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Call Nr., AF 2108825 Transactions of the Third A21-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.)Moscow' Jun-jul 56, Trudy '56, v. 1, sect. Rpts., lzdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 pp. Suprunenko.. D.'A* (Minsk). TAnear Nilpotent Groups. 35 Turkin, V. K. (Moscow). Quasi-monomial Representations of Groups. 35 Urazbayev, B. M. (Alma-Ata). On Some Asymptotic Formulas in Algebra. 35-36 Mention ia made of Delone., B. @N. and Fadeyev, D. K. Khion, Ya. V. (Tartu). Rings Normed by Means of Semi-groups. 35-36 Chernikov,: S. N. (Molotov). Nilpotent Groups. 37-110 Mention is made of Kurosh,,,A. G., Shmidt, 0. Yu., Ado, I. Dop Malltsev, A. I., Myagkov, N. N., Mukhamedzhan, Kh. Kh., Glushkov, V. M., GoloVin, 0. N., Sesekih, N. F., Smirnov, D.. M., Plotkin, B. I., Charin, V. S. Card 12/80 BUS CT uwi ICS/Algsbra WD 1/1 PG 908 BMW 0101 TA TITLE. Ped Asysaigroupse PERIODICAL Isvest.ija Akad-.Nauk.21. 209-222 0 957) reviewed .7/1957, The set P is called an ordered somigroup.if 1) P is closed with respect to the.assioiative multiplioation-defined-in itj 2) P is a (linear) ordered setl for all ot )r 6 P, from ak;@A there follwas 0(r;@':r and 4V)o. 4 in.P there okists an elvement..O with'the property Ot - 0 O(w 0, 0 4 ot 4, 0 it follows 0(-P and from for every oL 6 Pi 5) fro ka(M 0 it tollowg_. for all e- P., k subset I of -the semigroup.PAS@cilled subsenigroup in P if A4aclose.d w1tU .respect to the multiplication defined in P. A subset A of the seaigroup@4 is -called a right ideal in P if, from aoe A and q E P it follows as e A. UP I Ck 6A A subset.A of:an ordered semigro .@P is cilled oonyt.x in P if from C(1 2. and OcI A o@' 2it follows Cr A. If in an ordered semigroup P a convex two-sided ideal I is given, thenwith respect to it a new ordered sesigroup,oan bd formed which is denoted as a factor esmigroup of P with respect to Is PA. P/I corresponds to the element o(e P., From I it follows Izvestija Akad.Nauk 21L 209-222 (1951) CARD 2/3 PG - goe Let from follow 0( Let., QK7( For an-element o@ of an ordered semigroup we have either. (9 2 4- o( or OL2 tk or C( 2>0( The set of those CK for which o( 4 o( is called I and theseCK are called integral* Elements being different from zero, for which 442a OL . are called unities. Let M be the set of,integral elements which unities. If P contains no non-trivial -convex-two-sided.1dealep then P is called simple. Theorem 1s.X and PN X are-convex-subsemigroups in P. Theorem 2; Every-oonvex- subaet,1n, X which. contains the element.0 is a two-sided ideal in K.- Theorem 3: Beside of the elements Rt@ X contains at most one element If N j X, then M is a maximal convex two-sided, K; the ideal N is a prime ideal in X and the faotor.semigroup Of consists of the elements 0 and t , where Theorem 41 If I is a convex-right (left)-ideal in P and I @@Pq then ICRO Theorem 5: The totality N of all nilpotent elements of an ordered asmigroup., P is a convex two-sided ideal in P. N is the union of all right nilpotent ideals of P. The factor semigroup P/N has no zero divisors. N is called the radioal of P. Theorem 61 If P Ut then in P it exists a non-trivial maximal convex IzTestija AkadqNauk.2111 209_2&(1957) CARD 3/3 PG 9W two-sided ideal A. the factor semigroup P/A contains no non-trivial convex,two-sided ideals. Theorem 7s Asimpleordered-semigroup contains no non-trivial convex'' one-sided ideals. In an.ordered asmigroup arohimisdean classes are introduced as follow$$ @let a 7 W U'and have to.belongto a class if Woziete and. p(., A C Kv the an n such that 00-4 Let @X and both cK and non-integralf thenctan Xave to a class if itexists an.n ouch-that 0( Theorem 8vThe-decomposition-into archimedean clasees is a decomposition. into pairwise,disjoint.convex-subsomigroups. Every decomposi-tion of P into pairwise disjoint convex bussemigroups can be continued up to a decomposition into arohimedean classes. Some further theorems concern integral ordered groups# the notion of congrtenoe being determined by the decomposition into archimedean classes .and so-called archimedean semigroupe* AUTHOR TITLE PMODICAL ABSTRACT CAn 1 /2 KHIOW YA. V. 38-3-217 -TEMRinge normalized with the help of half-groups. (Kolttsat norairovanone pri ponoshchi'polugroppg- Russian) Isvestlia, Akad.'Wtuk SGOR9 SeroKats 195T, Vol 21t Nr 19' Pp 311-328 .(USSR), The theory of those rings is here developed upon the basis of tko7tkeovy of ordered half-groups, The attempt *an be a"*.$* transfer ths-oono*ption or no= fron the fields to Us rings$ so U0 the axion I a b Q w Q a I I b I to conserved*-1fq koweverp it is intended to normalls* suffl- Ciently voluals"D clause* of rings (06go rings with zero divisors)o also normalisation with the help of ordorel hau-6roups - (and not merely with half-groups) suet *be admitted, TM present work. disousses the generalization* 2kelfirst chapter g1ves a definition of the conception Onorstallsed ring" and disousses the comeation beftwoon A ring and a Aormallsing half-groupe Pne of tits theorems 38-3-2/7 The Itings normalized with the help of half-groupse mentionod,hers, mqs:.For any ordered half-group P the" exists a ring R#@which:is normalized with the help of this1alf-group, The next.ohapter deals with the most simple properties of a normalized ring and the ideal. The maxlmm-convex ideal and the simple normalized rings are thea@dealt,witI4 Thus# a simple normalized ring contains no non-trivial unilateral oonvex ideals " Th* following okapter investigates whole normalized rings, 1.00 suoh rinp as We boon normalized with the help of a whole @ordered bAlf-poup. In this and in the preceding chapter a con- siderable number of theorems in mentioned. In conclusion the ordered rings are investigated, (No Illustrations) ASSOCIATION: not given, PRESENTED BY:- Aels KOLM0GOR0T# member of the Academy. SUBMITTED: 23.12. 1955. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 Iii'A lzv SSR. erf no* (MIRA 1634 ITTICft Fit TN-Ir-Wrzw, RT,IRA LAL; PETRIY, O.A.; PODLOVCHENKOP B.I. .Electrolytic oxidation of organic matterg on platinizee - - - platinum at hydrogen adsorption potentials. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.6:1416-1419 0 '6-4- (MT-IM 17:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Frumkinym. KHIRA__LAL; PETRIY., O.A.; PODLOVCHENKO, B.I. Role of adsorptimof intermediate reaction products in the electroaxidation of methanol in an acid solution. Elektrokhimiia I no.3:316-320 Mr 165, (MIRA :L8:12) .1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyv. universitet imeni Lomonosova. GRINSHPUN, L.Ya.; PYLAYKIM, P.A.; KHIRDZHIYEV, S.G.- PERTSOVSKAYA, Ye,V, Tanks on-powerful borizontal hydraulic presses for the extrusiasof. aluminum alloys, Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 6 no.lt2l-24 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) -e4@' FAGGESSION NRI Aphom34 S/M62/64/000/001/002VW24 AUTHORSv Grin0hpuh, L. Yaej Py*lsykin, P,A.j KhirdzhlYw T Perbsovskayas Yoe VO TITLEi Containers of high power horizontal hydraulic prooses for pressing aluminum alloys SOURGIEs I Kumechno-shbazVovochnoye proizvodstvo.* no# 1, ig6hq 21-24 TOPIO TAGSs hydraulic pros a pres s c ontainer 5KIuW steel, 5KhNK stoo1j, %M stooli 38Kh2N314 stool) 3Kh2HUVF stoolp 2'jKh2N2W. steel ABSTRACTt The technological requirements of containers for pressing Al alloys were limited by the temperatures up to 4300, specific stresses up to, 50 kg/mn'. and the maximum press force 12 OW.T. A coiwaonly used container consisted of a frame and a conical bushinco Both the frame and the bushing were mad of hiGh- alloy stools 5KhNV or ", They had a nui*er of shortcomings assoc[atod. With the shape of the bushing and the metal useds For this reasonj, several research proJects leading to the design of more suitable containers vere undertaken at sa @d- 1131-.' I i t . , . I I - s L 35976-66 EW(m)/EWP(t)/ETI lip(c) ip Ap6oi6O4@., 10 SOURCECODE': UR/0185/66/011/005/0502/0506 4@ AUTHOR: Khirichp.I.Ya. ORG: Odessa Technological Institute of the Food and Refrigeration Industry (0des'kyy teKnnolohichnyy Instytut Xharcnovoyl I KnoloUll, oyl @-romyslovosti) TITLE: Thermoelectric and galva nomagnetic properties of bismuth antimo single crystals @ v6w -1 1 1 SOURCE: ayinolkyy fizychnyy zhurnal., v,ll,, no-5# 1966,. 502-5o6 TOPIC TAGS: antimony crystal, bismuth crystal, thermal emf, magnetic field, galvanomagnetic. effect, thermoelectric property, electric resistance, temperature depeadence ABSTRACT: Samples of B1 97% Sb3%, obtained by the zone leveling method.0 have been investigated, The variation of the thermal emf in the magnetic field (11-0-15 koe) was measured as a function of temperature* C,rd 1/2 ACC NRI AP6016042 The superposition of a magnetic field of 2 koe intensity-increases the electromotive force. At a temperature-T-20OK and H-15 koe, the relative change in thermal emf was Am. The effect of the magnetic field intensity on the electric resistance was investigated, At a temperature of lOOK cind H-15 koe,,-the electric resistance amounted to,Aett the temperature, dependdnce of the resistivity and Hall emf were used in'd6termining the carrier concentrations, while the electron and hoie mobilities were determined from formulas for isotropic metals. The author thanks--V,A,Nayer, I#D,Konozenkop. and V,L,VinetsIkiy for their valuable advice and he16 in this work, Orig, arto has: 4 figurOs and 7 formulaso [Based on author's abstract] (NTI SUB CODE-z ll,,20/ SUBMDATEt O6Apr65/ OHIO PJEF-. 003/ MR REP: 007 Card 2/2 CHIZHIKOV, DA I KHIRIK, A.B.Cdeceased Determining rmopbyeical proportion of oxygen and auUlar compounds Oxinc and copper. Trudy Inst. met. no.1209-4 163. (MIRA. 16s 6) Zinc oompoundo-Thermal properties) 0opper, oompounds-Thermal properties) i CHIZHIKOVP DAJ KHIRrKP I.SAdeceased] Datermiavirm"ooowmoimcaolm~~operties of ox7gen and sulfur compounds of zinc and copper. Trudy Inst. met. no.12s79-84 1630 (MIRA 16 16) Zinc oompounds-Thermal properties) pper compounds-Thermal properties) W ANDRUSHKO, A.F.., prepodavatell; VOR014KOV, E.N... prepodavatell, KUBETSKIY, G.A.0 prepodavatell, MAUSHEV, (U., prepodava- tell; SETYUKOV, L.L'.. prepodavatell) SUKOWTjA.A., pTepodpatel KHY@M@prepdavaUlf; SHAMt(YVAl,K.Vf-,, prog-.j MffUrMi,V.V*.,,. -reu., LARICKOV, G.Ye., fj@. red. [ semiconductors and semiconductor devices) Spetsialtrqi praktik=.po poluprovodnlkwa i poluprovodniko- vym priboram. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1962. 303 P, (MIRA 15:2) (Semiconductors) (Transistors) !,;e-- - N;r) @ ;r V-1 @ - . =. L:@. - - -$P g --g -W ffEK 49c, @1- 21 vg- PBSTRIT, N.Y., inshener; XHIRIN, N.D., inzhener. Adjusting wetting-type ash removers of centrifugal scrubbers. 31ek.sts. 28 noo9:23-27 6 157. (MIRA 10.,11) (Borubber (Ohamical teohnology)) KKIRIN, N.D., insh.; PICSTRIY, N.V,, inzh. Performance of wet ash collectors operating with ashes from milled peat. Teploonergetika 7 no.3:52-56 H@ 16o. OaRA 13:5) Yuzhnoye otdolonlye Goeudaretvennogo tresta po organizateii i rationalizataii elektrostanteLy. Ush disposal) VOLKOVA,, Ye.I... #zh.,-,SMIN,, N.D. inah.; BARXSHNIKOV, A.P.- inzh.j KOZHEVNIKOV, G. 112 AH601MRIN, K.G., inzh.; BABKOIVI V.Aoo inzh'.; VNUKOVI A.K., kand.tekbn.nauk Starting clutch for drart and bloving maohinery and pit mills. Teploonergetika 8 no.6:31-32 Je 161o (MMA 14 10) le Yuzhuoye otdeleuiye Gosudarstyellbogo trests. po organizataiii ratsionalizataii elektrootantsiy. (Clutdhes (mchinery)) (Electric posr6r plants-Equipment and supplies) PESTRIYY N.V.. inzh.; -ZUIqY N D i=h,) LOZIMKIY, R.P.., inzh, VESEIDVI V.T.J, inzho "7- Studying the model of a vat ash collector with a gas overfeed system. Teploenergetika 9 no.1:11-14 Ja 162. 3.4:22) 10 Yuzhnoys otdolenlye GosudarqLvennogo tresta po organizataii i ratsionalizatsii elektros.tantsiy. (Gases-Purification) (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplAeo) VESEWT, V.T., inzh.; DAROVSKIY, Ye.T*.,, inxb.;.IDZI.NSI@IY, R.P., inzh.; KHIRIN, N.D., inzh. Adjustment and-testing of type MP-VTL ts@ collectors with a 49500 MAiameter. ..Toploenergetika 9.noan:41-45 N 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Yuzhnoys otdeleniya Gosudarstvepnogo treats po organizataii i 'ratsionalizatsii rayonnykjx:eIektrost&ntsiy i setey. (Fij aah) AP4047340 I j -)8/0011 K. V.