and Fe In calclum., s z ron t i ;-m b, _Tn ajnmon1uq_p__':'~, -hat and z)nc phosp ates, 0~ p3p ap-and-ca rhona t _- --Cu, _V _ __L' __Vj_ 11 _'b n, s a;- 6.1i: .+i lophosphate Awl nPohor, bmil C um nop ivi ased _,6 r_&tt14m4u I Od Wa, a a -in, zinc vi) f Ide Aiminaph rso~ ---The tecIiAIqti#AS' idescribed In detail (eieapor-~' nj F C wd, 1/2 NA: T4046000 I JM*trWq-s by M9'Vb_-0 ~_(U dit *41 AV] _Yoe. GOURCM ~rU4- 0 I~DO?k ky 7 Ch C-0 YOO!, P watllu"_ L bw tOPIC -TAM.-'--z: zinc MW Id di W*lurift:~~idl)_'-_~~im&lde i cA-dm'jm cblurlde, luminaphor, spoetrr~a milyvis, mlcroimpurlty,,-.zn'richment, vacuum evaporoillcm, nickel determinnUon, cobslt do torminslion: ai -structed afid used to Inc-ze njh%mncentrafA~4 -experiment 9 wAtb zinc. m Ulds t i he sampld vv4i _Z-grzidual inumaw U taiDperature WIBOOC in t -Wlth. evolution of xrotkWn zinc ta the form of r -bl=kFdDpqWi,Fa--r 111M I= Zino- sulfldalnbMtino~ cWDrl tiolti &WlaW-CoinXmlnQphor=ater s. IF, rst heated for 16 juinutes at 600C. Tluilng~ -mum-, iba-material -began to i - - I ack dem sit oia th o cold p mr t of the L"t tlb-~ t; -U bk--subUmation: of zW emorlde ware !he ACCESSION AT4644100D.,-~i chment-hy.tMs -mt -5-kig- -~Oiuthawal -Nt-.-- ~disUstlon there Aty Inr Ni and 2 x 10-G% -for i~o. Hoatingot Oqdxni "ir m-,,Ifjdo produced Lbe same prr~iqe n, q wlth zirw guMde-, therolove. cmvereen tD 2kwas agvdn porformed. Ovi-quv! rinn was tarried out-at a~ -2 -miq --:~O minutoa id 620C. prosmtre of 3-x 10 tivit NI - Milinult-mme-oualy vith ll)bth -Pad j I'U -MW- Co ienrichmmt, An=mso ala-" commtrallcm of Fel -Cu, Au md Ivin -,ure not,;Z Or*. arL has.-:..." bgurtli~ no- Om y. O*Wi tif iM Vdinit a* -~A taw Insub -0: or Ago 77777 ~b Ac No y7 02 KHLEBNIKOVAq M. I.; Ccnd Med Sci -- (diss) I#Hygienic character- istic of the dust factoi, in tin production." Moscow, 1960 ' 16 pp; (First Moscow Order of I.enin Medical Inst im I. M. Sechenov); 200 copiesi price not gZven,- (KLI 19-601 139) G /-r/f 1/1 w iv" 17, :4--4 rodkik-a met43.1ov Mato-ri3j 1-363. 33.5 1) '1500 S. Khamidul 116; ~Pech, Ed.:. Yu. S. Bellehilcova. 1110 provide Itif ormation on the toxic ef f eats of rare Mc, tit., I i; ry 4nd industrial applioationo o.,:' .-ar-- m441; aarosol',~, are:disoussod. Vne clinical pioturo ane- C. of rare-metai poisonings is also given.. 7here ---:L~en,;al Studies of the Effects on an OrEzjnism ta:Lning Ra:-c Yndustrial Dast' of.Mixed composition Con and Other Metals and their Compounds. Ind-astrial dust" from ore concentrates. 0. Ya. Mogj!&evsV.aya auata 4,:t powder-motallurS7 planto. (h'.-d alloys). eZ. S. Kaplun (Deceased) and N,, V. 'Mezentsova 3. Dust of metallUrgical (Bessemer) slags. 1. V. Rozhohin. 4, Indvstrial dustfrom copper ores. Kim Tal-in a5 lni~-,str~ a!! duot from luminophares. E. 1. Golldman et P_ 0 - ~h I ~%.rome-masn-s'= and f 7. T, -!-n t!~_~ n-voclualtion of tin. 0:046 16 1A. I a so 24 SO a 4-4 a Mfy lf~v.tsvimwkL cd N, AP gft Ij 84. L .3.1 . 0, " t. IML ba Wert w" isacubled ~.I WON am a' met com I W se-A tb Woo AwWod WO &W tow N "A do*, owe hump. me*'- V =In bt4b Is me "PAN The ow W. =--a 71 OSIM MIA so All a 40 Win '04 0-0 Soso 0 0-09-0*000 - 6 0 0-6-0,9-0, Al ;o 090 00, 00 00 000) Its 1060 6 06 L ALL I &j JL A L - - - - aw 01,10fatot ak"I *so 10 so f -00, son 16 .00 &T. IeT M "SQ'YWA. AW, Nod. , A k ASK 4C i U.SX.MMA ;;Wm,`tw- With km ;4 . p1mys is fbt wcej~m VOWN (d kA4vws - ki b mm " 0 0 1, P,&W &wm 7u phist wbm the ashtmilieWit, =1 so, ImZ Wiwi is eahlimiew by rKm swimm UW Imf - - ad PbOWWA.M ab*oW* mpg" dun ft gmo nit. With obw : so rise L LORNATIONE CLASUPICATI" :so *still OK "T lit . I w se It 49 '0 0.10 0001,pool 0141911 Is 100 0 0 000000 0 000 00*090 lot, 0 9 0 0' 0 0 o0 90 0. *0 1. D'IYAROVA, Ye -V., M4241'MtA. V. -A. 2, IISSR (60G) 4.. Clover 7* Effect of topography on devAopment of resistance of red clover under conditions of turf-podsols. Dola., 'Ak.i' sellkhozo 171 no. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Aciessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. ,~JUMMKOVA, N.A. Transpiration ana photosynthesis In trees and bushes in the Caspian Depre union. Truly Inst. leaa, 38:140-160 158, (MIRk 11:10) wasplan Depression--Plants--Transpiration) (Photosynthesis) IHMNIZOVA, N.A. Water soonotay af trees growing at forest edges facing different: poipts of t1m ci)mpase and within the stand. Tmdy Inst.lesa 4105-76 158. (MIRk 12:1) (Trees-Vuter~requtreuents) (Plantef-Iffeot of light on) NIMDVAO N.A. Features of phOosyuthemix In treem,groving In different parts (if the OtWAO 14,1AT I Inet, 19e& 41:?1-86 '58. (IURL 12 11) (Tres@). OlhotOynthOBIB) Mante, Iffect of light on). rMpRIKOVA, 0.. 