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8h625 Carcl 5/7 S/076/60/034/010/002/022 B015/BO64 Table 5 1191% TPN"Ox. 45, 0 ifutu Ir Is* 17V 18,334, 24' % 23,6 31,9 37,7 -42,3 AOIS 57.5, 66's MIS 42.6 49,9 54,5 61,6 0 70,4 9 78 7 15.0 36,1 45,4 52, 1 56,5 62,00- 70,4 78:7 2(),0 36,8 45.5 52, t 56,6 02.6 -10,4 78,7 25.0 369 45 6 52, t 56,6 62,6 70,4 78,7 30,0 37:2 45:0 52, 1 50.6. 62,6 70,4 78 7' 32,0 37,3 45,7 52,1 56,6 62.6, 70,4 78 7 Card 6/7 A. CIL go 0. o q v$ it m KMWOVAp N.U.; KALISINA, IH.V. .............. Diffusion near the.critical point of lamination of the system triethylamine - water - phenol. Part 1. Diffusion in the binary system triethylamine - water. Inz,-fiz. zhur, 4 no.L9.: 43-46 D 161, (MIRA 14:11) I, Institut azotnoy promyshlannostip Moskva. (Diffusion) (Triethylamins) (11henols) KRICHEVSKIY, I.R.; EHAZANOVA, N.Ye.; LITISHTS, L.R. Iodine diffuoion in compressed carbon dioxide near the critical point. Dokl. A14 SSSR .141 no.2:397-399 N '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sinteta. Fredsta,Aeno akademikom B.I.Vol'fkovichem. (Todine) (Carbon dioxide) M '44 S/06 62~000/002/005/008 BlOIYB14 AUTHORS: Krichevskiy, 1. R., Polyakova, Z. A. Lesnevskayaq L. S., TIT"LE: Diffusion in gases at high pressures PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 2, 1962, 29-35 TEXT: The diffusion in the N2 - C02 system under pressure was measured. The method oonsists in filling capillaries (8 mm diameter, 70 mm length) with purified COV while N2 'a in the chamber surrounding the capillaries. The gas mixture contained in the capillaries after diffusion is analyzed. To prevent convection, the capillaries are filled with silver wire netting, width of mesh 0.04 mm . The diffusion coefficient calculated on the basis of Pick's equation was corrected, allowing for the apparatus constant 1.74, caused by filling with the not. The investigation was conducted at 25, 28-15 and 31-50C and 6-74 atm. At 31-50C, DN 2 #103 cm2 /sec amounted to: Card 1/2 B/064/62/000/002/005/008 Diffusion in gases at high B101/B144 Pressure molar part of N2 A calculation of the diffusion atm 0.25 0.30 1 0.45 coefficient on the basis of the Enskog- 24-0 4-97 5-03 6.10 Chapman theory and its extension to 47.o 2.03 2-43 2-83 gases by 11. Jost, using the equation 56.6 1.65 2.00 2-37 of state by 1. R. Krichevskiy and Ya. 70.0 0-90 1-05 1.20 S. Kazarnovskiy (ZhFKh, jj, 376 (1939)) 74-0 0-33 0.43 0-53 and the constant by V. P. Markov (ZhAh,12t 410 (1941)) producedt up to 50 atm, a maximum deviation of 12% between experiment and calculation. For higher pressures, there is a significant difference between experiment and theory. The absence of an exact diffusion theory caused the authors to start a series investigation of the diffusion in gases at high pressures. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 31 references: 7 Soviet and 24 non-Soviit. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: Chan- Hue Chon, I. I. Martin, Ind. Eng. Chem.p C. 0. Bennett, J. Chem. Phys., 29 (ja,~758 (1957); L. R. Mifflon, , 975 958 ; H. H. Reamer, B. H. Sage, Transport Propertios of Cases, Proc. Gas. Ibrnamics SWmposium, 2-nd, Evanston, 1957, 62 (pub. 1956); Iigo Osugit H. Hiraoka, D. Shinoda, Rev. Phys. Chem., 28, noo is 36 (1958)- Card 2/2 - 33475 4 A 0,C) S/170/62/005/002/008/009 B104 B138 AUTHORSs Krichevak% I R9,9 Kh Ye., Lesenevskaya, L. S. TITLEs Fick's diffusion equation PERIODICALt Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1962, 101 - 103 TEM The system nitrogen - carbon dioxide has been studied in the light of Fick' a equation near the critical point. At 1500 and 105 at, the volize is largely dependent on the composition in a certain range of concentratims (Fig. 1a). This dependence of volume on the molar fraction of the compo- nent results in a complex dependence between it and the volume concentra- tion (Fig. 1b). In the section AB, the component diffuses from B to A, which requires a negative diffusion coefficient in Fick's equation dm/dt -DSgradO, whAre m is the amount of substance diffusing in time t, D is diffusion coefficient, 8 is the diffusion area, and C is the volume co-n- centration of the diffusing substance. According to Fick's equation, the rate of diffusion should be zero at point A; however, since diffusion also takes place here, the diffusion coefficient would become infinitely great, These difficulties can be overcome by regarding not the gradient of volume Card 33475 3/170/62/005/002/008/009 Fick's diffusion equation B104/BI38 concentration, but that of the chemical potential, as the driving force of diffusion. Fick's equation can be used in spite of the complex dependence \S< of molar volume on composition near the critical point. However, the re- sults of investigation of molecular diffusion are extremely difficult to evaluate. The kind of concentration dependence of the molar volume near the critical point of the,. pure solvent, as described above, is a specific feature of all gas solutions. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogu sinteza, g. Moskva (Institute of the Nitrogen Industry and Products of Organic Synthesis, Moscow) SUBMITTEDt June 12, 1961 Card 2/3 -- - N ~Ye * LESNEVSKAYA, L.S.; POLYA-KOVA, Z.A. KRICHEVSK-TY, I.R.; INOVA-, Diffusion In gaoeo at high Iressures. Khim.prom. no.2:105-lU F 162. (MIM 15t2) (Diffuoion) ~ : --- 1-0-- -- -- -,-- I 2 . ~L:. I 'cl . .. . .1 .. I.-- .~Ii- . ~ ; .-. I - i.,~ ~ A Wlj~~7, - ,- W -f., - KRICHEVSK.IYP I.R.; KHAZANOVA, N.Ye.; LESNEVSKAYA, L.S.; SANDALOVA, L.Yu, EquilibriUM-M-qu-id gas at higb pressures in the nitrogen - carbon dioxide system. Khim.prom. no.3:169-171 Mr 162. 1 (MIRA 154) (Nitrogen) (Carbon dioxide) (Phase rule and equilibrium) KRICHMKIY, I.R.; KHAZANOVA, N.Ye.; ULISINA, M.V. Diffusion near the critical demixing point of the system triethylamine - water- phenol. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 5 no.6:9,'3-96 to 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. In&titut azotnoy promyshlennooti, Moakva. (Diffusion) (Systems (Chemiatry)) FHAZANOVA, N.Ye,; ROTT, LA. Mass transfer and critical phenomena. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.lltI23~-135 N 163. (NnA 3-6: 32) KHAZANOVA, N.Ye.; LINSHITS, L.R. Diffusiol'! of hydrogen in cyclohexane at elevated preesure, Khim. prom. no.8t579-782 Ag 163, (MIRA 16:12) MISTNA) M.Y.; NTKIFOHOVA, M.B.; MIAZANOVA, N.Ya, Linuid - vapor. equilib."ium In the syst/-m teriethylamtrin - water - phenol near tht, point of demixing. %hur. fiz. khi.,---,. 