-I Andr--ishR-t, A. F.- Moro- ;T.F: C)ptlcal properties of powders of cadvrium sulfide of hexa- 47icaton at 77.3K VUZ Fizika, no. 5, 1964, 3-11 TOPIC TAGS' d.adinimt-aulf ne@scence spectrum, lullftin4@Lzcence- polycrystal, reflection ba)d, optica' ahsor-ption ABSTPACT: Inasmuch as earlier research on the fine structure in the reflection, emission and exci@_ation of -luminescence of cddmium aulfil-';e @!as 'Lo sinqle-crvatal @-=-_7_7- 7- ated -Mxb-Strat&a-,"-%,.hL -a -41.alie undertaken to determine the dependence of the optical proper- -1-es Of the hexagonal modification of cadmium sulfide on the condi- LZ4.. 'R: N PLP4047340 -..!2r which it is oDtained. -CrjS pcw@ler- irine crystallin:! O@e-&nt --t-ev%miratur --struc urd-t- affrIeCT.- --rt rent n, e@A nz@74 -- ,i.,ith different reagents, were used ia the investiqations. All the -uid-nitrogen tem- 'AIE?re obtained ii unpolarized light at IiI4 -ie TI reflection spectra were obtaired ,,--th the ISP-51 with UF-84 camera, whi.Lt-- Lhe fa:-:j.-At-!-:;; wi!"(! excitati.011 -17 f,' ,)ow,-!ers have and the displav fide powderD 1;.!i r e - t T@' e., bl'li@- !-'arl f S 43 amp i e s aDtp i op -I - NR. AP4047340 iii the cadmium sulfi&a is due to impuritiei3 and is with the violation of the itoichiometrv nF too -T,:@gfats. nas; 3 figures. S- 5 -3C AT 1 DN imoakovokiy energetilcho.,tkiy inatitut (M-noc-n-w P,-,7@,4er URM 1 TT ED: 28Apr63 F-111 C L t0-0 NF REP SOV- Ong OTHER; 003 oplic Cc,d 3/3 ACC NRs AF603" SOURCE-CODE: WO05V96-T021/004/04 59. AUTHOR: Shalimovap K. V,,; Xhirin., V. X. Korolevp 0. 1. ORG: none 7 TITLE: Temperature dependence of the absorption# reflectionp emiaoionp and excitatia spectra and of the quantum yield of luminescence in polycrystalline films of cadmium sulfide SOURCE: Optikai spektrookopiya.9 vo* 21p no* 4p 3966p 456-459 TOPIV.TAGS-. cadmium sulfidep absorption spectrum) emission ap,:ctrump excitation opec- trump quantum yieldt luminescence spectrump semiconducting filmj, temperature depen- dence ABSTRAM, Thivis a continuation of earlier work (DAN SSSH v. 1390 938p 3961) on the temperature dependence of the absorption and reflection of cadmium sulfide films,, where a photographic procedure.vasWed. In the present studyp the tested polyer7stb3., ' line films were of.hexagonal mcodification., and were prepared by a thermal sublimation of the initial substance in vacuump using a procedure described by the authors else- where (Kristallograftya v..8.. 774.- X963). The temperature dependence of the siectra and of the quantum yield were measured with an optical system based on a; spectrometer (DFS-22),p universal monochromator (M-2)j, a double monochromtor (na-4),p am a photo- electronic cont:bmous - spectrum recoroer (PEPL. 1) * The absorption spectra in the tem-. perature range 7*1 300K were platted with a recording ffpectrophotometer OF-206 7he Card 3/2 UDC: "5-34 + "5-37-096 L 13079-6-15 D1T(x)/E1dP(t)/W(b) VP(c) IAMC (a) /AS (rip) -2 /tSD (c) t3D (9s) AC-ESSION NR: AP4047358 S/0139/64/000/005/011.9/0124 AUTMRS Shalimova, K. V.; kndrushko, A. F.-, Khirir,, V. N.,- Moro- z ov a,N. K. TITLEt Optical proportias of powdei '-v of the cubic modification of Rand their ch.&nges in the 5 - c:e phaae transition S " UP, U" IVUZ. Fizika, no. 5, 1964, :-19-124 7@;P- -7 --A-S: 'I- C Omium qulfide'@Iubic crystal, po@wder, phase transi- absorption, light emission in order to obtain additional information an the mechanism and emission of light .-r. CdS, the irvver@-tigated bpeC Era of diffuse reflection, er-Lission, and P-xcitation of lu- @--i7ies---ence of CdS powders of caubic modification, and' also investigatiid --!:-a. of a-CdS powders annealec at high tenpera-ures In a-r anti -,T atmosphere. All the spectra were in unpo- ACCESSION '11TR: PLP4047358 larized light at liquid-ni-trogen temperature. The reflection spec- -i -@@re obtained with an ISP-51 spectrograph with T-TF-64 camera. The -nd e,,qission spectra were -nvest-lgate@ ,L-1th the same spec- and a photoelectric attachment. The cadmi-.Am s7-ilfide powder ;----pitated from solutiors and heat treated at 1--emppratureS frm One band is observed l-, -^"CdS in :I-d -,n P@ft.,er heatirg the :A-C:-iS !Dand at 3ra!@.ially attenua.Les and va-nishes, is reptaced by peaks chiaractezistic af- the Tiex-agonal ncj-@@51.catJon -le emission and rc:flection spectra 31how a be- art. has: 3 fic:ure8. ON - Moskovskiy eneryeticheskiy institut (Moa=a Power Institute) ID 2SApr63 ENCL. 00 B :@D;D C OP, S8 NF, REP BOV 010 OTHER r 003 IMMIX I i (m)/E4P( t )/LViP(b X V.; V, N.; K ;e6c A! IA:4 of polylLrj&%,&l lin e fnm nc, nesc eac e c ddnd um tru 1 f I de , u-, t 1 on, r-- n iram rade of the Bpectra or miliaorn.'.I@-r rd rc Y c ry a ta r. e f'il.= was ni-v -= 77777 - -7 @ - 7777 by Vsern--l glidlbfttioll of f@@ In eff atzospheTia- Of dygon or hydrogen su lfide in cryvtallization on heate@ a-ud u eatee on ia i@ r Sarml e!i AY5006056 Alum-Inescence excitation, ejV- emlsai,.n AT%-rjrj, 1,.. '-'G. and 4,40 A vfrk@ vaveleugth jr, t,,,t CC,-,d -7-T EXCLi GO SUB 1:nIII.All L 42898-66 EWT(I)/EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/GG ACC NRi AP6018447 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/006/1063/1065 AUTHOR: Shalimova, K. V.-, Khirin, V. H.;.Korolev, 0. 1. 