1. OPlack alo'kitl Platings of V&to)%-#Ad 'bore kr o I _Ipotrument dial*. Pr, a 0 a 0 A8.2r19 1 (M=10:4) (Nickel platim'-I 4F4j/a3dj _-Z4:,, 4E3 c W-..U W"';' 6 lo h-l r, duml ma ~Alpv (I;, statmicil ethin 11 anir3jr~ (k( -_ ' P, A3, in jehn ll(Lv~t Z-- S/139/6o/ooO/01/036/o4i EO?~2f E31_4d AUTHORS: Khlebnikova'~. V'~ N. an Morozov, V.P. Morozova, TITLE: Determinatlon bf the Errorsolnvolved in the Calculation I of The -rmody;aamic Functionslbn the Harmonic 0scillator,;P1 Approximation PERIODICAL: Izvestiya,.vysshikh uchebnykh zovedenly, Fizika, 1960, Nr 1,,pp'.217 221 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A simple methold is reported for the rapid daterminatitI)n of the errors involved In the calculation of the ther6o- dynamic funations of the harmonic oscillator.* The dtitcussion is based on Eqs M-M, which give vibrational components of the specific heat, the reducek.'internal energy and,:the reduced free energy. In these equatl ILons, yi = holiAT and \)i is in cm-T. Since the analysis is analogous for all the functions,. the specifir, hoat is taken as an example. It follows from Eq (1) that the magnitude of the specific heat �s determined by f!wo kinds of quantities,. 1) the physical constants h, k, c, It and 2) the independent variable V/,T The values of the physical constants Cardl/4 S/139/60/000/01/036/o4i '03j4E3641culat,on Determination of the Errors IlIvolved in e a of Thermo- dynamic Functions on theEarmonic Oscillator Approximation are available in the literature and are periodically reviewed. Table Igives a summary of two successive determinationAt of the above four constants.. The secoud column gives the 1951 values and the third the 1958 value (Refs 20). The last column gives the differerices. The latter differances are all greater than the errors indicated by Vu Mond and Cohen (Ref 2, Col. 2, Table 1). The present authors.argue that it is these differences which must be'used to determine the error in this spe,cific heat as given"by Eq (1). Thus, the error. in %-he specific- heat due to t4e error in Planck0s constant is given by Eq (4), from which it is clear that the error is a function of V /T Using the notai:ion given by Eq (5), the authors so'ok the conditions for which the ftinction f(y) is an extremutz~ The derivative of r(y) vanishes when Eq (6) is satisfied. On expanding the exponen 'tials in Eq (6) into setries, the latter equation may be rewritten in the form given by Eq (7). All. the coefficients in Card2/4 Eq (7) arf~ positive except for the first which is negative. L,-~ S/139/6o/ooo/ol/036/o4i Determination of the Erro ,rs InvolveANN"Aalculat ion of Therm6- dynavAc Functions on the Marmonic oscillator Approximation Thus the equation has met more than one positive root. The positive root can be found by successive approxim iations and it is fouiad that the root is in fact 3.49. The analysis leads to results which are summarised in Table 2, in which all the~values in the 4columns marked "maximum" should be multiplied by 1.0 and all the numbers in the columns marked "minimum" should be multip:~ied by 10-8 (the fij rat-row refers to the specific heat, thi? second to them internal energy and the third to the firee energy: :gqs ~(:L)-(3)). This table shows that the error In the thermodynamic functions due to errors in the physical i.-orEt4tAnts is negligible. Next, an estimate is made of the effect of the spectroscopic -error AV on the above funi:tions. The corresponding error- in the specific heat is given by Eq (8). Using the notation of Eq (9), the error in the specific heat can be written in the form. given by Sq (1-0). The errors in the two. Card3/4 S/139/60/000/01/036/041 E03?(1E364lcula,,on Determination of the Berors Involved In e a of Thermo- dynamic Functions on the-Harmonic Oscillator Approximation other funct-lons can be,wrltten in the form given by Eq (11) - Eq (14). Figures 1, 2 and 3 give plots of Z9 H and G 'as functions of V)/T .: These graphs may be used to calculate the errors in the thermodynamic.- I functions dite to .4X) . The error in the entropy Is then given by 9q.(15). In Figures 1, 2 and 3, x) is in cm and T in degrees. 