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-- ~ ---- ---- - :---I - MYBOV, i--~.-~anditekhnnauk Drawbacks of' the consecutive layout of a distributing lead-in* rod.i oantekh. no.26-10 Ir 163. (MM 3.02) (Hot,vater beating) (BDt-4mter supply) LEVIN, Boris Isaakovich; 13HUDIN, Yevsey Petrovich; hT11,7BOV, B.M., kand. tekbn. nauk, red. [Heat exchangers of beat supply systems] TeploobmenrWe ap- paraty sistem. teplosnabzhaniia. Moskvat Energiia, 1965. 256 p. (MIRA 18:5) KIILYBOV, G.M. Prepa.,ing the track for electrification. Putt I puttkhoz, 8 ro,803 t64. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Starshiy dor02hnyy master, stantslya Ziiywrka, Gorlkovakoy doragi. MMTBOV, P.I. .(LeningradY Therapeutia and prophylactic action of prolonged oxygen inhalation combined vith narcotics and nouroplegic substances on the course of cerebral anemia. Pat.fivloloksp,terap. 4 no.U59-61 J&.-7 160. (MIRA 13.15) 1, Iz Wedry patologiabookoy fisiologit (nachalinik - chlen- korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. I.Re Pterov) Toyanno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina, akademti Iment S.X* Xlrova. (AMIA aner. ) (BRAIN blood supply) (OXYGIM) (BMITMTBS pharmacol.) (HIBIELTION AWIFIOILL) GORBUSRIN, P.B.; GURRVICH, H.S.; VEBOLISIN, I.S.; BUESURTH, D.I.; VAYHTSVAYG, A.S.: LAZARIVICH, S.K.; NARTSEV, Tu.V.; KONTOROTICH, I.A.; TSIMBALYUK, A.?.; KUTS&NOVA, A.A., red. I W-va, NAUMOVAI G.D.6, TSKKIHAO Ye.L., takhn.rea. D~ongrrange planning for the expansion and location of sources of supply of builditg materials and equipment for the construction industry in economic administrative regions; basic regulations] Perspektivnos planirovanie razvitiia i rasmeshcheniia material'110- takMicheBkoi bazy stroitel'stva v skonomiohaskikh administrativnykh raionakh; osnovnya polochaniia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1960. 78 P. (HIM 13-9) 1. Akademiya stroltel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Inetitut ekonoioiki stroitolletvas 2, Institut ekonomiki Akademil atroltalletva i iorkhi- tektury SM (for Nabollsin, Bukshtayn, Vayntavayg, Lazaravich, Kartsev). 3. Otdal ekonomiki i organizataii Goestroya SGSR (for Kontorovich, Khlybova. TSimbalyuk). (Building materials industry) (Construction ihdustry) POLAND Forestryi Dendrology. K Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bioli, No 7, 1958, 29531. Author : Xhlyn't Li Inst : -1ftM'9TVMr.- Title : The the Xurnicki Arboretum in Poland. (Graby t Kurnitakom arboretuma (Pol'sha). Orig Pub: Arboretum koft., 1956, (1957), 2, 117-126. Abitract: In systematic order a description is given of 7 species of hornbeam (the section Euoarpinus Sarg. i Distegocarpus Sarg.) raised from seeds in 1928-1938 which were obtained from different places in Europe, Asia and North America. Char- aoterizing descriptions are given of growth, fruit-bearing and the frost resistance of each species. It is noted all the hornbeams with Card 1/2 'Av:n~, , i--i, sl-,~-Y 13"IADZE, ABPOSIMOV, C.S.; KAMNELISOIN, S.M.; ME N. ui .cavar. Al M.As Letters to the edJ.t.:,r. r--,Itl I r-u~,.khcz. 9 1. Starah-iy P,'jrM-*T'OVShn:ll".k Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Abvc3lm.~v% 2. 'Awny sT takhriicheakogo Ct4 la ~IY47 gJpv,,,tr-inra-', TbIllsi. (fo:, darcgi (for hhlynin~ 3. c.antsiya Kirovabud, ~akdvkc- 4. Nachallnik rellsosvarochnogc ,Wazda, stant5iya Ct-,,3ha, Beloras- skay dorogi. (for AbWadze). %HLYNIN, Yii.V. Ccry-elation of artorial pressure r-nd d1uresis In hypaphysect~m'_2vd dogs following a water intako. Ne.uvoh, trudy Iticiz, red. frisL. 15M. 153-1%, 1626 Effect of ephedrine and caffeine on arterial pressure and dluresis in hypophysectomized dogs following a water inta1k.-. lUd.sl56-158 E,l"fe.-.t of aodium nitrite and pituitrin on arterial press-are ELd diuresis in hypophysectontized dogs following a water Ibid. Effeot cf ephedrine on arterial pressure, diuresis and the composit'" n of blood (quantity of wator, chlor_'na and the Allonatocr-Itf-c" index) in dcgs following a watel- ani salt intake. Ibid..-!--'-, _16.4' (M ILRA 17 - 1. Kafedra Patologloheskoy fiziologii (zav. kafedriy - prof. L.N.Karlik) rVazanskogo meditstnskoge instituta Lmenl Favlova. KHL-R4IN, U. V. MININ, Y-U. V.- won Changes in the Perspiration Function in the Process of Adaptatim of the Organium to Water I=wrsions" Avazan' Med Inst imeni Academician 1. P. Pavlovp Romun's 1955 (Dissertations for Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO., kdzhnaya Let9pis'. . No. 26., June 1955., Moscow KIMYNDV# No Whire to increase the effectiveness of machine accounting and cal- oulating work in the State Bank.~' Doi. I kred. 18 no.9:25-34 8 160. (NM 13 18:) (Ban and banking-Acoounting) : (Machine accounting) XPLYNOV -N.- ------------------- Status and objectives of a bank's accounting operations Den.,~ I-red. 19 no.8:31"2 Ag '61. ~Ywm 14-9) (Banks and banking--Accounting) K H ILY_PQV X-~v -pol k ov n ik_, Recommooded literature for soldier4; booklets on mili tary life and military education. KommoVooruzh.Sil I no.2:89-93 0 160. . (MM 14:8) (Bibliography--Military discipline) ( Reorgamizatiox.of ~alaxoe sbeet and industrial branch reports. Des. ilmed. 20 no.22s23-31 D 162, (MIRA 166-1) (Basko and bankint-Accaunting) (Machine accounting) KARDA OT, Ivan Stepanovich, polkovnikg'kand.filosof.usuk;~-KELIMOV, NX, red.; BIMMUMWM. P.T., red.; 87MINIKOVA, M.410. [International obligation of the Soviet Armed Foroes] Inter- natsionslinyi dolg Voorushann,*h S4 SSM. Moskva, Voen.issd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 19600 211 P. (MIRA 13:5) UZYNOT, Nikolay Semenovich; F.AVBWAYBYA, L,, red.ixd-va; LIMM# Aillp [Organization of the accounting operations in the State Bank] Organizatelia uchetuo-operatelonnoi raboty v Gosbanke. Moskva, Gonfinizdat, 1959. 135 P. (MIRA 13:1.) (Banks and banking-Accounting) 1, amnov, V. 2, USSR (600) 4. Iron and Steel Workers Japan 7. How the steel workers live in Japan. V POM. -Drofaktivu No. 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A,.)ril -1953, Uncl. - - __ - --- MMYNOV, va- - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - ____ 7 Life of Japanese ooal miners. V pon.profaktivu 14 no.16:39-42 Ag 133. Vapan--Coal miners) (Coal miners--Japan) (KUW 6:7) t ve "Crisis in the Care of Public Health in Jap an. Tr. fmm the Russian." P. 4., (ZDRAVEN FRUNT, No. 51, Dec. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (BEAL), LCj Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. mir Molayerich; GARSITAj t - NDSKVINA, R., ekb_n._r_ed7. [Poetitinn nf the laboring class World War] Poloahanie raboahem Hirovoi voiny). Hoakwa, lmd-vo 156 p. L., red.; POPOV, A., red.; In Japan after the Second klamea, Uponii (Poole Vtoroi sotsialluo-ekon.lit-ry, 1958. (14IR& 11:12) (Japax--Labor and laboring classes) KOSTOUSOV, A.I.; BRITSKO, K.M.; VOLODIN. Ye.L; GRZMMKHIN, A.I.; DZGTT&_ PMO, U.S.; DOBROSKOK, A.N.; MMANYAN, M.Ye.; NAYMOV, I.A.; PROKOPOVICK..A.Yes; T3LTATNIKOV, LP.; UMNSKIT, Ta.K.