38 no.2068-371. F 164. \ (MIRA 17:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchnr,-1as1edovat#aj'skLy InstLtut az~)tnoy proWshlennosti, Moskva. KHAZANOVAJ N. Ye. "loothcrmal diffusion near the critical point." report submitted for 2nd A3.1-Union Coaf on Heat & Mass Transfer, blinsk, 4-12 may 1964. Govt Inst of Nitrogen industry KIIIAZANOVA, II.Yo.; KALISINAj M.V. 'W-tW-MkF~I- Diffusion in three-com-ponent solutions near the critical demixing point. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.5:486-491 Itr 164. ("a m 17: 9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy i 1,,royektnyy institut azotnoy prormyshlennosti i produktov ortantch-akogo sintema, Mosicova. KHAZANOVA, N.Yo.; LESNEVSKAYA, L.S. Volumetric relationship In the system nitrogen- carbon dioxide. Khim, prom. 41 no.5044-347 Yq 165. (MA 1&0 KHPZANOVA, II.Ye.; KALISINAp M#V, Lif!luslon in tree-component colutiona naar 11 'I~o crltic&l 1: eew!.xing points Zltoir, f12, khiz, 38 no*5,~1223-1228 M7 1640 0/iRk 18J12) is Oosudarstvennyy nauchuno-insledovatellaril -1. pro7,eVr.7y in6titut azotno7 propy6hlennoeti I produk-.o- rrganlclheal~ogo st-'ntezap Moskva. Submitted Jtne 209 1963. 6 SOURCE COM UH/0307/66/000/010/0069/v,_,~ ACC NRt AP 035599 AWHORSt Faytelloong A. Sh.1 Khazanoval P. B#1 Petrovat Ms Ids ORGs State Geological Committee SSSR, Office of Special Geophysical Exploration (Gosudarstveruw geologicheakiy Komitet SSSR, Spetsgeofizika) TITLEF, Dependence of head-wave velocity on depthp and the structure of the upper parts of the crystr1line-badement (according to results of seismic and gravity field studios in the central and northwestern parto of the-Ruooian platform) SOURCE: AN SSSR- Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, no. 10, 1966, 69-73 TOPIC TAGSs earth crust, earth gravity, seismic modeling I ABSTRACT- Seismic work on the central Russian platform and in the Baltic region in recent years has shown variations in head-wave velocities for different segment$ of the basement; these depend on rock densities (as revealed in size and sign of anomalies). Velocity data have beer. placed on a graph of velocity versus depth of rY basement, and comparisons have been made with curves, obtained from laborato data of velocity versus pressure, with depth indicated an a function of pressure. Pressure on basement rocks wan computed according to the formula F - cril, where 6* in the f density of the sedimentary layer, assumed to be 2.4 9/cm3- Curves for two possible types of basement rocks were selected for comparison: granite and gabbro. The effect of refraction is less than previously assumedl probably because of temperature offe 1, 1_a d1/2 MCI RRO.A" -,"P.J77 COMPalcisons viere aiso made with gravity prolliles. zones with lowest gravity values, and LOY'eot velocities correspond to highest velocities correspond to greatest 6ravitY values. Three models of basement ~.change -from material of one density to ano structure are proposed: gradual lateral .boundary# and a sharp break along an incli ther, a sharp break along a vertical the third model is beat for nod boundary. The authors co olude t t the investigated region. orig. art, ha n ha as 3 figures.- SUB CODE 08/ STM11 DAT731 14SO P65/ ORIG REFt 004/ OM REps 00, !T DUBININ, A.K., inzhener; KED-ZOOTAt SeZ-# inzhener, Replacing soap by detergent powdere. Taket. prom. 17 no.3:43-44 Mr 157. (MM 10:4) 1. Nachallnik moyachnogo teekha Xharikovskoy fabriki iment-Kanu- 11'skogo (for Dubinin)& (Woolen and worsted mnufacture) (Scouring compoumde) KOZHI?WAKINO V.A.; EMEWAMp A.S.; FILATOVA, N.A.p Prinimali uchastiye: KHAZANOVAO T.I.; KARASEV, Yu.V. Purification Qf'titanium tetrachloride from zirconium iron and Alumilm- chlorides id the chlorination process of titanium- zirconium concentrates. TSvet.met- 34 no.9t7O-74 S I (M& 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut redIdkh metabov. Ti~nferrous metals-Wtallurgy) (Chlorination) i 44r 11 i .z r - I... ~"i"', .. 111 0:.. 4 :j~ , E~ . 1; ~.el ~ .1, 133-5-10/27 AUTHOR: Khazanova, T.F., Iorakishev, N.P, and Grishankoval E.AW TITLE: The influence of the mineralogical composition of molyb- denum concentrates on the process of their roasting. (Vliyaniye mineralogicheskogo sostava molibdenitovykh kontsentratov na protsess obzhiga) PERIMICAL: "Stall"(Steel), 1957, No-5, 425-429 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRAM A laboratory investigation of the process of roasting molybdenum concentrates was carried out. Roasting temperature 600 and 650 and 700 C. Sulphur content of the final product .was taken as a roasting criterion. The behaviour of molybdenum concentrates during roasting is determined by their mineral- ogical composition. The individual minerals have the following influence on the process: a) calcite - negative, due to'the formation of stable calcium sulphates which increase the final sulphur content in the roasted product; b) charcopyrite in combination with calcite.- negative; c) quartz - positive; d) Salenite - has no influence but its content is limited by the conditions of subsequent production of ferro-molybde~num; and e) feldspars, hematite, grey copper ore have no notice- able effect on the roasting process, As the results of this. investigation were not considered in the standard specificatials Card 1/2 for concentrates valid at present, it is recomn nded that, 133-5--10/27 The influence of the mineralogical composition of molybdenum concentrates on the process of their roasting. (Cont.) after check experiments on industrial furnacest new standards should be prepared. There are 4 tables, 2 figures and 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATICN: TsNIIChM. AVAIIABLE: Card 2/2 " fLLt-,),Ic..lT~: w 1 .. , .,--, -, . IF- . " , , I '; " , .,; . ..I"* .,. I - I , sK I ...,,..,_i I r S/69 61/000/000/003/018 D228YI)303 AUTHORS: Bibikova, V. I., Oleynikova, K. V., Postnikova, S. V. and KhazamDYA,_T___P. TITLE: Behavior of rhenium during the roasting of mo~ybdenite concentrates and technologic methods of obtaining it SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Bay- kova. Institut mineralogiij geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Mezhduvedomstvennaya