1.N. Godnev is thanked fvr valuable discussion. There are 3 fi 'gures, 2 tables and 4 references, of which 3 are Soviet and I is English~ I of the Sciviet. referiences, is translated from English. ASSQCIATION: Dnepro.petirovskiy I;himiko-tekhnologichosk-iy instltut (Dneprrpetrovsk Chemico-teclincilogical Institute) V SUBMITTED: January 23, 195 9 card 4/4 H=ZOVP V.P.,- RYBAKOVA, G.I. LRybakovap H.I.]; NAUGOLINIKOV., B.I. [Naubolinikov, J'.I.ji;SH=UKGVAv V.N.; [Xhliebnikova, V.K.I; HOPMOVA, N.K. D.S. Some problems bi the theory of 4brittional spectra. Mcr.fix.zhtIr* 6 w.6:729-730 14 161. (MIRA 1635) 1. Dnepropetroirskiy khimi o-takhnologichookiy institut. (Molecular spectra) 1. Dneprqpetrovs'kiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Hydrides-Thermal properties) (Spectrum, Molecular) C"Iculatlorl ar a opec"Wrosoopic marn coaf bydtogen and deuterium of pyr&midal hydrBes wid e-outer"cles. Tnidy LIKHTT no*16 ely-26 62 (MIRA 17 18) HORMMF Vore; KOVA-UMOO, N.Va; MUBIIIKOVA YONO; MOROV, yvyo &,uterium and t-rititm-~-,ub~stltuud r.=Llmear trLatmio hV..-Iless Tecn~t. i eksper. Ity.1m., I no.4,- 462-467 265. (MIRA 280.0) L Dwj=opetxcmrd'k4-y kh!3dkc,-tekhnol,-gich&sk-4y institut. KMENIKOVA, V.N. [Mhlie'bnikova,. V.M.1; MOROZOV, V.P. Application. of -the method of spectroscopic masses for the calculation of -the force constants of pyramidal hydrides. Dop. AN MR no,,~W90-79ZI63 (MIRA 17, :7) 1. Dnepropetrowkiy khimiko-tekhnologichaskiy institut. Fred- stavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR A.L. Brodskim LBrodsIkyi,,O,I.]. VOML"-. or- 7 09 Vp lbra-t orua- - 41 ccod - FT M tu, Nr . M-Nj CA~ vF - "IRM 7 -77~ I V A_) IV I I .. AUTHORS Zykovj, D.-De j Khlobnikovs, Y.V. 32-&.,48/61 SobolO's O.Y. TITLE. Heating', Devices for Laboratory Rectification Columns. Sposob obogreva 'J6aboratornykh rektifikatiliQnnykh k1olonn.) PERIODICAL ZaY odsiaya,Laboratoriya, 19571 Vol. 23, Nr'b, pp-~995-995 (USSR) ABSTRACT In orde r to obtain the most favorable a diabatic conditions in the 'hosting plant of rectification columne a now heating system is suggested in this paper, which is characterized mainly 'by the fact that the principal column as well as its oovi~ring are made of the same material in order that equal linear expansion of both be attained. The device is describod as follows: Ito basic component is the boiler upon whl'Loh the reotrif ioation column rests. Ir the upper part of the column the column head with a condon- ser &M an outlet pipe for fractions with a straight-way cook* The boiler receives its heat from the eleatrio heating~coil, which is wound round the main aolumn. 'rho outer mWasing' column also has a heating networks By automatically switching on the two heating systems alter- natingly a uniform heating of the entire rectification CARD 1/2 column is warranted, for the case that' the interior oolutn 32-8--48/61 Heating Devices for Laboratory Rectification Columns. reoeiven more heat by rising vapors in the interiors it simultarisously expands to a greater extent than the 4axterior encasing column. This fact itself causcs awitching oa of the heating network in the &xternal enoasoment oolumap and the switching off of the interior heating, ro that the dif- ferenoe in temperature is soon equalized* This arrangement of the heating order in the rectification column was found to be e4tisfactory. There 13 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Mosoow institute f or the 6ft dtf ,,Q,, flaus&echines Used in (Moskovoiriy Institut khimic es ogo mas ostroyeniya). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CM 2/2 -H 7, .32-2-391/60 AUTHORS: Zykov, D. Lytkin, 1. A. Sobolev, G. V. , Khlebnikova, V. V. TITLEs A Dovictifor Recording the Dis,~illation Curve (Pribor dlya zapit3i Icrivoy razgonki) PERIODICAM Nr 21 pp. 22,2 223 Zavods6y~a L oratoriya, 1950, Vol. 24, (USSR) ABSTRACT: An automatic device recording the bcaling temperature and the vomounts of distilled substance in rectification col%xmns was A developod (according to WTX) at the institute mentiomd below. The distillate flows into a containerf which is in equilibrium on beam scales with mijbts (from an automatic apparatus). The wci,'~Itt of the distillate causes a lowering of the beam, which short-circuits a contact and thuo causoo the .:~,:tration of a rellLy, Which again starts off an automatic device. A paper sli-o begins to move, which is adilastea aocordin3 to tempera- ture by a thermocouple, the te-mperature beinC; recordad on the slip., A.Galvanometer records t!,.c curve until tho appliance Card 1 2 raloaaad at the same time for the balancir- of the wei&t 32-2-39/60 A Device for llecordin6: the Distillation Curve re-eutablishes equilibrium and thus releases the tri,p-up .contact. A figure sh6wing the apparatus and a distillation curve (~M) is given. There-are 2 figures, and 1 reference, w1iich is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: MOSCOVIMUtUte of Chmical Wehim-Building (MOSIZ07SIICiy institut khimichookogo machinoatroyeniya) AVAILABLE: Libraary Df Congress 1. %A:Ming plants-Equipment MIIAMIMNA, Te.A.; WNW ICH, N.D. IrImts)c proviva Iastomatological conference. Stomtologlia 33 uo,5-.64 .0-0 150 tx= 10: 4) (STORAMEOGY) grou BEEnum IKOVA, ZI,, a4;roww-g41 taint clog Chemical control of potato nomatodso, Zaahchs rest* ot vred, i bol. 3 no.!;:43-45 5-0 13be (MIRA Ilrl0) Mtoitcas-Ilisoas2o &Ad posts) (Nematode) kA ft-i r RMOV, A.B.L Ma~MIXDTA, Zov. Choulcal colVolItIon ~on the vmdn genetic clav tnes LwIth ou=o&rY In ftlish Oookhlmlla AN SSIM no.6t449-469 157. (MINA IU2) PHLEM11Y, YA. F. 