-,_NgZ_NOr5. Te.A., nsuohn" red.; YEVSNVICIMV, V.I., red.; B=VA9 L.Got; NADBINSKAYA, A.A., [Machine-tool manufacture in Japan) lAponskoe stankostroonle. Pod obahchei red. A.H.rrokopovicha I H.S.Kardaniana. Moskva, T!Sentr.. biuro takhn.informataii,.1959, 461 p. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Moscov (Province) Oblastnoy sovat narodnogo khotyaystva. (Japan--Machine tool industry) OKOTI, Kadsuo (Okochip Kafto)b red.; MMIYA, Kikio, red.; RAKZNS, V.B, [translator]; KHLTNOV, V.N.. red.; TUZKUKHAM=Y. R., red.; AIITXMOV.A. Te..-Utffr.7317- [Working class of Japan) Rabochii klass Uponii. Red. I vatup.statlia V.N.Khlyuova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 518 p. Translated from the Japanese. (MIRA 12:ill) (Japan--labor and laboring classes) LYUBINDVA, V.V., doktor ekon. nauk; NOVIKOVA,.O.G., kand. ekon. nauk; SERGMVAP A.G.9 kand. ekon. nark; IVANDVO N.P., kand. istor. nank; OBORINA, G.A., kand. ekon.-nauk#.KFILYNOV V N kand. ekon. nauk; DANILEVICH, M.V.v doktor a n. naa; MKUTAYEVA, T.S., kand. ekon. nauk; USOV, G.A.O.-kand. lot. nauk; SkL'KOVSKIY, O.V., kand. geogr. nauk. Prinimali uohaWyei FASCHMKITO V V., kand. lot, nauk; FIROGOVAp I.M.1 PRONIN, S.M.; USVYATSOVO A.Ye.0, MAKAROV, V,q red.j DARONYAN, M., alldshiy red.; ULANOVA, L., tekhn. red.- (Real.wages during the period of-the.gemeral orisip of capi- talism]Reallnaia zarabotnaia plata v period obshchbgo krizisa. kapitalimm. Moskva,, Sotsekgiz., 1962. 558 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mirovoy ekonomiki'i mezhdu- naivdnykh otnosheniy. (Wages) IESIKI, O.A. 0 snizh eni.1 soderzhaniya korolykav ferrosplavov v shlakakh. report 3ubmitted for the 5th Physical Cheidoal Conference on Steel Production. MOSCOW - 3 0 m YESIN, O.A.; SF"ALINj Z.Tt, MMyny, V.V. Studying the properties of fusionn FbO--Na O--SIO by matkne of electromotive forces. Zhur. neorg, khim. j 10:241g-241; 0 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy Institut,im. S.K.Kirova. Ousion) (Oxides) (Electrolysis) SOV/137-58-8-16387 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallu rglya, 1958, Nr 8, p 23 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sryvalin, I.T., Nikitin, Yu.P. 112~1~~ TITLE: Interphase Tension in Sulfide-slag Melts (Mezhfaznoye natya- zheniye rasplavov sullfid-shlak). PERIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 67, pp 64-68 ABSTRACT: The interphase tension of sulfides on the boundary (B) with the slags (S) at 1200-12500C was measured by means of X-ray photography of a drop. The Cu sulfide contained (here and further on in weight 56) Cu 77.71, S 20.47, and Fe 1.82, WhIle the Ni sulfide contained Ni 72.8 and S 25.7. The density of the sulfides and S was calculated approximately by the law of Ld- ditivity from data relative to solid components. The calcula- tion of LT was done graphically. The error in the measure- ments did not exceed 20%. The (r of CuZS on the B with S [CaO 12, A1203 15, the remainder (FeO+SiO2)] decreases from 340 (FeO 0) to 150 erg/cmZ (FeO 50)', for Ni3S2 on tl~e B with S [ CaO 27, A1203 11, the remainder (FeO+ Si02)1 varieb from 45.0 (FeO 0) to ZOO erg/cm?- (FeO 35). The'de'- Card 1 crease.V /2 -of-. iir explained by the approach of the nature of the SOV/ 137-58-8- 16387 Interphase Tension in Sulfide-slag Melts sulfides toward that of the S in proportion to the increasing concentration of FeO in the latter. Upon the substitution of CuZS for Ni3S? in the matte, the Lr on the B with S (SiOZ 72, CaO 8, A1203 6, Na?O 141 decreases from .470 (Ni3SZ 100) to 300 erg/cm? (CuZS 100). The a- -vs. -composition curve is concave upward. The values for a- are close to those of the surface ten- sion o"' sulfides measured earlier. The authors explain the decrease in the losses of sulfides in the slag by the increase of a- upon the decrease of FeO in S or Cu2S in the matte. S. P. 1. I-lebal sulfides--Surface tension 2. Slags--Properties 3. Mathematics Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Xhlynov, V. V., Yesin, 0. A. S.OV/ 2o-12o-1-36/63 TITLE: Elcctr`-o-c-a-ffT=ary Motions in Melted Sla-.,,-,o(Elelztrokapilly4trnyyo dvizheniya Y rasplavlennykh shlakakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nmuk- SSSR, 1958, Vol. 12o,,Nr 1, PY- 134 - 136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At temperatures of 1370 - 1500 OC the authors noticed a iihift of the drops of Cup Nip Mnp Ag, Ni S to a certain electrode on the suxface of a slag containina 2 52~. CaOt 41'%- Al 0, and 2 .; 7A S102* The experiments as well as the arrangements for the measurements are discussed in short. in come of the exporiments the authors could observe the simultameous motion of a great amount (2o - 30) of drops of different sizo (0,5 to 3 W) in cases where liquid electrodes of Ni S 2 supplied from gruphite feeders. In agreement with the theory such motions were not at all observed in the case of solidified metal drops and pieces of solid mapenium oxide. The results of the experiments in an oxidizing atmosphere (air) are compiled in a table. The same Card 1/3 table contains the values of the specific movabilities. As the Electrocapillary Motions in Melted Slars SOV120-12o-I -36/63 metals and nickel sulfide move in opposite direction the detern,ination of the sulfur content corresponding to zero movability is of interest. The experiments carried out in the case of field gradients E - 5 - 6 show the following: a. de- croase of the sulfur contained in the alloy Hi-S fron 26% (N13 52) to 0,4% is practically of no influence on the movability. This is probably dependant on the great capillary activity of sulfur. In the case of a small content of sulfur the surface of' the Ni-3 melts is positively char.-ed, in tho caso of high and medium sulfur content, however, negatively. Various details are given. The dislocations observed and discussed by the authors are electrocapillary motions of the drops at the surface of the slag. This is also proved by a quantitative conparison of the theory of aleotrocapillary motions with the results of the present work. There are 1 table, and 17 references, 15 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut im.S.Y,.Kirova (Ura,l Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M.Kirov) Card 2/3 Slectrocapillary Xotione In Melted Slags SOVAo-1 2o-1-31' )/63 PRESENTED: January 2# 1958, by A*N.Frumkin, Romberg Academy of Solencest USSR SUBMITTED: October 15, 1957 1. Slags-Analysis 2. Slags--Test results 3. Slags- Teaperature factors 4. Electrodes-Applications Card 3/3 5114) AUTHORS: KhVnov, V. V., Yesin, 0. A. SOV/20-123-2-,31/50 TITLE: -Eitraction of Sulphide Inclusions Prom Molten Slags by Means of an Elootrio Pield (Izvleoheniya sullfidnykh vklyu~iheniy iz rasplavlennykh ahlakov pri pomoshchi elektricheskogo polya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRp 1958t Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 320-332 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper gives the results obtained by an investiga - tion carried out by the authors of the use of the electro- capillary motion of liquid metal drops for the purpose of ex- tracting sulphide inclusions from molten slags. Experiments were oarried out at a temperature of - 14000 in boats of corundum or porcelain, which were filled with molten factory slags of the following composition (in %)! CaO 15; A1203 10; S102 43; Pe 20; MgO 10; Ni 0.1-0.2; Co 0.02; and S 0.15-0.2. A large part of nickel and cobalt was contained in these slags in form of matte inclusions of from 10-4 to 0.2 mm. Carbor_ undum rods were used as current conveyers. In preliminary ex- periments, matte drops of large radius (r - 0.9 to 1.3 mm) were dipped int o slags, and after 2 - 10 minutes aLconstant Card 1/4 electric field with a field strength of from 5 to 7 v/cM was Extraction of Sulphide Inclusions From Molten Slags by Means of an Electric Field SOV/20-123-2-31/50 connected. The cell was then quickly cooled, and the path covered by the drops was determined. The inclusions move with velocities of u. - (7 + 10)10-3 cm/sec in the direction of the cathode, and this 2corr esponds to a mobility of v - u;/Er - - (1-0 + 1.5).10- cm/sec.v. The authors also investigated the influence exercised by the composition of the slags. The results obtained with Ni332 drops in iron-less slagzi of various compositions are given In a table; they show that the mobility of the drops is inversely proportional to the visco4iity it of the slags. The data obtained for different iron oxide con- tents in the slags are given in the second table. The charge of the sulphide in iron-less slage is'negative; it decreases after an addition of FeO, passes through zero, and then becomes positive. With increasing FeO concentration during the formation of the double layer, transition of-the iron ions from the slags into the sulphide apparently begins to play an ever-increasing parti F + -.Fe( - 2e and not a(slags) sulphide) the inverse displacement of the nickel ions Ni Card 2/4 Ni 2+ (sulphide (slags) + 2e. After 8 % FeO is attained, the Drocess .Extraction of Sulphide Inclusions From Molten SOV120-123-2-31.150 Slags by Means of an Electric Field 2+ Fe (Slags)-*"'e(sulphide) - 2e begins to predominate. Holieverg a further increase of FeG concentration reduces the mobility of the drops in spite of the fact that their positive cl~erge increases and the viscosity of the slags is reduced. Coacep- tions on an ideally polarizable drop are absolutely out of place in the case under investigation. Tho oquation detivr_ mining mobility contains a depolarization coefficient. The reduction of drop polarizability is probably the main roason for the reduction of its mobility in the slags which contaiTl iron oxides. An additional proof of the correctpess of uhat has been just said is furnished by the results obtained by experiments carried out with constant PeO concentration (23 and a variable ratio between C&O and S102 contents. Alec) in this case the mobility of drops hardly depends at all on the viscosity of the slags. Theexperiments discussed fully con- firm the possibility of extracting valuable sulphide in- clusions from molten slags by means of electrocapillary Card 3/4 Extrattion of Sulphide Inclusions From Molten SOV/20-123-2-31/50 Means of an Electric Field motions. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet. A'SSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnichaskiy institut im. S. M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni,S. M. Kirov) PRESENTED: June 25, 1958, by I. P. Bardin, Academician SUBMITTED: June 24, 1958 Card 4/4 5(2)p 240) SOV/156-59ml-10/54 Ifikitin, Yu. P., Yeein, 0. A,9 Khlynov, v, ---------------- TITLE: On t) ie Strzicture cf the L'loctz,,-c Double Layer at the Boundax-y Betwoen Liquid Sulfides and Silicates ( 0 stroyenii dvoyno'o 0 elektrichaskogo sloya na, Cranitse mezhdu zhid-kimi sulffid-=l i silikatami) PERIODICAL: 1'Tauchnyye doklady vysshoy shkoly. Khimiya i khimicl.eska7a tekhnologiya, 1959, Nr 1, PP 40 - 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Electrocapillary measurements were carried out on boundary layers between copper and nicl-ol sulfides on the one hai- 'd and silicate (iglass) on the other hand. A double layer is formed the ne-ative charge' of rhich is on the sulfiden whereas the positive charCes are-formed by the cations of silicate. ~It may be concluded from the charge denmity (Table 1) that the cation excess amounts to 1C~J' at most; the remainir.0 90111~' of the surface are occupied by cations and anions neuturalizing each other. The measurement of the exchanGe currents in a slaf; poor in metal in contact with nick-el or copper sulfide at 14000 (Table 2) shows insignificant current intensities only Card 1/4 in --;bite of hiGh temperature. This is caused by the s,,..all On the Structure of the Electric Double Layer at the SOV/1 56-'t, /n- 1 - 10,154 Boundary BotTreen Liquid Sulfides and Silicat;:.-a copper and nickel ion content of tho alaC. It is these ions which are decisive for the potential rather than the con- centration of calcium ions, Sla-s with a hif-her Cu or 1,i content showed also sl~rongcr exclian-e currents (Table 3)~, The measurement of the capicity (Table 3) ahows t":at the positive side of the double layer is fornod mainly by sill-cate,ions. The capacity is almost independent of the composition of the sulfide phases and (in the cace of slags poor in me'l-al) near the capacity of aqueous solutions, Diolten sulfides, parchlo- rates, and nitrates rnd of silicates which are in contact phorus. 71ith ~sili- with east irofi'~ferrosilioon or forrophos cates, howeviar, the dielectricity constant is lower, uhich is explained by the concentration of the electron sha:Js of oxyGen. The cations in the slaC which have lari-,c ol* * ectro-: static fields(si4+, A13+) unite the oxy[:en ions to Complex anions, An FoO addition incr,_,aaeo the- caT~,acity cf the double layer. The sulfide is oxidized and SO 2 i:: forriud. At the Card 2/4 same time the double layer is formed in a diffore-.t livv, On the Structure of the Electric Double Layer at thc IS 0 V/ !15 r - 51 r Boundary Between Liquid Sulfides and Silicates The Fe cations pass from silicate to sulfide and c'-ar.