07 #1 ORG: none TITLE: Spectral distribution of relatives!jantum yield for photoluminescence of poly...i crystalline cadmium sulfide films at 770r, V SOURCE: Optika I aktroskopiya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 1063-1065 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, photoluminescence, light excitation, excitation spec-, trum , absorption spectrum, spectrophotometry, quantum yield, monochromator, semicon- ducting film, polycrystalline film ABSTRACT: The absorption, reflectance, ex tation and quantm yield of nescence tyield of i 'm er t from polycrystalline cadmium sulfide.films(rt liquid nitrogen tem er tur (770K) were L investigated.' In the corresponding spectra In the 210-360 mp region, four broad bands with maxima at 330, 290, 240 and,215 mu were observed while a fine structure consist- Lig of 4-5 bands was observed in the 460-490 mp region. The spectral distribution of green luminescence of polycrystalline CdS films is independent of the wavelength of the excitation light. The rediation intensity of this luminescence is directly propor- tional to the Intensity of the.excitation light over three orders of magnitude, These conclusions are based on a series of measurements carried out by the authors on hexa- UDC: 535.37 L L 42898-66 A C@ ACC NRr AP60181147 @ 0 9, 1 C8 polycr@stalllne films at 770K. The experimental equipment Included a double n4 @na Ing !Th'onoch0ator, a grating spectrometer, universal monochromator, recording 'Pe@tr4hotome and a photomultiplier detector. The quantum yield was calculated re@, ,'Pe@ given exci tion and radiation conditions for samples of US films from 0.15 to f or for 1.1 V thick. All samples exhibited identical spectral distributions of their, quantum 1.1 yield. Spectral distribution fluorescence of the CdS film is shown:1in fig- yiel ure ure photonenergy ev 15VO 41 a Fig. 1. W Curve 1 shows the spectral distribution of;, the excitation light for the green Imi- 44 o neseence, curve 2 shows the relative %U >w4jquantum yield. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. :2 V 0 Soo 04 200 M -,VO JV 40,., wavelength, mu SUB COM SUBM DATEt 07Apr65/ ORIG REr.: ow OTH REF: 002 LS-0-rd 2/2 "Sredneaziatskiye narodnye skaziteli (traditsiya i tvorcheskaya improvizatsiya)." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & thnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. KHIRNM, L,Ap , Who Testing the remote control system in fields of the Abin Petroleum Trust* Neftlanik 5 no*6:11-12 je, 160. (MIRA, 13:7) 10 Neftepromyslovoye, upravleniye Ab Weft' Krasnodarakogo sov.,!- narkhoza. (Abi-n region (Krasnodar Territory)-Remote control) GABRIYELOVt L.V*l SHEVTSOV., A.A.; LITVINOVp A,Ya, HIMM, L,A. Automation of group measuring instalistions. Reftianik 7 no.011-13 Ap .162. (KERAlpll) 1. Naohallnik teakha &rtonatiki neftepromyslov ogo upravlen4a Abinneftif(for'Gibriyelov), 2, Glavnyy inxh. neftepronyolqvbgo upravl6rdya Abinneft' (for Shevtaov)e @3. Starshiy inah. pr*slovov FuPpy tsekha avtomatiki neftepromyslovogo upravleniya Abinnertf (for lAtvinov)6 4. Starshiyinsh, gruppy telemakhanizataii teekha artomatiki neftepromyslovogo upr@vleniya Abinneft',(for Khirnykh). (Kubem-Petroleum-Measurement) (Automatic.control) ABRUKIN, Abram LIvovich; KHIMKH nid Andrgyevich; PEREVERZEVI V,V.J red.; GORIKO.VA, A.A., ved. red.; YAKOVLEVA, & I., tekhn. red. (Remote control in petroleum production]Telemekhanizatsiia dobychi nefti. Mcskvaj Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 102 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Remote control) (Oil fields-Equipment and supplies) IA,V.; KHInYYO YUJt. Sources of negative by"6n ions, Prib. I takh, sksp. no.5-.54-58 3-0 '57. (Kim lotl2) (ronizationlof gages) (Hyclrogen) SOV/120-58-2-13,;3? .-AUTHOR.- Ki)irnyy, Yu. M. TITLC-A Source of Negative Hydrogen Ions (Istochnik otritsatellnykh ionov vodoroda) PERIODICAL: 11'ribo-ry iTekhnika Eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 21 PP 51-53 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The device is based on the.high frequency source of positive ions with a longitudinal magnetic field given in Ref.3 and is shown in Fig.l. The negative ions are produced by charge exchange between protons and.hydrogen, or deutrons and deuterium, in the capillary of a high frequency ion source (F ig .1). . The beam of ions thus produced is accelerated to 20 kev and analysed by a mamet. Analysis of the ion beams shows that the ions coming out from the source are practically monoenergetic. The working life of the source is more than 200 working hours and the amount of hydrogen supplied to ob- tain a current.of 20 lia-mp (rl) is 28 cc/hour. Asimilar amount. of deuterium gave a current of about 10 liamp of D FiS.2 shows the de]@endemeof the current on the diameter of Card 1/2 SOV/120-58-2-13/37 'ASource of Negative Hydrogen Ions. the capillary. A. V. Almazov is.thanked for his supervision, There are 3 figures and 4 references, of which 1 is Soviet and English. SUBMITTED: August 5, 1957. Card 2/2 1. Hydrogen ions--Sources 2. Ion beams--Analysis KHIRNYY, Yu. M q I CAND TECH Sal t I'SOURCE?'OF NEOAT I VE HYDROOEN IONS." MdSCOWV 1961,0 (MOSCOW, ENGINEERINo- PHYSICS INST). (KLt 3-61t 221), 279 21392 5/12o/61/000/002/002/042 E032/E114 .AUTHORSs Kli:Lrnyyl___Yu.Mo-9 and Kochemasova, L. N. @TITLE Aninjector.of negative hydrogen tons PERIODICALt Pribory i takhnika oksperimenta, 1961,,Nol.20 pp. 14-19 TEXTt The electrostatic generator has retained its importance in nuclear.reactor studies since It can be used to produce accelerated particle beams with a very small energy spread. In order to double the energy ot particles obtained from electro- static generators one can use the L.W. Alvarez scheme (Ref.1) whereby negative hydrogen ions are first accelerated by-the C161d between the "earth" and the positive electrode and then, having given up two electrons in a stripping target, they are converted into positive ions which are accelerated again by the field butin, the opposite direction. The energy thus obtained corresponds to twice the applied potential. The two ion injectors described in the present paper are designed for this type of application.,- The stripping target employed by these authors was in the form of a long thin tube with a gas circulated through its middle part. In order to obtain good vacuum and avoid charge exchange on Card l/ 5 21392 S/120/61/000/002/002/042 E032/E114 An injector of negative hydrogen ions residual gas atoms, the diameter in the tube had to be an small as possible. It was found that the most suitable electron- optical.focussing scheme for the negative ions was a combination of a three-electrode lens with an immersion lens. The first of these lenses focusses the beam leaving the the immersion lens., The latter is used to match the beam energy to the accelerating voltage of the tube and to stabilize the-position