'PAcvicAL MoHno OF CONICAL COVER CC)UI'Llul DrlilOfl WITH VAPIAE:Lc WALl. ')4 1 cmur 3 Jun 52, moscow onorm or LAvop, PcD [;AN?jcn ENGincr:ztiv; CCI(!:T IJIMT -se. " S u a ttAcw V. Y. ),%"vyay:3HE:v (Dj.-~!SE-RTATIOtl rOP. T14C E) or CA14DIDATE tit Ti:ctin:fAL SCIENCES) SO: VECHUnNAYA MOSKVA, JAmUrArY-Dcccmvrn 1952 IHUMOY, Yal., kand.telthu.nauk Practical method of making calculations for exisymmetric9l conciel, shells havi ' walle of vnplable thicknesses. Sbor. trud. HISI no. (111aftic viletes and shells) SOV/1 24-58-4-4433 Translation from: Reft~ri,tivnyy' zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 4, p 106 (U.41'SR) AUTHOR: KhtebnoV, )~a. F. TITLE: A Practical',Method of the Calculation of an Axisymmetrical Conical Shell With a Wall of Variable Thickness (Praktiche:skiy metod rascf~eta osesimmetrichnoy konicheskoy obolocliki s peremennoy~ tolshchinoy stenki) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Mosk. inzh. -stroit. in-t, 1957, Nr 17, pp 97--115 a ABSTRACT: The article discusses axisymmetrical deformations of a. thin-wall6d Conical shell the thickness of which varies in pro- portion to tb'e distance from the apex of the cone. Ati exact solution is given for a boundary-value problem, which is laiier simplified into a convenient form for practical application, Long shells in which forces applied at one end of the shell do not induce deformations at the other end are analyzed in greatest detail. In connection with the case under discussion, formulae are given for the displacements of the ends of the shell due to,the action upon them of generalized unit forces. The autho 'r discusses some particular instances, of the effect upon the lateral surface of a shell of certain types of loads. A Card 1/1 numerical ekample is submitted. A- D.Pospelov l. Conical shells-.4-lathematical analysis KAh.stroi. ~ . (MM 150) I a KiaMODAROV9 I.A. Automatic conirol!of procoooes on a Unk farm, Transp. i kbrar-o nefti i noftprodo no.6t23-26 1. Volgogradskaya perevaloolamya neftebaza. ~r,~j rd MUM ODAIM A. Wdrk.-of aseminair' oh thi IjAidy of the formation ancl'the' p4siccmechanioal propertt~sq of hardened cement. Neft. kboz, .4,1'n'o,2i,64-6)V 163, (MIRA 17:8) 4 MAMTOV, A.L. dotsent; X, d nt, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, reteensent; UGMV, V-V. [decea-sed], dotsent, kandidat tekh.; nichaskikh nauk, riltsensent; KH XWDAIOV SJF inxhoner, retsenzez't; MAYNOPAR, H.B., do4sent, kazdigffe~~iih nauk, nauchnyy re-, daktor; KOP?XVSXIYji D.U., redaktor; SUSWV, P.V., redaktor literatu- ry po metallootirab,614yvayushchim professlyam, Inzhener; RAKOV, S.I., tekhnicheekly redall:tor. [Problems in elect~'-ical engineering,sleatrical measurement, electric machinery, and eleArical equipment] Zadachnik po elektrotekhniko,, Olektrichaskim Isatirenilam, slaktriobeekim mashin" I elaktroobaru-, dovanliu. Mook-ra. 1rese.uchabno-pedagog. isd-vo Trudreservisdat. 1954. 413 P. (YJIU 7:11) (Ilectric engineering--Problems, exercises, etc.) ARTS-fBYSIIBV, N.A.; B ahYAf-N.1'.-;'VINOGROOYAo L.Yu.,- GAMNIN, D#D,; GURIMA, V.V.: ZVORYKIN, B.S.; ZMI, V.A.; LIVJWSXV, N.M.; KESMIN, NJ.; KINCHMOV, Te.Ta;--, POKROVSCT, A.A.; REZNIKOV, I.I.; SAXHMVi D.I.; TJIMONOVA, Z.I.; XRWODAROV, So?*; SHZYKAN, Mol.; Y(JSIKGVIGH, V.7. -.malow" Profermor S A. Artsybyehey; obituary. Fin. v shkole 18 no.105-96 Ja-7 158. (mm IIA) (Arte.vtlyshev, Sergel Alokoandrovich, 1887-1957) GAMBURG, Te.Tu.; KHLEBOMROVA, I.T., inxh. Reorganization of communications on the Krasnoyarsk nnd &stern Siberian Railroads. Avtom.telemA eviar-1 3 no.10: 16-18 0 159,1 (HIRA 13:2) 1. Ilachallnik otdola Glavuogoupravleniya signalizataii i avyaui Ministerstva I'vutpy soobshoheniya (for Gamburg). (Siberia,: lantern-Railroads-Telephone) 71 RM d 3 jL n ng- e f IL h WOO M W A. A ~47 jj~ot_ '_ " - L' - ~ ". it, 0 a ina g J, gemioug'. Ma-9116 tiz ation "d_,L_VIe: -1 attic's. -'_The interattion -batwaon - the -~:Th mo on- V M not .0 moment in a t-biv round, __Oatw (f ilak) a bollow thin-wall Cylin- -der$---and in-. aspberg- Ms: considered- An _,analysis of the derivod IL ~25091. MR Accie dhW_ _14 - ~Jresojn quen !rwal 'dy ukdot 1 e!oxi ensi resanan ncy tbe iver"I eti -a G" a t* Dh- t OFI t, kij- e -3.' vreso 2~Lf *~11D'. 