~e it positively. The negative layer, thereforet no,~,7 couzists mainly of oxygen anions. The deformation of its clou *il of electrons by a shift toward the positive layer decreases tho si/e and increases the ca~~acity of thi double layer T' is also confirmed by the fact that with an increasint: -*r*c,,-- content in L;ilicate the interphase volta.,,,-o of the suLfides decreases considerably. Those data are confirned by C~o in- vesti~,ation of the electrocapill-ory motion of dro~-)s. iln the elact~ric field drops of copp-:~r and nic'lzel --ulfideo in sili- cate move toward the anocle. If about 7r~ reC are introduced into the slaa, the motion is revors0d. L The plottii.U of r.,Iectro- capillary curves, the measiurement of the,.i;e current and capacity, the observation of the olectrocapillary motion of drope show a sufficiently detailed picture of thc otructure '. YJ (' L of the cloctric double layor at th(u, bounaary bo. ;e r, li(,uid sulfide and molten silicate. There are J7 tables and 15 refer- Card 3/4 ences, 14 of which are Soviet. On the Structure of the Electric Double Layer at the SOV/1 56-59-1-1 --/.~4 3oundary Between Liquid Sulfides and Silicates ASSOCIATION: Kafedra toorii metalluraiclieskikh protsossov Urallsho-o politakhnicheskop ir,-~titu-ta (Chaii, of tho Thc,,:ry*cf MetallurCical Processes of the Ural Poiytachmic I-.1:;tit1,,t0) SUDMITTED: February 22, 1958 C ard 4/4 S/081/62/000/002/015/107 B149/B102 AUTHORs Khlynov# V. V, TITM Structure of the sulfide-olag interface PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyap no. 2, 1962, 87, abstract 2B622 (Tr. Urallskogo politekhn. in-ta, eb. 93* 1959, 8C;- 83) TEXTs The capacity C of the electric doable layer at the sulfide-'sls;9 2 interphase boundary (IB) has been measured. C represents 14 - 16 jifyom in nonferrous slags and 100 - 105 /022 in slags containing 5% FeO amd 23-5% PbO (for technically pure Pb~. The results obtained are correlated with the dependence of interphase tension at this IB on the composition of the slag. A qualitative picture'of the IB atructure is given. IAbstracter~s note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 5(2) SOV/78-4-4.-28/44 AUTHORS: Sryvalin, I. T.$ Yesing 0. A.s Khlynov, V. V. TITLE: On the Deviations cf Molten SI-licates From Ideal Solutions (0b otkloreniyakh rasplavlernykh silikatov ot ideal,lnyk!7 rastvorov) PERIODICAL, Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khirniij 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 877--S83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The deviations of molten silicates from ideal solutions an well as the activity coefficients were.oompute~ by, the following semi-empirical.equations: RT Iny, = (2Q-q)l;2 + (2q-2Q)N3, and 2 2 RT ln = (2q-Q) N2 - '2q-2Q)N3 1-2 1 % it where T donotee the absolute temperat-ore, R ~ gas constant, le fractiona, Q,q - coefficionts of certain phyeical importance and N,,N 2 = number of the atoms A and B. The Card 1/2 silicate melts of.the systems Fe0-SiO PbO-S-LO,,, CaO-SiO, and 21 SOV/78-4-4-28/444 On the Deviations of Molten Silicates From Ideal Solutions MgO-SiO 2 were investigated by means of these equations. The a-.1tivity ~f SiO 2andJeO at 16000 was calculated and is 1i9ted in table 1. The values agree well with publications. In the syst-m PbO-SiO, the activity at 9000 was calculated and Is "Sm repreaented in figure 3. In th13 SYS' the authore.observ,ad Po3it-I've and negative deviations from the ideal nolution wit-h PbO, while they found only positive deviations In the oa.5:2 of 3!0 . The systems CaO _S4 0 and MgO-S-.0 were thermodynamiz-ally 2 . 2 2 chara~;terized by determinations of the activity of CaO and.Mj.;O at 16000 and 1700")- Figure 4 shows the negative deviation .:;f the mel-"- C-4-S~O 1> frum the ideal solution at '16000. For the system MgO-SiO 2 ihe aut hors computed Q and q according -co, thQ composition of the corresponding liquid phases a' 1700 --c measu--.,?mer,t results applied and the results of the computation of Q and q ara -z:ontairned in a table. There are 4 figur:~n, 2 tableg, and 14 references, 11 of which are Soviet. SUB14ITTED Jarwary 17, 1958 Card 2/2 KRLTROV, T.Y.. inub.; YXSIH, O.A., prof. Application of electrocapillary movements to reduce for- roalloy losses In slag& Isv*vysoucbeb*zavw; chern.met* 2 no.713-11 J1 1598 (MIRA 13:2:~ 1. Urallakly politakhnichmeldy institute Rokomendovano )mfedrojr tooril metallurgicbeekikh protsenoov Ural'skogo POl1tG1ChAiChG*kDgO inGtitUtA* (Blectrompillary phanomenR) (Iron alloys) IMYNOV, V. V., Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Electrocapillary movements and their use for extracting inclusions of valuable metals from melted slag". Sver4lovsk, 1960. 17 pp (Min Higher and Inter Spec Educ RSFSR, Ural Polytech Inst im S. M. Kirov), 150 copies (KL, No 10, 1960, 133) O.A., proj%, doktor tollchn.nauk ansistant; MIZE Activity of lead oxide in PbO - Na 0 - S102 melts det~,rmincr"' 17 U-0 olectromotivo force mothod. Txmd;gUral. politokh.inst. no.91:114- 127 160. (MLI L02) (Lead oxido) (Activity coefficients) ------ ------- KHLrxovp V.V.j YESIN, O.A.1 NIKITINO YQ.F. Electrocapillary motion of sulfides in oxide malts* Izvovp4ucheb. zav.; khim.i kbim.tekh. 4 no.1:53-56 161, (14DA 34:6) 1, Urallskiy politeidmicheakiy institut imeni S.M.Kirov4 kafedra tooril, metallurgichookikh protsQosov* (Sulfides) (Electrocapillaz7 phenomena) KUYNOV, V.V. Structure of the sulfide slag boundary. Trudy Ural. polil~ekh.,. inst. no.9300-83 '59- (WRA 15:3) (Surface chemistry) (Sulfides-Yetallurgv) NIKITIN, Yu.P.; YESIN, OeA-j-K-n-Y-NO-VE-V--V"1- SOMKOV, A.I.; KOROTCHENKDV) A.A. Electrochemical investigation of the burning out of carbon. Irv. vp, ucheb, zav.; cherns zst*~5 Uo,5rl6-24 162, (MIRA 15:06) 1. Urallskiy politekbnicheskiy institut, (Liquid metals) (Electrochemical analysis) -.,~..;-ZOROKIN, Yu. V.; YESIN, 0. A.; KHASIN, G. A.; VACHUGOV, G. A. Character of the movement of steel drops in slag. IVV* '178.uchiob- zav.; ebern.mat.7 no. 5:22-25 164. (MIRA 1785) 1. Urallskiy politskhnicheekly inatitut i Zlatoustavskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod. YJILYNOVp V.V.; YT-SINp O.A. - I tCIP~6A~,.~ ~, Losses of ferrochromium resulting from its adhesion to carbon* Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern* met. 7 no.80-14 164. (KRA 17:9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut. ACCZSSXON IRR: AP402963V- ----'--8/0279/64/0001002/0026/0030 :kUTHOR9 Xhlytov'j V. V. (Sverdlovsk-Zlatount); Yesin, 0. A. (Sverdlovsk-Zlhtoust);i Xhasin, G. A. '(Sverd1CnFs_1krZ1atoust); Vachu8ov# G..A. (Sverdlovak-Zlatoust);:Sorokin, Yu. V, (Sverdlovok-Zlatoust) TITM. On the mechanism of extracting nonmetallic impurities from steel drops in slag SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Metallurgiya I gornoye delo, no. 2. 1964, 26-30 TOPIC TAGS: ShXh-15 steel, ANF-6 slag, EI-736 steel, impurity, extraction ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the passing of ShKh-15 steel drops through a ,layer of fused ANF-6 slag and its purification from non-motallic impuritiesa The amount of large impuritias decreased during this process to a greater degreik than did the fine impurities. Impurities larger than 10 p, present in tbie Initial metal, disappeared completely. Ibis cannot be the result of flotation, since the vlwtal of the mobile drop was intensely agitated. It was experimentally shown that the con- vent of solid, non-ustallic Impurities in ShKh-15 and EX-736 steals decreasad by passing drops through an ANF-6 slag layer. The content of the impurities diocreased 'with an increase,of the path length in accordance with the law of attenuations ;I Card 1/2 ~ACCESSXON NR: AP4029831 Larger impurities were extracted faster than fine impurities. The higher the im- :purity concentration, the more rapidly they were eliminated from the metals :The impurity content in large drops fell slower than in fine drops, The obtained regu.