komissiya po redkim metallam. Veesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po probleme reniya. Moscow, 1958. Reniy; trudy soveshchaniya. Mos- cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961, 37-41 TEXT: The authors describe their investigation of: (a) distribut- ion of Re in almost all molybdenite concentrates being processed in the USSR, (b) distribution of Re in Cu-Mo ore from three benefi- ciation plants, and (c) general behavior of Re during the roasting of molybdenite concentrates. They also suggest certain refinements in the production technique for Re. Concentrates from deposits in Card 1/3 3/69 61/000/000/003/016 Behavior of rhenium D228YD303 Armeniag Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are characterized "by rather high Re contents which exceptionally rise to 0.1~; in those from other Siberian and Par Eastern deposits, however, the maximum con- centration was not found to exceed 90 p.p.m. Data given in a table show that in the case of ore from three beneficiation plants the Mo-fraction holds up to 5 times as much Re as the Cu-fraction. Graphs are presented to illustrate the higher vapor-ten8ion of Re207 as compared with MoO 3 at different temperatures. The authors stress the need for an excess of air during the roasting of con- centrates if the formation of ReO 3 and ReO 21 which have a lower vapor-tension, is to be avoided. It is also noted that Re is most fully sublimated in furnaces of the boiling-layer type; here, 95% of the metal passes into gaseous phase, whence it is beat recov- ered by means 9f a wet Cottrell filter or a rapid foam-bubbler. Turning to the question of Re production technology, which is at present largely governed by the high and low solubilities of Re 207 and KReO 4' the authors describe their attempts to reduce KRe04 and Card 2/3 3/697/61/000/000/003/018 Behavior of rhenium ... D228/D303 NH4ReO4 with H2* This was done in 2 two-hourly stages -- first at 480 - 500 OC, and then at 900 - 10000C. Washing the resulting powder with HCI increases the purity of Re, but decreases the direct y1eld of metal from 95 - 98 to 92 -. 93%. There are 2 tables and 1 figure. Card 3/3 ACC NR, AP603346-4- SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/018/0042/0042 INVENTOR: Kost, A. Us; Khazanova, T. S. ORG: 'nond TITLE: Preparation of N-oubstituted or unaubstituted 3-(w-aminoalkyl)- indoles or 3-(w-dialkylaminoaryl)indoles. Class 12, No. 185923 (announced by~ Chemistry Department, Moscow State University im. H. V. Lomonosov (Khimicheakiy fakulltet Moskovskogo goeudarstvennogo univerai-, teta)] SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 1966, 42 1 TOPIC TACSt subatituted aminoalkylindole, unoubatituted dialkylamino- arylindole ABSTRACT: In the proposed method, N-substituted or unsubstituted 3-(w-aminoalkyl)indoles or 3-(w-dialkylaminoaryl)indoles are obtained by the reaction of w-(3-indolyl)-w-oxocarboxylic acids with amines and a chloroformate in an organic solvent, with subsequent reduction of the reaction products with lithium aluminum hydride in tetrahydrofuran at 60-70'Ce (W,A, 50] SUB CODEt 07/ SUBH DAM 26Aug65 MAYEVA., I.B.;AqWANOVAY V-V- Effect of varied quantity and quality Of fat in the diet on eome physiological processes and normal microflora compo- ottion in the large intestine of dogs. Vop. pit. 22 no.Z.* 49-55 Mr-Ap '63. (MIRA 1-7-.2) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii pishchevareniya (zav. - prof. G.K. Shlygin) i laboratorii mik-robiOlOgii (Zav- - kand, bio,og. nauk Yu.j. Rubinshteyn) Instituta pitaniYa AW1 SSSR., Moskva, KHA ZA .V. ~ ...... -.- Reconstruction of alimentpry colitoxicoxis in experiments on animals. Zhur. mikrobiol,, epid. i iumn. 41 no.12:98-103 D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut pitanlya AMN SSSR. KHAZANOVA, Va. Bacteria of the Eocherichia coli group as possible pathogens in food poisoning. Gig. i san. 26 no.4181-85 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz Institute, pitaniya AMN SSSR. (FOOD POISONING) (ESCHERICHIA COLI) KHAZANOVAp V.V. Diagnosis of food poisoning caused by Escherichia coli. Vop. pit. 22 no.6146-52 N-D 163- (MIRA 1737) 1. Iz m1kroblologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - kand. biologicheakikh nauk Yu.I. RubJ-nshtfjyn [deceased] Instituta pitaniya AMN SSSR, Moskva. U -A /Voiot (I I Arm, AN,.-' 6.1"'Soldatoy Wag and X.I. Olainlohak I'm book Ollood Industry machaulafe handbook.* Reviewed by A.M. Aizen, A.Z. Khazanovloh. Xhlebo I kond. proa. I no,12t43-44 D 157. ., (HIM 11TI) (food industr7--lquipment and mrppiies) (Soldatoy, V.D.) (Olainichuk, X.I.) GOMIIIN, A.N.; KJIA7JIJCjVICHj-Z.-!!~---- [Method for tho operational pIfinning of' wichinet-' i xnnufac- ture according to a fixed schedule; W.--ic 1-Incip.Wo raid practical application) 1.1,etodika oporati,,nogo planirovaniin manhinostruitellnogo proizvodstva po nelmennomu grafikup, osnomye polozhaniia i opyt prid- tic he-,,kogo primemeniia. Perm', 1964. 47 p. (MESA 17:8) 1. Perm. folitekluiicheskly intititut. Kafeilrr~ ekonomdki. Arrora In diagnosing neurol Ical dinenoes in patients sent to Kielovodek for treatment. ro kur.fizoter. I *lech.fiz. kullt. OP 23 ~io.1:76, 158. - (KIRA 11:3) 1. Is TSentrallungo kielovodskogo voyennogo sanatorlys No.1 (nache T.A.Tolopillo) (MVOUS SYSTIM-DISBASMS) . i , , , .1 1 . . I ~i SILINYAp V.01;,GkGINj O.D*I,IVANOV# O*P.; Yethods of determining buaket-loading machine parameters. Trudy NPI 158t69-78 164.i i Geometry of the operating part of bucket-loading machines* rbid. t W-89 (MIRA 3.813-1) ~ V SILINYA, V.G.1 GAGIN, O.D.I Experimental study of a model of a bucket loader In an inclined working. Trudy NPI 130119-34 161. (MM 15:4) (Coal handling machinery-Models) S/138/59/000/012/003/006 AUTHORS: Peyzner, A. B., Uzinal R. V., PeER2E, N. A., Xhazanovich.9 I. G TITLE: The Basic Factors Determining the Type of Divinyl-Styrene Latex in Tire Cord mpregnation 1~j PERIODICAL: KauohtLk i Rezina, 1959, No- 12, ppa 10-14 TEXT: The effect of the emulsifier, the polymerization depth, the polymerization temperature, the plasticity of the polymer, the ratio of divinyl and styrene! in the polymerizing mixture on the strength of the bond of the rubber-cord system in the polymerization of divinyl-styrene latexes was studied. 