64 RODICHEV. A.M. [deceased'JI.BLEBOPROS, R.G. Electrodynamic el~;rects cccurring due to the shifting of the magnetic moment in a thin film. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.,fiz. 30 no.104-58 Ja 1156. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut fizilti Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. t _22250-66 ACC Mi AP6010983 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/650/003/0626/5629 AUTHORv MI. nt of,the Academy of S R ORG.6 K~ysies Inatitute.of t ~e:Sibeiian Departme ciexiceii SSS -W 9 -i`tuf--fizik1 Sibir nrya-Wadealf-di S sko Ao- ~-TITM--__ Ef f twds* -dutv-to- it* tig t -jbe-4agvw tic-noment SOURCE:, Zhurnal eksperintentiLt'n-6YA teoreticheskoy fiziki _v. 50, no. 3, 1966, 626-:629' ~TOPIC TAGS: magnetic moment~j-ziagnetic field, ferromagnetism, magnetic suscej~tiblliq i_ that - (h~-- ef f ect- -of ~Ahe Inertia.L_of_thq-_ma n' a- STRACT: _-It-19--show _Snet1c_1mointnt',1o --th interaction of an electromag~aicvave with a plate magnetized perpendicular,to its planeleads to a number of new effects. Owing to the presence of an inertiall field, resonance effects,(;an also bf1 Observed when the direction of circular polari0ation of the electromagnotic wave Jwhich Is propagated erpendicular to the plate)'~is P opposite to the direction of free magnetization precession. This ma resultAn van- -Ashing of -the.-Areal.- part of - t~ie - Viagnetic suscoetibility -for waves of -both pol4irizatlonsl to a two-fold (or three-fold,thange in the direction of rotation of the polatization ng' tranomission or reflection of the iilectro- plane and to other effects. atlsing,,duri magnetic wave4 Csj~ 'CUB CODE., 20/ SUBM DATEi- i2j~165/ ORIG REF., 007/ OTH REF- 002/ i t6rd Ill not L ~il6o-66 MiT(1)/E'dP(o?)/EWT(m)/E~A(d EWP(t AVG "M A 06811 SOURM CODE) URNM81/66/008/002/0342/0344 AUTHOR: Rodichev, A. M.; Khjehorproa , R. Go ORG: Institute of Physics SD AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk (Institut fiziki SO AN SSSR) TITIX: Effect of inertia in the magnetic moment on interaction between an.f!lectrN)- magnetic field and a magnetic material SOURCE: r z a tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2. 1966, 342-344 ~TOPIC TOGS: magnetic moment, magnetic metal, electromagnetic interaction, magnetic 7resonance !ABSTRACT: The authors consider forced precession in a constant magnetic fifild with 'a variable circularly polarized field oriented perpendicular to the constant field ,and rotating with a frequency otmuch lose than o1r, where r Is the linear.allize of 'the body. It Is shown that resonance phenomena may also be observed when the vari- 'able magnetic field rotates:in a direction opposite to that of free precession, i,Formulas an derived for thol resonance frequencies. Ve thank-Vt A. Ismatchonko for ,useful consultation. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas. ;SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O9Jun65/ ORIG FEF: 004/ OTH REF.; 00 1 1 Card., I /I ZC- TdPIC.-TAM! _A41 ABSTKAGT:v jntera~tion_ _.resonan-ce-6f of,thw*electromagnetic oppoafte ishins:of to a lane- p magnetic M- CODE: CC NRo--. AP6010981 777 AUTH R 0 izldlchev~ AM I. r - --)62 SOURCE CODS: UR/0056/66/555750:T/oR6/! 9~ ' ros~z Yei Aq Xhlebopr6s, R G. o~ I. ww"i r A ~Mw_ A V PRAWN _ 7 -E fec't's-due. 6` f t ~Ii~ii [ a o t e magnet,,c~moment-.-- jURCE.--ZhtirhaI-eksper nt izi4-,,- -3 vi iriigne"C.LMoft n t 1138 Ile tic id i feiromagnetism, susceftibility _p -1. __ . _magnetir - - l that 1 It- 16-4howa 16 J if fec t - of e in f the magne E16 moment ion the th ertia 0 of an select :oma g; etit .i-vave with' a~plate.majtneti-, keLpr "endicular' to its * ~ -::Atte - t - ecta owi i ng:_ACF x nti#11 '; ' 6eia. i~an f leoAi obi ved ~whii A e U ihei-L rec oil circoilar- pole o wave J, - ---- --- ohli ffi'l cop P6 endicular to.the- Is e ag p , t to the-directi on o frei ThW-may reaultAn van- i,magnetization pretession the' real L part-.of *tj e~ m igne tic suacpeftbility for waves of both oll'irization's, p two-fold,~:(or three-fold JI -chm - ige in the direction of rotation of the _olai~ization p and to ~.o' er effects th ti emission or. -reflection- of the- 4lectrb-.;- n ran waved ICS) 26J.:'_ SUM DATES -Al ijui -_~:ORIG-RZF: _007/ -'-:OTH -REF. -'--0021 ~~t 959 V 14 It 1413: HIA V~3v is i ;4.1 ~,u 131.81 ji 1 8:11 11 All 1181- I-Al I v ,so Jul j. v1 v ,r s *a : V&SM r6la~ITLI.