- jarities were qualitatively and quantitatively clear,, stemming from a definite .mechanism impurity extractions It was assumed that the internal eddy movements of ,the impurity delivers the drops to the surface layer which remained there without ;returning Into the metals Orige art. has: -3 figures and 2 formulas. ---:-,jASS0r.IATION: none sum=: l8Oct63 DM ACQ: 3OApr64 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: ILI NO-REF SOVt 008 OTHER: 000 Card 2/; 45 EWPWMEWP~O/ETI IJP(C)- JD/JW L 892 EWT(m)/ I ACC NR, MFM 1'4ff tA J SOURCS CODE I AUTHORS 30mm im, V411 maynoyl Y. V. I Yeviny 0. A. offis Ural PoXytoohnio Institute (Ural'skly politeMudaheekiy Institut) TIMI Kinstios of spreading of a fluorlde-axid elt on solid oxides SOURMI Zhurmal fisloheskoy khJulij, y " 40~ "79 0 Ar .6 n*6 1966 1598-1603 TOPIC TAWS calciun fluoride# alwdnm wddep fluid flow# surface tensiont ble thermbmamics AWTUCTI The "ading of AW-6 welt (70%'C&?2, 30% AIA) on plate& of A12AP V400 W~,- eiks No gn . Time 004W W#h t,09 same I qu14 was studied at I 172DON 4 OR - with the aid of high- :90 1300 fram per second). Two st-ages were observed in the spreading process.. -In the first =, the liquJA assumai an Irregular shape with breaks In Its surface., The rate v at which the plato becomes covered at this stage Is Independent of the surface tension of the drops, but depends on the temperaturej the aaUvation enorgy values indicate a viscous character, of the resistance to the flow of the liquid. At a constant temporaturep v depends 4m the plate material and decreases In the series A120).1,M90P Zrogs, SiO2 (on.7the procoated plate v Is approximtely the -saw as an $102). e transition to the secord stage is due to the action of the tension of the swIt. In this stapp v Is =oh loweir than In .d 112 ums s3z.61 L 45892-66 -AtC-Wks-AW2-6130 the first. The observed behavior can be accounted for by formal relations of'. irrove: sible th9p!RtM!!AosV /OAg* JIA* hant 2 figures and I table. .SUB COIS 07/ S DMI 2IJu3.63/ MM RIWI OOB/ OTH REFS 004 Card 0~ SISTARINAs V.Foc dotment;,. SAVOMMO, V.A.; 33MYNOTA, Z.N.; MIITA. Ya.A.; NORTSOVA, Z.1e; GLOYSMAt A*Xw Treatment and prophylaxis of rietets In children by mosive domia of vitaimin D at a district,zedical center* I dot. 4 no.6t64-67 W-D '59. (MM 13r4) 1. Is kafedry datetikh bolesney Omakogo maditainakogo Inetituta Imaul R.I. Irallaina I Detakoy gorodukoy klinicheekoy bolluitay. (TITANNS--D) (RICKWS) KHLYNOVSKAYA, N.I. Effect of the diurnal variation of air temperature on the intensity of photosynthesis of the potato In the northern regions of the U.S.S.R. Kteor,.I. gidrol. no.10.-44-46 0 165. (MIRA 1819) 1. Kolymskoye upravleniye gidrometeorologichoskoy sluthby. RABINOVICII, L.A.; Prininali uchastiye: SOKOLOV Ye.1.1 SAPOZHNIKOV, VX; Making forgings by pressing on horizontal forging machines. Xuz.- shtam. proiz#, 3 no 8:8-13 Ag 161. (MMA 34:8) 5orging machinery) MUAI~ ni rad) ,wow tatke -A~ Coneideration. of the dynamic nonlinearity of magnetic amplifiere in the deoign of automatic control eyotems. Avtom. i--telem. 24 noontl533-1538 N 063. (KMA 16 t 12) SOV/24-58-10-2/34 AUTHOR: Khlypalo Ye. I. (Leningrad) TITLE: An Approximate Study of Transient Processes in Class Two Nonlinear Systems (Friblizhennoye issledovaniye perektodnykh protsessov v nelineynykh sistemalch vtorogo klassa) `~IERIODICAL: Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR Otdeleniye telchniCheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 10, PP 5-11 (USSR5 ABSTRACT: The 'second class' is which the nonlinear kunction depends on several variables and their derivatives; Jt is claimed,that this is the first treatment of the probIli6em. The approximation used is to represent the transient in the non- linear section by a sine function of variable frequency and amplitude; the harmonic linearization method is applied to this function by assumin&that t-he time-derivatives of the functions, are small-, Eq. is applied, where x 1 iS the variable and Eq.(3) defines the other symbols. Eq.(4) is the transfer function of the linear section (assumed:to act as a filter); the problem in essence then reduces to solving the linear differential Eq.(5).' The subsequent develLopment is then straightforward; the results are given for socond-, third- and fourth-order equations at the bottom of p ?. The Card 1/2results are found to be very similar to those for class one SOV/24-58-10-2/34 An Approximate Study of Transient Processes in Class Two Nonlinear Systems systems, except that the condition that a + iw is not a root of (18) must be applied; this is always possible in practice. The servo of structural diagram as of Fig.2 is then considered at some length; the motor is be an asynchronous two-phase hollow-rotor one. The errors are shown to be acceptably small. The paper contains 8 figures and 3 Soviet references, SU13MITTED: April 11, 1958. Card 2/2 S/024/62/000/005/004/012 Cooo F,140/E135 AUTHOR:, 4K .DjyjmLIa4_Xe,_L (Leningrad) TITLEs Special aspects of the study of nonlinear syste" with variable time constant .~.PERIODICALS Akademiya nauk SSSR. izvestiya. otdoleniye tekhnicheakikh nauk.. Energetika I avtomatika, noej, 1962. 89-95. TEXT: The systems considered by the author are those in which the time constant for a-risIng-transient-is different firom .that of a descending transient. -An example.of-a system with this*characteriatic in a magnetic amplifi-er-'With.poaitive feedback. The method of solution is that of harmonic-linearisation. In the equation obtained not only the time co~nstant-varles,.but the amplification factor an well. - However, these derpendencies arie .on frequency only-, not on amplitude as is the-case-for other types of nonlinear systems. Thus-l Belf-oacillation In the usual sense' may be absent from such nonli-near systems, Graphical methods are given for determining the limits oi stability and. dard 1/2 S/024/62/000/005/004/03.2 Special aspects of the study of :,El4O/El35 the transients in such systems, There are 8 figures. SUBMITTED: March 2# 1962 Card 2/2 KHLYPALO. Yo, Leningrad), Special features in the study of nonlinear oystems Vith variable inertness of the sections. Izv. AN SSSR. Otdo tekh. nauko Energ, i avtom. no.5t'89-95 S-0 162. (MIRA 150-1) (Automatic control) XILYPAWY, M.G., Second conference of dermatorenereologists of Xagadan Provinca~ Zdrav. Roo' Feder.. 