1) The emulsifier: It was found that by replacing Nekal with soaps of paraffinic; acids and hydrated colophony the strength of the bond system is increased. significantly. This is explained by an increase in the physico-mechanical properties of the adhesive film and by the intensity of the intermolecular interaction at the adhesive-rubber interface (Ref. 7) (Table 2). In switching over to low-temperature polymerization latexes the stated advantages are retained. 2) The polymerization depth: The bond strength of the impregnated cord decreases in the case of divinyl-styrene latexes of low-temperature polymerization at a conversion depth of 60%. Card 1/4 S/138/59/000/012/003/006 The Basic Factors Determining the Type of Divinyl-Styrene Latex in Tire Cord Impregnation 3) The polymerization temperaturej It was found that the highest bond stability was obtained at a temperature of 200C (Fig. 3). This is explained by the combination of good elastic properties of the polymer at low-tem- perature polymerization and a certain branching of the chains observed in a switch-over'from 5 to 200C. At 2000 the polymerization takes place more rapidly, the 60~ conversion depth is reached after 9 hours instead of 24 hours (Fig- 4)- 4) The polymer plasticityt With an increase in the polymer plasticity the bond stability of the system and the physico-mechani- cal properties of the adhesive film pass through their optimum value at a plasticity of 0-15-0.25 according to Karrer (1,500-2,800 g hardness acoor- ding to Defoe) (Fig. 6). This is explained by the fact that the high plasticity of the polymer ensures favorable conditions for molecule diffusion from the adhesive into the rubber lining, but does not ensure the necessary mechanical properties of the adhesive (Refs. 4, 9). A decrease in the plasticity of the polymer raises the mechanical properties of the adhesive and thus limits,the mobility of moleculars and lowers their diffusibility which leads to a decrease in the bond strength. A polymer with an average plasticity (0-15-0.25 according to Karrer) ensures the best adhesion. Card 2/4 3/138/59/000/012/003/006 The Basic Factors Determining the Type of Divinyl-Styrene Latex in Tire.Cord Impregnation 5) The styrene ring contents The presence of styrene in the divinyl-styrene latex (over 30 weight parts) does not increase the strength of the adhesive- rubber system. Fig. 7 shows that an increase in the styrene content in the polymerizing hydrocarbon mixture increases the physico-mechanical properties of 'the film adhesive; the stability of the bond between the impregnated cord and the rubbers reaches its optimum value at 30 weight parts of styrene. At a styrene content of more than 30 weight parts the adhesive hardness in- creases. This bri;--igs about unfavorable conditions for the diffusion of the adhesive polymer rings and for the polymer compatibility. 8) Selection of the divinyl-styreno latex type for the impregnation of the tire cordl As a result of the inventigations conducted a specific latex is recommended for this purpose. The CKC-32T!n~(SKS-3OShKhP) divinyl-styrene latex was ob- tained according t(7-g-I'ven specifications and was found to surpass the CKC-3CW (SKS-305h) latex both in the bond strength between the impregnated cord and the rubbers and by the physico-mechanical properties of the adhesive film (Table 3). The authors point out that by using the recommend- ed latex the strength of the bond between the individual parts of the tire, the durability of the tires in stationary tests and the roadability of the Card 3/4 ACCESION Nits AM10251 S/Mj8/63/000/012/0W5/0M :AUTHORSt Kiy1enj Do 1*1 Selivanovak1h So-Ael Fermor# No Ael Khasaimich# L Gel Yakovlovs rue He TITLEs Continuous polymerization of monamers. in the synthesis of Latexes :SOURCEt Kauchuk i resinas no. 12s 19631 5-20 TOPIC TAGSs polymerizatioup monomer polymerisations polymerization product dispersionp latex, batch process,, continuous processs emal ion polymerization.. ~reaotorp productivity,, particle dizep surface tensions surface film saturation :ABSTRACTs The accumulated experience of VNIISK in the production of synthetic latex3s by continuous process is compared with the batch processo Latexes SKS- 650P,, SIB-50PG# SKH-10? and SK-305MP were synthesized by both'procedares for 15 :weeks. The particle oixe was datera' d by soap titration and by means of Tesla'a ;electron microscope model BS-242# using as standard styrene latex with a particle size of 250 aillimicronso To counteract the flattening out of the particles and W, increase the outline oharpnesso the amul were stabilized with LeWcand]. 6ad subJected to brominationo The surface tension in the latex-air Interface and the i &a"llf saturation of the globular membraw with the emulsifier were also dater- 4CCEMION NRs AP4010251 mined. the average Volume-surface. diameter of the latex particles obtained by continuous polymerization was in all instances larger than those sinthesized in batches. The surfacet tension in latexes produced continuously was smaller,, the polydispersity of partioles much higherp and the degree of saturation of the particle membranes with the emul ifter greater than in latexes produced in batches* i It is expected that the enumerated colloidal changes in the latexes produced by the .continuous process would affect their technical and technological propertieso The productivity coefficient .4 for the apparatus used with a series of polymerizers can'! be computed from the Ao No Planovskiy formula X4 dr W, 714 + + I Pri Jr iwhere x in the aacant of materlia usedj f(x) in the velocity of reactiono, Orig. art. hast 2 chartap 11 tables# and 1 equation. Card 2/3, ---- - ------- ACCESSIN NRI Ap4mo251 ~ASSOCIATIONt VessaymsoM nauchno-iseladavatellfskiy institut aintsticMskogo kauchuka in* So To Ubedeva (AU-Union Scieftific PAssamb lutitate of Synthetic Rubber) SUBMITTED% 00 DAT3 AOQs 03Fhb64 EMS 00 SUB CODSt (H go aw SOYS 007 OTHFM 005 Card 3/3 ----------- MIYLEN, D A.;'SELIVANOVSKlYp S.A.; FERMOR, N.A.;.!~AHOVICH, I.G.; iiKOVLEV, YU.M. Contintious polymerization of monomers in latex synthesis. Kauch. i res. 22 no.120-10 D 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Vsdaoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateliskiy instit-ut. sinteticheakogo kauch~ka imeni Lebedeva. ACCESSION NR: AP4041457 S/0138/64/000/006/0009/0013 AUTHOR: Khazanovich, I. G., Formor, N. A., Peyzaer, A. B., Lebedev, A. V., Yezriyelev,-'A.