--~r,~41*,~"..,-T%t-~~,q~-.11~ilI uM.WrAAr-- - -- --- -- --- 'ion -10mum, of Tile Lint), u riz-ati Irc 1-1 UM of Am.:~ysis- of So~u Rcla7--~~ Phe Do'-I- AN' UzSTR, No 7, pi) 10713 The studied -,~yftcn, is rcacti,IV. imier -a. certain chavacter.I:Aic C-x'tcl.nj,- ra~, "luter aw, -Intoraqts with rmc)ther pos~-,cssing n finito hcL~t cara~-AV. Vie heat rec,,::-IVo(l "-~ the studied system in this p-rc-cess is found to be pprouortioml to the tc-mrcratu.-e Olifj.'creyice of both systoris and the -~:ork L,-..,rf!Dr;Td 'by t.-,c s'.11clied -;L~stom c-qtiaas Uic nr~-xluct of t-~) O"t LT), Vu v,,xiat~, n of a cortain in,-O..~rnal r-ram,,tor. L%.4kIv.,Zj oxternal SO., Su"I.1io. 713, 9 31ov 55 YUDOVICH, V.G.; XHI& D- SOWNEVICH, Ye.A.; VEYTS, V.L.; PANOV.,F.S f BELIAYEV A.N.; ALADIIN, 0.1.; QSlF-Ul, V.F.; VOROBIYF:V: A.I.; PROK'OFI)YV Yu.V.; SOLOVIYEV, YU,A.~ KUZIRIN, A.V.; 2MIDONIS V.Yu.,- 'ZOLIN, A.V.s YATI,'Tlv 7tqd. II_QMOSLAVSKIY, V.L.,- TftbFIMOV, Ye.N.; DRYAGIN, YtqYt.; KCROLEV, V.F.; KERIFIOV, N.B.; KRAVCHENKO, A.S.; RYVLIN, V.k.i- GURCIENKC, A.P.; KRUGLIKOV, T.P.; CIIERNYAKOV, F.A.; AAHIFOVj N.K. Authors' certi'-Icates and patents. Mashinostroo-nic, no.1~101- 103 Ja-F 165. OuRf, KPIZBOV Gavriil Avkp qnt' evich, nauchn. sotr.; ZINOMKO, Yev6eniy red.; NAGIBIN,P., (Moiletary wageabn the "T rudovoi pakhar"' Collective Farm] Denezhnaia oplat.4 v kolkhoze "Trudovoi pak-larl." Alm-Ata, Kazeellkhozgiz, 1962. 46 p. (HIRA 16:12) 1. IM-Atut ekonomiki i organizatsii sel'skogo khozjaystva Kazakhskoy M (~or Khlebov), 2. '."redsedatell kolkhoza "Trudovoy pakhail" Sverdlovakogo ray.ona Dahambul'skoy oblasti (for Zinchanko). (Collective farms-Income distribution) ICTATIYEVI Yo.l., otv. red.; SHOSHIN,, A.A., red.; BYPIOV, V.P.p rtA.j B.V.s red.; YAKOVLEV., red. (Modicnl pogra,phy; roculto and prospectal ModitsinsIcaia geografiia; itogi,, ponspoktivy. irkutokp 1964 208 po (MiRA 17:7) 1. Akademiya rwuk SSM. Sibirskoye otdoleniye. Institut geografil Sibirl i Dallnego Vostoka. Some observationa on the front resistance of Polychesta on the Irurile Ridge. Dokl. AN SSSR 112 no.3:542-544 A 157. (MLRA 10-:4) 1. Zoologicbeeldy lustitut Almdemil, nauk SSSR, Predstavleno akademikow Ye.l. Paylovskim. M~rLle Island-Polychasta) AUTHOR: Khlebovichi~ V..Vo 57/ 59 1 "Wftwoomm- TITLE: An Analysiii of'Polychaotal Fauna of the Littoral Zore of the Kurile Isli~nds("aliz fauny mnogoshchetir1covykh cheryey~ 2 ~1_ - chaetal lii'orali.XuA-l'skikh ostrovov) PERIODICAL: Doklady:Aklidemii nauk 19580 Vol, 12o, Hr 6, PP7 1370 -,:1373 ~USSR) ABSTRACT: These ial&a de which join the Japan (Yaponskoye moro), 4"o-tak l (Okhotakoye moro), -and the Bering (Beringovo more) Sean may be considered,as lerA known with respect to, the research ooncerned with the littoral marine fauna. After a working up of 650 littoral samples the author reports 119 species and smaller taxonomic units of Polychaeta for the above-mentione4 reCion. Th,a littoral polycho,etal fauna of the Kurile Islands may be consideted as a:, sublittoral fauna wit:h a very small admix,~ure of popr littoral and estuary forms proper.~~The number of Polyc,dasta specieti risee to a great degree with the depth accordihg to the horizoas cof the littoral zone. An obvious dependence of the Poly- chnate, onitho basic species and on biocenoses is usually not found. It:can only be spoken of a pyedominant occurrence of the Card 1/3 one or other species in individual biocenoses. The Polychaeta An-Analysis of Polychaeti~l Fauna of the Littoral Zone i..: 2o- 12o-6-57,(59 of the-Xurile Dilando were most numerous in oozy and oozy-sandy grounds, mai,nly in the biDoenoses between the rhizomes of the algae ZhMospadix &uia Zopqter~, furthermore on the stony ground in the biocenos2a of 60771R."na and the rhizoids of the Laninaria algae, In a number of Mes the Polychaeta themselves can form the main component of the blocetones. The author found 5 of them. All these biocenoses are bound,to-oliffs with strong surf and are (except the last) .-develciped.:in the northern islands. They are,of similar external appearanofi: they look like a brush with vertical tube~i. The Xurilto obain has a north-couth extension of more than 10 degreea and io influenced'by very different water masues. Acoording to, this 'the itoogeographical composition of the Polychaeta of the northern and southern islands differs to a Great e--tent. An analysis of the apeoics of other regions as well is alven (Table 1). Two types of fauna.