12:46 D158 (MIRA 11112) jMAGADAN PR I'N(M--DMMTOIWT) CH, losif Solomonovich, prof., doktor biolog.neuk-, ZW.TPAT-OV, M.P.,~ spetered.; QK-T-HHSMYB,V.l., red.; GUSSAXOVSKATA, O.N., red.; YADOROVA# V.V,, takhn,red, [Man in the Per North) Chelovsk na Severe. Kagad-3n. Kagadanskc6 knishnoe lzd-vo. 1960. 55 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut obahchey I kommmallnoy giglyany AN SSSR kfor Kandrpr).- (RUSSIA, NORTMULN-MAN-INYWO02 (W GLIMITX) KMFENK09 G.P., red.; ZHIVOTROV, B*F*j tekb3i, red, [Materials of the Scifttifie &M Technical Conference of the Representatives of the Stgar Industry of Kazakhstan and Kirghizista, held in Frunze in 1961]Materia3,v Nauchno- tekhnichookoi konforenteii rabotnikov sakhamoi promyshlennosti Kazaklistana i Kirgiziij, Frunze,, 196L. Frunze, In-t nauohno- tekhn. informatsii, 1961. 138 p. (MM 15:12) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicbeBkaya konferentsiya rabotnikov sakharnoy promyahlemosti Kazakhstana i Kirgizii,, Frunze, 1961. (Kazakhstan-Sugar research) (Kirghizistan-.Sugar research) SHOYKM, , L.Ye.; KHLYPENKO# G.N., red. [Mechanization of laboratory processes in mking analyses of au ar beet samplesj practices or the Karabtlty Sugar I Makhanizataiia laboratornykh protsese ov pri proiz- Plant vodstve analizov prob sakharnoi svekly; opyt Kara- Baltinskogo sakhexnogo zavoda. Frunzoo In-t nauchno- tekhn. informatsiij, 1962. 18 p. (MIRA 18t1) YUDENICH, Vladimir Petrovich; TOXARCIWK, Leonid Zakharovich; KMPENKOj MV., red. MNMWMW~ [A deserved fame; achievements of the N.I.Popkova com- Munist labor brigade in the Frunze Broad Combine] Zaslu- zhennaia slava; dosti2heniia brigady kommunisticheskogo truda N.I.Popovoi na Frunzenskom khlobkombinate. Frunze, Sovet narodnogo khoziaistva Kirgizskoi SSR [n.d.) 10 p. WRA 170) "~IDZIDV, Vasilly Nikolvevich; NIWIT.MUT, Anatolly Avgustich; SUgARDEDY'. V.P., redaktor; YXDDBDV, B.M., redalfto~; A I retsenzent; SLAVYANbTrT, A. K. , retsenzent; XkRLSIK, x.1.4._lFS_4kM_hhlcbeskiy rodattor [Technology of pyroganic processingof,wood] Tekbnologila pirogene- tichaskoi, pererabotki, drevesimr. Moskva. Gos.lasbunisdat. 1954. 619 P. I (HLRA 8al) (Wood-Chemistry) (PY"Iyals) - ,w I - I " !* . ~ ., t ~ ", . , ~? -,, -T - , , V 1 . - AHMIST, V.P., polkoynik; BORISOV, D.S., polkovnik; ZHZLIZ=, V.I., dotsent. kand.takhn.nauk, general-laytonant lnzhanernykh voyak V otstavkes, NAZAROV, K.S,p doteent, generial-polkovnik inzhaneruykh voyak v otstavks, red.; KWN0V, A.F., general- polkovnik inzboneraykh voynk, red.; SHCR, D.I., dotsent, kand. takhn.nauk, inshoner-polkovalk %apse&' red.; ROSSAL, N.A., polkoynik, red.; KK6YSTAL9V-..$.1.9 polkoynik, red.; SMOMONIK, [The Soviet military engineers, 1918-1940; collection of articles] Sovetakie inzhonern" voiska Y 1918-1940 gg.; abornik statei. Moskva, Voen.izd-yo M-ya obor.SSSR, 1959. 141 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Military engineering) XWSTOV, A.I. heart wound. Khtrurgiia no-8:71 Ag. (KLRA 9:2) 1. Is Osinnikovokoy gorodskoy bolOnitoy nool Kemerovskay oblaBti. (MLW-SMGM) XHLYSTOV. A.I. Surgical removal of a splinter from the anterior media6tinum. Khirurgiia no.8t73 Ag. 155. (Wak 9n2) 1. Ix Osinnikovskoy gorodskoy bolluitsy no.1 lemerovekoy oblasti. (MEDIASTINUN--SURGICRY) MILYSTOV, A. I. isolated wuund of the pericardium and lung tissue. Khirurglia. no.9:74 S 155. (=A 912) 1. It Oninnikovskoy gorodskoV bolinitsy no.1 Kemerovskoy oblasti. (MICARDIUM-WOUNDS AND IHJMIX) (IUNGS--WOUNDS AND INJURINS) JXHLYSTOT, A.S.; KOTTUMV, Tu.N. Ferromagnetic resonance in ferrite. Izv. ucheb.zav.; Fiz. no.1:8649 158, (min 11:6) 1.0ibirskly fisiko-tekhnicheekly institut pri Tomekom gosuniversitete imenl V.V. Kuybyvheva. (irerrits-Nagnstic properties) 8/139/~9/000/05/018/026 AUTHOR: Xhlystov, A.S. 3201/E191 TITLIt Design of.Magnetelfor Magnetization of Ferrite Plates in Rectangula-r-Ta-veguidesp PIMIODICAL: Izvestiya -sshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Fizikaj 1959t Nr 57PP 109-118 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ferrite plates used to isolate (decouple) a magnetron from its load have to be magnetized uniformly to saturation in a constant field. These plates are located along either the narrow or the wide wall of a waveguide. The magnetic field is produced by an exteirnal source, i.e. by a permanent magnet or by an electromagnet outside the waveguide. The present paper describes : design calculations of a toroidal electromagnet with a circular hollow-cylinder cross-section. The design formulae are obtained for a maximum uniform field produced with either wedge-shaped or rectangular pole- Pieces. Non-uniform magnetization of ferrite platesand the use of Ferroxdur are discussed. Design calculations Card are reproduced for electromagnets with a coil. of 1/2 rectangular cross-section. The results given can be used in construction of both permanent magnets and of 69167 S/139/59/ooo/Wo26/034 320VE191 AIJTHORS: KhlXst21hAJk,,, Zhilyakov, S.M. ~ and Petrakovskiy, G,A,, TITLE: Magnetic Properties of Nickel-Chromium Ferrites,1.1 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy) Fizika, 1959t Nr 6, pp 168-169 WSOR) ABSTRACT; Nickel-chromium ferrites (NiFe2-,Cra0l+) were prepared':by the usual ceramic techniques from "ah" and "chda" oxidles taken in stoichiometric ratios. The oxid6s.were mixed[ in steel-ball mills for 21+ hours (using ethyl alcohol). After drying the mixtures were subjected to a preliminary 1-hour heating in a Silit electrical furnace at 1100 OC. Then the materials were quenched by rapiel cooling in air. Powders.obtained in this way were ground and pressed (2-3 tons/cm2) into samples of required shape, using polyvinyl alcohol as a binder. Finally the samples were fired at 1300 OC for 12 hours and cooled at the rate of 600 per hour. The measured magnetic properties of the samples are given in Figs 1 and 2 and Card Table 1. Saturation magnetization, 1+13(M, was measurod at room temperature; it is given as a function of composition (a ranging from 0 to 1.0) in Fig 1 (uppe_ 69167 /o6/026/034 6/139/59/000 E20l/Hl9l Magnetic Properties of Nickel-Chromium Ferrites curve) and Table 1 (co3umn 2),- The value of OCM is reduced by introduction of chromium ions into the ferrite: it falls from 2300 gauss at & = 0 to practically zero at a = 1.0. This behaviour can be explained in terms of Neel's theory (Ref 1). Chromium, ions which have the tendency to six-fold coordination (Ref 2) occupy octahedral compositions up to compositIona with a = 1. Then the structural formula of the ferrite is:: Fe[NiFel_.Cra]04 .Magnetization at the absolute saturation of a ferrite with the structure given by Eq (1) is: JL2 + (1-a)5 + a-3) - 5j yB = 2(1-a) pB, (2). The above equation shows that magnetization of the ferrite passes through zero approximately at Card a (3) 2/If which agrees qualitatively with the results obtained 8,/139/M)"00/06/026/034 9201/2191 Magnetic Properties of Nickel.