of the narrowest part of the beam in its object plane (C.H.Johnson, et al. Rev. Sci*nt. Instrum,, 1957, 28, 942. Ref.4). The three- electrode lens consists of electrodes of equal diameter (D=30 mm). The length of the middle electrode in 30 mm and the gap between the electrodes is 3 mm. The minimum focal length is about 50 mm. Fig-3 shown a schematic drawing of the HI injector. In this figure, I in the source of the negative ions, 2 is the focussing system* 3 in the corrector which in used to adjust the position'of the beam, 4 is an electron separator which consists of two permanent magnets and a moveable Faraday cup 5. The latter is used to measure the beam current. The electrodes 6 and Card 2/ ...S/12o/6voOO/002@/002/042 E032/Ell4 An injector of negative hydrogen ions 9 are used to su ppress:becondary electron emission, 7 is a valve,,@ is a trap.which removes C02 which flows in from the stripping target, 11 is a slit'and 12 is a second Faraday cup.* Fig-5 shows;-. another negative, ion injector in which the H1 and H1 particles are separated by a magnetic field. --In. Fig. 5, 1 is the negative ion sourcel@ 2 is a single lens, 3 is the magnetic,-. analyser, 4 is a@4 mm diaphragm, @ '5 is an immersion Ions, 6' is alcorrector, 7 is a Faraday cup, @ 8 is.a valve a n',d .'9 - is: a, trap. With this arrangement only two lenses are;lnecessary as. compar.ed with four in the apparatus described by L.E. Collins.and :_-A.C. Riviere@'(Ref.9'-_Nucl. Instrum. and Meth., 1959, 4, 121).' Moreover, the length ofthe focussing'system of the injector up to the object plane of th7e tube is smaller by a factor of 20 as .,,`;-compared -with the length reported in'Ref.9.. The beam diameter obtained in the:object la'ne-is smaller than in Ref.9 and is p practica Ily independent of the input energy. The negative hydrogen-ion injector described inthis paper.was designed for',an electrostatic generator with a working energy of 2 x 1.5 Nevo Card 31/5 @Ma 8/057/61/031/005/013/020 B104/B205 AUTHORs Khlrnyy, _Yu. M. TITM 'Formation of negative hydrogen ions by protons passing through gas targets. PKRIODICkLt Zhurnal tekhnieheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no- 5, 1961, 597-605 TEXTt The results of an investigation of the content of H-1, R +, and HO in equilibrium beams, obtained by the passage of protons through H 2' Hot Net Art 0029 and C 3H. targets, are presented. Furthermore, data on the scattering of hydrogen beams by such targets are given. In the introduc- tion, data from.previous articles are discussed, reference being made to j1\ a paper of Ya.,M. Fogel# and R. V. Mitin (ZhETF, 3-0, 450 01956). The elt- perimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. The neutral component in the beam *a a determined by measuring the current of secondary electrons produced by neutral atoms impinging on the beam catcher. The curve Hl/H+ - f(t.) was drawn for.the purpose of determining the thickness of Card 1/9 22782 S/057/61/031/005/013/020 Formation of negative... B104/B205 the target-oorresponding to a beam of equilibrium composition. The'thick- .noes at which this curve begins to form a plateau+was assumed to suffice for generating an equilibrium beam. The H_ and R currents were measured simultaneously in order to exclude the effect of fluctuations in the beam intensity upon the results of measurement which are diagrammatically re-@ presented,. Hydrogen targeta -The composition attained equilibrium at a target thickness of 6.6-1015 atoms/cm2 and maintained it up to 2-5-10 16 All types of particles in this target were equally scattered. The good, agreement between the charge-exohange coefficients and the content of H_ ions in.the equilibrium beam indicates.that protons are slightly scattered while passing through the target. The charge exchange between protons and gas is negligible when charge exchange takes place also between protons and target. The charge-exchange coefficient of R + ions is 2 much lower than that of protons. Equilibrium composition of a hydrogen beam inciding upon a helium target was attained at a thickness of 1.110 16 atoms/cm2. With a neon target, this state was reached at Card 2/9 22782 S/057/61/031/005/013/OP.'O' Forrdation of negative*#. B104/3205 16 2, atoms/am and remained co nstant, a thickness'of 16 2 2.5-10 atoms cm Iwith an-argon target, it was reached at o.-6-lol 6. atoms/am2 -with a carbon dioxIde target, at 3-10 15 atons/cm 2. and!,-. w ith a propane gas target, it 5.6- 15 2 lo atoms/am . A. V. Almazov is thanked for his interest@ in 'the-wo rk.. -There are 12 figures, 1 tables and 13 reSerencest: Soviet-bloo and @ non-,Soviet-bloo. Thetwo references to English-language pub lications read as follows- Stier et al-,-@,' Phys.Rev., @_6, 973'9 1954; Collins at al. Nucl.Instr. and Methods, is 12 11 1959- SUBMITTED:, Junp 18, 1960, Legend '* 1) Ion source; 2) focusing lenses; 3) ac cel,erator tu ba; , A) electrostatic hyperbolic lens; 5) diaphragm; 6) phannel of 6 diameter."nd 26 mm length, T) tar a at chamber; 8 beam catcher; 9) pull&- dium capillary; 10) diaphragm; ill analyzerl 12@ beam catcher; 13) -to 'diffusion pump. Card,3/9 NRa AP700193 4 S6Wtdi 0 56166106 /66060ij6 i AUTHOR: Khirnyy, Yu. M.; Kochemasova, L. N. ORG: none TITLE: Universal injector of negatively@cbarged ions of hydrogen isotopes for a chargeexchange generator SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimental no. 6, 1966, 32-36 TOPIC TAGS: ion source,*ion beam, electrostatic generator, charge exchange ABSTRACT: A description of an injector is given in whfch' the -6egati'veli "charged ionji* are obtained through the charge exchange of the positively charged ions in a supersonic flow of mercury vapor. The.injector, shown in Fig. 1, consists of: I - a high-frequency source of positively charged ions with a water-cooled gas discharge bulb; 2 - a single lens located 25 mm from the channel of the source probe; 3 - an 1!