- -'L- TITLE: Latexes containing nitrile groups in the copolymer and their adhesive properties. SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 6, 1964, 9-13 TOPIC TAGS: latex, synthetic rubber, tire cord, buUtdiene-nitrile, latex SIM-5, adhogivi property, latex polymerization, acrylonitrile latex, latex structure ABSTRACT: Since the Na-dibuty1naphthaleaesulfoaate which is commonly used is' an emulsifying agent in butadiene-nitrilo rubber has an adverse effebt on the adhesive pro- perties of latexes, -and since the poor adhesive properties of the latexes SKM-40,' SXN-26 and SM-18 may be due to the extremely high content of polar groups, the authors investl-; gated the adhesive properties (in the impregnation 6f tire cord) of butadiene-nitrile latexes prepared at 5, 30 or 50C with a butadiene: acrylic acid nitrile ratio varying from 60:40 to 97:3 and using the K scaps of synthetic fatty acids which are also used as emulsifying agents in -the preparation of latex SKS-30 ShW. Studies showed that the polymerization rate Crd 1/3 ACCESSION NR; AP4041457 increases with the nitrile content- The best adhesive properties were obtained with 5-7 especially at 5C; the latex SKN-5 prepared at 5C was therefore investigated parts nitrile, lurther. Since lack of homogeneity in the latex may have a favorable effect on the adhesive properties, the following formula was developed for calculating the integral and differential composition of the copolymer and the degree of conversion of the monomers In yelation to the overall degree of polymerization during the preparation of.latex SKN-6: 0.4 In "in (A(4 1 -0.44y M 0 48 tMj 48y -I where (M ) is the number of mols of nitrile be ore polymerization, y is the ratio of the 0 2 0 molecular concentrations of butadiene and nitrile before polymerization, and M2 and y represent the corresponding values at any other given degree of polymerization- Experiments showed that this structural heterogeneity can beat be achieved by adding the nitrile in batches during polymerization, so that addition of the nitrile in 5 aliquots, for examPley leads to better adhesive properties even though the content of bound nitrile In the copolymer to decreased. Orig. art. hai: 4 formulas. 3 figures and 3 tables. 2/3 1-Cord ACCESSION NR: AP4041457 ASSOCIATION; Vsosoyuzny*y rLaucbno-issledovatellskiy institut sintatichoskogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lobedova (AU-UniorA. Sclentiflo Resoaroh InsUtute for SyntheUc Rubber) SUBBUTTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE-.' OC, MT Nd REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 002 KHAZANOVICH,.-j.G.;, FERMR, N.A.; Pf:YZNER, A.B.; LEBEDEV, A.V.; ---t&AIYELE'V, A.I. Synthetic latexes containing nitrile groups in the copolymer, sand their adhesive properties. Kauch. i rez. 23 no.6;9-13 Je 164, (MIRA 1719) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut sinteticheakogo kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedeva. KHAZANOVICH, K. Age of Cambrian Izhora (fuccid) layers in the northwestern Russian Platform. In. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 27 no.12:102-104 D 62. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Vuesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy geologo- razvedochnyy institut (VNIGRI), Leningrad. ..I (Russian Platform-Geology, Stratigro.Vhic) KHAZANOV,ICH, K.K., dots.) kand. gool.-min. nauk; KHAMMSTLR, Ye.,, red. (CrYstallograpbyl Kristallografiial posoble k labora- tornym rabotam. Fakul'tety., wtallurgichoskii i khimiko- tekhnologicheakii. Leningrad, Severo-Zapadnyi zaochnyi politekhnicheskii -In-t, 1963. 62 p. (MIRA 17-1) 0 0MOM060006'sto 7's 6 4 0 e 6 6 0 0 0 0'"44 4V# 0 4 0 6 0 6 1P 4 0 e 0 0 00 11 10 Is ts i's it 4 R i'm a 0 At j6 If a * & 11 w a if a is u a 0 0 -1 a a a 49c* a A_L_L__fiL a I IL-L a 1 4 1 1 1 it A - X- PA 0 IM 0 24- 1 - d A I a Jv ref.4f.1 I 00 A Gdy gah.,da of Me sclawipst FOMOG 0, of the sirLwturv jg lb,, wh,,le jru., the wit. 00 Wilms f0dw, hajowlito. porphyry-, ind rudwvtv. tiIIJ1111TO(m k1wir. 1"10. urtile and tieKilitemurman'st- PiprOM we drwnlwd in dta. 1'N- U-11111 111111rIA11 M*&kiv&*lc whk-h 4ow ajj,,;jAg jxNt,&A msu 00 1 ROMIC :AlIl in. 1114k: and 1,11arm -00 hfits, 3% of nuillI41 IUJAVIIIC. MOO so it 1.01-PhIffitle" ra"liftrile and %lih .00 00 .3 If"bles out calapkillf.: twt it miliumlAnt I lip lip it coo so .3 M) in Is fOvoil~ dik, F.-Ar the OR11,11-1 sith kilit. vrite and I#Vte. C. A. NOWIrlut coo 0 too See WIN voo goo bee too SwI14*3 -if ON' 4" ;I-*if ippi'a.;7 lei 0 a w At 00 n cl it a am a Im L s ad 0 1 IF at 9 a 0 11 6 v S 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 die 0 0 0 it e '0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 . I 00 ei0o 04 0 0::4 000000 0 0-01 U sea '77 'Tflo =66 a =6 4e1 foo go: 0 q nabs zt7A N 4 MWAA03(d dism as [am kawwww" Woo TalumMAMW MNA= . A KAXAWM "d C F- 0, rimmm mam red. ommom. UAJLR-, I"T, &A 26-M).-Tbe osbmti= of mw Awkdau Ew mamawtudot Pwtkw v Mr 44.qkuo-a 0t T16 ON-,*NL Me= of tw MIA"" gm"Twl CLAUN=fm "so" ollp am -0 lop 6VA kor 0. too W 0 ON a 1 5 ,of a gliffuldle 399,; 00 *see 960-604 We 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 j ,u A 41 A, Aw 44 JL-A "Os Geologic attucture a( the region of the Gimol (Cmdo. 00 h SSR Fianis ) Irm or* deposits. K. K. KIIASIOLI 00 of 00 f 3*0 Use ,I, .-C a L3 a I r 0 0 * * 0 * ? 0 0 0 0000000 0 * 0 0 0 s o** 0 0 0 * 0 r6--V 2 go ~*. Go Al in * 1w* Aw P-wl ~.- X-w Was** tj a ait a a Va a a to a a a440 N4W IRON OU DkPCSnS OF THE KARaO-FINNISH S.S.R. V. L .00 K.M&Swavich. (Gornyi Zhurnal, '00 Manoyushko and K. 004 1947, vol. 121, Chealcal Abstracts, 1948, vol. -01 004 420 July 10,, cola. 4501-4%2). , Extensive ore deposits were dis- fee covered (1945-46) In the L4LkS Wool' (?) region. The geology .040 of these deposits Is outlined. PrelLuinary determin3tions Lndi- cat* in one part of the deposit a total iron content 35.29% and -06 soluble iron 27-17%. the average rulphur content 0.23%, and phce- -00 roe Soo rhorus 0-13A- In another part of the deposit the toatl Iron Is 38-05- 39.25% and the soluble Iran Is 35-01-35-48%- Generally the ore is similar to the iron ores of the Kola peninsula and of ScaMLnavia. 