-Chromium Ferriteg~,:. (Fig 1). Theresults obtained shoi`~hat at concentrations 0.4 < w 4C 0.8 the materials with a comparatively high Curie point (To = 480-200 00) and low saturation magnetization can be obtained. This is of practical importance since the lower frequency limit of very-high- frequency ferrite devices is governed by the losses due to ferromagnetic resonanca. This frequency limit is given by (Ref 3) >47cm + (4) where Kl - is. the first constant of magnetic anisotropy Of a.cubic crystal, czp is the angular frequency of e.m. waves and y is the magneto-mechanical ratio. Fig 2 and column 5 of Table 1 show that the initial permittivity )io (at 100 c1s) falls sharply with increase of the chromium content. Values of the Curie point, coercive force (in Oe) and density (in g/cm3) are listed in Card columns 3, 4 and.6 of Table 1. 3/4 There are. 2.' figures, 1 table and 3 references ~ of which 1 is Soviet, 1 French and 1 English. cs' In I R~ 'G. 0 Ls. 0 too w WN rn -03 41' 0 HE z- BIOS C";; Hint 13 R0* 1Aft we b,. 1 C"s W-1 1 1 ov A z '01 H81 HUMH 10 10 06 .S.1 w u 00 's lual pill I Ifiasuffila lei 69459 5/139/60/000/01/037/041 AUTHORS: Khlystov, A.S. and PetrXV-1301J9,1G.A. TITLE: Copper and Cobalt Additicns on the Properties of Nickel- c hromium Ferrites_7L( PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniv-, Fizika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 222 - 227 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors studied nicke.11-chromium ferrites with additions of cobalt and copper to determine the optimum compositions and technology ofmanufacturing temperia,ture-' resistant ferrites for 10 cm range resonance rectifiers. Optimum amounts of copper and cobalt additions were found to~produce ferrJtes capable of operating at hi gher temperatunes, maintaining a minimum width of their f erro- magnetic-rnsonance curves. The Curie point of the ferriteis 0 is in the vicinity of 400 C. The initial ferr;te powders were compacted under presmure of 'I t/cm ; initial. ronBting tsmparature for ferriLes wiLth coppita- additions was 900 C for 6 hours~, for ferrlte5 With cobalt additions it was 1 100 0C for 8 hours, The iroasted compacts were gro2nd in a vAbromill , The componenti~ were Card.1/3 pressed at 2 t/cm Eight percent. by weight of a, IP 69459 S/139/60/000/01/037/041 The Effect of Coppw and Cobalt AAHOI/oHN91on the Properties of Nickel-chromium Ferrites water solution of polyvinyl alcohol was introduced 0a$, a binder. Tlie final roasting temperature was 1 150 C for 20 hours (copper added) and 1 350 0C for 12 hours (cobalt added). Measurements of finished specimens show that the width of the ferromagneti.c resonance curve is A H = 500 Oe for Ni o.985 Co 0.015 Cr 0.7 Fe 1.3 04 and Ni o.98o Co 0.020 Cr07 Fe 1.31D4 fer 3- Aes (Figure 3). This makes it possible'to use ;hem in IR'67EW range. Rectifiers made from these-ferrites and placed on the wider waveguide wall in the optimum position produced a forward loss of 0.5 db and a backward loss of 17 db at 2 980 Mc/s; the standing-wave ratio did not exceed 1*19 There are 4 figures and 15 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 9 English, 1 French and I translation from English into Russian. Card 2/3 69459 s/139/6o/ooo/ol/037/041 10 8 The Effect of Copper and Cobalt Addjj'04"2~ the Properties of Nickel-chromium Ferrites ASSOCIATION: SibIrskly fiziko-te1dn10heskiy institut pri Tomskom. gosuniversitete imeni V.V. Kuybysheva of Tomsk State (Si orian Physieg-t2cl3nica InstitutO -y imeni V,V, Kuybyshev) Universil. SUBMITTED: April 109 1959 Card 3/3 INLYS ZHIRTANDVe Box* Magnetic characteristics of lithlum-aluminum ferrites, Isvpv7si ucheb,sav,;fis. no.2.-151-153 160* (MIRA 13:8) 1. Sibirskiy fisiko-tekhnichaskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniveir.sitete ime Vevaltwbysheva. (Terratee..-Ragnetic properties) .hTa=*v4.S.; SHONDTIN, N.M. Magneoium.-chromium-copper ferrites for use In lower part of the; VFW range, IzT*vys*urhebxav*;fis. no.2tlV-160 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Sibirskiy fisiko-tekhnicheekly institat pri Tomakom gosuniveisitete im. V.V.Xuybysheva (Per;;tes) (Miorowaves) ADMION IRS M150211% *0139/65/000/004/0. AUTHOR MTM; The problaii-o-f-vW1 r tar~ng twberm&U7 stable materitle for the decJ i 70PIC VOS: territep decimeter vave, thermal stabilitys- wavegulde antenw~ sau- wiuum Cwtainiva allayi saturation magnetization ,to, 44 ABSTRACT: 7equirements are discussed -for the parameters of ferrite naterltals in -come4ion vitb the tbermal otability essential for ferrites used in ante-11na- vlvr,wdde system in the decimeter bmd. 7he temperature dependence of tie 191,turation magnetization vas--investisated for ferrites with the formula L10.5re.1.5-aAlao's for a . 0l 0. 46$2 q -0041 O.L45L, 0.50" 0.55, 0.60, and 0-70- The ferrites were yr&pa*d from wddeB by the usualceramic method under % prer- sure of IM atm. The tmperature dependence of the saturation wignetization of the ferrits spheres vas measured vitb a vibrational wguetweter in a field of 6= Oe. The 581*1e Isall heated by bigh-f-reTuency currents and cooled by Uquid- mitnSen Tapore It vas found tbat the saturation ragnertization changes vith a1w. xdz=i Ion content. For a ferrite vith a a 0,70 the aLturation magnetization did xa.t dbange by =we tbu jOj In the r=ge frm 0 to 270C; for ferrites vith a 0,,60 Cord 1/2 XHLYSTOVO Me " Effect of pkagnetic crystallographic anisotropy on the fontl of the.tensor of the permability of ferrites. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no.4:50-54 165. (NIRA 1.8:12) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut Imeni V.D. Kuznetsova. Submitted December 29, i963. 'Add tik ~611~21ga SOURCE CODE I _Wdi30766/000/60 0 A' MORS: Khlxsto' ?A. Neamelovj N, S. ~30. ORG: '.]ajjMri~m rhvilgoteebnicill InstitUte im, M. J2, K!jzj3QtsPy_ _(Sibirskiy, -f1ziko,-tekbniche skly - Ins t1tu t) TI TLE so Ferrite itesonant gates with coaxial rectangular, and qtrip wan guides containing dielectrics. 1. Theor-petical design of retsonant ferrite gWies SOURCE6. IVLTZ. Fizika' no. 6,,1965J 98-106 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite switch, rectification, waveguid6 element., ferromagnetic resonance ANSTRACIT: - The autbdrs 'consider a.plane-parallel analog of a coaxial line, a rectangular'waveguide, and a strip waveguide with ferrite and die lee tric' plate Inserts located In the H plane. Trancendental equations are derived for the propagationoDnetants of the eleetpomag- netic wave In these systems.-An approximate soluttun of these oqua- tions Is praberAted.