@mersion lens; A - a charge-exchange chamber; 5 - a nozzle which creates a supersonic jet from the mercury vapor used as the charge-exchange target; 6 - a trap with liquid nitrogen; 7 - a second single lens; 8 - a vacuum valve which separates the chamber of the, deflecting mapet from the charge-exchange chamber; 9 - a.deflecting magnet; 10 - plates for the electrostatic corrector; 11 Faraday cylinder for controlling the beam; Card 1/3 UDC: 537.534.2 ACC NR, AP7001934 'Nil ACC NR, AP7001934 and 12 a third: single lens for focusing the beam at the exit from the injector. The injector was tested for 60 hr on a stand while operating on a D + He mixture. The D7 ion current was 14-17 pa, and the consumption of mixture was 40-65 cm3/hr. All of the units of the injector were in a normal' stzite' ifter the test and no mercury traces could be found in the chamber of the deflecting magnet or at the exit from the injector. The injector makes it possible to obtain bunches.of H7 ions of 20-27 pat D- ions of approximately 16 pa, and T- ions of. 12-15. Va. It is also sigple to operate, .10rig, art. has:' 6 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: M/ SUBM DATE: l9Nov65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 51-12 ------ -- --- - --- -ACC tqgi- -AP7-- - ------ 001935 I i SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000 AUT11011, 10061003610039 A1m4zOV,! A. V.; Khirnyy, yu. M., Kochemasova, L. QRG: none TITLE: Compact d@ generator Oplasmatron source of negatively charged ions for a charg e exchange SOURCE: Prib or Y,i tekhnika ekeperimenta, no. 6, 1966, 36-39 TOPIC TAGS: ion Tource.� ion beam, electrostatic generator, STRACT: charge exchan8e The descriptia- i given Of a dvoplasmatron (see Fig. 1) w, .1 th magnet. At a 9 amete a constant@ appr6idjWaj'1y r. of the anode aperture and e kvmr@thqi a Voltage of and source pas d e source current reached about 140 tile's an tand test before bein amp. The injector aperture. Of1O-5 aim the source curren 9 -installed in the generator, At operatiOn.the ' t was 40 pamp. parameters of the source had not changed. After 1,20 hr of constant the source do G@q!@Fal@ es nOt'require the attention at an operation.i 0 , "-,_y ,qpeakin 6 figures. 99 rig. art. - has. C"rd.- ACC NRt Ap Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of J duoplasmatron 7 1 - Cathode; 2 - intermediate electrode (steel); 3 magnet; 4 - anode (steel); 5 cam; 6 - copper insertion; 7 - gap, meaeured with clearance gagel, 8 - water cooling pipes; 9 - extraction electrode; 10 - single lens; 11 - insu- lators; 12 - deflecting magnet; 13 - alit; 14 - Faraday cylinder SUB,CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9Nov6 8 M W/ -ORT.G REF: 0021 OTH REF-. 007t ATD PBMS: 5112 LCard 2jiz OGIYEVSKIY, Vasiliy Vasillyevicbj, doktor sellkhoz. nauk; JWI1f.!Ovf Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. kand. sellkhoz. nauk (Inspection and stud y of forest plantations; methodiological manual for foresters] Obsledovanie i issledovanie lesrqkh kulltur; metodichenkoe posobie dlia lesovodov. Moskva, Les- naia promyshlermost', 1964. 47 P. (MIRA 17:9) 0 ACC NR, AP6022074 SOURCE CODE: UR/0141/66/009/003/0469/049' 071fort'. Giorgadzo, N. p.; Khirseli, Ye. M. I Taintsadzo, AN. L. ORG: Instit ute of Physics -,N@Gru"ZSMinstitut fiziki AN Gruz5m) TIT11E: Disintegrating in eraction of waves in magnotoactive, plasma t ;SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 99 no- 3, 1966, 489-496 ITOPIC TAGS-. magnetoactive plasma, electromagnetic wave !ABSTRACT: A theoretical study ispresonted of the disintegrating interaction of waves lin a magnetoactive plasma in the simplest case when all wave processes take place ialong the mag@etic@field (single-variate problem). The ordinary and extraordinary (transverse waves and a longitudinal wave are considered; f-roquencies of linear I ,transverse waves are lie far from cyclotron frequencies. The mean power lof disintegrating generation, the disintegrating dispersion of transverse waves by longitudinal waves, and the disintegrating transformation of transverse wwes into longitudinal waves are considered. Final3,y, the generation of Langmir oscillations" due to a disintegrating interaction of a helicon with a h-f wave is analyzed. Orig" art. has:.60 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 20W65 ORIG REF: 008 Card ill UDC:621-371-182 1MrWWEN, Mi. P. Subject USSR/Electricity AID P 447 dard@ 1/1 -Pub. -27 10/34' Authors Akodis, M. M. -Dr. of Tech. Sci., Brill, K. V. Eng., Rudnyy, V.:M., Eng., and ]Khirvonen, Kh. P., Eng. Title Study of Reliable Ionic Valve Action of Gas-Filled Tubes -in an Experimental Circuit Periodical Elektriohestvo.. To 52-56, Jl 1954 Abstract Experiments iiere.-maide-wjith cathode-ray oscillographer in order. to determine' the moment of.back-fire., the value of inverse voltage, and the moment of rupture. The depend- ence.of valve.,action of t*ae 1-50/5000 Ignitron from the rate of*growth of inverse voltage is presented. 8 dia- grams',, 3 tables and 6 Russian references (1940-53). @Institution Ural Folytechnical Institute im. Kirov Submitted 6, 1954@* Submitted No date MI. Cnnd Tc-cli ci cf 1, 'hc v IV '7-; 11 ,r,.It SOV/112-59-4-7854 Translation fromi,. ReferativnVy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 4#1 pp 204-205 (USSR), AUTK OR: Khirvonen, Kh. P. TITLE: Accuracy of Reproducing Real Conditions of Operation of Ionic Rectifying Devices When the Synthetic Testing Method is Used PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. ucheba. zavedeniy. Elektromekhanika, 1958, Nr 2, pp 114-121 ABSTRACT:. An artificial circuit for testing ionic rectifying devices permits obtaining current and voltage wave-shapes identical with real wave-shapes in the forward and reverse half-cycles; the circuit en@ures absence of the interval between the moment,of terminating the forward current and the moment of applying the reverse voltage;,the circuit secures similarity of switching-angle conditions. The inductance of the oscillatory circuit is estimated, and the current error of a low-voltage circuit is presented. it is assumed-that if the Card 112 SOV/112-59-4-7854 Accuracy of Reproducing'Real Conditions 0.4 Operation of Ionic Rectifying . . . . current error does not exceed 10-15% at the beginning of