400 010 I a. I L A ACTALL~AL LMI&VWG CLASWKAT" :0* view W-413V 2 a 4 'j i I AT 10 U it U is 1. ; 0 0 * 0 0 0 q 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 000 0 0 0 0.00"Goo 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 *i K. K. UMfi(InIng VAthods Apr 1948 Mica "Ancient Subterranean Mining In Northern Khrelia," 9. 9. Khazanovloh, * p aftirodall NO Reports aecidental discovery of abandoned mica mine during drilling opemt1ons In the Pulongsk Lake district. 1nvest1gatIon showed that mine was worked 15th - 18th century. M.- 78%5 U_ jj__w _t"~ _jj ti 8 0 4 d 40 0 0 41FCW .4 it I I F ,% M I F_ 00 00 00 4 can D'Im'. (k USA"' go & %M Owd*fy) do d. ', p . go E 1041Lm, zZim-Its [in RWk4j, cb," 0 00-3 by 1 -KIM& go a I%,# Ago 00* ths V" abaft - *a sow YOU 4 YO.O. OftiM4 c( U-"% mad Ss-" MY. 400 004 ThWam bodiks of W Cjhwj ="i- i got I've in- " Nut t-20 M, SW& VU*= of the &d(kL) .Z.Z. Q f-und to be Am c, UL gw.JL 60 coo 009 too too age 0 Fre too "M Ism too u V1 AV fo is a ;v4 #A L Q 0 IWANDTICH, K.K., kandidat goologa-mineralegichaskikh mauk. * - Study of'clay minerals. Prirod~L 43 ;LO*7:91-,:93 Jl 156.(HMA 9:9) l.Chernevitskiy gasudaretvamyy universitat. (Clay) ,,~/ -, ," - I I.~ I-A . - ~z , --~ BLALGOVIISHCEOCKSKATA, M.1r.; MUZABOVICH ~,W, j- ,_-000 ::~ Sulfates in pro-Cambrian shales of the Tonisey Ridge. Zap. Yves.. min. ob-va, 86 no.4:499-501 '57. (MIU 11:1) (Yenisey Ridge--Shales) (Sulfates) /_/ /7 2~ 19 A/ 0 4/,/ (.1 /,/J, /r, AUTHORt Khazanovich, K.K. 1i-7-2/23 TITLE: "About the Correlation Between Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian Peri- ods in the Foothills of the East Sayan" (K v'oprosu o sootno- shenii kembriya idokembriya v predgornoy cha3ti Vostochnogo. Sayana) PERIODICALt IlIzvestiya Akademii Nauk $SRI', Seriya g,3ologicheakaya, 1957'1 No. 7, pp. 27-33, (UOSR) ABSTRACTt Up to the present, no uniform geologic maps exist about Cam- brian and Pre-Qambrian deposits. The breaking up of the Lower Cambrian into separate layers is rendered impossible by the absence of faunal fossils, Based on detailed lithologic studies of sedimentary rocks and by analyzing general tec- tonics and by comparing different cuts (Uda and Iya rivers, Irkutsk cirque)# attempts are made to define more accurately the correlation between the Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian sedi- ments of this area. A strip of carbonate-terrigenous layers located between the Uda and Iya rivers along the foothills of the Sayan has been transgressively deposited on dislocated and metamorphized Pre-Cambrian and Proterozoic rocks as well as partly on Archean gneiss formations. Geologic examinations Card 1/2 along these rivers have shown that classification of deposits 11-7-2/23 "About the Correlation Between Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian Periods in the Foot- hills of the East Sayan" of this area into 4 layers according to facies and litho~logic characteristics hold out with remarkable constancy over a considerable expanse. These layers are identical with the Cambrian deposits of the Irkutsk cirque, By the general tec- tonic structure the deposits of the Lower Cambrian may be considered a9 lielonging to typical plateau formations. Com- plex metamorphosed layers and volcanic rocks deposited under the basic levei of the Lower Cambrian are of Pre-Cambrian formation (Upper Proterozoic)~ The plicature of this complex is of geosyncline nature, since the strata of metamorphosed layers have been agglomerated into rather steep folds. The article contains 2 achematie-drawings~ The bibltography lists 6 references, all Slavic (Russian). ASSOCIATION: State University of Tschernovitse (Cherno-vtoy gosudarstven- nyy - universitet) SUBMITTED: February 29, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 'MAYONOV, B.A.; W)TI-N. Yu.D.1 OZEROV, I.M.; MIAZANOVICH, M.K. Producing a light filler from shale ash by the agglompration method. Trudy VNXIT no.12-t109-118 163. OURA 18:11) KnZA "7()'~'IC7, y,. IT. PAL-',Y, A. :1. or comutructioll-d 1954 SO: W-314291 55 KRAZANOTI &I?*,& MVMITZT, 5*1.9 iuzh., red.; KIKHA7LOVA, T.T.,, [Transportation in ferrous metal plants] Tnutrisayodakil transport savodov chernot mtellurgii. Moskva. Goe.nauchno- tekhn.ixd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevatnoi metallurgii. 1951. 243 p. (KIRA 14: (Metallurgical plant"quipment and supplies) (Railroads. Industrial) (Materials handling) DOEMM, B.A., inzh., nauchnyy sotradnik; FATYIPM10, L.I.j insh., NUMOM" otrudnik XEWA$., L lnzh.~ nauch"y sotradnik; KNAL P.G. # ins uo yy got PsicM, G.P..,, BZLM, R.A., red.izd-va; ANIMMO S.P., [Track maintenance at iron and steel mills) Opyt raboty puteitsev sholesnodorozhnago transports predpriiatii charnoi metallurgii. Kharikov, Goe.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tovetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 101 p. (KIM 12:10) 1. Kharkov. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut organizatoli proixvodstva I truda chernoy metallurgii. 2. Too- soyuznyy na-!ichno-issledovatellskly institut organizataii pro- Layodetva i truda chernoy mstallureii'.(for Dorfman. Yayvishanko. Khassuovich, Khalin). (Railroads', Industrial) (Railroads--Track) MIHENKOj V.A.; ALEKSANDROVI A.A.; SVETS, V.Ye.; BORZENKO, V.P.; KMLOV, Prinimali uchastiye: P.G.; LHAZ POPOV, A.I.; _ a KONOVAIDV, A.M..; TERTYCHMAYA, I.Yu.; POSHKRE9NEV, V.P.; DMITRIYEVA, S.M.; KORNILOVA, A.V. Work organization in the section, of metal feed to blooming mills. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.2t67-68 Mr-Ap 164. (KM 17t9) 6 6 6 8 (b to IV a Pj a b u a a a 43 0 SAO A IL 4 A N AX CID Q 4 It 4 0 Iff -J.- . tit ti Z4 d. V PO Wf'* 000,491111 .1,01 Olivtchlitkat: Asiv. IS. No. tam Wq) spar" of P06mms purits in Ow Onietwomittev rvilitm. *At clinmq hr Ment,W eltem"liv, III" wrtr little 4111.1ir.l atul lark .-harm trilvOw 1- tkm, Vh~fr V"s. 4 w. .4 voi"~ .4 polwifilt 4 4 1,11.1"It &#.. I.. Ih, 01110.1111), Of the Imill. fit w"Ise I"lli'le '101b it- mr sivvn. Out"ll coo coo X*o 0*0 500 fog coo goo goo too t '00 in -s S L A attALLIAMAL L111RAT1,811 CLAMPOCA1100 tloo , -- , -,- - %, - C. 9~ ;-r. 1;.z. I i i iCa- u t$ AV -0 a of I CP 0 111 P 9 Ot d C9 a It WA 4 1 114 sees*** a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 41 o 0 0 0 4p o 0 less is O"Ifau af-.&-Lf ANA R"-a go go to 0 * go go Is ';~X- is is 0 0 0 a all Atij ids kv 16*044 clus A JA 9", Pat, -1-t-A picil 44-S Dqunchl"" ad W Utnankid anti. 11 41, 109.