- 4 or-lerrite plates of small thickness. Ana1rtic._ IT AC(1 NR: AP 6002088 expression& are obtained for:;the rectification ratio in this system. It is showil analytically thai; In alleases the maximum rectification ratio occurs for reBonant values of the magnetic field. For each syntem triere Is obtained an analytic expression for the optimal, value of the ferrite magnetization- at which maximum-rectification rt~tio should be observed, The optimalmagnetization depends on 'the fre- onstant of the d blectric employf)d in, quency and on the dielectric c the system, and on tne-goome-try-ot the system. The maximum potisible rectification ratio is thi: same for all three devices. Orig. art bas: 3 figures and 58 formulas, SUB COM., 20/ Sual', bATB-.., .'I~AprA/ oni d PEP: 0031 OTH REP: 003 2 ACC 832 SOURCE COM UR/0139/66/000/005/0007ifOO12 AdTHOR: Jhlya"VI.,~-A. S.; Nesnelove No so~ ORG: Siberian Physico-Uchnical Institute imeni V. D. Kuznetsov (s1birskly tizilto- tekhuicheskly Institut) TITLE: Coaxial, band,'and rectangular waveguides containing a dielectric as ferrite monance gates SOURCE-$ IVUZ. Fizika, no. 5, 1966, 7-12 TAGS: waveguide, dielectric.layer waveguide, rectangular vaveguide, ferrite ABSTRACT: Graphs of the characteristics of various types of waveguides are presented based on computer calculations using formulas derived-in an earlier paper by the auth- ors Mv. twov M"R, Pizika No 6, 1965]. The'effects. of the thickness of the d,ielec-' tric layer, the dielectric constant (permittivity), the-bandwidth of the ferromagnetic resonance as well as the effects of sme other parameters an the wideband properties of the devices and the optimum magnetization intensity were examined. For a coaxial reso- nance gate, there is an, elliptical polarization of the magnetic field of superhigh fre- quency. The elliptical. polarization is closest to circular when the occupation angle t/z a 3/0 at thi dielectric-air boundaryq' In band waveguidep, the optimum magntitiza- tion intensity asymptotically approaches zero with increasing thickness of the dielec- I Card ACC NR, AP6033832 tric plate. In rectangular waveguides, the configuration of the superbigh frequency of the magnetization field varies at different points as a result of the influence of the lateral metal walls* The optimum magnetization intensity depends on the position of the di6lectric plate. Dielectric losses were not taken into account in the calcula- tions. Orig. art. has: 14 figures~ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM VATEt OSJan65/ ORIG RM 002 ACC NR, AP6033836 SOURCEODDEs. UR/0139/66/000/005/00i,.L./Oos A)THOR: XMystov, S*; SablijIMas Ks A. -to MG: Sibepian Physico-TachnLeal IWtitute Ina, V~.D* Kuznetso (SibirokLy fizLko kh .1nicheskLy institut)' L !TITLE: Relat.ionship, between phase shift and the temperature in ferrite pbaso. shifters ISOURCE: IVUZ. Mike, no. 5, 1966, 51-SS TOPIC TAGS: phase shift., phase shift analysis, phase shifter, ferrite, magnatic, per- meability, Curie point, dielectric permeability ABSTRACT: Conventionally prtpared Mg-Cu ferrite-chromite specimens were used to verify the assumption that the thermal instability of a ferrite phase shifter is deteviined by the relationship between the microwavu magnetic permeability and temperature. Superim- s t on of the magnetization curves obtained at various temperatures indicates that the relationship between the phase sbift and the temperature is especially proru)unced in the range of weak bias fields, and reaches a maximum when the field is zero. An installation was-designed to measure the thermal relationship of the phase shift ip a vanishing (fade-out) field. The phase shift was measured by comparing the phase ~f the investigated signal with the phase of the reference signal; the magnetic W and dielectric W permeabilities of ferrite were measured by open-circuit current. 7he WC-6 -NR.AP'i033836 experimenta'Lly determined phase shift -,aused by a temperature variation in the 25- -1000C range is 2200C. The dielectric constant goes up slightly with increasing tem- ?erature. The magnetic permeability goes up from 0.69 at 290, to 0.93 at 1000c,: and 3pproaches unity somewhere in the Curie point range. An equation defining the stave propagation rate in a ferrite specimen in waveguides was constructed. The calculated. phase shift was A4 = 2120C. The authors thank Engineer G. I. Yudin who made data"On phase shift meazzurement with relation to the field at various temperatures avai:Lable. Drig. art. bast 6 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATEi 2Wan65/ ORXG REr, 003/ OTH IMN 003 Card SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/67/000/002/006 ACC NR. AP706~6T3- MENTOR: Khlystov, A. B.; Zhilyakov, S. M. )RG: None ftTLE,. A ferrite material. Class ~1, No. 190501 ,OURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 63 rmal stability,-.saturation magnetization .OPIC TAGS: ferrite, the MSTRACT; This Author's Certificate introduces a ferrite material vhich contains )xides of iron, iLluminum ana lithium with the composition LiO.5(l-a)Fel.q+0.lcL*,UO.6 1 0 where a=0.004-0.010. The material is designed for therma .I-COCOO 41 Ily atable~satu !ation magnetization in the temperature range from -150 to +285OC- iUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 29Nav65 Card 1/1 uDc: 621.---ji8.124 I., 11,HLYSTOVO F. 2. um (6oo) 4. Horuaing 7- From the experience of public committees cooperating in bousing administration, Zhil. -kom. khox. 2 No. 12, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MW j9513. Unclassified More old to pr1mary troft-union organisations. Boy. prof solusy 2 no'.'6:94-28 A 134. (MLRA 7:7) 1. Preasedatell, H*ak6vsk6jm obkom prof soyuse robachikh amehino-, (;r%d; vulong) (Nnobinery Industry) GUROV., S.; ALUUMOV. A..- 2RAKOWN. IL (Minsk); XMTSTOT, I.; TUK'YNV, I.; AMSUIROT, S.; GLWJTSUrA, A.; Letters to the editors. Sov.profsoiusy 16 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Zamestitell predeedatelya zavkom Dneprodsorzhiuskogo metallurgiabookogo zavoda imeni fterichinakogo (for Ourov)e 2. BWstvitelli*7 chlen Vsesoyusnogo geograficheskogo obsbchestva pri AN SSSR (for Tuulre'r)- 3. Tekhnicheekly inspektor Bstonskogo movets. profeoyuzov, Tallinn (for Girutskaya). (Ifficiency, Industrial) (Labor and laboring clauses) i UNCFVSKIY, A.G.N inzh.; VOLPXAN, G.A.# :Lnzh.;- YEVINA, Ye.l., inzh.; SEGEDIROVA A.A.~ inzh.j SKRITSKAYA, I.M., inzh.; KHWA, A.I., inzh. 4 --FJU,Y.CITGVJ, I.I.$ inzh. Municipal engineering faui:.jitieg. Gor. kboz. Moak. 35 no. 301-41 mr 161. ' (MIM 14 5) (Moscow-Ouidaipal services) SERYY' YU.1., otv. red.; IVANOV, L.M.,, doktor ist. nauk, red.; KIRIYAHOV, Yu.1.# kand. ist. nauk, red.; KUZMSOV, V.I., kand, iste naukp redej -AMSTOV, I.P., kand, ist, nauk,, redo (Papers at the October 1963 academic session in Rostov- On-Don devoted to the history of the working class in Russia during the period of capitalism] Doklady na nauch- noi sesaii, posviashchennoi istorii rabochego klassa Rosaii v period kapitalizma Rostov-na,Donu, 1963 g. Rostov-na- Donu, AN SSSR, 1963. 206 p. (MIRA .17:5) 1. Nauchneya sessiya, posvyashchennaya istorii rabochego klassa Rossii v period kapitalizma) Rostov-on-Donj, 1963. 2. Inatitut istorii AN SSSR (for Ivanov). 3. Rostovskiy gosudarstvemiyy universitet (for Seryy).