~ characterize the littoral zone of the Kuriles: a) the tenperate-borealg and b) the southeru-boreal. The Ituru'p island f,)rmo a more or less obvious boundary. The ice formation; in very important here. There are 1 table and 9 refer.- Card 2/3 ences, which are Soviet. Au Analysis of PolychaetAl Pauna of the Littoral Zone of the Kurile Islande ASS601ATIOIT: Zoologiohe iiokly inetitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Zoological Institute AS USSR) PRESENTED: March 19# "by Ye.N*Pavlovskiyg Member, Academy of Scieno."esp USSR SUBMITTED: March 11t ~l 9 50 1. Aquatic~,Ianimale--Xurile lelaMa 2. Aquatio animals-Axatlyain Card 3/3 17(4) SOV/20-123-2-47,(50 AUTHOR: Xhlebovich TITLE: 1 dvukh On 2 Forms of the Cirratulus Cirratus 0. F. MUller 0 . 'formakh Polikhety'Cirratuluis cirratus ~O. F. Willer W PERIODIOALt Doklady Akiidemii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, PP 375--376 (USSR) ABSTRAM The oosmoplitan-worm species mentioned in the title iii one of the mostr-common inhabitants of the northern and far-eatitern seas of-thia USSR where it often occurs in large quantities. In .the.shore :region of tho Paramushir-Island (Northern Kurily) the population density of this Ap~ciea amounts up to 1 300 animals pe: r m2' In summer 1955 the author observed there 2 bi'olbgically and morphologically considerably different types of thi:s wo:rm. The form A has pubescent specimens of considerable . size (50-310 mm7long, weight up--to 15-5 9) with numerous (more 'than'10) palp-shaped antannae~t acicular setae, whiob.start betwoen'the XV.'~XX. segments, podial gland.pade considorably developed.~The form B is not more than 40 mm long, has 2-8 an- Card 1/3 tennae, actoular setae starting at the VI. segment. Ito gland On-2 Forms of the Cirratulu,s Cirratus (0. F. Mu"ller) SOT/20-123-2-47/50 pads are mi4sing or poorly developed, antennae and branchiae do not -fall off if being fixed as,-it -happens in the case oJt the form"A. Tha,~ eggs of, the form A are smaller (110-120tA). It must'"bt aodiiw6d that they are laid'sither directly into the water or Wa they hatch very rapidly in mucousegg-colonies (dqTing, 1_2'~, of-June)' .. days*in'the,beginniug . The eggs of the 'form V'ara',Nuch,bigger (about 3001A) and are singly fixild to the palp-ahaped*antennae and to the branahiae of the Parental organism. There, their, devalopment takes place and it is not known in Which 'stage the offspring begins to live indepBndently. These 2 types differing in development have already been de- scribed (Rtf8'1,2,4). These differences in development cannot be explained by geographical isalotion as both forms occur within a distance of some meters. Different conditions of existence zi iay be the cause. The form A inhabits places that are screened from the surf and burrows in sand or mud. The form B prefer's places with surf where ilt'hides between the rhizoids of Laminaria algae,''in Halichondria sponges, and in individual barnacles'. -There', the eggs must be protected from bein6, washed away. Cirratulus cirratus feeds on detritus. The places inhabit- Card 2/3 e+y the f4 ,)rm B are not so well provided,with food as nandy or On 2 Forms of the Cirratulue Girratus (0. F. Mu"ller) SOV/20-123-2-47'/50 especially,muddy soil. The lack of podial gland pads or their poor development in the case of the form B can be explained by the fact tUt mucous 9&g-colonies do not occur. The muous of Polychaetas is secreted by the integument. As the form B is smaller its fecundity is not so great-as in the case of the form A. This hae'to be compensated by the care for the off- spri,ng. It remains unsolved whether the forms A and B are genetically fixed or whether they are nothing but ecologic varieties.- There are 5 references. ASSOCIATION: Zoologioheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Zoological.Insti- tute of the Academy of Sciencee, USSR) .PRESENTED: July 8, 1958, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academician SUBMITTEDs July 7, 1958 Card 3/3 MMOVICH, V. V., Canaidate of Biol, Sci (dies) -- "Polychaete woxms of thD lit- toral of the Kurile islands". TAningrad, 1959. 20 pp (Acad Sol TJSERy ZP61 inst),, 150 copies (IM: Vo 20, 19059P M) M&BOVICS, V.V. Nov polyebaste spociss from the littoral of Kurile Islands recordod for the first tlw~ in the tauna of the U.B.O.R. Cvith summarr it XT,glishl. Zool. shur. 38 no.2.-167-181 7 159. (MIRA 12:3) Lzoological Institute of the AoadewV of Sciences of the U,S.S.R. ]Wningrad. (Xurilo Islands-Polychneta) 3401 fill i qP P.m 9 MvE ai -, f? ft P 14 3-2 -It Hug- la I N 8-!Wal- 14; HY a n NATOCRINO yu.m-~ ,.IllCH,_'V.V.; IRMINSKAYA, T.V. Succudo dehydiogemse in the4odium-transporting organo of In.