commutatior-, it is sufficient for a practical equivalence, all the more because the end of commutation is reproduced exactly. In testing under Inverter conditions, a complete reproduction of the. anode -cathode voltage curve, the required extinction angle, and the rate of voltagechange near zero is possibli. With some complications, the artificial testing scheme can be made universal; it would be suitable fror complete testing of ionic rectifying devices with various parameters in both rectifier and inverter operations. Bibliography: 6 items. (Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk.) L L. R. M EfL-UE KEIRTONER, Ih.P, .Consumption of electric power in the synthetic method of testing ionic recitifierso Trudy Ural. politekh, inste no.79:93-104 '59* (Electric current rectiftero--Testing) S/194/61/000/008/'045/092 9,41 -ko D201/D304 AUTHOR: Khirvone@n,_ TITLE: The exactness of reproducing real operating condi- tiona of gas-filled rectifiers in an artificial method of analysis PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatilta i radioelckitronika, no. 8, 1961, 28-29, abstract 8 G225 (Tr. 'Urallskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1960, v. 77, 71-86) TEXT: The theoretical analysis is given of an installation for testing gas-filled rectifiers, as developed by the Ural Polytech- nic Institute. Equations are derived which permit choosing the in- ductances and capacitances of the oscillating circuit taking into account current evaluation errors in the circuit operation. It is shown that the most exactly reproduced parEneters are the shapes of voltages and currents at small angles of flow. See also RZhE, 1959, 7854. Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translation2 Card 1/1 30499 S/194/61/000/008/048/092 D201/D304 AUTHORS: Khirvonen. Kh,Vand Rudnyy, V.M. TITLE: Experimental study of an artificial arrangement for .testing gas-filled rectifiers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no, 8, 1961, 29, abstract 8 G232 (Tr. Urallskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1960, v. 77, 87-98) TEXT.: The experimental installation developed by the Ural Polytechnic Institute for testing gas-filled rectifiers utilizes thyratrons and consists of 2 circuits - of a current circuit of 50 WA and of an oscillating circuit fed by a 10 1cVA transformer. The experiments were carried out with rectifiers working in a 3-phase bridge circuit, max. rectified current 120 A, max. reverse voltage 7-8 kV. The rectifier under test was a type Tr-120/15000,(I'G-120/ 15000) thyratron. The experimental tests of the installation provi- ded some material on the rectifier reliability. The power consumed C ard 1/2 30499 S/194 ,/61/000/008/048/092 Experimental study of an artificial... D201/D304 was also mc-asured. It was found to be 1.5% of the rectified current r with n. Powe the rectifier working in a 3-phase bridge connectio Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translatioii2 Card 2/2 d i a g__r A xm- -o tt fte -d eY1-M?!TT1r!i%1 ngemc Z IS--F'j_veU9 -UOg L;Hur V1f.L Lit rectifier current and voltage shapes. The main difference be tween the experimental set-up and practical circuit is the absence of the Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/008/046/092 Artificial method... D201/D304 period with reversed voltage. In the experimental circuit the voltade across the rectifier in zero at-ter emtinction for the whole of the de-ionization time, after which the direct voltage sharply increases. Hethoda are considered of more accurate reproduction of the voltage waveform at the rectifier during the non-conducting part of the period; methods are also considered of reproducing the direct current shapeby means of additional circuits. Theexperi- ments were carried out with a thyr4tron model. 3 references.. Z7Abstracter's note: Complete translation.2 Card 2/2 AKOD.IS, M.M., prof., doktor tekbn. nauk, red' IMIR P. dots., kand. tekbn. nauk, red.; KONSD;@TIRIOV, A.G., inzh.,, red, (Transa"ations of the Inte-runiversity Scientific and Technical Conference on Overvoltages) Trudy Mezhvuzovskogo nauchno- tekhnicheskogo soveshchaniia po perenapriazheniiam. Sverdlovskp Izd.UPI, 1963. 2 V. (MIRA 17t4) 1. mezhvuzovskoye nauchno-tekhnicheekoye eoveahchaniye po pere- napryazhaniyam, Sverdlovsk, 1961. RHIRTINAO G.V. Postouerative hooorrhages following extrapleural pno=olYels Lwith sumaz7 in Irsuchl. Probl. tub. 36 no.4:63-68 158 (HIRA 1117) 1. In Barnaullskogo gorodskogo protivotubarkulezuogo dispansera (Clavnyy vrach T.I. Turosovs); nauchnyye rakoyoditell raboty prof* I.V. Toroptsev, i prof. S.P. rhodkevich (im Tomakogo maditainskgo Instituta.) (COLLAPSE THMWI,compl. postop.hemorrh. efter extrapleurnl pheumolysts (Rus)) 1. KHIRYAP YE. A. 2. USSR (6oo) Swine--Feeding and Feeding Stuffs How we.fatten swine, Sots. zhiv., 15, No. 1. 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. ng mil,ts IS HE 000 r3 19 "'INKRI'V am NHIBAHOVO'A*Vo O-Oe olent atmospheric phenomena in, 1954. Izv. Uzb. fill, Geog. Ob w (KIRA llf4) (KateorologrY AKRAMOV0 Z! 14. i kand. geogr. n6uk; RAKITNIKOV, A. N., kand. geograf. nauk; ZAMKOV 0 K., kand. geograf. nauk; 77" SHERMUKHAMEDOV, A&Me tde;eaaed); SAUSHKIN, Yu.G., doktor geograf. nauk, prof, otvb,red.; DEGTYARI,.V.I., red.) KHISAMOV.- A. V ograf. nauk, red.; kand. ge ]KT-A-KHOV.-A.,, red.i.GORIKOVAYA Z.P.i (Agricultural geography of Samarkand and Bukhara Provinces) Geograflia sel'skogo khoziaistya Samarkandskoi i Bukharskoi oblasti. (By]Z.M.Akramov i dr. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk UzSSR. Pt.2. 1961. 323 p. (Materialy Z6ravshanskoi ekspedi- tsii SOPS AN.UzSSR, no.1) 4. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Tashkent. Otdel geogr4ii. 2. Nachallnik Otdela sel'skogo khozyaystva Gosplana Uzbek skoy SSR (for Degtyar'). (Bukhara Province-Agricultural geography) (Samarkan4.Province-Agricultral geography) RYABCHIKOV, F.D.0 inzh.; KUSTOBAXEV, G.G., inzh.; SOKOLOV,, V.A.,, inzh.; )MSAMOV, F.N. I inzh. Accelerating the cooling of sheet steel in ban furnaces. Stall. 