-To the (oppruji.0.1 KI 111110, soW. mM 2 1r of pbeaciphthaide win. and tilts te hot W(fb 0.1 W OHIO.. A. rapimu-c-f.- =_0 0 -09 -*0 -00 #g 0 -0 to X00 *so gee 4#4 so* woo =00 M too I bee woo $dice,) .41 O%v 4*4 L too u a 000 v 9 0 :1# 0 0 e 0 op 0 0 1* a 0 A A L A A JL A. AL 4 00 - 00 A so a t- P C - a 13 1. -A A eltsmalsdame. r4rom- anstomk-ti. avacture at-, BuTtl is rated by dmuinp from -,'- r dides, w0b come afteutioc to the omurivrwe acid awe a# clkcfo. c"alt. InEks P. am 11"Milwo IF00 W.Aft~ 604 01T u s $v u. - ; ; ; ; ; j ;, j ; i - T I il Ig a 6 tw 0 4 0 1 v 0 a a 1 0 v 0 0 11669466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' low. bulge sm c l! Vitt* te *A contaim T, Tile cwm v I 1.2%, ac t!6 l 04 a - cm a pytam"a got cal Unto taim As balm dma (raw &ad able th few a it a a Wma am 4 Eaaws am at a" &Wts = "h We abmt a eamw oil am Fit leg 17 as __!!VALLWGCAL LINSAINN CLAWICATION -106 *so Cols too goo coo goo woo Ago* ST U 11 Q 'Iii i I- - i it i it i it 0 0 or I io; I's 10 *0 a 0000000000*060 180110410,10 ~ ME-714 1. H. L. , RUSSIAN', X. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Botany, Medical - Uzbekistan 7. Wild-growing medicinal plants of Uzbekistan. Apt. delo No. 21 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febr-aary 1953. Unclassified. KHAZkWVICH, R. L. "A Study of the Medicinal Plants of Uzbekistan Having Purgative and Astrin-ent Action." Dr Pharm Sci, Tbilisi State Medical Inst, 0 Tashkent, 1954. (KLO No 13, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--Sux-vey of Scientific and Technical Dissertatims Defended at USSR Eigher ~&ducational Institutions (15) Fame: KHAZANOVICH, Rakill Llvovna Study of 1axat iv 8 and ast.ringent med plants of Uzbekistan Doe Pharm Sci Dissertation: Degree: Affiliation: Defense Date, Place: Tashkent Pharm Inst 8 'far 5.15, Council of Tbilisi State N,Lid InTtu Certification Date: 7 j,_, 1 56 Source: BL'P!O 5/57 FULATOVA, T.P.; MZAHOVICH, R.L. Aakaloid content of some lAgoohilue species and on the naturv of lagochiline. Apt. delo 11 no.6t29-32 N-D 62 (MIRA 17 e7) 1. Tashkentskiy, farmatsevticheskiy Institut. KHAZANOVICH R L - KHAWTOV, KhAh.; AKHMDOVAj F.G.; I L., red.; TSAY, A., tekbn. red. (Study of some medicinal plants of Uzbekistan) Izuchenie nekotorykh Iekarstvenrqkh rastenii Uzbekistana. Tashkentp Medgiz UzSSR, 1963. 138 P,, (MIRA 17:1) - MANULRIN, Z.E.; KHAZANOVICH, R.L.,- MAKIMOV, Kh.Kh.; IKRAMOV, L.T.; - . Revieva and bibliography. Apt. delo 13 no.3:83-87 Y~Y-Te 164. (MIRA 180) T. 1". 1 USSR/Nuclear*Pbysics Xesons, Produc X&Y 51 tion of "Contribution to the Problem on the Production of Mesons," T. N. Khazanovich, Moscow,State U "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI, No 5, PP 581-T Calculates effective cross,section for processes of meson production during 'absorption of high-energy photons by nucleons. Considers neutral, scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons. Uses nonrelativistic approximations in calcns. In conclusion, gives saveral notes in connection vith similar calcns for charged mesons. Submitted 19 Oct 50. 183M 29 J.03 0 AUTHOR: Khazanovicht T.N* SOV/155-58-4-W34 TITLEs The Excluded Volume,in the Theoryof Deformations of Swollen Network Polymers (Isklyuchennyy ob"yem v teorii deformateii nabukhahikh setcohnykh polimerov) PERIODICAL: Wauchnyye doklady vyeahey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye, nauki, 1958, Nr 49 PP 171 - 174 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The.-auther,staxts frozL his former publ#ation Z-Ref 17, where 4a abows by tba-zedel of the ao-called "chain of peirls" that the effect of the excluded volume is of essential im- portance in the theory of deformationa of network polymers. In the present paper the author conaddere the series ex-- pansion. (1) -41 - 'k T Ea Q + a 2 42 2)/ 2 + 0 2 (Q22 for the free energy of the network. Here.%F is the free .0 energy without interactiong "~u,kkT ' e er where Ca~d 1/2 L MAIN --- The Excludedjolume in'the Theory 'of Deformations SOV155-58-4-;28/34 of. Swol-I.en Network Polyzvm- A is the energy of the interaction of the segments i and kv. And is the vector connecting theze segments; Itic , 29 Q22 axe the- armo- of the probabilities -fcr the collision of flui eeg- lli ients i and-k. The author investigates the legality of the formal expansion (1). A geneTal proof of convergenct 4a not obtained. By the example, of some regular networks, however,' it is shown that (1) is well applicable in general. .The author thanks-.Professor G.M. Bartenev for the interest in the Vaper. --'Viere are 2 figures, and-6 referenceep 21-of which are 3oviet, 2 French, I Americanr.and-A Japanese. AS80CIATIONt Voskovskiy gorodskoy-yedagogicheakiy inatitut imeni V.P. Po- temkins, (Moscow Municipal Pedagogical Institute imeni,'V.P. Potemkin) - SUBMITTEDi June-69 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Khazanovich, T. N. sov/57-.2a-7-12/35 TITLE: Th`sRol`sPlay~,eaby 7the ~Volume Effects in the Theory of-the Deformation of Reticular Polymers (Roll obl'yemnykh effektov v teorii def ormatsiy eEtochnykh polimerov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 19589 Vol. 26, Nr 79PP-1437-1440 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author refers to the paper by E. Guth and H. B. James (Ref 1). Their work is not accurate and not convincing. In Ale order to explain -the r0 played by the effect of an ex- cluded volume the deformation of a sufficiently swollen poly- mer is investigated. Obviously theeffeot is small in this case. The author uses the known model of the "pearl necklace" for the chains which had already been used several times in the worka on the theory of polymer colutional viz. it in assumed that the chains coneig of individual segments attach- ed to one another. Their potential interaction enerk, In U .7'U ik ; '1k denoting the potential energy of the inter- Card 1/4 ilck sov/ 57- 28 J-12/35 The R81e Played by the Volume Effeets in the Theory of the Deformation of Reticular Polymers Card 2i 4 action of the i-th and segment. The sum refers to all segment pairs. As the dimensions of the segments are small compared to that of the chains the position of the i--th seg- ment in the space at the "pearl neaklaee" model is determin- ed by its radius vecitor r On this oc4asio4 it is assumed that uik Ow u(rik) holds9 4hoere rik _j ri - rk1' According to James (Ref 2) all.aegqents of the reticulum chains are di- _P _7 vided into fix9d r r, 000 and free r ~r ri..o ones. 12 2"' The configuration integral of the-reticulum with interaction is expressed by the formula (1). In the case of a sufficient- ly great degree of swelling, as well as in sufficiently weak solutiorroand sufficiently diluted gases only the interaction of the pairs can be taken into account. The formula (2) is obtained for this case. In it the quantity q oocurs, Q de- noting the density of the probability of a "collision" of the i-th with-the k-th segment in a reticulum without inter- action. The order of Q is estimatei and it is shown that in the theory of the deformations in reticular polymers the volume effects can not be neglected, as the/result in a term sov/57--23-7-12/35 The R61e Played by the VoluWe Effects in the Theory of the Defurnation of Reticular Polymers of the same order as the basic term for a reticulum without interaotlion. in order to obtain concrete formulae with the effect of the excluded volume being taken into account the distribution function P(Z; ro) must be found. This is, how- ever, a complicated problem# In a later work the results of the calculations of q for a regular cub ~c reticulum will be given. In that case the function P% r ) can be found re- latively easily. G. M. Bartenev showed interest in this work. B. M. Yavorskiy diaouased the work with the author. There are 7 referenOes, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIOIN Mcskovskiy pedagogicheskiy Institut im. V. P. Potemkina (Moscow Pedagogical Institute imeni V. P. Potemkin) SUBMITTED: July 162 1957 Card 3/4 sov/57-23-7-13/35 AUTHOR: Khazanovicht T. N. TITLE: On the Tension-Bor-rTatymer Chain in a Network (0 natyazhenii polimernoy teepi v setke) PERIODICAL: Zhurnaltekhn1oheskoy fiziki, 1958P Vol, 28, Kr 7, PP-1441--1443 (U38R) ABSTRACT: Vollkenshteyn and Ptitsyn (Ref 1) investigated the tension f as an external parameter of the chain and found the sta- tistical integral of the ol er chain in the oase of con- stant tension (formula 03),7en the chain is regarded with one end fix6d the foriwals, (2) for the mean tension is obtained. The two formulae also hold for a chain being in any interactiot with the medium in case that by the Gibbs distribution for such a chain such a distribution is under- sto!~d, which is integrated flirough the phase covrdinate~of the medium for the chain and the medium. In a real network the tenBion as well as the position of the chain ends fluotuatep and these fluctuations can be very great. It is Card 1/ 4 shown that with an accuracy up to terms of the order On the Tension of a Polymer Chain In a Network sov/57-28--7-13/35 h /L the mean tension is datermined by the formula (2), -_2 where L denotes the total chain length and h the mean square distance tetween the ends of the free cha.Lnv First the f luatizat,lop. in the network of independent GaugsiAn chp, is investigated. Then an approximation formula for the fluc- tuation dist.ribution of the chain end in relation to the chain begirming is deduced. Tha equation (8) is obtained* The distribution (8) corresponds exactly to the distribtion of the relative fl-,v)tua,t1ons of the neighboring network nod-ules for a l1n-:iax (q - 2) and for a cubic network (q - 6) by James (Rcf 2). It is shown that an inorease of the func- tionality (?) leads to an increase of 9 or to a decrease of the fluntuations. As it has to be assumed that the general final conclusion also holds for non-Gaussian networks a one-d-imensional netwcrk of non-Gaussian chains is investi- gated. II/? shown that with an accuracy up to terms of the order I the formula for the mean force coincides with that for the tension of a chain with ends fixed at a distance t. In the case of a model with freely joined members 9 is pro- Card 2/4 portional to the numbsr of members which again points to 'On the Tension of a Polymer Chain in a Network soy/57-.26-7-13/35 the similarity of thla model to an ideal gas. The considera- tionn made refer to independent chains (not beino in inter- action). As in an interaotion the fluctuation can not become 8Teater but only smaller they are also to be used in the case of chains with interactions. Thus the fluctuations ean be neglected in the determination of the mean tension in the case of sufficiently long and elastic chains. Go Mo Bartenev and B. M. Yavorskiy discussed the work with the author. M. V. Vol~kenshteyn and 0. B. Ptitsyn pronounced useful criticism. There are 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy pedagogicheskiy Institut im. V. P. Potemkina (Moscow Pedagogical Institute imeni V. P. Potemkin) SUBMITTED: January 7v 1957 Card 3/4 KIM2,k-.OVI-CH, T.N., Cand Phys Vath bci - (diss) "Concerning highly elastic deformati4of reticular polymers.-I Mos, 19,59, 11 pp (MOs ~,Ianicipal Pedagogical Inst im V.P. Potemkin) 150 coPies Bibliography at end of text (16 titles) (KL, 36-~O, 112) - 11 - S/081J62/000/024/036/052 Bio6IBW AUTHORSt Bartenev, G. 14.9 Khazanovich, T. N. TITLE: Theory of elastic deformation of rubber PERIODICAL: Refe.rativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24(11), 1962, 922 923t abstract 24P776 (Uch. zap. Mosk. gor. ped. in-ta im. V. P. Potemkina, v. 86, 1960, 141 - 156) TEXT: Based on the concepts of molecular rubber structure, a theory is developed which establishes a relationship between stress and deformation and which makes no allowance for the independence of the molecular chains. The tensile strength along the chain is ausumed constant, which approaches: the hypothesis on the-orienting force acting upon each chain segment. 6 1" the projection of the mean tensile strength onto the J-th axis, is a fanc-, tion of the relative elongation t is the chain vector# L is the full contour le ngth of the chain). For a non-swelled network, a = Vsj~f(4006'9 coo X &.'(ttQ) (S surface for one intersection; x is J th e an 1e between the force f in the intersection point and ti 9 is the Card U3 S/o8lj62/000/024/036/052 Theory of elautic deformation of rubber Bio6i(M6 angle between and the J-th axis; dTo is the probability for the case that below the chains, intersecting the given surface element, there will be chains with a relative.elongation between t and t + dt). For a swelled networkt e. - 1/5"~f(t)aos Qd31- (t,G) since for the small deformations t