- vertebrata.~ sWa*Ims .,Dokl*AN SSSR 137 noo6-.1474-1476 Ap 161. it institat ev~dyutlmioxmoy fisiologii iumd I.M.Sechenovi AN SSSR Zoologich"kLy,Awtitut AN SSSR, Predat4mleno akademiko?a Ye*N.: VUBOVICHP Vev. Iffoot of' the sC Linity of the medium on the charaoteristics of the compositiion of ai juatio fauna. Zhur, ob. biol. 23 no.2:90-97 Mr-kp 162. (MIRA 15:5) L'.Zoological InjIstitute of the A.pademy of Sciencee of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad.. (MMENE FAUNA) (ADAPTATION (BIOLOGY)) MUBOVICHI Me Pelagic amml ettiges of polychastes caught in the raglan of the Kurile IslaM:V the-we of light. Isel.dallnevost.mor. SSSR no.82167-180,,0626 15M)~ 1. Zoologicheiskiy institut AN SSSRO n!xTVICH. V.T. - -------------- - lamnomdo position of nerelds of the GaA,:piau Sea* Zool, shur, -42-:nDa1't329,m13lA63. 160) ~1 I. Zoological "Enstitutes Apademy of Sciences if the U.S.80R.$ Leningrad and Molbgical Research InstittAs of the State University of LDningrad. (Caspian Sea-Polychaeta) KHLEBOVICH, V.V. Polyohaota frola'-the northern port of the Greenland Sea and the region vf the islands of Spitsbergen and Freum Josef Land. TrWy AANPI 259sl67-180 164. (MIRA 117s12) XMI,.EBMCHO.. Vj,; BERGZRO VoYa-, Eltictracondua tome tric stub of' water-salt metabollom In some hydrobiontso Gidrobiol.xhur, I no.,507-61 '6rx,. ~MrRA 18-.~I) 1. Biologicbeakly institut Ioningradakogo gosudarstvannogo rj3INvrsI'--Ita i Belomorak&ya biolokichaskaya. stantslya Z0010gichaskogq instituta AN SSSR. 10890-66 rmrfmll~y (WWpg(0)-q1EWA(40&/EWP(+)&W_ ACC NR# AT5023784 I-IJW/JD/JG/GG/GS- OWE CODE: UR/6000/62/ooo/000/0068/0)73 AUTHOR: Yefimov. A. V.- K2zh t Nikolavev. V. A.; Pravdyuk, N. F. I _jivaikov, 0. A Razov. 1. A.; Xhlebrikov, A. 4. r, If r, 51 'W *-WAWAWAWWAVI ORG' none TITLE.' radiation onVisterlals); dokl.mdy movesh.chanlya. Moscow, Ixd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. I/V 68-73 TOPIC TAGS: austenitic steel,,-austenitic alloy steel, neutron Irradiation, steel irradiation. steel property ABSTRACT: The e1fgr.LS'.L_nWX.0"rtadiAtiQn an th chanical properties of stainless austenitic ateelaPhas been investigated. jKhlWl~%' keal auatenitized at 1000C or austenitized at t6is t(mperature and cold rolled with 25% elongation, and, austenitic, dispersion ha d abl chromium-nickel steel of the 18-22 type alloyed with ,~:n e, ind titani:m. re irradiateii with integrated fluxes of 7.4 x 1020 or 2 x 1020 with energy > Nov at 100C, .'100C, or 500C. Tests showed that Irradiation of as- austenitized lKhlaNgr isteel sit 100C with 7.4 x 1019 Vcm~ increases the yield an-d tensile strengths by 101Z anil 24Z, respectively, and decreases, the mlongation and cc--b. -C steals of various iotren SOURCE'. Sqyeshtfijmiyg_Sg_VjdjleW Dgy1it a xadmmkh jamshmty r Moscow, 1960,,JDeyetviyo, yaderxykh isiluchenly na materialy (The effect of nuclear L JUBOD-66 __ACC NRs AT5023784 notch toughness by 39% and 20 2. The same irradiation Increases the yield and tensile strengths, of austenitized an0i cold-rolled IKhl8N9T steel only by 272 and 21%, and decreases its elongation and notch toughness by 38% and 42%. Increasing the iriad- iation intensity from 7.4 x 1.019 to 2.1020 n/c62 has no affact on the properties, of this steel. Increasing the temperature of irradiation with 7.4 x 1019 n/cm2 from 100 to 300 to SOOC decreaaes~the yield strength of austenitized and cold-rolled steel by 11X and 30% below that of steel irradieted at 100C. The tensile strength drops in this cue by 4 and :L7%p but the elongation increases by 44 and 148%. 'rite vachanical, properties of statnless chrovitu'u-nickel steel alloyed with tungsten and titanium and austenitized cad aged at -710C.for 10 hours,do not changa'much under the effect of fast-neutron irradiation at 2 1020 n/c:o2, except.for the yield streng~_h, which increases by 30%. OrIS. -arta~ hut '4,~~ursa and 2 tables. , jilDI SUB OODS: .16 SUSH DM 1SAu&62/, ORIC REPs 003/. OTH REF: 008 EVICH Alekwiry- Ivanovich; IVANOVp Aleksay Yerimoviahj 04 - MAKMVA, E.A., red.; ANDRETEVA, L.S., telchn, red, [Public office of technical infomation] Obahohestvennoe biuro telftichoskoi informateii. Moskva, Profizdat, 1963. P. (Technology-Information services) (MIRA 16.-9) XHLEBTSEVICH, Alekney Ivinovich Information io,;R: paying business. Izobr. i rats. no.7t7..26-27 (MIRA 16:0) Predee.datelf::Belcrusakogo respu~Ukandkogo soveta Vseaoyuznotgo obsbahestva isobraiwiteley i ratsion&Uzatoroys (White Russia-Technological innov-ationB)