22 no.8:748-71+9 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1* Magnitogorakiy metanurgichookiy kombinat. (Furnaces, Heat-treating) ASIAFIYZVA,, M.S.; KLIMUSHIN, I.M.; KHISPZIOV, R.B. Using the specific resistance ot-iZ@6ks,in thu testing of mothods for determining the permeability of tex-rigenous layers. Geol. nofti i gaza 5 no. 5:42-@44 ]4y,161.. (MIM 14:4) 1. Tatarskiy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy neftyanoy institut. (Rocks-Parmeability) -,- ` 1 -4 - I-- , I--, "I 'RE, - I I Oll 7 1 a ..@ M -M M.1.10SMIN-1 %:III=. " lm KAMAT, GiVaIMISAMOVA, Z.L. Trichlormathylparatolylphosphinic &old and its derivatives. Izy.Kazan.fiI.AN SSSR Ser.khim.nauk no-1:59-61 150. (HUM 10:5) (Phosphinic aciam) @CA thk (4 a.) alki E. till, rmmd. IICI whilf-I 2 him" f1wo tv. Attlailit of cists-lian Iftfackladdis ad Wit" of twivaile- Z' I" Khi%`nUV# 4441 0111111 KAftfAf- A. L Arbug"d-awsirl.-Inst.. 2W. O&k" Chem.) 20. 1 cf. C.A. 41. Alw@'J; 42, mW-IMets, 44 Ow tirgiss R11(f)NI)t 1! its P. "tilin urcel,- I'&M'd (40 41.) MiJkled Alml'i ID 13-A 9, W011'and 110-2 ANNIll in 100 nit, RIO). fellusted 31) nalts., let ostand OVWU Itt. Oml lut"J. Saw X-@ tits 107-0* dt I Sit its; I -Ow. "V I'SwA, .1lich PWif *a It CU, 4,44; ol'a Ittel 'a X- ellef fAve XA1#)l(O)mk'. I C1 RV JAM: this boded with onsI. 2 it evAlid. Kayt SmirplMoll. in, ilp-tNI. michaeli" B-. 31, Imom . Addis. of 12 Rjt7'(-)P(= rieldive M'=1v-"M1.'d: 1,Zj2R, ftV I'AhIlu. SintlLijily. HIM gave v it 1.1m), d Which Wlell" 2 hill RV 1.813N, Pi. th, it) I,. d; NVG 1-510, while addn. o(M S. CCJs Ill llluxl?hollilr@ ft0imrd Its' refluishig 2 Jim, Ceirf R. L32#11) Al's 1.31M, tw'llnlly eval.l. "fill 110). (is V10. A tru- ti,411 Aht-tt *ilb J-1011 SAVI! fit 9',-e. Its M-all.dl I Ittlill. -4- it loys". *If l."Wim, ishich .1 first. with tl@i saw L4, 1,117". 4vw.), it's I'tWO. NJ,- 1@61M 01,l h*-Ar"Iv-.i- r4w I(Mr.- A, Ill It. eel, with M 6 I.N.44mit" s.#%r 12 jt@ Its IM-70% -1: dill I :A) It. ftj'- I.N17.1) (IsyAwl"@' withm"i'd. IIVI jAve the Ifur iwW, 'it. JAV, At Alhis-0 sk% Abilw. YWuIc4Il*I.3-'; silt 1.11sr2l. Alsit'll hV.kt@l with hffl Ir4VC *114 MINO). whilr Vel. Ill list) I" it: vzva' kt"s, "J" L411111.411s, ilt)-11.1011 i4lt'l T."', - I.Wo Is 'tl.*)Yjol"..J."O'jx@j@ . 'it# I. imii M6 (10 C.) all.) 11.2 ps. C"4 #@4003 *11111"( I'll"11116M. Cl and SK's, IM3.011(t)). k,-Ilu Oftes-iia. Is, IN NV. .1: .1.11 L=1,0, mV 1.42w. 0,11(iflorl) Il0mIv-il sit 111CI&CW(hif v%viltuattr k-kut% I., the 11-1111,414till Of Ill 1114'r he na'.M thA the mitits. ill Ilse inUil AO'Ch ftwis Oil, ptiqscstisrs ill 41kAle-I hit jill't Px@'k. Amn, M, 213;tw!). *It hough I tic NJ, Atj@j 11. 14.4 ,htie w,%ti u.%sj foe Ilse lictim I i0l Gil sw 10.13,11W a Uia AilCls With cixiling to 37,6 g, (MOU)s M 872 s. prri6m@ and 4410 "A. it JUP, followed Ly starmlinS ovm O.V@2( vnirLmy" u-41 Ar-, A@nq@x pv@'oq distn of the filti ate rolne 01 g" 6XIII,cmi.O.'IS47 w.71-21. it._44-60.: alazi @ Mth higlier-boilinir prokiticts wbiell litopicd 10 !K, Ir (Crzo@;Ajc -7', dia I SQ5 I I I'M3. f % lostautly dtolynd by,W) ykfijhle@ M, 4 and Ut#01- t* Adila. of t to (C1110, )t, lizi pyrigin hbove, save ar unitutcd yield of 11. r Ifeatinc W s-'A3&,0, clt 56.4 -. (Cli$OEIII 30 min, at 14G4,0',, -titIUVI k2thIg Ultittr W;lfCr-PUtqp *4rUilki for reftmal HtO, gave 92.4%, 11, Aildn @f 6 K. _-A&CI4 j to 16 K. 11. follitived by 0.0 lit,. Itcating to UmEated temp., "C%.L .I)r 1. lit C4_7*. l@eIlkl.,tinF 5 It. I( witit W tit L U10 rwii: MOi. 'r(I 51 g. 11 in CCti Waarliftd w(jil tj>oi.@ ;11.q 2-4 f. M; the ri-sulting vpt. of (CfI:O)jAS(0ffXOC'Tj)f; jo, 12-1 (Miglund, C.A. 23, 595), %,as scH.* and tit-: filtraje yie.Ming 712.2 g, grec-ni.4 lacrinintolry liquitt. Wrod- fiic(l 11.5 (CIW.4sI;rA, bli. 60" 'Q' 2 (1070, 2.rMH,- jj'V LM'M Thui, 6u: i,@tcvlowdy prat;vtvxi, )f thi "104@talmc' lit, 121' (Cat. 45, t0triall in ill Onvr. 6. bl U..Q (' tjlt initially formit ((CTf)()h12'UOCl(3clII OCtjh@@.. 1, Irydroiyml hi handling tot lie ncidic produti Sivm above.- Ad& of 20 1 to 3 A WWI in 9@2 g, pyritthic and 2W nil Elio @Ittcvolhj;' tilowed by I l1r. reffivc, gave 3.6 X.@ bit W-L*, d.* 1-QIC'jj_d.W 1.010,ir (Rr 91toWItL followed by d.L d.11, mid itT, Eli b1i J1.5MI, I 1.47,M, .1,4788; Pr; -bit 74-5 , 1.4188. 14702* On. bit 934, I.,=4, i.3764. 1 A785; n-Callu. bit lio-l" I =, 12813, 1,47421, n-ClIfis, bit @ 130-lo, 171: j.j,lfl5, rMfin, r iii-allm b, 110", 1 4440.r 37; -18% IM10, 1.2041, 1.4744, .'c)..!' .14., In 117 Its* 1 '12-to, 1A10. ((rMtl - 4L@@Cjd_ el @11*11 1@ I I b JXP.-IM87: IJIMO. 1.5716; A III. I I c I v a I y tr d b y I I - 0 y Ic I f I i i tA0 1 ..... . . . . . . . spar* on a a a d S via us Ana f. _ z L. ldwmava and CD 11)15-1 4 Onv'-Cyclle ters 0 es len6at t@@ 'Xap'l (R' - alkylene radicAl) wem , obtained 2 procedures: reaction of ArAsCil with the-i l l I r i es yco nce of 2 moles p3TidIne or by heatInt n p a ArAsO with the itlycot without any water-abstracting agents h (met od not &4@rtbed fuythcr)d The products obtained art listed, below; the 26d method geno ally gives somewhat R' bat ld ld i i h d d i R e e s er y es oft ucts an o pro , propert , y s ( art listed in the same o rder as the pnxedure3 cited above; all d.: and x values are for. dw rind W9 )., Ph. -f CH,)t-: W 6% b, 12146 d 15385, ri 16100- .64 5%, Ih 122-2.6% @@C[1;),' 45.6%. bit. d. W9, 1WE 13"', -5" -in 134 1- M. N 137-44', ru. 134--S*., N. CHMeCH,-, 65.3%,1C, d. n 1.6540; 74.3% bu 168-9*, d. 1.3677, is 1,5512.' FA, --@Cfhl .62 1% his 13"* d 14618 a 15993-- OW d. , bit J33 , , r- L@OB: n 1.4642' _(C111bo(CAr, 'I,' W.3%, b,, i1 ' * 1 71-2 , d. 1.4501. ft LWI-. th 10 w , d. 1,4594, m -69,8%, IASPS Ph 20 1 b JW M 80% - :' .- .. , . , , ' , ,,, bo 178-09, m. 85-61, Heat ng 60 g @ A5201 wid 80 4 g. , . HOCH,C[1,011 in a disq. app@ at 150* Irr-20 min., re- ix tuoval of the HG bs vativ, and distri. of the 02.4% 16-CITICar.-OlOCIM11 1), lW-111. G. M. X. - - 77 Bw &MY, Gillm.1 laLI2!OVAjZ..L. .Synthesio.of now arsenic-nitrogen organic compounds with the As-K bond. Dokl.Aff SSM 105 no.3:489-491 N '55. WHA 9:3) 1. Xhimicheekly Institut imeni A.Te. Arbuzova X%Lanskogo filiala Akademii nau S=. (Arsenic organic compounds)